Presentation "Formation of regulatory uud". Presentation "diagnostics of the formation of cognitive cuds in a primary school student" Regulatory cues and an assessment system presentation

  • 07.10.2021

The contingent of students Total number - 259: Stage I - 103 people, Stage II - 131 people, Stage III - 25 people. In total, children of 8 nationalities (11% of the total number) study at the school: Russians, Tajiks, Azerbaijanis, Moldovans, Dagestanis and Tabasarans, Gypsies, Meskhetian Turks).

Indicators affecting the level of formation of UUD children's health status; performance in core subjects; level of development of speech; degree of proficiency in Russian; the ability to listen and hear the teacher, ask questions; desire to accept and decide learning task; communication skills with peers; the ability to control their actions in the classroom.

Pedagogical technologies that ensure the effective development of UUD Pedagogical technologies Priority types of formed UUD Subjects on the priority use of pedagogical technologies Technology project learning Communicative Cognitive Regulatory Personal Technology Foreign (English) language Natural science subjects Physical education and the basics of life safety Problem presentation technology educational material Cognitive. Mathematics and computer science Natural sciences Philology Life safety technology research activities Cognitive. Regulatory Personality. Natural science subjects Philology Mathematics and computer science

Pedagogical technologies that ensure the effective development of UUD Pedagogical technologies Priority types of formed UUD Educational subjects on the priority use of pedagogical technologies Communicative and interactive technologies Communicative Regulatory Philology Art Natural science subjects Technology for the development of critical thinking Cognitive Communicative Natural science subjects Philology Mathematics and Informatics

Pedagogical technologies that ensure the effective development of UUD Pedagogical technologies Priority types of formed UUD Educational subjects on the priority use of pedagogical technologies Modular learning technology Cognitive Regulatory Chemistry Social science subjects Case - technology Cognitive Regulatory. Communicative Social science subjects Educational game technology Communicative Regulatory Physical culture

Forms of cooperation that allow the formation of UUD. Form of cooperation The main components of cooperation UUD Educational cooperation Distribution of initial actions and operations, given by the subject condition joint work. Exchange of methods of action. Understanding. Communication. Planning for general ways of working. Reflection KUUD Joint activities Joint setting of work goals. Shared definition of how to get the job done. Reorganization of own activity taking into account the changing working conditions. Understanding and taking into account the position of other participants in the performance of work LUUD RUUD Collaboration of different ages Work from the position of a teacher in relation to another. Approbation with subsequent analysis and generalization of means and methods of educational actions of the KUUD

Forms of cooperation that allow the formation of UUD. Form of cooperation The main components of cooperation UUD Project activity (as a form of cooperation) Distribution of responsibilities. Evaluation of a friend's answer. Follow the rules of the group. Transition from the position of the learner to the teaching self. Development of individual styles of cooperation KUUD RUOD PUUD LUUD Discussion Formation of one's own point of view. Coordination of the points of view of others with the subsequent formulation of the conclusion. Formulation of one's own opinion with appropriate formalization orally or writing. Conducting a mental dialogue with the authors of scientific texts (in a situation of written discussion) with the subsequent receipt of information about the views on the problems LUUD RUUD KUUD PUUD

Forms of cooperation that allow the formation of UUD. Form of cooperation The main components of cooperation UUD Educational proof (as a special way of organizing the assimilation of knowledge) Proposing a thesis (statement). Providing arguments. Conclusion of conclusions (reasoning, during which a new judgment is born) PUUD KUUD Reflection Statement of a new problem as a problem with missing data. Analysis of the availability of ways and means to complete the task. Assessing your readiness to solve a problem. Independent search for missing information. Independent invention of the missing mode of action All types of UUD

Pedagogical diagnostics of the level of UUD formation. Tasks of diagnostics: 1) identification of the degree of formation of universal educational activities; 2) interpretation of the results of diagnostic sections (by year of study - 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th grade); 3) analysis of changes in diagnosed indicators. Diagnostics is carried out in stages.

Stages of pedagogical diagnostics Statement and study of the problem - clarification. Development of an algorithm of actions Formulation of hypotheses of "restriction of the result" Selection of diagnostic tools Collection of material (information) Data processing (calculation, analysis) Interpretation, recommendations. Forecasting the results of diagnostic practice..

Psychological diagnostics of the degree of UUD formation. formation assessment professional self-determination Grade 5 - questionnaire DDO E.A. Klimov. 6th and 7th grades - methodology "Map of interests" 8th and 9th grades - questionnaire "Professional orientation" Kabardova L.N.

Psychological diagnostics of the degree of UUD formation. assessment of the formation of self-consciousness and personality traits, the method of "Socio-psychological adaptation" by R. Diamond and K. Rogers, which allows us to draw a conclusion about development. Additionally, you can use the Cattell test or the Schmishek questionnaire.

