What does the bird outside the window mean. Folk omens: a bird flew out the window. Folk signs about birds about the weather

  • 05.06.2020

Signs love some birds, others are neutral, and others are afraid. Alas, the gray sparrow managed to get into exactly the third category. Although why would? The mobile, cheerful and only slightly ill-mannered bird, which sat on your window, does not pull on the role of the ruler of the hall in any way ... Is it true that belief advises to be afraid of sparrows, or do they know how to make good predictions?

What do signs say about a sparrow?

The dislike for the gray bird is due to the legends widespread in Russia about the complicity of the sparrow to the enemies of Christ. One of them claims that the soldiers sent to seize the Son of God could not find him in the garden for a long time and would have passed by if a flock of sparrows had not shown them the place, noisily falling from the bush. Another tells: trying to prevent the crucifixion, the swallows stole nails from the soldiers, and the bastard sparrow found and brought it back, for which he was punished by invisible fetters imposed on the legs. Since then, he can no longer walk like other birds, but moves in jumps.

Needless to say, these beliefs are not reflected in the Bible in any way? But folk art- a terrible force, and it is not surprising that the appearance of a harmful bird near the house was rarely considered a good sign by the peasants.

He flew to the window and looks in, sat on the window, flew up to the glass

  • If the sparrow shows an increased interest in the window - jumps on the windowsill, looks into the room through the glass, swings on the window, looks into the house or flies up to the balcony - you will hear unexpected news. Whether they are good or bad, it is impossible to say for sure. But most of the signs will not doubt that the news will not be too significant. Painfully the messenger is small.
  • A sparrow, which flies up to the window from time to time, predicts the appearance of a guest.

Sparrows have a reputation as petty thieves for good reason.

If in the summer, when the windows are wide open, a petty thief has already visited you to steal cookies from the table, he will return more than once to profit. In this case, do not expect any guests or news - just a hungry bird decided to have a bite.

Made a nest

  • An option for pessimists: if the sparrows fly in and make their home on the balcony, under the window or on the ridge of the roof, illness awaits the inhabitants of the house.
  • An option for optimists: if a girl lives in a house with a sparrow family next door, she will have to get married soon.

It's funny that sparrows often appear in jokes as a man and an enviable groom. That's right, hence the belief that he arrives for a reason.

Flew onto a balcony or loggia

  • In every bird that enters a dwelling, our ancestors saw the bearer of sad news. And especially in a sparrow! Therefore, following the gloomy messenger who flies to the addressees, they often expected messages about someone's illness or death. On the other hand, the loggia is not a full-fledged part of the apartment, which means that the sign should significantly lose its strength.
  • If a sparrow flies to the balcony of an unmarried woman, he prophesies a wedding. The sign is considered all the more true if the bird begins to chirp at the same time.
  • The legend of pre-Christian times, which happily survived the centuries, claims that behind the guise of a harmless sparrow a small harmful spirit could hide, which was sent to steal your well-being. Do not let the insolent into the room, let him fly without salty slurp!

Dead bird or chick lies on the windowsill

Ambiguous sign. To someone who one day finds a dead sparrow or his chick at his window, some beliefs predict a flurry of unpleasant events, problems, and sometimes death. Others argue that only those who themselves had a hand in the death of a bird, which now lies lifeless, should be afraid. Still others stubbornly repeat: a dead sparrow on the windowsill promises monetary losses and nothing else. The fourth ones laugh at the frightened pessimists: they say, if the bird remained outside, then the trouble passed by. Fifths see in the unfortunate bird an instrument of evil witchcraft. How to figure it out?

And you don't have to figure it out. After all, there is a universal way to ward off any evil that the "bird" sign prophesies to the house.

Having received a bad prediction, collect all the bread that will be in the apartment at that moment, go to the temple and there feed everything to the crumbs to the birds. In Russia, from ancient times they believed that winged creatures could pray to God for people and lift human requests to heaven itself. Do them good, and the birds will ask for higher powers so that everything goes well for you. And then, to be sure, go to church and ask for peace of mind for yourself and health for loved ones.

