Bastion p. Coastal missile system "Bastion. Purpose, composition and main characteristics

  • 14.11.2019

With a unified supersonic homing anti-ship cruise missile (ASC) "Yakhont" ("Onyx") is designed to destroy surface ships of various classes and types from the landing formations, convoys, ship and aircraft carrier strike groups, as well as single ships and ground radio-contrast targets in conditions intense fire and electronic countermeasures.

Work on the creation of the complex began in the late 1970s - early 1980s at NPO Mashinostroeniya. The complex was adopted by the Russian Armed Forces in 2010. Serial production of missiles "Onyx" (for the Russian Armed Forces) and "Yakhont" (for export supplies) is carried out by NPO "Strela" (Orenburg).

The Bastion complex is offered in two versions - the mobile Bastion-P and the stationary Bastion-S.

The mobile coastal missile system (PBRK) "Bastion" provides protection of the coast with a length of more than 600 km from enemy landing operations, the far frontier of the political and administrative region as part of a single system of its coastal defense.

The time from the moment the order is received on the march to full deployment to combat positions is five minutes, after which the complex is completely ready for firing. The position of the complex can be 200 kilometers away from the coastline. After its deployment, the PBRK can remain in full combat readiness for 3-5 days, depending on the available fuel reserves.

PBRK "Bastion" includes:

- anti-ship missiles "Yakhont" in the transport and launch glass (TPS);

- K-340P self-propelled launchers on the MZKT-7930 chassis (crew - three people);

- combat control vehicle (crew - five people);

- equipment for information and technical interface of combat means of the complex with the main command post;

automated system combat control of the complex;

- a set of funds Maintenance.

A fully fueled and equipped rocket is stored in a sealed TPS with compactly folded wings and empennage. The necessary routine checks are carried out without removing the rocket from the TPS.

In addition to the anti-ship complex "Bastion" can be supplied:

- transport-loading vehicles K-342R;

- combat duty support vehicles;

– educational and training facilities;

- Helicopter targeting system.

The mobile coastal missile system "Bastion" with anti-ship missiles "Yakhont" has the following advantages: full autonomy of the combat use of anti-ship missiles, a set of adaptive flight paths and high supersonic speed throughout the entire trajectory. Also, the complex is distinguished by high combat effectiveness in electronic and fire countermeasures, high mobility and stealth. At the same time, it is compact and requires a minimum amount of maintenance and a minimum combat crew.

Main performance characteristics PKK:

Flight range: along a combined trajectory - up to 300 km, along a mixed trajectory - up to 120 km.

RCC flight altitude: on the march section - up to 14,000 meters, on the final section of the trajectory - 10-15 meters.

Maximum flight speed of anti-ship missiles: 750 m / s.

One of the most important components of the strategy of military operations at sea is the protection of one's own coast. Coastal anti-ship systems capable of effectively "working" against enemy landing ships, its aircraft carrier groups, convoys and single ships are a reliable means for ensuring it. The Russian army is currently armed with the K-300 Bastion anti-ship missile system, equipped with the Onyx missile (in the export version - Yakhont). Bastion belongs to the latest fourth generation SCRC.

History of creation

The history of the Bastion anti-ship missile system (SCRM) began at the turn of the 80s of the last century. It was then that it was decided to create a new SCRC to replace the Rubezh and Redut complexes, created back in the late 60s of the last century and no longer satisfying the military.

The creation of a new operational-tactical SCRC began at NPO Mashinostroeniya under the leadership of General Designer Efremov. Initially, this complex was thought to be as versatile as possible, that is, to provide for the possibility of its placement on surface ships, submarines and ground launchers. Thus, the missile system was supposed to surpass even the American Harpoon missile in versatility - a kind of standard in this class.

Rocket testing at the test site began in 1985, several launches were carried out. In 1987, the first launch from a surface ship took place. The first test launch of a missile from a submarine took place in 1992. Tests of this RCC were successfully completed in 2002. It should be noted that such a long commissioning of the Onyx anti-ship missiles is not the fault of the developers, but is primarily associated with the difficult situation that took place in the country after 1991.

