Top 10 prestigious professions. The most unprestigious professions of the modern job market. Technical and Executive Directors

  • 04.07.2021

Most of the famous and world-famous concert halls were built in cities with their own musical history. With excellent acoustics, stunning architectural beauty, thoughtful lighting, a stage equipped for performances, every musician or singer dreams of performing in such places.

The best concert venues in the world
N Name City, country) Capacity people
1 Los Angeles, USA) 2 265
2 Beijing, China) 6 500
3 Oslo (Norway) 1 400
4 London, England) 5 500
5 Santa Cruz de Tenerife (Spain) 1 616
6 Taipei (Taiwan) 2 074
7 Prague, Czech Republic) 1 023
8 Porto (Portugal) 1 238
9 New York, USA) 2 804
10 Mexico City (Mexico) 1 500

This unique building was built on the personal savings of the family of a multimillionaire, a man of extraordinary thinking and a businessman who created the animation empire, Walt Disney. Donating a considerable sum (50 million dollars), the family wanted to build not just a building where celebrities could perform, but to create an architectural masterpiece worthy of the honor of a man who managed to achieve unthinkable heights during his lifetime.

A man who not only insisted on this project and actually led the course himself construction works, became the widow of a multimillionaire, Lillian. From the very beginning, she made sure that everything was the way Disney would like it to be in life.

The construction of such a scale was entrusted to the architect Frank Gehry, who once again proved to the whole world his genius and ability to create masterpieces. The building was designed from 1991 to 1992.

The structure is considered one of the best in terms of its acoustic properties. In the design, it was necessary to modify the mass of the original elements. This seriously affected the financial costs, but additional money was found in the shortest possible time. In 2003, during a solemn ceremony and in the presence of many celebrities, the hall was inaugurated.

The building, built in Beijing, resembles a domed sphere 212 meters long. The 47-meter skyscraper was built of glass and metal structures, while the architects, it would seem, in violation of all the laws of physics, were able to create the impossible. Outwardly resembling a transparent drop, the building contained not only a magnificent concert hall, but also a lot of other elements of architecture.

You can get to the theater through an underground glass labyrinth. Visitors immediately pay attention to the fact that under their feet there is a real, albeit artificially built, lake. Part of the labyrinth is under water and this further enhances the effect of the spectacle. The Chinese have always managed to make buildings of unique beauty, but this time they managed even more - they surprised not only others, but also themselves.

Opened in 2007, the architectural ensemble is without a doubt one of Snohetta's finest creations. This architectural bureau has repeatedly proved its professionalism, having become famous for its creations, designing and building entertainment and residential complexes.

For the designers, the main task was to squeeze the building in such a way that it would organically fit into Oslo's urban development and become a link between modernity and the historical quarters of the city. Oslo Fjord is an area consisting mainly of coastal rocks. The continuation of the city is the port areas, where, as in the central part, the life of the townspeople is in full swing. The building was built just in such a way that both parts of Oslo were tied to the opera house.

The architecture has a horseshoe shape, which is an ideal solution in terms of creating an acoustic effect in the room. This feature allows you to fill the hall with sounds and music that are perfectly audible no matter in which part of the theater the seats for the public are located. Another significant difference and novelty in architecture is the roof, which, having an inclined shape, almost completely descends to the bottom, directly to the edge of the sea.

The Albert Hall is the most prestigious cultural venue not only in London, but throughout the UK. Not only does this building belong to historical monuments, since the construction of architecture took place during the reign of Prince Albert (1871), but also in terms of its technical and architectural features, the ensemble is considered one of the best in the world.

The architectural ensemble, at the direction of the royal family, was built of red brick, openwork cast iron, glass and wood. The facade was designed in such a way that the sculptural images displayed the types of art that were fashionable at the time when it was erected. Another unique element of the building is the frame cast-iron base. It supports a dome made entirely of glass, which not only enhances the concentration of acoustics, but also creates additional lighting.

