Presentation on the topic "World Heritage Sites". Presentation on the topic: unesco world cultural and natural heritage in the russian federation unesco objects presentation

  • 19.09.2020

City complexes Historic center and monuments of St. Petersburg Historic center of Veliky Novgorod Historic center of Yaroslavl Citadel and Old Town of Derbent Historical complex Bulgar Kremlin Moscow Kremlin Kazan Kremlin Religious buildings Kizhi churchyard Solovetsky architectural complex Churches of Vladimir and Suzdal Trinity-Sergius Lavra Church of the Ascension in Kolomenskoye Ferapontov Monastery Novodevichy Monastery Water and near-water objects Lake Baikal Ubsunur Hollow Curonian Spit Mountain ranges Volcanoes of Kamchatka Altai Western Caucasus Sikhote-Alin Virgin forests Komi Lena Pillars Reserves Wrangel Island Putorana Plateau Heritage of Science and Technology Struve Geodetic Arc (2 sites) Representatives of this UNESCO List in Russia are 26 objects that we conditionally combined into several groups according to one or another feature:

In 2015, Russia ranked 9th in the world in terms of the total number of world heritage sites, and 4th in terms of the number of natural sites (after China, the USA and Australia)

"Venice of the North", with its many canals and over 400 bridges, is the result of the greatest urban development project begun in 1703 under Peter the Great. Historical center and monuments of St. Petersburg

The architectural ensemble of the Kizhi Pogost The Kizhi Pogost is located on one of the numerous islands of Lake Onega, in Karelia. Here you can see two wooden churches of the 18th century, as well as an octagonal bell tower, built of wood in 1862.

This place is inextricably linked with the most important historical and political events in the life of Russia. Starting from the XIII century. The Moscow Kremlin, created in the period from the XIV century. according to the 17th century outstanding Russian and foreign architects, was the grand ducal, and then the royal residence, as well as a religious center. St. Basil's Cathedral, a true masterpiece of Russian Orthodox architecture, rises on Red Square, which is located near the walls of the Kremlin. Moscow Kremlin and Red Square

Historical monuments of Novgorod and its environs There are currently 37 World Heritage Sites in the city, many of which are extensive ensembles.

The Solovetsky archipelago, located in the western part of the White Sea, consists of 6 islands with a total area of ​​more than 300 sq. km. There are also several churches of the XVI-XIX centuries. Cultural and historical ensemble "Solovki Islands" It is famous for the fact that on one of its islands there is an ancient majestic Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery, which, by the way, is also often called Solovetsky.

These two ancient cultural centers of Central Russia occupy an important place in the history of the formation of the country's architecture. There are a number of majestic religious and public buildings XII-XIII centuries White stone monuments of Vladimir and Suzdal

This is a vivid example of an active Orthodox monastery with the features of a fortress, which is quite consistent with the spirit of the time of its formation - the XV-XVIII centuries. In the main temple of the Lavra - the Assumption Cathedral, created in the image and likeness of the cathedral of the same name in the Moscow Kremlin - there is the tomb of Boris Godunov. Among the treasures of the Lavra is the famous icon "Trinity" by Andrey Rublev. The architectural ensemble of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra

This church was built in 1532 in the royal estate of Kolomenskoye near Moscow to commemorate the birth of an heir, the future Tsar Ivan IV the Terrible. The Church of the Ascension, which is one of the earliest examples of the tent completion traditional for wooden architecture in stone, had a great influence on the further development of Russian church architecture. Church of the Ascension in Kolomenskoye

Virgin forests of Komi As far as "virgin forests" are concerned, they are an untouched example of a typical northern forest, impenetrable taiga, rich in both the number of plant species represented here and the diversity of the animal world. Quite large rivers also flow in the foothills of the Urals, and some areas are distinguished by swampy terrain. The heritage site includes the lowland tundra, mountain tundra of the Urals, as well as one of the largest tracts of primary boreal forests that have survived in Europe. The vast territory with swamps, rivers and lakes, where conifers, birch and aspen grow, has been studied and protected for more than 50 years.

