General director of the fund for the overhaul of apartment buildings. GBU Zhilischnik has become a contender for billion-dollar overhaul contracts. Many data are hidden

  • 24.09.2020

Director of the Yugra Fund overhaul Sergei Makarov fired. . A couple of months ago, nothing foreshadowed such an alignment. However, just last week, facts were made public that made Sergei Makarov, in fact, incompatible with his position. Details - in the material "AiF-Yugra".

Letter for you!

In the 20th of January it became known that at the end of 2015 Governor of Yugra Natalia Komarova received a letter. Wrote her Deputy Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation for the Urals Federal District Yuri Ponomarev, reporting suspicious financial transactions in the Yugra Capital Repair Fund, identified by Rosfinmonitoring specialists.

For example, the inspectors found such an unpleasant thing. In 2015, 1 billion 168 million rubles were received to the Fund's account intended for contributions from the population. Of these, 563 million rubles were allocated directly to pay contractors. The rest of the money lay in the Khanty-Mansiysk bank and interest dripped on them. So, by decision of the Fund's Supervisory Board, these interest in the amount of 64 million rubles were withdrawn from the account and spent on financing the activities of the Fund itself. Of these, almost 29 million rubles are paid to employees.

Moreover, the largest part of these funds was received by one employee - Director of the Foundation Sergey Makarov. As a result, his official income for 11 months of 2015 exceeded 10 million rubles.

“In view of the foregoing, I propose to develop legal act regulating the procedure for spending interest on the use of Money located on the accounts of the regional operator. I ask you to inform me about the results, ”wrote Yuri Ponomarev.

Deputy Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Yuri Ponomarev. Photo: press service of the Governor of Ugra

First reaction

The authorities of the district reacted to the prosecutor's letter quite promptly. At the first meeting of the Duma of Ugra in 2016, which took place on January 28, the deputies decided that from now on the Ugra Overhaul Fund can spend interest accrued on people's money only for its intended purpose.

“When there are free balances on the accounts of the Ugra operator for the overhaul of apartment buildings, and they are placed on bank accounts, the proceeds by government decree will be directed only to the immediate goals of the fund - that is, to the overhaul of housing. For no other purpose. Neither for salary payments, nor for any acquisitions, ”he assured Speaker of the District Duma Boris Khokhryakov.

Sergei Makarov, however, tried to explain himself.

“Interest has not been withdrawn. They were taken on a return basis, most of them have already been returned, - the now former director of the agency quotes. - The fact is that we have never allowed ourselves to take interest, especially for the payment of wages. An order has been developed - interest cannot be used in any way, except for overhaul. They gave an explanation, signed it at the housing and communal services department and sent it to the prosecutor’s office.”

But what the 29 million rubles were spent on, which the Deputy Prosecutor General is talking about, Sergey Makarov did not explain. As well as nothing to justify his exorbitantly high salary.

The opposition has arrived

Meanwhile, the scandal has leaked to the highest level - to Moscow. State Duma deputies from the Communist Party Sergey Obukhov and Valery Rashkin turned to Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev with a request to liquidate capital repair funds throughout the country and return paid contributions to citizens. To justify the fact that the funds are ineffective, they, in particular, cited the case of Sergei Makarov's salary.

Yugra State Duma deputy from A Just Russia Mikhail Serdyuk wrote a letter to Natalya Komarova demanding to dismiss the Director of the Fund.

“This is absurd! Today, residents of hundreds and thousands of apartment buildings in the district, who are forced to pay the cost of capital repairs of buildings from their personal funds at a rate close to the established maximum, against their will participate in a “charity marathon” in favor of the head of the overhaul fund. At the same time, most of them are not even aware of the extent of their virtue. People are just being kept in the dark. I think that the best thing that shines in the end for Yugra Ostap Bender is retraining as a house manager, ”Fair Russia is not shy about using expressions.

“We follow the letter of the law, a special anti-corruption commission has been set up in the Fund. We should not and cannot have any corruption schemes, because we work with the funds of the owners and must account for every ruble.”

Specialists from the YABLOKO Anti-Corruption Center conducted an analysis of the transparency of the work of the Fund for the Capital Repair of Moscow Apartment Buildings (the Fund), learned how budget funds are spent, and found out how open the Fund is from the point of view of civil control.

