Rostec accepts innovative proposals through the open innovation window. Rostec accepts innovative proposals through the Open Innovation Window The Open Innovation Window

  • 07.04.2020

Organizer(s): Rostec Corporation

The open innovation window of the Rostec Corporation involves the collection, examination and consideration of incoming innovative projects and proposals for their possible joint implementation with holding companies and organizations of the Corporation.

Holding companies and organizations of the Corporation in relation to incoming projects can act as investors, partners in joint production and project implementation, as well as buyers innovative products, technologies, patents, teams (competencies) and businesses (companies) in general.

In order to increase the diversification of their activities, the Corporation's organizations also consider initiative projects based on breakthrough technologies and globally competitive products/services.

Trebfor an innovative project/proposal:

Innovative proposals (projects) should be of potential interest to the Corporation's organizations.

Innovative proposals (projects) must comply with the Requests for Innovation, which are formed by the Corporation's organizations and represent a specification of their needs for external innovations and, within the framework of these requests, consider innovative proposals and projects at all stages of the innovation cycle: idea - R & D - patent / license - prototype– product/technology – competencies/team – business.

Submission of an application for consideration of a proposal/project

1. Determine which category your innovative proposal/project belongs to:

  • response to the Request for Innovation
  • corresponds to the main activities of the Corporation's organizations, which can be found in the List of Holdings section of the Corporation's website
  • has a breakthrough character, allowing to significantly change the existing or create new sectors of the economy

4. Fill out the application file in the suggested format.

5. Send an email to [email protected] with the attached application file.

Consideration of applications and selection by experts is carried out on an ongoing basis.

If the relevant organization of the Corporation is interested in the implementation of the proposed proposal/project, a working group is formed, including representatives of the applicant, the Corporation and the relevant organization, which prepares proposals on the organizational and financial structure of the project and submits them to the management for decision.

In order to implement the project, the necessary cooperation of partners (testing, certification, production, sales) can be created.

The procedure for organizing cooperation is determined during the negotiations of the interested parties.

All received applications, regardless of the moment of their submission, are constantly stored in the database and are systematically checked for their relevance at the current moment for the Corporation's organizations.

Rostec Corporation accepts innovative proposals and projects through the Open Innovation Window. Within the framework of the project, specialists collect, examine and review incoming innovative projects and proposals in order to understand whether they can be implemented jointly with the holding companies and organizations of the Corporation.

Rostec accepts applications, considers them and selects them on an ongoing basis.

Innovative projects should be of potential interest to corporation organizations. In relation to projects and proposals, they can act as investors, partners in joint production and implementation of projects, buyers of innovative products, technologies, patents, teams (competencies) and businesses (companies) as a whole.

Proposals can be at all stages of the innovation cycle. In addition, corporation organizations are also considering initiative projects based on breakthrough technologies, globally competitive products and services.

Russian industrial and scientific organizations, innovative companies, universities and individuals(including individual entrepreneurs, project authors and/or creative teams) interested in cooperation with Rostec organizations.

An innovative proposal must meet the following criteria:

  • a product (service, technology) is defined, which is planned to be sold on the market, has global advantages in comparison with competitors' products and is of potential interest to the corporation,
  • indicated core competence lying in project basis,
  • starting from R&D stages, it is necessary to provide an examination confirming the technical and economic characteristics of the product, which allow them to be compared with the characteristics of similar products of competitors,
  • the market segment to which the product will enter, its capacity, the target group of consumers of the product, providing a relatively large potential market volume and positive market dynamics, has been determined,
  • the estimated profitability of the product being sold is higher than the existing profitability in the industry; high indicators of investment efficiency of the project with the possibility of their assessment with acceptable reliability,
  • a strategy has been developed to protect the business from copying the product by competitors and quickly occupying a market niche,
  • there is a team (team leader), including the author of the development, who have sufficient experience and knowledge of the features of the technology underlying the project, and managers who have experience in managing and developing a business, organizing production and sales of products, etc.,
  • proposals to potential partners were formulated: what exactly (what resources) the project needs and under what conditions.

As a pilot project, requests for innovations in the field of competence of United Engine Corporation JSC have been formed, requests for innovations from other holding companies are in the process of being formed. Now, as part of the Single Window, Rostec is accepting innovative proposals in the areas listed below.