Lake Baikal

This is one of the most interesting volcanic regions in the world, where a large number of active volcanoes are concentrated, as well as many other natural phenomena associated with volcanic activity. The heritage site consists of six distinct sites. Active volcanoes combined with glaciers form an exceptionally picturesque and constantly evolving landscape. Volcanoes of Kamchatka

The Altai Mountains, which are the main mountainous region in the south of Western Siberia, form the sources of the largest rivers in this region - the Ob and Irtysh. The heritage site includes three separate sections: the Altai Reserve with the water protection zone of Lake Teletskoye, the Katunsky Reserve plus the Belukha Natural Park, and the Ukok Plateau. The area is home to endangered animals such as the snow leopard. Golden Mountains Altai

This is one of the few large alpine massifs in Europe where nature has not yet undergone significant anthropogenic influence. The area of ​​the object is approximately 300 thousand hectares, it is located in the west of the Greater Caucasus, 50 km northeast of the Black Sea coast. Only wild animals graze in the local alpine and subalpine meadows, and the vast untouched mountain forests, stretching from the lowland to the subalpine zone, are also unique in Europe. The area is characterized by a wide variety of ecosystems, highly endemic flora and fauna, and is an area where the mountain subspecies of the European bison once lived, and was later re-acclimatized. Western Caucasus

Having emerged on the territory inhabited since very ancient times, the Kazan Kremlin traces its history back to the Muslim period in the history of the Golden Horde and the Kazan Khanate. It was conquered in 1552 by Ivan the Terrible and became a stronghold of Orthodoxy in the Volga region. The Kremlin, which has largely preserved the layout of the ancient Tatar fortress and has become an important center of pilgrimage, includes outstanding historical buildings of the 16th-19th centuries, built on the ruins of earlier structures of the 10th-16th centuries. Historical and architectural complex "Kazan Kremlin"

Ferapontov Monastery is located in the Vologda region, in the north of the European part of Russia. This is an exceptionally well-preserved Orthodox monastery complex of the 15th-17th centuries. The architecture of the monastery is original and complete. In the interior of the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin, magnificent wall frescoes by Dionysius, the greatest Russian artist of the late 15th century, have been preserved. Ensemble of the Ferapontov Monastery

The human development of this narrow sandy peninsula, which has a length of 98 km and a width of 400 m to 4 km, began in prehistoric times. The spit was also exposed to natural forces - wind and sea waves. The preservation of this unique cultural landscape to this day has become possible only thanks to the ongoing struggle of man against erosion processes (dune fixation, forest plantations). curonian spit

Far Eastern coniferous-broad-leaved forests grow in the Sikhote-Alin mountains, which are recognized as one of the richest and most original in terms of species composition among all forests in the temperate zone of the Earth. In this transitional zone, located at the junction of taiga and subtropics, there is an unusual mixture of southern (tiger, Himalayan bear) and northern animal species (brown bear, lynx). The area stretches from the highest peaks of the Sikhote-Alin to the coast of the Sea of ​​Japan, and is home to many endangered species, including the Amur tiger. Sikhote-Alin

The heritage site is located within the northernmost of all closed basins in Central Asia. Its name comes from the name of the vast shallow and very salty lake Ubsunur, in the area of ​​which a lot of migratory, waterfowl and near-water birds accumulate. The object consists of 12 disparate plots (including seven plots in Russia, with an area of ​​258.6 thousand hectares), which represent all the main types of landscapes characteristic of Eastern Eurasia. In the steppes noted big variety birds, and rare species of small mammals live in desert areas. In the highlands, such animals, rare on a global scale, as the snow leopard and argali mountain sheep, as well as the Siberian ibex, have been noted. Ubsunur hollow

Ancient Derbent was located on the northern borders of Sasanian Persia, which at that time stretched east and west from the Caspian Sea. Ancient fortifications built of stone include two fortress walls that run parallel to each other from the seashore to the mountains. The city of Derbent was formed between these two walls and has retained its medieval character to this day. It continued to be a strategically important site well into the 19th century. Old city and fortifications of Derbent

The heritage site, located above the Arctic Circle, includes the mountainous Wrangel Island and Herald Island, together with the adjacent waters of the Chukchi and East Siberian Seas. Wrangel Island is known for its huge walrus rookeries (one of the largest in the Arctic), as well as the highest density of polar bear birth dens in the world. The area is important as a feeding ground for gray whales migrating here from California and as a breeding ground for more than 50 species of birds, many of which are classified as rare and endangered. More than 400 species and varieties of vascular plants have been recorded on the island, more than on any other Arctic island. Some of the living organisms found here are special island forms of those plants and animals that are widespread on the continent. About 40 species and subspecies of plants, insects, birds and animals are defined as endemic. Wrangel Island