As you can see, not always a sparrow that sits on a window or flies into a house scares the owners of the home with sorrows and hardships. Some carry pleasant predictions, just remember to remember this in time and not be scared of the feathered postman, because he looked at you with a wish of good!

Why does the bird fly to the window

What bird roams the windowsill?

If your window is scurrying pigeon


Where is the bird looking?

What to do to avoid trouble?

Birds can do what a person has been dreaming of since their appearance on earth - to fly. Largely due to this, these divine creatures from ancient times were endowed with magical qualities and the ability to warn of impending misfortunes. There are many signs regarding the behavior of birds, but what to expect from the one that sat on the window is in this article.

Folk signs regarding the fact that the bird sat on the window

Birds live next to humans all the time. He feeds them, builds birdhouses, admires them from afar, but when a feathered creature is active and persistent in an effort to look out the window or even penetrate the other side, this causes unconscious panic and anxiety. To this day, many believe that it is the soul of a deceased relative who sends news and wants to warn of some upcoming events, and not always sad ones. A lot depends on the type of bird and the color of its plumage.

What does it mean if a bird sat on the window:

  • the dove is a harbinger of good news, long-awaited and unexpected;
  • They arrive with good news. Their appearance is a guarantee that everything conceived will come true;
  • cuckoo, crow or jay are harbingers of sad events.

The white plumage of a bird is a good sign, but black or gray is bad. According to one of the most common signs, a bird sitting on the windowsill outside the window and knocking on the glass with its beak promises death. However, here everything is not so clear. It happens that a feathered creature even enters the room and also leaves it unexpectedly, but this does not entail such terrible consequences, but is only an omen of news from afar. In any case, especially impressionable people should listen to

Events happen in our life every day. Sometimes they are so unpredictable that we just wonder how this can sometimes happen. That is why people began to notice strange circumstances and observe what happens after that.

Birds surround us everywhere, sometimes we don’t even pay any attention to them, but this is only if they themselves do not make themselves felt. When a bird persistently beats against a closed glass, or even manages to enter the room through a narrow hole in the window, it is simply impossible not to pay attention to it.

Why does the bird fly to the window?

Skeptics say that birds are just looking for warmth and flying into the light, but knowledgeable people a bird wandering through the window has long been associated with certain events.

It is believed that the bird carries the spirit of a deceased person. If a small messenger has flown to your window and chirps, then this may be news from a deceased relative. Perhaps he wants to warn you against something, or, conversely, praise you for doing the right thing.

This sign also has a reverse designation. Sometimes feathered friend flies to us in order to warn of the death of one of the family members.

But then, the bird most likely will not walk imposingly on the windowsill, but will strongly and persistently begin to knock on the glass with its beak.

What bird roams the windowsill?

The interpretation of signs directly depends on which bird decided to visit you. White birds most often bring joy, black and gray - sadness. If your window is scurrying pigeon, then he probably promises you good news, long-awaited or unexpected.

Sparrow or crowappearing on the windowsill portends death. Moreover, this may be the death of a person who once lived in this house for a long time, and now left for another area, but some of his things, furniture or even dishes remained here.

swallows fly to the window with good news. They usually appear on the eve of the wedding or news of it. If a swallow sat on your windowsill, then the upcoming event will be successful, because this is a good omen.

Where is the bird looking?

When you see an uninvited guest on your windowsill, be sure to pay attention to where his gaze is directed. If the bird looks outside, then she just sat down to rest, but if her gaze is directed into the room, and he is very persistent, then she flew in to warn you about something very important.

Very often, a bird sitting on a windowsill promises unforeseen financial expenses to the owner of the apartment. Might break Appliances, car, or any other valuable thing that will have to be urgently repaired, or even replaced with a new one.

If thrushes have flown into your window and are persistently pacing back and forth, then expect bad news, perhaps even a severe illness or death of one of your relatives.

What to do to avoid trouble?

Of course, hopeless situations practically do not exist, and when it comes to any warnings, it is best to play it safe. Even if you are not superstitious, you should not ignore the appearance of a bird on the windowsill. It is best to try to neutralize the sign and avoid trouble. Due to the fact that any bird symbolizes a message from the other world, when it persistently penetrates your territory, you need to turn to the church. No need to run to the priest and ask for help, just remember your loved ones who left this world. Distribute sweets to children and order a prayer service. Even if the bird just flew to your windowsill, you will still do a good deed, and it will be credited to you.

