Prospects for the development of unmanned aerial vehicles. Unmanned aerial vehicle

  • 08.12.2019

At the end of the next exhibition "Unmanned Multi-Purpose Systems" - UVS-TECH 2009, all interested readers are offered an overview of Russian unmanned aviation systems aircraft type. It is perhaps the most complete list of UAV projects, both previously implemented and those on which work is currently ongoing. UAVs are systematized by mass and range.

In Russia, in the field of creating complexes with UAVs, one and a half dozen large and small firms. All developers, as a rule, go in the direction of creating a wide range of multifunctional complexes capable of performing various tasks. As a result, potential customers are offered many, in fact, the same type of UAVs that solve similar problems.

Unfortunately, in Russia there is no accepted UAV classification. Classify the available this moment in the domestic market, samples and projects of UAVs using the categories of the association of unmanned systems UVS International are not entirely possible. In addition, there are problems with the interpretation by Russian developers of certain characteristics, for example, the range of UAVs. To systematize the UAV systems currently available in Russia, the following classification is proposed, based on take-off weight and / or range.

Micro and mini short-range UAVs

The class of miniature ultralight and light vehicles and complexes based on them with a takeoff weight of up to 5 kg began to appear in Russia relatively recently, but is already quite widely represented. UAVs are designed for individual operational use at short ranges at a distance of up to 25 ... 40 km. They are easy to operate and transport, are foldable and are positioned as “wearable”, as a rule, they are launched from the hand.

The Izhevsk company "Unmanned Systems" is actively working in the field of creating UAVs of this type. These include the ZALA 421-11 ultralight monitoring UAV, the first flight of which was performed in 2007. The whole complex is placed in a case of a standard size. According to the set of target load, the device is identical to another model - . This portable small-sized complex includes two UAVs, a control station and a container-backpack for transportation. The total weight of the complex is only 8 kg. For monitoring, a replaceable unit is used (TV, IR cameras, camera). In the summer of 2008, test flights of a ship modification were carried out from the icebreaker to conduct reconnaissance and search for objects on the water. In accordance with the requirements of the Border Guard Service, the company has recently developed a lightweight ZALA 421-12 UAV with an increased flight duration. The device allows you to monitor using a full-fledged gyro-stabilized camera on two axes with the ability to view the lower hemisphere and with an optical magnification of 26 times. The UAV is capable of monitoring day and night. Navigation is based on GPS/GLONASS signals.

The Kazan company "ENIKS" represents in this class a whole family of devices and complexes, for which the base has become. This is a UAV for remote observation of objects and monitoring of the ground situation. The device is made according to the “flying wing” scheme with folding consoles, an electric motor with a pusher propeller is located in the tail section. The UAV can be equipped with a wide range of surveillance equipment, including a stabilized TV system, a camera, etc.). The whole complex can be transported in shoulder containers or by road. The development of the basic version was completed in 2003, and its production began in 2004. In 2008, the pilot operation of the complex was carried out at the polar station SP-35 together with the State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation AARI. The civilian version of Eleron is called T25. The payload is a stabilized TV system (in the T25D modification), an IR camera (T25N) or a camera. The development of the T23 is the Eleron-3 and Gamayun-3 UAV family. Their creation was announced in 2008. UAV "Eleron-3" is planned to be created in at least seven modifications, which differ mainly in the target load, which may include a TV, IR camera, camera, repeater, RTR station and jamming. When simulating air targets, Luneberg lenses and IR emitters can be installed. Navigation is based on GPS/GLONASS signals. The control station is unified with the Eleron-10 (T10) complex. On the basis of the apparatus of the "Eleron" type, OJSC "Irkut" created aviation complex remote sensing "". In 2007, the UAV was accepted for the supply of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation.

SKB "Topaz" offers its portable remote monitoring system. It includes a small-sized UAV "Lokon". The payload includes TV, IR cameras and a camera. The ground component of the complex includes a control center, receiving and processing information and containers for carrying UAVs. Production is carried out at the Istra Experimental Mechanical Plant (IEMZ).

A number of IEMZ's own developments also belong to micro- and mini-UAVs. In particular, the specialists of the plant have developed the basic UAV "Istra-010" weighing 4 kg for aerial photographic reconnaissance. The enterprise manufactured five sets of such UAVs for experimental military operation and transferred them to the RF Ministry of Defense. The complex includes a ground station and two aircraft. In 2008, the company was creating a photo reconnaissance vehicle weighing 2.5...3 kg, which is a lightweight version of the previously built UAV weighing 4 kg.

The research and production and design center "Novik-XXI century" has long been known for its developments in the field of unmanned systems. One of the systems developed by the company is the BRAT UAV complex. It includes a small unmanned vehicle weighing 3 kg. The standard target load is two TV cameras or one digital camera.

To date, the line of unmanned systems of the Russian innovative company Aerocon includes three devices of the Inspector series. Two of them belong to the mini-UAV class, and the “youngest” is approaching the “micro” class. The complexes are designed to solve a variety of surveillance tasks, including in difficult and cramped conditions, in an urban environment.

One of the "fresh" developments in the field of mini-class systems is the complex with the T-3 UAV, created by the Rissa company. UAV T-3 is designed for use in day and night video surveillance tasks, aerial photography, for use as a carrier of a radio signal repeater. Currently, the complex is undergoing the stage of testing pre-series samples and fine-tuning ground equipment

Light short-range UAVs

The class of light short-range UAVs includes somewhat larger devices - in the mass range from 5 to 50 kg. The range of their action is within 10 - 70 km.

The company "Novik-XXI century" in this class offers an unmanned complex "Grant". It includes a basic automated workstation on the UAZ-3741 chassis, a transport and launcher on the UAZ-3303 chassis and two Grant UAVs. The unmanned vehicles have a mass of 20 kg.

UAVs ZALA 421-04 offer "Unmanned Systems". The device is made according to the "flying wing" scheme with a pusher propeller. The UAV is equipped with an automatic control system that allows you to set the route, control and correct the flight in real time. The payload is a color video camera on a gyro-stabilized platform. Since 2006, the complex has been supplying the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

At the UVS-TECH 2008 exhibition, CJSC ENIKS announced for the first time the creation of two monitoring systems based on the T10 drone, adapted for specific tasks - Eleron-10 and Gamayun-10. In the Eleron-10 complex, it is possible to use UAVs in several target load options, including with a TV, IR camera, camera, repeater, RTR station and jamming. In 2007-2008 complex "Eleron-10" has passed a cycle of flight tests. A similar device is also in the line of UAVs of the Irkut company. The Irkut-10 complex consists of two UAVs, ground-based control and maintenance facilities, and is equipped with a communication line with two digital secure control and data transmission channels. Serial production is being prepared.

Another "brainchild" of ENIKS CJSC is the T92 Lotos UAV. It is designed to deliver a target load to a given area or perform monitoring. TV and/or IR cameras can be used as payloads. The UAV took part in the research exercises of the Ground Forces at the Alabinsky training ground of the Moscow Military District and in the exercises of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Tatarstan in 1998. Currently, the complex is in operation. This UAV is aerodynamically similar to the small-sized UAV T90 (T90-11), designed for monitoring the area, operational search, and detection of ground objects. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that it is used as part of the Smerch MLRS. The adjustment of MLRS fire carried out by the device at a distance of up to 70 km reduces firing errors and reduces the consumption of shells. Payload - TV camera. When folded, the UAV is placed in a special container and fired using a standard 300-mm rocket projectile. According to reports, the complex is currently being tested in the interests of the RF Ministry of Defense.

In addition, in this class, ENIKS is developing a remote viewing complex with a light UAV T21. The payload is a TV camera. The design of the UAV allows it to be transported in a small container. There is a T24 UAV project designed for remote monitoring of the area and transmission of photo and video images to a ground control room. Its layout is similar to the Eleron UAV. The payload is standard - TV / IR system.

The Rybinsk Design Bureau "Luch" created several UAVs for the "Tipchak" aerial reconnaissance complex. The most "advanced" of them is BLA-05. Its State tests were completed in 2007, in 2008 its serial production began. The UAV is capable of searching for objects and transmitting data in real time to the ground command post at any time of the day. The payload is a combined two-spectrum TV / IR camera, which can be replaced with photographic equipment. In addition to the BLA-05, the company some time ago announced two more devices designed for use in the complex. One of them is BLA-07, a small-sized tactical UAV. As a target load, it carries a combined dual-spectrum TV / IR camera or camera. Its design began in 2005. The next vehicle is BLA-08. This is a low-speed UAV with a long flight duration. It is intended for use in intelligence systems in the interests of various types of armed forces and military branches.

Light medium-range UAVs

A number of domestic samples can be attributed to the class of light medium-range UAVs. Their mass is in the range of 50 - 100 kg.

These include, in particular, the multi-purpose UAV T92M "Chibis", created by JSC "ENIKS". The device is aerodynamically almost completely unified with commercially produced air targets E95M and E2T. TV and IR cameras can be used as payloads. The propulsion system is a piston engine instead of the M135 PuVRD. The complex is in the stage of preparation for operation.

Recently, the company "Unmanned Systems" created a new UAV ZALA 421-09, which is designed to monitor the earth's surface and has a long flight duration - 10.5 hours. It is supplied with a ski or wheeled chassis. Target load - TV, IR camera, camera on a gyro-stabilized platform.

The developments of the company "Transas" - UAVs "Dozor-2" and "Dozor-4" are very interesting. Both devices have a similar layout. UAV "Dozor-2" is used to monitor objects of national economic and military purposes, deliver the necessary cargo, patrol the borders, digital cartography. Its payload is an automatic digital camera, high-resolution forward and side-view cameras, and a near and far IR system. The entire complex is located on the basis of a cross-country vehicle. The creation of the complex began in 2005. This year it was tested in the interests of the Border Guard Service, several sets were ordered by one of the Russian oil companies to monitor pipelines. "Dozor-4" - modification of the UAV "Dozor-2". A batch of these UAVs has already been put into production in the amount of 12 devices for conducting military tests in the interests of the Border Guard Service of the FSB of the Russian Federation.

The rather old Stroy-P complex, developed by the Moscow Research Institute Kulon with the Pchela-1T UAV, also belongs to the class under consideration. At present, the complex has been modernized ("Stroy-PD") in terms of round-the-clock use. In addition, in the future, it is expected to introduce other UAVs into its composition.

Medium UAVs

The takeoff weight of medium-sized UAVs ranges from 100 to 300 kg. They are designed for use at ranges of 150 - 1000 km.

CJSC "ENIKS" in this class created a multi-purpose UAV M850 "Astra". Its main purpose is to be used as a reusable aerial target for training air defense calculations. However, it can also be used to perform work related to operational monitoring of the earth's surface. To do this, it is possible to install additional target equipment. The device is interesting in that it has an air launch, which can be carried out from the external suspension of an aircraft or helicopter. The layout is similar to the E22 / E22M “Berta” reusable aerial target, the new T04 long-range drone. The development of an apparatus designed for multispectral monitoring was started in 2006.

For the first time at the UVS-TECH-2007 exhibition, a new Berkut UAV for operational monitoring of territories and objects was demonstrated. The developer is OAO Tupolev. The device has a long flight time. Target load - TV and IR cameras, surveillance sensors, radio data transmission line and telemetry equipment. In 2007, a technical proposal for this UAV was developed.

The systems of the considered range also include the Irkut-200 remote sensing complex. The complex includes two UAVs, a ground control station and maintenance facilities. The payload is a TV camera, a thermal imaging camera, a radar station and a digital camera. The complex is currently under development and testing.

Recently NPO them. S.A. Lavochkina presented one of their UAV projects for remote sensing - La-225 Komar. During a long flight at a great distance, it is capable of transmitting video information in real time to a ground station. Start, landing and control is carried out from a mobile ground complex. The UAV is under development and test preparation. The prototype was demonstrated for the first time at MAKS-2007.

The firm "Istra-Aero" has developed at least two versions of UAVs with a mass of 120-130 kg. This is a multifunctional UAV and UAV EW ("Binom"). The last of them, according to the company's statement, is part of the complex electronic warfare undergoing flight tests. It is designed to interfere with missile defense radars or satellite navigation systems. Interference stations are supplied by Aviaconversion. Navigation is carried out without the use of GPS/GLONASS satellite systems. The project is developing, its creation is designed for a long time.

