Short-term weekly project migratory birds senior group. Project for children of the senior group "Migratory birds" project (senior group) on the topic. Project "Migratory Birds"

  • 11.05.2020

Theme of the project

" Migratory birds"

Objective of the project: generalize children's knowledge about migratory birds, their way of life and distinctive features, consolidate knowledge about nature, cultivate curiosity.

Project objectives:

Physical line of development

  1. To promote the development of rhythmic motor skills in children.
  2. Develop fine motor skills.
  3. Improve coordination of movements.

Socio-moral line of development

  1. Encourage activity, desire to participate in common work to follow the rules of conduct.
  2. To develop the ability to carry out elementary actions of self-control and mutual assessment.

Emotional-value line of development

  1. Cultivate an emotionally positive attitude towards the surrounding reality.

Cognitive line of development

  1. To promote the development of cognitive activity and the formation of a desire to expand their horizons with knowledge about birds.

speech development line

  1. Contribute to the activation of the dictionary (fix the names of birds, their features and quality characteristics; improve understanding of the semantic side of speech; learn to select words with opposite and similar meanings).
  2. Develop understanding and use of grammatical means in speech (learn to use spatial prepositions - in, above, under, from; teach different ways of word formation using suffixes, by merging two words).
  3. Develop coherent speech (to form the skills of compiling a descriptive story; to teach children different types of statements with reasoning components; to consolidate the ability to convey the intonation completeness of a sentence, to correctly convey the intonation of a question; to improve the expressiveness of speech)

Artistic and aesthetic line of development

  1. Cultivate interest in folk art.

Creative development line

  1. In order to develop mental abilities to form the ability to ask questions.

Predicted result:This project will allow children to develop a cognitive interest in the life of birds, to cultivate a caring attitude towards feathered friends.

Project duration: 17 days

Project participants: children senior group, educators, parents.

Project Implementation Plan:

Stage 1 - motivational (2 days)

Stage 2 - informational (4 days)

Stage 3 - reproductive (4 days)

Stage 4 - final (3 days)

Stage 5 - creative (3 days)

Stage 6 - reflective-evaluating (1 day)

First stage (motivational)

You can do anything, you just have to want to.

Tasks of the teacher at the stage:

- To create motivation that contributes to the transformation of the pedagogical task into the desire of children to explore and create, as well as the internal activity of children.

Specify your pedagogical tasks for the period of project implementation, taking into account individual characteristics each child in the group.




To give knowledge about how this holiday is celebrated in the world. To expand children's understanding of birds, to consolidate the characteristic features of wintering and migratory birds. To form the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships between phenomena occurring in nature. To promote the development of cognitive activity and the formation of a desire to expand their horizons with knowledge about birds.

bird watching

To learn to notice the changes taking place in nature, to establish the relationship between animate and inanimate nature, to note what changes have occurred in the life of birds.

A. Tolstoy "Magpie"


"Starlings - well done",

"Polite Jackdaw"

Cultivate interest in works of art, form the ability to receive necessary knowledge from the content of works of art.

Practical activities

"We meet birds - we treat them with delicious food."

Cultivate a caring attitude towards feathered friends, a desire to help them.

Organize an exhibition of books about birds together with children and parents.

To cultivate interest in works of art, to form a desire to obtain the necessary knowledge about birds from books.



Working with parents:

Preliminary joint work on the manufacture of feeders and birdhouses;

Introduce parents to the beginning of a new topic;

Place in the parent's corner the information "Introducing children to migratory birds"

To give children the knowledge that on International Bird Day, adults and children hang houses and feeders for birds that return home from warm countries;

Develop interest in doing a common thing with parents.

To educate ecological consciousness and ecological behavior in nature, an emotionally positive attitude towards the surrounding reality.

Second stage (informational)

Don't say "I can't", but say "I will".

Tasks of the teacher at the stage:

- To promote the development in children of the desire to learn new things;

To form in children the ability to learn, the desire to support all the undertakings and suggestions of the educator;

Develop cognitive interest, creative abilities of children.



Thematic lesson

"Migratory birds"

To clarify and expand children's knowledge about migratory birds, about their habits, lifestyle and distinctive features, to cultivate curiosity, a desire to learn new, interesting things.

Reading fiction:

V. Sukhomlinsky "Rook has arrived";

V. Bondarenko "The crane has returned";

L. Poltava "Where our birds live"

I. Bondarchuk "Birdhouse";

K. Perelesnaya "Swallow";

Learning proverbs, sayings, riddles about birds.

To cultivate a cognitive interest in works of art, to consolidate the ability to listen carefully to a work, to analyze the content.

Excursion-search for birds in nature

Studying the conditions and lifestyle of birds, observing the ways of movement, feeding; listening to birdsong, the formation of the ability to distinguish the voices of birds.

Conversation "Meet migratory birds"

Deepen children's knowledge of nature native land, about migratory birds, to acquaint children with the traditions and customs of the Ukrainian people associated with birds.

Music lessons:

Learning Ukrainian. folk song

“Oh, at the cherry orchard”, songs “Turn around, lastivko” (music by V Vermenich, lyrics by M. Sigaivsky),

songs "Zozulenka" (music and lyrics by N.Veresokina);

Learning the song-dance "Oh, the little zozulenka flew", music game"Starling";

Listening to the romance of the composer A. Alyabyev "The Lark".

To form in children an interest in musical creativity, to develop a positive emotional response to various types of musical activity.

Develop movement patterns.



To introduce the distinctive features of the song of the following birds (swallow, rook, starling, nightingale, cuckoo, lark). To form the desire and ability to distinguish birds by voice.

Didactic games:

“Who lives where?”, “Guess the bird”, “Who eats what?”, “Find a chick”, “Whose nest?”, “Guess by voice”, “Who needs our care?”.

To consolidate knowledge about migratory birds, their way of life and distinctive features, to explain their dependence on natural conditions, people. Cultivate a caring attitude towards birds.

Excursion through the pages of the photo album "Migratory Birds"

To develop in children a cognitive interest in the lifestyle of migratory birds.

Memorizing poems about birds.

To form in children the ability to convey the characteristic features of birds in poetic form, to cultivate interest in the artistic word.


To acquaint children with the rules of behavior with the birds of the immediate environment, explain the insecurity of communicating with unfamiliar and sick birds.

Working with parents:

Offer parents an informational consultation "Meet migratory birds"

Ensuring continuity in the presentation and consolidation of knowledge about migratory birds in children.

Third stage (reproductive)

It's easy, you can do it! Anyone who is confident in himself, in his abilities, can do a lot for himself and for people.

