New non-traditional forms and non-standard advertising media. Advertising in the ventilation systems market Non-standard advertising media examples and ideas

  • 19.12.2020

In order to increase the effectiveness of advertising at a minimum cost and break through the "advertising noise" (an overabundance of advertising irritants), it is worth turning to developments in the field of non-traditional and non-standard types of advertising. It is known that over time, absolutely any advertisement "gets bored" and begins to annoy. And we are talking about two aspects at once: firstly, about the very ideas of advertising, which constantly need to be updated, finding new solutions; secondly, about the ways in which advertising is distributed. That is, advertising media also get bored, and their effectiveness begins to fall. Of course, this does not happen in one day, the process can take many years. But the result is always the same: for the same money on the same media, you get advertising that has less effect on the consumer.

Huge advertising budgets do not guarantee successful campaign: as practice shows, the effect of large-scale actions is noticeably reduced each time. The conclusion suggests itself: it is now relatively easy to make high-quality and interesting advertising, but it is difficult to find an interesting way to place it.

In recent years, advertisers have more often used two approaches to solving this issue: the advertiser is invited to take the consumer "in number", placing his advertisement on a large number of media, or to attract the attention of the buyer with an original idea, often scandalous or outrageous.

Moreover, not enough attention was paid to the original media themselves, at least in comparison with Western advertising agencies, for which, recently, creating advertisements on non-standard media is a completely standard occupation.

In order to understand all the possibilities and the breadth of advertising, let's look at some of these examples.

Non-traditional outdoor advertising

For example, footprints leading to the door of an agency are drawn in bright paint on the asphalt. In any case, such a path will not go unnoticed, and on a street full of various signs and advertisements, it is the best way to stand out. A cheap and effective way to get attention, because people are looking at their feet!

And how to show that the famous cleaning agent "Mr. Proper" makes everything snow-white: once again demonstrate a white shirt in prime time on all channels? You can do it easier, cheaper and more efficiently. All it takes is to use the usual crosswalk, making one of its strips much whiter than the rest, and preliminarily apply the appropriate text to it.

On the benches.

New and convenient. Direct contact with people at stops, besides it is visible from transport.

On the trees.

Garbage cans and bins.

It's hard to understand right away what motivates an advertiser who has chosen "garbage" to "expand the turnover." After all, it seems that such a product will be associated only with waste. Not at all. There are so few trash bins in cities now that it can take half an hour, or even much more, to find a container. In such a situation, a bright sticker-emblem on the "cherished bucket" causes only positive emotions.

Fences, standing in the most inaccessible places, usually along the railroads, are one of the favorite places for advertising party leaders and firms selling household appliances. Travelers can admire not only nature or the industrial landscape, but also graffiti with the logos of enterprises or the names of future deputies and presidents. Standing out from the general gray-green background, such pictures remain in memory for a long time.

Balloons, airplanes, airships.

Already a popular method in Russia, especially during festivities. The audience, as if spellbound, looks up, watching objects moving in the sky and imperceptibly remembers the names of goods, firms, etc. To enhance the effect, some advertisers drop down, "like manna from heaven", thousands of leaflets.

· The arrival of the airship gathers crowds of people.

· The arrival and even the passage of the airship is recorded by the media on the leading pages.

Seen for a long time remains in memory and is the subject of conversation.

In toilets.

In April 2002, Primedia ("Prime Media") was founded in Moscow. From the very beginning of its existence to the present day, the company has been developing a specific niche in the advertising market in Russia, namely: advertising in toilet rooms located in in public places, in shower cabins of sports clubs and complexes, as well as branding mirrors in fitting rooms of shopping centers.

To date, the company's targeted program covers six cities in Russia: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Yekaterinburg, Volgograd and Smolensk. More than 10 million people a month pass through the above-mentioned places with placed advertising media.

The company defines the advantages of the toilet as an advertising medium in this way: you can clearly differentiate your consumer by gender and socio-demographic characteristics; You clearly know to whom your advertisement will be addressed.

Interestingly, back in 2008, the well-known agency "Romir Monitoring" conducted a study on people's attitudes towards advertising in cinema toilets. Through in-depth interviews with respondents, it was found that placing advertising posters in the toilets of cinemas is recognized by them as one of the most "suitable / successful" ways to advertise, for example, feminine hygiene products, and causes a generally favorable reaction. A non-standard approach to choosing a place for an advertising medium arouses surprise and interest in people and, accordingly, increases their motivation for choosing a brand.

Non-standard people.

One of the popular non-standard carriers has recently become the people themselves. Actions have already been held abroad more than once, when tattoos with the name of the company were made on the bald head of one or several citizens. This trend has reached Russia as well. In our country, one of the first to use the bodies of people for advertising purposes was the online publication It hired six young people who had advertisements for this entertainment site placed on the backs of their heads.

"We assess the results of the campaign as excellent," says Gleb Davydov, the site's editor. "The guys did an excellent job. The number of visits to the site has increased dramatically. An ordinary street billboard will never give such an effect. Especially since the use of living people as an advertising medium costs us a lot cheaper". Other parts of the human body are also actively used. In Israel, tattoo parlors are advertised in this way. Their owners use the tender bodies of their lovers as walking billboards. Girls put tattoos on their shoulders with the emblem of the salon (sometimes with the address) and go (almost all year round) with short sleeves (fortunately, the weather allows). Naturally, beautiful girlish hands and filigree work are eye-catching.

Living mannequin.

Everyone is accustomed to seeing motionless mannequins in shop windows and halls of shops, where a living person pretending to be a mannequin and changing position from time to time is much more interesting.

market today advertising is quite oversaturated and with every second it is becoming more and more difficult for advertising agencies and marketers to fight competitors, as well as to attract the attention of a potential client who has developed a firm immunity and unwillingness to absorb advertising messages. This leads to a rapid decrease in the effectiveness of the impact on it.

Therefore, marketing specialists have to show unprecedented creativity, imagination and implement ideas that would attract the attention of the consumer as much as possible and, accordingly, satisfy the needs of the customer.
Literally every day there are new types of advertising: whether it's an expensive outdoor interactive format or a low-budget (in other words, partisan) in the style of a flash mob. It all depends on the advertising budget of the customer.
In fact, everything new and creative involuntarily makes you capture the eye and, accordingly, brings the potential client closer to the second stage: interest in the brand or its offer.
Below are some relatively new and non-standard types of advertising:


outdoor billboard advertising exists for many years, but this format appeared relatively recently.
Extender is a mixture of a conventional billboard with interactive advertising. In other words, these are additional elements advertising design, which go beyond the fields of standard sizes, i.e. increase in advertising space due to the parts attached to it.
These elements can be of different shapes and sizes, flat and three-dimensional, include additional lighting and LED screens. In general, the flight of fancy is not limited.
This type of advertising has many significant advantages:

  • Increasing the size of the advertising structure;
  • In Ukraine, it appeared relatively recently and is only gaining popularity;
  • Unusual and non-standard;
  • Definitely grabs the attention of potential customers.
  • Increases the time of viewing advertising information several times;
  • An unplowed field for the manifestation of imagination and creativity.

More details can be found here:

Car running line

Surely you have noticed that almost every day LED signs and running lines. It happens so quickly and unexpectedly that sometimes you don't recognize the places around you. And even more often you find, for example, the right store that you did not notice before, but it was in your palm.
This type of advertising has become one of the most effective and low budget. Now LED running line is available even to the smallest entrepreneur and pays for itself very quickly.
This advertisement is only gaining momentum in Ukraine. You can be convinced of this by looking at the countries of the West, and especially at the developed Asian cities, where almost every square meter has an LED screen, a signboard or a running line.
But why limit yourself to a certain circle of potential customers, if such a ticker can be used under the rear window of a car and inform all road users.

Running line in the car is a very effective advertisement and a powerful method of communication. It can be used by both a small private entrepreneur and a finished product delivery service and a taxi, receiving additional income from the sale of advertising space.
Main advantages:
  • Easy to program and attach;
  • Allows you to inform potential customers about the offered goods, services and promotions;
  • Permits are not needed and the traffic rules of Ukraine are not prohibited;
  • It is the newest and non-standard tool in advertising.

More information you can find on the website:

laser advertising

Laser outdoor advertising This is an unconventional way to attract customers. Special equipment in the form of a projector and software for writing 3d graphics - the minimum requirements for organizing this type promotional activities.
Projection can be any surface: a building, a mountain, or just the sky.

It can be used both for commercials and for large-scale laser entertainment shows. For now type of outdoor advertising permits are required.
The cost of equipment is quite high, although now budget options have begun to appear.
Main advantages:
At the same time, thousands of potential customers can see your ad;
An effective and non-standard method in advertising;
Fast payback period;
Can be used to provide advertising services;

More details can be found here:


Ventilation systems have always been and will continue to be in demand, since people will never stop building and repairing.

The relevance of this study is determined by the following interrelated circumstances:

1. The field of ventilation systems receives little attention in the advertising business.

2. Due to the relatively small amount of material on this topic, there is the possibility of developing different approaches to the study of the topic and completely different creative ideas from each other.

3. In the modern world, this production area is beginning to be given more and more attention.

The object of the study is the company "Formik". The subject is the advertising activity of the Formik company.

The purpose of this study is to develop standard and non-standard advertising solutions for Formik. Achieving this goal requires solving a number of tasks:

1. Market research of ventilation systems;

3. Analysis of the history of the company "Formik";

4. Analysis and evaluation of the marketing situation and sales markets;

5. Development of standard and non-standard advertising solutions for Formik.

The structure of the study is determined by its logic.

The first chapter explores standard and non-standard solutions in advertising. The second chapter discusses the characteristics and specifics of advertising for the product category "ventilation systems". The analysis of the market situation and the characteristics of the company "Formik" are given. The third chapter contains the development of standard and non-standard advertising messages for the Formik company.

Advertising in the market of ventilation systems

Standard and non-standard advertising solutions

Most modern markets are divided into many segments. Many goods and services have a narrow niche and a limited range of consumers, which is difficult and costly to reach with traditional advertising. It's like hitting sparrows with a cannon. Speaking of standard advertising, all we can say is to list its types. Television advertising, radio advertising, press advertising, outdoor advertising, printed products - everything that is included in the concept of ATL. These types of advertising almost always have the same effect, bring some benefits, but every year they become more and more ineffective. Experts have calculated that every day a stream of 3,500 standard advertising messages falls on a person. If you do not take into account 8 hours of sleep, then every 60 minutes people receive more than 200 advertising messages. Most of the information is passed by the eyes, by consciousness. She is not accepted. And often, among the "patchwork" of everyday advertising, a person focuses on a few bright posters. Or unusual promotions, outrageous commercials on TV and radio. In a word - on non-standard advertising. It stands out and therefore attracts.

There is no definition for custom advertising. At least the strict scientific definition. Each specialist understands something different by this. It turns out that the concept already exists, is actively used, but there is no clear distinction between standard and non-standard advertising. One advertiser said simply: "non-standard advertising is everything that is not in the price list."

Nevertheless, common features of non-standard advertising are highlighted. This method of promotion involves an unusual creative solution or non-standard placement. Or both together. Outrageous advertising is also non-standard.

The advantages of non-standard advertising are more effective impact on consumers. She stands out and attracts attention. Often, the consumer does not perceive non-standard advertising as advertising, so the credibility of such information increases.

One of the disadvantages of non-standard advertising is the need to carefully plan and prepare a future campaign. It is required to work out the scenario and its implementation in detail. Often non-standard advertising is associated with risk. Indeed, unlike traditional methods of promotion, new advertising moves are used for the first time. And it is difficult to assess the reaction of consumers to them. At the same time, non-standard advertising allows you to achieve significant results when working with small budgets.

With the help of non-standard advertising, you can reach a narrow audience that is useful for a niche product. For example, rich people who rarely watch TV and read the press. But they can be "caught" with the help of advertising at airports. After all, wealthy people often fly on planes: on business trips, on vacation abroad. .

Guerrilla marketing is the use of non-traditional communication channels that go beyond the generally accepted methods:

WOM - advertising by word of mouth - "word of mouth" or rumors. An example of viral advertising (an example of viral marketing) - viral videos, provocative marketing, Internet marketing. Viral marketing is the creation of a communication chain of consumers with a brand on the Internet, when the dissemination of information about a product becomes the lot of consumers. This is nothing but a new stage in the development of "word of mouth"; Viral Video - promotional video with a viral effect; Viral Game - a game with a viral effect; Stelth SMS - sending SMS messages with hidden advertising.

Ambush marketing is the development of a campaign, which results in the association of the advertiser's brand with a significant event (sports championship or concert) in order to transfer some of the positive associations to itself, while not being an official sponsor (partisan sponsorship).