Medium-heavy UAVs

Medium-heavy UAVs have a range similar to the UAVs of the previous class, but have a slightly larger take-off weight - from 300 to 500 kg.

This class should include the "descendants" of the "Dan" aerial target, created by the Kazan Design Bureau "Sokol". This is the Dunham environmental monitoring complex, designed to solve the problems of review, control and protection of objects of a large area and length above the earth and water surface. It consists of UAVs (one or more), a mobile ground control station, as well as ground support facilities. Control system - combined (software and radio command). The target equipment is an optical-electronic system with TV and thermal imaging channels. The project is currently in the system development phase. The same company offers a complex of unmanned aerial vehicles "Dan-Baruk", designed for conducting aerial reconnaissance. It is interesting in that it has the ability to strike at individual targets. The UAV has a long flight duration and altitude. The complex also includes one or more unmanned vehicles, a mobile ground control station, as well as ground support facilities. The payload is a sighting system, on-board weapons (two containers with self-aiming and cumulative fragmentation warheads). The project implementation is in the R&D stage.

Aviation remote control and inspection system with reconnaissance UAV "Hummingbird" was developed by M.A.K. It is designed to conduct reconnaissance in the interests of various types of troops in tactical and operational-tactical depth. The complex includes UAV-O (surveillance) and UAV-R (retransmitter), a ground remote control station, receiving and processing target information, a UAV drive and landing station on the runway. The UAV is supposed to be equipped with various reconnaissance equipment - a television camera or thermal imaging equipment placed on a stabilized platform. Information is transmitted in real time. It is claimed that radio-absorbing coatings are used in the design of the UAV. The first flight was made in 2005.

A new development of the Research Institute "Kulon" is an aerial surveillance complex with the "Aist" UAV. The device, unlike other UAVs, has two piston engines with pulling propellers on the wing as part of the power plant. The ground station of the complex can not only process information coming from the UAV, but also provide information exchange with external consumers. The payload is a wide-angle dual-spectrum (TV / IR) line equipment, an onboard synthetic aperture radar, an onboard information recorder, a radio link. For detailed observation, a gyro-stabilized optical-electronic system consisting of combined TV and IR cameras and a laser rangefinder can be used. The military version has the designation "Julia". UAVs can be integrated into other complexes along with UAVs of a different type.

Recently, Transas and R.E.T. Kronstadt" announced their promising development - a complex with a heavy medium-altitude UAV with a long flight duration "Dozor-3". It is designed to collect information about extended and area objects located at a considerable distance from the airfield, in simple and difficult weather conditions, day and night. The UAV payload can include various sets of equipment, including forward and side-view video cameras, a thermal imager, forward and side-view synthetic aperture radar, automatic digital camera high resolution. The transfer of high-quality information will take place in real time. The complex will be equipped with a combined control system with autonomous control and remote piloting modes.

Heavy medium-range UAVs

This class includes UAVs with a flight weight of 500 kg or more, intended for use at medium ranges of 70-300 km.

In the "heavy" class, Irkut OJSC is developing the Irkut-850 remote sensing aviation complex. It is designed for both monitoring and cargo delivery. Its originality lies in the ability to perform both unmanned and manned flights, as it is created on the basis of the Stemme S10VT motor glider. The payload of the UAV is a TV camera, a thermal imaging camera, a radar station and a digital camera. The transition from a manned to a remotely controlled version does not require special work. Distinctive features - multitasking, the use of various payloads, low cost of operation and life cycle, autonomy. Tests completed, serial production prepared.

Another representative of this class is the Nart multifunctional aviation monitoring complex (A-03). The developer is Scientific and Production Center Antigrad-Avia LLC. It is also distinguished by the ability to deliver goods. Execution options - stationary or mobile. The set of surveillance equipment may be different. The complex is intended for use in the interests of Roshydromet, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Natural Resources, law enforcement agencies, etc.

The Tu-243 UAV, which is part of the Reis-D photo and TV reconnaissance complex, can be attributed to the same class. It is a modernized version of the Tu-143 "Reis" UAV and differs from it in a completely updated composition of reconnaissance equipment, a new flight and navigation system, increased fuel capacity and some other features. The complex is in service with the Russian Air Force. Currently, further modernization of the UAV is proposed in the variants of the Reis-D-R reconnaissance aircraft and the Reis-D-U strike UAV. In the strike version, it can be equipped with a sighting system and an FCS. Armament can consist of two KMGU blocks inside the cargo compartment. In 2007, it was announced the intention to "reanimate" the project of a multi-purpose operational-tactical unmanned complex with Tu-300 Korshun UAVs, designed to solve a wide range of reconnaissance tasks, destroy ground targets and relay signals. Payload - electronic intelligence equipment, side-looking radar, cameras, infrared cameras or aircraft weapons on the external sling and in the internal compartment. Refinement should touch on the improvement of performance and the use of new equipment. It is planned to expand the range of weapons used to include conventional and guided bombs, depth charges and guided air-to-surface missiles.

Heavy UAVs of long flight duration

The category of long-duration unmanned aerial vehicles, which is quite in demand abroad, which includes the American UAVs Predator, Reaper, Global Hawk, Israeli UAVs Heron, Heron TP, is completely empty in our country. JSC Sukhoi Design Bureau periodically reports on the continuation of work on a number of long-range complexes of the Zond series. They were planned to be used for monitoring in the radar and optoelectronic ranges, as well as for solving ATC problems and relaying communication channels. However, apparently, these projects are being carried out in a sluggish mode and the prospects for their implementation are rather vague.

Unmanned combat aircraft (UBS)

Currently, the world is actively working on the creation of promising UAVs that have the ability to carry weapons on board and are designed to strike at ground and surface stationary and mobile targets in the face of strong opposition from enemy air defense forces. They are characterized by a range of about 1500 km and a mass of 1500 kg. To date, two projects are presented in Russia in the BBS class.

So, JSC "OKB im. A.S. Yakovleva" is working on a unified family of heavy UAVs "Breakthrough". It widely uses units and systems of the Yak-130 combat training aircraft. As part of the family being developed, it is planned to create a strike UAV "Breakthrough-U". The device is planned to be made according to the inconspicuous “flying wing” scheme with internal placement of the combat load.

Another project in this category is the Skat BBS of the Russian MiG Aircraft Corporation. In 2007, a full-size mock-up of this BBS was demonstrated. This promising heavy combat UAV is also made according to the inconspicuous "flying wing" scheme without a tail unit with an overhead air intake. The weapon is placed in the internal compartments of the apparatus.


Approximately half of the existing and planned UAV systems in Russia belong to the first categories, that is, to the lightest ones. This is due to the fact that the development of these devices requires the least financial investment.

The filling of the last two categories is rather conditional. As noted above, the niche of heavy long-duration UAVs is practically empty. Perhaps this circumstance prompted our military to pay attention to the development of foreign companies. As for combat UAVs, their creation is a matter of an even more distant future.

Federal Agency for Education of the Russian Federation

State educational institution higher professional education

"South Ural State University"

Faculty of Aerospace

Department of Aircraft and Control

in the history of aerospace engineering

Description of control systems for unmanned aerial vehicles

Chelyabinsk 2009


The UAV itself is only a part of a complex multifunctional complex. As a rule, the main task assigned to UAV complexes is reconnaissance of hard-to-reach areas where obtaining information by conventional means, including aerial reconnaissance, is difficult or endangers the health and even life of people. In addition to military use, the use of UAV complexes opens up the possibility of a quick and inexpensive way to survey hard-to-reach areas of the terrain, periodically monitor specified areas, and digitally photograph for use in geodetic work and in cases of emergency. The information received by the onboard monitoring means must be transmitted in real time to the control point for processing and making adequate decisions. At present, tactical complexes of micro and mini-UAVs are most widely used. Due to the larger takeoff weight of mini-UAVs, their payload in terms of its functional composition most fully represents the composition of onboard equipment that meets modern requirements to a multifunctional reconnaissance UAV. Therefore, we will further consider the composition of the mini-UAV payload.


In 1898, Nikola Tesla designed and demonstrated a miniature radio-controlled ship. In 1910, inspired by the success of the Wright brothers, a young American military engineer from Ohio, Charles Kettering, proposed the use of unmanned aircraft. According to his plan, a device controlled by a clockwork in a given place was supposed to drop its wings and fall like a bomb on the enemy. Having received funding from the US Army, he built and tested with varying success several devices, called The Kattering Aerial Torpedo, Kettering Bug (or simply Bug), but they were never used in combat. In 1933, the first reusable UAV Queen Bee was developed in Great Britain. Three restored Fairy Queen biplanes were used, remotely controlled from the ship by radio. Two of them crashed and the third flew successfully, making the UK the first country to benefit from UAVs. This radio-controlled unmanned target, called the DH82A Tiger Moth, was used by the Royal Navy from 1934 to 1943. The US Army and Navy used the Radioplane OQ-2 RPV as a target aircraft since 1940. For several decades, the research of German scientists, who gave the world a jet engine and a cruise missile over the course of the 40s, was ahead of its time. Almost until the end of the eighties, every successful UAV design “from a cruise missile” was a development based on the V-1, and “from an airplane” was a Focke-Wulf Fw 189. The V-1 missile was the first to be used in real combat operations unmanned aerial vehicle. During World War II, German scientists developed several radio-controlled weapons, including the Henschel Hs 293 and Fritz X guided bombs, the Enzian rocket, and a radio-controlled aircraft filled with explosive . Despite the incompleteness of the projects, Fritz X and Hs 293 were used in the Mediterranean against armored warships. Less complex and more political than military, the V1 Buzz Bomb was a pulse-jet powered V1 that could be launched from the ground or air. In the USSR in 1930-1940. aircraft designer Nikitin developed a special-purpose torpedo-glider (PSN-1 and PSN-2) of the “flying wing” type in two versions: a manned training and sighting and an unmanned aircraft with full automatics. By the beginning of 1940, a project was presented for an unmanned flying torpedo with a flight range of 100 km and more (at a flight speed of 700 km/h). However, these developments were not destined to translate into real designs. In 1941, there were successful uses of TB-3 heavy bombers as UAVs to destroy bridges. During the Second World War, the US Navy tried to use remotely piloted deck-based systems based on the B-17 aircraft to strike at German submarine bases. After the Second World War, the development of some types of UAVs continued in the United States. During the Korean War, the Tarzon radio-controlled bomb was successfully used to destroy bridges. On September 23, 1957, the Tupolev Design Bureau received a state order for the development of a mobile nuclear supersonic medium-range cruise missile. The first takeoff of the Tu-121 model was carried out on August 25, 1960, but the program was closed in favor of the Korolev Design Bureau Ballistic Missiles. The created design was used as a target, as well as in the creation of unmanned reconnaissance aircraft Tu-123 "Hawk", Tu-143 "Flight" and Tu-141 "Strizh", which were in service with the USSR Air Force from 1964 to 1979. 143 "Flight" throughout the 70s was supplied to African and Middle Eastern countries, including Iraq. Tu-141 "Swift" is in service with the Ukrainian Air Force to this day. The Reis complexes with the Tu-143 BRLA are still in operation, delivered to Czechoslovakia (1984), Romania, Iraq and Syria (1982), were used in combat operations during the Lebanese war. In Czechoslovakia in 1984, two squadrons were formed, one of which is currently located in the Czech Republic, the other in Slovakia. In the early 1960s, remotely piloted aircraft were used by the United States to track missile developments in the Soviet Union and Cuba. After the RB-47 and two U-2s were shot down, the development of the Red Wadon high-altitude unmanned reconnaissance aircraft (Model 136) was started to carry out reconnaissance work. The UAV had high wings and low radar and infrared visibility. During the Vietnam War, with the increase in losses of American aircraft from Vietnamese air defense missiles, the use of UAVs increased. They were mainly used for photo reconnaissance, sometimes for electronic warfare purposes. In particular, 147E UAVs were used to conduct electronic intelligence. Despite the fact that, in the end, he was shot down, the drone transmitted to the ground station the characteristics of the Vietnamese C75 air defense system during its entire flight. The value of this information was commensurate with full cost unmanned aerial vehicle development programs. It also saved the lives of many American pilots, as well as aircraft over the next 15 years, until 1973. During the war, American UAVs made almost 3,500 flights, with losses of about four percent. The devices were used for photo reconnaissance, signal retransmission, reconnaissance of electronic means, electronic warfare, and as decoys to complicate the air situation. But the full UAV program has been shrouded in mystery to the extent that its success, which should have spurred UAV development after the end of hostilities, has largely gone unnoticed. Unmanned aerial vehicles were used by Israel during the Arab-Israeli conflict in 1973. They were used for surveillance and reconnaissance, as well as decoys. In 1982, UAVs were used during the fighting in the Bekaa Valley in Lebanon. The Israeli AI Scout UAV and Mastiff small-sized remotely piloted aircraft conducted reconnaissance and surveillance of Syrian airfields, SAM positions and troop movements. According to information received from the UAV, the distraction group of Israeli aviation, before the strike of the main forces, caused the inclusion of the radar stations of the Syrian air defense systems, which were hit with homing anti-radar missiles, and those that were not destroyed were suppressed by interference. The success of Israeli aviation was impressive - Syria lost 18 SAM batteries. Back in the 70s-80s, the USSR was the leader in the production of UAVs, only about 950 Tu-143s were produced. Remotely piloted aircraft and autonomous UAVs were used by both sides during the 1991 Gulf War, primarily as surveillance and reconnaissance platforms. The USA, England, and France deployed and effectively used systems such as Pioneer, Pointer, Exdrone, Midge, Alpilles Mart, CL-89. Iraq used Al Yamamah, Makareb-1000, Sahreb-1 and Sahreb-2. During Operation Desert Storm, tactical reconnaissance UAVs of the coalition made more than 530 sorties, the flight time was about 1700 hours. At the same time, 28 vehicles were damaged, including 12 that were shot down. Of the 40 Pioneer UAVs used by the US, 60 percent were damaged, but 75 percent were found to be repairable. Of all the lost UAVs, only 2 were combat losses. The low casualty rate is most likely due to the small size of the UAVs, which is why the Iraqi army considered that they did not pose a big threat. UAVs have also been used in UN peacekeeping operations in former Yugoslavia. In 1992, the United Nations authorized the use of NATO air power to provide air cover for Bosnia, to support ground troops deployed throughout the country. To accomplish this task, round-the-clock reconnaissance was required.

