Fighter Rafael characteristics. Multirole fighter Dassault Rafale (France). Footprint in the skies of military history and computer games

  • 13.03.2020

Viktor Belyaev

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The Rafal fighter is equipped with an avionics complex (total weight 720 kg), consisting of several various systems integrated with each other in order to provide the pilot with the maximum possible information about the tactical situation. This process involves the RBE2 airborne radar, the passive optoelectronic and thermal forward-looking system (OSF) and the Spektra electronic warfare system. All received data is analyzed in a single computer and displayed on the main tactical display on the dashboard. The passive OSF system, which is not subject to external influences, has an increased angular resolution than radar. On the other hand, radar provides more accurate ranging and can track more targets. The Spektra system, by analyzing the operation of the enemy radar, can accurately determine the coordinates of the target. Comparison of all the data received from various sensors allows you to more accurately identify the nature of the threat and its location. The avionics on the Rafale fighter takes on a significant part of the analytical work, relieving the pilot of the load and allowing him to pay more attention to the task at hand. A multi-channel weapon control system can simultaneously combat air and ground targets, for example, an airborne radar is involved in the detection and suppression of ground targets, and the FSO system searches for and tracks air targets.

The Rafal fighter was the first in Europe to receive the Tales RBE2 multi-mode airborne radar (Radar and Balayage Electronique 2) with a passive phased array antenna (PFAR) as part of the equipment. Firm "Tales" managed to get a relatively small radar, capable of detecting targets at a considerable distance. The small dimensions of the radar made it possible to place it under the nose fairing of the Rafal aircraft, which is small in size. The RBE2 radar and its electronics can withstand the high impact loads of aircraft landing on the deck of an aircraft carrier. Flight tests of the RBE2 station began in July 1992 at the Dassault Avia-Sion Mister 20 flying laboratory. At first, five aircraft took part in the flight testing of the radar station, which took place in Istra: three Mister 20 flying laboratories and two Mirage fighters 2000. Then they were joined by experienced fighters "Rafale" B01 and M02., And then serial aircraft "Rafale" Ml, B301 and B302. The first serial set of RBE2 radars was delivered in October 1997. On Rafale fighters that comply with the F1 standard, the stations provide only work on air targets. F2 fighters have a limited ability to use radar to detect stationary ground targets, and F3 standard aircraft will become fully multi-mode.

The terrain following system in 1999 allowed flying over land at an altitude of at least 150 m. By 2002, this altitude was reduced to 90 m. Over water, the aircraft can fly at an altitude of 30 m. In the future, the flight altitude over land will be reduced up to 30 m, and above water - up to 15 m.

The RBE2 radar can detect targets at a great distance and simultaneously track up to 40 air targets (flying at different heights, including those located against the background of the earth's surface) in any weather and in conditions of strong radio interference. After processing the information received, the station identifies eight priority targets against which air-to-air missiles are used, in particular MICA missiles with active radar system guidance. All eight missiles are launched at 2 s intervals. After that, the radar continues to track the remaining 32 targets, while simultaneously correcting the flight of missiles. Tests have shown that with the help of PFAR maneuvering air targets can be destroyed.

When performing a mission to destroy ground targets, the RBE2 radar provides accurate navigation in flight at low and high altitudes, search and tracking of stationary and mobile targets, determining the range to them, as well as flying with terrain avoidance. In the latter case, the station generates on the display a three-dimensional image of the terrain in front of the aircraft that must be overcome. Thus, the electronic scanning system plays a role in improving operational safety aircraft in flight at low altitude at high speed.

Radar Thales RBE2 with PFA

Ball-shaped fairing of sensors of the OSF system in front of the cockpit of the Rafale C fighter

Container with reconnaissance system RECO-NG

Thanks to its open architecture, the RBE2 station has significant potential for further development. For example, on Rafal aircraft of the F3 standard, it is planned to introduce an aperture synthesis mode, which will make it possible to obtain a high-resolution digital map of the terrain. On this map, regardless of the weather and time of day, it will be possible to see targets and determine their exact position.

Anti-ship operations are quite specific, so the RBE2 station will be improved to detect and track surface targets, taking into account heavy seas. At first, the search mode for surface targets will be used on F2 standard aircraft, and F3 standard aircraft will already be able to use anti-ship missiles.

The operation of the airborne radar is complemented by an optoelectronic and thermal imaging complex, consisting of three systems: the previously mentioned OSF system, a hanging container with a DAMOCLES laser designator and a hanging container with a new generation of reconnaissance equipment RECO-NG.

The OSF (Optronique Sector Frontale) system was developed by Tales and Sazh: the former is responsible for the optoelectronic part of the system, and the latter for thermal imaging. Sensors of the OSF system are installed on the nose fairing of the aircraft in front of the windshield of the cockpit canopy, with their help, a continuous view of the forward hemisphere is provided. The OSF system is passive, i.e. its work does not unmask the fighter, allowing you to discreetly detect and identify enemy aircraft, even without using the radar.

Operating in the range of various infrared wavelengths and having a wide viewing angle, the OSF system can search for air and ground targets at a fairly large distance. It consists of two modules (a thermal sensor and a camera capable of operating in low light conditions) associated with a laser rangefinder. The functions of detecting and tracking a large number of targets are taken over by a thermal sensor, and the identification of a target and determining the distance to it is performed by a television-laser module. The OSF system has been tested on the Mister 20 flying laboratory, on the experimental Rafale M02 and B01 fighters, and on the Rafale B301 and B302 production aircraft. It became standard only on F2 standard aircraft, but this system will start working in full in 2011-2012.

The DAMOCLES laser designator, developed by Thales, belongs to a new generation of such systems. It is capable of controlling existing and future aviation precision weapons, such as the laser-guided GBU-12 Paveway KAB and the KAB equipped with the AASM control kit. The target designator is located in a hanging container, its weight (together with the container) is 250 kg. It is a further development of the ATLIS laser designators (used until recently on Jaguar fighter-bombers and Super Etandar carrier-based aircraft) and PDL-CT and PDL-CTS (used on Mirage 2000D aircraft). The DAMOCLES system uses new sensors and laser technology to recognize targets at a greater distance. This, in turn, makes it possible to drop the CAB from much higher heights and at a distance that ensures safety from the effects of short-range and medium-range air defense systems. The target designator has two fields of view: wide 4°x3° and narrow 1°x0.5°. It includes a laser rangefinder (operating wavelength 1 micron), fully compliant with the NATO STANAG 3733 standard, and a laser spot tracking system (wavelength 1.06 microns). The target designator has a high resolution, so it can be used for reconnaissance purposes and to assess the consequences of a bombing strike.

