The strategic management process should belong to the municipal administration. Strategic municipal management. Need help with a topic

  • 18.04.2020

The transition to a market economy in Russia has led to a change in municipal management, which consists in the fact that the methods and techniques of commercial management that have proven their effectiveness are transferred to the practice of municipal government. The most striking examples of this are the strategic management of the municipality (MO). Strategic management of a municipality is a process management activities local self-government bodies to ensure sustainable socio-economic development in the long term Animitsa E.G., Vlasova N.Yu., Silin Ya.P. City policy: theory, methodology, practice / Nauch. ed. A.I. Tatarkin. Yekaterinburg: Institute of Economics, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2014. - P.74.

The system of strategic management of the municipality is part of general management and includes the following components: obtaining, analyzing and evaluating the necessary information; development and adoption of decisions and organization of their implementation; analysis of the obtained results and making adjustments in the course of further work. These components, in contrast to the current control, are aimed at solving the global control problem. In addition to defining the vision, mission and goals, each strategic program includes a description of the need for its development, a description of the place of the program in the overall or functional strategy, the formulation of the overall goal and goals of the subsystems (program participants), a description of the relationship of subsystems and resources necessary for the implementation of the program and etc.

The mechanism for developing a package of strategic documents consists of the following stages Avdeeva T.T. Institutions and tools for managing the development of the local community // Municipal World. - No. 5. - 2013. - P.46-53.:

  • 1. Study of external conditions, analysis of trends and resources for the development of the territory: determination of development priorities, analysis and coordination of the interests of participants in the development of the territory. When analyzing resources, it is important to carry out an assessment that may lead to A New Look on them and new possible directions for the development of the territory. A deep retrospective analysis, brainstorming, business games etc.
  • 2. Development of a concept, which is a documented consolidation of the priorities for the development of the territory, selected on the basis of previous analysis and forecasting of its development, as well as the development of a comprehensive development program and targeted programs.
  • 3. Coordination and docking of targeted programs that correspond to each other and the development priorities of the municipality, their consistency, lack of duplication at the content and organizational levels, etc.
  • 4. Examination of programs and projects, including, in addition to assessing compliance with priorities, economic, social, environmental and other types of assessments.

The task of strategic programs is to lead to an increase in the potential of the municipality, to ensure it competitive advantages at the regional, federal and international levels. And also really change in better side level and quality of life of the population. The prospect of sustainable development of the municipality is much more realistic if there are several scenarios and a constantly adjusted strategy for the development of the territory, taking into account changes in external conditions, including macroeconomic, political, environmental and other factors.

Target programs developed by interdepartmental working groups correlate with previously defined development priorities and fit into a comprehensive program for the development of the municipality. This approach allows consolidating the efforts of all participants in territorial development and avoiding the “sharing of the patchwork quilt” of the not always puffy municipal budget. Their result largely depends on the degree of involvement of the population in the development and implementation of municipal programs and projects. In addition, programs and projects aimed at the development of the territory, supported by the population, are largely insured against electoral risks, which is very, very important. When filling target programs with projects in the department strategic planning(for examination) not only projects prepared by interdepartmental working groups and structural divisions of the administration are submitted. Third-party individuals and legal entities can also submit projects for consideration by the experts of the strategic division of the administration. The procedure and selection criteria do not change. The implementation of such programs and projects allows the population to express their attitude to municipal problems and participate in the development of their solutions, which contributes not only to the involvement of opinion leaders in the self-government process, but also to ordinary residents, whose social culture at the same time changes adequately to the surrounding reality Galustov V.U. Improving the strategic planning of socio-economic development of the municipality // Young scientist. - 2014. - No. 3. - S. 388-392 ..

Local government designed to solve the problems of the life of the population, having direct contact with it, feeling its pressing problems, local authorities must manage a portfolio of issues of local importance, while not forgetting the tasks of strategic management. Until recently, the most popular strategy voiced by local governments was the strategy of survival, although in fact the success of individual municipalities indicates an active position and development. How effective the current strategy is can be judged by the quantitative and qualitative results of the activities of a particular municipality. In practice, there is no social system and an organization that does not have a working strategy. This does not mean that they are all developed and have a specific image. The management of organizations, not to mention ordinary employees, sometimes does not even know what strategy their organization has in a given period of time.

To develop a development strategy, it is necessary to formulate an existing strategy and evaluate it. Evaluation of the strategy from a qualitative point of view consists in the integrity and its internal consistency (consistency), as well as the validity and compliance with the real situation. Quantitative results are manifested in the actual state of the socio-economic situation of the municipality, which is confirmed by the data statistical reporting. The effectiveness of the current strategy depends on the social activity of the population, the influx of investments, as well as the content of the functional components of the strategy: the rationality of each component of the strategy (policies, projects and programs), the latest actions of the administration, business entities and the local community Zhikharevich B. S., Rusetskaya O. V. ., Zhunda N. B. Declared and real priorities of regional and local authorities: an approach to identification and comparison // Region: Economics and Sociology. 2013. No. 2. S. 108-132..

The development strategy of the municipality is the most important element in which the final conclusions are formed about the goals of the socio-economic development of the territory, the factors and mechanism for achieving it, as well as the methods for managing this development. Conclusions are drawn taking into account new trends and features of the socio-economic development of the region, country and municipality. The concept should be based on the development of alternative strategies and their evaluation, identification of priority areas for the development of the municipality, analysis of development resources, as well as the competitive advantages of the municipality.

Strategic development management


about undergraduate practice

in FBU IK-2UFSIN of Russia in the Oryol region


Theoretical and methodological foundations for managing the strategic development of a municipality

1 The concept of strategic management and planning logic

2 Economic base for managing the development of the municipality and methods of its regulation

3 Local budgets and their role in the strategic development of municipalities

Status and development trends of Livny

1 Socio-economic situation in Livny

2 Livny budget analysis

3 Comprehensive analysis of the financial and economic activities of FBU IK-2 of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia in the Orel Region


List of sources used


The work of state, regional, municipal, in-house management bodies in modern conditions management requires the ability to think creatively, freely navigate in specific socio-economic situations, rationally solve managerial problems at the appropriate levels based on the use of the entire arsenal modern management. In conditions market economy based on a variety of forms of ownership, main goal of all reforms is to improve management. New economic relations in municipalities - an objective reality that requires a new management of the community, social phenomena and processes taking place in it. Continuous process complication of all aspects of the life of the municipality, all its spheres, requires constant improvement of the forms and methods of municipal management

The main line of development of the theory and practice of municipal government today is to create a coherent, efficient, flexible and democratic system of municipal government, asserting in practice the authority of local authorities, which is impossible without the resolute elimination of bureaucratic and authoritarian management systems, without the consistent implementation of the basic principles of self-government of the European Charter.

Municipal science develops and substantiates the principles, functions, methods, techniques and technology of municipal government, as well as the system, structures, forms and territory of the organization of municipal government, i.e. scientific bases of maintenance of this activity, acceptance and realization of administrative decisions. It reflects the specifics of municipal government within a democratic social system, its place and role in the implementation of state and regional social policy.

Today, the theory of municipal government is an emerging and developing system of knowledge about the laws, patterns, principles and mechanism of managing a municipality and its areas in order to improve social relations, activate the human factor, social behavior of people, achieve socially significant results of their activities and development, realize the potential of the municipal education.

For effective activity, state and municipal employees need a deep knowledge of the theory and practice of municipal government, it comes with teaching and real work, constant analysis and generalization of existing experience. Mastering municipal science is the main task and an integral part of education, advanced training and professional retraining of state and municipal employees.

The reform of local self-government, its effective implementation are determined by the professional preparedness of managerial personnel, their ability to identify and use the capabilities of each of the elements of the mechanism of municipal government, to see the existing connections and interdependence between them, the development trends of managed objects. This is the only way to achieve consistency and comprehensiveness, transparency and efficiency of municipal government.

Pre-diploma practice is the most important part of the training of highly qualified specialists and has the consolidation of theoretical knowledge gained in the study of general professional and special disciplines in order to comprehensively use them in practical activities; acquisition of professional skills and abilities in production and economic activities; acquisition of skills in organizing and maintaining documentation, reporting, familiarity with the organization and distribution of responsibilities between departments; familiarization with production activities and mastery of advanced methods of work of enterprises in the new economic conditions; accumulation of experience in collecting, analyzing and summarizing data from production activities, determining the development strategy for production units; collecting the necessary information for writing a report and a thesis. In this regard, the purpose of undergraduate practice is to prepare for the completion of the thesis and for the future labor activity. To achieve the goal of undergraduate practice, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

study of theoretical and methodological foundations of management;

studying the economic base of management, as well as identifying the role of local budgets;

read and analyze the budget of the city of Livny;

conduct a comprehensive analysis of the financial and economic activities of FBU IK-2 of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia in the Oryol region.


.1 Concept of strategic management and planning logic

management strategic municipality budget

Management in the public service is one of the types of special management. Features of management in the public service are manifested primarily in specific goals, methods for evaluating results, reporting, control procedures, special responsibility and incentive systems.

The management process in the civil service is often referred to by the capacious terms "administration" and "bureaucracy". The key characteristics of such management are:

following instructions;

division into those who issue instructions and those who carry them out;

concentration of power and political will;

restriction of freedom;

The same changes are taking place in the public sector as in the commercial sector. The key trend is the acceleration of change. Many public institutions focused on performing the traditional functions of the state are being privatized and denationalized. Many functions, from garbage collection on city streets to prison maintenance, are being gradually transferred from the public sector to the private sector around the world. In the practice of management in government organizations methods of management that have justified themselves in the private sector are increasingly penetrating. It refers to strategic management.

Management in any area, including the public service, is subject to change. The main trend of changes in management in the civil service has now become the transfer of management methods, technologies and techniques from the commercial sphere to the public one. Currently, management approaches and technologies developed in commercial firms that have achieved success are being introduced into the management practice of others, including government organizations. From the point of view, the boundaries between commercial and non-profit organizations, since most of the approaches and techniques for successful management of commercial organizations are also relevant for government organizations. First of all, this applies to strategic management. Under the influence of strategic management methods, relatively new management phenomena appear in public organizations, such as goals and mission, SWOT analysis, strategic alliances, strategic control, and so on.

The methods of strategic management manifest themselves especially brightly in those areas where new approaches are required, where changes environment are forced to constantly look for solutions to emerging new problems. However, in those areas of public service where routine functions and the solution of repetitive standard tasks predominate, traditional bureaucratic methods of management also dominate there. Moreover, authoritarian management in this case is the most effective.

However, more and more often in many areas of public service there are problems that require non-standard solutions to constantly emerging new challenges. In connection with this, in practice public institutions the technology of creating teams is penetrating - flexible temporary creative groups focused on creating a new or improving an old “product”. The creation of innovative potential within the framework of a state institution becomes the key to its successful operation. To create innovative potential, it is necessary to stimulate experiments, new beginnings, creative borrowing of productive ideas at each level of management.

The formation of strategic management in the civil service provides for continuous training and upgrading of qualifications, careful selection of personnel and the provision of employment guarantees. The adaptability of the organization is achieved with the help of the relative stability of the team, which has common values ​​and a common vision. In the process of formation of strategic management, the role of personnel also changes. Investing in human capital is as important as investing in fixed assets. Continuous training of personnel, and above all the technique of problem solving, becomes mandatory.

In the system of managing socio-economic processes occurring in society, regulating their direction and dynamics, in ensuring the normal functioning of commercial organizations, planning occupies a special place. The forecasts, programs and plans developed in the country at all levels of the national economy are essential tools implementation of the policy of the relevant subjects of management. It is they that make it possible to organize a clear, thoughtful, comprehensively justified work to achieve the tasks set for society and business entities.

The solution of any problems of management, and, consequently, of strategic planning, has a certain logic. The logic of strategic planning is understood as an ordered sequence, mutual consistency and validity of the procedures associated with the solution of any problem of strategic planning, as well as the definition of the starting point from which they must be solved and to which this entire process of planning work must obey.

) Definition and formulation of the goal or system of goals that the subject of strategic planning pursues in the planning period.

) Analysis of the initial level of development of the object of strategic planning in the period preceding the planned one and clarification of the parameters of the achieved level and its structure by the beginning of this period.

) Determination of the volume and structure of the needs of society in the planning period, in the results of the functioning of the relevant objects of strategic planning.

) Identification of the volume and structure of resources available at the beginning of the planning period and newly created in the planning period.

) Coordination, balancing the needs and resources of socio-economic subsystems of various levels by overcoming temporary contradictions, inconsistencies between them, based on scaling, ranking needs and preparing management decisions in the form of strategic forecasts, programs and plans.

From the definition of the essence and content of the logic of strategic planning, it follows that the central place in it is occupied by the process of forming goals that are set for the relevant socio-economic systems in the planning period.

In strategic planning, goals are understood as the desired states or results of the functioning of the corresponding planning object at a certain point in the future.

Objectives are goals that are desirable to achieve by a certain point in time within the strategic planning period.

Goals may not be achievable within the planning period, but approaching them during this time should be possible. The targets should be achievable in principle within the planning period, although it may not always be possible to demand their implementation. A goal that can never be reached, but which can be approached indefinitely, is called an ideal.

Every organization, every territorial system needs a strategy. No organization, no local community, no country can exist without its own strategy. The development and actual implementation of a strategy can significantly increase the capitalization, market value of a company, a community organization.

The term "strategic management" and "strategic planning" became widely used in Western management practice in the 60s of the twentieth century.

Strategic management is a management that relies on human potential as the basis of an organization, orients production activities responds flexibly and implements timely changes in the organization that meet the challenge from the environment and allow achieving competitive advantages, which together enable the organization to survive in the long term, while achieving its goals.

The objects of strategic management are organizations, strategic business units and functional areas of the organization.

The subject of strategic management are:

) Problems that are directly related to the general goals of the organization.

) Problems and solutions related to any element of the organization, if this element is necessary to achieve the objectives, but is not currently available or is not available in sufficient quantity.

) Problems associated with external factors that are uncontrollable.

The problems of strategic management most often arise as a result of the action of numerous external factors. Therefore, in order not to make a mistake in choosing a strategy, it is important to determine what economic, political, scientific, technical, social and other factors influence the future of the organization.

The core of strategic management is a system of strategies that includes a number of interrelated specific business, organizational and labor strategies. A strategy is a pre-planned response of an organization to a change in the external environment, a line of its behavior chosen to achieve the desired result.

Strategic management in the enterprise is expressed in the following five functions:

) Strategy planning.

) Organization of the implementation of strategic plans.

) Coordination of actions for the implementation of strategic objectives.

) Motivation to achieve strategic results.

) Monitoring the process of implementing the strategy.

Strategy planning involves the implementation of such sub-functions as forecasting, strategy development and budgeting.

Forecasting precedes the actual drawing up of strategic plans. It is based on the analysis of a wide range of internal and external factors (conditions) of the functioning of the enterprise in order to anticipate the possibility of development and risk assessment. A systematic forecast allows you to develop a reasonable approach to the strategy of the enterprise. Forecasting traditionally uses three dimensions: time (how far ahead are we trying to see?), direction (what are the future trends?), and magnitude (how big will the change be?).

Taking into account the results of the analysis, the management of the enterprise formulates a mission (business area, global goal), determines the prospects for the development of the organization and develops a strategy. Linking the strategic goals of the enterprise with the results of the activities of individual units is carried out through the development of the necessary action program and budgeting. Budgeting includes program costing and resource allocation.

The organization of the implementation of strategic plans involves the formation of the future potential of the enterprise, the coordination of the structure and management system with the chosen development strategy, the creation of a corporate culture that supports the strategy.

Coordinating the actions of managers in the formation and implementation of the general strategy consists in coordinating strategic decisions at various levels and consistent consolidation of goals and strategies structural divisions at higher levels of management.

Motivation as a function of strategic management is associated with the development of a system of incentives that encourage the achievement of the set strategic results. Control consists in continuous monitoring of the process of implementing strategic plans. It is designed to identify impending dangers in advance, identify errors and deviations from the adopted strategies and policies of the enterprise.

The implementation of strategic management functions is carried out through the development and adoption of strategic decisions. Strategic decisions are called management decisions that are future-oriented and lay the foundation for making operational decisions, are associated with significant uncertainty, since they take into account uncontrollable external factors and are associated with the involvement of significant resources and can have extremely serious, long-term consequences for the enterprise.

Strategic decisions include, for example:

reconstruction of the enterprise;

introduction of innovations (change in the organizational and legal form, new forms of organization and remuneration, interaction with suppliers and consumers);

entering new markets;

acquisition, merger of enterprises.

Strategic management is based on a number of principles that must be taken into account in the process of its implementation. The main ones are:

)Science combined with elements of art. The manager in his activity uses the data and conclusions of many sciences, but at the same time he must constantly improvise, look for individual approaches to the situation. The implementation of this task presupposes, in addition to knowledge, mastery of the art of competitive struggle, the ability to find a way out of the most difficult situation, focus on key problems, highlight the main advantages of your organization.

) Purposefulness of strategic management. Strategic analysis and strategy formation should be subject to the principle of purposefulness, i.e. be always focused on the achievement of the global goal of the organization. As opposed to free improvisation and intuition, strategic management is designed to ensure the conscious directed development of the organization and the focus of the management process on solving specific problems.

)Flexibility of strategic management. It implies the possibility of making adjustments to previously decisions taken or their revision at any time in accordance with changing circumstances. The implementation of this principle involves the assessment of conformity current strategy the requirements of the external environment and the capabilities of the enterprise, clarification of the adopted policy and plans in the event of unforeseen developments and increased competition.

