Mrot from 01 September. Minimum wage. What does it mean

  • 27.11.2019

The minimum wage in Moscow directly depends on the subsistence level of the able-bodied population. If the Moscow Government has increased the cost of living, then from the 1st of the month after the increase, the minimum wage will also increase. This procedure was established by the Moscow tripartite agreement for 2016-2018 between the Government of Moscow, Moscow associations of trade unions and Moscow associations of employers (Resolution No. 858-PP of December 15, 2015).

The Government of Moscow, by Decree No. 663-PP dated September 12, 2017, set the subsistence minimum for the 2nd quarter of 2017. Its size for the able-bodied population is 18,742 rubles. Previously - 17,642 rubles.

Accordingly, the minimum wage in Moscow since October 1, 2017 is 18,742 rubles. And metropolitan employers should be guided by it when paying salaries.

Please note: if from the next quarter the Moscow Government lowers the cost of living, the minimum wage in Moscow will remain at the same level.

How to determine the amount of additional payment to the minimum wage

From October 1, the salary of employees who have worked the norm of working hours for the month and fulfilled labor obligations, should not be less than 18,742 rubles. (Article 133 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). And this is the amount before the deduction of personal income tax. This means that the employee will receive 16,306 rubles in a month. (18,742 rubles - 18,742 rubles x 13%).

When checking wages for compliance with the minimum wage, take into account remuneration for work, additional payments and allowances of a compensatory nature, incentive payments, as well as “northern” regional coefficients and allowances.

In the amount of payments that is compared with the minimum wage in Moscow from October 1, 2017, do not take into account the payments that are listed in the list.

  • Social payments in cash and in kind
  • Pay for work in harmful conditions labor
  • Surcharge for combining professions (positions), expanding service areas, increasing the volume of work or performing the duties of a temporarily absent employee without exemption from work specified in the employment contract
  • Overtime pay
  • Additional pay for work on weekends and holidays
  • Night work allowance
  • Remuneration under civil law contracts

How to set a surcharge to the new minimum wage

There are two ways to raise wages. The first is to set a new value for the monthly salary. The second is to introduce an additional payment to the minimum wage.

For Moscow employers, the salary increase option will be inconvenient and costly. Since the “minimum salary” is reviewed every quarter, and it will be necessary to make changes to each time labor contract, staffing and others local acts, in which the amount of salaries is prescribed.

The second option is easier. There is no need to change the employment contract and other documents every time a new minimum wage is set. It is enough to establish the surcharge once in a separate order or in the regulation on remuneration

Each employer has the right to refuse the minimum wage, which is established by the Moscow Government. To do this, no later than 30 calendar days from the date of publication of the agreement, a reasoned refusal to apply the regional minimum wage must be sent. Send the document to the Moscow Labor and Employment Authority. A sample waiver is below.

An example of refusal of the Moscow minimum wage from October 1, 2017

Sample Refusal to Join Regional Minimum Wage Agreement in Moscow

If the refusal was sent in a timely manner, compare the salary with the federal minimum wage, which is now 7,800 rubles.

Employers who have not filed a refusal will be required to raise salaries to a new minimum, otherwise a fine is possible. For entrepreneurs - up to 5,000 rubles, for firms - up to 50,000 rubles. (Article 5. 27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

For more details see

The minimum wage is approved by government agencies and increases every 1-2 years. The value of 7800 rubles per month corresponds to the federal, all-Russian minimum wage. In some regions, depending on their development and income, the minimum wage indicators may differ upwards.

According to the law Russian Federation all subjects of the Russian Federation can independently set their own minimum size wages. At the same time, it must be no less than the value of the all-Russian (federal) minimum wage. But in practice, not all regions have raised the size of the minimum wage above the national value.

Increased minimum wage in the region is introduced by the executive authorities of the region. When deciding on the introduction of such a minimum wage, regional governments are obliged to consult with their regional trade unions and employers. Legal entities that use hired labor and have joined the regional minimum wage agreement are obliged to pay their employees a salary not lower than the regional minimum wage. Organizations that have not joined such an agreement may pay a salary lower than the regional minimum wage, but this salary must be at least 7,800 rubles per month (all-Russian minimum wage).

All organizations in the region can join such an agreement without exception.

Despite the fact that the salary of an employee in our country should not be less than 7,800 rubles a month, he can receive a lower amount in his hands. The fact is that the minimum wage is calculated from the accrued salary, namely before income tax withholding individuals(personal income tax). In addition, an employee may receive a smaller amount in cases of deductions from his salary for alimony, deductions on writ of execution of bailiffs, or if the month was not fully worked out.

Minimum size Wage is a minimum statutory minimum used by the government to control and regulate wages. The minimum wage is used to determine the amount of sick leave, scholarships, benefits, maternity and many other payments. In some way, the minimum wage depends on the size of the subsistence minimum.

Minimum wage in Moscow

In the capital of our country - Moscow - the minimum wage is directly dependent on the subsistence level. And the living wage itself is calculated statistical organizations and is approved every 3 months. From October 1, 2017, the minimum wage in Moscow was increased to 18,742 rubles per month.

