Aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov part 3. Incidents on the Tavkr “Admiral Kuznetsov. Specifications of this cruiser

  • 14.11.2019

Start design work to create a cruiser project 1143.5 - 1978. The work is being carried out by the Leningrad Design Bureau. The first option is an improved preliminary design of the heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser 1143. The design is carried out in accordance with the research work called "Order", which is a military-economic justification for the aircraft-carrying cruiser with a nuclear installation of project 1160.

The design was based on the following projects:
- advance project 1160 - an aircraft carrier with a displacement of 80,000 tons;

Project 1153 is a large aircraft-armed cruiser (50 aircraft), with a displacement of 70,00 tons. There are no laid down and built ships;
- project aircraft carrier recommended by the Ministry of Shipbuilding Industry, displacement of 80,000 tons, aircraft and helicopters up to 70 units;
- project 1143M - an aircraft carrier armed with Yak-41 supersonic aircraft. This is the third aircraft carrier of project 1143 - 1143.3. It was laid down in 1975, adopted in 1982, decommissioned in 1993;
- project 1143A - project 1143M aircraft carrier with increased displacement. Fourth aircraft-carrying cruiser built. Laid down in 1978, adopted in 1982. Since 2004, the ship has been modernized for the Indian Navy. Admitted to the Indian Navy in 2012.
- heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser of project 1143.5 is the next fifth modification of project 1143 and the fifth aircraft-carrying cruiser built.

In October 1978, by a decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, the Ministry of Defense was instructed to develop a tactical and technical assignment for the ship project 1143.5, the Ministry of the shipbuilding industry to issue a draft design and technical project by 1980. The estimated start of the serial construction of ships of project 1143.5 is 1981, the end is 1990. Laying and construction of ships - slipway "O" of the Nikolaev shipbuilding plant.

Preliminary design prepared for 1979, in the same year it was approved by the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy S. Gorshkov. A few months later, in 1980, the head of the military department, D. Ustinov, signed a directive from the General Staff, which spoke of the need to change project 1143.5. Now the deadline for the completion of the technical project was postponed to 1982, construction to 1986-91. In April 1980, the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy S. Gorshkov approves the tactical and technical assignment with the changes made to the project. In the summer of 1980, all parties involved - the Ministry of the Shipbuilding Industry, the Ministry of the Aviation Industry, the Air Force and the Navy recognize the development of the ship project 1143.5 as fully completed.

However, changes to the project continue. The use of aviation weapons on the ship of project 1143.5 was worked out in accordance with the decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR. At the end of 1980, the Central Research Institute of Military Shipbuilding corrected the tactical and technical specifications for the ship project 1143.5. At the same time, a decision was made to build a second ship of project 1143.4 (1143A) instead of the ship of project 1143.5. However, in the future, the project is being finalized again - technical project 1143.42. In the early spring of 1981, a contract for the production of order 105 was received from the Main Directorate of the Navy at the Nikolaev shipbuilding plant. In the fall of 1981, changes were made to the ship's design - the displacement was increased by 10 thousand tons. The following changes are made to the project:
- installation on board the ship anti-ship missiles "Granit";
- increase in aircraft armament up to 50 units;
- springboard takeoff of aircraft without the use of a catapult;

The final technical design of 1143.5 was ready by March 1982. Adopted by the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 392-10 dated May 7, 1982.

On September 1, 1982, the ship of project 1143.5 was laid down on the modernized slipway "O" of the Nikolaev shipbuilding plant and was given the name "Riga" with serial number 105. Two months later, the ship was renamed "Leonid Brezhnev". In December 1982, the installation of the 1st block of the hull structure began. By the way, it was the first ship consisting of 24 hull blocks. The blocks are hull wide, 32 meters long, 13 meters high, weighing up to 1.7 thousand tons. The superstructures of the ship were also installed in the form of a block.

All propulsion and power systems were ordered for 1983-84. Their installation and installation was carried out on an already partially assembled hull, which led to the opening of the decks and some bulkheads and greatly slowed down the entire construction process. The first photographs of the new ship, taken from the satellite, appeared in the French press in 1984, the readiness of the TAKR for this year was 20 percent.

The ship was launched from the slipway at the end of 1985, the weight of the ship did not exceed 32 thousand tons, the readiness of the ship was estimated at 35.8 percent. In 1986, P. Sokolov was appointed chief designer of project 1143.5. In mid-1987, the ship was renamed again - now it has become known as TAKR "Tbilisi", the readiness of the ship is estimated at 57 percent. There is a delay in the construction of the ship (by approximately 15 percent) due to a disruption in the supply of various equipment. At the end of 1988, the readiness of the TAKR is estimated at 70 percent. The estimated cost of the ship for 1989 was about 720 million rubles, of which almost 200 million were delayed in the supply of equipment and systems. In the same year, a new chief designer L. Belov was appointed, the readiness of the ship was estimated at 80 percent. About 50 percent of electronic equipment and systems are installed on the ship, most of the equipment arrived on the ship in 1989.

The first exit of the ship to the sea was made on 10/20/1989. It was officially allowed by all project participants. Of the ready-made solutions on the ship, the air group was ready for use. The exit of the ship was completed on November 25, 1989. The tests of the air group begin on November 1, 1989 - the Su-27K was the first to land on the deck. Immediately after landing, he took off from the deck of the TAKR MiG-29K.

The completion of the ship with weapons and electronic equipment was completed by 1990, the complete readiness of the ship is estimated at 87 percent. Running factory tests were carried out in the spring and summer of 1990. In October 1990, the ship changed its name for the last time, which it still bears - TAKR "Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov". During the 1st stage of the ongoing tests, the ship successfully covered more than 16 thousand miles, more than 450 times aircraft took off from the deck of the ship. State tests of the first TAKR project 1143.5 were completed on 12/25/1990, after which it was accepted into the Navy. Further tests of the ship took place until 1992 on the Black Sea, after which it goes into the Northern Fleet.

