Jacque fresco, founder of the Venus project. "project venus" - a new look at the structure of mankind from jacque fresco. Prerequisites for the birth of the project

  • 19.05.2020

Jacque Fresco- an ambiguous figure in the world modern science. Someone perceives him as a person obsessed with the ideas of improving the world, someone considers the American designer and futurist a genius of our time. His views are extraordinary, sometimes utopian. Extraordinary ideas and intellect made Jacques Fresco one of the greatest scientists of our time.

Fresco was interested in issues of holistic design, social engineering, and developed the problem of rational management of natural resources. At the center of Fresco's research interests was the issue of a resource-based economy. According to the scientist, the path to a developed stable society lies through a reasonable distribution of food, intellectual, educational resources.

Biography of a scientist

Jacque Fresco was born in Brooklyn in the spring of 1916. The boy attended a comprehensive school. His interests and views differed from those of his peers. Young Jacques refused to swear allegiance to the flag of America, explaining that the achievements of scientific progress cannot be attributed to American scientists. This is a merit of the world scientific community. It would be wiser to be grateful to the population of the entire planet. After this incident, Fresco began to study on an individual program. After the death of the director of the school, the boy left her. Starting at the age of 14, he began to hitchhike.

The meeting in 1931 with A. Einstein turned out to be very important in the life of the scientist. From the age of 18, he became seriously interested in designing.

In 1940, Fresco returned from Fr. Tuamotu, where he communicated with the local population. After living with the natives for a year, the scientist came to the conclusion that by distributing resources it is possible to build a society without wars, violence, aggression. This trip became decisive in the views of the scientist.

During the Great Depression, Fresco wondered why a huge number of people are forced to starve when factories and factories are full of raw materials and resources. Money, according to Fresco, paralyzes society, makes it manageable and helpless at the same time. He expressed his views in the author's project "Venus".

Fresco said that scientists who spend their whole lives dealing with one problem will never be able to look objectively at the problem of humanity. Their views are one-sided. Most of the problems come down to how to distribute money among the top of society, instead of improving society, making it more intelligent, educated. A real scientist should take care of the global problems of mankind.

The dream of developing in the field of aviation has come true. While serving in the US Army, Jacques was able to participate in the development and improvement of wings, anti-freeze equipment for them, as well as the development of a security system. However, the design ideas were rejected.

In 1942, Fresco's work was rewarded. He received a patent for his own design - a model of a "radical variable deflection wing" for pilots.

Fresco participated in the Manhattan Project. He established himself as a brilliant constructor and designer, working on the projects of the "trend house" and "House-sandwich". It was assumed that housing should be built of glass and aluminum. To improve the quality of life of mankind, according to Fresco, possibly abandoning the idea of ​​enrichment and becoming closer to nature. The ideas of budget houses were also not taken seriously, the request for support was rejected.

Scientific works and achievements

From the end of the 1940s, Fresco headed a research laboratory, where he lectured, designed, and acted as a scientific consultant. Since 1955 he moved to California, then to Miami, Florida. Here he participated in the design project of Alcoa and Major Realty.

Fresco outlined his extraordinary scientific views on the cybernetic community in the book Looking Forward, which made him popular. Jacques Fresco dealt with issues of sociocybernetics, later creating a corporation with the same name.

The reason for his excellent health and longevity, he explained the positive perception of life. Jacque Fresco died in 2017 at the age of 101.

Also, Jacque Fresco is one of the founders of a non-profit international non-governmental organization « Venus Project » (The Venus Project).


It all started in 1975 with the Sociocyber Engineering project, on the basis of which the Venus Project was founded in 1994.

The ideas of the project are popularized in books, from screens (several documentaries, films, interviews have been shot). A lot of various materials available on the organization's website, including for download, so that anyone can understand the concepts of the project. As for specific developments, in particular technology drawings, they have not yet been made public.

There are local branches practically all over the world, including in the CIS (the "Designing the Future" movement). Volunteers, in particular translators, also help.

Key points

"The Venus Project" is a socio-economic system with a resource-based economy in which technology and automation are used not for profit, but to improve the standard of living, and for all people. It must do away with many economic and social problems.

Project Goals

The founders and activists of the organization believe that the task is feasible if:

  1. Recognize on a global scale the fact that the resources of the Earth belong to all;
  2. Cancel borders between states;
  3. Renounce money, corporations and governments;
  4. Stabilize the world's population (voluntary birth control);
  5. Reestablish environment;
  6. Make all available material objects environmentally friendly;
  7. Sharing technology for the benefit of all;
  8. Introduce renewable energy sources;
  9. Produce only high quality products;
  10. Carefully study large construction projects in order to prevent undesirable consequences for the environment;
  11. Raise the level of education for all, encourage creativity and nurture individuality;
  12. Create a new language of communication based on the proximity of people to the outside world;
  13. Prepare the population of the Earth (intellectually and emotionally) for change.

Action plan

The transition is expected to occur in an evolutionary way. As the automation of production increases, purchasing power will decrease. Money will gradually become obsolete.

First stage

The task of the stage is informing. This has already been partially implemented. In addition to the published materials (in more than 25 languages), distance learning is offered. The research center (American city of Venus, Florida) invites visitors to look at the layouts, find out their questions.

Second phase

In 2016, the documentary film "The Choice is Ours" was released. Funds are being raised for a feature film that will show the society of the future that implements the proposed ideas.

Third stage

Testing all ideas in an experimental research city.

Fourth stage

Creation of a theme park, whose task is not only to entertain, but also to tell about different types of behavior and how the environment reacts to it.