The architect Santiago Calatravo ensured that the creation designed by him became famous for its uniqueness not only in his homeland, but also far beyond its borders. No one doubted the abilities of the architect, trusting the genius to design and build a theater located in Santa Cruz de Tenerife.

The scale of the structure, which was completed in 2003, does not fit into the usual standards of reason. The 100 meter 350 ton roof simultaneously covers two concert theatres, a chamber theater with 424 seats and an organ theater with 1616 seats.

To accommodate the theater, a place was specially allocated where the harmony of nature and the proximity of the seashore makes it possible to immerse yourself in the world of art as much as possible. Especially for the recreation of visitors, slopes were built with access to the coastal zone. The architect provided in his project other places for recreation and entertainment, thereby solving the problem of leisure.

The architectural ensemble was designed at a time when the countries of the East were changing historically. This is especially noticeable at cultural sites, when, with the advent of ultramodern structures, fashionable altruism was reunited in architecture with elements of national symbols.

Built in the best traditions of national architecture, the building includes two separate objects - a theater and a concert hall. Especially for the guest program, there is all the necessary infrastructure to solve the problem of additional rest.

The cultural center presents a number of programs that are not just diverse - they are completely different in execution. Here you can enjoy Shakespeare's dramas, listen to Verdi's operas, watch the mesmerizing performances provided by the kabuki theater. The popularity of the theater is so great that eminent orchestras, singers, musicians, groups from all over the world, including ethnic groups from little-known countries, are honored to perform in it.

Rudolfinum is the main center of spiritual relaxation not only in Prague, but also in the Czech Republic. Built according to a special project in 1885, the hall almost immediately became a fashionable gathering place for music lovers from all over Europe. The Austro-Hungarian Prince Rudolf, after whom the building was named, was personally present at its opening.

There are three completely different concert halls at once, which makes it possible for different groups of artists to perform under the same roof at the same time. According to the location, the first guests are greeted by the Dvorzhik Hall. A feature of the room is an unsurpassed acoustic effect, which has no equal in all of Europe. Next come the Kubelka Hall and the Josef Suk Hall. It not only hosts concerts of the best classical works, but also organizes exhibitions of famous artists, whose paintings are collected and exhibited by collectors and other art lovers from all over the world.

In the Portuguese city of Porto, according to a special project of the brilliant architect Koolhaas (Holland), the construction of a concert hall was started, named on the day of the grand opening (2005) as the "House of Music".

The building is designed in such a way that the main concert hall, accommodating 1,200 people, is located separately, thereby not interfering with other rooms located in the building with their performances.

Locals jokingly call the concert hall a piece of refined sugar. The reason for this comparison is the format of the building, which looks like a truncated cube. The jokes end almost immediately after the guests get inside the building. The walls adjacent to each other, diverging to the sides, intersect and connect in a variety of angular projections, thereby causing different associations. Most guests say that after visiting the concert hall for a long time they get the impression that they have been in a completely different world.

This magnificent, world-famous concert hall was built in 1891, in the very center of Manhattan. The fact that "Carnegie Hall" is extremely popular, needless to say. Its three concert halls, with a total capacity of 2804 people, are almost always occupied by the public.

For all the time, Carnegie Hall has practically not changed its appearance, and the only thing the city authorities constantly care about is maintaining the concert hall in exemplary order. In 1983 and 2003, there were overhauls building. In the first case, a major revision of the walls, basement and facade parts, including the foundation and cellars, was carried out, in the second case, the internal elements of the building were repaired.

Built in 1934 in the heart of the Mexican capital, the Palace of Fine Arts almost immediately became the most popular venue for performances of all levels of musicians and artists. Built in the Art Deco and Beaux Arts style of Carrara marble, the palace, with all its concert halls amazes with splendor of scenery and elements of architecture.

The Opera House, which has become famous all over the world, is a kind of Mecca for gathering tourists and lovers of opera music. Mexican and other artists consider it an honor to perform on the stage of the opera house in Mexico City.

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At a certain stage of his life, a person begins to think about choosing his future field of activity and is interested in determining, for himself and his loved ones, the best prospects and positions.

