A good script for ecology for adults. Ecological holiday: scenario, themes. Poems on the ecological theme. "Weather forecast with an ecological bias"

  • 13.11.2019

Scenario "Environmental"

About ecology - in jest and seriously.

(song to the motive of "The Bremen Town Musicians")

The whole world is in our hands, it is controlled by people.

We want to know now what will happen to the world tomorrow.

We came to you for an hour. Hello. Bonjour, hello.

Everything we tell you now worries us for a long time.

Well, all together. Hang your ears.

We need to listen carefully.

Let me introduce myself: the environmental team _______________ high school.

"Ekos" (turn the letters)

The Ekos propaganda team presents a modern super-blockbuster based on the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man" - "About ecology - in jest and seriously."

They fly away like a swarm of bees.

Music X-Files

The screen is moving.

it's time for lunch

No meat, no bread

No porridge with milk


There is only water and flour


let's bake - like a kolobok.

But note that at the same time

What is water from the river

the one in which last summer

crayfish and fry died.


Because next to the river

The chemical plant flourished

And poisoned the water with poison

Throwing up capital.

And in flour a terrible secret -


There was a tangle of nitrates in it


Ugly and dangerous

It turned out to be a bun.


And pitying grandfather and grandmother

At night I'm baking tears

And rushed off without looking back

Into the dark dark

Scary forest. (background music)

On the run swallowing tears

He ran down the path

Under the gnarled birch

He met an oblique.

The hare was a miserable mutant

And had twelve legs

He was all shabby, three-horned


This age, alas, is cruel.


Eat me soon buddy

Hare: God! with poison pie!

(Runs away)

A wolf and a bun run out.


Eat me top soon

Look, I'm a bun


If I eat from diarrhea

I will die later my friend

I have so little left

Live in a ruined forest

Don't waste your time

And roll - look for the fox.

After all, as the fairy tale says

The fox should eat you.

I don't envy her

Hurt by people.


Only at the end of the night

I found a fox in the forest

Scared very very

Seeing her beauty

Very sad girl

In a cucumber coat

The fox wept bitterly

Waiting for the end

And peace that is forever.


must eat you, of course

but I can hardly

no teeth and no appetite

trouble with the environment

and almost killed

all natural environment...

you roll home sick

come back bun

albeit bitter but useful

people will learn a lesson.

loss. Well, you're terrible. Everyone runs behind the screen and hides behind it.

Everyone Comes Out: Song "Forgive the Earth"

People of the Earth!

What future do we choose for ourselves?

    • Extermination of plants and animals

    • The disappearance of civilizations

We choose

    • pure nature

      Nation health

      peaceful sky

      Laughter and joy

And suddenly he sighed, as if alive!

And the continents whisper to me:

“You take care of us, take care!”

In the anxiety of groves and forests,

Dew on the grass, like a tear.

And the springs quietly ask:

“You take care of us, take care!”

The deep river is sad

“You take care of us, take care!”

The deer stopped his run:

“Be human, human!

We believe in you, don't lie

You take care of us, take care!”

I look at the globe - the globe of the earth,

So beautiful and dear

And lips whisper: “I won’t lie,

I will save you, I will save you!”

1. We told you a lot,

What is going on in our land.

The birds in the park became frightened,

Squirrels hide from people.

But we want to remind you again

That we have one path for all:

"We are human"! This means -

Let's save the planet Earth!

2. And let the birds sing everywhere,

Spring streams murmur

May there be many berries in the forests.

And there will be schools of fish in the rivers.

May the planet on which we live with you not know grief.

We are human. This means -

Let's save the planet Earth.

We are people. This means -

Let's save the planet Earth.

(song " Blue bird»)


Music: V. Dobrynina

The world is not easy

not at all simple

You can't hide in it.

from storms and thunderstorms

You can't hide in it.

from winter storms

And from parting

from bitter separation

But apart from troubles

unwelcome troubles

There are stars in the world

and sunlight

There is a noise of foliage

and the warmth of the fire

people have

Forgive the earth

Look, here again black smoke floats in the sky over the taiga

Day and night, under the roar of cars, we crush our earth,

Like we're on a foreign planet

The explosion reared the rock, suddenly the water from the stream left.

Mother Earth, hour after hour, shaking us in her arms,

How could you know where your trouble is

Sorry Earth! We're still growing.

Forgive your children for everything, for everything.

Believe Earth, people will find ways

Save you, save yourself.

Look for at least two thousand years, fly to the farthest star,

And in an unthinkable distance, we are another such Earth

We will never find it anywhere.

The earth is now in the grass, then in the snow The earth, where the dawn is half the sky,

Every day and every hour We are indebted to you,

Forgive the foolish children, Earth

Chorus 3 times

I am talking about the fact that the whole earth is our common home.

I’m also talking about the fact that they want to set fire to this house,

They want trouble to come to us, so that life disappears forever.

The earth does not sleep, and every day

Looking into the eyes of her children

Looks into the eyes of you and me

And you and I can't be silent.

I am talking about the fact that this house is dear to all of us,

Our kind house, spacious house, we all live in it from birth.

I’m also talking about the fact that we must save our house,

Let's prove that it is not in vain that the earth hopes for us.

Ecology begins to study with kindergarten. Preschool children get acquainted with the natural environment and learn to protect it. extracurricular activities elementary school students deepen their knowledge, and from the fifth to the eleventh grades, the children acquire those skills that will later be useful in life and help them make the right decisions.

One of the memorable methods of studying is the theatrical ecological festival. The script is compiled taking into account the material covered and the capabilities of the participants. Undoubtedly, with proper preparation, this will bring joy and benefit to children.

