Red bogatyr shoes. Red hero (factory). Moscow sewing production association "Bolshevichka"

  • 06.04.2020

In the coastal zone of the Yauza, it is proposed to demolish the historical buildings of the Krasny Bogatyr plant, freeing up space for the construction of apartment buildings. The fate of this oldest enterprise is being decided today in the course of public hearings on the draft planning of the territory limited by the projected passage 1889, Bogorodskoye Highway, Bogatyrsky Most Street, Krasnobogatyrskaya Street and the projected passage No. 422.

For those who do not understand, we are talking about building up a spot on which the buildings of the former industrial giant, one of largest enterprises Moscow in the late XIX - early XX centuries, the plant of the Moscow Association of Rubber Manufactory, later renamed the plant Krasny Bogatyr. Today, at a hearing in the Bogorodskoye district, a draft plan for the territory it occupies is to be discussed.

The main building of the plant (Krasnobogatyrskaya street, house 2, building 2), built in 1911 according to the project of Gustav Gelrikh, falls into the demolition zone. In addition, the constructivist building of fire station No. 22 (Krasnobogatyrskaya Street, house 6) should disappear from the map of the Bogorodskoye district. It was built in 1927 by architect Alexander Kurovsky.

Both buildings were recognized as historical city-forming objects and by order of the Moscow Department of Cultural Heritage No. 79 dated January 30, 2014 entered in the City Register of Real Estate cultural heritage. The act of the state historical and cultural expertise, performed by a certified expert A.L. Batalov, the features of these buildings are determined. The description of the features of the object of expertise served as the basis for its inclusion in the City Register of Immovable Cultural Heritage Subject to Compulsory Preservation and the Historical and Cultural Basic Plan of the City of Moscow.


But what is the status of a city-forming object! As they say, to promise is not to marry. Today, the situation with the building of the Krasny Bogatyr plant is as follows - the designers of the NIiPI Institute of Urban Planning and System Design developed a development plan after its demolition. The city has already approved the project put up for public hearings, the discussion of which is currently going on at two addresses at once. In the Sokolniki district - in the hall of the Sokolniki Youth House (Sokolnicheskaya Square, house 7). In the Bogorodskoye district - in the assembly hall of the Moscow State College of Hospitality and Management Industry No. 23 (Krasnobogatyrskaya Street, 38).

The construction customer is CJSC Investment Company Severnaya Zvezda. If you believe Archnadzor, at a meeting of the urban planning commission chaired by Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin, which took place in April this year, none of those present even remembered the status of the building.

By the way, there was an attempt on the Krasny Bogatyr plant back in the days of Mayor Yuri Luzhkov, its territory was too tidbit for the developer. There were a lot of plans back then. The most discussed project is the construction of a residential complex on this site, similar to what was built on the site of the former Amber Hill. Social activists did not hide their indignation and categorically opposed the demolition of historical buildings. Together, the object was recaptured. When the two buildings of the plant were entered into the City Register of Immovable Cultural Heritage, the people sighed. Time has shown - early rejoiced ...

History reference

The Moscow Association of Rubber Manufactory was founded in 1887 on the site of a small Gucheson hosiery factory in the village of Bogorodskoye. In 1888, the new plant began to produce hoses, fire hoses, children's toys, belts, rings, various haberdashery and surgical items. Since 1890, rubber shoes have been made here. In 1910, the company was transformed into the Russian-French joint-stock company for the production and trade of rubber products "Bogatyr".

The enterprise, at the origins of which stood a prominent banker L.S. Polyakov and businessman B.A. Givartovsky, was widely known - the imperial family was among the holders of his shares. Count V.S. Tatishchev.

Among the products manufactured at that time by the plant, galoshes were especially famous, which from 1911-1912. produced according to the latest Swedish technology. After the revolution, in 1918, the enterprise was nationalized and renamed the State Rubber Industry Plant No. 2 Bogatyr. In 1923, the plant changed its name again, now to Krasny Bogatyr. In 1927, conveyor production was organized on it. In 1971, the Krasny Bogatyr plant was awarded the Order of Lenin.

Until the end of the 1980s, the enterprise prospered, production expanded, new technology, methods, materials. Modeled and released different types rubber shoes - boots for men, women and children, sandals, boots for hunting and fishing. In the 1990s, production began to decline rapidly. In 2000, it was completely stopped.