Tasks of the teacher at the stage:

Help each child to try their abilities, comparing them with desires;

To evoke a sense of self-confidence, the ability to accept the results of children's activities with joy and pride;

Create conditions under which children have a desire to be creative;

Track the dynamics of the development of each child in comparison with his personal previous achievements.



Compilation of descriptive stories about birds.

To consolidate the ability of children to compose descriptive stories about birds (appearance, distinctive features, what they eat, where they live, what nests they build, how they take care of their offspring, what song they sing, features of interaction with a person); develop coherent speech, enrich vocabulary.

Didactic games:

Sort the birds according to their habitat;

Recognize the bird by description;

Name the chicks.

Consolidate children's knowledge about birds.



Paper construction "Rooks have arrived"

Develop paper design skills.

Learn to follow the sequence of crafts proposed in the scheme.

Learn to decorate crafts, "revive" it with the help of drawing or appliqué.

Develop an interest in the art of origami.

Making little books

"Birds are our friends"

Learn to reflect familiar information about migratory birds in the content of baby books, arrange it colorfully, in an attractive way.

Bird drawing.

Learn to convey characteristic features in a drawing appearance birds.

Modeling larks from salt dough.

Involve children in folk traditions and customs.

Outdoor games:

"Birds" - children walk around the feeder, and scatter on a signal.

"Frogs and herons" - jumping and walking with high knees.

"Sparrows and a hawk" - on the type of "Cat and Mice".

"The sparrow flew, the sparrow flew" is a folk game.

Develop imagery of movements, form interest in physical activity.

Musical game "Bird Melody"

To teach children to select the sound of different musical instruments to the image of a particular bird.

Production of wall newspapers:

- "International Bird Day"

- "That's interesting to know!" (unusual facts from the life of migratory birds),

- "How we met the birds" (photo report)

To teach children to apply their knowledge in compiling various types of newspapers.

Experimental activity.

Collect a collection of bird houses. Collect with the children the materials from which they are made.

To form cognitive activity in children.


Hang feeders on trees growing around the kindergarten. Pour food, crumbs, grains into the feeders.

To cultivate a careful and caring attitude towards birds, a desire to help them.

Working with parents.

Offer to make a booklet or presentation about migratory birds with your child

Develop interest in doing a common thing with parents. Ensuring continuity in consolidating knowledge of migratory birds in children.

The fourth stage (generalization, analysis and systematization of knowledge)

No one is born wise, but learned.

Tasks of the teacher at the stage:

  • Find out if there have been changes in the development of each pupil;
  • Summarize and systematize the skills and abilities acquired by children during the previous stages.



Quiz game "What do we know about birds."

Clarify and generalize in children knowledge about migratory birds, their seasonal behavior.

Evening of riddles "Our feathered friends".

Clarify and generalize children's knowledge about migratory birds,

Didactic games:

"Disassemble the Birds"

"The fourth extra" (which bird is extra?)

“Who eats what? » (pick up food)

"Find Your Band"

To consolidate the ability to classify birds as migratory, wintering. Learn to compare and generalize.

Solving crossword puzzles with children about migratory birds.

To consolidate children's knowledge of the names of birds, the features of their appearance.

Independent artistic activity. Drawing on the theme "My favorite bird"

To consolidate the ability to convey in the drawing the image of a bird, its characteristic features.

Musical didactic game

Strengthen the ability to distinguish birds by voice.

Dramatization for children younger and middle groups“I am friends with birds, and I will tell about them.”

To consolidate the ability of children to transfer their knowledge of migratory birds in theatrical activities.

Didactic exercise "Know the bird."

To consolidate in children the ability to guess the bird with the help of questions.

Game-journey "Visiting the birds"

To consolidate children's knowledge about birds, their lifestyle and distinctive features,

Fifth stage (creative)

Do not be afraid to dream, fantasize and create!

Tasks of the teacher at the stage:

  • Believe in the creative potential, abilities of each child;
  • Create favorable atmosphere for their development;
  • Fill the creative process with positive emotions;
  • Use the ideas of children, parents, employees in the work.



"Compilation of creative stories on the topic" My favorite bird ",

"What interesting things do I know about rooks" "One day in the life of a swallow ...",

"This amazing bird is a nightingale" and others.


Learn to apply the knowledge gained about migratory birds in the preparation of creative stories. Develop children's speech activity, creative imagination and fantasy.


Creative images of birds using non-traditional techniques (cereals, fabrics, threads, feathers, clay, dough, thermal mosaics).

Develop creative visual skills when conveying the image of a migratory bird.

Inventing a fairy tale on a theme

"The Unusual Journey of a Swallow". In the work, use the algorithm for creating a fairy tale familiar to children - an adult gradually draws the plot of a fairy tale invented by children.

Develop children's creative imagination.

Involve children in the design of the photo album "Birds are our friends."

To form positive emotions in children when performing creative activities.

Together with the children, develop sketches of bird costumes for the holiday.

To develop in children the desire to show design skills in practical activities.

Making paper birds as a gift for kids.

Develop creative paper design skills while conveying the image of a migratory bird.

Competition for the best reciter of poems about birds.

Develop expressive speech skills, form a positive emotional mood.

Working with parents.

Organize the competition "Best Freeze Frame" (bird photography)

Develop interest in doing a common thing with parents. To create a favorable atmosphere for the development of children's creative abilities.

Stage six (reflexively evaluating)

We notice and rejoice in the success of each.

Tasks of the teacher at the stage:

Learn to characterize both your personal development and the mental, moral development of pupils;

To select for further work the pedagogical methods and techniques that gave the best results.

Themed bird festival.

Clarify children's knowledge of migratory birds, their distinctive features.

To consolidate the ability to recognize birds by size, color, sounds made.

To expand the horizons of children about folk holidays.

Develop coherent speech, contribute to the activation of the dictionary.

Teach children the elements of word creation.

Develop a positive emotional response to various types of speech activity.

Enrich the emotional-sensual sphere.

Project type : information - creative.

Project participants : children of the 12th group, educators, parents.


Every year, within the framework of the UNESCO "Man and the Biosphere" program, the "International Day of Birds" is held. And it is no coincidence that this day is celebrated in April - the month of the mass return of birds from wintering.

In Russia, the holiday has a long tradition. In the old (old style) "Monthly Book" there are such holidays as March 9 - "The Day of the Meeting of Migratory Birds", March 17 - "Gerasim the Rookery", May 6 - "Day of the Swallow", etc.

Information received in the process joint work with parents, allows you to expand and deepen the knowledge of children about birds, serves to form a careful attitude towards birds, the realization that it is necessary to care for birds. It is very important for a child to be able to evaluate human behavior in nature in relation to all animals, to express their opinion on this problem.


