An example of calculating the need for workers for builders, the calculation of temporary administrative buildings and structures. Typical structure and standards for the number of engineering and technical workers and employees of construction and installation and repair and construction departments

  • 06.06.2020

The labor rationing of engineering and technical workers (ITR) and employees is necessary for the correct calculation of their number, the objective distribution of duties between employees, the growth of their labor productivity, and objective conditions for material incentives.

To engineering and technical workers includes employees who organize production process, technical, economic and managerial guidance. It is necessary to distinguish between engineers and specialists. The basis for classifying workers as engineers is the position held (engineer, technician, agronomist, livestock specialist), and not education, therefore, they also include practitioners who do not have special education.

Specialists These are employees who have completed higher and secondary specialized education. They can be both engineers and employees.

Specialists include employees engaged in engineering, technical, economic and other work, employees - employees who prepare and draw up documentation, accounting and control, economic services (secretaries, commandants, clerks, cashiers, timekeepers, freight forwarders, etc.).

Taking into account the peculiarities of the work of engineers and employees, their work is rationed using various methods of analytical rationing of the labor intensity of work and the number of performers. The choice of the rationing method depends on the complexity of the work performed, the variety of methods and approaches to solving problems, and the frequency of work. Accordingly, three groups can be defined:

1. Works that do not require great creative effort and are characterized by a small variety of operations performed

They require the exact implementation of the established order, rules, methods, instructions, standards (for example, shorthand, office work, accounting operations, detailing and copying documents, their design and reproduction, calculations according to a given program). Time limits for these works are established by analytical methods.

Consider how the work of the contractor is normalized to create a piecework order for the work performed on industrial enterprise.

Example 1

Creating an order for work performed contains a number of sequentially performed actions (algorithm; see diagram).

When performing work on creating an outfit, the contractor must act according to the algorithm. Knowing the initial data (the number of workers), it is possible to estimate the complexity of this work. Taking into account the fact that the contractor performs other works, for which there are also prescribed algorithms, it is possible to calculate the total labor intensity and, accordingly, determine the number of contractors at the enterprise.

2. Works requiring creative work

These works are not only technical activities (preparation of materials, design, drawing up diagrams and calculations), but also creative - the study various materials and search for solutions to problems. These are design, calculation, design, planning and other works.

The first part is normalized by the methods of analytical normalization, the second - the creative part - cannot be normalized by these methods. They apply to:

  • the method of analogies according to the categories of complexity of the work performed;
  • expert method;
  • method by typical representatives.

So, analogy method consists in the fact that previously developed topics, designs, technological processes are divided into the simplest elements of work, for which the actual time costs are recorded. When normalizing the development labor intensity, the value of time is taken from analogues and corrected (tightened) taking into account the growth in labor productivity.

Practice shows that in the designs and technology of their manufacture up to 50-60% are repetitive elements of work.


The labor intensity of that part of the work, which has no analogues, is calculated using conversion factors that take into account the complexity and originality of the work. Conversion factors are set mainly by the expert method.

To normalize the work of designers and technologists, you can use analytical and calculation method, which is carried out in two stages.

At the first stage, when issuing work to a designer (technologist), only the type of work is indicated and an approximate time limit is set. This is necessary in order to calculate the monthly workload plan for an employee.

At the second stage, when the work is done, the quantitative and qualitative rationing of labor costs is carried out. Quantification answers the question how many standard 1A4 formats fit in the finished drawing. Qualitative assessment allows you to attribute the drawing to a certain group of complexity.

Consider an example of labor rationing for designers of a machine-building enterprise.

Example 2

All products developed by designers are divided by expert into four groups:

  1. simple products;
  2. products of medium complexity;
  3. complex product;
  4. product upgrade.

Regardless of the complexity, the development of each product consists of a number of successive stages:

For each group of products for each stage, on the basis of the time actually spent, the time norm is determined (Table 1).