Psychological diagnostics of the degree of UUD formation. the formation of value-semantic attitudes Grades 5 and 6 - the method of "Evaluation of the level of development of moral consciousness" by J. Piaget Grades 7-9 - the method of "Evaluation of the level of development of moral consciousness" (L. Kohlberg's dilemmas).

How to form UUD?

How to assess the formation of UUD?

Development and evaluation of personal universal learning activities

AT sphere of personal universal educational activities will be formed: the internal position of the student, adequate motivation learning activities, including educational and cognitive motives, orientation to moral norms and their implementation, the ability to moral decentration.

The graduate will have the opportunity to form

  • internal position of the student at the level of a positive attitude towards educational institution understanding the need for learning, expressed in the predominance of educational and cognitive motives and the preference for a social way of assessing knowledge;
  • pronounced sustainable educational and cognitive motivation of learning;

sustainable educational and cognitive interest in new general ways of solving problems;

  • adequate understanding of the reasons for the success / failure of educational activities;

Technological map of the formation of personal UUD

knowledge and self-determination

Levels of formation

medium low

venous-ethical orientation

a sense of the need for learning,

Forming your point of view

Preference for "school" type lessons over "preschool" type lessons;

Adequate meaningful representation of the school;

Preferring classroom group lessons over individual lessons at home,

Preference for a social way of assessing one's knowledge


positive attitude towards school;

Orientation to the meaningful moments of school reality and the model of a “good student”,

The school attracts extracurricular activities

Takes into account the feelings and emotions of the subject in violation of moral standards, sensitive to injustice,

Has a basic understanding of moral standards

negative attitudes towards school and schooling

The child wants to go to school, but while maintaining a preschool lifestyle.

focused on a moral standard (fair distribution, mutual assistance, truthfulness)

Partially takes into account the feelings and emotions of the subject in violation of moral standards,

Has the right idea about moral standards but not precise enough

interest in new things;

Formation of educational motives

- striving for high marks

misconceptions about moral standards,

Low level of empathy development

partially formed interest in the new;

Partially formed educational motives,

- Desire to get good grades

indifferent to school

The formation of educational motives is insufficient,

Monitoring the study of the readiness of first-graders to study at school 2011-2012 2012-2013

Personal UUDs are formed when:

- student learns to comprehend, to explain positive and negative assessments, including ambiguous actions, from the standpoint of universal and Russian civic values;

student learns to explain to himself: “what is good in me and what is bad” (personal qualities, character traits), “what I want” (goals, motives), “what I can” (results);

student learning to navigate in life values ​​(in words) and act in accordance with them, being responsible for their actions (personal position, Russian and civil identity); respect other opinions, history and culture of other peoples and countries, not allow them to be insulted, ridiculed; to carry out good deeds that are useful to other people, to their country, including giving up some of their desires for their sake;

student learns to describe his act, including in ambiguously assessed situations; admit their bad deeds and voluntarily answer for them; the student learns to understand the importance of playing the role of a “good student”, the importance of studying and learning new things.

Insert(conditional icons)

(to realize new knowledge)

(correct incorrect assumptions)

I knew it

This is completely new to me

(correct incorrect assumptions

(to induce further interest in the topic)

This is contrary to what I knew

I want to know more about it

Formation of personal UUD

  • "Ladder" (grades 1-2).
  • Assessment of school motivation (grades 1-2).
  • "What is good and what is bad" (grades 1-2).
  • Questionnaire "Evaluate the act"
  • Teacher observation
  • Student self-assessment

Development and evaluation of cognitive universal learning activities

In the field of cognitive universal educational activities graduates will learn to perceive and analyze messages and their most important components - texts, use sign-symbolic means, including mastering the action of modeling, as well as a wide range of logical actions and operations, including general methods of solving problems.

General educational universal actions:

  • independent selection and formulation of a cognitive goal;
  • search and selection of the necessary information; application of information retrieval methods;
  • sign-symbolic modeling;
  • the ability to consciously and voluntarily build a speech statement in oral and written form;
  • selection of the most effective ways of solving problems depending on specific conditions;
  • reflection of the methods and conditions of action, control and evaluation of the process and results of activities;
  • statement and formulation of the problem, independent creation of activity algorithms in solving problems of a creative and exploratory nature.

Universal logical actions:

  • Compare, analyze, classify, generalize, establish an analogy .

Sign-symbolic action-modelling. Modeling steps

verbal model

Sign-symbolic model

mental model

  • word model
  • Offer model
  • Word composition
  • "Sounds"

  • The ability to "read" diagrams, correlate them with the text of the problem.
  • Draw up tasks according to the schemes.

