Franchise outsourcing company. Franchise "Working personnel" - the center of personnel outsourcing. State order, tenders

  • 17.04.2020

The company "Personal Solution", actively developing a network of professional agencies for the rental of freelance laborers, invites you to become a partner and open your own outsourcing agency as part of the network on the territory of Russia and the CIS countries under a franchise agreement.

We offer you to buy a "Personal Solution" franchise, which includes a business plan, step-by-step instructions for starting and developing a business, a "live" updating package of training materials, marketing and legal support, advice from our experienced professionals at all stages of your company's development and management , advertising and much more.

About network "Personal solution" - the largest network of agencies for the rental of unskilled personnel in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries

"Personal Solution" is a group of companies for the selection and hiring of temporary workers: loaders, laborers, auxiliary workers for work at construction sites, in the port, in hypermarkets, warehouses, etc.

Our clients require temporary services of loaders or handymen, and employees often need additional work at a convenient time for them. "Personal Solution" recruits employees, distributes them to organized teams and sends them to its clients on a temporary lease basis.

Agency "Personal Solution" provides wide range of services and has a wide range of employees:

  • Unloading / loading operations (wagons, trucks, apartment and office moving, etc.);
  • Territory cleaning (snow, construction debris, etc.);
  • Drivers (forklifts, electric cars, stackers, etc.);
  • cashiers;
  • Merchandisers;
  • Roofing;
  • Construction works;
  • Excavation;
  • and much more.

Agencies "Personal Solution" have many clients:

  • Enterprises where male manual labor is needed - Factories, Warehouses, Construction sites, Hypermarkets, Business centers, ports, etc.;
  • State enterprises– Theatres, Libraries, Museums, Schools, Kindergartens, Municipal institutions, etc.;
  • Private customers – Furniture moving, Loading work, Land works in the country, etc.

The company "Personal Solution" began its development in 2007. Its founder, Denis Reshanov, was a student at St Petersburg University when he first assembled a team of loaders and laborers – this was the birth of the Personal Solution business. After a year and a half of development, the company reached a turnover of 6 million rubles per month.

To date, we have opened 45 branches under our brand, more than 250 partners have opened their agencies under the Personal Solution franchise on the territory of the Russian Federation and the CIS. Thanks to us, more than 11,000 workers were able to find jobs.

During our existence, we have developed an effective business model, which has been repeatedly noted in eminent publications such as Forbes, Delovoy Petersburg. "Personal Solution" is the winner of numerous competitions, including being recognized as the best innovative company according to Deloitte, and the founder of the company was recognized as the best young entrepreneur in Russia according to "Ernst & Young".

Our company successfully passed the crisis of 2008-2009 and 2014, and increased its profit several times. During this time, we were also able to firmly strengthen our position in the market.

In 2017, the company switched from a fixed royalty to a percentage royalty. The company earns with its partners, and not on them. It receives % from the revenue of the entire franchise network, therefore it is directly interested in making your business profitable.

With the "Personal Solution" franchise, you will receive a profit from every hour worked by an employee provided to the customer. 22 employed workers with an 8-hour working day = 200,000 rubles profit per month.

The company is proud of its HRM 4.0 Temporary Unqualified Personnel Management System. The system compiles a personal rating of each employee and calculates truants. It also selects applicants for the execution of the order, focusing on the rating and geolocation of the employee, finding those who live closest to the customer's object. The built-in robot calls all applicants, introduces them to the scope of work, learns about the decision to go to the site and forms the composition of the team. The robot makes repeated calls a day and an hour before the start of work. Thus, the HRM 4.0 System spends an average of 4 times less time on the selection of a reliable team.

For the success of the franchisee, the company "Personal Solution" has developed a unique training program - "Shuttle". In it, dividing into small groups, partners set themselves serious goals to increase revenue and achieve them with the help of mentors and network experts.

We will be happy to help you open your own agency for the selection and hiring of temporary handymen "Personal Solution" in your region, including regional market monitoring, marketing and PR support, as well as legal assistance.