Design development of the ship:
- improvement of the project 1143 - five options were proposed, the main units being worked out: a catapult, an emergency barrier, aerofinishers, KTU. Displacement up to 65,000 tons. Main armament: 12 launch anti-ship missiles "Granit";

Project 1143.2 is the next version of the ship's improvement. The main units being worked on: two catapults, an enlarged hangar, a flight deck. Displacement up to 60,000 tons. Main armament: an air group of 42 aircraft (some of which may be helicopters);
- draft version of project 1143.5 - the proposed version was worked out as far as docking was possible. Displacement up to 65,000 tons. Armament - an air group of 52 vehicles (30 aircraft and 22 helicopters) and 12 launchers of the Granit missile defense system;
- project 1143.5 (Ustinova-Amelko) - changes in the design of the ship to the requirements of the Ministry of Defense. Units under study: springboard, KTU or NPP of projects 1143.4/1144. Displacement up to 55,000 tons. Main armament: 12 launch anti-ship missiles "Granit" and an air group of 46 aircraft of the Yak-41 type;
- project 1143.5 (TsNIIVK) - a revised project of the Central Research Institute of Military Shipbuilding. Displacement up to 55,000 tons. Units under development: reserve catapult added, hull structure reduced, aviation fuel supply reduced. Main armament: an air group consisting of 46 aircraft (short and vertical takeoff aircraft of the Yak-41 type).
- project 1143.42 - a revised project in favor of the second ship of project 1143.4. Displacement up to 55,000 tons. Worked out nodes: increase in the deck, catapult. Main armament: air group consisting of 40 aircraft (DRLO aircraft are present), anti-ship missiles "Basalt";
- project 1143.42 (adjustment of the Ministry of Defense) - a revised project by decision of the military department. Displacement - up to 65,000 tons. Worked nodes: springboard. Main armament: 12 launch anti-ship missiles "Granit", an air group consisting of 50 aircraft.

The device and design of TAKR project 1143.5
Structurally, the ship consists of 24 blocks, weighing about 1.7 thousand tons. Welded hull with 7 decks and 2 platforms. During the construction of the ship, two Finnish-made Kane cranes were used, each with a lifting capacity of 900 tons. The hull of the ship is covered with a special radio-absorbing coating. If we conditionally divide the ship into floors, then their number will be 27 floors. In total, 3857 rooms for various purposes were made inside the ship, of which we note: cabins of 4 classes - 387 rooms, cubicles - 134 rooms, dining rooms - 6 rooms, shower rooms - 50 rooms. During the construction of the ship, more than 4 thousand kilometers of cable routes, 12 thousand kilometers of pipes for various purposes were used. The ship received a through deck with an area of ​​more than 14,000 m2 with a springboard at an angle of 14.3 degrees in the bow of the ship. Profiled fairings are installed on the springboard and the edges of the deck corners. Aircraft are delivered to the takeoff deck by 40-ton lifts (right side) to the bow and stern of the ship. Deck width - 67 meters. A section of the landing strip 205 meters long and 26 meters wide is located at an angle of 7 degrees. The deck surface is covered with a special anti-slip and heat-resistant Omega coating, and sections vertical takeoff/landings are covered with heat-resistant plates "AK-9FM". On the left and right sides of the launchers there are two runways (the takeoff run is 90 meters), which converge at the upper end of the springboard. The third runway is 180 meters long (the left side is closer to the stern). Cooled deflectors are used on the deck to provide protection for the support personnel and aircraft from aircraft taking off. For landing the aircraft on the deck, arresters "Svetlana-2" and an emergency barrier "Nadezhda" are used. The landing of the aircraft is carried out with the help of a radio system of short-range navigation and an optical landing system "Luna-3". The closed hangar, 153 meters long, 26 meters wide and 7.2 meters high, accommodated 70 percent of the regular air group. It also stores tractors, fire engines, a special set of tools for servicing the LAC. In the hangar, a chain semi-automatic system for transporting standard aircraft is made; aircraft are transported on deck using tractors. The hangar is divided into 4 compartments by folding fireproof curtains with electromechanical control to ensure fire safety. Structural protection of the surface part of the shielded type ship, internal protective barriers - composite structures of the steel / fiberglass / steel type. High-strength steel (yield strength 60 kgf/mm2) was chosen as the main material. Aviation fuel, fuel and ammunition tanks are protected by local box armor. For the first time in the construction of domestic ships, underwater structural protection is used. The depth of the PKZ is about 5 meters. Of the 3 longitudinal partitions, the second was armored multilayer type. Unsinkability was ensured when 5 adjacent compartments were flooded, no more than 60 meters long.

Power- boiler-turbine type, consisting of 8 new steam boilers, 4 main turbo-gear units TV-12-4, providing a total power of 200,000 hp. Propulsors - 4 fixed-pitch propellers.

Energy- 9 turbogenerators with a total capacity of 13500 kW, 6 diesel generators with a total capacity of 9000 kW.

Armament and equipment of TAKR project 1143.5
12 underdeck launchers of the Granit shock anti-ship missiles are located at the very base of the springboard. The launchers are covered with armored covers flush with the deck. Jamming systems 4 launchers PK-10 and 8 launchers PK-2M with an ammunition load of 400 rounds (SU "Tertsia").

Anti-aircraft armament of the ship - 4 modules of anti-aircraft missile system"Dagger" with 192 missiles, 8 Kortik SAM modules with 256 missiles, 48,000 rounds. The modules are installed side by side, providing a circular shelling of air targets.

Artillery weapons ship - three AK-630M batteries with 48,000 rounds of ammunition.

The anti-torpedo armament of the ship is two RBU-12000 10-barrel mounts, installed side by side in the stern. Ammunition 60 RGB.

Air group - according to the project 50 LA. As of 2010, it included 18 Su-33s, 4 Su-25Ts, 15 Ka-27s and 2 Ka-31s.