  • A radical reduction in the cost of production of gas turbine engines (GTE).
  • Structural materials with enhanced or unique service characteristics. Technologies and equipment for the production of parts from such materials,
  • Electric machines on superstrong permanent magnets in the design of gas turbine engines.
  • New types of fuel with more energy (than kerosene) for gas turbine engines. Intensification of traditional fuel combustion in gas turbine engines. Precise control of the uniformity of combustion along the radius and along the axis of the gas turbine engine.
  • New constructive solutions for gas turbine engines. Engines based on new physical principles. Engines with mixed thermodynamic cycles.
  • A complete computational physical model of a gas turbine engine operating in various conditions.
  • Sensors, measurements, test benches, wireless and fiber-optic communication channels for gas turbine engines, automatic control systems for gas turbine engines.
  • Acoustics. Calculations, tests, noise protection, noise suppression.
  • New physical and chemical methods of material processing. The latest species aircraft engine building equipment.

Center for Open Innovations of the Rostec State Corporation - a New Tool for Implementing Open Innovation Mechanisms

A. I. Kashirin,

k. e. n., head. Head of the Center for Open Innovations of the Rostec State Corporation at the RUDN University G. V. Plekhanov, deputy. Chairman of the Scientific and Technical Council of the State Corporation "Rostec" [email protected]

N. A. Volobuev,

K. Yu. n., head. the base department of the State Corporation "Rostec"

in REU them. G. V. Plekhanov, deputy. CEO GC "Rostec"

The article is devoted to the consideration of open innovation mechanisms, the variety of forms of these mechanisms, the importance and necessity of their use. big companies on the present stage development of the global economy, the peculiarities of interaction between companies and small innovative businesses, universities, scientific organizations, individual developers. Separately, the experience of the Rostec corporation and the capabilities of the recently created corporate open innovation center for the development of these mechanisms in organizations are presented.

Keywords: open innovation, mechanisms of open innovation, corporate center of open innovation.

About open innovation

Currently, the accelerated development in the global corporate sector is receiving the model of "open innovation", which provides for the wide interaction of corporations with the external innovation community, including universities, scientific organizations, small innovative businesses, seed and venture funds, and others.

For the first time the term "open innovation" was introduced by G. Chesbrough in 2003 in the book. Some aspects related to the practice of developing the "open innovation" model are presented in the article.

"Open innovation" is a new paradigm of doing business, which is based on the widespread use by large corporations, on the one hand, of external developments, knowledge and innovative projects from universities and scientific organizations, from individual developers and small innovative companies, that is, external new projects, competencies, in order to accelerate the creation and market launch of competitive products and technologies together with developers, and on the other hand, the commercialization of their own developments, competencies outside the company, as a rule, by selling licenses for patents,

technologies, custom-made product development, business implementation within individual innovative companies. The development of the “open innovation” model is based on the following thesis: “not all advanced ideas and developments in our industry are made inside our corporation, many are created outside.”

One of the main reasons for the development this direction in the activities of large companies is that in parallel, outside the company, there is a dynamic development of the processes of creation, production and launch on the market of new globally competitive goods, services within other companies, including small innovative businesses, which can quickly grow into large and become a competitor to existing corporations.

The response of large corporations to this challenge was cooperation with the external innovation community at all stages. innovation process: from idea to market. In practice, this happens through joint or custom R&D, the purchase of licenses for patents and technologies, innovative products, businesses, teams that have unique competencies, etc. More details about these processes are described in the article.

Corporations use various forms of interaction with the external innovation community, including the creation of corporate seed and venture funds, holding competitions, conferences, forums, mentor programs, generating requests for external innovations, "open innovation entry" systems that provide acceptance, evaluation, examination and use of incoming outside innovative proposals and others.

The use of the "open innovation" model by large companies demonstrates a sufficient variety of mechanisms and approaches. In other words, companies often develop different mechanisms of "open innovation" that are of particular interest to them. As the analysis shows, this depends on a number of factors, including the Company's Development Strategy, the management's understanding of the importance of introducing open innovation mechanisms to increase the diversification and sustainability of the company's development, the practical need to solve the tasks and problems facing the company.

On the experience of the Rostec corporation in the development of open innovation mechanisms

Rostec Corporation in 2012 headed for "open innovations". Given the scale and business model of the corporation, according to which holding companies are the main business units, open innovation mechanisms are formed at three levels: corporation - holding companies - organizations that are part of holding companies.