The DAMOCLES target designator is easy to maintain and costs less than similar systems previously produced. Its design is capable of withstanding high shock loads when landing a fighter on the deck of an aircraft carrier.

It is assumed that in 2010 the Rafal fighters will be equipped with a hanging container with an improved JOANNA optoelectronic target designation system, created jointly by French and British firms. This system can also be used for navigation purposes. Its flight tests have been conducted since the end of 2005.

To conduct aerial reconnaissance on the Rafal fighter, the RECO-NG suspended container, designed by Thales, is used. The characteristics of the system are classified, but it is known that it allows you to get high-quality images of distant objects. In order to increase the efficiency, the sensors installed in the container operate in different wavelength ranges, and the received images are processed using digital processing. The RECO-NG container has a real-time data transmission system. The pilot reads the necessary information from the display on the helmet-mounted indicator sight. It is planned to purchase 23 RECO-NG containers (15 for the Air Force and eight for the Navy).

The "man-machine" interface used on the Rafal fighter makes it possible to significantly facilitate the work of the pilot. He is constantly improving. On F3 fighters, in order to more effectively provide the pilot with information about the air situation, together with a helmet-mounted indicator sight, the VTAS voice control system will be used. Its development began in the early 1990s. Flight tests of the VTAS system were first carried out on training aircraft Dassault-Breguet - Dornier Alpha Jet and Mirage III fighters, later it was tested on Rafale aircraft. When creating a system Special attention The focus was on speech recognition, since depending on the flight mode (speed, altitude, G), the noise background in the cockpit changes. Overload and stressful situations affect the voice of the pilot. The specialists of the firms "Dassault Aviasion" and "Tales" had to make a lot of efforts to solve many problems. Currently, at the request of the customer, the VTAS system can be supplied with a vocabulary from 90 to 300 words. The speech recognition rate has been brought up to 95%, and the reaction time of the control system - up to 200 ms. The VTAS system also serves as a pilot's assistant in emergency situations.

An important element of the avionics complex is a helmet-mounted indicator sight. First, for the Rafal fighter, the Sextant company developed the Topsight system, integrated with an oxygen mask. It was a rather complicated design, which, due to technical problems and incomplete funding, could not be brought to the required parameters. Therefore, the leadership of the French Air Force began to seriously look for alternatives. In the end, the struggle unfolded between the Israeli company Elbit Systems, which offered the JHMCS helmet-mounted system, and Thales (which included Sextant), which developed the Topsight-E system.

The developers were tasked with providing the output of flight and navigation information on the helmet-mounted display and aiming in a wide range of heading angles. With the help of a helmet-mounted indicator sight, the so-called “shooting over the shoulder” becomes a reality. The competition was won by a French company. Its Topsight-E system was first introduced on Mirage 2000-5F fighters, and since 2008 it began to appear on Rafale aircraft that meet the F3 standard. Topsight-E system can be integrated with various models flight helmets, including a lightweight helmet developed by CGF-Halle and recently ordered for Rafale fighter pilots.

Back in 2005, some experts considered it inappropriate to purchase a large number two-seater aircraft "Rafale" B and believed that the "man-machine" interface of the fighter was unfinished. However, the majority stated that the wide-angle HUD, multifunctional color displays with tactile control and other systems used on the aircraft made it possible to make a cockpit on the aircraft, which has no analogues. Two-seat fighters "Rafale" B will allow you to perform new tasks, which were previously out of the question. For example, they can be used as flying command posts when performing complex strike operations or control posts for combat unmanned aircraft (UBS) of the UCAV type. The joint use of manned and unmanned aircraft in the future will become obvious, especially in conditions when, in order to gain air supremacy, it is necessary to destroy the enemy air defense system.

The Rafal fighter jet is equipped with two Sazh Spark inertial navigation systems with ring laser gyroscopes and a GPS satellite system that provide fully autonomous navigation. Therefore, the flight does not require prompts from ground-based navigation aids, which can be easily disabled. Built on the principle of open architecture, the navigation complex receives information from various sources: through the GPS system, the air data measurement system and the Tales AHV-17 radar altimeter, which tracks the terrain.

The aircraft uses the highly efficient Spectra electronic warfare complex. During its development, all achievements in the field of creating air defense and electronic warfare systems were taken into account, and the possibility of installing on fighters more efficient systems shooting control. The development of the complex was carried out jointly by Thales and the MBDA concern. All of it electronic systems placed only inside the aircraft. The Spectra complex provides detection of electromagnetic radiation; warns of laser radiation and the approach of guided missiles using passive infrared detection means; carries out radio countermeasures and setting passive interference in the form of dipole reflectors and heat traps. The complex includes four modules, as well as sensors, which provide control over the surrounding airspace in 360° azimuth.

Recent advances in microelectronics have made it possible to create a very light and compact system that is significantly less energy intensive and does not require large power consumption for cooling. Thanks to modern digital technologies, the Spektra system can passively detect targets at a great distance, identify them and assess the degree of threat. The pilot, based on the information received, can instantly take protective actions: turn on the electronic warfare system, shoot chaff or heat traps, or energetically maneuver to get away from the threat. The technical data of the Spektra system are classified, however, it is known that it indicates the direction of a potential threat with high accuracy in conditions of powerful electromagnetic fields and identifies it very quickly.

The Spectra complex includes a high-performance processor, in whose memory data on various targets is accumulated. Thus, a large database is formed on board the Rafal fighter, using which the pilot does not have constant contact with external means of electronic and electronic intelligence. In the course of further improvement of the Spektra system, data exchange channels may appear, as a result of which two Rafale fighters can determine the coordinates of a potential threat by triangulation with an accuracy of up to a meter. It should also be noted that the Spektra system can be reprogrammed during the flight.

AT last years the threat from man-portable air defense systems (MANPADS), such as the Russian Strela and Igla-M systems and the American Stinger system, has sharply increased. Therefore, the fighter has a system of sensors that warn of laser irradiation from the shooters-operators of these complexes. Sensors are located on both sides of the nose cone and rear fuselage, providing all-round visibility. It is also mandatory to have sensors on the aircraft that warn of the approach of missiles with a thermal seeker. In self-defense, heat traps or optoelectronic decoys can be used. There are four built-in devices for shooting them on the plane.