  • to form children's ideas about the features of the life of migratory birds;
  • develop cognitive interest in native nature;
  • to cultivate a careful and caring attitude towards birds;
  • encourage and support independent birdwatching.


  • expand and consolidate ideas about the appearance and body parts of migratory birds;
  • expand and consolidate children's ideas about the life of migratory birds in natural conditions and adaptability to their habitat;
  • educate interest in wildlife, develop curiosity;
  • develop artistic and creative activity;
  • to teach to establish causal relationships between changes in natural conditions and the habits of birds.

Types of activities and forms of work

Game activity

Didactic games:

"Who lives where? ”, “Wintering, migratory birds”, “Name what bird”, “Who eats what? "," The fourth extra.

Word games:

“Continue the sentence”, “Which word does not fit?”, “Correct the mistake”.

Cognitive and socio-communicative development

conversations:"What do we know about birds?", « Why migratory birds leave us in autumn ?», « Why do birds fly to warmer climes?

storytelling based on the painting by A. Savrasov "The Rooks Have Arrived".

reading fiction: G. A. Skrebitsky "Rooks" "Winged neighbors", N. Sladkov "Birds brought spring", fairy tales: "The Fox and the Crane", V. Bianchi "Bird Calendar", "What the magpie saw", "Who sings with what" , "Bird Talk", M. Prishvin "Guests".

reading and learning proverbs and sayings about birds.

situational conversations: "What happens if you destroy a bird's nest?",

listening to the singing of different birds,

productive activity


"Rook" (work done with charcoal)

"White swans on the lake" (non-traditional mixed media)

Modeling:"Black Swan"

Stock production of prohibition signs - “Do not destroy bird nests”, “Do not catch birds”, “A car hitting birds is prohibited!” and etc.


paper - "Black Rook" (origami)

from the material of the Lego constructor "Birds"

gurcheva tatiana
Ecological project in the senior group "Migratory birds"

Environmental project« Migratory birds»

Senior group

Compiled: teacher Gurcheva Tatiana

Members project: children senior group(5-6 years old, parents, educators, music director.

By dominant activity: cognitive, playful, creative.

By duration: short term (4 weeks)

Formulation of the problem:

Recently, serious violations of the mechanisms of self-regulation of systems have been increasingly observed on our planet. different levels up to the biosphere. The reasons for this are wasteful, often illiterate. human activities in nature. That's why. In order for a person to think about his attitude to the world around us, we, teachers of preschool educational institutions, must give children knowledge about nature from early childhood, maintain an interest in knowing the world around us, teach them to realize that we have no right to destroy what is created by nature and that, destroying nature we are destroying ourselves.

Behavioral monitoring has shown that not all children know what benefits birds, and also what for birds are harmful and what is useful.

Involvement of preschoolers in ecological culture is impossible without getting to know the culture of your people. Memorizing chants, nursery rhymes, jokes immerses children in the origins of folk culture. But it is through folklore transmitted from generation to generation knowledge about the environment, including nature: they record observations of the characteristic features of the seasons accumulated over the centuries.

Therefore, it was decided to introduce children to migratory birds through connection with Russian folk customs and rituals.

Target project: the formation in children of ideas about the features of life

migratory birds, development of cognitive interest in native nature, education of a careful and caring attitude to birds; development in children of interest in folk culture.

Tasks project:

Expand and consolidate ideas about appearance and lifestyle migratory birds;

Introduce the concepts of flying wedge, "chain", "flock";

Develop the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships, learn to draw conclusions;

Cultivate interest in wildlife, develop observation;

Arouse interest in oral folk art (calls, nursery rhymes, round dance songs, etc.)

Activate joint activities parents and children.

Integration of educational regions: knowledge, communication, reading thin. literature, music, art. creativity, socialization.

Expected Result:

Children will develop knowledge about migratory birds; sustained interest in wildlife;

Knowledge of children n. t. ;

Create a presentation « Migratory birds»

Application of acquired knowledge in productive activity.

Stages project:

1. Organizational.


activities Tasks Implementation timeline

Studying the level of knowledge on the topic Determine the current knowledge of children about migratory birds One week before start project

Selection of methodological literature Methodological support project Within a week before the start project

Selection of fiction project Within a week before the start project

Production and selection of didactic aids on the topic of Provision project visualizations Within a week before the start project

Writing a summary of the GCD Planning for the upcoming work Within a week before the start project

Stage 2. Activity planning.

Di "Name migratory birds» « Birds and chicks» "Oh yeah bird» Activate names in speech migratory birds and their chicks

Reading the stories of D. N. Mamin-Sibiryak "Grey neck", G. Snegirev « birds of our forests» , V. Bianchi "Sinichkin calendar", "Whose nose is better", poetry. Exercise in the use of comparisons, the selection of definitions, synonyms for a given word. Develop expressiveness and beauty of speech.

P / s « nest birds» , "Flock", "Birds in the nest", "Larks" Teaching children to imitate voices birds

Riddles about migratory birds Learn to guess riddles based on description and comparison

Drawing up a story from a picture "The Rooks Have Arrived" A. K. Savrasova To develop coherent speech. Activate vocabulary

Application « Migratory birds» Teaches to portray birds using the application

Exhibition of books on the topic « Migratory birds» with illustrations To form interest in the book.

Conversations about life migratory birds Build knowledge about lifestyle migratory birds

Application unconventional shape keep learning transfer characteristics birds using the application

Learning nursery rhymes, calls, finger games Develop expressiveness of speech, motor skills of hands

Create an album for review with parents « Migratory birds» , create a presentation with the same name Summarize ideas about salient features migratory birds

Stage 3. Final.

Project activity task

demonstration event "They are flying migratory birds» Summarize ideas about characteristic features migratory birds

Exhibition of drawings and applications Present the result of creative activity

Presentation « Migratory birds» Encourage the desire to talk about birds express your feelings and thoughts

Performance evaluation:

During the implementation project« Migratory birds» certain results:

Formed sustainable knowledge about life migratory birds and their significance in nature and human life;

Created interest in oral folk art;

Established partnerships between children and parents.


Age of children: 5-6 years.

Project type: educational and playful.

Project participants:children of the senior group, educators, parents.

Implementation period: from 20.03.14-01.04.14

Project relevance:

Ecological education of preschool children is possible under certain conditions:

Formation of elementary ecological ideas about nature (about animals and plants as living beings, about the unity of the organism and the environment, about the essence of the interaction between man and nature);

Education of a humane-active attitude towards nature, expressed in a careful and caring attitude towards living beings, in the conscious implementation of certain norms of behavior.

