Transfer to another position for medical reasons. Provision of light work for health reasons. Income tax and insurance premiums

  • 12.10.2020

The employee must draw up an application addressed to the head of the company and indicate in it the requirement to transfer to another job (temporarily or permanently) in connection with a medical report. He must attach a copy of the conclusion of the medical institution to the application. On the basis of these documents, the company issues a transfer order in the form No. T-5 (approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004 No. 1).

If an employee needs another job, according to a medical report, temporarily (for up to four months), but refuses to transfer, the company is obliged to remove him from work for this time. At the same time, she retains the place of work and position for the employee. During the period of suspension from work, the employee, as a rule, is not charged.

Temporary suspension of an employee

The firm issues an order to temporarily suspend an employee without pay. It indicates the period during which the employee will not work. The basis for the order is a medical report. The order is signed by the head of the company and the employee. The same should be done if an employee temporarily (up to four months) needs another job, but there are no suitable vacancies in the company.

The order can be made like this.

An example of an order

If, for medical reasons, an employee needs temporary transfer for more than four months or permanent translation, the company is obliged to offer the employee a job that is not contraindicated for him. However, if there is no such work, the company has no right to leave it in its original place. In this case, the employment contract with the employee must be terminated. The same should be done when the employee himself refuses to be transferred from work that is prohibited to him for health reasons.

Grounds for termination labor relations in these cases, paragraph 8 of part 1 of article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation is.

Nuances for leadership positions

These rules apply to all employees of the company, however, for managers, their deputies and chief accountants, the law establishes additional nuances. If such employees need a temporary or permanent transfer for medical reasons, the company has the right not to dismiss them, but, with written consent, to suspend them from work for a period agreed by the parties.

To do this, the employee must write a statement and indicate in it that he agrees to be temporarily suspended from his job. This is what an employee does when the company cannot offer him a place that meets the medical certificate, or when he himself refused to transfer.

The application can be made like this.

Application example

Based on the application, the personnel officer must issue an order for the temporary removal of the head, his deputy or chief accountant from his position. In this case, the parties do not terminate the employment contract.

During the period of suspension from work, the employee is usually not paid wages.

The order can be made like this.

An example of an order

Transfer to a lower paying job

When an employee is transferred for health reasons to another, lower-paid job in the same company, he will be retained former earnings within one month from the date of transfer.

If the transfer is made in connection with an industrial injury, occupational disease or other damage to health associated with work, then the former earnings are paid to him until recovery or permanent disability (Article 182 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

When is severance pay paid?

If the firm terminates the employment contract due to the employee's refusal to transfer or the lack of a suitable vacancy, upon dismissal, this employee is paid severance pay. Its amount is calculated based on a two-week

Unfortunately, the legislator did not consider it necessary to include “light work” in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, you will not find such a concept. The characteristics of light work are reflected in SanPiN and "Hygienic recommendations for the rational employment of pregnant women." This set of rules clarifies aspects such as the regulations that apply to equipment, the workplace, and the level of allowable stress during pregnancy. How does the labor code regulate light work? This will be discussed below.

Transfer to light work due to illness or injury

If an employee, for health reasons or after an injury received at work, can no longer perform his functions, then it is the employer's duty to transfer him to another, easier job. What does it mean? While working in the workshop, the worker injured several fingers, the treatment of the hand did not bring proper results. Non-bending fingers, does not allow a person to still work on lathe. In this case, he has the right to ask in an application (with a medical report) to transfer him to light work where the affected arm will not be involved. When transferred to another lower-paid position, he retains his previous earnings for a month (Article 184 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). If a the employer refuses to transfer him to another position, threatening him with dismissal, then you should contact the experts to resolve this issue

Light labor during pregnancy

When a woman registers with a antenatal clinic, receives a certificate confirming her pregnancy, she may qualify for a transfer, for light work due to pregnancy. The "Hygienic Requirements" set out the conditions under which the expectant mother is not allowed to work. These conditions include premises where there is no:

  • natural light,
  • spraying aerosols,
  • there is vibration and ultrasonic background,
  • even the type of chair on which a young woman in position can sit is determined.

Labor Code it is forbidden to send a pregnant woman on a business trip (only at her request) leave to work overtime or go out at night.

The expectant mother can realize her right to improved working conditions by writing an application with a request to transfer her to light work, where the impact of harmful factors is excluded.

While her manager takes measures to transfer to light work, a woman in a position has the right not to work, but it retains the average earnings. Wage(its average value) for a woman in a position transferred to "light work" will not change, regardless of the cost of paying light work.

Especially this question is relevant for representatives:

  • working professions,
  • those who work in the shop
  • sales representatives,
  • controllers,
  • auditors,
  • employed in traveling work.

Conversion to light work during pregnancy - ledger

At the same time, the employer is obliged to take care of sufficient lighting in the room in order to exclude eye strain. We will tell you what will happen to your future baby and you in each of the forty weeks. Sanitary rules and norms approved by the Decree of the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of Russia dated 28.

The Labor Code secures for the expectant mother not only the right to easy work during pregnancy, but also certain financial guarantees, as well as maintaining a job. In this certificate, in addition to the fact that I was pregnant, it was indicated why I should be transferred to light work. The right to receive payment for days of forced absenteeism if the employer cannot immediately provide her with the right working conditions. The reality is that the employer is unlikely to be delighted with the pregnancy of an employee, and even more so with the obligation to provide her with more comfortable working conditions.