)Unity of strategic plans and programs. For success strategic decisions different levels should be coordinated and closely linked to each other. The unity of the strategic plans of commercial organizations is achieved through the consolidation of the strategies of structural divisions, mutual coordination of the strategic plans of functional departments.

)Creation of the necessary conditions for the implementation of the strategy. The strategic plan does not ensure its mandatory successful implementation. The strategic management process should include the creation of organizational conditions for the implementation of strategic plans and programs, i.e. formation of a strong organizational structure, development of a motivation system, improvement of the management structure.

Strategic management has traditionally been considered within commercial organizations. Strategic management in the public service has the same features as strategic management in a commercial organization. Here, the same patterns are manifested as in general management.

Management in organizations that are different in nature - in the ministry, in the regional administration, in a trading company, at a university, in a church - has common patterns. In the process of management in these organizations, goals are set, priorities are determined, plans and action programs are drawn up, management procedures are fixed, and the organizational structure is formed and developed. In all organizations, within the framework of personnel management, certain motivational systems are built, procedures for hiring and promotion are being worked out. In any organization, appropriate control procedures are fixed.

The role of planning in the life of society, its individual subsystems and elements, is determined by the position that planning occupies in the management system.

As you know, the essence of any phenomenon or process is manifested in its functions. An analysis of the content of the main management functions allows us to conclude that the dual function of management "preparation and adoption of a managerial decision" means, first of all, practical work on setting goals, tasks that pursue the subject of management and the development of measures to ensure their achievement. According to its content, such activity is nothing more than planning.

The dual function of management preparation and decision-making is central to the systems of all its functions. Arguments in favor of such a statement are: firstly, the fact that the management process begins with it and a management decision appears on the implementation of which subsequently the management activity itself becomes possible; secondly, the quality of work on the preparation of managerial decisions, that is, planning, also determines the quality of these decisions themselves, and therefore, the success or failure of all managerial activities is predetermined; thirdly, the management decision, being the end result of the planning process, links the past with the future through the present and ensures the continuous flow of all managed, regulated processes. Since planning is an organically inseparable structural element of management, part of its most important function, it is quite reasonable to say that planning is the central link in the management system.

Planning can be defined as a specific form of public practice of people, which is one of the priority management functions, consisting in preparing various options for management decisions in the form of forecasts, draft programs and plans, substantiating their optimality, ensuring the possibility of implementation and verification of their implementation.

In order to successfully manage the development of the national economy, the subjects of the federation, local authorities, the activities of commercial organizations, to regulate the various processes taking place in society, it is necessary for all management entities to accurately and correctly set the goals they pursue, to prepare scientifically sound measures to ensure the achievement of these are better. All these problems are solved in the planning process.

The forms of planning are diverse. They are determined by the multi-level and multi-aspect management. In particular, there are:

) sectoral, regional, social, scientific, technical, environmental, financial and other aspects of planning;

) depending on the levels of planning, such levels as: intercountry, nationwide, regional (subjects of the federation), the level of economic entities (commercial and other market organizations), their associations;

) depending on the planning horizon: long-term, medium-term, current;

) depending on the range of problems to be solved: strategic and tactical.

The multidimensionality of planning reflects the variety of problems that are solved in the process of managing the economic social development of society. Being the leading element of the management system, planning plays the role of a tool for implementing the policy of the state, its individual subjects, as well as the owners of commercial organizations.

Due to the growing dynamism of economic and social processes taking place in society, the rapid change in the situation in the domestic and foreign markets, the need to ensure the stable development of society in the long term, the role of strategic planning is increasingly increasing at the macro and micro levels of the socio-economic system.

Strategic planning is a special type of practical activity of people - planned work, consisting in the development of strategic decisions (in the form of forecasts, draft programs and plans), representing the promotion of such goals and strategies for the behavior of the relevant management objects, the implementation of which ensures their effective functioning in the long term, fast adaptation to changing environmental conditions.

Strategic planning has the following features:

striving for the medium and long term (for a period of more than one year);

orientation towards the solution of key, defining goals for the planned system, on the achievement of which its survival, socio-economic progress depends;

organic linking of the goals set with the volume and structure of resources required to achieve them, both in cash and those created in the planned future;

taking into account the impact on the planned object of numerous external factors that have a positive or negative impact on it and the development of measures to the maximum extent weakening their effect, or using the positive influence of these factors to successfully solve the strategic tasks of the planned system;

adaptive character, that is, the ability to anticipate changes in the external and internal environment of the planned object and adapt its functioning to them.

Strategic planning, considered as a process of practical activity of the relevant management subjects, has its own content, covering its essence, manifestation of the essence and procedure for developing strategic forecasts, draft strategic programs and plans.

strategic forecasting (strategic forecasts);

programming (projects of strategic programs);

design (drafts of strategic plans for various levels of the national economy).

In a market economy, the role of such a strategic planning procedure as forecasting increases significantly. Forecasting is the most important procedure for strategic planning of the development of the national economy as a whole, its individual links and structural elements. It is one of the forms of planned activity, which consists in the scientific prediction of the state of the object of forecasting at a certain point in the future, based either on an analysis of the trends in the socio-economic development of the object for the corresponding period in the past compared to the forecast period and extrapolation of these trends (genetic approach) or on the use of normative calculations (normative or goal-setting (teleological) approach). The content of strategic forecasting is the development of selective, long-term and medium-term forecasts concerning the national economy as a whole, its constituent subsystems and elements.

A strategic forecast is understood as an empirical or scientifically based judgment about the possible states of the object of forecasting in the future, about alternative ways and timing of its implementation.

Strategic forecasting acts as the most important link between the theory and practice of regulating all areas of society, business structures. It performs two important functions. The first one is predictive. Sometimes it is also called descriptive. The second, directly related to the first, is prescriptive or pre-indicative, contributing to the formalization of the forecast into an activity plan.

The predictive function consists in describing possible or desirable prospects, states of the object of forecasting in the future.

The prescriptive or predictive function of strategic forecasting consists in preparing projects for solving various planning problems, using information about the future in the purposeful activities of various management subjects.

The process and results of prognostic activity can be used in two major areas: epistemological and managerial. The epistemological purpose of strategic forecasting is to study and improve the methodology and methods of work on making forecasts, identifying trends that have manifested themselves in the development of the national economy and in the system of social relations, factors contributing to the emergence and implementation of them, possible changes in these facts, and, accordingly, in the trends. The managerial aspect of strategic forecasting is the use of forecasts for the economic and social development of society to create the necessary prerequisites to ensure an increase in the scientific level of prepared management decisions.

The polystructural (multiple) nature of the problems solved by the modern state, its individual subsystems, as well as directly by economic entities give rise to the need to develop whole system forecasts.

Programming is the second step in the strategic planning process. It is based on development forecasts and aims to draw up targeted comprehensive programs for solving the most important problems in the development of the country's national economy, intersectoral, sectoral, regional and local (at the level of economic entities) problems.

A program in macroeconomic strategic planning is understood as a scientific prediction of the state of a local management object within a certain period (in 5,10,15 or more years), based on a clear definition of the goal and a system of measures to ensure the achievement of this goal, agreed upon by the results. , deadlines for performers.

A special place in the system of programs developed in the process of strategic planning is occupied by targeted complex (strategic) programs. Strategic programs are a targeted document of varying degrees of directiveness, containing a system of socio-economic, production, financial, research and other activities agreed upon in terms of time, resources and executors, ensuring the achievement of the set goal, tasks, in the most effective ways and on time.

The core of the target complex program is the goal, around which a complex of various activities that make up the main content of the program is grouped. The single goal of the target complex program is deployed in a set of tasks, the solution of which is carried out with the help of a system of measures implemented by specific executors with a certain resource provision. This relationship represents the essence of the program.

Design is the final step in all strategic planning procedures. Its purpose is to develop draft strategic plans for all levels and time horizons.

The draft strategic plan, in essence, is a draft management decision on the implementation of the policy strategy of the relevant management entities. At the level of the primary link of the national economy (economic entities) - its owners; local authorities of the subjects of the federation, the country as a whole - parties or coalitions of parties in power.

A strategic plan is nothing more than a scientific prediction of the state of an integral object of management of a business enterprise, their associations, a region, a subject of the federation, a country as a whole, in a certain period of time. This vision is based on:

on a system of purposeful designs for the development of relevant facilities (society as a whole, its individual subsystems, economic entities);

on a system of activities agreed on terms, resources, performers (program reserve of the draft strategic plan);

at measures for the development of complex industries, industrial and social infrastructure.

In a market economy, the following rule must be observed: the higher the level of the managed system, the more developed the system of forecasts of economic, social, scientific and technical, environmental, foreign economic and foreign policy development should be in the draft strategic plans.

1.2 Economic base for managing the development of the municipality and methods of its regulation

The economy, that is, the sphere of production, circulation and consumption of goods (works, services), the formation and development of property relations, is the material base that determines the state and vectors of development of the entire social system, including local government as one of the elements. Occupancy depends on the level of economic development of the municipality local budget, the degree of its subsidization, the ability to independently resolve issues of local importance. The law gives local governments significant powers in terms of volume and degree of influence in the sphere of the economy.

The effectiveness of local self-government is determined, first of all, by material and financial resources, which are the economic basis of local self-government.

The economic basis of local self-government - one of its basic elements - is closely related to the population and the territorial basis of local self-government. The presence of these three elements in their close dialectical connection is the most important condition that provides a real guarantee for the formation and development of local self-government. Local public authority is exercised through the use of administrative and economic methods management in combination.

The economic basis of local self-government is a set legal regulations, fixing and regulating public relations that are associated with the formation and use of municipal property, local budgets and other local finances in the interests of the population of municipalities.

There are two concepts that interpret the concepts of the economic basis of local self-government in different ways. The Anglo-Saxon model is characterized by a definition that takes into account economic relations covering the sphere of local significance: the economic basis of local self-government is a set of regulated the rights of relations for the formation, management, ownership, use and disposal of municipal property, the implementation of tax and financial policies in order to solve problems of local importance. These relations develop as a result of the activities of residents living within the boundaries of the municipality and local governments. Supporters of the European continental concept pay attention to relations that also cover issues of national importance, and therefore, they believe that the economic basis of local self-government is municipal property, local finances, property owned by the state and transferred to the management of local governments.

According to the Federal Law of October 6, 2003 No. 131-FZ “On general principles local government in Russian Federation”, the economic basis is formed by property in municipal ownership, funds from local budgets, as well as property rights of municipalities (Chapter 8, Article 49) .

The European Charter of Local Self-Government states that local self-government bodies have the right to possess “funds that they can freely dispose of in the exercise of their functions”, while financial resources “must be proportionate to the powers granted to them by the constitution or law” (4 article 9)

According to the Federal Law of September 25, 1997 No. 126-FZ On the financial foundations of local government in the Russian Federation Local finance includes local budget funds, state and municipal securities owned by local governments, and other financial resources.

The formation and use of local finances are based on the principles of independence, state financial support and publicity. The rights of the owner in relation to local finances are exercised on behalf of the population of the municipality by local self-government bodies or directly by the population of the municipality in accordance with the charter of the municipality. The formation and use of local finances are carried out in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law "On the General Principles of the Organization of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation", this Federal Law, other federal laws, constitutions, charters and laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, charters of municipalities, other legal acts of local governments.

The property and financial resources of local self-government, which determine its economic basis, are made up of several components "Figure 1"

Figure 1 - Property and financial resources of the municipality

The economic basis provides the independence of local self-government, creates conditions for its life, serves to meet the needs of the population of municipalities. Strengthening and development of the economic basis of local self-government has an impact on economic situation in the country as a whole.

The state authorities of the Russian Federation and its constituent entities should promote the development of the economic basis of local self-government.

In accordance with the Federal Law of September 25, 1997 No. 126-FZ "On the financial foundations of local self-government in the Russian Federation", the formation and use of local finances are carried out in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law "On the general principles of organizing local self-government in the Russian Federation" , this Federal Law, other federal laws, constitutions, charters and laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, charters of municipalities, other legal acts of local governments.

The provisions of the Federal Law apply to all municipalities. With regard to closed administrative-territorial formations, the Federal Law is valid to the extent that it does not contradict the Law of the Russian Federation "On a closed administrative-territorial formation"

The powers of local self-government bodies to address economic issues of local self-government are diverse. There are several of their main blocks, consisting of a set of rights and obligations.

) Use of budgetary instruments, including:

provision of subventions and subsidies to individuals and legal entities, including subsidizing interest rates on bank loans;

provision of budget credits;

provision of municipal guarantees and guarantees for obligations to third parties; Using this form, the municipality can influence, in particular, bankruptcy proceedings by filing petitions for the introduction of external administration in relation to the city-forming organization, or for the extension of external administration in relation to such an organization under the guarantee of the municipality.

investment in authorized capitals newly created or existing legal entities.

financing the supply of goods (performance of work, provision of services) for municipal needs, including capital investments in the construction, reconstruction and modernization of municipal facilities.

Own capital investments of the local budget in infrastructure facilities are a necessary condition for attracting, in the order of interbudgetary relations, funds from higher budgets accumulated in municipal development funds.

To raise funds allocated for investment needs, municipal borrowings can be carried out in the form of issuing securities or entering into loan agreements with banks. The institution of self-taxation of citizens can also be used.

) Tax regulation. Local self-government bodies introduce local taxes and fees, determine individual elements of taxation on them in accordance with the legislation on taxes and fees of the Russian Federation. Local taxes imposed by the representative bodies of settlements and city districts include land taxes property tax individuals. Local self-government bodies of a municipal district and urban district are responsible for a special tax regime in the form of a single tax on imputed income for certain types which is very important in terms of the conditions for the implementation of the relevant types of business activities.

)Regulation urban planning activities. This is a broad concept that includes:

preparation and approval of territorial planning documents for municipalities (territorial planning schemes for municipal districts, master plans settlements, general plans of urban districts);

approval of local standards for urban planning municipal organizations;

approval of rules for land use and development of municipalities;

approval of territorial planning documentation prepared on the basis of territorial planning documents of municipalities;

issuance of building permits, permits for putting objects into operation in the course of construction, reconstruction, overhaul of objects capital construction located in the territories of municipalities;

introduction information systems ensuring urban planning activities.

) Tariff regulation. Local self-government bodies set tariffs for services provided by municipal enterprises and institutions (unless otherwise provided by federal laws), as well as for individual services expressly provided for by federal legislation, regardless of the form of ownership of the entities providing services.

) Realization of the right of municipal property. Municipal property management performs a number of important economic functions and consists of several areas.

The use of municipal real estate is of great importance for the development of the territory. A new form of relations related to the use of real estate are concession agreements, which are designed to become a means of involving investors' financial resources in the development of municipal property and the formation of private municipal partners.

Under a concession agreement, one party (concessionaire) undertakes, at its own expense, to create and (or) reconstruct the immovable property specified by this agreement, the ownership of which belongs or will belong to the other party (grantor), to carry out activities using (exploiting) the object of the concession agreement, and the concessor undertakes to provide the concessionaire for the period established by this agreement with the rights of possession and use of the object of the concession agreement for the implementation of the specified activity. The concessionaire is the investor, the concessor is the authority of the appropriate level

In accordance with the Federal Law "On Concession Agreements" dated July 21, 2005 No. No. 115 objects of the concession may be, in particular:

highways and engineering structures of transport infrastructure,

the system of communal infrastructure and other communal facilities, including objects of water, heat, gas and energy conservation, sewerage, wastewater treatment, processing and disposal (burial) of household waste, objects intended for lighting the territories of urban and rural settlements, objects intended for the improvement of territories;

subway and other public transport;

objects used for the implementation of treatment-and-prophylactic, medical activities, organization of recreation for citizens and tourism;

healthcare, education, culture and sports facilities and other social, cultural and social facilities.

special kind real estate is the earth. Ownership of municipalities on land is currently at the stage of formation in the manner determined by the Federal Law "On the delimitation of state ownership of land" dated July 17, 2001 No. 101. Due to a number of reasons, including the lack of established boundaries of municipalities, the complexity and duration of demarcation procedures, this process is far from complete.

Management of municipal lands includes their lease, sale, control of targeted and lawful use. In order to increase the economic attractiveness of land plots for investors, their arrangement, primarily engineering, is becoming increasingly important.

Another direction in the implementation of the right of municipal property is the relations arising in the process of creation, operation, reorganization and liquidity of legal entities.

In order to resolve issues of local importance, municipalities have the right to create municipal institutions, municipal unitary enterprises based on the right of economic management and on the right of operational management (municipal state-owned enterprises), economic companies with municipal participation. In accordance with Article 68 of the Federal Law of October 6, 2003 No. 131 "On the General Principles of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation", the representative bodies of municipalities for the joint resolution of issues of local importance may make decisions on the establishment of inter-municipal business companies in the form of closed joint-stock companies and companies with limited ability.

) Municipal statistical accounting. A necessary condition for a reasonable and effective socio-economic policy of the municipality is the availability of complete and reliable information necessary for planning and making managerial decisions. In accordance with the Federal Law of October 6, 2003 No. 131 "On the General Principles of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation", the organization of the collection of statistical indicators characterizing the state of the economy and social sphere municipality, and the provision of these data to public authorities in the manner prescribed by the Government of the Russian Federation. Information is used not only by local governments, but also serves as an important information resource for public authorities, including when building interbudgetary relations with municipalities.

One of the main components of municipal statistical accounting is economic accounting. Household accounting books reflect information about the population living in the territory of a rural settlement, property owned by citizens, ownership and disposal of land plots and shares.

