Strategy for the development of personnel potential of JSC Russian Railways for the period. "Strategies for the development of the personnel potential of Russian Railways". Improving the conditions for the development of professional and corporate competencies and career advancement of young people in the holding

  • 14.04.2020


  1. Personnel policy in strategic development
professional organization…………...5

    1. Personnel policy: conceptual apparatus, scientific approaches………...5

    2. The main directions of the state personnel
politics in Russia………7

  1. Organization technologies personnel policy
(on the example of Russian Railways)………………..14

    1. Personnel planning at the enterprise…………….………………...14

    2. Technologies for attracting employees of the organization……………………17

    3. Advanced training and career advancement………………..20

    4. Technologies of personnel motivation……………………………………………24

List of used literature………………………………………………....32


The main potential of any organization lies in the personnel. No matter how wonderful reforms are carried out, no matter what the latest technology no matter what favorable external and internal conditions exist, it is impossible to achieve high efficiency without well-trained personnel. It is people who manage the organization, produce goods, generate ideas and implement them, allow the organization to exist and develop in any economic conditions.

Currently effective management personnel has become one of the practical factors of economic success. It is designed to provide a favorable environment in which labor potential is realized, personal abilities develop, people receive satisfaction from the work performed and public recognition of their achievements. In the field of personnel management, there should be a consistent shift in emphasis: from a simple operational solution of emerging problems to determining the future needs of people and developing their potential. If today the main attention in making decisions on personnel management is focused on the development of a recruitment policy in general, the formation of plans for maintaining a working atmosphere in production, assisting managers in the selection, development and release of personnel, then tomorrow the focus will be on the problems of modeling professional activity, professiography specialties, psychological support of official activities, active involvement of employees in career planning, their training at all stages of career development, etc.

Target term paper consists in formulating the main directions and technologies of personnel policy in a professional organization.

In accordance with the intended goal, the following tasks were set and solved in the work:

Substantiate the main directions and principles of the state personnel policy;

Analyze personnel planning and technologies for attracting employees to the organization;

Conduct an analysis of methods of advanced training and career advancement;

Conduct an analysis of the methods of motivation of employees of the organization.

The object of the study is Russian Railways JSC.

The subject of the study is the personnel policy of the enterprise, in particular the process of selection, motivation and attraction of employees to the organization.

The research methodology is based on the dialectical method and a systematic approach to the processes under study, on the works of Russian and foreign scientists on labor economics, personnel management, sociology and psychology. The methods of logical and comparative analysis, expert assessments, methods of professiography, macro- and microanalysis of activities, methods of structural and functional analysis.

1. Personnel policy in the strategic development of a professional organization

    1. Personnel policy: conceptual apparatus, scientific approaches
Personnel policy is the most important part of the strategically oriented policy of the organization. The purpose of the personnel policy is to ensure an optimal balance between the processes of updating and maintaining the numerical and qualitative composition of personnel in accordance with the needs of the organization itself, the requirements of the current legislation and the state of the labor market 1 .

In a broad sense, it is a system of rules and norms that bring human resources in line with the company's strategy. Therefore, all measures for working with personnel - selection, compilation staffing, certification, training, promotion - are planned in advance and agreed with a common understanding of the goals and objectives of the organization. With a broad understanding of personnel policy, it is necessary to pay attention to the peculiarities of the implementation of power and leadership style.

In a narrow sense, this is a set of specific rules, wishes and restrictions in the relationship between people and an organization: in this sense, for example, the words “the personnel policy of our company is to hire people only with higher education", can be used as an argument when solving a specific personnel issue.

In the course of the analysis, several approaches to the definition of personnel policy were identified, among which the regulatory and methodological and activity ones are decisive.

The normative-methodological approach to the definition of personnel policy is considered in the works of J. Ivantsevich and A. A. Lobanov, S. K. Mordovin, A. P. Egorshin. So, in the works of J. Ivantsevich and A. A. Lobanov, the following approach to this concept is presented: the policy of personnel management is a general guide in making decisions in the most important areas in the field of personnel management. S. K. Mordovin believes that human resource policy is a set of rules, regulations, standards for working with personnel 1 .

The activity approach to the formulation of personnel policy is considered in the works of N. A. Chizhov and V. A. Spivak. According to N. A. Chizhov, the personnel policy of an enterprise, a firm is a set of organizational and meaningful measures aimed at the effective use of the abilities and professional skills of each individual worker in the implementation of the ultimate goals (mission) of the organization, enterprise, firm. Such an interpretation excludes the ideological, conceptual, target and normative aspects of personnel policy.

According to Polovinko V.S., personnel policy is traditionally associated with various areas of personnel management: the policy of selection and placement of personnel, remuneration and remuneration, personnel training, communication policy, etc. This reflects both the priorities of personnel management, and ideology, and methodological approaches to solving problems of personnel management 2 .

Summarizing the above approaches, we can draw a number of conclusions regarding the definition of personnel policy:

The personnel policy of an organization is a more universal, general, objectively existing concept, regardless of how it is realized and purposefully formed and implemented by management;

Personnel policy is that "special zone" for the staff, which relates to group goals and values ​​and does not leave indifferent all members of the team. If management does not develop it, then often its principles and priorities are formed by employees in certain slogans, values, etc.;

The personnel policy can be compared with the personnel management strategy in cases where the strategy is developed and exists either in the form of a regulatory document, or as a set of rules, norms, goals, priorities in the field of personnel management known and recognized by management and employees. Therefore, the definition of personnel policy as a holistic personnel management strategy is justified as normative, inherent in organizations with a high level of management, both personnel and strategic 1 .

A common vector, in our opinion, in various theoretical approaches to the definition of the phenomenon of personnel policy is the definition of personnel policy as a purposeful activity to create a workforce that would best contribute to combining the goals and priorities of the enterprise and its employees.
1.2. The main directions of the state personnel policy in Russia

Among the many tasks of the Russian state, the development of effective system personnel work. Its relevance and complexity are determined by the following circumstances:

Personnel, personnel are the creators and producers of material and spiritual values, the subjects of the management of social processes;

The multidimensional nature of the personnel problem, the need to take into account and use organizational, managerial, socio-economic, legal, moral and psychological knowledge and skills to solve it;

The need for new approaches in line with the renewal of the entire policy Russian Federation, taking into account domestic and foreign experience.

The State Personnel Policy (PKP) is to determine the strategy for working with personnel at the national level, the purpose of which is the formation, development and rational use labor resources countries.

The Russian state personnel policy is at the stage of development, the formation of its concept, i.e. systems of views on the goals and principles of work with personnel. The concept of "cadres" is used to designate the main (full-time) and qualified staff of workers. In recent years, in the scientific literature and practice, a more capacious concept of "staff" is often used, which includes the entire staff of employees. Along with personnel workers personnel include temporary, part-time workers, interns undergoing a probationary period and other categories. HR policy is based on personnel work, theory and practice of personnel management.

The personnel policy is developed and implemented on different levels management. At the federal (national) and regional (subjects of the Federation) levels, the state personnel policy is implemented. Through legislation, personnel training system, state control it also affects the personnel policy of municipalities and labor organizations. Thus, the state personnel policy is assigned a leading role in the system of labor resources management in Russia 1 .