There is a saying: if a bird is knocking on the window - to important news. I run a blog where I post eyewitness stories about the other world. I want to tell you how this sign worked for me. We live on the first floor, near the entrance to municipal organization. Therefore, the birds do not bother at all. And in October last year, titmouse began to knock on our window. It was strange, I was surprised, the first floor. We live the second year, the birds have not visited us before. I paid attention. I think we'll check it out. The mother-in-law calls her husband late in the evening. I knew right away that something serious had happened. My grandmother died at the age of 93, she was ill for a long time, she lay with a serious fracture that did not heal, festered. Worn out. The husband was going to the funeral. And a week later, we found out that we would become parents of many children. Completely unexpected news! And the birds no longer flew to the window. They sat down immediately on the ranetka near the house. Enjoys. Even the bullfinch flew in.

How a sign comes true: real stories

It turns out that the sign comes true not only for me. Many people associate the appearance of a bird and a change in fate, news about loved ones that they soon received.

A titmouse and a sparrow once flew into the window to my maternal grandmother. After a week or two, she found out about the pregnancy of her daughters (my mother and her sister), and after 7 and 8 months my cousin was born and, accordingly, I was born.

For me, a bird that flew into an apartment is a very bad omen, to someone's death, from relatives or friends, not even close ones. And before the death of 2 of our dogs, and it could have been two months before the event. And I had a neighbor, so before receiving a letter or good news, a bird flew in or knocked on the window. Let it be a “good” omen for you, like my neighbor.

When my grandfather died, and it happened in the hospital, a small, very dark-colored dove sat on my window. He flew in at about the same time when my grandfather’s heart stopped (we didn’t suspect anything bad, that day after dinner we had to take him home healed), the dove sat on the window, looked into the room and flew away ... And after a couple of hours, mom I called from the hospital that my grandfather was not in the ward ... So I don’t know whether to believe it or not ...

One evening I sat in my room and watched TV. Suddenly, a terrible roar is heard from the kitchen, and my cat flies into my room with bulging eyes and hides under the bed. I thought that this naughty girl must have dropped something on the floor, and went to the kitchen to look. I walk in and can't believe my eyes! A white dove is sitting in the middle of the kitchen, and a torn off ventilation grill is lying in the corner. I opened the window and began to push him to the “exit” with a broom, with difficulty, but the dove flew away. A week later, my boyfriend was arrested. As a result, he was tried for a whole year under the article for fraud and sentenced to 4 years in prison.

How did the omen arise, and why be afraid of it

Since ancient times, the bird has symbolized the spirit, soul or messenger of the gods. It was from these still pagan ideas that the sign arose. The Slavs believed that the souls of the dead were embodied in birds. It was believed that they carry the message of the other world to people. Therefore, a person has anxiety and anxiety. But, of course, a meeting with a bird is not always a sign of future changes or news. More often than not, it's just one of the thousands of meaningless little things in our lives. If every time a tit was seen outside the window, someone died or was born, this would not be a sign, but a law of physics. Most often, winged friends fly to us just like that.

A sparrow flew into my friend's room, SHE IS SO Frightened! She barely kicked out the uninvited guest, then she waited for death. Nothing happened! We used to feed titmouse on the balcony in the winter with lard, and every time they knocked on our window, asking for more. No one died from this, although the troubles were HUGE - they pooped on our underwear.

We lived in an old house with double glazing. And a sparrow fell between the frames. I wanted to fly into the window, but the sash that was in the apartment was covered. Oh, how she knocked and rushed about! And outside the window on the tree, the sparrows gathered a consultation - apparently, they gave her advice. The uproar was incredible! Imagine: 6 o'clock in the morning, a sparrow rushes between the windows, and outside the window a whole flock of sparrows yells! But it was impossible to pull her out - she was frightened and only began to hit the glass harder. In the end, she found the same window, flew out. So - nothing happened at all, neither good nor bad.