The coastal anti-ship missile system was adopted by the Russian army in 2010; missiles for the complex are produced by the Orenburg NPO Strela. Several complexes have already been handed over to the Russian military, and the next deliveries are expected in 2019.

"Onyx": description of the rocket

The development of the Bastion coastal anti-ship missile system is inextricably linked with work on the Onyx anti-ship missile (ASM) with which it is equipped. This missile is designed to deal with single and group surface targets in the face of strong electronic and fire resistance. The range of the missile is 300 kilometers. The rocket was created according to the classical scheme, with an X-shaped arrangement of aerodynamic surfaces. The homing head and the main equipment of the control system, as well as the warhead are located directly in the central body of the air intake.

The length of the Onyx anti-ship missile is 8.2 meters, and the mass is 3 tons. Oniks is equipped with an air-jet ramjet engine with a solid-fuel initial booster, which allows speeds up to 750 m/s. The fuel for the engine is kerosene.

Immediately after the anti-ship missile leaves the launch shaft, the accelerator starts working, it gives the rocket a speed of 2M, after it burns out, the main engine turns on, accelerating the Onyx to a speed of 2,5M. The missile is brought to the target area by an inertial navigation system, then the homing head is turned on, and the missile first captures the target. Following this, it descends to an extremely low altitude (10-15 meters), therefore, at the final stage of the flight, it is below the air defense coverage area. At the final stage of the flight, the radar is turned on again, which accompanies the chosen target.

Firing with Onyx missiles is possible both with one anti-ship missile and with a volley against several enemy ships. In this case, the missiles fly in a “flock” and interact with each other to complete the task more efficiently. Missiles determine the level of importance of each target, choose the tactics of attacking actions and develop an attack plan. In addition, the computer complex of each rocket contains the ability to counteract electronic interference and air defense system.

The distinctive advantages of the missile are a large (over-the-horizon) firing range, the intelligence of this weapon (the principle of "fire and forget"), very high speed flight in all its segments (which makes intercepting a missile very problematic), a large set of possible flight trajectories and their combination. And also the possibility of installing the Onyx anti-ship missiles on a wide variety of bases (surface ships, submarines, coastal complexes). The missile can fly both along a low trajectory (several tens of meters), while the speed and range of its flight will be less. Or, immediately after leaving the container, gain a high altitude, and then sharply reduce it just before entering the target area.

"Onyx" leaves the factory walls in a special transport and launch container, in full readiness for launch. You can control the state of the rocket directly in the container. Rocket launch is possible both from an inclined launch shaft and from a vertical one.

Technical characteristics of the rocket "Onyx"

Anti-ship missile system "Bastion"

The Bastion complex is armed with Onyx missiles, which have no analogues in the world. It consists of:

  • Self-propelled launchers based on MZKT-7930 "Astrolog";
  • Anti-ship missiles "Onyx" in special transport and launch containers;
  • Combat control vehicle K-380R based on KamAZ-43101 (crew - 4 people);
  • Combat control system of the complex;
  • Equipment for information and technical interface of combat means of the complex with the main command post;
  • Complex of maintenance facilities.

The Bastion can also come with a loading vehicle, a helicopter for target designation and support vehicles. The launcher was created on the basis of the four-wheeled MZKT-7930, equipped with two launch containers with Onyx missiles and weighs 41 tons. The unit can reach speeds of 70 km/h on paved roads. Its power reserve is 1000 kilometers. The Bastion is deployed almost instantly: the time to prepare the SCRC for firing is only three minutes. The interval between two missile launches, in the case of volley fire, is 2.5 seconds. The calculation consists of three people. The loading vehicle was created on the basis of the same chassis as the launcher, its crew is two people. It carries two missile containers, equipped with a crane with a lifting capacity of 5900 kilograms.

The combat control vehicle is made on the basis of a three-axle KAMAZ. All control equipment of the complex is installed in an ordinary cargo container, which is extremely convenient and perfectly masks the car.

