Active jammer. Fundamentals of Electronic Warfare

  • 30.03.2020

This reference manual presents materials on industrial designs of special equipment of domestic and foreign production, designed to protect information.

In an accessible form, information is given on the methods of curling and controlling information using technical means.

More than 100 circuit diagrams devices for protecting information and objects, the logic and principles of operation of these devices are described, recommendations for installation and configuration are given. The methods and means of protecting information of personal computer users from unauthorized access are considered. Are given short descriptions and recommendations for use software products and restricted access systems.

The book is intended for a wide range of readers, trained radio amateurs who want to apply their knowledge in the field of protecting objects and information, specialists involved in ensuring the protection of information.

It is of interest to familiarize the heads of state and other organizations interested in the protection of commercial information.

Jammers of various types and ranges are effective devices for protecting conversations from eavesdropping, as well as for jamming radio microphones and noisy wire lines. On the Russian market, these devices are represented almost exclusively by radio and audio noise generators, as well as their combinations.

In the catalogs of the leading companies there are no jammers for the infrared and microwave ranges. This is also due to the fact that the transmitters and receivers of these ranges have a sharp radiation pattern, and in order to suppress the signal of the transmitters of these ranges, the jammer must accurately guess the location of the receiving device, otherwise the interference will be ineffective. From what has been said, it is obvious that the more directional antennas radio microphones and their receivers have, the more difficult it is to put interference against them. In addition, with the same signal level, such radio links have a greater range.

Radio interference signals are usually divided into barrage and aiming. Barrage interference is placed on the entire frequency range in which the radio transmitter is expected to operate, and aiming interference is placed exactly at the frequency of this radio transmitter.

The spectrum of the barrage signal is, as a rule, noise or pseudo-noise in nature. These can be generators based on a gas-discharge noise tube, on a noise diode, on a thermal noise source, etc. Recently, pulsed signals of a pseudo-random nature have been increasingly used.

Many experts are skeptical about the possibility of effective barrage jamming against commercial intelligence transmitters. This is primarily due to the fact that it is necessary to interfere in a very large frequency range, approximately from 20 MHz to 1 GHz, and this means that the jamming transmitter must have an unacceptably high power for the premises in which there are people. Nevertheless, such devices are present in the catalogs of leading companies. For example, the domestic portable noise generator of the G-1 radio band, which covers the band from 50 to 450 MHz and has a power of 1.5 W from batteries, and 3 W from the mains. Such a generator can operate from internal batteries for one hour.

Devices that put targeted interference seem to be more effective. A diagram of such a jammer is shown in Fig. 5.13.

Rice. 5.13 Structural diagram of the director of aimed interference

The jammer operates in automatic mode. The receiver-scanner scans the entire radio range, the frequency meter measures the frequencies of the detected radio transmitters, the microprocessor analyzes the incoming data, comparing them with those stored in the memory, and when signals not stored in the memory appear, it instructs the radio transmitter to set up targeted interference. The view of such a hardware-software complex is shown in fig. 5.14.

Rice. 5.14. Hardware-software complex for setting targeted interference

Naturally, the disadvantage of such a device is a much higher cost.

There are interference generators designed to protect against information leakage through the channels of spurious electromagnetic radiation from electronic computers. Since the spectrum of spurious emissions is generally known in advance, it is not difficult to calculate the spectrum of the jammer.

One example of such a device is the domestic stationary noise generator "Gnome-3".

The level of the output signal at the output connectors of the generator in the frequency ranges:

from 10 kHz to 150 kHz……………….not less than 70 dB;

from 150 kHz to 30 kHz………………at least 70 dB;

from 30 MHz to 400 kHz………………at least 75 dB;

from 400 MHz to 1 GHz………………..not less than 45 dB.

The most widely used jammers of the acoustic range. These relatively simple and inexpensive devices create spatial noise in the main audio frequency spectrum, which masks the conversation and reduces the effectiveness of eavesdropping devices. etc. For example, we will describe several such devices.