A whole flock of tits once flew into our workplace. They were fed outside the window, and once the window was opened and they came to us! And nothing happened to anyone. Not even a single computer broke.

In our kitchen, pigeons are constantly knocking on the window in winter: greenery is growing, they are trying to peck. That's the whole point!

What do they say to relieve anxiety

If the bird knocks on the window or flew into the room, you must say 3 times: "What you come with, fly away with". Such a sentence will help to calm down and avoid negative self-programming. And yet, in rare cases, a bird visiting our house can really change fate, if you believe in the signs of fate.

My husband and I once had a fight, and he went to live with his parents. One night, a very rare bird (a woodcock, it seems) crashed into the closed window of the room in which he was sleeping, broke the window and fell dead on the windowsill. The husband considered this case a sign from above and returned to the family.

Signs when a bird beats in the window.

There are a lot of rumors and signs associated with birds. Birds have always been mediators between heaven and earth, which is why they are considered mystical creatures.

In general, any bird is a messenger. From how much good news awaits a person, one can judge the behavior of a feathered and specific type. Often the birds beat on the window and fly away. Sometimes this means nothing, except that the glass is so transparent that the bird simply did not notice it. But most often there are many signs associated with the bird.


  • The bird hit the glass and flew on. This is a good signal that indicates the resolution of old problems.
  • Perhaps good news awaits you.
  • This may indicate that you will soon receive a debt back.

In fact, everything here is also contradictory. Since ancient times, our ancestors believed that the souls of dead people inhabit birds. Accordingly, if a bird knocks on the window, this is a bad sign. Actually this is not true.

Why does the bird knock on the window:

  • Pigeon. This is a kind bird that can be a guide between the worlds. If a dove knocks on glass and walks on the windowsill, this does not bode well. Most likely, good news awaits you.
  • Sparrow or other bird. If you have children in the house, look at the behavior of the baby. If a child rejoices at the appearance of a bird, then everything is fine, nothing bad will happen. If she cries, then perhaps bad news awaits you.
  • Magpie or crow. If such a feathered one knocks on the window, this bodes trouble. It is believed that a crow flies for someone's soul.
  • Wagtail. This bird is a symbol of tears, so most likely you will have a quarrel with a loved one. It is also bad for a bird to meet a pregnant woman.

It is important which bird knocks on the window or walks on the windowsill. Some birds bring good news, while others bring evil.

Birds that bring good news:

  • Tit
  • Pigeon
  • Martin

Birds that bring bad news:

  • Magpie
  • Sparrow
  • Owl

In ancient times, they were very afraid when an owl knocks on the window, this warned of possible diseases and epidemics.

It is important what time of day the bird arrived. If a dove knocks on the office window in the morning, this is good news and financial success. If an unmarried girl works in the office, she will soon become a family girl. If the bird knocks in the afternoon, then this is a quarrel or trouble.

If there is a nest under the roof of the office, then the signs do not work. Most likely, the birds flew in for a treat.

The wagtail is not the most pleasant bird, many bad omens and superstitions are associated with it. But what if this bird knocks on glass for several days in a row? There is a fairly simple explanation for this. Most likely, small midges settled on the window. And the feathered one simply collects insects.

Do not rush to fall into hysterics, nothing bad will happen. Perhaps you will meet old friends, and most likely it will be a feast. If this is a dove, then you will be present at some kind of holiday or feast. The dead sparrow speaks of modest gatherings in a cafe. If you are very worried about this, invite 2 friends to your house and share a bottle of wine with them.

In no case do not expel or kill a guest. If the bird is tangled in the frame or grille, carefully release it. Sprinkle some bread crumbs on the windowsill and feed the bird.