Ensemble of the Novodevichy Convent

Historic center of Yaroslavl

The Struve Arc is a chain of triangulation points stretching for 2820 km across the territory of ten European countries from Hammerfest in Norway to the Black Sea. These reference observation points were laid in the period 1816-1855. astronomer Friedrich Georg Wilhelm Struve (aka Vasily Yakovlevich Struve), who thus made the first reliable measurement of a large segment of the earth's meridian arc. This made it possible to accurately determine the size and shape of our planet, which was an important step in the development of earth sciences and topographic mapping. It was an exceptional example of cooperation in the scientific field between scientists different countries and between reigning monarchs. Initially, the "arc" consisted of 258 geodetic "triangles" (polygons) with 265 main triangulation points. The World Heritage Site includes 34 such sites (the best surviving to date), which are marked on the ground in a variety of ways, such as hollows carved into the rocks, iron crosses, cairns or specially installed obelisks. Arc Struve

This object coincides with its borders with the Putoransky State Nature Reserve, located in the northern part of Central Siberia, 100 km above the Arctic Circle. The World Heritage Listed portion of this plateau has a full range of subarctic and arctic ecosystems preserved within an isolated mountain range, including pristine taiga, forest tundra, tundra and arctic desert systems, as well as a pristine cold water lake and river systems. Through the site runs the main migration route of reindeer, which is an exceptional, majestic and increasingly rare phenomenon of nature. Putorana Plateau

The natural park "Lena Pillars" is formed by rock formations of rare beauty, which reach a height of about 100 meters and are located along the banks of the Lena River in the central part of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). They originated in a sharply continental climate with a difference in annual temperature of up to 100 degrees Celsius (from -60°C in winter to +40°C in summer). The pillars are separated from each other by deep and steep ravines, partially filled with frosted rock fragments. The penetration of water from the surface accelerated the process of freezing and contributed to frost weathering. This led to the deepening of the ravines between the pillars and their dispersal. The proximity of the river and its course are for pillars hazards. Lena Pillars

The architectural and historical complex Bulgar Settlement on the banks of the Volga (in Tatarstan). The first settlements date back to the 9th-10th centuries. The remains of the rampart and the moat of the XIV-XV centuries, buildings from the era of the conquest of the Volga Bulgaria by the Mongols, have been preserved. Up to 100 architectural monuments of varying degrees of preservation and historical value, from the 13th to the 18th centuries, have been discovered on the territory of the settlement.

The Ancient City of Tauric Chersonesus Located in the Russian-controlled territory of Crimea, it is considered by the Russian authorities as a World Heritage Site in the Russian Federation. UNESCO considers Chersonese Tauride as one of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Ukraine

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As of July 1, 2011, there are 936 objects in the World Heritage List in 148 countries: individual architectural structures and ensembles, cities, archaeological reserves, national parks and others. I suggest you take a look at some of the objects from this huge list.
In the photo: One of the objects of the archaeological complex Madain Salih.

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Taj Mahal

A bird flies over the Taj Mahal, a mausoleum-mosque located in the Indian city of Agra. It was built by order of the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his wife Mumtaz Mahal, who died in childbirth. The Taj Mahal was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1983. The architectural marvel was also named one of the "New Seven Wonders of the World" in 2007.

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Sydney Opera House

Sydney Opera House - one of the most famous and easily recognizable buildings in the world, which is a symbol of Sydney and one of the main attractions of Australia. The Sydney Opera House was listed as a World Heritage Site in 2007.

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Waterfalls "Gargantadel Diablo"

The waterfalls "Gargantadel Diablo" ("Devil's Throat") are located on the territory of the Iguazu National Park in the Argentine province of Misiones. Depending on the water level in the Iguazu River, the park has from 160 to 260 waterfalls, as well as over 2,000 varieties of plants and 400 species of birds. Iguazu National Park b15).

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Bayon Temple

Bayon Temple is famous for its many giant stone faces. There are over 1,000 temples in the Angkor region, ranging from a nondescript pile of bricks and rubble scattered among rice fields to the magnificent Angkor Wat, considered the world's largest single religious monument. Many of the temples at Angkor have been restored. More than a million tourists visit them every year.

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Statue of Liberty

The Statue of Liberty (Full name - Liberty Enlightening the World) is one of the most famous sculptures in the USA and in the world, often called the "symbol of New York and the USA", "the symbol of freedom and democracy", "Lady Liberty". This is a gift from French citizens for the centenary of the American Revolution.

