Drawing in the preparatory group migratory birds. Abstract of a drawing lesson in the senior group “Migratory birds. Starling» Video. Drawing "Migratory birds are flying"

  • 13.11.2019

Svetlana Gayazieva

Goals: improve your picture skills birds; develop creative imagination;

foster respect for the environment; correctly determine and depict the shape of objects, their proportions; observe the consistent execution of the drawing; cultivate love for birds.

materials: Album sheets, gouache, brushes, palette, jars of water, napkins, oilcloths, developing video"Starling".

preliminary work: view illustrations migratory birds; reading poems, stories; viewing developing video, monitoring birds on walks.

Lesson progress:

caregiver: Guys, listen poem:

Spring has come in the snow

On the wet carpet

Scattered snowdrops,

She sowed grass.

Now spring is beautiful

Calling from all over

Geese, swifts and storks,

Cuckoos and starlings.

What season is the poem talking about? (Spring).

How did you know that spring has arrived? (Snow melts, buds swell, green leaves, grass appear, the sun shines brighter and warms the earth, etc.).

What is the most important sign of spring? (In the spring they come to us birds) .

And where do they fly from? (From warm countries).

What is called birds who fly away to warmer climes for the winter, and fly back in the spring? (migratory) .

And what migratory birds you know? (Rook, starling, swallow, cuckoo, nightingale).

Guys, look at the screen.

caregiver: Guys, what is this bird? (Starling) Correctly, starling. Birds delight us not only with their appearance, the wonderful coloring of their plumage but also with their songs.

On the past lesson we drew a rook and today I offer you draw a starling.

See what order we'll be in draw a starling.

Let's start by filling in the background. In the upper right part of the sheet, draw a small circle in white - this will be the sun. Then, adding light yellow paint to white, draw around this circle, getting a glow from the sun. Next, add a dark yellow color and continue draw around. Having received a light blue color, paint over the sky. With ocher we draw a part of the tree. With dark brown, draw lines on the trunk, make the bark. We draw branches. Let's start with the image starling. Having received a light gray color, by mixing white with a drop of black, draw an oval torso, a circle of the head. Then we draw a wing and a tail. Having mixed white with a drop of ocher, we draw a beak and small strokes on the head and chest. This is how it turned out starling.

let's go with you before, as you get to work, prepare our fingers. Finger gymnastics " The birds are coming"

With the onset of spring

The birds are coming.

We spread the fingers of both hands, connect the thumbs, wave the rest like wings.

are returning starlings,

Workers and singers. -Close your fingers into fists and open them.

And we connect the rooks at the puddle-Palm together with a cup.

They circle in a noisy flock. - Circular movements with the fists of the hands.

Cranes fly in a hurry, - We spread the fingers of both hands, connect our thumbs, wave the rest like wings.

And the robin and the thrush,

Engaged in nesting. - We connect the fingers of the hands in the lock, the palms are open.

caregiver: Well done! Now, get to work.

These are so wonderful we got the starlings!

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Abstract of OOD on drawing “Migratory birds are flying” with children 6–7 years old Drawing "Migratory birds are flying" Integration educational areas: "Artistic and aesthetic development", " Speech development"," Cognitive.

Angela Ermolaeva
Abstract of a drawing lesson in preparatory group"Migratory birds"

Abstract of a drawing lesson in a preparatory group on the topic: « Migratory birds»

P/s: expand children's ideas about migratory birds, fix names migratory birds, chicks, them appearance, Lifestyle. Introduce concepts: fly wedge, "string", "flock", exercise in the formation of verbs. Introduce children to non-traditional imaging techniques birds, continue to learn to apply natural material(sawdust, develop visual and auditory perception and voluntary attention, thought processes of comparison and generalization, develop fine motor skills of hands, creative imagination. Raise interest in feathered inhabitants of nature, respect for them.

materials: ICT, presentation « Migratory birds» , pictures depicting migratory birds, stencils, sawdust, gouache, 3 brushes, A4 sheet, jars of water, PVA glue, trays, napkins.

Lesson progress

Children enter the hall

AT: Guys, let's enjoy the sun and birds,

And also rejoice at smiling faces

And to everyone who lives on this planet

Good morning! Let's say we are children.

AT: Guys, what time of year has come

AT: That's right, nature is awakening from a long winter sleep. The air becomes fragrant and fresh. Let's check, inhale deeply through the nose, without raising the shoulders and without puffing out the cheeks, and exhale through the nose. Now inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Now take a deep breath in through your mouth and out through your mouth.

AT: Guys, what happens in nature with the onset of spring? The diagram will help us with the answers.

AT: Guys, but without arrival birds spring will not come.

And what are they called birds?

AT: Now I invite you to look at the screen (presentation « Migratory birds»

AT: What migratory birds you remember?

in the spring birds a lot of work, what are they doing?

AT: people care about birds. They build birdhouses. And what benefits do birds?

AT: Birds can fly differently. How are we going to find out (attention to the screen)

When birds fly by, with each other - a flock, starlings, rooks, swallows return in a flock. Repeat, what is the name of the flight?