Actions and performances. Life placement (the introduction of goods into ordinary everyday life using fake "happy" buyers - Mystery shopper - Mystery shopper) - is used not only to check the work of employees, but also to create artificial demand. Fake shoppers walk or call stores demanding a certain product. Btl promotions and performances. In guerrilla marketing, btl is event marketing (event marketing, event marketing, btl promotions or guerrilla promotions, promotion (promotion or promotion) - an unexpected promotion of a product or service). Auto performance - car performance on city streets; Illusion - visual deception; Brand space - a unique place for brand communication with the consumer; Street action - street performance; Striking - naked people at public events; Partisan Projection - partisan video projection; Provocative - provocative marketing; Wild posting - sticker campaign.

Ambient Media - literally translated as external (surrounding) media. The term was first used in the second half of the 90s in the UK. Today it has little in common with traditional media. Ambient Media is best described as a non-standard ad that focuses on placement. It is designed to surprise people, to penetrate into their daily lives. Where traditional media simply cannot go.

Today, Ambient Media is experiencing quite a lot of popularity, although it is still a fairly non-standard medium, which many marketers are wary of. The main essence of Ambient Media is that this advertisement penetrates into those places where it is not expected to be seen at all. This is her main advantage. After all, people in the modern world have learned to ignore most of the classic advertising. Ambient draws attention to itself.

Penetrates the atmosphere target audience(advertising on the floor in the toilet of the club, on the handle of the trolley in the supermarket, on the handle in the bus);

Differs in non-standard a high degree creativity and novelty, due to which it attracts attention;

Good for planning. Ambient Media focuses not on reaching a large audience, but on high-quality contacts with potential customers;

To date, Ambient Media is one of the fastest growing areas in advertising. At the same time, analysts note that ambient is especially popular in Europe. In the USA, of course, serious budgets are also given to him, but not as actively as in the Old World.

To date, there are already a huge number of different Ambient Media tools: carts in supermarkets, escalators in the subway, dishes for takeaway food, stands for postcards, price tags, tickets, bags, posters, car and ATM decoration, video screens, wastebaskets, benches, clothes, bar counters, floor and walls in the toilet, urinals, inscriptions in the sky, fences, flower beds, balloons, city streets. .

It is known that over time, absolutely any advertisement "gets bored" and begins to annoy. And we are talking about two aspects at once: firstly, about the very ideas of advertising, which constantly need to be updated, finding new solutions; secondly, about the ways in which advertising is distributed. That is, advertising media also get bored, and their effectiveness begins to fall. Of course, this does not happen in one day, the process can take many years. But the result is always the same: for the same money on the same media, you get advertising that has less effect on the consumer.

Such a decrease in the effectiveness of advertising material is usually called "burn-in" or "combustion of advertising." Today, in order for your appeal to be noticed, sometimes you have to put up several shields at once one after another with the same information. And before, one shield was enough.

However, only by increasing the number of surfaces, you will not always be able to get a high-quality result. Recently, in the world and in our country, there have been many advertising campaigns with huge budgets and a large number of placements: on television, in the press, on outdoor advertising billboards. And the effect is minimal, and definitely not worth the money spent on shares. We emphasize that the ideas of these campaigns were more often good than bad.

One of the main reasons is the rapid growth of the Russian advertising market in recent years. As a result, with an increase in the number of standard advertising formats and with increasing competition in the traditional advertising market, the effectiveness of conventional advertising is declining.

In recent years, advertisers have more often used two approaches to solving this issue: the advertiser is invited to take the consumer "in number", placing his advertisement on a large number of media, or to attract the attention of the buyer with an original idea, often scandalous or outrageous.

Moreover, not enough attention was paid to the original media themselves, at least in comparison with Western advertising agencies, for which, recently, creating advertisements on non-standard media is a completely standard occupation.

Landing stages

Sometimes discoveries "lie on the surface" and it is enough just to carefully look around. This happened with the landing stages, which, being on the Neva in the very center of St. Petersburg, for a long time remained without attention. Everyone drove past, not noticing nondescript buildings.

For the first time, advertising appeared on them three years ago - the landing stages have found a new life, and the advertising placed on them has become an adornment of the embankment. A landing stage is a floating pier from which river trams depart, taking Petersburgers and guests of the city on excursions along the rivers and canals of St. Petersburg. Due to its favorable location (along the embankment, opposite the Hermitage and the Bronze Horseman), various segments of the population fall under the influence of advertising, and the large landing area allows you to create an image that is easy to read from the most advantageous points and even from the opposite side of the Neva.

Monuments and letters in the sky

We are talking about the pedestrian zone that appeared not so long ago in St. Petersburg - Malaya Konyushennaya Street. It is planned to make all street paraphernalia here non-standard - lanterns, benches, cafe-kiosks, trash cans and even hatches. The project will be implemented by attracting funds from advertisers. The largest St. Petersburg producer, the pride of our city, the Baltika brewery, which is dreaming of opening a monument to beer on Malaya Konyushennaya, has taken an active interest in the project.

Baltika often becomes an innovator in advertising. Many Petersburgers saw how in the summer an airplane flew over the beaches of the Gulf of Finland, pulling a banner behind it. The idea is not new, but thanks to a small nuance it looked unusual. The fact is that the basis on which the Baltika logo was attached was absolutely transparent, and it seemed that individual letters were flying one after another across the blue sky. .

Due to the ease of creation, the poster has become the most common medium in outdoor advertising. However, the growing popularity of outdoor advertising leads to a rapid increase in the number of designs.

Under these conditions, non-standard solutions are of particular value, which can dramatically increase the attention of consumers to advertising information.

Non-standard solutions always require additional creative efforts from the creators. But the returns from them, of course, more. Nevertheless, it must be remembered that advertising structures are complex technical structures that not only require a special "engineering" approach, but also impose certain restrictions on the imagination of designers. In order to realize what was conceived, it is necessary to know well the possibilities that various designs provide, and clearly understand the constructive essence of the existing restrictions. A competent combination of the creative solution of the designer and the possibilities of construction always gives a strong creative effect.

Extender: room for imagination.

An extender is an additional part of the advertising field that protrudes beyond the main surface. The use of an extender solves several important advertising tasks at once. First, the total advertising space of the standard fixed format is increased. Secondly, the non-standard silhouette of the structure sharply distinguishes it from others. Thirdly, it gives additional scope for creating interesting creative solutions.

Extenders can be both flat and voluminous. At the same time, it is worth noting that volume, oddly enough, practically does not give advantages.

When developing an extender, you should keep in mind some technical subtleties. For example, the extender cannot be moved more than a meter from the side edge of the structure due to the proximity of moving vehicles. Or, for example, you should take into account the wind load when trying to create a "superextender". Of course, all these issues are under the control of engineers and are not directly related to design, but we should not forget about them either.

In general, the extender has a great creative potential, and not all of its capabilities are discovered or used. In this regard, it is worth paying attention to the experience of foreign designers who widely and successfully use various forms of extenders in any format.

Rollers: Möbius strip.

The desire to maximize the use of advertising space makes engineers look for new technical solutions. Following PrismaVision, there was another opportunity to use the same design to showcase multiple advertising posters. The new technology was called "roller". Its essence is that several posters are combined into one tape, which scrolls through a special mechanism and sequentially demonstrates all layouts. In Russia, this technology is used in two types of structures - standard city-formats and city-boards (structures of 2.7 × 3.7 m format). In both cases, the posters are internally illuminated. Unlike prismvision, there are no options for changing images in rollers, the posters scroll one after another, first in one direction and then in the opposite direction. As a result, it will be more difficult to use a story series of several layouts in this case - the story will have to logically develop in both directions. At the same time, new horizons for creative discoveries are emerging. For example, you can make one long poster or use stickers on the inside of the protective glass, while the posters themselves will act as interchangeable decorations.

Light effects: electrification of the whole country.

Another way to draw attention to advertising information can be the use of various lighting effects, both based on the existing lighting of the poster, and using additional lighting elements.

The most common use of additional lighting. These can be stroboscopes, neon, duralight, etc. All these "bulbs", of course, do not illuminate the entire advertising surface, but serve only as an additional beacon for consumers. Their use in general, and location in particular, is directly related to the content of the poster and is its logical continuation. One of the purposes of using such "light bulbs" is to introduce elements of animation into the layout, which in itself is impossible in a typographic image.

The simplest version of light dynamics is the creation of inscription contours that allow you to gradually illuminate the entire word. This technique is effective with a sufficiently large letter size. There are many options for additional lighting, and you can install it on almost any format. The only thing to consider is: the farther the advertising surface is from the observer, the better the light dynamics is perceived.

Features of the existing lighting are not used so often. The most obvious example is structures with internal illumination. One of the most interesting effects here can be achieved with double-sided or multi-layer printing. Different images are applied to opposite sides of the poster canvas, and in daylight we see only the front image, and when the internal illumination is turned on, the image printed on the reverse side appears.

Imitation: non-standard approach.

As we already know, outdoor advertising is very specific in nature. The reason for this is both the structures themselves and the urban environment in which they are located. From the point of view of creativity, the features of the advertising medium are a good reason for another non-standard approach to design in outdoor advertising. The use of these features provides a fertile ground for the implementation of advertising ideas. Moreover, creative benefits can be derived not only from the structures themselves, but also from everything that surrounds them.

When developing imitations, it is very important to find the boundary between reality and its likeness, not to reproduce everyday life, but to beat it. Only in this case it will be possible to count on the advertising effect. There are no ready-made solutions or templates in the field of imitation. This is creativity from start to finish. Every new project has to start from scratch. But with successful execution, the resulting effect more than pays for all efforts. It is impossible to make any recommendations in this topic, so we will just look at a few examples.

One of the themes of imitation is the quality of the posters themselves or their after-sales service. For example, an imitation of a torn off poster. At first glance, this type of advertising surface is a drawback that could negatively affect the perception of an advertising message, since it would indicate a poor quality of service. However, a well-made design allows you to turn all the expected disadvantages into a big plus: such a non-standard game with an advertising medium makes the message stand out from the competition and does not belittle the merits of the owners of the design.

Another topic for creativity is the internal structure of the advertising structure. As a child, we all were interested in finding out what is inside our favorite toy. This curiosity Imitation of volume, the destruction of the plane space on a standard shield does not leave people even in adulthood. Considering this psychological aspect, you can develop a very non-standard creative.

One of the emotionally neutral, but very effective examples of imitation is the creation of artificial volume. Violating the usual perception of the plane, this technique causes visual discomfort, which naturally attracts attention.

Imitation of space on a plane is a rather difficult technique to implement. It is necessary not only to depict three-dimensional objects, it is necessary to create a new space in the depths of the shield or in front of it. In addition, it must be taken into account that people will look at the poster from different angles, and the effect of the depth of space must be preserved regardless of the point of view. .

You can set yourself a super-task: the information you read must be learned at the level of muscle memory. (Psychologists say that when a person performs a muscular action - prescribes, for example, the name of a company, filling in the cells of a scanword - information is also remembered by him at the level of muscle memory.)

It is also desirable that a person not only read the information himself, but also told his friends and acquaintances about it (secondary advertising).

* ditties, songs, poems about a product, service or customer's store;

* instructions for using something;

* news, including scandalous;

* crossword or scanword;

* joke;

* forecast;

* fairy tales about the product;

* dispute, discussion;

* answering a reader's question;

* gratitude or, on the contrary, angry feedback from buyers or readers;

* hearing, gossip;

* horoscope;

* a toast in honor of the client;

* comics, cartoons;

* useful advice.


This form of a non-standard advertisement can be successfully used in digests ("Monday", etc.), in entertaining newspapers, scanwords and crosswords, for example, "Your Sofa Newspaper". In such publications, it is advisable to place crosswords or scanwords in which the names of advertisers, the names of their products, addresses, etc. are "hidden". By the way, you can solve such a crossword puzzle only when you carefully read the entire advertisement. It is also possible to sell a module placed in the crossword zone, which is interesting to make a prize. Among the readers who sent the correct answers to the questions to the editorial office, a prize provided by the same company is raffled off. A crossword puzzle can take the form of a company's trademark or an advertised product (for example, a bottle in a beer advertisement).


In gaming and entertainment newspapers, competitions can be held for the best "chastushka - advertising", poems, an anecdote about advertising, etc. The conditions for advertisers are the same as described: provide a prize and pay for an advertising module placed next to a column of ditties or jokes.

In information-analytical and business newspapers, you can use the method of publishing an advertisement in the form of a popular newspaper column. A useful reader can be called "In business!" - and talk in it about ways to solve a particular problem.

We proceed from the fact that 80% of the problems that arise in offices, regardless of their profile, are the same. This is the purchase of office supplies, repair of office equipment, replacement of cartridges, etc. We offer the simplest solution chain. How to buy, repair something? For example, firm X has offered such and such a method of purchase. Her advertisement describes the method, emphasizes the ease of solving the problem by this particular company. The purpose of the publication is to facilitate obtaining information on how to solve the problem that has arisen. Naturally, the rubric should be paid, and over time it can be made permanent.

Responses to letters from readers

The editorial office of the newspaper "Your Health" receives a lot of readers' letters with questions. Doctors and cosmetologists from among the advertisers answer them, along with the address and telephone number of the company. By the way, in such publications it is easy to use the principle of "secondary advertising", drawing people who have not read them into the discussion of advertising articles.