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The mysterious Stonehenge is a stone megalithic structure, consisting of 150 huge stones, and located on the Salisbury Plain in the English county of Wiltshire.

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People skate on the ice of the canals in the Kinderdijk mills area, a UNESCO World Heritage site near Rotterdam. Kinderdijk has the largest collection of historic windmills in the Netherlands and is one of the top attractions in South Holland.

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Perito Moreno Glacier

The Perito Moreno Glacier is located in the Los Glaciares National Park, in the southeast of the Argentinean province of Santa Cruz. This place was listed as a UNESCO World Natural Heritage Site in 1981. The glacier is one of the most interesting tourist sites in the Argentinean part of Patagonia and the 3rd largest glacier in the world after Antarctica and Greenland.

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Terraced gardens

Terraced gardens in the northern Israeli city of Haifa surround the golden-domed Shrine of the Bab, the founder of the Baha'i faith. Here is the world administrative and spiritual center of the Baha'i religion, the number of professing which in the world is less than six million. This site was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site on July 8, 2008.

Yellowstone National Park. What is UNESCO World Heritage. Treasures of mankind. UNESCO World Heritage. Volcanoes of Kamchatka. Pamukkale. Tomb of the first emperor of the Qin Dynasty. Painted grottoes in the valley of the river Weser. Stonehenge. Taj Mahal. National parks of the Canadian Rockies. The Statue of Liberty.

"Culture of the 20th-21st century" - Intellectual realism is associated with the philosophical beginning in literature. Futurism. Rockers. Avant-gardism. Rappers. Art of the XX-XXI centuries. I.I. Leonidov. Literature. Surrealism expressed the idea of ​​existence beyond the real. Collage. Youth subculture. Radio. Cubism is an avant-garde trend in fine arts. Punks are a youth subculture that emerged in the late 60s and early 70s. Constructivism later developed into such an art form as design.

"Culture of the East" - Interdisciplinary forms. Modernization. Art culture. Modern society. The totality of processes and phenomena. Architecture. Music. Four types of modernization. Japanese fiction. Westernization. Basic concepts. traditional society. postmodern sensibility. Artistic culture of the East. Death of the subject. features of modernity. Spatio-temporal theater.

"UNESCO" - The concept of the knowledge society is based on the principle of freedom of speech and access to information, knowledge and education. UNESCO. Africa and gender equality have been declared cross-cutting themes since 2008. Natural Sciences. UNESCO condemns violations of press freedom and reprisals against media workers. UNESCO. There are currently 195 states in UNESCO. Currently CEO UNESCO Irina Bokova. The organization also has more than 50 local offices around the world.

"UNESCO Sites in Russia" - Ferapontov Monastery. Historical monuments of Novgorod and environs. Historical center of Yaroslavl. Moscow Kremlin and Red Square. Kazan Kremlin. Historical center of St. Petersburg. White stone monuments of Vladimir and Suzdal. Solovetsky Monastery. Novodevichy Convent. The architectural ensemble of the Kizhi Pogost. Church of the Ascension of the Lord in Kolomenskoye. UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Russia.

"UNESCO Heritage" - Position of UNESCO. ICT. UNESCO activities. Internet governance. Cultural diversity. The role of the UNESCO program. Students. Results of preparation. Puzzle of the century. Opening of the Information Youth Center. UN after the Summit in Tunisia. World Summit. A measure of linguistic diversity on the Internet. Freedom of expression. Applications based on ICT. UNESCO between Geneva and Tunis. Providing support to educational, scientific and cultural institutions.

Elena Krakhaleva
Presentation "World Heritage of Russia"

World heritage of Russia.

1 slide World heritage of Russia.

The presentation was prepared by: Krakhalev Kirill Alexandrovich, a 4th grade student of the Kazinsky school of the Pavlovsky district.


Theme of the project: "The World Heritage of Russia".

Academic disciplines: World around.

Goal: Compose a message on the chosen topic.

Project objectives: - to find a definition of the term "world heritage"

Get acquainted with the world heritage sites of Russia

Learn about ways to protect these objects.

Planned results: prepare a story on the chosen topic, get a positive assessment of your work.

Project implementation time: January 2019.

Project type: research

3 slide WORLD HERITAGE - outstanding cultural and natural values ​​that constitute the heritage of all mankind.

4Slide There are 25 specially protected objects in Russia. Fifteen of them have the status of a cultural landmark, the remaining ten are of a natural nature.

