Overhaul of club purchases gov. Tenders. Overhaul auctions

  • 05.12.2019

Trade register number: 22-0169289-09

1. Name of the auction: An open auction among small businesses for the right to conclude a state contract for the performance of work on the overhaul of the housing stock at the address: st. Leskova, 3,9a

2. Trades are conducted by: State customer



Mailing address: 101000, Moscow, Maroseyka st., 11/4, building 3

Address Email: [email protected]

Contact phone number: 633-69-81

Fax: 633-69-81

The contact person: Erokhina Evgenia Sergeevna

Specialized organization: STATE UNITARY ENTERPRISE "HIMMOS"


Mailing address: 105066, Moscow, Tokmakov lane, 16, building 2, 5th floor, right wing

E-mail address: [email protected]

Contact phone number: 666-33-25

Fax: 666-33-21

The contact person: Rabinovich Evgeny Mikhailovich

3. Deadline, place and procedure for submitting auction documentation

Documentation of the auction is provided by delivery to the address: 101000, Moscow, Maroseyka st., 11/4, building 3

Telephone: 633-69-81

Fax: 633-69-81

Delivery times from: 07.09.2009 to 28.09.2009

The procedure for providing documentation about the auction: Documentation is provided by delivery the next day after filing the application of the appropriate form at the address: 101000, Moscow, st. Maroseyka, 11/4, building 3, 3rd floor, room 309 (Single window).

4. Amount, procedure and terms for paying the fee charged for the provision of auction documentation

Not charged

5. The official site where the documentation about the auction is posted: http://tender.mos.ru

6. Place, date and time of the auction.

The auction will be held at: Moscow, Maroseyka st., 11/4, building 3

October 05, 2009 at 10:00 Moscow time.

7. Subject of the state contract. Initial (maximum) price of the state contract

Lot number - Subject of the state contract - Initial (maximum) price of the state contract

1 - (Trading by lot is held among small businesses) performance of work on the overhaul of the housing stock at the address: st. Leskova, 3 - RUB 12,970,888.24

2 - (Trading by lot is held among small businesses) performance of work on the overhaul of the housing stock at the address: st. Leskova, 9a - RUB 10,310,434.37

8.1. Lot No. 1

8.1. 1. Quantity of goods supplied, volume of work performed, services rendered:

8.1.2. Initial (maximum) price of the state contract: RUB 12,970,888.24

8.1.3. Place of supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services: Moscow, st. Leskova, 3

8.1.4. The amount of security for the application for participation in the auction:

8.1.5. Application term Money in order to secure an application for participation in the auction:

8.1.6. Cash as security for the application is deposited in the following order:

8.1.7. Payee and account details for transferring funds as security for the application:

8.2. Lot No. 2

8.2. 1. Quantity of goods supplied, volume of work performed, services rendered: No. - Name - Quantity - Unit of measurement

1 - OKDP: Comprehensive renovation of dwellings (apartments, houses) - 1.00 - addresses

8.2.2. Initial (maximum) price of the state contract: RUB 10,310,434.37

8.2.3. Place of supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services: Moscow, st. Leskova, 9a

8.2.4. The amount of security for the application for participation in the auction: 5.00% of the initial contract price (excluding VAT)

8.2.5. Deadline for depositing funds to secure an application for participation in the auction: Deadline for submitting the application security until the application is considered

8.2.6. Cash as security for the application is deposited in the following order: Funds to secure applications are transferred to the account of the State customer. In the column "purpose of payment" it is indicated: "01 Secured applications for registration in an open auction. Registration number of the auction _____. Lot No. ___. VAT - not subject to"

8.2.7. Payee and account details for transferring funds as security for the application: Department overhaul of the housing stock of the city of Moscow (l / sch (temporary order) 2181431000451130 in the Department of Finance of the city of Moscow), Branch 1 of the Moscow GTU of the Bank of Russia, Moscow 705, account: 40302810700000000060, c / s:, s: 2181431000451130, BIC: 044583001, TIN: 7710723399, KPP: 770101001, PSRN: 1087746839498

Additional Information: Additional information can be obtained at 105066, Moscow, Tokmakov pereulok, 16, building 2, 5th floor, right wing on working days from 10:00 to 18:00 Moscow time. Contact person: Rabinovich Evgeny Mikhailovich; contact phone number 666-33-25; E-mail address [email protected]

Notice generated: Mikhailovsky Maxim Georgievich

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Auction! The one who offers the most favorable terms and price wins.