Radio-technical armament and equipment of the ship - 58 systems and complexes, the main ones are:
- BIUS "Lumberjack";
- SOI "Troinik";
- complex long-range target designation "Coral-BN";
- multifunctional radar "Mars-Passat" with a phased antenna array;
- three-coordinate radar "Fregat-MA";
- two-coordinate radar "Podkat" for detecting low-flying air targets;
- navigation complex "Beysur";
- communication equipment "Buran-2";
- stations active interference MP-207, MP-407, TK-D46RP;
- Flight control radar "Resistor";
- complex electronic warfare"Cantata-1143.5";
- complex hydroacoustics "Polynom-T";
- sonar stations "Zvezda-M1", "Amulet", "Altyn";
- navigational radar stations"Naiada-M", "Vaigach-U";
- station of underwater communication "Shtil";
- space communication system "Kristall-BK";
- the combat control system of the aircraft "Tur-434";
- television landing system "Otvedok-Emancipation";
- guidance station "Gazon";
- automatic control system "Control";

The antenna devices of most systems and complexes are located on the superstructure of the ship. Radio transceivers - more than 50 units. These are 80 paths for receiving and transmitting information and data, most of which can work simultaneously.

Auxiliary equipment has more than 170 items and consists of 450 separate units.

The ship's rescue equipment is a command boat of project 1404, two boats of project 1402-B, two 6-oared yawls (project YAL-P6), 240 PSN-10M (rescue rafts in containers).

The main characteristics of the TAKR "Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov":
- length - 304.5 meters;
- width KVL / deck - 38/72 meters;
- draft - 10.5 meters;
- the height of the springboard above the water - 28 meters;
- displacement standard / full / max - up to 46000/59000/67000 tons;
- economy / max speed - 18/32 knots;
- range economy / max travel - 8000/3800 miles;
- autonomy - 1.5 months;
- personnel of the ship crew / flight crew - 1533/626 people.

This year, TAKR "Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov":
- January 08 - as part of the shipborne aircraft carrier group of the Russian Navy, he entered from the Syrian port of Tartus on an official friendly visit;

February 16 - as part of the shipborne aircraft carrier group of the Russian Navy, he completed a cruise in the Mediterranean Sea and returns to the home base of Severomorsk;
- 2012-17 - modernization of the ship should begin, work will be carried out production association Sevmash.

Sources of information:

The navy is one of the most effective tools of geopolitics. American Admiral Alfred Mahan, in his book The Influence of Sea Power on History, stated that the navy influences politics by the very fact of its existence. It's hard to argue with this. For more than two centuries, the boundaries of the British Empire were determined by the pennants of its warships, and in the last century, hegemony in the oceans passed to the US Navy. The main striking force of the American fleet is aircraft carriers - huge floating airfields, with the help of which the United States firmly and confidently imposes its interests on the whole world.

But what about Russia? Currently, the Russian Navy is armed with one ship capable of providing take-off and landing of classic aerodynamic aircraft - this is the heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser (TAKR or TAVKR) Admiral Kuznetsov of the Fleet of the Soviet Union.

"Admiral Kuznetsov" was designed and built back in the Soviet Union, it became the first real Soviet aircraft carrier and a further development of heavy aircraft-carrying cruisers of project 1143 "Krechet". The main difference between the TAKR "Admiral Kuznetsov" from most aircraft carriers is the presence missile weapons(PKR "Granite").

For many years, disputes have not subsided as to whether such a ship is necessary for the Russian Navy, does Russia need aircraft carriers at all?

After launching in 1989, this heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser spent almost most of the time not on campaigns, but at the quay walls of the repair docks. Due to the low reliability of ship mechanisms, the only Russian aircraft carrier on trips, he is always accompanied by a tugboat, which, in case of emergency, can come to the rescue. The military industry of Russia has not been able to provide this ship with a sufficient number of combat aircraft, even fewer pilots are trained, capable of taking off and landing on the ship's deck.

Naval sailors call this ship "Kuzya", and it is very difficult to say whether this nickname is affectionate or contemptuous.

The history of the creation of the TAKR "Admiral Kuznetsov"

The first aircraft carriers appeared at the dawn of the 20th century, almost immediately after the advent of military aviation. At first, they were considered as auxiliary ships, which should ensure the effective actions of the main striking force of the naval forces of that time - battleships.

However, everything changed radically on December 7, 1941. On this day, Japanese aircraft sank most of the American battleships in the harbor of the Pearl Harbor base. Almost immediately after that, the United States laid down 24 Essex-class aircraft carriers. It was these ships that, in fact, allowed the Americans to win the war in the Pacific.

The most powerful battleship of the Japanese Navy, Yamato, was destroyed by American aircraft without causing any serious damage to the enemy.

After the end of World War II, it became clear that aircraft carriers were the new rulers of the World Ocean, and the leading maritime powers were actively engaged in the construction of such ships. In 1961, the United States launched the first nuclear-powered aircraft carrier.

In the USSR, aircraft carriers received relatively little attention. Stalin liked the huge, powerful battleships better, and few dared to argue with him. An ardent supporter of the construction of aircraft carriers in the Soviet Union was Admiral Nikolai Gerasimovich Kuznetsov. Largely due to his efforts, the first projects of aircraft-carrying ships appeared in the pre-war years, but then it did not go beyond sketches and drawings. Projects were developed for two aircraft carriers at once: a large one (for 72 aircraft) and a small one (for 32 aircraft), but they were deleted from the post-war plans for the development of the fleet. The Soviet aircraft carrier projects were finally closed by Admiral Gorshkov.

Soviet propaganda portrayed aircraft carriers as a weapon of aggressive war inherent in imperialism. The effectiveness and combat power of these ships were underestimated, and the capabilities of the Soviet missile cruisers On the contrary, they were extolled and overestimated. Khrushchev was an ardent admirer of missile weapons and the submarine fleet, therefore, under him, the main resources of the Soviet Union were thrown into the creation of strategic submarines.

After Brezhnev came to power, the USSR resumed the development of aircraft carriers. In the late 1960s, the Yakovlev Design Bureau designed the Yak-38 vertical take-off and landing aircraft, which Yakovlev wanted to put into the fleet. In 1972, the aircraft-carrying cruiser "Kyiv" was built specifically for this car, which, in addition to aircraft, was also armed with the P-500 Bazalt anti-ship missiles.

In total, four ships of project 1143 were launched: Kyiv, Minsk, Novorossiysk and Baku. However, the Soviet Navy was in for a serious disappointment: the Yak-38 turned out to be a very unsuccessful machine, it could not take off with full refueling and armament, and in the tropics the aircraft's engines refused to start at all. Despite numerous improvements, it was not possible to turn this aircraft into a reliable and efficient combat vehicle.

The heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser "Admiral Kuznetsov", in fact, is a continuation of the project 1143. It was planned to produce three ships, the main difference of which was the possibility of taking off and landing on the deck of aircraft with a traditional scheme. "Admiral Kuznetsov" was laid down in 1981, the cruiser "Varyag" - in 1985, and "Ulyanovsk" - in 1988.

The new ship was born very difficult, the developers were hampered by conflicting requirements for the appearance of an aircraft carrier coming from the Ministry of Defense and from the leadership of the Navy. The project was developed by the Leningrad Design Bureau, the designers offered customers five projects for a new ship, one of which provided for equipping it with a nuclear power plant. Only in 1982 the project was officially approved, and construction began at the Chernomorsky shipyard (Nikolaev).

During the construction, progressive technology was used, which consisted in the formation of the ship's hull from ready-made large blocks. At the same time, in the Crimea (the city of Saki), the Nitka ground complex was created, on which the pilots practiced the skills of taking off and landing on the ship's deck. Initially, the aircraft-carrying cruiser bore the name "Riga", but already in November 1982 (after the death of the Secretary General), it was renamed "Leonid Brezhnev". In 1987, the ship received a new name - "Tbilisi", and in 1990 - "Admiral Kuznetsov".

Instead of the Bazalt anti-ship missiles, the cruiser received more modern Granit missiles, the length of the flight deck was significantly increased, and instead of a steam catapult, the ship received a springboard in the bow.

In 1989, sea trials of the ship began, at the same time, the first successful landings and takeoffs of aircraft from the ship's deck were made. The aircraft carrier cruiser showed good running characteristics. January 20, 1991 "Admiral Kuznetsov" was accepted into the Northern Fleet of Russia.

The design of the cruiser "Admiral Kuznetsov"

The heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser "Admiral Kuznetsov" is a continuation of the Project 1143 ships, but in a number of its characteristics it differs significantly from them. His appearance the cruiser is more similar to classic aircraft carriers, it has a so-called through flight deck and a springboard in the bow of the vessel. Its inclination angle is 14.3°. Deck area - 14,800 m2. The cruiser is equipped with an aircraft finisher and an emergency barrier.

The Admiral Kuznetsov was the first to use underwater structural protection (PKZ).

To lift aircraft from hangars, the Admiral Kuznetsov has two lifts capable of lifting a weight of up to 40 tons. The ship's superstructure ("island") has 13 tiers, it is shifted to the right, which made it possible to increase the width of the runway. The deck has a special heat-resistant coating "Omega", which can withstand temperatures up to 450°C.

The hull is welded, it has seven decks and two platforms. The bottom is double along the entire length. An aircraft hangar (LA) occupies 50% of the length and 70% of the width of an aircraft carrier. In addition to aircraft, it houses tractors, fire trucks, as well as equipment for the repair and maintenance of aircraft and helicopters. In addition, the hangar is equipped with an aircraft transport system, so tractors are only needed for work on the upper deck. Airplanes are placed in the hangar with folded wings, and helicopters - with the main rotors removed.

Launchers of anti-ship missiles "Granit" are located at the base of the springboard, from above they are covered with armored covers. The Kinzhal air defense systems are located in sponsons on the bow and stern of the ship.

The air finisher "Svetlana-2" is a system of several cables stretched over the deck. They are connected to a hydraulic system that dampens the energy of aircraft landing on the deck.

An aircraft-carrying cruiser has several navigation systems that help pilots land on the ship. A unique Luna optical system was also installed, which allows pilots to visually determine the correct approach to landing.

In addition to combat aircraft, the main armament heavy cruiser are anti-ship missiles "Granit". Twelve missiles are placed in silo-type launchers located in the bow of the ship. To protect the ship from the air, the Kinzhal air defense system (24 launchers, 192 missiles) and Kortik air defense missile system (8 launchers, 256 missiles) and six AK-630M rapid-fire launchers can be used. Also, the aircraft carrier is armed with two RBU-12000 "Boa" (60 depth charges).

However, the main weapons of the ship are combat aircraft that are on board. These are 50 aircraft: 26 carrier-based fighters and 24 helicopters.

Radio-electronic equipment "Admiral Kuznetsov" is very diverse and includes 58 different items. Among them:

  • BIUS "Lumberjack";
  • Complex "Mars-Passat" with HEADLIGHTS;
  • Three-coordinate radar "Fregat-MA";
  • Radar detection of low-flying targets "Podkat";
  • Communication complex "Buran-2";
  • Electronic warfare complex "Sozvezdie-BR".

The power plant almost completely repeats the scheme used on other ships of Project 1143. It is a steam turbine, four-shaft, with a capacity of 20 thousand liters. With. The main power plant allows the ship to develop a full speed of 29 knots and overcome 8,000 miles with an 18-knot speed.

The installation consists of eight boilers, there is no auxiliary power plant.

The movement is carried out due to the rotation of four bronze screws.

Operation of TAKR "Admiral Kuznetsov"

Until 1994, various tests were carried out on the ship, it received new aircraft. At the beginning of 1995, the ship's boilers were repaired. At the end of 1995, as part of the Admiral Kuznetsov ship group, he set off on a campaign in the Mediterranean Sea. The ship visited Tunisia, Crete, Syria and Malta. At the end of the campaign, the cruiser participated in large-scale exercises. The repulsion of air attacks, the detection of enemy submarines were practiced, rocket and artillery firing were carried out.

From 1996 to 1998 the ship was under repair. In 2000, "Admiral Kuznetsov" took part in the exercises, during which the submarine "Kursk" crashed. From 2001 to 2004 the ship was under repair.

In 2019, the aircraft carrier went to the Mediterranean Sea to lead the Russian Navy grouping there.