Association with the Zeitgeist movement

The project owes its fame to the films Zeitgeist: Appendix and Zeitgeist: The Next Step. But for several years now, the organization has been talking about its independence from this movement, explaining that it did not reflect the ideas of the project.


Despite the assertions of the project's supporters that the concept has a scientific basis, it has many critics. No one has heard of independent research. There is no answer to questions about how this can be implemented in practice, and whether possible problems when switching to the new kind economic system. Some even call the "Venus Project" a utopia.

“We either learn to live together or we die alone.”

"If we make a film about modern culture and show it to the people of the future, it will be a horror film"

“The consumer society is a society of lonely people who have everything except what they really need”

“The problem is not that we cannot provide for the poor, but that we cannot meet the needs of the rich”

“If you believe that the world cannot be changed, it only means that you are not one of those who will change it”

“Earthlings do not have money to deliver water to the arid regions of the Earth, but they have money to look for water on Mars. After that, it is worth asking the question: is there a mind on Earth?

“The main danger is to sit idly by”

State of Florida

The research center of the project is located on an area of ​​21.5 acres (≈ 0.087 km²) in the city of Venus, Florida, USA. The name of the project was given by the English name of the city, which in Russian means "Venus".

Encyclopedic YouTube

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    Jacque Fresco developed the Venus Project for almost his entire life - from the beginning of the Great Depression in the United States. According to Fresco, in 1975 he established the Sociocyber Engineering project (eng. Sociocyberneering, Inc.), which evolved into the Venus Project in 1994.

    To date, the ideas of the project have been presented in several books (“Designing the Future”, “The Best Money Can't Buy” and the like), documentaries (“Welcome to the Future”, “United Cities” produced by the BBC, “Paradise or Oblivion ”, “The Choice is Ours”) and numerous interviews (one of the most famous is an interview with Larry King in the 1970s). Some ideas are visually presented in the films Cities in the Sea and Self-Erecting Structures.

    Many countries have established local public branches that are curated, supported and developed by the activists of The Venus Project. On the territory of the CIS countries, the local public organization was named "Designing the Future". In addition, the project is supported by an international linguistic team that volunteers to translate and proofread materials into as many languages ​​as possible.

    On the official website of the organization, the visitor can download many materials for free: electronic books, movies, interview recordings, brochures, posters, flyers, etc., which are distributed under the CC BY-NC-ND license, which allows the free distribution of these files; read a list of recommended readings compiled from works by third-party authors, which is intended to help understand some of the aspects offered by the Venus Project - for example, those related to general semantics; see answers to the most frequently asked questions, including those on the topic of comparing the solutions of this project and the solutions of other authors or public associations.

    On proposals to publish drawings of specific technologies that, according to Jacque Fresco, have already been developed as part of the Venus Project, he refused, motivating it with the potential for commercialization, since, in his opinion, the indicator of convenience of living in the proposed cities would be unusually high, and in the modern monetary system, this will lead to a high cost of rent.

    It is difficult for us to answer questions about design developments, about solar panels or the transport of the future - these are questions from the free enterprise system. We don't share the details with them, because people can abuse them or withdraw the patent - then they will appropriate our design and we won't be able to build anything. Therefore, we share general layouts without details.

    Roxanne Meadows

    Key points

    Jacque Fresco believed that the "Venus Project" is a holistic socio-economic system, in which automation and technology will be intelligently integrated into all public spheres with the aim of improving the standard of living, and not making a profit, in contrast to the modern system. Profit must cease to play the role of a criterion in choosing decisions. Also, based on the fact that a person is a part of the environment, a new system of values ​​of human existence (in accordance with the bearing capacity of the Earth) is proposed, which would take care of the environment and all people, and would also correspond to the nature of human needs. Fresco considered these ideas quite realizable and practical.

    It is expected that the implementation of the project will give society a wide range of opportunities that will lead to new era peace and sustainable development. The introduction of a resource-based economy aimed at the benefit of all mankind should eradicate crime, poverty, hunger, solve the problems of the homeless and many other topical issues that are relevant throughout the world today.

    Most of the human problems modern society"The Venus Project" considers as a consequence of the conditions of life in the monetary environment. For example, since automation facilitates manual labor by replacing it with machine labor, in monetary terms this leads to a decrease in overall purchasing power due to an increase in the number of unemployed people and the uncontrolled use of resources for profit. In a resource-based economy, automation would eliminate the need for routine work and increase the quality of products many times over, which would give more time to realize human creative potential and improve the standard of living of all people on the planet.

    Project Goals

    On the official website of the Designing the Future movement, the following goals of the Venus Project are declared:

    1. Worldwide recognition of the natural resources of the Earth as the property of all mankind;
    2. Cancellation of artificial borders separating people;
    3. Transition from the money-oriented national economies of individual countries to the global resource-oriented economy;
    4. Stabilization of the world's population through increased levels of education and voluntary birth control;
    5. Environmental restoration;
    6. Reconstruction of cities, transport systems, agricultural and industrial enterprises into energy-saving, environmentally friendly systems that can meet the needs of all people;
    7. Gradual complete rejection of such forms of government as corporations and governments (local, national or transnational);
    8. Interchange of technologies and their use for the benefit of all peoples;
    9. Development and use of clean;
    10. Making only the highest quality products for all people in the world (for example, by abandoning the concept of planned obsolescence);
    11. Preliminary studies of any large construction projects for possible environmental impacts;
    12. promotion creativity and the creative principle in man in all his manifestations;
    13. Getting rid of the remnants of the past (nationalism, fanaticism) and prejudices by raising the level of education of the Earth's population;
    14. Elimination of any kind of elitism, including technical;
    15. Develop methodologies through scientific research, not random opinions;
    16. Creation of a new language of communication based on its convergence with the outside world (see General semantics);
    17. Providing people not only with everything necessary for life, but also educating individuality with the help of tasks that stimulate the human mind;
    18. Intellectual and emotional preparation of people for the coming changes.