Support in opening a staff rental franchise agency "Personal Solution"

For a confident start and subsequent successful management and development of your business, we will provide you with:

  • Reliable business plan;
  • Step-by-step instruction for starting and developing a business;
  • Roadmap for starting and developing a business - 11 video lessons from the founder;
  • Lessons and courses on mass recruitment;
  • Assistance in ensuring a constant flow of customers (training in competent placement of advertising and sales, we will provide selling presentation materials);
  • Secrets of a successful search for a client and the creation of an effective sales team;
  • control system labor resources HRM4.0(automated base of handymen with rating and geolocation of workers - the one who responsibly and does it well gets the job, so that your customers turn to you again);
  • Powerful selling site + site with multi-landing;
  • legal assistance;
  • Accounting assistance;
  • Intensive in St. Petersburg;
  • The unique Shuttle Training Program;
  • Consultations on emerging issues throughout the entire period of cooperation with us;
  • Assistance in business development;
  • Assistance in minimizing costs;
  • General chat for partners and head office;
  • Membership in the community of exclusive partners of "Personal Solution";
  • Quality control system. We monitor the quality of the network. We will find your mistakes and help you correct them;
  • And much more.

Benefits of working under a handyman rental franchise "Personal solution"

  • Small investment;
  • You get a business model that has gone through all the stages of development and training in practice;
  • Revenue already in the first month of operation;
  • You do not need a large staff, the purchase of goods and equipment;
  • Business does not depend on the exchange rate, sanctions and foreign policy;
  • Promoted brand and reputation;
  • The first time is possible without an office. With the increase in the number of orders and workers per day at the sites, a small office will be required for mass interviews and negotiations with clients;
  • Low risk;
  • Work only for profit without a "ceiling" in earnings(more orders - more income);
  • Opportunity to receive compensation from the state(subsidies for business development).

"First Outsourcing Company" is engaged in personnel rental services and cleaning at facilities different levels difficulties.

Directions of activity of the "First Outsourcing Company":

  1. Personnel hire: movers, order pickers, handymen.
  2. All types of cleaning services.
  3. Rigging services.
  4. Moving services.

When providing personnel rental services, it is important to provide not just a workforce, but qualified personnel with experience in this field, with a level of knowledge and skills that best match the required competencies.

"First Outsourcing Company" guarantees timely access of people to customers' facilities, quick replacement in case of unforeseen situations. Our customer saves time and money.

We operate under a franchise in Vladivostok and have remote offices in Syktyvkar and Cherepovets. To date, we have completed 8,000 orders of varying complexity.

Why the client chooses us?

We are professionals in our field. Our customers do not spend resources and money on employment and training of personnel, overalls and tools. Our clients are like large companies as well as start-up entrepreneurs such as:

We invite you to cooperate!

Become a partner of the "First Outsourcing Company" and get a profit of 100,000 rubles every month.

Franchise of the "First Outsourcing Company" - promising business with minimal investment and fast payback.

Your clients

  • Private clients
  • hospitals
  • schools
  • kindergartens
  • municipal institutions

Your services

Personnel rental

  • production
  • logistics centers
  • construction sites

Cleaning after construction work

Partner support

We provide partner support at all stages of cooperation!

  1. The right to use the trademark "First Outsourcing Company".
  2. Help with contractors. There are contractors of our company in most cities of the Russian Federation.
  3. A set of ready-made instructions for opening the "First Outsourcing Company" in your region.
  4. Organizational model: The area of ​​responsibility of the company's divisions and the system of interactions with a description.
  5. Detailed list of required equipment.
  6. Ready-made instructions for hiring staff. Texts of vacancies, scripts for interviews of competitors.
  7. A detailed checklist for the standards of work at the facilities.
  8. Ready package of legal documents.
  9. Access to common base all suppliers of the "First Outsourcing Company".
  10. sales scripts. Description of the greeting script, incoming call, outgoing call, repeat call.
  11. Placement on the federal site of the company is possible.
  12. Placement on Internet resources.
  13. Ready-made layouts of business cards, catalogs, brochures, documents, plates and various price lists.
  14. Training of the Partner in the own training center of the First Outsourcing Company. Training before opening and throughout the cooperation.
  15. Assistance in the selection of personnel. Training and certification of personnel.
  16. Connecting to your own CRM system.