Fairing system REP "Spectra" on the vertical tail of the aircraft "Rafale" M

The Spectra REP complex is not only a means of self-defense, it is closely connected with the RBE2 radar and the OSF system. Thus, the pilot's awareness of the tactical situation in the surrounding space is significantly improved: the signals from all sensors form a single picture that helps the pilot to correctly assess the situation. Based on the data received by the Spectra complex, a map of the area is displayed on the color tactical display in the cockpit, indicating the danger zones that the pilot must avoid.

Flight tests of the Spektra complex on the Rafal aircraft began in September 1996. An experimental M02 carrier-based fighter was converted for its installation. The complex was tested in various electronic warfare scenarios. For example, in April 2000, the Rafale M02 aircraft took part in the NATO exercise Mace X in southwestern France. These exercises involved various air defense systems, including anti-aircraft missile systems(SAM) "Krotal" NG and "Aspiks", advanced air defense system "Hawk Advanced" (in service with Denmark), the Danish army air defense system from low-flying aircraft DALLADS, the Norwegian advanced air defense system NASAMS, as well as the Soviet Osa air defense system that got to the West (SA-8) and "Tor-M1" (SA-15). The Rafal M02 aircraft completed all the assigned tasks without any problems.

Currently, the Spektra system is mass-produced and put into service. According to the developers, it has great potential in its development. It is planned to include a towed radar target and a laser system designed to destroy approaching missiles with a thermal seeker. The engineers of Dasso Aviasion and Thales are confident that the Spektra REP system is already capable of protecting the aircraft from all existing threats and from those that may appear in the next few years. Therefore, a deep modernization of this system will not be required soon.

In modern air combat, success is determined by the availability of the necessary information and knowledge of the tactical situation. In the future, the concept of "network-centric warfare" will become key, when all the means involved, up to each soldier, will be connected by a single information network with access to the central command post. With the help of promising technologies, a global military Information system(“infosphere”), which will allow you to keep combat operations under control and exchange tactical information as quickly as possible. As a result, all armed forces will operate in a single "combat information space".

From the very beginning of the development of the Rafal fighter, it was designed to exchange tactical information. To this end, it was equipped with the Link 16 system, which is used by the armed forces of France and some NATO countries. This system was created jointly by specialists from France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the United States. It turned out to be quite light (its block has a mass of 29 kg) and capable of transmitting and receiving information at a speed of 200 Kb / s. Using the Link 16 system, each Rafale fighter has access to data received by other aircraft (including AWACS) and ground surveillance equipment. This system radically changes the tactics of air warfare, as it allows the fighter, through the exchange of data on targets, to quietly approach the target and attack it.

When developing the Link 16 system, they widely used digital technologies. The Europeans, together with American partners, have created an efficient and reliable system, which includes the TACAN tactical navigation system. The Link 16 system has two antennas that provide all-round visibility. Tests of this system first took place on the Mister 20 flying laboratory and the Mirage 2000 fighter. Then it was installed on the Rafale aircraft, from which a successful exchange of information with a ground simulator was carried out. During exercises in the summer of 2001, two Rafale fighters equipped with the Link 16 system successfully interacted with the Northrop Grumman E-2C Hawkeye carrier-based AWACS aircraft, which was equipped with a similar American JTIDS system.

The first serial Link 16 complex was installed on the Rafal fighter in 2003. It was fully commissioned on aircraft that meet the F2 standard. In the future, this complex is planned to be connected to the GPS satellite system, which will significantly improve the quality of the information exchange process. For non-NATO countries, Dasso Aviasion and Thales have developed the LX-UHF data transmission system, comparable in many respects to the Link 16 system.

All radio equipment of the fighter is combined with the Have Quick protection system, and the identification tools and the failure information distribution system (MIDS-LVT) were designed with the participation of NATO specialists.

In 1999, Thales announced that in order to expand the export potential of the Rafal fighter, it would be offered on the foreign market with the RBE2 radar with AFAR. Despite the fact that the RBE2 station already outperforms older mechanically scanned radars, its full potential has not yet been unlocked. Thales began work on the radar with AFAR in the 1990s and has made great progress in this area. She is working on several programs that create AFARs for land, sea and air carriers. These studies are being conducted in parallel with the European program to create a multi-mode solid-state AFAR AMSAR, which in the future can be installed on the Rafal and Typhoon fighters during maintenance work.

The prototype AFAR passed flight tests in 2003, first on the Mister 20 aircraft, and then on one of the experimental Rafal fighters. In its design, American transceiver modules (PPM) were used. The serial AFAR should have PPM manufactured by European companies.

In July 2004, a contract worth 90 million euros was signed for the development of AFAR and its integration into the design of the RBE2 station. A fully equipped radar, designated RBE2-AA, should be ready by 2012. The new AFAR consists of 1,000 solid-state transceiver modules (STMs) using gallium arsenide. With their help, the radiation power and the detection range of targets are increased, and the reliability of the antenna is increased. If the receiving or transmitting device fails, most conventional radars become useless. The failure of several APMs in the AFAR has practically no effect on its mode of operation. Reception and primary processing of reflected signals is carried out in each module, which makes it possible to scan space in a wide area at a very high speed. The new antenna will increase the angular opening of the RBE2-AA station to ± 70 ° (for a radar with PFAR, the opening is ± 60 °), and the range will increase by at least 50%.

Gun G/AT30M 791

Fighter "Rafal" M with two VP "Mazhik" 2 on the wingtips

The open architecture of the modern RBE2 station ensures its further development. Thales believes that PFAR and AFAR will be completely interchangeable, no changes in processors will be required, minor changes in software and some improvements in the electrical system will become necessary. It was assumed that the RBE2-AA radar will appear in operation in 2006, first on the export versions of the Rafal fighters. In the future, this station will be installed on aircraft in service with the French Air Force and Navy.


Rafale S/V fighters have 14 external hardpoints: two are located one behind the other under the central part of the fuselage, two are located on the engine air intake channels, two are on the sides of the rear fuselage, six are under the wing and two are on the wingtips. On the carrier-based aircraft "Rafale" M there are 13 nodes, since there is no front ventral node. It has already been noted above that five external nodes are specially designed to accommodate the PTB. The normal combat load is 6000 kg. According to the company "Dassault Aviasion", a load of up to 9500 kg can be placed on all nodes, due to the strength of the airframe structure. In order for the aircraft to be able to carry aviation weapons used in NATO countries, all of its 14 external hardpoints meet the relevant standards.