Techniques for developing forecasting skills

True and False Statements

At the beginning of the lesson, statements are given on new topic, which you need to evaluate as true or false and justify your decisions.

At the stage of reflection, you can invite the guys to make statements themselves and exchange them to assess their correctness.

Formation of cognitive UUD

List of methods for monitoring

  • Test “Find a few differences?”

Purpose: to identify the level of development of the operation of logical thinking - analysis and comparison.


Purpose: identifying the level of development of the operation of logical thinking - highlighting

essential features

  • Teacher observation
  • Student self-assessment

Development and evaluation of regulative universal learning activities

  • In the field of regulatory universal learning activities graduates will master all types of educational activities aimed at organizing their work in the gymnasium and outside it, including the ability to accept and maintain the educational goal and task, plan its implementation (including internally), control and evaluate their actions, make appropriate adjustments to their implementation.

The student will have the opportunity to learn:

  • understand, accept and maintain the learning task,
  • take into account the action points identified by the teacher in the new educational material
  • set goals that allow you to solve educational and everyday problems;
  • plan their actions in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation;
  • take into account planning rules and find control over the solution method;
  • carry out final and step-by-step control on the result;
  • distinguish between the method and the result of an action;
  • evaluate the correctness of the action according to external and internal criteria;
  • make the necessary adjustments to the action after its completion, based on its assessment and taking into account the nature of the errors made;
  • perform educational actions in a materialized, speech and mental form.
  • exercise control over the result and the method of action; exercise actual control at the level of voluntary attention ;


goal-setting - setting a learning task

Levels of formation

high medium low

control in the form of method comparison

action and its result with a given


evaluation - selection and awareness

learning what has already been learned

and what else needs to be learned.

Realizes what needs to be done in the process of solving a practical problem regulates the entire process of implementation.

Determines the purpose of completing tasks in the lesson, in extracurricular activities,

The demand is only partially understood.

Willingly carries out the solution of a cognitive task,

The inability to solve a new practical problem explains the lack of adequate solutions

A high level of orientation to a given system of requirements, can consciously control their actions.

High levels of volume and concentration of attention.

Aware of the rule of control, but the simultaneous implementation of educational actions and control is difficult.

Mistakes are self-correcting.

Works exactly as expected.

Can evaluate the actions of other students.

Involved in work, quickly distracted or behaves chaotically.

Needs step-by-step supervision by the teacher.

Cannot answer questions about what he is going to do or what he has done.

Orientation to the system of requirements is not developed enough, which is due to the average level of development of arbitrariness.

Average indicators of volume and concentration of attention.


teacher psychologist

Low levels of attention span and concentration.

Does not control learning activities, does not notice mistakes made.

Control is random and involuntary.

Can follow the pattern, but makes mistakes.

Can evaluate the completed task by parameters: easy to complete or difficult to complete.

Method "Drawing by points"

Failure to follow a pattern.

Low level of development of voluntary attention.

Cannot assess his strength in relation to the solution of the task.

Areas of work on the formation of regulatory UUD

  • goal setting:

“I will name the topic, and you are the goal ...”, “Why know a new letter or sound?”

  • planning

a picture plan, a verbal plan, a plan for solving a learning problem, creating problem situations.

  • control and evaluation (standard),"Looking for bugs! ”, CONOP (quiz on a specific problem), “magic rulers”, sign assessment A, C, H, predictive score. signs: "+" - I know everything; "-" - I don't know; "?" - I doubt.

Formation of regulatory UUD

List of methods for monitoring

  • Technique "Drawing by points"

Purpose: the level of orientation to a given system of requirements, can consciously control their actions

  • Technique "Coding"

Purpose: to reveal the child's ability to encode using symbols.

Development and evaluation of communicative universal learning activities

  • In the field of communicative universal educational activities graduates will acquire the ability to take into account the position of the interlocutor (partner), organize and implement cooperation and cooperation with the teacher and peers, adequately perceive and transmit information, display the subject content and conditions of activity in messages, the most important components of which are texts.

The graduate will have the opportunity to learn:

  • take into account and coordinate in cooperation;
  • take into account different opinions and interests;
  • understand the relativity of opinions and approaches to problem solving;
  • argue your position and coordinate it;
  • productively contribute to the resolution of conflicts on the basis of taking into account the interests and positions of all participants;
  • ask questions necessary for organizing your own activities and cooperation with a partner;,
  • exercise mutual control and provide necessary mutual assistance in cooperation;
  • adequately use speech to plan and regulate their activities;

  • work in groups, pairs, story games
  • group work "Carousel"
  • reception "Zigzag"
  • creative technique "Circles on the water"

  • the student learns to answer questions;
  • the student learns to ask questions;
  • the student learns to conduct a dialogue;
  • the student learns to retell the story;
  • the student compares, proves, argues,
  • composes a task for a partner;
  • makes a review of the work of a friend;
  • participates in interactive listening;
  • formulation of questions for feedback;
  • “prepare a story...”, “describe verbally...”, “explain...”

