Norms of the number of employees for the maintenance of street lighting. Standards for the number of industrial and production personnel of distribution electrical networks. Abbreviations used in the collection

  • 19.11.2019

Labour Organization

Electricians for the maintenance of electrical equipment perform work to maintain the working condition of electrical equipment and networks of outdoor and local lighting.

They carry out daily and systematic monitoring of the technical condition of electrical equipment, electric lamps, internal wiring, switches, plugs and control over their maintenance in good condition.

Damage to electrical lighting and emergency electrical equipment must be repaired immediately.

Prepare the systems of power and lighting equipment for the scheduled event.

Produce repair and preventive work according to schedules drawn up according to the plan of preventive maintenance.

Maintenance work includes: minor repairs of control panels in control rooms, electrical wires, power and lighting equipment systems.

Keep a record of electricity consumption in the morning and evening. During the duty at the dispatching console, the detected defects and malfunctions are recorded in the logbook of the operation of electrical equipment, requests are fulfilled for the operational switching of equipment, and instrument readings are monitored.

When working directly on the electrical installation, depending on the complexity of the repair, the work is carried out by one or two electricians who have a set of necessary tools and protective equipment with them.

The workplace of an electrician is equipped with a metal workbench with a vice, a swivel chair with adjustable height. Electrical measuring instruments are located at the workplace. The workbench is equipped with drawers for storing electromechanical measuring tools and instruments at the workplace.

To repair each type of electrical equipment, one of the workbenches is equipped with a test stand, to which a mains socket is connected to connect a soldering iron, hand lighting, etc. Equipment and spare parts are stored in dry rooms on racks, cable products are rolled into drums and laid out on trays in cable collectors. When repairing electrical equipment, instrumentation and tools are used, as well as protective equipment in accordance with the norms and rules of safety and operation of electrical installations.

Scope of work

Monitoring and ensuring the normal and uninterrupted operation of all electrical equipment, electrical appliances. Elimination of all detected defects and malfunctions in electrical installations. Repair of electrical equipment and electrical appliances, lamps.

Maintenance and installation of motors, switchboards, electrical measuring instruments, automatic machines and heating devices. Monitoring the economical and correct use of electricity.

Table 27

Standards for the number of electricians for maintenance
electrical equipment

N positions

Total capacity of installed equipment, kVA

Number of physical pieces of equipment

over 70 000

Number norms, pers.



In accordance with the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of July 19, 1984 N 764 "On measures to improve, reduce the cost and reduce the number of administrative apparatus" (order of the USSR Ministry of Energy of August 6, 1984 N 294), in order to prevent an unreasonable increase in the number of foremen and ensure further improvement of management production and distribution of electrical and thermal energy

I order:

1. Approve the standards for the number of foremen by type of production of the USSR Ministry of Energy (energy) in accordance with the appendix.

2. Main operational departments, main production departments Energy and Electrification, the All-Union and Production Associations of the Ministry, the Ministries of Energy and Electrification of the Ukrainian SSR, the Kazakh SSR, the Uzbek SSR, Moldglavenergo and all enterprises and organizations subordinate to them:

2.1. Develop and implement the necessary measures to ensure the transition to the standards for the number of masters from October 1, 1986;

2.2. To ensure the employment of craftsmen released in connection with the introduction of headcount standards, in accordance with their qualifications.

3. To impose control over the implementation of this order on the Department of Labor Organization and wages(comrade Ognyakov).


Application. Norms for the number of foremen by type of production of the Ministry of Energy of the USSR (energy)

to the order of the Ministry of Energy
and electrification of the USSR
dated July 29, 1986 N 404

1. General Provisions

1.1. The standards are designed to calculate, plan and control the number of foremen (including senior foremen) who are part of the industrial and production personnel of thermal power plants (TPPs), hydraulic power plants (HPPs), cascades of hydraulic power plants, nuclear power plants(NPP), enterprises electrical networks(PES), enterprises of urban electric networks (PGES), enterprises of thermal networks (PTS), production and repair enterprises of energy systems (PRP), repair enterprises and associations of Soyuzenergoremont, as well as the composition of all personnel of special repair enterprises, power systems and Soyuzspetsremenergo and Energonadzor enterprises ".

1.2. The standards for the number of foremen by type of production are designed to calculate the number of foremen at the level of the Ministry of Energy of the USSR and the Union republics, main departments, associations, and energy systems.

1.3. The standards establish the estimated number of masters in the staff of the enterprise, necessary to ensure effective management of the work of workers subordinate to them, performing repairs (in networks, as well as operational and maintenance) of equipment, structures and devices in the amounts provided for by the Rules technical operation(PTE) in compliance with the Safety Regulations (PTB).

1.4. The standards are based on the achieved best practices of management organization.

1.5. The standards take into account the travel time from the bases to the place of work and back.

1.6. Standards for industrial production established depending on the planned number of subordinate workers for the corresponding type of production in the state of enterprises, for non-industrial industries - depending on the planned number of all personnel.

1.7. The standards will be a stabilizing factor that will allow the leadership of the Ministry of Energy of the USSR and the Union republics, central departments, associations, energy systems to identify and eliminate staff excesses, prevent an unreasonable increase in the number of foremen, and also predict the number of this category of workers.

1.8. The normative number of foremen of the Ministry of Energy, the head office, energy associations, and the energy system as a whole is determined by summing up by type of production.

The number of masters calculated according to these standards is rounded at the end of the calculation to an integer according to the rounding rules.

1.9. The number of foremen, determined according to these standards, is established within the limits of the standard number of engineers and employees, as well as employees of the management apparatus, determined according to the documents approved by the USSR Ministry of Energy.

Standards for the number of craftsmen by type of production

2.1. Specific population foremen and senior foremen of the total number of personnel of enterprises and organizations of the USSR Ministry of Energy (energy) is 0.0517, including senior foremen - 0.0114.

2.2. The standards for the number of craftsmen by type of production are given in the table.

2.3. The total number of foremen and senior foremen for each type of production in the state of enterprises is determined by the following formula:

where H is the value of the factor that determines the standard number of foremen in the staff of enterprises; the name of the factor for each type of production is given in column 3 of the table;

a - coefficients depending on the type of production and given in column 4 of the table.

2.4. The share of senior foremen in the total standard number of foremen and senior foremen for each type of production is given in column 5 of the table.

2.5. For industries located in the regions of the Far North, the standard number of craftsmen increases by 6.7%, and for industries located in areas equivalent to regions of the Far North - by 4.5%.

