Internet addiction in teenagers is a classroom hour. Prevention of Internet addiction in schoolchildren. Statement of the learning task

  • 22.04.2020

SCOU "Special (correctional) boarding school No. 2" art. Barsukovskaya, Kochubeevsky district

Class hour "Computer Internet addiction in teenagers"

Classroom teacher:

Cherevkova Natalya Viktorovna

2016 -2017 academic year

Target: Formation of a positive attitude towards the computer and the ability to use it for your own benefit, to properly organize your extracurricular activities.


1) Educate children about the harmful effects computer games to convey an idea of ​​Internet addiction;

2) Feel for yourself what sensations full-fledged communication can bring

This scenario allows you to spend an interesting class hour as part of the prevention of physical diseases and Internet addiction, which are a consequence of computer gambling.


1. Presentation" Computer Internet addiction in teenagers"

2. Reminders (rules for working on a computer).

3. Whatman paper and felt-tip pens

Plan class hour:

1. Motivational conversation.

2. Communicative training exercise "Two minutes of chatter"

3. Select from the story the main areas in which the computer harmed or benefited a person.

- "for" and "against" the computer

Debate "Who is to blame?"

Discussion "What to do?"

4. Test results

4. Communicative training "- exercise" Gesture in a circle.

5. Internet Addiction

6. Memo on working on the Internet (work in groups)

4. Final word.

5. Summing up (reflection).

Teacher's introductory talk

One day, a certain young man came out of an Internet cafe towards morning and stopped in bewilderment: something was clearly wrong around him. He turned his head, listened, looked closely. And suddenly I realized: a very strange smell! The passer-by smiled in response to his question: "What does it smell like?" and replied "It smells like air, young man. Air!"
The problem of Internet addiction is sometimes talked about. But most are sure that in comparison with addiction to drugs or alcohol, this is a trifle. The scale of the problem is great.
Today in the world from Internet addiction, according to various estimates, suffers from5 up to 10% of users of the World Wide Web.
ATThe world has already recorded hundreds of deaths of Internet users related to the fact that the body can not stand the round-the-clock sitting at the computer. If we talk about the so-called "risk group", in it, according to various estimates, includes about 40% of network users.In 1989, the idea of ​​the World Wide Web was born within the walls of the European Council for Nuclear Research. It was proposed by the famous British scientist Tim Berners-Lee. In 1990, the first connection to the Internet via a telephone line took place. In the 90s, the Internet penetrated into all American homes, the first social networks appeared. In 2000, the Internet firmly entered the life of Russians.

The Internet is a global computer network that connects users computer networks and PC users.

Why has the Internet become popular? What does he give a person?

Students' answers (information is searched on the Internet, conferences, exhibitions, interviews, etc. are arranged. An ordinary, "home" user has every chance to order any product on the Internet, find out the weather, news from any area, meet, chat, make friends. play computer games online.

Communicative training-exercise "Gesture in a circle".

We will watch a fairy tale with you, and you guys, highlight from it the main areas in which the computer harmed a person or benefited.

S K A Z K A (sketch).

In a certain kingdom - a distant state, there lived a king ... And he had two sons: the Elder and the Younger. That's what he called them. The older one was smart, but the younger one was neither this nor that, he was just a fool.

In order not to lag behind the century, to help children become smarter,

So that the sons in modern world live

The king decided to buy a computer for the guys.

The coolest connected them to the Internet:

Unlimited, high speed.

Whether a fairy tale affects for a long time, but for a short time something is done.

Many years have passed, what happened to the sons of the king?

The eldest son says: (...)

"I have only one friend,

It's called a computer.

I spend the whole day with him

I don't go for walks.

I don't play sports

And I'm not tempered at all

I don't talk to my friends

I study all day

And believe me, I'm not lazy

Sitting at the computer

Watch movies, games.

To all sites without discrimination

I go all the way out.

Poorly began to think

Why suddenly? - do not understand.

It got bad in the head

And with eyes. What's wrong with me?"

See what the Elder Son has become.

The youngest son says: (Andrey)

I have a new friend

It's called a computer.

I've been friends with him for a long time

And I'll tell you about it:

He will break everything down into folders,

Everything will be reproduced through the printer.

Electronic Service Files

Tool of all trades

And a cure for boredom

Both a teacher and a devoted friend.

How energetic

electronic man

My companion is cute

Into the twenty-first century.

Guys, now let's discuss the influence of the computer on the Elder son. After all, he was a smart kid with the king. And what happened to him? (students list, work on whatman paper in groups of 6 people). Protecting your point of view.

Today, perhaps, it is difficult to meet a person who does not have a computer at home, and where there is a computer, there is the Internet. After all, it is very convenient: at any time you can access the information you are interested in. A huge number of games, music, movies and various videos - what could be better? But it turns out that Internet addiction is, in fact, the scourge of the modern generation: young people - let alone the youth - children, teenagers and adults spend days at a computer, in particular on the World Wide Web. Scientists believe that Internet addiction will soon be on a par with such addictions as drug addiction, alcoholism, and smoking.
After processing your answers to the test questions, you can say that
if you answered yes to more than half of the questions, then you may have a serious dependence on the computer, which must be overcome in order to prevent the harm that the computer can do to you.

Communication training exercise "Two minutes of chatting"


Let's discuss what Internet addiction can lead to.

