Jumping for the director of the department of social development. Competitions for the personnel reserve for the position of director of an institution subordinated to the depsotsotsrazvitiya yugra. Surgut and Surgut district

  • 03.04.2020


Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug extended the acceptance of applications from candidates for the posts of two departments

Governor of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug Natalia Komarova Yaromir Romanov

KhMAO authorities announced the extension of the acceptance of applications from candidates for the positions of directors of two departments - social development and education. As the site was told in the press service of the regional government, you can apply for the competition until June 16 inclusive.

According to the director of the department of the state civil service and personnel policy Yugra Irina Astapenko, such a decision was made “because of the great attention to the competition, as well as the difficult transport scheme region".

Initially, applications could be submitted from May 29 to June 13. Nine people did it: three candidates applied for the post of director of the department of education and youth of Ugra and five candidates for the post of director of the department of social development of Ugra. Another candidate also applied for both seats. As Irina Astapenko said, almost all applicants are residents of KhMAO, only one is from Tyumen.

Now the testing of candidates who have submitted their applications earlier has begun. This procedure will last until the end of the working day on June 16. The tests will include questions on knowledge of the fundamentals of the Constitution of Russia, legislation on civil service and combating corruption, the state language (Russian), assessment of skills in information and communication technologies. In addition, candidates will undergo psychological testing, the results of which will reveal their managerial potential, leadership inclinations, organizational skills, teamwork skills, and a comprehensive assessment of problems.

On June 19, industry conferences will be held, based on the results of which three candidates will be selected. They will have to pass the final tests - televised debates, which will be shown on the Yugra TV channel on June 20 and 21.

The new deputy Komarova is selected by subordinates instead of Koveshnikova and Krasko

Let's add that after all these stages, traditionally, the decisive word will be with the governor.

The posts of directors of departments became vacant after Lyubov Koveshnikova announced her resignation in March, and Maria Krasko a month later.

Rumors about Krasko's departure have been circulating over the past few years. It was believed that she would leave the post after her boss, Deputy Governor Alexei Putin (he left in the fall of 2016). But, as colleagues of the official note, she managed to agree with the governor on how to finalize it until she receives the full length of service as a civil servant. During this time, a number of scandals occurred in Ugra, in which the Department of Social Development appeared. For example, the incident in the Surgut children's rehabilitation center "Dobryi sovagenik", an employee of which broke the arm of a blind seven-year-old child diagnosed with cerebral palsy. After that, the prosecutor's office checked all such institutions of the district and revealed numerous violations in them.

As for the departure of Koveshnikova, she also officially retired. At the same time, there were no public complaints from the governor Natalya Komarova against her, even after the “card scandal” there was no reaction from the head of the region.

Recall that at the beginning of 2016, at one of Komarova’s many hours of meetings with the population, journalists saw Koveshnikova laying out the Klondike solitaire game on her tablet. The video received a lot of responses on the Web, and also gave users a reason for jokes and criticism of the authorities.

Temporarily acting as directors of these departments was entrusted to their deputies - Lyudmila Nizamova and Alexei Drenin. They are also considered the main contenders for vacant positions.

The next stage of selection of candidates for the positions of heads of two departments took place in Ugra, the press service of the district government reported.

The second stage of the competition for the selection of candidates for the position of Director of the Department of Social Development and the Department of Education and youth policy. To the post of heads of district departments, but, according to the head of the department professional development personnel and reserve Oksana Petrova, one candidate who applied for the position of head of two departments at once, did not advance to the second stage- due to non-compliance with qualification requirements.

As a result, in the second stage of the competition took part eight people. They presented their programs, after which the professional community selected three candidates for each department.

Three people are applying for the post of head of the department of education and youth policy. All of them made it to the final. The leader of the second stage of the competition was the Deputy Director - Head of the Continuous vocational education and Science District Department of Education Alexey Drenin. As a result of the competition, he scored 93 votes. Director of MBOU "Ushinsky secondary school" scored 29 votes Vladimir Krivonogov. And one vote was received by the Deputy Director for general issues Neftyugansk company "Plasma" Natalia Podivilova.

Five people are applying for the post of head of the department of social development: deputy chief physician for organizational and methodological work of the KhMAO-Yugra Center for Medical Prevention Petr Gromut, leading specialist of the Tyumen educational and methodological center of additional professional education "Status" Svetlana Davidenko, deputy head of administration of Uray Svetlana Kruglova, director of the Neftyugansk complex center social service Population "Protection" Igor Zelensky, director of the Kogalym complex center of social services for the population "Pearl" Yuri Malimon.