In August 2008, the US Air Force completed the rearmament of the first combat air unit, the 174th Fighter Wing of the National Guard, with MQ-9 Reaper unmanned aerial vehicles. The rearmament took place over three years. Attack UAVs have shown high efficiency in Afghanistan and Iraq. The main advantages over the replaced F-16s: lower cost of purchase and operation, longer flight duration, operator safety.

The composition of the onboard equipment of modern UAVs

To ensure the tasks of observing the underlying surface in real time during the flight and digital photography of selected areas of the terrain, including hard-to-reach areas, as well as determining the coordinates of the studied areas of the area, the payload of the UAV should contain:

Devices for obtaining view information:

Satellite navigation system (GLONASS/GPS);

Radio link devices for visual and telemetric information;

Command and navigation radio link devices with an antenna-feeder device;

Command information exchange device;

Information exchange device;

Onboard digital computer (BTsVM);

View information storage device.

Modern television (TV) cameras provide the operator with a real-time picture of the observed area in the format closest to the characteristics of the human visual apparatus, which allows him to freely navigate the terrain and, if necessary, pilot the UAV. Opportunities for detection and recognition of objects are determined by the characteristics of the photodetector and the optical system of the television camera. The main disadvantage of modern television cameras is their limited sensitivity, which does not provide 24-hour use. The use of thermal imaging (TPV) cameras makes it possible to ensure the use of UAVs around the clock. The most promising is the use of combined television-thermal imaging systems. In this case, the operator is presented with a synthesized image containing the most informative parts inherent in the visible and infrared wavelength ranges, which can significantly improve the performance characteristics of the surveillance system. However, such systems are technically complex and quite expensive. The use of radar allows you to receive information around the clock and in adverse weather conditions, when TV and TV channels do not provide information. The use of replaceable modules makes it possible to reduce the cost and reconfigure the composition of the onboard equipment to solve the problem in specific application conditions. Consider the composition of the mini-UAV onboard equipment.

▪ The survey course device is fixed at a certain angle to the combat axis of the aircraft, providing the necessary capture zone on the ground. The survey course device may include a television camera (TK) with a wide-field lens (SHPZ). Depending on the tasks to be solved, it can be quickly replaced or supplemented with a thermal imaging camera (TPV), a digital camera (DFA) or radar.

▪ A detailed view device with a PTZ device consists of a Narrow-Field Lens (NFI) and a three-coordinate PTZ device that provides camera rotation along the course, roll and pitch according to the operator's commands for a detailed analysis of a specific area of ​​the terrain. To ensure operation in low light conditions, the TC can be supplemented with a thermal imaging camera (TPV) on a microbolometric matrix with a narrow-field lens. It is also possible to replace the TC with a CFA. Such a solution will allow the use of UAVs for aerial photography when the optical axis of the DFA is turned to nadir.

▪ Devices of the radio link of visual and telemetric information (transmitter and antenna-feeder device) must ensure the transmission of visual and telemetric information in real or close to real time to the launcher within radio visibility.

▪ Devices of the command and navigation radio link (receiver and antenna-feeder device) must ensure the reception within radio visibility of the UAV piloting commands and control of its equipment.

▪ The command information exchange device ensures the distribution of command and navigation information to consumers on board the UAV.

▪ The information exchange device ensures the distribution of visual information between the onboard sources of visual information, the radio link transmitter of visual information and the onboard storage device for visual information. This device also provides information exchange between all functional devices that are part of the target load of the UAV via the selected interface (for example, RS-232). Through the external port of this device, before the takeoff of the UAV, the flight task is entered and prelaunch automated built-in control is carried out on the functioning of the main components and systems of the UAV.

▪ The satellite navigation system provides coordinates (topographical) binding of UAVs and observed objects according to the signals of the global satellite navigation system GLONASS (GPS). The satellite navigation system consists of one or two receivers (GLONASS/GPS) with antenna systems. The use of two receivers, the antennas of which are spaced along the construction axis of the UAV, makes it possible to determine, in addition to the coordinates of the UAV, the value of its heading angle.

▪ The onboard digital computer (OCVM) provides control of the UAV onboard complex.

▪ View information storage device ensures the accumulation of view information selected by the operator (or in accordance with the flight task) until the UAV landing. This device can be removable or fixed. In the latter case, a channel should be provided for retrieving the accumulated information to external devices after the UAV has landed. The information read from the view information storage device makes it possible to carry out a more detailed analysis when deciphering the view information obtained in flight by the UAV.

▪ The built-in power supply provides voltage and current matching of the on-board power supply and devices that are part of the payload, as well as operational protection against short circuits and overloads in the power grid. Depending on the UAV class, the payload can be supplemented by various types of radars, environmental, radiation and chemical monitoring sensors. The UAV control complex is a complex, multi-level structure, the main task of which is to ensure the withdrawal of the UAV to a given area and the performance of operations in accordance with the flight task, as well as to ensure the delivery of information received by the UAV onboard means to the control point.

UAV onboard navigation and control system

The on-board complex "Aist" is a full-featured means of navigation and control of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) of an aircraft scheme. The complex provides: determination of navigation parameters, orientation angles and UAV movement parameters (angular velocities and accelerations); navigation and control of the UAV during flight along a given trajectory; stabilization of UAV orientation angles in flight; output to the transmission channel of telemetric information about navigation parameters, UAV orientation angles. The central element of the BC "Aist" is a small-sized inertial navigation system (INS) integrated with a satellite navigation system receiver. Built on the basis of microelectromechanical sensors (MEMS gyroscopes and accelerometers) according to the principle of a strapdown INS, the system is a unique high-tech product that guarantees high accuracy of navigation, stabilization and control of aircraft of any class. The built-in static pressure sensor provides dynamic altitude and vertical speed detection. Composition of the onboard complex: block of the inertial navigation system; SNS receiver; autopilot unit; flight data storage; airspeed sensor In the basic configuration, control is carried out through the following channels: ailerons; elevator; rudder; motor controller. The complex is compatible with the PCM radio channel (pulse code modulation) and allows you to control the UAV both in manual mode from a standard remote control, and in automatic mode, according to the commands of the autopilot. Autopilot control commands are generated in the form of standard pulse-width modulated (PWM) signals suitable for most types of actuators. Physical characteristics:

dimensions, mm: autopilot block - 80 x 47 x 10; INS - 98 x 70 x 21; SNS receiver - 30 x 30 x 10; weight, kg: autopilot unit - 0.120; INS - 0.160; SNS receiver - 0.03. Electrical characteristics: supply voltage, V - 10...27; power consumption (max.), W - 5. Environment: temperature, deg С - from –40 to +70; vibration / shock, g - 20.

Control: RS-232 ports (2) - data reception/transmission; RS-422 ports (5) – communication with external devices; PWM channels (12) - control devices; programmable waypoints (255) - turning points of the route. Operating ranges: roll - ±180°; pitch - ±90°; heading (track angle) - 0...360; acceleration - ±10 g; angular velocity - ±150°/s

Spatial position control system for highly directional antenna systems in UAV complexes

The unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) itself is only a part of complex complex, one of the main tasks of which is the prompt delivery of the information received to the operational personnel of the control point (CP). The ability to provide stable communication is one of the most important characteristics that determine the operational capabilities of the UAV control complex and ensures that the information received by the UAV is communicated in real time to the operating personnel of the launcher. To ensure communication over considerable distances and increase noise immunity due to spatial selection in UAV control complexes, highly directional antenna systems (AS) are widely used both on launchers and on UAVs. The functional diagram of the spatial position control system of a highly directional AS, which ensures the optimization of the process of entering into communication in the UAV control complexes, is shown in fig. one.

The control system of a highly directional AS (see Fig. 1) includes:

Actually a highly directional AS, the radio technical parameters of which are selected based on the requirements for providing the necessary communication range over the radio link.

AS servo drive that provides spatial orientation of the AS DN in the direction of the expected appearance of the radiation of the communication object.

An automatic tracking system in the direction (ASN), which provides stable auto-tracking of the communication object in the zone of confident capture of the direction-finding characteristics of the ASN system.

A radio receiver that provides the formation of the "Communication" signal, indicating the reception of information with a given quality.

Antenna system control processor, which analyzes the current state of the AU control system, generates servo drive control signals to ensure the spatial orientation of the AU in accordance with the flight task and the spatial scanning algorithm, analysis of the presence of communication, analysis of the possibility of transferring the AU servo drive from the " External control» to the «Auto-tracking» mode, generating a signal for switching the AC servo drive to the «External control» mode.

Rice. Fig. 1. Functional diagram of the spatial position control system of a highly directional AS in UAV control complexes

The main task performed by the attitude control system of a highly directional AS is to ensure stable entry into communication with the object specified by the flight task.

This task is divided into a number of subtasks:

Ensuring the spatial orientation of the AP DN in the direction of the expected appearance of the radiation of the communication object and its spatial stabilization for the case of the AU location on board the aircraft.

Expansion of the zone of stable capture of the radiation of the communication object through the use of a discrete spatial scanning algorithm with a deterministic spatio-temporal structure.

Switching to the mode of stable auto-tracking of the communication object by the ASN system when the communication object is detected.

Ensuring the possibility of re-entry into communication in case of its failure. For a discrete spatial scanning algorithm with a deterministic spatio-temporal structure, the following features can be distinguished:

Scanning of the AS DN is carried out discretely in time and space. Spatial displacements of the AS DN during scanning are carried out in such a way that there are no spatial zones left that are not overlapped by the zone of confident capture of the ASN system for the entire scanning cycle (see Fig. 2).

Fig.2. An example of organizing discrete spatial scanning in the azimuth and elevation planes

For each specific spatial position determined by the scanning algorithm, two phases can be distinguished: "Auto tracking" and "External control".