What does Internet addiction look like in its expressed form? People prone to this disorder sit for long hours, or even days, in front of their computer monitors. They forget to eat, sleep. They are no longer interested in personal hygiene and household chores. Family, work, study, friends - all this fades into the background. More and more, every day, every month, they spend time in an endless virtual world, and in the end it all takes on the form vividly described in one documentary about Internet addiction: “I can’t go to the toilet, I I can’t go to my parents, I sit all the time, and the need for the Internet is so strong that I can save on bread, but buy myself some new hardware.
Yes, Internet addiction does not always take this extreme form. But the danger is that it's too easy to go from using the Internet as a banal time-killer to a serious, severe Internet addiction.
Types of Computer Addiction

There are several types of Internet addiction.
· The first type: web surfing, that is, the need for new information. A person can surf the Internet for days on end, click on links, find more and more new sites, study the life of stars, be interested in all kinds of news.
· The second type - everything here is the same as in the first case, only it refers to the film industry. People of the second type are addicted to watching movies. For some, the number of films viewed per day exceeds 10-12 tapes.
Another type is the need for virtual communication. Such people visit various forums, chats, social networks. Ultimately, virtual communication completely replaces the real one.
· A separate item in the types of Internet addiction are computer games. Sometimes a passion for such games leads to mental illness, and a sick person can no longer get rid of the problem without the help of specialists. But there is another side of the problem when virtual losses turn into real ones. Then the player becomes like a drug addict: dependence on the game and the constant need for money for a new "dose" of adrenaline.
In the end, I want to say that games are definitely an important part of modern society and carries a lot of minuses and pluses, so it is vital to play games “correctly”. That is, do not overexert yourself, do not devote much time to games and, if possible, gain knowledge and develop your horizons. Unfortunately, many people misunderstand games and simply get too addicted to them, although, at their core, games are just entertainment, never forget that.

Gambling addiction is different:


    video games

    Creating a legend about yourself (appendix 2)
    Psychologists say that the game, in principle, is useful. With its help, you can acquire many skills that will be useful in life. Also, the game can help relieve emotional stress, aggression, excessive nervous excitability.
    Gambling disease is precisely a disease, it is associated with addiction to all kinds of gambling, such as casinos, slot machines, cards and interactive games. Gambling can manifest itself as a disease and, what happens much more often, as one of the symptoms of another. mental illness: depression, manic states, even schizophrenia.

Causes of computer gambling as a psychological problem:
* Loss of the meaning of life and existence (lack of an answer to the question “Why am I here?”, Difficulties in finding life goals)
* Loneliness (threat to self-esteem, lack of help and understanding from family or peers)
* The severity of freedom (complexity of choice, uncertainty, do not want to grow up)
* Fear of death (difficulties in building real life because of its danger)

How does this happen?

How does a person develop dependence on a stupid iron box that gives him the opportunity to “sit and talk with a monitor”?
If you ask any person why he visits the Internet, he will give many different answers: watch a video, find the necessary information, chat with friends, and so on. That is to satisfy any need.
But an Internet addict does not satisfy his needs by surfing the web. The fact is that the cycle of satisfying any need is finite. That is, when a person feels a need for something, he looks for a way to satisfy it, finds it, gets legitimate pleasure and calms down. Everything happens strictly in accordance with the principle: "Stole, drank, go to jail!".
The main symptom of gambling is an obsessive desire to constantly play. It is impossible to distract a person from the game, most often he forgets to eat elementary food, becomes withdrawn. The circle of communication is sharply reduced, and changes almost completely, the behavior of a person also changes, moreover, not in better side. Often there are all kinds of mental disorders. Usually, initially, a person experiences a feeling of a rise in strength, but later they are replaced by a terrible depression and decadent moods.
As far as computer games are concerned. According to statistics, adolescents aged 12-16 are most prone to gambling.

Signs of Internet addiction and computer gambling:
¨ do not tear the child away from the game
¨ the number of interests decreases and the desire to communicate with other people disappears
¨ feeling emotionally insecure between games
¨ infantilism and avoidance of responsibility
¨ to play computer games, a teenager sacrifices time previously spent with family and friends
¨ with the help of playing at the computer, a teenager achieves life goals, “solves problems”
¨ lack of control over the time spent playing the game
¨ the desire to increase the time spent in the game
¨ the appearance of feelings of irritation, anger, or emptiness, depression in the absence of the opportunity to play, which disappear when the game is resumed
¨ unstable behavior and personality degradation

The main genres of computer games:
¨ Action (shooters)
¨ Quests (quests with riddles)
¨RPG (role playing games)
¨ Simulators (sports, racing)
¨ Strategies
¨ Puzzles
The most "dangerous" genres are RPG, Action and Strategy, especially if the game takes place over the Internet.

In children and adolescents, whose bodies are still developing, prolonged exposure to the monitor can have a much more serious impact on health. These are severe headaches, dizziness, blurred vision, irritability, restless, disturbing sleep.

Harm of computer addiction

Only the lazy did not speak or write about the dangers of video games, computer "shooters", races, quests and various online games. Gamers don’t even want to hear that vision, posture will deteriorate, and in more advanced cases there will be problems with communication skills and adaptation in society.