In addition, the All-Russian Agricultural Census, conducted in accordance with the Federal Law "On the All-Russian Agricultural Census" dated July 21, 2005, serves the purpose of forming a database of statistical data on rural settlements. No. 108-FZ at least once every 10 years. The law provides for the empowerment of local self-government bodies to prepare for the conduct of an agricultural census in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

) Implementation of foreign economic relations. According to Article 17 of the Federal Law of October 6, 2003 No. 131 “On the General Principles of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation”, in order to resolve issues of local importance, local governments have the right to carry out foreign economic relations in accordance with federal laws. Federal Law "On the Basics state regulation foreign trade activities” dated December 8, 2003. No. 164-FZ contains a special article 8.1 "The powers of local governments in the field of foreign trade", but it is also purely a reference.

Based on the established practice, foreign economic relations of local governments are formed by establishing partnerships with administrative and economic entities of foreign states, facilitating direct contact between local producers and foreign consumers, holding exhibitions, presentations, and other events that contribute to the development of foreign economic cooperation.

The forms and methods of exercising the powers of local self-government bodies in the sphere of the economy are made up of a combination of various means, mechanisms of legal regulation, which are expressed in the form of certain documents, administrative acts.

In some cases, federal legislation directly refers the adoption of legal acts on certain issues to the competence of either a representative or executive body of local self-government. Thus, decisions on the introduction of local taxes and fees, on the local budget and a report on its implementation, on the approval of a program for the integrated development of communal infrastructure systems, on the establishment of inter-municipal economic societies, and some others are taken in the form of legal acts of a representative body of local self-government. Decisions, for example, on the provision of deferrals or installment plans for the payment of local taxes and fees, on the approval of the consolidated budget list of the local budget are taken by the executive authorities.

An effective method of exercising the powers of local governments in the sphere of the economy is program regulation, carried out in the form of plans and programs for the integrated socio-economic development of the municipality.

Federal legislation directly provides for the need to develop the adoption of certain types of plans and programs, for example, a plan for the development of the municipal sector of the economy (it includes programs for the privatization of municipal property and the acquisition of property in municipal ownership), urban planning plans, and programs for the integrated development of communal infrastructure systems.

To address issues of local importance in certain sectors and areas of economic development of the municipal development of the municipality, municipal programs are approved.

These programs and the financial resources envisaged by them are often a necessary condition for the allocation of funds for the corresponding purposes in the order of interbudgetary relations from the higher budget.

A form of systemic regulation of the development of a municipality, covering all its aspects, is a comprehensive program of socio-economic development of the municipality.

The quality of municipal programs is largely determined by the volume and degree of reliability of the initial information and forecasting the development of certain industries and the municipality as a whole.

A tool for the formation of aggregated information about the data and indicators of the state and development of the municipality can be its socio-economic passport. Experience in the development of such documents and their application in management activities is available in many subjects of the Russian Federation.

A unified system for forecasting the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation was established by the Federal Law "On State Forecasting and Programs for the Socio-Economic Development of the Russian Federation" dated July 20, 1995. No. 115-FZ. This law, depending on the period, provides for three types of forecasting - long-term (for a ten-year period), medium-term (for a period of three to five years) and short-term (annual forecasts).

According to the periods of forecasting, the programs of socio-economic development are also divided into long-term, medium-term and short-term.

Important means of ensuring a unified and coordinated socio-economic policy of all levels of government, its effectiveness are the compatibility and complementarity of state and municipal programs and plans, monitoring by higher authorities of the implementation of quality control indicators for the activities of local governments and the use of financial incentives for those municipalities that show the best results.

One of the methods for exercising the powers of local self-government bodies is the conclusion of municipal legal agreements with certain participants in economic activity, their associations. These agreements are an important form of coordination of the activities of subjects of economic processes in the territory of the municipality. These include investment agreements, agreements on interaction and cooperation, and more.

1.3 Local budgets and their role in the strategic development of municipalities

Local self-government in Russia has strong historical roots. It can be said without exaggeration that the established Russian statehood, which dates back more than eleven centuries, is due to local self-government. Starting from the first state formations in the territory modern Russia(Kievan Rus, Novgorod state, Moscow state, etc.), local self-government played a system-forming role in the formation and strengthening of Russian statehood.

Local self-government as a legal institution is one of the manifestations of the fundamental properties of the social system and the objective result of social evolution.

Local self-government is both a state institution and an institution of civil society. In relations with the state, the institution of local self-government expresses the interests of territorial communities. In relations with communities, he, in essence, is a conductor of the interests of the state, as he defends the integrity of the socio-territorial space and its development. The weakening of one of these components of local self-government (public or state) leads to an imbalance in the interests of the state and society, which, as a rule, ends in a crisis of statehood.

Judging by legislative acts, the term "local self-government" was originally understood as both local bodies of state power and administration, and territorial bodies of public self-government, as well as their totality.

There is no direct definition of the term "local self-government" in the Russian Constitution. In accordance with it, local self-government is a political institution in the system of democracy /

The process of formation of local self-government in Russia is due to the decentralization of the totalitarian system and the restructuring of municipalities in the process of transition to market relations. As a result of state restructuring, local self-government is separated from state power, its independence implies the specifics of the mechanisms for managing territories (based on the participation of the population and the direct expression of its opinions and interests) and relationships with other levels of government (mainly recommendatory nature of decisions of state bodies in relation to institutions of local government). self-government).

Under Russian law, a municipal formation is understood as an urban, rural settlement, several settlements united by a common territory, part of a settlement or other populated territory within which local self-government is exercised, there are municipal property, a local budget and elected bodies of local self-government.

In the Russian Federation, the functioning of municipal finance is regulated by a number of legislative documents. One of these documents is the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. After the introduction of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, along with the term "municipal budget", the term "municipal treasury" used in pre-revolutionary Russia again entered circulation. In accordance with Article 215 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the municipal treasury includes funds from the local budget and other property not assigned to municipal enterprises and institutions. The Federal Law of September 25, 1997 No. 126-FZ “On the financial foundations of local self-government in the Russian Federation” defines the sources of formation and directions for the use of financial resources of local self-government, the basics of the budget process in municipalities, the relationship of local self-government bodies with financial institutions and guarantees financial rights of local government. With the greatest completeness, the legal basis of municipal finance is reflected in the Budget Code of the Russian Federation.

Local budgets constitute the third level of the budget system of the Russian Federation. Article 14 of the Budget Code of the Russian Federation defines the budget of a municipality (local budget) as a form of education and spending Money calculated for the financial year, intended for the fulfillment of expenditure obligations of the relevant municipality.

There are 29 thousand local budgets in the Russian Federation. Local budget - the budget of the municipality, the formation, approval and execution of which is carried out by local governments.

Each municipality has its own budget and the right to receive funds from the federal budget and funds from the budget of the subject of the Russian Federation in the process of budgetary regulation in accordance with this Federal Law and the laws of the subject of the Russian Federation. Formation and execution of the local budget are carried out by local self-government bodies independently in accordance with the charter of the municipality. Public authorities guarantee:

) the right of representative bodies of local self-government to independently determine the directions for the use of local budget funds;

) the right of representative bodies of local self-government to independently dispose of the free balances of local budget funds formed at the end of the financial year as a result of an increase in revenues or a decrease in expenditures;

) compensation for an increase in expenditures or a decrease in revenues of local budgets that have arisen as a result of the adoption of federal laws and laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as other decisions of state authorities.

The formation of the local budget is carried out by applying unified methodology, state minimum social standards, social norms established by state authorities. State authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the process of implementing budgetary regulation and local governments in the process of forming local budgets are guided by state minimum social standards, social norms, and minimum budgetary security standards. As an integral part of local budgets, estimates of income and expenses of individual settlements that are not municipalities may be provided. The procedure for the development, approval and execution of these estimates is determined by local governments independently in accordance with the charter of the municipality.

Head of the municipality, others officials local governments are responsible for the execution of local budgets in accordance with federal laws, laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, charters of municipalities. Local self-government bodies submit reports on the execution of local budgets in accordance with the established procedure.

The revenue part of local budgets consists of own revenues and revenues from regulatory revenues, it may also include financial assistance in various forms (grants, subventions, funds from the financial support fund for municipalities), funds for mutual settlements.

Own revenues of local budgets include local taxes and fees, other own revenues of local budgets, shares of federal taxes and shares of taxes of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation assigned to local budgets on a permanent basis. These taxes and fees are transferred by taxpayers to local budgets.

Local taxes and fees include taxes and fees established in accordance with federal laws.

Other own revenues of local budgets include:

) income from privatization and sale of municipal property;

) at least 10 percent of income from the privatization of state property located on the territory of the municipality, carried out in accordance with state program privatization;

) income from the lease of municipal property, including the lease of non-residential premises, and municipal land;

) payments for the use of subsoil and natural resources, established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

) income from holding municipal money and clothing lotteries;

) fines to be transferred to local budgets in accordance with federal laws and laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

) state duty established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

) not less than 50 percent of the property tax of enterprises (organizations);

) income tax on individuals engaged in entrepreneurial activity without forming a legal entity.

The own revenues of local budgets also include shares of federal taxes distributed among the budgets of different levels and assigned to municipalities on a permanent basis. These incomes include:

) part income tax from individuals within the limits of at least 50 percent on average for the subject of the Russian Federation;

) a part of corporate income tax within the limits of at least 5 percent on average for a constituent entity of the Russian Federation;

) part of the value-added tax on domestically produced goods (with the exception of precious metals and precious stones sold from the State Fund of Precious Metals and Precious Stones of the Russian Federation) within the limits of at least 10 percent on average for a constituent entity of the Russian Federation;

) a part of excise taxes on alcohol, vodka and alcoholic beverages within the limits of at least 5 percent on average for a constituent entity of the Russian Federation;

) a part of excise taxes on other types of excisable goods (with the exception of excise taxes on mineral raw materials, gasoline, cars, imported excisable goods) within at least 10 percent on average for a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

The size of the minimum shares (as a percentage) of federal taxes assigned to municipalities on a permanent basis are determined by the legislative (representative) bodies of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. The calculation of the shares of federal taxes to be assigned to municipalities is based on the total amount of funds transferred to the constituent entity of the Russian Federation for each of these taxes. Within these limits, the legislative (representative) body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation establishes, in accordance with a fixed formula for each municipality, the shares of the corresponding federal taxes fixed on a permanent basis, based on their average level in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. The shares of these taxes are calculated according to the actual data of the base year. In excess of these shares, the legislative (representative) body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation may establish the rates for deductions (as a percentage) to local budgets from regulatory revenues for the planned financial year, as well as on a long-term basis (for at least three years).

The own revenues of local budgets may also include other payments established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

If within the boundaries of the territory of a municipal formation (with the exception of the city) there are other municipal formations, then the sources of income of local budgets are delimited between them by the law of the subject of the Russian Federation. At the same time, each municipality is assigned on a permanent basis (in whole or in part) its own taxes and fees, and other local revenues. In relation to intracity municipalities, such fixing of their own taxes and fees, other local revenues is regulated by the charter of the city.

Representative bodies of local self-government have the right to:

) establish local taxes and fees and provide benefits for their payment in accordance with federal laws;

) in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, make decisions on the establishment or abolition of a local tax and fee, on making changes to the procedure for its payment. The adopted decisions are subject to official publication at least one month prior to their entry into force.

Local self-government bodies have the right to receive into the local budget the taxes provided for by the laws of the Russian Federation and the laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation from branches and representative offices, the head enterprises of which are located outside the territory of this municipal formation. The population of a municipal formation can directly make decisions on one-off voluntary fundraising by citizens in accordance with the charter of the municipal formation. Assembled in accordance with these decisions self-taxation funds are used exclusively for their intended purpose.

Local self-government bodies inform the population of the municipality about the use of self-taxation funds.

The organization of interbudgetary relations of local self-government bodies and state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation is carried out on the basis of federal laws and laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Interbudgetary relations are built on the following principles:

mutual responsibility;

application of a single methodology for all municipalities, taking into account their individual characteristics;

equalization of incomes of municipal formations;

the maximum possible reduction of counter financial flows;

compensation to local budgets in the event of a decrease in revenues or an increase in expenses arising from decisions made by state authorities;

increasing the interest of local governments in increasing their own revenues of local budgets;

publicity of interbudgetary relations.

The means of budgetary regulation of local budgets include:

) regulatory deductions from regulatory revenues;

) grants and subventions to local budgets;

) funds allocated from the fund for financial support of municipalities;

) funds received by mutual settlements from the federal budget and the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The rates for deductions (in percent) from regulatory revenues, as well as the share (in percent) of funds allocated from the financial support fund for municipalities, are established by applying a unified methodology developed by state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The procedure for granting subventions is established by regulatory legal acts of state authorities. These bodies exercise control over the intended use of allocated funds.

The actual increase in own revenues of local budgets in the current financial year, which was the result of financial and economic activities on the territory of the municipality, cannot serve as a basis for reducing the standards for deductions (in percent) from regulatory revenues to local budgets for the next financial year by the state authorities of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation , as well as the share (in percent) of the funds of municipalities allocated from the fund for financial support of municipalities.

When deciding on the provision of financial assistance to municipalities, state authorities of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation have the right to verify the validity of the provision of financial assistance, and after a positive decision is made, to verify the sufficiency of measures to increase local budget revenues, compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on spending local budget funds, including their targeted usage.

State authorities of the Russian Federation and state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation have the right to exercise control over the spending of funds allocated by them to municipalities for the implementation of federal target and regional programs, as well as in the form of subventions.

The fund for financial support of municipalities is created in the budget of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. The funds of the financial support fund for municipalities are formed by deductions from federal and regional taxes received by the budget of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation. The distribution of funds from the financial support fund for municipalities is carried out in accordance with a fixed formula that takes into account the population of the municipality, the proportion of preschool and school age in the total population of the municipality, the proportion of people of retirement age in the total population of the municipality, the area of ​​the territory of the municipality, the level of per capita provision with budgetary funds of the municipality, as well as other factors that determine the characteristics of this subject of the Russian Federation

The share of each municipality in the total amount of funds of the fund for financial support of municipalities is established as a percentage and approved by the law of the subject of the Russian Federation on the budget of the subject of the Russian Federation.

The transfer of funds to local budgets from the fund for financial support of municipalities is made monthly to all municipalities eligible for financial assistance. Information on the actual amount of funds from the financial support funds of municipalities is published in the media on a monthly basis.

Representative bodies of local self-government independently develop a regulation on the budget process in a given municipality in accordance with the general principles of the budget process established by federal laws and laws of the subject of the Russian Federation.

The drafting of local budgets, the approval and execution of local budgets are carried out in accordance with the budget classification of the Russian Federation and the budget classification of the subject of the Russian Federation. The decision on the purposes, forms and amounts of long-term (for a period of more than one year) borrowings is made by the representative body of local self-government in the manner prescribed by the charter of the municipality. If the local budget is not approved before January 1 of the planned financial year, spending financial resources of the municipality until the approval of the local budget is made on the relevant items of the local budget of the past financial year on a monthly basis in the amount of one twelfth of the amount of actually incurred expenses, taking into account the consumer price index.

Control over the execution of local budgets is carried out by representative bodies of local self-government. Local self-government bodies have the right to involve auditors for this purpose.

Local self-government bodies publish information on the execution of the local budget for the past financial year. Municipal formations submit, in accordance with the established procedure, information on the execution of local budgets in Federal Service state statistics.

The expenditure part of local budgets includes:

) expenses associated with the resolution of issues of local importance, established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation;

) expenses associated with the implementation of certain state powers transferred to local governments;

) expenses associated with servicing and repayment of debt on municipal loans;

) expenses associated with servicing and repayment of municipal debt on loans;

) appropriations for insurance of municipal employees, objects of municipal property, as well as civil liability and business risk;

) other expenses provided for by the charter of the municipality.

The procedure for the execution of the expenditure part of the local budget is established by the charter of the municipality or other legal act of the local self-government body.

Tags: Management of the strategic development of the municipality Practice report Management

Strategic Managementmunicipality

The transition to a market economy in Russia has led to a change in municipal management, which consists in the fact that the methods and techniques of commercial management that have proven their effectiveness are transferred to the practice of municipal government. The most striking examples of this are the strategic management of the municipality (MO). Strategic management of a municipality is a process of management activities of local governments to ensure sustainable socio-economic development in the long term.

The system of strategic management of the municipality is part of the overall management and includes the following components: obtaining, analyzing and evaluating the necessary information; development and adoption of decisions and organization of their implementation; analysis of the obtained results and making adjustments in the course of further work. These components, in contrast to the current control, are aimed at solving the global control problem. In addition to defining the vision, mission and goals, each strategic program includes a description of the need for its development, a description of the place of the program in the overall or functional strategy, the formulation of the overall goal and goals of the subsystems (program participants), a description of the relationship of subsystems and resources necessary for the implementation of the program and etc.

The mechanism for developing a package of strategic documents consists of the following stages:

    Study of external conditions, analysis of trends and resources for the development of the territory: determination of development priorities, analysis and coordination of interests of participants in the development of the territory. When analyzing resources, it is important to conduct such an assessment, in which a new look at them and new possible directions for the development of the territory may arise. A deep retrospective analysis, brainstorming, business games, etc. are appropriate here.

    Development of a concept, which is a documented consolidation of the priorities for the development of the territory, selected on the basis of previous analysis and forecasting of its development, as well as the development of a comprehensive development program and targeted programs.

3. Coordination and docking of targeted programs that correspond to each other and the development priorities of the municipality, their consistency, lack of duplication at the content and organizational levels, etc.

4. Examination of programs and projects, including, in addition to assessing compliance with priorities, economic, social, environmental and other types of assessments.