The transition to a new statehood caused in Russia not only a change in guidelines in the field of subject-object relations, but also a change in the priorities of the state personnel policy. An analysis of the current personnel situation in the Russian Federation shows the priority areas of personnel policy and personnel activities of the state. These primarily include the following.

1. Provision of qualified, professionally trained personnel for the state and municipal service of the Russian Federation. In the field public service the state is the only employer and therefore directly manages the service and personnel processes taking place in it. This is the central task of the state in working with the personnel potential of society. The state, first of all, must provide its state mechanism with qualified workers, on the work of which the efficiency depends government controlled, the fate of power and the well-being of the population of the country. Of particular importance is the staffing of the federal public service.

2. Staffing of the market economy. The modern state must influence market economy, and even more so on the personnel processes that take place there. The state is obliged by lawful legal and financial methods regulate the market sector 1 .

The modern economy, based on a variety of forms of ownership, requires a large number of qualified specialists in economic, managerial, financial and other profiles. These specialists are trained, as a rule, in prestigious state universities and academies. After graduating from a state university, graduates, first of all, go into business, and not into the public service or the budgetary social sphere.

The business sector today lacks qualified specialists in the field of management and precision technologies. The system of training specialists of a wide profile that has developed in Russian universities does not meet the needs modern market. In order to solve the problem of training qualified personnel for the business sector, at the initiative of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP), a non-state National Agency for Professional Qualifications was recently established.

The idea of ​​creating the Agency is that the RSPP develops requirements for professions and qualifications so that the state can use national standards in the formation curricula and educational programs. The agency will assess the quality of education, compile independent ratings of universities, in which the main criterion will be the ratio of the result of the final preparation of a graduate to the requirements of the labor market. The decisions of the Agency will have a recommendatory character for the Ministry of Education and Science. The procedure for their interaction should be determined by a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation.

AT modern conditions state intervention in the economy has significantly decreased, and the independence of economic entities has expanded.

The heads of private enterprises, firms, and banks are themselves responsible for providing personnel and for the professional development of personnel. But the state is obliged to influence the organization of labor and social relations in business structures. The main route of this influence is legal regulation social, labor and personnel relations in accordance with Labor Code and other federal regulations. At the same time, state supervision and control over compliance by entrepreneurs are important. labor law. It is carried out on the territory of Russia by special bodies of the federal labor inspectorate.

3. Preservation and strengthening of qualified personnel of the power structures of the state - the army, law enforcement agencies and state security agencies.

Until recently, there has been a mass exodus of officers with extensive service experience from the military and law enforcement service. This created a threat to the national security of the country. The reason for this phenomenon is obvious: the low material and social security of military personnel and, as a result, a decrease in the prestige of the military and law enforcement service in society.

Currently, the GKP is aimed at a radical solution to this problem. Ways to solve it - the creation of a modern legal base for the military and law enforcement service; increasing the authority and social significance of the military and law enforcement service; a significant increase in the level of financial situation and social security of officers and ensigns; solution to the housing problem. But we should not forget about patriotism, the moral and volitional education of the officer corps.

These measures will make it possible to stop the outflow of officers, especially young ones, from the army and law enforcement agencies, and will increase the number of soldiers and sergeants who want to serve in the army on a contract basis. This will stop the decline in the level of professionalism of military personnel and make the functioning of the state's power structures much more efficient.

4. Preservation and strengthening human resources military-industrial complex of the country.

In the 1990s, the personnel potential of this complex was practically destroyed during a large-scale conversion, which created a direct threat to the national security of the state. State military orders were drastically reduced, and many defense factories were repurposed. A lot of defense specialists - engineers, technicians, skilled workers - were taken away and forced to leave for other areas of production. Specialists from defense research institutes and design bureaus involved in military secrets went abroad to work 1 .

This personnel problem can be solved by optimizing the workload of military enterprises, increasing the level wages workers in this industry, attracting promising scientists, engineers, experienced specialists, and youth to the military industry. It is necessary to increase the prestige of work in the defense industry. This will require the adoption of a special federal program, in which the emphasis should be placed on staffing.

A special role in resolving this issue is played by the Military-Industrial Commission under the Government of the Russian Federation, which works on a permanent basis. Its permanent members are former heads of major defense enterprises- supervise the production of aerospace equipment, equipment of the ground forces and equipment of the fleet Non-permanent members of the military-industrial complex are the heads of ministries, federal agencies and services that are associated with defense products. If the previous commission, which worked on a non-permanent basis, was only engaged in coordinating the work of the defense industry, then the competence of the current military-industrial complex includes organizing the work of the military-industrial complex, developing and serially supplying weapons and military equipment to the troops

5. Of no less importance for the personnel policy of the state is the formation and retention of personnel in the state budgetary socio-cultural sphere - medical workers, teachers, cultural workers, etc.

Working in public institutions and in enterprises, performing an important social function state, they are not civil servants, and they are not subject to the legal regime of civil service with its social guarantees. This category is the least socially protected and the most vulnerable today. Therefore, it has little prestige, which creates a threat of washing out personnel of this profile from the sphere of socially useful activity. But the school and the hospital is why people judge the effectiveness of the work of the authorities. Now, within the framework of national projects, certain measures are being implemented aimed at supporting the staff of schools and hospitals.

6. Preservation and training of cadres of mass working professions - highly skilled workers, especially machine operators in the city and machine operators of a wide profile in the countryside.

There is a degradation of skilled labor force. The situation is such that if tomorrow the older generation of skilled workers leaves, and vocational schools and colleges do not prepare their replacements, then there will be no one in the factories to stand behind the machine, no one to drive the combine in the fields. The worst thing is that today in the countryside there is an irreversible process of degradation of the labor force and the extinction of the Russian hinterland. The agrarian and food independence of the country is under threat. The independence of the country is under threat. This is a serious state personnel problem that needs to be addressed.

  1. Technologies for organizing personnel policy (on the example of Russian Railways)

    1. Personnel planning at the enterprise
Personnel planning is defined as “the process of ensuring that an organization has the right number of qualified personnel hired in the right positions at the right time”. According to another definition, personnel planning is “a system for selecting qualified personnel using two types of sources - internal (employees available in the organization) and external (found or attracted from external environment), which aim to meet the needs of the organization in required quantity professionals within a specific time frame. These definitions are taken from American sources. But the following is the result of the development of our, domestic specialists. “Personnel planning is a directed activity of an organization for training personnel, ensuring proportional and dynamic development of personnel, calculating its professional and qualification structure, determining general and additional needs, and monitoring its use” 1 .

The key task of personnel management is to create a highly qualified workforce of the organization capable of solving the tasks strategic development. In essence, strategic human resource planning consists in comparing the organizational competencies necessary to implement the development strategy and the actual state of the organization's human resources and then determining the organization's need for these resources in the future. For this, the personnel management services of enterprises are engaged in strategic and tactical personnel planning.

The enterprise is characterized by an open personnel policy, accompanied by a rather strict selection of personnel, as the enterprise pursues an aggressive policy of conquering the market, focused on the rapid growth of services for the repair of industrial enterprises' wagons.

Personnel policy measures define two main depot strategies:

Dynamic growth strategy;

Profit strategy.