In the event that within 10 minutes from the beginning of the auction none of the participants has submitted any price proposals, such an auction is recognized as failed.

If the price offered by the winner of the auction is 25% less than the Initial Maximum Price (IMP), such participant is obliged to confirm his reputation and provide security in a larger amount.

If the winner of the auction evades the conclusion of the contract, information about this is sent to the Register of Unfair Suppliers (RNP).

Wait for the results of the auction, track the deadlines:

Within 30 minutes after the end of the auction - the publication of the Protocol of the Electronic Auction (EPEA) on the Electronic Platform.

No more than 3 working days from the date of publication of the Protocol of the Electronic Auction (EPEA) on the Electronic Platform - consideration by the Customer of 2 parts of applications, as well as the formation of the Protocol of Summing Up the Results (SAP).

Not later than the working day following the date of signing the Minutes of Summing Up (PIP) - placement by the customer of the PIP on the Electronic Platform and in the Unified Information System(EIS)

Are you a winner? Congratulations! Provide the Customer with the performance security and sign the contract

The signing of the contract is possible no earlier than 10 days from the date of publication of the Minutes of Summing Up (PIP) in the Unified Information System (UIS).

Strictly follow the deadlines. The ratio of working days and days off is not important:

Not more than 5 days from the date of publication of the Minutes of Summing Up (PPI) in the Unified Information System (UIS) - the Customer publishes the draft contract.

Not more than 5 days from the date of publication by the Customer of the draft contract - the Winner publishes the protocol/draft contract. The winner who did not send the protocol of disagreements or did not send the signed draft contract after 13 days from the date of publication of the Protocol of Summing Up the Results (SIP) in the Unified Information System (UIS) is recognized as having evaded signing the contract.

The ratio of working days and days off is fundamental:

Not more than 3 working days from the date of publication by the winner in the Unified Information System (EIS) of the protocol of disagreements, the Customer publishes the finalized draft contract (or in a separate document the refusal to fully or completely take into account the comments in the protocol of disagreements of the winner).

Not more than 3 working days from the date of publication by the Customer in the Unified Information System (EIS) of the finalized draft contract - the winner publishes the protocol / draft contract + provides confirmation of the contract performance.

AT modern world competition and still not eradicated malfeasance, the competitive form of selection of proposals - tenders, remains a way of openly filtering proposals that are beneficial for the region, which are made by contracting organizations specializing in repair work.

The procedure is provided for in stages and the selection of a specific contractor is preceded by the formation of a register of organizations entitled to participate in electronic auctions, the subject of which is the provision of services and (or) the performance of work on the overhaul of common property apartment buildings. At this stage, emphasis is placed on the compliance of the organization with the set of requirements for the quality of their services, reliability, experience, etc. Having already selected suitable organizations. it will be possible to consider their conditions and choose acceptable ones.

Information on all preliminary selections of contractors for the right to be included in the register of qualified contractors eligible to participate in electronic auctions, the subject of which is the provision of services and (or) the performance of work on the overhaul of the common property of apartment buildings, you can find on the Moscow portal at the link .

Control over the spending of funds of owners of premises in apartment buildings in Moscow is carried out by

Department of capital repairs of the housing stock of Moscow

The Capital Repair Department of the City of Moscow is a functional executive body of the City of Moscow, which performs the following main functions:

  • on the development and implementation of state policy in the field of overhaul of the housing stock, as well as non-residential facilities, other real estate;
  • the state customer for placing an order for the supply of goods, the provision of services, the performance of work on the overhaul of real estate objects, carried out at the expense of the budget of the city of Moscow;
  • on the implementation of certain measures related to the placement of transport hubs in the city of Moscow, including the release of territories for their placement.

The above register of qualified contractors entitled to participate in electronic auctions, the subject of which is the provision of services and (or) the performance of work on the overhaul of the common property of apartment buildings in the current version is available at link .

The register contains a sufficiently large amount of information for each contracting organization, including the Initial (maximum) price of the contract during an electronic auction in which the contracting organization can take part, equal to the maximum amount of obligations of a pre-selection participant for obligations under work contracts concluded using competitive methods of concluding contracts, in accordance with which such a participant in the preliminary selection, as a member self-regulatory organization, made a contribution to the compensation fund for ensuring contractual obligations, formed in accordance with part 2 of article 55.16 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation.