    Action plan

    First stage

    The first step is to inform the public about the Venus Project. It has already been partially implemented. To inform about the project, videos, brochures, flyers, posters, press kits, the book "The Best That Money Can't Buy" (eng. The Best That Money Can't Buy), the possibility of free distance learning is provided. An international team of volunteer translators had translated the main site into thirteen languages ​​by early 2013. Some materials, such as the films "Paradise or Oblivion" and "The Choice Is Ours", have already been translated into more than 25 languages.

    Jacque Fresco and Roxanne Meadows as part of the presentation of the project was built Research Center an area of ​​ten hectares in the city of Venus, Florida, USA. Every Saturday the center organizes regular tours for visitors. The energy, transport and construction technologies proposed by the Venus Project are not presented in their current form, which is explained by the insufficient amount of funds for their implementation. Visitors have the opportunity to see the models of structures and ask questions to Roxana Meadows.

    Second phase

    On January 23, 2016, the feature-length documentary "The Choice is Ours" was completed, which precedes the main feature film (a feature film at the fundraising stage, the script has already been written), which should vividly and clearly show how the proposed innovations will work in different areas around the world. world, and demonstrate a variant of a society in which man, nature and technology coexist and develop in a state of constant, stable, dynamic balance. A feature film, according to Jacque Fresco, should create a positive expectation among the audience of a peaceful society of the future, in which all people make up one big family on planet Earth.

    Third stage


    Model of the city in the framework of the Venus Project

    Creation of an experimental research city, which is planned to be built on collected donations and proceeds from the sale of previously made developments, as well as from income received after the release of the feature film. New technical and social ideas will be tested in the city - this will provide an opportunity to see their practical implementation and impact on the quality of life. It is envisaged that several cities will become part of the transition period and will evolve from semi-cooperative money-oriented communities to a resource-based economic model.

    Fourth stage

    After the experimental research city is built, work will be planned on a theme park that will entertain and inform visitors about purely human behaviors, as well as the environment's response to these types. Prerequisites will be created for the construction of a number of AI-integrated circular cities, houses, transport systems that do not pollute the environment; development of computer technologies of a new level and other types of technologies that help improve the lives of all people on the planet in the shortest possible time.

    Association with the Zeitgeist movement

    The Venus Project gained wide exposure in 2008 through the films Zeitgeist: The Appendix and Zeitgeist: The Next Step. Since about 2011, The Venus Project has positioned itself as separate from the Zeitgeist movement and has spoken of the independence of the project and the movement from each other due to the fact that, under the leadership of Peter Joseph, the Zeitgeist movement did not pay attention to the needs of the Venus Project and did not reflect the direction of development he proposed.


    Answers to many questions are given both on the official websites of the Venus Project and Designing the Future (see the FAQ section) and in the videos. However, it is not known that the Venus Project has detailed work or research on the following issues:

    • How should implementation of all Venus Project proposals be ensured in practice, taking into account existing realities and limitations?
    • What new problems can the implementation of the Venus Project and the transition to a resource-based economy bring, how are they taken into account within the framework of the proposed concept?

    Due to the lack of specifics, the proposed concept is extremely difficult to falsify, which takes it out of the scope of scientific discussion. There are no data on independent sociological, psychological and economic research the validity of the concept, but supporters of the Venus Project argue that it is based on a scientific basis.

    Utopian project

    Nicolina Olsen-Ruhl in a paper written for the Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies), notes the following:

    To most people, the project's promises sound like an unattainable utopia, but as you learn more about The Venus Project, you'll find a surprisingly large number of scientifically based arguments that open up a whole new world of possibilities.

    Morten Gronborg, also from the Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies, notes:

    It is possible that the modern interpretation of the word "utopia" sounds like an accusation when the polymath and futurist Jacque Fresco says that ... he does not want to call his life's work - "The Venus Project" - a utopia. In any case, this fantastic idea of ​​a society of the future contains many general characteristics with utopia. The word utopia has a double meaning - in Greek it can mean both a good place(eng. eutopia), and a non-existent place (eng. outopia). It is the “good place” that is what Jacque Fresco has dedicated his life to, and what Jacques Fresco is fighting for.

    see also


    1. About | The Venus Project (English) , The Venus Project
    2. Eliminating Money, Taxes, and Ownership Will Bring Forth Technoutopia(neopr.) . motherboard. Retrieved 16 September 2017.
    3. Research Center/Tour | The Venus Project (English) , The Venus Project. Retrieved 16 September 2017.
    4. Journal "Project Venus", p. 4 (indefinite) . Tio Trom. Retrieved 28 September 2015.
    5. Public organization "Design Future"(Russian) (indefinite). Public Organization "Designing the Future". Retrieved 11 September 2017.
    6. Section downloads movies and e-books organizations (indefinite) . Venus project. Retrieved 28 September 2015.
    7. Jacque Fresco and the Venus Project. Publication technologies - Jacques Fresco - Project Venus (indefinite) (November 26, 2011). Retrieved 11 September 2017.

    Jacques Fresco is a man who has been working for many years on the idea of ​​organizing the social structures of the future, based not on traditional models of economy and consumption, but on the possibilities of modern science. The goal of the project is the sustainable development of civilization without conflicts.