Character article

In a newspaper for women or for the whole family, information and advertising can be combined by introducing a conditional character. Before the rubric becomes advertising and, therefore, paid, the image should be promoted as a living, really existing and acting in different life situations person.

Reader's Letter of Appreciation

To prove to their readers that they need advertising like air, unobtrusively written stories are published about how advertising helped real people solve problems. For example, on the front page of the newspaper there is a letter of gratitude from a patient who was satisfied with the services of the clinic - the advertiser.

Complaint letter

A wonderful example of using consumer dissatisfaction for advertising purposes was demonstrated by Ray Ovak. American housewife Barbara Freeman sent an angry letter to the management of a company that produces electric batteries. It turned out that Barbara's son is fond of toy robots and cars, and the batteries last eight hours instead of one hour (as indicated in the instructions). "Because of this," the housewife complained, "there is a constant rumble and noise in the house." Needless to say that the management of the company placed a "nervous letter" in the newspapers. You really can't imagine a better advertisement!

marriage announcement

"An already experienced, but still energetic advertising agency wants to meet a smart, solid client. Serious intentions! Agency hobbies: advertising ideas (creative), direct mail and posting, persuasive texts, high-quality design ... and in general - any advertising that sells. We dream about the client: with a head on his shoulders, with money in his pocket, with confidence in professionals.

With hope for mutual understanding, respect, and maybe... Agency "Golden Key" (The design of the ad is appropriate: it couldn't have done without a heart pierced by an arrow).

Sensation "Royal drug"

Russian scientists have revealed one of the ancient Russian secrets. In the XII-XIII centuries, this remedy was called the "royal drug". The ancient Slavs, taking it, won the battles, the girls kept their youth and health for a long time, and in the third generation, according to the ancient chronicles, real heroes were born. The modern version of the ancient drug, restored by Russian scientists, is called "royal pills". The tests carried out confirmed their high efficiency.

The announcement was written in the form of a digest with a catchy headline - "Will Yeltsin be given a new refrigerator?". It tells about the action of support by the Russian government of the domestic manufacturer of refrigerators "Stinol". For this purpose, Lipetsk refrigerators were installed in the offices of senior officials. The note ends like this: "... Refrigerators are a good gift for officials. With their help, it is good to cool passions between meetings, especially in the heat. You look, with a cold head and laws will be more thoughtful ...".

News from Pepsi "Did You Know?"

It took 2,000 man-hours and 300 liters of paint to paint an Air France Concorde in the signature "pepsin" color.

More than $500 million will be invested in the campaign to change the image of Pepsi on the world market.

Differences from Pepsi "Did You Know?"

The largest bubble in a Pepsi jar was recorded last year by schoolchildren in the city of Vologda. The bubble was so big that it took up the entire jar, so it was completely empty.

The mystery of the footprints of the Bigfoot has been solved - these are the prints of his hands. .

1. In all the bars of one western city, lighters were laid out next to the ashtrays, which beat with a slight charge of current everyone who took them. On the lighter was written: "Think this hurts? Imagine cancer." Almost everywhere, the lighter became the subject of discussion among visitors, forcing many to think about the careless attitude to their health.

2. "A cover for those who drink while driving" - this is how one could call a social action carried out by a Western brewing company. On the top of her beer bottles, she placed a picture of a car. Every time you open a bottle, the image of the car deforms, clearly showing the consequences of drunk driving.

3. Another good example: the shadow of a palm tree drawn on the pavement stretches from a telegraph pole on which it is written: "Nothing can replace a tree. Plant more of them."

4. At one time, advertisements for Mr.Proper cleaning products appeared on US roads. The bottom line was that some stripes in the transition were much whiter than the surrounding ones. Next to them was the cleaning product logo. Passers-by paid attention to this move for one simple reason - the stripes with the logo of the product stood out against the background of those around them with their color. .

Rice. 1.1

5. Bosch again used sewer manholes in their ads. True, this time we are not talking about a cup of coffee, but about a stylized image of a new iron model from Bosch. It looked impressive enough, and attracted attention. But the most important thing is that the advertisement was relevant. The placement and the created image were clearly associated with the product.

Rice. 1.2 Bosch

6. The Starbucks coffee shop chain at one time quite successfully promoted Wrigley's chewing gums. It's simple. Starbucks cup began to complement the person's face. This advertisement was primarily aimed at those people who do not go to Starbucks alone. She amused the interlocutors and casually reminded that this chewing gum perfectly whitens teeth.

Rice. 1.3

7. IWC advertises its watches on the bus with special stylized handles. A person holding on to one of them finds himself in a situation where the watch is worn on his hand. It looks funny, and most importantly, everyone who held on to the handrail definitely noticed the clock.

Rice. 1.4 IWC

8. Yamaha made an interesting move. The handle of each basket was stylized as a motorcycle, which made each visitor feel like the owner of a Japanese two-wheeled monster.

9. Advertisement for Rimmel Quick Dry nail polish. This campaign took place in London, not far from major shopping centers. The advertising metaphor itself is simple - Rimmel Quick Dry nail polish dries very quickly. So fast that even situations like the one in the photo became possible. In general, this attitude was ensured by the attention of women. Many stopped and inspected the structure. In addition, photos of this event have been distributed on the Internet around the globe.

Rice. 1.5

10. Another notable project is a promo for Quentin Tarantino's Kill Bill. In terms of attracting attention, it bypasses the previous work by several heads. At the same time, questions arise about how the city authorities even allowed such placement. But it looks impressive.

Rice. 1.6 "Kill Bill"

11. This is not the first time Ikea has been equipping bus stops. We even once wrote about the case when cars appeared in the Japanese subway, all the furniture in which was from IKEA. This time the example is simpler. A simple bus stop equipped with furniture from IKEA.

Rice. 1.7 IKEA

12. The movie "Superman Returns" (which failed successfully) was very cleverly advertised in elevators.

Rice. 1.8 "Superman Returns"

13. Duracell made a very clever advertisement in Malaysia. Even a constantly running escalator can only go so long because it uses Duracell batteries inside.

Rice. 1.9

14. DHL Express skillfully advertises its subway delivery service. To do this, we are shown a huge traffic of cars, among which it is impossible to squeeze through, and a special route, which DHL cars freely follow. An interesting idea that shows that your product will be delivered on time and will not be delayed anywhere.

Rice. 1.12

The line "non-standard promotion" has appeared in the price lists of most Russian advertising agencies for ten years already. However, teams of narrow specialists involved only in guerrilla marketing appeared only 2-3 years ago. The market is completely new, unformed, and no one can give exact estimates of its size yet. Even according to the most optimistic estimates, guerrilla marketing accounts for no more than 1-2% of the turnover of the entire domestic advertising industry.

The term "guerrilla marketing" was coined in the mid-1980s by the American economist Jay Levinson, who dealt with the problems of improving the efficiency of small businesses. Among other things, he advised small entrepreneurs to promote their products in low-budget but effective ways.

In Russia, the term has slightly mutated and has come to mean any unusual way of promotion, be it provocations, spreading rumors, or painting walls with graffiti with the company logo. "It's more correct to talk about alternative marketing," says R&I Group CEO Yuniy Davydov. Interviewed market players include non-standard "outdoor" among the alternative means, viral marketing, promotion with the participation of hidden agents of influence. In all cases, the focus is on consumers spreading news about a new product or service, mostly on their own (hence, by the way, the term "viral" came from - people seem to "infect" each other with information).

Russian more or less large partisan actions can be counted on the fingers. The Sitronics company promoted its equipment by hiring several dozen young people who dragged boxes with the company's logo along the streets of Moscow, St. Petersburg and other million-plus cities. The action was supported by an article in Komsomolskaya Pravda, the authors of which "find out" what kind of equipment appeared on the streets.

In the summer of 2007, the restaurant holding "Rosinter Restaurants Holding" gave the visitors of its site the opportunity to play an online game - to breed "cutletoids" and "gourmanoids". It was proposed to involve friends and acquaintances in the joint feeding of animals, competitions were held, whose animal is fatter. In the process of feeding, users saw advertisements for Rosinter restaurants. The author of the idea, the Xan Internet agency, claims that 25,000 players have been attracted to the site. The entire project cost Rosinter $70,000.

The following works can serve as examples of Russian non-standard:

1. Name: Emergency stop thirst. Agency: Rodnaya Rech. Advertiser: The Coca-Cola Company. Business sector: Soft drinks. Year of release: 2009. Type of advertising: Non-standard advertising.

Awards: 19 Moscow international festival advertising RedApple, 2009 (Shortlist) Media projects (Non-standard media solutions) .

Fig 1.13.

2. Name: Charger for Megafon. Agency: M-Liner. Advertiser: Megafon. Business sector: Telecommunication services. Year of release: 2009. Type of advertising: Non-standard advertising.

Awards: 19th RedApple Moscow International Advertising Festival, 2009 (Shortlist) Non-standard advertising media.

Rice. 1.14.

3. Name: Hair can be returned. Agency: BBDO Moscow. Business sector: Medical services. Year of release: 2009. Type of advertising: Non-standard advertising.

Awards: 19th Moscow International Advertising Festival RedApple, 2009 (2nd place) Non-standard advertising media.

Fig.1.15. R.T.H.

4. Name: Skinny. Agency: BBDO Moscow. Business sector: Pharmaceutical products. Year of release: 2008. Type of advertising: Non-standard advertising. Awards: 18th RedApple Moscow International Advertising Festival, 2008 (3rd place) Non-standard advertising media.

Rice. 1.16

5. Name: Sound controls. Agency: P.A.Sh.T.E.T Business sector: Finishing materials. Year of release: 2008. Type of advertising: Non-standard advertising.

Awards: 18th Moscow International Advertising Festival RedApple, 2008 (2nd place) Non-standard advertising media.


6. Name: Button. Agency: Gray Worldwide Russia. Business sector: Pharmaceutical products. Year of release: 2007. Type of advertising: Non-standard advertising.

Awards: 8th Kyiv International Advertising Festival, 2007 (3rd place) Alternative advertising and ambient media (Non-traditional advertising media, new media) .


7. Name: Bookmark. Agency: Leo Burnett Moscow. Advertiser: Procter & Gamble. Brand: Tide. Business sector: Household chemicals. Year of release: 2007. Type of advertising: Non-standard advertising.

Awards: 17th RedApple Moscow International Advertising Festival, 2007 (1st place) Outdoor and print advertising (Products for home and office, finishing materials)

Fig.1.18. Tide

8. Men's deodorants Ax

Irkutsk State Technical University

Faculty of Law, Sociology and Media

Course work

Completed by: 3rd year student,

gr. REC-07-2 Bityutskikh S.A.

Checked: Associate Professor of the Department " World economy»

Batsyun N.V.

Irkutsk 2009

Introduction 3

Chapter 1. Theoretical basis development of non-traditional advertising media in modern conditions

1.1 Prerequisites for the emergence of non-traditional carriers modern advertising 4

1.2 Types and application of non-traditional media of modern advertising 9

Chapter 2 Study of the development of non-traditional media of modern advertising

2.1 Research Methodology 23

2.2 Study results 24

Conclusion 33

Bibliography 35

Application ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ 37


The urgency of the problem. Currently, the topic "Non-traditional advertising media" is relevant, since it is easy to make high-quality and interesting advertising, but it is difficult to find an interesting way to place it. Today, consumers simply do not perceive most advertising, they are tired of the banality and "old age" of the types and distribution channels of advertising that they see every day. And these means of advertising distribution themselves are already losing their effectiveness in the Russian advertising market. According to these and many other factors, scientists-specialists, and simply creative people, are developing relatively new and unusual advertising technologies of their kind.

The degree of development of the problem. When writing this term paper Oleg Feofanov's book “Advertising. New technologies in Russia”. This book is the result of more than thirty years of the author's work in the field of advertising, his direct participation in practical advertising activities - advising various advertising, commercial, political and public organizations.

And also material was used from the advertising portal, dedicated to discussing only non-traditional advertising media. With the help of this site, we were able to analyze some types of non-traditional advertising media, and studied various articles on the topic of the perception of new technologies in advertising. And with the help of, we were able to conduct market research to determine which types of advertising media are more attractive to consumers.

Object of study modern advertising media in Russia

Subject of study– use of non-traditional advertising media in Russia

Purpose of the study:

To analyze the existing non-standard advertising media on the Russian market.


1. Find out what was the need for the emergence of new advertising technologies.

3. Determine how effective the use of non-traditional advertising media is.

Hypothesis: With the increase in the number of standard advertising formats and increased competition in the traditional advertising market, the effectiveness of conventional advertising is declining. In this regard, non-traditional advertising media appear, which will later become traditional.

Basic concepts:

Advertising - this is a paid, unidirectional and non-personal appeal carried out through the media and other types of communication, campaigning in favor of any product, brand, company (some business, candidate, government).

Non-traditional media - new communication channels through which advertising reaches our consciousness in the most unexpected places, breaking through the general stream of advertising messages.