If the cost of living in Moscow increases, then the minimum wage also increases by the same amount. In cases where the subsistence minimum is reduced (this is rare, but it happens), the minimum wage is not reduced. This provision is enshrined in the Moscow tripartite agreement between the Government of Moscow, the Moscow Association of Trade Unions and the Moscow Association of Employers.

Thus, all organizations in Moscow are required to pay their employees a salary of at least 18,742 rubles for a fully worked month. This money may include any bonuses and allowances. An exception may be only those legal entities that, in the prescribed manner and within the established time limits, sent to the labor inspectorate a reasoned refusal to join the regional minimum wage agreement.

If the organization has undertaken to pay its employees a salary not lower than the minimum wage approved for Moscow, but in fact pays less than 18,742 rubles, the labor inspectorate is obliged to fine this legal entity under Article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, which provides for a fine of 50,000 rubles.

Since October 1, 2017, the minimum wage has increased significantly in Moscow. The new minimum wage in the capital is now 18 742 rubles ().

What does it mean?

The Moscow Government raised the subsistence minimum for the able-bodied population to this amount (Decree No. 663-PP dated September 12, 2017). The Moscow minimum wage cannot be less than the subsistence level. When officials increase it, the minimum wage rises from the 1st of the next month.

And now what i can do?

Moscow employers need to raise salaries to employees to 18,742 rubles. per month (with bonuses and allowances).

If the company does not have the opportunity to raise salaries, you can write a refusal to the Moscow Trilateral Commission: 121205, Moscow, st. Novy Arbat, 36. You can send a refusal (with a description of its reason) within 30 calendar days after the entry into force of the new minimum wage, i.e. no later than 30 October. The refusal will make it possible to pay wages at the level of the federal minimum wage - 7,800 rubles.

What if you do nothing?

If you do not send a reasoned refusal to the tripartite commission and do not raise wages, the manager faces a fine of up to 5,000 rubles, and the company - a fine of up to 50,000 rubles. and suspension of activities up to 90 days.

To our clients:

We control the salaries of employees in our clients' companies:

    We regularly audit salaries to identify employees whose salaries are below the new minimum wage.

    We promptly inform about the need to raise the salary of employees who receive less than the current minimum wage.

Raising the federal minimum wage to the subsistence level will affect employers in Moscow and the Moscow Region. Find out what the minimum wage will be in Moscow and the Moscow Region from May 1, 2018, in order to correctly calculate wages, vacation pay and benefits. And send a waiver of the regional minimum wage in time.

Minimum wage from May 1, 2018 in Moscow

The minimum wage in the capital directly depends on the current size of the subsistence level of the able-bodied population. If the Government of Moscow changes the subsistence minimum, then from the 1st day of the month following the increase, the minimum wage changes (clauses 3.1.1, 3.1.2 of the agreement dated 12/15/2015). If the subsistence minimum in Moscow decreases, then the minimum wage remains at the same level.

By Decree of the Government of Moscow dated March 13, 2018 No. 176-PP, the subsistence minimum for the able-bodied population for the 4th quarter of 2017 was set at 17,560 rubles, which is lower than the figures for the 2nd and 3rd quarters of 2017 (18,742 rubles and 18,453 rubles. ).

Accordingly, the minimum wage in Moscow today and from May 1, 2018 cannot be lower than 18,742 rubles (the subsistence minimum for the 2nd quarter of 2017). This is provided for by the Moscow tripartite agreement for 2016-2018 between the government of Moscow, Moscow associations of trade unions and Moscow associations of employers dated 12/15/2015.

From May 1, 2018, Moscow employers must pay wages no lower than 18,742 rubles. However, employers have the right not to comply with the regional minimum wage and pay after May 1 the federal minimum wage - at least 11,163 rubles. To do this, you need to send a letter of refusal to the Moscow Trilateral Commission at:

121205, Moscow, st. New Arbat, 36

Companies have 30 calendar days to refuse after the entry into force of the new minimum wage. This was confirmed by the Metropolitan Labor Inspectorate. That is, you can cancel no later than May 30, 2018. If the company registers after this date, it will be able to send a refusal within 30 days from the date of creation, labor inspectors specified.

For violation of the requirements of the employer will be fined under article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. Sizes of fines:

  • for managers and entrepreneurs - from 1000 to 5000 rubles;
  • for legal entities- from 30,000 to 50,000 rubles.

See sample waiver below.

Refusal to join the minimum wage in Moscow from May 1, 2018

Raising the minimum wage from May 1, 2018 in Moscow: what needs to be reviewed

From May 1, the salary of employees who have worked out the monthly norm of working hours and fulfilled their duties should not be less than 18,742 rubles before tax (Article 133 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The employee must receive at least 16,306 rubles (18,742 rubles - 18,742 rubles x 13%).

But when calculating the salary and its compliance with the minimum wage, it is not necessary to take into account additional payments and allowances of a compensatory nature, incentive payments, as well as northern regional coefficients and allowances.