Table 1

Table of preliminary production rate for the development of a new product, h

No. p / p

Stages of design development of products

Simple product

Product of medium complexity

Complex product

Product upgrade

Development of a draft model of the product

Development of a 3D model and design documentation for prototype

Supervising the creation of a prototype

Correction of drawings and preparation of a complete set of design documentation

Correction of design documentation based on the results of the pilot batch

Drawing up and approval of the act of transfer to mass production

Based on this table, the load of each designer is calculated, the product release date is determined, and the need for design bureau employees is determined.

3. Management work, including the work of the heads of departments of the administrative apparatus

The most difficult standardized work. A method is used to determine the number of employees according to the norms of manageability and management functions.

Controllability rate is the number of people who are directly subordinate to the manager.

The optimal rate of controllability is 7 people. This is due to the feature random access memory of a person to store information about seven unrelated objects.

AT real life manageability can reach 40 people. It depends on the abilities, experience of the manager, the homogeneity of the tasks performed and many other factors, for example:

● type of activity of the organization;

● location of management objects (due to the geographical location of branches or departments of the organization, in some cases it is impossible to achieve optimal manageability indicators);

● qualifications of employees (the level of control over employees' activities depends on their skills and motivation);

● type organizational structure(hierarchical, matrix, design);

● level of task standardization;

● level of activity automation, etc.

It is important for the enterprise to determine the total number of employees for each function. It is calculated using the methods of correlation analysis, which takes into account the influence of the most significant factors on the labor intensity of work on this function.

The number of managers according to the functional responsibilities of implementing the main management functions can be calculated from the data in Table. 2.

table 2

Determining the number of managers

Calculation formula for the number of employees of the management apparatus by management functions

K y \u003d 23.6615 + 0.0011 × M p + 0.029 × K pr

K st \u003d 0.05 × (K new + K otk)


K spp \u003d 1.85 + 0.0051 × K pr

K otiz \u003d 11.2142 + 0.0031 × K ppp

K op \u003d 12.0716 + 0.0286 × K pr + 0.523 × H sp

K peo \u003d 5.015 + 0.0006 K ppp + 0.0006 × M p

K boo = 3.9603 + 0.0013 × M + 0.0045 × K ppp

K ok \u003d 2.2129 + 0.0012 × K ppp

Occupational Safety and Health

K otitb \u003d 1.1 + 0.0062 × M p

K d \u003d 1.7883 + 0.0019 × K ppp + 0.0002 × D

Explanations for conditional abbreviations in Table. 2:

K y - the total number of managers of different levels;

M p - the number of jobs in the main production;

K pr - the number of workers in the main production;

K st - the number of employees of standardization and certification services;

K new - the number of employees involved in the development and implementation of new technologies and equipment;

To otk - the number of employees of the department technical control;

K cpp - the number of employees of the pre-production service;

To otiz - the number of employees of the wage department;

To ppp - the total number of industrial and production personnel;

K op - the number of employees of the department technical support production;

H cn - the number of independent structural divisions enterprises, units;

To peo - the number of employees of the planning and economic department;

K boo - the number of employees of the accounting and financial departments;

M - the number of names, sizes and article numbers of materials, semi-finished products, purchased products, units;

K ok - the number of employees of the training service;

To otitb - the number of employees of the department of labor protection and safety;

K d - the number of employees of the department of office work and economic services;

D - annual document flow, units.

The total number of independent structural units, their deputies and assistants, who are directly subordinate to the first head, is calculated by the formula:

H cn \u003d 7.78 + 0.00019 × K ppp.


These calculation methods were developed in the planned economy and used in large industrial enterprises. Therefore, in modern conditions they can only serve as a rough guide.

Example 3

According to the method presented above, we calculate the number of managerial personnel.

The initial data are presented in table. 3, the results of the calculation - in table. four.

Table 3

Determining the number of managers based on management functions



Number of jobs in the main production (M p)

Number of workers in the main production (K pr)

Number of employees involved in the development and implementation of new technologies and equipment (K new)

Number of employees of the technical control department (K otk)

Total number of industrial and production personnel (K ppp)

The number of independent structural divisions of the enterprise (N sp), units.