Social photo project Game arthritis is a collection of creepy photos with the consequences of excessive passion for the computer in general, and games in particular. Virtual Reality versus "Virtual Reality". Scientists from all over the world have been studying this phenomenon for a long time, although it is too early to draw any general conclusions. But nevertheless, thousands of gamers have similar symptoms, which so far only whisper that the danger is close. Thousands of players feel real pain in their bodies, carried away by the virtual, but prefer to remain silent about it.

Psychological symptoms:

Good health or euphoria at the computer

Impossibility to stop

Increasing time spent at the computer

Neglect of family and friends

Feeling of emptiness, depression, irritation not at the computer

Lies to teachers, adults, parents

Problems with study.

Physical symptoms:

Dry eyes


Back pain

Irregular meals

Neglect of personal hygiene

Sleep disorders, changes in sleep patterns.

Group work: write memos on working on the Internet.

Then a general memo on working on the Internet is created.


Now try to express your thoughts or feelings about our class hour in just one sentence.

I CHOOSE………………………………….

CLOSE TO ME…………………………………

I WILL TRY…………………………….

What tree of virtual or real life will bloom at the end of our conversation?

Great, I had no doubt that you would choose real life.

I hope you understand how important live human communication is. Don't forget about those who need it. I wish you mutual understanding with your loved ones, real friends, academic success and all the best.

Attachment 1

I encourage everyone to take the test.

"Do you have a computer addiction?"
1. Sitting at a computer or on the Internet, you lose track of time. Because of this, you often skip food and sleep.

Results processing
¨ For each “Yes” answer, give yourself 1 point.
¨ For the answer "No" - 0 points


Gambling addiction is different:
¨ Inherent in more mature people due to greater financial solvency
¨ Have a material result of dependence (waste or gain Money)
¨ Cause psychophysiological dependence based on a sense of excitement, adrenaline production, desire to win
¨ The dependence is older, originating from the appearance of prototypes of casinos, bookmakers, other establishments and game conditions associated with monetary risk
¨ Higher objective danger for the Player (ruin, loss of livelihood and family support)

video games
¨ Inherent in younger people due to greater compensation of life aspirations
¨ Do not have a material result of addiction
¨ Cause psychological dependence based on feelings of dissatisfaction with real life, resentment, guilt
¨ Dependence is younger, dictated by the development of information and computer technologies, as well as IT technologies
¨ More dangerous subjective danger for the Gamer (internal devastation, loss of close social contacts)
Creating a legend about yourself

The disease of gambling pushes a person to create a legend about himself, and then the person becomes so accustomed to this legend that he himself begins to believe in what he invented. The result can even be a split personality.


Reminder about working on the Internet

    Set Internet Time Limit

    Force yourself not to work on the Internet for several days

    Block access to certain Internet resources

    Impose sanctions on yourself for violating the first three rules

    Force yourself to do something else instead of working on the Internet

    Learn to enjoy other pleasures in life


1) Familiarize children with the harmful effects of computer games, convey an idea about the computer, Internet addiction;

2) To form a positive attitude towards live communication.

The course of the classroom.

Today we will touch on a vital topic for all teenagers.

Raise your hands, who has a computer at home?

Raise your hands, who has it connected and the Internet?

Prove that the computer is a friend? (student answers)

Do you enjoy working at the computer?

Do you get angry at those who distract you from your computer?

Today we will touch on a very important problem: the problem of computer addiction of a child (teenager).

The main causes of computer addiction can be:

Lack of communication with peers and significant people for the child.

Lack of attention from parents.

Uncertainty in oneself and one's abilities, shyness, complexes and difficulties in communication.

The tendency to quickly "absorb" everything new, interesting.

The desire to be “like everyone else” of his peers, to follow their hobbies, to keep up.

Lack of hobbies or hobbies, any other attachments not related to the computer.

The dangers of computer addiction

1. The computer becomes a powerful stimulus and the main object for communication.

2. At first, the computer can compensate for the lack of communication, then this communication may become unnecessary at all.

3. In the process of playing games, or being on the Internet, a person loses control over time.

4. A teenager may show aggression if he is deprived of access to computer games.

5. The permissiveness and ease of achieving the goal in games can affect the child's confidence that in real life everything is just as simple and you can “start again” the game.

6. Due to a neglectful attitude to food, vitamin and mineral deficiencies may occur.

7. Many hours of continuous exposure in front of the monitor can cause visual impairment, decreased immunity, headaches, fatigue, insomnia.

8. There may be problems with posture, headaches appear.

9. Children stop fantasizing, the ability to create decreases visual images, there is emotional immaturity, irresponsibility.

10.Computer addiction is formed much faster than any other traditional addiction: smoking, drugs, alcohol, gambling.

11. Often a teenager can neglect his own appearance and personal hygiene. Depression can occur when you are without a computer for a long time. Home and family fade into the background. There may be learning problems.

Types of games, and their danger, starting with the highest.

Experts point out that different kinds computer games can affect a child in different ways. Role-playing games with a view "from the eyes" of a computer hero are considered the most dangerous. Equally dangerous are games with an outside view of "their" computer hero. Strategic games, "management" games are less dangerous, but they can pull the child in great. This is followed by non-role-playing games: arcades, puzzles, reaction games, gambling.