Project evaluation of the aircraft carrier "Admiral Kuznetsov"

The aircraft carrier "Admiral Kuznetsov" with full confidence can be called a full-fledged aircraft carrier. However, the rejection of steam catapults significantly complicated the use of carrier-based aircraft. The springboard seemed to the developers a good (and cheap) alternative to catapults, but it could not completely replace them. Su-33 aircraft are only capable of solving tasks air defense, but they cannot effectively strike at ground targets or enemy ships. Moreover, ski-jump take-off imposes restrictions on the take-off weight of aircraft, which means a reduction in their fuel reserves and weapons weight.

According to unofficial information, aircraft takeoffs are carried out only against the wind in windy weather. Pilots prefer not to use the ship's navigation systems, but to fly only in good visibility. Of the entire squadron, only 6-7 aircraft are usually ready for flights.

The energy system of the ship causes a lot of criticism. Almost every exit to the sea is accompanied by a more or less serious emergency situation associated with the operation of the power plant. It should be noted that in each long-distance campaign, the Admiral Kuznetsov is accompanied by a tugboat. Several cases of a ship's complete loss of speed are described, almost ending in disasters. There were several serious fires on the cruiser, which led to human casualties.

Some experts believe that "Admiral Kuznetsov" is not of serious value as a combat unit. Moreover, its operation is dangerous and very expensive. Russian budget. The ship is proposed to be mothballed.

If Russia plans to develop its Navy, then it cannot do without aircraft carriers. "Admiral Kuznetsov", like other ships of project 1143, can be called one of the stages of development in this direction. Project 1143 aircraft-carrying cruisers allowed the Russian fleet to accumulate necessary experience, learn how to manage and properly use these huge and very complex ships.

Not so long ago, information appeared that a large-scale modernization of the Admiral Kuznetsov was planned, during which the outdated electronic equipment of the ship would be replaced, power point and some weapon systems.

Specifications TAKR "Admiral Kuznetsov"

(including Ka-27PS)
Main characteristics
Displacement, t:
Main dimensions, m:
maximum length (along the design waterline)306,45 (270)
maximum width (on design waterline)71,96 (33,41)
average draft (Dst/Dnorm/Dfull)8,05/8,97/9,76
maximum draft10,4
Main power plantboiler turbine, 8 boilers KVG-4 in 4 autonomous groups
Power, hp (kW):
total 4 GTZA TV-4200000
turbogenerators TD-15006x1500
Diesel generators DGR-15004х1500
Number of shafts, pcs4
Number of screws, pcs4
Travel speed, knots:18 (2)
percussionPKRP "Granit-NK"
Rocket P-700, pcs12
Vertical launchers SM-233, pcs12
anti-aircraft missileSAM "Dagger"
Vertical launchers SM-9, pcs24x8
SAM 9M330-2, pcs192
Anti-aircraft missile and artilleryZRAK "Dagger"
Number of installations, pcs8
SAM 9M311-1, pcs256
30 mm shells, pcs48000
ArtilleryZAK AK-630M
Number of installations, pcs6
Anti-submarine / anti-torpedoRBU-12000 "Udav-1"
Electronic weapons
General detection radarPLC "Mars-Passat", 4 FAR
NLC detection radar2xMR-360 "Tackle"
NC detection radar3xMP-212 "Vaigach"
GASGAK MGK-355 "Polynom-T", GAS MGK-365 "Zvezda-M1", anti-sabotage GAS MG-717 "Amulet", GAS "Altyn", ZPS MG-35 "Shtil", GAS MG-355TA
EW facilities"Constellation-RB"
Interference complexes fired2x2 launchers PK-2 (ZiF-121), 4x10 launchers PK-10 "Brave"
fire control radar2x Korall-BN, 4 control radars for the Kinzhal air defense system 3R95, 4 control sub-units for the Kortik air defense missile system 3R86
Navigation complex"Beysur"
Radio navigation aids"Resistor K-4", "Lawn"
Means of communicationBuran-2 complex, Kristall-BK space communications complex

Video about the aircraft carrier "Admiral Kuznetsov"

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Heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser project 1143.5

Former names - in order of assignment:

- "Leonid Brezhnev" (launching),
- "Tbilisi" (tests)

The only one in the Navy Russian Federation in its class (as of 2015). Designed to destroy large surface targets, defend naval formations from attacks by a potential enemy.

Named after Nikolai Gerasimovich Kuznetsov, Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union.

Built in Nikolaev, at the Black Sea shipyard.

Part of the Northern Fleet. During cruises, the Su-25UTG and Su-33 aircraft of the 279th Shipborne Fighter Aviation Regiment (home base - Severomorsk-3) and the Ka-27 and Ka-29 helicopters of the 830th Separate Shipborne Anti-Submarine Helicopter Regiment (base airfield - Severomorsk-1).


The fifth heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser of the USSR - "Riga" was laid down on the slipway of the Black Sea Shipbuilding Plant on September 1, 1982. It differed from its predecessors by providing for the first time the ability to take off and land on it traditional aircraft, modified versions of the land-based Su-27, MiG-29 and Su-25. To do this, he had a significantly enlarged flight deck and a springboard for taking off aircraft. Construction for the first time in the USSR was carried out by a progressive method of forming a hull from large blocks weighing up to 1400 tons.

Even before the assembly was completed, after the death of Leonid Brezhnev, on November 22, 1982, the cruiser was renamed in his honor as Leonid Brezhnev. The launching took place on December 4, 1985, after which its completion afloat continued.

Loading and installation of weapons on an aircraft carrier (except for the zonal block of launchers of the SCRC "Granit"), electrical equipment, aviation technical means, ventilation and air conditioning systems, as well as the equipment of the premises took place afloat, during the completion of the ship near the Northern embankment of the Big Bucket.

On August 11, 1987, it was renamed Tbilisi. On June 8, 1989, its mooring trials started, and on September 8, 1989, the crew check-in. On October 21, 1989, the unfinished and understaffed ship was put to sea, where it conducted a cycle of flight design tests of aircraft intended to be based on board. During these tests, the first takeoffs and landings of aircraft on it were carried out. On November 1, 1989, the first landings of the MiG-29K, Su-27K and Su-25UTG were carried out. The first takeoff from it was made by the MiG-29K on the same day and the Su-25UTG and Su-27K the next day, November 2, 1989. After the completion of the test cycle on November 23, 1989, he returned to the factory for completion. In 1990, he went to sea many times to carry out factory and state tests.

