Tree of goals of the state program of the region. Goal-setting and formation of the tree of goals of public administration. What is it and why is it needed

  • 18.04.2020

Process government controlled begins with the development of the goal of the impact, the goal of the assumption, which determine its initial operations, the complexity of which decreases as the goals of the impact are refined. Management Goal- this is the desired, possible and necessary state of the managed system (object) of public education. The process of public administration is aimed at achieving this state. Based on this, you can form the requirements for it. The goal should be:

  • certain, clear, meaningful and achievable;
  • · scientifically substantiated and specifically express the requirements of the development of the object;
  • · the content of the main goal of management should be of a higher order. So, for example, the goal of managing a municipal entity should correspond to the overall goal of the development of society and the state.

The issue of goal-setting in public administration is one of the most relevant. The goals reflect the needs of the development of society as a whole, as well as a specific object of management. This is the ideal, the logically justified construction (image) that needs to be created, brought to life.

In the public administration system, it is possible to single out specific goals and goals of a global order that should not contradict universal human values ​​(freedom, democracy, social justice, etc.). Management goals determine the essence of a management decision: the choice of actions by which the goals should be achieved.

The goals of public administration must be recognized, attractive, popular, supported by citizens and at the same time - real. In order for all goals to be supported, based on the capabilities and power of management, they must be translated into a strict and clear language of control actions. Not goals in general, but goals that are achievable at a designated time, in a precise amount and with the use of certain resources, goals that are concretized, clearly communicated to a separate team, group, person, and at the same time, coordinated with each other in such a way that one goal does not contradict the other, on the contrary, contributed to its implementation.

At present, most of the citizens of our country are not satisfied with the needs of the lower level, people want to realize themselves as much as possible. Therefore, when making management decisions, it is necessary to take this into account. The Constitution of the Republic of Belarus also aims at this, in which a person is proclaimed highest value and observance of his rights and interests is the duty of the state.

Goal-setting in public administration for the near future should be determined only in the context of the quality of life: strengthening the legal and social order, meeting the most important material and spiritual needs of citizens, the right of the people to a decent human existence.

The transition to genuine democracy involves, first of all, a change in the technology for determining the goals of public administration. The main principles of goal-setting in a democratic state are openness, transparency and openness.

The very essence of management requires a well-established goal-setting mechanism. The subject of the formation of the goals of public administration can be the people, the ruling elite, the head of state. In a democratic state, the subject of the formation of the goals of public administration is the people. In other words, public administration is based on a hierarchy, subordination of goals.

The entire history of mankind testifies that the formation of the goals of public administration is an extremely complex matter. This process is inexorably dominated by three negative factors: subjectivity; a large number of goals, their variability and inconsistency; uncertainty in the development and functioning of the state organism, its individual parts, which is transferred to the sphere of management and permeates it (incomplete certainty external environment and the internal properties of the state results in an incomplete definition of the goals of public administration).

To form the structure of the goals of public administration allows the technique, which in the scientific literature is called the tree of goals, thanks to which the interconnection of many goals and sub-goals of different content (political, economic, social, spiritual, etc.) is ensured, their consistency to obtain a given result.

Goal tree forms a system, each structural element of which occupies a certain place and plays a certain role in achieving main goal. A tree of goals is formed from general to particular. The trunk is the strategic goals-tasks related to the quality of life of society, its preservation and development. Strategic goals are developed into operational ones, operational ones into tactical ones. Thus, goal-setting, goal-setting, and goal-setting of public administration take place.

Goal tree- this is an image that allows you to compare the system of goals of public administration with a tree that goes "roots" (means of communication) into the "soil" (society) that feeds it. If the nutrient medium is not able to ensure the vital activity of the tree of goals, then it dies, no matter how wonderful the proposed ideas are.

When forming the tree of goals, the subject of management must have complete information about the state of society, its problems, pain points, resources to achieve goals, etc. In addition, when structuring the system of goals, it should be borne in mind that each previous goal should determine the next one, as well as develop and supplement the main goal.

It is also important to determine the hierarchy of goals of public administration, built on the principle of priority of the needs and interests of the development of society, although the construction of an absolute hierarchy is problematic, as is the knowledge of absolute truth. These are always only subjective estimates that seem optimal in the specific conditions of the functioning of the system, which can approach the truly optimal as the life of society is studied. If priorities are set incorrectly, then this is often detected after the negative consequences that are inevitable in this case have appeared.

Sometimes it is important to determine the hierarchy of unattainable goals - this can serve as an indicator (give information) of the quality of the macro management system in the totality of relations with society as a controlled macro system, adjust the relationship between government and public institutions, citizens.

The main goals of public administration are specified in the goals-tasks for each government agency. Civil servants should be able to link basic, generally significant goals and objectives with specific goals set for the organization.

In public organizations, there are three types of goals: task goals, orientation goals, and self-preservation goals.

1. Goals-tasks government organizations are set by a superior subject of management - these are actually management goals, i.e. management objectives social system content-oriented and subordinated to the achievement of its main goal. They, as a rule, are fixed in legal documents: regulations, charters, regulations, which reflect the purpose of this organizational structure, its place and role in the management system, i.e. for which it was created.