The task of strategic programs is to lead to an increase in the potential of the municipality, to provide it with competitive advantages at the regional, federal and international levels. And also to really change for the better the level and quality of life of the population. The prospect of sustainable development of the municipality is much more realistic if there are several scenarios and a constantly adjusted strategy for the development of the territory, taking into account changes in external conditions, including macroeconomic, political, environmental and other factors.

Target programs developed by interdepartmental working groups correlate with previously defined development priorities and fit into a comprehensive program for the development of the municipality. This approach allows consolidating the efforts of all participants in territorial development and avoiding the “sharing of the patchwork quilt” of the not always puffy municipal budget. Their result largely depends on the degree of involvement of the population in the development and implementation of municipal programs and projects. In addition, programs and projects aimed at the development of the territory, supported by the population, are largely insured against electoral risks, which is very, very important. When filling target programs with projects, not only projects prepared by interdepartmental working groups and structural divisions of the administration are submitted to the strategic planning division (for examination). Third-party individuals and legal entities can also submit projects for consideration by the experts of the strategic division of the administration. The procedure and selection criteria do not change. The implementation of such programs and projects allows the population to express their attitude to municipal problems and participate in the development of their solutions, which contributes not only to the involvement of opinion leaders in the self-government process, but also to ordinary residents, whose social culture at the same time changes adequately to the surrounding reality.

Local self-government is called upon to solve the problems of the life of the population, having direct contact with it, feeling its pressing problems, local authorities must manage a portfolio of issues of local importance, while not forgetting the tasks of strategic management. Until recently, the most popular strategy voiced by local governments was the strategy of survival, although in fact the success of individual municipalities indicates an active position and development. How effective the current strategy is can be judged by the quantitative and qualitative results of the activities of a particular municipality. In practice, there is not a single social system and organization that does not have a valid strategy. This does not mean that they are all developed and have a specific image. The management of organizations, not to mention ordinary employees, sometimes does not even know what strategy their organization has in a given period of time.

To develop a development strategy, it is necessary to formulate an existing strategy and evaluate it. Evaluation of the strategy from a qualitative point of view consists in the integrity and its internal consistency (consistency), as well as the validity and compliance with the real situation. Quantitative results are manifested in the actual state of the socio-economic situation of the municipality, which is confirmed in the data of statistical reporting. The effectiveness of the current strategy depends on the social activity of the population, the inflow of investments, as well as the content of the functional components of the strategy: the rationality of each component of the strategy (policies, projects and programs), the latest actions of the administration, business entities and the local community.

The development strategy of the municipality is the most important element in which the final conclusions are formed about the goals of the socio-economic development of the territory, the factors and mechanism for achieving it, as well as the methods for managing this development. Conclusions are drawn taking into account new trends and features of the socio-economic development of the region, country and municipality. The concept should be based on the development of alternative strategies and their evaluation, identification of priority areas for the development of the municipality, analysis of development resources, as well as the competitive advantages of the municipality.

Based on the concept of the development strategy of the municipality, a plan of specific strategic actions is formed, which is a vector for the development of the municipality and has the following order of formation:

    strategic analysis of the municipality;

    development and evaluation of development scenarios based on reference and current strategies;

    development of a philosophy for the development of the municipality, including the definition of the vision, mission, goals and objectives of the municipality;

    determination of approaches and methods for developing strategic plans and actions.

The key links in the concept of development of a municipality are the definition of its vision, mission, goals and objectives, that is, what is called the philosophy of development. In strategic management, it is important to remember the so-called hierarchical structure of the strategy, which is as follows: what at the highest level of management is considered a means to achieve any goals, at lower levels turns out to be a goal. It follows from this that the strategy developed for the organization as a whole acts as a goal in relation to the structural divisions of the organization. Based on this goal, functional strategies (policies) of structural units are developed, which, in turn, are the goals of individual smaller units of the organization or individual employees.

Based on the above, the main approaches and methods for developing a strategy for the development of a municipality are determined. In the absence of a strategy as a document, attempts are made to identify factors that characterize the activities of the municipality. This is necessary in order to then put forward a hypothesis about the content of a possibly effective strategy. At the same time, an analysis of both internal and external parameters of the municipality is carried out. Strengths and external opportunities, goals and all types of resources are used as criteria for choosing a strategy.

Strategy development is carried out by consistently approaching the answer to the question: what will bring MO success in the future? At the beginning, it is necessary to “see” the municipality in the future, and the image of the municipality, on the one hand, is created as an image of an ideal municipality. However, on the other hand, this image should correspond exactly to the municipality for which the strategy is being developed, since it is not possible to achieve the desired better future from any initial state of the municipality. This image must be filled with the content of what the municipality wants to offer society and itself - the local community, that is, the content of the mission that the municipality would like to fulfill in the future. The definition of a specific result that can manifest itself, germinate from the image of the future and the mission, ensures the formulation of the goals of the municipality, for the achievement of which a strategy is being developed. At the same time, a kind of model is being developed, the implementation of which should ensure the success of the municipality. All approaches to the development of the strategy of the municipality boil down to the fact that the strategy is a combination of strategic analysis and the intuition of the developers, which in the first place should be those subjects who will then detail and implement the strategy. It is also important that a strategy can never be thought out and calculated to the end, and its adjustment as external and internal conditions change is a necessary procedure. In addition, there is no universal, suitable for all occasions method of developing a strategy.

The most effective is the method of "drawing images" (the image of the present and future, the desired state of the organization) and their subsequent description, to determine the "gap" between dream and reality. It is possible to formalize the process of describing the dream and the actual state of the municipality by comparing the present and future state of the municipality, which is presented through the eyes of an outside observer and the eyes of one of the inhabitants of the municipality from the inside. The outside view is aimed at assessing the opportunities and threats, determining the competitive position of the municipality, its compliance with one of the standard strategies, as well as what the municipality receives from the resources and what it transfers to the external environment by processing these resources.

The vision of the municipality from the inside is aimed at describing the potential of the municipality (its strengths) and urgent problems, determining core competencies, as well as features of territory management and orientation of the municipality itself. At this stage, a special art consists in the skillful transformation of many weak signals into a system representing the present and future state of the MO. As a platform for motivating the development of the municipality, the mission reflects a kind of ambition of the leader and his team. Therefore, when developing a mission, not only the potential of the municipality and its interaction with the external environment are taken into account, but also the interaction of goal-setting subjects (government, business, community), the image of the municipality, and much more.

Starting from the mission statement, it is necessary to proceed to the development of the strategic goals of the MOD. Renowned Dutch consultant Wissema H. identifies three types of strategic goals:

    corporate (goals of the municipality as a whole);

    business goals (goals homogeneous group specific activity);

    functional (goals of functional activity).

This approach does not take into account the assessment of the impact of the goals of the external environment and the goals of the municipality as a system. Therefore, when determining the goals of the municipality, it is better to use an approach based on taking into account the expert opinions of the main subjects of goal setting: representatives of the authorities, the local community (population) and business. Building a tree of goals allows you to develop a strategy for the development of a municipality as a single system that has economic, social, environmental and other components. In practice, compiling such a tree of goals, as well as a tree of resources for a particular specific MO, is a complex and time-consuming task.

Local governments often do not have specialists who have the necessary level of training to solve such a problem. Therefore, the involvement of external consultants allows you to build a system of goals, objectively identify strengths and weak sides in the activities of local governments, to identify resources and opportunities to achieve the goals. Such work is the starting point for developing a strategy for the development of a municipality, and the success of developing a strategy largely depends on it. The main content of the strategic process is the implementation of the decision matrix and the structure of the strategy of the municipality built on its basis. The content of the strategy-document should include a description of this implementation process, a program of strategically significant actions.

Each municipality has the right to its own approach to strategic management, including the definition of the format of the strategy as a document and its content. However, general approaches to the content of such an important document of a strategic nature must be maintained, otherwise one can hardly expect vitality from the strategy. And it can become such only when it has a specific program of action. To do this, the definition of the content of the strategy as a document should be based on the methods of historical and structural-functional analysis. The historical approach involves the study of the genesis of the municipality, the driving forces and sources of its organization and development. The use of the method of comparative - historical analysis in combination with structural - functional allows, on the one hand, to link the emergence of a new level of socio - economic development of the Moscow region in time with changes in the structural organization. On the other hand, to identify patterns of qualitative changes in its socio-economic development. In the aggregate, we are talking about the knowledge of the internal patterns of development of the municipality.

The combination of this knowledge with the results of the analysis of the starting conditions for its socio-economic development and the assessment of external conditions creates sufficient prerequisites for the formation of a scientifically based program for the socio-economic development of the municipality. Contradictions are the source of all development. For a municipality, this means that in order to form a strategic choice, it is necessary to identify and describe the internal and external contradictions in the development of a municipality as a complex socio-economic system. As an internal source of development, one can consider a structural-functional contradiction between specialization and complexity.

The content of the strategy should correspond to the development option that is pessimistic, realistic oroptimistic character. Each of them, in turn, involves several types of strategies. At different stages of development of the municipality, these options can change, combine and complement each other. This approach largely determines the effectiveness of the formation of the development strategy of the municipality. In order for the strategy to give impetus to socio-economic development from the first steps of its development, it is advisable to evaluate the effectiveness of the strategy development mechanism at the stage of its development, discussion or adoption. The easiest way to evaluate the effectiveness of this - peer review. An experienced expert or group of experts, analyzing all stages of strategy development, all the above factors, etc. make comments and suggestions, give their assessment. The more experts involved, the more experienced they are, the higher the probability of eliminating errors or correcting them before the strategy implementation stage. As a rule, municipalities do not have enough funds for such work. Therefore, local specialists, business leaders, representatives of various community groups, deputies, etc. act as experts. In any case, experts, both local and invited, use a single methodology for assessing the effectiveness of strategy formation. The effectiveness of the strategy formation mechanism is the ratio of the quality of the strategy to the costs of its development.

It should be emphasized that the involvement of experts is mandatory in the multi-criteria assessment of the effectiveness of complex, multi-purpose organizations, such as municipalities, and whose strategies, already at the development stage, are associated with the achievement of a whole set of interrelated indicators that form their images (profiles). The methods of studying the profile are associated with the definition of this image (they are also called the methods of the list of criteria). The essence of these methods is that the correspondence of the objects of study to each of the established criteria is considered and an assessment is given for each criterion, which can be represented graphically.

The strategy or its components can be corrected in time and prevent unnecessary spending of financial, material, intellectual and other resources of the municipality. It is worth saying that the nature of the activities of municipalities, different conditions and initial data, their different goals, as well as ambiguous approaches and ways to achieve them, predetermine the specifics of developing strategies. And this means that the system of evaluation criteria for a particular municipality is strictly individual. Evaluation of strategies for socio-economic development of municipalities of the Vladimir region, developed by 38 specialized groups strategic development districts, cities, districts and towns, revealed not only the unity of the strategic vision of ways to solve existing large-scale problems, but also significant differences in their understanding, the search for solutions and mobilization opportunities. This required the organizers to carry out a whole range of activities to develop qualitative and quantitative criteria for evaluating the presented presentations of strategic programs.

An important organizational moment in the evaluation of development strategies of municipalities was the choice of the form of this work and its executors. In the Vladimir region, a competitive basis was proposed for holding a presentation with each municipality rated on a five-point system. To carry out this work, a special commission (jury) was created from nine independent members from the regional administration, the Soros Foundation and local experts, which made assessments for their further addition and identification of the total score for each municipality.

For a qualitative assessment of the programs of strategic development of municipalities presented by the working groups, the following criteria are proposed. Firstly, to what extent the program developers have shown new scenario thinking for studying problems and setting strategic goals for the development of municipalities. Secondly to what extent the proposed system for managing the socio-economic development of settlements corresponds to organizational ethics and existing practice. Thirdly, to what extent are representatives of various social groups municipality. Fourth how evidence-based and verified the assumptions underlying the developed strategy turned out to be. Fifth in what way the abilities of their developers for strategic and ethical thinking manifested themselves in the plans.

Particular attention is paid to the quantitative criteria for evaluating the presentations of strategies for the socio-economic development of municipalities, due to their specific commensurability. As a result, the Moscow experts proposed the following criteria:

    identification and systematization of problems based on SWOT analysis and other analytical work;

    accuracy and completeness of identifying opportunities and prerequisites (resources) for the development of municipalities;

    the validity of identifying priorities and growth points for socio-economic development;

    development of mechanisms for implementing the strategy.

In order to stimulate further work of municipalities in developing their strategies, along with the overall rating of the quality of strategic programs, a variant of their evaluation in four categories (districts, cities, districts, towns) was used. It was this option that turned out to be the most convincing and reliable in assessing the quality of strategic plans, since in fact the same type of municipalities were compared. An analysis of the results of presentations, both general and in nominations, made it possible to rank the municipalities of the Vladimir region based on the average scores received from the jury members. In terms of the number of points, the first place was taken by the Murom district, the second by the Sudogorsky district, the third by the city of Vladimir, etc. Simultaneously with the assessment of the presentation of the strategies, an assessment was made of the investment projects and proposals included in the strategies. This work was carried out by the second competition commission in accordance with a special evaluation sheet.

Thus, at the public presentation, all the main components of the strategy development mechanism and the content of the strategies themselves were assessed. This approach made it possible for municipalities to exchange experience and, on the basis of this, to adjust their developments in strategic management. Within the framework of the program, each municipality was given 2-3 months for this. Here the following aspect is very important. The coordinating committee and the strategic planning group of the municipality had the right to agree or disagree with the assessment of external experts, which means that the municipality had the right to independently decide whether to correct the strategy development mechanism and some of its components or not, and to what extent it do.

Summarizing the above, we can conclude the following:

    The mechanism for forming a development strategy for a municipality includes the entire process of developing and adopting a strategy: from strategic analysis internal and external factors, the formation of the concept and content of the strategy, to a preliminary assessment of the socio-economic efficiency of the work being done and the strategy being developed, the procedure for its discussion and adoption.

    The concept of strategic development of the municipality is its strategic choice, determined by the philosophy of development of the municipality based on SWOT analysis and comparative analysis the current strategy and examples of successful implementation of development strategies of other municipalities.

    The content of the development strategy of the municipality lies in a specific presentation of the process of achieving the goals formulated in the concept of the strategy. This process consists, first of all, in the implementation of the decision matrix through specific actions determined by the structure of the strategy, individual for each municipality.

    The mechanism of formation of the development strategy of the municipality predetermines the success of its implementation and is subject to a qualitative expert assessment in order to timely adjust actions aimed at improving the efficiency of the strategic management of the municipality.

Key Concepts Keywords: strategic management, package of strategic documents, development mechanism, development options, strategy concept.

Questions for self-control:

1. What is the system of strategic management of the municipality?

2. What is the role of targeted programs?

3. What are the approaches to developing a strategy for a municipality?

Traditional planning practices are rapidly becoming obsolete today. It had a short-term perspective, focused on the available staff and usually did not receive support from the citizens of the community. New model




"Municipal government"

on the topic: "Strategic planning in municipal government"

Completed by: 4th year student of group No. 015 Katan D.A.

Checked by: Senior Lecturer

Vasiliev A.A.

Nizhny Novgorod

| Introduction | 3 |
|1. The essence of strategic planning | 5 |
|2. Strategic planning and requirements for the structure of the municipal | 7 |
| Management | |
|3. The main stages of strategic planning | 11 |
| Stage 1. Assessment of the local economy | 11 |
| Stage 2. Formulation of realistic goals, objectives and strategies | 18 |
| Stage 3. Identification, evaluation and distribution and prioritization of projects | 19 |
| Stage 4. Drawing up action plans | 20 |
| Stage 5. Implementation of action plans | 20 |
| Stage 6. Monitoring and evaluation of results | 21 |
| Conclusion | 22 |
| Used materials | 24 |


Attention to strategic planning in local government structures is associated with the processes of decentralization of public administration, which contributed to increased autonomy in decision-making at the regional and local levels. In those countries where the process of decentralization has coincided with the process of economic globalization, local governments have been able to reorient themselves in formulating their own economic policies and have been better prepared to overcome the structural crisis of the local economy. Where this has not happened, the economic downturn has become severe and has had a significant impact on the well-being of the urban and rural populations. Now it is obvious that the economic and political context of making strategic decisions by the heads of cities is significantly different from that of 10-15 years ago.
However, in transition economies, urban governance systems largely continue to replicate models from the recent past and face significant challenges in adapting their decisions to the new political and economic realities.

When we talk about strategic planning, we mean two of its components: the development of strategies and the organization of planning.

Traditional planning practices are rapidly becoming obsolete today. It had a short-term perspective, focused on the available staff and usually did not receive support from the citizens of the community. The new planning model should assume that there will be less subsidies for programs, more expectations from citizens in the field of public services, and a negative reaction to tax increases. All this is happening in conditions of public skepticism towards the authorities in general.

The new planning model requires the optimal use of human and financial resources in the field.

The choice of local development strategy can have a major impact on the model of urban development. Traditionally, the regions with the greatest economic potential have been those with easy access to fuel resources, raw materials, capital, cheap low-skilled labor, and large local markets. These natural advantages in the new conditions began to lose their significance with the development of new information technologies, transportation systems and telecommunications. Studies show that modern business has a huge impact on the quality of local life, its relevance to the conditions of modern life. The prosperity of entrepreneurship occurs precisely in those regions and cities where the standard of living is relatively high, where skilled labor can be attracted, where access to modern means of service and communications is possible.

However, with all the evidence of world development trends in the economic sphere, there are no magic solutions to local problems, nor a magic strategy for local economic development. There are huge differences in the interests of groups promoting local economic development, and accordingly in the options for the content of the strategy. But there are a number of general provisions for the development of a strategy for local economic development, the observance of which objectively increases the possibility of success.

