Criteria for assessing the level of unification of products. Indicators of standardization and unification. The procedure for submitting design documentation for examination

  • 04.05.2020

The level of unification and standardization of products is understood as their saturation, respectively, with unified and standard parts (parts, assemblies).

1. Applicability factor:

Where n is the total number of standard sizes of parts in the product;

n 0 is the number of sizes of original parts, i.e. parts developed for the first time for this product.

The applicability factor can be calculated:

  • 1) according to the standard sizes of parts (formula 2.1);
  • 2) by assembly units (in formula (2.1) instead of n and n 0 there will be a total number and a number of original assembly units in the product);
  • 3) in terms of labor intensity, weight, cost, number of parts (the approach is similar, based on formula 2.1).
  • 2. Coefficient of inter-project (mutual) unification, Kmu, %:

where H is the number of products (projectors) under consideration;

n i - the number of standard sizes of assembly units (parts) in the i-th product;

Q - number of sizes i=1 assembly units in N products;

g i the number of varieties of standard sizes of one item in the j-th assembly unit;

Q is the number of standard sizes of components that make up a group of H products;

n max - the maximum number of standard sizes of assembly units of one product (project).

3. The coefficient of repeatability of the components in the total number of components of the product Kp,%:

where N is the total number of all components of the product;

n is the total number of sizes of original components (parts and assembly units).

When calculating the given coefficients, fasteners, connection parts, keys, gaskets, light bulbs and other similar parts are not taken into account.

The optimal level of unification of standardization is determined by the comparative cost of several options for manufacturing a product.

International Organization for Standardization (ISO)

Determination of the optimal level of unification and standardization



Lecture plan:

Unification according to the definition given by the ISO/STACO committee, is a form of standardization that consists in combining one, two or more documents ( specifications) in one such that the products regulated by this document can be interchanged when used.

Unification (from lat. unio - unity and facare - to do, i.e. bringing something to uniformity, to a single form or system) is bringing objects of the same functional purpose to uniformity (for example, to an optimal design) according to an established feature and rational reduction of the number of these objects on the basis of data on their effective applicability.

At the basis of the unification of the series of parts, assemblies, assemblies, machines and

devices lies their constructive similarity, which is determined

the commonality of the work process, the working conditions of products, i.e. the commonality of operational requirements.

There are the following types of unification: standard-size, intra-size and inter-type.

Standard unification used in products of the same functional purpose, differing from each other in the numerical value of the main parameter.

Intratype unification is carried out in products of the same functional purpose, having the same numerical value of the main parameter, but differing in the design of the components.

Intertype unification carried out in products of various types and designs (for example, the unification of longitudinal milling, planing, grinding machines among themselves).

Work on unification can be carried out at the following levels: factory, sectoral, intersectoral and international.

The level of unification of products or their components is determined using a system of indicators, of which the applicability coefficient at the level of standard sizes, calculated as a percentage, is mandatory:

where n is the total number of standard sizes of products;

n o - the number of original standard sizes.

The use of unification can significantly reduce the amount of design work and reduce the design time; reduce the time for preparation of production and development of release new products; increase the volume of output through specialization, as well as the quality of products.

However, unification, accompanied by certain costs, requires business case. Unjustifiably carried out unification can have a negative effect, in particular, when it is necessary to use the nearest large unified parts that cause an increase in the mass, dimensions and labor intensity of manufacturing machines that are unjustified by operational conditions.

To optimize unification means to standardize such designs and their size ranges, in which the total efficiency in the field of production and operation would be greatest.

Figure 3 shows the dependence of the economic effect on the type of production. Curve 1 characterizes the change in the economic effect depending on the reduction in standard sizes of products and, consequently, the increase in the volume of output, i.e., the specialization of production. Curve 2 characterizes the costs associated with unification.

The most important factor technological progress in the world is international standardization, which allows you to link and systematize the requirements of world trade and the interests of consumers, to promote the most full use productive forces.

For the successful implementation of trade, economic, scientific and technical cooperation various countries international standardization is of paramount importance, since differences in national standards for the same products offered on the world market are a barrier to the development of international trade.

Scientific and technical cooperation in the field of standardization is aimed at harmonizing the national standardization system with international, regional and progressive national systems standardization.

Both industrially developed countries and developing countries that create their own national economy are interested in the development of international standardization.