Acoustic noise generator ANG-2000

ANG-2000 suppresses eavesdropping devices such as:

Wired microphones built into the wall:

Contact (stethoscopes);

Directional microphones;

Radio transmitters;

Laser listening devices through window glass.

This is achieved by a specially designed device that generates noise and protects speech from listening. ANG-2000 is a device that complements other special protection equipment, and can also be used on its own to provide all-round protection of premises from listening.

The ANG-2000 generator kit includes a variety of acoustic transducers (adapters) for double walls, ceilings, windows, plumbing, ventilation ducts, etc.


Frequency range………broadband noise 250 Hz - 5 kHz

Output voltage….0 to 14 V

Weight………………………1.4 kg

Dimensions………………..43x152x254 mm

Power supply…………………from mains


Dimensions…………101x38 mm

Weight……………….0.906 kg

Stationary acoustic noise generator AD-24

Appearance a stationary acoustic noise generator placed in a suitcase is shown in fig. 5.15.

Rice. 5.15. Acoustic noise generator AD-24

This device is a professional noise system for large rooms. Vibrators installed on the floor, ceiling, walls are connected to the generator. The number of vibrators depends on the size of the room. Mains powered.

White noise generator G-002 (Russia)

It emits so-called "white noise" in the main spectrum of audio frequencies. G-002 is effective, first of all, due to the impact directly on the low-frequency input paths of listening devices. Compact case, aesthetic appearance, power supply both from 220 V mains and from the built-in battery, along with ease of use, make the G-002 useful not only for professionals, but also for a wide range of people who are not associated with this kind of equipment. The price of such a device is about $110.

Desktop audio noise generator AD-23 (USA)

The appearance of the device is shown in Fig. 5.16

Rice. 5.16. Desktop Audio Jammer AD-23

The AD-23 is an economical audio jammer for use in the office, at home or at a meeting. The noisy speaker and the electronic unit are made in one housing. The noise area reaches 25 m 2 . Interference frequency range - from 20 Hz to 20 kHz. Speaker output power - up to 4 watts. Power supply - from a network or the built-in accumulators. Battery life is 3 hours. Dimensions: 220x160x100 mm. Weight 560 g.

Audio noise generator AD-22 (USA)

The appearance of the device is shown in Fig. 5.17

Rice. 5.17. Audio noise generator AD-22(USA)

The device is a pocket noise generator for protection against eavesdropping and generates a noise signal-interference with varying amplitude and frequency. The noise level is adjustable.

Noise area - up to 16 m2. Battery powered. Dimensions 120x78x55 mm, weight 560 g.

A separate place is occupied by combined noise generators. For example, the domestic generator Gnome-4 is designed to noise the radio, power grid and suppress telephone bookmarks.

Radio noise frequency range… from 1 to 1800 MHz,

Power…………………………………5 W.

Frequency range for the mains…….from 3 to 1000 MHz.

Power………………………………4 W.

For telephone lines, the principle of operation is based on the blurring of the spectrum of telephone bookmarks. The price of such a device is about $ 1300.

The combined domestic GBRSH interference generator is built into a single-cassette radio tape recorder and has noise modes in the acoustic and radio ranges. The mode of acoustic noise is similar to the mode of the G-002 device. Radio interference is set in the range from 50 to 900 MHz. Power 3–4 W.

Specializing in the development of radio signal suppression systems, Netline has developed a new system that fits in a backpack. ManPack RJ is part of the reactive jamming systems, it scans the air and suppresses signals that can set off improvised explosive devices (IEDs).

The company Netline reported that the jamming of radio-controlled explosive devices is carried out using three main technologies. The first and main technology is a broadband channel, the second technology is more focused like a sniper rifle, and the third is jamming, acting like a radar, scanning all frequencies, detecting signals and deciding which one can trigger an IED, and then very accurately jamming this signal.

“This technology is very difficult to develop. We have been working on it for several years. Until recently, the only ones who used this technology in combat conditions were the Americans, who refused to share their knowledge with anyone,” says Gil Israel (Gil Israeli, co-director of Netline.