What to do if a bird knocks on a window:

  • Hang a red ribbon on the handle
  • Sprinkle grains or crumbs on the windowsill
  • Sprinkle the frame with holy water
  • If the glass is broken, replace it
  • If there are traces of the feathered, remove them with a cloth and wash the window
  • Go to the church and feed the pigeons near the temple
  • Pour under the window and say: "Come for food, but not for the soul"
  • If a forest bird, such as an owl, a cuckoo or an owl, knocked on the window, perform the rite of consecration of housing

If one of the “bad” forest birds (eagle owl, owl, cuckoo) hit the glass, you need to perform a symbolic rite of departure from housing and re-settlement. This will help turn away the trouble and start everything from scratch. To update your home, you need to put a plank on the windowsill under the window on the outside and leave the house. The dostochka will mean the boarded-up windows of the housing from which the inhabitants of the house left. Soon you can return home and let the cat go ahead. Since ancient times, it was considered a good omen to launch a cat into the house first during housewarming, so such a reception will fully mean a new settlement in housing. The cat, as it were, sanctifies the house and removes evil spirits from it.

  • The bird flew into the house open window and flew out - according to the sign, a message will come.
  • If a bird flew into the house, to the news.
  • If a bird that has flown into the house holds a blade of grass or something else in its beak, then this is a sign of a good event that will happen in the near future. If the bird is still there, then you can leave some food for it, thereby appeasing it.
  • Wallpaper with the image of birds - to loneliness.
  • A bird hovers over the house or flies around - someone will get very sick.
  • The bird soars - beware of betrayal, especially if the bird is predatory.
  • Birds suddenly change the direction of flight - danger is approaching the observer.
  • Birds fly in front of you from left to right - a sign of good luck.
  • Birds fly in front of you from right to left - a sign of failure.
  • Birds fly at you - good luck.
  • Birds fly from you - a bad sign.
  • Birds fly high - a sign of good luck.
  • Birds fly low - to failure.
  • To see flying birds before starting the journey is a success if they fly to the right; bad luck if they fly to the left.
  • See white bird- a sign of happiness.
  • Seeing a dead bird is a sign of bad luck.
  • The bird sat on the window (sill) - a sign promises a small material waste.
  • Bird droppings fell on you (the bird pooped on you) - the omen is considered favorable, material improvements are possible.
  • The bird beats, knocks on the window - to the good news.
  • A titmouse or another bird (except for a crow, a crow) knocks on the window - to the good news
  • The bird flew into the chimney - someone will die in the house.
  • If the bird in the cage dies on the morning of the wedding - the sign portends an unhappy marriage, the spouses will eventually disperse.
  • Keep in the house wild bird- an omen of misfortune.
  • Hearing the cry of a songbird in flight is a sign of good luck.
  • Hearing the cry or croaking of a bird of prey is a bad sign.
  • Hearing a night bird scream during the day is a sign of misfortune.
  • The dove sat on your windowsill, which means this is only good news. The house of a person is completely safe, and troubles will certainly pass by.
  • If a dove appeared with the windows practically closed and the doors knocking, beating against the window, this means that he brought news. And since he cannot get into the house, the message will not be delivered. In this case, if you think correctly, then nothing good or bad will happen in the house.
  • White dove flying around the house is a sign of imminent death.
  • See a white bird near your house. Such a sign can mean an imminent wedding or the birth of a child. After all, it is white birds that are considered a symbol of purity and goodness and are very often used by newlyweds.
  • The stork will build a nest on the pipe of the house - the owner will have a rich life and happiness.
  • If the stork blows the nest off the roof, there will be a fire or other misfortune.
  • To see a flying stork - to a meeting with a person pleasant to you, the arrival of a long-awaited guest
  • If the stork moves away ahead of time from some place, it portends misfortune to this place.
  • A raven croaking over a house portends an illness to one of the household.
  • Raven bathes in the yard - unfortunately.
  • A raven croaks - for worse.
  • Crows gather in a bunch - to bad weather, bathe - too; croak in a flock in summer - to bad weather, in winter - to frost.
  • If a crow flies over the house and croaks three times, someone in the house will die.
  • If a raven sits on the roof of a house and croaks, then someone in the house will soon die
  • If the crow you pass by croaks strongly, expect trouble.