Holiday themes

The purpose of the event is to consolidate the material, therefore, for each age group different environmental themes are identified. There are several areas within which the scenario of the holiday will be interesting.

  1. Preschool education: "The earth is our home", "The tale of a raindrop and a dewdrop", "Take care of nature."
  2. Primary school: "Ecological KVN", "Let's save and preserve nature", "The world in which I live."
  3. Fifth grade: “Water is a miracle of nature”, “Among flowers”, “Nature does not forgive mistakes”.
  4. Sixth grade: Plant Kingdom, Miracle of Photosynthesis, Help the Forest.
  5. Seventh grade: "Our smaller brothers", "Red Book", "What the tiger is silent about."
  6. Eighth grade: "When food is poison", "Ecology and man", "Healthy lifestyle".
  7. Ninth grade: “War of a cyclone and anticyclone”, “Climate of the planet”, “Natural disasters. How to prevent disaster.
  8. Tenth grade: "This green planet", "Water is a miracle", "Save the forests".
  9. Eleventh grade: “The Arctic is melting”, “Space”, “Ecologist is a matter of life”.
  10. All-school ecological holiday, scenario "Three Kingdoms of Nature".

senior classes

Perhaps the most interesting holiday conducted by high school students. They already know a lot and assess the situation on the planet much more seriously than kids. The quiz may contain questions from a course in chemistry, physics, astronomy, human physiology.

"Earth Day", the scenario of an ecological holiday for high school students, it is advisable to make up three parts. This is a quiz, a theatrical scene, poems or songs. A holiday can be arranged in the assembly hall by combining several classes.

The host or two presenters introduce the program by announcing the performances. At the very beginning, in order to define the theme and set the tone for the whole holiday, representatives of Greenpeace take the stage. They are high school students in disguise. They briefly outline the range of issues that will be covered during the presentation.

Then they are replaced by different characters who sing or recite poems on environmental themes.

A quiz, which includes two to three dozen questions on ecology, can be conducted by the teacher. The rules of the event depend on the number of participants. But questions should be designed in such a way that even the audience is interested.

A scene about the ecological situation on the planet will be the final stage of the holiday. At the end, the actors sing a song to a well-known melody, the audience sings along.

school holiday

The scenario of the ecological holiday "Three Kingdoms of Nature", like no other, is suitable for a school-wide event. Three elements - earth, water and air - are leading. In turn, they talk about the situation in their possessions, how conditions have changed over the past ten years. Their story is accompanied by amateur performances: skits, songs and poems.

The earth represents the garden and vegetable garden. Group junior schoolchildren comes out dressed as fruits and vegetables. They talk about love for the sun and clean water. Then Forest, Field and Mountain come out. These are high school students. They talk about drought and seismological situation.

Water represents the River and the Sea. They talk about the warming of the climate and the melting of ice in the Arctic, due to which irregular cyclones and anticyclones are formed. Somewhere drought, somewhere floods.

Air represents the ozone layer of the atmosphere. This is a high school student. He raps about how he suffers.

In conclusion, the presenters call all the participants to the stage, they sing a common song.

"Let's protect nature - save ourselves": the scenario of an ecological holiday

Older students already know a lot about healthy eating and lifestyle. This is of interest to them, because it gives a good athletic shape and excellent health. An ecological holiday is another reason to instill in children good habits in food.

First, the Scientist and the Fat Man enter the scene. They talk about how the composition of food has changed due to ecology. There are no many vitamins and minerals, due to the increased susceptibility to pests and diseases, products are half made up of chemicals.

Continuing the theme, a dance group performs with a dance of plant pests. They are chased off by the Scientist by spraying water from a bottle labeled "Poison". Vegetables come out, complaining about the lack of food. Some Vegetables with bandaged arms and legs. They are fed with chemistry, and they get sick. They talk about global warming and its consequences.

The Fat Man and the Scientist are back on stage. They decide how to make a difference and come up with a solution: organic farming.

The scenario of an ecological holiday for high school students may include elements of reports on the topic of the disease of the planet. Assigned two-minute notes to several participants, they can be included as a rubric between keynote speeches or given to the facilitator to read.

"We are your children, dear Earth"

The scenario of an ecological holiday for high school children may look like a waybill. The total collection on the line determines the tasks that the squads of young naturalists should complete. Each unit has its own name, which they come up with in advance. After that, everyone goes to the ecological path.

Stations with tasks can be placed on the ecological trail. These are classrooms designed in accordance with the themes of the assignments - forest, river, sea, field, bird kingdom, animal kingdom.

You have ten minutes to complete the task and two minutes to move on to the next station. Detachments of young naturalists disperse to their offices, following the route issued by the commander.

Station names:

  • "Wonder Water". Brief report on water and its properties. Quiz.
  • "Don't shoot white swans." Brief report on birds. Quiz.
  • "Tourists". Sports relay.
  • "May is cold - a grain-growing year." Brief report on folk omens. Quiz.
  • "Waltz of the Flowers". A short report on the flowers of the region and medicinal plants. Quiz.
  • "Under the shadow of the forest." A short report on the trees of the region, folk beliefs associated with them. Quiz.

After passing all the points - a general collection and summing up. The children receive certificates and valuable prizes for completing tasks in the process of passing the stations. Everyone sings the final song together.

How to write a script

Children's ecological holiday is not a training lesson. Rather, it is a repetition of the material covered with presentations. From where the holiday will take place, its program depends. Since the room must be appropriately decorated, it is unlikely class can be prepared quickly.