In the "Auto tracking" phase, the ACH system evaluates the possibility of receiving the radiation of the communication object for the selected spatial position of the RCH.

In case of a positive result of the assessment: Spatial scanning is terminated. The ASN system continues to auto-track the radiation of the communication object according to its internal algorithm. At the input of the AC servo drive, signals of the spatial orientation of the AC are received according to the current bearing of the communication object from the ACH X ACH (t) system. In case of a negative result of the assessment: The RSN SS is spatially moved to the next spatial position determined by the scanning algorithm.

In the "External control" phase, the output of the antenna system control processor generates control signals for the AC servo drive. Servo control signal components provide:

X 0 - initial spatial orientation of the AP AP in the direction of the communication object; ∆X LA (t) - parrying the spatial evolution of the aircraft; X ALG (t) is the expansion of the zone of stable capture of the radiation of the communication object of the ASN system in accordance with the discrete spatial scanning algorithm with a deterministic spatio-temporal structure.

In the event of a communication failure, starting from the moment of time T CB=0 (loss of the signal "COMMUNICATION"), the signal X ASN (T CB=0) is stored in the device "Calculation and storage", and is used further by the AC control processor as the value of the expected bearing of the communication object. The engagement process is repeated as described above. In the "External control" mode, the signal for controlling the servo drive of a highly directional speaker through the channels "heading", "pitch" and "roll" can be recorded


In the "Autotracking" mode, the servo control signal of the highly directional speaker can be recorded


The specific type of control signals is determined design features antenna system servo.

UAV inertial system

The key point in the mentioned chain is "measuring the state of the system". That is, the coordinates of the location, speed, altitude, vertical speed, orientation angles, as well as angular velocities and accelerations. In the onboard navigation and control complex, developed and manufactured by TeKnol LLC, the function of measuring the state of the system is performed by a small-sized inertial integrated system (MINS). Having in its composition a triad of inertial sensors (micromechanical gyroscopes and accelerometers), as well as a barometric altimeter and a three-axis magnetometer, and combining the data of these sensors with the data of the GPS receiver, the system develops a complete navigation solution in terms of coordinates and orientation angles. MINS developed by TeKnola is a complete inertial system that implements the algorithm of a strapdown INS integrated with a satellite navigation system receiver. It is in this system that the “secret” of the operation of the entire UAV control complex is contained. In fact, three navigation systems work simultaneously in one computer using the same data. We call them "platforms". Each of the platforms implements its own control principles, having its own "correct" frequencies (low or high). The master filter selects the optimal solution from any of the three platforms depending on the nature of the movement. This ensures the stability of the system not only in rectilinear motion, but also during turns, uncoordinated turns, and gusty side winds. The system never loses the horizon, which ensures the correct reactions of the autopilot to external disturbances and an adequate distribution of influences between the UAV controls.

UAV airborne control system

The structure of the Onboard Complex for Navigation and Control of the UAV includes three constituent element(Picture 1).

1. Integrated Navigation System;

2. Satellite Navigation System Receiver

3. Autopilot module.__

The autopilot module generates control commands in the form of PWM (pulse-width modulated) signals, in accordance with the control laws embedded in its calculator. In addition to controlling the UAV, the autopilot is programmed to control the onboard equipment:

Video camera stabilization

Time- and coordinate-synchronized shutter release


parachute release,

Dropping cargo or sampling at a given point

and other functions. Up to 255 waypoints can be stored in the autopilot's memory. Each point is characterized by coordinates, passing altitude and flight speed.

In flight, the autopilot also provides the issuance of telemetry information to the transmission channel for tracking the flight of the UAV (Figure 2).

And what then is a "quasi-autopilot"? Many firms now declare that they provide their systems with automatic flight using "the world's smallest autopilot."

The most illustrative example of such a solution is the production of the Canadian company Micropilot. To generate control signals, "raw" data is used here - signals from gyroscopes and accelerometers. Such a solution, by definition, is not robust (resistant to external influences and sensitive to flight conditions) and, to one degree or another, is operable only when flying in a stable atmosphere.

Any significant external disturbance (gust of wind, updraft or air pocket) is fraught with loss of orientation of the aircraft and an accident. Therefore, everyone who has ever encountered such products sooner or later understood the limitations of such autopilots, which cannot be used in commercial serial UAV systems.

More responsible developers, realizing that a real navigation solution is needed, are trying to implement a navigation algorithm using well-known Kalman filtering approaches.

Unfortunately, not everything is so simple here either. Kalman filtering is just an auxiliary mathematical apparatus, and not a solution to the problem. Therefore, it is impossible to create a robust stable system by simply transferring the standard mathematical apparatus to MEMS integrated systems. Requires fine and fine tuning for a specific application. In this case, for a maneuverable object of a winged scheme. Our system implements more than 15 years of experience in the development of inertial systems and algorithms for integrating INS and GPS. By the way, only a few countries in the world have the know-how of inertial systems. it

Russia, USA, Germany, France and UK. Behind this know-how are scientific, design and technological schools, and at least

it is naive to think that such a system can be developed and manufactured “on the knee” in an institute laboratory or in an airfield hangar. An amateurish approach here, as in all other cases, is ultimately fraught with financial losses and loss of time. Why is automatic flight so important in relation to the tasks solved by enterprises of the fuel and energy complex? It is clear that air monitoring itself has no alternative. Monitoring the condition of pipelines and other facilities, the tasks of security, monitoring and video surveillance are best solved using aircraft. But reducing costs, ensuring the regularity of flights, automating the collection and processing of information - here, quite rightly, attention is paid to unmanned vehicles, which proves the high interest of specialists in the ongoing exhibition and forum. However, as we saw at the exhibition, unmanned systems can also be complex and expensive systems that require support, maintenance, ground infrastructure and operational services. To the greatest extent, this applies to complexes that were originally created to solve military problems, and now hastily adapted to economic applications. Let's take a closer look at operational issues. UAV control is a task for a well-trained professional. In the US Army, UAV operators become active Air Force pilots after a year of training and training. In many ways, this is more difficult than piloting an aircraft, and as you know, most unmanned aircraft accidents are caused by pilot-operator error. Automatic UAV systems equipped with a full-fledged automatic control system require minimal training of ground personnel, while solving tasks at a great distance from the base, out of contact with the ground station, in all weather conditions. They are easy to operate, mobile, quickly deployed and do not require ground infrastructure. It can be argued that the high characteristics of UAV systems equipped with a full-fledged ACS reduce operating costs and personnel requirements.

Automatic UAV systems

What are the practical results of using an onboard complex with a real inertial system? The TeKnol company has developed and offers customers automatic rapid deployment UAV systems for solving monitoring and aerial surveillance tasks. These systems are presented at our booth at the exhibition.

The autopilot as part of the onboard navigation and control complex provides

Automatic flight along a given route;

Automatic takeoff and landing;

Maintaining a given altitude and flight speed;

Stabilization of orientation angles;

Software control of onboard systems.

Operational UAV.

The multi-purpose UAV system is being developed by Transas and equipped with the TeKnola navigation and control system.

Since the control of a small-sized UAV is the most difficult task, we will give examples of the operation of the onboard navigation and control complex for an operational mini-UAV with a take-off weight of 3.5 kg.

When conducting aerial survey of the terrain, the UAV flies along lines with an interval of 50-70 meters. The autopilot ensures following the route with a deviation not exceeding 10-15 meters at a wind speed of 7 m/s (Figure 5).

It is clear that the most experienced pilot-operator is not able to provide such control accuracy.

Rice. 5: The route and flight path of the mini UAV when surveying the area

Maintaining a given flight altitude is also provided by the MINS, which develops an integrated solution based on GPS data, barometric altimeter and inertial sensors. During automatic flight along the route, the airborne complex ensures the accuracy of maintaining the altitude within 5 meters (Figure 6), which allows you to fly confidently at low altitudes and with terrain avoidance.

Figure 7 shows how the ACS brings the UAV out of a critical roll of 65º, as a result of the impact of a crosswind gust during the maneuver. Only a real INS as part of the onboard control complex is able to provide dynamic measurement of UAV orientation angles, without “losing the horizon”. Therefore, during the testing and operation of our UAVs, not a single aircraft was lost while flying under the control of an autopilot.

One more important function The UAV is a video camera control. In flight, the stabilization of the forward view camera is ensured by practicing roll oscillations of the UAV according to the autopilot signals and MINS data. Thus, the picture of the video image is stable, despite the roll fluctuations of the aircraft. In the tasks of aerial photography (for example, when compiling an aerial photograph of the proposed area of ​​work), accurate information about the orientation angles, coordinates and height of the UAV is absolutely necessary for correcting aerial photographs and automating frame stitching.

An unmanned aerial photography complex is also being developed by TeKnol LLC. To do this, the revision digital camera and its inclusion in the autopilot control loop. The first flights are scheduled for spring 2007. In addition to the rapid deployment UAV systems mentioned, the UAV Navigation and Control System is operated by SKB Topaz (Voron UAV), installed on a new UAV developed by Transas (Dozor multi-purpose UAV complex), and being tested on Global Teknik mini UAVs. (Turkey). Negotiations are underway with other Russian and foreign clients. The above information and, most importantly, the results of flight tests, clearly indicate that without a full-fledged onboard control complex equipped with a real inertial system, it is impossible to build modern commercial UAV systems that can solve problems safely, quickly, in any weather conditions, with minimal operating costs. Such complexes are mass-produced by TeKnol.


The considered composition of the onboard equipment of the UAV makes it possible to solve a wide range of tasks for monitoring the terrain and areas that are hard to access for humans in the interests of National economy. The use of television cameras in the onboard equipment makes it possible to provide high resolution and detailed monitoring of the underlying surface in real time under conditions of good weather visibility and illumination. The use of DFA allows the use of UAVs for aerial photography in a given area with subsequent detailed interpretation. The use of TPV equipment makes it possible to ensure round-the-clock use of UAVs, although with a lower resolution than when using television cameras. The most expedient is the use of complex systems, such as TV-TVS, with the formation of a synthesized image. However, such systems are still quite expensive. The presence of a radar on board allows you to receive information with a lower resolution than TV and TVW, but around the clock and under adverse weather conditions. The use of replaceable modules of devices for obtaining visual information makes it possible to reduce the cost and reconfigure the composition of on-board equipment to solve the problem in specific application conditions. The ability to provide stable communication is one of the most important characteristics that determine the operational capabilities of the UAV control complex. The proposed system for controlling the spatial position of a highly directional AS in UAV control complexes ensures the optimization of the process of entering into communication and the possibility of restoring communication in case of loss. The system is applicable for use on UAVs, as well as at ground and air-based control posts.

Used Books





5. Orlov B.V., Mazing G.Yu., Reidel A.L., Stepanov M.N., Topcheev Yu.I. - Fundamentals of designing ramjet engines for unmanned aerial vehicles.

The field of activity (technology) to which the described invention belongs

The group of inventions relates to unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).


Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) can be used to solve a variety of tasks, the implementation of which by manned aircraft is impractical for various reasons. Such tasks include monitoring of air space, land and water surfaces, environmental control, air traffic control, control of maritime navigation, development of communication systems, etc.

When monitoring airspace, land and water surfaces, depending on the specific tasks to be solved, aerial photography, monitoring of hydro-, meteorological conditions, atmospheric research, radiometric monitoring of disaster zones, seismic monitoring, inspection of compliance with contractual obligations, monitoring of the condition of gas and oil pipelines, power lines , geological observations, subsurface sounding of the earth, research of ice conditions, sea waves.

Interest in UAVs is caused by their cost-effectiveness in operation, the elimination of the risk to the life of the crew, the limitations on operational loads determined by the physiological capabilities of a person, the ability to monitor from many points within a short period of time.

A feature of the use of UAVs is the possibility of continuous observation of the surface and air space at a large distance from the object of observation using various sensors.

UAVs can be used not only for the above purposes, but also for others, for example, state border control.

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All of the above characterizes a wide range of tasks that can be solved very effectively and economically in the case of the use of UAVs.