The first task of personnel planning is to "translate" the existing goals and plans of the organization into specific needs for qualified employees, i.e. to deduce the unknown quantity of necessary workers from the available equation of the plans of the organization; and determine the time at which they will be required, on the basis of which plans are made to achieve the fulfillment of these needs.

Personnel planning for Russian Railways is an element of personnel policy that helps in defining its tasks, strategies and goals, and contributes to their implementation through an appropriate system of measures.

The purpose of planning is to provide the enterprise necessary personnel while minimizing costs.

The process of personnel planning in an organization consists of three main stages:

The main tasks are determined based on the goals of the enterprise. They consist in staffing the divisions of the enterprise with personnel and ensuring the necessary level of labor productivity at each workplace.

The personnel strategy of the enterprise is developed in accordance with the general directions of development and renewal of the enterprise, in order to create the prerequisites for the official and professional growth of the employees of the enterprise.

The principles of management within the enterprise are clarified and goals are determined for each employee for the planned period.

Personnel planning is carried out on the basis of quantitative and qualitative assessments. For determining quantitative need staff use the following approaches:

A method based on accounting for the time required to complete the work;

Based on data on the labor intensity of the workflow;

Calculation method according to service rates;

Calculation method for jobs and headcount standards;

Method of expert assessments.

To determine the qualitative need for personnel, the following approaches are used:

Analysis of department regulations, job descriptions, and job descriptions;

Staff schedule.

The personnel planning program is calculated for 1 year, which provides for the need for personnel for the coming year, taking into account the planned opening of new jobs, the retirement of employees, movements within structural divisions, and also determines the sources of meeting the future need for human resources.

As emphasized earlier, an organization's workforce planning is based on the organization's strategic plans. In other words, specific initial requirements in the form of a set of characteristics that employees should have are determined based on the goals of the organization as a whole. Once the staffing requirements have been determined, action plans should be developed to achieve the desired results 1 .

So, based on the level of planning, in strategic planning in the organization they focus on attracting young promising professionals, an active policy of informing about the depot, forming requirements for candidates, developing new forms of labor organization for new technologies; in medium-term planning - to search for promising people and projects, train managers, develop optimal labor incentive schemes related to making a profit; in short-term planning - selection of managers and specialists for projects, development of staffing, creation job descriptions, recruitment under specific types works, adaptation of personnel, implementation of programs for assessing and stimulating the work of personnel.

Thus, the company attaches great importance to strategic planning, but there are also shortcomings in personnel planning. So far, an automated personnel management system has not been developed that would be effective enough to solve the strategic tasks of the enterprise and allow solving the problems of optimizing the number and qualifications of employees, motivation, stabilization and development, defined in the corporate policy of the depot in the field of human resources.

    1. Technologies for attracting employees of the organization
When working with personnel, Russian Railways faces approximately the same problems as any other big company. One of them is the aging of the staff and the increase in the average age of the worker. According to the company, only 285,000 young people currently work for Russian Railways - about 21% of the total staff.

To remedy the situation, Russian Railways has developed a program to attract young professionals. It is supposed to promote the professional growth of new employees and their adaptation to Russian Railways. This program also provides for the provision of social and material support to young people. The company expects that by these measures it will be possible to increase the share of young specialists in all divisions of Russian Railways to 25%, and to reduce the number of departures of novice employees in the first year after being hired by 50%.

Probably, new workers in the "Russian Railways" will try to attract salaries as well. In December 2014, their average level for employees involved in the transportation process amounted to 17,976 rubles. In 2010-2014, the incomes of railway workers increased by 1.5 times. At the same time, Russian Railways believes that in 2015 average salary workers employed in transportation will increase to 22 thousand rubles.

In addition, Russian Railways employees receive a social package that provides for free travel to commuter trains during the year, the opportunity once a year at the expense of Russian Railways to travel long distances in a compartment car, medical care, treatment and rest with partial payment of the cost in the company's health facilities and the provision of material assistance to maintain the health of the employee.

In addition, in 2013 AO" Russian Railways, an order was adopted to approve the program for attracting, retaining and retaining personnel of JSC Russian Railways for the period up to 2030, which for the period up to 2030 defines the goals and objectives of the company to meet the need for labor resources in the future, as well as tools used in the course of its implementation.

Expected demographic challenges threaten to seriously reduce the supply of the labor market, which, in turn, creates risks for the possibility of rapid economic growth.

To minimize the negative impact of the external environment on the company's competitiveness in the labor market, it is necessary to implement a number of measures to attract, retain and retain personnel, which are the main practical means of implementing the Program 1 .

Currently, the processes of personnel management implemented at the corporate level are increasingly influenced by measures of national regulation in terms of migration policy, promotion of employment, increasing productivity and education. The tools used to implement the Program have been developed taking into account the provisions of the current legislation, State programs, as well as corporate acts.
As part of the implementation of the Program, Russian Railways should actively participate in the implementation of legislative initiatives in the above areas.
The measures proposed for implementation are formed taking into account the structure of factors of employee satisfaction with the process labor activity. Satisfaction factors are: working conditions; the level of wages, as well as benefits, guarantees and compensations; socio-psychological climate in labor collectives and etc.
To implement this Program, an action plan is adopted to attract, retain and retain personnel of Russian Railways for the period up to 2030. The plan covers the period 2013-2020. The implementation of a number of long-term measures will continue in the future.

At the same time, for functional branches and railways, in which the situation with labor resources in general or in certain territories is unfavorable, separate local programs should be developed.

    1. Professional development and career advancement
The system is currently organizational structure management of the Company is undergoing fundamental changes. Increased demands are placed on the knowledge, skills and abilities of personnel in the new conditions.

Achievement of the statutory goals of JSC "Russian Railways", implementation of the Development Strategy of the Holding, increasing competitiveness, increasing profitability in modern conditions are ensured through the introduction of new services and improving their quality, reducing the cost of production processes, the best organization labor. The decisive factor is the readiness of the company's employees to solve such problems. Innovative development requires the consistent development of human resources, as well as the participation of professional and creative, innovative potential of employees with a high level of managerial, professional competencies and financial and economic knowledge, interested in continuous improvement of their knowledge and skills.

In order to focus training programs for managers on solving the most pressing problems, out of the ten competencies included in the Model, Russian Railways selected six of the most significant in terms of importance and problematicity (about 50 interviews with key managers were conducted to select them). It is on the assessment and development of these competencies that the main efforts are concentrated in the development of training programs in Corporate University OJSC Russian Railways. Thus, top management was involved in work with competencies 1 .

Within the framework of the Corporate University of Russian Railways, the opening of which in the summer of 2010 became one of the significant stages in changing approaches to working with the company's personnel, targeted programs were launched to improve the managerial qualifications of the top echelon of managers. In the first cycle of training (the cycle consists of three semesters), 1,500 managers completed the development programs, and for each, training began with a competency assessment. In fact, this was the first acquaintance of managers with the model of corporate competencies.

Managers who decide to study at the Corporate University undergo competency assessment twice - “at the entrance” and “at the exit”, i.e. before the start of training and after its completion. This approach allows us to analyze the dynamics of growth in the competencies of managers.