    Jacques was born in 1916 and managed to catch the Great Depression, then received a good education and became known as an industrial designer and architect. AT last years he is busy talking about the somewhat fantastical project of his dreams. Just a couple of days ago, Digital October hosted his lecture (live teleconference) about this project.

    Jacques in his creative lab

    Here are the main theses:

    • The political system that worked well 50 years ago is now obsolete.
    • Most modern systems we owe it to the Romans. But they had a different society.
    • We have already produced a huge knowledge base. We need to develop it, not count money.
    • Here are the calculations of what cities, systems of relationships, etc. should be like.
    • Integration will be slow and smooth, but it needs to be done.
    • The first thing to start with is to change the education system.
    • The second is the transition to some form of government similar to communism.
    • Third, consistent automation of all routine processes, including government work.


    Jacques began with a brief tour of his project. Among other things, he noted that one of the things that needs to be changed in the future is the language. The fact is that it is also outdated: depending on the context and cultural background, it allows you to perceive the same data in different ways. (note Orwell, with his newspeak, at one time summed up a fairly large base for why such a language is needed). AT new system there will be a new language, and without a high level of interpretation. For comparison, the language of mathematics and technology is a language that does not depend on cultural baggage, this language is the same. Engineers understand each other well. Technical papers will be read the same way anywhere on the planet. Communication in everyday language is very much tied to the context.

    About politics

    The political system worked well 50 years ago, but now science has made it completely obsolete - and it is about ready to change our social life. The Venus Project is a new social system.
    I don't believe in the beauty of a money economy. I believe that most of the social vices are a consequence of the money economy.
    The resource economy will have a higher efficiency. Over time, changing the economy will lead to a change in human behavior.

    About the population

    Our planet can only bear a certain amount of of people. If we continue to develop as we are now, disputes, conflicts and so on will continue. A small number of countries control most of the natural resources - this leads to wars. The simplest way from the point of view of mankind is to agree that Natural resources belong to the whole world to all countries.

    But for now, we can't do that. As long as we have police, military and other similar forces, as long as people live for themselves, there will be no civilized society. If such a community is formed, it will show a good rate of improvement in welfare, so all the “breakaways” will change their minds sooner or later. Jacques does not consider himself a utopian. Even what he is now designing will seem like a straitjacket to our children. The task is to move towards the better step by step, creating the ideal that seems optimal at the current moment and changing plans as the scientific, technical and social base grows.

    Here is an example: in the future there should be no cars - only well-designed public transport. Such a system, for example, should work without traffic lights at all. Over time, all transport systems will be automated. The same goes for other city systems. The more time we have to design, the more we can automate.

    Sooner or later we will automate the government.

    About cities

    This is the city of the future according to today's projects. All decisions about its structure are made on the basis of scientific analysis. Designed by Jacque Fresco, www.thevenusproject.com

    The device of the city: the outskirts are residential areas, further - scientific centers, then the tents of cultural objects, the center - schools, shops, the core of transport systems, the intercity transport terminal, etc., the very center - a common information terminal, a kind of "oracle" that performs a prognostic function. The city assumes the maximum use of geothermal sources, high-rise construction and other technologies (note similar to the Habitat Cities from Reality Dysfunction). Designed by Jacque Fresco, www.thevenusproject.com

    Today's system is built on limited resources, but it is possible to start acting - for example, designing cities - based on available and available resources, using some kind of technocratic solutions. Jacques shows his city project: “The whole city can be a park. It is not necessary, for example, to make kitchens in every house - you can make common restaurants.” The profession of a waiter will also go away - for example, if you are a diabetic, you will be offered only those dishes that you can.

    “The first kitchen factory in the USSR was opened in the spring of 1925 in Ivanovo-Voznesensk. Many processes of cooking, as well as washing dishes and cutting vegetables and bread, were mechanized there. She served eight canteens at the factories and factories of the city.


    One of the main postulates of culture is freedom of choice. However, now there is such a system (at least, Jacques is talking about the USA), in which people are chosen in order to maintain the existing order. That is why the state places great emphasis on loyalty: without loyalty, it is difficult to keep the system unchanged. Jacques believes that this needs to be revised: one should not “listen to the user”, but work as a system architect, putting forward, perhaps unpopular, but useful solutions for society and the planet as a whole. Already today, most people do not have loyalty to countries - and this is normal.

    About the Terminator and technocracy

    Jacques says the fear of cars comes from Hollywood. We see how machines kill people - and this creates fear. Over time, we will be able to design more powerful machines. There is no need to be afraid that machines can do more than a person, this has already happened a long time ago. Jacques does not believe that machines will experience emotions or have purposes of their own. They just can work perfectly without interruption.

    About eugenics and education

    Outstanding abilities are the product of the education of society. It's nice to think you were born a genius, but a genius can be raised. Genes determine a lot, but circumstances - social environment - often mean more. Jacques for natural processes and motivation. He tells how he taught children to read: he read aloud, and then, at the most interesting place, he yawned and said that he was tired. When the son asked what was next, he said: “Well, if you could read, you would have figured it out yourself.” Society should act in much the same way, motivating participants, not forcing them.

    About communism

    Communism painted a similar picture of a bright future, but did not provide solutions to problems. No religion, no philosophical movement offers solutions to specific problems. Communism did not abolish money, the police - it promised people work, but not creative work.