Differences in the ability to interact with peers

Technological map of the formation of communicative UUD in primary school


UUD indicator

Communication as cooperation

Answer questions from teachers and classmates.

Participate in dialogue in class and outside of class.

Work in pairs.

Communication as interaction

Levels of formation

medium low

Observe the simplest norms of speech etiquette: say hello, say goodbye, thank you.

Understand the speech of another person.

Communication as internalization

answers all questions.

Consciously seeks cooperation.

Listen to and understand the speech of others

Partially answers questions.

Works in pairs situationally.

Hears, understands and gives feedback to the interlocutor

Does not make contact (aggressive or passive).


teacher psychologist

Partially observes etiquette.

tactful, polite, observes etiquette.

Understands another person's speech

Method "Mittens"

Silent or aggressive.

Partially observes etiquette.

Doesn't always understand other people's speech

Silent or aggressive.

Does not understand the speech of another person.

Methodology "Pattern under dictation"

Formation of communicative UUD

List of methods for monitoring

  • Teacher observation
  • Student self-assessment
  • "Pattern from dictation" Assessed UUD: the ability to identify and display in speech the essential guidelines for action, as well as to convey (inform) them to a partner, planning and regulating the function of speech
  • Mission "Mittens" (G.A. Zuckerman) Assessed UUD: communicative actions to coordinate efforts in the process of organizing and implementing cooperation (cooperation)

Project activity develops all universal educational actions

Sasha Goryachev

List of individual achievements in the Russian language



I can distinguish: sounds and letters

1 quarter

vowels and consonants

2 quarter

hard and soft consonants

3 quarter

voiceless and voiced consonants

4 quarter

word and sentence

I can make a word model

I can copy printed text and written

I know the alphabet

I can divide words for transfer

I know how to put stress in the word stress

I can write transcription of words

I know how to ask questions to words that call:



I find the root in a group of words with the same root

I can identify "dangerous" places in words

I know and can write spelling correctly:

letter combinations zhi - shi, cha - cha, chu - shu

draw up an offer

unchecked letters in words (grade 1 vocabulary words)

Capital letter in proper nouns

competently write down separate words under the dictation of the teacher and independently, (where the spelling and spelling coincide)

Number of points


Sheet individual achievements in reading technique

List of individual achievements in working with information

Standard Requirements

1 class

Total of the year



3rd grade

Total of the year

by roles;

  • I use the reference apparatus of the textbook;


4th grade

Total of the year

  • I can make my own:


simple plan;

Total of the year

  • I distinguish the main elements of the book;
  • I give an assessment to what I heard or read;
  • I can find the necessary information in the text;
  • I can reproduce the content of what I have read or heard;
  • I know how to work with a dictionary and other reference literature;
  • I know how to navigate the catalog card;
  • I can independently choose and read children's books, periodicals.

Date of observation ______________ Grade 1. List of observations for the formation of regulatory UUD

(only positive results are presented)

Subject: __________________________________________

Scheme for fixing the results of observation:

P / P

Full name of students

1st class

The ability to learn to determine the purpose of the activity in the lesson with the help of a teacher

Tishchenko Dmitry

Prog skill

draw the sequence of actions in the lesson

Demyanenko Tatiana

Ability to learn sayings

submit your proposal (version)

Petrova Alina


Work skill

thief by proposed


Ability to give emotion

assessment of class activities in the lesson

The ability to distinguish between a correctly completed task and an incorrect one


for each student




Cognitive UUD


Write down the most difficult equations and practice solving them with your desk mate.

Find a scheme that matches the condition of this problem, and complete the solution.


What law allows you to find the value of an expression in a rational way?

Decide which expressions are easy for you to solve and complete them orally.



Cognitive UUD


Masha singled out some endings in words, Alyosha - others. And what do you think? Whose opinion do you agree with?

Match objects and sound models of words.

In Russian, there are two words - the homonym LIST. Think about what reference literature you need to use to find out the meaning of the word.

How would you explain to your classmate what related words are?

Lesson 3. To the question of the criteria and methods for assessing the level of formation of the UUD of students Melnikova Elena Valerievna, Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Educational Technologies, FSBEI HPE “Iv. GU ", Ph.D. Ivanovo,

Criteria for assessing the formation of UUD compliance with age-psychological regulatory requirements; compliance of properties of universal actions with predetermined requirements.

