Scenario of theatrical production for Mother's Day. Unusual scenario for mother's day at school. Scene about mom: "Funny situation"

  • 13.11.2019

regional competition for best script extracurricular activities,

dedicated to the celebration of Mother's Day in Russia.

Scenario of an extracurricular event

"Take care of moms!"

Genre: puppet show

Position: teacher of Russian language and literature

School: MOU OOSh No. 99

Locality: G.Sochi, p.Lazarevskoe

Name municipality:


I am a class teacher in 8 "A" class. Since the 6th grade, we have been the bosses of 1, and now 3 "B". The children and I thought for a long time in what form for the kids to conduct serious conversations that would be understandable, accessible and would be remembered for a long time by our sponsors. How to tell the kids, for example, about the law No. 1539 in force in the Krasnodar Territory?

They thought and thought until one of the children suggested organizing a puppet theater. I liked the idea. Some dolls were sewn by ourselves (on the Internet, many sites tell in detail how to do this), some I bought, and some, for example, a Baba Yaga doll, were made to order. Designed and created decorations. I usually wrote the scripts myself, but I always discussed them with the children, consulted. If the topic was not too difficult, she trusted students to write the script.

It turned out that the form puppet show has a number of advantages: 1) accessibility;

2) easy memorization of some complex things;

3) the development of creative, acting, speech abilities of students;

4) interesting for both eighth graders and elementary school students.

If it seems that all this is very difficult, then believe me, it is not at all. The main thing is to start.

For Mother's Day, the children and I prepared a performance-fairy tale: "Take care of mothers!"

Puppet show-fairy tale: "Take care of moms!"




Baba Yaga

Grandfather Vseved


Dog Sharik

Purring cat


Scene 1

storyteller (singingly): In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, close, far, where exactly, and I don’t know myself, maybe far away, or maybe in your kingdom-state there lived a woman (mother appears from behind the screen, bows) and she had a son, Vanechka, such a mischievous, such a fool, oh-oh-oh (the storyteller disappears, Vanechka appears).

Mother : Vanechka, son, help me a little with the housework: sweep the floor, wash the dishes.

Ivan: I won't! What am I a girl?!

Mother: Then come with me to the forest, we will bring brushwood, we will flood the stove. And it's quite cold in the hut.

Ivan: Lazy me. Well, mom, back off! Go yourself.

Mother : Oh, Vanya, Vanya. (Sighs sadly and leaves.)

Ivan ( joyfully: Gone! How good! You can lie on the stove, spit on the ceiling, or count the flies. And then the mother pesters (mimicking): “Vanya, do that. Vanya, do it. Learn, Vanya. But I do not want! I'm lazy!

Scene 2

Storyteller: In the dense forest, in the thicket, in a hut on chicken legs, Baba Yaga lived. She loved to fly around the world and do harm to everyone. And she especially did not like capricious and ungrateful children.

Baba Yaga (angrily): And why love these idiots? Yelling, squeaking, always demanding something. And then give them, and buy this ... Ugh. The only thing they're good for is for me for lunch. And moms love them. (Pretendingly affectionately) Ah, son. Ah, daughter. (Angrily) Evil is not enough!

Mother (sings softly from behind the screen): There was a birch in the field,

Curly stood in the field.

Lyuli, Lyuli stood,

Lyuli, Lyuli stood.

Baba Yaga : Who else is this? Who dared to host in my forest?

Mother (with a bundle of brushwood on her back): Hello, grandmother.

Baba Yaga : Hello, killer whale. Who is she? Why did you come?

Mother : For brushwood. It's cold in the hut, Vanyusha's son can get sick.

Baba Yaga: Ah, son? But why do you collect brushwood yourself, or your Vanyashka could not help?

Mother: Nothing, I'm on my own somehow.

Baba Yaga: It's a pity, son?

Mother: Who, except for the mother, will regret?

Baba Yaga: Love him! For what?

Mother : Do they love children for something? You are a strange grandmother. He is my son!

Baba Yaga: He does not protect you! For what kind of merit is such a mother to him? But he won't have a mother! (Ominous music from the opera "Ruslan and Lyudmila" sounds). Well, quickly turn around, the woman turn into a birch. Crigley-cragli-tarababri. (mother disappears, in her place appears a birch with a blue ribbon. Baba Yaga laughs ominously).

Scene 3

Storyteller: But Ivan still does not smell trouble. He lay-lay on the stove, fell asleep, and when he woke up ...

Ivan: Mom, mom. I want to eat! (Pause). Mom, it's really cold in the hut! Mom, why are you silent?!

Cat: Meow, and the hostess has not yet returned from the forest.

Dog: Oh, I hear trouble happened.

Ivan: How did it not come back? I'm completely hungry! And cold.

Cat: What's wrong with not having a mom?

Dog: Scary?

Cat: And who offended mother?!

Dog : Who didn't help at all?

Cat: Did you release one into the forest?

Ivan: I won't do it again.

Cat: Got up late.

Dog: Mom needs to be rescued.

Ivan: Rather, into the forest!

Scene 4

Storyteller: For a long time our Vanechka wandered through the forest. Aukal, called mother. And in response, only silence ominous. But then he went out into a clearing, and there an oak stands in three girths, and under the oak sits an old man in strange clothes, as if foreign. Ivan was shy at first, but then he nevertheless approached.

Ivan : Hello, grandfather.

Grandfather Vseved : Hello, good fellow. How to call you?

Ivan : Ivanushka. How about you?

Grandfather Vseved : And I'm grandfather Vseved, I know everything, I know everything.

Ivan: Oh, and maybe you know where my mother is?

Grandfather Vseved : Of course I know. She is with Baba Yaga.

Ivan ( frightened: Oh, mommy!

Grandfather Vseved : That's when I remembered my mother! Baba Yaga turned your mother into a birch. The spells can be removed, but it's difficult, oh so difficult.

Ivan (decidedly): What should I do?

Grandfather Vseved : First you need to go through the swamp. Then guess the riddles of the old raven. If you guess right, the raven will write a spell, you will read it in front of the mother birch, the spell will fall.

Ivan: Thank you grandpa. (Grandfather Vseved disappears behind a screen). I can't do anything on my own. Guys, can you help me? Yes? Well, thank you.

Oh, here is the swamp.

scene 5

Game "Swamp".

