Profotek celebrates its first birthday. Profotec celebrates its first birthday Preservation of cultural heritage

  • 06.05.2020

Today marks the 20th anniversary of the founding of Sukhoi. On August 26, 1996, Russian President Boris Yeltsin issued a Decree, in accordance with which the Sukhoi Aviation Military Industrial Complex (SUE AVPK Sukhoi) was created, which included the design bureau. P.O. Sukhoi and three serial plants for the production of fighters and front-line bombers developed by this design bureau - Novosibirsk, Komsomol and Irkutsk. This decision became Starting point subsequent successful development of the company and its transformation into one of the leaders in the global aircraft industry. In 2001, the State Unitary Enterprise AVPK Sukhoi was transformed into an open joint-stock company with 100% state participation "Joint-Stock Holding Company" Sukhoi ".

As part of the further consolidation of the company's business, a decision was made to merge three subsidiaries into it: OAO Sukhoi Design Bureau, OAO KnAAPO im. Yu.A. Gagarin" and OJSC "NAPO im. V.P. Chkalov" with the creation of a single legal entity. From January 1, 2013, the activities of the listed subsidiaries as independent legal entities were terminated. The structure of a single legal entity as branches included: the leading Russian design bureau - Sukhoi Design Bureau, serial aircraft manufacturing plants - Komsomolsk-on-Amur Aviation Plant (KnAAZ) named after. Yu.A. Gagarin and the Novosibirsk Aviation Plant (NAZ) named after. V.P. Chkalov. Since May 2015, the full name of the company has been Public Joint Stock Company Aviation Holding Company Sukhoi (PJSC Sukhoi Company).

Today, Sukhoi is part of the United Aircraft Corporation (PJSC UAC). Its priority tasks include R&D to ensure the serial production of aircraft, serial production of combat aircraft under the State Defense Order and export contracts, the production of the Sukhoi Superjet 100 airliner, flight testing of new aircraft and the execution of service contracts under the State Defense Order and after-sales service for export deliveries.

The company provides a full cycle of work in the aircraft industry - from design to effective after-sales service. Programs are being implemented in the field of military (Su-27SM3, Su-30MK2, Su-33, Su-34, Su-35, PAK FA) and civil aviation. Its factories produce medium-haul airliners "Sukhoi Superjet 100". Today Sukhoi is the largest Russian supplier of aviation technology for export. Aircraft of the Su family are among the top three in the global combat aviation market. They are in service with more than 30 countries around the world.

To implement these tasks, production is being modernized, the latest equipment is being installed, innovative technologies. Among the achievements in the field of development the latest technologies we can note the expansion of the use of all-composite structures in the airframe of the aircraft, the introduction of nano-composite wires, the introduction of new technologies for the manufacture of composite panels, the reduction of the radar visibility of aircraft through the use of the latest domestic developments, the introduction of fiber-optic communication lines, a new domestic electronic element base. The transition to electronic prototyping has been carried out, which provides a full continuous cycle of creating new aircraft: calculation - design - technological preparation production and production itself. During the technical re-equipment of the enterprise, an integrated approach in the field of IT was implemented. A single information space has been created for all enterprises of Sukhoi. On the basis of a single electronic layout, "electronic" processes of aircraft design, engineering and production are carried out. The company and its branches have created local computing systems that combine working computers, servers and data storage systems into a single information and computing complex. The Sukhoi Design Bureau uses domestic supercomputers to solve engineering problems.

The large-scale tasks facing the company require qualified personnel. Underway system work for the formation and development personnel reserve, are created additional features to train and promote promising employees for promotion to managerial positions. A unique training program in the area of ​​lean manufacturing.

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Moscow, October 29, 2014– ABBYY celebrates its 25th anniversary. During this time, ABBYY has become the world's leading developer of technologies in the field of text recognition, information analysis and linguistics and has released programs and solutions that are used by over 40 million people in more than 200 countries around the world.

Lingvo was the first

The history of the company began in 1989 with the creation of the electronic dictionary Lingvo, with the help of which today more than 8 million people search for translations in 19 languages. According to the company, in just the last ten years, people have translated about 10 billion words into Lingvo.

World technologies of recognition

The second ABBYY product, which entered the market in 1993, was FineReader, a text recognition program. She was unique for her time, because she was able to recognize texts not only in Russian, but also in English. Today, FineReader recognizes 190 languages ​​and helps more than 20 million people around the world. ABBYY recognition technologies are licensed by the world's largest companies: DELL, EPSON, Fujitsu, HP, Kofax, Panasonic, Siemens, Samsung Electronics, HTC and others.