It is very important that the goals-tasks are clearly formulated, for example, social goals (support for the poor, etc.) are too general. In order for the activity of the body to be effective, more specific goals and objectives are needed for the management body and its staff, since everyone works better if he clearly understands what is expected of him. The goal determines behavior, and purposeful activity is the mechanism that ensures the work of the governing body.

When fulfilling the goal-task, various problems may arise: inadequate perception of them by the governing body; possible discrepancy between the content of the formulated tasks and the expectations of the organization's staff; the contradiction between the high pathos of tasks and the low resource level of their provision.

2. Goal-orientation reflect the common interests of the members of the staff of the public administration body and should not contradict the social goals-tasks. The ideal model is the orientation of the team, when inaction is perceived by the civil servants themselves as inconsistency with their position, and the refusal to accept an application, for example, about the fact of abuse of official position, gives rise to a negative attitude in the team, both to the very fact of refusal, and to the fact of abuse.

Indirectly, the nature of goals-orientations can be determined by analyzing motivations. For example, if a salary increase significantly reduces staff turnover (while all other conditions remain practically unchanged), then this gives reason to assume that the goal-orientation of team members is primarily determined by the amount of remuneration. In other situations, the nature of work, the possibility of promotion, working hours and other factors may be dominant.

3. The goals of self-preservation of the organizational structure of management reflect its desire to maintain its integrity and stability, balance in interaction with the environment.

Sustainability This is a constant goal and condition for the self-preservation of the organization. First of all, we are talking about overcoming staff turnover, reducing the number of reorganizations, and reducing conflict. However, in this case, there is a danger that the staff of the organization will no longer adequately respond to changes in the external environment, will oppose changes.

In addition, the very process of achieving sustainability threatens to turn it into an end in itself. If this happens, then services, divisions, positions begin to be created in the organization, intended mainly to maintain and preserve the system, as a rule, with control powers. Not directly involved in the implementation of goals-tasks, such services need increased self-assertion, which is manifested in the desire to expand their powers, control not only the result, but also the very process of the activities of those units that fulfill the goals-tasks. As a result, a situation may arise when, for example, a decision can be made by an employee of the control unit, and the employee carrying out operational and managerial activities, or the head of control, may be held responsible. Thus, each governing body should be focused not only on achieving the goals set from above, but also on the implementation of internal tasks.

This circumstance should not be ignored by the subject of management, and therefore, when setting the objectives of the tasks, the goals-orientations of the organization can and should be taken into account. Otherwise, we will seek and not find an answer to a truly insoluble question: "Who is to blame for the fact that the public administration system does not fulfill its social purpose?"

So, goals should be: large-scale, but realistically achievable; understandable and understood in its entirety by employees of managing and managed organizations; coordinated throughout.

Goals of public administration can be classified into horizontal and vertical sections. The horizontal section is represented by a chain of the main types of public administration goals: socio-political - social - spiritual - economic - organizational - activity-praxeological - informational - explanatory.

For socio-political purposes, a long-term strategy for the development of society is expressed. And the highest value and goal of society and the state is proclaimed a person, his rights, freedoms and guarantees of their implementation. Social goals are determined by socio-political goals.

The goals in the spiritual sphere are to create conditions for the formation of a highly moral, spiritually rich personality. In addition, they are aimed at realizing the spiritual potential of citizens for the implementation of socio-political and social goals.

The goals of public administration in the economic sphere are the definition of a long-term strategy for economic development, the creation of optimal conditions for its implementation.

Organizational goals are aimed at creating an optimal, efficient organizational structure of public administration.

Information purposes are aimed at establishing direct and feedback between the object and the subject of management in order to obtain information about the reaction of the object to the adopted management decisions and, if necessary, correct the control action.

Explanatory purposes play an important role in public administration. Citizens of the state must have a clear idea of ​​the tasks that the state is solving, have reasoned information about the processes taking place in society, about the motives for the decisions of the authorities, including unpopular ones.

The presented horizontal cut of goals does not give a complete picture of their subordination. The vertical slice arranges the goals according to their importance: strategic, operational, tactical. Strategic goals are long-term goals that determine the main directions for the development of society in the long term. Operational goals are put forward at a certain time interval, taking into account the emerging socio-political and economic situation. Tactical goals determine specific actions to achieve strategic ones, therefore they are also called providing.

Goals of public administration can be classified according to other criteria. For example, in terms of volume, they can be: general, covering the entire complex of public administration; private, covering individual subsystems.

According to the results: - final and intermediate goals.

By time allocate: long-term goals (strategic) (over 5 years); medium-term goals (for 5 years); short-term goals (tactical) (one year or less).

In relation to the main goals, secondary (secondary) goals may arise that are not directly related to the implementation of strategic goals.

The concept of the “goal tree” was first proposed by Ch. Churchman and R. Ackoff in 1957 and is an ordering tool (similar to the organizational chart of a company) used to form elements of a general target program for the development of a company (main or general goals) and correlate with specific goals different levels and areas of activity. The novelty of the method proposed by C. Churchman and R. Ackoff was that they attempted to give quantitative weights and coefficients to various functional subsystems in order to identify which of the possible combinations provide the best return.