On October 4, 1990, it was renamed once again (4th) and became known as "Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov."



Length - 305.0 m
-Waterline length - 270 meters
- Width is the greatest - 72 meters
-Waterline width - 35.0 m
- Draft - 10.0 m
-Standard displacement - 43 thousand tons
-Total displacement - 55 thousand tons
-Maximum displacement - 58.6 thousand tons

Power plant

Steam turbines - 4 x 50 thousand horsepower
-Number of boilers - 8
-Number of screws - 4
- Power of turbogenerators - 9 x 1500 kilowatts
-Maximum speed - 29 knots
- cruising range top speed- 3850 miles at 29 knots
-Economic speed - 18 knots
-Maximum cruising range - 8000 miles at a speed of 18 knots
-Autonomy - 45 days


For 2014, the air wing includes 20 aircraft and 17 helicopters. | 05/10/2016.

The navy is one of the most effective tools of geopolitics. American Admiral Alfred Mahan, in his book The Influence of Sea Power on History, stated that the navy influences politics by the very fact of its existence. It's hard to argue with this. For more than two centuries, the boundaries of the British Empire were determined by the sides of its warships, and in the last century, hegemony in the oceans passed to the US Navy. The main striking force of the American fleet is aircraft carriers - huge floating airfields, with the help of which the United States firmly and confidently promotes its interests around the world.

But what about Russia? Currently, the Russian Navy is armed with one ship capable of providing take-off and landing of classic aerodynamic aircraft - this is the heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser (TAKR or TAVKR) Admiral Kuznetsov of the Fleet of the Soviet Union.

"Admiral Kuznetsov" was designed and built back in the Soviet Union, it became the first real Soviet aircraft carrier and a further development of heavy aircraft-carrying cruisers of project 1143 "Krechet". The main difference between the aircraft carrier "Admiral Kuznetsov" and most aircraft carriers is the presence of missile weapons (anti-ship missiles "Granit").

For many years, disputes have not subsided as to whether the Russian Navy needs such a ship, does Russia need aircraft-carrying ships at all?

After launching in 1989, this heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser spent almost most of the time not on campaigns, but at the quay walls of the repair docks. Due to the low reliability of ship mechanisms, the only Russian aircraft carrier on campaigns is always accompanied by a tugboat, which, in case of emergency, can come to the rescue. The military industry of Russia was never able to provide this ship with a sufficient number of combat aircraft, even fewer pilots capable of taking off and landing on the ship's deck.

Naval sailors call this ship "Kuzya", and it is very difficult to say whether this nickname is affectionate or contemptuous.

History of creation

The first aircraft carriers appeared at the dawn of the 20th century, almost immediately after the advent of military aviation. At first, they were considered as auxiliary ships, which should ensure the effective actions of the main striking force of the naval forces of that time - battleships.

However, everything changed on December 7, 1941. On this day, Japanese aircraft sank most of the American battleships in the harbor of the Pearl Harbor base. Almost immediately after this event, the United States laid down 24 Essex-class aircraft carriers. It was these ships that, in fact, allowed the Americans to win the war in the Pacific.

The most powerful battleship of the Japanese Navy, Yamato, was destroyed by American aircraft without causing any serious damage to the enemy.

After the end of World War II, it became clear that aircraft carriers were the new "masters" of the World Ocean, and the leading maritime powers were actively engaged in the construction of such ships. In 1961, the United States launched the first nuclear-powered aircraft carrier.

In the USSR, aircraft carriers received little attention. Stalin liked the huge powerful battleships more, few dared to argue with him. An ardent supporter of the construction of aircraft carriers in the Soviet Union was Admiral Nikolai Gerasimovich Kuznetsov. Largely due to his efforts, the first projects of aircraft-carrying ships appeared in the pre-war years, but things did not go beyond sketches and drawings. Projects were developed for two aircraft carriers at once: a large one (for 72 aircraft) and a small one (32 aircraft), but they were deleted from the post-war plans for the development of the fleet. The Soviet aircraft carrier projects were finally closed by Admiral Gorshkov.

Soviet propaganda portrayed aircraft carriers as a means of waging an aggressive war, which is inherent in the imperialists. The effectiveness and combat power of these ships were underestimated, while the capabilities of Soviet missile cruisers, on the contrary, were extolled and overestimated. Khrushchev was an ardent admirer of missile weapons and the submarine fleet, so the main resources of the state were thrown into the creation and construction of strategic submarines.

After Brezhnev came to power in the USSR, they returned to the development of aircraft carriers, but they did it in a very peculiar way. At the end of the 60s, the Yakovlev Design Bureau created the Yak-38 vertical takeoff and landing aircraft, which Yakovlev wanted to attach to the fleet. In 1972, the aircraft-carrying cruiser "Kyiv" was built specifically for this car, which, in addition to aircraft, was also armed with the P-500 Bazalt anti-ship missiles.

In total, four ships of project 1143 were launched: Kyiv, Minsk, Novorossiysk and Baku. However, very quickly, the leadership of the Soviet Navy was in for a serious disappointment: the Yak-38 turned out to be a very unsuccessful machine, it could not take off with full refueling and armament, in the tropics the aircraft's engines refused to start at all. Despite numerous improvements, it was not possible to turn this aircraft into a reliable and efficient combat vehicle.

The heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser "Admiral Kuznetsov", in fact, is a continuation of the project 1143. It was planned to produce three ships, the main difference of which was the possibility of taking off and landing on the deck of aircraft with a traditional scheme. "Admiral Kuznetsov" was laid down in 1981, the cruiser "Varyag" - in 1985, and "Ulyanovsk" - in 1988.

After the collapse of the USSR, the Varyag cruiser went to Ukraine, it was 67% ready. In 1998, this ship was sold to China. For a long time it was used as a floating casino, but in 2008 the Chinese began its completion. In 2011, the Varyag received the new name Shi Lan and became the first Chinese aircraft carrier. The PRC Navy is likely to use the ship as a training ship.

The fate of the aircraft-carrying cruiser "Ulyanovsk", laid down in 1988, was even more sad: it was cut into metal right on the slipway. This ship was planned to be equipped with a nuclear power plant and a steam catapult.

