ios ad blocker. How do I remove annoying ads on my iPad? Installing the Adblock add-on

  • 11.03.2020

The purpose of this system is not to search and filter out advertisements, but to monitor the web activity of a particular workstation as a whole. As part of 1Blocker over 7000 pre-activated individual mechanisms and blockers aimed at personal opponents. These are scripts, pop-up ads, analytical engine robots, secondary requests to the browser, etc. The official description says that 1Blocker is able to reduce traffic by 50% without reducing the efficiency of web surfing. This means a proportional reduction in iPhone battery consumption and some savings on provider fees.

To 1Blocker entered into business, after installation you need to visit the regular application with the settings: Settings –> Safari –> Content blocking rules on this device. Fine calibration of the utility is carried out in its own window and it is worth noting that this application is distinguished by a democratic approach to the selection of objects of censorship. There is no problem to turn off widgets for Facebook, leaving those for Twitter active, block the use of cookies and special fonts, but instruct not to interfere with the activity of trackers. There is a separate switch for 18+ content, and you can simply blacklist a specific suspicious address.

For a thoughtful adept in the IT sphere, the filter system provides ample scope for creativity - it provides for the creation of highly specialized rules for moderating web resources. It is possible to block at various levels of domain names, create a quarantine and "green zone", compose URL filters using quantitative operands of the form "*", "+", "?" etc. All rules, if desired, are combined into packages and templates that can be exported between workstations and exchange successful assemblies with colleagues.

To simplify the procedure, hosts a web editor that contains complete tools for creating, editing and applying rules. The smartphone is not very convenient for fiddling with lengthy lists - there are mechanisms for adapting scripts that can be written on a MacBook, but used on any necessary platforms. If desired, it is not so difficult to create a task for a robot that will flexibly maneuver between documents, tables, styles, SVG files, cookies, pop-up windows, blocking purely what the author of a particular virtual barrier indicated.

The browser was developed by an apple company and is installed by default on all Apple gadgets. Now quite popular, especially popular on phones (iphone). Thanks to iPhones, it can compete with all modern browsers. Until recently, it had one a big problem, the installation of add-ons (extensions) was not supported, but the developers realized their miscalculation and from version 6 they gave the green light to add-ons. Now all the functionality can be expanded, both internally and with the help of external plugins and sites.

Let's go straight to the question how to remove ads in safari” and look at some ways in which you can implement this.

  1. Remove pop-ups using Safari settings.
  2. Installing the Adblock add-on.
  3. Using antivirus and ad blocking software.

Go to the video showing the use of these methods:

1. We remove pop-up windows using the Safari settings.

If you need to remove only pop-up windows, then go to the browser and on the top right we find the button “Display the main Safari settings menu”. In the drop-down list, there may immediately be an item "Block pop-up windows", if it is, click on it. If it is not there, then we find the “Settings” item below and go to it.

Window lock works, move on to the next method.

2. Installing the Adblock add-on.

You can find an add-on on the network and download it, it works perfectly, copes with its task to the fullest. I previously devoted an entire article to this topic, so I recommend that you go, read and follow all the steps. Here is the article: “”, painted in steps, it won’t take much time.

3.Use of antiviruses and programs for blocking ads.

In order to remove ads in Safari, you can also use other software products in the form of antiviruses, programs that block all ads (Adguard, Ad Muncher). But one minus this method in that you need to install them on your computer and they will eat your resources.

4. Installing the Adguard add-on.

Adguard - probably the most The best way to block and disable ads in Yandex browser. Details on how to install and configure it can be found in the article: "" The article fully describes the installation of this extension and provides a video for more detailed information.

If you use the methods described above together, you can get a good result in the form of a block, but for this you need to go through and configure all the steps that are described above. Forget about advertising, once and for all. Boost your productivity exponentially. I'll go write the next article, see you again on the pages of our blog.

The Safari browser was developed by Apple for its iPhone devices and iPad. This web browser is very popular outside of apple devices. But, the lion's share of users of this browser falls on the owners of iPhones. This article will discuss how to block banner ads in Safari.


Not so long ago, the described browser did not support the installation of additional extensions. And that is why it lost the competition to its counterparts. But, today the developers have included the ability to install additional extensions. They are supported from the sixth version of this browser. Which, by the way, gave another way to block ads in Safari.

Advertising banners very often wishful thinking. Of course, this happens for the sake of the advertised product or service. But, if you can put up with this, then there is no unauthorized launch of the video and the consumption of “extra” Internet traffic. If your tariff is limited, then you need to block the display of banners to save your money on paying for mobile traffic.

  1. Disabling pop-ups in browser settings
  2. Installing the AdBlock extension
  3. Blocking banners with antivirus

Browser settings

Go to the browser and call the menu. The button is in the upper right corner. In the list that appears, look for the item "Block pop-ups".

IMPORTANT: If this item is not found, then do not be alarmed. It can be hidden in yet another list that can be found by following the path "Display Safari Basic Settings Menu" -> "Settings".

