Requirements for the job of a tourism manager. Tourism Manager: Responsibilities, Required Skills, Requirements. Providing clients with information

  • 02.04.2020


Keep in mind that a tourism manager must have a certain set of personality traits. These include, for example, the ability to find contact with people, a good memory, patience, responsibility, organization. It is desirable that you yourself have experience in . So it will be easier for you to advise other people on the choice of tours.

It is not mandatory, but desirable, to have a high school diploma. educational institution. Specialties such as tourism manager, hotel business or a foreign language are especially welcome. In general, knowledge of English, German, French or another language, albeit at an average level, will allow you to apply for a better position and a higher salary. You must also be proficient in office computer technology and major programs. After all, mostly booking tours and hotels occurs via the Internet.

Be prepared for the specifics of working as a tourism manager. First of all, it is worth noting the lack of a clear work schedule. 'Cause you can't leave workplace at the end labor day if you have a client who needs advice. Sometimes employees in the tourism industry need to go to work on Saturday or Sunday. Sometimes floating weekends are scheduled. It is advisable to always be on the phone, both before the start of the working day and after. After all, customers can call you, on the number of which your income depends.

A tourism manager can expect a decent salary, but he will have to get used to the seasonal fluctuations that the tourism market is subject to. At the time of holidays, as well as during long holidays, you can expect a higher income. But in those periods when only expensive tours are available for tourism, the salary level will be lower. Remember that the tourism manager's income is made up of salary and interest from transactions. As a rule, the salary itself is not very high.

Find a job as a Tourism Manager. If possible, choose an agency that deals with the official employment of its employees. At first, take a closer look at which direction of activity is closer to you - booking hotels, issuing visas, external or internal tourism.

Develop as a tourism manager. Study information on other countries, their features and traditions. Know how to advise clients on which hotel is better to choose, which attractions should be visited. Surely you will have to take an information tour from the agency in which you get a job. During it, you need to carefully examine the hotels in which you happen to visit, in order to then form your opinion before the buyer of the tour. Attend various lectures and introductory seminars to learn more about the areas in which your company operates.

By the beginning of the 20th century, the passion for travel had become a mass phenomenon among almost all segments of the population; accordingly, people were needed who could organize it with maximum convenience.

Travel became thoughtful, routes began to pass according to a pre-planned plan, and there were people who have taken responsibility for organizing such tours so that tourists do not have difficulties in the process of movement, and the cruise itself turns into a pleasant vacation filled with various unforgettable experiences for a reasonable price. These people were called travel agents.

In connection with the development of infrastructure, it became more and more difficult to work alone, agents began to unite in communities - agencies, where each of them contributed to prosperity tourism business and extracting profit for each tour.

Thus, a whole network of large and small agencies was formed, interconnected by certain skills and obligations.

From tour operator to client

Today, the tourism industry assumes the following scheme of interaction with its consumers:

tour operator

This is the team (most often) talented people– tourism product managers developing (creating) route trips. The resulting product (this is the name of the finished, designed tour) will include such items as accommodation, insurance, meals, transfer (flight and travel) and various excursions and other entertainment.

Travel Agency = Travel Agency (Travel Agent)

These are just those who sell (realize) prepared by the tour operator product tour.

The travel agency buys a package of documents from the tour operator - a tour developed in advance and often acquires the brand of the same tour operator in order to work calmly under it and receive updated tour products of their operator on time.


To sell the finished product through a travel agency, a travel agency hires people who are essentially sales managers, only they sell not consumer goods, but your vacation or business trips.

Since each tour operator is interested in selling more of their products, and the number of people wishing to visit a particular place is growing exponentially, the tourism manager profession is gaining more and more every year. popularity.

Activities of operators, agencies and tour work. managers are regulated by Federal Law No. 132 “On the Basics of Tourism Activities in the Russian Federation”, since tourism product managers and sales managers for these products interact with each other on the basis of a partnership agreement concluded between them.

Thus, the tourism manager sells to the client a package of services pre-formed by the tour operator through a travel agent. From this it follows that to make any additions, changes, etc. to this tour package. The manager is not allowed to contribute. Only the tour operator has the right to contribute!

However, if desired by the client, the travel agency's entrepreneur may send a written request to the operator, which will allow the seller to make such changes or refuse.

  1. Know the geography of the countries of the world. Know their climatic features, national traditions, interesting places to visit, currency, prices and, of course, the features of national cuisines.
  2. Visa formalities. The set of documents should be as complete as possible so that the tour operator can easily issue your visas through their channels.
  3. Understand booking systems and services. Each operator has its own requirements for the set and execution of documents (depending on the country where the tour was created).

The tourism manager must know such subtleties, how:

  • in which column to enter the name of the candidate for the voyage;
  • what to enter for obtaining insurance and a visa;
  • verification of the authenticity of the international passport (if any) and the general passport;
  • balance bank card client (extract);
  • the correct indication of the photo format, because. there are also slight differences here.