Design work on the cruiser "Admiral Kuznetsov" began in 1978. This ship was originally designed to provide take-off and landing of conventional aircraft.

The new ship was born very difficult, the developers were hampered by conflicting requirements that were put forward for the appearance of an aircraft carrier from the Ministry of Defense and from the leadership of the Navy. The project was developed by the Leningrad Design Bureau, the designers offered customers five projects for a new ship, one of which provided for equipping it with a nuclear power plant. Only in 1982 the project was officially approved and construction began at the Black Sea Shipyard (Nikolaev).

During the construction, a more advanced technology was used, which consisted in the formation of the ship's hull from ready-made large blocks. At the same time, in the Crimea (the city of Saki), the Nitka ground complex was created, on which the pilots practiced the skills of taking off and landing on the ship's deck. Initially, the aircraft-carrying cruiser bore the name "Riga", but already in November 1982 (after the death of the Secretary General), it was renamed "Leonid Brezhnev". In 1987, the ship received a new name - "Tbilisi", and in 1990 - "Admiral Kuznetsov".

Instead of the Bazalt anti-ship missiles, the cruiser received more modern Granite missiles, the length of the flight deck was significantly increased, and instead of a steam catapult, the ship received a springboard in the bow.

In 1989, sea trials of the ship began, at the same time the first successful landings and takeoffs of aircraft from the ship's deck were made. The aircraft carrier cruiser showed good running characteristics. January 20, 1991 "Admiral Kuznetsov" was accepted into the Northern Fleet of Russia.


The heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser "Admiral Kuznetsov" is a continuation of the Project 1143 ships, but in a number of its characteristics it differs significantly from them. In its appearance, the cruiser is more similar to classic aircraft carriers; it has a so-called through take-off deck and a springboard in the bow of the vessel. Its inclination angle is 14.3°. Deck area - 14,800 m2. The cruiser is equipped with an aircraft finisher and an emergency barrier.

The Admiral Kuznetsov was the first to use underwater structural protection (PKZ).

To lift aircraft from hangars, the Admiral Kuznetsov has two lifts capable of lifting a weight of up to 40 tons. The ship's superstructure ("island") has 13 tiers, it is shifted to the right, which made it possible to increase the width of the runway. The deck has a special heat-resistant coating "Omega", which can withstand temperatures up to 450°C.

The hull is welded, it has seven decks and two platforms. The bottom is double along the entire length. An aircraft hangar (LA) occupies 50% of the length and 70% of the width of an aircraft carrier. In addition to aircraft, it houses tractors, fire engines, as well as equipment necessary for the repair and maintenance of aircraft and helicopters. In addition, the hangar is equipped with an aircraft transport system, so tractors are only needed for work on the upper deck. Airplanes are placed in the hangar with folded wings, and helicopters - with the main rotors removed.

Launchers of anti-ship missiles "Granit" are located at the base of the springboard, from above they are covered with armored covers. The Kinzhal air defense systems are located in sponsons on the bow and stern of the ship.

The Svetlana-2 air finisher, which the ship is equipped with, is a system of several cables stretched across the deck. They are connected to a hydraulic system that dampens the energy of aircraft landing on the deck.

An aircraft-carrying cruiser has several navigation systems that help pilots land on the ship. The aircraft carrier is equipped with a unique Luna optical system, which allows pilots to visually determine the correct approach to landing.

In addition to combat aircraft, the main weapons of the heavy cruiser are the Granit anti-ship missiles. Twelve missiles are placed in silo-type launchers located in the bow of the ship. To protect the ship from the air, the Kinzhal air defense system (24 launchers, 192 missiles) and Kortik air defense missile system (8 launchers, 256 missiles) and six AK-630M rapid-fire launchers can be used. Also, the aircraft carrier is armed with two RBU-12000 "Boa" (60 depth charges).

However, the main armament of the ship is the combat aircraft that are on board, these are 50 aircraft: 26 carrier-based fighters and 24 helicopters.

Radio-electronic equipment "Admiral Kuznetsov" is very diverse and includes 58 different items. Among them:

BIUS "Lumberjack";
- complex "Mars-Passat" with phased array;
- three-coordinate radar "Fregat-MA";
- Radar detection of low-flying targets "Tackle";
- communication complex "Buran-2";
- complex electronic warfare "Sozvezdie-BR".

The power plant almost completely repeats the scheme used on other ships of Project 1143. It is a steam turbine, four-shaft, with a capacity of 20 thousand liters. With. The power plant allows the ship to develop a full speed of 29 knots and travel 8 thousand miles with an 18-knot speed.

The installation consists of eight boilers, there is no auxiliary power plant.

The movement is carried out due to the rotation of four bronze screws.


Until 1994, various tests were carried out on the ship, it received new aircraft. At the beginning of 1995, the ship's boilers were repaired. At the end of 1995, as part of the Admiral Kuznetsov ship group, he set off on a campaign in the Mediterranean Sea. The ship visited Tunisia, Crete, Syria and Malta. At the end of the campaign, the cruiser participated in large-scale exercises. The repulsion of air attacks, the detection of enemy submarines were practiced, rocket and artillery firing were carried out.

From 1996 to 1998 the ship was under repair. In 2000, the Admiral Kuznetsov took part in exercises during which the Kursk submarine crashed. From 2001 to 2004 the ship was under repair.

Representatives of the Russian Navy have repeatedly stated that the ship is currently in need of repair, it will undergo it until 2017. At the same time, information recently appeared in the Russian media that the aircraft carrier will go to the Mediterranean in the summer of 2016 to lead the Russian Navy grouping there.

Project evaluation

The aircraft carrier "Admiral Kuznetsov" with full confidence can be called a full-fledged aircraft carrier. However, the rejection of steam catapults significantly complicated the use of carrier-based aircraft. The springboard seemed to the developers a good (and cheap) alternative to catapults, but it could not completely replace them. Su-33 aircraft are capable of solving only air defense tasks; they cannot strike at ground targets or enemy ships. Moreover, ski-jump take-off imposes restrictions on the take-off weight of aircraft, which results in a reduction in aircraft fuel reserves and a limitation on the mass of weapons.