I previously worked in a clinic as a programmer and all the work was only on the computer and I didn’t even know about easy work. Tell me, can I be transferred to light work, for example, to reduce the working day? She does not work on weekends and public holidays, and is free from overtime assignments.

When you visit the pages of the website, we process your data and may pass it on to external partners.

Article 254 of the code provides for a reduction in the daily load or redirection to work that does not have a negative impact on the mother's body i. Ru, 2011, n 11 how to transfer a pregnant employee to light work labor during pregnancy, but certain monetary guarantees as well. It must also be familiarized with the job description for the newest position, other local regulations specifically related to her work. The employer will indicate its size in an additional agreement to the employment contract and in an order for a temporary transfer in the form of t-5 or without the help of other developed forms.

Transferring a pregnant employee to light work

You can test your knowledge, as well as get access to the mamials and all the services of the website. In general, the weight of the load per shift should not exceed 48 kg. True, there are a number of criteria for the introduction of this deferral (taxation regime, type of activity, presence/absence of employees).

Transfer of pregnant women to light work - beremennost net

Article 73 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation on the transfer of an employee to another job in connection with the conclusion of the doctors of an employee who needs to transfer to an easier job in connection with a medical must, upon a written application from the employee and upon presentation of a medical certificate confirming the state of pregnancy, extend the period. Under light labor, work is supposed to be associated with a decrease in physical activity and. her transfer to lighter work should be carried out or the working day of the week should be reduced. The transfer of pregnant employees to another job according to the medical conclusion is done in accordance with Article 73 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, but taking into account the features established in Article 254 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Continuing to work in the same mode, they can harm the unborn child. One of them is lowering the load or transferring to another job if there are medical indications. Labor legislation provides a number of guarantees for pregnant employees.

The basis may be an industrial injury, an operation or a serious illness, pregnancy, the presence of a child under 1.5 years old.

An employer's refusal to provide such a benefit is a violation of the law.

The transfer of an employee to light work for health reasons means that a person will be able to fulfill his professional duties without performing actions that are contraindicated for him for health reasons.

If an employee who, in accordance with a medical report, needs a temporary transfer to another job for a period of up to four months, refuses to transfer or the employer does not have a corresponding job, then the employer is obliged to remove the employee from work for the entire period specified in the medical report while maintaining the place of work ( positions). During the period of suspension from work, wages are not accrued to the employee, with the exception of cases provided for by this Code, other federal laws, collective agreement, agreements, labor contract.

If, in accordance with a medical report, an employee needs a temporary transfer to another job for a period of more than four months or a permanent transfer, then if he refuses to transfer or if the employer does not have the appropriate job, the employment contract is terminated in accordance with clause 8 of part one of Article 77 of this Code .

Cases of transfer for medical reasons

The transfer of an employee in accordance with a medical report is due to employees who cannot perform their professional duties in the same place for the following reasons:

  1. Pregnancy.
  2. Disability.
  3. Transferred operations.
  4. The presence of diseases.
  5. Getting hurt or injured.
  6. Injury or injury at work.

For example, a worker in a manufacturing facility who has undergone back surgery may require a change of duties to avoid adverse effects on the back. Or a person who has injured his hand may be temporarily transferred to an activity that will allow him not to use the injured part of the body, etc.

Most often, the medical indication for translation is the pregnancy of women.

There is a special set of rules aimed at determining the permissible professional conditions for this category of employees - "Hygienic recommendations for the rational employment of pregnant women."

A woman can be transferred if the following unfavorable conditions exist in her main place:

  1. Bad light.
  2. Spraying aerosols.
  3. Vibrations.
  4. Physical stress (carrying weights, standing for a long time, sitting in an uncomfortable position, etc.).
  5. Nervous and emotional stress.
  6. Frequent business trips.

    You can send a pregnant employee on a business trip only at her request.

  7. Performance of duties at night and overtime, etc.

People with disabilities can be involved in overtime hours, in professional activities on holidays and weekends only with their consent and in the absence of harm to their health.

The documents

To transfer a person to an easy form of activity, it is necessary to draw up the following documents:

  1. A medical report provided by the employee and confirming his right to be transferred to light work due to pregnancy in accordance with the labor code (certificate from a gynecologist indicating the period).
  2. An application from a person, where he agrees in writing to the transfer.
  3. An additional agreement to the contract, which specifies the new conditions for the performance of duties and the validity period of the transfer.
  4. Order of a unified form on the transfer.
  5. Record in the work book and in the personal card.

Design rules

How to transfer an employee to light work for health reasons?

When making a translation, it is important to take into account the following points enshrined in legislation:

Thus, the availability of an appropriate medical certificate allows some categories of workers to switch to light work.

To carry out the transfer, it is necessary to draw up a number of documents and comply with the conditions established by law.


In accordance with Article 73 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an employee who needs to be transferred to another job in accordance with a medical certificate issued in accordance with the procedure established by federal laws and other regulatory legal acts Russian Federation, with his written consent, the employer is obliged to transfer to another job available to the employer that is not contraindicated for the employee for health reasons.

AT labor law does not contain a definition of the concept of "light work". Your employer needs to send a letter to the medical institution that issued the certificate, asking them to clarify what kind of work you can do for health reasons.

It is advisable to attach a list of vacancies that your employer intends to offer.