At the corporate level, activities are being implemented aimed at forming innovative thinking and a team, creating and developing standards in managing innovative development, including the theory and practice of open innovation.

Innovative thinking and a team are key factors in the company's success in innovative development. Difficult to manage innovation large corporation in which personnel do not have knowledge and understanding of existing and future trends and mechanisms of innovative development at the global level, do not have the opportunity to exchange experience, get acquainted with the practice of advanced development tools. To solve the problems of forming innovative thinking and the team of the Corporation, in particular, programs for advanced training and the development of a communication platform in the form of innovative sessions are aimed.

The task of improving the skills of personnel in the innovation sphere in the corporation is being solved within the framework of the basic departments at the Russian University of Economics. G. V. Plekhanov (PRUE) and the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN) using the following forms of education: master's degree, postgraduate study, doctoral studies, additional professional education.

Let us dwell separately on additional professional education, which is currently

moment is implemented in the form of a 72-hour program on the topic: "Management of innovative development of companies with state participation." The course program was developed by the teaching staff of the basic departments specifically for employees of the corporation's organizations involved in the planning and implementation of innovative development programs. Special attention The curriculum focuses on the following areas:

The study of the main trends in the global innovation and technological development, including changing business models and management systems, introducing advanced production technologies, developing the “open innovation” model, applying the Blue Ocean Strategy approaches and other modern innovation development mechanisms used by domestic and foreign companies in practice;

Studying the practice of managing development and reporting processes, including coordination and approval, as well as the direct implementation of innovative development programs in the Rostec corporation, a three-level management system in the corporation, and innovative development mechanisms implemented at these levels. At the corporate level - study of practice

implementation of the “open innovations” course, including work on the website of the corporation “windows of open innovations”, regular training programs, innovation sessions as a corporate communication platform, activities of the corporate center of open innovations.

At the level of holding companies - studying the practice of implementing pilot projects, in particular the creation and operation of a corporate venture fund, the system for generating and working with "requests for external innovations", purchasing innovations, including attracting teams of specialists with unique competencies to the company

At the level of organizations - the study of the practice of formation and effectiveness of systems for motivating innovative activities of employees, the introduction of advanced production technologies, the implementation of innovative projects, interaction with small innovative businesses, including the formation of small innovative enterprises, the purchase / sale of licenses for patents, technologies;

Obtaining systemic knowledge and practical skills in the field of organization and conduct of innovative business, including the study economic efficiency project, competitive advantage products, market volume and pace, business model formation, product promotion and protection strategies intellectual property, increasing the company's capitalization and withdrawing from the project, including the sale of the business, conducting training to evaluate real innovative projects for their commercial and investment attractiveness;

Study of mechanisms for financing innovative projects at various stages of development, attracting investments, including grants, subsidies,

seed and venture funds, private investments of business angels and tools to reduce investment risks in the field of high-tech business, etc.;

Studying the work practices of state and regional institutions for innovative development, including the Skolkovo Foundation, the Industrial Development Fund, the Russian Venture Company, the Assistance Fund, etc., as well as the opportunities and conditions for interaction with them;

Consideration of new trends and approaches to innovative development, in particular based on the creation and development of systems for managing unique technological competencies and requests for external innovations in order to increase the level of technology commercialization, diversify activities, as well as increase the volume of creation and sales of civil and innovative products of companies, conduct practical classes with students to identify and describe the unique technological competencies of their organizations.

Teaching at the basic departments is carried out by heads and employees of the central office, holding companies and organizations of the Rostec corporation, as well as leading foreign and domestic high-tech companies, including small, venture funds, development institutions, that is, specialists who are practically involved in the management of innovative development. The teachers at the courses were employees of such foreign companies as Microsoft, EADS, Siemens, 3M, Elsiver, Kaizen, UBS, Porshe and others, who presented to the audience own experience innovative development, including the tools of "open innovation".

The high level and practical orientation of training determined the high status of the course, which at the PRUE. G. V. Plekhanov and PFUR is included in the MBA program as a module "Specialized management disciplines: Management of innovative development of companies with state participation."

Among the students are managers and employees of holding companies and organizations of the corporation, innovation, design, engineering, technology and other departments. Despite the fact that the courses are intended primarily for employees of the corporation, representatives of other organizations, including Rosatom, Roscosmos, and the Russian Ministry of Defense took part in the training. These courses are held twice a year. For the period 2013-2015. 424 people were trained.

