Modeling birds from plasticine in the middle group. Abstract of a modeling lesson in the middle group "Wintering Birds" educator Pypina N.V. The course of directly educational activities

  • 13.11.2019

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Sparrows surround us everywhere - they live on city streets next to people and are always looking for crumbs and grains. Adults, at times, do not notice these playful chirping birds, but the children rejoice when they see them. We invite you to mold your sparrow from plasticine, thereby introducing children to exciting creativity. Although the birds look brown, it is necessary to use several additional shades, such as beige, white, black. In general, modeling a sparrow from plasticine differs little from creating any other bird.

Other bird lessons:

Step by step photo lesson:

Knead lighter brown or beige plasticine, roll into two balls.

Stick one ball on the second, make a smoother detail, hiding the transition between the torso and head.

Attach the brown flatbread to the head and to the front of the chest, making a smooth transition at the neck.

Add a small sharp beak, it is better to make it from gray plasticine, also stick two black stripes - the base for the eyes.

The tail should be shaped like a triangle. Pull the plasticine into a cake of the appropriate shape and size, cover the surface of the part with many notches from above using a stack.

Attach the tail at the back.

In the form of wide commas, which are a mirror image of each other, complete the wings. Stick on a few white stripes and also make cuts in a stack.

Attach the wings to the sides of the body, starting from the neck area and laying them on the back.

Make also gray paws with three fingers.

Turn the bird with its belly towards you and attach the paws to the light area.

Here is such a plasticine sparrow turned out, of course, he does not jump, does not chirp and does not peck bread crumbs, but it looks quite believable.

Synopsis of an integrated modeling lesson in middle group"Winter Birds"

  • To form interest in working with plasticine, develop fine motor skills, attention, speech, imagination, creativity.


  1. Learn to sculpt a bird in a constructive way, observing the location and ratio of body parts, connect the parts by pressing them together, continue to learn how to use the stack. Practice counting to five.
  2. Develop aesthetic perception
  3. Cultivate independence, perseverance, accuracy.

Preliminary work:

Conversation about wintering birds (titmouse, bullfinch, sparrow);
Examining illustrations;
Reading stories about wintering birds;


Materials from the mini-museum "Nature Perm Territory" (Card index "Wintering Birds", Exposition "Birds on a Tree"), Images (stencils) birds (tits, bullfinch, sparrow), plasticine (brown and gray), stacks and boards by the number of children, beads and sunflower seed (to decorate the eyes and beak of a sparrow), feeder.

Lesson progress:

Educator: Guys, do you like to walk?

Educator: Tell me, guys, where do you like to walk?

Children's answers.

Educator: Today I invite you for a walk in the winter forest. But before heading into the winter forest, what do you think we need to do?

Children: Wear warm clothes.

We put on imaginary mittens, a hat, a fur coat.


I invite you to go for a walk in the winter forest,
More interesting adventures, we guys can not find.
Stand one after another, hold hands tightly.
Along the paths, along the path, we are not in a hurry, we do not lag behind

We will all go to the forest together.

(Children hold hands and a mini-museum follows the teacher)

Educator: Guys, look how beautiful it is in the forest! How much snow. Look what a beautiful tree!

Educator: Guys, look who is sitting on a tree?

Children: Titmouse.

Teacher: What are they?

Children's answers.

Educator: Let's count how many titmouses are sitting on a Christmas tree branch.

Children count (four chickadees).

Educator: Guys, what do you think birds do in the forest in winter?

Children's answers.

Bullfinches are sitting on another branch.

Educator: Guys, look who is sitting on a branch?

Children of Snegiri.

Teacher: What are they?

Children's answers.

Educator: How many bullfinches sit on the upper branches? (two bullfinches)

How many bullfinches sit on the lower branches? (three bullfinches)

How many bullfinches are on the Christmas tree? (five bullfinches).

Educator: Tell me guys, the birds that do not fly away to warm lands in winter, but stay with us for the winter, what are they called?

Children: Wintering birds.

Look at the next thread (one sparrow sits on it)

Educator: Look, guys, who is sitting on a branch?

Tell me what is he?

Children's answers (the body is rounded, the head is small, round, the wings are small, the tail is elongated, the beak is short, the eyes are black).

Educator: Guys, it seems to me that the sparrow is sad. Why do you think?

Children's answers (he is cold, bored alone, he has no friends).

Educator: Guys, how can you help a little sparrow?