On the floor, the assistants quickly lay out figures cut out of green cardboard of various shapes at different distances. These are bumps. The assistant selects 6 people from the audience. Their task is to jump over the bumps one after another without stepping into the swamp even once. On command, fast Russian folk music is turned on. The game starts.

The students did an excellent job.

Ivan: Thank you guys for helping me cross the swamp. Without you, I would have drowned in the quagmire.

Crow: Kar-kar. What do you want in the forest?

Ivan : I came to guess your riddles.

Crow: But do you know that if you don’t solve at least one riddle, Baba Yaga will immediately appear and eat you.

Ivan: Seven troubles - one answer.

Crow: OK. Listen carefully and guess.

Here - where we do not throw a look - I explain to the baby,

Water blue expanse. To avoid errors:

In it, the wave rises as a wall, Animals, I breathe air,

White crest above the wave. But it looks like a big fish.

And sometimes it's quiet here. In water polo I'm agile

Did everyone recognize him? And I play ball with the children.

(Sea). (Dolphin)

This house I can We walk in the ocean,

Find on the coast. Like blue hills.

In it is the shelter of a mollusk, the ocean is our home,

And the owner is proud: It has many miles.
“The house will withstand the load, We are going into the storm with a big wall,

Limestone, hard. We calm down.

(Shell). (Waves).

Oh, the river fell down My source is not at the stream -

From a cliff! I'm running from the glacier.

There is no hiding from splashes. Very, very fast

What kind of place is it? Fresh and clean.

(Waterfall) (Mountain river).

All in the tops of this area, We walked through the mountains

For people who are not timid. And they heard chatter.

Here, tourists are interested in Kolya shouted: "Stream!"

Go up the path. And in response he heard: “Whose!”

(Mountains) Dima shouted: “Water!”

And the answer was: “Yes!”

It's deserted, only rocks.

What did they shout back to us?


(Riddles are guessed from the book by N.V. Ivanova “Riddles for children of 8 years old”, students-spectators guess them, if they cannot, then Ivanushka guesses).

Crow: Well done guys, you solved all the riddles. These are your helper friends, Ivanushka. Hold the spell. (Holds out a rolled up piece of paper)

Ivan (horrified): I went to school, but I didn't want to study. I'm afraid I can't read. Guys, help. And I will definitely make up for everything at school. I promise!

One of the children is reading: Quickly, quickly turn around, turn to mother birch. Crigley-cragli-tarababri. (Birch disappears behind a screen, mother appears).

Scene 6

Ivan: Mother, dear!

Mother: Vanechka, son.


Ivan : Mother, forgive me. I will never, ever hurt you again.

Mother : What are you, son, I forgave you a long time ago. (Baba Yaga appears).

Baba Yaga: How touching! How long? Here I'll take a look. If you hurt your mother, I'll eat you.

Ivan ( swearing to Baba Yaga in the belt): Thank you, grandmother, for science.

(Mother and Ivan hide)

Baba Yaga: Guys, good fairy tale did we tell you? A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for you, kids. And if you offend your mothers, I will eat you all, I will not disdain.

Storyteller: Enough to scare.

Baba Yaga: Joke, of course. But who knows what verse will find on me. Take care of your moms!!!

Storyteller: We thank you for your attention, we hope for your understanding. Artists bow.

(Students of grade 8 come out from behind the screen, holding dolls in their hands, bow.)

Lyubov Barinova
Theatrical production of the performance for Mother's Day "Naughty Kitten" (preparatory group)


1. Raising love and deep respect for the dearest person in preschoolers - to mothers, the desire to please her.

2. Formation of artistic skills in children through the use of speech means expressiveness: natural intonation, pauses and stresses, facial expressions.

3. Develop musical creativity.

4. Involving parents in a joint event to establish a trusting relationship with the child.

Preliminary work.

1. Writing a script for a fairy tale « naughty kitten» .

2. Distribution of roles.

3. Working out mini scenes.

4. Making costumes and scenery for a fairy tale.

5. Drawing a book « naughty kitten» as a gift for kids.

How kitten looking for mom.

Musical introduction.

Leading: I lived in the world Kitty. He was very naughty and all

wanted to do it my way. And that's what happened to him one day.

1 picture.

The cat's mother's house.

Small kitten climbs everywhere, drops everything, jumps ... Mom turns around at the noise.

Mother: Well, what did you do again? spoke you: Don't touch anything on the closet, don't

climb. (Stroking kitten)

Mother: Can't you sit still, quietly.

(Kitty again indulges and runs up to the bed).

Mother: Oh, you must be sleepy, poor thing! Why didn't you tell me before

said. Well, sleep, sleep, I'll sing you a song.

(Mom cat covers him with a blanket, but Kitty jumps out from under him and runs out into the street).

2 picture.

presenter: walked, walked Kitty and got into the forest and got lost.

(Helplessly looking around, plaintively meowing, he climbs onto a stump and cries)

Kitty: The forest is so thick here

I want to go home to my mom. (crying).

(A bunny appears)

Hare: Why are you sitting here?

Kitty: I lost my house ...

Hare: Here's the weirdo! And who are you?

Kitty A: I don't know, I'm small.

Hare: That's stupid, mom - then who do you have?

Kitty A: I don't know, I'm small.

(The hare laughed, fell down with laughter, raised his legs to the top, then sat down and thought).

Hare: Can you jump?

Kitty: I'm good at jumping! (Rides)

Hare: Well, everything is clear, you are a hare, let's go, I'll take you home. But

why are your ears small?

Kitty: That's what! (kitten angry) Why, yes why? Isn't everything

anyway, I have a long tail.

Hare: Well, let's move on, otherwise look, it's completely dark. (They approach the Bunny’s house. The rabbits play the drums (the rabbits play the invented rhythmic pattern of the drum game, they appear kitten and bunny.)

Hare: Mother! I found a hare in the forest.

Hare busy with her hares: Okay, let him eat and go to bed.

The hare, taking a cabbage leaf, holds it out Kitten: On the.

Kitty: What's on?

Hare: Na, it means take and eat.

Kitty(twisting the sheet): I can't eat it, I'm still small. (Crying).

(Mom hare, hearing crying, comes out.)

Hare: Mom is a bunny?

Mom Bunny: Not a hare, but Kitty!