Other important events in the innovation life of the corporation are two-day field innovation sessions held twice a year, which are a corporate communication platform. The sessions are attended by the corporation's leaders and employees of innovative, design, technological blocks of holding companies and organizations and from the outside by representatives of other domestic and foreign

foreign corporations, universities, scientific organizations, small innovative businesses, venture funds, development institutions (Skolkovo, RVC, etc.), innovation infrastructure, federal and regional authorities, about 150-200 people in total.

Sessions, as a rule, are devoted to one of the hot topics of innovative development, and are intended for the exchange best practice, acquiring new knowledge, partners, discussing challenges, increasing the efficiency of interaction between innovative, design and technological departments of corporation organizations, forming an innovation team of the corporation.

For example, the innovation session in Obninsk, held in April 2015, was devoted to the introduction of advanced production technologies (new materials, industrial and service robotics, additive manufacturing, computer technologies for modeling and manufacturing products, advanced technologies for organizing and managing production). The session in the city of Zeleno-dolsk of the Republic of Tatarstan discussed the formation of systems for managing unique technological competencies and requests for external innovations.

Sessions are held on the basis of one of the organizations that is part of the host holding company. In total, starting from 2012, 7 sessions were held: December 2012 in Yekaterinburg (on the basis of the Ural Optical and Mechanical Plant, the Shvabe holding), February 2013 in Kazan (on the basis of the Kazan Helicopter Plant, the Russian Helicopters holding ”), August 2013 in Kovrov (on the basis of the Degtyarev plant, the Kovrov Electromechanical Plant and the All-Russian Research Institute Signal, the High-Precision Complexes holding), April 2014 in Ryazan (on the basis of the Ryazan State Instrument Plant, the Concern "Radioelectronic Equipment"), October 2014 in Rybinsk (on the basis of the Saturn plant, the United Engine Corporation holding), April 2015 in Obninsk (on the basis of NPP Tekhnologiya, the RT-Chemical Composite holding), December 2015 in Zelenodolsk (on the basis of the Sergo Plant Production Association, Tekhmash holding).

In June 2012, as part of business program of the Second International Forum "Technologies in Mechanical Engineering-2012" the State Corporation "Russian Technologies" announced the opening of the first open competition civil innovation projects of organizations of the military-industrial complex of Russia.

The purpose of the competition is to organize a wide attraction of own and external innovative projects for their further use by corporation organizations in matters of diversifying their activities, creating joint business, the use of external competencies to solve existing problems and tasks.

The competition was held in four categories: best development(R&D) of the world-class innovative product, the best innovative product, the best innovative business (company), the best innovative project management team.

To search and collect data on innovative projects, create a database and conduct a preliminary selection of commercially attractive innovative projects, an information system was created that allows organizing the process of selection, evaluation of attractiveness and preparation of projects. For the preliminary selection of projects and consulting support for the authors and initiators of projects, an expert council was formed, which included practitioners of the innovation sphere.

As a result of the work, more than 620 competitive applications were received and processed. Among the project initiators are defense industry organizations, universities, research institutes, small innovative enterprises and individuals. Of these applications, 40 nominees of the competition were selected - the most attractive innovative projects that are presented to investors and organizations of the corporation before the end of the competition, as part of the innovation sessions of the corporation and other events. In total, 10 domestic and international innovation events were held, at which the projects of the nominees of the competition were presented, including the forum innovative technologies"InfoSpace" in 2013 and 2014, Moscow International Forum of Innovative Development "Open Innovations" in 2012 and 2013.

Within the X International Exhibition high-tech equipment and weapons” in Omsk in October 2013, a regional stage of the competition was organized for the Siberian Federal District. During the work of the 9th international specialized exhibition of laser, optical and optoelectronic equipment “Photonics. The World of Lasers and Optics-2014” together with the technology platform “Laser Technologies” in March 2014 held the sectoral stage of the “Photonics” competition.

As a result of the implementation of these activities, 4 projects attracted funding from the Civil Technologies OPK venture funds and the RVC Seed Investment Fund for a total of RUB 114 million, including the projects “Device and / or service for transcoding video streams with the possibility of “cloud” acceleration”, “New energy equipment based on hydrogen-air fuel cells”, and two more projects, in addition to financing, established cooperation with organizations of the corporation for their implementation, for example, a small innovative company representing the project“ Welders of a new generation for the installation of optical telecommunication fibers”, together with the organization of the Shvabe holding, organized the production and sale of these devices on the market, a company representing the project “Natural, anti-allergenic, “green” detergents “Eco-shine” for industrial and domestic use” fulfills orders of the organizations of the holdings "High Precision Complexes" and "Techmash" for the development of detergents according to their requirements.