The deployment point of the complex can be located at a distance of two hundred kilometers from the coastline. The composition of one battery of the Bastion coastal complex consists of four launchers, a control vehicle (possibly two), four loading vehicles and a support vehicle. One battery can protect a 600-kilometer coastline from a possible enemy landing.

Currently, there are two modifications of the Bastion SCRC: the mobile Bastion-P and the stationary model (Bastion-S). The second version of the complex is located in launch silos.

Characteristics of the complex

At the moment, the coastal anti-ship missile system is in service with three countries: Russia, Vietnam and Syria. In Russia, three complexes are located in the Anapa region, two more have been acquired by Syria and Vietnam. In 2019, Russia deployed several Bastion batteries in Crimea.

This complex is a regular participant in arms exhibitions and is invariably of great interest to specialists.

Video about the missile system

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In military conflicts of past centuries has always been important. Suffice it to recall the decisive actions of the young ensign Shchegolev, who managed to repel the attack of the Anglo-French squadron on Odessa in 1854, during that time a very small battery, with its well-aimed fire, completed a task beyond the strength of other numerous garrisons.

Today the technique is different, but the threats are the same. The descendants of the valiant defenders of Sevastopol and Odessa are armed with modern batteries.

Coastal missile systems - relatively the new kind weapons. The countries - potential adversaries - have powerful fleets, which include ships of various classes (aircraft carriers, missile cruisers, artillery battleships capable of striking from distances of tens of kilometers), forcing the Russian defense complex to develop not only sea-based, but also ground-based countermeasure systems.

Fortified position, reliably covering the lines of defense. In other words, a bastion. The missile system bearing this name fully corresponds to this definition, having new capabilities. In addition, he can move, and does it quickly.

In the stowed state, the coastal defense system kit looks like a convoy of vehicles. The command vehicle, on which the launcher is installed, is a heavy four-axle vehicle, in its cabin, in addition to the head of the calculation, there is a driver and three crew members. On the platform there are transport-launching glasses (there are two of them), which in the combat position rise vertically, leaning into the ground with special rods. The running characteristics of the "Astrologer" MZKT-7930 allow you to move at a speed of 80 km / h, overcome impassability and move away from the starting point by 1000 km.

The launcher is the main element of the Bastion system. The missile system must be controlled and provided with stable communication with the central command post. The container, mounted on the KamAZ-43101 chassis, contains a set of radio equipment and computer equipment, which together represent a combat control system. Calculation - four people.

There is one more vehicle that is part of the column that makes up the Bastion coastal mobile battery. The missile system can be reloaded after shooting the ammunition in the transport and launch cups. To perform this operation, additional rockets are also needed. All this is in the third car of the caravan, transport-loading.

In the event of a hypothetical threat from the sea, after the appropriate order, the Bastion begins to operate. The missile system is advanced to the firing position, then combat deployment is carried out, for which no more than five minutes are allotted. Shooting can be carried out with an interval of 2.5 seconds between launches, after which the entire system is again transferred to the transport state and, in order to avoid being hit by return fire, leaves the area in which it “lit up”. The ammunition load is 36 Yakhont or Onyx cruise missiles.

The over-the-horizon nature of the action involves the use of helicopters as additional means of target designation. The range of destruction reaches 300 km.

To control technical condition projectile allows a convenient connector panel on the outer surface of the shipping container.

Unpretentiousness of technology, ease of maintenance, high reliability were noted by experts who visited international exhibitions, which was presented "Bastion". The coastal missile system was of interest to the delegations of countries interested in a high level of security, especially from the sea.

After the demonstration of the television documentary film “Crimea. The Way to the Motherland” many even skeptical Russian viewers began to speak with greater pride about our weapons. And the reason was the phrase of Vladimir Putin about a certain weapon that frightened NATO warships. According to the president, it was the Bastion coastal missile system. Putin explained that “so far no one has such weapons” and “this is perhaps the most effective coastal complex in the world today.” After the complex was transferred from the mainland and deployed in the Crimea, open to US space intelligence, the group of NATO warships in the Black Sea abruptly moved away from the Russian coast.