To date, the Register contains 1,450 contractors, which is quite a lot. Naturally, not all organizations carry out the entire list of overhaul works, we will be interested in specific view work and the organizations that undertake it. From this shortened list, we will compare and choose the best offer.

Overhaul auctions

Overhaul Electronic auctions for the provision of services and (or) the performance of work on the repair of common property in Moscow MKD are currently held in the following areas:

  • Electronic auctions for the performance of work to assess the compliance of elevators with the requirements of the technical regulation TR CU 011/2011;
  • Electronic auctions for evaluation work technical condition and designing the repair of the common property of MKDs that are objects of cultural heritage;
  • Electronic auctions for the performance of work on the overhaul of the common property of MKD;
  • Electronic auctions for the performance of work on the overhaul of the common property of MKD, which are objects of cultural heritage;
  • Electronic auctions for the performance of work on the replacement of elevator equipment;
  • Electronic auctions for the performance of work on the assessment of the technical condition and design of the repair of the common property of MKD

You can find information about them at

Construction and repair and Finishing work are always in high demand. Orders and tenders for the construction and repair of various facilities are announced almost daily in Russia. We have researched the market and collected some industry statistics.

In 2015, more than 5,000 tenders for repairs and finishing were announced, and the total amount of all contracts amounted to 9.1 billion rubles. The analysis showed that 10,100 participants were involved in tenders for repair and construction work, including 3,513 regular customers and 3,262 regular suppliers. As for the tenders themselves repair work, then the average cost of one is 1.8 million rubles, and the average price drop during the auction reaches 12.72%. At the same time, not all suppliers received permission, but only 95.18%. In terms of the ratio of the number of contractors to the number of orders, the average indicator is 2.02 suppliers per contract. It should be noted that only 56.99% of customers required the enforcement of the contract.

Statistics by region

The most active bidders in this industry were:

  • Moscow - 6.5%
  • St. Petersburg - 5.5%
  • Moscow region - 4.5%
  • Krasnodar Territory - 3.7%
  • Sverdlovsk region - 3.3%
  • Krasnoyarsk Territory - 3.2%
  • Chelyabinsk region - 3.2%
  • Bashkortostan - 3.1%
  • Perm region - 2,8%

The largest amounts of contracts were noted in the following regions:

  • Moscow - 22.1%
  • St. Petersburg - 9.5%
  • Moscow region - 5.1%
  • Vologda Oblast - 3.8%
  • Krasnodar Territory - 3%
  • Samara region - 3%
  • Krasnoyarsk Territory - 2.7%
  • Tatarstan - 2.5%
  • Sakhalin region - 2.4%


The following dynamics are observed here: the 1st quarter of 2015 is characterized by a lull, but since April the number of tenders for finishing work has increased sharply from 9 to 631 and reaches a peak in May - 745 orders worth 1.5 billion rubles. Then there is a gradual decline until July (270 tenders) and a new peak in September - 520 orders for 1.2 billion rubles. In autumn, a new drop in demand is noted, and the third peak falls on December - more than 800 million rubles for executed contracts.

  • Sberbank-AST - 41,408 tenders in the amount of 163,379,153 thousand rubles
  • RTS tender - 15,325 tenders for the amount of 99,961,459 thousand rubles
  • Roseltorg - 12,359 tenders in the amount of 66,022,345 thousand rubles
  • ETP "MICEX-IT" - 4,650 tenders for the amount of 39,132,807 thousand rubles
  • System Electronic Trading- 2,259 tenders for the amount of 28,383,966 thousand rubles
  • FABRIKANT.RU - 1,598 tenders for the amount of 16,963,619 thousand rubles
  • Group of sites B2B - 2,807 tenders in the amount of 10,123,145 thousand rubles


In 2015, the largest orders were received from Gazprom, the Main Directorate for the Arrangement of Troops as part of the Russian Oboronstroy, Mosinzhproekt, Avtodor, the Ministry of Energy, Spetsstroytekhnologii, Rosneft, and others.

Up-to-date and free announcements of tenders for the repair of buildings and structures, including apartments, promptly appear on this site. You can track them yourself or subscribe to the newsletter.