Mom Hare refers to kitten and stroke him head: Well, come with us soon.

We'll take you to your mother.

(They go. The mice jump out. Music game with bells "Who quickly?")

One, two, three, four, five.

2 mouse: You are a mouse, I am a mouse

There is no animal faster than a mouse.

Catch up, what are you worth? (scatter)

3 mouse, scared: Oh look, it's a cat

On the path to us!

4 mouse: With him a hare and a hare

Run away, mice, be quiet! (run away)

hare: Run away. That's bad

I wanted to ask them

How can we find the way

And don't go astray.

Bear: I bow low to my neighbor

You have such children!

hare: Good afternoon. glad to see you

But I confess, I'm rewarded

Only this - once a hare, two - a hare

And the other animal Kitty.

We take him home

We won't find a way.

(kitten crying. Bear examines with cubs kitten)

1 bear: Grandfather, I saw squirrels,

But I didn't see any kittens.

2 bear: He's so funny, fluffy

The fur on the back is silver.

3 bear: Small but with marigolds

How did he leave his mother?

4 bear: We are big, we know the forest

But we don't walk alone.

Bear: In more often we live next door

And we go out very rarely.

I would come to your aid

But I don't know the way

You bunny don't be angry

We have to go, goodbye. (leave)

Aerobics show.

hare: Hello, little fox!

Fox: Hi. We haven't seen each other for a hundred years.

hare: All business, household, house.

And now let's go looking

Where does this little one live?

Fox: His mother is a cat, isn't he?

Fox talking to the cubs: See how it happens

Who runs away from home

And he doesn't listen to his mother

It's bad to be so stubborn.

1 fox: What are you, mom, I'm without asking

I don't show my nose.

2 foxes: I always listen to you.

Together: We are from a mink - nowhere.

hare: Where to look for us a house - tell me?

Fox: On the pine you keep the path

I would take myself

But, neighbor, business!

(The fox and the cubs leave. Kitty starts whimpering again.)

hare: So, hurry up, guys,

To catch us before sunset.

(go to the music).

Bunny 1: Here is the pine, the end of the road

(A sparrow jumps in the distance and performs a rhythmic dance to the music Nancy bands"Sparrow")

Bunny 2: Mom, you see a sparrow

Ask him soon

Let help come to us

And take the kitten.

Sparrow: Greetings friends,

Are you looking for a sparrow?

hare: help us out

And take the kitten

Mother cat is waiting for him

Here in the forest he will disappear.

Sparrow: I'm everywhere, friends, I'm flying

Where does he live kitten - I know

Well baby come with me

I'll take you home.

Kitty: Thank you, aunt, hare

I give you my word: never

I won't leave home without permission

And I will always obey.

(A bunny with bunnies waving after kitten and sparrow. Kitty and the sparrow go to the cat's house.)

Kitty: My mommy!

Cat: You are my little one!

I'm looking for you, I'm already off my feet

How could you alone from home

On paths unfamiliar

Run away? 'Cause the night is dark

The street is full of danger

Little can happen

You can get lost, get lost.

Kitty: Mommy, I'm sorry, my dear

Now I understand everything. Promise,

That one from home goes nowhere

I will always obey you.

Kitty: Meet. This is my friend - a sparrow

He helped me find you soon.

Cat: I thank you sparrows

maternal"Thanks" I say.


"Naberezhnye Chelny School No. 88 for children with disabilities"


Fairy tales "Three daughters"

(based on the Tatar folk tale)

for students in grades 1-2

for International Women's Day

Developed by: Galimova Elvira Foatovna

teacher primary school, defectologist

The purpose of the extracurricular activity - fostering a respectful and caring attitude towards the older generation, instilling love for the national traditions of their people.

Necessary preliminary work: decorating the stage in the style of a Tatar hut, using national attributes (for example: towels embroidered with a national Tatar pattern), the distribution of roles and texts between children.

Props required for the show: national women's costumes - 4 pieces, national men's costumes - 3 pieces, squirrel costume, house, oven, chairs, bench, tables - 2 pieces, doll, diaper, cradle (carriage), basin, linen rope, linen, bowl, dough substitute, pies , firewood, an ax, a spinning wheel, threads, a green cloth (shawl), dishes, a shawl.

Musical accompaniment: Tatar melodies by S. Saidashev, Tatar dance, lullaby (for example: Bishek zhyry).

Roles: mother,

three daughters,

three suitors,


There lived a woman. She worked day and night to feed and clothe her three daughters.(A calm Tatar melody sounds. A young mother in a Tatar national costume enters the stage. She shakes the doll in her arms. Singing a lullaby, she puts the doll in the cradle. She starts washing, hanging clothes, kneading the dough and baking pies. Then, she takes the cradle with the doll into the house and tired, sits down on a bench near the house.)

And three daughters grew up, swift as swallows, with faces like the bright moon.(Three girls in Tatar national costumes come out of the house and start dancing. Three boys (grooms) join them in the dance. They take the girls away from the stage).

One by one, the daughters got married and left.(Mom waves her handkerchief after them and goes into the house).

Several years have passed.(Mother appears from the house, in a scarf tied around her head, like an old woman, and in a vest worn over her dress, with a stick in her hands. The old woman begins to chop wood and falls.)

The old mother became seriously ill, and she decided to send a red squirrel to her daughters.

Mother: Squirrel, squirrel. My girlfriend.(The old woman calls the squirrel). I got very sick. Run to my daughters. Tell them, my friend, to hurry to me.

(The squirrel runs to the eldest daughter. And at the same time she is washing clothes.)


Daughter 1 : Ouch! I would be glad to go, but now I am very busy, I have to wash this pile of laundry.

Squirrel: (angrily) - Wash? So be a frog!

(Music plays.

The eldest daughter is spinning, holding a large green scarf in her hands. Whirling, he throws it over himself from above. Crouching and jumping, croaking like a frog, goes behind the curtain.

The squirrel runs to the second daughter. And she is spinning yarn at this time. The squirrel knocked on the door of the second daughter.)

Squirrel: Mom is sick, let's go quickly.
Daughter 2: Ouch! I would run to my mother, but I need to weave canvas to the fair.
Squirrel: (angrily) Well, weave all my life, never stopping!

