Business plan for a car wash in a small town. Car wash business plan with calculations - how to open a car wash from scratch. Financial Section of a Car Wash Business Plan

  • 17.04.2020

The car wash business is becoming more and more profitable. Every day, new cars appear on the roads of the whole world, the owners of which strive to keep their iron friend clean.

A car wash can generate income all year round. With the right approach, the business will pay off in the shortest possible time. What you need to know before opening a car wash.

Choosing the right place for a car wash

How profitable a car wash will be depends on its location. It is best to locate a car wash where cars are moving intensively. A large number of visitors are provided for those who decide to place a car wash in a residential area of ​​the city, not far from service stations, gas stations and parking lots. Pay attention to the road leading to the sink and the direct entrance to it. If, for example, an institution specializes in trucks, then the entrance to the car wash should be appropriate.

Suitable car wash area

At the initial stage of business development, there will be enough space in which 2-3 cars can be accommodated at the same time. Over time, the number of boxes can be increased. The main condition for the normal functioning of the car wash is a constant supply of water. When choosing a room, think about how expensive it will be to connect water and sewerage. After finishing the dry cleaning, the car interior should be dried in a warm room. Take care of the heating system, especially since it will be relevant for employees working in the cold winter months.

Choosing car wash personnel

Each client appreciates a good attitude towards himself and the quality of the services received, so the staff must be as polite and qualified as possible. Direct control over the work of employees will not be superfluous. It is not recommended to save on staff salaries, because it has a direct impact on the quality of work. The price of services will be justified by their quality, and as numerous surveys show, most drivers are reluctant to save on car care, not sparing to pay a decent amount of money for a quality service.

Car Wash Opening Equipment

To start a business, you will need a washing vacuum cleaner or vacuum cleaner (worth about $ 500), a high-pressure apparatus with heating (about $ 1,500), a compressor (about $ 300). A cleaning system will not be superfluous, which will cost about $ 5,000. This is not the most important element, but rather an investment that will save money in the future by reusing treated water.

Car wash services

The average car wash provides services such as interior dry cleaning, car exterior washing, engine washing, body polishing, dry and wet cleaning. Be sure to think about how to make a random client a permanent one. It's a good idea to implement subscriptions for 10-20 car washes so that the cost of one car wash is less. In addition to the basic services, some additional services can be provided, for example, tire fitting, car service or a cafe. Delight customers with pleasant little things that will make them come back and use the services of the institution again. After washing, you can, for example, fill the windshield washer reservoir with water (in summer) and frost-resistant liquid (in winter) free of charge. Such an interesting service as car washing by sexy girls in swimsuits will also attract new customers.

Advertising and promotion of a car wash

It is very important to demonstrate to potential customers all the advantages of your car wash. It would be nice to come up with non-standard advertising, for example, with the participation of celebrities. The main options for advertising are traditional - the media, the Internet, billboards, signs, flyers, business cards, etc.


Business profitability depends on the season. According to statistics, most people who want to wash cars appear in spring and autumn. If the winter is warm and the summer is rainy, then in these seasons high income will be provided. Approximately 30 percent of revenue is spent on staff salaries, the same amount on consumables and payment for rent of premises, taxes, etc. Net income is approximately 40% of revenue. Speaking about the number of customers depending on the time of day, it should be noted that most often they come to the car wash at 8-10 am. Usually, the peak subsides by lunchtime to reach a maximum after 4 p.m., when many drivers stop by the car wash on their way home from work. At night, a car wash is rarely visited. Weekends are characterized by a smaller influx of customers.

Own car wash is a business whose success depends on reputation. Providing quality services will allow you to gain a foothold among the market leaders. The payback of a business idea on average takes no more than six months.

Especially for KHOBIZ.RU

The number of cars in our country is growing even despite the outbreak of the crisis. This means that any business related to cars will be guaranteed to generate good profits. One such type of business is a car wash. Let's figure it out how to open a car wash from scratch, what is needed for this and what is its profitability.


A car wash is a profitable and stable business that brings a steady income. In order to organize it, you do not need experience or any skills. The car wash is not seasonal business, although some decrease in the number of customers can be observed in the summer. In summer, customers often order expensive procedures (cleaning the interior, engine), so the total amount of income does not fall.

Car wash is a profitable and promising business

How to start?

The first step is to study the market in your city and make at least exemplary business plan. It should take into account the following factors:

  1. Location.
  2. Studying the demand for services.
  3. The average income level of prospective clients.
  4. The total cost of renting the site and building.
  5. The cost of building a car wash in the absence of an alternative.
  6. Equipment purchase costs.
  7. Mandatory monthly expenses (wages, utility bills, taxes).

Based on this information, it is already possible to make some calculations and think about opening.


Now let's list what documents are needed to open a car wash In your city. First of all, you will need to register at the nearest tax service.You can become an individual entrepreneur or open an LLC. There is no particular difference between these forms of ownership, except that as the owner of an LLC, you will be able to sign a contract for servicing the fleet of other companies.

Then you will need:

  1. Contact the city council and get permission from them to open a car wash.
  2. In the case of a new building, you will need to contact the local design organization, which will create an appropriate project for you, taking into account the requirements of the law.
  3. Issue permits to open at the sanitary station and fire inspection.
  4. Obtain permits from the Department of Environmental Protection.
  5. Get an act on the ground.