The properties of actions to be assessed include the level (form) of the action; completeness (expansion); reasonableness; consciousness (consciousness); generality; criticality and mastery.

The level of action can act in three main forms of action: - in the form of a real transformation of things and their material substitutes, a material (materialized - with substitutes - symbols, signs, models) form of action; - action in a verbal, or speech, form; - action in the mind - mental form of action.

The completeness of the action is determined by the completeness of the operations and characterizes the action as expanded (at the beginning of formation) and reduced (at the final stages of its development. The reasonableness of the action characterizes the student's orientation to the conditions that are essential for the performance of the action, the degree of differentiation of the essential conditions necessary to achieve the goal, and non-essential conditions.

Consciousness (consciousness) - the possibility of reflection in speech, i.e. in the system social meanings, the content of the action, the sequence of its operations, significant for the fulfillment of the conditions and the result achieved. Generalization characterizes the student's ability to transfer an action (a method of solving a problem) to various subject areas and situations. The breadth of transfer characterizes the degree of generalization of the action.

The criticality of the action determines the degree of awareness of the action in its functional, structural and content characteristics and the reflection of the choice of grounds for performing the action. The mastery of an action characterizes its temporal characteristics and the ease of transition from one form of action to another.

Levels of formation of learning actions: 1) the absence of learning actions as integral "units" of activity (the student performs only individual operations, can only copy the actions of the teacher, does not plan and does not control his actions, replaces the learning task with the task of literally memorizing and reproducing); 2) performance of learning activities in cooperation with the teacher (clarifications are required to establish the connection between individual operations and the conditions of the task, can perform actions according to a constant, already learned algorithm); 3) inadequate transfer of learning actions to new types of tasks (if the conditions of the task change, he cannot independently make adjustments to the actions); 4) adequate transfer of educational activities (self-discovery by the student of a discrepancy between the conditions of the tasks and the available methods for solving it and the correct change in the method in cooperation with the teacher); 5) independent construction of learning goals (independent construction of new learning activities based on a detailed, thorough analysis of the conditions of the task and previously learned methods of action); 6) generalization of educational actions based on the identification of general principles for constructing new methods of action and the derivation of a new method for each specific task.

Personal actions provide value-semantic orientation of students and orientation in social roles and interpersonal relationships. Three types of personal actions (in relation to educational activities): * self-determination (personal, professional, life), i.e., the child's acceptance of the social role of the student; * meaning formation, i.e., the establishment by students of a connection between the purpose of educational activity and its motive (“What am I studying for?”); * moral and ethical orientation, i.e. ensuring the student's personal moral choice (determine the child's behavior).

Criteria for evaluating personal universal actions Self-determination. 1. The internal position of the student: - A positive attitude towards the school. - Feeling the need to learn. — Preference for "school" type lessons over "preschool" type lessons. Preference for cool collective knowledge over individual lessons at home. - Preference for a social way of assessing one's knowledge (mark) to preschool ways of rewarding (sweets, gifts). 2. Self-assessment: - Reflexivity as an adequate conscious idea of ​​the qualities of a good student. - Awareness of one's capabilities in teaching based on the comparison of "I" and "a good student". - Awareness of the need for self-improvement based on the comparison of "I" and "good student". - The ability to adequately judge the reasons for one's success/failure in learning, linking success with effort, diligence, diligence.

Criteria for evaluating personal universal actions Meaning formation. 1. Motivation of educational activity: - Formation of cognitive motives. - Interest in new things. - Interest in the method of decision and the general mode of action - Formation of social motives. — The desire to perform socially significant and socially valued activities, to be useful to society. - The formation of educational motives. - The desire for self-change - the acquisition of new knowledge and skills. - Establishing a connection between teaching and future professional activities.

Regulatory actions provide students with the organization of their educational activities. These include: Goal setting - setting a learning task based on the correlation of what is already known and learned by students, and what is not yet known. Planning - determining the sequence of intermediate goals, taking into account the final result, drawing up a plan and a sequence of actions. Forecasting is an assumption of the result and the level of mastering knowledge, the associated time costs. Control - comparison of the method of action and its result with a given standard in order to detect deviations and differences from the standard. Correction - making the necessary additions and adjustments to the plan and method of action (in case of discrepancy with the standard, real action, and its result). Evaluation is the selection and awareness by students of what has already been learned and what still needs to be learned, awareness of the quality and level of assimilation. Self-regulation is the ability to mobilize forces and energy, to volitional effort (to make a choice in the event of a motivational conflict) and to overcome obstacles.