1. essence of strategic planning

Strategic planning is the process of designing a probable or logical future and anticipated future states. It is the process of learning how to achieve one's goals, how to use knowledge to direct the logical future towards a more desirable one, and then build those actions. The reverse process of idealization stimulates creative thinking. It presents an opportunity for people to build their confidence that they know what system states are desirable and with what priorities. Using the reverse process, planners identify both opportunities and obstacles and ultimately select effective strategies that make it easier to achieve the desired future.

It is obvious that all plans have three common elements - the initial state, the goal (or end state) and the processes that link these two states. The goal of planning is to combine these elements in such a way as to achieve the greatest efficiency at the lowest cost - i.e. maximize results.

The first element of any plan is the initial state. The initial state of people is usually their current position: people manage certain resources that allow them to reach some other state. All resources and constraints should be considered to ensure effective planning.

The second element is the goal. Provided that the other two elements are correctly accounted for, this element becomes just a target. Goals may be vaguely defined or set to an unattainable state
(not real). One should not set a goal without an accurate knowledge of the forces and influences that operate and shape that goal. The goal should be well defined, achievable, and reviewed and modified as required by the circumstances.

The third element of the plan is processes. This element is the plan itself, since in essence it contains a description of the method by which the transition from the initial state to the goal occurs. The first two elements can mostly be considered theoretically; the third element, on the other hand, is more specific. It should contain: factors acting on the target; internal and external forces acting on these factors; the purpose of the operation; logical sequence of steps and likely decision-making states needed to control the process. Factors can be environmental, economic, cultural, social, political and technological. These factors can be controlled to varying degrees by decision makers. Any available information should be used to account for these factors.

Basically, the planning process is directed only in one direction, i.e. represent a time-ordered sequence of events that starts at the present time t=0 and ends at some point in the future t=T. In the first sequence, which is called the direct process, current factors and proposals are considered that generate some logical result. In the second sequence, which is called the reverse process, the states are considered starting from the desired result at a certain point T in the reverse direction in time - to the initial state, in order to evaluate the factors and intermediate results that are needed to achieve the desired. Both processes are theoretically substantiated, understandable and used in practice.

The forward planning process provides an assessment of the state of the likely end result. The reverse scheduling process provides the means to control and manage the forward process as it moves towards the desired state.

The question may arise: which of the processes - direct or reverse - is more effective in planning? Depending on the circumstances, one of these processes may be entirely acceptable, while the other may not be acceptable in practice. Most importantly, each of them individually may not be suitable for creating a good plan. However, if you combine them into a single forward and reverse planning process, then it will be possible to effectively solve the problem. Thus, one can try to connect the desired goals with the logical ones, providing a framework for the convergence of both results to each other.

To integrate forward and backward hierarchical planning and action in the present, the probable future is first projected.
Next, it is necessary to take the desired future as a goal, develop new policies that join the set of existing ones, and with these changes, re-design the future and compare the two futures - projected and desired - with respect to their main characteristics. The desired future is modified to see what policy changes are needed to make it the projected future, and the process continues.

The formulation of the planning process for the organization as a boundary problem allows you to explicitly express the structure of the solution. Using the concepts of decision theory, three main types of variables can be identified: the planning strategies that the organization has, the results that the organization can achieve in the future, efficiency, which expresses the probabilistic relationship between planning strategies and results.

These three kinds of variables are common to all decision-making processes, but the relationship between them is different for all planned and desired planning processes. For the processes being designed, strategies are defined, performance is evaluated, and probabilistic outcomes are derived. For desired processes, results are evaluated, performance is impacted, and strategies are developed.

2. Strategic planning and requirements for the structure of municipal government.

Mastering strategic planning as one of the most important components of modern municipal management technologies is impossible without a serious change in the principles and priorities in the organization of the activities of local governments. Of course, strategic planning cannot appear as a kind of managerial work only through the creation of a specialized unit within the local administration.
This activity requires the distribution of strategic planning functions between representative and executive bodies, as well as the involvement of various social and professional communities in it.

We have enough examples when the development of a strategic plan encounters serious resistance from local officials, their staunch unwillingness to change the principles of organizing their work. This barrier remains insurmountable for a significant number of cities. Therefore, for success in the field of strategic planning, it is necessary to include the activities of local governments in the actual object of strategic planning.

In order to correlate the tasks and principles of the development of the system of municipal government and local self-government in Russia and in countries with a developed system of local self-government, we will try to set out a system of principles for building (reorganizing) the structure of local administration, focusing on a strategic approach to solving local problems, these principles include:

Strategic planning, which includes the development of municipal policies in various areas that determine the life of the municipality, the development of programs and projects, forecasting and staging of socio-economic development

In the economic, business, public spheres. The interests of these subjects are always contradictory and selfish. For example, an entrepreneur seeks to maximize profits by modernizing his activities, minimizing overhead costs and reducing staff; in turn, local governments are interested in providing employment and in the profitability of enterprises; the population is interested in job security and is not interested in the modernization of production, if at the same time qualification requirements to hired workers.

Strategic planning and municipal policies are necessary in municipal government as a means of reconciling the interests of local communities in relation to key issues of municipal development. They are designed to translate conflicts and problems into the goals and objectives of the activities of government bodies and the community as a whole. It should be noted that one of the goals of strategic planning is to strike a balance between the rivalry and competition of various local communities, on the one hand, and their desire for associativity and cooperation, on the other.
The above processes are basic for any city, and without mastering them, it is not possible to enter into strategic planning.

Municipal programs fulfill the task of co-organizing the activities of all departments of the administration and other subjects of municipal development.

The programmatic approach is focused on working with problems. It allows you to manage your activities local governments deal with various subjects in the process of working with them and with the constantly changing content of the problem field.

In the programming approach, the center of gravity is transferred from the result - the program text as an expression of a static state - to the programming process.
The entire management structure is drawn into the constant process of programming its activities, thus acquiring elasticity and the ability to change.

The program approach makes it possible to close the gaps that appear at the boundaries of departmental competence and are sources of organizational conflicts and disagreements in work.

Formation of the legal framework of local self-government

This is primarily work with the Charter of the municipality and the creation of conditions for strengthening the regulatory role of municipal governments.

Most of the charters of municipalities today is a small list of articles that determine the organization of local governments. However, a balanced solution to the problems of local self-government requires the establishment of clear principles and rules for dealing with all local resources, regardless of ownership, for a long period of time. Currently, most of the key norms that determine the activities of local governments are dispersed in separate decisions and decrees, which leads to their mismatch and creates significant difficulties for the user in finding the necessary legal acts. As soon as local governments set themselves the task of developing a strategic plan, it turns out that the organization of the budget process does not provide for forecasting budget revenues and expenditures for the next two years, that there is no clear distinction between current and capital expenditures, that the established rules for the use of urban real estate and urban planning activities suffer from incompleteness and limit the rights of investors, etc.

On this basis, we argue that a developed municipal regulatory framework is the most important means of successful strategic planning.

Formation of the base of social and technical standards.

One of the key tasks, the solution of which is necessary for the normal organization of municipal government, is the definition of social norms according to which the municipality provides various services to the population at the expense of its budget.

This task is very well understood by managers from the production sector, since not a single production process can be built without describing the procedures and operations that make it up, as well as determining the cost rate and cost of each of them.

However, in the practice of municipal government, we have learned to do without a regulatory and technical base. Because of this, it is impossible to develop a normative and estimated budget, organize activity planning, carry out normative financing of budget expenditures, and correlate the quality of services provided to the population with the possibilities of the budget.

The replacement of municipal regulations with state or regional ones, as a rule, leads to an increase in costs that do not reflect the specifics of a particular municipality and its capabilities, and makes the budget unrealistic.

Analysis of the external and internal situation as a condition for flexible response of the structure of municipal government to changes

Of course, analytical work is an expensive pleasure, and not every municipality can afford to maintain analytical units.

However, if a municipality is not able to provide analytical support for its activities, it is forced to borrow goals and objectives at higher levels of government from other municipalities. In practice, this means that the activities of municipal government structures are losing their focus on their own socio-economic situation and the interests of local communities.

Work planning as a condition for coordinating the actions of administration departments in terms of resources used and in time

The planning system, penetrating all levels of management, guarantees the transparency of the activities of departments, allows you to set the characteristics of performance. A combination of quantitative, qualitative and expert indicators can be used to assess the performance of departments.

Plans should form the basis of operational meetings, evaluation of the activities of departments and their leaders, analysis of the scope of functions performed, the efficiency of the use of budgetary funds, etc.

Control over the execution of legal acts and regulations within the management structure and in the subordinated municipal sphere

The existing shortcomings of control over the fulfillment of the tasks of municipal government lie in their departmental nature. This violates the most important principle of municipal government: the separation of the positions of the customer, contractor and controller.

The control system must necessarily be cross. In no case should all control functions be concentrated in one special control unit.

On this basis, all processes that require control should be inventoried. These, in particular, should include: control within the framework of the office work system, control over the quality of managerial work, control over economic activity, control over the distribution and use of financial resources, regulatory control, technical control. And each of these types of control should be handled by a specialized division of the Administration.

Personnel management as a condition for motivating municipal employees and developing their competence.

As a rule, work with administration employees is carried out by personnel departments and managers. It covers a very narrow range of tasks, mainly determined by the functions of personnel accounting.

As a result, a municipal employee does not have a clear idea of ​​either the system of requirements for the functions performed by him or the conditions for his promotion.

Personnel management involves solving the following tasks:

Assessment and development of professional skills;

Expanding competencies;

Formation of an objective system of requirements for promotion on the basis of public and transparent procedures and only in accordance with the competence;

Development of a system of motivation for municipal employees, including maintaining the required level of awareness.;

Employee certification.

Regulation of own activities and activities in the subordinated sphere, as a condition for ensuring the normal functioning of the entire structure of municipal government.

Any control system can function normally if all its main functional relationships are described in terms of procedures and operations.

Compliance with this requirement allows you to establish clear boundaries between levels of the management hierarchy and horizontal links between departments.

On this framework, the organization of document flows, the distribution of duties, responsibilities and rights is built, a system of uniform requirements for managers of the same level appears.

In administrations, as a rule, there is no clear hierarchy of management.
Deputy heads, heads of departments, committees and departments have different levels of rights and responsibilities, perform a different set of functions, despite belonging to a certain managerial hierarchy.
The deputy head can perform the tasks of the head of the department, and the head of the department can perform the tasks of the deputy head.

It can be concluded that assignments and assignments in the management system are distributed based on personal qualities, and not on formal grounds related to the position occupied in the management structure and the content of the assignment.

External requirements for jobs are very vague, they are not dictated by the regulations of the activity, and therefore do not affect the requirements for the quality of work.

The shortage of qualified workers in municipal structures is well known. The period of their cultivation itself is long and expensive, but insufficient qualifications can be compensated for by external requirements: the more complete and covering various aspects of activity they are, the more successfully workers will master them and improve their skills in practice.

The municipal order system as a condition for ensuring publicity in the disposal of budget funds, minimizing costs and creating a competitive environment

If the management of the municipality considers it necessary to involve enterprises of various forms of ownership in the performance of their tasks in order to create a competitive environment in the city and district and improve the quality of services while reducing their cost, reducing overhead costs associated with the activities of municipal institutions and enterprises, then in order to achieve this goal There is one remedy - the municipal order.

Publicity of activities as a condition for the involvement of municipal communities in solving municipal problems and expanding civic participation

The principle of publicity in the activities of local governments is an effective means of establishing relations of trust between the authorities and the population.

Understanding the intentions of the authorities and their support by the population is a condition for the implementation of municipal programs and projects.

Otherwise, the authorities will always encounter a negative reaction of the population to their innovations, based on ignorance, fear of losing something, distrust of the authorities as such.

3. Main stages of strategic planning

Stage 1. Assessment of the local economy

Local governments evaluate the local economy in order to identify those programs and means of their implementation that are based on local capabilities and target local needs. Local authorities must understand that the decisive factors of the local economy are their economic base, their ability to develop, as well as those trends and events external to them that may affect the development of the community.

The assessment of the local economy helps to determine:

Those problems that the economy faces, or those that can affect it in one way or another;

Competitive advantages of some communities over others;

Obstacles on the way to achieving the goals and objectives of economic development;

Regional, national and international contexts and their impact on the local economy, taking into account the variability of these factors over time;

Local free resources suitable for use in the implementation of the development plan, and

The opinions and judgments of community members that can help or hinder the achievement of results.

Unit of analysis.

It is necessary to start the analysis of the economy by identifying the relevant unit for its analysis. This task can be very difficult, since economic zones do not lend themselves to rigid definition. It happens that they extend beyond the boundaries of the districts or the city itself. Or there is a problem of establishing a perimeter that determines the relevance of the area that the community would like to support. In principle, the community can choose to explore any of the following areas.

Regional analysis - within its framework, economic trends are considered with a wider coverage (population, unemployment, employment).

City Analysis - It examines city-specific factors such as income, new business creation, population, unemployment and employment trends.

Zonal analysis - involves an assessment of both the main areas of the city, where the largest firms are concentrated, and smaller areas, quarters.

The analysis of (economic) sectors is the analysis of certain constituent parts of the economy - the manufacturing sector, the service sector or the labor force.

Data collection.

The next step is to collect relevant data and determine the economic profile of the selected zone. Gathering information is not an easy task. For the right decision, not all information is needed, but exactly the one that corresponds to the profile of the activity. The information obtained from data collection can be used to:

Identification of strengths and weaknesses of the given zone, which may affect the MED;

Programming or forecasting local economic trends;

Monitoring economic progress over time.

The analysis of the local economy is carried out mainly in order to identify sources of possible obstacles to economic growth. There are many factors that should be taken into account when creating a base of relevant information intended for the economic evaluation of a community. However, one should not immediately analyze all the factors, the analysis can be started with any of them. The identified factors have mutual influence, and as the analysis of one of the factors deepens, the content of the others will change. Therefore, in the process of analysis, it is necessary to establish its necessary depth in accordance with the scale of the project idea.

Economic situation

The economic situation of a community reflects the current level of business activity in it. The following data are commonly used to determine the economic profile of a community: the degree of employment of the labor force, unemployment, number industrial enterprises and their size, salary, average income in the zone, industrial products and the percentage of newcomers to the business.

Population characteristics

These characteristics and trends contain information about the concentration of the labor force, the type of local market, and the potential needs of the population for goods and services, such as, for example, schools, kindergartens, hospitals. The following data are suitable for determining the economic profile: population size and its growth, distribution of the population by age, sex, nationality, income, level of education, as well as characteristics of the population by smaller territorial units and characteristics.

Characteristics of the workforce

Labor is one of the most important available resources for current and potential investors. To determine the profile of the labor force, we need data on the degree of demand for it and professions, wages, the level of training and education, localization, labor productivity and the availability of free labor.

Physical state

Entrepreneurship development is impossible without the availability of appropriate space and infrastructure. Before settling down and starting activities, the company takes into account the physical condition of the zone. This profile can be based on space allocation, zoning and localization, cost and price of space, condition of buildings, vacant space and its absorption, construction activities, parking spaces, infrastructure and environmental conditions, including water and air quality. Considering that many local administrations own land plots, the creation of a database of vacant plots is an important tool in the implementation of economic development.

Business climate

The survival of firms depends on their support by local governments and local communities. The business climate serves as an indicator of the level of support for the business environment on the part of the local administration. When assessing the business climate, one should also take into account both the types of firms and their number, as well as their success or failure in the field of entrepreneurship. How local governments support the development of firms is judged by the following indicators: the attitude of the community towards them, labor relations, taxes of economic entities, rules regarding economic entities, the level and quality of municipal services, services for economic entities, workforce training programs, access to capital and its cost, the presence of an urban development agency and the availability of transport services.

Education Resources

The presence of a developed network of educational and research institutions, design bureaus is an important factor in the development of business activity and determines its quality. As a rule, educational and research centers are the initiators of conferences and seminars, they stimulate various innovations that are developed in specific entrepreneurial projects.

The existing technical and scientific capabilities are becoming an important factor in supporting the development of the industry. Examples include technical schools, science and research parks, industrial incubators, colleges and universities.

The quality of life

This factor is also known as "general living conditions" and is used to describe cultural, historical, recreational opportunities and the state of the environment. They all play an important role when it comes to attracting firms. The data characterizing this profile are as follows: available housing, its quality and cost, public services, the quality of the education system, universities, colleges and vocational schools, crime rates and taxes levied on the population. Their perception largely depends on the individual. That is, a high standard of living, according to one, may not be high at all for another.

The task of collecting data on this profile should be solved on the basis of a specific socio-economic situation, accepted ideas about the quality of life. The main thing is to get relevant information.

The assessment should identify and understand the major economic forces. It is important to use both intuition and analysis, especially at the initial stages of development. Later, when the causes of the economic downturn become clear and concrete measures to stop it need to be identified, more detailed data will most likely be needed.

The data collected falls into two categories: primary and secondary.
Primary data is first-hand data, from the perspective of an observer who records what is happening. The second type of data comes from a third party, often from public sources. Collecting primary data can be costly and time consuming. Surveys, interviews and research groups are all examples of primary data collection, without which an accurate assessment of economic development is impossible.
The application of these methods allows you to find out the true opinions and judgments of the community. Thanks to them, the roots or impact of a particular problem are much more accurately determined.

Data collection is a key factor in developing the region's economic profile. However, this data is not always easy to obtain, especially in smaller communities. It is no secret that most of the statistical data is collected in large centers. And this creates problems for small towns, villages and villages that need specific data that concern them and only them. In addition, the data is often outdated and not suitable for analyzing the current situation.