Over the past half century of its existence, the method has won the recognition of experts - managers around the world. It has become an indispensable tool for strategic and operational planning. Not a single management course of any self-respecting Western school can do without studying the goal tree method and its more mobile "brother" - the "decision tree".

A goal tree is a well-known term in management. This is a structured, built on a hierarchical principle (distributed by levels) set of goals economic system, program, plan.

In 1957, the American scientist Russell Lincoln Ackoff proposed a method for constructing a tree of goals. From that time to the present day, this technique has not lost popularity and is actively used in planning tasks by managers and businessmen.

What is it and why is it needed

The goal tree method is considered one of the most effective methods task scheduling. This method includes all the general principles of planning, simple and easy to learn. In fact, this is a graph that reflects a plan for solving a particular problem.

  • The goal tree has a standard structure. The “trunk” of the goal tree is the main problem that needs to be solved.
  • "Branches" are tasks of the second, third, fourth and so on levels.

When planning a solution to a problem, as a rule, a graphic representation of a tree is used. In such an image, the tree has an inverted view, where the "trunk" represents the top of the graph and is at the very top. And from it, the peaks, the aspirations of subsequent levels grow, forming a crown.

A graphic representation of tasks in this form helps a person to clearly think over a plan to achieve the intended. Having depicted his plans in the form of a graph, a person sees what problems he will face and what additional resources he will need to achieve his plan.

Also, according to the graph, the time period for achieving the goals is approximately estimated. With this representation of the solution to the problem, the connections and dependencies of some tasks on others become visible. Today, the goal tree method is used in scientific forecasting by managers in project management, as well as for planning personal issues.

How to build

The rules used in building a goal tree are quite simple:

  1. First, the main problem to be solved is determined. It will then be the top or “trunk” of the tree. Usually such a task is called a general task. It usually cannot be achieved immediately. In order to achieve it, it is necessary to solve other subgoals, the result of which is necessary for the implementation of the general one.
    These subgoals will be called "branches". A branch can also have subgoals.
  2. When building a tree of goals, you need to clearly and in detail describe each branch. Each should also have the right number of sub-goals in order to be implemented. The result should be a tree that fully coexists with the solution of a particular problem. It should contain all the necessary steps and resources to solve the main task.

Construction principles

In management, the following principles for constructing a goal tree are adopted:

  • Consider needs and resources

Goal setting suggests that there is some problem that needs to be solved. As a rule, tasks that require planning cannot be solved immediately. Because they are quite complex and require an integrated approach to the solution.

It happens that the set task cannot be solved, because there are not enough resources to solve it. Or it is not possible to assess the availability of resources, because the problem is too big. In this case, the target tree a good option to analyze the situation. Consider the needs and resources at your disposal when building your goal tree.

  • Specify

Using the tree of goals in planning, formulate the tasks specifically. Keep in mind that they must be finite. Describe the parameters by which in the end it will be possible to determine whether it was completed or not. You also need to set the time it takes to complete the task.

  • Break it down into steps

It would be rational to set tasks in several stages. The first step is to set the overall goal. Then, resources are searched for and analyzed for its implementation. After that, as a rule, you will need to set subgoals. Similarly, resources are also sought for the implementation of subgoals.

Thus, the unfolding of the main task continues until the whole scheme for its solution is thought out. Tasks are specified and clarified as long as necessary.

  • Compatibility

Subgoals should be sufficient to solve the main idea, that is, if all subgoals are achieved, then this leads to the solution of the main task. It should not turn out that when all subgoals are completed, additional actions or resources will be required to solve the main task. If it turns out this way, then this indicates that the goal tree was built incorrectly.

  • Compliance with the structure of the enterprise

If the goal tree is used to organize the work of a business or enterprise, then its structure should correspond to the structure of the enterprise. In such a way that each department or division achieves its aspirations, which should subsequently lead to the achievement of the overall intent of the enterprise. This is the most convenient goal tree construction for systems consisting of several elements or enterprises.

  • Decomposition Method

When building a goal tree, the decomposition method is often used. The essence of this method is to break the main goal of the highest level into private subgoals. Or, in reverse order, a plan is drawn up from the sub-goals to achieve the higher-level plan. To solve a specific problem, it is always worth choosing the option of creating a tree of goals that is most suitable and uses resources optimally.

Construction examples

Let's analyze the construction of a goal tree on the following examples goals: admission to a university and financial well-being. How to get a goal tree?

An example with admission to a university describes the formulation of the main task, subgoals, and the allocation of resources. And also how resources are used to solve the problem. In the example of financial well-being, another option for constructing a graph is considered.


Let's say your main goal is to get into college. Building a tree of goals for a future student requires taking into account the available resources and highlighting subgoals. What are the resources for admission to a university.

Resources in this case include:

  1. Education received at school;
  2. The financial possibilities of the family;
  3. Connections.

Given the available resources, it is necessary to obtain a tree of goals. For this, subgoals are allocated. They depend on resources. For example, a family has little finance, no connections, a young man graduated from school without a medal, has average knowledge grades.