If an employee who, in accordance with a medical report, needs a temporary transfer to another job for a period of up to four months, refuses to transfer or the employer does not have a corresponding job, then the employer is obliged to remove the employee from work for the entire period specified in the medical report while maintaining the place of work ( positions). During the period of suspension from work, wages are not accrued to the employee, with the exception of cases provided for by the Labor Code, other federal laws, a collective agreement, agreements, and an employment contract.

If, in accordance with a medical report, an employee needs a temporary transfer to another job for a period of more than four months or a permanent transfer, then if he refuses to transfer or if the employer does not have the appropriate job, the employment contract is terminated in accordance with clause 8 of part one of Article 77 of the Labor Code .

In accordance with Article 182 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, when transferring an employee who, in accordance with a medical certificate issued in accordance with the procedure established by federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, needs to be provided with another job, to another lower-paid job at this employer he keeps average earnings at the previous job within one month from the date of transfer, and in case of transfer due to an industrial injury, occupational disease or other work-related damage to health - until a permanent loss of professional ability to work is established or until the employee recovers.

In regulatory legislative documents no specific explanation of the term "light activity" is spelled out. This term implies the likelihood of a worker moving to another job in accordance with a medical certificate in more convenient circumstances for him to fulfill his statutory obligations.

The reason for such a transition may be an industrial injury, an operation, pregnancy, a serious illness, the presence of a child in the family up to one and a half years. If the boss evades the execution of such benefits under these conditions, this is a direct violation of the law.

Extract from Article 73 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

Light work for health reasons is indicated for people with disabilities

If an employee who, in accordance with a medical report, needs a temporary transfer to another job for a period of up to four months, refuses to transfer or the employer does not have a corresponding job, then the employer is obliged to remove the employee from work for the entire period specified in the medical report while maintaining the place of work ( positions).

During the period of suspension from work, wages are not accrued to the employee, with the exception of cases provided for by this Code, other federal laws, a collective agreement, agreements, and an employment contract.

An employment contract with the heads of organizations (branches, representative offices or other separate structural subdivisions), their deputies and chief accountants who, in accordance with a medical report, need temporary or permanent transfer to another job, if the transfer is refused or the employer does not have a corresponding job, is terminated in in accordance with paragraph 8 of the first part of Article 77 of this Code.

The employer has the right, with the written consent of these employees, not to terminate the employment contract with them, but to suspend them from work for a period determined by agreement of the parties. During the period of suspension from work, wages are not accrued to these employees, except for the cases provided for by this Code, other federal laws, a collective agreement, agreements, and an employment contract.

Cases of transition to easier working conditions for medical reasons

Transfer to light work - for pregnant women

The transition of a worker to an easier activity on medical grounds implies that he will be able to fulfill his statutory obligations without doing what is not recommended by the doctor in his state of health.

Such a procedure takes place with the obligatory written consent of the worker in accordance with article 73 Labor Code. Such an opportunity is extremely significant for workers in working specialties, workers in workshops or factories, drivers, etc.

The transfer of a worker on the basis of health status is provided to employees who are unable to fulfill their statutory obligations at their current place of work for the following reasons:

  • Having a disability.
  • Pregnancy period.
  • The presence of operations of a certain type.
  • Diseases of a certain type.
  • The presence of bodily injury and mutilation.
  • The presence of injuries and injuries that were received directly at work.

For example, a worker in production underwent an operation on the spine. He has the right to apply to management with a request to move to another job where there will be no adverse effect on his back. Or a worker with a leg injury may be temporarily assigned to a position that will make it possible not to use this part of the body, etc.

Often the reason for the transition to another type of work is the pregnancy of a woman. There is a specialized list of rules fixing the established permissible working conditions for this group of workers.

To switch to light work, you need to provide a medical certificate

  1. Weak lighting.
  2. Pulverization of chemicals.
  3. Efforts of a physical nature (lifting heavy objects, standing for a long period, sitting in an uncomfortable position for a long time, etc.).
  4. The presence of emotional stress and nervous tension.
  5. The need for multiple business trips. Management has the right to send an employee in such a position only with her consent.
  6. Fulfillment of statutory obligations at night or after hours, etc.

Employees with disabilities, the employer has the right to engage in work after hours, during holidays or weekends only with their approval and if it is impossible to cause damage to their health.

In particular, this group of employees has grounds for receiving leave of at least 30 calendar days, which is paid, or unpaid leave of at least 60 days.

Required package of documents

To transfer a worker to an easier type of work, you need to prepare the following package of documents:

  1. Medical certificate. The worker is obliged to provide it to the employer, and it is the basis for his transfer to an easier area of ​​work due to pregnancy, guided by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (conclusion of a gynecologist with a prescribed gestational age).
  2. Written appeal of the worker, in which he confirms his desire to change the working conditions.
  3. An additional agreement to the employment contract, in the body of which the updated conditions for the fulfillment of statutory obligations and the period of such a transition are prescribed.
  4. Order of a standardized form on the transition of a worker to another activity.
  5. Making an entry in work book and personal card.