For presentations, it is good to use the library, for tourist competitions - the school yard, for theatrical scenes - the assembly hall.

The library can use a screen and a projector to display reproductions. For each picture, a poem or lines in prose is selected. Such a literary and visual orientation of the presentation will set a good tone.

After watching the presentation about native nature, it's time for a quiz. Questions include reviewed information. Therefore, it is not difficult for the guys.

To make the holiday memorable, the whole class sings a song about nature. As musical accompaniment, you can use a minus phonogram, without a voice.


Poems have a strong impact and are easy to remember due to rhyme. Therefore, it is advisable to include reading poetry from the stage during the holiday. Now there are many verses on environmental theme can be found on special Internet resources run by talented teachers.

Beautiful poems about nature are also suitable for a holiday. They will set a positive tone, because if we talk only about the harm done to nature, the holiday will turn into a funeral.

Children can come up with poems on an environmental theme themselves under the guidance of a teacher. To do this, prepare cards with rhymes. On one side of the card there will be four words that rhyme in pairs. The guys are divided into groups (for example, four people each) and sort out the cards.

As they complete the task, they discuss possible options and on the front side they write the resulting quatrain. The teacher walks around the rows and helps to compose a verse.

Sample rhymes:

  1. The sea is grief, ice is trouble.
  2. Forest - miracles, moss - dried up.
  3. The bottom is full, the resident is the abode.

Poems obtained by making rhymes:

  1. The sea is warming in the Arctic, the bears are also in grief. There is no ice for them to rest. That's the trouble there.
  2. There used to be a curly forest full of all sorts of miracles. Only moss grows there now, and even that has dried up in the heat.
  3. Under the wave, the seabed is full of all sorts of garbage. And the unfortunate sea inhabitant curses that monastery.

As you can see, such a task resembles ditties. It is quite capable of middle and high school kids. The most successful poems can be read on the ruler during the awards ceremony.

Scenes on an environmental theme

An ecological holiday, the script of which is drawn up for holding in the assembly hall, may include theatrical performances. It is not necessary to make a big performance, you can limit yourself to short scenes.

Scene writing principles:

  1. "From the contrary." When wrong actions are ridiculed, it is very well remembered. In order for the guys not to be offended by acting as “bad characters”, it is necessary to call for humor.
  2. "Talk". A representative of nature (Forest, River, Earth, Beast, Bird) talks to the guys and talks about problems. He can sing a song. The guys decide to help.

In this case, the action on stage will resemble a concert. cognitive information, which will be covered by the participants in short messages, here alternates with the performance of amateur artists. It is somewhat reminiscent of a "living newspaper".

Themes of scenes that can be offered to the guys:

  • Forest's conversation with a group of tourists. After dinner, they sit by the fire and hear his voice. The forest appears, tells of the old days and contemporary issues. He talks about his brother - the rainforest. Complains about bad attitude. The guys find solutions to problems on the Internet and promise to help. Then they sing a song.
  • You can offer a slightly different option. Heroes such as Baba Yaga, Leshy, Mermaid and the like fairy tale characters, can portray deep ignorance, and a group of environmental tourists talk about the right attitude towards nature.
  • While fishing, the guys cook their fish soup and suddenly they catch a goldfish. She talks about harmful runoff into the water, about debris at the bottom and siltation of the channel. Sings a song about clean rivers. The fishermen release her into the water and decide to help.

Songs on an environmental theme

Environmental themes are touched upon in songwriting. This can be used during the holiday. In this case, the script will resemble the competition “Voice. Children". It is not necessary to sing songs in full, it is enough to pay attention to the most striking environmental example. The group of backing dancers and sing-alongs can hold posters and depict nature.

If resources permit, several classes can be combined. So it will be easier for the guys to rehearse performances. Not such a load will fall on the teacher. The preparation work will be distributed evenly.

If you want to include a phonogram, it is better to put an adult for this purpose. Maybe a parent. But just in case, you need to be ready to ask a music teacher to become an accompanist.

Songs that can be used for performances are easy to find today. These are amateur poems set to well-known music.

  • "The mice died, the reeds withered."
  • "Carefully, I'll put a bug on my palm."

The songs of domestic bards will also tell a lot about nature and attitude towards it.

  • "Shadows of the Tundra".
  • "Wind under the windows."
  • "Ecological - apocalyptic".

Songs to the words of S. Yesenin, A. Pushkin, folk songs awaken love for the native nature.

  • "Behind the window is evening."
  • "White birch".
  • "About arable land."
  • "Winter evening".
  • "Here is the north, catching up the clouds ...".
  • "I see a wonderful freedom."

The songs of Soviet composers, undeservedly forgotten, will also beautifully tell about nature.

  • "Bialowieza Forest".
  • "The birch, the mountain ash."
  • "Birch juice".
  • "You are making noise over me, birches."

In the intervals between performances, the presenter talks about the benefits of a competent attitude to the Earth, makes riddles and plays with the audience in verses “say a word”.

Riddles for the hall on ecology

In order for the holiday to pass smoothly and cheerfully, a leader is needed. He will smooth out the hitches of the actors, fill in the pauses and occupy the hall while the artists are preparing the scenes.

One of the forms of the cognitive game is poems on the ecological theme “say a word”. The facilitator reads out a couplet, and the audience speaks the last word.

The poems are composed in such a way that it falls into rhyme wrong word. This causes the guys to laugh, and the leader makes a puzzled face and corrects them.