“Until now, the ability to protect a single soldier from IEDs was very limited, you needed several soldiers to carry a jamming system, and even then you could only use it to protect a small number of people. New system provides a coverage radius equivalent to systems installed on convoys. Another benefit, of course, is the system's mobility," says Israeli.

Netline was founded 17 years ago. She is developing various systems detection and counteraction to radio-controlled explosive devices. It also develops jamming systems mobile phones in prohibited areas in order to ensure the confidentiality of information. The company provides services to law enforcement agencies around the world.

In addition to portable IED jammers and radio jammers, Netline has also completed development of a small and lightweight Portable Jammer Pack (PJP) that can be thrown like a hand grenade. This device is designed to jam all radio signals within an enclosed space after being thrown indoors in an urban combat environment.

"The 'grenade' we are developing should bridge the gap in the combat capabilities of countering radio-controlled explosive devices," says Israeli. - The device is designed to protect soldiers, especially special forces, operating in closed areas such as tunnels or the central part of Palestinian cities (kasbah). These soldiers operate in places where even the systems installed on nearby vehicles or carried on the back of a soldier are not able to protect them. Thus, by throwing a grenade in front of them, they can jam all the signals and frequencies used by the enemy to activate the IED. We spent a lot of time minimizing this system in order to cover the appropriate frequencies."

Israel also says the grenade has been field-tested by two overseas clients.


The Yak-28PP aircraft could create complex interference with enemy electronic means (RES), since its specialized equipment included both active and passive radio countermeasures (RPD).

Active means included three types of jamming stations, which, in accordance with their purpose, were divided into means of group protection ("Bouquet" and "Beans") and individual protection ("Lilac"). The former made it possible to cover a whole group of aircraft with interference, the latter served for self-defense (or mutual defense of two or more aircraft).

RES are divided into two groups: means of command and control of troops and means of controlling weapons. The former include long-range detection stations, guidance and target designation stations, simple target designation stations, as well as detection and guidance stations. All these radars operate in
view mode, viewing the space either in a circular mode (360 °), or in a certain angular sector. The task of such stations is to detect targets or provide observation of tracking objects and give out their current coordinates. They have wide radiation patterns, so they measure the azimuth, range, and height quite roughly, but at any moment they give out the full tactical situation in the observed area on the PPI or tablets.

If the detected target does not respond to the "friend or foe" identification signals and a decision is made to
its destruction, the "relay race" is taken over by means of weapon control. These stations are for
directly for targeting missiles or guns. These include on-board radars for intercepting and aiming fighters, radars for tracking, tracking the target and missile of anti-aircraft missile systems, homing heads for air-to-air and ground-to-air missiles, anti-aircraft artillery gun guidance stations and others. Such radars operate in review mode only until
target acquisition, and then go into tracking mode, when they regularly irradiate and regularly measure the coordinates and point the weapon. Measurement of coordinates and guidance is carried out with high accuracy, but only in a limited sector of space.

The Yak-28PP aircraft was specially created to suppress the RES of command and control of troops and communication lines
zi. For this purpose, the group protection stations "Bouquet" and "Fasol" were installed on it.

"Bouquet" is an "open" common name for active electronic interference stations SPS-22, SPS-33, SPS-44 and SPS-55. In fact, this is the same station, but tuned to different frequency ranges. The letters indicated differences in the frequency range: SPS-22 generated interference in the wavelength range of 22-30 cm, SPS-33 - 12.5 - 22 cm, SPS-44 - 10-12.5 cm and SPS-55 - 8-10 cm. For identification according to the carrier aircraft, their names included two more digits: for example, for the Yak-28PP, the full index was SPS-22-28, SPS-33-28, etc., for Tu-16P - SPS-22-16, SPS -33-16 etc. On the whole, a set of SPS stations of various letters made it possible to cover with radio interference the entire spectrum of frequencies used by the "probable enemy" command and control radio electronic equipment in the 60s. All stations were interchangeable: if necessary, it was easy to remove a special container from the aircraft, for example, from SPS-22 and install it in its place from SPS-55, etc.