Elena Surikova

In 1887, a new rubber production was opened in the village of Bogorodskoye on the site of a small hosiery factory Gucheson. At the origins of the industrial complex in the north-east of Moscow was the Moscow Association of Rubber Manufactory, founded by shareholders L. S. Polyakov, B. A. Givartovsky and K. I. Reder. Already in 1888, the plant began to produce hoses, fire hoses, children's toys, belts, rings, various haberdashery and surgical items. Since 1890, rubber shoes have been made here. In 1910, the plant was reorganized and became the basis for the creation of the Franco-Russian joint-stock company rubber production and trade "Bogatyr". Its shareholders were members of the imperial family, and the chairman of the board was a well-known banker, a real secret adviser, Count V. S. Tatishchev. Among the products manufactured by the plant, galoshes were especially famous, which from 1911-1912. produced according to the latest Swedish technology.
The main building of the Moscow Association of Rubber Manufactory was built in 1911 by the famous Moscow architect G. A. Gelrikh (1878 - after 1917) - the author a large number remarkable buildings belonging to the best examples of Moscow Art Nouveau. Gelrich (Gustav Karl Julius Adolfovich) specialized in the construction of multi-section multi-storey apartment houses of frame structures, and on the territory of Bogatyr he implemented a project in a red-brick style.
In 1918, the enterprise was nationalized and renamed the State Rubber Industry Plant No. 2 Bogatyr. In 1923, at the request of the workers, the plant was given the name "Red Bogatyr". In the same year, the staff of the enterprise nominated V. I. Lenin as a candidate for the Moscow Council. In the 20s. the enterprise became one of the largest and most successful in Moscow. "Krasny Bogatyr" produced the same rubber goods - galoshes, leggings, rubber boots, over the knee boots, rubber boats, clothes for fishermen (both ordinary and for those who worked in the Far North - special clothes were made for them). Since 1927, a conveyor belt has started working at Krasny Bogatyr, and hundreds of tons of products were produced per week. In addition to civilian products, the plant also produced “secret” ammunition; military and civilian gas masks were produced in separate workshops with special access. The volumes were gigantic, and gas masks with the logo of the "Red Bogatyr" were found for a long time in the warehouses not only of the Soviet Union, but also of Latin America and Africa.
In the same 1920s. a workers' town with buildings designed in the constructivist style is being built around the plant. The avant-garde fire tower stands out especially in the development of the area, which also became, along with the red-brick "Bogatyr", calling card Bogorodsky.
The successful production, which survived the evacuation in the 1940s, revival and flourishing in the post-war years, was constantly overgrown with new buildings, while preserving the historical buildings. Until 1990, the plant operated in three shifts, seven days a week and public holidays. Since the 1990s, production has been declining, and on April 30, 2004, the plant was closed. All last years The former main building of the plant housed the Moscow Entertainment Fair. Unfortunately, now the historical ensemble is under the threat of complete loss, including the recognized object of cultural heritage - the building of the architect Gelrich.

K:Businesses founded in 1887 K:Businesses closed in 2000

"Red Hero"- a plant in Moscow that produced rubber and rubber-textile shoes (boots, boots, galoshes, boots, etc.), shaped and non-shaped products.


The main building of the plant was built according to the design of the architect G. A. Gelrikh and declared as an architectural monument.

The enterprise, at the origins of which stood a prominent banker L. S. Polyakov and businessman B. A. Givartovsky, was widely known - the imperial family was the holders of its shares.

present tense

Currently, the factory buildings are leased to various organizations - they house an office and business center, a Moscow hobby fair, etc. There are plans for the improvement and development of the factory territory with residential and commercial buildings.

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  • // "Great Soviet Encyclopedia" (BSE), 2012.