  • If tourists came to the forest, then two or three of them can quickly put out the fire using ... (fire). No, not fire, but water.
  • In the swamp, my girlfriend and I listened for a long time ... (frog). No, cuckoo.
  • We went to the forest for mushrooms. We still remember how we found ... (fly agaric). No, not fly agaric, but white!
  • We went for berries, suddenly we found strawberries. And, trembling with joy, they sat down on ... (hedgehog). No, fuck it!


If the holiday is decided to be held as the final stage of training, then you can go to the "ecological path". pre-conceived environmental activities will allow you to save the structure of the lesson and turn into practical exercises on ecology.

Tasks for the guys can be the following:

  • Determine the cardinal points by the moss on the trees.
  • Find edible plants.
  • Confirm the cycle of plant life with findings.
  • Find leaves of certain trees.
  • Find garbage, collect it in a bag and bring it to the collection point.
  • Find moss.
  • Collect natural material for crafts.

Environmental activities can also be useful for landscaping the school grounds. Planted plants, flowers, bushes or trees will remind you of a good deed for a long time. In addition, all people passing by will see the result.

Feeding birds, hanging birdhouses are also useful minutes for environmental education. An extra-curricular lesson in ecology in a nearby park, a one-day hike with a fire is good ways instill useful skills in children.

Teaching aids and special subjects

In the arsenal of a biology teacher there are many aids for visualization of learning. It can also be used for events.

All children love performances with the school skeleton. For an ecological holiday, the scenario may include such joy. Of course, the benefit should be handled with care and not let it out of sight. For example, dress him up in a sheet and give him a braid. It will symbolize the end of life.

The globe can be worn by the character Earth or Planet. A meter ruler and a large compass may belong to the Scientist. A group of guys in gas masks can show the air pollution.

Using imagination, you can use improvised means as props.

To make the holiday fun and bring everyone good mood teachers give the following advice:

  • Do not delve into complex, although interesting tasks. Questions for the quiz should not be double and triple (when and where).
  • Competitions should not be held too strictly. The more winners, the better.
  • Musical accompaniment is better to choose "live". The accompanist will always adjust to the guys, which can not be done on an audio recording.
  • Room decoration - important factor. Children can do it.
  • Rewarding is a mandatory procedure. A simple letter will bring more joy than the public praise of a student.

From such events, memories of the school years are then formed. Let's make them interesting and joyful for our children.

Recently, sketches on an environmental theme have become very relevant. With the help of environmental scenes, you can teach children to protect nature and love all life on Earth from a very early age. Today's students are tomorrow's adults. Perhaps some of them will become ministers, deputies or directors of industrial enterprises. And in a few years, the ecological situation in the country and around the world will depend on them.

Scenes on an environmental theme clearly explain to children why it is necessary to take care of the cleanliness of the environment, and what consequences a negligent attitude towards nature can lead to.

Ecological scene for schoolchildren

From the plot of this scene on an environmental theme, schoolchildren will understand that the natural resources of the planet are not endless, and they must be used sparingly. In particular, no one thinks about what will happen if the reserves drinking water on the planet will be reduced hundreds of times! After staging this environmental scene for primary school children will learn how to use natural resources carefully.

Presenter 1:
We strangely, incorrectly live on Earth: we protect the valuable and precious, but we do not store the priceless. We protect diamonds, diamonds, gold, money, but lakes, springs, clouds, clean air zones, deserted places - no. This is completely incomprehensible if you look at the life of earthlings from somewhere else. We do not want to learn the most important thing: Air is our father, Water is our mother, Earth is our home.

Presenter 2:
The world of wildlife is beautiful, and we are part of it. Let's protect and multiply together!

Presenter 1:
Nature has vibrant colors
Millions of radiant inflorescences.
Why miracles from a fairy tale
If you can meet them in life

Presenter 2:
Miracles, big and small, funny and not so, await us everywhere. And these miracles are given to us by our nature. Be attentive, and you will hear a cheerful song of a brook, the singing of birds, the chime of raindrops, a breath of wind, a dance of flowers.

(There are flowerpots (vases) with fresh flowers on the stage. To the music of "How beautiful this world is", a carefree girl comes out and stretches her hand to pick one flower.)

Presenter 1:
Stop! How much joy at the sight of flowers! How much tenderness in the heart. How many sincere exclamations!

Presenter 2:
And how many uprooted flowering plants. How many withered, tortured and thrown to the ground bouquets.

(Primary school students come on stage one at a time and recite poems.)

Student 1:
Picked a flower and threw it away
She pressed her foot carelessly.
You stand and do not grieve about anything
And automatically tear another.

Student 2:
Yes, how can you? How dare you?
It was blooming now... It was alive...
I breathed ... I looked at the sky boldly,
Stretched his head towards the sun.

Student 3:
He believed in human friendship,
I did not know the cruelty of the hand,
You are trusting to meet
He raised his petals.

Student 4:
And he is for you and everyone who is nearby,
Who didn't look at him
Give beauty and joy -
Everything - everything that is full and rich.

Presenter 1:
Lists the known species of animals and plants of the area, which are listed in the Red Book.

Presenter 2:
Protected by the Red Book
So many rare animals and birds
To survive the many-sided space
For the light of the coming lightning.

Presenter 1:
We offend forests and fields,
Rivers groan from bitter insults
And we forgive ourselves, and we forgive ourselves,
And the future will not forgive us.

(Sounds like a melody from the movie Terminator 2.)

Voice behind the scene :
2148 year. After the global ecological catastrophe that broke out on Earth, the reserves fresh water decreased by 50 times. In this regard, each inhabitant of the planet received a special electronic key, through which he could receive his daily allowance - 350 ml of water.