The ATP station is automatic, although it is called semi-automatic in the technical description. She has
has its own analyzer and jamming transmitters. Each letter has four or six transmitters that cover the radiation pattern of the suppressed radar (one for one sector, the second for the second, etc.). It can create barrage or targeted interference, and the choice is made automatically depending on the electronic situation.

After turning on the SPS, it first analyzes the situation. If radiation from an enemy radar is detected, the analyzer unit determines its operating frequency and power. The transmitters then generate interference at the given frequency with the required power. For a certain time interval (approximately 2.5 - 3 minutes), it emits interference, then stops and analyzes the radar signal again. If the enemy begins to change the frequency of their radars, the SPS automatically monitors these changes and generates interference depending on their mode of operation. An analog analyzer - a logic circuit made on a relay (50s!), Determines how many signals come in a given frequency range and how they are located among themselves. It has several modes of operation that are selected automatically. If, for example, five signals come from five radars, and their frequencies are very different, then it creates five target areas of interference, placing them over the range. If, after the next analysis, it turns out that two or more radars have come close in operating frequency, then they will be “covered” with a common barrage interference, and the remaining ones will be suppressed by aimed interference (after adjusting to their new frequencies).

Depending on the composition of the enemy RES grouping along the flight route and the range of their operating frequencies, one of the SPS stations was installed on the Yak-28PP: SPS-22, SPS-33 or another. For
in order to cover the entire required range, for example, they put SPS-22 on one aircraft, SPS-44 on the other, SPS-55 on the third, and all these three aircraft either fly in combat formations or barrage in zones.

For the late 60s, the SPS was a very good station: it met the requirements for both energy and operational characteristics. In other words, the power of its transmitters was enough to suppress the reflected signals of the enemy’s radar, and the speed made it possible to respond in a timely manner to changes in the electronic situation (that is, if the enemy switched to another operating frequency, the SPS quickly “caught” it and again “hammered” it with interference). But since the beginning of the 70s, the potential enemy had stations that could change their frequency much faster (including in leaps and bounds). The power of their radiation pulses increased, and narrower radiation patterns appeared. Later, a new type of radar was generally created, with phased arrays, which did not scan the entire range, but only the necessary sections, lingering more on them and, accordingly, accumulating the energy of the reflected signal.

Lamp "Bouquets", created in the late 50s and having a fair amount of inertia, began to "late":
while they determined the radiation parameters and created interference, the enemy was already working freely on a different frequency, and there was not enough power to suppress echo signals. Due to the loss of efficiency, they were withdrawn from service, and together with the Yak-28PP and Tu-16P aircraft: in Russia - in 1993, in Ukraine - a year later.

The second group protection station installed on the Yak-28PP is SPS-5-28 letter PP-1, or "Beans". Its saber-shaped transmitting antennas on the lower outer sides of the engine nacelles are typical only for the Yak-28PP and make it easy to visually distinguish it from the numerous “twenty-eighths” mestva.

SPS-5, like her more modern model SPS-5M - direct noise interference station. It is not automatic - either the pilot or the navigator-operator must turn it on. When laying a route, they simply mark the sections where it should work. They fly up to the starting point - they turn on and put noise interference. They fly up to the final one - they turn it off, etc. The station has four interchangeable transmitters (A, B, C and D), which differ in the parameters of the generated radiation. Despite the "age" (it is older than the "Bouquet") and the simplicity of design, "Beans" is still in service.

The stations "Bouquet" and "Fasol" are installed in a special container of the Yak-28PP aircraft.

The "Bouquet" antennas are located in the lower part of the special container and are covered with a common convex radio-transparent fairing.

Yak-28PP fire control radars could only be interfered with in self-defense. For
this he had on board a personal protection station from the Lilac kit.