The procedure for making the transition

The employer is obliged to go "to meet" the employee in need of easy working conditions

How to transfer a worker to easier working conditions, guided by his state of health? When performing such a transfer of an employee, it is necessary to take into account the following points fixed by law:

  • During the period when the management of the enterprise makes a decision to transfer the employee to another position based on a medical diagnosis, the employer is obliged to keep the average salary for the employee. The employee during this period, on the basis of the law, may not fulfill the previous obligations that are contraindicated for him based on his state of health.
  • In the situation of a woman who is carrying a child, the change in the type of activity will take place before the end of the pregnancy. For such an employee, the employer undertakes to keep the average salary that she received in her previous position for the entire specified period.
  • When a worker moves to a position with a lower salary on the basis of a medical diagnosis, the employer undertakes to keep the average salary of the previous meta activity for 1 month.
  • If the reason for changing the activity to an easier one is an injury received at work or the appearance of an occupational disease, then the employer undertakes to keep the average salary for him until the stage of establishing an uncompromising loss of professional fitness or until the final recovery.
  • If a worker needs to change the type of activity for up to 4 months, but at the same time rejects the options provided or the management of the enterprise has no options for his arrangement, then his current position is retained for him without payment of a monetary allowance until he returns to the workplace.
  • If the worker needs to change the type of activity for a period of more than 4 months, but rejects the options offered to him or the management of the enterprise does not have options for his arrangement, then the employment contract with him ceases to be valid. The worker in this case is obliged to receive severance pay upon dismissal, which is approximately equal to the average salary for 2 working weeks.
  • At the end of the period for the transition to easier conditions of activity specified in the supplementary agreement to the employment contract, the worker undertakes to begin fulfilling the previous statutory obligations.
  • If the period of transition to easier working conditions fixed in the additional agreement has ended, and the worker fulfills the statutory obligations at the previous place of work and does not protest about it, then the period fixed in the agreement becomes invalid and the transition to a new position becomes permanent.

Based on the foregoing, the presence of an appropriate medical diagnosis makes it possible for several groups of workers to change their activity to an easier one. For such a transition, it is necessary to collect a certain package of documents and adhere to the rules fixed by law.

Is it possible to fire an employee who has become disabled? Explanation - in the video:

How and in what cases, according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, can a transfer to light work be carried out due to pregnancy or other work for health reasons in accordance with a medical report?

The basis is provided to the organization a medical report.

Exist certain rules for the execution of the transfer procedure an employee for light work on a medical report. There is no direct definition of light work in legislative acts.

This concept means the possibility of transferring an employee to another job in accordance with a medical report to more comfortable conditions for performing professional duties.

The basis can be industrial injury, surgery or serious illness, pregnancy, having a child under 1.5 years old.

An employer's refusal to provide such a benefit is a violation of the law.

The procedure is carried out with the written consent of the employee Art. 73 TK. Such an opportunity is especially relevant for representatives of working professions, shop specialists, drivers, etc.

Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Article 73. Transfer of an employee to another job in accordance with a medical report An employee who needs to be transferred to another job in accordance with a medical certificate issued in accordance with the procedure established by federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, with his written consent, the employer is obliged to transfer to another job available to the employer that is not contraindicated to the employee for health reasons.

If an employee who, in accordance with a medical report, needs a temporary transfer to another job for a period of up to four months, refuses to transfer or the employer does not have a corresponding job, then the employer is obliged to remove the employee from work for the entire period specified in the medical report while maintaining the place of work ( positions). During the period of suspension from work, wages are not accrued to the employee, with the exception of cases provided for by this Code, other federal laws, a collective agreement, agreements, and an employment contract.

If, in accordance with a medical report, an employee needs a temporary transfer to another job for a period of more than four months or a permanent transfer, then if he refuses to transfer or if the employer does not have the appropriate job, the employment contract is terminated in accordance with clause 8 of part one of Article 77 of this Code .

An employment contract with the heads of organizations (branches, representative offices or other separate structural subdivisions), their deputies and chief accountants who, in accordance with a medical report, need temporary or permanent transfer to another job, if the transfer is refused or the employer does not have a corresponding job, is terminated in in accordance with paragraph 8 of the first part of Article 77 of this Code. The employer has the right, with the written consent of these employees, not to terminate the employment contract with them, but to suspend them from work for a period determined by agreement of the parties. During the period of suspension from work, wages are not accrued to these employees, except for the cases provided for by this Code, other federal laws, a collective agreement, agreements, and an employment contract.

Cases of transfer for medical reasons

The transfer of an employee in accordance with a medical report is due to employees who cannot perform their professional duties in the same place the following reasons:

  1. Pregnancy.
  2. Disability.
  3. Transferred operations.
  4. The presence of diseases.
  5. Getting hurt or injured.
  6. Injury or injury at work.

For example, a worker in a manufacturing facility who has undergone back surgery may require a change of duties to avoid adverse effects on the back. Or a person who has injured his hand may be temporarily transferred to an activity that will allow him not to use the injured part of the body, etc.

Most often, the medical indication for translation is the pregnancy of women.

There is a special set of rules aimed at determining acceptable professional conditions for this category of employees - "Hygienic recommendations for the rational employment of pregnant women."

A woman can be transferred if there are the following unfavorable conditions:

  1. Bad light.
  2. Spraying aerosols.
  3. Vibrations.
  4. Physical stress (carrying weights, standing for a long time, sitting in an uncomfortable position, etc.).
  5. Nervous and emotional stress.
  6. Frequent business trips. You can send a pregnant employee on a business trip only at her request.
  7. Performance of duties at night and overtime, etc.

People with disabilities can be involved in overtime hours, in professional activities on holidays and weekends only with their consent and in the absence of harm to their health.