(On the stage there is a water distribution point. At the point there is a distributor and two police officers in uniform (a guy and a girl). They have a laptop on the table. The queue reaches mom and son. The mother hands the policeman two electronic keys (flash drives). The policeman checks keys by inserting them into the laptop.)

Policeman (referring to the distributor):
700 milliliters for two.

(The dispenser measures water into the mother's can. They move away from the distribution point with the boy, the woman slips, falls and spills water. The boy helps her up.)

Boy :
Mom, are you hurt?

Mother :
It doesn't matter, son, I spilled all our water. What to do now? How to live today without water?

Boy :
Let's try to ask for water for the second time, because everyone saw that you didn't fall on purpose.

(They approach the water distribution point again.)

Mom (referring to the police girl):
Miss, can we get water again, I accidentally fell and spilled everything.

police girl:
I saw it, ma'am, but I can't help it. You have already received your norm today. I'm really sorry.

(Mom sits down at the edge of the stage and cries.)

Boy (referring to the policeman):
Excuse me sir, why can't we get more water?

Police officer :
Just in this case, someone else will not get their portion.

Boy :
And my mother said that once there was enough water for everyone, and it even flowed from the taps in every house.

Police officer :
It really used to be like that.

Boy :
So what happened?

Police officer :
If you want, I can tell.

(Only the boy and the policeman remain on the stage. They carry out to the middle of the stage big poster, on which a lake with clear water is drawn.)

Police officer :
Not so long ago, there was enough fresh water on the planet for everyone. It was possible to enter the water without special protective clothing, it was even possible to swim in it. But a person rarely appreciates what he has. Especially when it comes to water. After all, there is so much of it on the planet. But only 2% of this amount was fresh water, suitable for drinking. Springs, rivers, lakes were its repositories. The man used them at his own discretion.

(The student comes out, attaches a model of the enterprise to the drawing of the lake and paints over part of the water of the lake with paint.)

Police officer :
On the banks of the reservoirs grew industrial enterprises that dumped untreated sewage into the water.

(The student comes out, attaches a model of agricultural land to the drawing of the lake and paints over part of the water of the lake with paint.)

Police officer :
Pesticides and fertilizers, which were widely used in agriculture, were washed away from the fields by rains.

(The student comes out, attaches a model of a gas station to the drawing of the lake and paints over part of the water of the lake with paint.)

Police officer :
Numerous car washes and petrol stations continuously supplied highly toxic oil products to groundwater.

(The student comes out, attaches a tanker model to the drawing of the lake and paints over the rest of the lake water with paint.)

Police officer :
Frequent tanker accidents resulted in the leakage of millions of tons of crude oil into the seas and oceans, destroying all life for many square miles around. And one day it turned out that there was practically no drinking water left on the planet. And every day its number decreases and decreases ...

Presenter 1:
The way people manage water resources now is a crime against humanity.

Presenter 2:
Children, think about it, because what you have just seen can really be your future.

Presenter 1:
Our yes: peace and tranquility, love and respect for nature, factories without smoke, factories without toxic effluents, cars without suffocating exhaust, silence, reason and science, caution and wisdom.

Presenter 2:
Ours is not: any wars, any battles with nature, illiterate nature management, everything that threatens the Earth, threatens people, every person - everyone and individually.

(Students take the stage lower grades and sing a song on the soundtrack "Let there always be sunshine".)

Student 1:
Solar circle, the sky around, -
Remember the boy's drawing?

Student 2:
He drew on a piece of paper
And signed in the corner:

Student 3:
May there always be sunshine

Student 4:
May there always be heaven.

Student 5:
May there always be a mother
May I always be!

Student 1:
The time has come and grown
Lots of talented kids.

Student 2:
Each of us wants to know
Where is that boy now?

Student 3:
He sits in the office

Student 4:
Builds chemical plants

Student 5:
Dries up the lakes
Floods forests.

Student 1:
He prepares reports

Student 2:
Speaking from the podium

Student 3:
And then at leisure

Student 4:
Sitting in a chair, sings:
May there always be a position
And a career opportunity

Student 5:
office, secretary,
And, of course, me!

Student 1:
Everything would be fine, but he
A stubborn son has grown up.

Student 2:
And he wrote on a piece of paper
Coming out with a poster in hand:

Student 3:
Let's protect this land
From the hands of the bureaucrats!

Student 4:
Let's not mock
Above nature dear!

Student 5:
May there always be rivers
May there always be fish
Let the water be in the sea
And in the desert camel!

Student 1:
May there always be groves
May there always be birds

Student 2:
Let there be animals in the taiga
And the house has flowers!

Student 3:
May there always be people

Student 4:
May there always be children

Student 5:
May it always be in a clear sky
The sun will shine!

Ecological mini scene

This mini scene on an environmental theme is ideal for summer camp, school or kindergarten. The depicted characters - three Russian heroes, are known to all children, so each child will be happy to play one of them. The production of an ecological scene takes only a few minutes, but at the same time, it carries a deep meaning. This will allow children to think about the future of the environment on the planet.

Dobrynya Nikitich (looking from under the palm of his hand):
Eh, field-polyushko ... You are neither alive nor dead, as if after a battle ...

Ilya Muromets :
Something is written here: If you go to the left, you will get to the chemical plant... If you go to the right, you will disappear in the restricted area... if you go straight, you won’t pick up bones on impassable roads... Well, we stopped by!

Alyosha Popovich :
Look, a black cloud is creeping over the field - this is not good! Do the dark forces really want to attack Russia? Defend, brothers, mother earth!