    And finally - one more illustration about the project

    Imagine that golden rain has begun. You collect gold dust and accumulate it in your closet... but the golden rain never ends, and the dust has nowhere to go - it depreciates! In the city of the future "Venus" there is no point in accumulating anything - everything should be in abundance!

    About Jacques

    Jacques looks like an old professor, loves specifics (“If you don’t like my answer, just say: I DID NOT ANSWER. Don’t need this courtesy”), he hates the patent system, the army and a number of other things that he considers hopelessly outdated. Soon he will be 96 years old: he does not want to “sit in a chair and wait for death”, instead he tries to keep abreast of everything that happens in the world.

    No, this is not an Iron Man character, but Jacque Fresco in his youth.

    Once the great science fiction writer Robert Heinlein wrote: “... man showed miracles of ingenuity, inventing ways to kill, enslave, enslave and poison the lives of his own kind. Man is a vicious mockery of himself."

    It's hard not to agree with these words... But there are people on Earth who understand that it can't go on like this anymore. This article is the story of Jacque Fresco's great dream and struggle.

    Untimely projects

    Jacque Fresco was born on March 13, 1916 in New York. Already in his early years, he showed an unusual craving for knowledge and contempt for authorities. At the age of 14, he finally became disillusioned with general education system. Fresco always said that schools do not turn children into free-thinking people, but only into gears and parts of a huge mechanism.

    He also had a special relationship with religion. He admitted that he reads the Bible instead of a book of jokes and sincerely does not understand how people do not notice all the inaccuracies and contradictions.
    The turning point in his life was the Great Depression.

    Fresco could not understand why millions of people suffer from unemployment, lack of money and hunger, while all the plants, factories, machines, equipment and resources have not gone away. In the future, he devoted his life to the development of alternative ways of development for mankind.

    In the late 1930s, he took a job with the Douglas Aircraft Company, where he worked in design and engineering. One of his projects was aircraft in the form of a disk, but this and other projects of Jacques were considered impractical and untimely. He eventually left the company, earning a reputation for being "twenty years ahead of his time".

    Fresco was hired by American entrepreneur Earl Muntz, nicknamed the Mad One. The employer wanted Jacque Fresco to create a "passive house". The idea was a new approach to construction, because such a house of aluminum and glass could be erected in a matter of hours. This was proven when ten people finished building a house within eight hours.

    In the late 1940s and early 1950s, Fresco ran a research laboratory he had set up in Los Angeles. There he lectured and taught courses in technical design, while at the same time he worked as a freelance consultant to pay for his research and inventions. He soon ran into financial difficulties and moved to Florida after the municipality demolished his lab building because that was the site of the new highway.

    In Florida, Fresco continued his consulting work for various organizations. Then he joined the Ku Klux Klan and the Council of White Citizens of America. Interestingly, each cell of the above-mentioned organizations that he joined fell apart very soon. Much later, he admitted that he deliberately joined them in order to convince the people who were there of the fallacy of their views. Essentially, Fresco was destroying organizations from within.

    In the 1960s, Jacques began work on ring towns. He designed in detail their structure, transport system, residential complexes ... However, the question arose of how to most rationally organize the management of such cities in order to minimize human factor. And then the idea of ​​​​sociocybernetics appeared, the basics of which were presented in Fresco's book "Looking Forward", written by him in collaboration with Ken Case.

    This publication described the cybernetic society of the future, where routine work is transferred automated systems that freed people for creative self-knowledge. In the future, this concept formed the basis of the Venus Project.

    For all mankind

    In 1980, Fresco bought land plot an area of ​​21.5 acres in the town of Venus (Venus) in Florida. There he established his research center and began building self-designed buildings.

    In 1994, Fresco, together with his colleague Roxanne Meadows, officially registered the Venus Project as public organization. The scheme of the ring city became the symbol of the project.
    Fresco offered an alternative path of development for all mankind. It was a complex practical solutions for different tasks. The main directions can be distinguished in it: resource-based economy, energy, cities and cybernetization.

    Resource Based Economy

    Today, all resources on Earth are distributed by the monetary system. It is inherently unfair, since the number of things available is determined by the size of your wallet. This creates a paradox: almost half of humanity is undernourished, and a billion are starving. At the same time, almost 50% of all food produced on the planet rots in warehouses and supermarkets in developed countries.

    There is also such a thing as "programmed obsolescence" - a disgusting policy of most manufacturers, when products are deliberately made of poor quality. In most cases immediately after warranty period it breaks or becomes unusable. Consumers have to repair it or buy a new one. This is not surprising in a society where the measure of everything is profit.

    That is why even in the most developed countries there is corruption, fraud, robbery and other crimes. In addition, it is because of the resources that endless wars take place. Thousands of young men and women die not for the freedom of their homeland, but for someone's greedy interests.

    The Venus Project proposes to take a global inventory of all available resources and infrastructure and declare them the property of all mankind, and not a handful of banks and corporations. As Fresco reiterates, people do not need money, but access to resources and services. In this economy, everyone will be able to get everything they need without paying. There will be enough resources for everyone with their proper distribution.


    To ensure uninterrupted power supply, the project provides for the development of environmentally friendly and highly efficient technologies.

    One such option could be geothermal energy. It can provide 500 times more energy than all hydrocarbons combined. When it is mined, pollutants are not emitted - all that comes out of geothermal stations is steam.

    Thermonuclear fusion, in which hydrogen atoms, when combined, turn into helium, is very interesting. This is a process similar to what happens in the depths of stars. In modern nuclear power plants, radioactive waste remains after operation, and during thermonuclear fusion, only harmless helium is formed.