"Lilac" is the "open" name of the stations simulating electronic interference SPS-141,
SPS-142 and SPS-143. All stations are interchangeable, depending on the nature of the mission, any of them could be installed on the aircraft. The blocks are placed on the starboard side in a niche between frames No. 6 and No. 10, the transmitter is in the bow of the navigator's cabin. The niche was closed with a removable cover, in the lower front part of which there was a very modest air intake: simulating interference generated by this station did not require high power and, accordingly, intensive cooling. Transmitting antennas - in small drop-shaped fairings on the sides of the root part of the HPH rod, receiving - on both sides behind the cockpit.

The station interfered (in range and speed) with both pulsed and Doppler weapons control radars (on-board radar for fighter aircraft sights, guidance stations for air defense systems, missiles and air-to-air missiles with radar seeker). She received an irradiating pulse, automatically determined its parameters and formed a series of similar false response signals with a time delay, which led to a failure of guidance (the mark from the real target was lost among the false ones).

Unguided aircraft missiles were used as passive means of RPD on the Yak-28PP
(NAR) S-5P and reset device "Automatic-211".

Under the plane of the wing of the aircraft on beam holders, two 16-barreled universal launchers UB-16-57UM with anti-radar NAR S-5P (PARS-57) of 57 mm caliber were installed. A volley of these missiles could instantly create a curtain of passive interference along the flight path in the form of a cloud of thin metallized fibers. Such a curtain was capable of "covering" attack aircraft from enemy surveillance radars for a period of 10 minutes to an hour (depending on altitude and weather conditions). There were no sights on board, so the NAR fired straight ahead: the plane simply gained the desired height or raised its nose.

The S-5P missile was put into service on December 31, 1964. Its weight was 5 kg, length 1.073 m,
flight speed 450-480 m/s. After a certain time after the launch, it threw out in turn three packets with metallized fiberglass dipoles, which, flying apart, formed a curtain. Warhead could equip various types dipoles. It was later replaced by the upgraded S-5P1 missile.

The device "Automatic-2I" (KDS-19) with two symmetrical beams was installed under the engine nacelles. It was intended to interfere with the radar interception of an aircraft by dropping anti-radar chaff made of metallized fiberglass into
back hemisphere. The reset was carried out manually (by pressing the firing buttons installed on
dual control panel when the circuit breaker "Interference" is on) or automatically by
signals from the Sirena-3 enemy radar radiation warning station. In addition, the ASO-2I device fired special cartridges ("heat traps") that interfered with homing missiles with IR (thermal) seekers.

I decided to repeat myself. 934 was not available, I put 911 instead. The thing turned out quite well - in a building in the city center (i.e., not far from the TV and Radio towers) on 2 floors, FM radio is almost not received (very strong interference - you can’t make out anything) . TVs on all channels - image 0, sound 0. When receiving on an external antenna (on the roof of the building - up to the jammer on the 2nd floor), sound breaks through the UHF on some channels, the image can be said to be 0. Very pleasantly surprised by the operation of this muffler. The effect of tetra is much less!

Use case:

T2 2T610A without radiator
T3 KT913B on the radiator

Coil data:
L1 2W 0.4 D4
L2, L5 14W0.3 on ring 10x6x4.5 M1500nn
L3 5W0.4 D4
L4 2W 1.0 D8
L6 3W 0.4 D4
L7 0.5W 0.7 D4
L8 27W 0.3 D5 (11mm)
L9 4W 0.4 STEP0.5 D4
L10 1W 1.0 D5
L11 17W 0.3 D5 (6mm)
C7,C8 “CD” 2kB 0.022mf or any that can handle the power.
Ordinary ceramics is better not to put.
Board 1.5mm 2-sided reverse side connected to ground near C5.

R6 100 Ohm
Rx *18 ohm
*switch between L8 and +power
Attention! The MINIMUM safe Rx values ​​are indicated, it is better not to reduce them. I burned my only KT913 when I tried to raise the collector current to 0.9A (close to the maximum -1A according to the motherfucking reference!)