Each of the graduates studies all professions in detail, determines the degree of their prestige, as well as the opportunity to find their own business and build a career that would maximally satisfy a person morally and financially.

The prestige of the position is taken as the basis here. Let's figure out what is invested in this concept. All people strive for success, they want to be the best, the first, to have authority among their own environment, and the future profession will make you feel that way.

Most often, a person chooses a job here that is well-known, one that has a lot of positive reviews. All these responses are based on high wages, comfortable working conditions, and so on. The choice is sometimes greatly influenced by the media, which largely influences the opinion of the population.

  • profitability (notaries, entrepreneurs, ministers;
  • criminality (policemen, security guards, bodyguards);
  • dangers (rescuers, military, doctors, astronauts).

There is a development trend technical specialties. Every specialist has a dream of being in great demand in the near future, of the possibility of self-development and increasing their own profitability. To do this, now we need to try to understand which path to follow in order to secure a bright future for ourselves. It is for this that lists of the most prestigious professions in the world are compiled, which will be most in demand in the near future.

With the passage of time and in the constantly changing economic conditions in the world, there are significant changes in the ranking of the most prestigious, and accordingly. These factors are also influenced by the increased popularity of legal and economic specialties, to which young people for the most part pay their attention when entering higher educational institutions.

Also, the process of the prestige of professions is influenced by the needs of the market. More and more stability and respect are being won by such professions as a doctor, a chemist, a specialist in nanotechnology.

In the last few years, there has been a trend towards a change in the situation with the ranking of prestigious professions. More and more often, representatives of the state apparatus and other top-level leaders get here.

Previously among the leaders, the legal sector began to experience a large oversupply of personnel, as so many young people after the end of the 11th grade choose the legal industry as their own. future profession. Banking and IT spheres are also very interesting for young people.

In general, the following professions can be distinguished, which are especially popular today:

  • deputies;
  • senior managers;
  • IT specialists;
  • bank employees;
  • lawyers;
  • doctors;

The most prestigious professions for girls

There are professions in which almost only women are employed. These include the following:

  • stylists;
  • make-up artists;
  • cosmetologists;
  • pharmacists.

The most prestigious professions for men

Among men, the leaders in prestige remain the following:

  • workers in the oil and gas industry;

At the end of 2017, the Ministry of Labor Russian Federation compiled and presented to the public its rating of the most prestigious professions in Russia.

The list is headed by captains of sea vessels, as well as pilots of passenger airlines. They are followed by the chief technologist at the enterprise for the extraction of gold and precious metals. The list also includes coaches of hockey and football teams, hockey players, football players, as well as doctors and risk managers.

The most prestigious professions in the world

  • In the context of the prestige of professions, Russian realities differ in many respects from foreign ones. As mentioned above, the most prestigious professions in 2017 are mining workers, auditors and programmers.
  • The situation is quite different in the United States of America. There, at the head of this list are representatives of the medical field: anesthesiologists, therapists, gynecologists, surgeons. You can also highlight astronomers, pilots, realtors.
  • The situation is similar in Europe, where such a rating includes surgeons, pathologists, chemists, programmers, railway workers.
  • The situation in the neighboring Republic of Belarus is also indicative. Here, most of all, they strive to become IT specialists, civil aviation pilots, and also work in the coke industry.
  • In Ukraine, the following professions claim the title of the most prestigious: web developers, economists, architects, risk managers, . However, due to the unstable economic and political situation in the country, the situation is highly susceptible to change.

The most prestigious professions in Russia

According to the recent situation, it becomes obvious that the highest-ranking official is considered the most prestigious profession in the Russian Federation. These people have the highest level of income, and, accordingly, getting such complexity is quite problematic.

Clocks have long ceased to be exclusively a means of measuring time. They are an indicator of the status, the state of their owner. What accessory the powers that be wear is discussed not only on the sidelines, it becomes public knowledge. Because of them, scandals often arise - watches sometimes act as a time bomb, demonstrating a discrepancy between real incomes and declared ones. And sooner or later someone will pay attention to this, especially if a person holds public office.