Children's answers.

Educator: And let's take the sparrow with us to kindergarten and make friends for him.

Hold hands tightly along the paths, along the paths

We don't rush, we don't lag behind Kindergarten we will all go together.

We pass to the table, take off imaginary clothes.

Let's sit down at the tables.

Showing how to sculpt a sparrow:

First, we take pieces of brown and gray plasticine, mix them into one lump to get a color similar to the color of sparrows.

Then we divide the brown-gray lump into three pieces (one large and two smaller). From a large piece we sculpt a torso in the shape of an egg, pull the tail from behind (squeezing fingers).

We have two identical pieces left. From one we will make a head (roll a ball between palms), from the second wings (flatten a piece of plasticine in the shape of a circle and cut it in half with a stack). We connect the details. We decorate the head (we make a beak from a seed, eyes from beads.

Educator: Look guys, what I have (feeder)

What is a feeder for?

Children's answers.

Educator: Let the guys put our sparrows in the feeder.

Whose sparrow did you like the most? Why?

Well done guys wonderful sparrows turned out for everyone. Now the sparrow which we brought from the forest will not be bored, you have made many new friends for him, Today, when we go for a walk, we will take bird food with us (I ask one child to bring from a corner of nature) and feed the sparrows and other birds that fly to the feeders.

Synopsis of nodes in the middle group for artistic and aesthetic development (sculpting)

Topic: "The birds flew to the feeder, sat down and pecked at the grains"

Target: To consolidate children's knowledge about the life of birds in winter.

Program content:


To consolidate the knowledge of children about wintering birds. to consolidate the ability to use the stack, to introduce the techniques of modeling pinching, stretching.

To teach children to convey a simple pose in modeling: tilting the head and body down.

To fix the techniques of modeling.

Learn to combine your work with the work of a friend in order to convey a simple plot, a scene.

Observe the location and ratio of body parts, connect the parts by pressing them against each other.


Develop fine motor skills, attention, coherent speech, creativity in work,

Develop aesthetic perception.


Cultivate independence, perseverance, accuracy.

Cause a positive emotional response to the result of joint activities.

Material: multimedia with a presentation, geometric shapes, plasticine, stacks, modeling boards, napkins.

Preliminary work:

Conversation about wintering birds (titmouse, bullfinch, sparrow);

Examining illustrations; bird drawing;


Birdwatching on a walk (to fix the children's attention on the details characteristic of each type of bird, crow, sparrow, dove.)

Node move

1. Circle of Joy:

Hello sun!

Hello sky!

Hello, my whole Earth!

We woke up very early

And welcome!

Suddenly, the melody “Bird” is heard (music by M. Rauchverg).

Educator: Guys, what is this? Where does this music come from? Who do you think this tune is about?

Children: About the bird.

Gradually, an animated bird appears on the screen, which looks around for 20 seconds. Interested children approach the screen.

Educator: Guys, who is our guest? Look at the screen. Let's get closer and find out what the bird wants?

The teacher with the children approach the screen, on which the bird flaps its wings and asks:

Birdie: Guys, I'm bored. There are many of you in the group, but I am alone. You have fun together, you are friendly guys. I also want to have friends. Help me find them.

Educator: Let's help the bird find friends?

Children: Yes!

Educator: Guys, tell me, the birds that are next to us all winter, what do we call them?

Children: Wintering. (slide depicting wintering birds)

Educator: Correctly.

Educator: Listen to the riddles and guess which bird we are talking about.

1. The birds sat on the trees,

Count one, two, three...

Arrived for the winter

With red chest...

(Bullfinches) (slide: image of a bullfinch)

2. Likes seeds and fat,

I flew in the yard in the morning

This little bird.

Guess who? ...

(Titmouse) ( slide: image of a tit)

3. Gray little ball:

Chick-chirp - he is very cold!

Sun, look out soon!

Who is waiting for the heat?

(Sparrow) (slide: image of a sparrow)

Educator: Well done, everyone solved the riddles.

Children sit at tables.

Educator: Look, you have geometric shapes on your table. Guys, let's fold the bird and geometric shapes.

Didactic game "Assemble a bird from geometric shapes." During the game, the teacher monitors the correct laying out of the geometric shapes of the birds, if necessary, then provides assistance and support with leading questions.

Educator: Guys, I invite you to be birds for a while too.

Fizkultminutka Birds

The birds are jumping and flying waving their arms and jumping

Birds collect crumbs.