The aircraft have a built-in GIAT 30 M 791 cannon, which the developers consider to be the only single-barreled 30 mm cannon in the world with a rate of fire of 2,500 rounds per minute. For the cannon, shells were specially designed with high penetrating power and incendiary properties. The speed of the projectile when exiting the barrel is 1,025 m/s. The compartment with a gun having a mass of 120 kg is integrated into the design of the right air intake. Cannon ammunition 125 shells; when firing, 21 rounds are fired every half second. The effective range of firing at an air target is 2500 m. When a projectile is jammed, a special pyrotechnic device ejects it. There is no gun on the double version of the carrier-based fighter.

A prototype gun 30 M 791 was made in 1991. The tests of the gun were carried out in Istra on the Mirage III fighter, on which it was placed in a special hanging container. The first firing from the cannon on the Rafal C01 fighter took place in 1993. It was tested under various conditions: during combat turns with an overload of about 9, in conditions of high humidity, in a wide temperature range, etc. It was confirmed that the design of the fighter withstands the loads and vibrations that occur when firing at a maximum rate of 2500 rounds per minute. The final tests of the gun on the production two-seat Rafal B301 aircraft were carried out in 2000 -

2001 at the test site at Casot in southwestern France. After their completion, the 30 M 791 gun was certified and put into mass production. AT

In 2002, it entered service with the Rafale M carrier-based fighters, and in 2004 it became part of the Rafal S / V fighter armament.

Matra-BAE Dynamics UR R550 "Mazhik" 2 with a passive thermal seeker was used as an air-to-air guided missile weapon on Rafale F1 fighters. The aircraft could carry two missiles placed on the wingtips. UR "Mazhik" 2 appeared in service with the French Air Force in 1985 and became the main weapon of the Mirage 2000 V / S fighters. It is capable of hitting targets at a distance of up to 20 km (minimum firing range 300 m) and performing maneuvers with an overload of 8. The 2.75 m long missile has a cylindrical body with a diameter of 157 mm and a cruciform wing with a span of 660 mm. The launch weight of the rocket is 89 kg. It is equipped with a solid propellant engine (RDTT), providing a flight speed corresponding to the M > 2 number.

On Rafale fighters of the F2 standard, the main air-to-air weapon is the medium-range missile defense system MICA (Missile cTlnterception, de Combat et cTAutodefence), designed to intercept air targets, conduct maneuverable air combat at short ranges and self-defense. The aircraft can carry up to eight MICA missiles.

Rocket research began by Matra in the late 1970s, and full-scale development began in 1982. The MICA missile launcher has a launch weight of 112 kg, and a warhead weight of 12 kg. Its length is 3.1 m, body diameter - 165 mm, wingspan - 560 mm. With the help of a solid propellant rocket engine, it can reach a speed corresponding to the number M = 2.6. The MICA missile is characterized by extremely high maneuverability: with the help of a thrust vectoring engine, advanced empennage and highly efficient control surfaces, it is capable of performing maneuvers with an overload of 50. The flight range is 60 km.

UR MICA IR with thermal GSP

UR MBDA "Meteor"

CAB equipped with A ASM guidance kit

The armament of the Rafal fighter includes two versions of the missile: MICA EM with an active radar guidance system and MICA IR with a thermal imaging seeker. The first tests of the MICA EM missile began in 1991, and the MICA IR missiles in 1995. After launch, the MICA EM missile independently flies to the target, while the fighter quickly leaves the zone, thereby avoiding an enemy attack. With the help of such missiles, the pilot can simultaneously hit several air targets. The MICA IR missile is designed to replace the R550 Mazhik 2 missile. The new-generation thermal imaging seeker installed on it has a high resolution. Using the Topsight-E helmet-mounted sight, the missile can be directed at a target flying in a parallel course.

The appearance in other countries of more advanced air-to-air missiles with an increased flight range (AMRAAM, R-33, R-77, RVV-AE) forced the French Ministry of Defense to consider the possibility of installing such missiles on the Rafale fighter. In June 1999, during the Paris Aerospace Exhibition, for the first time, information appeared about France's readiness to join the development of the European Meteor SD. France officially became a participant in the development in 2001. The Meteor missile was developed by the European rocket consortium MBDA as part of the BVRAAM program, which provides for the creation of an air-to-air missile capable of hitting targets beyond visual range. Firms from Germany, Spain, Italy and Sweden also take part in its design. The Meteor missile was first intended for the Eurofighter EF2000 Typhoon and SAAB JAS 39 Gripen fighters.

UR "Meteor" is equipped with a ramjet, thanks to which it is able to reach speeds corresponding to the number M > 4. The length of the rocket is 3.65 m, the launch weight is 185 kg. UR is capable of hitting air targets at ranges from 20 to 100 km. It has an inertial guidance system, and in the final phase of the flight it is controlled using an active radar seeker. UR "Meteor" should be part of the armament of the "Rafal" fighters, corresponding to the F4 standard, from 2012. It is currently undergoing flight tests.

For attacks on ground targets, bombs (conventional and guided) and tactical missiles are used. The fighter can carry up to 22 conventional 227 kg bombs or six KAB GBU-12 Paveway II of a similar caliber. In the late 1990s, France began developing a low-cost modular AASM kit designed to be installed on conventional air-to-surface weapons in order to improve hit accuracy. The AASM kit provides all-weather use of weapons, it includes an inertial satellite navigation system INS / GPS and a thermal imaging guidance system in the final flight segment. More than 30 firms took part in the competition announced by the French Ministry of Defense, of which in 2000 they chose the firm "Sagem" (currently part of the industrial group "Safran"). The Sazhem company received a contract to supply 3000 AASM kits to the French Air Force and Navy, the first of which was transferred in 2005. The Rafale aircraft can carry six CABs with an AASM kit, placed three each on two underwing pylons. Testing of the AASM system began at the end of July 2006 at the Kazo test site.

The first AASM kit was designed to equip 227 kg bombs (similar to the American Mk.82 bombs). Later, a modification of the KAB was developed, equipped with a set of drop-down wing and solid propellant rocket motors. As a result, a CAB dropped from a height of 13,700 m can perform a controlled flight over a distance of 50 km, and when dropped from a low altitude, over a distance of 15 km. The use of the INS / GPS system provides an accuracy of 9 - 14 m, and the use of a thermal imaging system - 1 - 3 m. Having six CABs on board, the Rafal aircraft can simultaneously strike at six different targets.