An excerpt characterizing the Red Bogatyr (factory)

“She is in everything, she alone is to blame for everything,” he said to himself; – but what of it? Why did I associate myself with her, why did I say to her this: “Je vous aime”, [I love you?] which was a lie and even worse than a lie, he said to himself. I am to blame and must bear ... What? The shame of the name, the misfortune of life? Eh, it's all nonsense, he thought, and the disgrace of the name, and honor, everything is conditional, everything is independent of me.
“Louis XVI was executed because they said that he was dishonorable and a criminal (it occurred to Pierre), and they were right from their point of view, just as those who were martyred for him and ranked him among faces of the saints. Then Robespierre was executed for being a despot. Who is right, who is wrong? Nobody. But live and live: tomorrow you will die, how could I have died an hour ago. And is it worth it to suffer when one second remains to live compared to eternity? But at the moment when he considered himself reassured by this kind of reasoning, she suddenly imagined her, and at those moments when he most of all showed her his insincere love, and he felt a rush of blood to his heart, and had to get up again, move, and break and tear things that fall under his hands. “Why did I say to her:“ Je vous aime? ”he kept repeating to himself. And after repeating this question for the 10th time, it occurred to him Molierovo: mais que diable allait il faire dans cette galere? [but why the devil carried him to this galley?] and he laughed at himself.
At night, he called the valet and ordered to pack in order to go to Petersburg. He couldn't stay under the same roof with her. He couldn't imagine how he would talk to her now. He decided that tomorrow he would leave and leave her a letter in which he would announce to her his intention to be separated from her forever.
In the morning, when the valet, bringing in coffee, entered the study, Pierre lay on the ottoman and slept with an open book in his hand.
He woke up and looked around frightened for a long time, unable to understand where he was.
“The countess ordered me to ask if your excellency is at home?” asked the valet.
But before Pierre had time to decide on the answer that he would make, the countess herself, in a white, satin robe, embroidered with silver, and in simple hair (two huge braids en diademe [in the form of a diadem] went around her lovely head twice) entered the room calm and majestic; only on her marble, somewhat convex forehead was a wrinkle of anger. She, with her all-enduring calmness, did not speak in front of the valet. She knew about the duel and came to talk about it. She waited until the valet filled the coffee and left. Pierre looked at her timidly through his spectacles, and, just as a hare, surrounded by dogs, pressing its ears, continues to lie in sight of its enemies, so he tried to continue reading: but he felt that it was pointless and impossible, and again looked timidly at her. She did not sit down, and with a contemptuous smile looked at him, waiting for the valet to come out.
– What is that? What have you done, I ask you,” she said sternly.
- I? what am I? Pierre said.
- Here is a brave man found! Well, tell me, what kind of duel is this? What did you want to prove with this! What? I'm asking you. Pierre turned heavily on the sofa, opened his mouth, but could not answer.
“If you do not answer, then I will tell you ...” Helen continued. “You believe everything that they tell you, you were told ...” Helen laughed, “that Dolokhov is my lover,” she said in French, with her rough accuracy of speech, pronouncing the word “lover” like any other word, “and you believed ! But what did you prove? What did you prove with this duel! That you are a fool, que vous etes un sot, [that you are a fool] everyone knew that! What will it lead to? To make me the laughingstock of all Moscow; so that everyone would say that you, in a drunken state, not remembering yourself, challenged to a duel a man whom you are jealous of without reason, - Helen raised her voice more and more and animatedly, - who is better than you in every respect ...

Sergei Klychkov

The planning project for a vast territory in the coastal zone of the Yauza proposes to demolish the symbol of the region - the Krasny Bogatyr plant

26 July in the districts of Bogorodskoye, Preobrazhenskoye and Sokolniki, meetings of participants in public hearings on the draft planning of the territory, limited by the projected passage 1889, Bogorodskoye Highway, st. Bogatyrsky Bridge, st. Krasnobogatyrskaya and projected passage No. 422, or, more simply, on the development of the territory of the former giant of industry, one of the largest enterprises in Moscow in the late 19th - early 20th centuries, the plant of the Moscow Association of Rubber Manufactory, which later became the Krasny Bogatyr plant. On the same day, the hearings will discuss changes to the Rules for Land Use and Development that ensure the implementation of this project.