The feathers have been cleaned pat your hands

The beaks have been cleaned. stroke the noses

Birds fly, sing waving their hands

The grains peck. "peck" with fingers on the palm

Children sit at a common table on which there is a feeder (teamwork).

problem question. Educator: Guys, what do you think, is it easy or difficult for birds to overwinter the winter?

Children: Difficult.

Educator: Why?

Children: Difficult to get food.

Educator: And how can we help them?

Children: Hang the feeders in which to pour the food.

Educator. We have a feeder in the group, in which we will place the friends of our guest and pour grains that the birds will peck at.

Let's see what the bird looks like ( bird slide)

Educator: What does the body look like?

Children: It looks like an egg, one end where the tail is narrower than the other).

Educator: What does the bird's head look like?

Children: To the ball.

Educator: Is she smaller than her body?

Children: Yes

Educator: What is the bird's beak?

Children: sharp

Educator: What ponytail?

Children: Elongated and slightly flattened.

Educator: We divide a piece of plasticine into 3 parts: in half and one half in half again.

From the largest we will sculpt the body, it looks like an egg. (we are showing)

The bird has a tail, we pull the tail from the narrow part and flatten it with our hands.

And my head is ready. How are we going to mold it? (We roll the ball and then do not forget about the beak, you need to pinch it).

My bird is pecking at grains, so her head is down. I put it on the feeder. Look what a wonderful bird I got.

Educator: Show me your pen.

What are we planning to do?

Children: Birdie! (bend the little finger).

Educator: What material?

Children: From plasticine. (bend the ring finger)

Educator: With what tool?

Children: With the help of the board. (bend middle finger)

Educator: How will we do?

Children: Everything in order, and we get this result. (Bend the index finger and show the thumb)

Educator: Well, show everyone the excellent result of your work.

Children's work. The teacher walks with a piece of his plasticine and, using his example, helps children who are at a loss.

Children place their birds on the feeder.

Educator: Guys, what good fellows you all are, what beautiful birds you blinded. Oh, look, how happy our bird is!

Birdie:(joyfully) Thanks guys! How many friends I have now, they are all beautiful. I'm glad guys! Thank you!

Educator: We will hang this feeder on a tree during a walk. Our guest will fly in and meet her new friends.

Reflection: Whose sparrow did you like the most? Why?

What was difficult for you?

What was easy?

Did you enjoy helping the bird?

Educator: Well done guys, you did great. I commend you all.

Anastasia Kuznetsova
GCD on modeling "Bird" (middle group)

Target: To consolidate the skill of sculpting from plasticine in children birdie, conveying the oval shape of the body, pull and pinch small parts; beak, tail. To form the skill to note the diversity of the resulting images, to enjoy them.

Course progress.

Children stand in a circle. Playing a finger game "I want to build a house"

Enable recording "chirping birds"

caregiver: Oh, you guys hear? Who is chirping?

Children: birdie!

The feeder is brought in with birdie.

caregiver: Guys, let's say hello to birdie.

Children: Hello, birdie!

birdie: Hello guys. (sad)

caregiver: birdie, why are you so sad?

birdie: There are so many of you, you are so cheerful, friendly, and I'm sad because I'm alone and I have no friends.

The teacher refers to children: Guys, how can we help birdie?

Children: Make for friends birds.

caregiver Q: How can we do this?

Children: Glue, draw, mold.

caregiver: Yes, we can glue, draw, but today we will sculpt. So that we can do it well guys, let's look at our birdie.

The teacher asks questions to the children.

caregiver: What do you have birdies?

Children: Trunk (it's oval)

Children: The head, it is round, is in front.

Children: Beak, tail (he's behind)

caregiver: Here we have examined our birdie.

Show me your pen.

caregiver: What are we going to do?

Children: birdie! (bend little finger).

caregiver: What material?

Children: From plasticine. (bend the ring finger)

caregiver Q: With what tool?

Children: Using the board. (bend middle finger)

caregiver A: How will we do?

Children: Everything in order, and we get this result. (Bend the index finger and show the thumb)

caregiver: To get such a result, come to my table.

On the table lie on a tray a ball and an oval molded in advance.

caregiver: Guys, look, I have a ball, how to sculpt it, show me the guys in the air. And there is also an oval, show us how we sculpt it.

And now we need to connect the body birds and head. How are we going to do it? (lubricate).Front on the head we will make a beak (pull out).