  1. Social payments in cash and in kind;
  2. Additional payment for work in harmful working conditions;
  3. Surcharge for combining professions (positions), expanding service areas; an increase in the volume of work or the performance of duties of a temporarily absent employee without exemption from work specified in the employment contract;
  4. Extra pay for overtime work;
  5. Additional payment for work on weekends and holidays;
  6. Surcharge for night work;
  7. Remuneration under GPC agreements.

If after the calculation it turned out that the salary is less than the minimum, you must either set a new salary or an additional payment to the minimum wage.

The option of increasing the salary is not entirely convenient, since the cost of living is reviewed every quarter, which means that the minimum wage can also change, so you will have to make changes to the employment contract, staffing table and other documents every time, in which the salary is registered.

Therefore, it is easier to establish a surcharge up to the minimum wage. It is not necessary to make changes to the employment contract or any other documents. It is enough to issue a separate order or amend the regulation on remuneration.

Minimum wage from May 1, 2018 in the Moscow region

Employers in the Moscow region will have to increase their employees' wages. The government of the region and the trade union signed an agreement on a new minimum wage from April 1, 2018.

On March 1, 2018, the Government of the Moscow Region and the union "Moscow Regional Association of Trade Union Organizations" signed an agreement on a new minimum wage in the Moscow Region (agreement No. 41 dated March 1, 2018). The document entered into force on April 1. They set a new minimum wage in the Moscow region in the amount of 14,200 rubles.

The new agreement applies to all organizations, as well as to individual entrepreneurs who operate in the Moscow region. The exception is organizations funded from the federal budget.

Recall that earlier workers near Moscow were forbidden to pay less than 13,750 rubles. This limit has been in effect since December 2016.

The increase in wages from 01.10.17 is an integral part whole program. The point is that on this moment In the Russian Federation there is a program for indexing wages. This program is annual and is directly related to inflation in the economy. Inflation is the main economic and financial problem for many people in the country.

Increasing the salaries of state employees from October

The salaries of state employees have been increased since October. This decision was made after studying information about the insufficient remuneration of specialists. public sector.

It's because of inflation cash depreciate and for one monthly wage you can buy significantly less food and other goods. So who got a pay raise since October? How much was the increase and should we expect a salary increase in the future? The answers to these and other questions can be found below.

minimum wage in october

The minimum salary since October 2017 is 7800 rubles. The salary increase for state employees since October 1 is generally small, but at the moment the state cannot afford more due to lack of funds. This is the amount the employer has the right to pay to his employee on a monthly basis. These data were announced back in July. On the given value it is worth paying attention to those companies whose employees officially receive a salary below 7800 rubles. The salary increase for state employees in October 2017 is especially important for those whose salary was less than 7,800 rubles.

Since the first of July it is illegal, so now the wages will have to be reviewed. If the employee continues to receive a smaller amount, the employer may receive a fine or other disciplinary action.

The minimum wage in Moscow since October 2017 has become significantly higher. This is due to higher prices for utilities and food than in other Russian cities. Since October 2017, the minimum wage in Moscow is almost 19,000 thousand rubles (18,742 rubles).

The same applies to the Moscow region. Prices for essential products in this region are significantly higher than in the country, so the minimum allowable wage cannot be less than 13,750 rubles. This value has been established since July 1.

Despite this, real numbers significantly different from the official ones. The reason for this is that the Rosstat data take into account only citizens who permanently reside in the regional centers. Wages in regional centers are significantly lower and can even be 13 thousand rubles.

Salary of doctors from October 1

Since October, the salaries of medical workers have been increased more significantly than employees in many other areas. For example, the income of the average doctor increased by 6 percent.

The salary of doctors in October increased depending on the position held.

Nursing staff received a 19 percent increase in wages, and the wages of junior medical staff increased by 10 percent (nurses' salaries since October).

The salary increase for doctors in October affects everyone involved in this area. The salary of nurses in October was increased in the same way as for doctors (the difference was no more than five percent).

The plans of the state look even more rosy, because the government plans to provide an increase of 30 percent in the future for doctors.

Typically, low income indicators are typical for public sector employees. That is why the salary increase for doctors from October 1 is one of the main news for medical workers. The salary increase for doctors in October was a real revelation, because usually the salary increase is not so large.

teacher salary in october

Wage indexation in October concerns not only medical workers but also representatives of other fields of activity. In particular, the payment of salaries has been increased for teachers since October. Since October 2017, the teacher's salary has also been increased due to inflation.

Financial difficulties in the field of education have been observed for a long time, so the state is constantly trying to make attempts to solve the problem. Low pay is one of the reasons for the decline in the prestige of the profession. If we take official data as a source of information, then the average salary of a teacher at the moment is from 18 to 20 thousand rubles (approximately).

The constant increase in wages in the Russian Federation began in 2012 after the issuance of the Presidential Decree. Despite the indexation, this was not enough, because the salary increase from year to year was a very small amount. In addition, teachers are not the only state employees whose salaries are paid from the state treasury. The military, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and many others are the main cause of problems with the budget. Just for this reason, the salary increase for teachers in October 2017 was only 3 percent.