5 slide World Cultural Heritage of Russia

6 slide The historical center of St. Petersburg and its associated complexes of monuments is the first World Heritage Site in Russia.

7 slide The Moscow Kremlin and Red Square are the oldest part of Moscow, the main socio-political, spiritual, religious, historical and artistic complex of the capital, the official residence of the President of the Russian Federation

8 slide Kizhi is an island on Lake Onega in Karelia, on which the world-famous architectural ensemble of the Kizhi Pogost is located, consisting of two churches and a bell tower of the 18th-19th centuries.

9 slide Veliky Novgorod and its surroundings belong to ancient periods Russian history and are unique architectural complexes.

10 slide Solovetsky Museum-Reserve Located in the Arkhangelsk region. The museum-reserve includes over 250 monuments of history and culture and various natural landscapes.

11 slide The white-stone cathedrals of Vladimir and Suzdal are located on the territory of the Vladimir region and belong to the Orthodox culture of Russia.

12 slide Church of the Ascension of the Lord in Kolomenskoye - the Orthodox church is a masterpiece of world architecture, the first stone hipped temple in Russia

13 slide Trinity-Sergius Lavra in Sergiyev Posad is the largest male monastery of the Russian Orthodox Church. Located in the center of the city of Sergiev Posad, Moscow Region.

14 slide Ferapontov Monastery Located in the Vologda region. An ensemble of architecture and murals of the pre-Petrine time has been preserved here.

15 slide The Kazan Kremlin is a complex of architectural, historical and archaeological monuments that reveal the centuries-old history of the city: a white-stone Kremlin, a number of temples and buildings of great historical, architectural and cultural value.

16 slide Novodevichy Convent, Moscow Orthodox convent founded by Grand Duke Vasily III in 1524 - in honor of the Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God in gratitude for the capture of Smolensk in 1514

17 slide The historical center of Yaroslavl was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List as "an outstanding example of the town-planning reform of Catherine II, deployed throughout Russia in 1763."

18 slide Derbent, the citadel of Naryn-Kala is an ancient, pre-Arab citadel, part of the Derbent fortress, connected to the Caspian Sea by double walls. Inside the citadel, baths, water tanks and the ruins of a building have been preserved, which can be assumed to be of great antiquity.

19Slide Struve Geodesic Arc -Created to determine the parameters of the Earth, its shape and size a. Named after the creator - Russian astronomer Vasily Yakovlevich Struve

20Slide World Natural Heritage of Russia.

21Slide The virgin forests of Komi are located in the north of the Ural Mountains in the Komi Republic. These are the largest untouched forests in Europe (area 32,600 km).

22 slide Baikal - a lake of tectonic origin located in the southern part of Eastern Siberia, the deepest lake on the planet, the largest natural reservoir fresh water.

23Slide Volcanoes of Kamchatka are located in the east of Russia on the Kamchatka Peninsula. Currently, there are about 29 active volcanoes in Kamchatka.

24 slide The Sikhote-Alin State Natural Biosphere Reserve is a biosphere reserve in the Primorsky Territory. The initial purpose of its creation was the preservation and restoration of the sable, which was almost exterminated at that time. Serves as a place for observing the Amur tiger

25 slide Western Caucasus: mountain forests and alpine meadows of the Caucasian Reserve The Caucasian State Natural Biosphere Reserve is the largest and oldest protected area in the North Caucasus

26 slide Ubsunur hollow - in the Republic of Tuva State natural biosphere reserve which includes glaciers, taiga, deserts, alpine tundra, alpine meadows, and vast mountainous taiga regions.

27 slide Altai - Golden Mountains in Eurasia. Altai is a mountain system in Asia, in the south of Siberia and in Central Asia, consisting of high and mid-mountain ranges separated by deep river valleys and vast basins.

28 slide The Curonian Spit is a narrow and long saber-shaped sandy strip of land that separates the Curonian Lagoon from the Baltic Sea.

29 slide Wrangel Island - a state natural reserve occupies two islands of the Chukchi Sea - Wrangel and Gerald. The purpose of creating the reserve is to preserve and study the unique ecosystems of the island part of the Arctic, as well as such animal species as the polar bear and walrus.

30 slide The Putorana Plateau - Putorana State Natural Reserve combines taiga, forest tundra and arctic desert within its territory. The Putoran subspecies of the snow leopard, listed in the Red Book of Russia, lives on the territory of the reserve. Winters on the plateau and the world's largest population of wild reindeer.