(And the second daughter, entangled in the threads, turned into a spider. She leaves behind the curtain.

The squirrel runs to the third daughter. And she kneads the dough at this time. The squirrel knocked on her.)

Squirrel: Mom is sick, let's go quickly.

(The daughter did not say a word, did not even wipe her hands, ran to her mother. She ran to the old woman. He began to look after her. He kindled the stove, gave her mother tea. Mom was recovering.)
Squirrel: (watching what's going on) Bring joy always to people, and people will cherish and love you, and your children, and grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.

(The youngest daughter sits down next to her mother, throws a shawl over her shoulders and hugs her. A calm, quiet Tatar melody sounds).
Indeed, the third daughter lived for many years, and everyone loved her. And when the time came for her to die, she turned into a golden bee.
All summer long, day by day, the bee collects honey for people ... And in winter, when everything around is dying from the cold, the bee sleeps in a warm hive, and wakes up - it eats only honey and sugar.

The path of each person begins with the hands of the mother, who until the end of her days remains the dearest and closest person. In gratitude to all mothers for the gift of life, in 1998 a holiday appeared in the calendar - Mother's Day, celebrated on the last Sunday of November. So that children and relatives do not forget to congratulate their dearest women, morning performances and festive events are held in children's groups, the decoration of which can be funny scenes about mom.

For kindergarten

An important educational and teaching moment at an early age is the memorization of poetry. It improves speech and develops memory. Therefore, for children's matinee you should pick up a small rhyming text, filled with the opportunity to express yourself in a game role, so that the kids are interested. You can collect material on well-known poems by prominent authors: Agniya Barto, Elena Blaginina, Grigore Vieru. For the attention of the audience, it is very important that the ending be unexpected and contain intrigue. The most correct thing is if the scene about mom is funny, because positive emotions are very important in it.

But it must necessarily be of an educational nature: not only contribute to the formation of a sense of humor, but also teach kindness, mutual assistance, and pride in one's family. The educator can take on the role of leader, and in senior group- the most prepared child, able to keep the thread of the plot, because otherwise the content will not be brought to the audience.


Children's sketches about mother are widely represented in literary collections, we bring to the attention of the reader the sketch "Festive Day":

Participants: presenter, mother, father, daughter, son.

Today is Mother's Day!

But we are too lazy to sleep with our sister:

A ray of sun only through the window,

We are already playing with the cat.

(A boy and a girl approach the door of the next room, listen).

Daughter says to her brother:

Mom and dad are fast asleep

And they don't want to feed us!

We won't wake them up

We can make our own soup!

(Takes sister to the kitchen.)

Able to knead the dough

And vacuum the chair!

Decorate the closet with flowers

Here's a surprise for mom!

(Children drag a vacuum cleaner, open a can of paint, spill it on the floor. Dough is kneaded on the table, which sticks to hands, clothes, hair).

The sound of footsteps down the hall... who is that?

We'll find out soon!

If mom, that's the trouble,

We didn't make it, as usual!

Final scene "Holiday"

Scenes about mom and children cannot do without dad, who plays a major role in the plot, which is very important:

(Dad enters, looks in amazement at the mess in the kitchen).

What happened, I do not understand!

I will punish you both!

Daughter ( upset):

We wanted, don't be angry

Surprise Mommy!

Dad got sad at the same time

He forgot about the holiday.

Didn't buy a bouquet of flowers

No gift, pies!

He rolled up his sleeves

I dipped my hands into the paint

And said…

Well, kids, it's all over! For one or two!

(With cheerful music, everyone gets down to business. Cleaning is going on quickly, breakfast is being cooked, a cake is being baked, flowers are drawn on the cabinet doors, dad runs off to sleep).

Mom got up in the morning

Quietly trudged into the kitchen.

The door opened, closed...

Wow, how clean!

Smells like hot cakes

The closet is painted all over with flowers,

The cat is purring at the window...

Son and daughter:

Mom, happy holiday to you!

Mom hugs kids

caresses them on the head,

And quietly says:

It's a pity ... dad is fast asleep!

School scenes about mom: features for primary school children

At the beginning of school life, the leading activity for children is educational. The main authority is the teacher, whose opinion is more important for students than parental. Therefore, it is advisable to use a very popular and funny humoresque:

Get up, son. The alarm clock is ringing, you'll be late for school!

I do not want. Again, Petrov will start pestering everyone ... he will start a fight!

If you don't get up, you'll be late for the first lesson.

Well, okay. Watch how Ivanov will throw rags again?

Still, it's not good to be late.

Is it good when Sidorov shoots at people with a slingshot?

Son, you can't not go to school, because you are ... the director!

A scene about a son and mother is a dialogue on the topic that adults remain small children for their parents. And even the director has a caring, understanding mother, in front of whom he wants to be capricious, remembering his childhood.

For middle management

At a time when the teacher's opinion is important for the student, it is necessary to remind them of the need to help the dearest women - mothers and grandmothers. This can be done with humor, using the upcoming holiday. The option in verse is interesting in that it is easier to perceive and makes you think about your own behavior in similar situations, looking at yourself from the outside. " caring son"- a scene about mom. A funny story can be easily played out by two students, because only the son and the mother who has returned from the store are involved in it.

(Mom enters, heavy bags in her hands).

How many times have I asked you

You don't listen, mom

No need to lift bags

10 kilograms each.

Yes, I'd love to advice

I got yours, son!

Can you go to the store

Two times, it's easier!

Funny only when it does not contain sarcasm and disrespectful attitude towards the woman-mother. The object of ridicule is those who show indifference or ingratitude.

In high school

High school students are able to prepare a mini-performance, as well as interesting miniatures, bringing their own creativity to them. They can be prepared:

  • For your peers.
  • Children from elementary grades.
  • Parents and teachers.

Parents and peers need solid scenes about mom for Mother's Day. Funny performances of poems, for example, to the work of E. Uspensky "The Rout", will be appropriate for younger children. What can be played for the holiday?

"In the bar"

Three characters take part in the scene: a boy, a girl and a mother.

(A girl sits at the bar at the counter. The guy is walking towards her.).

Guy: Hello baby! Are you bored?

Girl: Hello! Not without it!

Guy: Do you want me to arrange an unforgettable evening for you? Come with me?

Girl: Yes, I would be glad, only my mother strictly ordered me to return at 23:00.