In 2010, more than 72,000 managers and specialists of the Company underwent retraining and advanced training. The main directions of this training:

  • retraining of promising managers in foreign and domestic business schools under MBA programs. About 40 million rubles were spent for these purposes in 2010;

  • the study excellence in leading foreign railway and logistics companies of the world. More than 30 million rubles were spent for these purposes.
In accordance with the Action Plan for Providing Highly Qualified Specialists for the International Activities of Russian Railways, two groups of young promising managers and specialists were trained in Germany under the special program "Management of International Relations" and under the program "Practice of organizing work with foreign partners according to international standards".

Training of the personnel reserve of the C-CZ nomenclature. On the basis of the Russian Academy of Railways, 100 people were trained, 12.2 million rubles were spent.

On July 1, 2010, the Corporate University of Russian Railways began to operate. On its basis, systematic individual development and training of the Holding's managers in basic corporate competencies, corporate governance issues, and assessment of personal competencies of JSC Russian Railways managers are carried out. In total, 1389 people study at the Corporate University, 141 million rubles were spent for these purposes.

The distance learning system continues to develop. The main providers of this service today are PGUPS and MIIT. In total, more than 9.5 thousand people underwent advanced training in the format of modular video classes, webinars and distance learning. 63 million rubles were spent for these purposes.

To date, the created system of training and development of personnel as a whole ensures the fulfillment of the tasks of staffing railways, directorates and structural divisions with qualified managers, specialists and workers for the amount of work performed. However, the rate of changes in the internal and external environment of the company is accelerating, and its reformation into a holding is entering its final phase.

Now training and advanced training of workers is carried out on the basis of Training centers for professional qualifications - structural divisions of railways - branches of Russian Railways, technical schools, colleges of railway transport, vocational schools, lyceums. In 2012, 63.1 thousand people were retrained and trained in new and second professions; 152.4 thousand workers improved their skills; 25 thousand people raised their qualifying category. Including the main leading professions trained locomotive drivers - 8.7 thousand people, assistant locomotive drivers - 3.0 thousand people, inspectors-repairers of cars - 2.9 thousand people, track fitters - 10.1 thousand people, compilers of trains - 2.4 thousand people.

Advanced training of managers and specialists is organized on the basis of ANO "Corporate University of Russian Railways", universities of railway transport, and other Russian higher educational institutions. Based on leading Russian and foreign business schools provide training for company employees under business education (MBA) programs. Seminars and business classes are organized in training centers in Russia on topical issues of the company's activities (finance, law, personnel management) 1 .

In total, in 2012, they improved their qualifications under the programs of additional vocational education about 70 thousand people

Taking into account these changes, today it is necessary to actively engage in further improvement of the training system in the Company, and in a comprehensive manner for all categories of personnel. First of all, it is necessary to increase its economic efficiency and focus on individual consideration of the needs of employees in training, creating an environment in the company that stimulates the acquisition of new knowledge and self-development of employees, as well as the wider use of modern learning technologies ("learning by doing", trainings, business cases, business games, distance learning, etc.).

    1. Staff motivation technologies
In recent years, in connection with the reform of Russian Railways, the company has undergone significant changes that have affected not only the structure of the organization, but also many processes taking place in it. As part of the implementation of social policy at Russian Railways, over the recent years constant purposeful work is carried out to improve the system of remuneration and motivation of the company's employees. Every year a sociological study of the personnel is carried out in order to monitor the effectiveness of the implementation of the company's personnel development strategy. Studies have shown that, for example, in 2013 the overall index of employee satisfaction with work was 58.64, compliance by the employer social guarantees- 73.13. It is important to note that these indicators have shown steady growth over the past years.

It is also worth mentioning that in order to implement measures to create a favorable socio-psychological climate in labor collectives, the procedure and conditions for awarding class ranks to highly qualified workers have been updated.

In addition, Russian Railways pays considerable attention to material incentives: provisions have been put in place aimed at strengthening the motivation of personnel. These include the Regulations on additional bonuses to technicians for decoding speedometer tapes for identifying violations; Regulations on bonuses for the results of the implementation of standards lean manufacturing in structural divisions; Regulations on additional bonuses for the guaranteed mileage of locomotives until the next Maintenance(current repair). The latest document provides for the payment of a quarterly bonus to repair workers, foremen (including seniors), deputy heads of the repair depot - for the absence or reduction by 30% of unscheduled repairs and failures per 1 million kilometers.

Russian Railways operates a unified corporate bonus system aimed at increasing the material interest of employees in achieving the established individual and collective key goals that reflect the results of the company's activities.

Regulations on the corporate bonus system for employees of branches of the open joint-stock company"Russian railways"approved by Order of Russian Railways JSC dated 07.20.2010 N 1573-r. This document, developed in accordance with the Regulations on the Corporate Remuneration System for Employees of Branches and Structural Subdivisions of Russian Railways JSC and others regulations holding in the field of organization of remuneration and motivation of labor, establishes uniform principles for bonuses to employees of branches of Russian Railways, the procedure for developing and approving provisions on bonuses for employees in the company's branches.

According to this Regulation, the bonus system for employees of branches of Russian Railways includes the following forms of material incentives:

1) current bonuses - bonuses for the main results of production and economic activities, which are the main type of material incentives for employees of branches of Russian Railways, aimed at ensuring the efficiency and quality of work, improving the results of production and economic activities, meeting and exceeding the established bonus indicators that characterize production - business activities of the company. At the same time, the procedure and conditions for the current bonus payment to employees of the holding's branches are established on the basis of the Regulations on the corporate bonus system for employees of branches of Russian Railways;

2) additional bonuses - other types of material incentives for employees of branches of Russian Railways, paid regardless of the current bonuses for reasons not provided for by bonuses for the main results of production and economic activities. Additional bonuses for employees of the company's branches are made for the rational use of material, fuel and energy resources; cost reduction; implementation new technology; fulfillment of the most important production tasks; ensuring the safety of train traffic; turnover acceleration working capital; reduction, identification and sale of excess stocks of inventory items; growth in labor productivity; implementation of projects aimed at improving the efficiency of organizational, financial, production and technical or technological processes, resulting in a certain economical effect(cost savings, additional income); to anniversaries and other significant dates, following the results of the competition and other reasons 1 .

Let us consider in more detail the procedure for the current bonuses to employees for the main results of production and economic activities.

Bonuses for employees of branches of Russian Railways for the main results of production and economic activities are made depending on the fulfillment of the conditions and indicators of bonuses, grouped into three levels:

Level I - conditions that determine the right of employees of branches of Russian Railways to accrue bonuses, reflecting the degree of ensuring the safety of train traffic, conditions and labor protection, compliance with the rules fire safety. In the very general view this level can be called "bonus conditions".

II level - bonus indicators characterizing the effectiveness of production, economic and economic activity branch or structural subdivision of Russian Railways as a whole. This level characterizes the fulfillment of the key tasks of a branch or structural division of the company.

III level - bonus indicators that characterize the effectiveness of the individual activity of the employee, allowing to evaluate the final results of the work of a particular employee, based on the tasks assigned to the branch of Russian Railways (structural unit or section), and functional duties workers. This level characterizes the individual performance of a company employee 1 .

It is important to note that the branches or structural subdivisions of Russian Railways have a rather complex structure. As a rule, most of the branches and structural divisions of the company consist of a head unit that performs managerial and coordinating functions, and separate subdivisions which are focused on performing the main functions of these branches or divisions, i.e., for example, on resolving issues related to energy supply, technical support, etc.