  • Jackdaws and crows sitting screaming in front of the house, especially in the morning - for worse; on the roof of the house - there will be a wedding in this house.
  • Crows bathe or gather in a heap - to bad weather.
  • A flock of jackdaws or crows in front of the house screams in the morning - for worse
  • In the morning, leaving the house, if you are the first one who gets in your way to see a magpie, then you will have good news.
  • If three magpies sit side by side and scream, to the dead man.
  • The woodpecker is hammering the roof of the house - to be in trouble.
  • If a person saw a lark in the sky, this portends an unexpected and pleasant meeting or receiving good news.
  • If on pancake Thursday on Maslenitsa one pancake is thrown to a rooster and he pecks it without a trace, then the owners of the house are in danger. If he bites a pancake several times and leaves it to the chickens, this is a good omen.
  • If the chickens climb down from the perch at night, be in trouble.
  • If a swallow builds a nest and then leaves it, this portends trouble.
  • If for the first time in a year you hear a cuckoo behind you, you will die.
  • If a rooster walks importantly at the door and screams, wait for a stranger to visit.
  • If a rooster crows at midnight, an angel of death flies over the house.
  • If the roosters crow at the wrong time, then either they see an evil spirit and drive him away, or they predict a dead person, or there will be new decrees, or bad weather will begin.
  • The first roosters sang - this is midnight: the second roosters sang - before dawn; the third roosters sang - at dawn, it's time to get up.
  • The finch swirls - to bad weather, cold
  • Whoever destroys the swallow's nest will have freckles on his face.
  • A chicken crows - to great grief.
  • The cuckoo is a prophetic bird: how many times it crows, you will live for so many years.
  • The cuckoo cuckooed in the left ear - a good omen.
  • The cuckoo is the first to fly to the promised land and the last to return, which is why it is called Vyray's housekeeper.
  • Chickens fight - to the guests.
  • Chickens scream on a perch - to a domestic quarrel.
  • The swallow knocking on the window will be the news.
  • Swans hatch chicks in a thunderstorm.
  • An eagle hovering overhead is a harbinger of happiness and a major victory.
  • The roosters sang at the wrong time - to the news.
  • At the first cuckoo, bang money - they will be found.
  • Titmouse knocks on the window - there will be news.
  • An owl near the house screams - to the newborn.
  • An owl will sit on the roof - to lack of money, with a cry - to a fire.
  • Magpie jumps on the patient's house - to his recovery. If a magpie sits near the window, there will be guests soon, and if there is a patient in the house, he will recover soon.
  • There are magpie eggs - there will be a good memory
  • Three seagulls flying overhead at the same time is a warning of death.
  • The sparrows have invisible fetters on their feet, for they brought nails carried away by swallows to the cross of Christ: that is why they jump.
  • A black rooster (black cat, black dog) in the house is saved from a thunderstorm and a thief.
  • Do not count other people's chickens - jinx it
  • If a chicken crows like a rooster, you need to chop off its head, otherwise it will call trouble
  • So that there are chickens - plant a hen when the cattle come from the field
  • Eggs should not be eaten where the mother hen sits
  • Swallows fly low - to the rain, high - to the bucket
  • Swallows fly up and down before the storm
  • Whoever kills the swallow will be abandoned by good luck in the household
  • If a lot of jackdaws and crows gather on the roof of the house, then there will be a wedding in it
  • The nightingale sings all night incessantly - before a warm day
  • Sparrows bathe in the dust - to the rain
  • Sparrows in heaps - to dry and clear weather
  • Sparrow is a damned bird, you need to drive him away from home
  • The cuckoo is a prophetic bird. How many times she cuckoos, so many years you will live in the world. If for the first time in a year you hear a cuckoo behind you, you will die.
  • Chickens cackled all at once - quarrels cannot be avoided
  • If the perch is hung with broken jugs, the chickens will rush well
  • If you find a stone with a hole and hang it in a chicken coop, the chickens will be safe.
  • The nightingale sings all night - it will be a sunny day.
  • Rooks graze on the grass in summer - then you need to expect rain.
  • If the chicken plucks itself - to bad weather.
  • The chicken stands on one leg - to the cold.
  • A mother hen puts chickens under her - to bad weather.
  • The rooster sings at the wrong time - to uninvited guests.
  • If sparrows chirp or bathe in the dust - to rain.
  • A tit is knocking on the window, then be dead in this house.
  • If a person kills a swallow or a dove, then this person will not have good luck in cattle breeding.
  • If a swallow's nest is destroyed, the one who destroyed it will be on fire.
  • Swallows fly low, be rain. High - to drought.

