Presentation on the theme of the game in the socialization of the student. Presentation for the speech "game as a means of socialization". Creative success to you

  • 07.03.2020

SPEECH Formation of a role-playing game as a means of socialization of students in the “Special Child” classes Nowadays, the number of children with disabilities is growing. The upbringing and education of such children requires a special approach on the part of teachers, doctors, defectologists, speech therapists. In working with children with disabilities, its practical orientation is of great importance. The main form of influence on the child is organized classes in which the leading role belongs to the teacher. Children with disabilities are inert, a little emotional, so adults need to create in children a positive emotional attitude to the proposed activity. The game serves this purpose. It is the main activity of children with disabilities. Game activity is of great importance for the formation of relations in the children's team, the formation of independence, a positive attitude towards work, the formation of stereotypes of behavior. The game has a great influence on the mental development of the child, on the formation of his personality. In children with disabilities, it is necessary to develop visual forms of thinking, using special didactic games, role-playing games, exercises and practical problem situations. The development of the game goes through several stages: - the first stage is to play together with an adult; - at the second stage, children learn to act independently and can transfer the acquired knowledge to other subjects; - at the third stage, a visual game appears, the child copies actions with objects that he sees in ordinary life. The teacher plays an important role in the development of such children. When teaching children with disabilities to play, it is necessary to apply a personal, differentiated approach to each child. Of great importance for the development of children with disabilities is the formation of a clear idea of ​​the objects of the immediate environment, it is necessary to form a correct idea of ​​the objects, their significance in human life. In order to teach a child to use objects and consolidate his knowledge about them, it is very good to use role-playing games, during which the child develops practical experience. It is possible to teach a child with disabilities to play a role-playing game, but this is a very complex, painstaking process. By taking on a role in the game, the adult can control the game, directing the child's actions in the right direction. To begin with, these should be simple, short game moments (feed the doll, wash the dishes, etc.). An adult must constantly comment on all actions, show them clearly, without loading them with a variety of actions.

Role-playing games are the most important tool helping the child to adapt in this world, to learn how to behave in different places and situations. There is a huge number and variety of role-playing games, and an adult, together with a child, can always come up with a new, interesting and relevant in this moment. In role-playing games, a child can play with the guys or alone, guided by teachers who should help set the theme of the game, demonstrate the necessary actions, and show what needs to be done. An adult must guide the actions of children with speech, show how to correct mistakes, and sometimes perform actions together with the child (controlling his hands). Emotional manifestations that arise in a specific game situation can be strengthened and generalized. It is very important that during the game the child has positive emotions (delight, interest, surprise). You need to praise more often when he makes progress. Negative emotions can discourage the desire to play in the future. Negative emotions occur more often when children cannot organize play. This is where the help of an adult should follow. With positive emotions about game situations, children will increasingly return to them, thereby consolidating new knowledge, skills, and abilities. To teach a child to be open to this world, to communicate, to acquaint him with various life situations, role-playing games will help, during which he will be able to be the hero of those life situations that await him in the future. The performance of a certain role puts the child in front of the need to act not as he wants, but as prescribed by the role, obeying social norms and rules of behavior. The child takes the position of another person, and not one, but different. Within the same plot, the baby “looks” at the situation through the eyes of several people. Today the girl plays the role of mother, and tomorrow - daughter. She understands how important it is for a mother to take care of her children, and how necessary it is for her daughter to be obedient. Thus, not only the rules of behavior are revealed to the child, but also their significance for establishing and maintaining positive relationships with other people. The need to follow the rules is recognized, that is, a conscious obedience to them is formed. Role-playing game allows the kid to understand the motives labor activity adults. If initially in the choice of a role the main place is occupied by its external attractiveness: clothes, objects, then in the course of the game its social benefits are revealed. Now the child understands that the teacher brings up children, the doctor treats them.

