Ideas in the field of tourism. The most unusual travel business ideas. survival courses

  • 27.03.2020

Tourism is developing in Russia at a fantastic rate. People began to live better, incomes increased, which means that the field of activity for firms working in this area has also expanded.

How to start a tourism business? Like any other, with cost and income planning. In the article we will talk about what the business plan of a travel agency should contain, how to competently organize a business, form an assortment of tours, and choose partners.

Choice of direction of work

This is the first thing you will have to deal with. All currently operating companies can be divided into two groups: those that organize and implement their own tours, in a word - tour operators, and those that specialize exclusively in selling offers of domestic and foreign companies i.e. travel agents.

Of course, it is more profitable to work according to the first option, but the risks are higher. Besides start-up capital need a very large one. Therefore, it is safer and easier to start activities with the implementation of ready-made tours of reputable tour operators. The organization of a tourism business in this case will require much smaller investments from you, you can start with a capital of 200 thousand rubles (of course, this is the minimum figure).

A travel agent is a kind of intermediary between a large company and a buyer. But this does not mean that you should sell tours strictly at the price determined by the tour operator. For example, the organizer of a tour to America offered you a route worth 80,000 rubles for implementation on the condition that you take 10 percent of the tour price for yourself. You are selling a ticket in your city, where there are no similar offers, more expensive, say, for 100 thousand rubles. The benefit is obvious - your income increases.

Travel business. Where to begin?

After you have decided on the direction of work, you should register your company. You can create a legal entity, or you can function as an individual entrepreneur. As practice shows, for work in the field of tourism, it is still better to give preference to LLC. key point in such activities is the trust of customers in the company they choose, and people trust legal entities more than individual entrepreneurs.

A fee of 4,000 rubles is charged for registering an LLC, and you will also have to make a seal (another 400-600 rubles) and certify the constituent documents with a notary (about 1,000 rubles). Authorized capital must be at least 10,000 rubles, at least half of it you must transfer to an account opened with a bank (you will also have to pay about 500 rubles to open an account). Upon registration, the company will be assigned OKVED 53.30 “Activities of travel agencies”. Thus, the minimum amount that you will spend on the registration procedure is 6,000 rubles.

License and taxes

What else do you need to open a travel agency? Previously, a license was required, but since 2007, compulsory licensing has been abolished. Therefore, it remains only to choose the object of taxation. The work of travel agencies falls under the simplified tax system. Two objects are offered at your discretion: income (6 percent rate) or income minus expenses (15 percent rate). The second option should be chosen only if a large share of the costs is expected.

Room selection

This step should be done before the registration process. Yes, you will not be registered if the company does not have a legal address. Of course, it is best to locate the agency's office in the city center, but focus primarily on financial opportunities. Take Special attention design and ambiance. Essentially, a travel company sells promises, “air”, a person gives money now and receives a service later, so you should create an atmosphere of confidence that the savings go into safe hands.

Office equipment

Do not forget about office equipment: the office must be equipped with a computer with Internet access (one is enough for a start), a telephone, a printer, a fax - without all this, work cannot be organized. The cost of furniture will also be rather big. A computer desk costs at least 6,000 rubles, a swivel chair costs about 3,000 thousand, you will also need to purchase chairs for clients, a sofa to wait in case there is a queue, a coffee table where booklets, leaflets, etc. will lie.

On average, the cost of buying furniture will be 30-60 thousand rubles. You will need to spend about 50 thousand rubles on office equipment (with conservative estimates). Yes, your own travel company is expensive! The business plan should also contain a calculation of the monthly costs of maintaining the office, which will include the cost of stationery, utility bills, Internet payments, telephone bills, and more.

Choice of partners

Finding the tour operators you want to work with is what you need to open a travel agency, among other things. Today, there are many operators on the market that organize tours to various destinations. An important point: you need to work only with trusted companies.

Many entrepreneurs who are just starting the development of the tourism business make a serious mistake. They seek to cooperate with tour operators offering tours to the most low prices. As a rule, such firms are unreliable. To avoid unpleasant moments, choose companies that have already established themselves in the market.

Be sure to find out which tour operators have offices in your city. Working with them, you will get rid of many troubles. All documentation turnover is carried out at the main office, if you have a representative office, you can directly give documents, which is very convenient.


The business plan of the travel agency must include information about the staff and payroll. A small company may consist of only four people: a director, a manager, an accountant and a janitor. When combining functions, the staff can be even smaller.

Tourism is developing in our country with great speed. This is a fairly profitable industry, which is ideal for starting a tourism business, and how to make it successful, you will learn in this article.