Number of names, sizes and article numbers of materials, semi-finished products, purchased products (M), units

Annual document flow (D), units

Table 4

Number calculation

Characteristic functional duties managers and their departments


General (line) management of the main production

Standardization and certification of products, technological processes and other elements of production


Labor organization and wages

Operational management of the main production

Technical and economic planning

Accounting and financial activities

Recruitment and training

Occupational Safety and Health

General office work and economic management


If we compare the results of calculations with the number at a real industrial enterprise, then with regard to labor protection, recruitment and training of personnel, preparation of production, we can see that the estimated number of personnel is very close to the real one.

With regard to accounting functions (PEO, accounting, O&M, office work), the calculated data are overestimated by 2-3 times. The work of these divisions is quite automated and does not require such a number of employees.

R. V. Kazantsev,
CFO "MC Teplodar"

Calculation of the number of construction personnel

The basis for calculating the composition of construction personnel is the general schedule of movement of workers. Total population personnel employed in construction per shift is determined by the formula:

Nmax - the maximum number of workers in the main and non-main production;

NITR - the number of engineers (engineering and technical workers);

NMOP - the number of MOP (junior service personnel);

NSERVICE - the number of employees.

The number of engineers, MOS and employees is determined in accordance with the ratios indicated below, depending on the categories of employees:

N - 100%; Nmax - 85%; NITP - 8%; NMOS - 5%; NSERVICE - 2%.

The total number of personnel employed in the construction shift:

N= 72+ 7+ 4+ 2= 85 people

Definition of need and selection of types inventory buildings

Temporary buildings and structures are placed in areas that are not subject to development by the main objects, in compliance with fire safety rules and safety regulations, outside the dangerous zones of the mechanisms. The office of the foreman or foreman should be located closer to the object under construction, and the household premises near the entrance to the construction site. The room for heating workers should be located at a distance of no more than 150 m from the workplace. Food points should be located at a distance of at least 25 m and not more than 600 m from workplaces from toilets and garbage bins, a first-aid post should be located in the same block in the same block with amenity premises and no further than 800 m from workplaces. The distance from toilets to the most remote places inside the building should not exceed 100 m, to workplaces outside the building - 200 m. construction site there should be a place for workers to rest and smoke, and there should also be shields with fire fighting equipment.

The distributing network of temporary water and power supply is designed after all their consumers are placed on the building plan. The fire (permanent) water supply network must be looped, and fire hydrants are located on it no further than 100 m from one another. The distance from the hydrants to the building should be at least 5 m and not more than 50 m, and from the edge of the road - no more than 2 m. Temporary transformer substations should be located in the center of electrical loads and no further than 250 m from the consumer. To illuminate the premises and the construction site, a temporary electrical network independent of the power supply should be provided.

When designing a construction plan, it is necessary to provide for measures to protect environment: preservation of the soil layer, compliance with the requirements for dust and gas contamination of the air, cleaning of domestic and industrial wastewater, and others.

Modern requirements for the development of a construction plan prescribe: to equip exits from construction sites with points for cleaning or washing vehicle wheels; to close the facades of buildings and structures overlooking the streets, highways and squares with a hinged decorative mesh fence; free the construction site from foreign buildings, structures and structures (in accordance with the construction organization project).

The basis for choosing the nomenclature and calculating the need for space inventory of administrative and domestic temporary buildings are the duration of the construction of this object and the number of construction personnel.

Number calculation for:

foreman's choice:

people = 6 people;

sanitary facilities:

dressing room:

The volume of inventory buildings should be minimal, but providing normal production and living conditions for workers and rational organization of the construction site. The results of the calculation of inventory buildings are given in table. 6.

Table 6 Calculation of inventory buildings

Based on the established need for space, the type of inventory buildings is selected. Their construction should be carried out according to standard projects.