Theoretical foundations for the development of non-traditional advertising media in modern conditions.

1.1. Prerequisites for the emergence of non-traditional advertising media

Advertising is of great importance in our life. It largely determines our image and style of life, inevitably affects our views, our attitude towards ourselves and the world around us. It shows us ready-made forms of behavior in a given situation. Determines what is good and what is bad.

The world of advertising technologies surprises us every year with the pace of its development. Over the past 5 years, a lot of original ideas and advertising media have appeared on the advertising market, which open up new opportunities for us to promote goods and services. It is also fair to note that not all novelties successfully take root in the market, and move from the category of "non-traditional", becoming generally recognized effective advertising media.

We chose this topic because we were interested in this problem and, moreover, in this moment this issue is very relevant.

Non-traditional media (ambient media) have recently become increasingly popular with advertisers, and the Russian advertising market has seen a significant increase in the number of agencies offering clients to place information about their products on mobile billboards, sauce bags, bakery products, and even on the faces of promoters. It must be assumed that the day is not far off when the Moon will be decorated with the logo of some well-known corporation, and the spots on the Sun will be removed with the help of a popular detergent.

It is known that absolutely any advertisement eventually begins to annoy the audience. And here we are talking about two aspects at once: the very ideas of advertising, which constantly need to be updated, finding new solutions, and the ways in which advertising is distributed. That is, over time, the effectiveness of the advertising media themselves also begins to fall, add to this the constant rise in the cost of traditional advertising media due to media inflation. In addition, due to all sorts of legal restrictions, advertisers have less and less opportunity to position and promote a particular brand using traditional media.

Recently, two approaches to solving this issue are most often used: the advertiser is invited to take the consumer "in number", placing his advertisement on a large number of media, or to attract the attention of the buyer with an original idea, often scandalous or outrageous. That is why today, in order for your appeal to a potential audience to be noticed, you have to come up with non-traditional advertising media.

The main reason for the emergence of non-standard media is mainly the exhaustion of the potential of mainstream media. In particular, the use of BTL advertising has long ceased to be an ordinary fashion trick, having turned into a real marketing tool for Russian companies. Such types of advertising media as business souvenirs, placement of logos on pens and calendars have become an integral part of the company's image and an indicator of the level of its corporate culture. According to the forecasts of RACAR (Association of Communication Agencies of Russia) and RAMU (Russian Association of Marketing Services), the BTL market size in 2010 will be $1.7 billion, and in the next five years the BTL industry will show rapid growth - from 27 to 30% annually. And, according to RACA analysts, by 2011 the volume of the Russian BTL advertising market may reach $4.5 billion.

Thus, today anything can become an advertising medium: the body of a person, the name of a child, the name of settlements. Everything is filled with advertising: the walls of houses, public toilets, garbage cans. Advertisements are written on asphalt, on the free sides of checks and credit cards.

Non-standard advertising media make it possible to obtain a high quality of contact: new media are absolutely noisy, and their use allows to achieve the effect of novelty and surprise for the consumer. Non-traditional advertising has the ability to accurately inform consumers and selectively influence them, while, for example, the audience on television, due to objective factors, is rather blurred and is rather a collection of different consumer groups.

The term ambient (translated from English "surrounding") was first used in relation to advertising and media in the UK in the mid-90s of the twentieth century. This word has come to mean advertising that catches the eye of the consumer in the most unexpected places: on the back of a parking ticket, at the bottom of a golf hole, on a seat belt in a subway car, on a trolley handle in a supermarket, on the side of an egg tray (some technologies allow you to post messages even on eggs).

The main disadvantage of non-standard placement is the duration of preparation and the requirements for careful study of all the details of the process. And you can never accurately calculate the effectiveness of the project in advance. But if everything was done wisely, then you should definitely expect success!

Unfortunately, many Russian companies hardly perceive non-traditional advertising, presumably due to prevailing stereotypes. There is a strong opinion in business circles that traditional advertising media are much more effective in promoting a brand. Although, as practice shows, non-traditional advertising, with a properly drafted advertising campaign, covers the target audience much faster, and, no less important, an unusual advertising move remains in people's memory much longer than a banal commercial on TV or a line of an ad in a newspaper.

The key task of non-standard advertising is to attract the attention of the consumer in those places and at those moments when the advertising flow of traditional media (TV, press, outdoor advertising) is weakened. Creating situations of unexpected or forced viewing of advertising information more clearly captures the advertising message in the minds of consumers. For example: advertising on airline tickets, in beauty salons, in toilets, on airplanes, on benches.

According to the Custom Line Media Group agency, quite a lot of new advertising media have appeared in Russia lately. Currently, the specialists of this company analyze more than 30 different segments of the non-traditional media industry.

Today, the advertising market requires new solutions, the advertiser is actively interested in absolutely all the proposed new ideas and effective ways of interacting with the target audience. The tightening of the rules for placing television advertising and the unresolved situation with outdoor advertising contribute to the emergence of so-called non-traditional media.

The use of non-standard media is often justified by the possibility of using small budgets, as well as the high quality of contact with a potential consumer.

Custom advertising opportunities are "unplayed" advertising tools with minimal internal media noise that are little or not used by competitors. These are non-common advertising opportunities, to which the advertising market does not have access to general information or does not exist at all (for example, a database of market research results). The consequence of this is precisely the lack of standards, common ideas, with which it would be possible to compare proposals from suppliers.

If a custom advertising opportunity is not a creative rethinking of a standard one, then new technologies, media and platforms are used to implement it, which means that significant investments, together with the inevitable lack of a steady stream of advertising budgets, are the reason for the relatively high cost per thousand contacts. The use of such advertising opportunities is advisable if there is an intersection of the advertiser's target audience with the target audience of the media, high communication efficiency of the media, an adequate contractor and a clear strategy for using this media in general and within the overall advertising campaign, in particular.

The superposition of these conditions will give the advertiser the opportunity to convey his advertising message to a potential consumer with high efficiency and, as a result, even with lower total costs than through standard media. For agencies, as a rule, the use of non-standard media is characterized by increased profitability.

As practice shows, in recent years, companies with sufficiently “promoted” brands have begun to resort to the use of non-standard advertising to attract the attention of the audience.

The amount of advertising on traditional media has recently become simply huge. Over time, the endless stream of advertising becomes the cause of audience irritation, and as a result, the level of effectiveness of even expensive advertising campaigns is significantly reduced. The traditional media themselves are gradually becoming a kind of advertising background, to which the consumer reacts weaker and weaker. Attracting the attention of the target audience is possible only by increasing the media weight, which advertisers with the appropriate advertising budgets can afford. But even this strategy cannot become a panacea, because each media carrier has its own "ceiling", moreover, it is impossible to increase the frequency and volume of placement indefinitely. For these reasons, the advertiser begins to turn to non-traditional media to promote products. Experience shows that the greatest effect is achieved by combining traditional and non-traditional carriers. Of course, in percentage terms, the traditional carrier still wins, but it must be assumed that this is a matter of time.

Today, experts classify Russia as an emerging advertising market, but traditional advertising media in their current form will sooner or later cease to exist.

1.2. Types and application of non-traditional advertising media

Non-traditional types of advertising distribution channels are those channels that are used only in limited cases, do not have the character of mass use. .

Forms and types of advertising are as diverse as life itself. The carrier of the advertising message can be anything. Most of the original and unexpected advertising media comes to us from other countries. From a matchbox to a space rocket. From the World Wide Web - Internet to condoms. It is noteworthy that in recent years advertising has begun to conquer the sky. Newspapers reported that for the first time the advertisement would be placed aboard a rocket launched into space. The Swedish Space Corporation has announced a competition for advertisements on its Maxus spacecraft. The minimum cost of this unusual order is $ 1 million. The advertising sign on board the rocket will occupy an area of ​​26 m2, will be equal in height to a five-story building and will “live” for a very short time - approximately 10 seconds of launch and another 15 seconds in space, while the rocket the carrier will not cease to exist. The actual effect of this advertisement will depend on the distribution of the photos.

Originality is always attractive. Here, for example, is an interesting technique used by Proctor & Gamble to popularize their Pert Plus shampoo-conditioner, intended mainly for men and which began to lose its popularity in 1998. The television commercial shows how a company representative, armed with a new shampoo and a basin right on the street, invites passers-by to wash their hair and does it skillfully. Naturally, these "washes" are not complete without funny situations which makes advertising both popular and effective.

Advertising mirrors are advertising - image information carriers and have the option of a slide show, crawling line and video advertising on a built-in TFT monitor. Advertising in the mirror - new advertising technologies in the era of global consumption for the target audience of successful, wealthy and educated.

There are also advertising mirrors, where, in addition to a set of slides plus a running line, there is a built-in liquid crystal monitor with a digital audio-video system that allows you to show presentation films, any other video advertising and just movies.

The slides are displayed instantly and alternately in such a way that only one slide is projected onto the surface of the advertising mirror at a time. In this case, a significant part of the mirror plane remains free and performs the main function of a mirror.

Ease of manufacturing and replacement of slides allows you to quickly change the advertising strategy, so that advertising in the mirror becomes flexible and operational.

In an advertising mirror, thanks to a fan of multimedia options, images-movements are built, and the mirror surface, multiplying the world by an imaginary unit, introduces us into the mysterious space of images-time. This combination allows us to say that advertising in the mirror has integrated and conceptualized in a high-tech advertising structure the entire history of the evolution of consciousness of the intellectual, creative and economic elite in the 20th century.

The main advantages of advertising benches are a modern and bright design, a rather low cost of placement and an absolute novelty of the product. It is worth noting that the benches perform not only advertising, but also social function. They are designed both for the improvement of urban space and for equipping public transport waiting areas.

The concept of placing advertising benches covered the busiest places in the city: tourist areas, pedestrian areas of the central streets, squares adjacent to metro stations and public transport waiting areas, parks, etc.

This project is designed for success, especially in the midst of a spring tide of heat, when a huge number of residents and guests of the city go for walks along the streets of the capital. Advertising benches will become the main resting place for citizens, as well as a great addition to the city landscape. It should be noted that seasonal placement of advertising benches is not of fundamental importance, since both in the cold and warm seasons they are serviced daily by service teams and always have a well-groomed, clean appearance.

MGA Interactive

The basis of MGA Interactive is a projector that gives an image to the floor. A special tracking system reacts to people walking or standing in the screen area and immediately changes the image using numerous software effects. MGA Interactive platforms are located in shopping and entertainment centers.

This advertising medium - MGA Interactive - is the only medium today that allows the viewer to interact interactively with advertising information, becoming part of it and immersing themselves in the atmosphere of the advertising message. Following from the features of the medium, the viewer perceives MGA Interactive as entertainment, and not as intrusive advertising, hence - only positive emotions to the media carrier and to what is displayed on it. According to the study, the average viewer who pays attention to the media MGA Interactive spends 2.6 minutes at the system, and for 15% this time is more than 4 minutes. People like what they saw: more than 60% told their friends, relatives, colleagues about what they saw, thereby increasing the potential audience of the system due to the “word of mouth” effect.

MGA Interactive is a fairly transparent tool that initially allows you to get maximum information about the size and quality of the audience at each individual placement point. Such information is already reflected initially in the targeted program of the media network offered for placement and, taking into account the indicators obtained in the course of the study, can give a fairly complete picture for the advertiser.

MGA Interactive is a new advertising medium for our country, the network was launched into commercial operation on May 1, 2007, and today it is impossible to give specific facts characterizing the return on advertising on systems. However, many companies successfully use similar networks in the US, South Korea and other countries are willingly planning placement in the coming months, which is an external assessment of the quality of the work of MGA Interactive platforms as an advertising tool.

"Talking" advertising

New technologies of sensory impact (additional impact on hearing, touch, etc.) are widely used in the West and have already proven themselves there. Why, for example, is the familiar sound of sizzling Coca-Cola being poured into a glass filled with ice when entering the Coca-Cola department? Distinctive sound is a cheap but effective way to appeal to customers' feelings and increase the impact of the brand's message. Sound evokes memories and emotions. The familiar trill of a bird raises waves of memories of the house, a musical hit from many years ago for a moment brings back the excitement and anxieties of that time. America On Line (AOL) uses voices in its interactive programming that are familiar to many network users.

Since this is not very common in Russia yet, we can be pioneers, namely, be original and win additional “pluses” in the eyes of consumers. For example, Whiscas is already using it, whose energetic cats meow on outdoor advertising in Moscow. The ear reacts faster than the eye. Repeated tests show that the brain is able to perceive a spoken word in 140 milliseconds, and it takes 180 milliseconds to understand a printed word. Psychologists believe that a difference of 40 milliseconds is spent by the brain on translating a visual image into an auditory image that the brain can perceive.

You can make a great ad with just words, but how many successful ads have we seen that consist of one video sequence, without words and sounds. The timbre of the human voice gives the words an emotionality unattainable by any image. The warmth of the human voice is often enough to effectively convey the essence of the advertising message to the listener.

promotion box

Promobox is a new, innovative carrier that immediately showed its effectiveness. Due to its location on the handrails throughout the passenger compartment, it provides direct contact of the audience with advertising, unlike the usual stickers and posters. The attention of passengers of overcrowded transport will not pass by promobox. Especially when one image is placed on all media in the entire salon.