As you might guess, without exception, all the development of the territory is being demolished, including the main building of the plant (Krasnobogatyrskaya st., 2, building 2), built in 1911 according to the project of Gustav Avgustovich Gelrikh, as well as the constructivist building of the fire department No. 22 (Krasnobogatyrskaya st., 6), built in 1927 by architect Alexander Vladimirovich Kurovsky. Both buildings were recognized by the Decree of the Moscow Department of Cultural Heritage No. 79 dated January 30, 2014 as historically valuable city-forming objects and included in the City Register of Immovable Cultural Heritage. The act of the state historical and cultural expertise, performed by a certified expert A.L. Batalov, identified the features that served as the basis for the inclusion of these objects in the City Register of Immovable Cultural Heritage and subject to mandatory preservation.

However, the fact that historical buildings have the status of valuable city-forming objects did not prevent the designers (NIiPI Institute of Urban Planning and System Design) from condemning them to demolition, and the city authorities from approving the project put up for public hearings. The customer of the total cleansing of the Krasny Bogatyr was CJSC Investment Company Severnaya Zvezda. When considering in April 2017 the issue of building up the site at the Town Planning and Land Commission, headed by the Mayor of Moscow, the status of buildings was not even discussed.

In Moscow in recent years, there has been a widespread loss of objects of the historical environment, which, unfortunately, do not have a sufficient degree of legal protection from physical destruction. Arkhnadzor has already written about this more than once. In this case, however, we are talking not only about valuable historical buildings, but also something no less significant. It is proposed to liquidate a whole layer of history of the area, whose life has been inextricably linked with this enterprise for more than 100 years.

The plant of the Moscow Association of Rubber Manufactory arose in 1887 on the site of a small hosiery factory Gucheson. At its origins were L.S. Polyakov, B.A. Givartovsky and K.I. Raeder. In 1888, the new plant began to produce hoses, fire hoses, children's toys, belts, rings, various haberdashery and surgical items. Since 1890, rubber shoes have been made here.

In 1910 the plant was reorganized. On its basis, the Russian-French Society of rubber production and trade "Bogatyr" was created. Among the products manufactured by the plant, galoshes were especially famous, which from 1911-1912. produced according to the latest Swedish technology.

In 1923, the plant changed its name to Krasny Bogatyr. Since the 1990s, production has been declining, and on April 30, 2004, the plant was closed. In recent years, the Moscow Entertainment Fair has been located in the former main building of the plant.


Arch Supervision appeals to all those who have the legal right to participate in public hearings with an appeal come to the meeting and speak out in defense of historic buildings. Necessary bring the project in line with the law and preserve two significant historical buildings in an area rich in architectural monuments. The participants of the hearings may also oppose the reduction of the natural complex by 19.4 hectares proposed by the project. "Valley of the Yauza River".

Arch Supervision appeals to the city administration with a demand to ensure revision of the planning project taking into account the preservation of valuable city-forming objects.

(Moscow production association "Red Bogatyr")

produces rubber and rubber-textile footwear (boots, boots, galoshes, boots, etc.), shaped and non-shaped products. Founded in 1972 as part of the head plant Krasny Bogatyr (Moscow), Kondrakovsky (Vladimir region), Maloyaroslavetsky, Sobolevsky and Khvastovichsky (all in the Kaluga region) separate industries.

The main plant was founded in 1887. In 1891, it began to produce galoshes. In 1901 the factory workers organized a strike against brutal exploitation and won some concessions from the administration. In 1905, the fighting squad of the plant, having joined the squad of the Moscow-Kazan railway, fought on the barricades near the Kazan station. In June 1917, a Bolshevik organization was created at the plant. After the October Revolution of 1917 the plant was reequipped. In 1923 he was named "Red Bogatyr". Since 1927, conveyor production has been organized. At the end of the 50s. conveyors with fixed blocks were used, which significantly improved working conditions and increased its productivity. In 1971, a new technological process for the production of footwear by injection molding from polyvinyl chloride compositions was introduced, and the development of the technology for the production of footwear by liquid molding from polyurethanes began.

In 1973, the association's enterprises produced about 31 million pairs of rubber footwear, including 25.6 million pairs from the head plant. Introduction of new technological processes is carried out in close connection with the Research Institute of Rubber and Latex Products. The Krasny Bogatyr plant was awarded the Order of Lenin (1971).

A. M. Seleznev.

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Moscow Production Association "Red Bogatyr"


Moscow sewing production association "Bolshevichka"

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (MO) of the author TSB

Red Bogatyr

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (KR) of the author TSB

author TSB

Production Association

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (OB) of the author TSB