Table 7 Explication of inventory buildings

Name of inventory buildings

Estimated area, m2

Plan dimensions, m

Number of buildings

Accepted area, m2

Constructive characteristic

Used sample project



UTS 420-04-10 SPD



Orgtechstroy of the Ministry of Construction Lit. SSR



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Heating and drying room




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· the total duration of the construction of the object should not exceed the established norms (SNiP. 1.04.03.-85) or directive deadlines;

intensity of use of the leading types of production resources at the facility ( maximum amount workers per day, the number of workers in leading professions per day, the number of leading machines, the daily need for non-stored materials, such as concrete, electricity, etc.) should not exceed the established limits.

If options do not satisfy the listed restrictions, they are discarded or improved. Improvement can be done by changing:

ü interconnection of works;

ü the number of seizures;

ü technology and sequence of construction and installation works;

ü quantity of labor and technical resources;

ü deadlines for the implementation of individual organizationally related work within the time reserves, etc.

Options that satisfy the above restrictions are evaluated primarily on the uniformity of use. labor resources. To do this, under the calendar schedule for the production of construction and installation works, a schedule for the use of labor is built on the calendar days of construction.

Average number of workers on construction and installation works is determined by the formula

where Q PR is the total design complexity of the construction of the facility

(total area of ​​the workforce utilization schedule), man-days;

t is the duration of construction, days.

3rd shift N

2nd shift N

Rice. 4. Schedule for the use of labor during the construction of the facility

The general schedule for the use of labor force should be divided into parts in accordance with the accepted shift work (Fig. 4). This technique allows you to determine the average number in different work shifts.

An indicator that assesses the degree of uniformity in the use of labor force is coefficient of unevenness:


where N MAX is the maximum number of workers according to the diagram

use of labor resources (see Fig. 4.), people.

The coefficient of uneven use of labor force should not exceed 1.5-1.7 for the conditions of new industrial construction and 1.7-2.0 for the conditions of reconstruction of existing enterprises.

A similar type of graphics can be built separately for groups of workers in the leading professions. The coefficient of uneven use of workers in leading professions should not exceed 1.15 - 1.20.

The most rational should be considered the option of organizing the construction of an object, in which the labor intensity and cost of construction and installation work will be minimal. In the course project, as a criterion for the rationality of the calendar plan and the corresponding option for organizing the construction of an object, one should take the indicator of the uneven use of labor (K HEP - min, taking into account all restrictions on the duration of construction, the intensity and timing of resource consumption, etc.).

The calculated version of the linear schedule for the construction of the object obtained after optimization, which satisfies the specified criteria, is drawn on the sheet.

The basis for determining the number of workers on the construction site is the maximum number of workers in the main production, employed in one shift. It is determined by the schedule of movement of workers:

Nmax main = 57 people

The number of workers in non-core production is assumed to be 20% of the number of workers hired according to the schedule. The data are summarized, and the result is used in further calculations:

Nmin. = 57 * 0.2 = 11 people

The number of engineering and technical workers (ITR) in one shift is taken in the amount of 11-14% of the total number of employees in the main and non-main production:

Nitr \u003d 68 * 0.12 \u003d 8 people.

The total estimated number of workers employed at the construction site per shift is determined as the sum of all categories of workers with a coefficient of 1.06 (of which 4% are workers on vacation and 2% are sick leave):

Ncalc. in 1 shift \u003d (57 + 11 + 8) * 1.06 \u003d 79 people.

The number of women is assumed to be approximately 20% of the total number of employees:

N female \u003d 79 * 0.2 \u003d 16 people.

How to avoid delays in the commissioning of construction projects?

How to control the productivity of builders?

How to increase labor productivity and reduce construction time?

Prolonged construction problems

Sometimes the construction of objects is delayed, the deadlines for commissioning housing are disrupted. It is believed that the main reasons for such situations are the general economic instability in the country, the fall in the solvency of the population, and the decline in industrial production.