FMS specialists will not allow documents to be processed due to the mistake of an inattentive manager!

It is available to convey to the visitor of the company about the composition of the tour. To do this, a company representative must know in detail not only the product itself (what kind of hotel, the presence of a pool, entertainment, and the availability of a buffet and additional meals), but also such “little things” as the quality of the beach and temperature features in a given annual period.

Be sure to warn the client that 28 Schengen countries may not give a visa to enter and stay on their territory if the traveler does not have insurance through a tour operator.

Knowledge foreign language should be higher than the school curriculum. Tourism products are created, bought and sold not only by Russian operators! Ability to negotiate the nuances with a foreign tourism administrator - direct responsibility of the tourism manager.

Know how to understand and arrange different types travel documentation for all types of tours, no matter which operator they belong to. This includes travel packages, insurance policies, vouchers (proof of payment).

Remember which operators allow a preliminary partial payment (at least 10% of the total amount), and which ones are categorically against it.

must be able to work with a computer.

Know, be able to and understand what “sales technique” means:

  • search for the most profitable tour operators in terms of terms, payment and quality of service;
  • be able to ask the “right questions” to determine the purpose of the trip and offer the best option;
  • when describing the advantages of a particular hotel, offer the buyer several advertising catalogs so that he can independently decide on the choice of the tour, focusing on the prices indicated in the advertisement.

Professionally draw up and conduct a contract of sale of the tour. After drawing up an agreement between the travel agency represented by the tour. manager and client (in fact, he buys a tour from the manager), it remains to correctly and competently book the tour and, after waiting for confirmation on the operator’s website, order paperwork (vouchers, hotel, bus, etc.)

After receiving the finished documents, they should be printed and handed over to the buyer no later than 5 days before departure.

Not later than 6 hours before departure (departure), a reconciliation is made (whether something has changed), and a call back to the client with a travel reminder, airport name, departure time, etc.

Protecting the interests of the tourist is also the responsibility of the manager! After the return of the tourist, he is obliged to call back and ask if the client is satisfied with the proposed tour and if he has any complaints.

In such cases, the entrepreneur competently draws up a complaint to the tour operator about the provision of poor-quality services on his part and the demand for compensation for the tourist (money refund, official apologies, discounts, etc.).

Search and organization of charter flights at the request of the client. It is impossible to charter a charter and purchase tickets for it at the air ticket office, all orders and payments are made exclusively through a travel agency or tour operator.

Only a tourism manager can purchase a ticket through a special booking service to which he has access. The advantage of working with tour. manager - savings. The price for charter flights is lower by 30-50%.

However, the duties of the manager also include a warning that the ticket will be “non-refundable” - whether through your fault or in case of force majeure, the money for the charter ticket will not be returned.

Where and how to get a job

Get so complicated and at the same time promising work possible in several ways.

At the end of the bachelor's degree and specialty at social institutions. In this case, the concept of a tourism manager is greatly expanded. Branches such as:

  • tourist design specialist;
  • recreational specialist in geography and tourism;
  • specialist in cultural tourism and excursion activities;
  • recreation and tourism management;
  • specialist in tourism, housing and communal, social and hotel business.

And further about 50 tourism managers, each of which has its own range of responsibilities and actions.

To work in a travel agency selling a tourist product, it will be enough to complete a bachelor's degree in the specialty and, after receiving a diploma, send your resume to the websites of travel agencies and tour operators.

Specialists are always in demand! And good specialists are doubly in demand!

At the end high school you can ask for training in a travel agency with an experienced worker, motivating your desire to study the profession from the inside.

At first, the applicant will get all the ancillary work, starting with coffee and answering calls, followed by an invitation to the office, but this is how experience is gained.

From the junior tour. it is really possible to rise to the rank of a manager in this way, but it will not be possible to jump to a chief manager without diplomas and certificates!

An interview for a tourism manager is presented below.

What does an employer expect from a manager?

A tourism manager is first of all a specialist in his field, and then a “decoration of the office”. Though neat appearance, good manners, correct speech and intelligible diction - unconditional components of the external image of the employee.

In addition to these data, tour. manager must have personal qualities , how:

  • a high degree of stress resistance, including self-control, endurance and external equanimity;
  • the ability to quickly organize and navigate the situation;
  • responsibility and organizational skills;
  • communication skills and ability to work with a large flow of clients;
  • flexibility of thinking and excellent memory;
  • charm and diplomacy;
  • eloquence and ability to convince;
  • desire to earn and work for business development.

How much can you earn

A young specialist will not earn much at first. This is primarily due to lack of own client and information base.

The client base is developed during several months of independent intensive work.

Information base - as it accumulates own experience received in promotional tours from the tour operator.

What is a promotional tour and why is it needed

Each operator offers its employees several times a year advertising tours, in which managers can get acquainted with those places and hotels where the tourist product will be prepared. During such a tour, each manager writes “travel notes” for himself, which he then uses to work with clients.