Business registration

Tourist activity is not subject to licensing, it can be carried out as legal entities as well as private entrepreneurs. Before you start a tourism business from scratch, you must complete all legal steps established by law.

The tour operator must have financial security or a bank guarantee:

  • International tourism - 30 million rubles;
  • Inbound tourism - 10 million rubles;
  • Domestic tourism - 500 thousand rubles;

It is not necessary to have such an amount in the bank account. It is enough just to insure your activity. The cost of the insurance policy is 0.4% of the total amount. The tour operator must be registered in the Unified Federal Register.

In addition, you need to obtain a certification certificate, which is a confirmation that all services provided by your company meet the established standards. The more different diplomas and certificates you have in your office, the more clients will trust you. These can be diplomas issued for charity, or for participating in various advertising campaigns.

Start-up capital

If you do not have funds that you can invest in a business, at first you can not rent an office space. It is enough to have many acquaintances and friends, a phone and a computer with Internet access. Sell ​​tours offered by major travel companies and earn commissions from this. Collect earned money to accumulate start-up capital.

In addition, you can get a bank loan secured by property. You should not rely on investors, as they are reluctant to invest in tourism activities.

In order for a business to develop, it is necessary to invest a certain amount of money in it.

Scheme: travel agency business plan

Main items of expenditure:

  • Office rent;
  • Employee salaries;
  • Advertising.

You will spend 6-12 thousand rubles on registering a tourism business. If you want to avoid the problems associated with paperwork, you can purchase ready business. An operating travel agency costs 1–1.5 million rubles. For this money, you will get an established business with advertising, an established client base and an office. But this option is suitable for entrepreneurs with fairly serious capital. Yes, and usually profitable business no one will sell, so be careful before buying.

In general, the organization of the tourism business will require a small start-up capital. Any person can open such a business.


As an office, you can rent a small room, with an area of ​​\u200b\u200bno more than 20 square meters. meters. It should be located in an area with good transport accessibility, developed infrastructure and convenient parking. Most the best place for the development of tourism business - this is the center of the city. Usually there are many potential customers there.

Pay special attention to the sign. It should be bright and attractive. You can use volumetric letters or a luminous box for this.


Try to do in office space a good repair, because your future customers are wealthy people who are used to comfort. Place a sofa and a small table in the client's corner. The interior of the room can be decorated in corporate identity and add some tourist paraphernalia. Prepare workspaces for employees.

For this you will need:

  • Chairs;
  • tables;
  • Phones;
  • Computers;
  • Office equipment.

Choose a good ISP, because the success of your business depends on it. A slow connection or disconnected connection can be the reason why a client refuses your services.

Employee Selection Criteria

Do not hire your friends or relatives. Friendly relations quite difficult to translate into business. Hire staff that will meet your requirements.

Travel agency employees should know foreign languages and have experience in this area.

Pay special attention to the personal qualities of applicants:

  • manner of speaking;
  • The ability to correctly express thoughts;
  • Ability to highlight important points;
  • Serious attitude to work;
  • Ability to communicate with strangers and find a common language with the most demanding clients.

The presence of these qualities is much more important than experience in the tourism business, as employees will communicate directly with customers.

At the start, it is enough to hire 2-3 managers who will find customers and service them. You will have to spend the same amount of money on their salary as on office rent. To increase productivity, incentivize employees with bonuses and free vacations.

There is a high level of competition in the tourism market in our country. Therefore, if you decide to open a tourism business and want to stay afloat, you must follow simple rules:

  1. First of all, develop a competent business plan for a travel agency. Remember that your competitors will be large companies that have been on the market for a long time. If you do not have experience in this area, you can complete special courses and work for a while as a tourism manager. Thanks to this, you will be able to get an idea of ​​how travel agencies work;
  2. Decide on a line of business. Work in the area in which you are most competent. For example, if you were organizing tours to Europe, you can continue to work in this direction;
  3. Create connections. Your task is to convey to potential clients that they can fully rely on your agency. Thanks to this, you will save customers time and money that would have to be spent on advertising.


To understand whether the tourism business is profitable, you need to figure out how much income such a company receives. The profit of a travel agency is the difference between the cost of a tour from a tour operator and the price at which it was sold to a client.

How to create a profitable travel company in Russia

Additional income can be obtained from the provision of advice to clients, as well as from the sale of air tickets. If we talk about the commission that a travel agency receives from the sale of a tour, then in small firms this is 10-15% of the cost of the tour, and for well-known tour operators - 18-20%. From this it follows that the profitability of this business is very significant. If you sell about 3 tickets a day, you can earn about 150 thousand rubles a month.

franchise travel agency

It should be noted that the tourism business in Russia is subject to serious risks. Many young companies stop their activities in the first month of operation. To avoid this, you can purchase a franchise from a well-known travel company. An aspiring entrepreneur can use its brand, management model and business methods. But you will have to pay a certain amount for this. According to experts, acquiring a franchise is much more profitable than covering losses arising from independent activities.