However, not everything can be attributed to the economic crisis. The determining factor in the timeliness of the commissioning and commissioning of buildings in many cases is the organization of labor at construction sites. Employment of low-skilled personnel, marriage and poor quality of work, sluggishness of employees of the supply and accounting department, poor control over the execution of work by the heads of the enterprise, heads of facilities and construction sites, incorrect calendar and operational planning, failures in the operation of transport and mechanisms, ineffective motivation labor — and this is not a complete list of the reasons for low labor productivity at construction sites.

And the pace of construction largely determines its cost. This means that labor productivity requires close attention and constant monitoring.

Labor productivity in construction is characterized by such indicators as labor intensity and output per main worker.

Labor productivity indicators in construction

In most cases, actual labor productivity indicators in construction are calculated in accordance with Form No. 2 - an estimate-act is formed in the Grand Estimate program or in another similar program based on the Work Acceptance Certificate (compiled by site managers).

The act is internal document organization and can be drawn up in free form. The main thing is that it contains all the information about the implementation of a certain stage of work in kind at a specific facility.

The act is checked and approved by the representatives of the department capital construction(technical supervision).

The act is drawn up for each construction site at the end of the reporting period after the completion of a certain stage of construction and installation works (each site performs a certain type of general construction works). Approximate list of sites:

  • finishing works;
  • masonry work;
  • electrical work;
  • low current works;
  • electrical repair work;
  • special works and gas cutting;
  • plumbing work and installation of plumbing systems;
  • installation of ventilation and air conditioning systems;
  • installation and manufacture of metal structures;
  • monolithic works, etc.

Labor intensity: we calculate and analyze

The estimates-acts formed by the estimate department on the basis of acts of acceptance of the work performed at construction sites indicate the amount of work performed in kind and value terms, taking into account the estimated standard cost of a unit of work, overhead costs and estimated profit.

In the upper field of the generated documents, the total estimated and normative labor intensity of construction and installation work is indicated (labor costs for the entire volume of completed construction and installation activities under the act).

The estimate itself indicates the estimated and normative labor intensity (labor costs) of the work performed in the context of operations, types and subtypes of work for each unit of work (column 15) and for the volume performed (column 8). Of these, the total labor intensity of the work performed specified in the act is formed.

To analyze labor productivity construction organization mainly data on the total labor intensity of work and the cost of work performed under the act are used.

This is due to the fact that during construction, many types and subtypes of work are performed, which, among other things, are also divided into operations. In addition, the units of measure for the volume of work can be different (square, cubic and linear meters, tons and kilograms, pieces, etc.). Therefore, it is quite laborious to analyze the labor intensity by operations, subtypes and types of work.

However, if the construction schedule is significantly disrupted and the backlog is growing, it is necessary to accurately determine the cause and / or those responsible. In this case, it will be necessary not only to analyze the indicators of actual labor intensity for most of the nomenclature positions of construction and installation works, but also to conduct timing and photography of working time directly at the workplace.

Timing will also allow you to find out how the estimated norms of labor intensity correspond to real and optimal labor costs.

Labor intensity of construction and installation works- this is the amount of labor per unit or amount of work in man-hours, man-days, etc.

The amount of labor costs for the volume of construction and installation works(TZO) is calculated as the sum of the working time spent on the production of this type of work by each employee of the site (team, organization):

TSO \u003d B 1 + B 2 + B 3 + ... + B n ,

where B 1 is the time worked by the first main worker, etc.

For example, in a team of monolithic workers - 20 people. Each of them worked in August for 184 hours on pouring floor slabs (according to timesheets). The actual labor costs for the amount of work or the labor intensity of work on the installation of floor slabs amounted to:

184 h × 20 people = 3680 man-hours

Estimated and normative labor intensity determined according to the State elemental estimated norms for construction work, approved by the Decree of the Gosstroy of Russia in 2001

UESN are used to calculate the need for various resources (labor costs of construction workers, machinists, operating time of construction machines and mechanisms, material resources) when performing construction and installation works and for drawing up on their basis cost estimates (estimates) for the performance of these works by resource and resource-index methods.