According to media reports, the movement of the launcher of the Bastion complex was recorded on the night of March 8-9 in Sevastopol. One of the reasons for this was the ultimatum statement by US Secretary of State John Kerry, made the day before to Russia. It allowed for the possibility of building up NATO military forces and non-diplomatic actions of the American side. The appearance of "Bastion" in the Crimea became a "cold shower" and noticeably moderated the militant fervor of Washington.

The American side was well aware of the Bastion coastal missile system deployed on the Russian Black Sea coast long before the events in Crimea. Therefore, only a suicide could order NATO ships to pass the Black Sea straits, approach the coast of Crimea and start an operation to “force” Moscow to do something. The Bastion cruise missile is capable of hitting a target at a distance of 500 km. In other words, starting from the Sevastopol area, fly over the Black Sea, "get" the target near the coast of Turkey and make a hole the size of a tram car in its side. For comparison: the distance between Sevastopol and Istanbul in a straight line is just over 552 km.

What is this “wonder weapon” that has become a reliable missile “shield” for Crimea?

History of creation

The operational-tactical anti-ship missile system "Bastion" with the missile "Onyx" ("Yakhont" - export version) was developed on the basis of a government decree (dated 27.08. replacement of the Redut and Rubezh complexes. The complex is universal in terms of carrier and can be placed on submarines, surface ships and boats, aircraft and ground launchers.

The ground version (from the Central Design Bureau "Titan") of the self-propelled launcher (SPU) assumed the placement of three unified anti-ship missiles (ASM) in transport and launch containers (TPK) on the MAZ-543 chassis. Since 2008, the SPU K-340P variant (Tekhnosoyuzproekt LLC, Belarus) on the MZKT-7930 Astrolog chassis with two TPKs, which relied on the ground during firing, has become the main one. The general concept of the application of the complex remained unchanged.

The 3M55 Onyx (Yakhont) supersonic unified anti-ship missile has an over-the-horizon firing range and a variable flight profile, operates on a fire-and-forget principle, is unified in terms of carriers and is hardly noticeable to modern reconnaissance radars.

After successful state tests in the area of ​​Cape Zhelezny Rog (Taman) in 2010, the complex entered service with the Russian army. Onyx (Yakhont) missiles are commercially produced by NPO Strela (Orenburg).

Supersonic cruise missile "Yakhont-M". Photo: Anatoly Sokolov

Purpose, composition and main characteristics

"Bastion" (3K55, according to NATO classification - SSC-5 Stooge, Russian "puppet") - coastal missile system (BRK) with anti-ship missiles "Yakhont" / "Onyx". It is designed to destroy surface ships of various classes and types, operating independently and as part of groups (formations, convoys), including aircraft carriers, as well as ground-based radio-contrast targets in conditions of intense enemy fire and electronic countermeasures. Created in mobile ("Bastion-P", K-300P) and stationary ("Bastion-S", K-300S, silo) versions.

The standard composition of the Bastion-P DBK battery with K-310 Onyx / Yakhont anti-ship missiles: 4 K-340P SPUs (2 TPKs with anti-ship missiles, crew of 3 people), 1-2 combat control vehicles (crew of 5 people), combat duty support vehicle and 4 transport-loading vehicles (TZM) K-342P. The Bastion complex can be equipped with a self-propelled radar station over-the-horizon detection of air and surface targets of the "Monolith-B" type. The complex also includes maintenance and training facilities.