Table. Standards for the number of craftsmen by type of production


Types of industries and enterprises

The name of the factor that determines the total standard number of foremen and senior foremen (N)

The value of the coefficient
ficient (norm for the number of masters)

The share of senior foremen in the total standard number of foremen and senior foremen (the ratio of senior foremen and foremen is shown in brackets)

Production of electrical and thermal energy

At thermal power plants

The number of workers-repairmen in the state of TPP

in hydraulic power plants

The number of workers in the HPP staff

On cascades of hydraulic power plants

The number of workers in the state of HPP cascades

At nuclear power plants

Number of maintenance workers in the NPP staff

Transmission and distribution of electrical energy

In electrical networks

The number of workers in the state of PES

In urban (cable) electrical networks

The number of workers in the state of PGES

Transmission and distribution of thermal energy (heat networks)

The number of workers in the PTS staff

Centralized repair of power equipment

repair enterprises of the power system

Number of workers in the staff of the PRP

Repair enterprises and associations of VPO "Soyuzenergoremont"

Number of workers in the staff of enterprises and associations

Centralized repair of buildings and structures

Specialized repair enterprises of power systems

The number of total staff in the state of the SBR

Soyuzspetsenergo enterprises

The number of all personnel in the state of enterprises

Supervision of consumption and sale of electric and thermal energy (Energonadzor enterprises)

The number of all personnel in the staff of Energonadzor enterprises

Electronic text of the document
prepared by CJSC "Kodeks" and checked against:
mailing list


The standards for the number of industrial and production personnel of distribution electric networks were developed by the Open Joint Stock Company TsOTenergo.

The standards for the number of industrial and production personnel of distribution electric networks determine the optimal number of employees necessary for the efficient and stable functioning of distribution electric networks.
The headcount standards are recommended for calculating and justifying the number of personnel in the formation of labor costs, staffing and other purposes for existing and newly organized distribution electric networks.

1. General part

1.1. These standards for the number of industrial and production personnel (hereinafter referred to as the standards) apply to existing and newly commissioned electrical networks of the Unified Energy System of Russia, which have on their balance sheet only objects of distribution electrical networks with a voltage of 35-220 kV and 0.4-10 kV.
The standards are the basis for calculating and planning the standard number of industrial and production personnel of distribution electric networks, which can be used to plan the number of personnel of departments and enterprises in general, calculate and plan the wage fund and draw up staffing tables for distribution electric networks.
The recommended standards can also be used when calculating the standard number of industrial and production personnel of workshops, districts and sections of electrical networks as part of other energy enterprises, when developing projects for organizing the operation of electrical networks and when designing industrial, domestic and residential premises for distribution electrical networks.
1.2. The standards provide for the necessary number of workers, managers, specialists and employees to perform the entire range of work on the operational, maintenance, repair of electrical distribution networks in accordance with PTE, PTB, production instructions, "Rules for organizing work with personnel at enterprises and institutions of energy production", RD 34.12.102-94, as well as subdivisions of electrical networks that perform the function of accounting for the supply of electrical energy to consumers and work on the repair of industrial buildings and structures.
The standards provide for the required number of personnel for the implementation and operation of automated control systems for electrical networks, including an automated system for dispatching and technological management(ASDTU) and automated systems of organizational, economic and production and technical management, created on the basis of ACS software and hardware.
The regulations do not apply to computer network"Electra".
The standards take into account the labor costs for the travel of crews from the bases to the place of work and back.
The standards take into account the number of drivers servicing vehicles and special mechanisms used to work in electrical networks.
1.3. The regulations have been developed in two versions.
The first option provides for full operational, technical and repair maintenance of distribution electrical networks. At the same time, the standards take into account the involved personnel of contractors performing work on the devices and equipment of distribution electrical networks.
The second variant does not take into account the personnel involved in the repair of equipment of electric grid facilities, brought into an independent business.
1.4. The regulations do not apply to personnel performing:
- restoration and reconstruction work on special appropriations;
- antiseptic treatment of parts of wooden supports on impregnating bases;
- repair administrative buildings and structures.
1.5. The number of personnel performing work at consumer facilities under contracts is not included in the standard number of personnel.
1.6. The standard number of personnel is calculated as a whole for the enterprise. Taking into account the actual work and functions performed, the management of enterprises is recommended to distribute the standard number of personnel of distribution electric networks by departments and approve the standard number of personnel structural divisions.

2. Characteristics of the equipment and working conditions for which the standards are designed

2.1. The norms for the number of personnel of distribution electrical networks are designed to perform operational, maintenance and repair of all types of domestic and imported equipment and devices installed in distribution electrical networks.
2.2. The standards take into account the climatic and geographical local conditions in which the operational, maintenance and repair of devices and equipment of distribution electrical networks is carried out.
2.4. The standards are developed taking into account the average level achieved technical equipment distribution electrical networks by machines and mechanisms.