Pasha was a good student. And for this, his parents bought him a computer. Now Pasha is already 25, and he does not communicate with girls, does not go to clubs, and does not see friends. He just sits in glasses in front of his new friend and, without stopping, feverishly drums his fingers on the keyboard.


Such cases of computer addiction are far from isolated. Young people no longer meet on the streets, they have the Internet, they don’t walk in the yard - after all, computer games are much more interesting, they don’t read books, because, in their opinion, you can find much more useful and interesting information on the Web. Needless to say, computer addiction, which also affects adults, has an even greater impact on adolescents.

When should you think?

Psychologists have developed a list of warning signs:

An obsessive desire to check email;

Constantly waiting for the next access to the network;

Work addiction (games, programming, or other activities) and information overload (i.e., an irresistible urge to search for information on the Web or surf the Web);

Unwillingness to be distracted from working or playing with a computer;

Irritation with forced distraction;

Inability to plan the end of a session of working or playing with a computer;

Spending big money to ensure constant updating software(including games) and computer devices;

Forgetting about household chores official duties, study, meetings and arrangements while working or playing on the computer;

Neglecting one's own health, hygiene and sleep in favor of spending more time at the computer;

Abuse of coffee and other similar psychostimulants;

Willingness to be satisfied with irregular, random and monotonous food, without looking up from the computer;

Feeling of emotional uplift while working with a computer;

Discussion of computer topics with all people more or less knowledgeable in this area.

If these points are familiar to you, then perhaps it is time to think about the depth of the problem and how to solve it.

Class hour "Suffering from cybermania" - Grade 9

Round table dedicated to the problem of computer addiction

Computers are machines that are designed to solve problems that you wouldn't have if you didn't have a computer.

The form of the class hour - a round table - allows children to speak out, develops discussion skills. It is very important that the facilitator is able to organize the discussion. The round table discussion consists of 3 blocks: 1 informational (information on the problem of computer addiction) and 2 discussion blocks ("Who is to blame" and "What to do?"). The actions of the leader in each block: first give the word “guests9raquo;, then to the rest of the children. At the same time, discussions cannot be allowed in the information block. After the messages "guests9raquo; children are invited to supplement their presentations with new facts. In the discussion blocks, they can already express their opinions.

It is desirable that the teacher constantly emphasizes that as a result of the discussion, a common opinion should be developed that takes into account the opinions of the majority. Therefore, it is very important to summarize at the end of each block, to formulate a general idea.

All remarks are written out in detail in the script, but this does not mean that they need to be distributed to all children. This will turn the round table into a rehearsed matinee that will be uninteresting for ninth graders. It is important for them to speak out and be heard. Moreover, the topic is close and understandable to everyone. Texts can only be handed out to “guests”9raquo;, warning them that they are given not for cramming, but for guidance (in terms of time and content).

Goals: to acquaint children with the harmful effects of computer games, to give an idea of ​​Internet addiction; to form a positive attitude towards such qualities of character as independence, curiosity; develop the skills to participate in the discussion; encourage children to expand their horizons, to participate in sports sections, to self-knowledge, self-development, self-improvement.

Conduct form: round table.

Preparatory work: distribute roles among children: mothers (2), doctors (2), programmers (2), provide all with texts. All children should be seated at their desks, and "guests9raquo; facing the class at the blackboard.

Decor: write a topic, an epigraph on the board.

I. Motivational conversation.

II. Round table "Suffering from cybermania".

1. The first block of discussion. "Three Facets of the Problem".

2. The second block of discussion. "Who is guilty?"

3. The third block of discussion. "What to do?"

III. Final word.

IV. Summing up (reflection).

I. Motivational conversation

Classroom teacher. Today we will touch on a vital topic for all teenagers.

Raise your hands, who has played computer games at least once?

Have you ever skipped classes to play in the game room?

Do you talk to your friends about computer games, codes, levels, etc.?

Do you enjoy working at the computer?

Do you get angry at those who distract you from your computer?

Have you had to deceive loved ones, saying that you were writing a paper or looking for information, while you were just playing or talking?

Have you ever forgotten about the time while playing on the computer?

Do you put off important things for the sake of the computer?

Do you like to play at the computer in moments of sadness, depression?

Do your parents scold you for spending too much money on games and the Internet?

Approximately such questions are asked by psychologists when they want to make sure whether a person suffers from computer addiction. I asked these questions so that you take a sober look at yourself from the outside, critically assess your attitude towards the computer. A positive answer to all these questions should make you wary.

II. Round table "Suffering from cybermania"

The first block of discussion. "Three Facets of the Problem"

Classroom teacher. Computer addiction - a new disease of our time or a fictional threat? In the West, they say that every fifth Internet user suffers from computer addiction in one way or another. And in Russia, many are already subject to this mania. People lose their sense of reality, go into the virtual world. The most vulnerable, as always, were children and adolescents. There was even such a term - "computer syndrome". Who is to blame for this and what to do? Today we will be discussing these issues in a roundtable that we have called "The Suffering of Cybermania".

Introducing our guests. The point of view of the parents will be voiced (names, surnames). The point of view of doctors will be stated (names, surnames). The opinion of computer specialists will be expressed by (names, surnames). We start the discussion. The first word is parents.