Preliminary conclusions

Many data are hidden

Funds from overhaul fees are accumulated in an account with the Moscow Department of Finance, their further use until payment for contract work for overhaul is not disclosed. In particular, the question remains whether the funds are placed in banks and, if so, on what terms. The total amount of fees collected has not yet been made public. The exact budget of the Fund is not disclosed.

Fund is wasteful

The maintenance of the Fund costs taxpayers a year in the amount of about 690 million rubles. The Fund's leaders (they were civil servants only yesterday) continue to receive salaries, incentives and bonuses from the Moscow budget. However, they no longer publish declarations of income that are mandatory for officials and are considered employees of NGOs. Purchases for the needs of the Fund and during the overhaul were withdrawn from the public procurement system. Read on for details.

Fees depreciate

The amount is about 5.3 billion rubles. Today it is kept on the account of the Fund and depreciates due to inflation. At the current rate of fees and expenses for 2016, the amount of losses due to inflation could amount to 1.2 billion rubles.

Big Picture

From July 1, 2015, the owners of residential and non-residential premises located in Moscow are required to pay monthly contributions for capital repairs to the Fund. The founder and supervising organization of the Fund is the Department of capital repairs of the city of Moscow. Artur Keskinov headed the created fund, for this he had to leave the post of head of the Department of Capital Repairs of the city of Moscow. He was in the position of the head of the department for 10 years (7 years - the head of the Capital Repair Department and another 3 years - the Department of Housing and Public Utilities). He was replaced by Vitaliy Mikhailichenko, Keskinov's former deputy.

Financial support current activities The Fund is funded by budget allocations from the budget of the city of Moscow. However, the published budget of Moscow does not provide accurate information about the funds that the city spends on the Fund's activities.

Table 1. Budget allocations envisaged

Department of capital repairs of the city of Moscow

As can be seen from Table 1, the Moscow budget shows the expenses of the Department of Capital Repairs for staff salaries for all state institutions and extra-budgetary funds, as well as the total amount of subsidies of the department for commercial organizations. There is no publicly available information on how much funds the Fund receives from the state.

It should be noted that the funds directly provided for in the Moscow budget do not reflect all the expected expenses of the Fund.

Selection Opacity public funds for the activities of the Fund raises significant questions in terms of combating corruption.

Fund Spending

The Capital Repair Fund began its activities with the cost of repairing premises for the Fund, purchasing furniture and ordering a number of research projects.

The renovation of premises in 2015, based on the initial maximum price for the lots, cost the Fund more than 86 million rubles.

The purchase of furniture in 2015 cost a little more than 32.5 million rubles. It is noteworthy that the development of a number of regulatory legal acts for the activities of the Fund was carried out not by lawyers of the Department of Capital Repairs of the City of Moscow, but by a third-party fund - the Institute for Economics of the City. The initial purchase price for the development of regulations amounted to 4.33 million rubles.

The plan for the procurement of goods (works, services) for 2016 assumes expenses in the amount of 90.47 million rubles. Among the purchases for 2016, “the provision of services for information and analytical processing of applications received by the Fund” is indicated. Why the Fund conducts purchases for the development normative documents and processing of appeals when there are lawyers on staff remains unclear.

It should be noted that the Fund's website indicates plans to recruit about 600 specialists by the end of the 1st quarter of 2016: engineers, lawyers, accountants, etc. The Fund offers a "stable official income" of 47,500 rubles. + bonuses.

Sources in the mayor's office claim that the total bonuses of Moscow officials (monthly, quarterly and annual) are approximately 70-80% monthly of the salary of an average employee. Thus, about 256 million a year can go to the bonuses of the fund's employees.

A rough estimate shows that personnel costs for the year will amount to around 598 million rubles.

In total, the maintenance of the Fund should cost approximately 690 million -190499 per year

Information about the costs of wages CEO The Foundation and its six deputies remain closed. There is no way to compare the changes in the salaries of the Fund's management after the transition from the civil service to the NGO sector.

Formation of the Fund's budget

The Fund's budget is formed from monthly contributions in the amount of 15 rubles. per one square meter.

There are two storage options available:

1) On the account of the Capital Repair Fund - an organization specially created by the Government of Moscow to accumulate funds from owners and organize major repairs.