3. Labor organizations

3.1 The organization of operational maintenance of electrical distribution network devices is carried out using automated system dispatching and technological control (ASD-TU) based on the operational information and control complex of computer equipment.
The organization of maintenance and repair of electrical distribution network devices is carried out using a general-purpose automated control system (ACS) based on personal computers (PC) in all production services, RESs, departments and other divisions of electrical networks. Personal computers of all subdivisions and management of distribution electric networks are interconnected by local computer networks. In distribution electrical networks, there are software and hardware means of a telecommunications network for reaching a higher level of control.
3.2. The organization of labor of workers, managers, specialists and employees of the ES, adopted during the development of standards, complies with standard projects organization of labor of structural divisions and standard projects for the organization of jobs.
Provision is made for the use of progressive methods for organizing and carrying out maintenance and repair of distribution electrical networks.
3.3. Operational maintenance of powerful system substations 110-220 kV is carried out around the clock by one electrician per shift.
Round-the-clock operational maintenance of substations by one electrician per shift is carried out with the right to rest at night.
With the location of the dispatching center of the area of ​​electrical networks (PC) at 35-110 kV substations, the dispatching functions for the RES are combined with the operational maintenance of the substation.
The number of 35-220 kV substations, which are serviced around the clock, does not exceed 15% of the total number of substations in the ES.
Operational maintenance of 35-110 kV substations with "at home" duty is carried out only at 35-110 kV substations, which are more than 30-40 km away from others and make up no more than 25% of the total number of 35-220 kV substations in the power system.
Operational and maintenance maintenance of 35-110 kV substations supplying, mainly, agricultural consumers, is carried out by operational mobile teams servicing substations together with 0.4-20 kV electrical networks (OVB PC and PS). This form of service in the power system covers at least 40% of the total number of 35-110 kV substations.
Operational and maintenance maintenance of 35-220 kV substations located in industrial areas is carried out by operational mobile teams serving only substations (OVB SS).
The work of the PSTC, depending on local conditions, is organized around the clock, around the clock with the right to rest at night or in one or two day shifts, with the transfer of substation service during the rest of the time to the PSTC operating around the clock.
The number of substations of 35-220 kV, assigned to the OVB SS, provides travel between the most remote substations, in a time not exceeding 1 hour,
The full load of electricians of the OVB SS is ensured by the maintenance work of substations performed in their free time from operational work.
3.4. The maintenance work on the 35-220 kV overhead lines is carried out by the same subdivisions of the line service that perform the overhaul of the 35-220 kV overhead lines.
3.5. Overhaul of 35-220 kV substations is carried out in a complex manner, i.e. simultaneously with the repair of power electrical equipment, work is carried out on RZAI, SDTU and construction works. Works on the comprehensive overhaul of the 35-220 kV substation are carried out using work schedules previously drawn up and approved for each substation, which determine the sequence of work of all departments involved in the comprehensive overhaul. Implementation of capital and current repair substations 35-220 kV is carried out by specialized teams of centralized repair (BCR), located at several points in the territory of the power plant.
3.6. Operative and technical maintenance of electrical networks 0.4-20 kV is carried out by the OVB RS. The length of 0.4-20 kV overhead lines, which are serviced by RS OVB, is about 100% of the total length of 0.4-20 kV overhead lines of the power system.
Depending on the local conditions, the work of the RS PCB is organized around the clock, around the clock with the right to rest, around the clock with duty "at home" or in one or two day shifts with the transfer of operational maintenance of the assigned devices to the rest of the time by the PCB working around the clock. At night, one (two) OVB RS operates in the RES. The full load of OVB PC electricians is ensured by maintenance work performed in their free time from operational work,
3.7. Maintenance and repair of RZAI and SDTU devices is carried out by divisions of specialized services of RZAI and SDTU, located in order to reduce unproductive travel costs at several points of distribution electric networks.
3.8. Comprehensive overhaul of 0.4-20 kV electrical networks is carried out by specialized teams (BCR) at the RES.
Comprehensive overhaul of electrical networks 0.4-20 kV is carried out in accordance with " standard instruction for maintenance and overhaul of overhead power lines 0.38-20 kV, SPO, Soyuztekhenergo, Moscow.
The work of personnel is standardized according to industry and local time standards and service standards using standardized tasks.

4. Regulatory part

The normative number of industrial and production personnel of distribution electric networks should be determined by summing up:
- the normative number of workers in the power grid sector, determined by the norms for the number of workers, incl. for ACS subdivisions given in section 4.1;
- the normative number of managers, specialists and employees (RSC) in the power grid sector, determined according to the norms for the number of RCC, incl. for ACS subdivisions given in section 4.2.;
- the normative number of workers, managers, specialists and employees (RCC) of the electric grid division, which performs the function of accounting for the supply of electrical energy to consumers;
- the standard number of personnel of other divisions that are part of the ES (power plants, heating networks, boiler houses, etc.), determined according to the relevant regulatory documents.
The standard number of industrial and production personnel in the power grid sector determined by summation for accounting special training operational and operational-repair personnel in working time increases by 3%.
For electric networks with a unit for accounting for the supply of electric energy, located in the regions of the Far North, the standard number of personnel, in addition, should be increased by 8.0%, for those located in areas equated to regions of the Far North - by 5.0%, and in other regions of the North, where the regional coefficient and the percentage bonus to wages are set - by 2.0%.
For electric networks located in the regions of the Far North and areas equivalent to them, the standard number of personnel increases by 11% of the number of women in the enterprise, accepted on the form N1-T - “Information on the number and wages of employees by type of activity”.
In case of non-fulfillment by electric networks of any function of management, maintenance or repair, the standard number of personnel must be reduced by the amount determined by the corresponding table of standards.
Limits of numerical indicators in which “up to” is indicated should be understood as “inclusive”.
Only the normative number of personnel in the power grid sector and the normative number of the entire ES personnel are subject to rounding up to a whole number upwards.

The full document can be downloaded from the link at the top of the page.

Active Edition from 03.04.2000

Type of documentorder, list, recommendations
Host bodygosstroy rf
Document Number68
Acceptance date01.01.1970
Revision date03.04.2000
Date of registration in the Ministry of Justice01.01.1970
  • "Rationing in construction and housing and communal services", N 3, 2000 (without Applications)
  • "Rationing, standardization and certification in construction", N 4, 2000 (beginning)
  • "Rationing, standardization and certification in construction", N 6, 2000 (continued)
  • "Rationing, standardization and certification in construction", N 1, 2001 (continued)
  • "Bulletin of construction equipment", N 6, 2000 (published without Annexes)


2.2. Standards for the number of workers in enterprises of electrical networks, outdoor lighting and diesel power plants

2.2.1. Overhead power lines

Approximate list of works

Tour and inspection technical condition transmission lines. Straightening supports (constriction and coloring of bandages, sealing cracks, potholes, chips, replacement of attachments, checking hooks, pins and traverses - for wooden and reinforced concrete supports). Repair, strengthening of grounding devices, replacement of poles, hauling of individual sections of line wires, replacement of wires, implementation of organizational - technical measures on safe work at the workplace, measuring loads and voltages on overhead lines, clearing the route of overhead lines from shrubs and trees, measuring ground resistance. Replacing unusable and cleaning contaminated insulators, replacing, fixing and painting traverses, checking the reliability of wire and contact connections, checking fuses and jumpers, restoring the numbering of supports, checking the dimensions of the line and input, cleaning wires from snags, repairing and painting cable descents and terminations, checking the condition of the upper part of the poles (grounding slopes - for reinforced concrete and wooden poles). Maintenance of sheets and logs of bypass and inspection of power lines with registration of all detected deficiencies. Drawing up protocols and issuing orders on violation of the rules for the protection of electrical networks, checking the presence and condition of warning posters and other permanent signs, applying or updating warning signs, checking the presence and integrity of ground wires. Participation in the reception of power lines after installation and repair. Carrying out supervision of the work of lifting and earth-moving mechanisms near power lines.

For overhead power lines with voltage up to 1000 V, the measurement of the resistance of the loop phase is zero.

For overhead power lines with voltages above 1000 V, inspection and revision of arresters with their removal from supports and application of safety signs.