Mom 1. Many parents simply do not understand what a terrible destructive force the computer represents. One 14-year-old student from Romania was taken away from an Internet cafe " Ambulance". The boy sat in this cafe for 9 days in a row and reached complete physical and mental exhaustion. His mother said that the boy was simply obsessed with the computer game Counter Strike. He did not leave the computer, stopped going to school. He lied, stole things from the house in order to sell them and spend money on the Internet. He stopped washing and lost 10 kg.

Mom 2. Another terrible fact: a 12-year-old teenager from Yekaterinburg died of a stroke after playing for 12 hours on a computer. Doctors at the children's hospital where the boy was taken say that every week they receive at least one teenager addicted to computer games. Children can spend days without food and rest in front of a computer at home or in game clubs.

Mom 1. And here are the criminal facts: a 13-year-old teenager robbed his grandparents in order to get money for an Internet cafe. A high school student, having played enough of DOOM, severely beat the neighbor's kids. There are enough such stories in every police station. Tens of thousands of boys and girls for the sake of the virtual world drop out of school, lose friends, conflict with their parents.

Mom 2. Not only children, but also adults suffer from computers! Recently, computer widows have appeared in the world. These are women whose husbands are cyberalcoholics. So called people obsessed with computer mania. They spend up to 18 hours a day at the computer, stop caring about their appearance, don’t shave or wash for weeks, walk around the house in dirty clothes, and generally minimize outings. Poor women really feel like straw widows - like a husband is nearby, but in a completely different dimension.

Classroom teacher. What can our members add to this? Only facts! Can you provide similar facts? Do you feel like you are also being sucked into the computer quagmire? Do you see how your friends are leaving you more and more in the virtual world? Can you give contrary facts when the activists of computer games did not get into any kind of addiction? (Children speak up.)

So, people are sounding the alarm, seeing how their loved ones go into the virtual world. What will the doctors say?

Doctor 1. Western doctors unequivocally state that computer and Internet addiction exists. There was even such a diagnosis: “cybermania9raquo; or "pathological computer use" (games, the Internet). So far, however, computer addiction is not an official diagnosis, but some scientists suggest that over time, cybermania will be recognized as the number one disease in the world. There are already clinics in the West where various computer disorders are treated. In Finland, there have even been cases when conscripts received a deferment from the army for the treatment of computer addiction. In Russia, so far few people apply for medical care, parents are afraid to take their child to a psychiatrist, they do not want their child to be in the same room with drug addicts and alcoholics.

Doctor 2. How does cybermania manifest itself? First of all, people prefer to spend more time not in real life, but in computer games and the Internet - up to 18 hours a day!

Teenagers start skipping classes, lying, acting too fast homework to quickly sit down at the computer. In virtual reality, they forget about time, wildly rejoice in their virtual victories, and violently experience failures. They can no longer even eat normally, preferring to chew something in front of the monitor. And when communicating in chats, they invent a virtual image for themselves, which gradually replaces their real “I”.

Doctor 1. What is the danger of cybermania? First of all, many computer games are dangerous. In them, the main action is murder, and colorful, sophisticated. But a game for a child is a rehearsal of life. And so, by the age of 14-15, the opinion is formed that violence, murder is an exciting and useful activity.

Doctor 2. The second danger of games is that it is much easier to win them than in real life. After all, life is a constant struggle, self-affirmation, victories and failures. All this cannot be replaced by virtual successes. A person simply loses himself, his personality, becomes a prefix to a computer.

Doctor 1. Another danger awaits chat lovers. Many, hiding behind anonymity, can say anything in chats, believing that such communication liberates them, gives them freedom. But virtual communication cannot replace live communication between people. A person who has plunged into a fictional world under someone else's mask gradually loses his face, loses his real friends, dooming himself to loneliness.

Doctor 2. But the most terrible danger is that computer addiction can turn into another type of dependence - from alcohol, drugs.

Classroom teacher. I give the floor to our participants.

Do they agree with the doctors' conclusions? Do you think that computer games increase aggressiveness?

Has the number of your friends decreased due to the fact that you are addicted to computer games?

Do you prefer to eat at the computer?

What victories have you won in real life over the past year?

Have you ever chatted? Did you perform under your real name or under a fictitious one? Did you feel at the same time free, liberated?

Which children do you think are most susceptible to computer addiction? (Children speak up.)

It's time for the computer scientists to speak up. Is a computer really that dangerous? Can chats be anonymous? Are all games built on violence? I give the floor to programmers.

Programmer 1. The computer can be dangerous. After all, it is a source of electromagnetic radiation and non-ionizing radiation. And this has a negative effect on the person. But if you follow sanitary rules, it can be harmless. In all organizations, the rules for working on a computer should be located right at the workplace. But in our country, unfortunately, few people know and follow these rules.

For example, according to these rules, an adult can sit at a computer no more than 4 hours a day, and a child no more

10-20 minutes, depending on age. The computer must be "grounded9raquo;, pregnant and lactating women should not work at the computer. In developed countries, these rules are very strictly observed. And we prefer to pay with our health.

Programmer 2. Is there any harm from computer games? Not all games are built on aggression. There are logic games, games for studying school subjects. There are simulators with which you can learn important and useful skills. There are game tests that will help you test your knowledge. As for the Internet, in addition to chat rooms, there are forums where serious issues are discussed and where you can express your point of view. On the World Wide Web, anyone can create their own site, make it popular, become an Internet star. So the Internet does not necessarily lead to the loss of one's self. It gives great opportunities for self-affirmation, self-expression.