Tattooed faces and bodies are widely known and, one might even say, traditional images in advertising campaigns for tobacco, cosmetic, automotive and alcohol brands. If an advertiser needs to create a certain bias towards extremism, marginality, independence and escapism, these images are used, and the drawings are very often applied not only to the body, but also to the face, around the eyes, and so on.

Transfer tattoo (including, of course, advertising) - is easily transferred to the body with a damp cloth - with a simple tight pressing and wetting. Perhaps these are my conjectures, but - it seems that no carrier, except for an advertising tattoo, suggests such close contact with the body.

If we consider what determines the success of an advertising campaign on such non-traditional media? Only from graphics. Regardless of the desires of a person, whether he wants to stick it on himself or not, because the contract has been signed, and what the company will place is up to it.

The tattoo itself is often an informal phenomenon, and this makes it even more attractive and attractive means of self-expression. Tattooing is one of the oldest art forms of all nations, dating back to prehistoric times. It served not only as an ornament, but also as a sign of a tribe, clan, totem, indicated the social affiliation of its owner, and, in addition, was endowed with a certain magical power. The tattoo has been an inseparable companion of mankind at all times and on all continents, in almost all nations, in various cultures and religions. And today it remains something unusual and eye-catching.

InDoor TV technology

One of the most promising and already proven types of non-traditional advertising in Russia and abroad is video advertising in crowded places. This is the so-called InDoor TV technology. Experts say that more than 90% of potential buyers pay attention to it.

In recent years, this advertising technology has seriously improved. In 2005, a new X3D video technology appeared on the Russian InDoor advertising market, developed by X3D Technologies Corporation and first presented to the public back in 2002 at a high-tech conference in the USA. From now on, the attention of the consumer is attracted not by a flat, but by a three-dimensional image containing advertising information. Now the picture can easily go off the screen, then just as easily come back, leaving an indelible impression in the minds of people passing by. And its main trump card, in contrast to simple 3D technologies, is the perception of three-dimensional images without the use of additional tools, such as special helmets or stereo glasses. Plus, to appreciate the realism, it is not necessary to be directly at the monitor. Thanks to the large viewing angle and spatial reproduction technology, the effect is noticeable at a distance of up to 100 meters, which makes this technology suitable for the presentation of goods and services at the point of sale.

To date, countries such as Japan, China, France, Germany, the United States are actively using this type of advertising in large supermarkets, clubs, entertainment shopping centers. Advertising has become widespread in the field of computer technology, as well as banking and grocery. In our country, the first advertiser interested in X3D technology was the Russian Development Bank, which appreciated all the advantages of this advertisement in February 2005.

Using this technology to demonstrate videos is a great opportunity for a spectacular and memorable impact on the consumer, because creativity is important at every stage of advertising communication - from an idea to its visual implementation.

Just Touch interactive technology

Another innovative and effective type of advertising is the Just Touch interactive interaction technology, which appeared in the USA at the very beginning of the 21st century. Working on the basis of the Touch Screen system, it allows you to track the movement of the consumer's hands and use them to control the functions of the menu located on a special display. The system responds to any, even the lightest touch. This is due to the ultra-sensitive touch film covering the surface of the information board. The consumer will be able to find the information he is interested in, check the availability of goods, get acquainted with the program of the institution. At the same time, the logo of the advertised brand constantly falls into the field of view of the buyer, but does not irritate, but is deposited in the memory. This system is able to turn any showcase into a full-fledged sales channel, whether it is a showcase of a car dealership, a bank or a stand of a yogurt manufacturer.

Manufacturers should seriously think about the use of this technology in the "promotion" of their product. Because, firstly, the consumer will definitely appreciate the manufacturer's innovative approach to product advertising. Secondly, he will be grateful for the unobtrusive presentation of information and saving time. Thirdly, it will receive a lot of positive emotions. It is not surprising that in Japan, the USA, Korea, Europe and Russia, this technology is increasingly common today. In the US, for example, it is in almost every third point of sale or service.

Ground FX technology

This is an ultra-modern interactive projection developed by GestureTek, which allows the consumer not only to watch the advertising story, but also to take part in it.

With the help of special technical installations, a three-dimensional image is projected onto a flat surface. It is impossible to pass by unnoticed: the system will instantly react to the slightest movement made by the passer-by. For example, circles form on the virtual water, a flock of birds flutter, and the virtual gentleman nods his head affably. Using this technology, it is even possible to score a goal against a virtual goal!

The advertising technology was first tested in the same 2005 by US and Puerto Rico advertisers, in such well-known places as the American Airlines Center, Andels Stadium, Wachovia Center. Also among the first to use this technology was a bookstore in Manhattan and a couple of large supermarkets in Hollywood, which turned the floor between the windows into a virtual seabed.

Today, due to its high efficiency, this type of advertising is increasingly used by manufacturers and large shopping malls in Europe, America, Russia and some CIS countries for BTL promotions, as well as to increase the flow of consumers and ensure more frequent visits. Various events, exhibitions, fairs, product presentations - all these are the areas in which Ground FX advertising technology is actively used.

Japanese technology Free Format Projection

Another find of specialists in advertising innovations is the Japanese Free Format Projection technology, which can capture the imagination and attract the attention of anyone, even those who hate advertising with all the fibers of their soul. This technology creates a sense of the presence of life-size characters or objects through special processing of the image, which is then projected onto the surface. Here the fantasy is limitless: a virtual girl trying on outfits right in the shop window, a huge bottle dancing at the entrance to Entertainment Center, or a tin can walking between the rows in a supermarket…. Such a spectacle will remain in the memory of the consumer for a long time, which means that the advertised product or service will be a guaranteed success.

Many of you may remember how at the 2005 MTV Europe Music Awards, virtual cartoon characters from one of the famous bands entertained the audience as hosts. This event can be considered the first grandiose presentation of this advertising technology.

To date, it has already been used by manufacturers of computer and household appliances, high-end clothing, mainly in Japan, the United States, China.

In Russia, Free Format Projection has not yet become widespread due to its high cost, but it is quite possible that over the next few years our advertisers will actively use it, especially since there has been a trend towards innovation in Russian advertising.

This name comes from the English term Clean Advertising, which was first used by foreign journalists in 2006.

In May 2009, the first Russian agency specializing in environmentally friendly advertising was opened.

This technology allows the use of the natural urban environment, such as asphalt, pavement, pavement, and others, as a non-standard media carrier. Over the years, the asphalt has absorbed street dust and acquired an indefinite gray color, with the help of special technology and water, the contaminated surface is cleaned in the right places, and these areas stand out in contrast against the general background. The result is a beautiful image or inscription. The cost of such a project will be 5-10 thousand rubles, depending on the complexity of the drawing, this amount includes the manufacture of a stencil (1-3 thousand rubles), while a foreign analogue costs about 40 thousand rubles. Re-applying will cost the advertiser a smaller amount, since the stencil will already be ready.

The drawing stays on the surface from 2 to 8 weeks, depending on the location and the patency of this place.

Flogos are the name of company logos made of soap foam that rises into the air thanks to helium. The size of exotic advertising media is relatively small.

"Snow" advertising is located on any snow-covered surfaces - parked cars, walls, mailboxes. The use of only natural materials is a proven effectiveness in carrying out such an advertising technique.

These are last news in the world of innovative advertising technologies today. Of course, it is unlikely that innovation in advertising will completely replace tradition. However, given the mood of consumers who are tired of the monotony, and the lack of advertising space, most likely, traditional advertising will have to seriously make room. Because innovative advertising technologies are more immersive, digestible and effective. According to experts, their use can increase sales of the presented products by 20-45%! Producers will agree that this is a strong argument in favor of innovative advertising.

Informational social advertising is a significant type of advertising in our life. It draws attention to very important problems of society, to social programs and possibilities for their solution. The main thing in this advertisement is the presence feedback. If the problem is accurately, sharply and vividly revealed, then the social responsibility of such advertising is to give viewers the opportunity to choose how to solve this problem or react to it. Such advertising must be signed with telephone numbers, website, and other contacts so that viewers can react to it and express their attitude to the described situation. So, in an advertisement about orphans, the video often ends on a bear left on a bench. Such advertising fills viewers with guilt and a strong desire to adopt a child. Most of these impulse adoptions end up with people regretting what they did because they can't handle the adopted child.

First of all, it is necessary to make a reservation that the term "social advertising" is used only in Russia. All over the world, it corresponds to the concepts of "non-commercial" and "public" advertising.

Perhaps the most examples of the use of non-traditional advertising can be found in social advertising. This is explained by the fact that people, in principle, are poorly receptive to social advertising messages, so it is much more difficult to convey such information to them.

How many times from the pages of newspapers, the surfaces of billboards and from the TV screen urged people to quit smoking or not drinking while driving! But such appeals no longer work, the consumer's eye glides indifferently over familiar posters, just like the inscription on a pack of cigarettes "Smoking harms your health" - they simply do not notice it.

Non-traditional advertising media can attract attention. So, at one time, the German International Society for Human Rights (International Society for Human Rights) posted posters depicting a man thrown by stones on the central streets of Berlin. In this way, the society wanted to make people think about the situation in third world countries, where "stoning to death" is still a legal punishment. A similar tactic was used by Amnesty International, which posted pictures of soldiers aiming at passers-by on the walls of buildings, and stickers on sidewalks next to posters that read "Tax fraud is one of the 68 crimes they execute you for in China."

There are many other examples of social advertising created using non-traditional media: the fight against alcohol consumption by drivers in India (beer coasters with people's faces that, thanks to invisible ink, begin to "bleed" after a beer glass is placed on them), the struggle with smoking in Australia (an enlarged model of a cigarette is mounted on an iron pin sticking out in the middle of the field, which creates the effect of an extinguished cigarette), etc. The common thing in all these solutions is that they do not leave people indifferent, and therefore make them think.

If we analyze social advertising as a whole, then in Russia and in the West, for non-traditional decisions of its creation and placement, much less money than on the creation and placement of commercial advertising. The largest customer of social advertising is the state or various funds and public organizations therefore, creating a worthwhile non-traditional advertisement that will catch the eyes of passers-by is quite expensive. Therefore, when creating such social advertising, one should strive to use to the fullest extent those small budgets that are usually allocated for social advertising.

the main objective non-traditional social advertising- the creation and implementation of such a message that can cause a strong emotional response from the respondent.

Tobacco smoking

The world is an environment of contradictions. Social advertising should encourage smokers to be aware of this provision. Give a choice, but do not intimidate with death, although most of all such advertising is built on a bunch - "smoking-death"

Many don't realize how important donation is. Social advertising should convey to the majority of citizens information on this issue. Donation is a step towards saving lives. Donation is good for the donor's body. Donation is a personal choice for everyone who thinks about the fate of people in need at these moments and about potential patients. There are quite a lot of questions about donation among the population, but the solution for a healthy person should be one - to donate blood to needy children and adults. It is necessary to change the attitude of people towards donation. Show that the practice of blood donation exists in all developed countries.

Drunk driving

The driver and the car are two complementary systems. If the car malfunctions, the driver and other people on the roads suffer. If something is wrong with the driver, either he fell asleep, or is drunk, or drives without rules, drives, both the car and the people around him suffer. A car is a necessary and necessary transport, but it can also serve as a cause of death. Driving is the culture of the state, and the culture of its individual citizen. Advertising should encourage people to drive correctly, without killing their neighbors and themselves. Such advertising should be penetrating to goosebumps, but without blood and horror. There should be a dialogue with the driver, as with a smart person.

The problem of drunk drivers. The problem of purchased rights and ignorance of elementary traffic rules, etc. What can social advertising do here? Some agencies are taking action and churning out gory videos about driving, seat belts, red lights, and so on. And they think at the same time that such horrifying scenes can change something. The content of social advertising is the first to suffer. And it is non-traditional advertising media that can reduce the negative impact of advertising on the consumer by conveying the problems of such content.

Fight against violence

Violence is the use of physical force or various kinds of influences against an individual or social class to impose one's will or eliminate opponents. These are threats, terrorism, extortion, child abuse, sexual abuse… Most often, children and women fall into this category. Violence is the absence of power.

In turn, human strength is the ability to control one's emotions, desires, behavior; to become better by analyzing their actions.

Mental violence - violence, consists in influencing the human psyche by intimidation, threats, in order to break the will of the victim to resist, to defend their rights and interests.

Rape - in the criminal law of the Russian Federation - a crime against a person, which consists in sexual intercourse with the use of violence or with the threat of its use against the victim or other persons, or using the helpless state of the victim.

Non-traditional media are trying to convey the problem of violence to citizens in such a way that the audience is not afraid of what they see, but think about the existing problem. It is important that this advertisement contains the coordinates for feedback.