Tactical KR SCALP EG

Anti-ship missiles AM-39 "Exoset" on the fighter "Rafale"

ASMP-A medium-range air-to-surface missile

For the French Air Force and Navy, 3000 AASM kits (2250 and 750 kits, respectively) have been ordered to be placed on 227 kg caliber bombs. In the future, kits for bombs with a caliber of 454 and 910 kg will be supplied.

More advanced air-to-surface weapons are the tactical KR MBDA "Apash" and "Storm LLtafloy" / SCALP EG. The Apache missile, equipped with a cluster warhead, is designed to destroy runways. KR "Apash" has low thermal and radar visibility, which allows it to easily hide in the folds of the terrain. Its warhead consists of 10 Krise submunitions, which can be fired sideways and vertically down. The range of the missile is 140 km.

KR "Storm Shadow" / SCALP EG has a range of up to 500 km, is equipped with one penetrating warhead capable of hitting underground structures. The power plant consists of one small TRD Microturbo TRI60-30 with a thrust of 540 kgf. After being launched from an aircraft, the KR independently flies to the target using the GPS satellite navigation system and the terrain tracking system. In the final section of the trajectory, a passive thermal imaging guidance system begins to operate. Prior to launch, digital images of a given target and its surrounding area are stored in the on-board computer of the rocket. In flight, virtual images are compared with real ones, which achieves high hit accuracy. The French Ministry of Defense plans to purchase 500 Storm Shadow/SCALP EG missiles (450 for the Air Force and 50 for the Navy).

To combat surface ships, the Rafale M carrier-based fighter can carry the AM-39 Exocet anti-ship missiles. The development of the first modification of the MM-38 missile, designed to be placed on ships, began in the late 1960s by Aerospasial. In the early 1970s, a modification of the AM-38 was created, which was first placed on Super Frelon helicopters. The improved anti-ship missile AM-39 entered service in 1979. Later on, it was modernized several times.

The AM-39 Exocet missile has a launch weight of 670 kg and a warhead mass of 165 kg. Rocket length 4.7 m, body diameter 350 mm, wingspan 1.1 m. The rocket uses solid propellant rocket motors. Combined control system - inertial and radar. The flight range of the Exoset anti-ship missiles is 50 -72 km. The rocket can fly at a height of 9 - 15 m above the water. RCC is in service with Rafale M fighters of F3 standard.

The Rafal fighter, which meets the F3 standard, will carry a wider range of air-to-surface weapons, such as the promising ANF anti-ship missiles, designed to replace the AM-39 Exocet missiles. This rocket, equipped with a ramjet, is capable of flying at supersonic speed (M number = 2.5) to a distance of 150 - 200 km. The missile control system uses the "fire and forget" principle. Its powerful warhead is capable of penetrating the hull of any ship, and high speed will allow to overcome the ship's air defense system. The ANF missile is the first member of a family of new multipurpose supersonic missiles based on the results of the VESTA research program, during which the aerodynamics and propulsion of future missiles were tested. The VESTA program began in 1996; in 2002, the first test launches of experimental missiles from a ground-based installation were performed. This program should also help to reduce the technical risk in the development of the ANF rocket and help in obtaining technologies that can reduce financial costs. In 2008 - 2010 it is planned to start rocket launches from an aircraft.

The future ASMP-A medium-range air-to-surface missile capable of carrying a nuclear warhead also uses the results of the VESTA program. The new missile will replace the earlier ASMP missile carried by Mirage 2000N fighters. By design, the ASMP-A rocket is practically no different from its predecessor, but is equipped with a more powerful new-generation liquid-propellant ramjet. Due to the increased engine operation time, it was possible to significantly increase the flight range (up to 500 km), while choosing the most optimal trajectories. Research on the ASMP-A rocket began in 1996, and in 2000 its direct design began. Today, the rocket was supposed to reach initial operational readiness.

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Dassault "Rafale" is a fourth-generation French multirole fighter. Designed for all-weather attacks on ground targets with overcoming enemy air defenses at low altitude, performing air defense tasks and gaining air superiority. It is capable of operating both at short and long distances from the departure airfield. The aircraft "Rafale" was conceived as an experimental advanced combat aircraft of the fifth generation (ACX - Advanced Combat Experimental) for testing the latest technologies, which could be used later to create an apparatus designed to replace the French Air Force Jaguar and the French Navy Crusader and Super Etandar. The first prototype, equipped with two General Electric turbofan engines.

July 4, 1986 in the first flight exceeded the speed of sound. After 2 years, the prototype demonstrated a series of landings on the Clemenceau aircraft carrier. In April 1989, the aircraft was temporarily repaired for installation in the left nacelle of the forced turbofan engine SNECMA М88-2. In this version, it took off on February 27, 1990. Subsequently, the M88 engine was chosen for installation on Rafale production aircraft.

Dassault Rafale. Multirole fighter. (France)

The aircraft "Rafale" is made according to the "duck" scheme, with a delta wing and engine air intakes located under the fuselage bulges. The flight control system is fly-by-wire. There is a system for reducing loads when exposed to gusts of wind and when driving on a runway with an uneven surface. The wing is equipped with automatically deflectable three-section slats and three-section elevons throughout the span with simultaneous and differential deflection. New materials are widely used in the design (their mass is 35% of the total mass of the aircraft airframe). Thus, the nose and tail parts of the fuselage, front control surfaces, keel, rudder, elevons and most of the wing parts are made of composite materials.

The middle part of the fuselage and the air intake panels are made of aluminum-lithium alloy, the slats are made of titanium. Experts say that the landing gear of the aircraft is designed for landing with a vertical speed of 4 m/s. The power plant consists of two American-made F404 turbofan engines with a thrust of 7800 kgf each. It is reported that on production vehicles these engines will be replaced by more powerful M88 turbofan engines of our own production.

The aircraft is designed for maneuvering during air combat. To reduce the overload of the pilot, the inclination of the back of the pilot's seat is increased to 30-40°. The aircraft has a reduced static stability margin and is equipped with a fourfold redundant fly-by-wire flight control system on all channels. It works in conjunction with the control system power plant and is connected to the weapon control system.

Installed 2 engines of modular design with afterburner thrust of 7440 kgf. Starting from 2005, it is planned to install a more powerful version of the engine with forced thrust of 8870 kgf.

Dassault Rafale. Multirole fighter. (France)

The aircraft has a reduced margin of static stability. The electronic remote control system provides good controllability at high angles of attack with automatic protection against reaching critical conditions, reducing the impact of turbulence in high-speed flight at low altitude, as well as automatic control of engine thrust during landing approach.