Market research

After the business plan is drawn up, it is necessary to assess the level of competition and select a good place to open a car wash. Find out if there are car washes in the area, what services they provide, what price range they offer. Try to identify their shortcomings and think about what you would add or change in the work.

Fast car wash great alternative stationary

Think over your list of services. The competition in this market is quite strong, so you need to somehow stand out from the crowd. Offer your customers not only washing the body, but also the engine, dry cleaning the interior, polishing, grouting scratches. Be sure to equip a rest room where the visitor can drink coffee or watch TV while washing.

Note:car washes that allow the driver to wash the car himself have proven themselves well. The client pays for the time spent in the box and for the consumption of detergents, while using your equipment.

The location for washing is best chosen in the following places:

  1. In a sleeping area.
  2. In the business center of the city (near offices).
  3. Near major highways with high traffic.
  4. Close to service stations, gas stations, car parks.

Build or rent?

If you have enough start-up capital to build, it is better to build a building than to rent it and remodel it. Now many construction companies offer ready-made solutions from metal structures and sandwiches at quite reasonable prices. But What does it take to open a car wash? by building it from scratch? You will have to take the land on a long-term lease and obtain a building permit. Of the pluses - free architecture (you can choose the right number and size of utility rooms yourself), as well as the absence of rent.

If the starting capital is not enough for the construction, then rent the building. This will significantly reduce the level of investment, but you will have to pay 50-70 thousand rubles per room per month.

Types of car washes

Washers are automatic and “manual”. The most promising are precisely automatic car washes, which allow servicing a large number of cars in a minimum time. Automatic car washes are divided into two types:

  1. Tunnel.
  2. Portal.

Portal car wash - a practical and inexpensive solution

In a tunnel car wash, the car is installed on a special conveyor belt and automatically moves around the box, leaving the other side completely washed. In a portal car wash, the car is driven into the box and washed with three brushes: two vertical and one horizontal. Brushes move in space, qualitatively washing all the dirt. The portal sink is very compact - it fits well into any room. The washing process in automatic car washes is usually 2-3 times faster than in manual car washes, so you can serve more customers in a working day and save on staff.

Note:modern automatic car washes are completely safe for the car. But it is necessary to monitor the condition of the equipment and service it in time.

The most practical is considered a portal sink. Its advantages:

  1. Mobile sizes.
  2. Absolute versatility.
  3. The speed of work is 12 cars per hour.
  4. Minimum staffing.

Modern portal car wash can be contactless - all dirt is removed not with brushes, but with special nozzles through which water is supplied under high pressure.

Tunnel car washes require a “tunnel” up to 35 meters long. It is capable of processing up to 20 cars per hour - as soon as the first car moves 4-5 meters deep, you can drive the second one onto the belt.

Building types

Car washes can be divided into stationary and prefabricated. Stationary car washes are usually attached to complexes: service stations, spare parts stores, tire fitting. All necessary communications are brought to them and a building permit is obtained.

Car wash goes well with tire fitting and service stations

Prefabricated will require a permit from the Department of Architecture. To do this, you will need to provide:

  1. Patent IP or LLC.
  2. Certificate or lease agreement for the land.
  3. Car wash project with its appearance.

You will also need to connect the building to engineering networks and obtain permission to open from firefighters.

So, you are thinking about opening a car wash. I don’t know what exactly prompted you to do this - an old dream, a desire to start your own business, a lucky coincidence, or a desire to invest money securely. But whatever it is, you're looking in the right direction. A car wash is a simple, stable and profitable business that you can get into regardless of whether you have experience in entrepreneurship or not. And so that you clearly understand what's what, let's talk in more detail about all the pros and cons of the car wash business.

Car wash is a guaranteed demand

You yourself have probably seen queues at car washes, so there is no need to convince you that you will always have customers. One of the most common mistakes entrepreneurs make is that they want to find something magical idea. Such that there are no competitors and that you can single-handedly row money with a shovel. This is a crazy position. You can immediately give out a hundred different business ideas where you will not have competitors. Well, for example, open the production of square wheels for cars. I guarantee there will be no competitors. But who will buy them from you?

The best strategy for starting your own business is to see what people already willingly buy, and sell them exactly that. In no case should you reinvent the wheel - it's expensive and unpromising. Why do so many people spend their time searching for the magic business idea? Yes, simply because they are either afraid of the word "competition", or they consider themselves smarter than others. Competition is good. This means that people are already used to buying something and you do not need to explain why they need another incomprehensible crap.

Now in the car wash business expanse. There were no commercial car washes in the USSR, because there were few cars. And over the past 15 years, not so many free enterprise car washes have been created. And today the country simply does not have enough car washes to wash everyone.

Take, for example, my hometown of St. Petersburg. Today, about 350 car washes operate in St. Petersburg (this number also includes "garage" car washes). On average, there are three posts per car wash (in garages - most often one post). In a day, about 20 cars can be passed through one manual washing post (this, by the way, is from 3 to 8 thousand rubles in revenue). At the same time, the city has more than 820,000 officially registered cars that need to be washed at least once a month, and most people want to wash their car much more often.

But even if we take car washing once a month as a basis for calculations, St. Petersburg car washes can provide only 76% of the required volume of services. That is why there are long queues in front of car washes. And the number of cars is growing much faster, than the number of washes. And this trend will continue in the next 5 years.