Approximate list of professions

Electrician for the repair of overhead power lines; electrician of the operational - field team.

Table 13

Note. The standard for the number of workers engaged in repair and maintenance of: a) lines on a cable suspension - 4 people. per 100 km of lines; b) two-wire branches - 2 people. for 10,000 branches; c) four-wire branches - 3.5 people. per 10,000 branches.

The population standards provide for the maintenance of branches (input to consumers) up to 25 m long. If branches from the main line have a length of more than 25 m and dummy supports, then these lines should be considered as independent, including them in the calculation of volume indicators.

2.2.2. cable lines

Approximate list of works

Bypass and inspection of cable lines routes, intersections of cable routes with other communications, roads, inspection of cable exit points to supports, walls of buildings, checking the presence of protection and its condition against mechanical damage, checking the condition of grounding cables and terminations, benchmarks, serviceability and condition terminations and terminations, as well as their fastenings, compliance and availability of cable marking, control over the laying of cable lines. Painting of benchmarks, end couplings, protective covers of cables. Finding the place of damage, finding out the cause of the damage, making kindling, performing organizational and technical measures to ensure the safety of work, cutting the cable, cutting the cable, installing connecting and terminating sleeves, laying the cable with filling the cable cushion instead of the damaged section of the cable, closing the cable with bricks, slabs or signal tape, cable phasing. Drawing sketches on new cable lines, on new couplings of existing cable lines with their alignment according to benchmarks or with reference to individual buildings, making plans and cripples for new cable lines according to sketches, making new plans and cripples to replace worn ones, making all changes to the location of cable couplings and lines on plans and tracing papers, maintaining technical documentation on cable lines. TP and RP, control over the implementation of executive schemes for laying cable lines. Participation in the reception of cable lines after installation and repair, registration of passports. Registration of protocols on violation of the rules for the protection of electrical networks. Keeping a journal and sheets of bypass and inspection of cable power lines with registration of all detected deficiencies. Issuance of prohibitions and warnings for earthworks, supervision of work near cable lines. Test with increased line voltage over 1000 V; for lines with voltage up to 1000 V - with a 2500 V megohmmeter. Measurement of voltage and load of the cable line during the maximum period, protection of the cable from corrosion.

Approximate list of professions

Electrician for cable networks; electrician for supervision of cable networks routes; electrician for the repair and installation of cable lines; electrician for the operation of distribution networks; electrician for sketching the routes of power lines; test and measurement electrician.

Table 14

2.2.3. End cable terminations (sleeves)

Approximate list of works

Implementation of organizational and technical measures to ensure safe work, dismantling the end funnels, freeing the cable from the jute coating, laying the cable in cable ducts, laying and fastening the cable on the support, cutting the cable, checking the cable for moisture, applying insulation to the cable cores, installing protective casings. Installation of cuttings in accordance with the technology of work, crimping of lugs, grounding and fixing the cable, coloring of cores, installation of tags, cable phasing, high voltage testing, maintenance of technical documentation.

Approximate list of professions

Electrician for the repair and installation of cable lines.

Number standard - 2 people. for 10,000 patches.

2.2.4. Transformer substations and distribution points

Approximate list of works

Inspection of transformer substations and distribution points, checking the presence of protective equipment and a single-line diagram, the condition of contacts, the absence of oil leakage from oil-directing devices, the nature of the transformer hum, the absence of extraneous sounds, the state of serviceability and contamination of insulators, the condition of cable terminations, the condition and color of tires and equipment , checking the condition of the protective ground loop, serviceability of fuses, lighting wiring and electric lamps, signal indicators, telemechanics devices, taking readings of measuring instruments and transformers that control voltage and load, and electric meters, checking the presence of warning posters and inscriptions, inspecting the condition of doors and cleaning from snow entrances, checking the serviceability of door locks, the condition of the roof, walls, floor, the presence and condition of ventilation grilles. Registration of the register of defects, implementation of organizational and technical measures to ensure the safety of work. Production of insulation tests, checking and adjusting contact connections of tires, wires, checking and adjusting switches and disconnectors, automatic switches, checking the integrity of fuse links, measuring insulation resistance, checking protection devices, automation and telemechanics. Measuring the resistance of a grounding device, checking fire-fighting equipment, protective equipment for labor safety, inspection of arresters, measuring the resistance of arresters. Replacement of blown fuses, production of operational switching, identification of a damaged section of the network or equipment, repair, replacement of equipment elements.

For closed transformer substations: cleaning of premises, wiping equipment from dirt and dust. Renewal of inscriptions, safety posters, painting of equipment and other metal parts.

For mast transformer substations: replacement of rotten wooden structural parts, repair or replacement of reinforced concrete attachments. Wiping equipment, updating labels, safety posters, painting equipment and other metal parts.

Approximate list of professions

Accumulator technician, test and measurement electrician, substation maintenance electrician, distribution electrician.

Table 15

Type of substation (distribution point)Normative number per 100 units, pers.
Mast transformer substations2,7
Closed transformer substations with one transformer and two-way supply on the high side2,5
Closed transformer substations with two transformers and two-way supply on the high side3
Distribution and feeder points (per 100 connections)1,2

Note. The standard for the number of workers employed in the repair and maintenance of distribution points with constant staff on duty is 4 people. for one point.

2.2.5. Automated distribution points and transformer substations

Approximate list of works

Implementation of organizational and technical measures for the safe performance of work at the workplace, external inspection of the device and all its elements, internal inspection and verification of the mechanical part of the equipment, insulation testing, measurement of insulation resistance, checking the dielectric strength of insulation, checking the equipment of control and signaling circuits, checking and adjustment of wire elements of switches and other switching devices, testing of automatic devices in secondary circuits, voltage and current transformers, testing of electrical characteristics of relay equipment, auxiliary devices, checking the interaction of all elements of the device circuit and the action of the device on switches and other switching devices, registration necessary documentation. Checking short-circuit current indicators. Painting equipment RP, updating posters and inscriptions.

Approximate list of professions

Electrician for the operation of distribution networks, electrician for the repair of switchgear equipment, electrician for switchgear.

Number standard - 3 people. for 100 sets of APV and ATS.