The main element of the Bastion missile defense system is the Onyx P-800 universal high-precision cruise anti-ship missile (3M55, according to the US, NATO classification - SS-N-26, Strobile, Russian “pine cone”) of medium range. Provides destruction of surface and ground targets in the conditions of active fire and electronic countermeasures of the enemy. It has a normal aerodynamic scheme with the placement of the starting engine in the combustion chamber of the propulsion engine. With a launch weight of 3000–3100 kg and a length of 8 m, the rocket speed when flying at altitude and near the surface reaches M=2.6 (750 m/s) and M=2, respectively. The maximum target engagement range is 450-500, up to 300 and 120 km with high-altitude (up to 14 km), combined and low-altitude flight paths, respectively. On the final section (about 40 km), the flight altitude is 10–15 m. Readiness for launch is 2 minutes after the power is turned on. The missile is put into operation in a sealed TPK with a designated shelf life of 10 years until combat use and an inter-regulation maintenance period of 3 years.

A noise-resistant active-passive radar homing head weighing 85 kg detects a target at a distance of up to 75 km and directs a missile at it with a wave of up to 7 points. The mass of the warhead anti-ship missiles "Onyx" / "Yakhont" - 300/200 kg. The missile is made using stealth technology, is unified for various carriers, has an over-the-horizon fire-and-forget firing range and operates in a wide range of altitudes at supersonic flight speeds. The anti-ship missile control system ensures evasion of enemy fire weapons, independent distribution and classification of targets, as well as the choice of tactics for attacking the intended target.

The coastal missile system "Bastion-P" provides protection for the coast with a length of more than 600 km. Ammunition is determined by the number of SPU. The launch interval of missiles from one SPU is 2.5 seconds. The transfer time of the DBK from the traveling position and back is no more than 5 minutes. The time of autonomous combat duty is 24 hours, with additional means - up to 30 days. Guaranteed service life - 10 years.

In October 2013, the Bastion missile defense system with the Oniks anti-ship missile, after a march (100 km) to the area of ​​​​firing positions, hit a surface target - a metal container with a volume of about 0.25 cubic meters. m at a distance of several tens of kilometers from the coast. In September 2014, during exercises in the Crimea, the complex destroyed a free-drifting small-sized target.

Around the Bastion

According to experts, the warhead of the Onyx missile is designed to hit a surface target like the American Tikondenrog cruiser with a displacement of 10,000 tons. And US experts rightly consider the Bastion DBK a serious threat not only to their cruisers, but also to aircraft carriers.

Currently, the Bastion DBK is owned by the Russian Federation, Vietnam and Syria. In the Russian army, three complexes are in service with the 11th separate coastal missile and artillery brigade of the Black Sea Fleet. These complexes are quite enough to cover not only the Crimean, but the entire Russian Black Sea coast. Earlier, Admiral Viktor Chirkov said that in the period up to 2020, the coastal forces of our fleet should receive about 20 new coastal missile systems of the Bastion and Bal types. According to some reports, the deployment of "Bastion" was planned on the Kuril Islands. It is very likely that a certain amount of DBK "Bastion" will be located on the long Russian coast in the Arctic, due to the growing role and importance of this region for the Russian Federation.

The first foreign buyer of the Russian DBK "Bastion-P" was Vietnam, which today has two complexes. The proceeds from this contract made it possible to complete necessary work at the final stage of the creation of the complex.

Syria became the second foreign owner of this formidable defensive weapon. The Syrians received the first and second battery packs of Bastion-P in August 2010 and June 2011, respectively. And already in July 2012, at the joint exercises of the Navy and coastal defense forces, the Syrian "Bastion" was first tested in action. These complexes have become one of the reasons for the cautious actions of Western warships in this area of ​​the Mediterranean Sea, which do not risk coming close to the Syrian coast.

According to media reports, in 2013 Israel launched an air strike on the Syrian port of Latakia. The reason for this was the desire to destroy the arsenal of Yakhont anti-ship missiles. Subsequently, this was indirectly confirmed by Benjamin Netanyahu. He stated that "he will not allow radical groups to receive modern weapons from the arsenals of the Syrian army." According to, The Wall Street Journal and other American media, after this attack, part of the Yakhont anti-ship missiles was dismantled and delivered to Lebanese territory in order to protect this country from Israeli air strikes.

It is known that negotiations are currently underway on the sale of the Bastion-P coastal missile system with the Yakhont anti-ship missile system to Venezuela. It is possible that in the near future this complex will become the subject of negotiations with some other countries of Southeast Asia. This is due to the active build-up of the forces of the navies in the region and the associated increased attention to the defense of the sea coast.