The project "Development of technology for serial production of high-performance chips for LEDs" by JSC "TsNII" Elektron "(JSC" Ruselectronics ") received funding from the Russian Fund

technological development in the amount of 190 million rubles. at 3% per annum for 5 years. A number of projects are being implemented with the participation of the Corporation's organizations that are part of the Shvabe, Technodinamika, United Engine Corporation, High-Precision Complexes, Tekhmash holdings.

The competition is an effective tool for open innovations; in essence, it is a window for the entry of innovative proposals into the corporation. Given this circumstance, after the end of the competition, in order to use the established mechanisms for selecting and supporting projects, a new permanent element of the corporation's innovation infrastructure was created - the “open innovation window” (see). The purpose of the single window is, on the one hand, to attract innovative projects from the market for their possible use by corporation organizations in order to increase efficiency and diversify their activities, and on the other hand, to inform the innovation community about the needs of corporation organizations in the necessary innovative solutions, developments, technologies. , materials, etc. - the so-called "request for external innovations".

An important area of ​​activity for the development of "open innovation" mechanisms are pilot projects of holding companies in this area. Let's dwell on some of them in more detail.

For example, in 2013, the Ramenskoye Instrument-Making Design Bureau (RPKB), which is part of the holding company Radioelectronic Technologies Concern, together with RVC created a venture fund with a volume of 2 billion rubles to invest in early-stage innovative projects. The fund is managed by the board of directors, which includes representatives of the RVC seed investment fund, RPKB and the Rostec Corporation.

The fund is focused on investments in innovative projects that are at the "seed" stage of business development, primarily in the field of high-tech instrumentation, microelectronics and micromechanics for special purposes, visualization tools, high-precision navigation systems, the creation of new materials, embedded systems (software, intelligent systems and control systems), technologies of welding, soldering and heat treatment, etc., with a high potential for capitalization growth in the short and medium term.

As of October 2015, 8 projects have been invested, including:

Development technological equipment for fiber optic communication systems, its production and marketing in domestic and international market(LLC "NPC Maxtelcom");

Refinement of the design and organization of small-scale production of video transcoders with the possibility of "cloud" acceleration (LLC "Transcoder");

Innovative hybrid media set-top boxes supporting the latest H.265/HEVC codec (Raiser LLC);

New power equipment based on hydrogen-air fuel cells (LLC "A.T. Energy");

Development of a new class of heat stabilizers containing disulfide groups (LLC "Disulfide");

New asynchronous electric motors based on the technology of combined windings "Slavyanka" (LLC "IITs "SovElMash");

Airborne equipment complex for small aircraft class (Kolibri LLC);

Modern highly reliable operating system real-time for use as part of advanced on-board equipment systems (OOO OS RV 653).

UEC Holding is implementing a pilot project to form "requests for external innovations". The "Request for Innovations" of the UEC is posted on the website of the Rostec Corporation. Requests are the company's stated needs for innovative solutions from the outside. Their formation is a rather laborious process of interaction between innovative, design, technological and other departments, development and decision-making, as a result of which there are formulations of needs and work plans for their implementation. The JEC request, formed in the form of thematic areas in which the company is ready to consider innovative ideas, projects, products, technologies coming from outside and develop cooperation, is presented below:

Drastic reduction in the cost of production of gas turbine engines (GTE);

Structural materials with enhanced or unique service characteristics; technologies and equipment for the production of parts based on new principles;

Electric machines on superstrong permanent magnets in the design of gas turbine engines;

New types of fuel with more energy; intensification of traditional fuel combustion;

New constructive solutions for gas turbine engines. Engines based on new physical principles. Hypersonic air-jet engine;

Full calculation physical model of gas turbine engine operating in various conditions;