Introducing the TOP 10 most prestigious men's wrist chronographs. Watches are listed in ascending order of price. It is noteworthy that the top includes accessories seen on famous personalities.

10. Rolex Day Date: Trump wears them

In 10th place are Trump's rolexes. The Rolex brand is associated with wealth and power. The powers that be and Rolex watches have long been walking side by side. The Rolex Day‑Date has been an indispensable companion of many historical figures since the 1950s. It is noteworthy that a similar watch was worn by the previous president of America. Donald Trump acquired his Day‑Date back in pre-presidential times, being a successful businessman and showman. The watch is distinguished by a high-strength, impervious to water and dust case, has an ultra-precise mechanism. The model is quite concise:

  • round dial,
  • day of the week indicator
  • yellow gold case,
  • gold bracelet.

The cost of similar watches does not exceed 24 thousand dollars.

You can buy Swiss watches Rolex Day Date and others at a price lower than the official one at the Exclusive-Watch watch pawnshop. Time is fleeting and it’s hard to disagree with this, but when a watch purchased at a pawnshop will show off on your hand, it will be much more pleasant to watch it flow.

9. Breguet Classique Alarm: Watch of the Patriarch

On the 9th place in the ranking is the Swiss classic from Breguet. The Breguet watch line includes various models, but all of them are distinguished by high-quality performance. The Breguet Classique Alarm model is created in an ageless classic style:

  • leather belt,
  • elegant gold case
  • date window,
  • automatic plant,
  • alarm.

It is safe to say that the owner of such watches is distinguished by conservatism and restraint. Maybe that's why the famous model fell in love with the Moscow Patriarch Kirill. The fact that a church minister can afford such an expensive accessory became known from photographs of the official meeting of the patriarch with the head of the law enforcement agency. It is noteworthy that the photo did not show a bolt on the priest's wrist. The scandal erupted after attentive bloggers and journalists noticed their reflection on the glossy surface of the table. Photoshopped the clock? The public was excited when they learned about the presence of such an expensive accessory in a church minister, because Breguet Classique chronographs are valued at least 28,000 euros.

Eighth place is occupied by Breguet - one of the most sought-after, successful and reputable brands in the watch market. The Classique Complications range is distinguished by its traditional design, but at the same time demonstrates the desire to use the latest know-how of production in order to keep up with the times. Like all watches the highest category, only precious metals and genuine leather are used in Complications models. The watch indicates days, months and years and is equipped with a tourbillon. Prices for popular models differ depending on the complexity of the mechanism used. The Breguet Skeleton version with an open movement will cost $245,000, while the more familiar version will cost $183,000.

7. Vacheron Constantin Patrimony Contemporaine Ultra-Thin Caliber 1731: The thinnest men's watch

Seventh place for the thinnest watch in the world. Almost all manufacturers of high-end chronographs have models with a thin case in their arsenal. Nevertheless, the masters of Vacheron Constantin have achieved impressive results, creating an elegant and at the same time discreet men's watch with a thickness of only 3.9 millimeters - Vacheron Constantin Patrimony Contemporaine Ultra-Thin Caliber 1731. The case is made of gold and titanium, the strap is made of crocodile leather. The watch is manually wound and runs for 65 hours without recharging. The design allows you to look at the workings of the movement through the sapphire back. Despite the outward simplicity, the price of the chronograph is about 380 thousand US dollars.

6. A. Lange & Sohne Tourbograph: Putin himself wears them

In the sixth position, the so-called “watch V.V. Putin." The collection of chronographs of the Russian president has more than a dozen items. Model A. Lange & Sohne Tourbograph, created by German craftsmen in 2005, is the most expensive item presented to the Russian leader. They are distinguished by the refinement of execution and thoughtfulness of every detail.

The turbograph mechanism consists of more than a thousand parts and is one of the most complex in the world. The calendar is combined with a split chronograph, which makes it possible to fix different periods of time. Undoubtedly, for such a performance requires the skill of a mechanic. The case is made of platinum, the crown is made of gold, the watch hands are securely hidden under sapphire glass, the crocodile leather bracelet emphasizes the high status of their owner.