An unmanned vehicle is known from the prior art (see RF patent 2065379, class B 64 C 39/02, publ. 20.08.1996). Said aircraft comprises a fuselage, two bearing surfaces joined together at their ends, vertical and horizontal tail surfaces, and engines. One bearing surface is installed in the front part of the fuselage, and the other bearing surface is located in the tail section of the aircraft on the vertical tail - keel. Both bearing surfaces are installed obliquely to the horizontal plane of the fuselage and connected to each other in such a way that they form a regular polygon, such as a rhombus, from the condition of ensuring the same resolution in all directions of the radiation pattern. Additional consoles are located at the junctions of the bearing surfaces. The horizontal tail consists of the front and tail. The front horizontal tail unit is placed parallel to the bearing surface installed in the nose of the fuselage, and the tail horizontal tail unit is made articulated from the bearing surfaces forming a closed polygon shape. The engines are located in the middle part of the fuselage on pylons with the ability to rotate in a vertical plane. The aircraft is equipped with radar equipment, a control and information processing unit, transmitting and receiving units. Antennas are located inside the wing and horizontal tail and are made of two types - passive, i.e. working in the signal reception mode, and active. The disadvantage of this scheme is the low bearing capacity of the wing, which does not provide the required aerodynamic quality and, accordingly, the required flight duration.

Also known is an unmanned aerial vehicle developed by Northrop Grumman (see AVIATION WEEK & SPACE TECHNOLOGY, November 20, 2000, p. 52). This aircraft has a wing consisting of two bearing surfaces - the front one, fixed in the forward part of the fuselage, and the rear one, installed in the rear part of the aircraft fuselage. Thus, the wing is made in the form of a rhombus, along the larger diagonal of which the fuselage with the power plant is located. In the places of articulation of the bearing surfaces, the wing consoles are fixed to each other. The aircraft has a V-shaped vertical tail. This unmanned aircraft is equipped with a set of equipment for monitoring the airspace, collecting and accumulating data, communicating and transmitting data to the ground. The disadvantage of this scheme is the large sweep of the front and rear bearing surfaces, which reduces the aerodynamic quality of the wing. In addition, the power plant, consisting of a single engine, reduces the reliability of the aircraft.

Also known is an aircraft containing two fuselages connected to each other by three bearing surfaces. The nose parts of the aircraft are connected by the front horizontal tail. In the middle part, the fuselages are connected by a wing center section. An additional bearing surface is located in front of the center section. Moreover, the front horizontal tail, the additional bearing surface and the wing are spaced apart in height relative to the building horizontal of the aircraft. The vertical tail is made of two keels mounted on the tail booms of the fuselages. The power plant consists of two engines located on the center section of the wing. The specified aircraft is described in RF patent 2104226, class. B 64 C 39/04, publ. 02/10/1998. The disadvantages of this aircraft is the installation of keels on remote tail booms, which increases the weight of the structure, and in addition, worsens the flutter characteristics of the aircraft.

Closest to the proposed aircraft is an aircraft developed by Boeing (see. technical information TsAGI 24 for 1990). Said unmanned aerial vehicle is made of two fuselages connected to each other in the nose by one bearing surface, and by the second bearing surface - in the tail section. The power plant is made of two engines installed in the tail parts of the fuselage behind the second bearing surface. End aerodynamic surfaces are installed at the ends of the second bearing surface. The described aircraft has a phased array radar. The implementation of the aircraft twin-fuselage and the location of the power plant with pusher propellers in the rear of the fuselage improves the operation of the radar and provides a view of 240 o . The disadvantage of this scheme is that it does not provide an all-round view for the radar, as a result of which the radar cannot work efficiently enough, the takeoff and landing characteristics are degraded, since the angles of attack are limited to small values ​​due to the removal of the rear parts of the fuselages with engines beyond the rear edge of the second bearing surface.

The proposed group of inventions is aimed at creating UAVs with high performance characteristics that meet the requirements for flight altitude and duration. In addition, aircraft must be piloted remotely and fly according to a given program, carry on board a complex of target equipment (a block of receiving and transmitting instruments) designed to perform the task, for example, monitoring airspace in any weather.

Also, the variants of the proposed invention (unmanned aerial vehicle) are aimed at creating UAVs that provide all-round visibility in azimuth for the effective operation of the target equipment.

According to the first embodiment, the specified technical result is achieved by the fact that the unmanned aerial vehicle contains two fuselages connected to each other in the tail section by a wing, and in the bow section by the front horizontal tail, vertical tail, power plant and landing gear. The fuselages in the tail section are interconnected by the center section of the wing and at the same time do not extend beyond the trailing edge of the wing. The front horizontal tail is made with a small elongation.

The vertical tail is made of two fins mounted at an angle to the plane of symmetry of the aircraft on the center section of the wing. The keels are mounted on the center section of the wing when viewed from the front obliquely to each other.

The unmanned aerial vehicle may have a fairing connected to the keels. The ratio of the largest transverse size of the fairing to its length is in the range from 0.18 to 0.35.

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In one of the modifications, the power plant is located on the center section of the wing between the keels.

The wing is made trapezoidal with a high elongation, and the wing consoles are installed with a positive transverse angle V. The wing has mechanization of the trailing edge. The front horizontal tail also has mechanization.

The contour of the cross section of the fuselages is made in the form of a convex polygon. The landing gear of the aircraft is made four-bearing. Each fuselage has two landing gear. The front supports are wheeled, and the rear - ski.

According to the second embodiment, the technical result is achieved by the fact that the unmanned aerial vehicle contains two fuselages connected to each other in the tail section by a wing, and in the bow by a front horizontal tail, a vertical tail consisting of two keels, a power plant and a landing gear. The fuselages are interconnected in the tail section by a wing center section. The vertical tail unit is mounted on the center section of the wing and is made of two keels inclined towards each other, connected to the fairing. One keel or both keels are pivotally mounted on the wing center section with the possibility of rotation about an axis parallel to the axis of symmetry of the aircraft. One of the keels is connected to the fairing with the possibility of a connector. The front horizontal tail has a small elongation. The power plant is located on the center section of the wing between the keels.

The wing is mounted relative to the fuselage in such a way that the tail of the fuselage does not extend beyond the trailing edge of the wing. The wing is trapezoidal with a high elongation, and the wing consoles are installed with a positive transverse angle V. The wing has a mechanization located on the trailing edge of the wing. Also, the front horizontal tail is equipped with mechanization.

The ratio of the largest transverse size of the fairing to its length is in the range from 0.18 to 0.35.

The fuselages in cross section are made in the form of a convex polygon.

The landing gear of the aircraft is made four-bearing. Each fuselage has two landing gear. The front landing gear is made of wheels, and the rear - ski.

Distinctive features of the proposed group of inventions are described in more detail in the description below in combination with the accompanying drawings.

The drawings show:

figure 1 - top view of the unmanned aerial vehicle (1st option);

in fig. 2 - front view of the proposed aircraft (1st version);

figure 3 is a side view of the aircraft (1st option);

figure 4 is a top view of one of the possible modifications of the aircraft;

figure 5 is a top view of the unmanned aerial vehicle (2nd option);

figure 6 is a front view of the aircraft (2nd option);

figure 7 is a side view of the aircraft (2nd option);

figure 8 is a rear view of the aircraft (2nd option).

The described variants of the aircraft are designed for long loitering at high altitudes. Aircraft are used in conjunction with a ground control, communications and information processing center.

The unmanned aerial vehicle according to the first embodiment (see Figs. 1, 2) has two fuselages 1. The fuselages 1 are interconnected by two bearing surfaces 2 and 3 in such a way that, when viewed from above, a frame structure is formed in the form of a rectangle.

One of the bearing surfaces 2 is located in the tail section of the aircraft, in its function it is a wing.

Another bearing surface 3 is located in the front of the aircraft and connects the forward parts of the fuselages 1. In its function, the front bearing surface 3 is the front horizontal tail.

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It should be noted that the fuselage 1 in the layout does not go beyond the trailing edge of the wing 2, located in the tail section of the aircraft.

The described layout is a kind of "canard" aerodynamic configuration and provides for a reduction in longitudinal balancing losses and an increase in the aerodynamic quality of the aircraft.

Structurally, each fuselage 1 of the aircraft consists of two longitudinal compartments - inner 4 and outer 5 - separated by a longitudinal vertical wall. In the internal compartments 4 there are on-board radio-electronic equipment, elements of power supply and air cooling systems. In the outer compartments 5 are the radar antennas. The inner compartment 4 of each fuselage 1 has docking points with the front horizontal tail 3, niches for placing landing gear and fuel tanks. The fuselages 1 can be of various shapes in cross section. The cross-sectional shape of the fuselages is selected from the conditions for ensuring the effective operation of the target equipment installed on the aircraft. The cross-sectional shape can be made in the form resembling the shape of a circle, oval, triangle, quadrilateral, regular or irregular convex polyhedron. When performing sections of the fuselages 1 in the form of a polyhedron, its corners are rounded, and the edges are circular arcs of large radius. In the illustrations, the shape of the fuselages 1 in cross sections is made in the form of a polygon resembling a triangle.

Wing 2 (see figure 1) is located in the tail section of the aircraft and is made of three interconnected operational-technological connectors parts: the center section 6 and two consoles 7. The center section 6 of the wing 2 connects the tail of the fuselage 1. Nodes for docking the fuselage 1 are located at the ends of the center section 6. In this case, the tail parts of the fuselages 1 do not go to the outer contour of the center section 6. Also in the front part of the fuselages 1 do not go beyond the leading edge of the PGO 3, i.e. the location of the fuselages 1, the center section 6 of the wing 2 and the PGO 3 when viewed from above (see figure 1) forms a closed contour - a rectangle that provides a circular view for the target equipment (radar station), and in addition, the closed shape in terms of increases the rigidity of the structure while reducing its weight.

The connection of the fuselages 1 between the center section 6 of the wing 2 allows you to partially unload the wing 2 from the bending moment acting on it in flight, and, accordingly, reduce the weight of the wing.

Depending on the modification of the described version of the layout of the aircraft on the center section 6 of the wing 2 can be located attachment points of the vertical tail 8 (see Fig.4) and the power plant 9. (On the graphic materials illustrating the first version (Fig.1-3) , shows the layout of the aircraft with the placement of the power plant on the center section 9.)

In the above layout (see figure 1, 2) vertical tail 8 consists of two keels installed in the tail section of the aircraft on the fuselage 1. However, this arrangement does not limit the scope of claims. The vertical tail 8 may also consist of one keel, but it should be noted that the installation of two keels instead of one is expedient in terms of weight characteristics.

In the described arrangement, the keels 8 are mounted on the fuselages 1 in their tail sections parallel to the axis of symmetry of the aircraft. The front and rear edges of the vertical tail 8 are swept. In addition, the location of the vertical tail 8 and the power plant 9 within the trailing edge of the wing allows you to increase the angle of attack during landing. On the keels 8 mounted rudders 15 (figure 3).

Keels 8 can also be mounted on the center section 6 of the wing 2 at an angle to the plane of symmetry of the aircraft. Modification of an unmanned aerial vehicle with such an arrangement of vertical tail is described below.

If the keels 8 are installed at an angle to the plane of symmetry of the aircraft, for example, when viewed from the front towards each other, they can be interconnected by a fairing 14 (on the graphic materials explaining the first version of the proposed invention, this arrangement is not shown, but it is similar to the arrangement according to figure 5). In this case, when viewed from the front, the keels 8 together with the center section 6 of the wing 2 form a closed contour in the form of a triangle. The location of the keels 8 obliquely to each other and their connection through the fairing 14 increases the rigidity of the vertical tail. In fairing 14, depending on the type of planned work, research equipment is installed. The ratio of the diameter of the fairing 14 and its length is in the range from 0.18 to 0.35.

The power plant 9 can be located both on the center section 6 of the wing 2, and in another place, for example, on the consoles 7 of the wing 2 on the side of the fuselages 1. The power plant 9 includes a nacelle and the engines installed in the latter. Depending on the type of proposed tasks to be solved, the number of engines may be different. The configuration of the aircraft with two engines is preferred. Various types of engines can be installed on the aircraft - bypass turbojet, turboprop, turbocharged piston. The power plant 9 (see figure 2) is located on the pylon 16 mounted on the center section 6. the engines are installed as close as possible to the axis of symmetry of the aircraft, which also makes it possible to reduce the area of ​​the vertical tail and its weight. In addition, when using an aircraft for air traffic control, the power plant 9 with the described layout does not obscure the view of the radar station.