    A project for a bridge across the Bering Strait was also developed. It was supposed to equip it with turbines to obtain energy from ocean currents. You can also use the energy of wind, solar, tides, ocean currents, temperature differences, bacteria, biomass, electrostatics, etc.


    According to Fresco, it is much easier to build new cities than to continue to support old ones. The cities of the future must have a multi-level ring system. Each such city is an autonomous system with minimal environmental impact. They will include research centers and laboratories, sports facilities, schools, hospitals, workshops, music and art studios, and product distribution points. All waste will be processed inside the city in special zones, and not piled up in landfills, as it is today.

    Each city will have an individual design, depending on the goals, location, population. In the arctic or desert zones, it is possible to build underground cities.

    All houses and buildings will be erected from ready-made blocks using mega-machines. Materials for all buildings - ceramic and carbon, are not afraid of the elements and earthquakes, because they can bend without deformation. Houses will accumulate solar energy and regulate the temperature inside the premises. All so necessary modern man electronics are built into the walls and form a single integrated system with the house.

    The creation of sea cities can significantly relieve the land and provide food for mankind. Such cities will clean up and support the ecology of the oceans. They will have fish farms for breeding commercial fish species. Thanks to the latest technologies, it will be possible to receive electricity directly from ocean currents.


    Everything will be automated in the future. Artificial intelligence systems integrated with infrastructure will enable unprecedented levels of production. All data will flow to control centers to coordinate all processes and plan future work. Supercomputers will be able to monitor the transport system, the redistribution of energy flows, improve and develop medical and educational programs. Much of this does not require human intervention.

    Millions of people will finally breathe a sigh of relief, as they no longer have to struggle for existence every day. Instead of performing daily repetitions, each earthling will receive the opportunity for self-improvement action, traveling, studying new scientific disciplines. This will unlock the true potential of everyone.

    Utopia - ideal world

    A lot of people criticize Jacque Fresco and his project. He is accused of idealism and utopianism. In response, he says that a utopia is an ideal world, and any ideal world is doomed to collapse, since it has nowhere to develop further. Fresco proposes to found a new, constantly developing and evolving world, in which there is no place for political regimes, senseless wars, terror, poverty and hunger. A world that thousands of generations of people dreamed of, but never got to see.

    Today, Jacque Fresco is already 98 years old, but he is still cheerful, has a clear mind and devotes everything free time research and experimentation. He travels the planet a lot and tells people about the great future that will become a reality if we are responsible for ourselves and our planet.

    Adilet URAIMOV

    “You can’t solve a problem being on the same

    the level of consciousness at which we created it"

    Albert Einstein

    A society built on the power of money and scarcity of resources is not stable and constantly needs huge human resources to maintain it. The system of values, the signs of which are consumerism, greed and selfishness, and not human well-being, prosperity and creative development, constantly presents scenarios of internecine, national and ideological wars, leading only to poverty and suffering.

    This state of the social structure originated millennia ago, having reached its apogee at the present time, it is rapidly dying in economic, political, moral and social crises. A new understanding of the world is coming to replace it and a bold project is being put forward, based on a scientific approach and technological method solving the problems of society. “There are all the prerequisites for creating a new society,” says the famous futurist Jacques Fresco. For him there is new earth”, to which the distance is as long as a human act, and the width is hidden in the vast expanses of the universe.

    All the best that money can't buy | Jacque Fresco | Official Audiobook

    Prerequisites for the birth of the project

    The Venus Project is a bold vision of a future built by new people convinced of the futility of the monetary system and artificially created scarcity of resources. The main milestones of social arrangement will be the economy of common resources and high technologies of automated order, which will ensure the full satisfaction of needs, and the shift of people's attention from the aggressive nature of the possession of resources to cognitive and useful activities to maintain a high level of people's quality of life.

    The Venus Project is a research center in Venus, Florida. The founder of the project is Jacque Fresco, an American futurist, production engineer and production designer. He gained worldwide fame with the film Zeitgeist: Appendix. He and assistant Roxanne Meadows are designing a future where man, technology and nature coexist in dynamic balance without neglecting every component of the system. The efforts of scientists are aimed at finding the true causes of the general problems of society. The conclusions of scientists are not comforting and we are predicted to experience great upheavals at all levels of human existence.

    Speech by Jacques Fresco in Stockholm - The Venus Project

    monetary system

    Our world has a huge technological potential. There are the latest technical and technological means, expressed in patents, which make it easier to work and get the desired result. And every year this potential grows. A large number of resources go to build up military potential and maintain the combat readiness of the army. A lot of investments are spent in the defense industry of the state to preserve sovereignty and ensure the country's security from a military threat.

    Billions are registered in the budgets of countries Money on the imaginary consideration of an illusory world. Because all external and internal problems are solved, as a rule, with reinforcement by force. Directly and indirectly, the redistribution of funds from the military sector will affect the well-being of the population. First, the reduction in military spending will ensure the safety of money in the country's budget. Secondly, if money is directed to scientific fields useful to society, then sooner or later this will have a positive effect on the standard of living.

    The modern monetary system, which arose many years ago, constantly creates economic inequality, dividing people into rich and poor. In an effort to compete in the possession of the gifts of nature, people use market mechanisms, and if this does not help, then bribery and forceful aggression. Artificially creating a shortage by monopolization methods, crushing the novelties of a technical breakthrough, a handful of people manipulate production volumes and, accordingly, product prices.

    For example, in order to prevent abundance in agriculture some countries pay extra for low yields, to prevent the bankruptcy of companies, and behind them the economy. Other countries, on the contrary, setting strict limits, in fact, despoticly reduce the level of production without investments. And this in a certain way gives rise to corruption, social inequality, theft and other shortcomings of human society.