The ecological education of preschoolers by means of familiarization with birds was not chosen by chance. As ornithologists testify, the child quickly forms psychological contact with birds, active, attractive, mobile creatures.

Imagine a world without birds: a grove without a nightingale, a field without a lark, a village street without cute, always fussing sparrows ... It seems that we are so used to them that sometimes we do not notice. But they are nearby and often need our attention and protection.

There are probably no more amazing creatures of nature in the world than birds. They have mastered an environment where there is no and will not be equal to them - airspace. These perfect animals are able to cover great distances, often without food and without being able to shelter from the weather. Looking at the flight of birds, a person has always strived for the sky. Having studied the structure of birds, people began to invent aircraft and master more and more new air spaces. But none, even the most ideal aircraft, created by human hands, cannot be compared with a flying bird. Birds bring a lot of joy to man, bringing great revival to his natural environment. Their mobility, attractive appearance, the melodiousness of the sounds they make create in people pleasant mood give them great aesthetic pleasure.

There are birds that are well known to all people. These are crows, jackdaws, sparrows, rooks and some others. There are birds that we know about and only hear their voices in the forest. And there are those that we have never heard of, and perhaps we will never hear of - they have become so rare. But we, people, cannot let them leave - with the loss of at least one species, not only nature becomes poorer, a part of our lives also leaves. People who love and understand nature and respect its laws can prevent this from happening. Now, more than ever, the question is environmental education preschoolers. I am deeply convinced that it is necessary to inculcate love for nature from an early age. How to teach them to take care and protect nature, all living things that surround us? V. A. Sukhomlinsky considered it necessary to introduce the baby into the surrounding world of nature so that every day he discovers something new for himself in it, so that he grows up as a researcher, so that his every step is a journey to the origins of miracles in nature, ennobles the heart and tempers the will .

Objective of the project:

Contribute to the expansion and deepening of children's ideas about the varieties of birds, the formation of a careful attitude towards them.


Generate views:

About the life of birds, their varieties;

About the structure of different birds;

On the development of birds;

On the change in the life of birds in different seasons;

To develop cognitive interest, the desire to observe, explore, acquire new knowledge, skills.

Arouse children's interest in birds, the desire to protect, take care of them.

Expand your understanding of how poets and writers describe birds.

Activate joint activities of parents and children.

Develop the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships, learn to draw conclusions;

Expected result:

Exhibition of children's works (sculpting, appliqué, drawing, crafts…)

Joint work of parents and children

Speech creativity of children

Didactic games and manuals

Leisure "Bird Day"

Educational areas



To contribute to the expansion of children's knowledge and ideas about the diversity of birds, their appearance, life manifestations, habits and adaptations to the environment.

Activation of attention, memory of children, develop logical thinking, the ability to compare, analyze, establish the simplest cause-and-effect relationships, make generalizations.

To bring children to the understanding that in nature everything is interconnected and the violation of one of the connections leads to other changes.

Encourage children to expand their ways of birdwatching,

Creating an album for viewing "Migratory Birds"

Didactic games:

Role-playing games:

"Poultry yard".


"Where the sparrow dined."

Speech development


Expanding and activating the vocabulary of older children preschool age on this topic;

development of speech creativity;

the development of coherent grammatically correct dialogic and monologue speech;

Learning nursery rhymes "little birds", calls "larks", "Spring-spring red", finger gymnastics "birds",

Social and communicative development

Enrich the game experience and ways of game cooperation;

The ability of children to follow the rules associated with the role;

Cultivate creative independence;


the formation of independence, purposefulness, and self-regulation of one's own actions;

development of emotional responsiveness, empathy; formation of the foundations of safe behavior in nature;

the formation of an emotional, sensitive attitude to birds through works of fiction;

Didactic games:

“One-many”, “Name it affectionately”, “Counting birds”, “The fourth extra”, “Guess the bird by description”, “Whose tail?”, “Who eats what”, “Recognize by voice”, “What birds eat ".

N / and "Cut pictures". Labyrinth "Wintering Birds".

Role-playing games:

"Poultry yard".


"Where the sparrow dined."

Artistic and aesthetic development


Development of productive activities of children;

(use a wide range of materials and techniques)

development of children's creativity;

development of aesthetic perception;

Application of an unconventional form for an exhibition in kindergarten"Rook", "Swallow", "Swans", "Eagle".

- paper construction "Rooks have arrived"

Modeling "Bird"

Manual labor "Chicks in the nest"

Physical development

To enrich the motor experience of children and the ability to use it independently;

To contribute to the formation of the ability to independently organize outdoor games;

Development of coordination of movements, large and small motor skills;

Morning gymnastics complex "Birds Have Arrived"

- P / and “Birds, nests, chicks”, “Flock”, “Bird once, bird two”, “Birds in nests”, “Lark”, “Duck”, “Owl”.

Fizminutka: "Sparrow."

Finger gymnastics

Project summary:

Children will begin to show interest in the nature around us, notice its beauty, and not only in relation to birds, they will become more careful about all living things and each other, the level of knowledge of children will increase, vocabulary will be enriched.

Project methods:

Observation, conversation, problem questions, reading literature, looking at illustrations, modeling technology, listening to audio recordings.

Project implementation forms:

cognitive activity

productive activity


Didactic games

Ecological quizzes

Preliminary work:

Conversations about birds "What do we know about birds"

Reading fiction

Project stages


Actions of teachers

Children's actions

Member actions



(formulation of the problem, planning, forecasting the results, products of the project.)


To determine the current knowledge of children about birds. to generate interest in solving the problem.

Methodological support of the project.

Information support of the project.

Providing the project with visual materials.

Planning for future work.

Determine the level of knowledge on a given topic through conversations, surveys.

Demonstration of illustrations on the topic.

Selection of fiction

Production, selection of didactic manuals on the topic


Consider illustrations. discuss,

speak out on this topic. They watch birds for a walk and on weekends with their parents. Under the guidance of teachers, they decide to check the correctness of their answers.

Together with the children, they consider illustrative material and observe the object of research - birds. Read the proposed literature.



Project activities, step by step assessment)

Tasks: Summarize children's ideas about the characteristic features of birds.

Develop expressiveness of speech, motor skills of hands.

To form the idea that birds adapt to changes in weather conditions. Learn to establish cause and effect relationships.

Conducting classes, conversations about birds;


Discussion of stories about birds.Determination of the playing space, game motivation;

Selection of games;

Participation in games with children.

Organization of a drawing competition;

Preparation and holding of the competition of readers.