Growth in sales of new cars continues in Russia. Record sales dynamics are registered annually. For example, in the first 6 months of 2008, about 1 million 400 thousand new cars were sold in Russia. Compared to the same period last year, car sales in the Russian Federation increased by more than a third, while the monthly sales volume exceeded 250,000 cars. And, as I said, car washes open much less than necessary with such a powerful increase in the number of cars. Therefore, a car wash is a business that guarantees a stream of profits.

Liquidity and investment attractiveness

This is especially important qualities car washes during the economic crisis. Why? Everything is quite simple. You are probably already aware of what is happening in the United States and what shocks the American financial system. The largest companies are going bankrupt, banks are bursting, there is a panic in the stock market. And this is just the beginning of the crisis. What happens when the US defaults on its government bonds is hard to imagine.

The crisis has reached our stock market as well. Simply because the markets are closely related. And everything that could previously be safely invested in is becoming less and less attractive every day. Therefore, the main question that now confronts investors is: what to invest in? In bonds? It is very doubtful, because there are already cases of defaults on bonds. In shares? A very big risk. In mutual funds? Also a dubious prospect. In gold? But on the stock exchange they trade in "paper" gold, that is, they sell only receipts against gold.

All investments in "virtual" assets are now very risky. “Virtual” assets are those that, in fact, are not backed by real goods and, in fact, do not give real income after investments. All income from investments in virtual assets is derived from speculation. Bought a piece of paper cheap - sold more expensive. This is possible only as long as the pieces of paper are in demand and value, but when the wave of bankruptcies covers the most large companies and their shares are no longer worth anything, there is nothing to speculate with.

Therefore, now, when the crisis is already on the threshold, the most reliable investment of money will be an investment in real production. That is, something that is highly likely to remain liquid no matter what happens. Because the "virtual" money that is on the account is much easier to reset than real liquid values. As in the 90s: a person had 5,000 rubles on his account, which could buy a car, and it became 5,000 rubles, which could buy a couple of loaves of bread. And if a person still bought a car, he would not lose his money. Therefore, money needs to be urgently invested in own business, and in one that will have a guaranteed profit regardless of the crisis.

And this is true both if you have your own savings and if you are looking for an investor. An intelligent investor always tries to minimize risks and have guarantees to exit the project with a profit. By and large, the goal of many investors is to build a business and sell it profitably within two to three years. And what is the situation with the sale of car washes now?

It turns out that car washes are one of the most popular businesses for sale in this moment. Here, for example, statistics on requests to buy and sell a business from

Buying a business:

Beauty salons - 14%;

Internet - 9.4%;

car washes - 6.5%;

Cafe - 5.0%;

Saunas - 4.2%;

Shops - 3.6%;

Dental clinics – 2,6 %;

Flowers - 2.6%;

Recruitment agencies - 1.8%;

Baths - 1.4%. Business sale:

Beauty salons - 4.96%;

Internet - 3.28%;

car washes - 1.04%;

Cafe - 4.24%;

Saunas - 1.36%;

Shops - 11.6%;

Dental clinics - 1.04%;

Flowers - 0.32%;

Recruitment agencies - 1.04%;

Baths - 0.72%.

So the car wash is excellent investment of money. Especially if it is a newly built car wash. And if it’s on your own piece of land, then it’s generally excellent. In company Sonny's I was told such a case: in Ufa, after six months successful work Serious bankers approached the owners of the first washing complex in Bashkiria and offered a large sum for the assignment of the washing building to them for a new bank. Land, building - all this is liquid. A ready-made car wash business on a turnkey basis will be doubly liquid.

Transparency and ease of management

A car wash is a simple business. There are no complex technical processes, no strong dependence on suppliers, no big problems with finding personnel.

The main profile of my activity is advising the owners of car services, so I have the opportunity to compare the complexity of these two businesses. Washing cars is much easier than fixing them. The technological complexity of washing a car is much less, and there are no such problems with finding personnel and equipment as when opening a car service. In general, in itself, this activity is quite simple, if you know what and how. You do not need any special technical education, you do not need to understand the design of machines, etc. It's like washing dishes in the kitchen, only more dishes. I am more than sure that everyone can open a car wash.

High profitability

The minimum profitability of a car wash is 30%. And you need to try very hard to make it so low. The normal figure is 50%. The main operating costs are salaries and taxes. Sometimes there is also rent and utility bills, but this already depends heavily on the specific case and the type of car wash (automatic or manual). Different types of sinks have different costs.

Ability to clone

Business cloning is a separate big topic, but I will say a few words about it. If you have opened one car wash, “settled down” all business processes and achieved stability, you simply have unlimited opportunities for a sharp expansion of your business. What is done and documented once can be easily repeated as many times as you like. There are several ways: creating a network or selling clones. In the first case, you can continue to open your car washes under a single brand, in the second case, you can sell "business in a box" to other entrepreneurs. We do not yet have networks of car washes as such, as well as offers for the sale of a “business in a box”. Moreover, the sale of a “business in a box” (in the West it is called business opportunity) brings in an order of magnitude more money than actually washing cars. True, there is one subtlety: there is a very tricky sales process. But if you fix it - it's a gold mine. By the way, there is another option: creating a franchise. But it is even more difficult, albeit profitable.

We talked about the obvious advantages of the car wash business, let's move on to the cons. Otherwise, it would have been a complete scam.