2) On a special bank account opened for a particular house.

Only 130 multi-apartment residential buildings (MZD) chose the second option. 28,942 MRR (total area 212.14 million sq. m.) send funds to the Fund. The percentage of collection in Moscow is one of the highest in Russia: 91.4%, so significant amounts accumulate on the Fund's account.

How much is planned to collect?

The Capital Repair Fund plans to publish its annual report only by July 1, 2016. While there is no official data, we will carry out preliminary calculations.

Table 2 Formation of the account of the Capital Repair Fund

How much was spent on repairs

The total price of the announced and already completed tenders for the overhaul of houses amounted to 9,928,409,072 rubles as of March 21, 2016. Another 11,947,367,797 rubles. for the same period allocated for the repair of elevators. The average percentage of the decrease in the initial price at the auction was about 5.17%. That is, about 20.78 billion rubles were spent on overhaul. Taking into account the collection percentage, by this time the fund should have accumulated about 26.1 billion rubles. from citizen fees.

Thus, today about 5.3 billion rubles. remains on the account of the Moscow fund and is rapidly depreciating.

Fund and inflation

Deputy Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Kozak said in an interview: “The total amount of fees for capital repairs in Russia in 2015 amounted to 97 billion rubles, of which repair work only 25 billion rubles.” According to preliminary data for 2015, the Moscow Capital Repair Fund completed only half of the planned work. Planned / completed in the current year: 2,297 / 1,087 (as of December 1, 2015).

Based on this information, the question arises of saving the Fund's funds from inflation. At the end of 2015, inflation in Russia, according to official data, amounted to 12.9 percent. Thus, in 2016, even with a planned inflation of 6.4%, the Fund risks losing more than 1.2 billion rubles.

The funds accumulated by the Fund, in accordance with the provisions of Decree of the Government of Moscow No. 834-PP dated December 29, 2014, are kept on an account with the Moscow Department of Finance. Despite the indication that such funds can only be spent on major repairs of the Moscow Railway, it remains unclear whether they are placed in banks. And if so, under what conditions, is interest fixed, and how is it spent.

Based on Decree of the Government of Moscow No. 86-PP dated February 27, 2015, the Fund cannot annually spend more than 90% of the fees for the past calendar year. It is not known for what purpose this norm was introduced, since the funds in this case inevitably depreciate.

Regional Capital Improvement Program 2015-2044

The program is designed for 30 years (from 2015 - 2044). It is worth noting that a third of the total housing stock included in the overhaul program is located in the Central Administrative District. Thus, apartment owners from other administrative districts will sponsor the renovation of houses in the center.

It raises questions about the need for a “common boiler”, if possible, to distribute contributions among the administrative districts of Moscow and carry out repairs in each district separately. Decentralization can reduce corruption risks in selecting contractors and performing work.


The analysis carried out showed the need to disclose socially important information about the Fund's activities.

Receiving all the benefits of state funding, the Fund is actually removed from the control system government agencies. The head of the Foundation - the former head of the Department of Capital Improvements - now reports on the activities of the Foundation to his former subordinate, who replaced him. Information on the Foundation's website is not published in full. The lack of essential information is mitigated by a large number of complimentary publications about the Fund in the media.

From our point of view, the Moscow Government, represented by the competent authorities, needs to:

  • Publish information on the budgetary funds allocated for the current activities of the Capital Repair Fund;
  • Oblige the management of the Fund to regularly publish declarations of income, expenses, property and liabilities of a property nature;
  • Publish information about salaries and bonuses received by the management of the Capital Repair Fund (according to the Charter of the Fund, this information cannot be a commercial secret);
  • Introduce restrictions on engaging in other paid activities for the Fund's managers in accordance with the restrictions and prohibitions for public servants;
  • Disclose information on the procedure for using funds on the Fund's account with the Moscow Department of Finance;
  • Differentiate the amount of the monthly contribution depending on the administrative district;
  • To carry out a quarterly report on the collected and spent funds for the overhaul of the Moscow Railway;
  • Limit the spending of funds within the administrative district in which the collections were made, up to the complete abolition at the federal level of illegal, from the point of view of the YABLOKO party, fees for overhaul.