Nikitich :
Wait, don't get excited, Alyosha! That is not a cloud of enemies covering the sky. And the smoke of the thermal station.

Ilya Muromets :
But tell me, Dobrynya Nikitich, why is this field dead?

Nikitich :
Because for many years there was a battle on this field. And this battle was called - the battle for the harvest. All of it, Mother Earth, was tortured with pesticides and nitrates, and now with the atom, radiation ...

Alyosha Popovich :
What is this! In vain, then, we, the heroes, took these fields from the enemies, watered them with our own blood?

Ilya Muromets :
No, not in vain, Alyosha, but come on, turn your horses, let's go to the Ministry of Environmental Protection, we'll convene! Looks like our time has come again - heroic!

Ecological scene for high school students

The following scene on an environmental theme is recommended for high school students. In fact, the script consists of several, in which there are witty jokes and modern humor. High school students are already quite aware of all the consequences of environmental pollution and irrational use of natural resources, so this scene is more entertaining. Such an environmental scene can be staged at a summer camp or at a themed school event.

Presenter 1:
Dear friends, homo sapiens, how are you feeling? Nothing? I'm sorry, what? My head hurts? Heart fluttering? Tingling in the side? Well, this is nothing, tomorrow you can go to the doctor, and there you can go for an examination, x-rays, tests, and so on ...

Presenter 2:
And now let's think about who will lead Nature to the doctor? Who will listen to her heart? Who don't know?

(A student in a white coat and a doctor's cap enters the stage.)

Doctor :
Comrades! I would like to know if there are smokers among those present? So to speak, homo tabacus? If you have, raise your hands! However, you can not raise them, they are easy to recognize by their complexion. The news we just received is just for you:
Nicotine is good! Such a discovery was recently made by demographic scientists. With the help of simple calculations, he proved that thanks to nicotine, the number of smokers who poison the atmosphere of the city decreases much faster than it would decrease without nicotine!

(At this time, several high school students come on stage with lit cigarettes, approach the Doctor and blow smoke on him. He faints, they pick him up and carry him away.)

Presenter 1:
Yes, it turns out that nature is kind of like an orphan. But she is our mother. And the diseases of nature are instantly transmitted to you and me. For example, in the areas adjacent to the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, the number of severe respiratory diseases, oncological and other diseases has recently increased ...

Presenter 2:
According to Greenpeace, the children of nature dump millions of tons of garbage into the Pacific Ocean every year. And even the mighty ocean is getting sick, the whales are washed ashore, and the icebergs are already blackened with mud...

(A student dressed as a scientist enters the stage.)

Scientist :
As you know, science does not stand still! A perpetual motion machine has not yet been invented, but ... Finally, a motor-ship engine has been invented that runs on waste from the oil and chemical industries dumped into rivers. Scientists predict a long and fruitful life for this invention!

(Several people enter the stage as a train, one after another. They, as they do in a children's game, imitate the movement of a steamer, imitating the sound of an engine and a horn. At the same time, they pinch their noses with their fingers, wincing in disgust at the smell of a poisoned river.)

Presenter 1:
Once we joked: In a dispute with nature, man has not yet said his last word. No more jokes now. And won't SOS be the last word!?

Presenter 2:
The ozone holes that we look at with horror today are holes in the ship of our planet. Who do we give SOS signals to? Isn't it to yourself?

(A schoolboy dressed as a sea captain appears on the stage.)

Captain :
Amazing surprises are hidden in the islands untouched by civilization! We recently visited one of these. There was a population explosion. The population of the uninhabited island of Cappuccino in the Pacific Ocean, now has half a million inhabitants!

(Dancers run out onto the stage in savage costumes, reminiscent of beach ones. They dance a lambada, the Captain joins them).

Presenter 1:
Attention! Fresh issue of the newspaper!

Presenter 2:
Do you say newspaper? Where is she? Would like to watch...

Presenter 1:
She's here! The name is not catchy, but accurate: "Ecological Truth".

(A high school student comes out with a large piece of paper and reads the lines written on it to the soundtrack "Vacations in Prostokvashino".)

Student :
Comrades, we are starting an oral special issue of the Ecological Truth newspaper! This is the message we received from the village of Upper Lepetikha! (is reading):
Albino fox. Experienced hunter Pavel Samokhin shot a white fox. Imagine the surprise of the 75-year-old hunter when it turned out at the collection point that the fox fur was ... synthetic! Over the past season, this is the second case of shooting foxes with artificial fur!

In the course of reading the information, a miniature is shown on the stage.

Characters: Hunter and Receiver.

The hunter dumps the fur out of the bag and is surprised to find that it is not a fox skin, but a factory-made synthetic fur coat. The receiver, who is no less surprised, coquettishly tries on this fur coat, then takes the Hunter by the arm, and they leave together.

Also, school humorous skits on an environmental theme can be supplemented with poems, riddles and contests. But the main idea that they carry is the preservation of the natural balance, and respect for environment in order to secure a better future for the next generations.


Little carp

Two frogs


Resting teenagers

Environmental Patrol

Action 1

(The melody of I. Talkov’s song “Clean Ponds” sounds. Dance of the Little Lake)

Phenomenon 1 (Against the background of the music of the word)

Time passed. The lake grew, filled with clear water, became large and strong. The lake made friends. It has turned into a real pearl, the pride of the inhabitants of the Mochishche microdistrict.

Lake.Good morning, Sun! Good morning Les! Good morning songbirds! (Bird calls are recorded).

Frogs. Qua-qua. Good morning Pearl! (They are exercising).