Guy: Haha! You're not ten years old! Maybe you will still go on dates with your mother?

(Suddenly, a hand takes the young man by the ear).

Guy: Mom? How did you get here?

Mom: How did you get here? You have a test tomorrow!

Guy: Mom, yes I ...

Mom: March home! No excuses!

Guy ( girl): Baby, I'm sorry, I ...

Mom: Home!

This scene about mother is funny, because there is a lot of irony in it, through which a respectful attitude towards the figure of the mother is emphasized.

School KVN

There are probably several KVN teams at the school, between which competitions regularly take place. The theme for jokes can easily be timed to holiday dates, including for Mother's Day, which will expand the audience and develop the ability to notice funny situations in real life. Self-irony is one of the most important qualities real kavanshchik. Among the competitions in KVN are used:

  • Greetings.
  • Warm-up (short jokes on the topic of playing KVN).
  • Homework with the use of an entertainer.
  • A music competition during which the lyrics of famous songs are remade.

In the greeting, small scenes about mom will be appropriate. KVN requires sparkling jokes, so they should be short, but very capacious. As an example, the following would be recommended:

Mother ( adult son):

You see, the son of his mother is growing as an assistant! She washed, and he takes off the linen from the rope!

Yeah ... Only it seems that this is your assistant, our underwear is hanging on a rope!

For adults

At home, during the celebration, a scene about a mother for adults will be appropriate. It can be completely improvised and built on any comic situation. Two options can be offered.

  • Medical examination with the issuance of a conclusion. In the main document will be noted: a flourishing age, universal hearing, one hundred percent vision. Each item can be deciphered with humor. Among the problems, one should state an increased heart rate, which shows a high level of anxiety for children, their education, personal life, and professional career.
  • Rewarding the mother with the Order of Merit with their transfer. You will need an awarder, a support group, spectators who give a standing ovation, an assistant who brings gifts and flowers. An example would be the item: "For the education of faith in God." As an example, phrases from life can be voiced: “Mom, you always said: “Pray, son, that this stain on your trousers is washed off!”.

Improvised sketches about mom on Mother's Day are funny memories from childhood, giving the holiday a special touching and warm homely atmosphere. They can be accompanied by music that evokes the necessary associations, viewing family photos and gift cards.

Scene about mom: "Funny situation"

Today published a lot of reprises and comic scenes about the inability of mothers and grandmothers to cope with the computer. This is especially funny in the "Diesel Show". It will be original to play your version about a daughter and mother. The scene changes the idea of ​​the children about the potential of their own parents:

(Daughter-high school student sits at a computer, mother enters).

I need a computer for a couple of minutes, I want to upload the pictures to Odnoklassniki.

(The girl reluctantly gets up from the table. The mother opens the photo album and tries to insert the photo into the drive).

Daughter: Mom, what are you doing? These are printed pictures.

Mom: But how to reset them to Odnoklassniki?

This is done from a flash drive, do you have an electronic media?

Little thing that looks like a lighter?

Well, yes ... And to reset them, you need to go to the site. What is your login?

What is it?

Login! A code word without which it is impossible to enter the site. Write it here in Latin letters. And a password.

Oh, now, I don't remember by heart.

(He takes out a crumpled piece of paper and begins to clumsily poke at the keyboard. The daughter tries to help her, but her mother hides her note from her. Daughter waves her hand and angrily leaves the room).

mother ( puts on headphones and quickly opens skype):

This is the Arrow. Sea Wolf, are you ready? Daughter freed the computer for a couple of hours. So let's start. Go around One Eye on the left and I'll blow him up on the right. Dive into the crevice, hide! Hi Anaconda! Have you lost your daughter too? Freed myself workplace? Come on, connect, bypass it on the left. Ready! Know ours! Forward to the spaceport, in a couple of seconds, a flight to a neighboring planet. Let's show these Multi-armed Vishers!

Short scenes about mom will easily fit into any scenario. celebratory event, giving it a positive mood and causing a smile of those for whom it is held.

On stage: The hall is darkened, in the center there is a fake bed, a girl with a doll “sleeps” in it, a night lamp is lit, illuminating the center of the hall. The bed is rocked by "Mom" in a scarf singing a lullaby. After the first verse, he gets up, takes off his scarf, puts it on his "daughter", and leaves. The girl gets up, ties her "mother's" handkerchief, shakes the crib, puts the doll down and continues to sing the same song.
Dear readers, if you think that your work should be paid higher, you can always find vacancies for agencies that organize holidays and corporate events, details on the site - A thousand jobs.

Host, child, god)
Leading: -The day before his birth, the child asked God:
Child: - They say that tomorrow they will send me to Earth. How will I live there, because I am so small and defenseless?
Host: God answered:
God: - I will give you an angel who will wait for you and take care of you.
Leading: - The child thought, then said again:
Child: - Here in Heaven I only sing and laugh, this is enough for me to be happy.
Host: God answered:
God: - Your angel will sing and smile for you, you will feel his love and be happy. -
Child: Oh! But how can I understand him, because I do not know his language? - What should I do if I want to contact you?
Host: God gently touched the child's head and said:
God: Your angel will put your hands together and teach you how to pray.
Host: Then the child asked: —
Child: - I heard that there is evil on Earth. Who will protect me?
God: - Your angel will protect you, even risking his own life.
Child: - I will be sad, because I will not be able to see you anymore ... -
God: Your angel will tell you everything about me and show you the way to return to me. So I will always be by your side.
Host: At that moment, voices began to be heard from the Earth; and the child in a hurry asked:
Child: - God, tell me, what is the name of my angel? -
God: -His name doesn't matter. You will just call him Mom.