Programmer 1. As for anonymity on the Internet, it is imaginary. Each computer has its own unique digital address, by which other computers on the network recognize it. As soon as you go to any site, your address is instantly fixed and you can easily figure out who you are and where you live. That's why hackers are almost always found. Therefore, once in the chat and come up with some kind of nickname for yourself, do not lose self-control - no matter how later you have to answer for it.

Programmer 2. For example, in 2006, a 37-year-old user from Novosibirsk was brought to trial for anti-Russian statements on the Internet. He had to pay a fine of 130 thousand rubles. At the trial, he tried to evade responsibility, but the providers proved that the existing technical means allow you to determine with a 100% guarantee which network user accessed the Internet and was on this particular site. By the way, these same technical tools can track which sites are most often visited from this computer.

Classroom teacher. As you can see, there is nothing on the computer itself or on the Internet that would cause addiction. What can our members add to this?

Maybe someone wants to say a word in defense of computer games?

Who has a website? What forums and chats do you visit? What information are you looking for online?

Do you know about sanitary rules for using a computer?

Are you afraid that someone might find out about your travels on the Internet?

What interesting things have you discovered on the Internet?

What did we come to at this stage of the discussion: is there a computer addiction or is it all fiction of doctors and parents? (Yes there is.)

Classroom teacher. We got acquainted with different points of view on the problem of computer addiction. We begin the second block of our discussion. Who is to blame that more and more teenagers become patients in drug treatment hospitals and receive a diagnosis of “cybermania9raquo;”?

First, we listen to the opinions of experts.

- The owners of Internet clubs, as well as providers who profit from the health of our children.

- Local authorities who receive bribes from these structures.

- Sanitary stations that do not control the operation of these clubs.

- Teachers who do not conduct conversations about protecting the life and health of children.

Parents are to blame for giving their children money without asking how they will spend it.

“Children are to blame, who seek only pleasure and entertainment, not wanting to work.

“The authorities are to blame for not creating conditions for children to play sports, to develop their abilities and talents.

“Teachers are to blame for not being able to captivate children with some interesting thing.

The computer manufacturers are to blame. They release more and more new games and programs that require more and more powerful computers. Therefore, people are forced to constantly update their machines. And curious children all want to try and become addicted.

- The parents are to blame, who do not watch the children, do not know what they are doing.

The parents are to blame. If they themselves mastered the computer, they could understand what is possible and what is not possible for a child. And so it seems to them that since they bought a computer for their children, then they can not care about their development. Then uncles and aunts from the Internet and gaming clubs will take care of it.

Doctors are also to blame. It was necessary to put these questions before the government, to involve the press and television in the discussion.

- Blame the government. It could pass laws that would prohibit children from sitting in gaming clubs at night, it could close these clubs altogether or take them out of the city.

Classroom teacher. What will our members say? Who is to blame for the fact that children get into computer addiction?

“The children themselves are to blame.

The parents are to blame. They do not want to understand children, they only scold, teach. Here are the children and run away into virtual reality.

The school is to blame. There is such dullness and boredom in it, and in virtual reality you are a hero, a winner, the fate of worlds and civilizations depends on you.

Classroom teacher. I ask you to conclude: “who is to blame for the fact that the child becomes dependent on the computer? (Parents, doctors, schools, police, local authorities, children themselves, etc. are to blame for the formation of computer addiction in children.)

Classroom teacher. So, the problem of computer addiction. We listened to different points of view, identified the perpetrators. Let's move on to the final stage of the discussion. Let's try to answer the question: what to do so that people do not fall into the captivity of cybermania? A word to our guests.

- Close all gaming clubs.

- Allow children to access the Internet only if "accompanied9raquo; adults.

- Dismiss the head of the sanitary station, the director of the school, re-elect the mayor, etc.

- Prohibit teachers from demanding abstracts from children so that they do not download them from the Internet.

- Teach children how to use useful programs and games that can be played with their parents.

- Censor games. Prohibit the use of aggressive games in clubs.

- Introduce punishment for parents whose children have become Internet addicts. Get them to interact with their children for 4 hours every day.

Every child should go in for sports or find some hobby. Then friends will appear, and there will be no time to be bored.

“We need to pass laws that prohibit the promotion of violence in games, and severely punish those who violate these laws.

- Everyone needs to become a competent user, not a teapot.

- Be critical of gaming innovations, do not buy everything in a row. Limit the use of aggressive games.

- It would be good for all schoolchildren to take up programming. It will be an occupation, and development, and communication with interesting people.

“Children need to play less in general. Let everyone try to create their own website, then you will need to tell something about yourself, show what your uniqueness is. And this will encourage self-development.

Classroom teacher. We listen to the suggestions of our participants. Maybe some of them will be able to find a compromise solution to the problem of computer addiction? (Children speak out, repeating and paraphrasing the opinions of the guests, adding their original sentences.)

And as a result of this stage of discussion, we formulate the conclusion: what can we do to avoid getting into computer addiction? (You need to become a competent user, master useful programs, you need to play less, and go in for sports, chat with friends, read books, etc.)

And how can we formulate the general result of our discussion?

(You can ask leading questions: Is there a computer addiction? Who is to blame for its appearance? How to deal with this evil?)