And the last problem is standardization. Each agent of economic development collects and distributes information in its own way. Therefore, it is necessary that those who are engaged in its analysis know exactly how this information was obtained. Which could make a big difference in her final score.

Local administration in CEE/CIS countries has to face many obstacles in collecting economic data. Sometimes they do not have mechanisms for collecting adequate data, not to mention the lack of data itself. In other cases, sources of statistical information
(such as demographic or economic data) are not related to their city, and there is no method for determining which information is true either. For countries aspiring to join the EU, the standardization of data collection systems and their alignment with EU standards will be of utmost importance. Other countries may see standardization as a method of creating a database of comparable regional data.

Since obtaining additional data on the regions is associated with certain difficulties, it is necessary to focus on the collection of primary data.
Surveys can help solve this problem. In regions, surveys can serve to collect data on:

Subjects of economic activity;

the problems they have;

A range of services for companies.

The survey should be carried out in stages. First, the purpose of the survey must be clearly defined. This will determine what information we are interested in and how exactly the results of the survey will be used. This will provide a starting point for the next steps. Secondly, you should choose the method of probing. This may be a telephone interview, a personal interview, a mail or fax survey.

Surveys are also useful because they draw the attention of the community and entrepreneurs to the problems of the LED, while at the same time contributing to the growth of knowledge about these problems. In regions where the level of this kind of knowledge is low, they become a necessary component of the process of developing and implementing plans.

Despite all the difficulties, local governments and economic development actors manage to find ways to collect data of an economic, social and other nature.

This means that there are partners within the community who can help with data collection. Universities, chambers of commerce, local associations of commodity producers and specialized sociological organizations can act in their role. For local governments with modest resources, finding such partners is a great way to meet their information needs.

Now we list those methods that help collect and process data.

Identification of the scope of analysis. Once an area of ​​study has been defined, data should be collected exclusively for that area.

The collection of information should be as simple as possible. Not all information is useful for local economic development. Therefore, you should avoid collecting too much a large number data so that it does not become redundant.

Constant collection and analysis of information. It is very important to update the database. This helps to identify feasible economic models and correctly assess the effectiveness of local economic development programs. For countries with economies in transition, situations are not uncommon when several models of economic development are implemented within the boundaries of one territory at once, for example, liberal and statist.

Information must be relevant and understandable to decision makers. They don't have time to study multipage works. So it's better to imagine brief information directly related to the case.

SWOT analysis

Once the data is collected, the SWOT analysis becomes useful in helping the community understand its priorities, develop a common vision, and develop a strategy that it can follow. SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. This analysis contributes to the identification and evaluation of the comparative advantages of the community. SWOT analysis is a tool for inventorying the special features of a product in classical marketing.

Whenever a firm determines where to locate, when a family decides where to move, or when a tourist contemplates what it is they want to visit, they make sure to take into account the comparative advantages of their chosen location.

Community strengths are those values ​​or factors that provide a community with a comparative advantage and make it attractive. These are his inner features that define his face.
Examples of strengths include geographic proximity to universities, large travel concessions, high salaries, or a skilled workforce. Strengths can be further subdivided into core and limited values.

Core values ​​are those qualities that form the basis of a community's competitive advantage, such as having a port. These are characteristics that the community will not have to change, but which it wants to bring to the attention of economic agents.

Limited values ​​are potential strengths that may require little societal cost to gain a competitive advantage; such, for example, is a vacant lot located in a convenient location.

Weaknesses are those factors or trends that create obstacles to economic development. They may manifest themselves in social, physical, financial, regulatory, operational or other forms. These include limited access to capital, low-skilled labor, undeveloped infrastructure, high crime, and so on. Some of them can be corrected in a short time (3-5 years), others are difficult to correct. The response at the local level may lie in the adoption of concrete measures to establish cooperation between the local administration and the zone's entrepreneurs.

Strengths and weaknesses are internal factors communities, or endogenous factors.

Opportunities and threats are the external factors of the community, i.e. exogenous factors. Opportunity is an external factor that contributes to a faster build-up of comparative advantage. Threats are unfavorable trends or phenomena external to the economy, leading to a decrease in the competitiveness of the zone.

The same external factor, such as a technological innovation, may favor one community but threaten another.
Be that as it may, the modification of external conditions is a boon or a threat, depending primarily on the local conditions of the community.

Here are a few more examples of the impact of exogenous factors:

Changes in regulation, such as a crisis in the banking system or environmental protection;

Actions by other government bodies, such as large capital investments or changes in the tax system;

Export/import trends, such as Free Exchange Agreements;

Changes in industrial sectors, such as the growth of the service sector or the emergence of high-tech industries;

Social and political changes, such as EU accession or political turmoil;

Demographic trends - the process of population aging or changing class positions - and technological innovations such as factory automation or the Internet.

Assessment of external factors is one of the distinguishing characteristics of strategic planning; it should be extended not only to the regional and national levels, but also to the international community. As a rule, events taking place in this area are beyond local control, but the consequences of their influence on local communities turn out to be the legitimate concern of the latter.

Once local governments and local communities realize their strengths and weaknesses and the timeliness of certain actions, they can use this knowledge to determine their economic development goals and choose strategies to achieve these goals.

Within this framework, the following requirements for the location of enterprises are formed:

Industrial bushes are located where there is an appropriate infrastructure, synergy, etc.;

Specialization and prioritization, i.e. strengths and weaknesses of industries, and diversity in detail;

The position of local governments, favorable to the economy;

Economically favorable service of the city administration
(entrepreneur-king, citizen-king);

The attitude of the inhabitants of a city or region towards industry and economic growth;

Quality of life and image of the location (reliability);

The amount of tax and payment proceeds;

Environmental costs;

Qualified personnel;

financial incentives;

Production and administrative sites at reasonable prices.

Based on the above characteristics, the requirements for the marketing of the municipality are formed:

Focusing on the main advantages of the location;

Highlighting the unique advantages in the competition of the city and the surrounding area.

The strengths include:

Position from the center;

Physical dimensions;

The historical significance of the city, providing a high emotional load;

Culture and art;

educational opportunities;

Research activities;

The attractiveness of the environment;

Territorial potential for entrepreneurship and residence;

Entrepreneurial opportunities for investors.

Weaknesses include:

Importance as an economic center;

Significance as a location for industry;

Transport infrastructure;

Lack of an administrative center;

Lack of administrative structures;

Age structure of the population;

The social structure of the population and the presence of social tension.

The challenges that the local government can pose to the crisis are related to:

The exhaustion of the potential of the industrial, economic center;

Ability to provide differentiated services;

Implementation of a management reform involving profound changes in existing organizations and structures;

The transition to solving complex and diverse problems.

The risks of municipal economic stimulus can be reduced to:

Failure to reform government if there is no courage to carry it out;

Incorrect prioritization in the absence of unity on the main directions / main goals at the political level;

Inertia of municipal policy and management;

Financial and budgetary confusion;

Rising unemployment;

The presence of national conflicts and prejudice towards foreigners.

Assessment of the current situation of the municipality can be differentiated into hard and soft factors.

Hard placement factors include:

Development of the economic space;

Geographical location, location for industry, trade, crafts;

Market potential;

Population structure;

Skilled workforce, large labor pool, skilled workforce potential;

Overhead costs for wages;

International relations - partnership of cities;

Research institutions;

Educational establishments;

Economic and research parks;

Innovation centers;

Availability of free administrative space;

Venue for congresses and exhibitions-fairs;

Finance center;

Placement of mass media;

Presence of regional and federal departments;

Opportunities to support investors;

Economic development support service;

Labor market (quantity and quality of labor force);

Transport binding;

Plots (quantity and quality of proposed areas);

Transportation costs (purchase and sales market);

Proximity to the sales market in general;

Proximity to suppliers in general;

Industry contacts;

Local taxes, fees, duties;

Commitment to protect the environment;

Financial incentives through:

Grants for capital investments;

Depreciation deductions for special purposes;



Discounts from the price, payment in installments when buying plots;

tax deferrals;

Feed-in tariffs for the supply and disposal of waste;

Proximity to enterprises in other industries;

Private services important to production, such as maintenance, repairs, audits, consulting, legal services, design, etc.;

Private services important for the company (office services, mail forwarding, tax consulting, economic consulting);



Waste removal;

Binding to interregional transport links;

Binding to railway lines, roads, air transportation;

Finished production facilities;

Soft factors include:

Cultural and musical institutions and events;

Opportunities for organizing leisure and sports;


The attractiveness of the surroundings;

Availability of commercial establishments;

Medical service;

Conditions and possibilities for the integration of foreigners;

climatic conditions;

Economic climate of the region;

Climate in the municipal economy;

City image;

Image of the possible location of the enterprise;

Housing and its environment;

Environmental quality;

school business;

Shopping opportunities;

administrative structures;

Private household services.

Thus, from this rather simple list of characteristics of the conditions for municipal economic development, we see that economic growth is not limited to the construction and launch of new production facilities. It is considered much broader.

Based on the given evaluation logic, the investor determines his risks and preferences. The level of self-government and self-organization of the population plays a key role in this choice.

Stage 2. Formulation of realistic goals, objectives and strategies

Determining the goals of local economic development is most closely related to the socio-cultural context, the values ​​that various local communities are guided by, and the values ​​that they accept as common.

Setting local development goals is a rather new and difficult task for leaders of local governments and local communities in countries with economies in transition, primarily based on the need to harmonize the goals of local governments with the goals of local development actors.

The goals should focus on the overall vision and desired outcome of the economic development process. They should serve as a reference point and set the direction for the development of relevant strategies, as well as projects and programs for economic development.

Both long-term and short-term goals should be set. Considering the level of economic needs in the CEE/CIS countries and their lack of experience in the field of economic development, short term plans take on special significance. First, they show the community that change is actually happening, which in turn leads to increased community participation in it. Seeing real progress, people cannot remain indifferent. Second, success achieved in a short time frame strengthens the legitimacy of subsequent changes and initiatives. Finally, experience with small projects will be useful in developing a general economic concept.

Strategies determine the way to achieve the goals and objectives of stable economic development. They explain how the goal can be achieved, but do not indicate the stages or timeframe for achieving it. There are times when more than one strategy may be needed to achieve a goal. A good strategy should always be realistic and not set impossible goals. There are three general types of strategies:

Organizational strategies that determine the path of organizational development;

Program strategies focused on the development, management and setting/execution of specific programs;

Functional strategies addressing administrative and support needs and designed to ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of the group.

Strategies are outlined upon completion of the SWOT analysis. Only after assessing the local economy, it is possible to develop the right strategy in terms of achieving the goals of economic development. The results of the SWOT analysis help to do this, as well as outline a plan of action.

When the formation of a range of project ideas is completed, it's time to move on to choosing a specific program. To do this, you need to examine them for feasibility. Feasibility studies involve work to determine whether a given project is feasible or to choose the best opinion about this project. In other words, it is about the need for the community itself to decide whether it has the resources and political support to roll out this project.

The feasibility assessment is divided into two phases. First, those proposals that are supposed to be followed in the future are evaluated and prioritized. In this evaluation phase of the program, a variety of criteria should be taken into account, i.e. decide whether the program helps to achieve the goal, whether the community has necessary resources and whether it can implement this program. The application of these criteria will reduce the list of proposals without encroaching on any of the possibilities. At the same time, the community needs to cope with the temptation to pedal in projects those ideas that have already been tested in other places. The experience of Western countries shows that communities in general tend to reuse successful programs and projects without regard to whether they correspond to the goals facing the community. If programs are not aligned with these goals or are based on a program already in use, problems are likely to be inevitable.

The second phase is a more in-depth study of the project for feasibility, taking into account its implementation, real financing, market security, etc. The resulting alternatives should be considered according to the following criteria:

Does the project meet the community's priorities in terms of achieving its goals and objectives?

What impact will it have on the community (creation of new jobs, increased investment, improved business environment, emergence of new companies)?

Will the project be feasible from an economic point of view, including within the timeframe and cost accepted by the community?

Is the project acceptable from socio-political positions?

Is it technically feasible, in a way that the community can afford?

For a project to be successful, it must meet all of these criteria.
Therefore, as soon as the relevant projects are brought together in the working list, it is necessary to start "fitting" them, i.e. compare and contrast with each other to find out how they complement or contradict each other.

A way to check the viability of the project at this stage can be a cost-benefit analysis, i.e. comparing the cost of the program with the profit from it. This method is useful to practice when comparing alternative projects or alternative parts of the same project. However, to accurately measure the real value of a project, it alone is not enough. The fact is that the costs include all the costs of the project. Therefore, it is necessary to determine all the benefits and services necessary to establish both the operating costs and the capital that will be used to profit from this project. Profit is somewhat more difficult to measure, because it is defined differently in financial analysis and in economic terms. From the point of view of financial analysis, profit is all additional income received from the implementation of the project or from the sale of the final product. In terms of economics, profits can be calculated from project outcomes such as new jobs or savings that would otherwise be spent (for example, reducing the cost of social benefits). Therefore, it would be more correct to calculate profits by costs saved over time.

Stage 3. Identification, evaluation and prioritization of projects

Prioritization involves evaluating projects based on criteria such as organizational ability, funding, priority, feasibility, compatibility with other programs and initiatives, and so on. Knowing their needs and the extent to which each program meets those needs, the community will be able to prioritize those programs. The ability to prioritize projects is one of the problems that, according to experts, is common for local administrations in CEE/CIS countries. The lack of knowledge in the field of economic development and the lack of free resources serve as an unpleasant appendage to the problem of implementing programs according to priorities.

Once local governments, together with local communities, have determined which program they will follow, the next phase of strategic planning begins - drawing up action plans.

Step 4. Drawing up action plans

Action plans outline the steps to be taken to implement the adopted projects and show how these projects support the strategic plan. A good action plan allows you to anticipate problems and make recommendations on how to deal with them. In addition, it is the last opportunity to check the availability and readiness of economic, political, technical, etc. systems. support. The action plan is:

The list of assigned tasks, including the order of their implementation in accordance with other tasks;

Realistic timeframes for the implementation of various actions;

Consequences and results expected from actions;

An indication of who or which organization is responsible for each task;

Financial inquiries, including identification of funding sources;

Monitor the process and standards for evaluating program development.

The success of strategic planning depends on the action plan. This plan keeps the implementation of established strategies, projects and programs within the previous stages of the process.

Stage 5. Implementation of action plans

Implementation means more than well-drafted action plans. However, the success of the implementation process depends on how well the planning has been done. The local community must come to a common agreement on key issues, agree on the actions to be taken, the resources needed to carry out these actions, and the expected results from them.

The implementation phase - already at the design level - must be flexible, since this process sometimes encounters obstacles such as lack of funds, etc. Therefore, it is necessary that the organization or committee leading the program be able to quickly and effectively eliminate these obstacles. To avoid the problem of poor leadership, there should be clear lines of responsibility for agencies or partners involved in the implementation process, including encouraging collaboration.

A key implementation issue is to find an appropriate method for coordinating many separate plans while retaining the concept of a "team"
(community, individual groups, staff of public institutions). The goals of economic development can only be achieved through joint efforts.

Stage 6. Monitoring and evaluation of results

Because strategic planning is a process that requires adaptation to changing local conditions, communities must monitor programs to ensure their effectiveness and continued relevance. Even if strategic planning is long term, the evolution of the program should still be checked at short intervals. Monitoring and evaluation of activities helps the community:

Make sure that projects are effective and that they are being implemented at a normal pace;

Justify the costs incurred;

Determine if there is a need for adjustment;

To ensure that the success of the project is promoted within the community.

Monitoring and evaluation are related but different activities. Monitoring reveals indicators or results. Evaluation compares the results with specific indicators and with the plan as a whole. Without monitoring, project evaluation is impossible.

All stakeholders should be involved in working on the assessment process and in setting standards and indicators. These persons are responsible for the implementation of individual projects and must monitor how the plan as a whole is implemented.

The implementation of the program is not a guarantee of its indispensable success. In fact, the success of any program depends on 3 factors: economic benefit, organizational efficiency and customer satisfaction.
Measurement economic effect from the implementation of a particular project allows the community to determine whether it caused any improvements or not.
The community can do this by using the following metrics:

The number of firms created, retained, attracted or expanded their scope of activity;

Number of jobs newly created or retained;

Investments, i.e. capital invested in the community.

Another aspect that can be measured and tracked is organizational effectiveness. By measuring it, the community will know if their money is well spent. At the same time, this factor is able to demonstrate whether the project is well managed. It is usually determined by the following indicators:

The number of clients involved in the activity;

The number of stages of implemented activities.

For local administrations in CEE/CIS countries, monitoring is also attractive in that it guarantees the transparency and accountability of public programs and officials and trains local authorities to better assess the market value and benefits of public spending. In addition, monitoring helps agencies be accountable for budgets, justify those budgets, and find arguments to increase them.


The common misfortune of all CEE/CIS countries is that organizational activity and strategic planning are weak links in the work of their local administrations, without which it is simply impossible to master the methods of economic development. Despite a number of existing initiatives, there is still no success to speak of, both due to the isolation of projects implemented without a clearly expressed, real, socially significant goal, and due to the lack of a broader perspective and the ability to track and evaluate the results of these projects. According to regional experts, municipalities are experiencing great difficulty in establishing a hierarchy of priorities and goals. And since the local administration has very limited resources, setting priorities becomes the most important managerial task. At the same time, the deployment of several opportunistic initiatives cannot create an appropriate foundation for transforming the economy and encouraging political activity.