"Ave Maria". Against its background, the words are read (from behind the scenes):

Stand up, all the way! Accept standing
Preserved in simple beauty
This word is ancient, holy!
Get up!.. Straighten up! Stand up everyone!
As forests rise in the hours of dawn
Like blades of grass tearing towards the sun again.
Stand up everyone, having heard this word,
As if love itself has come to you!
This word is a call, and a spell,
And a prayer in the far side
The word is the first ray of consciousness,
The groan of the last perishing in the fire.
In this word is the power of unselfishness,
Kindness, which life is bright,
What the leaves whisper a little,
What the bells are ringing about
This word will forever be
And, breaking through any traffic jam,
Even in stone hearts will awaken
Hidden reproach of conscience.
The word both heals and hurts.
There is a life being hidden in it.
It is the source of everything. He has no end.
Get up!.. I pronounce it:

Presenters exit, to the music of Fanfare

HOST 1: Good afternoon, dear guests! We dedicate today's holiday to the dearest and most beloved person of each of us, Mom!
PRESENTER 2: Not so long ago, since 1994, our country celebrates a holiday, "Mother's Day", but it has already become traditional.
LEADING 1: Mother's Day is a wonderful occasion to once again say words of love and gratitude to the dearest and closest person, to pay tribute to love, to generous motherly hearts, to their caring and affectionate hands.
HOST 2: Today we would like to give moments of joy to sweet and affectionate mothers, loving and beloved grandmothers sitting in our hall.
HOST 1: The vocal group "Shubyanochka-Rossiyanochka" sings for you

HOST 2: The word for greetings and congratulations is given to the head of the village council S.I. Loburenko ... ..
HOST 1: Own musical gift gives

Music sounds
Carlson runs in (he has a steering wheel in his hands, he hums loudly)
Presenter 2: Hello, Carlson! Stop, stop, don't rush!
Carlson: Hello guys! (bows)
Boys and girls! (greets each child)
Hello mothers, dear ladies!
(Fun): Hello friends, here I am!
You got it right, you got me!
I flew by here
And I saw you through the window.
Beauty, comfort all around,
Know me waiting here!
I am a man, no matter where,
And I came to visit you.
Where is the treat treat?
Maybe it's a birthday?
Presenter 1: Dear Carlson, we have a holiday. We congratulate our women on Mother's Day.
Carlson: Oh, trouble, trouble, grief. How could I, a man in the prime of life, forget about such a holiday ... And I didn’t prepare any gifts. But I flew not alone with me guys from our school. And they must have prepared something. We welcome them with thunderous applause.
(Children get on stage)
Carlson: Our dear mothers, on this holiday,
Accept the words of congratulations from the smallest children.
1st: Ding-de-laziness!
2nd: Ding-de-laziness!
3rd: Good afternoon!
4th: Good afternoon!
5th: A holiday has knocked on the house where we live happily.
6th: Open your eyes wider - the best holiday in the world has come.
Together: Congratulations to the children of their mothers. Hooray!
1st-Mom is the sky! (hands up)
2nd-Mom is the light! (with hands above we show flashlights)
3rd Mom is happiness! (hands to chest)
4th-Mom - better not (lean forward and wave your head no-no)
5th-Mom is a fairy tale! (thumbs up "Wo!")
6th-Mom is laughter! (laughing, smiling)
7th-Mom is a weasel (stroking ourselves on the head)
8th Moms - love everyone! (slam a kiss with two hands to moms)
Teacher: Now we will sing a song for mom,
Congratulations on mother's day
Let's send a kiss! (all together slam a kiss)
They sing the song "Oh, what a mother!"
(Children leave the room)
Carlson: Thank you guys, they helped me out.
Now guess my riddle:
There is a word in our world that is eternal, short, but the most cordial.
It is beautiful and kind, it is simple and convenient,
It is sincere, beloved, incomparable with anything in the world!
Children: Mom!
Carlson: Mom! How much warmth, tenderness is in this word. It's good to have mom around! Mom is our protection, this is our concern, this is our friend, this is the most precious thing we have.
Now I suggest to play. I will ask questions, and you all answer in unison. Deal?
- Who came to me in the morning? All: Mommy!
- Who said: "It's time to get up? » All: Mommy!
- Who managed to cook the porridge? All: Mommy!
-Pour into a cup of tea? All: Mommy!
- Who braided my hair? All: Mommy!
- The whole house was swept by one? All: Mommy!
- Gently who hugged me? All: Mommy!
- Who kissed me? All: Mommy!
-Who childish loves laughter? All: Mommy!
-Who is the best in the world? All: Mommy!
Carlson: Well done! Of course, these are our affectionate and gentle mothers.
Presenter 2: Second-graders give their congratulations to their mothers.
Teacher: Who was sitting on the ladder, Who was looking at the street. Dima ate (holds a bag of chips) Sasha played Kirill drew with crayons. It was evening, there was nothing. Here comes the car. The cat climbed into the attic. Then Dima said to the guys Just like that ...
Dima: And I have chips in my pocket. And you?
Olya: And I have clips in my pocket. And you?
Sasha: And today we have a cat, She gave birth to kittens yesterday. The kittens have grown a little, but they don't want to eat Kitiket!
Cyril: And we have gas in the kitchen. And you?
Danil: And we have a microwave. Deftly?
Lera: And from our window, the whole Market, as if on the palm of your hand. Every day I look and wait... I want a children's playground!
Sasha: And we had a quiet hour - This is the time. There is a pit in the middle of the yard - These are two. And fourthly, our mother is going to Novosib tomorrow, Mom will bring the goods - She will invite everyone to the market.
Host: Vova answered from the ladder ...
Vova: Entrepreneur mom? Cool!
Olya: But Misha, for example, has a policeman's mother!
Sasha: And Yulia's mother, Dima's mother are shop assistants!
Dima: And I have a simple answer - my mother is a speech therapist!
Nata: All the more important...
Host: Nata said ...
Nata: Mom from the food factory. Who will make you waffles? Definitely not an entrepreneur!
Vova: And Alena and Ivan have both mothers as accountants!
Dima: And Valya and Katya have teachers at school!
Host: And Cyril said quietly ...
Cyril: My mother is not a dressmaker, Not a cashier, not a controller, Mom is just a director.
Presenter: Vova was the first to respond ...
Vova: Mom is a holiday?! That's cool! The cook makes compotes. It is very good! In bookkeeping reports, That's good too! The doctor treats us for measles, There is a teacher at school. All kinds of mothers are needed, All kinds of mothers are important.
All: Well, our mothers are all sweeter and more beautiful!
Presenter 2: For you, dear women with a great name, mother is our next musical number.