Acquaintance with birds;

Excursion to the park and the territory of the kindergarten.

Discussion of illustrations, postcards about birds;

Reading and memorizing poems about birds;

Writing stories, riddles for children about birds.Participation in the game: "Guess what kind of bird?" (shadow images);

Participation in didactic, developing, speech, outdoor games.Reading competition: “Poetic lines about birds.

Participation in the excursion;

Help in making figurines, shadow images of birds.Reading poems about birds. Riddles about birds. Participation in games;

Assistance in the preparation of manuals for gamesParticipation in the drawing competition;

Assistance in the production of decorations;

Participation in the competition of readers: “Poetic lines about birds.




Develop creative abilities. Cultivate independence in various types activities. Increase the degree of socialization of the individual

Posts information about the project and its results. Organizes a presentation of children's work for parents and children. After the presentation, children's work is placed in a developing environment. Leisure "day of birds" Organize a discussion of new knowledge and skills. Make a decision about the prospects of the project.

Show your work to your parents. Under the guidance of a teacher, new knowledge about birds is consolidated. Participation in the leisure "Bird Day"

Get acquainted with the products of children's activities.


Evening of riddles

Verst did not count

Traveled along the roads

And there were overseas ... (migratory birds)

Everyone knows this bird

On the site of his palace

Chervyakov carries chicks

Yes, it crackles all day ... (starling)

Who is without notes and pipes

Trills best of all? (nightingale)

Guests arrive in the spring

And they leave in the fall ... (migratory birds)

The neck is thin and the legs

Not afraid of water and drops,

Lots of fish and frogs

Long beak. This is ... (herons)

Starts songs in May

Trills flow among the branches,

Everything around him listens!

And that singer ... (nightingale)

In spring and summer

Follows the plowman

And before winter

He leaves with a cry ... (rook)

Like a tiny call... (lark)

In the spring, it rushes to us from the south

Black as a raven bird.

For the trees of our doctor-

Insects eats everyone ... (rook)

Coloring - grayish,

Habit - thievish,

The screamer is hoarse.

Famous person

By name ... (crow)

This bird is yellow

She is warmed by the bright sun.

Her song is beautiful and long-

A flute whistles in the forest .. (oriole)

They interfere with the lives of other people's chicks,

And they leave theirs.

And in the forest near the edge

The years are counted ... (cuckoos)

In a gray fur coat

And in the cold he is a hero

Jumps, frolics on the fly

Not an eagle, but still a bird ... (sparrow)

All conspicuous birds are blacker,

Cleans the earth from worms

Along the arable land rushes galloping

And the bird is called ... (rook)

In place of the palace

Little boy

In a gray coat

Sneaking around the yards

Collects crumbs.

Sleeping in the field

Stealing hemp ... (sparrow)

This predator is talkative

Thievish, fussy,

White-sided dragonfly

And her name is ... (magpie)

Black, screaming "Kra"

Worms are the enemy ... (rook)

Abstract of the lesson on paper design "Rooks have arrived"


Develop skills in paper design according to the scheme.

Learn to follow the sequence of crafts proposed in the scheme.

Learn to decorate crafts to "revive" it with the help of drawing or appliqué.

Develop an interest in the art of origami.

Material: square sheets of paper (from 10 to 15 cm) in black or dark blue, dark purple. Scheme showing the sequence of making a rook. Scissors, glue, colored paper. Paint and brushes for drawing.

1 part. The teacher's story.


You and I have repeatedly seen that the same object, or animal, or natural phenomenon can be depicted in different ways and get a very expressive, beautiful image.

Today I suggest you make paper rooks using the well-known origami technique.

2 part. Educator.

Let's take a closer look at the scheme that I have prepared for you. What base model will we use? That's right, a "simple triangle". This is one of the simplest models, you know how to do it correctly and accurately.

1. We bend the square diagonally, carefully combining the corners; holding them with the fingers of the left hand, with the right we make a clear, neat fold. It turns out the basic model "simple triangle".

2. The resulting triangle is placed with the big side down. Mentally outline the fold line not far from the large side. The fold line goes in the same direction as the large side. We bend the upper outer corner of the triangle towards ourselves down along the intended fold line. The result is shown in the figure.

3. Gray color indicates a bent corner.

4. The corners formed with the larger side are bent in half upwards. The intended fold lines are shown in dotted lines.

5. Make a vertical fold diagonally. We unfold the figure so that it "stands on its legs."

6. We bend the upper left corner first forward, then back, then refuel inward.

7. This is how the rook turned out!

3 part. Invites children to do their own crafts. The task of the educator is not to show the sequence of work to the child, but to teach him to work with the diagram, to teach him to read the drawing: “Look carefully at the diagram: what did you do wrong? Think. What should you do next?"

After completing the craft, children can decorate it by gluing eyes, making the beak yellow with appliqué or paints, and cutting out a worm from paper.

Fizminutka: SPARROW

Finger gymnastics:




Morning gymnastics complex "Birds have arrived" (without items)

I Walking. Run. Walking on toes (hands to the sides), on heels (hands behind the head), side step to the right side (hands on the belt). Run, jump. Walking. Building in links.

II Complex of general developmental exercises "Birds have arrived"

1. "Test of the wing." Starting position - main stance, arms, along the torso. Swing your arms up and down, after a few movements return to the starting position. Repeat 8 times.

2. "Flap wings in front." Starting position - standing, legs slightly apart, arms along the body. Swing your arms back and forth with claps in front. During the clap, say "Clap!" Repeat the exercise 8 times.

3. "Clap wings." Starting position - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms down. 1 - turn to the right, clap with straight arms, say "Clap!" - return to the starting position. 3 - turn left and also clap. Repeat the exercise 6 times.

4. "Wingspan". Starting position - feet shoulder width apart, arms to the sides. 1-2 - cross straight arms in front of you, say. 3-4 - spread your arms to the sides. Repeat the exercise 6 times.

5. "We clean the legs." Starting position - feet shoulder width apart, arms lowered. 1-2 - lean forward, take your hands back. 3-4 - return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 6 times.

6. "Knead the legs." Starting position - main stance, hands on the belt. 1-2 - sit down, stretch your arms forward, say "sat down." 3-4 - return to the starting position. Repeat 8 times.

7. "Clap wings under the foot." Starting position - lying on your back. 1 - raise the straight leg up, clap under the foot, say "Clap!" - return to the starting position; 3, 4 - also clap under the other leg. Repeat 6-8 times.

8. "Jumps" Starting position - legs parallel, hands on the belt. Make 8 jumps, walking in place, again 8 jumps. Repeat 2 times

III Walking. "Rooster" 1 - raise your hands to the sides (inhale), 2 - clap your hands on the hips "ku-ka-re-ku" (exhale). Walking.