Test results:
Supply voltage U=14.4V
RF voltage (Urf) at 50 ohm load = 12v.
When the antenna is DISCONNECTED (the output is loaded with 50 ohms, powered through a high-frequency filter) within a radius of 5-7 m, the FM radio hisses in the entire range, TV with an indoor antenna directed in the opposite direction barely catches 3 UHF channels, LPD radio station opens noise reduction. When connecting a piece of wire 1m within a radius of 15-25m (did not check further), the FM radio and MV are completely jammed, 2 UHF channels (the most tenacious) are received on an external antenna 1 floor above with strong interference.

Other transistors:

KT920V Rx 11Ω I=0.9A Urf=14.5V
Radio killer! FM jamming throughout the house, same with MV. However, many UHF channels are fairly well received on an external antenna. The main power is somewhere up to 200-300 MHz

2Т911А Rx 18Ω I=0.4A Urf=8.5V
Similar to KT913, but less interference on UHF.

KT939A Rx 27Ω I=0.3A Urf=10V
It makes quite a lot of noise, but it didn’t live up to expectations. When turned on, the power jumped, the transistor worked well at 50 ohms, BUT when the antenna was connected, the noise almost disappeared!
Most likely, you need to calculate the matching circuits specifically for it, either I just got a defective copy, or I set it on fire like KT913. initially set the collector current to about 0.4A, and this, as it turned out later, was its limit!

Suitable for parameters, but have not been tested due to lack of transistors:
KT919, KT925, KT962, KT916, etc. If you have them, try it! And don't forget to share your results.


The well-known scheme for 4 KT939 is resting. this design is cheaper, the power is higher, the possibility of matching with the antenna gives an incomparably greater efficiency.

This material was taken from the site

The jammer is designed to work in an active information protection system. The radio jammer in the on state creates electromagnetic interference on the air with an intensity sufficient to mask informative radiation from office equipment used, including electronic computers, and also provides effective suppression of radiation from low-power transmitters in the range of 30 MHz - 1000 MHz. This modification of the device, in addition, can be used to prevent the activation of radio microphones with remote control by influencing the input circuits of the remote control receiver.

Main technical characteristics

1. The level of the interference signal at the output connectors in the frequency subbands

10kHz-100kHz(H=200Hz) not less than 65 dB
150kHz-30MHz(H=9kHz) not less than 65dB
30MHz-1GHz(H=120kHz) not less than 45 dB

2. The normalized spectral density of the interference generated by the PDP (measured at a distance of 3m from the antenna system, made in the form of a frame of wire 2x2 m in size)

10kHz-30MHz not less than 95-103 dB
30MHz-300MHz not less than 103-118 dB
300MHz-1GHz not less than 100-118dB

3. Entropy coefficient of interference quality not less than 0.8

Schematic diagram of the device

The device is built according to the classical scheme of the noise generator of the radio frequency range. Comments, as they say, are unnecessary. However, it should be noted that the thermal regime of the circuit is very difficult. For transistors VT1-VT4, radiators of at least 100 square meters are required. see each, subject to good internal ventilation of the case. It is better to replace resistors R1 and R2 with one 4.7 Ohm with a power of 10 watts.

1. Mounting of antenna systems is carried out by attaching to the wall with plastic mounting brackets.

2. For masking the frequency range above 1 MHz, the X3 / X4 output is used. Antennas are mounted in 3 mutually perpendicular planes in the form of 3 short-circuited loops of a single-core wire of the MGSHV type, laid along the perimeter of the room. Solder and connect all three loops according to Figure 2.


The optimal dimensions of the frames are (1.5-3) mx (2-5) m, provided that the distance from the corner of the room is no more than 1 m.

3. If it is necessary to mask the frequency range below 1 MHz with interference, connect two three-turn loop antennas to the X1 / X2 input. Connect the beginnings and ends of both frames, respectively, and connect according to Fig. 3.


The frames are located in two mutually perpendicular planes on the walls of the room together with HF antennas. The dimensions of the frames are according to claim 2. The wire connected to X2 must be grounded (in the most extreme case, connected to the "0" power socket, a little the best option heating battery, but the neighbors will not be grateful to you).