2.2.6. Transformer substation with two or more connections on the high voltage side

a) connection for voltage up to 20 kV with oil switch

Approximate list of works

Circuit breaker disconnection, busbar disconnection, oil drain and circuit breaker disassembly, contact, insulator and arc quencher repair, drive repair and adjustment, contact adjustment, circuit breaker assembly and oil filling, circuit breaker adjustment, insulation test, DC conductor resistance measurement, replacement of failed parts, assemblies of oil circuit breakers, implementation of organizational and technical measures to ensure the safety of work.

b) connection for voltage up to 20 kV with a load switch

Approximate list of works

Cleaning insulators and all parts from dust, replacing insulators when cracks and chips are found, checking contact connections, switching sequences of the main and arcing contacts, checking the correctness of the knives entering the openings of the arcing chambers, cleaning the arcing contacts from melting, checking the stroke length of the arcing contact in the chamber, replacement of the insert of the arc extinguishing device, checking the connections of the circuit breaker shaft with the drive and the joint operation of the circuit breakers with the drive, lubrication of rubbing parts, implementation of organizational and technical measures to ensure the safety of work.

c) connection for voltage up to 20 kV with a disconnector

Approximate list of works

Replacing damaged insulators, cleaning the contact surfaces, checking the fastening of the busbars to the contact plates and the tightness of the detachable contacts, checking the coincidence of the axes of the knives and the fixed contact plates, checking the absence of knife strikes on the base of the fixed contacts at the end of the stroke, checking the simultaneous switching on and off of the knives of three-pole disconnectors, lubrication of hinged joints and rubbing surfaces of disconnectors and drives, implementation of organizational and technical measures to ensure the safety of work.

Approximate list of professions

Electrician for the operation of distribution networks, electrician for the repair of switchgear equipment, electrician for testing and measurement.

Table 16

Notes. 1. The term "connection" means an electrical network (equipment and tires) of the same purpose, name and voltage, connected to the busbars of the switchgears (RU) of the generator, switchboard, assembly and located within the power plant, substation, etc.

2. Electric circuits of different voltages of one power transformer (regardless of the number of windings) of one two-speed electric motor are considered one connection. In schemes of polygons, one and a half, etc. connection of transformer lines includes switching devices and buses through which this line or transformer is connected to the switchgear.

2.2.7. Subscribers (consumers) of the household sector

Approximate list of works

Taking meter readings, checking the correctness of payment for electricity, checking the correct operation of the electric meter, identifying cases of unaccounted use of electricity, drawing up acts on violation by subscribers (consumers) of the rules for using electricity. Preparation of documents for reconciliation of electricity meter readings, checking the timing of state verification of electricity meters and the presence of seals, monitoring the rational use of electricity in everyday life, disconnecting and connecting household single-phase electricity meters, sealing electricity meters, carrying out preventive measures with the population. Carrying out operations for receiving, registering, sorting and processing documents used to carry out settlement operations for electric energy. Preparation for machine processing of information, entering information into the database.

Table 17

2.2.8. Other subscribers (consumers)

Approximate list of works

Reconciliation of readings of electricity meters, issuing invoices, reconciliation of electricity consumption for the past billing period, checking the operation of measuring instruments, the correctness of meter connection schemes, the presence of seals and the operation of electricity meters, checking the absence of illegal use of electricity, unauthorized increase in the installed power of pantographs, drawing up acts upon detection of illegal use of electricity , issuing clarifications on the "Rules for the use of electricity", checking the availability of payment for previously submitted acts, for consumed electricity, checking contracts for the use of electricity, checking the timing of state verification of meters, making calculations and issuing invoices for current tariff discounts (tariff surcharges) for electricity for fulfillment (non-fulfillment of the optimal level of reactive power compensation), control over the fulfillment by consumers of the contractual values ​​of electricity consumption.

Table 18

Note. Provided that subscribers (consumers) have several electric energy meters, when calculating the standard number, multiplying factors can be applied.

2.2.9. electricity meters

Approximate list of works

Inspection for damage to the case, opening the device, cleaning the device and parts, checking and testing switching circuits, replacing glasses and other parts, disassembling the counting mechanism, washing, lubricating, disassembling the thrust bearing, replacing the stone, rolling the ball and cap, rewinding or replacing the coils of the chain current and voltage, adjustment of meter readings, mandatory verification, branding and certification, replacement of instrument transformers and metering circuits.

Profession: electrician for the operation of electricity meters.

Table 19

Note. When carrying out the repair of electronic metering devices for electric energy, multiplying factors can be applied to the headcount standards.

2.2.10. Relay protection and automation

Approximate list of works

External inspection, checking of fastening, correct installation of the protection panel and equipment, absence of mechanical damage, correct marking of wires on the panels, cable cores, checking the integrity of the relay, cleaning from dust and foreign objects, checking the reliability of the operation of the manual on/off control mechanism, internal inspection , checking the condition of the sealing of casings, covers and the integrity of the glasses, preliminary checking with a megohmmeter of the insulation resistance of individual nodes of the relay protection device, checking the electrical characteristics with checking the settings and modes specified by the calculations of the relay protection. Measurement and testing of insulation in a complete circuit, checking the interaction of device elements, a comprehensive check of devices, checking the interaction of the device under test with other protection and automation devices included in the operation, checking devices with operating current and voltage, filling out a relay protection journal, issuing passports - protocols.

Approximate list of professions

Electrician for the repair of relay protection and automation equipment.

Table 20

2.2.11. Diesel power plants

Approximate list of works

Starting and warming up a diesel engine. Monitoring the course of the working cycle in diesel cylinders, the operation of systems and devices, the temperature of the main rubbing pairs, knocks and noises. Inspection of engine parts, checking their operation, monitoring engine operation by control measuring instruments. Engine stop. Maintaining a diesel engine in working condition, preventing premature wear of parts and assemblies, identifying faults in assemblies or systems and eliminating them, accumulating data for compiling repair documentation. Partial disassembly of a diesel engine to replace a damaged or worn part. Preparation of a diesel engine for repair, disassembly (dismantling) of a diesel engine into components and parts, washing and removal of carbon deposits from components and parts, troubleshooting of parts, restoration of worn parts, assembly (mounting) of a diesel engine, running in, adjustment and testing after repair.

Approximate list of professions

Operator of chemical water treatment of power plants, driver of a car, controller of energy supervision, operator of gas turbine installations, operator of internal combustion engines, mechanic of mechanical assembly works, mechanic of instrumentation and automation, mechanic of maintenance of equipment of power plants, mechanic of car repair, electrician of repair of electrical equipment, electrician of the main control panel of a power plant, electrician of dispatch equipment and teleautomatics, electrician for testing and measurement, electrician for maintenance of converter devices, electrician for maintenance of electrical equipment of power plants, electrician for operational switching in distribution networks, electrician for repair of secondary switching and communication, electrician for operation of distribution networks networks, an electrician for the operation of electric meters, an electric welder for manual welding, an electrician for maintenance of automation and measuring instruments of electric rostantsii, electrician for the repair of electrical equipment of power plants.