After you get to the menu item you need, you need to find the tab "Safety" and in it we find an item with which you can block pop-up banners. Put a checkmark next to it.

You can check the browser action. Find a site that has pop-ups. They won't bother you anymore.

Adblock extension

AdBlock extension from Adguard is very popular

It can be used to block banners, widgets social networks and other advertising scripts. Thanks to this extension, you can use browsers without intrusive ads.

Today you can install the AdBlock extension on most popular browsers that support the installation of third-party extensions. In addition to the main function - blocking advertising banners - this extension will protect users from phishing and fraudulent sites.

In order to install AdBlock, open the Safari browser and follow the link: In the window that appears, find the download button and install the extension.

After installation, the browser will appear in the upper left corner of the icon of this extension.

To configure the extension, click on the AdBlock icon and select the "Options" menu. In the window that appears, look for the item "Options" -> "Filter Lists". Put a check mark next to "EasyPrivacy (privacy)".


There is another way to block banners in Safari. In order to implement it, you need to use the offer of popular antiviruses. In our country, Kaspersky Lab products are very popular. One such product capable of blocking banner ads is Kaspersky adcleaner. This extension, like AdBlock, can be installed in the Safari browser. For this you need:

  1. Go to App Store and find Kaspersky AdCleane there
  2. Install the extension and go to settings

Looking in the settings "Content Blocking Rules" and turn on the filters you'll use. If you do not want to deal with the settings of this extension from Kaspersky Lab for a long time, then use the filters recommended by the developer.

Kaspersky AdCleaner has quite a wide range of possibilities. It can use its own databases and popular lists from other developers. You can learn more about each database by tapping on the information button located next to it.

You can also allow some ads in the settings of Kaspersky AdCleaner. To do this, you need to add it to the site where it is displayed in custom exceptions. It can always be removed from there.

The above methods will help clear your iPhone and iPad from ads in Safari and provide a more comfortable surfing the Internet.

Video. AdBlock for iPhone and iPad (we remove ads!)

Intrusive advertising, how we are tired of it. The advertisement itself was created in order to help us decide which product is better to use, as well as which product is better to purchase. But it happens that on a smartphone or tablet, for no reason, ads pop up, or when the browser is running while surfing the Internet, because some sites are simply full of it.

In the menus, applications, on the desktop of your iPad, even malware can perform these unwanted actions. How to remove the virus and finally get rid of ads? This and not only we will analyze in this article.

We get rid of ads in the official Internet browser from Apple Safari. With this difficult task, we will be helped by special utilities that are configured to block ads and pop-up banners while surfing the Internet.

1 The first type is advertising that does not cause difficulties for the user when viewing the site, these signs, as a rule, are located on the side of the main content and do not cause any troubles, except for people who are not particularly receptive to advertising. 2 The second type is pop-up banners. They appear when you go to the site and interfere with the use of content. Sometimes, when you close them, you will still be redirected to the advertiser's website. 3 The third type is malicious or viral. This type of banner is quite rare, but, as they say, aware means armed. This type can block the ipad and ask you to transfer money to a certain account to unlock the device.

Of course, after transferring money, no one will unlock the device for you, you will simply lose your time and money. Also, when you go to the site, an advertising virus, the so-called "spammer", may be automatically downloaded to your tablet. This virus is cunning in that it shows you ads all over your device, in the menu, tablet settings, contacts, and so on.

Block ads on ipad by installing support apps

The top application in this area is the notorious Adguard program, which is suitable for almost any device, be it a personal computer or a smartphone. You can install it very simply. To get started, go to the AppStore, type Adguard in the search bar and install this application. Run AdGuard , then go to the settings section of your own tablet.

In the settings section, find the browser you use, such as Safari, then click on it. In the browser settings, go to the content blocking rules subsection, after which a new window will appear in front of you, in which you need to turn on the switch to the enabled position next to the Apply Adguard content blocking rules or similar.

Now you need to initialize the blocker application, for this you just need to run it, it will configure itself and apply all the necessary rules. After all the operations done, you can test the application by going to the site where there was an advertisement that annoyed you.

How to remove adguard?

If for some reason you no longer need an ad-fighting app, you can simply uninstall it. Before that, go to the settings section of your tablet and disable the Adguard content filter, after which you can simply delete it like any application on your device.

How do I remove ads by disabling JavaScript?

You can do this in the following way - Go to the next path, the settings section of your device. Find the browser you are using.

Go to the subsection of the add-on in this way, then move the slider next to the JavaScript inscription to the off position. Now your device is protected from pop-ups, but there is one drawback.

JavaScript not always used for bad purposes, in many sites this programming language is used to help validate the entered content in forms or output the results of actions on this site, so it is not always prudent to turn it off.


To deal with the latter type of advertising, it will not be enough just to block it. This type of advertising is produced by virus spammers. Advertising can appear not only when browsing sites, but also within the operating system itself.

To deal with them, it is enough to install an antivirus on the device, which will help remove viruses already living inside your device and prevent the installation of new ones. malware to your device.