Criteria for evaluating the formation of regulative universal educational actions Acceptance of the task (adequacy of the acceptance of the task as a goal given in certain conditions, preservation of the task and attitude towards it). An execution plan that specifies the operational execution of an action in accordance with certain conditions. Control and correction (orientation aimed at comparing the plan and the real process, detecting errors and deviations, making appropriate corrections). Evaluation (stating the achievement of the goal or the measure of approach to it and the reasons for failure, attitude towards success and failure). A measure of the separation of an action (joint or divided). The pace and rhythm of performance and individual characteristics.

Regulatory learning activities that reflect the content of the leading activities of younger children school age 1. The ability to learn and the ability to organize their activities (planning, control, evaluation): - The ability to accept, maintain goals and follow them in educational activities; - Ability to act according to a plan and plan their activities; - Overcoming impulsiveness, involuntariness; — The ability to control the process and results of their activities in cooperation with the teacher and peers; - Ability to adequately perceive the assessment and mark of their work; — Ability to interact with adults and peers in educational activities; - The ability to distinguish between the objective difficulty of the educational task and the subjective complexity. 2. Formation of purposefulness and perseverance in achieving goals, readiness to overcome difficulties: - Purposefulness and perseverance in achieving goals; - Willingness to overcome difficulties, the formation of a mindset to find ways to resolve difficulties; — Formation of the foundations of an optimistic perception of the world.

The necessary conditions for the development of the action of evaluating educational activity are: - setting the task for the student to evaluate his activity. It is not the teacher who evaluates the student and informs him of the assessment in finished form, but from the very beginning of training, the child is given as a special task to evaluate the results of his activity. - the subject of student assessment should be learning activities and their results; ways of educational interaction; own opportunities to carry out activities; - organization of objectification for the child of his changes in educational activities based on a comparison of the previous and subsequent achievements of the student; - formation of a student's attitude to improve the results of their activities. Then the assessment becomes necessary in order to understand and understand what exactly and how should be improved; - the formation of the student's ability, in cooperation with the teacher and independently, to develop and apply the criteria for a differentiated assessment in educational activities, including the ability to analyze the causes of failures and highlight the missing operations and conditions that would ensure the successful completion of the educational task; - organization of educational cooperation between a teacher and a student, based on mutual respect, acceptance, trust, empathy and recognition of the individuality of each child.

An example of differentiated criteria for evaluating "writing" in elementary school can be: maintaining the height of the letters and their elements; saving the width of letters and their elements; observance of the slope; spacing between words; the accuracy of the work, the introduction of corrections must comply with accepted standards. Compliance with each of the criteria is indicated by squares of different colors (for example, red, green, blue, black) and is presented in tables in which the results of home, control, class written work are separately recorded).

Another way of presenting grades can be "progress charts" that allow children to track their growth and set goals and directions for future work.

Evaluation of the success of solving mathematical problems by the end of the initial stage of education can be based on the following criteria: the adequacy of converting the text of the problem into a graphical model with the presentation of the conditions of the problem; the adequacy of leaving the iconic model, in which the mathematical formula must correspond to the graphic scheme; correctness of calculations; performing a check of the results.

Object of assessment Subject of assessment Procedures for assessing the formation of personal universal educational activities the effectiveness of the education system, educational institutions external monitoring studies using non-personalized information flows; psychological counseling. Assessment of personal results

Evaluation of personal results It is carried out in the course of external non-personalized monitoring studies, the results of which are the basis for acceptance management decisions when designing and implementing development programs.

Internal evaluation of personal results is aimed at solving the optimization problem personal growth students: Characteristics of achievements and positive qualities of students. Determination of priority tasks and directions of personal development, taking into account both the achievements and the psychological problems of the child. System of psychological and pedagogical recommendations.

Assessment is carried out only at the request of parents (or at the request of teachers or administration with the consent of the parents) and is carried out by a psychologist who has special training in Developmental Psychology

The following skills serve as the criteria for the formation of a student's voluntary regulation of his behavior and activities: the ability to choose means for organizing his behavior; the ability to remember and keep the rule, instructions in time; the ability to plan, control and perform an action according to a given pattern and rule; the ability to anticipate the results of one's actions and possible mistakes; the ability to start an action and finish it at the required time; the ability to inhibit reactions that are not related to the goal.