We get the following subgoals:

  1. Establish connections, if possible;
  2. Take a loan for education or find a source of additional income;
  3. Work with a tutor.

In turn, these goals can have sub-goals. Consider the example of a goal about classes with a tutor. This should include:

  1. Organization of additional income to pay for the services of a tutor;
  2. Search for a tutor with the necessary knowledge;
  3. Allocate extra time for classes.

Of course, each case will have its own resources and options for solving the problem. After all, there are rich parents with connections and a child who does not study well. Then the structure of the whole plan will change very much.

It will also depend on which university a person wants to enter. Since for admission, for example, to an ordinary unpopular university, where there is a competition, perhaps one person per place, this is one planning option. And admission to a prestigious foreign university is completely different. Here you will additionally need knowledge of the language, and the study of the possibilities of living in another country while studying, and obtaining a visa, and much more.


Now let's look at an example of building a graph to create financial well-being.
Let's start building a tree of goals by setting the main idea: financial well-being.
The tree of goals can be depicted graphically, so it will be more visual.

Conditionally, financial well-being can be achieved by fulfilling three sub-goals:

  1. Passive income organizations;
  2. Active income organizations;
  3. Luck and freebies.

Thus, the goal tree has three second-level items. Then each of the items is divided into subgoals, which form the third level. For example, an active income organization might have the following items:

  1. Change of place of work;
  2. Obtaining additional education;
  3. Change of profession;
  4. Moving to another city;
  5. Independent development in the professional field;
  6. Establishing relationships in the team;
  7. Gaining experience.

Again, this is just general example. The ideas and resources for organizing financial success for a janitor, for example, will be very different from financial plans wealthy businessman. For someone, an additional income of several thousand rubles will be a great success or the acquisition of modest housing in the suburbs. And for some, the acquisition of another plant will be only a small part of the plan.


It is very convenient to plan your activities using the graph. This is a visual tool that allows you to see how tasks and resources interact to solve them.

With the help of such a construction, missing resources are easily detected and new tasks appear that need to be solved to make up for the missing resources.

Also, with a graphic image, it becomes clear the interaction of goals with each other, their dependence on each other, the impact of the implementation of a particular task on higher ones, its significance in the overall result.

The graph is convenient to use not only when doing business or planning work issues. It is easily transformed to solve personal issues such as studies, finances, self-development and others.


The article considered issues related to the process of strategic programming of the development of the regional agro-industrial complex, identified significant points regarding the incomplete correspondence between the list of the main activities of a number of republican target programs for the development of the agro-industrial complex, the expected final results, target indicators and indicators. The article analyzes the main parameters of the RCP " social development villages until 2013” ​​and it was found that there is no clear relationship between the parameters “Objectives: programs”, “List of activities”, “Expected final results”, “Target indicators and indicators stated in the Program” with the goals of the Program, which cannot not lead to a decrease in the effectiveness of its implementation. The paper proposes an algorithm for substantiating the system of goals and priorities in the development of targeted programs in the region, which includes at least 9–10 steps, consisting in the sequential study of state and regional strategic documents in terms of formalizing goals, priorities and indicators (indicators), which are planned to be achieved in the developed target program.

goal tree

target indicators

target program

agro-industrial complex

strategic programming

1. Approval of the Guidelines for the development and implementation government programs Russian Federation: Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation dated December 22, 2010 No. 670 [ Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (accessed 03/17/2013).

2. On the sectoral target program for the development of small forms of business: Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation dated 09.06.2009 No. 218 [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (accessed 17.09.2012).

3. About the development program Agriculture and regulation of the markets of agricultural products, raw materials and food of the Republic of Mordovia for 2008–2012: Decree of the Government of the Republic of Mordovia dated 07.03.2008 No. 79 [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (accessed 17.09.2012).

4. Sectoral target program "Development of pilot family dairy farms on the basis of peasant (farm) farms for 2009–2011": Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation dated April 24, 2009 No. 163 [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (accessed 17.09.2012).

5. On the Federal Target Program “Social Development of the Rural Area until 2013: Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 03.12.2002 No. 858 [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: URL (accessed 06/15/2013).

7. Official website of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation [website]: URL: (accessed 14.04.2013).

8. Strategy for the socio-economic development of the Republic of Mordovia until 2025: [approved by the law of the Republic of Mordovia dated 01.10.2008 No. 94-Z "On the strategy for the socio-economic development of the Republic of Mordovia until 2025"]. - Saransk: REDKOL, 2008. - 420 p.

One of necessary conditions to increase the competitiveness of the economy and ensure sustainable development is to increase the efficiency of public administration by improving budgeting methods, the transition from "resource planning" to "results planning". An important tool implementation of the designated goal are federal target programs that allow, within the framework of the program-target method, to specify efforts for a comprehensive and systematic solution of medium-term and long-term problems of the country's economic and social policy, to ensure transparency and validity of the process of choosing goals that need to be achieved in different time periods, ways to achieve results using, if necessary, various forms of support at the federal level.