In our example, the estimated and normative labor intensity consists of the sum of labor costs for positions 43, 44, 52, 54, 56, 58 gr. 15 estimates and is 2696 man-hours.

Let's determine how much higher the actual labor costs are than the estimated normative:

3360 man-hours - 2696 man-hours = 664 man-hours

Now let's figure out what the reason is, and try to eliminate it.

It would seem that it is easy to calculate the actual labor input and carry out its elementary analysis. However, not all so simple. And first of all, because from the available documents (acceptance certificate for construction and installation work and estimate certificate) it is impossible to single out either the volume or labor intensity of work in progress of past periods completed and executed by an acceptance certificate in the reporting period. That is, the above calculation of the actual labor intensity may be completely wrong if at the beginning of the reporting period there was a “work in progress”.

How to solve this problem?

Construction site managers are required to keep production logs and note in them the date of commencement of the work stage. In addition, the logs should keep records of the daily performance of the shift task in physical terms in the context of the work performed with distribution to the site personnel (who, when and where did what work).

Thus, on the basis of the log data, it is possible to determine the actual complexity of performing a particular stage of work. The period of work performance before the date of acceptance and closing, taking into account the "incompletion" of previous periods, must be indicated in the internal act of acceptance of construction and installation works:

Thus, the calculation and analysis of the actual labor intensity of the work will look different.

Actual labor intensity - 4168 man-hours.

The total excess of actual labor costs over estimated and standard labor costs:

4168 man-hours - 2696 man-hours = 1472 man-hours, or 54.5%. This size of deviation requires serious analysis.


Labor costs for the production of work on the installation of floor slabs are more than the estimated and normative labor intensity by 1472 man-hours. This means that the deadline for commissioning the object only due to the increase in labor costs for the construction of floor slabs has moved forward by:

1472 people-h / 20 people = 73.6 hours, i.e. more than 9 average shifts of 8 hours or more than 6 shifts of 12 hours.

Shifted deadlines for the delivery of monolithic works - this is a delay in the performance of masonry, finishing, roofing and installation internal networks home and other jobs. We need to find out the reason.

First of all, the operation of the concrete pump and the quality of the concrete mix can affect the magnitude of the labor intensity of monolithic works, in particular:

1. The composition of the concrete mixture.

2. Diameter of the concrete pipe.

3. Operational power of the concrete pump.

4. The length of the concrete pipeline, the floor of the object under construction.

5. Weather conditions (low air temperature).

6. Concrete pumping system.

7. The number of bends in the pipes of the concrete pipeline.

8. Quality of installation of all concrete pump systems.

9. Violation of the operating conditions of the concrete pump.

The reason for the increase in labor intensity may also be longer than the estimated standards, the necessary technological breaks: the beginning and end of the shift, breaks in the delivery of concrete, lifting and transferring reinforcement to the place of laying, checking and cleaning the formwork, etc. This is where timing data and photos of the working day of the site of monolithic works.

If the reason for technological breaks is recognized as objective, and their duration is justified, this should be taken into account when analyzing labor intensity.

The reason for the increase in the complexity of all types of construction and installation works can be:

Low qualification of workers and engineers;

Inefficient system of labor motivation;

Low level of labor and production discipline of workers at the construction site;

  • downtime caused by lack of materials due to malfunction of machines and mechanisms, irregular work of the supply department;
  • poor organization of construction and installation works, lack of effective planning and control;
  • staff turnover;
  • lack of elementary mechanization of construction works or its low level (the main workers at the facility must be provided with modern mechanized construction tools);
  • weather conditions (low air temperature significantly slows down the pace of construction);
  • weak technical equipment and the use of outdated technologies.