Investments required to open the "First Outsourcing Company"

Starting investment: from 250 000 rubles

Payback period: 6 months
Average turnover per month: 900 000 rubles
Royalty: 20,000 rubles
Lump sum: 149 000 rubles

Other current payments: missing

Submit an application

Franchise business model of the "First Outsourcing Company"

Approximate calculation of the "First Outsourcing Company" for the 6th month of work for a city of 300,000 people:
Average check: from 4,000 rubles
Number of orders per day: from 70
Income: 300,000 rubles
Expenses: 245,000 rubles
Profit: 55,000 rubles
Profitability 18%
Average business payback: 6 months

The payback period directly depends on the quality of your work and the competent implementation of the recommendations that we provide.

Aspiring entrepreneurs will find interesting idea how to open an outsourcing company from scratch. This does not require large financial investments only experience in certain areas is sufficient. But even without it, in some cases, you can do without hiring professionals.

Russian companies are becoming more and more interested in attracting individual specialists from the outside, capable of performing certain secondary functions for a low fee. And if in Europe this practice has long proved to be the best, then in our country this direction is just beginning to develop, opening up broad prospects for enterprising people.

Outsourcing Features

First, let's figure out what it is. Outsourcing is the transfer of secondary functions of the company to special performers. Sometimes this happens on a temporary basis, but more often on a permanent basis.

Running a business is not as easy as it seems at first glance. In addition to the primary activities in which the company specializes, it is necessary to carry out a number of additional work– keep accounts (sometimes complex), look for and hire qualified personnel, manage them competently, advertise goods, promote ideas on the market, deal with transportation, monitor the operation of equipment, and much more.

All this is not included in the direct duties of the director. And if earlier it was necessary to hire additional employees for each direction, today it is enough to invite an outside specialist who will do everything at a professional level and require a relatively low fee for this. Thus, personnel costs are reduced by up to 50%!

To work in an outsourcing company, only high-level specialists are suitable, who will cope with the duties assigned to them efficiently and in a short time. One such firm can be engaged in the affairs of many enterprises at once.

The advantages of choosing outsourcing services are:

  1. You can concentrate completely on your core business.
  2. The quality of the services provided will be higher compared to hiring specialized specialists.
  3. Labor costs are significantly reduced.
  4. Thanks to such contacts, business ties are expanding.
  5. Business turns out to be insured against most mistakes.

Experts believe that in our country the demand for outsourcing services increases by 20-30% every year. The competition here is still not too high, and the initial investment is almost not required. This opens up good prospects for start-up entrepreneurs who have professional skills in certain areas.

Services offered

We list the main activities that can be performed in this way. Usually they are secondary for most companies, but nevertheless they are necessary to maintain their functioning. Outsourcing provides the following services:

  • By accounting(internal audit, tax reporting);
  • legal support;
  • solution of logistics problems (delivery, supply, transport);
  • on recruitment;
  • in the field of IT service;
  • cleaning;
  • for the sale and sale of goods;
  • advertising nature;
  • office and printing press;
  • call centers, etc.

Before you create an outsourcing company, decide for yourself what it will offer, what it will do and what kind of specialists you will need to find to carry out the main activity. To do this, you can rely on your knowledge and skills, experience, or analyze the market in the region and assess the demand for certain services.


To get started, you need to register with tax service. Depending on the number of co-founders, as well as future development prospects, a more suitable form is chosen - an individual entrepreneur or LLC. First option ( individual entrepreneurship) involves keeping simple accounting records, low cost of registration, but personal responsibility to creditors.

Creation legal entity(LLC) is suitable when there are several founders of the company. This form is more beneficial if you want to receive serious orders from large corporations. In any case, you need to choose a convenient form of taxation, indicate OKVED codes according to the services offered and get registered with the statistical authorities and the Pension Fund.