Use and Reprint of Materials

Birds can do what a person has been dreaming of since their appearance on earth - to fly. Largely due to this, these divine creatures from ancient times were endowed with magical qualities and the ability to warn of impending misfortunes. There are many signs regarding the behavior of birds, but what to expect from the one that sat on the window is in this article.

Folk signs regarding the fact that the bird sat on the window

Birds live next to humans all the time. He feeds them, builds birdhouses, admires them from afar, but when a feathered creature is active and persistent in an effort to look out the window or even penetrate the other side, this causes unconscious panic and anxiety. To this day, many believe that it is the soul of a deceased relative who sends news and wants to warn of some upcoming events, and not always sad ones. A lot depends on the type of bird and the color of its plumage.

What does it mean if a bird sat on the window:

  • the dove is a harbinger of good news, long-awaited and unexpected;
  • with good news arrive and. Their appearance is a guarantee that everything conceived will come true;
  • cuckoo, crow or jay are harbingers of sad events.

The white plumage of a bird is a good sign, but black or gray is a bad sign. According to one of the most common signs, a bird sitting on the windowsill outside the window and knocking on the glass with its beak promises death. However, here everything is not so clear. It happens that a feathered creature even enters the room and also leaves it unexpectedly, but this does not entail such terrible consequences, but is only an omen of news from afar. In any case, especially impressionable people should listen to when the bird sat on the window net, and visit the temple, pray, order a prayer service for the health of all loved ones and relatives and just not think about the bad, tune in to a positive outcome of events.


An unexpected knock on the window of a bird not only frightens people, but also makes you think about what you should beware of, where to expect trouble. If the bird knocked on the window, such a sign can have several meanings, and they will not necessarily be negative.

The emergence of signs

However, biologists object to this folk wisdom and reassure the most impressionable by the fact that birds approach people's dwellings only when they are hungry. And the dove knocking on the window is not at all a harbinger of trouble, but simply asks for food.

Who brings glad tidings

  • A swallow knocking on the window brings only good news. In a family where they plan to continue the family, a baby will soon appear.
  • The knocking titmouse also brings good news. If the tapping is persistent and prolonged, then a streak of luck awaits ahead.
  • The dove is the main carrier of good news, a symbol of peace and hope. If he hits the window, then you should expect guests. if this bird also holds a twig in its beak, then wait for gifts.
  • White bird knocking on the window. portends a quick wedding if there is a marriageable girl in this family.
  • If a magpie knocks on the window, then this is a harbinger of good news, soon guests, or the recovery of a long-term ill person.

bad news

With birds, one of the relatives who have departed to another world can send us news.

For example, according to legend, a seagull is the soul of a sailor or fisherman who died at sea. The heartbreaking cry of this bird is perceived as the cry of the deceased. According to the sign, the insistent knock of a seagull on the window means that the deceased is calling to himself and soon one of his relatives or relatives is destined to leave this world.

In addition, crows, jackdaws, owls, and owls knocking on the window warn of the loss of a close relative. If these birds not only knock, but also accompany it with a cry, then the whole family should be careful.

A cuckoo knocking on the window is a harbinger of ruin or serious diseases, sometimes incurable.

What to do if the bird knocked on the window

If a bird knocks on the window, then in no case should you give up. It is necessary to act by taking a number of measures to avert trouble from home.

  • On the window on which the bird knocked, or rather, on its handle, it is necessary to tie a red ribbon;
  • collect all the bread available in the house and feed it to the birds on the street;
  • as a talisman, you can hang bunches of mountain ash on the windows;
  • wash the windows with holy water and read a prayer;
  • bring the trifle collected in the house to the crossroads, throw it on the ground over the right shoulder, saying: "Take the money - save it from trouble." Leave this place without looking back.
  • Putting a board outside the window, you can thus symbolically “hammer” the window from trouble.

If a bird sat on the window, such a sign can carry both sad news and joyful news. Regardless of whether a person believes in it or not, it is still worth treating a bird with grain or bread.