Using this method calculating the labor intensity of work, it may be difficult to attribute the data on the worked man-hours recorded by the time sheet of the site to one or another act of acceptance of work performed, if several acts are closed for the site per month and the work performed of a different nature is carried out during the month almost in parallel .

In order not to complicate the task and not to carry out unnecessary calculations, it is possible to analyze the amount of labor intensity of work for several acts of acceptance of completed construction and installation works for the reporting period.

Working out

One of the most important indicators labor productivity in construction is production- completed for a certain period (hour, day, month, quarter, year) the volume of construction and installation work per one main worker. This is the most common and universal indicator of labor productivity.

Production in construction can be determined in physical and cost terms. In practice, to analyze labor productivity, the most commonly used indicator is production in value terms, based on the total volume of construction and installation works according to the estimate-act of acceptance of work performed.

In general, according to the results of the work of the site and the construction object, the output is determined by the sum of all acts of acceptance of the work performed.

To determine the output per worker or per man-hour in value terms, it is necessary to divide the volume of construction and installation work by the number of key personnel who performed these works, or by the number of man-hours worked.

By using comparative analysis normative and actual performance indicators, you can determine how productively a particular section or team worked, find out the reasons for low labor productivity and take measures to reduce construction time.

Consider an example of calculating planned and actual output and the procedure for its analysis.

Standard yield calculation formula:

V \u003d O / H sr / cn,

where B is the output;

O - the amount of work performed;

H sr / cn - average number.

That is, to calculate the output per employee, you need to know the number of employees. The standard formula for calculating the output includes the average headcount, by which the volume of completed construction and installation work should be divided.

However, one of the features of construction is a high level of staff turnover due to difficult working conditions and low wages.

In addition, if construction company builds several objects at the same time, it can "transfer" workers from one object to another (to meet deadlines).

It is necessary to take into account frequent absenteeism, drunkenness, injuries - all this is far from uncommon in our construction.

Therefore, the calculation of output, taking into account average headcount construction sites and the construction organization as a whole will not give the correct result.

How to correctly determine output?

In any construction organization, the output of workers should be taken into account in the time sheets and in production journals. Based on these data, it is possible to compile a daily summary of the output of construction workers to construction sites in the context of construction sites. And when calculating the number to determine the output, use the average daily number of workers.

Consider the differences in the results of calculating the average payroll and average daily headcount in a construction organization.

The average headcount is calculated as follows:

H cf / cn = (Number at the beginning of the period + Number at the end of the period) / 2.

Calculation of the average number - in table. 1-3.

Table 1

Calculation of the average headcount for sites and facilities as of 08/01/2016

Day of the month


Finishing area

Site of masonry works

Area of ​​low current works

Plumbing area

Glass installation area

Site of monolithic works

table 2

Number as of 31.08.2016

Day of the month

Site name

Finishing area

Site of masonry works

Electrical work site

Area of ​​low current works

Electrical repair area

Area of ​​special works and gas cutting

Plumbing area

Site for installation of ventilation and air conditioning systems

Site of installation and fabrication of metal structures

Glass installation area

Site of monolithic works

Total man-days worked in all areas at two sites

Table 3

Average headcount


Site name

Average headcount for August

Finishing area

Site of masonry works

Electrical work site

Area of ​​low current works

Electrical repair area

Area of ​​special works and gas cutting

Plumbing area

Site for installation of ventilation and air conditioning systems

Site of installation and fabrication of metal structures

Glass installation area

Site of monolithic works

Total man-days worked in all areas at two sites

Table 4

Calculation of the average daily population


Site name

Total average daily population for two objects

In total, the average daily number of the object on the street. Zhuravleva, 46

In total, the average daily number of the object on the street. Pankrashchenko, 44