Ecology protection

Non-traditional advertising and ecology = successful interaction. If, to show that there is little vegetation, no trees, people will think, as it will be shown in unusual colors, and not a monotonous picture, and, secondly, the city will become even more beautiful, "more conceptual", "more thoughtful". If non-traditional advertising is done correctly, it decorates and tones the surrounding space. There is a lot of traditional advertising, there is information saturation, people do not notice it. And unconventional as a fresh breath that will definitely attract attention.

One of the definitions of what ecology is is the science of the mutual relationship of the environment, living organisms and humans. It is important to deal with ecology, understand processes, encourage people to be clean, to minimize waste: paper, water, food, etc. It is important to explain to children from childhood that cigarette butts and papers cannot be thrown on the streets, that it is important to keep the city, the air, and yourself clean. Unconventional solutions in this area can be very successful, since the environment and ecology are parts of one whole.

HIV infection

HIV infection is not the end of life, it is the mobilization of all sources of human strength, from physical to emotional. The infected person is not always to blame. The negligence of others often leads to the infection of one's neighbor. In this case, non-traditional advertising is designed to tell about such a phenomenon, to encourage people to search for information, if this is not presented in the advertisement, about HIV / AIDS.

If a person learns about the diagnosis of "HIV infection", then something in his life should change: with HIV infection, it is important to feel like a master of the situation, and not a helpless victim. Knowledge is power, so it is important to try to learn more about the development of HIV infection, the meaning of various tests, ways to maintain your health, new drugs and treatments.

Non-traditional social advertising should pay attention to such a complex, important problem of mankind. Some become infected from ignorance in this matter. Preventive methods are important here. And only then will we be saved from infection when we educate young people in an adult way, give them information to use.

Explain to people that it is impossible to shun the infected, since this does not always happen by his will, but by the untidiness of other people;

That you need to help such a close, friend;

It is important to provide information, sites where you can find answers to questions about HIV, prevention and treatment.

Oncological diseases

Youth, drive, nightclubs, friends, cigarettes, alcohol, the sun are the components of so many lives. But only someone after all this is left alone with cancer ... brain cancer, skin cancer, lung cancer .... for example. Non-traditional advertising should carry explanations to the population that there is cancer, that there is prevention, that there is a happy life ... life, just with some restrictions.

Non-traditional social advertising encourages people to take care of their health, think about it, research, prevent diseases, and not treat them later. People always hope for a chance, but a person must be a rational being, so why are his actions very often irrational?!

"Sphere of hygiene"

Hygiene is a separate science that studies how the conditions of life and work affect human health. Hygiene develops measures to improve these conditions in order to prevent disease. And social advertising clearly shows what is missed in the prevention of a particular problem.

Hygiene is the ancient Greek goddess of cleanliness. And in order to achieve a balance of a person and his actions - it is necessary to expose the problems that are overlooked, through negligence or ignorance. Hygiene (from the Greek "hygiaino" - I'm healthy) - the doctrine of healthy way life and healthy conditions; a set of practical measures that ensure the preservation and promotion of health.

Hygiene develops measures aimed at preventing diseases and creating conditions that ensure the preservation of health. And non-traditional hygiene advertising has exactly the same goals.


The reasons for consumption are different, the consequences are almost the same - death, first public, then death. The task of social advertising is to show this problem outside, to attract attention, especially those who have not entered the path of drug addiction or are at an early stage. That is, the main task, as we see it, is the prevention of this phenomenon among the masses. Why not treatment? Addicts are practically incurable, unfortunately. The complexity of this problem: it is so delicate that it is difficult to convey without using a rigid context. This is a disease that is important to talk about in the right place and at the right time. And this time and place is the world, every day, every second.


Practical study of the development of non-traditional media of modern advertising

2.1 Research program

In order to determine whether non-traditional advertising media will replace traditional ones, it is necessary to get the opinion of advertising consumers.

At the heart of any survey is a special technology based on a questionnaire. Questionnaire - a set of interrelated questions to which the respondent gives an answer. We chose this method as we considered it to be the most accessible for implementation. All data received will be subjected to general processing, appropriate conclusions will be drawn regarding this problem.

Target: analyze the attitude of people to the emergence of non-traditional advertising on the market


1. Determine at what level of development non-traditional advertising media are now.

2. Find out what influences the development of non-traditional advertising media.

3. Assess the readiness of consumers for new technologies in the advertising market.


Consumers are attracted to new technologies

Action plan :

1) questionnaire development

2) conducting research

3) processing of results

4) conclusions and conclusion about the study

2.2 Findings of the study

It's no secret to any of us that the consumer is not passionate about advertising. Every day he builds a huge wall brick by brick, behind which he can forever hide from annoying advertisers, companies and their brands. Breaking this wall with the help of standard advertising is very difficult and, moreover, very expensive. Today, it is much more efficient to reach the consumer by other, non-standard methods.

Non-standard advertising is good first of all because it appears in absolutely unexpected places, surprises us, entertains us, and most importantly, makes us want to tell friends and acquaintances about it. Absolutely free. That is why more and more companies are switching the lion's share of their advertising budgets to non-standard advertising communications.

It follows that the following questions are of the greatest interest to the advertising market players at the moment: how effective are non-traditional media carriers and what advantages do they have over well-known media, what are the prospects for advertisers and media sellers using non-traditional ways of placing information about products and services.

Today, the new media market is in a certain investment stage: initiative companies are investing in the development of non-standard media communications, while advertisers are in the waiting stage and so far, more morally than financially, are not ready to invest their budgets in new media.

At the moment, traditional media successfully solve various problems of advertising campaigns - whether it is sales growth or brand awareness. In this sense, standard communication channels are a proven and reliable tool for advertisers. With the favorable development of the non-standard media market, there is a possibility of an outflow of funds from traditional media to new ones - and this, first of all, will affect budgets aimed at sales.

The market for non-standard media in Russia is not yet sufficiently developed compared to its Western counterparts. Therefore, there is no need to talk about competition with traditional media yet. However, despite their youth, non-traditional media have a number of advantages over traditional media - this is primarily audience targeting (the ability to influence small and local target groups), small budgets, as well as fast start advertising campaigns.

The non-standard media market is like an escalator. Escalator steps are niche advertising opportunities destined to remain so forever. From time to time, other non-standard media jump onto the escalator, make their way on it, and then go down, becoming standard.

Non-standard media is always a surprise, which causes interest and, as a rule, an instant reaction. The effect in this case is not long-term, but strong enough. The appropriateness of using such media should be considered on a case-by-case basis, depending on the objectives of the campaign. If it is necessary to arouse keen interest, which will be further supported by standard advertising, or to maintain a certain image, the use of such media is very effective.

Survey analysis

Questionnaire: Are you familiar with the concept of "non-traditional advertising media"

All respondents are 100% familiar with the concept of "non-traditional advertising media" without a doubt.

Question of the survey: Do you think that modern advertising on the Russian market is losing its effectiveness?

Questionnaire: In your opinion, what is lacking in Russian advertising?

The Russian market is increasingly integrated with the global advertising market. Its growing size and still high rate of growth are becoming more and more visible in the world and attractive to international players. The market is becoming competitive.

Answering the question about what is still lacking in domestic advertising, the respondents divided their opinion as follows: in fact, according to the majority, it is lacking, first of all, the introduction of new technologies. According to the respondents, advertising needs creative people in percentage terms as well as highly specialized specialists.

Thus, respondents evaluate the effectiveness of various advertising media today.

We cannot speak only about any specific means of advertising distribution. Today, ordinary items that a future potential consumer can see - handkerchiefs, razors, condom packages, benches, beach changing rooms, finishing materials, pizza boxes, bridges, ATMs and many other objects that surround us have turned into an advertising medium. in everyday life.

Questionnaire: What do you think caused the formation of non-traditional advertising media?

It is noted that the formation of non-traditional advertising media, first of all, was the “ignoring” by consumers of all types of traditional advertising.

The consumer has begun to avoid traditional communications, he turns off and does not want to respond.

Question of the questionnaire: How do you feel about non-traditional advertising media?

Non-traditional carriers are the future of modern Russian advertising. Recently, there have been many examples of advertising in non-traditional places. Advertising is waiting for the consumer where he least expects it. With a creative approach, quite ordinary objects and materials that surround us in everyday life and on which a trademark suddenly appears can act as an advertising medium.

Question of the survey: In your opinion, do non-traditional media influence the development of the advertising market?

The majority of respondents determined that non-traditional media certainly influence the development of the country's advertising market.

Today, the new media market is in a certain investment stage: initiative companies are investing in the development of non-standard media communications, while advertisers are in the waiting stage and so far, more morally than financially, are not ready to invest their budgets in new media.

Questionnaire: Do you think that advertising on non-traditional media is effective?

Specialists treat new advertising media differently. Some consider them effective and necessary, since advertising meets consumers in the most unexpected places, others are conservative in choosing advertising media and do not recognize new media. Nevertheless, the tendency to search for new types of advertising is observed everywhere. First of all, this can be explained by the fact that the congestion of traditional advertising media shifts the attention of advertisers towards something new. Today, the emergence of new media is facilitated not only by advertisers, but also by companies that, at first glance, have nothing to do with the advertising industry.

There are many nuances associated with the calculation of the effectiveness of the use of certain advertising media.

Recently in Russia there has been a powerful increase in advertising impact on the audience. In connection with such an increase in advertising messages, their effectiveness inevitably falls, since most of these messages are no different from each other. Obviously, non-traditional approaches to the content of the message and to the type of media provide a chance to attract potential customers and simply pay attention to advertising.

In the West, non-standard media are seen as an opportunity to run a bright and cheap campaign. In Russia, large customers demand national coverage from non-traditional media, and they are ready to invest in them no more than 5-10% of advertising budgets.

As a rule, direct advertising is deprived of the opportunity to influence consumers for a long time. Thus, sometimes investing only in direct advertising does not give the desired effect. Non-traditional advertising media come to the rescue, which are harmoniously introduced into the environment and have a constant, targeted impact on potential buyers. Advertising media can be quite ordinary items and materials on which a trademark is unexpectedly placed. In the world, the use of new media is quite widespread. There are still few such examples in Russia compared to their Western counterparts. Most of the original and unexpected advertising media comes to us from other countries. However, the tradition of placing advertisements on ordinary objects has appeared in Russia since the Soviet times.

Consumers believe that advertising in non-traditional media is more effective than ineffective. Advertisers love non-standard media for their high efficiency - such advertising has every chance to attract the attention of the consumer. An unwitting viewer may like an original or funny solution so much that he will tell his friends about this advertisement.

Questionnaire: Do you think that social advertising needs to use non-traditional methods?

A non-standard approach in social advertising is a huge problem, as it requires the investment of additional resources. If the placement of social advertising on standard media is provided for by law, then the situation with non-standard media is much worse, and one cannot do without targeted funding.

In our opinion, the use of non-traditional media in social advertising is much more effective than traditional media. Just a poster pasted on the wall is also, of course, a likely step towards people realizing the importance of the problem, but the unconventionality of such advertising makes it sharper and more penetrating. The plot is taken from the surrounding life and built into this very life. Such advertising gives a clearer idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe problem to others.

Main conclusions

Our advertising market is young, the density of its information field is relatively small, and this allows us to quite effectively bring advertising messages to the consumer's consciousness using standard methods. In Russia, non-traditional methods of advertising are still used "on a residual basis", that is, only if the regular campaign does not exhaust the advertising budget.

Experts in the field of advertising argue that in Russia there is a favorable situation for entering the advertising market with unconventional ideas. Firstly, the consumer has become so fed up with traditional media that he ceases to notice even creative delights in the advertising calls themselves. Secondly, the ambient media market is completely unoccupied and is just emerging. Where are the pioneers? After all, as Al Rice said, it is important to be not even the first in the market, but the first in memory.

According to experts, non-standard advertising has the greatest impact on consumers aged 18-24. Other age groups "catch" only if the creative is really brilliant. That is why non-traditional advertising media are recommended to be used to quickly disseminate information about a new product or project by attracting the attention of an audience of innovators.

The effectiveness of non-standard media is quite high, as they solve the main problem of existing media - they “break through” the protection from information that is present in the minds of many modern people. Advertising due to this attracts attention and is remembered better. It makes sense to use new media when, for example, it is necessary to draw the attention of the audience to the advertising campaign itself and thus get additional PR. Such media are effective when it is necessary to reach out to a certain target audience, which is difficult to “catch” in other ways. It also makes sense to use new media with a limited budget, when the advertiser is not able to convey an advertising message using a large number of communication channels, including to the target audience, but it is necessary to work with "point" channels - what is called not to shoot cannons at sparrows, and use a sniper rifle.

The main advantage of non-standard placement is a higher rate of attention and memorability (Ad recall) among the target audience. Unfortunately, the effectiveness of non-standard placements has not been sufficiently studied in Russia, but the experience of our Western colleagues suggests that placement efficiency indicators increase by 15%.

From our point of view, there are two reasons why there are still very few examples of the use of non-traditional media in Russia. The first is that agencies do not fully master this tool, and clients do not know how to evaluate the effectiveness of this medium (to measure the share of ambient media effectiveness in the overall effectiveness of a campaign, a special study is needed, which costs more than communication itself).