Host1: Probably everyone will agree that there is nothing more beautiful than the joy of a mother who bowed to a baby who fell asleep on her chest. There is nothing more disturbing than endless sleepless nights and unclosed mother's eyes.
Presenter 2: Mothers always burn themselves and light the way for others. They are full of tenderness, selfless love, and their hands do good on earth.
Host1: So where does mom start?
Presenter 2: And mom starts from this magical house!
("MAGIC HOUSE") Grade 3
Student 1: What is happiness? Such a simple question
Perhaps more than one philosopher asked.
2 student: But in fact, happiness is simple!
It starts with half a meter of growth.
3 student These are undershirts. Booties and bib
A brand new described mother's sarafan.
4 student Torn tights... Broken knees,
These are the walls painted in the corridor ...
1 student Happiness is soft warm palms,
Behind the sofa candy wrappers, crumbs on the sofa ...
2 student This is a whole pile of broken toys,
It's a constant rattle of rattles...
3 student Happiness is barefoot heels on the floor ...
Thermometer under the arm, tears and injections ...
4 student Abrasions and wounds. Bruises on the forehead ... this is a constant "What" and "Why?" ...
1 student Happiness is a sled. Snowman and slide...
A small candle on a huge cake...
2 student: This is the endless "Read me a fairy tale",
These are the daily Khryusha with Stepashka ...
3 student This is a warm nose from under the blanket ...
Bunny on the pillow, blue pajamas ...
4 student: Splashes all over the bathroom, foam on the floor ...
1 student: Puppet theater, matinee in the garden ...
Student 2: What is happiness? Everyone will answer you;
Everyone has it
TOGETHER: Who has children!
3 student We are always proud of our mothers,
We always remember them
4 student In honor of their victories, in honor of their work,
We will perform our dance.
Stage 4 class
Boy: You know, I heard that all girls want to grow up quickly so that they can get married later.
Girl: Well, of course! And who among us does not want to receive gifts, flowers, sweets ...
Boy: Do you think that becoming a wife and mother, you will only dress up, eat sweets and receive gifts?
Girl: How could it be otherwise?
Boy: And here are the statistics of one magazine that gives these numbers:
1st On average, mothers spend more than 3,000 sleepless hours at the bedside of sick children.
2nd During the life of a mother, 500 kinds of a wide variety of dishes are prepared.
3rd And they wash piles of laundry. If you add up all the washed clothes for a lifetime, you get a mountain as high as Elbrus.
4th If you add up all the towels they have ironed, you get a belt for the entire globe.
1st Mothers sing songs, read poetry, knit and sew.
They rejoice and grieve.
2nd And mothers cry. Mother's tears are a sea or even an ocean, which can be called an ocean of sadness.
3rd And being a mother means seeing the happy eyes of your children!
4. As we want, relatives,
So that you always smile.
To bypass you
Every trouble.

1. Let your eyes shine
Only good light!
And the love of your children
Life will be warm!

We are your kind smiles
We will collect in a huge bouquet
For you, dear mothers,
We will sing a song today.

Presenter 1: Kind, sweet, hospitable, beautiful women in everything - our musical number is for you.
Carlson: Well done guys! And now I want to play with you and your moms. Children, you are my friends! And you have sweets!

Presenter 2: Carlson, we know that you love jam, sweets and chocolate very much, but your teeth deteriorate from sweets, so for fun game we made yoghurts.
Game "Feed Mom"

(2-3 pairs play at once.)

Carlson: Dear mothers and grandmothers, your children will feed you yogurt.
(The child sits on a chair opposite his mother, he has a jar of yogurt and a spoon in his hands, you can prepare napkins. The child carefully, on command, begins to feed his mother. The one who does it quickly and accurately will win. Carlson can also participate in the game).

Carlson: Children, it was very interesting for me with you and your mothers! Therefore, I want to treat the children with candy! Here she is so beautiful (pulls out and shows)
Presenter 1: Wait, Carlson! After all, there are a lot of guys, but you have one candy. Not enough for everyone, what to do?
Carlson: And my candy is not simple, but with a secret. Look here (Opens, and there are a lot of sweets.) Now there is enough candy for everyone.

(Carlson distributes sweets to children to the music

Carlson: Dear mothers, grandmothers, always remain unique and desirable, the most beautiful and kind. Let modesty and gentleness, meekness and tenderness shine in your eyes - those qualities that give you so much charm and charm. May the star of happiness and love always shine on you! And it's time for me to fly. Something I'm already hungry. It's time to refresh.
Leading out
Presenter 2: Our holiday does not end there. And we once again say to you, mothers: "You are the most beautiful and dear thing that every person has." May your kindness bring warmth to the hearts of those around you. May the music of love, kindness, happiness and children's laughter always sound in your heart.

Presenter 1: Grandmothers are sitting in our hall. Dear grandmothers, I am glad to greet you, people of different ages, but close in spirit! It is you who, with your warmth and affection, teach to always be kind and sensitive. Grandmothers deserve respect and gratitude for their love for their grandchildren.
Host 2: We believe in you and love you. For many children, the grandmother became a second mother. May you live quietly and peacefully. And we will try not to upset you over trifles.
Presenter 1: Not a step towards old age,
Not an hour in sorrow.
But only in joy
And only in vigor.
Host 2:
We wish health to be a companion,
So that trouble does not knock on the door.
We wish you success, family happiness
And good spirits always!
Presenter 1:
May this day not add wrinkles,
And the old ones will be smoothed out and erased.
Strengthens health, relieves failures.
Bring more joy and happiness.

You will hear a song about your grandmother.
Watch and enjoy with us.

Presenter 2: In our school, the action "Fives for Mom" ​​was held. The main work of the student is studying. Today, summing up, we will see how our children have worked.
To award the winners of the action "Fives for Mom" ​​the floor is given

Receive a song as a gift

Presenter 1: Today, on this holiday - the day of the dearest, the day of the holy person, We congratulate all the women who have such a happy and difficult fate at the same time - to be a mother.

Presenter 2: In our difficult time, giving birth and raising one child is already an act, and raising three or more children is a feat! In our village there are such mothers - heroines. We have them-30 Children in these families-?
We wish you health, love and warmth,
So that life is interesting and long,
So that there is comfort in the house, love and advice,
So that the house was protected from grief and troubles.
Presenter 1: This year 14 babies were born in our village. Congratulations to the mothers on a wonderful event - the birth of children. Health to you and your kids.
Children sing for you
Presenter 2: Today I would like to express gratitude and respect to mothers whose sons repay their debt to the Motherland, Fatherland. And to those whose sons have recently returned home. Low bow to you….