Figure 3 - Dependence of the economic effect on the type of production

Curve 3 characterizes the total economical effect obtained by improving the quality of products and the efficiency of their production. In the AB section, the efficiency is not high, and the costs associated with unification are very low. In the BV section, the total efficiency increases sharply and reaches a maximum at point C. Further reduction in type and increase in series

This manual contains all the necessary questions in a short form, which will allow you to quickly and successfully prepare for the exam or test in the discipline "Quality Management". Tutorial developed on the basis of the national educational standard and is intended for students of economic specialties.


- indicators that reflect the degree of use of standard, unified and unique components in the product.

Indicators of standardization and unification characterize the saturation of the product with standard, unified elements, which are its components, assemblies, structures, devices, assemblies, kits and complexes.

The indicators of standardization and unification include:

1) coefficient of applicability;

2) the coefficient of repeatability of the component parts of the product;

3) coefficient of unification of the product or products;

4) coefficient of new original design;

5) serialization coefficient;

6) coefficient economic efficiency object standardization;

7) coefficient of interproject unification of product design kits.

In addition to the selected indicators, the repeatability and unification coefficients are also calculated and studied. by structural components: heat treatment, dimensions, radii, diameters, power, thread, chamfer, materials, spraying, painting and other components.

The optimal level of unification is established on the basis of economic calculations that take into account the costs of the phases life cycle products. Thus, the optimal level of unification is assigned based on the calculation of production and operating costs.

With an increase in the level of unification, the costs in the field of production decrease, and in the field of operation, on the contrary, they increase, since one and the same unified object has to be used in different conditions, sometimes with its underload.

Therefore, the optimal level of unification is set on the basis of total costs. This concept is applicable to products of large-scale and mass production, for which part of the costs in the field of production is small, the level of unification is assigned according to a single factor - the size of the cumulative beneficial effect of the product per unit of total costs for its life cycle.

Based on the results of studying the impact of the level of product unification on some technical and economic coefficients, one can only draw partial conclusions and find margins for improving these coefficients, provided that other indicators (quality, consumer costs) do not deteriorate.

Standardization and unification provide for an expedient reduction in the number of standard sizes of elements in designed and manufactured products.

Product quality can be assessed as a measurement of properties. AT modern science and practice, quality indicators are defined as quantification properties of goods. Properties of goods (items) have a wide classification into groups:

1) reliability indicators;

2) manufacturability indicators;

3) indicators of standardization and unification;

4) indicators of transportability;

5) environmental indicators.

The main work performed during standardization: systematization of objects, phenomena or concepts; coding and classification of technical and economic information; unification and simplification of parts, assembly units, assemblies, assemblies, machines, devices; typification of structures, products and technological processes; aggregation of machines and other products.

Systematization objects, phenomena or concepts aims to arrange them in a certain order and sequence, forming a clear system that is convenient for use. When systematizing, the relationship of objects is taken into account. The simplest form of systematization is the alphabetical arrangement of objects. Ordinal numbering of systematized objects or their arrangement in chronological order is also used (Gosstandart of Russia registers GOSTs in numerical order, after which the year of its approval or revision is indicated in each standard).

Computer technology works with information presented only in coded form, in the form of a combination of various numbers, letters. Coding information requires mandatory systematization and classification. Coding is the formation according to certain rules and the assignment of codes to an object or group of objects, which makes it possible to replace the names of these objects with signs (symbols). With the help of codes, identification of objects is ensured with the help of a minimum number of characters. Unification - this is the reduction of objects of the same functional purpose to uniformity (for example, to the optimal design) according to the established feature and a rational reduction in the number of these objects based on data on their effective applicability. During unification, the minimum necessary, but sufficient, number of types, types, assembly units and parts with high quality indicators and complete interchangeability is established. Unification helps to identify individual samples, the prototypes of which in various sizes and parametric options are used in many products. In the process of development of unification, two main directions are determined: restrictive and layout. The restrictive direction is characterized by an analysis of the range of manufactured products and its limitation to the minimum required range of standard sizes of products and their elements. The layout direction is characterized by analyzing the needs and identifying the range of products needed by the national economy. According to the content, unification is divided into:

intradimensional, when unification covers all varieties (modifications) of a certain machine, both in relation to its basic model and in relation to modifications of this model; interdimensional, when not only modifications of one basic model are unified, but also basic models of machines different sizes given parametric series; intertype, when unification extends to machines of different types included in different parametric series. Unification can be carried out at the factory, industry and intersectoral levels. The restrictive direction of unification is called simplification. Simplification - form of standardization, the purpose of which is to reduce the number of types or other varieties of products to a number sufficient to satisfy existing in given time needs. Typing product designs - development and establishment of standard designs containing design parameters, common for products, assembly units and parts. When typing, not only analyze the already existing types and sizes of products, their components, but also develop new, promising, taking into account the achievements of science and technology and the development of industry. Typification of technological processes - development and establishment of a process for the production of parts of the same type or assembly of the same type of components or products of a particular classification group. Aggregation - the principle of creating machines, equipment from unified standard units (autonomous assembly units) installed in the product in various numbers and combinations. These units must be fully interchangeable in all performance indicators and dimensions. The selection of aggregates is carried out on the basis of a kinematic analysis of machines and their components, taking into account their use in other machines. At the same time, they strive to create the maximum number of equipment layouts from the minimum number of standard sizes of autonomous units. Determination of the optimal level of unification and standardization It is beneficial for manufacturers to have a more sparse range of products, which makes it possible to reduce the cost of mastering production and reduce the range of tooling. For consumers, a dense row is more beneficial, allowing optimal use of their own resources (space, energy, expendable materials etc.)).

The criterion for choosing the compared rows is the minimum cost of manufacturing and operating the product. Comprehensive standardization makes it possible to ensure the technical and economic efficiency of a group of objects as a whole, and depends on the solution of the problem of its optimal limitation. Insufficient coverage of the elements of complex standardization and their indicators by normative and technical documentation will not lead to the desired result. Too deep coverage is economically unprofitable, since, starting from a certain maximum, further expansion of the boundaries of standardization sharply increases the cost of standardization work, but has little effect on the quality level of standardization objects.

The question of the optimal constraint must be decided on a case-by-case basis.



Price 5 kop.

RD 50-33-80



Instead of RD 33-74


Approved by the Decree of the State Standard of January 30, 1980 No. 488 The introduction period is set from January 1, 1981.

These guidelines establish a system of indicators for the level of unification and standardization of products and the procedure for their calculation.

Guidelines apply to products of mechanical engineering, instrumentation and other industries National economy, except for products developed on orders or in support of orders from the USSR Ministry of Defense.

On the basis of these guidelines, the ministries (departments), if necessary, develop sectoral regulatory and technical documents that take into account the specific features of the products of the industry or group of industries.

Industry normative and technical documents must be coordinated with the USSR State Committee for Standards (Gosstandart).


1.1. The unification of products is understood as bringing products to uniformity on the basis of establishing a rational number of their varieties.

1.2. Under the level of unification of the product is understood the saturation of the product with unified components.

Note. Any product (part, assembly unit, complex, kit) can be an integral part - according to GOST 2.101-68.

Reissue. April 1982

© Standards Publishing, 1982

A unified component of a given group of products is called interchangeable components of two or more products of a given group or complex.

1.3. Under the level of standardization of the product is understood the saturation of the product with standard components.

The standard includes components manufactured according to state and industry standards, to which there is a reference in the specification of design documentation.

1.4. The level of unification and standardization of products or their components is determined using a system of indicators:

coefficient of applicability Ksh>;

repeatability coefficient /C p;

coefficient of interproject (mutual) unification Km y-

1.5. To assess the level of unification and standardization of a particular product, the applicability coefficient and the repeatability coefficient are used.

1.6. To assess the level of unification of a group of products, the coefficient of inter-project (mutual) unification is used.


2.1. The applicability coefficient is defined as the ratio of the number of standard sizes of component parts in the product (without original ones) to the total number of standard sizes of component parts in the product in percent. This coefficient characterizes the level of structural continuity of the components in the product being developed and is calculated by the formula

A "n" \u003d 100%. (1)

where n is the total number of sizes of components in the product;

n 0 - the number of original sizes of components in the product.

Product size refers to a product of this type and executions with certain parameter values ​​(the number of standard sizes corresponds to the number of component parts in the design documentation specification).

Original parts include components developed for the first time for this product.

Note. As a rule, the applicability factor is calculated by the number of standard sizes. By agreement between the customer and the developer, the applicability coefficient can additionally be calculated by components (in pieces), cost, weight and labor intensity. As the cost of these component parts of the product manufactured at this enterprise, the factory cost is used, and for purchased components - from the taste price.

When calculating / (prPO for standard components, instead of l-l 0, the total number of sizes of standard components is substituted

2.2. The repeatability coefficient is defined as the ratio of the repeating components of the product to the total number of components of the product (the saturation of the product with repeating components) as a percentage. This coefficient characterizes the level of intra-project unification of the product and the interchangeability of components within this product and is calculated by the formula

Kp = -100%, (2)

where N is the total number of components in the product.