In this regard, for the purposes of bonuses, the so-called groups of employees are formed, which allow classifying the company's employees into those employed, to a greater extent, in the management process, coordinating the work of separate divisions, and into employees of the actual separate divisions.

In the first case, these are employees of the management bodies of a branch or structural unit, and in the second case, employees of the sections of this structural unit. But it is also necessary to understand that, for example, among the employees of the sections of a structural unit, there can be both managers and specialists and employees 2.

The share of the bonus for the achievement of indicators of II and III levels is determined depending on the degree of influence of an employee or a group of employees on their implementation.

The assessment of the individual performance of employees of Russian Railways is carried out according to criteria that characterize the performance of a particular employee in the reporting period, and based on the results of this assessment, the actual bonus percentage is determined according to Level III indicators. Evaluation of the individual activity of an employee is carried out according to three criteria, each of which is evaluated on a five-point scale.

Thus, the bonus payment for an employee of Russian Railways consists of two parts. The first part of the bonus depends on the fulfillment of the key tasks of the branch itself or the structural unit of Russian Railways where the employee is employed, and is determined as a share according to level II indicators. This part of the employee's bonus is permanent and does not depend on the results of his work. The second part of the award is based on individual labor indicators employee and can be adjusted both up and down by multiplying the share of the bonus for individual indicators by the actual coefficient for the III level bonus indicator.

The corporate bonus system for employees of Russian Railways, of course, has a lot positive sides. The employee sees how his work is evaluated, with a higher contribution to the work process, the employee has the right to count on material incentives. The amount of the bonus and its calculation are quite transparent - the calculation system is clearly presented in the regulation on bonuses, the specialists of the personnel department can always comment on the features of the calculation of the bonus. In addition, indicators of the II level, which affect the size of the bonus of each employee of Russian Railways, increase the employee's interest in achieving high results not only in his work activity, but also contribute to the growth of his interest in the success of the company division in which he works. The higher the performance of this unit, the bigger bonus it will receive.


Summarizing the results of the work done, the following conclusions can be drawn. Personnel policy is one of critical aspects theory and practice of management.

In the process of studying the theoretical material, the basic principles of building a system of work with personnel were considered, including personnel policy, recruitment, assessment, placement, adaptation, and training of personnel. Based on this, it became clear that personnel management is a laborious and creative process, requiring a serious approach to each stage. Only a well-designed system of work with personnel will ensure the success of any organization.

On the example of Russian Railways, the system of work with personnel was considered. Unfortunately, organizations today do not pay enough attention to working with personnel and often act “the old fashioned way”, based entirely on the principles and methods administration.

Based on the identified problems, it is possible to formulate the following recommendations to improve the system of work with personnel:

Create automated system personnel management, which is necessary for effective solution strategic tasks of the enterprise and would allow solving the problems of optimizing the number and qualifications of employees, motivation, stabilization and development, defined in the corporate policy of the depot in the field of human resources;

Develop a regulation on providing the enterprise with qualified personnel;

Enter a probationary period when applying for a job. During the probationary period, the head of the department can check the suitability of the candidate directly in the working environment and evaluate him in terms of his potential for work in this position and organization;

Formulate a program for the adaptation of the organization's personnel. The process of personnel adaptation allows the employee to get acquainted with the history and activities of the organization, its basic principles and values, which will allow the employee to get a general picture of the work of the enterprise and quickly join the team;

Develop a system of tests for personnel selection. The lack of professional and reliable selection tools often leads to erroneous selection of candidates, which hinders the development of the organization;

Make additions to the system of wages and incentives for employees. The level of remuneration and its structure, as well as an effective system of employee incentives, have a significant impact on labor productivity, the psychological climate of the team and the profit received by the organization.

Thus, a clearly and clearly formulated personnel policy can significantly increase the efficiency of the organization by understanding the management of the goal in the selection of new employees and saving time in a rapidly developing environment. The recommended system of work with personnel at the enterprise will ensure the flexibility of this system, and at the same time the stability of personnel.

The greatest efficiency in personnel management can only be achieved by those organizations that seriously analyze the problems that prevent them from successfully solving the most important issues in the field of personnel planning, search and selection, adaptation and stimulation of new employees, and draw the right conclusions from this analysis that will improve performance. personnel management process.

  1. Avrashkov L.Ya., Adamchuk V.V. Economics of the enterprise // Under the editorship of Gorfinkil V.Ya. - M.: Banks and exchanges, UNITI, 2008. – 412 p.

  2. . 2011. - No. 5. - P.34.

  3. State personnel policy: conceptual foundations, priorities, technologies and implementations.//Under the general editorship. prof. S.V. Pirogov. Moscow, Publishing House of the RAGS, 2007.

  4. Glazunova N.I. Public Administration System: A Textbook for High Schools. M.: UNITI-DANA, 2012. - 548 p.

  5. Dikusarova M. Yu. Theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of the phenomenon of personnel policy [Text] / M. Yu. Dikusarova, M. V. Zhilina, I. V. Zubkova // Problems modern economy: Materials of III Intern. scientific conf. (Chelyabinsk, December 2013). - Chelyabinsk: Two Komsomol members, 2013. - S. 99-101.

  6. Egorshin A.P. Personnel management. - N-Novgorod: NIMB, 2007. S. 284.

  7. Ilyin I.P. Motivation and motives: Proc. allowance. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2006. - 276 p.

  8. Lytov B. Recruitment: innovative technologies // Personnel Service. - 2008. - No. 3. - P. 48-50.

  9. Regulations on the corporate bonus system for employees of branches of the Open Joint Stock Company "Russian Railways".

  10. Order of Russian Railways dated 05.09.2013 N 1908r «

  11. Personnel management: Textbook for universities / Ed. T. Yu. Bazarova, B. L. Eremina. - M.: Banks and exchanges, UNITI, 2008. S. 211.

1 Personnel management: Textbook for universities / Ed. T. Yu. Bazarova, B. L. Eremina. - M.: Banks and exchanges, UNITI, 2008. S. 211.

1 Egorshin A.P. Personnel management. - N-Novgorod: NIMB, 2007. S. 284.

2 Dikusarova M. Yu. Theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of the phenomenon of personnel policy [Text] / M. Yu. Dikusarova, M. V. Zhilina, I. V. Zubkova // Problems of modern economics: materials of the III Intern. scientific conf. (Chelyabinsk, December 2013). - Chelyabinsk: Two Komsomol members, 2013. - S. 99-101.

1 Dikusarova M. Yu. Theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of the phenomenon of personnel policy [Text] / M. Yu. Dikusarova, M. V. Zhilina, I. V. Zubkova // Problems of modern economics: materials of the III Intern. scientific conf. (Chelyabinsk, December 2013). - Chelyabinsk: Two Komsomol members, 2013. - S. 99-101.

1 Glazunova N.I. Public Administration System: A Textbook for High Schools. M.: UNITI-DANA, 2012. S. 217.

1 State personnel policy: conceptual framework, priorities, technologies and implementation.//Under the general editorship. prof. S.V. Pirogov. Moscow, Publishing House of the RAGS, 2007.