It is possible to increase the efficiency of budget expenditures on the basis of the basic principles for the development and implementation of state programs of performance-oriented budgeting technology:

Formation of state programs based on clearly defined long-term goals of socio-economic development and indicators of their achievement. At the federal level, the system of state programs should be formed based on the goals and indicators of strategic documents approved by the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation;

Determination of the executive authority responsible for the implementation of the state program (achievement of final results);

Establishing for government programs, as a rule, measurable results of two types: final results characterizing the satisfaction of the needs of external consumers, and immediate results characterizing the volume and quality of provision public services predicted under given conditions;

Coverage by state programs of all spheres of activity of executive authorities and, accordingly, most of the budget allocations, other material resources at their disposal, as well as the integration of regulatory (legal, law enforcement and control) and financial (budgetary, tax, customs, property, credit, debt) and currency) instruments to achieve the goals of state programs;

The empowerment of executive authorities and their officials those who manage state programs and their subprograms, with the powers necessary and sufficient to achieve the goals of the programs in accordance with the principles and requirements of project management;

Conducting regular assessments of the effectiveness and efficiency of the implementation of state programs, including external expertise, assessing their contribution to solving issues of modernization and innovative development of the economy with the possibility of their adjustment or early termination, as well as establishing the responsibility of officials in case of inefficient implementation of programs.

Strategic management of the development of the economy of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation imposes new requirements on managerial competencies regional authorities regarding the formation of long-term targets for the socio-economic development of the territory, increasing responsibility for the quality of life of the population and the competitiveness of the economy of the region as a whole, inter-industry complexes and individual industries.

Analysis of strategic documents adopted for implementation in the Republic of Mordovia in 2008-2012. made it possible to identify some managerial "weaknesses" of the authorities, which, first of all, should include the declarative and schematic nature of the "Strategy for the socio-economic development of the Republic of Mordovia until 2025", approved by the Law of the Republic of Mordovia dated October 1, 2008 No. 94-З. Secondly, there is a lack of strategic vision by the executive authorities and strategic key processes, as well as a real isolation of programs from goals. Having studied the priority tasks of the most important long-term documents containing the prospects for the development of the republic and the agro-industrial complex, we found out that there is no consistency and continuity in the formulation of goals and objectives in the programs. The most important state goal - improving the quality of life of the population - is not the main one in the republic, although Mordovia occupies the lowest positions in the ranking in terms of living standards.

Also, as a result of the study, significant points were identified, primarily related to the incomplete correspondence between the list of the main activities of a number of republican target programs for the development of the agro-industrial complex, the expected final results, target indicators and indicators. An example of this is the Republican target program "Social Development of the Village until 2013" (Table 1).

Table 1. Fragment of the main parameters of the RCP "Social development of the countryside until 2013"

Program objectives

List of events

Expected end results

Target indicators and indicators declared in the Program


Renovation and expansion of the network of rural health institutions.

Development of a network of primary health care in countryside.

Improvement medical care the rural population.

Opening of 46 feldsher-midwife stations in rural areas.

Increasing the level of electricity, water and gas supply to rural settlements.

Ensuring an uninterrupted supply of electricity to the rural population and other consumers located in rural areas, including peasant farms;

Improving the quality of electricity consumed in rural areas;

Ensuring connection to power sources of objects of mass housing development and individual houses in rural areas.

Minimizing the cost of maintaining power lines, ensuring a service life of at least 40 years without intermediate replacement of wires and supports.

Commissioning 32 km electrical networks in the countryside.

Relative compliance, which complicates the evaluation of the effectiveness of the Program.

These tables indicate the lack of a clear relationship between the parameters "Objectives: programs", "List of activities", "Expected final results", "Target indicators and indicators stated in the Program" with the goals of the Program, which cannot but lead to a decrease in the effectiveness of its implementation .

The lack of clarity in strategic programming leads to a decrease in the effectiveness of the activities of executive authorities, an increase in social and investment risks and reduces the investment attractiveness of the region. According to the rating agency Expert RA, Mordovia ranks 63rd among the regions of Russia in 2012 in terms of investment risk (versus 30th in 2008), and 67th in terms of investment potential (65th in 2008). The lowest investment risk is environmental (in 2008, rank 3, in 2012 - 4), the highest is economic (in 2008, rank 56, in 2012 - 32). According to the financial stability rating, the region belongs to the moderate recession group, according to the economic stability rating - to the significant recession group, according to the social stability rating - to the significant recession group, and according to the complex anti-crisis stability rating - to the significant recession group.

It is obvious that the whole variety of programs cannot be described on the basis of a single model, since many of them have pronounced specifics in the tasks to be solved, the tools used and the assessment of results, and also cover different time horizons and are at different stages of the life cycle, which means that and at different stages of achieving immediate and final results. Nevertheless, continuity is needed in the preparation of programs, which means that each adopted program should proceed from the main goals and priorities of the development of the territory, and not set local tasks in isolation from them. Such an orientation of strategic programming is possible if the strategic goals of the activities of the Government of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Republic of Mordovia and the adopted regional long-term strategies and programs are basic in determining the goals of a particular program. The process of the goal-setting stage in the development of target programs is shown in Figure 1 and includes at least 9-10 steps, consisting in the sequential study of state and regional strategic documents in terms of formalizing the goals, priorities and indicators (indicators) that are planned to be achieved in the developed target program .