The game always involves the creation of an imaginary situation, which is its plot and content. The plot is the area of ​​activity that is modeled by children in the game, and, therefore, the choice of plot is always based on certain knowledge. That is why throughout preschool age games in the "family" are favorite for children, as they themselves are included in such relationships every day, which means they have the most complete picture of them. Gradually, children begin to introduce plots from their favorite fairy tales and movies into their games. The games intertwine real and fairy tales. Professional, and then social, join everyday subjects. The richness and variety of the plot is closely related to the richness of children's imagination. The game, being a reflection of social life, has a significant impact on the comprehensive development of the child. With the direct guidance of the teacher in games, the skills of collective life are formed: the ability to act together, to help each other. If the child is passionate about his idea, his role, play relationships win. If he is indifferent to the game, a different picture is observed: the role has little effect on his behavior, his relationship with his comrades. The game does not completely replace the traditional forms and methods of teaching, but it complements them, allowing you to more effectively achieve the goal and objectives of the lesson. Analyzing all of the above, we can conclude that: - in the role-playing game, the vocabulary of children with disabilities is actively enriched and developed; - the correct attitude to the phenomena of social life, nature, objects of the surrounding world is formed; - systematize and deepen knowledge about people different professions and nationalities, ideas about labor activity; - the game helps children to adapt to the world around them, to form the child's need to influence the world, to become the "master" of their activities; - the essence of the game lies in the fact that it is not the result that is important in it, but the process of experiences associated with game actions. - only the game that captures a child with disabilities, develops his mental operations and volitional qualities, awakens strong feelings. List of used literature: 1. Alferova G.V. New approaches to correctional and developmental work with children with disabilities // Defectology S Bitov A.L. The Special Child: Research and Help Experience. Problems of integration and socialization. - M., Vygotsky L. S. The game and its role in the mental development of the child // Questions of psychology, S Golovanova N. F. Socialization and education of the child. Tutorial for university students educational institutions. - St. Petersburg. : Speech, Zvorygina E.V. The first story games for kids. M: Enlightenment

Completed by: T.N. Smirnova teacher-defectologist I qualification category MBSKOU SKOSH 3 Berezniki 2014 Berezniki 2014

The game is the main activity of children with disabilities

Socialization is the process of becoming a personality, its training, education and assimilation of social norms, values, attitudes, patterns of behavior inherent in this society. The family is the most important institution for the socialization of the younger generations, the personal environment for the life and development of the child. The school is the center of the educational space. It is in the tradition of the Russian school to create for the child a “social situation of development” (L.S. Vygotsky), an environment of communication, a field of activity that cannot be replaced even by a very interesting lesson.

Objectives 1. Educational - to teach parents to see and understand the changes that are happening to their children. 2. Advisory - a joint psychological and pedagogical search for methods of effective influence on the child in the process of acquiring social and educational skills. 3. Communicative - enrichment of family life with emotional impressions, experience of the culture of interaction between the child and parents.

Direction and forms of interaction between family and school 1. Study of the conditions of family education. 2. Informing parents about the content of the educational process. 3. Psychological and pedagogical education of parents. 4. Interaction with the parent committee. 5. Team work parents and students.

Type I: families with a high level of moral relations III type: conflict families type II: families with normal relations m and IV type: outwardly prosperous families in which there are no true moral values ​​type V: dysfunctional families with immoral behavior TYPES OF FAMILIES

Parameters of family socialization The socio-cultural parameter depends on the educational level of the parents and their participation in society. The socio-economic parameter is determined by the property characteristics and employment of parents at work. The technical and hygienic parameter depends on living conditions, home equipment, and lifestyle features. The demographic parameter is determined by the structure of the family.

Implementation of the system of interaction between the family and the school Thematic meetings by class Working with families of students who are on intra-school supervision Advisory work Working with socially disadvantaged families Involving parents in the work to eradicate bad habits CONTENTS

Grade 3 The importance of communication in the development of personal moral qualities child. labor participation child in family life. Its role in the development personal qualities. Nothing costs us so cheaply and is not valued so dearly as politeness. Family traditions: past present Future.

Grade 1 What does it mean to be responsible Dad, mom, me - sport family Family tree The result of the implementation: 1. Formation of self-awareness, a positive attitude towards oneself, towards classmates. 2. Formation of one's own behavior in the team, character. 3. Manifestation of the inner position of the student. 4. Identification of the potential opportunities of schoolchildren.