Bureaucracy. Long term construction from scratch. Obtaining permits

If we talk about building a car wash from scratch, the main problem is to get land for development and coordinate the location of the car wash. In big cities, this is generally tight, and you will have to spend a lot of money. For example, in Moscow, renting a land plot from the city, building a manual car wash for four or five posts, and putting it into operation can cost from $500,000 to several million. AT small towns with this, of course, easier, but also have to run. In the case of rent, everything is cheaper, there are no such huge expenses. Depending on the region, a car wash in a rented premises can be opened with even $20,000.

How long does it take to open a car wash?

There is no single answer to this question, it all depends on the specific city and the specific situation.

Sometimes land acquisition alone can take two years, sometimes a new built car wash can start operating as early as a year after the land application is submitted. The biggest time investment will be on:

Land allocation - up to 24 months;

Project approval – up to 6 months;

Construction and commissioning - up to 3 months.

Again, these are all approximate figures. Very often, especially in small towns, car washes begin to be built without approvals, and all permits are obtained along the way. The same is with renting - the premises are being reconstructed and in the process they receive all the necessary paperwork. In large cities, this will not work, but in small ones it sometimes works if there are connections and acquaintances.

But the trends are such that they are starting to enforce regulations more and more strictly, and if you don’t want a ready-made sink to stand dead because someone suddenly didn’t give permission, it’s better to do everything right away in accordance with the law. On average, the entire process of building a new car wash takes one and a half to two years. If you rent a room - up to one year.

What problems do you need to be prepared for?

If you are going to build a car wash from scratch, first of all there will be a problem with land plot. This problem is especially acute in large cities. By and large, it is because of this that so few new car washes are opened. If you do not own a plot, the only option to find land is to rent it from the state. But, as you understand, officials will not give anything to the first person they meet just like that.

Most often, the sale of leasehold rights to a piece of land takes place in the form of an auction. That is, at least serious money will be needed. The right to lease a plot for a small car wash in Moscow can cost several hundred thousand dollars. At the same time, of course, part of this money will go into the pockets of officials. Moreover, it is not a fact that you will get the site just because you have money. In this case, personal connections and acquaintance with the right people play a very important role. In small towns, prices are, of course, lower, but the factor of personal connections also plays a significant role.

The next problem is the approval of the construction of a car wash on the selected plot of land. In Moscow, for example, it is required to obtain more than 60 different approvals from many authorities. Moreover, if at least one of them does not agree on the project, you will not be able to build a sink. In order for everything to go smoothly, money will also be needed for “gifts” to officials. By and large, the costs of obtaining land and approvals exceed the costs of building a car wash itself.

Another problem that can “eat through” a huge hole in the budget is the connection to engineering networks: water supply and electricity. It often happens that the cost of summing up communications exceeds the cost of construction.

If you would like to rent a space, Here, first of all, there will be a problem with finding a suitable room. In principle, if you try, you can find a room. After that, the main task is to obtain permission to reconstruct the premises for a car wash. Here, again, it will be necessary to coordinate the project and run through numerous instances.

Prospects for the development of the washing business

I am often asked the question: how to evaluate the profitability of a car wash? By and large, everything is quite simple here. The minimum profitability can be calculated by observing the already operating car washes. You can spend a few days and see how many cars come to car washes during the day. This will give you approximate download numbers. Here, of course, there is a dependence on the season and on the weather, but it will real numbers. After that, look at the prices of the current car wash and calculate the approximate cost of the average bill. Depending on the city and type of car wash, this can be 150–400 rubles. Multiply the number of customers by the average check and get the approximate amount of daily revenue.

To be honest, the results of your research will most often say one thing: a car wash is profitable. For example, a car wash for four posts in Moscow with an average bill of 300 rubles. brings about $30 thousand of profit per month. With a total cost of $ 850 thousand to open such a car wash, the payback will be somewhere around 2.5-3 years.

Of course, if you rent a room with a small initial investment, you can recoup the costs in a year. Here again, there is a dependence on the city, on the type of car wash, on the contingent of customers, on the number of cars in the city, etc.

Take, for example, a manual car wash with two posts. In a day, 20-30 cars can pass through one post. Total 40-60 per day. With an average check of 200 rubles. it turns out 8-12 thousand rubles. revenue, of which about 35% will go to staff. Thus, the dirty profit will be 5200–7800 rubles. in a day. The figures, of course, are averaged, they do not take into account orders for dry cleaning and polishing, weather and season, but they give an idea. By the way, the problem of the low season is solvable - you just need to build the right marketing.

For example, I will give brief reviews of the car wash business in several cities.


There are currently about 50 car washes in Perm, most of them around the clock. The set of services is standard: a full wash (internal and external), cleaning and dry cleaning of the interior, body polishing, engine washing, washing of rugs, thresholds, wheels, liquid wax, wiping the dashboard and plastic, lubricating locks.

Car washes in the city center have a large flow of customers and high prices, without differing good quality. And on the outskirts for less money you can wash your car better. What to do, demand exceeds supply.

The difference in prices at different car washes is up to 40%. Approximate price range:

Washing + interior cleaning - 200–250 rubles;

Interior cleaning - 80-150 rubles;

Body wash - 100–150 rubles;

Engine wash - from 150 rubles.

In general, the market is in its infancy, there is no competition as such.