- Computer addiction exists.

- This is the result of the promiscuity of children, the irresponsibility of parents, the carelessness of the authorities, the greed of representatives of the gambling business.

- The way out is to increase computer literacy, to introduce censorship, to adopt laws that would increase the responsibility of parents and business representatives.

Classroom teacher. Our discussion has come to an end. And I would like to end it with the words of one writer. He discussed the problem of computer addiction on the Internet and concluded: “I write these reflections on a computer, send them by e-mail through the world wide web, draw information from the Internet. All these facts indicate that I am by no means a computerophobic. Moreover, I really love this little box that helps me live. But my love will end at the moment when, or if, I realize that I do not own him, but he owns me *.

III. Final word

Classroom teacher. Today we talked about computer addiction. This problem is ambiguous and is far from being solved. But we did not seek to solve it at all costs. Discussing this problem, we learned to lead a discussion, learned to listen and hear each other. In the course of a lively discussion, we learned live communication - exactly what no, even the most powerful computer can give. Look at the epigraph for today's class hour [reads). I wish you that your computer creates as few problems for you as possible.

IV. Summing up (reflection)

Classroom teacher. Does what we talked about today apply to you? Is there a reason to think about yourself and change your behavior? What gave you today's class hour? (Children's answers.)

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Class hour on the topic: "Internet and dependence on it" - presentation

Presentation on theme: "Class hour on the topic: "Internet and Addiction"" - Presentation transcript:

1 Class hour on the topic: "Internet and dependence on it"

2 Research 98% of students in our class have a computer at home and use the Internet.

3 How much time do you spend online?

4 What do you do online?

5 98% indicated that they enjoy working online.

6 How do your parents feel about your online work?

9 Quiz 1. Do you feel preoccupied with the Internet (do you think about previous online sessions and look forward to future ones)?

10 Test 2. Do you also feel the need to increase the time spent on the Web? the need for more time spent online?

11 Quiz 3. Have you ever had unsuccessful attempts to control, restrict or stop using the Internet?

12 Quiz 4. Do you feel tired, depressed or irritated when you try to limit or stop using the Internet?

13 Quiz 5. Are you online more than you thought?

14 5 "yes" - you are addicted. 2 “yes” and more - think about it, you can get addicted!

15 Psychological symptoms good health or euphoria at the computer; inability to stop; increase in the amount of time spent at the computer; neglect of family and friends; feeling of emptiness, depression, irritation when not at the computer; lying to employers or family members about their activities; problems with work or school.

16 Physical symptoms dry eyes; headache; back pain; irregular meals, skipping meals; neglect of personal hygiene; sleep disorders, changes in sleep patterns.

17 Causes of computer addiction: 1. Lack of communication 2. Lack of hobbies 3. Luck

18 Treatment of computer addiction. 1. Psychologist 2. Close people 3. Awareness of the beauty of real life

20 "Game" Internet friend or foe?

22 Thank you for your attention!

Class hour on the topic: "Internet addiction". Guys, take a close look at this picture. Looking at her, what can you say?

Internet addiction. INTERNET features: You can download information (music, movies, books, information necessary for doing homework.

Welcome signs. What are we playing? The game is an activity for entertainment, recreation, and health promotion.

Cybermania This is a pathological addiction to video games and the computer.

A.G. Makalatiya Moscow State University Lomonosov Moscow. Types of internet addiction social networks Gambling Addiction Gambling addiction through.

Study of Internet addiction among schoolchildren of grades 10-11 XLI scientific and student conference "The first step into the future"

Presentation of 9th grade students of Zelenovskaya secondary school. Do not forget that the Internet is a wonderful means of communication, especially for the shy, the testing.

Internet influence on environment. Every time we look at the World Wide Web, we contribute to an increase in the amount of greenhouse gases on Earth.

2012 Internet addiction Non-chemical dependence on the use of the Internet An obsessive desire to access the Internet, being outside of it, and inability.

The computer and its impact on human health. The computer and its impact on human health.

Internet addiction test 1. Do you feel preoccupied with the Internet (i.e., do you think about previous online sessions.

Internet addiction. As part of the national project, thousands of schools are connected to the Internet. But it is well known that there is a lot of all sorts of information on the Internet, including.

Which friend is better: real or virtual? It is necessary to know the measure in friendship and enmity ... Cicero.


Internet addiction myth or reality?. Purpose of the work: The younger generation now worries about many issues. What makes people move away from the active image.

The impact of the computer on the health of the child. With the constant development of computer technology, the number of people actively using the computer in the workplace is growing.


Secondary school 1 “Say Yes to the computer?

The negative impact of the Internet on teenagers. Symptoms of psychological dependence on the Internet: Good health or euphoria at the computer; Impossibility.

More similar presentations in our archive: is the largest database of ready-made presentations with the ability to preview. Upload and download presentations for free!

PREVENTION OF DEPENDENCES 1. obsessive desire to connect to the Internet mental disorder, painful inability to disconnect from the Internet in time.

Class hour "Computer Internet addiction in teenagers"


Formation of a positive attitude towards the computer and the ability to use it for your own benefit, to properly organize your extracurricular activities.


1) Familiarize children with the harmful effects of computer games, convey the idea of ​​Internet addiction;

2) Feel for yourself what sensations full-fledged communication can bring

This scenario allows you to spend an interesting class hour as part of the prevention of physical diseases and Internet addiction, which are a consequence of computer gambling.