The aircraft has a four-wheel landing gear (see figure 3). Two supports 17 of the landing gear are installed in the forward parts of the fuselages 1 and are wheeled. The other two supports 18 are located in the tail section of the aircraft on each fuselage 1 and are made of skis. Landing gear to reduce resistance during flight are retracted into niches made in the inner compartments of the fuselage of the aircraft.

The above-described version of the aircraft, as mentioned earlier, can be modified. The layout of the modification is shown in Fig.4. In this layout, the aircraft contains two fuselages 1, interconnected by two bearing surfaces 2 (wing) and 3 (front horizontal tail) in such a way that, when viewed from above, a frame structure is formed in the form of a rectangle.

The wing 2 is located in the tail section of the aircraft, and the front horizontal tail 3 connects the forward parts of the fuselages 1.

In this modification, the wing 2 in relation to the fuselages 1 can be positioned so that the aft parts of the fuselages 1 do not extend beyond the trailing edge of the wing 2. In the nose of the aircraft, the fuselages 1 also do not extend beyond the leading edge of the PGO 3.

Wing 2 (see figure 4) is also made of three interconnected operational-technological connectors parts: the center section 6 and two consoles 7. The center section 6 of the wing 2 connects the tail of the fuselage 1. The location of the fuselage 1, the center section 6 of the wing 2 and PGO 3 when viewed from above (see figure 4) forms a closed loop - a rectangle that provides a circular view for the target equipment (radar station).

On the center section 6 are also located the attachment points of the vertical tail 8 and the power plant 9.

Wing 2 is made trapezoidal and has a large elongation. The consoles 7 of the wing 2 are installed with respect to the plane of symmetry of the aircraft with a positive transverse angle V. On the consoles 7 there are aerodynamic controls and mechanization of the wing - elevators 10, flaps 11, ailerons 12. For the convenience of transporting the aircraft, the consoles 7 of the wing 2 are made detachable. Connector locations are located at approximately half the span of each console 7.

The vertical tail 8 (see figure 4) consists of two fins mounted on the center section 6 of the wing 2 in the area of ​​docking nodes with the fuselage 1. Keels 8 are installed at an angle to the plane of symmetry of the aircraft. As shown in the drawing, the keels 8 are tilted in front view to each other relative to the plane of symmetry of the aircraft. The front and rear edges of the vertical tail 8 are swept. On the keels 8 mounted rudders 15 (figure 4). The latter can also be used as longitudinal controls. For example, direct control lifting force carried out with simultaneous deflection of the wing elevators 2 and PGO 3. In this case, the use of the rudders 15 of the vertical tail 8 will make it easier, with the least effort, to carry out the longitudinal balancing of the aircraft.

Also, the keels 8 can be interconnected by a fairing 14 (in the illustration explaining the modification of the first variant of the proposed invention, this layout is not shown, but it is similar to the layout of the second variant of the invention in Fig.5). In this case, when viewed from the front, the keels 8 together with the center section 6 of the wing 2 form a closed contour in the form of a triangle. In fairing 14, depending on the type of planned work, research equipment is installed. The ratio of the diameter of the fairing 14 and its length is in the range from 0.18 to 0.35.

On the center section 6 of the wing 2 there are attachment points of the power plant 9. The power plant 9 includes a nacelle and the engines installed in the latter. The preferred layout of the power plant with two engines. The power plant 9 is located on a pylon mounted on the center section 6 between the keels 8. This arrangement of the power plant 9 provides a minimum turning moment in case of failure of one of the engines, as well as a reduction in the area of ​​the vertical tail and its weight. When using an aircraft for air traffic control, the power plant 9 with the described layout does not obscure the view of the radar station.

According to the second version, the proposed unmanned aerial vehicle (see Fig.5, 6) also has two fuselages 1. The fuselages 1 are connected to each other by two bearing surfaces 2 and 3 in such a way that, when viewed from above, a frame structure is formed in the form of a rectangle.

Structurally, each fuselage 1 consists of two longitudinal compartments - inner 4 and outer 5 - separated by a longitudinal vertical wall. In the internal compartments 4 there are on-board radio-electronic equipment, elements of power supply and air cooling systems. In the outer compartments 5 are the radar antennas. The inner compartment 4 of each fuselage 1 has niches for placing landing gear and fuel tanks. The fuselages 1 can be of various shapes in cross section. The cross-sectional shape of the fuselages is selected from the conditions for ensuring the effective operation of the target equipment installed on the aircraft. The cross-sectional shape can be made in the form resembling the shape of a circle, oval, triangle, quadrilateral, regular or irregular convex polyhedron. When performing sections of the fuselages 1 in the form of a polyhedron, its corners are rounded, and the edges are circular arcs of large radius. In the illustrations, the shape of the fuselages 1 in cross sections is made in the form of a polygon resembling a triangle.

One of the bearing surfaces 2 is located in the tail section of the aircraft.

Another bearing surface 3 is located in front of the aircraft and connects the forward parts of the fuselages 1. To connect with it in the inner compartments 4 of the fuselages 1, docking nodes are provided. In its function, the front bearing surface 3 is the front horizontal tail.

Such an arrangement is a kind of canard aerodynamic scheme and provides a reduction in longitudinal balancing losses and an increase in the aerodynamic quality of the aircraft.

The use of front horizontal tail (PGO) 3 increases rigidity, and also reduces the load acting on the fuselages 1.

The bearing surface 2 (see figure 5) is located in the tail section of the aircraft and is made of three parts interconnected by operational and technological connectors: a center section 6 and two consoles 7. By function, the tail bearing surface 2 is a wing. The center section 6 of the wing 2 connects the tail sections of the fuselages 1. The nodes for docking the fuselages 1 are located at the ends of the center section 6. In this case, the tail sections of the fuselages 1 do not go to the outer contour of the center section 6. Also in the front part of the fuselages 1 do not go beyond the leading edge of the PGO 3, those. the location of the fuselages 1, the center section 6 of the wing 2 and the PGO 3 when viewed from above (see figure 5) forms a closed contour - a rectangle that provides a circular view for the target equipment (radar station), and in addition, the closed shape in terms of increases the rigidity of the structure while reducing its weight.

On the center section 6 are also located the attachment points of the vertical tail 8 and the power plant 9. The connection of the fuselages 1 to each other by the center section 6 of the wing 2 allows you to partially unload the wing 2 from the bending moment acting on it in flight, and, accordingly, reduce the weight of the wing.

The wing 2 is made trapezoidal and has a large elongation, which also improves the aerodynamic quality of the aircraft. Consoles 7 of the wing 2 are installed with respect to the plane of symmetry of the aircraft with a positive transverse angle V. On the consoles 7 are aerodynamic controls and mechanization of the wing - elevators 10, flaps 11, ailerons 12. Ailerons 12 can be made hovering - working in flight as flaps , as well as fissile, i.e. acting as an air brake. Elevators 10 and flaps 11 can be combined into one surface. For ease of transportation of the aircraft console 7 of the wing 2 is made detachable. Connector locations are located at approximately half the span of each console 7.

The front horizontal tail 3 has a small elongation of the order of 2-3, which increases the safety of the aircraft in flight, since when flying at high angles of attack, there is no stall. The relative profile thickness is 17-20%, which improves the aerodynamic quality. On PGO 3 installed aerodynamic control - elevator 13, which can be made of one or more sections.

The vertical tail 8 (see Fig.5, 6) consists of two keels mounted on the center section 6 of the wing 2 in the area of ​​the docking nodes with the fuselage 1. The keels 8 are inclined to each other relative to the plane of symmetry of the aircraft and are interconnected. Thus, when viewed from the front, the keels 8, together with the center section 6 of the wing 2, form a closed contour in the form of a triangle. At the junction of the keels 8 with each other can be installed fairing 14 (Fig.6, 7). The front and rear edges of the vertical tail 8 are swept. The installation of two keels 8 instead of one is expedient in terms of weight characteristics. The location of the keels 8 obliquely to each other and their connection through the fairing 14 increases the rigidity of the vertical tail. In addition, the location of the vertical tail 8 and the power plant 9 on the center section 6 of the wing 2 within its trailing edge allows you to increase the angle of attack during landing.

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One keel 8 or both keels can be pivotally mounted on the center section 6 so that during ground handling one or both of them can be rejected and the necessary maintenance work can be performed. (The possibility of deflection of the keel is illustrated in Fig.8.) On the keels 8 mounted rudders 15 (Fig. 7). The latter can also be used as longitudinal controls. For example, the direct control of the lifting force is carried out with the simultaneous deviation of the wing elevators 2 and PGO 3. In this case, the use of the rudders 15 of the vertical tail 8 will make it easier, with the least effort, to carry out the longitudinal balancing of the aircraft.

The fairing 14 (Fig.7, 8) with one keel 8 is rigidly connected, and with the other - using connectors, which allows when carrying out maintenance work disconnect one keel and turn it without much time. In fairing 14, depending on the type of planned work, research equipment is installed. The ratio of the diameter of the fairing 14 and its length is in the range from 0.18 to 0.35.

As mentioned, on the center section 6 of the wing 2 there are attachment points for the power plant 9. The power plant 9 includes a nacelle and the engines installed in the latter. Depending on the type of proposed tasks to be solved, the number of engines can be different. The configuration of the aircraft with two engines is preferred. Various types of engines can be installed on the aircraft - bypass turbojet, turboprop, turbocharged piston. The power plant 9 (see Fig.8) is located on the pylon 16 mounted on the center section 6 between the keels 8. the engines are installed as close as possible to the axis of symmetry of the aircraft, which also makes it possible to reduce the area of ​​the vertical tail and its weight. In addition, when using an aircraft for air traffic control, the power plant 9 with the described layout does not obscure the view of the radar station.

The aircraft has a four-wheel landing gear (see Fig.7). Two supports 17 of the landing gear are installed from the forward parts of the fuselages and are wheeled. The other two supports 18 are located in the tail section of the aircraft on each fuselage and are made of skis. Landing gear to reduce resistance during flight are retracted into niches made in the inner compartments of the fuselage of the aircraft.

The internal compartments of the aircraft, both in the first version and in the second version, are used to accommodate various flight and target equipment.

For any of the proposed aircraft, the target equipment usually includes some kind of passive sensing device, such as an infrared detector (detectors) - direction finder, television camera (s), camera, etc., and / or active devices, such as radio communication equipment , radar station(s), side-scan radar, etc.

The flight equipment also includes navigation equipment, an onboard computer, a flight control system, equipment for receiving and transmitting information designed to broadcast data received by a receiving device in real time, as well as to receive control commands, an information recorder, an onboard power supply, a system air cooling, anti-icing system.

The compartments of the aircraft, in which the electronic equipment is installed, are made of a radio-transparent material.

Below is an example of the use of an aircraft made according to the first layout option. The use of an aircraft manufactured according to the second layout option and its flight are carried out similarly to the first option.

The flight of the aircraft is carried out as follows.

On the ground before the start, they carry out the necessary Maintenance: they check and refuel aircraft systems, enter the necessary data into the on-board computer, prepare the on-board radio-electronic equipment for operation.

A fully prepared aircraft with flaps 11 deflected to the take-off position and other controls are installed on the launcher trolley, after which the engines are brought to maximum mode. (In the takeoff and landing modes, not only the flaps can be deflected, but also all the controls mounted on the wing - elevators, flaps and ailerons.) Then, using the starting device, the aircraft is accelerated to takeoff speed, it leaves the overpass and begins to climb.

In the process of launch and flight, landing gear 17, 18 are removed into fuselage niches 1 to reduce aerodynamic drag. The aircraft is controlled according to the program embedded in the on-board computer before launch. If it is necessary to intervene in the flight program, control can be carried out remotely from the command control post. The control signals enter the electronic onboard control system, which converts them into commands for the drives of the aerodynamic controls - elevators 10, 13, directions 15, flaps 11, ailerons 12.