If you do not feel confident in starting a business from scratch, but want to do such a business, then it is better to take advantage of a guaranteed offer - buy a franchise in the area of ​​​​interest. As a result, you will have a clear action plan, a competent business plan, a well-known company name, and experienced entrepreneurs will teach you how to manage a well-functioning mechanism.

Preparation of contract

Please note that in order to work with each client, a competent contract for the provision of services must be signed. In order to draw up a basic document, it is advisable to consult with an experienced lawyer. It will help clarify all the points and point out the main subtleties.

Such an agreement specifies the duties of a specialist, the duration of their implementation, the scope of services offered, the cost, etc. It is also important to prescribe the responsibility for disclosing confidential information. And this applies to both sides. In case of violation of any points, large fines are imposed. All this should be spelled out in detail.

Arrangement of the premises

To conduct business and conclude agreements with clients, you need to rent a suitable office. It is desirable that it be located in the central part of the city, in the business district. Do not skimp on renting prestigious premises in a business complex. This will serve as a good advertisement for you and help you gain the trust of customers.

The size of the room can be 20-30 square meters. m. or more, it depends on the number of employees hired and the possibility of free placement of their jobs. The office should be light, clean, the repairs are of high quality, emphasizing respectability, but without frills. It is desirable to delimit the areas for staff work and customer reception.

Be sure to include in the business plan the cost of acquiring technical and other equipment. So, for conducting accounting or legal activities, it is enough:

  1. Office furniture.
  2. Computers or laptops for each employee.
  3. Several filing cabinets.
  4. A multifunctional device that performs photocopying, scanning and printing papers.
  5. Phones, modem, fax.
  6. In some cases, you need a license software(for example, 1C).

Don't forget stationery and other supplies.


Often such services are offered by one person, an expert in his field, and only with the growth of the client base does he think that he should hire assistants. But if you decide to open an outsourcing company and declare yourself on the market as a competitive institution, then it is advisable to immediately look for specialized employees.

All of them must have significant experience, skills and knowledge in a particular area. Special attention pay attention to the level of their professionalism, since the reputation of your agency depends on how competently and efficiently they will perform their duties.

Since the profit of such a business is entirely based on the volume of work performed and the number of customers, you need to attract them all. accessible ways. Therefore, do not save on advertising, use different methods to make yourself known:

  • Place ads in local newspapers, magazines, TV and radio.
  • Print business cards, flyers and more printing products to inform as many people as possible about your discovery.
  • Create a website that will describe in detail the type of activity of your company, indicate the list of services provided, as well as the main benefits for company owners in cooperation with you. It is also worth giving customers the opportunity to leave their reviews.
  • Register with various directories.
  • Use online advertising - banner, targeting, contextual, etc.
  • Spread information about yourself in in social networks, groups, specialized forums.
  • One of best practices for today, the so-called word of mouth remains - if your first customers are satisfied with the quality and service, they will definitely recommend the company to their friends.

Remember, the more potential customers learn about your activities, the higher the chances of reaching full payback in a short time and making a significant profit.

It is important to learn not only what it takes to open an outsourcing company, but also to choose the right company development strategy from the very beginning. For this, experienced entrepreneurs give the following recommendations:

  1. Do not try to do several types of outsourcing activities at once. Focus on one thing first, a narrow specialization, but in which you are well versed.
  2. It is desirable to expand and develop gradually.
  3. Responsibly treat the drafting of a contract for the provision of services. Do not spare money for the advice of a competent specialist who will prescribe all the important points that can protect you from unpleasant situations in the future.
  4. Pay special attention advertising campaign. How soon you will have clients will depend on its success and focus.
  5. Always keep an eye on the reputation of the firm. The quality of work of your specialists, a presentable office, positive reviews - all this raises the company's rating among competitors and attracts new customers.
  6. Don't neglect the name. Take the time to find a harmonious and memorable name for the company.

Here you can download for free as a sample.

Financial questions

It is quite difficult to give exact figures for creating an outsourcing company. After all, a lot here depends on the region, the number of employees, the chosen direction and prices in the market. The main capital investments will be invested in:

  • rent, repair and arrangement of premises;
  • pay for the work of staff;
  • technical equipment;
  • advertising;
  • activity registration.