You can buy this masterpiece of watchmaking art for 500 thousand dollars. Despite the elite and uniqueness of watches, they are great for daily time tracking.

5. Nano-Ceramic RM 52-01 Tourbillon Skull: Peskov's watch

In the middle of the top, in 5th place, there is Peskov's watch - the Nano-Ceramic RM 52-01 Tourbillon Skull model. This unusual chronograph was produced in 2013 by the Swiss company Richard Mille in limited quantities. The clock mechanism impresses with its harmony and the finest performance. Through the transparent glass you can see the work of each screw. The owner of one of the 30 copies of truly unique and expensive skeletons was the Russian official Dmitry Peskov, who received them from his wife Tatyana Navka on their wedding day. Such a gift not only emphasizes the exquisite taste, love for details, elegance and style, but also the high income of their buyer.

A complex mechanism honed over the years, the accuracy of its execution, elite and nano-materials, brand recognition and recognition, as well as the limited number of copies produced, influenced the cost of the accessory. The price tag for it starts at 600 thousand dollars. The prestige of such watches in the fashion world is beyond doubt.

4. Louis Moinet Magistralis: Moonlight

In fourth place is one of the best watches in the world, the cost of which justifies the content: inside the model there is a piece of a celestial body from the surface of the moon. This chronograph is so unique that it will impress any collector. The idea of ​​its creation belongs to Louis Moine, a passionate lover of watchmaking, astronomy, sculpture and painting. The symbiosis of knowledge was embodied in a unique specimen. The functionality of the watch movement will delight its owner: a white gold case, minute and second hands, date and day of the week, as well as moon phases, crocodile leather strap with gold inserts.

The price of this accessory is from 860 thousand dollars.

3. Lange & Sohne Grand Complication: German Precision

The third place is occupied by a truly luxurious copy from the German company Lange & Sohne. Appearance represents a model of perfection, every detail is in its place. The case is made of precious metals and carefully polished by hand. Engraving gives the watch a unique look. The chronograph is equipped with a set of basic functional mechanisms: a stopwatch, a calendar, it demonstrates the phases of the moon. A true connoisseur with a high status and income can afford to buy a Lange & Sohne Grand Complication watch. After all, the price tag of such watches is set from 2.5 million dollars.

2. Ulysse Nardin Genghis Khan: half a billion musical break

In second place are the cool watches created by Swiss watchmakers. wrist watch by Ulysse Nardin, which look like a real work of art. The special charm of the chronograph is given by the gold figures located on the dial. The repeater plays musical notes every fifteen minutes.

The watch is wound manually, the supply is enough for four days. Made using black onyx, edged with white or rose gold of high standard, they will become an exquisite decoration for a man with good taste and high income. After all, the price of such watches reaches 5 million dollars. Such a high cost is due to high-precision technical execution, the use of expensive materials and a limited number of issued copies (only 30 pieces).

1. Patek Philippe Ref. 1518: the rarest watch

At the top of the top is a Patek Philippe Ref. 1518 with mechanical winding. These watches have acquired the title of one of the rarest and most expensive among their counterparts. The owner of this valuable specimen will be able to determine not only exact time, but also the lunar phases, as well as the date of the current day. The high cost of watches is determined by the year of their release - 1943. Such copies were produced only four times during the fourteen-year period of their production, which indicates the exceptional rarity of this model. At the annual Geneva auction in 2016, the watch went under the hammer, exceeding $11 million.

When choosing a profession, one must also remember that it is not the place that makes the person beautiful, but the person the place. Do not forget that the profession should correspond to the abilities and bring moral satisfaction.

The prestige of a profession is determined not only by high income and social status, but also by such indicators as stability, career prospects, and demand in the distant future.