Complication in the second week.

Complicate exercise 3. Starting position - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms lowered down. 1 - tilt forward - down, clap behind the right foot, 2 - starting position 3.4 - also clap behind the left foot. Repeat 6-8 times.

Crossword with riddles(the number of the riddle corresponds to the number of the crossword puzzle line in which you need to enter the answer):

1. I have stilts - the swamp is not afraid.

Will I find the frogs - that's my concern ... (heron)

2. The black horse has been overseas;

Front slit, back slit,

There is a white towel on the chest ... (swallow)

3. Every year I fly to you,

I want to winter with you

And even redder in winter

My bright red tie ... (bullfinch)

4. In place - the palace,

In the yard - a singer ... (starling)

5. All migratory birds are blacker, Cleans the arable land from worms ... (rook)

Poetic lines about birds


The waxwings flew in, they played the pipes,

They whistled: “Svir-svir! We'll have a feast in the forest!

Let the leaves fall from the branches, the autumn rain rustles,

We peck rowan brushes - you won’t find better berries!

Nightingale Wagtail

In the greenery of the branches Wagtail, wagtail -

Nightingale Nightingale Striped blouse!

Nights to fly I've been waiting for you all winter,

He sings songs to us. Settle in my garden

Songs flow endlessly, And behind the carved shutter

There is no better singer in the forest! Make your nest in the spring.


The starlings have arrived -

Young spring messengers

Worms they peck

And sing, sing, sing!


At the edge of the forest you hear "Ku-ku!"

A cuckoo is chirping somewhere above.

She calls us to the dense green forest.

There are birches, maples, freshness, silence.

Sun glare on the grass glide,

Scarlet strawberry droplets burn.

There weave the branches of a lace canopy,

Come, children, for a walk in the woods.


All the paths are covered

The snow glitters, sparkles, A titmouse hit my glass with its beak.

I'll hang it outside the window

I am a piece of fat

To be warm and cheerful

It became a poor bird.


Everywhere I fly, I know everything in the world,

I know every bush in the forest

The news is on my tail.

Maybe that's what they call me

"forest newspaper"?


Owl silent shadow.

Spread wings,

Slides in the autumn darkness

Over thickets of grass.

Flee, mice!

You can't joke with an owl -

She will hear your squeak

And it might grab you!


Snowstorms are circling,

Frost crackles at night

At the top of a lush spruce

A bright crossbill peels off a cone.

He is not afraid of frost

He is not afraid of winter!

Pines, spruces give a bird

golden seeds.


The paws freeze in the cold near the pine and spruce.

What a miracle - Apples ripened on the birch.

I'll come closer to her - and I can't believe my eyes:

A flock of scarlet bullfinches stuck around a tree!



The crane flew to the old places

Grass - ant thick - thick,

The willow over the sad backwater is sad!

And the water in the backwater is clean - clean!

And the dawn over the willow is clear - clear!

Fun crane in the spring - spring!


A. Barto

The oriole flies into the groves later than all,

And the oriole nests in the groves above all.

He will meet with the wind: “No matter how he takes it away!”

On the nest sways in the greenery of birches ...

Golden oriole answer with a flute!

Bright plumage, decorating the forest,

Overflowing singing, announcing the forest,

Oriole is in a hurry to bring out chicks

And he returns to the south before all the singers ...

Oriole, oriole, greet us with a song,

Golden oriole. Flute answer!


I. Bunin

On a clear morning, on a quiet pond, swallows soar briskly around,

They descend to the water itself, slightly touch the moisture with their wing

And on the fly they sing loudly, and around the meadows turn green,

And it stands like a mirror pond, reflecting its shores.



A seagull is crying at dawn: - where are my children?

Searched all the meadows, all the bushes and all the haystacks

Maybe a cunning hawk dragged them out of the nest?

Maybe they were ambushed, dragged into a hole by a ferret?

The seagull was rescued by a dergach! Calm down, don't cry!

I saw your children: they catch minnows in the river.

* * *

The air is sparrow and blue,

Talk, hubbub, whistle and bird chirping,

In a light cannon birch crown.

At the top is a bold crow.

The first stalk of grass that looked out,

A white dove in a blue-blue sky.

A brook running down a canal

Two magpies at the porch on the bench.

Dandelions lie in a carpet

And the starlings are chirping all around!


In a ditch with melted water

sparrow splashing,

At the dark alder I got up,

Watching from bare branches.

Like a carefree boy

With his head he wants to dive..

Fervent, dashing sparrow -

I'm afraid to scare him.

He forgot both hunger and cold,

I forgot how the drifting snow was chalk.

He is happy today with a sunny puddle

And drops of stingy warmth!


Lame old crow

It has been living in my garden for a long time.

In dense, green branches of a maple

She built her own house.

I bring lunch to the dog in a bowl -

She watches closely

Sideways, sideways comes close,

Grabs a bone and flies away.

Shaggy watchman is not offended

He got used to the lame neighbor.

The dog understands everything, sees everything,

But animals have their own language!

Proverbs and sayings

Sparrow is small, but daring.

I ate a piece the size of a bird's toe.

That bird is stupid, which does not like its nest.

It's good for a bird in a golden cage, but better than that on the

green branch.

And the crane is looking for warmth.

You can't fool an old sparrow on the chaff.

The old raven will not croak past.

Youth is a bird, and old age is a turtle.

An early bird clears its nose, and a late one clears its eyes.

tearing through.

Every bird is full of its nose.

Do not count your chickens before they are hatched.

From a young age, a crow did not fly through the sky, not

will fly under old age.

Early the little bird sang, as if the cat had not eaten.

The sandpiper is far from Peter's day.

One swallow does not make spring.

A good mother hen sees the grain with one eye,

another kite.

Each hen praises its perch.

A chicken pecks grain by grain, but lives full.

Hungry bird and goiter on the side.

A goose flew to Russia - stay and fly away.

Bird wings, man - the mind.

The word is not a sparrow, it will fly out - you will not catch it.

Fables do not feed the nightingale.

The tit made glory, but did not light the sea.

Magpie on the tail brought the news.

Birds are fed, and people are deceived by flattery.

The bird is red with feathers, and the man with learning.

Teach your grandmother to suck eggs.

A rooster was looking for defense from a crow.

Cannons are not fired at sparrows.

Every sandpiper in his swamp is great.

The young crane flew high and sat down low.

Outfit falcons, and the gait of a crow.

The bird is small, but the claw is sharp.