Together. So that the body and soul are young, be young,

Don't be afraid of heat or cold

One-two, one-two.

(The song “And we are green, stupid” sounds from the cartoon “Kvaka-Zadavaka”. Toad-Toad appears, modernly equipped.)

Toad-Toad. Hi sisters! Are you doing a workout? And I'm in company with you. (Three dance to the song.)

Crow. Kar-kar! How funny you are, Jumping Frogs! Hmm, do exercises, lead healthy lifestyle life, do not eat tasty meat. Are you preparing for the Olympics?

frogs. And it's more interesting for us to live.

Crow. And you, Zhab-Zhabych, have fun, have fun, get better by leaps and bounds? Aren't you ashamed to be idle all day long? Go in for sports, maybe you will still get to the Olympics in Sochi.

Toad-Zhabych. I still have time. All life ahead, hope and wait!

(Rak appears on the stage with a cane.)

Crow. Hey Cancer! And you are here?! Everyone backs up! Watch out, don't get caught in the fishermen's pool.

Crayfish. All croaking, all balabolish. You don't give peace to anyone. Hello dear Pearl! Hello, frogs Basya and Masya. What a wonderful day today! Thank you, Sunshine, for giving warmth to all living things.

(Floats on Lake Karasik.)

Karasik. Good morning neighbors. I am a little carp, and my name is Rasik. I was recently born, but already a very inquisitive fry. (Holds the book Secrets of Great Travelers.) My motto is: “I want to know everything!”. My dream is to explore our lake, to become a great traveler, to explore the riches of the underwater world.

Lake. Child, you are still too young to travel through my expanses, because many dangers await travelers.

Crow. Kar-kar! Dead! Kar-kar! Great traveler! Kar-kar! Grow up first.

Karasik. I can not wait. I want to become strong and courageous faster.

Crayfish. Wait, stupid Baby, take your time. Learn first.

Karasik. Well, it's just rubbish. I want to eat! What would it be to catch? And here, it seems, is a worm.

Frogs. Qua-qua! Do not rush. Wait.

You miss the worm.

The fishermen are standing there, guarding the crucians.

They rather cook their fish soup, their stomach


Lake. Adults and children come to my shores. They fish, swim, relax. I rejoice with people, because they are also my friends. But it is very sad that people pay evil for good. There Kolka from a neighboring cottage threw a bottle at me, and his friend Sasha was washing a gasoline canister in my water.

Crow. Kar-kar! There are environmental problems. And who decides them? Where are the ecologists? Who will protect the birds from slingshots and harmful boys?

Crayfish. Ecologists are people too. Until a person learns to take care of all living things around, we will all be very bad.

Karasik. And here is what I want...

frogs. Ts, ts. What are these strange sounds?

Phenomenon 2

(Teenagers appear. They settle down to rest.)

Dima. Rob, come here, quickly! I found a cool place to stay! Spread along the coast!

Ksyusha. Let's go full out!

Nyusha. Freedom for children from adults!

(Some guys play ball, others sunbathe and eat chips, others open bags of food.)

(Rap music sounds.)

Teenagers. (Dance)

It's good here - we came to rest!

But we won't leave anything behind!

Let's poison the lake, the air and the earth!

We'll burn the shore, break the trees!

We are the modern generation!

(Leave trash behind, throw Coke bottles into the water.)

Frogs. Here are the vacationers! Qua-qua! They staged a massacre. Are they conservationists? We'll have to clear the beach of debris.

(Everyone begins to clean up broken branches, garbage.)

Crayfish. Hush, hush, again a sound like a creak.

(Anxious Mozart music sounds.)

Action 2

Phenomenon 1

(Duckweed appears in an unusual costume.)

Duckweed. What does this lake imagine? Pearl, Pearl! What gem?! Yes, swamp water. Think he has friends! What are these friends? Ugh! Look sickening! Stupid frogs that can’t even sing, Cancer fool, a delicacy for beer, and fry, suitable for pike food. Ha ha ha! Whether business my friends! (Whistling). My faithful servants, where are you?

Pests. We are here! (appear from backstage singing)

We'll kill you, we'll kill you, we won't let anyone swim!

We are brave guys

We live happily.

No one is a hindrance to us

We will kill the lake.

Let's poison every living thing

Let's litter the coast.

capable of this

Pests are friends. (2 times)

Duckweed. I will strangle the Pearl with my veil. Let the fish, crayfish, frogs suffocate! Let the lake dry up, and there will be no trace of it!

Trash. (In the original costume). And I will crawl along the bottom of the lake with cans, glass, food waste. Ah, what a sweetness! Nothing tastes better. Let vacationers hurt their legs. After all, if adults and children do not protect the reservoir, destroy it, then why should we protect it? (Sings).

I am respected

I'm adored

People never exist without me.

Isn't that a happy life?

Tina. Well, I'm off the coast

I'll cover everything with slime.

Tina will destroy the reservoir

Very, very fast.

They step on the lake and say:

Who dares to stop us

We will make him suffer.

You won't get water

We will reign again.

frogs. Stop! Take your time! What offended you about the lake? Don't you know that only in our microdistrict there is such an amazing place?

Crayfish. Look what beauty is around! New houses are being built, new residents are coming. And soon our housing estate "Strizhi" will become one of the best.

Rest. So why harm nature?

Enemies. (Chorus).

We don't want to hear anything

And don't stand in our way.

Otherwise, we will exterminate you,

We are not behind this.

Crayfish. Come on, brothers, fly in, save our lake!

Lake. Help people, help!

Save my beauty!