There are about 65 car washes in Barnaul. There is no competition as such, demand exceeds supply, and in order to wash the car on the weekend, customers have to queue. Most of the operating car washes are located in residential areas. There is one non-contact gantry truck wash. One or two new car washes open in the city every year.

Nizhny Novgorod

There are about 40 stand-alone car washes in Nizhny, not counting those that are part of gas stations and car services. The number of cars in the city is growing by 15% per year. According to the most rough estimates, the city needs the same number of new car washes, as there are queues everywhere. Most sinks are manual, automatic 5-6 pieces. The set of services is standard. Average check- 300 rubles. The monthly profit of a standard car wash is $4,000–8,000.

Generally speaking, all calculations should be reflected in the business plan on paper. If there are specific figures, we can draw specific conclusions. We will talk about how to create a business plan a little later, but for now let's move on to the topic of start-up capital.

When starting your own business, the first question that arises is how profitable the chosen direction is. This criterion is fundamental in the development of a certain market niche.

Naturally, no one can guarantee the success of the event, but it is still possible to draw up an approximate picture.

Is it worth it to open such a business?

A person who decides to organize his own car wash, regardless of the reasons that prompted him to do so (an old dream, a desire to invest, a combination of circumstances, etc.), is definitely acting farsightedly. Car wash - stable, stable and quite profitable business, which absolutely everyone can start, even with a lack of experience in entrepreneurial activity.

High profitability is explained by the fact that this type of service is used at any time of the year, although it is widely believed that the peak of attendance falls on the autumn-winter period. In the summer, of course, car washes are visited less often, but everyone visits. This is especially true for owners of more expensive cars, as well as those who wish to do, for example, a comprehensive interior cleaning.

Where to begin?

Any business, and this applies not only to a car wash, should begin with writing a competent business plan that will cover all aspects of entrepreneurial activity: overall strategy, marketing, initial capital, sources of financing, payback, etc. It is necessary to calculate the costs expected income and profitability of the enterprise. Assess the possible prospects for the development of this commercial project. Before drawing up a business plan, you should also study the current economic situation in the car wash market in your city.

The financial and settlement section of the business plan depends on the location of the car wash and includes the following items:

  • construction;
  • paperwork;
  • land lease costs;
  • the cost of the necessary materials and technical equipment;
  • repair costs;
  • equipment operation.

All of these points need to be carefully considered. After drawing up a business plan, you need to decide on the form of conducting economic activity. You can just get the status individual entrepreneur and you can register entity(for example, LLC). The registration process is as follows:

  • formation of a package of documents (application of the established form, passport, TIN, etc.);
  • payment of state duty;
  • handling all documents to the registration authority;
  • obtaining permits after some time.

In addition to registering with the tax service, you must:

  • obtain permission from local authorities to open a car wash;
  • contact a design organization to develop a car wash project. The project must comply with the current sanitary and epidemiological, architectural, fire and environmental standards;
  • obtain permission from the architecture committee, sanitary and epidemiological station, fire protection, labor protection and environmental protection department to provide car washing services;
  • obtain an act for permanent or temporary use of land. Only after receiving such a document, a construction order is issued.

Evaluation of competitors

The competitive environment of a company is a set of subjects and factors of the market that affects the relationship between the seller and the consumer of the service. The main competitors of any organization are considered to be the most successfully functioning firms in a particular niche.

In any large settlement there are a large number of enterprises providing vehicle washing services. An important, but not the most important role is played by the location of sinks.

You can increase the competitiveness of your car wash only by providing high quality services using modern equipment as well as offering affordable prices.

To develop this market segment, it is necessary to develop a competent marketing, advertising and management policy of the enterprise. The main competitors of the opening car wash will be the most successful companies on the market that provide services for manual car washing. As for the location, it is better to open in an area where there are no large and well-established organizations.

Choosing a suitable room

The rate of return on costs and the profitability of a commercial project directly depends on the location of the facility. As for car washes, they are best located on the sides of major city roads and along busy trails. Many car washes are located at the entrances to locality, as well as at border and customs posts.

However, opening near a major transport hub or interchange may not be the best idea - customers simply refuse to maneuver between the abundance of scurrying cars. As practice shows, it is most profitable to open car washes close to gas stations, car parks and service stations.

If there is not enough money to build your own building, you can suitable premises to rent. In addition, the procedure for processing documents will be simplified (for example, it will not be necessary to obtain a permit for the construction of a new facility). When choosing a room for a car wash, you need to take into account that part of the area will be occupied by the storage of consumables and equipment.

Types of sinks

There are two types of automatic car washes: tunnel and portal. In the first case, the car is on a conveyor belt and moves relative to the washing device. The portal car wash has a U-shape and three large brushes - one horizontal and two vertical. The car is in one place, and the brushes move relative to it. Both types of systems allow contactless washing, i.e., exclude the impact of alkaline compounds and are based on the elimination of contaminants using strong water pressure.

Portal car washes fit well into small spaces, as such a system is a single module equipped with brushes that can be adjusted to any type of body.

The whole washing process is fully automated, respectively, the portal car wash has a greater throughput than a manual one.

Many car owners prefer manual car washes to automatic ones, as they are afraid that the equipment during the washing process can scratch the car body. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the equipment and timely replace or repair the failed unit. Automatic car wash must be equipped with a prewash system.