The peacock is good, but the legs are thin.

The crow knows by the feather.

Every bird sings its songs.

A sparrow sits on a tyne - hopes for wings.

A sparrow under the roof, and an owl to catch.

A raven will not peck out a crow's eye.

There was a kite and fluttered out.

Burnt child dreads the fire.

Know the falcon by flight.

The crane flies high, but does not depart from the river.

The crane does not know the boundary, but steps through.

The lark to the warmth, and the finch to the cold.

The falcon does not fly above the sun.

The owl waited for a jackdaw, but waited for a stick.

The claw is stuck - the whole bird is abyss.

A crow beats a walking falcon.

Bad falcon that the crow knocked down.

A goose is not a friend of a pig.

He lagged behind the crows, but did not stick to the peahens. ,

A pugnacious kochet has a comb that is always covered in blood.

It flies high, but sits somewhere.

Magpie chirps - prophesies guests.

Do not promise a crane in the sky, give a titmouse in your hands.


Who wants to talk

He must speak

Everything is correct and clear

To be clear to everyone.

We will talk

And we will speak

So right and clear

To be clear to everyone.

Let's sit on the hill

Let's talk about birds tongue twisters!

There were jackdaws visiting wolf cubs.

There were wolf cubs visiting the jackdaws.

Now the wolf cubs are clamoring like jackdaws.

And, like wolf cubs, jackdaws are silent.

Thrush, thrush, simple, simple

Forged nose, iron tail.

cuckoo cuckoo

I bought a hood.

Put on a cuckoo hood.

How funny he is in the hood.

It's good to have a siskin

Listen to the singing without breathing.

Don't make noise, shut up

Very good song.

spotted jay,

Sing to me about spring. -

The hare asks for a scythe. -

"Sing me a song jay, sing!"

The quail sang outside the village.

The grouse sang among the trees.

Quail sang, sang.

Black grouse quail.

Forty lope, forty lope,

Blind from the eye, crooked from the side.

The starling tailored the centipede

Red leather boots.

The starling will sew properly on time

All forty tailored boots.

The owl advises the owl:

“Sleep neighbor on the sofa.

Sleeping so sweetly on the sofa

I will have a dream about owls. ”

The roosters are quarreling

Burdocks swayed

Dog Trezor barks loudly...

We have a rift in our yard.

Where does millet come from in the countryside?

They just overslept millet here.

They found out about millet.

Without asking, all the millet was pecked.

Advice for parents

"Wintering Birds"

go for a walk with the child in the park or on the street to watch birds, show the child wintering birds: bullfinch, titmouse, dove, sparrow, crow, jackdaw, magpie, woodpecker, crossbill. At the same time, the child’s attention should be drawn to the color of the birds, explain that these birds do not fly away for the winter, but remain to winter.

consider with the child illustrations of wintering birds, name them;

pay attention to the characteristic external signs (feather color, size, beak, tail);

tell where they live, what they eat, why they are called wintering;

during a joint walk in the park or on the street, consider the wintering birds seen;

have a conversation with the child about caring for birds, about the need to help birds in winter;

make a feeder together with the child and hang it on the street, observe which birds fly to the feeder. It is advisable to feed the birds with the child.

Ask your child questions:

What winter birds do you know?

Why are they called winterers?

What do birds eat in winter?

What is worse for a bird in winter: cold or hunger?

How can you help the birds?

Make riddles about wintering birds

Carpenter with sharp chisel

builds a house with one window ... (woodpecker).

Who flaunts on a branch

In a yellow holiday vest?

It's a little bird

And her name is ... (titmouse)

Apples on the branches in winter! Collect them quickly!

And suddenly the apples fluttered -

After all, this is ... (bullfinches)

This bird is so talkative

Thievish, fussy,

Chirping, white-sided,

and her name is ... (magpie).

A mischievous boy in a gray Armenian coat. (Sparrow)

This predator is talkative, thievish, fussy

Chatter, white-sided, and her name is ... (magpie)

Play with your child the following games:

"One - many" (plural formation)

The adult says: “Titmouse”, the child answers: “Tits” (crow - crows, jackdaw - jackdaws, etc.)

“Call me affectionately” (formation of new words with the help of suffixes)

The adult says: “Dove”, the child answers: “Dove” (sparrow - sparrow, jackdaw - check mark, head - head, wing - wing, leg - leg, etc.)

"Count" (coordination of numbers and nouns)

The adult starts counting: “One dove”, the child continues: “Two doves, three doves, four doves, five doves, etc.)

"The fourth extra" (for classification)

An adult calls three wintering birds and one migratory one, the child must determine which bird is superfluous.

"Crow, swallow, magpie, dove";

"Bullfinch, cuckoo, jackdaw, magpie";

"Lark, crow, tit, sparrow", etc.

"Pick up a sign" (coordination of nouns with adjectives)

An adult asks: Tit (what?) - The child answers: fast, shy, agile, yellow-breasted ...

Dove (what?) - dove, clumsy, important ...

Bullfinch (what?) - elegant, red-breasted, slow ...

Crow - croaks, sparrow - ...

"Guess the bird from the description."

Today I saw a bird on the street: small, pink breast, sitting on a branch like an apple. Who is it? (Bullfinch)

"Crows and Sparrows".

(Children imitate the movements of the bird that the teacher will call. “Crows” - importantly walk along the road, proudly protrude either with their right or left shoulder forward, “sparrows” - briskly jump along the path

"Whose, whose, whose, whose?" to form possessive adjectives.

The girl Tanya hung the feeder on a tree. When the birds are away

the feeders flew away, the girl Tanya found different feathers on the feeder.

Help Tanya figure out whose feathers were on the feeder.

Finish the sentences.

Feathers of a crow (whose?)..., feathers of a sparrow (whose?)..., feathers of a bullfinch (whose?)..., feathers of a dove (whose?)...

Do the following exercises with your child:

Make descriptive riddles about wintering birds

An adult describes any wintering bird so that the child can guess. The next bird is described by a child. To make it easier for the child to cope with the task, show him a picture of a bird.

This bird is small. She has short wings, short legs, a brown back, and white and black stripes on her wings. All day jumping and chirping ... (sparrow)

Learn to pick up single-root words.

Feed, feed, feeder, fed, feeding (of birds).

Connected speech. Retelling based on questions.

Listen to the story and answer the questions in full sentences.

It was winter. There were severe frosts. Children in the park in the snow found a frozen sparrow. He lay down and didn't move. The children warmed the sparrow in their hands, and then put it in a warm mitten and carried it home. At home, the sparrows got warm and began to fly around the room. The children fed the little sparrow with bread crumbs and seeds. When the severe frosts ended, the children released the sparrow into the wild and hung a feeder with food in the park to help the birds survive the cold winter.