Crow. (Holds binoculars in wings)

I sit high, I look far away. I've been a watchman for a whole century, but I have no honor and respect. No, to call the microdistrict "Voroniy" or even better "Voronushka". No, they called it Swifts. And who saw them here? Where are they? Well, okay, no time for philosophical reflections now.

Kar-Kar! I will fly, I will fly and I will find environmentalists.

(Anxious music sounds. There is a struggle between good and evil.)

Phenomenon 2

(The environmental helicopter "ECOLET" is circling in the air.)

(Dunaevsky's music for the song "Merry Wind" sounds. An ecological patrol appears near the lake with a song)

Our common home is the earth,

And everyone knows about it / 3 times

There is no such planet

To keep the air fresh and clean

To rivers with clear water.

And the grasses were green, and the birds sang loudly,

And so that the globe of the earth blossomed.

1 ecologist. What's going on here? Who called for help?

2 ecologist. We are eco-patrol "Even" from school No. 51. Who disturbs the balance of nature? (looks around)

3 ecologist. And what is this monster? Old acquaintances! Are you up to your tricks again? Do you want power?

1 ecologist. Yes, talk to them. Take ecological ropes, knit them tightly. Helicopter "ECOLET" is already on its way. In the meantime, introduce them to the long-acting drug Ecoson, let them calm down.

Trash. Hey, boss, listen, maybe we can agree? Well, why immediately eco ropes, "ECOLET", "Ecoson"? We were just joking, we taught the know-it-alls.

Tina. We do not want to eco-clean! (Resists). Duckweed, help, find a way out.

Duckweed. What is the way out now. I told you to quickly destroy the lake. Forgive us, we don't want to go to the eco-cleaner!

(Environmentalists tie up enemies, they resist. They are injected with Ecoson and sent by helicopter. Ecologists clean up garbage, friends of the lake help them.)

Lake. What a blessing that there is an eco-patrol "Even". Thank you guys. Now nothing threatens me and my friends. We will all study ecology. And our carp will become the main ecologist in the future.

(All artists sing a song. On a multimedia projector, slides depicting the landscapes of the Mochishche quarry.)

Everyone on the planet wants to live

In the pristine beauty of nature.

So that peoples could live and create.

On environmental protection

We are called to stand by the fatherland,

So that the world, not knowing trouble,

I could breathe clean air all the time.

You don't have to be forced to work

So that nature can flourish.

You, ecologists, live only by this,

helping clean up the land.

The roles were played...

Event form: environmental scene.

The target audience: elementary school students.

Goals: 1. Education of respect for nature, love for beauty.

2. Learn to understand the relationship between man and nature;

3. Formation of ecological culture of schoolchildren.

Earth (a girl enters the stage, a globe in her hands).

I am planet Earth, now I am sick.

And in this, believe me, only your fault.

I do not believe people and they are for edification

I'll come up with a terrible punishment.

You will regret that you were born

For everything you've done

Will have to answer.

Now the hour of judgment will come,

All stand up - you are called!

1 student.

Wait, Earth, take your time!

After all, we are not responsible for adults.

Yes, we are people, but only children.

Let us figure it out

Why are you threatening us with a lawsuit?

2 student.

There have been many complaints

In nature on people.

The waters of the rivers became muddied,

The stream dried up in the forest.

3 student.

Lindens, maples began to wither

On the roadsides.

Clean air pollutes

Factories and factories could.

4 student.

Whale and fish die in the sea

Baikal gets polluted

And it's getting smaller

Sea marvelous Aral.

5 student.

Tree, grass, flower and bird,

They don't always know how to defend themselves.

If they are destroyed

We will be alone on the planet.

6 student.

Yes, we're talking about the most important

It was scary to look at the ground

The water is getting cloudy every day

And the air - how much dirt is in it!

Once clear blue

Now he's dirty and sick

All living things can die

Earth, what have they done to you?


Spinning in space, trapped in its orbit

Not a year, not two, but billions of years,

I'm so tired. My flesh is covered

Scars of wounds - there is no living place.

Steel torments my earthly body,

And poisons poison the waters of clean rivers

All that I had and have

Man considers his goodness.

And it is no coincidence that formidable volcanoes

Throw out the pain of the Earth with lava.

Wake up, people! Call the countries

To save me from death.

1 student.

Like an apple on a platter

We have only one land.

Take your time people

Scrap everything to the bottom.

It's no wonder to get

To hidden secrets

Loot all riches

For future ages.

We are the common life of the grain,

One fate relatives,

It's shameful for us to feast

For the next day.

2 student.

We must protect and cherish nature,

Dig carefully, skillfully sow,

Catch and shoot not in a row, but wisely,

What we sow today, we will reap tomorrow.

3 student.

Let's be friends with each other.

Like a bird with the sky, like a field with a meadow,

Like the wind with the field, the grass with the rains,

How friendly the sun is with all of us.

4 student.

Let's strive for it

To be loved by both the beast and the bird,

And they trusted us everywhere

Like your closest friends.

5 student.

Let's save the planet

There is nothing more beautiful in the whole universe

All alone in the universe

What will she do without us?

Earth (gives the globe to the children).

My fragile hope

I give with the land,

With hope, faith and love,

To become like this again

What it would have been originally:

Them people to be responsible for everything.

Children take a globe and sing the Hymn to Nature (the melody of the song "Solar Circle")

Against shooting, against trouble.

Let's stand up for our planet.

Beasts forever, Happiness forever,

So the man said!

May there always be groves

May there always be birds

Let there be animals in the taiga

And the house has flowers!

May there always be people

May there always be children

May it always be in a clear sky

The sun will shine.