31 slide Lena Pillars - located on the banks of the Lena, are a complex of vertically elongated rocks. The natural monument is based on Cambrian limestone.

Geography teacher Fedosenko O.V.

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27 UNESCO cultural and natural heritage sites 2.5% (1073 in 2017) of the world's total 17 sites cultural heritage(6 of them are a masterpiece of human genius) 10 natural heritage sites (4 are natural phenomena of exceptional beauty and importance) In 2016, the Russian Federation ranked 9th in the total number of UNESCO sites, 4th (after China, USA, Australia) in terms of the number of natural sites

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1) The historical center of St. Petersburg and related complexes of monuments of St. Petersburg, Leningrad Region (NWFD, North-West, North-Western ER)

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2) The architectural ensemble of the Kizhi Pogost Republic of Karelia (NWFD, European North, Northern ER)

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Church of the Transfiguration Church of the Intercession of the Mother of God Kizhi Island, Lake Onega

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3) Moscow Kremlin and Red Square in Moscow (Central Federal District, Central Russia, Central ER)

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Archangel Cathedral Saint Basil's Cathedral


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4) Historical monuments of Novgorod and its environs Novgorod region (NWFD, North-West, North-West ER)


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5) Cultural and historical ensemble "Solovki Islands" Arkhangelsk region (NWFD, European North, Northern ER)


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6) White-stone monuments of Vladimir and Suzdal XII-XIII centuries Vladimir region, (Central Federal District, Central Russia, CER)


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7) The architectural ensemble of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra Moscow region (CFD, Central Russia, Central ER)


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8) Church of the Ascension in Kolomenskoye Moscow (CFD, Central Russia, Central ER)


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9) Virgin forests of Komi Republic of Komi (NWFD, European North, Northern ER)


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This huge and almost untouched economic activity In 1995, the natural massif, located in the north-east of the Komi Republic, became the first Russian object to be included in the UNESCO List in the natural nomination. This heritage site includes two large adjacent protected natural areas. Firstly, it is one of the oldest in Russia, the Pechoro-Ilychsky nature reserve (721.3 thousand hectares, established in 1930), which also has the status of a biosphere reserve, along with its protected zone (666 thousand hectares). The reserve is located on the western slopes Northern Urals. Secondly, this is the Yugyd Va National Park (1891.7 thousand hectares, created in 1994), the largest among all parks in Russia, covering the western slopes of the Subpolar Urals, i.e. lying directly to the north of the reserve.


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10) Lake Baikal Irkutsk region and Buryatia (SFD, Eastern Siberia, East Siberian ER)


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One of the largest World Natural Heritage sites is a gigantic area (8.8 million hectares), located in the south of Eastern Siberia, not far from the borders with Mongolia. In the center of this range, at an altitude of 456 m above sea level, there is the water area of ​​Lake Baikal, and its outer boundaries are mainly delineated by the so-called "first catchment area", i.e. we are talking about a huge "bowl", bounded by high mountain ranges - Khamar-Daban, Primorsky, Baikal, Barguzinsky, Ulan-Burgasy, etc. Baikal holds the world championship in several important parameters at once. So, this is the oldest freshwater reservoir on our planet - its age is usually determined at 25 million years. Further, Baikal, which occupies a huge ancient graben (tectonic fault), which belongs to one of the world's largest rift systems, is recognized as the deepest lake in the world - its maximum depth mark is 1620 m. Yes, and in terms of its overall size, Baikal is also one of the largest lakes in the world : it has a length of 636 km, and its water surface extends over an area of ​​3.15 million hectares (in Russia it is the largest lake, in the world - in 6th place). Baikal contains a gigantic amount of fresh water - approximately 20% of all world reserves. The transparency of Baikal waters is also amazing - individual objects are visible at a depth of up to 40 m. high rate. Among the endemics are such key elements of the lake ecosystem as the epishura crustacean, Baikal omul and seal (Baikal seal), as well as viviparous fish - golomyanka plus a number of rare forms of aquatic invertebrates (sponges, amphipods, etc.).