The world's first land-based anti-ship missiles (ASMs) were created in the USSR. At first they, like all anti-ship missiles, were called projectile aircraft. The term "cruise missile" was introduced by order of the USSR Ministry of Defense on October 30, 1959. In the early 50s of the XX century, the Kometa anti-ship projectile was created, then on its basis the Strela complexes - ship (KSS) and coastal underground. On their basis, the design of the Sopka mobile coastal complex began. The S-2 (4K-87) missiles of the Strela and Sopka complexes were almost the same, so in the 60s the Strela complex was often called the Sopka stationary complex.

DBK "Sopka"

The mobile coastal missile system (BRK) was equipped with S-2 (4K-87) projectiles. Target designation - external, from the coastal battery, station S-1M. Control system (CS) - inertial (INS). The homing head (GOS) is semi-active. Warhead (warhead) - high-explosive, weight explosive- 860 kg. Launcher (PU) - mobile, B-163.

The minimum launch range is 15 km, the maximum is 95 km. Marching speed - 300 km / h. The speed of movement of the PU is 35 km / h. Ready to start - 30 minutes. The weapon control system (SMS) included the Mys detection radar with a range of 185 km, a central post combined with the S-1M guidance radar and the Burun tracking radar.

The beginning of the design of the Sopka complex - December 1, 1955. First launch - November 27, 1957. The complex was put into service on December 19, 1958. Combat duty - 1962-1971. With 211 launches, 107 hits were provided (SF - 44/16, Black Sea Fleet - 93/39, BF ​​- 34/23, Pacific Fleet - 40/29).

It is curious that the Kamchatka "Sopka" of the 21st Separate Coastal Missile Regiment (OBRP) of the Pacific Fleet had a chance to become an anti-submarine weapon. In the fall of 1959, the American Balao-class Tanni diesel-electric submarine, armed with two Regulus-1 cruise missiles, patrolled off the coast of the peninsula. The Yankees boasted that they needed 10 minutes on the surface to launch their missiles. In fact, this time reached 30 minutes. So our complex had every chance to hit the American diesel-electric submarine. However, immediately after the first launch of the Sopka, the Americans quickly moved away from the coast for a hundred-kilometer line.

In 1968, the calculations of the Sopka complexes from the Baltic and Black Sea fleets were sent to Egypt. On October 9, 1973, the first combat use. Five S-2 missiles were fired at four Israeli boats approaching the port of Alexandria. According to Egyptian data, one boat was sunk, the other was damaged. Israel announced that all the missiles had missed.

DBK "Redut"

The coastal missile system (BRK) was equipped with P-35B and 3M44 Progress missiles. Target designation - external to the radio monitoring station (RTSN). Guidance scheme: climb - by INS, target detection - by airborne radar system(BRLS), transmission of a radar image (RLI) to the RTSN operator, after selecting the target operator - by GOS. SU - INS + BRLS. GOS - radar (RL GOS). Warhead - cumulative high-explosive or special (20 kT), the weight of the first is 460 kg. PU - mobile, SPU-35 (SPU-35B), chassis - ZIL-135K / BAZ-135MB.

The maximum launch range is 300 km. The operating firing range depended on the selected flight altitude mode: 55 km at an altitude of 400 meters (B1 mode), 200 km at an altitude of 4000 meters (B2), 300 km at an altitude of 7000 meters (B3). Range in reconnaissance mode - 450 km. Marching speed - 500 km / h. The speed of movement of the PU is 40 km / h (on the highway), the maximum is 65 km / h. Power reserve - 500 km. The transition time from marching to combat position is 1.5 hours. The rocket was launched at an angle of 20 degrees. SLA - "Rock" (4Р43).

Start of design - August 16, 1960, Progress missiles - 1974. The beginning of state tests - November 6, 1961. The complex was put into service on August 11, 1966. Combat duty - from 1963 to the present.