According to unofficial information, aircraft takeoffs are carried out only against the wind in windy weather. Pilots prefer not to use the ship's navigation systems, but to fly only in good visibility. Of the entire squadron, only 6-7 aircraft are usually ready for flights.

The energy system of the ship causes a lot of criticism. Almost every exit to the sea is accompanied by a more or less serious emergency situation associated with the operation of the power plant. It should be noted that a tugboat accompanies the Admiral Kuznetsov on every long trip. Several cases of a ship's complete loss of speed are described, which almost ended in disasters. Also on the cruiser there were several serious fires that led to human casualties.

Some experts believe that "Admiral Kuznetsov" is not of serious value as a combat unit. Moreover, its operation is dangerous and very expensive for the Russian budget. The ship is proposed to be mothballed.

If Russia plans to develop its Navy, then it cannot do without aircraft carriers. "Admiral Kuznetsov", like other ships of project 1143, can be called one of the stages in the development of this direction. The aircraft-carrying cruisers of Project 1143 allowed the Russian fleet to gain the necessary experience, learn how to manage and properly use these huge and very complex ships.

Not so long ago, information appeared that a large-scale modernization of the Admiral Kuznetsov was planned, during which the outdated radio-electronic equipment of the ship, its power plant, and some weapons systems would be replaced.

TASS-DOSIER /Valery Korneev/. "Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov" is a heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser TAVKR), the largest ship of the Russian Navy and the only aircraft-carrying ship in its composition capable of carrying horizontal take-off and landing aircraft.

Flagship of the Russian Navy. Designed to support groupings of strategic missile submarines, groupings of surface ships and naval missile-carrying aviation.

Built in the USSR at the Black Sea Shipyard (Nikolaev, now on the territory of Ukraine) according to project 11435, developed under the guidance of chief designers Vasily Anikiyev and L. Belov at the Nevsky Design Bureau (Leningrad, now St. Petersburg).

Named in honor of Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Nikolai Kuznetsov (since October 4, 1990). At the project stage it was called "Soviet Union", in 1982 it was named "Riga", in the same year it was renamed "Leonid Brezhnev", in 1987-90. called "Tbilisi".

Construction history, commissioning

Laid down in Nikolaev on September 1, 1982 under serial number 105, launched on December 4, 1985. On June 8, 1989, mooring trials began.

On October 21, 1989, the ship was launched into the Black Sea, where it conducted a cycle of aircraft design flight tests.

A special Training Center NITKA ("Aviation Ground Test Training Complex", now the Nitka Landing and Landing Systems Range).

The first horizontal landing on a ship in the history of the Soviet Navy was made on November 1, 1989 by test pilot Viktor Pugachev, Hero of the Soviet Union, on a Su-27K aircraft. On December 25, 1990, the acceptance certificate of the cruiser was signed. On January 20, 1991, the ship became part of the Northern Fleet of the USSR Navy (in 1992-1994, tests of weapons and technical equipment of the ship and the air group continued).

Current state

The ship regularly participates in long-distance cruises and naval exercises. In 1996-1998, in 2001-2004. and in 2008 was under repair.

From May 14 to August 20, 2015, he was in the floating dock of the 82nd ship repair plant (Roslyakovo settlement, Murmansk region), where the bottom was cleaned and painted, the units and equipment of the electromechanical warhead were repaired, and after-sales service was carried out.

From the autumn of 2015 to the summer of 2016, the cruiser was being restored to technical readiness at the 35th shipyard in Murmansk. The main boilers, turbo and diesel generators were repaired, and the flight deck was resurfaced.

It is expected that the modernization of the ship will begin in the first quarter of 2017.

The cruiser did not participate in the hostilities.

The ship's commander is Captain 1st Rank Sergey Artamonov (since 2011).​

Tactical and technical characteristics

  • Waterline length - 270 m.
  • The greatest length (deck) - 306 m.
  • Width at the waterline - 33.4 m.
  • The greatest width is 72 m.
  • Height - 64.5 m.
  • Standard displacement - 46 thousand 540 tons.
  • Full displacement - 59 thousand 100 tons.
  • Full speed - 29 knots.
  • Cruising range at a speed of 29 knots - 3 thousand 850 miles, at a speed of 14 knots - 8 thousand 417 miles.
  • Autonomy of navigation - up to 45 days.
  • Crew - 1 thousand 960 people, including 518 officers and 210 midshipmen.

The main power plant is a boiler turbine, it includes 4 steam turbines with a capacity of 50 thousand horsepower each.

The ship is equipped with 9 turbogenerators and 6 diesel generators with a capacity of 1,500 kW each.

Unlike most foreign ships of this class, which are equipped with steam catapults for launching aircraft, the TAVKR is equipped with a 14-degree nose ski-jump, which is directed by two converging take-off lines.


  • 12 launchers of the Granit anti-ship missile system (the flight range of supersonic missiles is about 550 km).
  • Anti-aircraft missile system "Dagger" (ammunition - 192 missiles).
  • Anti-aircraft missile and artillery complex "Kortik" (ammunition - 256 missiles, 48 ​​thousand; shells).
  • Reactive depth charges of the Udav-1 system (60 pieces).

Air group

TAVKR can carry 26 aircraft and 24 helicopters on the flight deck and in the hangar below deck.

The cruiser's air group initially consisted of Su-27K and MiG-29K carrier-based fighters, Ka-27/27PS and Ka-29 helicopters.

Since the late 1990s and to present includes Su-33 carrier-based fighters and Su-25UTG attack aircraft of the 279th separate shipborne fighter aviation regiment (based airfield - Severomorsk-3, Murmansk region), as well as Ka-27 and Ka-29 helicopters of the 830th separate shipborne anti-submarine regiment (base - Severomorsk-1).


According to a slightly modified project 11436 in 1985-1992. in Nikolaev, a heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser "Varyag" was built, which in 1993 went to Ukraine and in 1998 was sold to China.

In 2012, it was adopted by the Navy of the People's Liberation Army of China as "Liaoning". In n. in. - the only Chinese aircraft carrier.