    Among other things, the presence of a monetary and banking system allows the formula to exist:

    Z= X + Y,

    where X- existing money

    Y- money from interest that must be paid to the debtor.

    Y - money that should be printed, because they do not exist in reality, since they are not backed by real material values. And also Y is indirect slavery. Loans provoke inflation. Banks that have money do not give them free of charge, but use them for their own carefree life. At the same time, creating a deficit, and other economic restrictions that depreciate labor and contribute to rising prices. In fact, the credit and banking system is a financial pyramid, the result of the existence of which is a complete collapse and crisis. Judging by the current trends: the difficult financial situation in the Eurozone, the growth of America's national debt, which are constantly patching up financial holes with infusions of the reserve system, and on the other hand, cheap Chinese products and waves of crises are a direct consequence of these destructive processes.

    It was on the basis of such crises that the Zeitgeist movement with the films of the same name grew. In these films, the essence of the concept of the US Federal Reserve System, the brainchild of which is the credit and banking system, which shows its inhumanity, is totally explained. The author of the film considers the monetary system a great deception.

    "Paradise or Oblivion" - Jacque Fresco - The Venus Project

    Human behavior

    A person is not born cruel and merciless, he is nurtured by the environment. The misconception that genes shape a person's character is reprehensible. But people are not born with malice and hatred towards each other, it develops from our life experience. Of course, human nature requires "marking" one's territory, imposing a fight for one's property and prey, but when material values ​​become abundant, there will be no point in fighting for them.

    A person's upbringing and environment play a major role in a person's behavior. Conditions "create" a person. We become where we grew up. Language is not inherited, it is passed down through upbringing. Cannibalism is where it is welcome.

    The formation of a person occurs on the basis of the environment:

    • parents;
    • friends;
    • mentality;
    • financial well-being;
    • religion;
    • information environment (TV, books, Internet);
    • education, etc.

    Based on the fact that everything moves and changes, according to the natural law, the world also undergoes changes. Given the latest technological advances and the crisis of social arrangement, the old must be replaced by a new world. What comes depends on the people, on each of us. When choosing between destructive and constructive behavior, one must make a choice. Everyone will take a step and advance the future, which will be followed by a change in consciousness and a transition to new level. Our future is the work of our own hands.

    Jacque Fresco answers questions in Moscow 05/12/2012


    Human values ​​depend on social environment in which he grew up. And since it is a product of the monetary system and selfishness, therefore, a person grows here naturally predictable. A person who has grown up in the ideals of capitalism will care more about business and making money than about the satisfaction of the lives of those around him. Any company that invests primarily in the well-being of its workers rather than in advertising and new equipment will be less able to compete with other firms.

    Existing laws, of which millions have been invented, do not solve the main problems. The upper echelons of power and the bureaucracy legitimize the theft of the elite and severely punish the petty theft of the middle and lower classes. As long as the resources of the Earth are used for the benefit of the elect and as long as there are disadvantaged, then no people with high moral values ​​in power will stop lies, fraud, theft and corruption.

    No matter how many laws are invented, there will always be those who will break or circumvent them. Thus, the law is gradually losing its human rights function, increasing the restrictions and the degree of punishment for crimes to the point of absurdity. At the same time, the moral side of people does not undergo changes either in prison or at large. States do not fight the cause, but only temporarily eliminate the consequence of the disease of society.

    To solve the problem of morality- people must be freed from the oppression of earning money every day to provide themselves with goods of first and second necessity.

    Designing the future

    The goal of the Venus project is to create a global civilization with a resource-based economy, universal automation and a developed network of smart cities. Given that machines and robots are more successfully replacing humans in production activities, the higher the role of mechanization and automation in human life. And this is reflected in the form of a reduction in people at work and a decrease in wages.

    Unemployment is rising and purchasing power is falling. Automation is both a path to collapse and a move forward to a new world order. At the same time, advanced cybernetization, automation and artificial intelligence will significantly reduce the costs of mankind for monotonous labor.

    The main postulate of a resource-oriented economy is the proclamation of the world's resources as the property of all mankind, and not of individual corporations. In the restructuring of the planet into a global civilization, emphasis will be placed on the capabilities and needs of man. Infrastructure must be redesigned and operate as a single interconnected global system. The world community as a whole will take into account the interests of everyone.

    Jacque Fresco on the Larry King Show, 1974


    The project implies the principles of scientific methodology. The implementation of the project itself, as a device of public order, lies on a scientific approach. All principles and methods are time-tested and deserve recognition. If there is a choice in favor of magic, astrology or science, then the choice of a sane person will remain with the latter. Its universal descriptive language, understandable formulas and definitions will be clear to an educated person. What does a person currently use, what is he obliged to? These are the achievements and inventions of great minds, brought to perfection by technical masters. Therefore, first of all, a complete inventory of the potential of society will be carried out:

    • physical resources;
    • staff;
    • production capacity;
    • people's needs;
    • accumulation places.

    Having created an information network about finding sources of resources, the construction of certain objects, production processes and human needs, the built-in sensors will bring to the server system up-to-date information where artificial intelligence will solve problems and carry out efficient work.

    A resource-oriented economy will make it possible to achieve high results. To date, there are developments that make it possible to provide the population of the planet with inexhaustible reserves of energy. The driving forces of which will be used:

    • Wind;
    • Ebb and flow;
    • ocean currents;
    • temperature difference;
    • Waterfalls;
    • geothermal energy;
    • Electrostatics;
    • Hydrogen;
    • Natural gas;
    • Seaweed;
    • Biomass;
    • bacteria;
    • Phase transition;
    • Thermoelectronics;
    • Fresnel lenses;
    • Thermonuclear fusion.