For example, to open an agency providing accounting or personnel services, you will have to spend about 300 thousand rubles. You can reach payback in six months, if you initially have at least 2-3 regular customers. Experts say that after a year of fruitful work, the profitability of the project reaches 40%.

Video: How does outsourcing work?

To open a business in the service sector, you do not need to have a large start-up capital and expensive equipment. This is a significant advantage when starting your own business. Outsourcing is one of the most popular and increasingly demanded directions in the field of services every year.

This special kind interaction between enterprises, when one party under the contract transfers some functions related to production activities, another for a fee. From this article, you will learn how to open an outsourcing company, and why this business idea can be considered relevant.

What do outsourcing companies do?

Outsourcing companies take over part of the production or other functions of another company. Business includes more processes than it might seem at first glance. After all, the management of your company, even if the entrepreneur works independently, or with a small staff, in addition to the main ones, includes secondary functions. This can be cargo transportation, bookkeeping, account management in payment systems, office work, etc.

Execution of additional, but necessary responsibilities third-party firm is the main activity of outsourcing companies. Unlike one-time contractors, such enterprises work with the customer for a long time, usually at least a year.

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Benefits of outsourcing

One of the reasons for the popularity of outsourcing development is the difficulty of managing any, even small business with formalities.

For a company that faces a similar problem, there are two options for solving it:

  • resort to the help of an outsourcing company;
  • use internal resources (insourcing).

The first way allows you to optimize the company management system by transferring the routine and high paying job own employees to outsourcing specialists, whose services are cheaper. Entrepreneurs are increasingly turning to specialized firms, seeking to save time and save resources, and outsourcing as a business gets more and more customers.

If you want to start working in this area, you will find many advantages: high demand for services, constant cooperation with the client for a long time, stable income, no large current expenses, etc.

Types of outsourcing companies

The vast majority of companies work in the following areas:

  • advertising and marketing;
  • labor resources;
  • supply, transportation, transportation;
  • internal audit;
  • tax optimization;
  • IT support, design and content of websites.

Choose for yourself an area in which you are well versed, and feel free to register a company.

How to start an outsourcing company

There is an opinion that this is an expensive process that can drag on for a long period of time. However, for those who are looking for an answer to the question of how to create an outsourcing company, there is good news - in this case, large investments and going through numerous instances will not be needed.


In order to provide such services, it is enough to contact the tax office and or through an agency, as well as choose the appropriate taxation system. Read . The registration procedure will not take much time and will lead to significant costs - you will only need to pay a state duty for issuing a Certificate in the amount of 800 rubles.

Material and technical base

To get started, you will need to rent a small office and purchase the following equipment:

  • computer;
  • multifunctional device (printer, scanner, copier);
  • modem for permanent Internet access;
  • means of communication - it is desirable to organize your own multi-channel automatic telephone exchange.

In addition, you will need a standard set of office furniture for employees and clients.

An important role in outsourcing activities is played by the availability of software - special software. So, when providing accounting services, you will need to purchase up-to-date software products 1C company.

Important! Don't skimp on software. All software must be licensed.


There are many examples when an outsourcing business began with the work of one enterprising accountant (merchant manager, programmer, etc.), who took spot orders and, fulfilling them, gradually expanded the scope of activities and recruited staff.

You can go this way as well. However, if you work independently, you will not be able to serve several clients at the same time. In addition, outsourcing involves not just fulfilling orders, but full-fledged professional management of a particular area of ​​activity of the customer's company.

Therefore, for the successful operation of your enterprise, it is recommended to recruit a staff of qualified specialists with sufficient skills and abilities to work in the required area. The number of employees will depend on the scale of the planned activities and the chosen direction. So, to start the work of a small outsourcing company engaged in accounting support, a staff of 3-4 practicing accountants will be enough. Over time, as the enterprise develops and the number of customers increases, additional vacancies can be opened.