Balancing and control in the longitudinal channel are carried out simultaneously by the elevators 10 mounted on the center section 6 of the wing 2, and the elevators 13 located on the front bearing surface 3. These elevators are also used to directly control the lifting force.

The directional stability of the presented aircraft, which does not have tail booms, is ensured by the V-shape of the wing panels 2, and for the second version of the aircraft, also by the shape of the vertical tail 8.

The control in the side channel is carried out by the rudder 15 (for the second version of the aircraft, the rudders 15) located on the vertical tail 8, as well as the splitting ailerons 12 located at the ends of the consoles 7 of the wing 2.

Ailerons 12 are used as controls in the transverse channel. The required characteristics of the vehicle's dynamics are provided by the automatic control system.

After takeoff, the aircraft flies to the area of ​​the mission, upon reaching which the target equipment begins to work. In the area of ​​the mission, the aircraft follows a certain trajectory, depending on the task being performed. For example, in aerial photography, the trajectory is located over the region of interest. The nature of the information collected by the equipment installed on the aircraft is determined by the composition of the onboard complex of the target equipment and the scope of the specific aircraft.

At the end of the calculated flight time, the aircraft makes a descent to the home base, and then landing. Landing is carried out with the help of a finisher, which is a system of 3 or 4 cables located across the movement of the aircraft at a height that allows them to be rolled by the wheels or skis of the aircraft. The cables are attached to two platforms on the car chassis through a system of blocks. When landing, the aircraft crosses the stretched cables, passing through them with the wheels and skis of the landing gear, and catches on one of the cables with a pre-released hook located behind the center of gravity of the aircraft. The cable transfers the force to the platforms, which, moving along the ground, slow down the aircraft. The entire landing process takes place automatically. If necessary, it is possible to switch to manual control from the remote control on the ground.

After landing, the necessary post-flight maintenance of the aircraft is carried out.

The use of any variant of the described aircraft allows for real-time multispectral monitoring of airspace, land and water surfaces.

Both layouts of the aircraft are compact, economical in operation and maintenance, safer in flight and have high performance characteristics. Not required for system deployment large areas, the aircraft is mobile in deployment.

The described implementation of the invention is a private illustration. There are other options and modifications, in addition to the above, which can be made by specialists in the considered field of technology.


1. An unmanned aerial vehicle containing two fuselages interconnected in the tail section by a wing, and in the bow section - by the front horizontal tail, vertical tail, power plant and landing gear, characterized in that the fuselages in the tail section are interconnected by a wing center section and when In this case, the fuselages do not go beyond the trailing edge of the wing, and the front horizontal tail unit is made with a small elongation.

2. An unmanned aerial vehicle according to claim 1, characterized in that the vertical tail is made of two fins mounted at an angle to the plane of symmetry of the aircraft on the center section of the wing.

3. An unmanned aerial vehicle according to claim 2, characterized in that the keels are mounted on the wing center section when viewed from the front obliquely to each other.

4. Unmanned aerial vehicle according to claim 3, characterized in that it is equipped with a fairing connected to the keels.

5. An unmanned aerial vehicle according to claim 4, characterized in that the ratio of the largest transverse size of the fairing to its length is in the range of 0.18 - 0.35.

6. Unmanned aerial vehicle according to any one of paragraphs. 2-5, characterized in that the power plant is located on the wing center section between the keels.

7. Unmanned aerial vehicle according to any one of paragraphs. 1-6, characterized in that the wing is made trapezoidal with a large elongation, and the wing consoles are installed with a positive transverse angle V.

8. Unmanned aerial vehicle according to any one of paragraphs. 1-7, characterized in that the wing is equipped with mechanization.

9. Unmanned aerial vehicle according to any one of paragraphs. 1-8, characterized in that the front horizontal tail is equipped with mechanization.

10. Unmanned aerial vehicle according to any one of paragraphs. 1-9, characterized in that the cross-sectional contour of the fuselages is made in the form of a convex polygon.

11. Unmanned aerial vehicle according to any one of paragraphs. 1-10, characterized in that the chassis is made four-bearing.

12. An unmanned aerial vehicle according to claim 11, characterized in that the front landing gear is wheeled, and the rear ones are ski.

13. An unmanned aerial vehicle containing two fuselages interconnected in the tail section by a wing, and in the bow section by a front horizontal tail, a vertical tail consisting of two keels, a power plant and a landing gear, characterized in that the fuselages are interconnected in the tail parts of the center section of the wing, on which keels are installed obliquely to each other, connected to the fairing, wherein one keel or both keels are hingedly mounted on the center section of the wing with the possibility of rotation about an axis parallel to the axis of symmetry of the aircraft, and one keel is connected to the fairing with the possibility of detachment, the front horizontal plumage is made with a small elongation.

14. An unmanned aerial vehicle according to claim 13, characterized in that the power plant is located on the wing center section between the keels.

15. An unmanned aerial vehicle according to claim 13 or 14, characterized in that the wing is mounted relative to the fuselages in such a way that the tail of the fuselages does not extend beyond the trailing edge of the wing.

16. Unmanned aerial vehicle according to any one of paragraphs. 13-15, characterized in that the wing is made trapezoidal with a large elongation, and the wing consoles are installed with a positive transverse angle V.

17. Unmanned aerial vehicle according to any one of paragraphs. 13-16, characterized in that the wing is equipped with mechanization.

18. Unmanned aerial vehicle according to any one of paragraphs. 13-17, characterized in that the front horizontal tail is equipped with mechanization.

19. Unmanned aerial vehicle according to any one of paragraphs. 13-18, characterized in that the ratio of the largest transverse size of the fairing to its length is in the range of 0.18 - 0.35.

20. Unmanned aerial vehicle according to any one of paragraphs. 13-19, characterized in that the contour of the cross section of the fuselages is made in the form of a convex polygon.

21. Unmanned aerial vehicle according to any one of paragraphs. 13-20, characterized in that the chassis is made four-bearing.

22. An unmanned aerial vehicle according to claim 21, characterized in that the front landing gear is wheeled, and the rear ones are ski.

Inventor's name: Karimov A.Kh., Tarasov A.Z., Sokolova A.N., Filinov V.A., Chudnov A.V.
Name of the patentee: open joint-stock company"OKB Sukhoi"
Postal address for correspondence: 125284, Moscow, st. Polikarpova, 23a, JSC "OKB Sukhoi", chief legal department T.V. Mozharova
Patent start date: 18.07.2002

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Tactical and technical characteristics of unmanned aerial vehicles in service with units of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation

For the technical equipment of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia with unmanned aerial vehicles, Russian enterprises have developed several options, consider some of them:

UAV ZALA 421-16E

- this is a long-range unmanned aircraft (Fig. 1.) with an automatic control system (autopilot), a navigation system with inertial correction (GPS / GLONASS), an integrated digital telemetry system, navigation lights, a built-in three-axis magnetometer, a module for keeping and active target tracking ( "AC Module"), a built-in digital camera, a digital broadband video transmitter of C-OFDM modulation, a radio modem with a satellite navigation system (SNS) receiver "Diagonal AIR" with the ability to work without a SNS signal (radio range finder) a self-diagnostic system, a humidity sensor, a temperature sensor, a current sensor, a propulsion system temperature sensor, a parachute release, an air cushion to protect the target load during landing, and a search transmitter.

This complex is designed for conducting aerial surveillance at any time of the day at a distance of up to 50 km with real-time video transmission. The unmanned aircraft successfully solves the tasks of ensuring the security and control of strategically important objects, allows you to determine the coordinates of the target and quickly make decisions on adjusting the actions of ground services. Thanks to the built-in AS Module, the UAV automatically monitors static and moving objects. In the absence of a SNS signal, the UAV will autonomously continue the task

Figure 1 – UAV ZALA 421-16E

UAV ZALA 421-08M

(Fig. 2.) Made according to the "flying wing" scheme - this is a tactical range unmanned aircraft with an autopilot, it has a similar set of functions and modules as ZALA 421-16E. This complex is designed for operational reconnaissance of the area at a distance of up to 15 km with real-time video transmission. UAV ZALA 421-08M compares favorably with ultra-reliability, ease of use, low acoustic, visual visibility and the best target loads in its class. This aircraft does not require a specially prepared runway due to the fact that the takeoff is made by means of an elastic catapult, it carries out aerial reconnaissance under various weather conditions at any time of the day.

Transportation of the complex with UAV ZALA 421-08M to the place of operation can be carried out by one person. The lightness of the device allows (with appropriate training) to launch "by hand", without using a catapult, which makes it indispensable in solving problems. The built-in AS Module allows the unmanned aircraft to automatically monitor static and moving objects, both on land and on water.

Figure 2 – UAV ZALA 421-08M

UAV ZALA 421-22

is an unmanned helicopter with eight rotors, medium range, with an integrated autopilot system (Fig. 3). The design of the apparatus is foldable, made of composite materials, which ensures the convenience of delivery of the complex to the place of operation by any vehicle. This device does not require a specially prepared runway due to vertical automatic launch and landing, which makes it indispensable for aerial reconnaissance in hard-to-reach areas.

ZALA 421-22 is successfully used to perform operations at any time of the day: to search and detect objects, to ensure the security of perimeters within a radius of up to 5 km. Thanks to the built-in “AS Module”, the device automatically monitors static and moving objects.

Phantom 3 Professional

It represents the next generation of DJI quadcopters. It is capable of recording 4K video and transmitting high definition video right out of the box. The camera is integrated into the gimbal for maximum stability and weight efficiency when minimum size. In the absence of a GPS signal, the Visual Positioning technology ensures hovering accuracy.

Main functions

Camera and Gimbal: The Phantom 3 Professional shoots 4K video at up to 30 frames per second and captures 12 megapixel photos that look sharper and cleaner than ever. The improved camera sensor gives you greater clarity, lower noise, and better shots than any previous flying camera.

HD Video Link: Low latency, HD video transmission based on the DJI Lightbridge system.

DJI Intelligent Flight Battery: 4480 mAh The DJI Intelligent Flight Battery has new cells and uses an intelligent battery management system.

Flight Controller: Next generation flight controller, provides more reliable performance. The new recorder saves the data of each flight, and visual positioning allows you to accurately hover at one point in the absence of GPS.

Figure 4 - Phantom 3 Professional UAV

UAV Inspire 1

The Inspire 1 is a new multi-rotor capable of recording 4K video and transmitting HD video (up to 2 km) to multiple devices right out of the box. Equipped with a retractable landing gear, the camera can rotate 360 ​​degrees unhindered. The camera is integrated into the gimbal for maximum stability and weight efficiency in a minimal footprint. In the absence of a GPS signal, the Visual Positioning technology ensures hovering accuracy.

Main functions

Camera & Gimbal: Records up to 4K video and 12-megapixel photos. Neutral density (ND) filters are provided for better exposure control. The new gimbal mechanism allows you to quickly remove the camera.

HD Video Link: Low latency, HD video transmission, this is an upgraded version of the DJI Lightbridge system. There is also the possibility of control from two remote controls.

Chassis: Retractable landing gear, allow the camera to take panoramas unhindered.

DJI Intelligent Flight Battery: 4500mAh uses an intelligent battery management system.

Flight Controller: Next-generation flight controller for more reliable performance. The new recorder saves the data of each flight, and visual positioning allows, in the absence of GPS, to accurately hover at one point.

Figure 5 - UAV Inspire 1

All characteristics of the UAVs listed above are presented in Table 1 (except for Phantom 3 Professional and Inspire 1 as indicated in the text)

Table 1. Characteristics of the UAV

UAV ZALA 421-16E ZALA 421-16EM ZALA 421-08M ZALA 421-08F ZALA 421-16 ZALA 421-04M
UAV wingspan, mm 2815 1810 810 425 1680 1615
Flight duration, h (min) >4 2,5 (80) (80) 4-8 1,5
UAV length, mm 1020 900 425 635
Speed, km/h 65-110 65-110 65-130 65-120 130-200 65-100
Maximum flight altitude, m 3600 3600 3600 3000 3000
Target load mass, kg (g) Up to 1.5 Up to 1 (300) (300) Up to 1

Lesson on solving problems, taking into account the capabilities of unmanned aerial vehicles that are in service with the units of the subject of the Russian Federation.