Sensors, measurements, test benches, GTE automatic control systems. This request appears to be

prospective needs of the company that require decomposition to specify the needs and targeted search for their solutions outside the company. The JDC has carried out preliminary work on decomposition and identified more than 180 specific needs within these areas, which focuses the search for innovative solutions. The work within the framework of this pilot project during 2015 has shown its effectiveness. In four out of eight areas, partners were selected, including small and medium-sized innovative businesses, universities, individual developers, who, together with the holding's organizations, work on the development, testing

and production of products in which the customer is interested. Work is carried out within the framework of more than 40 contracts. Thus, practice shows that the creation of “requests” by companies and the organization of work to find answers to them in the market is an important tool for accelerating their own innovative development. The Ministry of Economic Development of Russia recommended the Rostec corporation to extend the experience of the UEC to other holdings. However, as practice shows, the development of this direction requires a deep analysis of the existing achievements and problems, the development of the necessary teaching materials, creation and development of a management system for this new type of activity. The Corporation will inform the readers of the magazine about the progress in this area.

Shvabe Holding is implementing a pilot project “Innovation Motivation”. The Holding's organizations have implemented systems of material and moral incentives for innovation and rationalization activities at all levels from the worker to the general director; activities, regulations on the procedure for financial incentives for managers and specialists with a scientific degree, and more. A commission on innovation policy was created with the participation of deputy directors of the holding's organizations. For each of the areas of innovation, advisory bodies have been created, consisting of representatives of the management of organizations, including the council of chief opticians, the council of chief technologists, the council of chief designers, and the intellectual property council.

One of the most effective tools was the mechanism for stimulating the filing rationalization proposals and proposals for the creation of objects of intellectual property. The submission and consideration of proposals is a typical process consisting of several stages. The author of the proposal, together with the co-authors, submits an application in the prescribed form to the patent and innovation division, which conducts an examination of the proposal and organizes consideration by interested divisions. Based on the results of consideration of the proposal, a decision is made, which can be of three types: on the introduction and amendment of the technical documentation, on the conduct of pilot tests or rejection of the proposal. final decision for the implementation of the proposal is accepted by a special commission or managers represented by the chief technologist or chief designer.

Submission of rationalization proposals and proposals for the creation of intellectual property objects involves payments both for the submission itself and for use and assistance. For example, at the Ural Optical and Mechanical Plant for submitting a rationalization proposal implemented in

production, paid 500 rubles. For use at various enterprises, rates are provided from 15 to 40% of the economic effect per year, for assistance - up to 10%. In 2015, the holding companies submitted 1212 rationalization proposals, 587 were accepted for implementation, the average economical effect from the implementation of one proposal amounted to 19.9 thousand rubles.

At the same time, remuneration was paid for the use and creation of more than 190 intellectual property objects, the average remuneration for one invention for the holding was 43.5 thousand rubles. This led to the formation of an impressive portfolio of intellectual property of the holding, which at the end of 2015 amounted to 1,886 objects of intellectual property.

Additional measures incentive is the holding of competitions for young professionals, according to the results of which the winners are encouraged by cash prizes.

The scientific activity of the holding's enterprises is actively supported. Incentives of up to 100,000 rubles are paid for obtaining a candidate of sciences degree, up to 200,000 rubles for a doctor of sciences, and a bonus is introduced to the monthly wages, which is paid only if there are publications in the current year. Such stimulation leads to a significant number of publications, in 2015 there were more than 820.

Such an incentive system has led to significant results achieved by the holding in the innovation area. Thus, more than 50% of the revenue of the holding's enterprises is innovative products, the growth in the number of patents over 5 years - from 30 to more than 223 per year in 2015, more than 250 rational proposals are submitted at individual enterprises per year.

Avtomatika Concern is implementing a pilot project to “attract external intellectual competencies and integrate them into organizational structure holding." As practice shows, this approach significantly reduces the costs and time for solving scientific and production problems in comparison with the process of creating such competencies within the organization from scratch based on the training of existing personnel with the involvement of appropriate specialists (teachers) from outside. At the moment, there is no centralized search for teams in the concern. This function is entrusted to the main scientific and production units, which attract external competencies to solve their problems. All already acquired teams have a set of competencies that are not available in the group. It should be noted that the existing "competent" teams of the concern are located in different cities of Russia. For example, a laboratory for the development of automated workstations for communication control and signal conversion devices with 16 employees has been operating in Ryazan since 2009, the Scientific and Technical Center for Radio Systems with about 100 employees in Samara since 2012, the Scientific and Technical Design Center telephone switching systems in the amount of 11

employees in Ufa since 2014, department of multiservice communication systems in the amount of 38 employees in Taganrog since 2015

The formation of such teams in the concern is carried out in the form separate subdivision, which is registered in tax authority at the location and is issued by order of the general director of the concern, thereby changing its organizational structure. New employees are registered for work at the head office in Moscow. In the formed structure, unlike the branch, there are no auxiliary departments (accounting, legal service, logistics and others), all this is located at the head office.