Now you know how to organize a tourism business and get started. Do it or don't, it's up to you. Modern people pay special attention to the quality of rest, so a travel agency is a fairly promising area of ​​activity. The most important thing is to properly organize the work and prevent possible risks.

The tourism business has always been profitable. However, it is rather difficult to organize it now due to high competition. However, the types of tourism are constantly evolving, the main thing is not to lose the idea or come up with your own, original and unique.

People often want to visit some unusual places, so one of the promising areas in the field of tourism is the organization of one-day excursions to cities, cultural, historical or industrial sites.

The easiest way to get into the travel business is to enter into an agency agreement with a large travel company and sell its tours. To do this, it is enough to rent a small place, for example, in mall , and put there a table and chairs for customers. This is especially true in small town where there are no major agencies.

Green tourism has become very popular. If you live in the village , in the forest zone, not far from the lake, it is necessary to create comfortable living conditions and give good advertising. Many people are willing to pay money for the opportunity to take a break from the bustle of the city. In general, given the ecological situation in the world, people increasingly prefer tourism related to ecology and in a healthy way life. That is why many prefer cycling or sports tourism, which can be turned into an excellent and profitable business.

This type of activity cannot be called easy, therefore, it is probably more suitable, however, there are many examples where women have succeeded well in this field.

What other services can be provided in this area, read on this page.

Business ideas in tourism and leisure - new hotel concepts, unique travel programs and travel services.

Airports are often the venue for innovative business ideas. These can be socially significant projects, such as, for example, in Japan, or ideas aimed at improving passenger comfort, such as, or. The priority direction for the development of the Dubai International Airport is to improve security and adapt to the growing passenger traffic. Therefore, display tunnels for scanning passengers will soon appear here.

Hiking enthusiasts know perfectly well what troubles an unexpectedly discharged smartphone or GPS navigator can turn into. Of course, there are portable chargers. But all of them, for one reason or another, are far from perfect. A few years ago, we wrote on a site about American ones, which, as a bonus, offer users electricity for lighting and charging gadgets. Progress does not stand still, and now our Russian entrepreneurs have put on sale an innovative tourist stove that can charge electronic gadgets from a fire.

Once the Internet and others modern technologies firmly settled in our lives, we did not even have time to come to our senses, as we became their slaves. For example, Internet addiction has not yet been officially recognized. mental illness, but today it causes serious concern around the world. While specialized centers are being opened in different parts of our planet to help people combat Internet addiction, the most conscious citizens are trying to cope with the problem on their own. Someone introduces restrictive rules for using gadgets at home, someone is saved by meditation and creativity. According to Dmitry Nikitin, an entrepreneur from Kazan, an excellent solution in such a situation could be offline camp for adults to fight internet addiction.

Living in a metropolis, of course, has its drawbacks (traffic jams, turmoil, noise, exhaust gases), but all this is covered by one big advantage - the number and variety of entertainment. Today Moscow is theaters, cinemas, museums, exhibitions, festivals, lecture halls, excursions, marathons, master classes and, of course, super-popular city quests of late. Spoiled Moscow audiences want to see new forms, and enterprising Moscow businessmen know how to capitalize on this desire. So, for example, for those who do not like to plan and depend on other people in matters of recreation and entertainment, an electronic guide service has recently appeared.

Every year the tourism market is developing more and more, but travel agencies, hotels and hostels are not the only ways to do it. There are many unusual options that only a few people know about, but this does not make them less in demand.

This article will present alternative tourist business- ideas and seasonal entertainment, among which every novice businessman will find the perfect option for himself. Also, guides and business plans for starting your own business, valuable tips and tricks, the nuances of this topic and features will be considered.

Among all the existing ideas in the field of tourism, attention should be paid to:

  1. Agriturismo

Europe is famous for high incomes from farmers who receive tourists. Russia is a country with not very developed agritourism, but there is a prospect.

Provided that you have your own suburban area, which boasts a close location with a picturesque area, you can start creating an agroestate.

Beautiful natural scenery, unusual places and distinctive natural species- all this can become a way to attract city dwellers who are tired of the hustle and bustle of megacities.

  1. Zipline attraction

A zipline is a type of extreme attraction that allows you to make a high-speed descent along steel cables.