Member of the Federal Political Committee of the YABLOKO Party

Sergei Mitrokhin

Head of the Anti-Corruption Center of the YABLOKO Party

Alexey Karnaukhov

[email protected]

Lawyer of the Anti-Corruption Center of the YABLOKO Party

Alexey Chumakov

Keskinov Artur Lvovich is the General Director of the Fund for the overhaul of apartment buildings in the city of Moscow.

Keskinov Artur Lvovich: Biography

In 1960 (November 25) Keskinov Artur Lvovich was born in the city of Yerevan. In 1994, Artur Lvovich Keskinov graduated from the Moscow Institute of Architecture with a degree in architecture. Education, as well as the first job in the specialty Keskinov Artur Lvovich received at the Moscow Power Engineering Institute. Artur Keskinov studied well and was an example for many. He graduated from the institute with honors and graduated with a degree in state and municipal government". In the next fifteen years, Arthur from the position of a simple engineer became deputy. Director of the campus of the Moscow Energy Institute.

Keskinov Artur's career

In the late nineties, Keskinov Artur Lvovich decided to continue his career in the direction of housing and communal services in Moscow.
Soon (1998) Keskinov was appointed to the post of director state enterprise DES "Lefortovo" of the South-Eastern Administrative District (SEAD).
A year later, in 1999, Artur Keskinov was appointed deputy head of the Lefortovo District Council of the South-Eastern Administrative District (SEAD).
In 2001, he became the head of the public utilities department of the South-Eastern Administrative District (SEAD), as well as the director of the State Unitary Enterprise (SUE) in Moscow.
In 2003, he accepted the position of Deputy Prefect of the South-Eastern Administrative District (SEAD) in Moscow.
Between 2003 and 2005 was the first deputy prefect of the central administrative district in the city of Moscow.
From 2005 to 2008 he was appointed head of housing and communal services for the improvement of Moscow.
In the next 7 years (2008 - 2015), Artur Keskinov served as the head of the overhaul department in the city of Moscow.
In 2015 (March 18), he won the competition and became the general director of the Fund, which was engaged in the overhaul of houses with many apartments in Moscow.

Thanks to his merits, Keskinov Artur Lvovich was awarded several medals and even the honorary title " Honorary Worker housing and communal services of the city of Moscow.

One of Keskinov's main partners is who is a Russian political and statesman (the third mayor of the city of Moscow).

Sobyanin and Keskinov

During the time that Artur Keskinov was in the position of the head of the department, about 10 thousand houses were repaired and 18 thousand elevators were installed. Arthur made three thousand facades of iconic buildings that form the appearance of the capital.

Personal life of Arthur Keskinov

Artur Lvovich Keskinov never discloses his personal life, so practically nothing is known about her.

Keskinov now

To date, Artur Lvovich Keskinov is the General Director of the Fund for the overhaul of houses (apartment buildings) in the city of Moscow. Arthur, together with Sergei Sobyanin, approved the amount of the contribution for the overhaul. Now each apartment owner will pay at least 15 rubles per square meter. This regional program was approved by the government for the next 30 years.

Graduated from the Moscow Architectural Institute

In accordance with paragraph 3 of part 1 of article 167, part 2 of article 178 of the Housing Code Russian Federation, as well as part 2 of Article 7 of the Law of the City of Moscow dated January 27, 2010 N 2 "Fundamentals of the Housing Policy of the City of Moscow" The Moscow Government decides:

1. Establish the Fund for the overhaul of apartment buildings in the city of Moscow (hereinafter referred to as the Fund), which is a unitary non-profit organization in the organizational and legal form of the fund, the purpose of which is to ensure the overhaul of common property in apartment buildings located on the territory of the city of Moscow.

2. Determine that:

2.1. The Fund is a regional operator for the overhaul of common property in apartment buildings located in the city of Moscow (hereinafter referred to as the overhaul).

2.2. The Government of Moscow, represented by the Department of Capital Repairs of the City of Moscow, exercises the powers of the sole founder of the Fund being created.

2.3. The composition of the governing board, which is the highest collegial body of the Fund, and the composition board of trustees Funds are formed by the Government of Moscow.

2.4. The current management of the Fund's activities is carried out by the sole executive body (general director), elected (appointed) on a competitive basis.