1 Avrashkov L.Ya., Adamchuk V.V. Economics of the enterprise // Under the editorship of Gorfinkil V.Ya. - M.: Banks and exchanges, UNITI, 2008. P.167

1 Lytov B. Recruitment: innovative technologies // Personnel Service. - 2008. - No. 3. - P. 48-50.

1Order of Russian Railways dated 05.09.2013 N 1908r "On approval of the Program for attracting, retaining and securing personnel of Russian Railways for the period up to 2030”.

1Vasin L.I. Personnel policy of Russian Railways // Journal "Economics of Railways" . 2011. - No. 5. - P.34.

1 Order of Russian Railways dated 05.09.2013 N 1908r " On approval of the Program for attracting, retaining and securing personnel of Russian Railways for the period up to 2030”.

1 Regulations on the corporate bonus system for employees of branches of the Open Joint Stock Company Russian Railways.

2 Ilyin I.P. Motivation and motives: Proc. allowance. St. Petersburg: Piter, 2006, p. 148.


order of Russian Railways

dated May 10, 2006 No. 933r





Moscow -2006

OF THE POTENTIAL OF RZD JSC………………………………………………… 3

1.1. The role and place of the human resource development strategy in

system strategic management JSC Russian Railways……………….. 3

…………………………………... 8

1.3. Problems and conditions complicating the development of personnel potential

ciala……………………………………………………………………. 11

1.3.1. Environmental factors ………………………………………... 12

1.3.2. Factors of the internal corporate environment ………………………… 12

1.3.3. Problem areas and possible risks ………………………… 13

1.4. Strategic Needs for Human Resource Development..17


2.1. Target state of human resource development by 2010... 19

2.2. The system of strategic tasks and functions of personnel development

potential of Russian Railways…………………………………………….. 24

2.2.1. Strategic objectives for the development of human resources ……... 24

2.2.2. System model of corporate tasks and development functions

human resources ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………30

2.3. Forecast of the results of the implementation of strategic tasks…….…… 38

2.4. Targets and restrictions in the development process

Strategies………………………………………………………………... 38

2.5. Strategy Implementation System……………………………………... 39




1. Implementation of functional strategies in the field of personnel training… 50

2. Main predictive indicators of the implementation of the strategic tasks of human resource development……………………………………………………………….. 52

3. Benchmarks for the implementation of the functional Human Resources Development Strategy……………………………………………………………. 55



1.1. The role and place of the human resources development strategy in the strategic management system of Russian Railways

This functional strategy of Russian Railways (hereinafter referred to as the Strategy) was developed in order to detail and expand the provisions of the Strategic Development Program of Russian Railways until 2010 in the field of personnel management and improving the quality of human resources, as well as their corporate social support.

The objectives of developing the Strategy are substantiation of the principles and directions for achieving the target state of the personnel potential and the system of social support for the Company's employees in the period up to 2010, determining the functions and mechanisms on the basis of which the personnel management of Russian Railways will be carried out.

The goal of implementing the Strategy is to meet the needs of the Russian Railways holding in qualified personnel and the effective development of human resources in the medium term.

The development of the personnel potential of the Company as a vertically integrated holding implies a continuously managed process of working with people, which invariably includes pre-production, production and post-production stages. This approach is fully in line with modern concepts human resource management of many leading Russian and foreign companies.

Human resources of Russian Railways from the point of view of the formation of the personnel potential of the Company and as an object corporate governance include:

- the entire population of employees consisting of labor relations with the Company on a permanent or temporary (term) basis ( staff);

Persons performing work for Russian Railways on the basis of individual civil law contracts;

- labor market participants and students educational institutions higher and secondary vocational education, which are in the sphere of interests of Russian Railways.

Staff considered as a direct participant production process consciously affecting the economic efficiency of the Company, its main backbone resource.

Potential employees(students, labor market participants) - belonging to the pre-production stage, a reserve for meeting the economically justified needs of Russian Railways in a skilled workforce.

Experience of pensioners, veterans(post-production stage) will be required to educate a young shift, maintain the continuity of traditions. At the same time, this category of people remains the closest auxiliary reserve in the event of extreme personnel situations at work.

Professional, responsible and motivated employees are the most valuable capital of a joint-stock company, the fundamental basis of effective corporate work.

Labor and creative potential present, future and former employees defines– along with material, financial, technological, information and other resources – the success of the overall long-term activities of Russian Railways. However, economic efficiency, productive and profitable labor are the source of material and social welfare personnel. Understanding this dependence is intended to promote interest in achieving the statutory and strategic goals of the joint-stock company.

The goals of a functional talent development strategy should support solution of long-term, successive corporate tasks:

a) guaranteed provision of professional staff in all areas of the Company's activities;

b) improving the efficiency of personnel use, increasing labor productivity on this basis, including by optimizing the structure of the staff and the number of employees;

in) motivation of effective work of employees;

G) increasing the prestige of working at Russian Railways;

d) creating a reliable system for training workers in all major professions;

e) training of a reserve of executives;

and) formation of an effective system of social guarantees for the Company's employees;

h) consistent development of work with youth as the main reproductive resource of the Company.

The strategic nature of managing total human resources manifests itself in two qualitative dimensions - temporarilym(long-term tasks to be solved and resource efficiency planning) and systemic(connection with the solution of other strategic tasks).

The place and role of this Strategy in the strategic management system of Russian Railways is determined by key relationships with other functional strategies (Scheme 1).


"Strategies for the development of personnel potential of Russian Railways"

with other functional strategies

Functional strategies of Russian Railways

Place and role of the Strategy for the development of human resources of Russian Railways in the system of functional strategies

Strategy for improving the efficiency of services in the freight transportation market, including oil and oil products, coal, finished products and transit traffic through the territory of Russia

Determines the availability and prospects for the development of qualified labor resources in the field of marketing and sales of freight traffic

Sets requirements for the skill level of employees who provide the services of the Russian Railways holding in the field of freight transportation

Strategy for increasing the efficiency of the passenger complex based on the proposal of a new quality of services in the passenger transportation market

Determines the availability and prospects for the development of qualified labor resources in the field of marketing and sales of passenger transportation

Future needs and requirements for the level of qualification of employees providing the services of Russian Railways and its SDCs in the field of long-distance and suburban passenger transportation

Strategy for the development of the rolling stock repair market and improving the efficiency of the repair base

Determines the contingent engaged in repair activities, as well as the availability and prospects for the development of qualified personnel

Future needs and requirements for the level of qualification of employees providing the implementation of services of Russian Railways and its SDCs in the field of repair

Strategy for the development of throughput capacities in the directions that ensure the growing demand for freight traffic and increase the income of Russian Railways

Determines the availability and prospects for the development of a skilled workforce in the form of an infrastructure services business

Perspective need and requirements for the level of qualification of workers providing infrastructure services

Transportation process management strategy based on cost optimization and market requirements for the quality of transportation

Determines the availability and prospects for the development of qualified labor resources in the transportation business

Future needs and requirements for the skill level of workers engaged in transportation

Strategy for the creation and introduction into operation of new rolling stock, ensuring a long-term increase in the efficiency of the Company's operational activities

Determines the availability and prospects for the development of qualified labor resources engaged in the maintenance of rolling stock.