The second reason for the low prevalence of non-traditional advertising in Russia is the lack of courage to take the risk and use new media for the campaign. The Russian media market is still traditional.

Even though the future of Russian advertising is unpredictable, many believe that advertising will evolve thanks to new technologies. Under the influence of young and creative advertisers, advertising will be interesting no matter what medium it is placed on.

No, we do not urge you, of course, to abandon traditional advertising media and turn to advertising agencies in search of suitable poles. With the wide launch of the brand on the market of the whole country, it is hardly possible to do without television. Only it will provide the necessary coverage of the potential audience. It is also difficult to imagine the promotion strategy of many brands without the use of outdoor advertising in its usual format, or in the form of photographs in glossy magazines.

Nevertheless, non-standard media are quite capable of effectively complementing an advertising campaign, adding their own "zest" to it and thereby arousing increased interest in it.

In the case of non-standard media, you are always at risk. After all, if this is a truly non-standard approach, then it is generally used for the first time. And how to calculate what no one has ever done before you?

However, it should be borne in mind that non-traditional media will never replace traditional types of advertising. Their use in combination with other channels of advertising distribution can, even in a saturated advertising environment, draw the attention of the consumer to the product and enhance the effect expected by the advertiser.


In Russia, non-traditional advertising media were encountered back in Soviet times - candy wrappers, postage stamps, match labels, labels for spools of thread, cardboard inserts in candy boxes that transform into a toy, record bags, etc. - all these means promoted the trademark or the Soviet power.

Russian non-traditional advertising media are going through a stage of development that Western markets went through back in the 90s. But the bulk of Russian advertisers are still focused on making their brands known to the widest possible audience. And so far, only traditional media can provide a wide coverage of the audience. But those operators of non-traditional media who were able to build a network in the capital already have a chance to attract the budgets of national brands and develop in the regions at their expense. Now in Russia there are about 100 types of non-traditional carriers.

Practice shows that non-standard media is mainly used by large customers - as one of the elements of an advertising campaign in traditional media. For non-standard media, customers are willing to spend about 5% - rarely 10% of the budget. The use of new advertising distribution channels is still perceived as a dangerous experiment, and this is a huge minus for our country. In Russia, compared to the West, traditional media is still cheap, so the majority of clients prefer guaranteed success over still dubious projects. In the West, traditional media are so expensive, and brands are so narrowly targeted that the effectiveness of non-standard placement becomes more noticeable. But no matter what, Russian market advertising is growing and there are more and more offers for new non-standard means of promotion. These funds are more aimed at hitting the target audience, deep penetration, and, therefore, effective impact. Such means of promotion are interesting and good as an additional support, or as a "highlight" of an advertising campaign.

So far, non-traditional advertising media are not a pleasure for small local advertisers. For example, advertising on one bench for a season costs $700. To ensure the presence in the park, you need about 30 benches. Small advertisers can run a much more effective traditional media campaign for the money. In Moscow, a customer can brand ice rinks, park benches and even Christmas trees. In 2003, Nestle was the first major advertiser to place its ads on benches in Moscow parks. Then such an advertising technique was used by Multon (Dobry juice), Unilever (Calve). Now on benches in Moscow parks there are advertisements for MTS and Moscow Potato.

And these are not all examples. Some airlines offer to use the body of their aircraft for advertising. For example, the S7 airline (the company is also going to sell advertising on its air tickets following Aeroflot). When placing advertisements on an aircraft, the lease period is from one to three years - the airline will not repaint the aircraft twice a year. The cost of renting one surface is about $300,000 per year. “Aircraft is an image advertising medium, it can be used as a support for the main advertising campaign big brands such as banks.

The most attractive of non-traditional media are those that allow you to convey an advertising message in the right context, at the moment when the consumer is most inclined to perceive this category of goods. True, almost all owners of such structures declare that it is their carrier that affects the consumer at the right time, when he is in a good mood and is most inclined to buy.

Skeptics believe that you can place anywhere, much depends on the imagination of the contractor and his ability to turn this or that object or place into an advertising medium and sell it.

And, finally, the lack of monitoring (new media) as such hinders the development of the market. “Why do clients willingly spend a lot of money on advertising on television, radio or in the print press? Because there is a syndicated product - a measurement panel, accepted as a standard. With new advertising media technologies, it is very difficult to calculate the effectiveness and understand the pricing. Using non-traditional advertising media, the client takes a risk, realizing that it may not work. In addition, non-standard ideas are all aimed at a narrow part of the audience, and in a general campaign they are usually not the only communication channel. But still, non-standard media achieve much greater efficiency than traditional ones.

While the level of development of non-traditional media of modern advertising is low, large advertisers are trying to use "standard media in a non-standard way" (in outdoor advertising, these are extenders, 3D structures, lighting). They often deal with creative reading of traditional media, rather than with some radically new means of advertising. It is not yet possible to conduct a large-scale campaign, but it is possible to effectively solve problems, especially in regional markets.

And in conclusion, I would like to note that non-traditional advertising media is something even more than just a means of advertising promotion. First of all, this is a new stage in the development of the advertising industry, and if we start using non-traditional approaches in advertising in the right way, we will be able to achieve high efficiency, and this, in turn, plays the most important role.


1. O. Feofanov "New technologies in advertising"; 2000

11. - non-traditional advertising media.


Questionnaire form


Dear Respondent

The Department of Advertising and Journalism conducts a survey on the topic "Non-traditional media of modern advertising." Please answer a few questions, it will not take much time, from the list of suggested answers to each question, select one that suits you best or enter your answer.


Answer options

□ No, this is the first time I've heard

□ Rather yes than no

□ Rather no than yes

In your opinion, what is missing in Russian advertising?

□ Creative ideas

What do you think caused the formation of non-traditional advertising media?

□ New technologies

How do you feel about non-traditional advertising media?

negative. I don't see the need for them.

What associations does non-traditional advertising evoke in you?

In your opinion, do non-traditional media influence the development of the advertising market?

□ Yes, definitely

□ No, I don't see the need for them

□ Rather yes than no

□ Rather no than yes

□ Yes, absolutely!

□ No, I do not see the need for this

□ This is a controversial issue

Your occupation

□ Student

□ Student

□ Working population

□ Unemployed

Your age

□ Over 50

□ Male

□ Female

Thank you for participating!

Your opinion is very important to me!

The following information is taken from the answers to last year's states:

In the process of folding the advertising business, it was divided into media types (media) and others. Because in the 19th century - half of the XX century. advertising was required, first of all, to expand the available audience, then it was it that was considered predominant (traditional). Initially, traditional advertising (above the line - above the line) included posting messages in five types of media: press, cinema, radio, television, outdoor advertising. Now the Internet has been added. Previously, when the results of the advertising market were summed up, certain services were provided free of charge, and their estimates were published already under the final line - below the line - under the line (BTL) - in contrast to above the line, where paid data were placed. media advertising. Now BTL is far from being a free type of service, but a separate profitable industry in the advertising market.

In shape BTL services, according to A.N. Nazaikin, includes: 1 sales promotion and promotion of goods designed for the end consumer (creative developments, production of promotional materials, promotions, prizes); 2 stimulation of the distribution network in order to develop distribution, accelerate turnover and increase sales; 3. direct mail and e-mail advertising, catalogs, telemarketing (telephone), teleshopping, SMS and other means of communication designed for response or direct sales; 4 sponsorship; 5 branding.

BTL services are implemented using non-standard advertising media. According to advertising experts, traditional media have been losing their effectiveness lately.

Disadvantages of traditional media:

1. Clogged advertising clutter– the level of advertising noise requires an additional budget to stand out from the competition. As noted earlier, the consumer has become increasingly unable to distinguish the same type of goods from each other. 2. The level of trust in advertising has decreased. The consumer needs to be interested, currently standard advertising, if the consumer identifies it as, is not perceived. Exception - the consumer himself is ready for contact.

3.Media deficiency (often artificial) forces the advertiser to overpay.

4. Poor audience targeting ability(outdoor advertising, advertising on TV).

5The existence of a large number of niche audiences that are physically and emotionally unattainable by standard means.

Russian researchers and practitioners currently differentiate advertising into traditional and non-traditional.

The main types of non-media communications are: sales promotion; direct marketing; public relations; sponsorship; information occasion; trade fairs; salons; patronage.

A. Mudrov divides non-media means into three types , allocating a separate place to non-traditional advertising media: Print advertising; Souvenir advertising; Exhibitions, fairs.

To non-traditional types include air advertising and "aerial" advertising, large-scale inflatable product models placed on the street, advertising banners hovering in the sky at a height of 250-300 m, which are pulled on cables by an "aircraft-tractor" or a helicopter. Advertising on the fuselages of passenger aircraft. "space" advertising (an example of Pepsi Cola, astronauts showed a can inside the ship), sponsorship of sports competitions.

Often, advertisers are forced to go for non-standard solutions, since it is not always possible to reach the target audience by conventional means. For example, it is extremely difficult to catch people with a high level of income in front of the TV screen. Their way of leisure is a restaurant, a cafe. The goal of their work is 100% attention to status and career. Posters in restrooms, plasma screens at hangouts, free FreeCard postcards, free glossy magazines are often the only sure way to reach this segment.

Among the forms marketing communications a special place is occupied by Ambient Media - non-standard media for advertising, which belong to BTL-tools. They embody the whole essence of non-traditional advertising media. The term was first used in the second half of the 90s in the UK.

Ambient media (advertising in the environment) is the integration of an advertising message into the urban space. This is a set of advertising mechanisms that allows you to contact the consumer in a new, unexpected, original and interesting way for him, penetrating into the environment, and therefore natural for him. To date, there are already a huge number of different ambient media tools: trolleys in supermarkets; escalators in the subway; takeaway dishes; price tags, tickets, packages, posters; registration of cars and ATMs; video screens; benches; clothes; floor and walls in the toilet; inscriptions in the sky, balloons; city ​​streets with all their paraphernalia (like sidewalks, manholes, lanterns), etc.

Ambient media stands out from other advertising in that: penetrates the atmosphere of the target audience. The consumer often does not even recognize it as an advertisement, regarding what he sees as a game in which he can and wants to be drawn; it is distinguished by non-standard, high degree of creativity and novelty, due to which it attracts attention; good for planning. In ambient media, the focus is not on reaching a large audience, but on high-quality contacts with potential customers; creates the effect of "word of mouth" - the transfer of information from mouth to mouth. I would like to tell you about the huge steaming cup of coffee that I just saw, instead of a sewer manhole; cannot be copied or replicated.

Ambient media allows you to: draw consumer attention to the brand; increase the level of loyalty; distinguish the brand from the competitive environment; purposefully influence the audience; create an effect of surprise; provide a high frequency of contact.

According to research by Professor Vanuel, ambient media affects the consumer in three ways : makes the new brand "real"; re-conjures up images of brands by establishing an associative link; positively affects the perception of advertising information in general. Classification of advertisers showing their attitude towards non-traditional advertising distribution channels and possible motives for choosing Ambient Media: Conservatives These companies do not perceive anything new. We are committed to traditional advertising media - mainly television, radio, outdoor advertising. They don't take risks. For these companies, numbers and efficiency matter. For them, Ambient Media does not yet exist.

businessmen For representatives of this category of companies, an important component is the sale of their product. They spend a lot of money on advertising support, both through traditional media and using BTL tools. Therefore, non-traditional advertising media for them is another opportunity to promote their product.

Modern "Zorro" They are always ready to help in difficult times, but at the same time they leave their sign everywhere. And since often functional things act as Ambient Media, which not only advertise, but also benefit society, the use of non-traditional advertising media allows them to immediately “catch two birds with one stone”.

Innovators. They are interested in something new, they are pioneers and trendsetters for non-traditional advertising media.

Public favorites These companies are using new advertising media to draw attention to themselves.

In recent years, the trend of searching for new advertising media and active sales promotion is observed all over the world. So we can say with confidence about the prospects for the development of non-media advertising, in particular in Russia. The growth in the number of BTL agencies is an indisputable proof of the profitability of non-traditional advertising media today.

In modern communication practice, there is a division of activities and techniques for promoting goods into ATL and BTL.

ATL(from the English above-the-line - above the line) - these are direct advertising events in traditional media. Traditional media include print media, television, radio, outdoor advertising (outdoor), advertising on transport, advertising on the Internet, advertising in cinemas.

BTL-advertising (Below the Line, English - under the line) - indirect advertising, focused on a complex of non-standard types of marketing communications that affect the consumer with non-standard actions that differ from direct advertising.

I. Focus on the audience: 1) advertising of consumer goods (B to C - English BusinesstoConsumers); 2) business advertising (В to В - English Business to Business) - advertising of equipment, services in the field of production; 3) trade advertising for wholesalers; 4) advertising to professional groups in order to convince professionals of the need to purchase the advertised equipment.