Pushkina N.A.., Internet addiction of children and adolescents and its prevention. FSBEI HPE "Shuya State Pedagogical University" Shuya, 2012.

Attachment 1

I encourage everyone to take the test.

"Do you have a computer addiction?"
1. Sitting at a computer or on the Internet, you lose track of time. Because of this, you often skip food and sleep.

Results processing
¨ For each “Yes” answer, give yourself 1 point.
¨ For the answer "No" - 0 points


Sitting at a computer or on the Internet, you lose track of time. Because of this, you often skip food and sleep.

You hide from friends and family how much time you spent at the computer

You constantly remember that it would be nice to sit at the computer when you have to leave it.

You are capable of sinking into depression if your computer crashes.

Your computer addiction interferes with your household chores

On the Internet, you deliberately choose a virtual image for yourself that contradicts your morals and values.

Do you like virtual entertainment more than real one?

Are you sure that the Internet is a “different” reality, and you are more comfortable there than in the real world


Gambling addiction is different:
¨ Inherent in more mature people due to greater financial solvency
¨ Have a material result of addiction (wasting or winning money)
¨ Cause psychophysiological dependence based on a sense of excitement, adrenaline production, desire to win
¨ The dependence is older, originating from the appearance of prototypes of casinos, bookmakers, other establishments and game conditions associated with monetary risk
¨ Higher objective danger for the Player (ruin, loss of livelihood and family support)

video games
¨ Inherent in younger people due to greater compensation of life aspirations
¨ Do not have a material result of addiction
¨ Cause psychological dependence based on feelings of dissatisfaction with real life, resentment, guilt
¨ Dependence is younger, dictated by the development of information and computer technologies, as well as IT technologies
¨ More dangerous subjective danger for the Gamer (internal devastation, loss of close social contacts)
Creating a legend about yourself

The disease of gambling pushes a person to create a legend about himself, and then the person becomes so accustomed to this legend that he himself begins to believe in what he invented. The result can even be a split personality.


Reminder about working on the Internet

    Set Internet Time Limit

    Force yourself not to work on the Internet for several days

    Block access to certain Internet resources

    Impose sanctions on yourself for violating the first three rules

    Force yourself to do something else instead of working on the Internet

    Learn to enjoy other pleasures in life

Municipal government educational institution

Zabrodenskaya secondary school

Kalacheevsky municipal district

Voronezh region.

Dolzhenko Mikhail Vladimirovich,

teacher of technology and geography VKK

Classroom hour

Prevention of Internet addiction among students.

Purpose: to promote the formation of students' knowledge about the negative impact of Internet addiction on a person, to teach to identify signs and ways to overcome Internet addiction.

Course progress.

There is a "risk group" among people who may be susceptible to Internet addiction. They are not sociable, do not have communication skills, but are smart.

Internet obsession fits within the classical definition of addiction. It suggests an escape from reality, pleasant feelings, and an alternate reality that masks depression or anxiety. Social contacts on the Internet are more dangerous than television, as they involve communication with other people whose inner world is hidden behind the screen.

The Internet captures a person entirely, leaving him neither time nor energy for other activities.

To identify your Internet addiction, answer the following questions (teating kimberly young on internet addiction):

    Do you often find yourself spending more time online than you intended?

    Do you often neglect household chores in order to spend more time online?

    Do you often prefer being online to intimate communication with a partner?

    How often do you make acquaintances with Internet users while you are "online"?

    Are people around you often interested in the amount of time you spend online?

    Do your academic or work performance often suffer because you spend too much time online?

    How often do you check your email before you do something else that is more necessary?

    How often does your work productivity suffer because of your Internet addiction?

    Are you often defensive and secretive when asked what you do online?

    Do you often block out disturbing thoughts about your real life with comforting thoughts about the Internet?

    Do you often find yourself looking forward to being online again?

    Do you often feel that life without the Internet is boring, empty and joyless?

    Do you often swear, yell, or otherwise express your annoyance when someone tries to distract you from being online?

    Do you often neglect sleep by staying up late on the Internet?

    Do you often anticipate what you'll do online while offline, or fantasize about being "online"?

    How often do you tell yourself "one more minute" when you are "online"?

    Do you often fail when trying to cut down on time spent online?

    Do you often try to hide the amount of time you spend online?

    Do you often choose to spend time on the Internet instead of going out with friends?

    Do you often feel depressed, overwhelmed or nervous when you are offline and find that this condition goes away as soon as you are "online"?

NEVER or VERY RARE - 1 point

SOMETIMES - 2 points

REGULAR - 3 points

FREQUENT - 4 points

ALWAYS - 5 points

Now calculate the result:

20-49 points - You are an educational user of the Internet. You can surf the network for as long as you like, because you know how to control yourself.

50-79 points - You have some problems associated with excessive interest in the Internet. If you do not pay attention to them now - in the future they can fill your whole life.

80-100 points - Internet use causes significant problems in your life. The help of a specialist psychotherapist is required.

Overcoming Internet addiction.

    Admit your addiction.

    Identify the problems underlying the addiction.

    Solve real problems.

    Control the work on the computer.

    Distinguish between interactive fantasy and useful use of the Internet.