Table 21

Power plant power, kWNumber of units, units
until 67 - 10 11 - 14 15 and above
normative number, pers.
up to 10004 - 6 6 - 9
1001 - 2000 6 - 9 9 - 11
2001 - 4000 9 - 11 11 - 16
4001 - 6000 11 - 16 16 - 20 20 - 24
6001 - 8000 16 - 20 20 - 24 24 - 28
8001 - 10000 24 - 28 28 - 32
10001 - 12000 28 - 32 32 - 36 36 - 40
12001 - 14000 36 - 40 40 - 44
14001 - 16000 40 - 44 44 - 48
16001 - 18000 44 - 48 48 - 52
18001 and above 52 - 58
2.2.12. Mechanical workshops

Approximate list of works

1. Repair of transformers

Inspection of transformers, oil level check, no oil leakage, inspection of insulators, electric strength test of transformer oil (for transformers over 1000 kVA), replacement of transformer oil, measurement of DC winding resistance and winding insulation resistance, replacement of windings, check of tie bolts and yokes , checking the integrity of the windings and testing the insulation with increased AC voltage together with the transformer bushings, inspecting the integrity of the secondary connections and measuring the resistance of their insulation, checking the phasing, cleaning the insulators and the casing, removing dirt from the expander, adding oil, checking the oil indicator, checking the operation of the switching device ( antsapf), checking the drain cock and seals, checking the condition of the grounding of the transformer tank, replacing the silica gel in the thermosyphon filter, determining the short circuit voltage, current idle move and transformation ratio (when replacing windings and repairing the magnetic circuit), the implementation of organizational and technical measures to ensure the safe performance of work.

2. Preparatory section (coupling casting)

Receiving lead from a warehouse, loading lead into a crucible, heating lead, molds for making couplings, casting couplings.

Approximate list of professions

Electrical fitter for the repair of switchgear equipment, electrician for the repair of switchgear equipment, electrician for testing and measurements, fitter for instrumentation and automation.

Normative number - 1 person. per 1000 conventional units.

2.2.13. Outdoor lighting fixtures

Approximate list of works

1. Fixtures.

Checking the fastening of the reliability of contact connections, wiping the reflector, housing, glass, replacing refractors, reflectors, brackets, lamps, burnt out lamps, cartridges, out-of-phase lamps, checking the condition of ballasts, replacing ballasts, replacing a pulse igniter, eliminating detected malfunctions, replacing a charger wires from the overhead line to the lamp, replacement of the charging wire from the cable termination to the lamp, painting of lamps, brackets, implementation of organizational and technical measures to ensure the safety of work.

2. Outdoor electric clock.

External inspection of the secondary clock in order to identify mechanical damage and the quality of installation, inspection of the electrical wiring, checking the reliability of the connection on the adapter block. Detection of mechanical damage in a stepper motor, checking the reliability of its fastening, checking the reliability of fastening arrows, testing the insulation of the stepper motor windings. External inspection of the primary clock in order to identify mechanical damage and the quality of the installation of electrical wiring to the distributor of the secondary clock. Checking the reliability of the fastening of the stepper motor, arrows, contact groups, as well as the "correction", "stop" keys. Flushing and cleaning of contact groups, contacts of "correction", "stop" keys. Checking the performance of the power supply electronic circuit and secondary clock power supply. Checking the operability of the electronic circuit of the second pulse generator, if necessary, adjusting the frequency of the second pulse generator. Checking the operation of the polarity switch mechanism for the secondary clock. Checking the operation of the primary clock according to the control clock using the keys "correction", "stop". If it is necessary to correct all secondary clocks using the "correction", "stop" keys.

Approximate list of professions

Electrician for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment, electrician for the repair of relay protection and automation equipment.

Table 22

2.2.14. Outdoor lighting control devices

Approximate list of works

External inspection of television equipment in order to identify mechanical damage and quality of installation, checking the wiring diagrams of all circuits, checking the serviceability of power equipment, command-checking and signaling equipment of the control panel, examining and checking the condition of the control panel relay, checking the health of relay windings, diodes, resistors and capacitors, testing isolation of the control panel circuits, checking the health of the equipment, power supply of the executive points, revision of all relays, adjustment of the contact groups, washing and cleaning the contacts, checking the health of the relay windings, diodes, resistors and capacitors, testing the insulation of the circuits of the executive points, inspection and verification of the installation of the panels of the executive points , obtaining permission to work in transformer substations, measuring the parameters of communication channels, switching on equipment per channel, checking the reliability of closing and opening block contactors, measuring the insulation of connecting drives, checking the communication line for crossing, checking erka operation of the device kits in the modes: "Enable all", "Enable part", "Disable all", conducting telephone conversations from the dispatcher's console with each executive point, instructing the operating personnel on the operation and principle of the telemechanical equipment, registration of technical documentation. Inspection of equipment, telemechanical installation, cleaning of cabinets and casings from dust, checking the mechanical strength of the fastening of the device elements, cleaning the contacts of the electromechanical elements of the device and adjusting the relay, checking the condition of the control panel and switchboard equipment on the control panel, checking the insulation of the telemechanical control device, checking the separate and joint work semi-sets of telemechanical control devices under voltage, registration of documentation for the work performed, implementation of organizational and technical measures to ensure the safety of work. Checking the health of the cabinet body, the power console (executive point) and its tightness, cleaning the cable cabinet from dirt, checking and lubricating the hinges and door locks, painting the cabinet, updating the inscription of safety posters, checking the connection of cable cores, checking grounding, varnishing the cuttings , repair and adjustment of contacts, revision of the inlet switch with cleaning of contact connections, revision of current transformers, cleaning and wiping of insulators, tires, fuses and other equipment, replacement of fuses with new calibrated inserts, revision of automatic machines, repair of the internal lighting network. Checking the operation of electricity meters.

Approximate list of professions

Electrician of dispatching equipment and teleautomatics, electrician for repair of secondary switching and communication.

Number standard - 2 people. for 100 installations (telemechanical, panels, cabinets).

Note. The number standard for one installation of centralized telemechanical control is 1.5 people.

2.2.15. Festive illumination

Approximate list of works

Checking fastening, reliability of contact connections, replacing burned-out lamps, replacing connecting wires, replacing cartridges, performing organizational and technical measures to ensure the safety of work, straightening supports, repairing and painting supports, restoring the numbering of supports, painting metal elements illumination, check and replacement of fuses, repair and replacement of switching devices and protective equipment.