The target equipment of the aircraft includes the RBE2 radar, IR sensors for launches by the enemy of the UR, the SAGEM Ulis 52X INS with laser gyroscopes, as well as equipment for noise-immune covert communication and air-to-air and air-to-ground channels and an accessory identification system. Additionally, an automatic system for following the terrain is used, defensive electronic system SPECTRA, forward vision optoelectronic system. OSF helmet-mounted indicator, speech control system.


  • "Rafale" A - prototype of the "Rafale" aircraft. It was somewhat larger and heavier than the "Rafale" C/M aircraft and was powered by two F404-GE-400 engines with a thrust of 6800 kg, on the basis of which the M88 engine was developed.
  • "Rafale" B - a prototype, ordered as a two-seat training version of the "Rafale" C aircraft, but retained all functionality.
  • "Rafale" C - two prototypes ordered as single-seat multi-role combat aircraft. The first aircraft, ordered in April 1988, flew in February 1991. Initially designated "Rafale" D, the French term for stealth aircraft, it was redesignated "Rafale" C in 1990. Air Force France requested 250 aircraft in single and double versions.
  • "Rafale" M - two prototypes ordered for the French Navy as a carrier-based single-seat multipurpose aircraft with the designation "Rafale" M. Similar to the "Rafale" C aircraft, but equipped with a landing hook and a modified variable length nose strut. The Navy requested 86 vehicles.

The Kruse EVA II speech control system with a continuous speech decoder was tested on the Rafale A aircraft. The system dictionary is about 100 words, which are commands for changing the format of displaying information on the indicators, switching radio communication bands and operating modes of the systems. The voice alarm system was also tested.

Armament includes a GIAT М791В 30 mm cannon on the side of the left air intake; 14 external attachment points that can carry Mika, APACHE air-to-air missiles, Exocet or AS.30L air-to-surface missiles, unguided or laser-guided bombs; hanging containers with reconnaissance equipment, ELINT electronic intelligence or jammers.

Dassault Rafale. Multirole fighter. (France)


  • Crew: 1-2 people;
  • Length: 15.30 m;
  • Wingspan: 10.90 m;
  • Height: 5.30 m;
  • Wing area: 45.7 m²;
  • Empty weight: 10,000 kg;
  • Normal takeoff weight: 14,710 kg;
  • Maximum takeoff weight: 24,500 kg;
  • Payload weight: 9500 kg;
  • Mass of fuel in internal tanks: 4700 kg;
  • Weight of fuel in PTB: 6700 kg;
  • Engine: 2 × SNECMA M88-2-E4 bypass turbojet with afterburner (engine dry weight: 897 kg);
  • Maximum thrust: 2×5100 kgf;
  • Afterburner thrust: 2 × 7500 kgf;
  • Maximum speed at high altitude: ~ 1900 km/h (M=1.8);
  • Combat radius: 1800 km;
  • Combat radius: 1093 km in the version of the fighter-interceptor;
  • Practical ceiling: 15,240 m;
  • Rate of climb: >305 m/s (18,300 m/min);
  • Thrust-to-weight ratio: 1.03;
  • Maximum operational overload: -3.2 / +9.0 g;
  • Cannon armament: 1 × 30 mm Nexter DEFA 791B (rate of fire 2500 rounds / min), ammunition - 125 rounds of OPIT type (armor-piercing incendiary tracer) with a bottom fuse.
  • Missiles: "air-to-air" - MICA, AIM-9, AIM-120, AIM-132, MBDA Meteor, Mazhik II; air-to-surface - ASMP with a nuclear warhead, Apache, AM.39, Storm Shadow, AASM.

DassaultRafale(Dassault Rafale - Flurry) is a French multi-role fighter aircraft developed by Dassault Aviation in the 1990s.


The history of the creation of the Rafale dates back to the mid-1970s, when the French Air Force and Navy began evaluating a promising aircraft to replace an aging fleet.

Mandatory were the requirements for round-the-clock operation of the aircraft in any weather and the ability to perform a wide range of tasks to combat air, ground and surface targets. The new aircraft was supposed to be universal and replace the many different aircraft that were in service at that time. To save money, France initially joined the group to create a single European fighter (future), however, soon left it due to disagreements over the concept - the French needed an aircraft capable of operating from an aircraft carrier, the rest needed a heavier machine.

As a result, Dassaut initiated its own fourth-generation ACX fighter program. In 1985, the first Rafale A demonstrator was created. The Snecma M88 engines were still not ready, so the GE F404 engines from the fighter were installed on the first aircraft. By 1990, the prototype still received "native" engines.

In 1990, after the collapse of the Department of Internal Affairs and the USSR, the program was called into question - it became unclear with whom to fight. The Air Force, to save money, cut the budget for the project and sent money to modernize the Mirage fighters.

However, the design of the new fighter continued. In May 1991, flight tests of an experimental Rafal C01 fighter, painted completely black, began at the LIC in Istra. Over the next years, prototypes of two-seater and deck versions of the aircraft were created.

In the end, on May 18, 2001, the first production Rafale began to enter service with the French Air Force and Navy.

Video Rafale: Video of the demonstration flight of the fighter at the air show

Rafale construction

Made according to the tailless aerodynamic configuration, traditional for Dassault Aviation fighters, with an additional high-lying front horizontal tail unit and two engines in the rear fuselage.

The air intakes are S-shaped and shield the compressor blades, which reduces the EPR of the aircraft.

The designers managed to create a relatively simple fighter with non-adjustable air intakes and no air brake flaps, thus simplifying maintenance.


The Dassault Rafale, along with the Saab, are probably the last combat aircraft built in Europe by one country. It is obvious that the fifth generation fighter alone will not be mastered by any EU country. Rafale is also the youngest aircraft of the fourth generation and, thanks to this, it is one of the most advanced.

In 2014, more than 121 fighters were produced. They have already participated in NATO operations in Afghanistan, Libya and Iraq.

Scheme of the Dassault Rafale fighter

The Dassault Rafale is a 4th generation French multirole fighter aircraft developed by Dassault Aviation. This machine is a completely French project - engines, weapons, avionics, as well as own production and on this moment is the last aircraft built without US or other foreign assistance. The development of the Rafale aircraft began in 1983, 2 years before France officially withdrew from the program to create a promising European FEFA fighter, which was later called the Eurofighter 2000. The Rafale, like the Eurofighter, is intended for use as a strike fighter-bomber and interceptor capable of performing air superiority missions and air defense, as well as bombing ground targets.