The main tasks are the selection of a suitable area (most often it is an area with hills or with picturesque views), the installation of lines (there are very few companies that offer such types of services) and the solution of financial transactions.

How to start a business in the tourism industry - see here:

The main advantage of the zipline is the short duration of the descent process (usually 30 - 55 seconds), ziplines boast high throughput, and ticket prices for one descent can reach 500 - 1000 rubles.

  1. Organization of a personal tour

The activities of package tourism are gradually starting to slow down. Tourists increasingly prefer independent travel. However, the processes involved in planning such a trip are very time-consuming.

This has led to the rapid emergence of institutions such as the personal travel service, which allows the client to identify interests in a couple of minutes.

After that, you can very quickly make a choice of cities, routes and must-see attractions, modes of transportation and budget.

You can choose among gastronomic tourism, educational destinations, entertainment programs etc. The entrepreneur only needs to start combining all the main components into one unusual goods, which will be ideal for a particular client.

  1. Corn Maze

The corn maze is considered a very popular pastime in Europe and the USA, but it is still not so common in Russia and other CIS countries.

Existing cornfields are used to create a system of moves and compose quests for entertainment purposes with a group of friends or family, and sometimes with working staff.

Creating a corn maze will allow you to develop not only an interesting seasonal business to entertain people, but also serve as a magnet for tourists from different cities.

  1. Conducting a walking tour

City walking tour is aimed at a deeper immersion in the historical past of the city and its constituent parts.

This is an interesting way to explore objects, it is sometimes used to feel like a participant in many significant events from the past.

You can also conduct a tour, accompanied by a thematic mini-performance, this will become an entertaining activity. To implement such a project, an amount equal to fifty thousand rubles will be required.

  1. Tour Desk

Approximately 5 million rubles should be allocated for this kind of business, which will be returned within 18 months after the launch of the project.

Organization of trips and excursions is a promising business idea. Photo:
  1. Zorbing Center

Zorbing is a kind of extreme rides. This attraction allows a person to descend, being in one of the transparent balls (zorbs) from the hills, or it is also possible to cross reservoirs in them.

Zorbing should be done when there is a desire to create a seasonal business, it is also underdeveloped in Russia, but it has great prospects.

Some more new and interesting ideas

Hike organization

The process of organizing trips is considered to be a wide-ranging direction with many options for implementation. The hike can be aimed at obtaining new knowledge or at developing physical abilities and improving the personality.

From existing species hikes should pay attention to:

  • Mining.
  • Water.
  • Ring routes.
  • Line routes.
  • Long tours.
  • Weekend tours.

The main advantage of this kind of business is the ability to unite groups where they work together. different people. Businessmen are very fond of such types of tours as:

  • Fishing.
  • Hunting.
  • Sports.
  • Photo tour, etc.

The most important point of this business is the need to adapt to a particular season. you will learn what autumn business is like and what ideas are most successful at this time.

survival courses

Abroad, many people like to spend their free time while taking survival courses. Each lesson is divided into parts such as:

  • Theoretical.
  • Practical.

For the second type, appropriate environmental conditions are required. Participants of such a course receive knowledge that will help them in the future to provide the first medical care, build good shelters, build a fire with minimal resources, find water and food in a possible critical situation when they have to survive in the wild.

The foundation of such a business is suitable for those who in the past were engaged in military service, fire fighting or various rescue work. Large cities allow you to earn amounts equal to six thousand rubles for completing a two-day course by one person.

Mountain training

Over time, natural wealth begins to attract the attention of many who want to conduct some kind of business training.

A seven-figure sum allows the owners of the company and ordinary managers to visit an extreme tour, learn how to act in a team, conquer a mountain peak, which will also be accompanied by running their own business.

Breaks between such activities give business coaches the opportunity to convey to all participants the concept of "Blue and Scarlet Oceans", to conduct many metaphorical business games, build your own "Value Curve" or "Success Map".

Guest houses

The creation of guest houses is considered an extremely costly project, which, despite all the investments, has a whole list of advantages:

  • No need for translation land plot to the commercial division.
  • No need to deal with the design of a "star" rating.
  • The process is much easier.
  • The staff does not need to be highly qualified.

Also, the construction of guest houses is an activity with minimal risk, it is also worth noting the stability of the market in order to derive passive income from such an occupation.

Private beaches

It is very important to note that the popularity of the domestic tourist destination is beginning to grow rapidly, it is the organization of a private paid beach that can be considered a very relevant activity.