Approximate list of professions

Electrician for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment.

Normative number - 1 person. for 10,000 incandescent lamps.

JSC "Scientific Research

Order of the Gosstroy of Russia
dated 10/12/99 No. 74

Part 2

Standards for the number of managers, specialists and employees of communal heat and power enterprises

Moscow, 2005

These recommendations are intended to determine the standard number of managers, specialists and employees of communal heat and power enterprises, to establish the optimal structure of organizations, rational placement of personnel; calculation of standard labor costs, which are one of the main components of the cost and economically justified tariffs for services for the supply of heat energy and hot water.

The headcount standards were developed by JSC "Research Center for Municipal Economy" (formerly FSUE "TsNIS") with the participation of the Russian joint-stock company"Roskommunenergo" and the Republican production association Tatkommunenergo.

Recommendations on labor rationing of workers in the energy sector. Part 2. Standards for the number of managers, specialists and employees of communal heat and power enterprises, approved by order of the Gosstroy of Russia dated 12.10.99 No. 74.


1.2. The recommendations make it possible to determine the normative number of managers, specialists and employees; establish the optimal structure of organizations; make a rational placement of personnel; calculate the standard labor costs, which are one of the main components of the standard cost and economically justified tariffs for services for the supply of heat and hot water.

1.4. The concept of "headcount standards" means the optimal number of employees of a specific professional and qualification composition, necessary to perform a unit of work in certain organizational and technical conditions.

1.5. The development of recommendations is based on the current regulatory and technical documents and regulatory legal acts, including the rules for technical operation, labor protection, safety, taking into account the most common conditions for performing work, providing workplaces with the necessary machinery, equipment and tools in relation to the nature of the work performed ( the list of documents is given in).

1.6. Number standards are established taking into account necessary costs time for preparatory and final work, rest and personal needs, for transitions to ensure normal operation equipment included in the service area

1.7. The regulations provide for the payroll of managers, specialists and employees according to management functions.

1.8. The names of the positions of managers, specialists and employees are indicated in accordance with the All-Russian Classifier of Professions of Workers, Positions of Employees and tariff categories OK 016-94. The content of the work performed is given in accordance with the qualification characteristics of the positions of managers, specialists and employees of public utilities.

1.9. If the numerical values ​​of the factors differ significantly from the limit intervals, it is recommended to determine the standard number by interpolation

1.10. When introducing at enterprises a more progressive one than is provided for in the standards for the organization of production, labor, work technology, etc. local regulations should be established.


2.1. General control functions

An approximate list of works on control functions:

General leadership

Management of all activities of the enterprise. Organization of work and effective interaction of production, operational, management and other structural units. Ensuring that the enterprise fulfills the planned quantitative and qualitative indicators for the main types of activities. Determining the growth dynamics of heat supply services, ensuring the quality and reliability of the heat supply system in accordance with state standards and regulations. Ensuring the activities of the enterprise in emergency and emergency situations. Providing the enterprise with qualified personnel. Monitoring the performance of departments. Determination of the technical policy, prospects for the development of the enterprise and ways to implement comprehensive programs for the improvement, reconstruction and technical re-equipment of existing production. Organization of the development and implementation of progressive, economically justified energy-saving technological processes and modes of production. Ensuring the introduction of progressive norms for the consumption of technological fuel and electricity, raw materials and materials, reducing the labor intensity of production. Implementation of the introduction of integrated mechanization and automation production processes. Ensuring the implementation of measures to improve the efficiency of the use of fuel and energy resources, the reliability and efficiency of equipment operation, and the creation of safe working conditions.

Accounting and financial activities

Organization accounting at the enterprise. Carrying out a unified financial policy that ensures the reduction of unproductive costs and production costs. Analysis of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise, participation in the formation of economically sound programs. Ensuring timely compilation and submission to the relevant authorities of accounting and statistical reporting. Control over the safety of the property of the enterprise. Organization of accounting and control over the expenditure of incoming Money, inventory and fixed assets. Keeping records of actual costs for the formation of an economically justified tariff for heat supply services. Ensuring the legality and timeliness of the calculation and transfer of taxes and other payments to the state budget, state off-budget funds, payments to banking institutions and other organizations. Ensuring compliance with staff, financial and cash discipline, safety of accounting documents. Implementation of operations for the receipt, accounting, issuance and storage of funds and securities. Execution of documents and receipt in accordance with the established procedure of funds in bank institutions for the payment of wages and other expenses. Keeping cash books and compiling cash reports.

Staff recruitment and accounting

Registration of reception, transfer and dismissal of employees in accordance with labor legislation. Monitoring the timely execution of orders and orders of the head of the enterprise. Preparation of materials for qualification and attestation commissions. Completion, accounting and storage of work books.

Performance of work to provide the enterprise with personnel of the required professions, specialties and qualifications. Organization of vocational training for workers and advanced training of managers and specialists. Preparation of documents necessary for assigning pensions to employees of the enterprise and their families, submitting them to the social security authorities. Maintaining personalized records in the system of state pension insurance. Preparation of established statistical reporting.


Providing the enterprise with all necessary for its production activities material and technical resources of the required quality in accordance with economically justified calculations of costs (expenses) supported by financial resources.

Development of projects for long-term and current plans for the logistics of the production program, as well as the creation of the necessary production stocks based on determining the need for material resources using progressive consumption rates. Concluding contracts with suppliers, negotiating terms and conditions of delivery. Delivery assurance material resources, control of their quality, completeness and storage in the warehouses of the enterprise. Organization of warehouse work.

Ensuring a high level of mechanization and automation of transport and storage operations, application computer systems and regulatory conditions for the organization and labor protection.

Receipt under contracts, orders and other documents of inventory items, execution of documents for received goods, delivery of the delivered cargo, acceptance, storage and release of inventory items. Preparing the required documentation.

Supervision and control over the overhaul and construction of production facilities

Development of plans overhaul, construction and reconstruction, determination of economically justified costs for the implementation of these works. Conclusion of contracts with contractors. Management of the direct execution of work on overhaul, construction and reconstruction of production facilities. Drawing up, coordination, execution in the relevant bodies (organizations) of title lists for objects, applications for building materials and equipment.

Quality control of the materials, products, structures used in accordance with the approved design and estimate documentation, specifications, etc.

Technical supervision and control over the timely commissioning of facilities and the quality of all construction and installation and other construction works.