Since the salary is made up of the number of commissions for the sale of tours, it is low at the initial level - 10000-15000 rub. for regions far from the capital, and about 30,000 rubles in Moscow and the region.

Approximately 5-6 years later wage doubles.

Do the cons outweigh the pros?

The answer to this question is No. The profession is in demand even in the “calm” seasons. With the increase in the flow of vacationers, wages also rise.

Tourism is developing year by year, and contrary to forecasts, it is not going to roll back, which means that the demand for competent specialists in this area will only grow. And along with the demand and professionalism, rewards will also grow.

A smart operator who cares about his employee will definitely provide him with 2-3 "burning" vouchers per year, the priority right to purchase which for minimum price(15-30%) have, of course, the employees of the company.

It is good and pleasant to properly organize a vacation-holiday for others, but organizing it for yourself is doubly pleasant!

What do you need to know to become a tourism manager? The answer to the question is in the video.

A tourism manager is a specialist in the tourism industry who organizes tourist trips for clients. Tourism manager is a generalized name for a profession that is multifunctional. There are generalists who can single-handedly organize a tourist’s journey from start to finish, but most often travel companies (tour operators) practice a division of labor according to specialization: a customer service manager, a ticket manager, a destination manager, a visa manager and insurance, business travel manager, etc.

How will the nature of the work of a tourism manager change in the future?

The future of this profession is influenced by the following factors: people increasingly prefer individual tourism to mass tourism, and spontaneous vacations to well-planned ones; the abundance of Internet services and applications for the selection of transfers, accommodation, leisure planning (and without commission and with 24/7 access) allow users to organize their vacation directly, without intermediaries. This profession will be transformed as more people get used to creating their own tours over the Internet. Over time, travel agents will remain only in the elite segment, where the special value will be what is with the client on custom order a real person works, not a program.

In the future, this profession will be replaced by such professions as "Developer of tour navigators", "Developer of intelligent tourism systems", "Brand manager of spaces", "Director of individual tours". If you have chosen the profession of "Tourism Manager" and do not want to be left without work in the future, you need to follow the development of technology, develop at the intersection of tourism and information technology.

In any travel company, the central link, of course, is the manager, to whom more and more requirements are made every day. Since today tourism is increasingly taking on market forms of functioning, the job of a tourism manager in the labor market is more focused on professionals who own specific technologies and software products who know the basics of promoting tourism services and have communicative and psychological features of communication with potential customers. In addition, we note that now tourism managers combine several professions - these are both guides and instructors-methodologists. Of course, in such conditions it is necessary to have a broad outlook, necessary knowledge and most importantly, to promote the products offered by the travel company with a useful result. One way or another, any work requires aspiration, responsibility, emotional and volitional stability, diligence, sociability, etc. from each person. However, the work of a tourism manager requires a specialist to have these qualities, so to speak, in double size.

Responsibilities of a tourism manager

Speaking about the duties of a manager, we will immediately make a reservation that the work of a tourism manager is a fairly broad concept. A manager can be a person who manages a whole group of employees in a travel company and a person who receives phone calls in a travel agency can also boldly and proudly call himself a manager, but in these positions, of course, the scope of work and the level of responsibility will be completely different. Surely, it would be more accurate to know the specific duties performed by each specialist, but here a lot depends on which company the tourism manager is offered to work in.

Everyone knows perfectly well that in the tourism business, travel companies are divided into tour operators who create a product and travel agencies that sell this product to customers. Based on this, it is almost clear what the work of a tourism manager in each of the companies implies.

  • The duties of managers working in a tour operator company include:
  • Route development
  • Preparation of excursion and entertainment programs
  • Hotel reservations
  • Redemption of tickets for flights
  • Registration of visas and insurance
  • Negotiations with the receiving party, conflict resolution
  • Formation of a package of tours
  • Conclusion of contracts with travel agencies

Of course, all these duties in the company of the tour operator are performed not only by one employee, but by a whole group of people working together side by side. For example, managers with little experience can be involved in buying tickets, but such a responsible matter as the development of a new direction will be trusted only by a professional with solid experience and knowledge.

Responsibilities of managers working in travel agencies include:

  • Receiving calls
  • Client consulting
  • Interaction with managers from tour operator companies
  • Market research
  • Selection of a tour that meets the needs of the client
  • Drawing up a contract with a client

Thus, one of the main tasks of travel agency managers is to sell the finished product, attract and retain more customers, because their bread mainly depends on this, therefore, before finding customers and earning their money, many managers have to work hard.

Required abilities

Both managers of travel agencies and managers of tour operator companies must have not only the necessary knowledge, but also certain abilities:

  • Communication skills, that is, the ability to find a common language with people and adapt to their wave
  • Verbal ability, that is, the ability to speak clearly, clearly, expressively and with intonation
  • Organizational skills, ability to make decisions in extraordinary situations and solve problem situations
  • Oratory skills, that is, the ability to listen, competently express their thoughts and the ability to convince
  • Mnemic abilities, that is, both long-term and short-term memory must be developed