Object of assessment Subject of assessment Procedures of assessment Formation of regulatory, communicative and cognitive universal learning activities a) The level of formation of this type of action b) b) The level of assignment of a universal learning activity a) internal accumulated assessment b) final assessment. Evaluation of meta-subject results

Evaluation of meta-subject results Performance of specially designed diagnostic tasks aimed at assessing the level of formation of a particular type of UUD (see How to design universal learning activities: from action to thought)

Evaluation of meta-subject results Depending on the success of the test tasks in the Russian language, mathematics, literary reading, the world around us, technology, etc., and taking into account the nature of the errors, we can conclude that the RUUD and PUUD have been formed. Formation of KUUD (joint, team work in the planned results in technology, music, physical culture)

The main tools for diagnosing meta-subject results of the development of OOP

Groups of skills tested by diagnostic work

Evaluation of meta-subject results: Line of achievements: research skills Uses only a textbook as a source of information Describes observations with the help of a teacher Tries to use various sources of information Describes observations using familiar methods Selects the necessary information from a large array of it Describes observations using figures, explanations, tables and charts DATE ______

ALGORITHM FOR FILLING IN THE TECHNOLOGICAL CARD theoretical sources about a specific universal educational action. 2. Definition of age criteria. 3. Breakdown of collected information by levels (low, medium, high). 4. Selection of diagnostic material for teachers and psychologists. 5. Writing recommendations for school teachers.

It is important to determine the relationship of each UUD with the subject discipline. Select the subject disciplines that are most adequate for the formation specific types UUD. Determine the specific form of UUD in relation to the subject discipline. Develop or use a ready-made system of tasks, including subject-specific, general logical and psychological types, the solution of which will ensure the formation of the specified properties of UUD. Use a system of recommendations for school subjects in order to ensure the formation of specific types and forms of UUD in a given subject discipline. !!! A system of training tasks aimed at the formation of UUD should be built in each teaching and learning department.

Formation of universal educational activities by means of teaching materials Implementation of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards in teaching materials “...” is ensured by the unity of the structure of textbooks for all classes and subjects; unity of through lines of typical tasks; unity of approaches to the organization of classroom and extracurricular activities.

Russian language Literature English language Mathematics Biology Geography History Social science Fundamentals of spiritual and moral culture and secular ethics Visual arts Music Technology Physical culture Structural elements of textbooks (basic and variable parts, route sheet, checklists and training sheets, information desk) Typical cross-cutting tasks (information retrieval, pair work, creative, differentiated tasks, intellectual marathon) Forms of organization of educational and extracurricular activities activities (pair work, group work, collective dialogue, mini-study, projects)

Semantic accents UUD Russian language Literature Mathematics Geography History Biology personal life self-determination moral and ethical orientation Meaning-making moral and ethical orientation regulatory goal-setting, planning, forecasting, control, correction, evaluation, algorithmization of actions (mathematics, Russian language, biology, technology , Physical Culture etc.) cognitive general educational modeling (translating oral speech into written language) semantic reading, arbitrary and conscious oral and written statements modeling, choosing the most effective ways to solve problems a wide range of information sources cognitive logical formulation of personal, linguistic, moral problems; independent creation of ways to solve problems of a search and creative nature analysis, synthesis, comparison, grouping, cause-and-effect relationships, logical reasoning, evidence, practical actions communicative use of language and speech tools to receive and transmit information, participation in a productive dialogue; self-expression: monologues of various types, presentation of creative products. The focus of academic subjects on the development of UUD