2.5. Department of capital repairs of the city of Moscow:

2.5.1. In agreement with the Department of City Property of the City of Moscow approves the charter of the Foundation.

2.5.2. Appoints the General Director of the Fund based on the results competitive selection in the manner prescribed by the Department of capital repairs of the city of Moscow.

2.5.3. Carries out other activities related to the creation of the Fund in accordance with the established procedure.

2.6. The Fund opens an account with the Department of Finance of the city of Moscow to carry out operations to accumulate and spend funds received by the Fund from the owners of premises in apartment buildings that form capital repair funds on the Fund's account, and other sources not prohibited by law, used only to finance the costs of major repairs of the general property in apartment buildings.

Authorization of expenses incurred from the account, opened by the Foundation in the Department of Finance of the city of Moscow, is carried out in the manner established by the Department of Finance of the city of Moscow.

Opening of accounts for other purposes is carried out by the Fund in Russian credit institutions in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

2.7. The property contribution of the city of Moscow to the Fund is provided from the budget of the city of Moscow no later than two months from the date of state registration establishments of the Fund in the amount established by the Government of Moscow.

2.8. Financial support for the current activities of the Fund is carried out at the expense of budgetary allocations provided for the Department of Capital Repairs of the City of Moscow by the law of the City of Moscow on the budget of the City of Moscow for the corresponding financial year and planning period for the respective purposes.

3. Approve the composition of the governing board of the Fund for the overhaul of apartment buildings in the city of Moscow (Appendix 1).

4. Approve the composition of the Board of Trustees of the Capital Repair Fund for Moscow apartment buildings (Appendix 2).

5. Control over the implementation of this resolution shall be entrusted to the Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Government of Moscow for housing and communal services and landscaping Biryukov P.P.

Mayor of Moscow S.S. Sobyanin

of the Managing Council of the Fund for the Overhaul of Apartment Buildings in the City of Moscow

Chairman of the Governing Council:
Biryukov P.P. - Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Government of Moscow for Housing and Communal Services and Improvement
Members of the Governing Council:
Zyabbarova E.Yu. - Minister of the Government of Moscow, Head of the Department of Finance of the City of Moscow
Efimov V.V. - Minister of the Government of Moscow, Head of the Department of City Property of the City of Moscow
Reshetnikov M.G. - Minister of the Government of Moscow, Head of the Department for Economic Policy and Development of the City of Moscow
Danchikov E.A. - Head of the Main Control Department of the city of Moscow
Keskinov A.L. - Head of the Department of capital repairs of the city of Moscow
Tsybin A.V. - Head of the Department of Housing and Communal Services and Improvement of the City of Moscow
Kichikov O.V. - Head of the State Housing Inspectorate of the City of Moscow
Secretary of the Governing Council:
Lifshits D.V. - Deputy Head of the Department of capital repairs of the city of Moscow

of the Board of Trustees of the Fund for Capital Repairs of Apartment Buildings in the City of Moscow

Chairman of the Board of Trustees:
Orlov S.V. - Deputy of the Moscow City Duma, Chairman of the Commission on City Economy and Housing Policy of the Moscow City Duma (as agreed)
Members of the Board of Trustees:
Telichenko V.I. - Deputy of the Moscow City Duma, member of the Commission on City Economy and Housing Policy of the Moscow City Duma (as agreed)
Platonov V.M. - Deputy of the Moscow City Duma, member of the Commission on Legislation, Regulations, Rules and Procedures of the Moscow City Duma (as agreed)
Semenov V.G. - Member of the Public Chamber of the City of Moscow, Deputy Head of the Commission for the Development of Housing and Communal Services of the Public Chamber of the City of Moscow (as agreed)
Lvov M.V. - chapter municipal district Nagatinsky Zaton, Member of the Presidium of the Council of Municipalities of the City of Moscow (as agreed)
Shisterov S.A. - chairman self-regulatory organization non-profit partnership construction companies"Major repairs and construction" (as agreed)
Borisenko L.V. - director of the self-regulatory organization of the non-profit partnership "Association of organizations in the field of professional real estate management" Guarantee "(as agreed)
Lukina N.S. - Chairman of the Presidium of the Non-Commercial Partnership of Housing Associations and Citizens for the Preservation and Improvement of Housing “Management House” (as agreed)
Golovkova N.S. - Chairman of the Board of the Regional public organization"Moscow Society for Consumer Protection" (as agreed)
Secretary of the Board of Trustees:
Moskvina V.M. - Executive Director of the non-profit partnership of the self-regulatory organization "Interregional Guild of Management Companies in Housing and Communal Services" (as agreed)

Document overview

The Fund for the Overhaul of Apartment Buildings has been established, the purpose of which is to ensure the overhaul of common property in apartment buildings located in Moscow. The founder of the Foundation is the Government of Moscow represented by the Capital Repair Department.