Considering the goals and objectives of documents strategic management development of the Republic of Mordovia, it can be stated that the developers did not set themselves such an agreement.

Least of all corresponds to the set of strategic documents of Russia The Strategy for the Socio-Economic Development of the Republic of Mordovia until 2025, developed by the Center for Strategic Research “North-West” Foundation (St. Petersburg), which contains many general approaches and formalized scenarios for the development of economic sectors without correlation them both with the goals and priorities of the development of the Russian economy, and with the peculiarities of the republic.

From the considered point of view, the Development Program of the Republic of Mordovia for 2013-2017, developed by the Mordovian State University named after V.I. N. P. Ogareva.

Figure 1. Algorithm for substantiating the system of goals and priorities in the development of targeted programs in the region (compiled by the author)

Goals and priorities for the development of the republic in full measure. The main goal of the implementation of the Program - to increase the level and quality of life of the population of the republic on the basis of modernizing the economy and ensuring its innovative development, increasing the investment attractiveness of the republic - corresponds to the strategic documents of Russia, the Volga Federal District and the Main Activities of the Government of the Republic of Mordovia. The Development Program of the Republic of Mordovia for 2013-2018 was first formed according to innovative territorial clusters. One of them is the Agro-Industrial Cluster, which will implement 51 investment projects totaling more than 45 billion rubles, or 35% of the total funding, and create 5.7 thousand new jobs. The implementation of projects in full will lead to an increase in the quality of life of the rural population, and will create the basis for increasing the prestige of living in rural areas.

In the Republic of Mordovia, targeted programs are developed by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Moldova on the basis methodological recommendations on the preparation of regional programs for the development of agriculture, developed by the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, based on the method of direct counting by activities. To this end, for each event, a list and volume of resource costs are identified, which are grouped by types of the same type and summarized.

In our opinion, it is advisable to use the “target tree” method to develop target programs, thanks to which it is possible not only to coordinate the goals of a particular program with the entire range of strategic documents of Russia and a particular region, but also to determine the implementation of the program, the priority of subgoals, track the resource provision and identify possible Problems.

The tree of program goals is a detailed set of the following structural elements distributed over several levels: the main goal, the subgoal, the task, the event, and the project. The logical scheme of construction is as follows: “the main goal of the sub-goals that must be achieved in order to fulfill the main goal; subgoals of the program tasks, the solution of which leads to the achievement of these subgoals; tasks of the event that ensure the solution of problems; activities - projects leading to the implementation of activities. In this chain of steps, it is important to maintain the mechanism of information flows of the target program tree, the essence of which is to collect various information reflecting the achievement of the main goal, as well as information reflecting the state of an individual element of any level.

In accordance with the topic of the study, the goals and priorities in the development of the agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Mordovia for the State Program of the Republic of Mordovia for the development of agriculture and the regulation of markets for agricultural products, raw materials and food, the target program "Development of peasant (farm) farms and other small forms of management" were identified and justified. in the agro-industrial complex” and the program “Development of pilot family dairy farms based on peasant (farm) farms” .

As a result of building a tree of goals for the socio-economic development of the republic, the main goal, when decomposed only in terms of the development of the agro-industrial complex at 4 levels, forms 35 goals and sub-goals, which can be specified by each 3-5 indicators, which in general will be at least 100.

It should be emphasized that the basis of any management process is the setting of goals and the definition of parameters (indicators) under which the goal is considered achieved, in fixing the timing and mechanisms for achieving the goals. Ideally, for each sub-goal or task, responsible government bodies or their subdivisions, up to specific officials, should be identified. However, an analysis of the traditional structures of the government of the republic gives grounds to conclude that the management system built according to the sectoral principle does not have such an orientation. The way out can be found in the consolidation of goals and the correct arrangement of tasks in blocks.

Achieving numerous goals in the implementation of a large number of programs with many participants and responsible executors requires a lot of responsible work to bring all these elements into a system, improve the organizational and economic mechanism of program-targeted regulation of the agro-industrial complex.


Kovalenko E. G., Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head. Department of State and Municipal Administration of FGBOU VPO "Mordovskiy State University named after N.P. Ogarev, Saransk.

Marabayeva L.V., Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of Management, FSBEI HPE "Mordovia State University named after N.P. Ogarev", Saransk.

Bibliographic link

URL: (date of access: 01.02.2020). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History"

Olga Konstantinovna YASTREBOVA, CEO ECORIS-NEI LLC, Leading Researcher of the Research Laboratory "Research of Public Finance Problems" of the RANEPA under the President of the Russian Federation, Candidate of Economic Sciences. Olga Viktorovna BOGACHEVA, Leading Specialist of ECORIS-NEI LLC,
Candidate of Economic Sciences: within the framework of this article, the main attention is paid to the methodology of preparing state programs at the regional level, namely the application of logical-structural analysis and general principles for the formation of program elements.