Future needs and requirements for the skill level of Russian Railways employees involved in the development, operation and maintenance of rolling stock

Strategy for effective meeting the needs of Russian Railways in material resources and technical means

Determines the availability and prospects for the development of qualified labor resources engaged in providing the holding MR and TS

Future needs and requirements for the level of qualification of employees of Russian Railways employed in the supply and supply of material and technical resources

Strategy for the development of human resources of Russian Railways

Strategy for ensuring guaranteed safety and reliability of the transportation process (SAFETY)

Determines the procedure and parameters of personnel motivation for ensuring trouble-free operation

Sets parameters for the level of training and the number of personnel to ensure trouble-free operation, as well as requirements and parameters for ensuring labor safety

Strategy for optimizing the structure of assets and increasing the efficiency of their use (ASSETS)

Strategy for resource saving and optimization of production costs of Russian Railways (COSTS)

The strategy determines the reserves for cost reduction by increasing the efficiency of human capital use.

Restrictions on labor costs, motivation, social costs

Quality management strategy (QUALITY)

Improving the system of employee motivation in order to ensure high quality of work and services

Requirements for the qualification and level of motivation of personnel necessary to achieve the target quality parameters

Investment strategy (INVESTMENT)

Determining the required amount of investment in programs to improve the skill level of the staff

Determines the maximum volume and sources of investment for the implementation of priority investment projects related to development social sphere

Strategy of corporate building and improvement of corporate governance (CORPORATE GOVERNANCE)

Determines the availability and development prospects of professional personnel in the field of corporate management of the Holding

Requirements for the training of personnel in the field of corporate governance

Financial Management Strategy (FINANCE)

The need for financial resources for the remuneration of personnel and the development of the social sphere of the Holding

Allocation of financial resources for remuneration of personnel and support of the social sphere of the Holding

1.2. Basic estimates of the current moment

The effective formation and development of the Russian Railways holding is impossible without a qualitative improvement in the strategy in the field of personnel management.

At 1.01. In 2006, the number of employees of structural divisions for the main railway services amounted to 1007.6 thousand people (in 2003 - 1034.2 thousand people, in 2004 - 1037.7 thousand people), of which: 6 .6 thousand heads of structural subdivisions of Russian Railways branches, 40.5 thousand middle managers, 26.6 thousand foremen.

JSC " Russianironroads" personnelcapacityJSC Russian Railways 5. ...

  • OAO "Russian Railways"


    ... JSC « Russianironroads"(by agreement); I.P. Chirva - Head of Department development and training of personnel of the Human Resources Department JSC « Russianironroads"... competencies in the formation personnelcapacityJSC Russian Railways 5. ...

  • Strategic Directions for Scientific and Technical Development of JSC Russian Railways for the Period up to 2015 (White Book of JSC Russian Railways)


    G. No. 964 Strategic directions of scientific and technical developmentJSC « Russianironroads" for the period up to 2015 (“White... in the selected areas of work, a comprehensive development

  • Today the company faces a set of serious challenges. These are challenges of a different order: economic, technological, managerial, demographic. In order to successfully resist them, develop, achieve their goals, a company needs resources of a certain quality and in a certain amount. And the most important of them is the human resource, the quality of human capital, the potential of employees. This is the foundation that allows the company to move forward.

    “We all live and work in an era of constant change, and therefore the planning horizon must be long,” says Dmitry Shakhanov, Vice President of Russian Railways. - Only the right organization of personnel management can provide Russian Railways with a significant competitive advantage. To create a well-selected and trained workforce, a team of like-minded people and partners is the main task of the personnel unit.”

    Any significant strategic changes in the company should begin with the formation of a common policy. Therefore, all the tasks that face the departments of personnel management and social issues, must necessarily be linked to the "Development Strategy of the Russian Railways Holding for the period up to 2030". For the personnel block, this document is the main one in planning and organizing work in its direction. In addition, the updated strategy took into account the main performance indicators of the HR departments for previous years. Based on these factors, the main vectors for the development of the personnel management system in the long term were formulated, and its control targets were determined.

    Together with the Human Resources Development Strategy, a plan of key activities was prepared for individual functional areas. “Now our common task is to decompose the goals defined by the Strategy and develop local action programs in all branches and structural divisions of Russian Railways,” notes Dmitry Shakhanov.

    Benchmarks and long-term goals

    The strategy sets benchmarks for the target state of the Russian Railways’ HR potential management system for the period from 2016 to 2020. The values ​​of these indicators were determined in accordance with the current internal economic situation in the company.

    “The targets turned out to be quite tense,” notes Dmitry Shakhanov. “At the same time, it is critically important to ensure their achievement both for the social and personnel block and for the company as a whole.”

    The main function of any strategy is the formulation of long-term goals, the development of strategic plans and control over their implementation. The main goal of the personnel management system at Russian Railways is to provide the company with qualified and motivated personnel in accordance with current and future production needs.

    Three main areas of work with personnel

    Speaking about the substantive changes that were made to the Strategy, it should be noted that the work launched in all business blocks to stabilize the financial and economic situation in Russian Railways required a radical review of the overall personnel management framework.

    Today, work in the field of personnel management and social development of Russian Railways should be carried out in three main areas:

    • maintaining social stability in labor collectives in the context of the tense financial and economic situation of Russian Railways;
    • providing staff with the target number and qualifications;
    • optimization of costs for the maintenance of social facilities and increase in labor productivity of specialists of personnel management and social issues departments.

    Work in each of the designated areas is already underway. In particular, in order to ensure social stability in the workforce of Russian Railways, a new Collective Agreement for 2017–2019 was prepared and adopted. The fundamental point of the new document was the preservation of the socially responsible approach used in previous years.

    Personnel qualification

    Given the dynamics of changes taking place in the country and the world, social stability is not enough to remain a competitive company. Without an effective system for developing and building competencies, people with a certain set of skills and abilities, who are successful today, become outsiders tomorrow. Therefore, the company puts the task of ensuring the appropriate qualification of personnel at the forefront and marks it as a key one. The system of unified corporate requirements for the personnel of Russian Railways (EKT) will remain the main instrument that will ensure the appropriate qualifications of the personnel.

    The ECT system will allow:

    • set standards for assessing people at the entrance to the company;
    • more effectively plan the training of employees, including setting clear goals for industry-specific universities;
    • carry out certification;
    • build work with a personnel reserve.

    It is important to emphasize that the ECT system is based on current state requirements. In particular, models of professional competencies are developed in accordance with the professional standards being introduced in the railway industry. Competencies are the next level of detail professional standards.

    “The ECT system has shown its effectiveness, and today it is the only tool for us that allows us to obtain objective indicators of the quality of personnel and, based on them, build systemic work with people - workers, specialists, managers, - says Dmitry Shakhanov. – The coverage of the ECT system is increasing every year, models of professional competencies continue to be developed, platforms for personnel assessment are being modified. The ECT system is one of essential tools personnel management specialists.

    Centers for social and personnel services

    It is important that the personnel unit employees have enough time to deal with people - their selection, assessment, development, training. The task associated with increasing the productivity of HR specialists will be addressed primarily through the unification, standardization, automation and methodological support of processes in the field of personnel administration, as well as the formation of social and personnel common service centers (SCCs) within the Russian Railways holding .