An account for the accumulation and disbursement of funds received by the Fund in order to finance the cost of major repairs of common property in apartment buildings is opened with the Department of Finance. Accounts for other purposes are opened by the Fund with Russian credit institutions.

Financing of the current activities of the Fund is carried out at the expense of budgetary funds.

The composition of the governing board and the board of trustees of the Fund was approved.

Overhaul of residential buildings in Moscow will be budget institutions"Housing". They make up almost 20% of the entire capital register of organizations that can claim 82 billion rubles allocated for work

Photo: Alexander Ryumin / TASS

New Members

Capital repairs of residential buildings in Moscow will be carried out by the state budgetary institutions Zhilischnik, RBC was told in the press service of the Capital Repair Fund (FKR). In winter, at a meeting of the Moscow government, the problem of a shortage of contractors for overhaul was discussed, as a result, their pool was expanded. “Among the contracting organizations, the State Budgetary Institution Zhilischnik was also named, which knows the condition of apartment buildings. It is logical if they repair houses, the current maintenance of which they are engaged in, ”the fund specified.

"Housing" and " Car roads» have already won 196 bids for overhaul in 2017, a total of 1273 auctions have been announced so far. “The final scope of work performed by the State Budgetary Institution of Ukraine will be clear after the end of the fund’s competitive campaign,” says the response to RBC’s request, signed by First Deputy Head of the FKR Dmitry Lifshitz. Moscow terminated contracts for the repair of 279 houses with commercial contractors, including due to the failure to meet deadlines. “There were cases in 2016 during competitive procedures for 180 houses, when none of almost 300 commercial organizations applied to participate in them,” the FCR explained.

In January 2017, the Deputy Mayor of Moscow for housing and communal services and landscaping, Petr Biryukov, said that due to the “negligence of individual contractors”, the overhaul contracts were terminated and the work was rescheduled. The authorities “asked” the State Budgetary Institution “Zhilischnik” and “Motor Roads” to “form brigades and take part in the auction.”

Olga Shovgenya, the first deputy head of the Khamovniki administration for housing and communal services, told RBC that in her Zhilischnik district, one house had already begun to be repaired, and work would begin in three more in the near future. To do this, at the end of last year, the organization received permission to carry out construction works. The administration of the Lomonosovsky district also told RBC that Zhilischnik is participating in tenders for the overhaul of apartment buildings.

Ivan Bogomolov, head of the Commission of the Council of Deputies of Sokol for the development of the district, told RBC that Zhilischnik and Avtomobilnye Dorogi participate in tenders for the repair of apartment buildings. For some objects, the procedures have already been completed, specialists are installing construction “towns” and starting work. As a rule, the deadline is specified before the end of the year, said Bogomolov. "Zhilishchniki" are "powerful, technically equipped organizations with an established staff," and the material and technical base of the State Budgetary Institution "Automobile Roads" is even larger, the deputy is sure. The head of the Tagansky municipal district, Ilya Sviridov, claims that the Zhilischnik GBU "received instructions" from the mayor's office and "went en masse" to tenders for the overhaul of apartment buildings.

Monopolization of "dead souls"

State Budgetary Institution "Avtomobilnye Dorogy" is engaged in the repair and maintenance of the street and road network, and the State Budgetary Institution "Zhilischnik" is engaged in the operation of apartment buildings, the maintenance and repair of yards and district roads. The Moscow authorities began to create Zhilischnik as an alternative to management companies (MCs) in 2013. The GBU is responsible for the entire territory of the district and should not involve contractors or intermediaries. This makes the work of public utilities more efficient and saves money, city officials said.