In 1983, the Avion de Combat Experimentale (ACX) experimental combat aircraft was developed by Dassault as part of a national program. France left the EFA project due to the fact that its armed forces, and especially the navy, wanted to get a compact and lightweight car, the mass of which was about 8 thousand kg. The ACX demonstration prototype weighing 9.5 thousand kg was being brought up at that time. It flew for the first time on July 4, 1986, and helped test the aerodynamic design, performance, configuration, remote control system, and the extensive use of composite materials for the Avion de Combat Tactique project.

Later, the ACX was renamed the Rafale A. Initially, it was equipped with two General Electric F404-GE-400 bypass turbojet engines. After 460 test flights, which included landing on the deck of the Clemenceau aircraft carrier (touchdown and go-around), one engine (left) was replaced with a SNECMA M88-2, which was developed specifically for the Rafale.

The Rafale fighter was made according to the “duck” scheme, has a mid-range delta wing, with a high-lying front horizontal tail. The wing is equipped with two-section slats and single-section elevons.

The main material for the wing is carbon fiber. The tips of the consoles and the fairing at the junction of the wing and fuselage are made of Kevlar - the slats are made of titanium alloys. 50% of the fuselage is made of carbon fiber; aluminum-lithium alloys are used for the side panels of the skin. In total, in the design of the Rafale airframe, composites account for 20% by area and 25% by weight. As a result, the weight of the airframe has decreased by 300 kilograms.

For the naval forces of France, a carrier-based version of the fighter was developed, designated Rafale M. It is distinguished by a reinforced chassis and airframe structure, the presence of a brake hook under the tail section of the fuselage, an integrated retractable ladder, and so on. At the end of the keel, the Telemir system is installed, which provides data exchange between the aircraft carrier's navigation equipment and the aircraft's navigation system. As a result of all the improvements, the Rafale M fighter became 500 kg heavier than the Rafale C.

Rafale aircraft are equipped with landing gear manufactured by Messier-Dowty. On Rafale aircraft of modifications C and B, the main supports have one pneumatic each, and the front one has two pneumatics. On the deck Rafale M, the front support is self-orienting. When towing, it turns almost 360 degrees.

On Rafale fighters, all supports retract forward. All wheels are equipped with Messier-Bugatti carbon brakes.

On single-seat Rafale C and M, the cabin is equipped with a Martin-Baker Mk.16 ejection seat, which ensures the safe exit of the aircraft on the ground when parked. The lantern opens to the right side on hinges to the side. In the control cabin on the dashboard there are three digital liquid crystal multifunction displays. In the center is a tactical display that serves to display flight and navigation information and information received from various sensors. On the sides are displays displaying information about the operation of engines, hydraulic, fuel, oxygen and electrical systems, as well as other equipment.

The Rafale power plant is two Snecma M88-2E4 bypass turbojet engines. The thrust of each is 4970 kgf (in afterburner mode - 7445 kgf). For Snecma, the development of the M88 engine was enough challenging task. The customer needed an engine capable of reliably operating in maneuverable air combat and in high-speed breakthrough of the air defense system at low altitude. Those. requirements provided for a long resource, low fuel consumption in various flight modes and high attitude thrust and mass. Snecma opted for a twin-shaft engine, which was later to become the ancestor of third-generation French-made engines.

Officially, the M88 engine development program began in 1986. In February 1989, the first bench test of the engine took place, and in February 1990, flight tests began on a demonstration Rafale A. Final certification occurred in 1996.

To obtain an engine with high performance, the developers used various advanced technologies in the design of the engine. For example, compressor disks were made in one piece with blades, single-crystal blades were used in the design of a high-pressure turbine, and powder technology was used to manufacture turbine disks. The engine design uses ceramic coatings, a low-emission combustion chamber and composite materials. The creators of the turbofan engine were given the task of ensuring the lowest possible thermal visibility of the fighter and reducing smoke in order to reduce visual visibility.

When creating the engine, a multi-stage approach was used.

On single-seat Rafale C and M fighters, 5900 liters of fuel are placed in the internal tanks, and on the two-seat Rafale B - 5300 liters. Outboard fuel tanks of various capacities can be placed on 5 out of 14 external suspension units. Fuel tanks with a capacity of 1250 liters are suspended on 4 underwing nodes, and on the central one - with a capacity of 2000 liters.

The cannon armament of the Rafale aircraft is from the 30-mm Nexter DEFA 791B cannon, the rate of which is 2500 rounds per minute. Ammunition - 125 armor-piercing incendiary OPIT tracer cartridges with a bottom fuse.

Rocket armament consists of:
- air-to-air missiles: AIM-9, AIM-132, AIM-120, MICA, Mazhik II, MBDA Meteor;
- air-to-surface missiles: Apache, Storm Shadow, AM.39, AASM, ASMP with a nuclear warhead.

Tests and combat use

The Rafale A experimental fighter made its first flight in July 1986. The first aircraft in the Rafale C variant (single-seat fighter-interceptor) took off in May 1991, and the first Rafale M carrier-based aircraft, intended to arm French aircraft carriers, took off in December of the same year. According to the serial production plan for the French Navy and Air Force, 86 and 235 aircraft will be delivered, respectively.

The first combat use of Rafale took place in March 2007 during the NATO operation in Afghanistan. In addition, since March 2011, these aircraft have been used in the NATO operation in Libya against Gaddafi's troops.

The operation of the Rafale was not without incident.
On December 6, 2007, a Rafale B modification fighter flying from the Saint-Dizier air force base, performing a training flight, crashed at 18:30 near locality Nevik (central part of France). The cause of the crash was a failure in the fly-by-wire flight control system. Captain Emmanuel Moruse - the pilot of the aircraft was killed.

On September 24, 2009, two Rafale M fighters 30 kilometers from the city of Perpignan crashed into the Mediterranean Sea as a result of a collision. The accident occurred at 18:10, during the return of cars to the aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle. The cause of the disaster, according to the Bureau of Accident Investigation under the Ministry of Defense, was human factor. The pilot of one fighter, captain of the second rank Francois Duflo, died. The pilot of the second, the captain of the third rank, Jean Beaufil ejected.

On November 28, 2010, the Rafale M fighter, returning to the Charles de Gaulle, crashed into the Arabian Sea after completing a combat mission to support coalition forces in Afghanistan. The accident happened 100 kilometers from the coast of Pakistan. The reason was a technical malfunction. The ejected pilot was picked up by a rescue helicopter.