    All standard, routine work on personnel administration will be concentrated in the SCC, which will, on the one hand, standardize and improve the quality of the provision of personnel services, and, on the other hand, significantly reduce the labor costs of personnel management specialists.

    Updating the HR Development Strategy, which implies a long planning time horizon, is an important stage in the development of the company's personnel management system. No less important will be the next stage, the stage of operational implementation of the Strategy. As a result of this step, the company should receive a team of highly qualified and highly productive employees who are able to solve the problems facing the company and respond flexibly to changes in the external and internal environment.


    Purpose: n increasing the efficiency of personnel activities based on their involvement in solving corporate problems. n The implementation of the Strategy as the main mechanism for the implementation of the corporate CP helps to ensure the need for qualified personnel and the effective development of human resources in the medium term.

    target indicators in the field of personnel management in 2015: n n n growth in comparison with 2009 PT by 30% (according to the conservative development scenario), by 40% according to the optimistic development scenario; staffing level - not less than 98%; staff turnover - 810%;

    Functional objectives of the Strategy: 1) provision of qualified personnel; 2) involvement of personnel in the effective implementation of corporate tasks and improvement of the motivation system; 3) continuous development of personnel based on a competency-based approach and the transition to a self-learning organization; 4) life support of personnel in the non-production environment; 5) Conduct effective youth policy; 6) improvement of corporate social responsibility and social partnership; 7) development of a corporate personnel management system in the Russian Railways holding.

    1) providing qualified personnel: 1) determining the prospective needs for personnel; 2) improving career guidance, increasing the prestige of working in the Russian Railways holding and attracting personnel; 3) systemic interaction with university complexes of railway transport; 4) development of professional standards, requirements for candidates for positions, as well as models of professional competencies, job profiles.

    1) provision of qualified personnel: 5) modernization and unification of technologies for selection and recruitment of personnel; 6) improvement of the system of adaptation of new employees; 7) optimization of the number of personnel in connection with the introduction, changes in work technologies; 8) further increase in the efficiency of work with the personnel reserve.

    2. Involving personnel in the effective implementation of corporate tasks and improving the motivation system: n n n through a clear setting of individual development goals, informing about the criteria for assessing production and personal achievements, and incentive measures related to labor productivity. Introduction and implementation corporate values for personnel (leadership, quality and safety, corporatism and responsibility, customer focus, competence, creativity and innovation)

    3. Continuous development of personnel based on a competency-based approach and the transition to a self-learning organization; 1) transition to a system of continuous individualized learning; 2) bringing the system of professional development in line with international standards quality; 3) development of the corporate education system and increasing the efficiency of interaction with providers educational services; 4) stimulation of self-development of personnel; 5) introduction of a system for assessing the effectiveness of training; 6) creation of a knowledge management system; 7) work improvement training centers and technical schools, taking into account the optimization of the management system and the further development of the Russian Railways holding

    Evaluation of the effectiveness of training through: 1) the introduction of systems for assessing the quality of the learning process based on the technology of building rating assessments of training courses; 2) the development and implementation of an assessment of the effectiveness of training, assessment of the level of knowledge of students at the beginning of the educational process and after it, assessment by managers of changes in competencies; 3) implementation of quality management systems in the learning processes in subordinate institutions; 4) development of a methodology and implementation of a system for evaluating the effectiveness of investments financial resources in staff development and training.

    4. Life support of personnel in the non-production environment: 1) improvement of comprehensive and targeted social support; 2) development of socially significant facilities and improvement of the system for providing services at these facilities; 3) development of housing policy; 4) development of the system of non-state pension provision; 5) carrying out cultural and educational, mass sports and physical culture and recreation activities; 6) development of interaction with trade unions based on the principles of social partnership.

    4. Life support of personnel in the non-production environment: n changes in the structure and content of the social package, the introduction of modern compensations adopted in leading companies acting as competitors in the labor market; n changes in the principles of forming a social package: introducing the possibility for an employee to choose the social compensation he needs within the established limit of funds, developing parity participation of Russian Railways and the employee in targeted corporate support, introducing the possibility of regional regulation of the social package; n introduction of a multifunctional electronic card (IEC) - a single unified tool designed to store the data of the MEC holder, including the list and volumes of available and used services and services, including social ones; n regular monitoring of employees' social moods, job satisfaction and social support measures based on a single methodology of an annual sociological survey.

    5. Implementation of an effective youth policy: 1) pre-production development of future employees; 2) identifying talented youth and creating conditions for their development; 3) learning skills and technologies modern management with a focus on innovation and leadership; 4) formation of new opportunities for development and career growth within the Russian Railways holding; 5) stimulating the active participation of young people in the development and implementation of new technologies in the Russian Railways holding; 6) dissemination and cultivation among the youth of corporate values ​​and the value of continuous self-development; 7) improving the mechanisms of corporate youth policy through the organization of programs and projects focused on various youth target audiences; 8) development of professional and corporate competencies of young employees.

    1) development, or selection from existing ones, of a methodology for selecting young promising employees with high managerial potential; 2) implementation of corporate youth programs aimed at identifying innovative, creative, leadership young promising employees ("Corporate Club "Team 2030", "New Link", "Young Scientist", youth gatherings, etc.); 3) implementation special programs for the development and training of promising young employees at the Corporate University of Russian Railways and its branches 4) the use of objective methods for assessing the innovative potential of young people's proposals for improvements in the Russian Railways holding using the information system "4 i";

    1) implementation of the Code of Corporate Social Responsibility, industry agreement of employers on railway transport organizations; 2) conducting an audit of the social support system and generating a corporate social report in accordance with international standards in the field of non-financial reporting, based on the principles of the UN Global Compact and the Social Charter Russian business; 3) ensuring the promotion of sustainable development; 4) interactions with stakeholders; 5) development of forms of involving employees in the discussion corporate activities; 6) environmental performance.

    7. Development of a corporate personnel management system: The goal is to develop a corporate PM system to ensure the implementation main goal and functional objectives of the Strategy based on the process approach.


    1. Investments in the development of highly professional specialists in HR technologies contribute to the formation of competitive teams and maintaining high labor motivation.

    2. the need to train managers in the ability to manage people, since personnel management includes and links together all the business processes of Russian Railways, and human resource management is carried out by all company managers with subordinates.

    3. the need for a unified personnel policy: n 1) the creation of a corporate subsystem of continuous development and training of managers and specialists in the field of PM based on specialized modular training programs and self-training in new technologies to increase the professional potential of PM services; 2) optimal distribution of functions related to personnel management, social work, corporate communications in the field of personnel, motivation and remuneration in the Russian Railways holding between the corporate center, regional corporate governance centers and branches; 3) development of a system for evaluating the activities and performance of personnel management services on the scale of the Russian Railways holding according to the criteria aimed at implementing this Strategy; 4) preparation of an effective and reliable CR for filling positions of management in the Russian Railways holding with an emphasis on people management, including in the field of PM; 5) introduction of a process approach to the implementation of the objectives of this Strategy for continuous improvements at all levels of PM; 6) development regulatory framework UP; 7) improvement of the EC ASUTR and other information systems according to the UE, taking into account the transformation of Russian Railways into the Russian Railways holding and other organizational change; 8) development of information data warehouses on personnel and analytical systems in order to make effective management decisions.