This type of business has a number of significant advantages, which are to create a wide range of paid services. Profit can bring such moments as:

  • Secure parking.
  • Rent of equipment for sports games.
  • Arbor and barbecue rental.
  • Implementation of the entrance to the beach.
  • Sale of shish kebabs, other snacks, etc. you will learn how the Shashlykoff grill bar franchise works and what are the features of this business.

Online store with backpacks

The backpack is now one of the ten most popular and wearable accessories, it is especially popular among students of schools, universities, but ordinary citizens also find it very convenient and practical.

In order to, you need to spend about 450,000 rubles, which is guaranteed to pay off in one season of work with proper business management.

SUV tours

SUVs can also be used for tours, making this activity very convenient for viewing difficult terrain, mountainous terrain, deserts, forests, and vast fields.

Another plus is the presence of scanty competition in Russia, you just need to pay attention to the selection of vehicles, the organization of interesting routes and marketing campaign.

Agriturismo is another business idea in the tourism sector. Photo:

Income options include:

  • Organization of tours by own car.
  • Car rental.
  • Renting an equipped track (this method is useful for the owner of a jeep, ATV, etc. who wants to organize a competition).

What business ideas in the field of tourism are also worth paying attention to

  • Sale of an inflatable lounger

The idea of ​​producing or selling an inflatable lounger (bivian) is considered extremely simple to implement. To bring the lounger into a state of operation, it is necessary to fill the parachute fabric with oxygen.

Tourists and outdoor enthusiasts appreciate these accessories and find them useful. To sell sunbeds, you just need to use one-pagers or social networks.

  • Creating a souvenir based on lost slippers

Kenya is famous for being the first place to sell old and torn rubber slippers to tourists, and it thrives quite successfully. Lost flip flops are used by local artisans to create interesting rubber souvenirs that display the entire national flavor.

Finding material for the production of souvenirs is extremely simple, you just need to walk along the sea coast, where “new” old specimens constantly appear.

  • Acrylic drawings on stone

For the first time, the idea of ​​painting stones with acrylic paint was created by an artist from Italy, Ernestina Gallini. She began decorating the pebbles with fairy tales and cute animals, which was appreciated by tourists.

  • Hotel from an old bus

An old decommissioned bus can be used as a unique hotel. For the first time, this practice was observed by a Chinese entrepreneur who bought old buses for a penny.

He then moved on to creating themed houses featuring famous cartoon characters. This option is suitable for owners of a suburban area or a resort base.

  • Car roof tent for sale

The car tent can be regarded as a business segment that involves a wide offer and choice of manufacturer. The tent can be installed on the roof of a car, be made of soft material, or have a hard floor and roof.

You can even install a special hammock, which is sure to be appreciated by lovers of contemplation of the starry sky. It is necessary to take into account the growth in the number of tourists when assessing one's own capabilities and future prospects.

  • Organization of a bike tour

Foreign countries boast the frequency of events such as a bike tour. This is an independent direction in the tourist niche. There are 2 directions:

  • Organization of a tour for beginner cyclists.
  • Creation of a tour for an experienced specialist.

The first case involves the purchase of bicycles and security equipment. To implement the second option, you only need to draw up documentation, take care of accommodation for the night, lay routes, etc.

Few can boast of the experience of flying in hot air balloons, because it is an unusual and expensive pleasure. This is what gives the owners of balloons the opportunity to earn amounts equal to 25 thousand rubles for one flight.

It is also desirable to organize a group and individual flight. Sometimes attention should be given to gift certificate sales and advertising surface ball to potential customers.

  • Snow tubing on unusual tracks

Snow tubing is considered an activity that replaces the popular sledding. Tyuba is a round inflatable "cheesecake", the opening of tracks for this entertainment is possible not only in a winter resort, but also seasonally in an ordinary city.

Options for this type of business:

  1. Rental of available tubes.
  2. Organization of professional slopes with lifts.
  • Water excursions

Features of the tourism business are discussed in this video:

The organization of a water excursion is considered a very relevant way for the tourist region, which is characterized by an increase in vacationers in the summer.

Conducting short river walks, delivering groups to a remote secluded beach is very effective methods making a profit.

  • Museums with chocolate

Museums that display the process of making chocolate are considered the most popular among tourists. They will allow visitors not only to acquire new information, but also to taste finished products and buy finished products.

This option boasts multiple sources of income, a large number of people who come with a child, which significantly increases the profit from providing access to the institution.


The tourism business has many ramifications that will allow even novice businessmen to fully reveal their potential. A variety of choices allows you not to worry about competition and direct all your efforts and time to creating a really high-quality project.

The lack of popularity of many of the presented ideas in Russia makes it possible to receive a decent income from unique projects. For their implementation, it is important to take into account all available opportunities and future prospects.