From the end of 1983, the American battleship New Jersey began to regularly shell the territory of Lebanon, where Civil War. On the day he fired up to three hundred 406-mm shells. The battleship itself was out of the field artillery fire zone. The Syrian troops stationed in the Bekaa Valley also got it. The general was killed. In the Cossack Bay of Sevastopol, the cargo ship Morflot loaded the materiel of the Redutov regiment and personnel assembled from the missile units of the Black Sea Fleet.

After arriving at the Lebanese port, the sailors were ordered to march to the position area in three days and strike at the New Jersey. However, it is believed that due to the vigilance of American intelligence, the order could not be carried out. Less than 24 hours after the Redutov regiment was unloaded, the battleship went west at full speed and was not announced in the Eastern Mediterranean from now on.

From July 16 to August 2, 1985, the 21st unit of the Pacific Fleet was on combat duty to curb violations of the state border by the nuclear-powered cruiser "Texas" of the US Navy. Evaluation for combat duty - excellent. From May 17 to June 11, 1987, the regiment similarly worked on the Arkansas nuclear cruiser. Evaluation for combat duty - excellent.

DBK "Rubezh"

It is equipped with P-15M Termit missiles with a new radio altimeter: the P-21 variant has an active pulsed radar (AIRL) seeker, the P-22 variant has a passive thermal (IR) seeker. Target designation - autonomous, radar TsU "Harpoon" on a self-propelled launcher (SPU), target detection range - 120 km. PU - self-propelled 3S-51, chassis - MAZ-543V (543M). The average speed of movement is 50 km / h.

Start of design - 1970th. During the tests in 1974-1978, more than 20 launches were performed. The complex was put into service on October 22, 1978. Combat duty - from 1978 to the present.

In 1980, two SPU 3S-51s from the 1267th division were sent from the Crimea to the GDR to participate in the Brotherhood in Arms-80 exercises. Since by this time there were no combat-ready "Frontiers" in the Baltic, the Black Sea had to play the role of the Baltics. Therefore, the SPU was not taken directly to the GDR, but by railway to Baltiysk, and from there on landing ships of project 775 by sea to Swinemünde.

At the Zapad-81 exercises, the SPU of the 1267th division fired already at the landing range of the Baltic Fleet Khmelevka.

During the exercises "West-83", held at Cape Taran, 12 km from Svetlogorsk, the Baltic four SPU "Redut" of the 27th brigade of the Baltic Fleet took part, and from the Black Sea Fleet - two SPU "Frontier" of the 1267th division. On a tip from the external target designation system MRSTs-1, two P-35B missiles were fired from a Ka-25S helicopter, and after 30 seconds, two P-21 missiles from the DBK. The results of the shooting were considered successful.

In 1988, during the “Autumn-88” exercises, the SPU of the 1267th division marched from the place of deployment at Cape Tarkhankut to Cape Egorlytsky Kut in the Kherson region. The division made a 320-kilometer march at an average speed of 50 km / h. As you can see, SPU 3S-51 lived up to the nickname of the complex adopted among specialists - a wheeled missile boat (all the equipment was taken from a boat of project 205U). Radar "Harpoon" found a target at a distance of 120 km. The division hit her with two missiles.

In January 1986, a detachment was formed in the Northern Fleet with the Rubezh DBK, stationed on the Rybachy Peninsula in the village of Skarbeevka. The first two launches of Termit missiles in 1988 were unsuccessful, and only on November 14, 1989 a normal launch was made.

DBK "Bastion"

Missiles of the stationary complex "Bastion-S" are placed in mine launchers (silos). "Bastion-P" - mobile. The DBK is equipped with Onyx missiles (Yakhont, P-800, 3M-55). PU "Bastion-P" - self-propelled, chassis - MAZ-543 (installed three containers with missiles) and MZKT-7930.