With the establishment by the Budget Code of the rights of the subjects of the Russian Federation and municipalities In order to form a budget in a program format, the process of preparing state (municipal) programs has intensified in the Russian regions. To date, more than half of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation have already adopted regulatory framework, regulating the formation and implementation of state programs, and 16 regions approved state programs and started their implementation.

However, it should be noted that the formally implemented transition to the program budget format does not guarantee an improvement in the quality of public finance management and the achievement of target indicators. The functionality of the state program as a tool for solving the strategic tasks of the authorities largely depends on the quality of its preparation, the clarity of the structure and the correct formulation of the main elements.

Underestimation of the logical-structural analysis and general principles for the formation of program elements that have successfully proven themselves in international practice often leads to a decrease in the quality of regional programs. Developers do not always cope with the difficulties of compiling and formulating state programs, forming a system of performance indicators and linking them with goals, objectives and activities. State programs should be formed within a clear hierarchical system: program goals - program objectives - program activities. All elements of this chain should be interconnected by a system of indicators of direct and final results.

The first level of the structure of the state program is formed by subprograms, which in turn are divided into main activities and departmental target programs. general principle the allocation of subprograms is their formation according to the functional principle (industries, services). Such subprograms are directly aimed at meeting the needs of certain categories of consumers and ensure the achievement of the goal of the state program. As part of the subprograms, a supporting subprogram can be formed, the goals and objectives of which are aimed at ensuring effective management implementation of the state program, including ensuring the effective performance of state functions, increasing the availability and quality of public services in the implementation of the state program, increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of budget expenditures in the implementation of the state program.

Application project approach to state programs assumes that programs are developed and implemented within the framework of the project life cycle, which goes through the following stages:

· formulation of the project in the context of the national strategy (collection and analysis of information, identification of problems and needs, including financial ones for the implementation of the project, formulation of project proposals);

project planning (organizational structure formation and project development);

· implementation of the project (financing, implementation of the project, including monitoring and adjustment based on the results of monitoring);

completion of the project (evaluation of the project, which usually takes place according to the following criteria: adequacy, effectiveness, efficiency, socio-economic effect, sustainability) and determination of the project's prospects. At the same time, in accordance with life cycle The last stage of the project can be the beginning of the first stage.

"Problem Tree" and "Goal Tree"

Project life cycle management is carried out with the help of logframe analysis tools, which contain practical mechanisms for preparing program proposals, planning and managing program implementation. The logical-structural analysis involves the construction of a "problem tree" and a "goal tree" as a problem-solving system. At the same time, the preparation of the state program begins with the identification and analysis of the main problems based on indicators characterizing the state of a particular area (problem field). During the analysis, the groups and groups of beneficiaries interested in the implementation of the program should be identified, key problems identified and ways to solve them outlined.

It should be noted that the need for an in-depth analysis of problems in a particular area of ​​activity is often underestimated by regional executive authorities. The analysis of problems is often carried out formally, without taking into account the target groups of the population and the local specifics to which this program is directed, which can lead to inaccurate formulation of the goals and objectives of the regional state program and the lack of logical links between its main elements.

In the process of analyzing the problem field, the main (central) problem should be identified (formulated), which is a general consequence of the specific problems of this area. The identified problems are sorted into groups, as a result of which problems common to each of the groups are formulated. Taking into account the peculiarity of state programs, the main criterion for the formation of groups is grouping by sectoral (functional) attribute (functions, types of public services). For example, for the regional state program "Development of road facilities and public transport" the following groups of problems can be identified:

· problems of road facilities of regional importance;

road facilities of local importance;

public transport;

safety and ecology;

industry management.

When forming a "tree of problems", you can use the form of a table in which the corresponding cells are filled in with the wording of the problems.

The problem tree is formed in accordance with the following principles:

· if the problem is the cause, then it is placed on the level below;

· if the problem is a consequence, then it is placed on the level above;

· if the problem is neither a cause nor an effect, then it is placed on the same level.

The construction of the "problem tree" allows you to proceed to the preparation of the "tree of goals" of the program, since the main approach to its formation is the reformulation of the "problem tree". The goal tree can be seen as a positive mirror image of the problem tree.

Logic Matrix

The next step in the preparation of the state program is to fill in its logical matrix.

In general, the use of logical-structural analysis in the preparation of the state program allows not only to substantiate the goals, results, activities of the program and financial resources necessary to achieve them, but also to determine the possible risks that may arise during the implementation of the program, to predict the degree of their impact on the implementation of the program and prepare measures to counteract. The indicators of expected outcomes calculated during the program planning phase will play an important role in the decision-making process on the allocation of budgetary allocations.

The success of an organization depends largely on good planning. Maximum profit and high profitability in the long term - this is always the general goal. What is the role of the goal tree in planning?

What is objective tree

Management objectives are presented in in large numbers and diversity, therefore, each enterprise needs a comprehensive, systematic approach to the selection of their composition. The process of setting goals is called goal setting.