II. Audience reach: 1) international advertising aimed at foreign markets; 2) national advertising limited to the domestic consumer market; 3) regional advertising aimed at a certain area, region; 4) advertising of local importance, designed for consumers living in a given city or region.

III. Distribution channel: 1) printed advertising (advertising and commercial leaflets, catalogs, brochures, booklets, brochures, business cards, etc.); 2) newspaper and magazine advertising; 3) radio advertising; 4) TV advertising; 5) film advertising; 6) outdoor advertising (signs, signs, billboards); 7) advertising on transport; 8) direct mail advertising (English Direct mail); 9) exhibitions; 10) advertising on the Internet; 11) special types of advertising (advertising for mail order, shop advertising, financial advertising);

IV. Special purpose: 1) advertising of goods or services, improving sales, commercial advertising; 2) FMCG advertising - Fast Moving Consumer Goods and Durable Goods advertising - industrial goods: advertising ideas; 3) non-commercial advertising that does not aim at making a profit, for example: advertising of charitable foundations, religious and political organizations; 4) advertising-action, i.e. advertising that encourages the client to commit a certain act through special coupons that give the right to a discount on the purchase of goods.

ATL communications. ATL costs include all costs associated with advertising in the media. Contact with the media related to ATL involves the allocation of a certain amount of funds in accordance with the prices existing in the information market.

Kinds: TV advertising - one of the most spectacular types of advertising. The advantage of television advertising is determined by a number of qualities inherent in this media. TV advertising genres : 1) direct advertising on TV - placement of an advertising video in a specially provided advertising block. 2) sponsorship - TV advertising integrated into the program in the form of advertising screensavers, logo placement, etc. 3) an appeal on behalf of the company. 4.recommendations of specialists, experts, celebrities. 5. Customer interview, 6. Demonstration, 7. Direct product comparison. 8. Dramatization. 9. Music ads. 10 animation.

When measuring the audience television usually use the following indicators: 1.number of active families, 2.evaluation coefficient (rating) of the program, 3.audience share, 4.estimated audience, 5.audience composition.

TV- an ideal channel for disseminating information to a wide range of customers, allowing you to use the most expressive means and show the product "face". Very operational view where the image appears. - commercials, advertisements announcements, advertisements TV reports, screensavers, etc.

Advantages:- huge opportunities for the transmission of advertising information (movement, text, image, sound), - large coverage of the consumer audience, - strong psychological impact. Flaws: - high cost of making and placing a video spot, - little time to transmit an advertising message, - emotionally saturated, which leads to best effect impact, -negative attitude of viewers to the interruption of programs

The problem associated with the weak differentiation of the television audience is solved with the help of regular panel studies audience. The first panel studies were based on the day-after-recall technique developed in the West in the 60s. It is used when conducting a survey by the method of personal (face-to-face) interviews or by the telephone survey method CATI - Computer Assisted Telephone Interview. The respondent needs to remember which programs of yesterday he watched more than half. The main drawback of this technique is the appeal to human memory, which, as you know, is imperfect.

Diary Research– filling in special diaries containing a list of TV channels and a breakdown into 15-minute intervals, filled in by the respondent over a certain continuous period of time - usually one or two full weeks.

In recent years, the world began to give preference to the hardware method of collecting information about the TV audience. An electronic recording device, known as a people-meter (literally "person-meter"), connected to the TV, can record which channel is being watched and for how long, and also allows viewers to enter their demographic characteristics, evaluate the quality of transmissions - for this, on the remote control there are special buttons. Thus, the creation of a people-meter panel with strict adherence to technology guarantees high-quality audience data.

Radio advertising has the following Benefits before other media: 1) penetration; 2) efficiency; 3) selectivity; 4) escort; 5) interactivity; 6) frequency; 7) profitability; 8) unobtrusiveness; 9) personal appeal.

Flaws: - no visuals, - fickle audience (radio listeners often switch to another channel), - it is difficult to analyze the effect of advertising

Air timeprime time, morning at noon and evening; Sound duration: there should be the right amount of words - not too many and not too few. 10 seconds for 25 words, 20 for 45, 30 for 65, 60 for 125; the duration of the spot should not exceed 60-70 seconds, otherwise the person will not listen to it to the end. It is more profitable to advertise, say, women's tights immediately after the melodic, "beautiful" composition of a popular artist, and pager ads - after the release of the news. There are no strict rules regarding the structure of an advertisement.

Spot Radio Features: Typically, radio ads contain an introduction or attention-grabbing element, a main body on the benefits of the product or service, and an energetic finale. The introduction may take the form of a noise effect, a statement, a question, a promise that forces you to listen to the announcement to the end. Music ads distinguishes the advertiser's products among all similar ones, is pleasant to the ear and easy to remember. An announcer's address is difficult to reproduce, but advertising songs - a jingle - are sung by many. Humor- this is a universal way to arouse trust in the listener; But all the tricks and tricks used by the advertiser must satisfy basic requirements of radio advertising: simplicity and clarity of presentation, reliability, ability to arouse interest and establish contact, dissimilarity.

Internet advertising - at the moment, the fastest growing type of direct advertising. The audience of advertising on the Internet is growing exponentially quantitatively and qualitatively. The Internet provides many opportunities for advertising that are not available to any other modern form of advertising. Today, the level of development of the Internet and Internet advertising allows you to create a presentation or advertisement of any product or service at a level unattainable for any other media and advertising.

Banner Advertising One of the most popular ways to advertise online. It got its name from the advertising media used in this case - banners. It has proven itself as a means to increase website traffic, as well as a powerful tool for creating / improving the image of a company - products - services, etc.

New generation banners (Reach media banners) A typical example of such advertising media are flash and java banners. They allow a much more effective impact on the user. They have in their arsenal effective animation (not only raster, but also vector, which allows minimizing the file size), sound, interactive means of interaction with the user directly on the publisher's website (subscription to news, questionnaire, up to the formation of an order).

Advantages: 1. The specific composition of the target audience. (by geography, type of user, time of use, frequency of displaying ads, displaying banners in a certain sequence, personalized contacts with different types of users. 2. Targeting. Display time limit, selectively. 3. You can build entire sequences of banner display (sequency), giving the campaign a certain plot, or limiting the number of impressions of one banner to each user 4. Conducting advertising campaigns with narrow target audience (b2b) 5. High citation in the offline environment 6. Internet environment for effective and complete presentation of the advertising object (text, graphics, animation , audio, video, interactive modules (two-way communication)). 7. High efficiency of RC management. 8. Conducting prompt, clear, in-depth analysis of RC. 8. Lower cost of contact compared to other media.

Flaws: 1. Relatively low coverage of the target audience. 2. It is very easy to place any information on the Internet, even if it is not reliable or damaging to a product or a person. Less trust.

Advertising articles, ads or modules placed in newspapers (Nazaikin). main feature press - in its clear segmentation. dignity A: 1. Readers have more time to comprehend the content of the ad than in the case of radio or TV ads. You can return to the missed advertisement, you can cut it, save the address and phone number of the advertiser.2. Efficiency of advertising placement, the ad will appear in the issue 1-3 days after submission 3. Ability to place a significant amount of information, including a map or plan showing how to get to the company, addresses of other stores, as well as conditions of sale 4. Relatively low costs for one contact 5. Large audience: a significant circulation allows you to convey an advertising message to a larger number of readers 6. Local newspapers have the ability to locally cover a specific region, which is convenient for advertising distribution in a specific market. 7.newspapers are distinguished by the constancy of the audience. Many people subscribe or buy the same newspapers for decades. 8.Multiple use of the original layout.

Flaws: 1. Although newspapers allow the advertiser to be geographically selective, they do not distinguish between socioeconomic groups. 2. The same newspaper can be read by people with completely different characteristics and interests. In addition, most newspapers do not cover young people. 3. Relatively short life the newspaper itself. 4. An advertising message is usually placed in a newspaper on certain pages or in blocks. At the same time, each of them competes with the neighboring one for the attention of the reader. 5. Newspapers lose out to magazines in paper and print quality. Therefore, the image of the product in newspaper advertising looks less attractive than in magazines.

Advertising in magazines . Classification: geography of distribution (all-Russian, urban), publication frequency (weekly, monthly), circulation, distribution method (subscription, retail, free and complex), format and volume (A4, A8), topics (business and socio-political, women's and family, about children and health, about fashion, TV guides, youth, men's, automotive, computer, travel and tourism, educational and entertainment, specialized).

Advantages 1. The ability to clearly identify categories of the population by demographic, professional or other characteristics and convey information to them. This is the most selective media, because. specialized magazines exist for almost all strata and communities of the population. 2. The direction of the magazine predetermines the readership and allows advertisers to conduct a targeted advertising campaign. 3. The duration of the existence of a separate number. 4. The ability to place advertising materials of greater complexity, designed for the level of intelligence of readers of specialized magazines. 5. Numerous audience of secondary readers. 6. High quality playback. 7. Ability to transfer a large amount of information (tell in detail about your position and the product being sold).

Flaws 1. The duration of the appearance of advertising, from the time the advertisement is submitted to the journal until the moment of publication, a lot of time can pass. 2. Impossible to quickly make changes. 3. It is impossible to increase the intensity of receiving advertising messages e niya. 4. Large format advertisements. The cost is very high. 5. The high cost of producing promotional materials for publication in magazines (staging color slides).

outdoor advertising - cf-va r-we, designed mainly for visual perception, the image of r-ra in visited places. outdoor advertising(not a media) - a channel for disseminating information that is found. in close proximity to the natural habitation of consumers, involving the active use of street space. (Maslov "Marketing"). Advertising of alcoholic beverages, tobacco, tobacco products distributed by outdoor advertising should not: be distributed in children's, educational, medical, sports, cultural organizations, as well as closer than 100 meters from them. Distribution of tobacco advertising, tab. products in all cases must be accompanied by a warning about the dangers of smoking. the warning must occupy at least 5% of the total advertising space. Outdoor advertising should not be similar to road signs and pointers, worsen their visibility, as well as reduce traffic safety. (Law of the Russian Federation "On Advertising" Art. 14, Art. 16 p. 1.)

characteristic feature outdoor advertising is that it, like television, has a multi-million audience and this simplifies the solution of the tasks assigned to it - mass contact with advertising consumers. At the same time, outdoor advertising is characterized by the absence of a specific target audience of users and the inability to track their reaction to advertising immediately. For outdoor advertising, parameters such as "viewpoint" and "viewing angle" are extremely important. Viewpoints must be taken into account when choosing a location for the shield. The best place is considered to be the place with the maximum number of viewpoints. The angle of view of a person sitting behind the wheel and a pedestrian are different (the angle of view here is understood in the physical sense). The angle of view of a pedestrian walking in a crowd and a single pedestrian will also be different. The angle of view of the driver and passenger will also be different due to the difference in their location in the car. For the perception of information posted on the boards, the most favorable should be considered places where the speed of the car is lower than usual - in places of speed limits, before crossings, traffic lights, traffic police posts. Outdoor advertising covers about 70% of the population. Advertising on transport - advertising on the boards of public transport - drawing an image on the boards of ground public transport - buses, trolleybuses, fixed-route taxis, trams, electric trains, airplanes (image move). Advantages: such advertising attracts more attention than the billboard, as it is placed on a moving object, being in the field of view of both passengers and drivers. Public transport stops can also be used for advertising purposes. Minuses: legal restrictions, one side of the vehicle can be used to advertise only one product, high cost, many "empty" contacts.

Advertising in cinemas (Evstafiev) covers most of the target audience, so everyone who is in the cinema hall watches it. In addition, in the cinema they watch ads much more attentively than on TV, where there are more distractions. Unlike TV commercials, cinema ads do not interrupt the action of the film and therefore do not cause irritation. Plus, even the biggest movie buffs don't go to the cinema every day, which means they can't get bored with ads. The commercials should not contain unnecessary information - viewers who come to rest will not write down addresses and phone numbers in the dark, so beautiful image advertising is most appropriate.

ATL is the most popular and most expensive form of advertising today. Through repeated repetition, ATL advertising has a positive effect on the mass audience and increases the profitability of enterprises that advertise the product through direct advertising. Messages like ATL can be called "honest", as it is a clear advertisement that introduces potential customers to the merits different goods and services. It creates motivation in people to purchase a particular product, but at the same time it has a minimal effect on a subconscious level.

1. Leaflet - a sheet of small format containing an advertising message on one or both sides. This is one of the first printed advertising media in the history of advertising, which, before the advent of printing, existed in handwritten form.

2. A booklet is a sheet of paper folded several times containing an advertising message and illustrations. Compared to a leaflet, a booklet contains more information and is more attractive in appearance.

3. Prospectus - a multi-page publication, the sheets of which are bound, containing detailed information about the company, its history and employees. As a rule, prospectuses are used for prestigious advertising.

4. Catalog - a multi-page publication that contains a list of goods or services of the company, illustrations, as well as prices. The spread of catalogs of this type occurred at the end of the 19th century, and was associated with the invention of direct mail.

7. Broadsite - a sheet of large format containing advertising information, which is folded and sent by mail without an envelope.