Portal sinks have a lot of advantages:

  • do not take up much space;
  • suitable for all types of machines;
  • have high productivity - up to 12 machines per hour;
  • do not require big investments for education;
  • effectively cope with the assigned tasks.

In addition to brush portal sinks, there are also non-contact type systems. As for tunnel car washes, their optimal size is about 35 meters in length. Smaller parameters will negatively affect the quality of services provided. The washing process is as follows: the machine is fixed on a special conveyor belt and moves forward, bypassing all the devices on the line. Such washes are the most economical in terms of time: when the car moves forward a few meters, you can start the next car.

A good tunnel car wash is absolutely safe for the car body. Negative reviews about such a system in most cases are caused by outdated equipment and the unwillingness of service owners to service it in a timely manner. The consequence of such a negligent attitude may be damage to the paintwork of the machine. To date, modern tunnel sinks are a complex of new technologies, where obsolete materials are replaced by soft polyethylene foam and safe textile materials.

Connect to all necessary networks, required permissions

Car washes by type of construction are capital and prefabricated. Capital are an industrial building erected on a reliable concrete foundation. Engineering communications are brought to the object: electricity, water supply, heating, drainage system. Such washes are usually built in conjunction with a car service, tire fitting, cafes, etc.

The opening of a stationary car wash requires coordination with the department of architecture and urban planning in the local administration. When developing a project, it is necessary to calculate technical indicators consumption of electricity and water, as well as plan a water treatment system, fire safety. To agree on the location of the sink, you must submit:

  • lease agreement or certificate of registration of ownership of the land;
  • certificate of registration of an individual entrepreneur or legal entity;
  • certificate of tax registration;
  • a sketch of a sink project that includes visualization, technical description, the cost of the object, etc.

Recruitment, equipment purchase

After solving all bureaucratic issues, it is necessary to deal with the formation of personnel. The following requirements can be presented to future employees:

  • availability of knowledge about car washes (determined by the specifics of the object);
  • a responsibility;
  • sociability and friendliness - to increase the client base.

As for the work schedule, ideally plan around the clock. For stationary washing, you need to hire several washers (five or six) and one foreman. Higher education is not a prerequisite, so you can safely hire students. Wages can be proportional to the amount of work performed, and to increase motivation, you can introduce material incentives for employees. The branded equipment of employees with the service logo favorably affects the image of the car wash.

Advertising your business

If you want to always have eight to ten cars in front of your car wash, you need to carefully consider advertising campaign. To save your business, you need to constantly look for new ways to expand your customer base. The car wash business does not allow for any guess work, so a vague marketing strategy or lack of it will result in money being wasted.

Ideally, it is best to seek professional help. advertising agency. Most of the money will go to signs, billboards, business cards and booklets. It will be useful to place advertisements in the network, newspapers, on radio and television.

How to open a successful service - in the following video:

Opening cost

To calculate the cost of a car wash, you must first calculate the cost of rent (this cost item depends on the location) and the cost of equipment. From the equipment you will need:

  • high-pressure apparatus with heated water (from 120,000 rubles to 200,000 rubles);
  • high pressure water dispenser workplace(from 33,000 rubles to 85,000 rubles);
  • compressor (from 15,000 rubles to 18,000 rubles);
  • professional washing vacuum cleaner or vacuum cleaner (from 26,000 rubles to 36,000 rubles);
  • used water purification system (from 250,000 rubles to 400,000 rubles).

Most owners of car washes prefer imported equipment. Most quoted are German, Italian and Danish equipment. Of the domestic equipment, the systems of technical treatment of used water are the most common.

Of the consumables you will need: car shampoos, polishing and dry cleaning compounds, cleaning products for rims, engines and bumpers. All this takes about 18,000-20,000 rubles a month (provided that the car wash serves forty cars every day).

Approximate calculation of income and payback period

As an example, four separate non-garage car washes can be cited. The car wash will serve 200-300 cars daily. The average check amount is about 300 rubles. The remaining income items come from the proceeds from the cafe and tire shop. Thus, the monthly turnover of the complex will be about three million rubles.

Of the costs, most of all will have to be spent on wages employees, taxes and purchase Supplies. A large turnover does not allow applying the simplified taxation system, which means that it will be necessary to report under the regular system. Monthly, up to one million rubles can go to the salaries of employees and taxes. It turns out, net profit will be one or two million. The payback period for such indicators will be approximately two years. The given calculation, of course, is approximate, since the activity of the service depends on the season.

Approximate data:

  • Monthly income - from 210,000 or 165,000 rubles.
  • Net profit - from 39,100 or 28,475 rubles.
  • Initial costs - from 728,800 rubles.
  • Payback - from 1 year 9 months.
This business plan, like all others in the section, contains calculations of average prices, which may differ in your case. Therefore, we recommend that you make calculations for your business individually.

In this article, we will make detailed business plan small stationary car wash with calculations.

The car wash renders services in a car wash, its polishing, chemical interior cleaning, engine washing. Please note that the work will be carried out by people, this is not an automated car wash. But professional equipment will be used for work, allowing you to complete the work faster than usual. It will be a relatively small car wash.

In general, a car wash as a business is considered only by those who have their own premises for this activity or have the opportunity to build it on their own land. Then this business is profitable. If you rent a room, it turns out to be less profitable, and it’s not easy to find such a room. Nevertheless, to draw up this business plan, we considered the option of renting a room.