TOP 10 most prestigious professions in Russia:

  1. Programmers, IT specialists. Specialists in this field are in high demand at the present time, their work is well paid. The rapid development of IT technologies in Russia implies a constant demand for the profession for many years to come.
  2. Entrepreneurs, businessmen. Private business in the presence of commercial abilities can bring high incomes. An additional advantage is independence from the employer.
  3. A top manager is the face of a company, a senior executive, which is prestigious in itself. And paid accordingly. In addition to professional skills and specific knowledge in their industry, a top manager must have creative and flexible thinking, high analytical skills, and constantly learn new things. Moreover, in different periods of the company's activity, a variety of qualities are required from a top manager: at the start-up stage, he must prove himself a bright leader and successful entrepreneur; in the heyday - a far-sighted strategist; at the time of the crisis - an experienced anti-crisis manager.
  4. Lawyers, lawyers. The population of Russia for the most part is legally illiterate, and jurisprudence is cumbersome, so lawyers will be in constant demand. The most demanded and highly paid at all times are civil lawyers.
  5. Doctors. The profession is considered the most noble and prestigious in the whole world, but not very highly paid in Russia. The highest salary of doctors in Kamchatka.
  6. Pilots and astronauts. These professions are not only prestigious, but respected, romantic and highly paid in any region of Russia.
  7. Creative professions (designers, artists) are prestigious in terms of respect and recognition. It all depends on talent, dedication, luck. As it is rightly said about creative professions: “In the first half of life, a person works for the name, in the second half, the name works for the person.”
  8. Engineers. The prestige of this profession increases during the period of industrial development, but from a material point of view, this is not the most profitable profession in Russia.
  9. Bankers. All professions associated with finance are initially prestigious. Being a banker was considered prestigious at all times. Here everything depends on the size of the bank, the position held, the region, etc. Recently, it is more prestigious to work in a state-owned bank than in a private one.
  10. Economists. The prestige of the profession also depends on the place of work, position, region. But there is no doubt that this profession is universal and in demand in any social system, in any industry. National economy and at all levels.

When choosing a profession, one must also remember that it is not the place that makes the person beautiful, but the person makes the place. Do not forget that the profession should correspond to the abilities and bring moral satisfaction. You can understand your predisposition to a certain profession at a career guidance consultation at the Elmira Davydova Center.

The most prestigious professions in the world

  1. Nanotechnologies. Specialists in this field will be constantly in demand in the future. Since the industry is the most relevant state program in the developed world and well funded, high pay The work of nanotechnologists is guaranteed for many years to come.
  2. IT specialists. This profession has been on the list of prestigious for many years, and in the future it is also expected to be in high demand, decent pay, due to the fact that IT-technologists ensure the functioning of almost all processes in the modern world.
  3. Biotechnology is the profession of the future in agriculture, healthcare and Food Industry. Being a government program that is going to be rapidly developed, biotechnology is adequately financed. Being a scientist or practitioner in this field is very prestigious.
  4. Ecologists. Pollution problem environment over time it only gets worse. Therefore, ecologists will always be in demand not only for the purpose of cleansing the environment, but also for the development of new environmentally friendly technologies and industries.
  5. Marketers. Modern world saturated with goods and services. It is impossible to do without marketers in their implementation and production of new ones that consumers need.
  6. Doctors of various specializations: anesthesiologists, surgeons, psychiatrists, therapists, dentists. Health is the main thing that people value and what they do not save on. And good doctors are respected.
  7. Technical and executive directors in various industries. To create a new competitive product or new technologies requires the ability to work with large amounts of information, to coordinate the work of many hundreds of people. Such work is within the power of extraordinary personalities.
  8. Lawyers. In all countries of the world, legal professionals have a prestigious status. Indeed, even in the age of Internet technologies, when books on legislation are available to anyone, not everyone can understand their cumbersome intricacies.
  9. Pilots. Airliner passengers are initially treated with respect for the professionals they trust with their lives. A modern aircraft is a super-complex machine that requires serious technical knowledge, excellent physical fitness, psychological stability, and the ability to make responsible decisions promptly.
  10. A financial market analyst is a specialist who has information about price fluctuations, the relationship between supply and demand in the market. He can give competent advice on transactions on financial markets and forecast for the future.