To transfer a person to an easy form of activity the following documents are required:

  1. A medical report provided by the employee and confirming his right to be transferred to light work due to pregnancy in accordance with the labor code (certificate from a gynecologist indicating the period).
  2. An application from a person, where he agrees in writing to the transfer.
  3. An additional agreement to the contract, which specifies the new conditions for the performance of duties and the validity period of the transfer.
  4. Order of a unified form on the transfer.
  5. Record in the work book and in the personal card.

Design rules

How to transfer an employee to light work for health reasons?

When making a transfer it is important to consider the following points, enshrined in legislation:

To carry out the transfer, it is necessary to draw up a number of documents and comply with the conditions established by law.

Help for light work for health reasons. The procedure for transferring to light work

Some categories of workers have the right to be transferred to lighter work due to their health condition. The basis for the transfer is a medical report that was provided to the organization. This is a reference to easy work.

There are a number of rules for processing the transfer of an employee to an easier job for medical reasons. However, legislation does not have a specific definition of light work. This concept implies the possibility of transferring an employee to some other job with more comfortable conditions for performing his professional duties due to a medical report.

Grounds for transfer

There can be various reasons for the transfer: pregnancy (a certificate for light work during pregnancy is issued), caring for a child up to one and a half years old, an industrial injury, a serious illness or a surgery. If the employer refuses to transfer the employee, this will be considered a violation of the law.

If an employee needs to be transferred to an easier job (a certificate for light work for health reasons will confirm this), then he is not able to perform professional duties without performing actions that are contraindicated for him.

Translation procedure

The transfer procedure is carried out with the consent of the employee in writing in accordance with Article 73 of the Labor Code. This opportunity is especially relevant for representatives of working professions, drivers and specialists of workshops and others.

Article 73 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation on the transfer of an employee to another job in connection with the conclusion of doctors

An employee who needs to move to a lighter job in connection with a medical conclusion - a certificate for light work, issued in accordance with the procedure established by federal law and other regulatory legal acts of Russia, with his written consent, the employer must transfer to other work available to him, which is not contraindicated for the employee due to his state of health.

There are several forms of providing a medical opinion:

  • The conclusion of the medical commission or the attending physician, issued in accordance with Federal Law No. 323-F3 of November 21, 2011, which deals with the protection of the health of Russian citizens.
  • An ITU certificate and an individually developed program for the rehabilitation of a disabled person, which is issued by the medical examination bureau if the employee is recognized as disabled.
  • Rehabilitation program for an employee who has been injured due to an accident at work and an occupational disease.
  • Conclusion of an institution of a medical and preventive profile that conducts a medical examination of an employee on a mandatory basis, which is defined in Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia No. and preliminary mandatory medical examinations of employees who are employed in heavy or hazardous work and/or harmful conditions labor.
  • Honey. conclusion issued in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 441n dated May 2, 2012, approving the procedure for issuing medical organization medical reports and certificates after the examination of a citizen, including a commission.

Thus, this article determines which certificate for light work is issued to a particular employee.

Grounds for suspension from work

It can be said that a properly executed conclusion issued by the attending physician can serve as a basis for transfer to a job that is not contraindicated for the employee, or can become a reason for dismissal, in accordance with paragraph 8 of part 1 of Art. 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation in the absence of a corresponding vacancy.

In the event that an employee, according to a medical report, who needs to be transferred for some time (up to 4 months) to another job, refuses such a transfer, or the employer cannot provide the appropriate job, he is obliged to suspend the employee for the entire period specified in the certificate on easy work, while maintaining his position and place of work. If an employee is suspended, he is not paid a salary.

The exception is the cases provided for by this Code, other federal laws, labor contract, agreements, collective agreement.

Cases of transfer to another job, exceeding 4 months

In the event that an employee, with a certificate of transfer to light work, needs to transfer to another job for a period exceeding 4 months or permanent, then if such a transfer is refused or if the employer does not have a suitable vacancy, the employment contract is terminated, in accordance with clause 8 of part 1 st. 77 of the Code.

With the heads of enterprises or organizations, representative offices, branches, with chief accountants and deputy heads, the employment contract is also terminated if such a transfer is refused, or if there is no suitable job, in accordance with paragraph 8 of part 1 of Art. 77 of the Code. The employer also has the right, with the written consent of the employee, to suspend him from work for a period determined in the agreement of the parties. The employee will not be paid during this period of suspension. Exceptions are cases provided for by this Code, other federal laws, labor contract, agreements, collective agreement. A sample certificate for light work is available from medical workers.

When transferred for medical reasons

An employee is transferred according to a medical report in cases where he is unable to perform professional duties at his workplace for the reasons listed below:

  • receiving industrial injuries or injuries;
  • pregnancy;
  • getting hurt or injured;
  • disability;
  • the presence of diseases;
  • transferred operations.

For example, a production employee who has undergone back surgery has the right to demand that he change his duties if he has a certificate for light work for health reasons in order to exclude a negative impact on his back. A person who has injured his arm can also be transferred to another type of activity that allows him not to use the injured limb, and so on.

Information about light work for pregnant women

Most often, pregnant women are transferred for medical reasons. There is a special set of rules that is aimed at determining the professional conditions acceptable for this category of employees, namely, hygienic recommendations for the rational employment of pregnant women.

A woman can be transferred if the following unfavorable conditions exist in her place:

  • night shift work, overtime, etc.;
  • bad light;
  • frequent trips on business trips, which during pregnancy can only be with the consent of the employee;
  • spraying aerosols;
  • emotional and nervous tension;
  • vibrations;
  • physical stress: sitting in an uncomfortable position, carrying weights, standing for a long time, and so on.