The long-term experience of the concern with the involved intellectual competencies demonstrates the high efficiency of this approach and will be used in the future.

As the experience of the corporation shows, the processes of introducing and developing the mechanisms of "open innovations" require new personnel, new competencies, knowledge and experience in this area and leads to the need for the formation and development of appropriate tools, new divisions, that is, to certain structural changes inside corporations.

About the Center for Open Innovations of Rostec Corporation

It is now becoming clear that the application of the “open innovation” model in modern conditions development of the global economy is an adequate and forced step by corporations aimed at maintaining their competitiveness in the market, increasing the sustainability of business development.

Large Russian corporations are still poorly using the mechanisms of "open innovation", which leads to a decrease in their level of competitiveness, efficiency and sustainability of development. In addition, in this area in Russia there is an extreme lack of qualified personnel, training programs, advisory services that could help corporations create mechanisms for "open innovation".

In order to address these issues in 2015, the "Center for Open Innovations" of the state corporation "Rostec" (hereinafter referred to as the Center) was created, which operates within the framework of the basic departments at the Russian University of Economics. G. V. Plekhanov and PFUR. This format of the activities of the Corporate Center was chosen based on the need to maintain educational activities, which requires an appropriate license, and research work, which requires the participation of scientific personnel.

The Center is managed by the heads of the basic departments. Head of the basic department at the Russian University of Economics. GV Plekhanova is the Deputy General Director of the Corporation, Candidate of Yu. n. N. A. Volobuev, department at RUDN - Deputy Chairman of the Scientific and Technical Council of the corporation, head of the innovation direction, Ph.D. n. A. I. Kashirin.

The activities of the Center are attended by both full-time employees of the basic departments and specialists involved from outside who have the necessary competencies, practical experience, methodological developments, specialized software etc., including managers and employees of corporations, holding companies and organizations involved in the implementation of pilot projects to develop open innovation mechanisms.

In accordance with the development strategy of the corporation until 2020, the central office forms and implements standards and provides services (services) to the holding companies and organizations of the Corporation in the most important areas of their activities. The center is planned to be corporate instrument, a competence center, in terms of the development of mechanisms for "open innovations".

The purpose of the Center, which is formulated in the concept of its creation and development, is to assist companies and corporations, primarily organizations of the Rostec corporation, as well as regions, departments and other interested organizations in the implementation and development of open innovation mechanisms based on joint with employees of customers of educational, consulting, research, communication and other programs and events, including preparation and support for the implementation of relevant management decisions.

In this area, the corporation, as can be seen from the above, has accumulated some experience, formed and developed separate mechanisms for open innovation.

The Center offers a wide range of services for organizations to implement open innovation mechanisms, including the development normative documents, implementation in practice and training of employees. Among the mechanisms that the Center offers partners for implementation

Corporate seed and venture funds;

Corporate inputs (windows) of open innovations, which are mechanisms for receiving, examining, selecting and using external innovations in various ways;

Systems of interaction with small innovative businesses, including the creation and development of their own small innovative companies;

Holding corporate competitions and presentation sessions of innovative projects and solutions;

Systems innovative procurement throughout life cycle(idea - R&D - patent - product / technology - competence / team - business);

Systems for the formation and management of corporate requests for external innovations, which are promising tasks and problems that organizations have, the solution of which is offered to external performers;

Management systems for unique technological competencies that meet the criteria

global superiority or competitiveness, including their identification, description and commercialization, promotion to the market;

Technologies for attracting (purchasing) and using external intellectual competencies in the activities of organizations;

Systems for the formation and development of corporate innovation teams and innovative thinking;

Systems of motivation for innovative activity of employees in corporations, including material and moral incentives;

Formation and development of business incubators and business accelerators;

Other Open Innovation Mechanisms. The Center plans to form and develop

a communication platform, broad cooperation and a partner network consisting of developers, investors, universities, small innovative companies, infrastructure organizations and other participants in the innovation sphere.