Note. If it is necessary to determine the average repeatability of the components in the product, use the formula


2.3. The coefficient of inter-project (mutual) unification is defined as the ratio of the number of standard sizes of components reduced due to mutual unification to the maximum possible reduction in the number of standard sizes of components of a group of jointly manufactured or operated products in percent, calculated by the formula

the total number of considered projects (products);

number of standard sizes of components in t-th project(product);

the maximum number of standard sizes of components of one project (product);

total number of standard sizes of components,

used in a group of H projects (products); number of standard sizes of the /-th item;

the total number of items of components of the considered projects (products).

In the case when the total number of items of the components of the projects (products) under consideration is more than l haag, the calculation is made according to the formula

An example of calculating the coefficient of interproject unification is given in reference Appendix 1.

2.4. To carry out calculations, the level of unification and standardization is indicative, the developer, in agreement with the customer, selects one or more levels of calculation. The calculation is carried out at the level of parts or assembly units 1.

2.5. Based on the product specification (GOST 2.102-68) and the specifications of the components, the product is divided into components at the selected level (parts or assembly units).

2.6. When determining indicators of the level of unification and standardization, the calculation does not include parts according to the recommended Appendix 2 and parts that are not included in the component parts of the product at the accepted level of calculation. For these parts, indicators of the level of unification and standardization are calculated separately using the same formulas as for the component parts of products at the selected calculation level.

2.7. Based on the data in the table (reference appendix 3), formulas (1), (2), (3) calculate the coefficients of applicability and repeatability (reference appendix 4).

2.8. At the stage of developing a sketch and technical projects when there is no product specification, the unification level indicators are calculated approximately based on the results of consideration of design documents for the product - according to GOST 2.119-73 and GOST 2.120-73.

2.9. The results of calculations of indicators of the level of unification with justification are included in the design documentation (explanatory note - in accordance with GOST 2.106-68, a map of the technical level and product quality - in accordance with GOST 2.116-71).

The initial data and the calculation of indicators of the level of unification of products are included in the calculation materials (PP) - according to GOST 2.102-68.

2.10. When upgrading products, the calculation of indicators of the level of unification is carried out only for those components (assemblies, assemblies), the modernization of which is provided terms of reference, and if necessary - for the product as a whole.

1 The list is specified and specified by the developer in agreement with the customer in relation to the specifics of industry products.

APPENDIX I Informative


Name of components (assemblies). P7

car models

Number of standard sizes of components of one name


Clutch l short gear

Cardan ox main

gimbal ear. to the middle bridge

Cardan shaft x front axle

Front air bridge

Drive axle middle

Drive axle la.thya

central gearbox

Wheel gear

front axle

Front suspension

Rear suspension

Front hub

Stupina faded

Steering gear

Power steering

Wheel brakes

Parking brakes

Electrical equipment doses for; ‘.a


Note. The signs "-(-" and "O" denote the same standard sizes of components of the same name used in various models car. The sign "A" denotes different sizes of components of the same vehicle name. The “-” sign indicates the absence of this component in this car model.

The coefficient of interproject unification of eight car models is calculated by the formula (4):

2 П|_ 2‘ 71

i=i-±i-.100%= -y--- 100% =74.5%.


1. Fasteners (bolts and screws of all kinds, studs, rivets, pins, cotter pins, gougons, dowels, pins, screws and nails).

2. Plugs and plugs.

3. Details of the connection of pipelines and fittings (couplings, nipples, union nuts, adapter pipes, tubes).

4. Ganks of various types; adjusting, lining and threaded rings; washers for metal and wood of all kinds.

5. Dowels of all kinds.

6. Hooks, pendants, ears, eye bolts.

7. Wiring parts (petals, lugs, cable cleats), wire lugs, jumpers, light bulbs.

8. Gaskets, overlays, slats, plates, shells, bosses, seals, rivetings, seals.

9. Fitting and assembly tools and accessories (screwdrivers, wrenches, punches, hammers, oilers).

10. Parts produced without drawings in accordance with GOST 2.109-73.

11. Details of containers and packaging.

12. Rings adjusting, adjusting, lining.

APPENDIX 3 Reference


Unification level indicators

APPENDIX 4 Reference


Number of standard sizes, units

Number of parts, pcs.

Stogmost parts, rub.


unification levels



Engine Power system

Release system

gas supply Cooling system



86-66 110-08 79-47

cardanium shaft

Front axle Rear axle