Regional differences within any CEE/CIS country are currently very large. This is one of the consequences of the introduction of a market economy. In order to develop successfully, a society must know what it wants and be able to achieve it. This means that strategic planning must be consistent with the local level of development and take into account the state of the community. Since strategic planning is aimed at maximizing the concentration of local resources and clarifying the image of the future for the community, it requires the participation of the community itself in its development. Therefore, strategic planning not only supports the MED, but is both an important factor in the consolidation of local resources and an expression of shared values.

A common feature of transition economies is the movement from hierarchical control to democratic participation. Under the previous system, both society and the economy had a hierarchical structure, which corresponded to the totalitarian regime and state ownership of enterprises. They were the only existing models of collective events or collective activities. When the system changed, these countries were deprived of any organizational models at all, both for the community and for economic agents. A planning expert from Hungary, for example, observed that the main value of the Budapest Strategic Development Plan is to encourage cooperation between local authorities and economic actors. Before this plan, there was no cooperation between them.

Although strategic planning is focused on local resources and tasks, this does not mean that its concerns include only local problems that have nothing to do with national or world contexts. Strategic planning must take into account both vertical links - with the highest levels of government, and horizontal - with neighboring communities. And this means that strategic planning is significantly influenced by many factors, including those outside the community.

The objectives of the economic development of the community should be considered in comparison and comparison with other plans of the community. These are social, political and cultural problems, as well as environmental problems. This is a necessary factor in the construction of a general plan, since economic development cannot be considered in isolation from the influence of other factors.

Strategic planning is a systematic process by which communities draw a picture of their future and determine the milestones for achieving it, based on local resources. It includes:

Alignment of group interests within the community before starting planning;

Inventory of real free resources, restrictions and favorable factors;

Definition of realistically feasible tasks and goals;

Appointment of persons responsible for the implementation of the action plan for the implementation of the tasks.


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  • Introduction
  • 2. Analysis of the actual state of the system of strategic management of the municipality
  • 2.1 Organizational structure of the Penza strategic management service under the Penza City Administration
  • 2.2 Analysis of the state of the socio-economic system of the city of Penza in the system of measures to develop a strategic plan for its development
  • 2.3 Goal-setting and planning in the practice of strategic development management in Penza
  • 3. Ways to improve the system of strategic management of the municipality of Penza
  • 3.1 Practical recommendations for strategic planning of the city of Penza, taking into account the strengths and weaknesses of its socio-economic system
  • 3.2 Ways to develop promising opportunities and main directions for minimizing threats to the socio-economic system of Penza
  • 4. Economic evaluation project
  • 5. Legal support of the project
  • 6. Computer support of the project
  • Conclusion
  • List of sources used


The transition from an administrative-command economy to market forms of management, a crisis in the socio-economic sphere and a drop in the standard of living of the population, led to a decrease in the authority of the authorities and a weakening of the centralized management of the district, city and other municipalities. The studies carried out in the 1990s under the program for the development of cities and urban-type settlements in Russia were not completed due to the lack of funds in the state budget and the growing independence of cities. Existing management concepts and long-term plans have practically disappeared into a multitude of federal target complex programs. By the beginning of the new millennium, there were no significant developments in the strategic management of a municipality in our country. The governing bodies often worked in an emergency mode, reacting to certain unforeseen situations, fighting for survival, acting by trial and error. Changing the socio-economic model of the state, radical transformations in all spheres of society, urgently require a revision of the foundations, principles and forms of strategic management, improvement management strategies and mechanisms, increasing their influence on the development of municipalities. Strategic management of the municipality in modern conditions plays a leading role in the system government controlled. An important component of this management system is the institution of local self-government. Local self-government in the Russian Federation is one of the foundations of the constitutional system, and its main goal is defined by law. Local self-government bodies, which have a powerful creative potential, are designed to improve the quality of people's lives through the stable solution of local issues in the interests of the population, taking into account historical, national, ethnic, and other local traditions. The achievement criterion is the high welfare of the municipal population. The ever-increasing competence and responsibility of regional and municipal governments have a significant impact on the development of regions, cities, districts, and play an important role for the country as a whole. The issues of strategic management of municipalities today are quite acute. They are directly related to Russia's national security. Unresolved by many social problems, both at the federal, regional and municipal levels, ill-conceived management decisions and the lack of control of the authorities, their low authority, lead to a continuous decline in the quality of life of the population, an increase in social dissatisfaction and social tension, and distrust of government bodies. In order to make it possible to effectively solve urgent life problems at the local level, it is necessary to revise the entire system of strategic management of municipalities, conduct a thorough analysis of it, and develop measures to improve the management efficiency of this system. A deep scientific study of the problem of strategic management of the municipality is necessary. The urgency of this problem is also increasing due to the fact that in the practice of managing municipalities, fundamentally new management methods are rarely used, specifically aimed at their comprehensive development. The not always scientifically substantiated and verified system of managing socio-economic and spiritual development is effectively used at the municipal level. It also affects the fact that there is no well-established practice of generalizing the existing experience of strategic management of such entities, and this excludes the possibility of using proven technologies and new scientific developments in the strategic management of a municipality. All this determines the relevance of the chosen topic of the graduation project. The novelty of the diploma project is characterized by an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the actual system of strategic management in Penza, the results of the application of statistical research methods using methods of correlation and regression analysis, which make it possible to identify the level of development and the nature of the relationship between the effectiveness of the main directions of strategic planning for the development of Penza and a number of basic factors.

The practical significance of the study is determined by the developed recommendations aimed at improving the strategic management system of the city of Penza.

The practical significance of the work is determined by specific recommendations for improving the strategic management system of the city of Penza, taking into account the strengths, weaknesses, as well as the opportunities and threats of its socio-economic system. They are represented by a set of organizational, social, economic measures aimed at developing the strengths of the Penza socio-economic system, as well as at minimizing the consequences associated with the presence of weaknesses.

The purpose of this study is to analyze the actual state of the system of strategic management of the municipality and develop recommendations for improving the efficiency of this system.

Achieving this goal involves solving the following tasks:

- reveal the essence and content of strategic management, define and justify its algorithm;

- to show the features of strategic management at the level of the municipality;

- using the available theoretical developments on local self-government issues and the practical experience of some municipalities, to study the most pressing problems facing the authorities of municipalities and outline possible ways to solve them;

- analyze the strategy, the actual state of the strategic management system for the development of the city of Penza, identify it positive sides and possible disadvantages;

- develop practical recommendations for improving the efficiency of strategic management at the municipal level.

The object of the study is the system of strategic management of local self-government bodies in the city of Penza. The subject of the study is organizational and managerial relations in terms of the formation effective system strategic management of the municipality of Penza.

Depending on the goals and objectives set, the structure of the graduation project was determined. In the first chapter, a theoretical analysis of the system of strategic management of the municipality is carried out, a number of principles are identified that must be taken into account in the process of its implementation. The second chapter assesses the actual state of the Penza strategic management system. Its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats have been studied, in accordance with which a strategy for further development should be developed. The third chapter contains practical recommendations aimed at improving the system of strategic management of the city of Penza. It proposes measures aimed at the fullest use of the strengths of the socio-economic system of the municipality and at minimizing the consequences associated with the presence of weaknesses. In addition, chapter 3 of the graduation project contains a number of recommendations for using promising opportunities for the development of the socio-economic system of Penza and minimizing the consequences of the most significant threats.

We also calculated economic efficiency of the proposed recommendations by applying the regression model we built for the dependence of the number of working population on the average monthly wages, as well as the dependence of the volume of shipped goods from industrial enterprises in Penza on the number of labor resources. A significant increase in wages and an increase in the number of labor resources (up to 361.2248 thousand people) were determined, which, according to calculations, should ensure an increase in the volume of shipped goods of Penza industry enterprises up to 163,151.5 million rubles. against 48856.8 million rubles.

The chapter "Legal support" analyzes the main laws on the basis of which the strategic management of the municipality is carried out, namely: the Federal Law "On the general principles of organizing local self-government in the Russian Federation", the Concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020, The law of the Penza region "On the long-term strategy for the socio-economic development of the Penza region (until 2021)", Resolution No. 1097 of the head of the Penza City Administration "On the procedure for managing the strategic development of the city of Penza".

The computer software chapter describes the computer programs underlying the study, such as: text editor Microsoft Word 2007, spreadsheet Microsoft Excel, a program for creating and conducting multimedia presentations Microsoft PowerPoint and others.

In conclusion, the main results of the diploma research are summarized, conclusions and recommendations are formulated to improve the efficiency of the Penza strategic management system.

The theoretical and methodological basis of the study are the works of domestic and foreign economists, specialists in the field of management theory and management, devoted to the problems of strategic management, scientific developments of domestic and foreign scientists on the issues of strategic management of municipalities; regulations(laws, programs, concepts, etc.) regulating various areas of activity of municipalities; statistics data.

Systematic and correlation-regression analysis were used as research methods.

The information base of the study is represented by analytical, statistical (data from Rosstat and Penzstat), reference literature on the problems of regional economics and strategic management of the municipality.

1. Theoretical and methodological foundations of the study of the system of strategic management of the municipality

1.1 The essence and content of the strategic management system

The modern concept of managing economic systems at different levels (countries-regions-companies) is the concept of strategic management. It arose as a response to the challenges and threats of the external environment: its increased instability, the growth of globalization, the aggravation and radical change in competition.

As a result, at the turn of the 60-70s. the term "strategic management" was coined to reflect the difference between management at the highest level and current management at the production level. The need to make this distinction was driven primarily by changes in the business environment. The development of strategic management ideas was reflected in the works of such authors as Frankenhofs and Granger (1971), Ansof (1972), Schendel and Hatten (1972), Irwin (1974) and others. As a leading idea, reflecting the essence of the transition to strategic management from operational management, there was an idea of ​​the need to shift the focus of top management to the environment in order to respond appropriately and in a timely manner to the changes taking place in it, in a timely manner to respond to the challenge posed by the external environment.

Strategic management can be defined as the management of an organization that relies on human potential as the basis of the organization, orients production activities to consumer needs, implements flexible regulation and timely changes in the organization that meet the challenge from the environment and allow achieving competitive advantages, which together allows the organization survive and achieve your goal in the long term.

We can also highlight several constructive definitions that were proposed by authoritative developers of the theory of strategic management. D. Shendel and K. Hatten considered it as a process of determining and (establishing) a connection between an organization and its environment, consisting in the implementation of selected goals and in attempts to achieve the desired state of relations with the environment through the distribution of resources, which allows the organization and its divisions to operate effectively and efficiently. By definition, D. Higgens, strategic management is the management process of realizing the organization's goals and objectives by managing the organization's relations with the external environment. Scientists define strategy as "programs, or a plan that integrates the main goals of the organization, its policies and actions into a kind of coordinated whole." Pierce and Robinson define strategic management as the set of decisions and actions to formulate and execute strategies designed to achieve an organization's purpose. There are a number of definitions that focus on certain aspects and features of strategic management or on its differences from conventional management.

Although strategic management is the most important factor in successfully surviving in an increasingly complex competition, nevertheless, one can constantly observe a lack of strategicness in the actions of organizations, which often leads them to defeat in the market struggle. The lack of strategic management is manifested primarily in the following two forms.

First, organizations plan their activities on the basis that the environment will either not change at all, or there will be no qualitative changes in it. Outside of applying the provisions of strategic management, a plan of concrete actions is drawn up, both in the present and in the future, a priori based on the fact that the end state is clearly known and that the environment will not actually change. Drawing up long-term plans that prescribe what to do and when and looking for decisions in the initial period for many years to come, the desire to build "for centuries" or to acquire "for many years" - all these are signs of non-strategic management. Long-term vision is a very important component of management. However, this should in no way mean an extrapolation of current practice and the current state of the environment for many years to come.

In the case of strategic management in each this moment it is fixed what the organization must do now in order to achieve the desired goals in the future, based on the fact that the environment and living conditions of the organization will change, i.e. in strategic management, as it were, a look from the future into the present is carried out. The actions of the organization now that provide it with a certain future are determined and carried out, and not a plan or description of what the organization will have to do in the future is developed. At the same time, it is typical for strategic management that not only the desired future state of the organization is fixed, but this is also the most important task strategic management, the ability to respond to changes in the environment is developed to achieve desired goals in the future.

Secondly, in the absence of strategic management, the development of a program of action begins with an analysis of the internal capabilities and resources of the organization. With this approach, all that an organization can determine on the basis of an analysis of its internal capabilities is how much product it can produce and what costs it can incur in doing so. The volume of production and the value of costs do not answer the question of how much the product created by the company will be accepted by the market - how much will be bought and at what price, the market will determine.

Along with the obvious advantages, strategic management has a number of disadvantages and limitations on its use, which indicate that this type of management, as well as all others, does not have universal application in any situation to solve any problems.

First, strategic management, by virtue of its essence, does not, and indeed cannot, give an accurate and detailed picture of the future. The future desired state of the organization formed in strategic management is not a detailed description of its internal and external position, but rather a qualitative wish for the state in which the organization should be in the future, what position to occupy in the market and in business, what organizational culture to have , enter which business groups etc. At the same time, all this together should be what will determine whether the organization will survive or not in the future in the competitive struggle.

Secondly, strategic management cannot be reduced to a set of routine procedures and schemes. He does not have a descriptive theory that prescribes what and how to do when solving certain problems or in specific situations. Strategic management is rather a specific philosophy or ideology of business and management. Each individual manager understands and implements it largely in his own way. Of course, there are a number of recommendations, rules and logic diagrams for problem analysis and strategy selection, as well as the implementation of strategic planning and practical implementation of the strategy. However, in general, strategic management is a symbiosis of intuition and the art of top management to lead the organization to strategic goals, high professionalism and creativity of employees, ensuring the connection of the organization with the environment, updating the organization and its products, as well as the implementation of current plans and, finally, the active inclusion of all employees. in the implementation of the tasks of the organization, in the search for the best ways to achieve its goals.

Thirdly, huge efforts and large investments of time and resources are required in order for the organization to begin the process of strategic management. It is necessary to create and implement strategic planning, which is fundamentally different from the development of long-term plans that are binding under any conditions. The strategic plan must be flexible, it must respond to changes inside and outside the organization, and this requires a lot of effort and a lot of money. It is also necessary to create services that monitor the environment and include the organization in the environment. Marketing, public relations services, etc. acquire exceptional significance and require significant additional costs.

Fourth, there is a sharp increase Negative consequences mistakes strategic foresight. In conditions when completely new products are created in a short time, when directions of investments change dramatically in a short time, when new business opportunities suddenly appear and opportunities that have existed for many years disappear before our eyes, the price of retribution for incorrect foresight and, accordingly, for mistakes in strategic choice becomes often fatal to the organization. Especially tragic are the consequences of an incorrect forecast for organizations that carry out an uncontested way of functioning or implement a strategy that cannot be fundamentally corrected.

Fifth, in the implementation of strategic management, the main emphasis is often placed on strategic planning. In fact, the most important component of strategic management is the implementation of the strategic plan. This implies, first of all, the creation of an organizational culture that allows the implementation of the strategy, the creation of systems for motivating and organizing work, the creation of a certain flexibility in the organization, etc. At the same time, in strategic management, the execution process has an active feedback effect on planning, which further enhances the significance of the execution phase. Therefore, an organization, in principle, will not be able to move to strategic management if it has a strategic planning subsystem, even if it is very good, and at the same time there are no prerequisites or opportunities for creating a strategic execution subsystem.

According to experts, strategic management is based on a number of principles that must be taken into account in the process of its implementation. The main ones are:

1. Science combined with elements of art . The manager in his activity uses the data and conclusions of many sciences, but at the same time he must constantly improvise, look for individual approaches to the situation. The implementation of this task presupposes, in addition to knowledge, mastery of the art of competitive struggle, the ability to find a way out of the most difficult situation, focus on key problems, highlight the main advantages of your organization.

2. Purposefulness . Strategic analysis and strategy formation should be subject to the principle of purposefulness, i.e. be always focused on the achievement of the global goal of the organization. As opposed to free improvisation and intuition, strategic management is designed to ensure the conscious directed development of the organization and the focus of the management process on solving specific problems.

3. Flexibility. It implies the possibility of making adjustments to previously made decisions or revising them at any time in accordance with changing circumstances. The implementation of this principle involves assessing the compliance of the current strategy with the requirements of the external environment and the capabilities of the enterprise, clarifying the adopted policy and plans in the event of unforeseen developments and increased competition.

4. Unity of strategic plans and programs. To achieve success, strategic decisions at different levels must be coordinated and closely linked to each other. The unity of the strategic plans of commercial organizations is achieved through the consolidation of the strategies of structural divisions, mutual coordination of the strategic plans of functional departments.

5. Creation of the necessary conditions for the implementation of the strategy . The strategic plan does not ensure its mandatory successful implementation. The strategic management process should include the creation of organizational conditions for the implementation of strategic plans and programs, i.e. formation of a strong organizational structure, development of a motivation system, improvement of the management structure.

Strategic management can be viewed as a dynamic set of five interrelated management processes. These processes logically follow (or follow) one from the other (Figure 1). However, there is a stable feedback and, accordingly, the reverse influence of each process on the others and on their entirety. This is an important feature of the strategic management system. .

Figure 1 Structure of strategic management

Environmental analysis is usually considered the initial process of strategic management, as it provides the basis for defining the mission and goals of the firm and for developing behavioral strategies that allow the firm to fulfill the mission and achieve its goals. Analysis of the environment involves the study of its three parts:

1) macro environment;

2) immediate environment (organization microenvironment);

3) internal environment.