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11) Volcanoes of Kamchatka Kamchatka Krai (FEFD, Far East, Far East ER)


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The Kamchatka Peninsula, washed by the Pacific Ocean, the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and the Bering Sea, and having a length of about 1200 km, is located in the temperate geographical zone, at the easternmost limit of the vast taiga strip, which runs along the entire northern Eurasia. The peninsula is one of the links of the Pacific "volcanic ring", and in relative proximity to it are the deepest oceanic trenches and the boundary of the lithospheric plate. This location causes significant seismic and volcanic activity. this region planets. Kamchatka is a huge natural museum of volcanology, the "exhibits" of which are active and extinct volcanoes, as well as various accompanying formations - geysers, fumaroles (steam-gas jets), hot springs, mud pots, etc.


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12) Golden Mountains of Altai Republic of Altai (SFD, Eastern Siberia, East Siberian ER)


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In the area where the territories of the four largest Eurasian states converge - Russia, Kazakhstan, China and Mongolia, there is Altai, one of the most significant mountain systems of Central Asia and Southern Siberia. The vegetation cover of this region is very mosaic: some territories are covered with dense coniferous forests (larch, spruce, pine, cedar, fir), others - with mountain steppes, meadows and tundra, and the most high-altitude regions are occupied by eternal snows and glaciers. But in the very south there are also semi-deserts, i.e. it turns out that very contrasting landscapes coexist in a relatively small area. The unique fauna of this heritage site deserves special mention: it was not for nothing that it was included in the UNESCO List precisely according to criterion iv (biodiversity and the presence of rare species). Among about 70 species of mammals are the snow leopard (irbis) and the mountain sheep argali, listed in the International Red Book. This is a wild manul cat - the "inhabitant" of the Russian Red Book. There are also over 300 species of birds, including such rare birds as the Altai snowcock, black stork, peregrine falcon, golden eagle, bearded vulture, white-tailed and long-tailed eagles, saker falcon, imperial eagle, osprey. Among the 20 species of fish are grayling, taimen, lenok, osman.


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13) Western Caucasus Krasnodar Territory, Republic of Adygea, Karachay-Cherkessia (Southern Federal District, North Caucasian Federal District, European South, North Caucasian ER)


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The natural massif, which received the status of a World Heritage Site, is very extensive and compact: these are highlands almost untouched by man, which once served for the Grand Duke's hunts, with an area of ​​approximately 300 thousand hectares. The massif is located in the western part of the Greater Caucasus, about 50 km northeast of Sochi, or rather, in the upper reaches of the Malaya Laba and Belaya rivers, tributaries of the Kuban. The central position is occupied by one of the oldest and most famous in the country, the Caucasian Reserve, established in 1924, and since 1979 having the status of a biosphere reserve (Krasnodar Territory, Adygea, Karachay-Cherkessia), with an area of ​​282.5 thousand hectares. In total, over 3 thousand species have been noted in the local flora, of which half are higher vascular plants, of which one in three is recognized as endemic, and one in ten is a relic of previous eras, mainly of the Tertiary time. For example, among 165 species of trees and shrubs, Caucasian endemics are the following: Georgian oak, long-horned spurge, smooth-bark euonymus; on the other hand, plants such as Nordmann's fir, Caucasian mock orange, medicinal laurel, yew berry, Colchis boxwood and a number of others are relics. A special place in the ecosystem is occupied by the Caucasian bison - a massive wild bull, once called the highlanders "dombai".


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14) Historical and architectural complex "Kazan Kremlin" Republic of Tatarstan (VFD, Volga region, Volga ER)


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the oldest part of Kazan, a complex of architectural, historical and archaeological monuments, revealing the long history of the city: archaeological remains of the XII-XVI centuries); white-stone Kremlin, a number of temples and buildings of great historical, architectural and cultural value


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15) Ensemble of the Ferapontov Monastery Vologda Oblast (NWFD, North-West, North-West ER)


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16) Curonian Spit Kaliningrad region (NWFD, North-West, North-Western ER)


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In the southeastern part of the Baltic Sea, a narrow (400-3800 m) sandy peninsula stretches for as much as 98 km - the Curonian Spit. Its southern half is located on the territory of Russia (Kaliningrad region), where in 1987 the Curonian Spit National Park (6.6 thousand hectares) was created. The northern half belongs to Lithuania, and since 1991 the Kurshu-Nerija National Park has been functioning here (26.5 thousand hectares). The Curonian Spit is of great value as a natural monument. This is one of the largest eolian formations in the world; sand dunes here reach a height of almost 70 m and literally stretch for tens of kilometers. Further, the spit, located on the White Sea-Baltic path of migrating birds, is also known among ornithologists - every spring and autumn, from 10 to 20 million birds fly over these places, a significant part of which stop here for rest and feeding. Many of these birds are rare and endangered species listed in the Red Books of Russia, Lithuania and the world. However, the Curonian Spit was included in the UNESCO List not according to the natural, and not according to the cultural and natural nomination (although such recommendations were made), but according to the nomination of the cultural heritage, or rather, as a unique cultural landscape.