To promote the services of an outsourcing company, advertising on the Internet (banner, contextual, targeted) is best suited. Be sure to consider creating a "landing page" - a landing page containing information about the services provided by your company, allowing you to increase the effectiveness of advertising.

In addition to these methods, you can use print advertising, articles in targeted periodicals etc.

Word of mouth also plays a significant role. Work done in good faith is the best advertisement at all times.

An alternative option is a franchise in outsourcing

A franchise is a special type of partnership that allows one of the parties (the franchisee) to use trademark and provide services under the brand name of another (franchisor).

Read more about what benefits the purchaser receives. Basic concepts of franchising, and conditions for concluding a deal.

It saves a novice businessman from a lot of difficulties that arise at the start, find out what you need to pay attention to when choosing a partner.

Are you thinking about the topic? Read about the main pros and cons of working as a franchisee.

The essence of the transaction boils down to the fact that a novice entrepreneur buys almost ready business plan with well-established profit-making mechanisms. Franchising is in great demand. Not bypassed this form of business and outsourcing.

The franchise of outsourcing companies is only gaining momentum, but many entrepreneurs already now prefer to use a brand rather than promote a company from scratch.

Outsourcing business - summing up

Outsourcing is confidently entering the domestic service market. Unlike trade or production, it does not require big investments capital. All you need to start your outsourcing business is to rent an office, purchase necessary equipment, hire qualified employees and register a company. Immediately after registration, you can start working.

Business model of the franchise of the center "Working personnel"

Payback period: 2 - 5 months.
Average turnover per month: from 400,000 rubles.
You will earn on the provision of worker services on an hourly wage system.
The cost of workers' services for customers: 200 - 250 rubles per hour.
Worker's salary: 130 - 150 rubles per hour.
Gross profit: 50 - 120 rubles for each hour of work of one worker.
Revenue per day from 14 workers - from 180,000 rubles.
The total revenue, subject to the work of 14 workers for 6 hours a day for 24 days, will be per month: 450,000 rubles (24 working days per month, and in fact the demand for workers is round-the-clock and daily), which will be at least 40% of gross profit = 180,000 rubles per month with 14 workers. Net profit after deducting overhead costs of about 135,000 rubles (subject to independent work no office).

Who do we invite to join our partner network?

  • Both experienced entrepreneurs and beginners in business.
  • Those who want to earn and develop.

Our partners are:

  • Former employees from similar fields who have reached the ceiling at work and want to become leaders of their own company themselves.
  • Entrepreneurs with experience from other and similar fields, expanding their business and knowing the basics of building it.
  • Initiative and purposeful youth, start-up entrepreneurs. They compensate for the lack of capital and experience with ambition and a great desire to build their own business and earn money.

If any of the above is close to you, then leave a request, we will provide all the necessary information and answer any of your questions.

Requirements for the premises of the outsourcing center "working staff":

  • 15-25 sq.m with a good repair and a convenient location for interviews and meetings with clients.

Benefits of a Workforce Franchise

chief competitive advantage is a recruitment methodology developed by the specialists of the Group of Companies Working Personnel based on personal qualities and individual characteristics. This technique has proven itself well in servicing enterprises of various industries and forms of ownership, it fits perfectly into a new direction - outsourcing of unskilled personnel.

The uniqueness of the “Working Personnel Group of Companies” recruitment methodology is that it allows one manager to control the work of up to 100 people a day without any apparent difficulties. Achieving such high performance became possible due to the use of specialized software developed by the Working Personnel Group, which was created using all our experience accumulated over 6 years of successful activity. Therefore, unique software can also be considered our competitive advantage.

Another competitive advantage of the Group of Companies Working Personnel is the sales system developed by us and brought to perfection. Our sales system is highly effective due to the use of unique scripts for negotiating with "warm" and "cold" clients, the presence of a meeting and cold calling script, worked out to the smallest detail. Through the use of our sales system, more than 70% of first customers make repeat purchases.

We provide our franchisee partners with training materials that are based on our experience of meetings and negotiations conducted by the specialists of the parent company and have proven their effectiveness.