Market leader in streaming data capture

An important direction of the company's business is the development of corporate solutions. ABBYY is the market leader in streaming document and data capture in Russia. ABBYY technologies are chosen by 80 of the TOP-100 Russian banks, as well as largest companies from other industries: Transneft, OAO IDGC of Siberia, OAO Vostokgazprom, SIBUR, MTS and others.

ABBYY solutions help implement projects on a national scale. For example, the company's technologies were used in the conduct of population censuses and elections in Saudi Arabia, Greece, Lithuania, Chile and other countries.

Preservation cultural heritage

ABBYY solutions help preserve cultural heritage. The company's technologies are used in projects funded by the European Commission to create digital libraries Gutenberg. And in 2014, with the help of ABBYY FineReader, a reference electronic version of the 90-volume collected works of Leo Tolstoy was created, and now the writer's rare works are available to all people free of charge.

Popular mobile applications

Since 2007, ABBYY has been developing mobile applications that are currently installed on mobile devices by more than 6.5 million people worldwide. Dictionaries and recognition technologies are licensed by the leaders of the mobile market - Samsung, LG, HTC, YotaPhone, Onyx, Pocketbook and others.

birthday gifts

In honor of the 25th anniversary, ABBYY gives gifts. On a special promo page, you can select a program and leave a contact e-mail, and after a while ABBYY will send you a link to download it.

In addition, ABBYY sets discounts for programs, mobile applications and professional translation services from ABBYY Language Services. All details can also be found on the promo page.


The Russian company ABBYY is the world's leading developer software and a service provider in document recognition and capture, linguistics and translation. More than 40 million users and tens of thousands of organizations around the world use ABBYY solutions to automate time-consuming processes, saving time and turning information into useful knowledge. On the Russian market ABBYY is a unique company that simultaneously leads the field of linguistic technologies and services. According to the CNews rating, ABBYY is the leader in streaming document and data entry on the Russian corporate market.

The ABBYY group is headquartered in Moscow, with head offices in North America, Europe and Eastern Europe (Ukraine). Among ABBYY regional offices: 3А (Asia, Africa, South America), Australia, UK, Canada, Cyprus, Russia, Taiwan, Japan. The group of companies also includes the high-tech linguistic company ABBYY Language Services, located in Moscow.

At 14 international companies, which are part of the ABBYY group, employs over 1250 employees and 900 outsourcers. ABBYY products and solutions are available to users in more than 200 countries around the world through its own network of partners and representatives. For getting detailed information visit the company's websites , , , , .

ABBYY, the ABBYY logo, Abi, ABBYY Lingvo, ADRT, FlexiCapture, Lingvo, FormReader, FineReader, and DOCFLOW are either registered trademarks or trademarks of ABBYY Software Ltd. Other trademarks mentioned are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.

Dear colleagues, partners, friends!

A year ago, on December 16, Closed Joint Stock Company "Profotek" was born!

1 year is not so much, but not a little: the past 12 months have been eventful, full of difficulties and successes. Sometimes it seemed to us that this year would never end. But, despite this, it flew by quickly, and we did not have time to look back - December came, and people began to slowly plunge into the New Year's fuss.

This year we still have things to do - our employees fly to Krasnoyarsk to install equipment manufactured according to the technical specifications from JSC "RUSAL" for automation technological process aluminum production. And yet now you can slow down a bit and look around, draw some conclusions.

During our existence, we managed to declare ourselves - we can say with confidence that we were noticed and appreciated by our colleagues in the industry. A cooperation agreement was signed with OAO FGC UES. Thanks to this, CJSC "Profotek" has become a key link in the development of digital substation technologies in the power grid complex of Russia.

We also have partners, among which are EnergopromAvtomatizatsiya OJSC, NPP Ekra LLC and NIIPT OJSC. At the exhibitions "Rosnanotech" and " Electricity of the net Russia-2011" we demonstrated a model of a digital substation, the equipment of which operates according to the IEC 61850-9-2 protocol. And next year, according to the agreements signed with JSC " network company"documents, we have to start work on the introduction of digital substation technologies at the existing electric power facilities of the Republic of Tatarstan.

We look forward to 2012 - the second year of our company's operations - with great optimism and fervent enthusiasm. He will lead our company to a qualitatively new level. Our plans are not only to continue what we started, but also to expand the scope of activities, as well as significantly increase the volume of production of our unique products.

We want to thank all our partners for fruitful cooperation, regardless of what issues we have solved, we continue to solve and will solve together. We value effective and comfortable interaction in big cases as well as in small ones. That is why we like you and your approach to work!

Separately, we would like to thank our shareholders - OJSC RUSNANO and the ONEXIM group - for the support they provided to us throughout the year. We admire the experience of the people of these organizations, their business acumen and sincere desire to lend a helping hand in difficult times. Thank you!