On July 2, 2012, a French Rafale carrier-based fighter crashed during an exercise. The incident occurred in the Mediterranean Sea with a machine based on the Charles de Gaulle. The pilot ejected and was picked up by an American helicopter. In the Mediterranean, joint exercises of French and American aircraft carriers were carried out.

The Rafale is in service with the French Air Force and Navy.
The Air Force took the aircraft into service in 2006. As of 2012, 38 Rafale B modifications and 37 Rafale C vehicles have been accepted.

The Navy adopted the Rafale M in 2004. As of 2012, there were 36 aircraft.

In addition, Rafale won the Indian tender, took part in tenders for the supply of fighter jets to Brazil and the United Arab Emirates. January 31, 2012 Rafale won the MMRCA international tender

Rafale A - experimental and demonstration Rafale. It was somewhat larger and heavier than the Rafale C/M aircraft. Equipped with a pair of F404-GE-400 engines with a thrust of 6800 kg (16 thousand pounds), they developed the M88 engine on their basis.
Rafale B - double, ground-based. It was ordered as a training version of the Rafale C, with the preservation of all functionality.
Rafale C is a ground-based multipurpose combat aircraft. Original designation Rafale D, renamed in 1990. The French Air Force requested 250 vehicles in single and double versions.
Rafale M is a single-seat carrier-based multipurpose aircraft. Similar to the Rafale C, but equipped with a landing hook and a modified nose strut with variable length. The Navy requested 86 vehicles.

Flight performance Rafale:
Crew - 1-2 people;
Aircraft length - 15.3 m;
Height - 5.3 m;
Wingspan - 10.9 m;
Wing area - 45.7 m²;
Empty aircraft weight - 10,000 kg;
Normal takeoff weight - 14710 kg;
Maximum takeoff weight - 24500 kg;
Payload weight - 9500 kg;
Fuel mass - 4700 kg;
Weight of fuel in outboard fuel engines - 6700 kg;
Engine - 2 double-circuit turbojet SNECMA M88-2 with an afterburner;
Dry weight of the engine - 897 kg;
Maximum thrust - 5100 kgf of each engine;
Afterburner thrust - 7500 kgf of each engine;
Gas temperature in front of the turbine - 1577 ° C;
Maximum speed - Mach 1.8 (1900 km / h);
Combat radius (in the version of the fighter-interceptor) - 1093 km;
Combat radius - 1800 km
Practical ceiling - 15240 m;
Rate of climb - 305 m / s.

Dassault Rafale (Russian "Dassault Rafale") is a fourth-generation French multirole fighter developed by the French company Dassault Aviation. He made his first flight on July 4, 1986. Adopted by the French Navy and Air Force in 2004 and 2006, respectively.

In 2009, the French Ministry of Defense ordered an additional 60 fighter jets. Participates in tenders for the supply of fighter aircraft to the UAE and Brazil.

The Dassault Rafale aircraft is one of the priorities for the development of the French aerospace industry. This is a completely French project - weapons, engines, avionics and own production. The Rafale is the last aircraft to date built by a European country without US or any other foreign assistance.

History of creation and application

The development of the aircraft was started by Dasso-Breguet in 1983, two years before the official withdrawal of France from the program to create a promising European FEFA fighter, later called the Eurofighter 2000. Like the Eurofighter, the Rafale aircraft is designed to be used as an interceptor and strike a fighter-bomber capable of performing air defense and air superiority missions, as well as attacking ground targets.

The first flight of the Rafale A experimental fighter took place in July 1986. The first experimental aircraft in the version of a single-seat fighter-interceptor Rafale C took off in May 1991, and the first experimental carrier-based aircraft designed to arm French aircraft carriers, the Rafale M, took off in December 1991. Serial production plans provide for the delivery of 235 and 86 aircraft to the French Air Force and Navy, respectively.

The first combat use took place in March 2007 during the NATO operation in Afghanistan. Also, these aircraft were used in the operation of the NATO military bloc against Gaddafi's troops in Libya, starting in March 2011.

On December 7, 2011, French Defense Minister Gerard Longuet announced that Rafale production would be phased out (after the company completes a paid order for the French Air Force for 180 aircraft) if foreign orders for a fighter do not appear. However, in January 2012, the victory in the MRCA tender for the supply of 126 multi-role fighters for the Indian Air Force secured a large export order and saved the aircraft from being discontinued.


Rafale A: Rafale prototype. It was slightly larger and heavier than the Rafale C/M and was powered by two 6,800 kg (16,000 lb) F404-GE-400 engines from which the M88 engine was developed.
Rafale B: prototype, ordered as a two-seat trainer version of the Rafale C, but retaining all functionality.
Rafale C: two prototypes ordered as single-seat multi-role combat aircraft. The first aircraft, ordered in April 1988, flew in February 1991. Originally designated Rafale D, the French term for stealth aircraft, it was renamed Rafale C in 1990. The French Air Force requested 250 aircraft in single and double versions.
Rafale M: two prototypes ordered for the French Navy as a carrier-based single-seat multipurpose aircraft with the designation Rafale M. Similar to the Rafale C, but equipped with a landing hook and a modified variable length nose strut. The Navy requested 86 vehicles.


1x30 mm Nexter DEFA 791B (rate of fire 2500 rounds / min), ammunition - 125 rounds of OPIT type (armor-piercing incendiary tracer) with a bottom fuse.

"air-to-air": MICA , AIM-9 , AIM-120 , AIM-132 , MBDA Meteor, "Mazhik" II.
air-to-surface: nuclear warhead ASMP, Apache, AM.39, Storm Shadow, AASM.

Modification Rafale M
Wingspan, m 10.8 0
Aircraft length, m 15.27
Aircraft height, m 5.34
Wing area, m2 45 .7 0
Weight, kg
empty curb 10460
normal takeoff 18500
maximum takeoff 22500
Fuel, kg
internal 4500
PTB 7500 (1 x 3000 + 2 x 2000 l and/or 2 2 x 1300 l)
Engine 2 turbofans SNECMA M88-2
Maximum thrust, kN
nominal 2 x 73.23
afterburner 2 x 92.90
Maximum speed, km/h:
near the ground 1350
on high 1900
Practical range without PTB, km 2000
Combat radius, km
as a strike aircraft 1055
as an interceptor 1760
Max. rate of climb, m/min 19800
Practical ceiling, m 16765
Max. operating overload 9
Crew, people 1-2
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