And behind the tail (pull and flatten).

Like this we got a bird!

The teacher invites the children to go to their workplace and cover it. After the children covered their workplace, the guys go for the chairs.

caregiver: Guys, where do we start work?

Children: Divide the plasticine into 2 parts. From the larger one we will make the body, and from the small one we will make the head.

For those children who completed the work faster than the rest, the teacher gives additional plasticine and invites the children to mold grains for birds.

After the work is completed DIY birds carried to the stand for crafts.

The analysis of finished works is carried out.

caregiver: Guys, what good fellows you all are, what beautiful the birds were blinded. Oh look, ah our bird is so happy!

birdie: (joyfully) Thanks guys! How many friends I have now, they are all beautiful. I'm glad guys! Thank you!

The guys carry the chairs and then clean their workplace in reverse order.

Synopsis of GCD on modeling "Birds have arrived"

Purpose: to consolidate children's knowledge of the characteristic features of birds; creating a three-dimensional image of a bird; convey in modeling the characteristic features of birds, the ratio of parts in size, shape; use familiar modeling techniques: rolling, pulling, to cultivate a caring attitude towards birds.

Course progress.

Spring has come. Feeding troughs in city parks are often full. For birds, people carry seeds. Feeding troughs are not empty even in summer. It's hard to be the first migratory birds. They fly joyful - it's time to build nests, and breed offspring. And sometimes the weather does not indulge. It will either zavyuzhit, then it will overwhelm, then it will get colder significantly. Starlings, rooks, larks, finches, robins, linnets are one of the first to come to us in spring. Today we saw a lot of birds that flew to the feeder on our site. Let's remember who we saw. And they can also fly: magpie, crow, bullfinch.

View presentation "Birds"

The game "Guess the riddle" (showing birds in a presentation, name wintering or migratory)

1. Here is the white-sided woman, and her name is.

(Magpie is a wintering bird)

2. Chick - chirp!

Jump to the grains!

Peck, don't be shy

Who is this ... (Sparrow is a wintering bird)

3. Black, agile shouts "Krak",

Worms are the enemy. (Rook - migrant)

4. Who sat down on a fat bough

And knocks "Knock-knock, knock-knock"? (Woodpecker. Winters)

5. In winter, apples are on the branches,

Collect them quickly!

And suddenly the apples fluttered

After all, this is ... (Bullfinches are wintering birds)

6. Comes to us with warmth,

The path has been long.

Sculpts a house above the window

From grass and clay. (Swallow is a migratory bird)

Birds are our little neighbors. Noisy, funny, melodious, multi-colored, funny, smart, domestic and urban ... So different and so funny.

Have you noticed that all the riddles are about birds? And probably guessed that today we will sculpt birds.

So the birds have: a body, a neck, a head, a beak on the head, a tail, wings, paws. (children sculpt together with the teacher) We take a piece of plasticine and divide it into two parts. We put one piece on the plank, this will be the body, and divide the second into two more identical halves, from one half we will make the head, and from the second as legs. We take a large piece of plasticine and begin to make the body, roll it into a thick sausage, now we pull the neck out of the body on one side, and on the other hand the tail. Now we take a small piece of plasticine and roll out the head and draw out the beak. Now we attach the head to the neck, using the lubrication method. We take the last piece of plasticine and make legs, also roll it out, in a circular motion. We rolled it out, we got a small oval, and we put our bird on it, it's like our legs. So we blinded a bird, but what is missing from our bird? Let's draw her wings and eyes with a stack. Here are the birds we got.

Do you want to play the game "Birds fly". You will all be birds, and I will say words, and you will scatter at the word “Ai” ... Birds sit, peck grains and fly away.

The bird sat on the window:

Sit with us for a while

Sit down, don't fly away.

The bird flew away - "Ay! » (the game is repeated 2-3 times)

Invite the children to put the birds on the feeder and feed them.

Feed the birds in winter.

Let from all over

They will flock to you, like home,

Stakes on the porch.

Their food is not rich.

Need a handful of grain

One handful -

And not scary

They will have winter.

How many of them die - do not count,

It's hard to see.

But in our heart there is

And the birds are warm.

Is it possible to forget:

Could fly away

And stayed for the winter

Along with people.

Train the birds in the cold

To your window

So that without songs it was not necessary

We welcome spring.

Analysis of children's work.

Chistova Anna Nikolaevna