Employment of people with disabilities

People with disabilities can be involved in work on weekends and holidays, overtime work only with their consent, and if there is no harm to their health. In particular, this category of employees has the right to receive an annual paid leave of at least 30 days or at their own expense for at least 60 days.

What documents need to be submitted for translation?

In order for an employee to be transferred to an easier job, he needs to complete the following documents:

  • Honey. the conclusion that the employee provides, and it confirms his right to switch to light work, for example, pregnant women provide a certificate from a gynecologist with a specified period.
  • An employee's statement in which he agrees in writing to the transfer. Add. agreement to the contract indicating the validity period and new conditions for the performance of duties.
  • Order on the translation of a unified form.
  • Entry in the personal card and work book.

Design rules

How is an employee transferred to light work? When making a transfer, it is important to take into account some points enshrined in law that determine the period for which a certificate for light work is issued:

  • During the entire period, while the head decides the issue of transferring the employee to light work in connection with honey. In conclusion, the latter retains his average earnings. Also, a person may not perform the previous work in full, if they are contraindicated for him due to his health.
  • If we are talking about a pregnant woman, then her transfer must be completed before the end of the pregnancy period. For the entire period, she retains her average earnings, which she received in her previous position.
  • If it is necessary to transfer to light work due to an industrial injury or the development of an occupational disease, the average salary of an employee is kept until he recovers or determines the loss of a professional. capacity.
  • When an employee needs to switch to light work for up to 4 months, and the person at the same time refuses the options that are offered to him, or the employer cannot offer options for the transfer, then the employment contract is terminated. In this case, the employee is paid a severance pay, which is equal to his average earnings for 2 weeks.
  • When an employee needs to switch to light work for a period of more than 4 months, and the person at the same time refuses the options that are offered to him, or the employer cannot offer options for the transfer, then the employment contract is terminated. In this case, the employee is paid a severance pay, which is equal to his average earnings for 2 weeks.
  • After the expiration of the period of transfer to light work, which is indicated in the add. agreement to the contract, the employee returns to his former place of work.
  • If the period specified in the supplementary agreement has expired, and the employee remains at the place where he was transferred and does not object, then the period specified in the supplement. agreement expires, and the employee remains in the new location on a permanent basis.


So, we can conclude that if there is a medical certificate, some categories of employees can be transferred to light work. To make such a transfer, you need to draw up documents and comply with the conditions established by law.

If there is persistent ill health that interferes with normal labor activity maybe you should see a doctor.

What is a certificate for light work, we examined.

The procedure for issuing a certificate for light work for health reasons - where and how can I get

Upon the occurrence of certain life circumstances, citizens who are employed on an official basis may apply for a transfer to another position that involves easier conditions.

The duties assigned to them in this case should correspond to the state of health of the patients. the main objective translation - the creation of more comfortable working conditions.

Under what conditions is it issued?

In order to transfer to another, easier position, the employee must provide the employer with a special document that reflects this need - medical report on the state of health.

An important point is the design of the paper.

As grounds for transfer there may be various circumstances related to the state of health of the employee. These may be:

  • pregnancy - certificate of transfer to light labor of pregnant women;
  • getting an industrial or other injury;
  • transfer of the operation;
  • suffering from any serious illness.

The issuance of a certificate means that the patient, for health reasons, cannot perform the official duties that he previously performed. To continue working in such situations needs to be transferred to another job.

The certificate is attached to the employee's application about the need to change working conditions to easier ones and is transferred to the employer, who, in turn, draws up the corresponding order.

Is it possible to transfer after the operation?

Carrying out some activities in which surgical intervention was performed requires a long period of rehabilitation and restoration of health.

During this period an employee can be transferred to light work.

For example, when performing an operation on the arm, the employee will not be able to perform actions related to the functioning of this organ.

Therefore, he needs an exemption from this kind of work.

It is important to take into account that the employer has no right to refuse the employee in terms of easy work. Not the last role is played by the validity period of the medical certificate of the conclusion, namely, recommendations on the duration of light work.

Maximum the duration of this period is 4 months. If during this time the head of the company offered the employee another position with more comfortable working conditions, but the employee did not agree, the employment relationship may be terminated.

A variant of the development of events is possible, in which the working citizen will continue to work in a new position at the end of the 4-month period. In this case, it is considered that the work has acquired a permanent character. When such circumstances occur changes need to be made to work book worker.

What does the document give the employee?

A medical certificate with a conclusion on the state of health, which reflects the recommendation to transfer the employee to light work, gives him the right carry out their professional activities in more comfortable conditions.

For example, during pregnancy, women are prohibited from physical activity, business trips, overtime and night work. In order to protect the employee from these factors, she is transferred to another position.

Also apply for the provision of work corresponding to the state of health, can workers with disabilities.

How should it be formatted?

A medical report giving the right to be transferred to another position must be drawn up accordingly. There is no unified form for filling out the certificate.

Each medical institution has the right to use a form developed by the organization independently.
Mandatory in the help header the following information should be present:

  • name of the institution issuing the document;
  • organization address;
  • place and city of drawing up the paper;
  • assigned serial number.