On July 5, 1981, a resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR was issued on the start of work on the Onyx supersonic anti-ship missile. On March 10, 1982, OKB-52 passed the defense draft design. RCC is made according to the normal aerodynamic configuration with a trapezoidal folding wing and plumage. The aerodynamics of the airframe, combined with high thrust-to-weight ratio, provides the Onyx with high maneuverability (maximum angle of attack - up to 15 degrees), which allows the missile to perform effective maneuvers to evade enemy air defenses.

The Onyx power plant consists of a main ramjet engine (ramjet) running on liquid fuel (T-6 kerosene) and a solid fuel booster installed according to the “matryoshka” principle in the combustion chamber of the main engine. A few seconds of his work accelerate the rocket to a speed of M=2. Then the starter turns off, it is thrown out of the main engine by the oncoming air flow and the Onyx continues flying at a speed of M = 2.5 provided by the ramjet.

The flight task is formed according to data from an autonomous target designation source. The radar of the homing head can capture a cruiser-type surface target at a distance of up to 75 km. After the initial target acquisition, the missile turns off the radar and descends to extremely low altitudes (of the order of 5-10 meters).

The Bastion-P complex includes up to eight SPUs, a combat control vehicle on the MZKT-65273 chassis, a helicopter target designation system, and equipment for the main command post. The launch range of 3M55 Onyx missiles along a combined trajectory is 300 km (with a final section of up to 40 km), and along a low-altitude trajectory - up to 120 km. SU - INS + radio altimeter + radar seeker. Warhead weight - 200 kg.

In order to find funds for fine-tuning the complex, both options - mobile and stationary - were offered for export. One division of the mobile DBK was purchased by Vietnam (delivery in 2010) and two by Syria (delivery in 2011).

In late 2009 - early 2010, two complexes entered service with the 25th detachment of the 11th detachment (the village of Utash, Krasnodar Territory, near Anapa). The last, third complex (SPU and other machines) was received in mid-January 2011, allocated to a separate battery.

DBK "Bal"

Equipped with Kh-35 Uran subsonic missiles (Kh-35E, P-35E). The mobile version of the BRK "Bal-E" was put into service in 2008. PU - self-propelled, 3S60 (four SPUs in the complex), chassis - MZKT-7930. The DBK also includes two self-propelled command posts control and communications, four transport-handling machines, ground equipment.

Since the end of 1977, the Zvezda Design Bureau has been developing the Kh-35 Uran subsonic anti-ship system. Full-scale work was carried out on the basis of resolutions of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 635-188 of July 5, 1981 and No. 222-90 of March 16, 1983.

Tests of the ship complex "Uranus" began in 1983 at the Black Sea Fleet training ground Peschanaya Balka. Due to a number of delays due to technical, financial and political factors, it was put into service only in 2003. On the basis of the ship complex, the Bal-E DBK (3K-60, 3M-60) was created.

The SPU is made in the form of a welded frame installed on standard reference points of the automobile chassis. A block of eight transport and launch containers with missiles is placed on the frame. When moving from traveling to combat position, the hydraulic system raises the unit to a starting angle of +35 degrees. The deployment time of the complex from marching to combat position is no more than 10 minutes, the firing range is up to 120 km.

In 2004, state tests were completed prototype SPU 3S60, after which the installation and the rest of the equipment, albeit without ammunition, were handed over to the 11th detachment of the Black Sea Fleet, stationed in Anapa. At the end of 2011, two SPU 3S60s entered service with the Caspian Flotilla. On April 26, 2012, at the Adanok training ground in Dagestan, the first shooting was carried out from the Ball missile defense system. Two P-35E missiles were launched at targets anchored 56 km from the coast. According to the command, both missiles hit the targets.

It should be noted that "Ball" and "Bastion" do not duplicate at all, but complement each other. The Onyx missile is three to four times more expensive than the Kh-35. In some ways, this pair is similar to the pair "Redoubt" - "Frontier". Of course, both "Ball" and "Bastion" require fine-tuning. Experts believe that, first of all, the data of the DBK are required for the defense of the Kuril Islands, Sakhalin and Kamchatka. Naturally, there is an urgent need for them both on the Caucasian coast and in the Baltic.