Participation in the acceptance and commissioning of completed facilities.

General office work

Reception of incoming correspondence for consideration by the head, its transfer in accordance with decision to structural divisions or specific performers.

Record keeping, performing various operations using computer technology. Acceptance of documents and personal statements for the signature of the head of the enterprise. Monitoring the timely consideration of documents received for execution, checking the correctness of the execution of prepared documents. Organization of telephone conversations of the head, reception of information on receiving and intercom devices. Performing work on the preparation of meetings and meetings held by the head. Control over the execution by employees of the enterprise of issued orders and orders, maintaining a control and registration file.

Printing the necessary service materials, entering current information into the data bank. Organization of reception of visitors.

Occupational Safety and Health

Ensuring control over compliance with safety in the operation of buildings and structures, equipment, safety of technological processes and raw materials used in the production.

Implementation of effective control over the level of exposure to harmful or dangerous production factors on the health of workers. Informing employees about the state of conditions and labor protection at the workplace, about the existing risk of damage to health and the personal protective equipment that employees are entitled to. Conducting training, instructing employees and testing employees' knowledge of the norms, rules and instructions on labor protection by type of work. Participation in checking the regime of work and rest of employees established by law.

Ensuring the necessary measures to preserve the life and health of workers in case of emergencies. Taking appropriate measures to provide first aid to victims.

Legal service

Development regulatory projects and organizational and administrative documents on the activities of the enterprise. Preparation of materials for their submission to arbitration, investigative and judicial authorities, accounting and storage of cases in progress and completed by the execution of judicial and arbitration cases "Participation in the work on the conclusion of business contracts, the preparation of opinions on their legal validity, in the development of the terms of collective agreements, as well as in consideration of issues of receivables and payables. Control over the implementation of contractual relations. Monitoring the timeliness of submission of certificates, calculations, explanations and other materials for the preparation of responses to claims. Preparation, together with other divisions, of a proposal to change existing or cancel invalid orders and other regulations issued by the enterprise. Participation in the preparation of opinions on legal issues.

Technical and economic planning, organization of labor and wages

Carrying out a unified financial and economic policy at the enterprise, ensuring its efficient operation.

Together with other structural divisions of the enterprise, the development of current and long-term plans for the financial, economic and production activities of the enterprise, providing for the rational use of material, financial and labor resources. Organization of control over their implementation.

Conducting an economic analysis of the production and economic activities of the enterprise, identifying production reserves, developing measures for their use.

Analysis of tariffs for services, taking into account the reduction in production costs. Development of local economically justified norms and standards of labor and material resources to be included in the cost of services. Control over their application and revision. The study of the state and rationing of labor. Development and implementation of measures to improve them.

Development of a system of local regulations on wages. Participation in the preparation of collective agreements and control of the obligations assumed. Formation of the wage fund and analysis of its spending. Development staffing enterprises.

Compilation of various economic justifications, reviews and reports.

housekeeping service

Ensuring the safety of household inventory, its restoration and replenishment. Ensuring cleanliness in the premises and in the surrounding area. Taking corrective action in a timely manner. Providing employees with stationery and household items.

Director (deputy director), Chief Engineer(Deputy Chief Engineer), Chief Accountant, Chief Power Engineer, chief mechanical engineer, chief technologist, head of department (deputy head of department), head of warehouse, head of household, engineer, personnel inspector, economist, technician, accountant, legal adviser, foreman (workman), cashier, supply agent, freight forwarder, secretary manager, typist, secretary-typist.

Table 1

Name of control functions

The average number of employees of the enterprise, pers.

General leadership

Accounting and financial activities

Staff recruitment and accounting


Supervision and control over the overhaul and construction of production facilities*

General office work

Occupational Safety and Health

Legal service

Technical and economic planning, organization of labor and wages

housekeeping service

* Performance of work on the preparation of design and estimate documentation is not provided for by the standards of this function.

When performing a major overhaul on its own, correction factors can be applied to the headcount standards: with an average number of employees of an enterprise up to 2,000 - 1D5; over 2,000 - 1.25.

2.1.2. Software and system administration of computer technology

Approximate list of works:

Debugging and participation in the development of local programs that implement the solution economic tasks taking into account the latest achievements in the field of programming and computer technology. Preparation of instructions for working with programs, registration of the necessary technical documentation. Determining the possibility of using ready-made software to solve specific problems of enterprise departments.

Conducting briefing and assistance to employees of the enterprise in the development of computer and network technology. Organization of work to improve the technical knowledge of employees using these tools. Ensuring the rational use of computer and network equipment, carrying out preventive and current repairs. Organization of acceptance and development of newly introduced computer and network equipment. Control over the provision of computer equipment with spare parts, consumables.

Approximate list of positions:

Head of department, engineer (programmer, electronics).

table 2

* Development of local programs based on analysis mathematical models and algorithms are not provided by the regulations.

2.2. Production management functions

2.2.1. Organization of pre-production

Approximate list of works:

Organization of technical operation of heating networks and equipment, operational control over the course of production, provision of production with technical documentation, equipment, tools, materials, components, etc. Calculation of the required heat generation by sources, taking into account the installed equipment, the efficiency of the connected load and heat losses in the networks. Calculation of the required amount of electricity, water, reference fuel.

Development and organization of work on the implementation of:

fire fighting measures;

staff training plans;

Test programs for heat and power equipment;

Measures to prevent accidents and equipment failures;

Measures to improve the reliability of thermal power equipment;

instructions from supervisory authorities;

Mode of operation of thermal power equipment;

Certification of equipment;

Issues specifications for connecting consumers to heating networks and coordinating projects;

Preparation of documents for licensing.

Coordination of work of divisions of the enterprise to prevent and eliminate violations of the production process. Carrying out work on the identification and development of technical innovations, scientific discoveries and inventions, excellence contributing to the improvement of technology and organization of production. Implementation of methodological management of the work of production and dispatching units. Ensuring efficient use of equipment. Monthly analysis of actual heat generation, heat supply, losses in networks, consumption of electricity, water, fuel. Development of instructions, technological maps and schemes for maintenance of equipment of boiler houses and heating networks. Development of measures for the development and reconstruction of technical means, drawing up terms of reference for the design of new and reconstruction of existing networks and equipment. Development of plans for the current and major repairs of equipment, equipment and structures, organization of work on their implementation.

Approximate list of positions:

Head of department, engineer, technician.

Table 3

Total heat output of installed equipment, Gcal/h

Length of heating networks (in two-pipe terms), km

Normative number, pers.

Over 2,000