The budgetary institution does not earn a profit, and directs the saved funds to the purchase of equipment. critics new system the Moscow authorities are accused of monopolizing the market. The Moscow OFAS accused the prefecture of the Eastern Administrative Okrug and the Izmailov administration of imposing the services of Zhilischnik. The authorities were going to transfer 80% of the houses to the management of the State Budgetary Institution, for which they planned to inform the owners that their former management companies had ceased their activities, and also held several meetings of residents until the citizens agreed to transfer to the State Budgetary Institution.

Since Zhilischnik acts as both a customer and a service provider, there is no one to control their work, opponents say. new scheme. Already in 2014, there was a “garbage scandal” in Zamoskvorechye, when the company that took out the waste terminated the contract with the authorities, saying that after the creation of the State Budgetary Institution “Zhilischnik” it was not paid 20 million rubles. In 2016, a criminal case was initiated against the leaders of Zhilischnik in the Lomonosovsky District, who are accused of embezzling 16.7 million rubles. with the help of “dead souls”: public utilities fictitiously registered citizens for work and transferred them “salaries”, which they appropriated for themselves. Finally, the authorities have repeatedly stated that the GBU will not hire migrants. However, the media found out that public utilities not only hire guest workers, but also take part of their wages. After one of the scandals, the heads of two departments of the South-Western Administrative District were fired, and the prefect received a reprimand.

Vyacheslav Gumenyuk, co-chairman of the Housing Solidarity movement's coordinating council, says that today more than half of the houses in Moscow are in the management of Zhilishchnik. In a year, the State Budgetary Institution can perform work worth several billion rubles. There are about 40 thousand apartment buildings in the city. Average maintenance fee and Maintenance common areas 2 thousand per month from the apartment, Gumenyuk explained.

Photo: Alexandra Mudrats / TASS

82 billion market

For 2015-2017, it was planned to carry out major repairs in 5626 houses, follows from the information on the website of the Capital Repair Fund for Moscow apartment buildings. total cost work on all the houses included in the list was estimated by the fund at 81.9 billion rubles.

To be eligible to participate in capital repairs procurement, an organization must be included in the register of qualified contractors. In the current edition of the Moscow registry, 742 organizations are indicated, of which 124 are the State Budgetary Institution Zhilischnik, which are divided by city districts, and another 12 are the State Budgetary Institution Highways. All of them were entered into the register on December 5, 2016.

The largest contracts for overhaul in 2016 were received by Milanstroy (483.9 million rubles), Stroygroup (379.3 million rubles) and SpetsTehStroy (371.6 million rubles), RBC calculated based on public procurement site data.

State Budgetary Institution "Zhilischnik" and "Highways" do not have enough resources to participate in the overhaul program, a leading expert on housing law and housing and communal services believes social movement"For Human Rights" Viktor Fedoruk. It is unprofitable for commercial contractors to participate in the overhaul program due to the large number of regulatory authorities that issue fines, the expert believes. The government requires that the overhaul contributions collected from residents be spent in the same year, and not depreciated by inflation, but the State Budgetary Institution will not be able to fulfill this condition, since they do not have enough specialists, Fedoruk is sure.

“Major repairs are a completely different job than the operation of a house, and even more so the maintenance of roads. It’s one thing to cover up an inscription in the entrance, it’s another thing to make plaster of the required thickness, correctly lay wires in it, ”Fedoruk said.

Andrey Shirokov, Chairman of the Committee on Entrepreneurship in the Housing and Utilities Sector of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Russia, agrees that the State Budgetary Institution is not designed to carry out major repairs of apartment buildings. So, they will look for subcontractors, the expert says. As a result, there may be a tendency towards monopolization: all the money collected from the population for major repairs will be used government agencies Shirokov believes.

The overhaul program was adopted in Moscow in 2015. From July 1 of the same year, homeowners pay contributions for overhaul - 15 rubles. for 1 sq. m per month. On July 1, 2017, the rate will increase to 17 rubles. Residents can transfer money either to the Capital Improvement Fund or to a special account for their home. The overhaul program is designed for 30 years. Initially, it was reported that almost 32,000 houses with a total area of ​​more than 244 million square meters would be renovated in the capital. m. Now 8 thousand five-story buildings with a total area of ​​​​25 million square meters should be excluded from the program. m, . The contributions paid by the residents of Khrushchev will be used to build new houses.

With the participation of Alexei Gavrilko-Alekseev