    Already today there are technologies on the basis of which we can build power plants, the use of which provides an unlimited amount of energy. For example, geothermal power plants, their use, according to scientists, can provide 500 times more energy than is contained in all the world's minerals. In some countries, energy extracted from the bowels of the earth serves as heat for growing greenhouse plants. The construction of electric turbines in places of fast water currents, such as the Gulf Stream, will also provide energy. By connecting the shores of the Bering Strait with a tunnel or bridge, it can be used as a transport channel for the transport of materials, the collection of marine products and international travel. Any manufacturing process will be practically free. The remaining points of improving the completion of processes will become a matter for enthusiasts.

    On Occupy Wall Street - Jacque Fresco

    At the moment, a lot is spent on servicing cities, but the efficiency is low. It will be more practical to build new cities. Innovative multi-level ring cities will combine advanced construction methods and materials. They will be easily modified to introduce innovations. The circular structure, built with human needs in mind, will be surrounded by parks and gardens, require minimal energy costs and provide best quality life and the preservation of the environment. The city will take into account the needs in healthcare, education, creative centers, sports grounds, points of supply of goods, as well as other objects necessary for life. With information about the number of people, the number of vital institutions will be projected.

    The distribution of goods and services will be carried out in supply centers without money or any other form of exchange. Here it will be possible to learn everything about the product and try it out, and then, as necessary, use it for your own needs or order to receive it. Maximum information and ease of use will be provided. These items can be returned. It will be a public library in the broadest sense. In architectural centers, it will be possible to design and visualize the result immediately on site through 3D projectors.

    It is more time spent on family and home, and not permanent job for the sake of money and well-being will allow families to be more harmonious and whole. All conditions for comfortable coexistence will be created.

    The circular scheme takes into account the distance between objects - they are the shortest. And the presence of waste processing, energy production, and other services will work side by side under the supervision of cybernated systems. Some forms of cities will differ depending on the terrain and other conditions. Some will be linear, underground, as well as floating - "sea cities".

    Among the buildings there will be a computerized complex, where there will be a virtual three-dimensional picture of the Earth in real time to evaluate all incoming information about the state of the planet. The university city is a research center in which knowledge and skills will be put into practice in the near future, and this will serve as a factor in assessing academic performance. The dialogue center is a place where current world-class tasks will be solved.

    The materials will be selected in such a way that their surface will be arranged in the form of solar panels and in parallel act as heat accumulators. During the construction of buildings, heavy-duty and lightweight materials, like carbon fiber, will be used. The windows in such buildings will be automatically shaded and form a certain illumination, and the set climate will be automatically maintained in the rooms.

    Venus project. Misconceptions and criticism. Is it possible? Argument parsing


    Transportation will be carried out under the control of computers. High-speed maglev trains and monorails will become widespread. Overcoming long distances, they will be an alternative to air transport.

    The transport system will be built as safely as possible, taking into account sensors. For the convenience of passengers and transportation of goods, the transport modules will be undocked for quick unloading and speed of movement. Small vehicles will be controlled at will by voice commands or keys. Transport systems will be modular and easily upgraded as innovations emerge.

    Air transportation will be widely applied vertical takeoff and landing. Delta-shaped aircraft controlled by an electrodynamic method will be more convenient to fly and safer.

    Airports are built according to a radial scheme, which will simplify the approach of aircraft and a central building for the convenience of passengers.


    Mega-machines will be introduced everywhere, which will manufacture, transport and install huge modules and blocks in the construction of structures of various types.

    A laser excavator will be created capable of melting the earth's surface to build roads and canals. Automatic tunneling machines used for maglev trains. Large machines will build buildings by moving solid building blocks. In the same way, transportation over long distances will be carried out.


    The Venus Project offers a comprehensive blueprint for a transition to a better society where people, technology and nature can coexist in a long-term sustainable state of dynamic equilibrium.

    The motivation of people in society will not be the desire to earn money by doing unloved, often monotonous work. Consumerism and the desire for large profits will fade into the background, since people will no longer care about money, but will need opportunities for a fulfilling life, where goods and services will be in unlimited quantities. Under these conditions, a person will begin to study the world around him, explore and learn new knowledge and take the path creative work. The potential of humanity will reach a new level of consciousness.

    Brainstorming the Venus Project

    Literature sources
    1. Designing the Future, Jacque Fresco and Roxanne Meadows. The translation was made by activists of the Russian-speaking movement "Zeitgeist". – 2007
    2. The Venus Project, Jacque Fresco and Roxanne Meadows. Press kit. – 2012
    3. Self-erecting structures, Jacque Fresco. The translation and design was made by the activists of the Russian-speaking movement "Zeitgeist". The book is based on the 2011 film of the same name.
    4. Maritime Cities, Jacque Fresco. The translation and design was made by the activists of the Russian-speaking movement "Zeitgeist". The book is based on the 2011 film of the same name.
    1. "Paradise or oblivion". Documentary film written by Jacque Fresco. Prepared by Roxanne Meadows. – 2012
    2. Zeitgeist: Appendix. Documentary by Peter Joseph. – 2008
    3. Zeitgeist: The Next Step. Documentary by Peter Joseph. – 2011
    Internet resources:

    Fresco, Jacques - from the free encyclopedia Wikipedia.

    Jacque Fresco on language. Folly and delusion