Finishing area

Site of masonry works

Electrical work site

Area of ​​low current works

Electrical repair area

Area of ​​special works and gas cutting

Plumbing area

Site for installation of ventilation and air conditioning systems

Site of installation and fabrication of metal structures

Glass installation area

Site of monolithic works

Total man-days worked in all areas at two sites

Table 5

Deviation of the actual average daily number from the average number


Site name

Deviation for two objects

Deviation on the object on the street. Zhuravleva, 46

Deviation on the object on the street. Pankrashchenko, 44

Finishing area

Site of masonry works

Electrical work site

Area of ​​low current works

Electrical repair area

Area of ​​special works and gas cutting

Plumbing area

Site for installation of ventilation and air conditioning systems

Site of installation and fabrication of metal structures

Glass installation area

Site of monolithic works

Total Deviation


The average number of the construction organization in August is more than the estimated average daily number of actual output by 34 people. This suggests that the calculation of output by the average headcount will be incorrect.

Let us calculate the actual and estimated normative output per one operating section of monolithic works according to the number of actual output and the estimate-act of completed monolithic works on the facility at Pankrashchenko Street, 44 per month.

Actual output = 3,045,206.8 rubles. / 17 people = 17,913.34 rubles/person

Let's define the estimated-normative output (B norms) per hour:

In norms \u003d TZO norms / P months,

where П months is the duration of the period in hours.

Normal = 2696 person-hours / 184 hours = 14.65 people.

184 hours - working time standard in August 2016

Hence B norms per month = 3,045,206.8 rubles. / 14.65 people = 20,786.8 rubles/person

So, the actual output for the month is lower than the estimated normative by 2873.46 rubles per person, or by 13.8%. Possible reasons for this situation are listed above.


When calculating actual output, work in progress of the previous period closed in the reporting month may not be taken into account. Such an analysis will not reveal a discrepancy between the estimated normative and actual output per one worker based on the average payroll or average daily number for the full period of work, taking into account the "incompletion".

In this case, the output per person per day should be calculated, since the number of days in the presence of work in progress at the beginning of the reporting period and their closure in the reporting period will be greater than if there was no work in progress.

First, we determine the actual output per worker per day:

RUB 3,045,206.8 / 17 people / 31 working days (from July 22, 2016 to August 31, 2016) = 5778.38 rubles / person in a day.

Normative production per day:

RUB 3,045,206.8 / 14.65 people / 23 working days in August 2016 = 9037.56 rubles / person in a day.

As you can see, the actual output is one man-day lower than the estimated normative by 3259.18 rubles / person, or 36%.

To control labor productivity, you can calculate the actual (In h / fact) and standard (In h / norms) output per person-hour:

In h / fact \u003d O / TSO fact,

In h / norms \u003d O / TZO norms.

This indicator will be correct if there are work in progress at the beginning of the reporting month, included in the act of completion of the reporting month.

In our example:

RF / fact = 3,045,206.8 rubles. / 4168 person-hours = 730.62 rubles / person-hours

HF / norms = 3,045,206.8 rubles. / 2696 person-hours = 1129.53 rubles / person-hours

As you can see, the actual output per man-hour is lower than the estimated normative by 398.91 rubles / person, or by 35.3%, i.e., more than a third.

The discrepancy between the actual production and the estimated and normative one indicates a high probability that the deadlines for putting the facility into operation will be disrupted, unless, of course, timely effective measures are taken to increase labor productivity.


Calculations have shown that to control labor productivity in construction, it is advisable to use three indicators:

  • labor intensity of work in man-hours (actual and estimated-normative indicators are compared and in dynamics);
  • output per person per day (actual and estimated-normative indicators are compared and in dynamics);
  • output per man-hour (actual and estimated-normative indicators are compared in dynamics).

Missed deadlines for commissioning an object can be fraught with a significant increase in the cost of maintaining the object (lighting, heating, security, remuneration of management and other personnel, interest on loans, etc.). In addition, long-term construction has a negative impact on the image of the enterprise.

To comply with construction schedules and calendar plans, it is necessary to identify weak links in time in common process construction. A good tool for solving this problem is the control of labor productivity, but only on condition that all indicators are calculated correctly.

L. I. Kiyutsen,
Head of PEO LLC "Corporation Mayak"