The analysis of the macro environment includes the study of the influence of such components of the environment as: the state of the economy; legal regulation and management; political processes; natural environment and resources; social and cultural components of society; scientific and technical and technological development society; infrastructure, etc.

The immediate environment is analyzed according to the following main components: buyers; suppliers; competitors; intermediaries; labor market.

An analysis of the internal environment reveals those internal capabilities and the potential that a company can count on in a competitive struggle in the process of achieving its goals, and also allows you to more correctly formulate the mission and better understand the goals of the organization. It is extremely important to always remember that the organization not only produces products for the environment, but also provides an opportunity for its members to exist, providing them with work, the opportunity to participate in profits, creating social conditions for them, etc.

The internal environment is analyzed in the following areas: the company's personnel, their potential, qualifications, interests, etc.; management organization; production, including organizational, operational and technical and technological characteristics, research and development; company finances; marketing; organizational culture.

The definition of the mission and goals, considered as one of the processes of strategic management, consists of three sub-processes, each of which requires a large and extremely responsible work. The first sub-process is to determine the mission of the company, which in a concentrated form expresses the meaning of the existence of the company, its purpose. Next comes the sub-process of setting long-term goals. This part of strategic management ends with a sub-process of defining short-term goals. Defining the mission and goals of the company leads to the fact that it becomes clear why the company operates and what it strives for. And knowing this, you can more accurately choose a strategy of behavior.

After the mission and goals are defined, the stage of analysis and strategy selection begins. This process is considered to be the heart of strategic management. With the help of special techniques, the organization determines how it will achieve its goals and realize its mission.

The implementation of the strategy is a critical process, since it is he who, if successfully implemented, leads the company to achieve its goals. Very often there are cases when firms are unable to implement the chosen strategy. This happens either because the analysis was carried out incorrectly and incorrect conclusions were drawn, or because unforeseen changes in the external environment occurred. However, often the strategy is not executed also because the management cannot properly involve the potential of the firm for the implementation of the strategy. This applies in particular to the use of labor potential.

Evaluation and control of the implementation of strategies is logically the last process carried out in strategic management. This process provides sustainable feedback between how the process of achieving goals is going, and the actual goals of the organization.

The main tasks of any control, as you know, are the following:

- determination of what and by what indicators to check;

- assessment of the state of the controlled object in accordance with accepted standards, standards or other benchmarks;

- identifying the causes of deviations, if any, are revealed as a result of the assessment;

- making adjustments, if necessary and possible.

In the case of monitoring the implementation of strategies, these tasks acquire quite specific specifics, due to the fact that strategic control is aimed at finding out to what extent the implementation of strategies leads to the achievement of the company's goals. This fundamentally distinguishes strategic control from managerial or operational control, since it is not interested in the correct implementation of the strategic plan, the correct implementation of the strategy, or the correct implementation. individual works, functions and operations. Strategic control is focused on whether it is possible to implement the adopted strategies in the future, and whether their implementation will lead to the achievement of the set goals. Adjustment based on the results of strategic control can relate to both strategies and goals of the firm.

1.2 Features of the strategic management of the municipality

The transition to market forms of management in Russia led to a change in municipal management - the methods and techniques of commercial management that have proven their effectiveness are being introduced into the management systems of the municipality.

Strategic management of a municipality is a process of management activities of local governments to ensure sustainable socio-economic development in the long term.

The system of strategic management of the municipality is part of the overall management and includes the following components: obtaining, analyzing and evaluating the necessary information; development and adoption of decisions and organization of their implementation; analysis of the obtained results and making adjustments in the course of further work. These components, in contrast to the current control, are aimed at solving the global control problem. In addition to defining the vision, mission and goals, each strategic program includes a description of the need for its development, a description of the place of the program in the overall or functional strategy, the formulation of the overall goal and goals of the subsystems (program participants), a description of the relationship of subsystems and resources necessary for the implementation of the program and etc.

The mechanism for developing a package of strategic documents usually consists of the following steps:

1. Study of external conditions, analysis of trends and resources for the development of the territory: determination of development priorities, analysis and coordination of the interests of participants in the development of the territory. When analyzing resources, it is important to conduct such an assessment, in which a new look at them and new possible directions for the development of the territory may arise. A deep retrospective analysis, brainstorming, business games, etc. are appropriate here.

2. Development of a concept, which is a documented consolidation of the priorities for the development of the territory, selected on the basis of previous analysis and forecasting of its development, as well as the development of a comprehensive development program and targeted programs.

3. Coordination and docking of targeted programs that correspond to each other and the development priorities of the municipality, their consistency, lack of duplication at the content and organizational levels, etc.

4. Examination of programs and projects, including, in addition to assessing compliance with priorities, economic, social, environmental and other types of assessments.

Among the main tasks of strategic programs, according to experts: the growth of the potential of the municipality, providing it with competitive advantages at the regional, federal and international levels, changes for the better in the level and quality of life of the population. The prospect of sustainable development of the municipality is much more realistic if there are several scenarios and a constantly adjusted strategy for the development of the territory, taking into account changes in external conditions, including macroeconomic, political, environmental and other factors.

Target programs developed by interdepartmental working groups correlate with previously defined development priorities and fit into a comprehensive program for the development of the municipality. This approach allows consolidating the efforts of all participants in territorial development. When filling target programs with projects, not only projects prepared by interdepartmental working groups and structural divisions of the administration are submitted to the strategic planning division (for examination). Third-party individuals and legal entities can also submit projects for consideration by the experts of the strategic division of the administration. The procedure and selection criteria do not change. The implementation of such programs and projects allows the population to express their attitude to municipal problems and participate in the development of their solutions, which contributes not only to the involvement of opinion leaders in the self-government process, but also to ordinary residents, whose social culture at the same time changes adequately to the surrounding reality.

management municipality strategic

Local self-government is called upon to solve the problems of the life of the population, having direct contact with it, feeling its pressing problems, local authorities must manage a portfolio of issues of local importance, while not forgetting the tasks of strategic management. Until recently, the most popular strategy voiced by local governments was the strategy of survival, although in fact the success of individual municipalities indicates an active position and development. How effective the current strategy is can be judged by the quantitative and qualitative results of the activities of a particular municipality.

In practice, as a rule, there is not a single social system and organization that does not have a valid strategy. At the same time, this does not mean that all of them are developed and known to employees and managers of local enterprises and the general public. The management of organizations, not to mention ordinary employees, sometimes does not even know what strategy their organization has in a given period of time.

To develop a development strategy, it is necessary to formulate an existing strategy and evaluate it. Evaluation of the strategy from a qualitative point of view lies in the integrity and its internal consistency (consistency), as well as the validity and compliance with the real situation.

Quantitative results are manifested in the actual state of the socio-economic situation of the municipality, which is confirmed in the data of statistical reporting.

The effectiveness of the current strategy depends on the social activity of the population, the inflow of investments, as well as the content of the functional components of the strategy: the rationality of each component of the strategy (policies, projects and programs), the latest actions of the administration, business entities and the local community.

The development strategy of the municipality is the most important element in which the final conclusions are formed about the goals of the socio-economic development of the territory, the factors and mechanism for achieving it, as well as the methods for managing this development. Conclusions are drawn taking into account new trends and features of the socio-economic development of the region, country and municipality. At the heart of building a strategy for a municipality is its general concept, the key elements of which are the definition of its vision, mission, goals and objectives, that is, what is called development philosophy.

Based on the concept of the development strategy of the municipality, a plan of specific strategic actions is formed, which is a vector for the development of the municipality and has the following order of formation:

Strategic analysis of the municipality;

Development and evaluation of development scenarios based on reference and current strategies;

Development of a philosophy for the development of the municipality, including the definition of the vision, mission, goals and objectives of the municipality;

Determination of approaches and methods for developing strategic plans and actions.

In strategic management, it is important to remember the so-called hierarchical structure of the strategy, which is as follows: what at the highest level of management is considered a means to achieve any goals, at lower levels turns out to be a goal. It follows from this that the strategy developed for the organization as a whole acts as a goal in relation to the structural divisions of the organization. Based on this goal, functional strategies (policies) of structural units are developed, which, in turn, are the goals of individual smaller units of the organization or individual employees.

All approaches to the development of the strategy of the municipality boil down to the fact that the strategy is a combination of strategic analysis and the intuition of the developers, which in the first place should be those subjects who will then detail and implement the strategy. A strategy can never be thought out and calculated to the end, and its adjustment as external and internal conditions change is a necessary procedure. In addition, there is no universal method for developing a strategy that is suitable for all occasions.

The most effective is the method of "drawing images" (the image of the present and future, the desired state of the organization) and their subsequent description, to determine the "gap" between dream and reality. It is possible to formalize the process of describing the dream and the actual state of the municipality by comparing the present and future state of the municipality, which is presented through the eyes of an outside observer and the eyes of one of the residents of the municipality from the inside. The outside view is aimed at assessing the opportunities and threats, determining the competitive position of the municipality, its compliance with one of the standard strategies, as well as what the municipality receives from the resources and what it transfers to the external environment, having processed these resources.

The vision of the municipality from the inside is aimed at describing the potential of the municipality (its strengths) and urgent problems, identifying key competencies, as well as features of territory management and orientation of the municipality itself. At this stage, a special art consists in the skillful transformation of many weak signals into a system that represents the present and future state of the municipality.

Determining the content of the strategy should be based on the methods of historical and structural - functional analysis. The historical approach involves the study of the genesis of the municipality, the driving forces and sources of its organization and development. The use of the method of comparative - historical analysis in combination with structural and functional analysis allows, on the one hand, to link the emergence of a new level of socio-economic development of the municipality over time with changes structural organization. On the other hand, to identify patterns of qualitative changes in its socio-economic development. In the aggregate, we are talking about the knowledge of the internal patterns of development of the municipality.

The combination of this knowledge with the results of the analysis of the starting conditions for its socio-economic development and the assessment of external conditions creates sufficient prerequisites for the formation of a scientifically based program for the socio-economic development of the municipality. As you know, contradictions are the source of all development. For a municipality, this means that in order to form a strategic choice, it is necessary to identify and describe the internal and external contradictions in the development of a municipality as a complex socio-economic system. As internal source development, we can consider the structural-functional contradiction between specialization and complexity.

The content of the strategy should correspond to the development option that is pessimistic, realistic or optimistic. character. Each of them, in turn, involves several types of strategies. At different stages of development of the municipality, these options can change, combine and complement each other. This approach largely determines the effectiveness of the formation of the development strategy of the municipality. In order for the strategy to give impetus to socio-economic development from the first steps of its development, it is advisable to evaluate the effectiveness of the strategy development mechanism at the stage of its development, discussion or adoption. The easiest way to evaluate this effectiveness is peer review.

An experienced expert or group of experts, analyzing all stages of strategy development, all the above factors, etc. make comments and suggestions, give their assessment. The more experts involved, the more experienced they are, the higher the probability of eliminating errors or correcting them before the strategy implementation stage. As a rule, municipalities do not have enough funds for such work. Therefore, local specialists, business leaders, representatives of various community groups, deputies, etc. act as experts. In any case, experts, both local and invited, use a single methodology for assessing the effectiveness of strategy formation. The effectiveness of the strategy formation mechanism is the ratio of the quality of the strategy to the costs of its development.

It should be emphasized that the involvement of experts is mandatory in the multi-criteria assessment of the effectiveness of complex, multi-purpose organizations, such as municipalities, and whose strategies, already at the development stage, are associated with the achievement of a whole set of interrelated indicators that form their images (profiles). The methods of studying the profile are associated with the definition of this image (they are also called the methods of the list of criteria). The essence of these methods is that the correspondence of the objects of study to each of the established criteria is considered and an assessment is given for each criterion, which can be represented graphically.

The nature of the activities of municipalities, the different conditions inherent in them, their different goals, as well as ambiguous approaches and ways to achieve them, predetermine the specifics of developing strategies. And this means that the system of evaluation criteria for a particular municipality is strictly individual.

Summarizing the above, we can conclude the following:

The mechanism of formation of the development strategy of the municipality includes the entire process of developing and adopting a strategy: from a strategic analysis of internal and external factors, the formation of the concept and content of the strategy, to a preliminary assessment of the socio-economic efficiency of the work being done and the strategy being developed, the procedure for discussing and adopting it.

The concept of strategic development of a municipality is its strategic choice, determined by the philosophy of development of the municipality based on SWOT - analysis and comparative analysis of the current strategy and examples of successful implementation of development strategies of other municipalities.

The mechanism of formation of the development strategy of the municipality predetermines the success of its implementation and is subject to quality peer review in order to timely adjust actions aimed at improving the efficiency of strategic management of the municipality.

1.3 Methodological bases for the study of the system of strategic management of the municipality

The attention that last years given to strategic management in Russia, is more a response to the question of what method and how we can make calculations for the future, project the desired future state on the current situation, make plans and achieve our goals. Thus, the issue of development has become the motive for addressing the issues of strategic management.

Strategic management is aimed at solving one of the main tasks of any management system: finding an answer to the question of the key points where it is necessary to direct available resources in order to ensure the normal reproduction and development of the region's life system. Strategies are engaged not from an excess, but from a lack of resources.

One of the significant problems of strategic management at the regional level is that the source of actions that affect the development of the region are very different entities that make decisions independently, based on their own goals and interests. Among such entities are federal authorities, other regions, corporations, municipalities, etc. Strategy regional development cannot prescribe to these subjects what they should do - they decide for themselves. But it can help coordinate their activities in the part that concerns the development of the region. The task of the strategy is to outline the development perspective, the orientation towards which will allow them to see new opportunities for realizing their interests and goals.

The task of achieving the goals set in the course of municipal strategic planning requires special approaches. The following strategic management methodology is commonly used:

The first step is to analyze the initial state - monitoring the socio-economic situation of the municipality.

The next step is resource analysis. Information is collected on available resources and their movement, resource flows between municipalities; organizational models of urban management are being built. It is especially important at this stage to single out the direction and nodes of the intersection of financial and information flows, for subsequent management with the help of influences on existing and / or new, formed nodes.

At this stage, a review of the regulatory framework relating to the identified problems is also carried out, at the level of identifying legal acts regulating each problem (federal, local laws and regulations, orders, including those directly related to the municipality), may also be involved the financial analysis reporting, FSA to identify imbalances between significance and costs for each function of the urban economy.

As a result of the implementation of the first and second stages, the control object appears in the form of a modified map "organization - external environment", where the characteristics of the internal environment include available resources, the organization of their movement, nodal points of flows, the structure of resource management, and the external microenvironment - the socio-economic state municipality. A systematic approach allows you to adequately respond to changes in the external environment by taking into account the results of continuous monitoring when setting and implementing strategic and tactical tasks.

The third stage is the definition of problems and setting goals, i.e. the desired state, taking into account the conditions and restrictions identified at the stages of socio-economic and resource analysis.

Diagnostics, goals of the strategic and tactical plan provide an entrance to the key block of the methodology - budgeting (covers the fourth and partially fifth, sixth stages of the methodology)

At the fourth stage, the financial structure is built, which is a set of centers of financial responsibility (CFR) and the relationships between them. Analysis of the budget of the municipality, its expenditure and revenue items, i.e. direct object of management of the considered level of local self-government, allows you to identify the centers of financial responsibility, which will subsequently be the points of application of managerial influences. The allocation of centers can be carried out on the basis of the type (orientation) and amount of expenses.

The fifth stage is the definition of ways to achieve goals and objectives. At this stage, possible directions for using special financial and economic tools to achieve the developed goals are generated and analyzed:

Financial engineering, whose tools can change the composition and structure of financial flows built at the analysis stage. Here, a more in-depth study of the NPB allocated at the previous stage is carried out to identify tax incentives and asymmetries, possible payment schemes for the authority and potential sponsors are built, reserves in the passage of financial flows are identified;

- organizational reengineering for a qualitative change in the structure of urban management, the effectiveness of such a restructuring is assessed based on the calculation of its (restructuring) economic performance;

- project financing tools, which, based on the combination of organizational and financial engineering, analyze the possibilities of motivating participants in existing and emerging payment systems.

The strategic plan for the development of the municipality is a "constitution for the development of the municipality", on the basis of which targeted programs are developed, in which the tasks are decomposed:

- for each dedicated center of financial responsibility;

- in time - work programs are compiled containing specific tasks and ways to solve them, the total amount of investments, the work schedule, i.e. the process of operational (1-2 years) and tactical (up to a year) planning begins.

At this stage, using the listed and other tools based on the results of monitoring and resource analysis, i.e. problems and opportunities of the municipality, plans are developed to achieve the goals. Budgeting at this stage is used to generate directions for diversification of income sources of the municipality and as a basis for their structuring and further detailing.

At the sixth stage, the consolidated budget of the municipality is compiled. If the proposed activities do not lead to a complete balance of the entire budget of the municipality (i.e., not all goals remain achieved), then it is necessary to hold a competition of projects and evaluate each of them.

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    Local self-government as an expression of the power of the people. Municipality as an element of the political system of society. Analysis of socio-economic development and budget indicators of the city. Reasons for inefficient use of municipal assets.

    thesis, added 02/09/2018

    The concept and legal foundations of municipal government in rural areas. Organization of management of the municipality Molochno-Dvorskoye, Plavsky district. Recommendations for improving the structure of personnel management in the municipality.

    thesis, added 08/26/2017

    The state system of education management in the Russian Federation, its organization and implementation at the regional and municipal levels. Measures to improve the education management system, analysis of the effectiveness of its activities.

    thesis, added 06/18/2014

    Transport complex of the city, its structure. The main subjects of the passenger and freight transport management system in modern conditions. Development of proposals for improving the management of the municipal transport complex in Belgorod.