  • patient's initials;
  • a description of the situation in connection with which there was a need to transfer to easy work;
  • official duties from which a citizen should be removed and recommendations that must be observed during work;
  • references to normative acts regulating the procedure for translation. For example, in the case of pregnancy, these are articles 253-259 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
  • duration of the rehabilitation period.

At the end of the certificate, the signatures are left by the persons responsible for its content - the head physician, the attending doctor. Also it is important to reflect the date of writing medical opinion.

Useful video

Actions of the employer in case of medical contraindications from an employee, discussed in detail in this video:

The occurrence of certain circumstances gives the employee the right to transfer to light work. It means doing official duties corresponding to the state of health of the patient.

The need of this nature may arise due to pregnancy, injury, after surgery, etc. A document confirming the right of an employee to light work is a corresponding certificate issued by a medical institution.

The certificate contains all the necessary information about the employee. Special attention is paid to the reason why a change of work is required, and the period of validity of such a need.

How can an employer draw up an order to transfer to light work for a pregnant woman, for health reasons - samples

There is no concept of easy work in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. As a rule, this happens at the request of the employee himself, subject to the presentation of relevant documents confirming the need for translation.

The reasons for requiring a transfer to light work are different: an employee's pregnancy, caring for a child under 1.5 years old, an injury received at work and at home, an illness or a surgical operation.

The transition cannot be made unilaterally. This means that the employer cannot make a decision and independently change a person's place of work. This requires the consent of the employee in writing.

When is an order issued?

What could be the basis to draw up required documents and transfer to another place of work:

  • employee's pregnancy - transfer procedure;
  • poor health - how to translate into easy working conditions;
  • recent operation;
  • the workplace has poor lighting, which adversely affects the vision of employees;
  • in the process of performing duties, constant spraying from aerosols occurs;
  • frequent physical stress;
  • performance of duties is associated with stress and nervous tension;
  • frequent absence from work due to business trips. A pregnant woman is sent on a trip only with written permission from the employee;
  • work at night or overtime.

Unless otherwise confirmed by the consent of the worker himself, provided that there is no harm to health.

How to apply for a pregnant woman?

The rights of women during pregnancy are protected by Article 259 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. It says that it is forbidden to involve pregnant women to overtime work, at night, send on business trips.

According to the law, the employer is obliged to transfer the pregnant woman to light work, while reducing production rates and other indicators. Wages should remain at the level of a normal working day and workload.

When a written request is received from a pregnant employee in the form of an application and a certificate from a medical institution about the need to change working conditions, the office registers documents and submits them to the decision of the employer.

According to the employment contract, which is concluded with all employees, the director is obliged to transfer the employee to the right place to work.

Article 73 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that this can only be done with the written consent of the person being translated.

The employee, without fail, familiarizes himself with the translation options and gives his consent or refusal.

If you agree to a job change, amendments to the employment contract and compiled supplementary agreement. Then an order is written according to the T-5 form ( unified form adopted at all enterprises and institutions), an entry is made about the transfer and in the time sheet, taking into account working time employees. In this case transfer is temporary, only for the period of pregnancy, therefore it does not require entry into the work book.

If a situation arises at the enterprise about a transfer or change of workplace, it is necessary to keep a special journal to record the relevant moments and track the expiration dates of the benefits.

In the order, the head reflects the conditions of the transfer, the reason is indicated, as well as the date of introduction of preferential working conditions.

The order is approved by the director.

Download sample in connection with pregnancy

Example for health reasons

To issue an order for transfer to light work for health reasons need to have legal grounds . The employee provides the conclusions of the MSEC (medical expert commission) and the conclusion of the MCC (medical consulting commission). The management of the enterprise is determined with a position that can meet the requirements provided in the health certificates.

It is possible that along with the conclusion, the employee will be issued a certificate of incapacity for work, which indicates a recommendation for light work.

After determining with new position it is necessary to check the compliance of the workplace with the recommendations indicated in the conclusions of the medical commission.

Also follows obtain written consent from the employee to a new position.

It is possible to refuse the offer, in which case the actions of the employee will not be regarded as non-compliance with the labor charter.

When determining the position, it is necessary to decide whether the transfer will be temporary or permanent.

The position has been determined, consent has been received, now it is necessary to issue an order. The order is drawn up in a single form adopted by law. The employee is familiarized with the document.

If there is a transfer to another place of work, then there should be a corresponding entry in the work book. If the transfer to light work is temporary and no job change, then entering this information into the labor is not required.

The employer is obliged to draw up an order establishing for lung worker labor, if he provided the necessary supporting documentation.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation contains detailed instructions regarding the loss of a person's health or pregnancy. Knowledge of the laws will help the employee to maintain health and continue to work at his favorite enterprise.

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Obtain a medical certificate confirming that the employee needs to be transferred to another job for a period of more than 4 months or in a permanent transfer

Suspend an employee from work

In the offer of vacancies, the employer must include the entire list of available vacancies that the employee can perform, taking into account the state of health and qualifications (as vacant position or a job corresponding to the qualifications of the employee, and a vacant lower position or lower-paid job). The offer of vacancies is made in writing in two copies. On the copy of the employer, the employee must sign to confirm that he received it.

Obtain consent from the employee for the transfer

The consent of the employee to transfer to another job is drawn up in writing in the form transfer statements or indicated by the employee on the offer of vacancies.

Familiarize the employee against signature with local regulations related to the new job

The employee must be made aware of job description, working time norms, working conditions and other local regulations related to the new labor activity.