  • Formation of regulatory UUD
Regulatory UUD - the ability to organize one's (including educational) activities.
  • UUD (general educational skills) is the most important thing that should remain after school.
  • Regulatory UUD - the ability to organize one's (including educational) activities.
1. The ability to learn and the ability to organize their activities (planning, control, evaluation):
  • Regulatory UUD (FSES. Section II. P. 11)
  • 1. The ability to learn and the ability to organize their activities (planning, control, evaluation):
  • - the ability to accept, maintain goals and follow them in educational activities;
  • - the ability to act according to a plan and plan their activities;
  • - overcoming impulsiveness, involuntariness;
  • - the ability to control the process and results of their activities, including the implementation of anticipatory control in cooperation with the teacher and peers;
  • - the ability to adequately perceive grades and marks;
  • - the ability to distinguish between the objective difficulty of the task and the subjective complexity;
  • - the ability to interact with adults and peers in educational activities.
  • 2. Formation of purposefulness and perseverance in achieving goals, life optimism, readiness to overcome difficulties
  • volitional
  • Action planning
  • Performance evaluation
  • child
  • Discuss and compare
  • results
  • own activities
  • Use different
  • evaluation methods
  • Reward for
  • activity
  • in order to ... (purpose) ...
  • need to ... (action)
  • I was at a loss because ..., now I can do better,
  • I didn't succeed because...
  • I need to repeat....)
  • I succeeded, I learned, I could,
  • I did well with the task, because ...,
  • I used,
  • so i got it etc
  • Color and graphic assessment methods,
  • progress charts
  • You're great, but pay attention
  • you did a good job...
  • different forms
  • activities
  • organization of mutual verification of tasks,
  • - mutual tasks of groups,
  • - discussion by participants of ways of their action
  • 1. reliance on the personal life experience of students;
  • 2. use of entertaining game material;
  • 3. creation of a problem situation in the process of goal setting;
  • 4. choice of goal from the formulations proposed by the teacher, justification for the choice of goal;
  • 5. modeling the purpose of the lesson, the introduction of the concept of "task";
  • 6. goal setting not only for a single lesson, but also for a long period of time
  • 7.discussion ready plan solving a learning problem;
  • 10. work with a deformed plan for solving a learning problem;
  • 11. using a plan with missing or excess points;
  • 12. drawing up your own plan for solving a learning problem.
  • - "intentional errors" - "composing tasks with traps" technique
  • search for information in the proposed sources,
  • analogy assignments,
  • - reception "multi-colored amendments"
  • - dispute;
  • - mutual control;
  • - looking for mistakes
  • - CONOP
  • learning material by heart in the classroom;
  • "tasks - traps"
  • - "comparison of their actions and results with the sample";
  • - smart questions
  • - "drawing up a task according to the drawing";
  • - "reasonable refusal to perform tasks"
  • - "spelling or mathematical sophisms"
Why is this exercise necessary?
  • To learn to highlight learning task it is necessary to put questions to the student regarding individual tasks, exercises:
  • Why is this exercise necessary?
  • What do you learn when you do it?
  • What words are in brackets and why?
  • Why are some words omitted and replaced with ellipsis?
  • Give your examples.
  • Learning objectives and a specific task are not the same thing.
I offer children a ready-made solution to a mathematical problem, but it is wrong. Errors are suggested to students to detect.
  • I offer children a ready-made solution to a mathematical problem, but it is wrong. Errors are suggested to students to detect.
  • I offer an incomplete solution to the problem, students must complete it.
  • To solve, I propose a problem with incomplete or redundant data, students must discover this.
  • I propose a solution to the problem, which contains fundamental gaps, they need to be found by students.
Each pair of children is given one card with examples:
  • The game "Ladder"
  • Each pair of children is given one card with examples:
  • The examples are designed in such a way that the answer of one is the beginning of another. Students write the answer for each example on the appropriate step. Each student can control himself. You can make it so that the answer of each will correspond to the number of the step on which it is written:
  • By writing down the answer of the example on each step, the children control themselves: whether they go in order.
  • Exercises to develop self-control skills in children.
Students receive cards with examples:
  • Game "Number-controller"
  • Students receive cards with examples:
  • Having solved these examples, they can control themselves - the sum of all answers is equal to the number 10.
  • Exercise "Correct mistakes".
  • Students have 5 minutes to find all the mistakes and underline them. You can ask the children not only to emphasize the mistakes, but also to correct them.
  • « Verification-reconciliation.
  • During calligraphy, after writing the letters, the children check the correctness of the outline on the tracing paper. Then they find and highlight the most successful letter with a green dot.
  • choose the means to organize their behavior;
  • memorize and keep the rule, instructions in time;
  • plan, control and perform an action according to a given pattern, rule, using norms;
  • anticipate the intermediate and final results of their actions, as well as possible errors;
  • start and end the action at the right time;
  • inhibit unnecessary reactions.
  • Criteria for the formation of students' regulation of their activities
  • Degree of assistance
  • - Conditions under which assistance is provided
  • 1. The action is performed uncertainly
  • 2. Difficulties arise, stop
  • 4. The action is repeated erroneously
  • 5. Wrong execution of the whole task
  • The criterion for the formation of the regulatory structure of activity and the level of its arbitrariness
  • THE RESULT OF THE FORMATION OF RUUD 1. The student is able to draw up an action plan. 2. The student can make the necessary additions and adjustments to the plan, and the course of action if necessary. 3. The student is aware of what has already been learned and what is still to be learned, as well as the quality and level of assimilation. 4. The student can set a learning task based on the correlation of what is already known and mastered by the student, and what is still unknown. 5. The student is capable of volitional effort. 6. The student has the skills of resulting, procedural and predictive self-control. 7. The student has an internal plan of action. 8. The student, before starting to act, determines the sequence of actions.
  • 9. The child can adequately respond to difficulties and is not afraid to make a mistake. Understand the reasons for your failure and find ways out of this situation. 10. In dialogue with the teacher, learn to develop evaluation criteria and determine the degree of success in the performance of one's own work and the work of everyone, based on the existing criteria, improve evaluation criteria and use them in the course of evaluation and self-evaluation.
  • 11. Explain to yourself: “what is good in me and what is bad” (personal qualities, character traits), “what I want” (goals, motives), “what I can” (results).
All students are stars, small and big, near and far, but equally beautiful. Each star chooses its own flight path. Every star wants to shine.
  • MAIN
  • All students are stars, small and big, near and far, but equally beautiful. Each star chooses its own flight path. Every star wants to shine.
  • Our goal is to help students shine!