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17) Central Sikhote-Alin Primorsky Territory (FEFD, Vostok, Far Eastern ER)


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This most valuable mountain and forest area is located in the south of the Russian Far East, in the Primorsky Territory, and has access to the shores of the Sea of ​​Japan (between the points of Plastun and Terney). The heritage site includes, firstly, the Sikhote-Alin Biosphere Reserve (401.4 thousand hectares, established in 1935) and, secondly, the small zoological reserve Goralovy (4.7 thousand hectares), which is located on the sea coast is a little northeast of the reserve. The heritage site, located on the eastern limit of the Eurasian temperate zone, covers both the eastern (steeper) and western (flatter) slopes of the Sikhote-Alin mountain system, approximately in its central part. In this place, the mountains appear as a complex labyrinth of monotonous, with numerous spurs, medium-altitude ridges, almost completely covered with forests. Here you can see narrow (sometimes canyon-like) intermountain valleys and ravines, through which small but fast rapids rivers flow; remnant mountains rising up (magmatic intrusions); kurums - stone placers; seaside rocky cliffs (with characteristic teeth - kekurs), sometimes sheerly leaving in the blue waters of the Sea of ​​Japan. The maximum mark is 1598 m, on the top of Mount Glukhomanka. Among the rare animals, the Amur or Ussuri tiger, one of the 5 subspecies of this beautiful, graceful and powerful predator that has survived to date, takes the first place in importance. The Amur subspecies is the northernmost, largest and most “furry”. Its modern range is very small - the south of the Russian Far East, plus the adjacent regions of China and North Korea. In total, about 450 animals remain here, and almost all of them "live" on Russian territory, in Primorye, and about 35-40 tigers live in the Sikhote-Alin Reserve, which is considered the largest population of this predator. In the International Red Book, the Amur tiger appears as an animal in "critical condition". Another rare animal is the Amur goral, whose favorite habitat is the inaccessible rocky shores of the Sea of ​​Japan. Although it is also found on the territory of the reserve, a special reserve is also intended for its protection. The total number of gorals in these places is 170 heads (according to censuses as of January 1, 2003). This hoofed animal is included in the International Red Book under the category of “vulnerable species”.


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18) Ubsunur depression Tyva Republic (SFD, Eastern Siberia, East Siberian ER)


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Ubsunur (Ubsu-Nur, Uvs-Nuur) is a rather large (70 x 80 km) shallow (up to 15 m) salt lake located on the border of Tuva and Mongolia, in the western part of the vast (from west to east - up to 600 km, from south to north - 160 km) and a closed (i.e. drainless) intermountain basin. The northern part of this basin falls on the territory of Russia (Tuva), and the southern part - on the territory of Mongolia. The cross-border heritage site consists of 12 scattered sites with a total area of ​​1069 thousand hectares. Of these, in Russia there are seven sites with a total area of ​​258.6 thousand hectares, the remaining five are located in Mongolia (these are four clusters of the Uvs-Nuur nature reserve and the Tes-Khem reserve, in the amount of 810.2 thousand hectares). The Russian sites are seven (out of nine) clusters of the Ubsunur Hollow Biosphere Reserve, established in 1993. These sites are located in different parts of the drainage basin of Lake Ubsunur, so they turn out to be very different from each other in their natural conditions. However, in general, they represent all the main types of landscapes characteristic of Central Asia.


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19) Citadel, old city and fortifications of Derbent Republic of Dagestan (NCFD, European South, North Caucasian ER)


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On the western coast of the Caspian Sea, where the Caucasian spurs come quite close to the sea area, ancient Derbent is located on the coastal plains and hills. Today it is the second largest city in the Republic of Dagestan, after the capital, Makhachkala, which lies 125 km to the north. Derbent is one of the oldest cities not only in the Caucasus, but throughout Russia. Its history, according to archaeologists, dates back five millennia - it was then, back in the Bronze Age, that a small settlement arose on this site, which later acquired city fortifications. In 2015 the city celebrated its 2000th anniversary.


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20) O. Wrangel Chukotka Autonomous Okrug (FEFD, Far East, Far Eastern ER)