Market analysis

Market analysis of this industry was covered in. I would like to dwell on the consideration of competitors and methods of dealing with them.

The main competition will be large, well-known throughout the city enterprises. Thankfully, there are few. The main methods of dealing with them are more profitable offer, promotions, discounts, quality services, their availability. Advertising will also be an important factor. A well-planned business always starts with the development of an advertising campaign.

Small car washes will not cause much harm. If they are far away from our location, they will not have any effect at all. But with those car washes that are located nearby, you will have to compete. Here the main tool of struggle will be advertising. You have to spend a lot of money on outdoor advertising. Moreover, it will be not only signs, but also various signs and posters. It is very important to think over stocks, and change the price in accordance with seasonal demand. Such flexibility will allow you to stay in the black even in times of calm, luring more and more new customers to you.

If speak about potential buyers , then it will be people with cars, of course. Mostly men between the ages of 20 and 55. Such a contingent prefers the quality of service, interior decoration special attention consumers in this segment do not pay attention. Incomes of potential buyers are average and above average. Citizens with low income, as a rule, carry out car washing on their own.

Women also use car washes. They pay attention to appearance employees, their grooming, the presence of signs. Today, women behind the wheel are much “younger”. It is worth focusing on ladies aged 20-45 with medium and high incomes.

SWOT analysis

When opening your own manual car wash, you need to do a thorough research. It is worth resorting to a SWOT analysis. This technique allows you to study the business comprehensively, point out the shortcomings and opportunities.

It is customary to divide factors into external and internal. The former cannot be influenced or changed. These include:

  1. Capabilities:
  • An increase in the number of cars and, as a result, an increase in the number of potential customers, demand for the service.
  • Income growth.
  • Reducing the level of competition.
  • Free market entry, no barriers.
  • The possibility of opening an adjacent business (car service, for example).
  • Provision of related services.
  • Sale of spare parts, car care products and more.
  1. Threats:
  • The growth of competition.
  • Increasing the tax burden.
  • Legislative changes (eg reintroduction of licensing).
  • Reduced demand due to the economic downturn and less purchasing power.
  • Forced move to a new location.
  • The need to comply with the requirements of the SES (especially those related to water and maintenance of the premises).
  • Seasonality of business, a sharp decline in income as a result.

Internal factors can be changed, work on shortcomings, eliminate them. BUT strengths use it to your advantage, increase their influence. To internal factors include:

  1. Strengths:
  • Relatively low level of competition in the selected territory.
  • Favorable location.
  • Opportunity to hire experienced workers.
  • Search for favorable conditions for renting premises.
  • Low costs for the provision of services (especially raw materials).
  • Acceptability and affordability of prices for customers.
  • It is possible to change the cost of the service.
  • Low follow-up costs.
  • Almost all costs are directly related to the volume of work, which reduces possible losses to a minimum.
  1. Weak sides:
  • Lack of experience in this area.
  • Lack of regular customers.
  • Zero business reputation organizations.
  • Limited demand is due to the area of ​​the leased premises.
  • Working with water is the need for constant cleaning, maintaining cleanliness, which is very difficult under these conditions.
  • Unprofessionalism of employees.
  • Lack of training courses, training of specialists.
  • Lack of motivation among employees.
  • Quite a long and serious stage of preparation of the premises.

All this must be taken into account when opening your own car wash.

Opportunity Assessment

In this type of business greatest demand falls in the spring and autumn. Calm is observed in the cold season. But this does not mean that people do not use car wash services at all. They just do it a little less often. During such a period, it makes sense to reduce the cost of services provided, increase the cost of advertising, make it more aimed at the "casual" consumer.

Our manual car wash will operate according to the following schedule:

Total: 79 hours per week and 338 hours per month.

It takes specialists to get the job done. There will be 2 teams, each consisting of 2 people. The senior is responsible for working with clients, that is, making calculations and accepting payments. At the end of the working day, the premises are cleaned with the help of hand washes by both workers. They will work 2 through 2 to achieve greater efficiency and good rest between working days.

You do not need a secretary or administrator to work. In fact, the senior in the team will be the administrator, and there is no need to receive phone calls - specialists will work on the spot. If it is necessary to receive calls for recording, then it is advisable to plant an administrator, who may also be the entrepreneur himself.

As such, there is no need to develop your own website either. Unless you can limit yourself to a business card site or a group in in social networks, which can be maintained by the entrepreneur himself, adding information about ongoing promotions, discounts, offers, prices.

An accountant is also optional for an entrepreneur. You can either use the services of specialized companies, or. Moreover, today there are many auxiliary services for work and reporting directly via the Internet.

Organizational and legal aspects

  1. Registration of own company. It can be an individual entrepreneur or an LLC. Costs for self-registration will amount to 800 rubles (payment of state duty). The OKVED code will be 20.3 - Provision of other types of services for maintenance vehicles. This code is valid for 2016 as well.
  2. An entrepreneur can choose the simplified tax system or UTII. In the second case, two options are possible - STS "Income" 6% or STS "Income minus expenses" 6-15% (the rate is determined depending on the region).
  3. If you need to accept payment from a customer bank cards, then .
  4. The order of Rospotrebnadzor No. 776 dated November 21, 2005 (paragraph 19) indicates the documents required to obtain a free economic zone.
  5. Car wash services do not have to be certified. This is purely voluntary.
  6. By purchasing necessary equipment, you need to take care of the availability of documents that will greatly simplify the opening of the sink. This includes an agreement on ecology "Environmental Protection", a license, certificates, a standard expert opinion.
  7. It is important to comply with all sanitary and fire regulations. This will make it easier to obtain the appropriate permits.
  8. When using KKM, its registration is required before the work of the organization begins.
  9. It is worth acquiring an agreement with the appropriate company for the removal of municipal solid waste. Cleaning the surrounding area in this case is not required. get dirty environment will not be, all work will be carried out indoors (a large garage, fenced on all sides and preventing water and dirt from entering the external environment).
  10. There must be a contract for the provision utilities(electricity, water).
  11. The lease agreement must be official!