The professional community has identified three leaders. They became Petr Gromut- 61 votes were cast for him, Svetlana Davidenko- she got 22 votes and Igor Zelensky- 21 votes were cast for him. Svetlana Kruglova and Yuri Malimon received 14 and 9 votes respectively. All candidates will take part in the televised debates.

"In my program, I focus on quality improvement social guarantees population autonomous region. I believe that Ugra is not developed system of accompanied stay and employment of disabled and autistic children. A pilot project in this direction has already been launched in Russia. In addition to the current work, I want to focus on this project so that children after graduation from specialized institutions are not lost, but remain in society," commented the leader of the vote, Petr Gromut.

Petr Gromut's rival Svetlana Davidenko in her program relies on the achievements of the Social Development Department, focusing on large-scale informing the population about them.

"The department and its structures are working hard, we need to talk about it. The whole range of technologies that is being implemented now requires wide information. First of all, this development of the non-state sector to provide social services , strengthening public control over the adoption management decisions, the development of a volunteer movement among the elderly and much more," Svetlana Davidenko emphasized.

The final stage for the candidates will be televised debates on the air of OTRK "Ugra": on June 20 - on the election of the director of the department of social development, on June 21 - on the election of the director of the department of education and youth policy of the district. Every citizen of Ugra can ask a candidate a question of interest live. As a result, the candidates with the highest results will be invited for an interview with the Governor of Yugra Natalya Komarova.

Today Khanty-Mansiysk is hosting the second stage of selection of heads of two regional departments: social development, education and youth policy. The first industry conference has already ended - representatives of the professional community got acquainted with the applicants' programs and chose the top three. Petr Gromut, Svetlana Davidenko and Igor Zelensky will compete for the post of head of the Ugra social development department.

Recall that on May 29, a campaign for the public election of directors of socially significant departments was launched. Documents from all comers were accepted until June 13. The industry conferences taking place today became the second stage in the selection of leaders.

Employees of departments and sectoral institutions, as well as social activists, take an active part at all stages. Today they will listen to candidates' programs, their proposals - what they bring to the position, how they see the development of the industry, the main problems and ways to solve them. Participants will be able to ask questions, clarify all points on the implementation of programs. According to the results of each conference, three candidates will be selected who will have to pass the final tests - television debates, - Yakov Samokhvalov, deputy head of the department for providing support for civil initiatives, told us.

Five candidates applied for the position of director of the department of social development. Each of them presented their program to the participants of today's industry conference and told about themselves.

So the deputy chief physician for organizational and methodological work of the "Center for Medical Prevention" Piotr Gromut focused on the need to continue work on the further transfer of urgent social services to non-state providers. In the field of guardianship and guardianship, in his opinion, it is necessary to provide conditions for the development of adoption as a priority form of family placement for orphans and children left without parental care. Also in the plans is to integrate the information systems of the Yugra Depsotsrazvitiya with the state information system"GIS Housing and Public Utilities", to continue the development of the institution of mobile teams to provide social services to residents of rural areas and equip them with vehicles.

In my program, I focus on improving the quality of social guarantees for the population of the Autonomous Okrug. I believe that the system of accompanied stay and employment of disabled and autistic children is not developed in Ugra. A pilot project in this direction has already been launched in Russia. In addition to the current work, I want to focus on this project so that children after graduation from specialized institutions are not lost, but remain in society, - the candidate added.

Svetlana Davidenko, the leading specialist of the Training and Methodological Center for Additional Professional Education "Status" (Tyumen), in her program proposed solutions to problematic issues in the department's field of activity. Among them: improving the conditions for providing social support measures; ensuring the effective implementation of the current legislation in the field of social services, aimed at improving the quality of life of the population; development of technologies for conscious support of young people with disabilities, the introduction of the "training apartment" technology; development of volunteer movement for social support; involvement of the non-state sector in the implementation state order for the provision of social services, etc.

Svetlana Davidenko stressed that the achievements of the Department of Social Development are great and it is necessary to focus on large-scale informing the population about them.

The department and its structures are working hard, we need to talk about it. The whole complex of technologies that is currently being implemented requires broad information. First of all, this is the development of the non-state sector for the provision of social services, the strengthening of public control over the adoption of managerial decisions, the development of a volunteer movement among the elderly, and much more, she stressed.

According to Igor Zelensky, Director of the Complex Center for Social Services for the Population Zashchita (Nefteyugansk), it is necessary to continue supporting the access of non-governmental organizations to the provision of services in social sphere without prejudice to existing social service institutions.