What was the season?

Who did the children find in the snow in the park?

What was the sparrow?

What did the children do so that the frozen little sparrow would not die?

When did the children release the sparrow into the wild?

What did the children hang in the winter in the park? What for?

Retelling without asking questions.


The children saw in the winter at the bird school. They threw bread crumbs at them. The birds were afraid at first, and then they ate all the bread. The next day the birds flew again. The children took the box, hung it on a bough, and poured grains. The feeder came out. The children fed the birds until spring.

Make a comparative story about a bullfinch and a titmouse.

The adult says: “What are these birds called?”

The child answers: “This bird is called a bullfinch, and this one is a tit”

What size are they? (The tit is small, and the bullfinch is a little larger)

What is their beak? (A titmouse has a small sharp beak, and a bullfinch has a short thick one)

What color is the plumage?

What paws?

What do they eat?

Learn the poems


Turned white outside the window:

Everything is covered in snow. What breadth!

Like a ruddy nesting doll -

There is a live bullfinch on the porch.

You will see a bullfinch through the window:

Hello dear winter visitor!

Get out on the porch

Throw them a handful of ripe grains. A. Barto

Feed the birds in winter

Let from all over

They will flock to you, like home,

Stakes on the porch.

Their food is not rich.

Need a handful of grain

One handful -

And not scary

They will have winter.

How many of them die - do not count,

It's hard to see.

But in our heart there is

And the birds are warm.

Is it possible to forget:

Could fly away

And stayed for the winter

Along with people.

Train the birds in the cold

To your window

So that without songs it was not necessary

We welcome spring. A. Barto


A little alive

Doesn't even chirp.

Freezes completely sparrow.

As he notices a cart with luggage,

From under the roof rushes to her,

And he trembles over the grain, poor,

And flies to his attic.

And look, it does not become harmful

Because it's so hard for him...

N. Rubtsov


Here is a crow sitting on a fence.

All barns have long been closed.

All carts have passed, all carts,

It's time for bad weather.

She fusses on the fence.

Woe to her. Real grief!

After all, a crow does not have a grain.

And there is no protection from the cold.

N. Rubtsov


Jumping nimble tit

She does not sit still.

Jump-jump, jump-jump,

Twisted like a top.

I sat down for a minute

Scratched her chest with her beak

And from the track to the fence,

Tiri-tiri, shadow-shadow-shadow. A. Barto

Finger exercises:

"Birds in the feeder"

The birds flew to the house

Two thumbs wrapped around each other

The rest flap like a bird's wings

The birds sat on the feeder

Keep one hand parallel to the chest

Grains began to peck

With the other hand, thumb and forefinger,

joined together, strike the palm of your hand

And nod your heads

We connect the fingers together, depicting the head

birds and do inclinations with the hands

"Feeder" (Rhythmically clench and unclench fists)

How many birds flew to our feeder?

(For each name of the bird, bend one finger)

Two tits, a sparrow, six goldfinches and doves,

A woodpecker in colorful feathers. (clench and unclench fists again)

Everyone had enough grains!

Nomination "Pedagogical project in a preschool institution"

Dates:03/15/2015 - 03/31/2015.

Project type: creative, short-term.

Project type: family, group.

Number of project participants: educators, children - 13 people, parents - 8 people.

Children's age: 5-6 years.

Relevance of the project implementation.At present, the issues of human interaction with nature have become an environmental problem. If people do not learn to take care of nature, they will destroy our planet. And in order to prevent this from happening, it is necessary to educate the ecological culture and responsibility of children from preschool age, since the knowledge acquired at preschool age is later transformed into strong convictions. By introducing children to nature, we educate an ecological and cultural personality.

problem and hypothesis.In the process of working with children of the senior preschool age group, an insufficient level of knowledge about migratory birds, the characteristics of their life, was revealed.

Hypothesis: it can be assumed that in order to increase the level of knowledge and ideas of children about migratory birds, it is necessary to use not only traditional forms of work with children, but also modern approaches(independent search for information of children together with parents, exchange of information in a group between children

Objective of the project: To form in children ideas about migratory birds, their habitat.

Project objectives:

Expected results:

  • Expansion of children's knowledge about migratory birds, the features of their life.
  • Formation on this basis of a moral and personal attitude to the surrounding reality, respect for birds;
  • Development of speech competence of preschool children;
  • Disclosure creativity families;
  • Expansion of the communicative sphere and practical joint experience of the child and parents.

Stage 1: Preparatory.

  • Creation of a developing environment in the group;
  • Selection of didactic games;
  • Selection of children's and scientific literature, presentations, illustrations;
  • Selection of recommendations for parents on the implementation of creative homework;

Stage 2: Project implementation. Work with children.

  • Viewing illustrations, viewing presentations
  • Reading fiction and scientific literature about migratory birds.
  • Learning outdoor games on a verbal basis (on this topic).
  • Learning nursery rhymes, calls about birds.
  • Lessons: Familiarization with the environment "Our feathered friends";Speech development “Examining the painting “The Rooks Have Arrived”, “Compiling a descriptive story using a plan-scheme”; Drawing "Swallow" (watercolor), " Migratory birds" (colour pencils);Application (modular) "Swan";Construction (origami technique) "Rook", "Swan", "Goose";Modeling from plasticine "Migratory birds".
  • Organization of play activities for children with didactic games on this topic.
  • Watch a presentation about migratory birds.
  • Review of scientific literature.



  1. Learn to lay out the silhouettes of birds from various details, geometric shapes according to the model, imagination.
  2. Name migratory birds.
  3. Continue to learn how to draw birds according to the model.
  4. Develop attention, logical thinking.
  5. Encourage children to write a story on a given topic.

Organization of children's play activities. List of games and exercises:"What is missing?"; "Learn by the shadow"; "Who was not killed"; "Compare birds"; "Whose house?"; "4th extra"; "Cut pictures"; "Draw by dots"; "What first, what then"; "Draw what is missing"; "Build according to the model"; "Inventing Migratory Birds"

Conclusions.During the implementation of the project, the children developed an interest in finding new information, a desire to share their knowledge; knowledge and ideas about the features of the life of migratory birds have expanded; increased vocabulary on the topic; the card file of games, pictures with information about birds has been replenished. In the process of work, the children had a desire to create conditions for birds (building birdhouses, feeding birds). Thus, the proposed hypothesis was confirmed in the course of work.

Annex 1. Project in the preschool educational institution "Migratory Birds".

Annex 2. Presentation.