The success of a car wash is half (if not more) dependent on the right job choice. Most often, the owners locate their car washes near the entrances to the city, highways, near major city roads, border posts. Such places are very successful. After all, we must not forget that almost all clients will be “random”, in this type of business it is quite difficult to form your own client base. But this needs to be worked on.

It is worth thinking about the size of the room. In our case, 2 cars can be serviced at the same time. Therefore, it will be necessary to equip 2 workplaces. It is possible to rent a slightly larger space, which will provide the possibility of future expansion.

Marketing Plan

Price policy:

It makes no sense to underestimate the cost in the "season". People use the services of car washes here and now. Almost none of them compare prices, but visit the one that is on the way. But in the cold season, you can reduce the cost, but at the same time advertise throughout the city, offer promotions, discounts, favorable conditions.

The high level of competition in this type of business necessitates the use of advertising, and a lot of money will have to be spent on this.

The main types of really "working" advertising should include ( don't forget its quality!):

  • Usage billboards. They should be as informative and vivid as possible, memorable.
  • Placement of information at the nearest petrol stations. The method is relatively cheap, but very effective.
  • It is worth considering promotions. For example, “Only today you get interior cleaning with a 50% discount if you wash your car with us!”.
  • Distribution of business cards. You don’t need to get hung up on this, but it’s better to distribute it to customers who have already come to you so that they visit the car wash again.
  • Placement of signpost. This is especially true when placed near the highway or near a large supermarket. Such a shield should be colorful, catchy, rather large.
  • You can think about providing your customers with a corner for leisure activities, free tea, coffee (it will be especially important in winter, when any visitor would not mind warming up).

Calculation of projected income

We will make the calculation for winter time and the rest of the period separately.

Production plan

We have already spoken about the location of the premises. It is worth choosing a garage in a suitable place. The ideal option would be if it has already been prepared for the car wash.

It is very important to establish a system for the supply of water, its subsequent filtration, purification, and output. All this costs a lot. We must not forget that the operation of filters is possible at a temperature not lower than +5 degrees. This means that you need to take care of the heating of the room. All this will be included in the refurbishment. But if you have a central water supply, then filters are not needed.

Equipment needed includes tools such as vacuum cleaners, hand washes (often by Karcher), compressor units And so on. Do not forget that we equip 2 workplaces.

The work of specialists was mentioned above. Their income will be formed as follows:

  1. Brigadier - 33% of the shift revenue.
  2. Assistant foreman - 27% of the shift revenue.

Interest includes taxes and insurance premiums.

organizational plan

Financial plan

Period December January February Other months
Monthly income 210 000 rubles 227 500 rubles
Rent 15 000 rubles 15 000 rubles
Advertising 4 500 rubles 5 000 rubles
Wage 90 000 rubles 95 000 rubles
Purchase of detergents and necessary supplies 2 500 rubles 3 000 rubles
Communal payments 5 000 rubles 5 000 rubles
Taxes, insurance premiums (approx.) 45 000 rubles 48 000 rubles
Total: 162,000 rubles 171,000 rubles
Net profit 48 000 rubles 56 500 rubles
Profitability 17,2% 18,6%

Payback: 21 months, that is, 1 year and 9 months. We remind you that with your own premises, the payback will come faster.


The main risks will be:

  • High SES requirements, fines. Possible losses can be eliminated by following all the necessary standards.
  • High level of competition. Offering a quality service, carrying out a serious advertising policy. Clientele development (although it is difficult).
  • Wrong choice of location. It is necessary to conduct a geomarketing study before starting work, which will help you choose the most advantageous place for a car wash.
  • Unqualified personnel. It is important to engage in careful selection of candidates, to conduct a kind of training, to take on a trial period. You can motivate employees salary(actually, as in our example).
  • Force majeure. This can include equipment failure and possible natural disasters. In the first case, it is necessary to check the equipment in time, repair it and re-equip the car wash, which will reduce the risk of breakdowns to a minimum. The second factor is related to weather conditions, here it is already important to strengthen your own car wash, isolate it from the effects of external manifestations. This can also include pipe breaks and temporary shutdowns of water. Here, unfortunately, it is almost impossible to protect yourself. The water reserves in this in large numbers do not work. Yes, and it will take up a huge amount of space.

Important: Remember that you can write a business plan for your business on your own. To do this, read the articles:

Last request: We are all human and we can make mistakes, ignore something, etc. Do not judge strictly if this business plan or others in the section seem incomplete to you. If you have experience in this or that activity or you see a defect and can supplement the article, please let us know in the comments! Only in this way can we jointly make business plans more complete, detailed and relevant. Thank you for your attention!