Special attention it is necessary to pay attention to promoting and motivating social entrepreneurship, up to individual work with the entrepreneurial community, as well as building a self-sustaining ecosystem of social entrepreneurs, where the main motivation will not be making a profit, but philanthropy,” the candidate noted.

After all the candidates presented their programs, representatives of the professional community from the municipalities made their choice. The votes were distributed as follows: Svetlana Kruglova received 14 ballots, Svetlana Davidenko - 22, Igor Zelensky - 21, Petr Gromut - 61, Yuriy Malimon - 9. The three candidates who received the highest score will speak live on the Yugra TV company, wherever they have to to answer questions from the audience in the studio and those who will closely follow the elections on TV screens. Then they will have an interview with the head of the district, Natalya Komarova. Finally, the question of who will become directors of the departments of social development and education will be decided during a meeting of the commission under the governor for the formation and training of a reserve of managerial personnel.

Stanislav Kononenko, Chairman of the Public Council under the Department of Social Development of Yugra:

– We need a ready-made professional manager who can immediately get involved in activities and be ready to make compromises, not representing the interests of only one side. The field of regional social development is difficult to work with, and we want to make a real choice between worthy candidates.

Text author: Alexey Neiman This material was published on the BezFormata website on January 11, 2019,
below is the date when the material was published on the site of the original source!

Latest news of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug on the topic:
Candidates for the position of Director of the Department of Social Development of Ugra were selected at an industry conference

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at the Ministry of Labor and social protection Russian Federation summed up All-Russian competition“Best HR Practices in the System of State and municipal government».

The purpose of the competition is to identify, encourage, promote and replicate the best personnel practices (technologies) used in the system of state and municipal government.

The event dedicated to summing up the results of the competition was attended by representatives of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, federal government agencies, government agencies subjects of the Russian Federation, bodies local government, as well as organizations of the public sector of the economy.

Dmitry Basnak, Director of the Department of State Policy in the Sphere of State and Municipal Service, Anti-Corruption of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation, noted the importance of introducing new personnel approaches in the system of state and municipal government and providing participants with the opportunity to convey successful experience in implementing their personnel practices to other state bodies .

He emphasized that not only regional authorities, but also municipalities, as well as organizations of the public sector of the economy became participants in the competition.

In total, the competition received 119 applications from state bodies, local authorities and organizations, including 11 applications from federal state bodies, 75 from state bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, 24 from local authorities and 9 from organizations.

Applications were accepted in the following categories:

  1. Organization of complex work on personnel management;
  2. Audit of the personnel management system;
  3. Search, attraction and selection of personnel;
  4. Formation of qualification requirements;
  5. Professional adaptation and orientation;
  6. Personnel evaluation;
  7. Professional development and organization of interdepartmental internships in the system of state and municipal government;
  8. Staff motivation;
  9. State service culture;
  10. Introduction of organizational mechanisms for combating corruption;
  11. Development of ethical and moral foundations in order to ensure compliance with the requirements for official conduct;
  12. Staff rotation;
  13. personnel reserves;
  14. Informatization and automation of personnel processes;
  15. Other.

The competition commission, which included independent experts in the field of personnel technologies and personnel management, selected 70 best personnel practices used in the system of state and municipal government.

The winners of the competition were awarded diplomas, and the nominees received letters of thanks and letters of thanks from the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation.

In particular, diplomas for winning the competition were awarded to:

  • Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation;
  • federal Service for work and employment
  • Ministry of Economic Development of the Chelyabinsk Region;
  • Administration of the Governor of St. Petersburg;
  • Administration of the Lipetsk region;
  • Office of the Governor and Government of the Leningrad Region;
  • Office of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan;
  • Department of Public Service and Personnel Policy of the Vologda Oblast;
  • Government of the Tula region;
  • Government of the Ulyanovsk region;
  • The Government of the Yaroslavl Region, the Government of the Vologda Region and the Administration of the Vladimir Region (on a joint personnel practice);
  • Urban district of Ufa of the Republic of Bashkortostan;
  • Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

As part of the event dedicated to summing up the results of the competition, an exhibition of the best personnel practices used in the system of state and municipal government was held. It allowed the participants to exchange experience in the implementation of effective personnel technologies.

According to the director of the department Dmitry Basnak, “practices presented at the competition will be included in the database best practices application of personnel technologies in the system of state and municipal government, and, therefore, can be replicated in interested bodies.