Host1: Mom, mommy ... How we are used to the fact that she just is, and that's it! Sometimes we forget that there is somewhere a person who thinks every minute, remembers us, worries, at the first call rushes to help support, calm, give his whole heart.
The poem "Mother is ill"
Presenter 2: Thank you, relatives for your care
For every breath of the night at the head.
For what our souls you willingly
And sacredly fill with love.

Host 1: Forgive us for every wrinkle.
After all, because of us, it is not easy for you!
Forgive us for every tear
Stealthily wiped from my native cheek.
Presenter 2: Many nights have passed without sleep,
Worries, worries can not be counted.
Earth bow to you all mothers
For the fact that you are in the world!
Host 1: Obeying the command of the heart.
I'll look into the eyes, my dear, I'll look ...
I'll gently fall on my knees
And I'll tell you: "Thank you ..."

Scene “A holiday every day” Scene one
Mom walks around the house, tidies up toys and says
Mom: What is it?
It's such a mess here!
Just a moment of peace
They won't let me!
I washed the clothes
And cooked dinner.
I'm so tired
But I have no rest.
I'm tired, I'll go, for the first time in my life I'll lie down until the children from school come. And then I'll clean myself up.
scene two
The son comes from school, all lathered, on the go sings to the tune of “The Bremen Town Musicians”
Son: There is nothing better in the world,
Than to drive football at least until dawn.
And in hockey to fight until you drop,
This is all I need to be happy.
Son: Mom, I'm here! Mom, I forgot to buy bread again. Mom, I want to eat! (looks into the room) Sleeping... (surprised) Strange... Well, okay, while he's sleeping, I'm driving for bread (singing) La-la-la
scene three
Daughter comes home from school. Sings (to the motive “She has eyes ...” gr. “Prime Minister”)
Daughter: My neighbor does not sleep, does not eat -
He only talks about me.
Says there is nothing more beautiful
Better than the girl that sits with him
Look slowly
Am I not good?
I will note about myself .... Yes!
My eyes are two three carat diamonds
My curls - all the guys go crazy.
My lips are the doors of the two gates of paradise,
And in general, I'm all, all like that - melted!
Daughter: Mom! (whining) Mommy, I'm terribly tired and cold, take off my boots! Mother! I have beautiful nails! Mom! (takes off shoes, looks into the room) Are you sleeping? (bewildered) I don't understand!
scene four
The son appears with bread, singing a song.
Daughter: Shut up! Wake up mom!
Son: How?... Is she still sleeping? Oh wow! She needs to be awakened! I do want to eat!
Daughter: Yes, I already tried, nothing works.
Son: Then you feed me, you see I'm hungry!
Daughter: What else! I have beautiful nails! I'm tired…
Son: Do you think I'm not tired? By the way, I study at a sports school!
Daughter: So what! And I'm in the music.
Son: Yes, okay! Well, what do we do now? Can a doctor be called? did mom get sick? (frightened) What if she's having this... lethargic dream?
Daughter: What?
Son: Well, this is when they sleep for a whole year .... Horror! Maybe call your dad at work?
Daughter: No, you don't need a doctor, and you shouldn't bother dad. Our mom is healthy. She's just tired. Spinning alone like a squirrel in a wheel all day, and no help from us! Here the body could not stand it! Poor thing!
Son: Got it! Let's clean up everything here ourselves, and mom will wake up and be delighted. What a great idea I came up with!
Daughter: You're right! We tortured our poor little mother. Look how tired she is. And I have noticed this before. Everything! From this day on, we start helping mom!
Son: Cool!
Son and daughter sing a song to the motive “Water Carrier Song”
Mother must be respected
Mom needs help
Do not say anything
Clean it up here, don't litter there.
I will tell you a secret
There is no better mother than ours
Do not say anything
Clean it up here, don't litter there.
Daughter: I'll iron the clothes!
Son: You don't know how!
Daughter: I'll learn nothing!
Son: And then I'll take out the trash! Here!
Daughter: You're lying!
Son: Yes, so that I burst at this place! Deal?
Daughter: Hands down! Deal!
Scene five.
Mom wakes up. Children joyfully run to her, hug her and kiss her.
Son: Mom!
Daughter: Mommy!
Mom: (surprised) How clean it is here! Oh yes, well done! Is today some kind of holiday?
Daughter: No, Mommy! But from now on we will help you!
Son: Yep!
Mom: Why all of a sudden?
Daughter: We just understood one simple truth. To love means to protect, take care, help and support each other.
Son: Always! Right, mom?
Mom: That's right, children! (Hugs children)

Presenter 2: Our dear mothers, grandmothers. Once again we want to congratulate you on Mother's Day and wish you:
Leading 1: Let all sorrows go out in the light of days,
May all maternal dreams come true.

Presenter 2: We wish you always to cover
Path of life with the light of kindness.
(The soundtrack of the song “Parental House” sounds. Everyone comes to the fore, join hands, raising them, swaying them up to the beat of the music. The music subsides).

Voice-over: Rain hits the window like a frozen bird.
But she will not fall asleep, continuing to wait for us.
Today I want to bow from the bottom of my heart

The one who gave us life in agony,
The one that sometimes did not sleep with us at night,
Her warm hands were pressed to her chest,
And she prayed for us to all the holy images.
The one who asked God for happiness
For the health of their daughters and sons.
Each new step for her was like a holiday,
And she was sicker from the pain of children.
We fly from our native nest like birds,
We want to become adults as soon as possible.
Today I want to bow to the ground
Our Russian woman named MOTHER!
1st school We bow to all mothers for selfless love.
2nd school Kindness. For the hands that create goodness and justice on Earth, decorate life, fill it with meaning, make it happy.
3rd. We bow to you, mothers, for your great maternal feat.
4th. We bow to you for your concern.
5th. For understanding and patience.
6th. For your kindness and for having you with us.
The children standing on the stage bow and leave.
Presenter 1: Dear mothers! We are waiting for you in our hospitable hall again and again, and we really hope that today we managed to give you some wonderful moments, pleasant minutes on your holiday!
Presenter 2: Peace to your home! Thank you for being with us this festive evening! Goodbye, see you again!