The fact of familiarization with local regulations is confirmed by the signature of the employee on the familiarization sheet indicating the last name, first name, patronymic, date of familiarization and affixing a personal signature. In addition, a mark of familiarization can be made in employment contract with the title of each document.

When transferring an employee in accordance with a medical report to another lower-paid job, this employer retains the average earnings from his previous job for one month from the date of transfer, and when transferring in connection with an industrial injury, occupational disease or other damage to health associated with work , - until a permanent loss of professional ability to work is established or until the employee recovers.

The agreement is drawn up in duplicate and signed by the employee and the employer. One copy is given to the employee. A copy kept by the employer must contain the signature of the employee on receipt of his copy of the supplementary agreement.

Familiarize the employee with the order to transfer to another job against signature

The order should be printed and familiarized with the employee against signature - at the bottom of the order, the employee must sign and put the date of familiarization.

Section 3 of the personal card must be filled out according to the following model:

the date Structural subdivision Position (specialty, profession), category, class (category) of qualification Tariff rate (salary), allowance, rub. Base Personal signature of the owner of the work book
1 2 3 4 5 6
02.08.2013 Transport Service Driver 20 000 Order No. 2k dated 02.08.2013 signature
06.12.2013 Dispatching service Dispatcher 20 000 Order No. 4k of December 6, 2013 signature

Make an entry on the transfer of an employee in the work book

An entry is made in the work book: "Transferred to the position" Job Title ". structural unit indicated when transferring to another structural unit.

record number the date Information about hiring, transfer
to another permanent job, qualification, dismissal
(with indication of the reasons and reference to the article, paragraph of the law)
date and number of the document on the basis of which the entry was made
number month year
1 2 3 4
Society with limited liability"Romashka" (LLC "Romashka")
1 02 08 2013 Joined the transport service as a driver Order No. 2k dated 02.08.2013
2 06 12 2013 Transferred to the dispatching service as a dispatcher Order No. 4k dated 06.12.2013

Some citizens leading professional activity on an official basis, may be transferred to light work due to health problems.

The main basis for the transfer is a document received in medical institution and confirming the state of health.

The procedure for completing the entire procedure has a number of nuances.

In the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other regulatory documents, there is no clear concept of light work.

However, under it it is customary to take the ability of an employee to transfer to another position, the conditions of which, from a medical point of view, are more comfortable for him.

In the process of carrying out labor activity of the specified type several rules must be observed:

  • During the performance of work, an organ that has been damaged due to an industrial injury should not be involved.
  • During the performance of work, there should not be a negative impact on the general state of health (with a general illness).
  • During the performance of work, there should not be a detrimental effect on the fetus and on the body of the expectant mother (in case).

When is a transfer possible under the Labor Code of the Russian Federation?

An employed citizen can be transferred to a position with more comfortable working conditions under several circumstances.

Among them are the following:

  • injury (including industrial);
  • the period of bearing a child;
  • disability;
  • transferring surgery;
  • suffering from any disease.

For example, an employee has the right to contact a medical specialist with a request for provision if he has broken his arm.

In this case, the performance of their previous job duties becomes difficult until the end of the rehabilitation period.

For this period, an employee may be given work that does not involve the use of a damaged organ.

Pregnant girls can be transferred to other positions.

But provided that during the performance of this work they are under the influence of unfavorable factors, which can affect their health and the health of the fetus.

These may serve as:

  • insufficient level of lighting;
  • physical exercise;
  • regular business trips;
  • overtime work;
  • emotional and nervous tension.

After operation

After medical events, during which surgical intervention was carried out, the patient needs rehabilitation. In almost all cases, the operation involves transition to light work.

To transfer to more comfortable and easier working conditions for health reasons the employee must provide the relevant document obtained from a medical institution.

Particular attention should be paid to the correctness of its design, because in this case no certificate is required, but a medical opinion.

The duration of the recovery period depends on the specific situation. Upon presentation of special documentation, the employer is obliged to offer the employee a position corresponding to his state of health at the time of the provision of the medical report.

In this case, the transfer to light work can only be made after obtaining the written consent of the employee.

If there are no suitable vacancies

If the employer cannot offer a suitable vacancy to a working citizen, or the employee refuses to transfer to another position, he Suspended from duty for 4 months or for the time specified in the conclusion.

If after 4 months the situation does not change, the employment relationship between the employee and the management of the company may be terminated.

For 4 months during which the employee is not working, he keeps his job.

This does not include wages. An exception is the cases provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

How is it arranged?

The procedure for transferring an employee to light work requires appropriate documentation.

The following papers are prepared in a certain sequence:

  • Medical opinion. Acts as a basis for transfer and confirmation of health status. The reissuance process starts exactly after the employee provides the document of the specified sample. It indicates the reason why such a need arose and the length of the period during which the patient should work in more comfortable conditions.
  • . In this case, it is a confirmation that the employee agrees to transfer to another position. Without this condition, the transfer cannot be made.
  • Additional agreement. It is concluded between both parties of the employment relationship. The contract reflects a description of the conditions in which the employee will work and the time during which he will perform his duties in a temporary position.
  • . Published by the employer. For registration, a unified form of the form is used.

No adjustments are made to the workbook. Instead of this changes are reflected in the employee's personal card.

The employee is also familiarized with the safety requirements. After studying the information, he puts his signature in the document intended for this. Before starting the performance of official duties, the employee is instructed.

After 4 months, a citizen who was transferred to light work due to