– detection of emergencies;

- participation in the liquidation of emergency situations;

– assessment of damage from emergencies.

Considering the experience of using unmanned aerial vehicles in the interests of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, the following generalizations can be made: - the economic feasibility of using unmanned aerial vehicles is due to ease of use, the possibility of takeoff and landing on any selected territory; - the operational headquarters receives reliable video and photo information, which allows you to effectively manage the forces and means of localization and liquidation of emergencies; - the possibility of transmitting video and photo information in real time to control points allows you to quickly influence a change in the situation and make the right management decision; – the possibility of manual and automatic use of unmanned aerial vehicles. In accordance with the Regulations "On the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters", the EMERCOM of Russia manages the Unified state system prevention and liquidation of emergency situations. The efficiency of such a system is largely determined by the level of its technical equipment and proper organization the interactions of all its constituent elements. To solve the problem of collecting and processing information in the field of civil defense, protecting the population and territories from emergencies, providing fire safety, the safety of people in water bodies, as well as the exchange of this information, it is advisable to use integrated space, air, ground or surface-based technical means. The time factor is extremely important when planning and carrying out measures to protect the population and territories from emergencies, as well as ensuring fire safety. From timely receipt of information about emergencies to management

The use of unmanned aerial vehicles in the interests of the Russian Emergencies Ministry is very relevant. Unmanned aerial vehicles are experiencing a real boom. Into the airspace various countries unmanned aerial vehicles of various purposes, various aerodynamic schemes and with a variety of performance characteristics. The success of their application is associated, first of all, with the rapid development of microprocessor computing technology, control systems, navigation, information transmission, and artificial intelligence. Achievements in this area make it possible to fly in automatic mode from takeoff to landing, to solve the problems of monitoring the earth's (water) surface, and for military unmanned aerial vehicles to provide reconnaissance, search, selection and destruction of targets in difficult conditions. Therefore, in most industrialized countries, the development of both the aircraft themselves and power plants to them.

Currently, unmanned aerial vehicles are widely used by the Russian Medical Unit for managing crisis situations and obtaining operational information.

They are able to replace airplanes and helicopters in the course of performing missions associated with the risk to the lives of their crews and the possible loss of expensive manned aircraft. The first unmanned aerial vehicles were delivered to the EMERCOM of Russia in 2009. In the summer of 2010, unmanned aerial vehicles were used to monitor the fire situation in the Moscow Region, in particular, in the Shatursky and Egoryevsky districts. In accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 11, 2010 No. 138 “On Approval of the Federal Rules for the Use of the Airspace of the Russian Federation”, an unmanned aerial vehicle is understood to be an aircraft that flies without a pilot (crew) on board and is controlled in flight automatically by an operator from the control point or a combination of these methods

The unmanned aerial vehicle is designed to solve the following tasks:

– unmanned remote monitoring of forest areas in order to detect forest fires;

– monitoring and transmission of data on radioactive and chemical contamination of terrain and airspace in a given area;

engineering reconnaissance of areas of floods, earthquakes and other natural disasters;

– detection and monitoring of ice jams and river floods;

– monitoring of the state of transport highways, oil and gas pipelines, power lines and other facilities;

– ecological monitoring of water areas and coastline;

- determination of the exact coordinates of emergency areas and affected objects.

Monitoring is carried out day and night, in favorable and limited weather conditions.

Along with this, the unmanned aerial vehicle provides a search for the crashed (accident) technical means and missing groups of people. The search is carried out according to a pre-set flight task or along a flight route that is quickly changed by the operator. It is equipped with guidance systems, airborne radar systems, sensors and cameras.

During the flight, as a rule, the control of an unmanned aerial vehicle is automatically carried out by means of an onboard navigation and control complex, which includes:

- a satellite navigation receiver that provides the reception of navigation information from the GLONASS and GPS systems;

- a system of inertial sensors that determines the orientation and motion parameters of an unmanned aerial vehicle;

– sensor system providing altitude and airspeed measurement;

different kinds antennas. The on-board communication system operates in the authorized radio frequency range and provides data transmission from board to ground and from ground to board.

Tasks for the use of unmanned aerial vehicles can be classified into four main groups:

– detection of emergencies;

- participation in the liquidation of emergency situations;

– search and rescue of victims;

– assessment of damage from emergencies.

The detection of an emergency is understood as a reliable establishment of the fact of an emergency, as well as the time and exact coordinates of the place of its observation. Aerial monitoring of territories using unmanned aerial vehicles is carried out on the basis of forecasts of an increased probability of an emergency or according to signals from other independent sources. This may be a flight over forest areas in fire hazardous weather conditions. Depending on the speed of the emergency, data is transmitted in real time or processed after the return of the unmanned aerial vehicle. The received data can be transmitted via communication channels (including satellite) to the headquarters of the search and rescue operation, the regional center of the EMERCOM of Russia or the central office of the EMERCOM of Russia. Unmanned aerial vehicles can be included in the forces and means to eliminate emergencies, and can also be extremely useful, and sometimes indispensable, in search and rescue operations on land and at sea. Unmanned aerial vehicles are also used to assess damage from emergencies in cases where this must be done promptly and accurately, as well as without risk to the health and life of ground rescue teams. Thus, in 2013, unmanned aerial vehicles were used by employees of the Russian Emergencies Ministry to monitor the flood situation in the Khabarovsk Territory. With the help of data transmitted in real time, the state of protective structures was monitored to prevent dam breaks, as well as the search for people in flooded areas with subsequent adjustment of the actions of employees of the Russian Emergencies Ministry.

Considering the experience of using unmanned aerial vehicles in the interests of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, the following generalizations can be made: - the economic feasibility of using unmanned aerial vehicles is due to ease of use, the possibility of takeoff and landing on any selected territory; - the operational headquarters receives reliable video and photo information, which allows you to effectively manage the forces and means of localization and liquidation of emergencies; - the possibility of transmitting video and photo information in real time to control points allows you to quickly influence a change in the situation and make the right management decision; – the possibility of manual and automatic use of unmanned aerial vehicles. In accordance with the Regulations "On the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters", the Russian Emergencies Ministry manages the Unified State System for the Prevention and Elimination of Emergency Situations at the federal level. The efficiency of such a system is largely determined by the level of its technical equipment and the correct organization of the interaction of all its elements. To solve the problem of collecting and processing information in the field of civil defense, protecting the population and territories from emergencies, ensuring fire safety, the safety of people in water bodies, as well as exchanging this information, it is advisable to use complex space, air, ground or surface-based technical means. The time factor is extremely important when planning and carrying out measures to protect the population and territories from emergencies, as well as ensuring fire safety. From the timely receipt of information about emergencies by the leadership of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia different levels and the level of economic damage from emergencies and the number of affected citizens largely depend on the prompt response to what is happening. At the same time, in order to adopt appropriate operational management decisions it is necessary to provide complete, objective and reliable information, not distorted or modified due to subjective factors. Thus, the further introduction of unmanned aerial vehicles will significantly contribute to filling information gaps regarding the dynamics of the development of emergencies. An extremely important task is to detect the occurrence of emergencies. The use of unmanned aerial vehicles alone can be very effective for a slowly developing emergency or emergency in relative proximity to the deployed forces and means to eliminate it. At the same time, in combination with data obtained from other technical means of space, ground or surface-based, the real picture of upcoming events, as well as the nature and pace of their development, can be presented in detail. The technical equipment of the EMERCOM of Russia with promising robotic systems is an urgent and extremely important task. The development, production and implementation of such tools is a rather complex and capital-intensive process. However, government spending on such equipment will be covered by economic effect from the prevention and elimination of emergencies with the use of this technique. Only from annual forest fires Russian Federation suffers huge economic losses. Thus, in order to modernize the technical base of the EMERCOM of Russia, a Program was developed to re-equip the units of the EMERCOM of Russia with modern models of machinery and equipment for 2011-2015. An analysis of the response of authorities and forces to federal emergencies associated with the passage of the summer-autumn flood of 2013 on the territory of the Far Eastern Federal District emphasized the relevance of the use of unmanned aerial vehicles in the interests of the Russian Emergencies Ministry. In connection with this, it was decided to create a division of unmanned aerial vehicles. Along with this, there are a number of problems that need to be addressed before unmanned aircraft become widespread. Among them is the integration of unmanned aerial vehicles into the air traffic system in such a way that they do not pose a threat of collisions with manned aircraft. aviation technology both civil and military purposes. When conducting specific rescue operations, the forces of the Russian Emergencies Ministry have the right to use their technical means for necessary work. In this regard, there are currently no strict regulatory restrictions, and even more so, prohibitions on the use of unmanned aerial vehicles in the interests of the Russian Emergencies Ministry. However, regulatory issues legal regulation The development, production and use of unmanned aerial vehicles for civil use as a whole have not yet been resolved.

– the first turning point of the route (the starting point of the route (IPM) is set near the starting point.

- the depth of the working area should be within the limits of stable reception of the video signal and telemetry information from the UAV. (Depth of working area

– distance from the location of the NSS antenna to the most remote turning point. Work zone- the territory within which the UAV performs a given flight program.).

– The track line, if possible, should not pass near power lines (power lines) of high power and other objects with a high level of electromagnetic radiation (radar stations, transceiver antennas, etc.).

— The estimated flight duration time must not exceed 2/3 of the maximum duration declared by the manufacturer.

- It is necessary to provide at least 10 minutes of flight time for take-off and landing. For a general inspection of the territory, the most appropriate is a circular closed route. The main advantages of this method are the coverage of a large area, the efficiency and speed of monitoring, the possibility of surveying hard-to-reach areas of the terrain, relatively simple planning of a flight task, and prompt processing of the results obtained. The flight route must provide an inspection of the entire working area.

For the rational use of UAV energy resources, it is advisable to lay the flight route in such a way that the first half of the UAV flight takes place against the wind.

Figure 2 - Building a flight of a straight parallel route.

The parallel route is recommended for use in aerial photography of terrain. When preparing a route, the operator must take into account the maximum width of the field of view of the UAV camera at a given altitude of its flight. The route is laid so that the edges of the camera's field of view overlap neighboring fields by about 15% -20%.

Figure 3 - Parallel route.

Flight over a given object is used when conducting inspections of specific objects. It is widely used in cases where the coordinates of an object are known and its state needs to be clarified.

Figure 4 - Flyby of a given object

During the inspection of active forest fires, the operator determines the main direction of the spread of fire, the presence of a threat of fire spread to economic facilities and settlements, the presence of separate combustion centers, areas that are especially dangerous in terms of fire, the place where the fire passes through the mineralized strips, and, if possible, identifies the location of people and equipment involved in extinguishing the fire in order to determine the correct placement of them on the edge of the fire. Simultaneously with the receipt of video information, representatives of the forestry service make decisions on tactical methods of extinguishing, maneuvering human and technical resources. Natural boundaries are outlined to stop the fire, access roads (approaches) to the fire, a section of the edge (roads, trails, lakes, streams, rivers, bridges).

UAV application example

In April 2011, three HE300 unmanned helicopters were used to visually monitor the stricken nuclear plant in Fukushima. These UAVs are equipped with a professional video camera, a thermal imaging camera, various sensors for measuring and shooting, and a tank for spraying various liquids. The results of video filming from the UAV are shown in Figure 5.6.

Figure 5.6 - Japanese nuclear power plant after an accident with a UAV.

In February 2014, ZALA UAVs allowed the EMERCOM teams in the Kirov region to control the situation during a fire at a railway station (a train with gas condensate went off the rails and caught fire), competently concentrate forces for the safe evacuation of residents and liquidation of the consequences of the incident. Aerial monitoring of the emergency zone was carried out during the day and at night, completely eliminating the risk to the life of the population and the emergency rescue team. Photos from the place. crashes filmed by the UAV are shown in Figure 7.

Figure 7 - Fire at the railway station, filmed by a UAV camera.

The complex with the ZALA UAV was used to monitor the flood on Far East in 2013. The Moscow detachment "Centrospas" sent a complex with unmanned aircraft to Khabarovsk, which carried out flights in the daytime and at night, informing ground detachments about the flooded territories and the whereabouts of people in distress Fig. 8.

Figure 8 - Overview of the flood zone