Grade 2 My family responsibilities healthy family Family holidays The result of the implementation: 1. The desire to establish new relationships with peers and adults. 2. The manifestation of an internal position. 3. Formation of skills of the internal position. 4. Shaping moral concepts

Grade 3 My family is ... A healthy mind in a healthy body The world is around me. What is he? Implementation result: 1. Formation of moral concepts. 2. Understanding the most important universal values, such as friendship, the ability to appreciate and cherish friendship. 3. Accumulation of experience in moral behavior. 4. Awareness of the importance of moral qualities in a person's life, such as honesty, decency, mutual respect.

Grade 4 What do I feel when my relatives are not around Dad, mom, I am a reading family When we are together The result of the implementation: 1. Formation and development of positive universal human qualities of a person. 2. Formation in children of responsibility for their health. 3. Accumulation and enrichment of the experience of the moral behavior of children by organizing their practical activities. 4. Decreased aggressiveness in the behavior of students.

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Competence-based approach to the socialization of schoolchildren Tsaregorodtseva Olga Stepanovna

Socialization 1. What is positive student socialization? 3. Problems of positive socialization of students in educational policy Russia 4. Formation of the educational system of the school as a condition for the successful socialization of students 5. Criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the process of positive socialization of students 6. The experience of positive socialization of students in the schools of the Southern District of Moscow »; “the process of assimilation by an individual of a certain system of knowledge, norms and values ​​that allow him to function as a full-fledged member of society”; “the process and result of the assimilation and active reproduction of social experience by an individual, carried out in communication and activity”, etc.

What is positive socialization? Positive socialization of students is an important goal of education Socialization is both adaptation to the environment and integration into a certain environment. The result for the individual is success, social competitiveness. Education modernization strategy: competitiveness; competence; mobility; ability to take responsibility.

Select from list core competencies those of them that relate to the results of socialization. Indicators of the formation of oversubject concepts: the level of formation of moral culture; the level of development of civic consciousness and civic responsibility; level of development of patriotic feelings; the level of tolerance formation.

State policy in the field of education of children and youth National educational strategy - initiative "OUR NEW SCHOOL" STATE EDUCATIONAL STANDARD FOR GENERAL EDUCATION OF THE SECOND GENERATION

« OUR NEW SCHOOL » Directions Updating the content of education. A new generation of educational standards Finding and supporting talented children The key role of the teacher A comfortable environment for the child at school Preserving and strengthening the health of schoolchildren

Socialization of the individual as an educational result of the implementation of the requirements of the standards of the new generation

The concept of spiritual and moral development and education of a person - a citizen of Russia is methodological basis development and implementation of the federal state educational standard for general education

The concept defines: the nature of the modern national educational ideal; goals and objectives of spiritual and moral development and education of children and youth; system of basic national values; basic socio-pedagogical conditions and principles of spiritual and moral development and education of students.

Basic national values ​​Patriotism Social solidarity Citizenship Family Work and creativity Science Traditional Russian religions Art and literature Nature Humanity

Basic principles of organization of spiritual and moral development and education: moral example of a teacher; socio-pedagogical partnership; individual and personal development; integrativity of programs of spiritual and moral education; social demand for education.

Criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of positive socialization of students: a competency-based approach Competence (from the Latin “c ompeteo” - I achieve, I correspond, I approach) is knowledge, experience, skill in a range of issues in which someone is well aware) Competence is the ability to solve life and professional tasks in a particular area. Thus, competence is manifested in the activity

Methods "Evaluation of the level of formation of civic consciousness of students"; "Self-analysis (analysis) of personality"; "Scale of conscientiousness"; "Methodology for studying the socialization of the student's personality" "Diagnostics and the state of spiritual and moral qualities of the personality of students" N. S. Malyakova "Studying the level of empathy" I. M. Yusupov

Assessment of key competencies of students "How do I assess my health"; "Thinking about Life Experience" junior schoolchildren); "Assessment of the level of conflict"; Test "Assessment of communication skills"; Methodology for studying personality type in communication; "Assessment of the level of sociability"; "Turnip" (formation of competence with / improvement, with / regulation, with / development, personal and subject reflection); Motives for the participation of schoolchildren in activities; "Position of the student", "Attitude to learning" (learning motivation).

Assessment of social experience "Assessment of the level creativity»; "Orientation of personality"; "School anxiety"; "Study of self-esteem"; "Conflict Style"