The objective tree of an organization is:

  • structured list, scheme of organizational goals;
  • hierarchy of multi-level goals;
  • a model that allows you to streamline and combine goals into a single complex.

Product Application this method strategic planning should be a logical and simple scheme of enterprise management. The goal tree makes it possible to justify the general goal and makes sub-goals more achievable.

The system of goals is determined organizational structure. A huge structure, a large number of departments and work lines will require the development of a complex "branching" tree with many decomposition levels.


The tree is filled "from top to bottom", from the central goals to secondary tasks. At the “top” (“root”) there is a general goal, the achievement of which is not an easy task. This means that it is necessary to decompose it into smaller elements, “branch goals”, that is, to decompose. So there is a plan of movement to the main goal.

All subsequent levels are formed in such a way as to contribute to the achievement of the previous one.

Target directions
Target Content
Economic Maximizing profits from sales of products or services in the required quality and volume
Scientific and technical Maintaining products and services at a given scientific and technical level, R&D, increasing labor productivity through the introduction of know-how
Production Implementation of the production plan. Maintaining the rhythm and quality of production
Social Improvement, development and replenishment of human resources

branches and leaves

Branches - subgoals extending from the top, are again decomposed. Branch Runs are the next level of objectives. The process is repeated at each level until the goals are simplified. Simplicity is reachability, understandability and logic.

All "branches" describe the result that expresses a specific indicator. The goals of one parallel are independent of each other.

An enterprise goal tree is created based on 3 important elements of any goal.

"Leaves" are specific activities to achieve the goal. The characteristics and indicators indicated on the "leaves" contribute to the choice of the best option:

  • deadline;
  • the probability of achieving the goal by the planned date;
  • cost indicators;
  • the amount of consumed resources.

Tree elements in the same group are interconnected through the logical "AND" (denoted by "∧"). Alternative groups interact through "OR" ("∨").

The organization's goals tree. Example

Let's consider a simple scheme of goals for maximizing profit while increasing results and reducing costs.

To approach the general goal (high profitability and maximum profit), three directions have to be worked out. Enter the resulting options in the organization's goal tree. The example is presented in the form of a table.

Apple strategy and goals

Why is Apple's strategy winning?

The company's field of activity is information and radically new products for working with it. The priority is the process of creating content and its consumption.

For example, Apple paid attention to cultural aspects. The music consumption model has been improved. With iPod, listening to digital music and surfing the Internet has never been easier.

The iPod, iPhone, and iPad lineup fixes the bugs, improves the basic ways to create and use information. This model, used for laptops, desktop computers, television, will allow the "apple" corporation to further increase income.

The result of the decade was three universal inventions and business platforms. They are not an end in themselves, but a means to achieve the goal: gaining access to the main ways of information consumption.

It is natural that the general strategy of Apple is the development of an existing product line.

Building a tree of organization goals using the example of Apple

The main goal of any business is to expand the market boundaries, to win an infinite number of customers. Apple is no exception and prioritizes improving its product line for the benefit of the consumer.

Consider a company goal tree for a product like the iPhone, whose value reflects the motto “Simple. Comfortable. Aesthetically." As the main goal of the tree, we will define the improvement of the iPhone, taking into account the interests of potential users.

The main competitive and significant factors for the consumer of this market are:

  • product cost;
  • a variety of functions and an energy-intensive battery;
  • brand popularity;
  • technology for connoisseurs;
  • design and size;
  • range (was discontinued by Apple).

The tree of goals will help answer the question: “What to do?”. For example, to reduce the cost, it is necessary to simplify the interface.

What industry factors need to be created? What features to improve? These are memory, design, games and entertainment. What to focus on: the functional component or the emotional?

Table with iPhone subgoals on three levels

Apple's goal tree is presented in a simplified version in the form of a table.

Improving the iPhone with Consumers in Mind
First level goals
1. Eliminate assortment and brand popularity 2. Simplify the interface 3. Increasing consumer appeal 4. Increasing ergonomics
Second level goals
2.1. Simplify Manufacturability 3.1. Create a new design 4.1. Special status of the owner
3.2. Increasing the amount of memory 4.2. Last Mile Solution
3.3. Strengthening the entertainment aspect 4.3. Reduce size

To solve the "last mile", the following tasks were identified:

  1. Use touch screen and achieve the absence of buttons.
  2. Create additional options.
  3. Enlarge screen.

The next step is to fill in the "leaves" or activities to achieve the subgoals. To do this, specific deadlines for completing tasks, the required volume, resources, cost and significant quantitative indicators are necessarily indicated.

The last step is to draw the targets in the form of a branched tree.

Task tree. Example

Tasks are called subgoals. They do not need decomposition and “end-means” linkages. The tree of goals includes the goals of the highest and lowest levels.

Objectives are the basis for creating a program to achieve a specific goal at the grassroots level. Problem solving is a set of actions.

The tree of goals, as an option, may contain the following tasks.

Thus, the goal tree becomes an ordering tool for creating a company development program. Examples confirm the principle of its formation “completeness of reduction”: goals are “split” into subgoals until the original goal becomes clear and achievable.