The specialists of the Center, together with the teaching staff of the basic departments, take part in the development and implementation of educational programs within the framework of doctoral studies, postgraduate studies, master's programs, advanced training courses, full-time, distance and field training on innovative topics, including the management of innovative development, open innovations on orders partners.

The Center also offers services for the development, implementation and support of the implementation of strategic, conceptual, program documents for innovative development, including Innovative Development Programs (IDPs), medium-term IDP plans, advanced development and technological excellence programs, etc.

In the future, based on the implemented systems for managing unique technological competencies and requests for external innovations, the Center, together with partners, plans to create a technology brokerage mechanism that ensures the search for partners, the preparation and execution of transactions for the purchase and sale of innovations throughout the life cycle (idea-R&D-patent -product/technology-competence/team-business).

The Center plans to implement a program to integrate business into universities, which provides for the participation of students, graduate students, teachers in real business projects, programs and events of the center.

The approximate scope of work performed by the Customer Center for the implementation of open innovation mechanisms (MOI) includes:

Analysis of the state of affairs (problems) in the field of development of MOI;

Preparation and approval of proposals (concept, goals, objectives) for the formation of the selected MOI;

Participation in the preparation of draft administrative documents for the implementation of MOE and participation in the process of their approval;

Development of methodological materials (orders, regulations, formats, provisions, functionality, etc.) and participation in the process of their implementation;

Conducting interviews, meetings with managers and employees involved in the future in the process of interaction with the MOI, in order to clarify their functions and work procedures;

Participation in the formation of the management system and the team of the MOI;

Development and implementation information system MY;

Education and training of the MI management team;

Implementation (start-up, adjustment) of MY and support of the initial stage of work.

The specified list of works shows that the result of the Center's activities will not be "paper" reports on R&D, but actually launched systems for managing open innovation mechanisms. It is clear that from the presented list, customers can select and / or add the types of work that interest them.

In 2015, the Center conducted educational programs within the framework of the master's program and additional vocational education. More than 100 people have been trained. In the course of these programs, trainees were trained to identify and describe the unique technological competencies available in their organizations, and proposals for the commercialization of these competencies were developed. The Center carried out research work on the topic "Development of a methodology for the study of unique technological competencies as the basis for diversifying the organization's activities", which was highly appreciated by the customer. On behalf of the NTS, the corporation prepared and held a corporate innovation session on the topic “Formation of systems for managing unique technological competencies and requests for external innovations”, which was attended by about 200 people. Employees of the Center constantly participate in forums, conferences, during which they inform their participants about the activities and opportunities of the Center.

The creation and development of open innovation mechanisms in holding companies and organizations of the Rostec Corporation and other companies and organizations will allow them, based on interaction with small

innovative business, universities, scientific organizations, venture funds and business angels, inventors and other members of the innovation community to ensure the growth of the creation, production and market launch of innovative products, increasing the level of competitiveness, diversification and sustainability of development.

The Center invites for cooperation all companies and departments that intend to create and develop open innovation mechanisms, as well as individuals and organizations with experience in this area and interested in joint work with the Customer Assistance Center for the implementation of these mechanisms.

List of sources used

1. H. W. Chesbrough "Open Innovation: The new imperative for creating and profiting from technology". Boston: Harvard Business School, 2003.

2. A. I. Kashirin. Open innovation. World practice and experience of the corporation "Rostec" // "Innovations", No. 12, 2013.

3. A. I. Kashirin. Purchases of innovative products or purchases of innovations? // "Innovations" No. 5, 2015.

4. Website of the corporation "Rostec".

Center for Open Innovation state corporation "Rostec" - a new tool for the implementation of open innovation mechanisms A. I. Kashirin, PhD, Head of the Basic Department of State Corporation "Rostec" in the People's Friendship University of Russia, Director of the Open Innovation Center of State Corporation "Rostec" in the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Deputy Chairman of the Scientific and Technical Council of State Corporation "Rostec".

N. A. Volobuev, PhD, Head of the Basic Department of State Corporation "Rostec" in the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Deputy General Director of State Corporation "Rostec".

The article is dedicated to open innovation mechanisms, the variety of these mechanisms, the importance and the need to use large companies at the present stage of development of the global economy, especially the interaction of companies with small innovative businesses, universities, research organizations and individual developers. Separately presented the experience of the Rostec corporation and the possibility of the newly established Corporate Center open innovation for the development of these mechanisms in organizations.

Keywords: open innovation, open innovation mechanisms, corporate center of open innovation.