When birds they fly one after another, in one line - a string, so ducks, geese, swans fly. Repeat the name of the flight birds?

When birds they fly in the form of a triangle - a wedge, so cranes fly.

What is the name of the flight again?

AT: Now we will play with you, get up in a circle, the game is called “Who gives what voice?

Crane (curls)

Nightingale (sings)

Swallow (chirps

Cuckoo (cuckoo)

AT: next game is called "Who has who?"

At the rook (rook)

At the starling (sparkling)

At the swallow (swallows)

At the crane (cranes)

At the cuckoo (cuckoo)

AT: Well done. I suggest you go to your seats.

Guys, what little bird brings spring on its wings?

Guess what bird

Dark little one?

white from the belly,

The tail is parted at two ends. (martin)

Hood. Word.

Swallow fly to your native land as soon as possible,

So that the lawns turn green, so that the streams sing.

Come back not alone, may spring come with you.

Let's help spring and draw a flock of swallows.

Well done. Let's remember what the swallow has

AT: what is the body covered with?

AT: What is the difference birds apart?

AT A: Correctly coloring. Let's consider what color is the swallow?

AT: before flex your fingers

Finger gymnastics

The rook has five rooks, they scream the loudest

The swallow builds its house, right above my window

On a birch, a starling tree, mottled feathers

The cuckoo sits on a bough and shouts cuckoo, cuckoo.

AT: Today we will paint using natural material - sawdust.

AT: Let's remember where we start work?

D: draw a path birds using a stencil

D: apply glue and sawdust

AT: Which parts of the body birds apply glue and sawdust?

D: on the breast, back and wings birds

AT: How do we finish?

D: decorate the swallow

AT: get to work. (recording singing birds)

Before by painting over, invite the children to relax a little.

Physical education minute:

A long-legged stork flew to us today.

He walked through the swamp, fish, frogs got

Bent over, straighten up

In the distance looked at the edge of the swamp

And on the nose. Oh, where is he? Here he is! (look at the finger and without taking your eyes off bring it to the nose)

The stork flew home, we wave to him.

AT: You turn around yourself and immediately turn into a bird

You and I will fly in a flock, how is it?

They flew, flew to their nests flew

Now wedge. Like this?

They flew, flew to the swamp, sat down together,

And now let's fly in a row. Like this?

(flew, flew to their seats, we sat down)

AT: We continue to work.

Outcome: Guys, who did we help today?

Let's gather our flock so that spring comes to our city faster.

AT: If you like it, then take the rays and add the sun to make it warm and affectionate, if something was difficult for you, then add a cloud to the sun.

Look what a wonderful picture we have with you. Well done!

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Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Kindergarten general developmental type No. 8

municipal formation Temryuk district.

Directly- educational activities

"Drawing Birds"

Educational area: artistic and aesthetic

Kind of activity: directly-educational

Age group: senior group

Topic:"Drawing Birds"

Target: to fix the methods of transferring the proportions of the bird. Transfer of volume by tone and color. Development of fine motor skills of hands, color perception, spatial thinking. A conversation about the beauty of birds.

Program tasks:


Practice drawing birds;

To fix the methods of making a sketch with a simple pencil, followed by painting with watercolors;


Develop the ability to analyze drawings;

- develop memory, thinking, fine motor skills of the hands, the ability to enjoy the result of their work.


Respect for birds, for nature;

To instill in children the desire to finish what they started.

preliminary work : looking at illustrations depicting birds;birdwatching in nature,reading fiction"Migratory birds".

Methods and techniques:

Visual: looking at illustrations (I pay attention to the features of birds - size, color, leg length, beak shape.

Verbal: conversation, explanation;


Preliminary work: viewing illustrations of birds, viewing slides "Migratory birds".

Material and equipment: pictures of birds; drawing paper, simple pencil, eraser, watercolor, brushes, water jar, palette.

Implemented technologies : health-saving, TRIZ, personal - oriented approach, brush painting, subgroup method, use of electronic resources

The course of educational activities:

Educator: Guys, I want to ask you a riddle:

Verst did not consider

Didn't drive on the roads

And I've been across the sea

Sparrows, swifts, penguins,

bullfinches, rooks, peacocks,

Parrots and tits:

In a word, this is ... ... ... (birds) (Yu. Svetlova).

It was not without reason that I made a riddle about the bird, because April 1 is coming soon "International Bird Day". Look how much beautiful birds our guest. Does anyone know what these birds are called? Maybe you saw one of them on our site or in the city? (children's answers)

Please consider all of these and name their similarities and differences. (similarities are the body, head, tail, etc.; differences are the color of the plumage). We have already drawn a bird with a pencil. Today we will also draw with paints. Let's remember the scheme of drawing a bird.

In the middle of the sheet, we outline the line of inclination of the bird. On this line we mark the middle, from it in different directions there are two more points (of the same size from the center). This will be the body. Draw an oval along the line between these points. Draw a circle on top of the oval (this will be the head).

From the bottom, a narrow, long rectangle (tail).

On the left side of the circle, we mark the beak with a strip.

Now let's start drawing the bird. We start drawing from the head.

We start drawing from the beak, draw the head and back up. Below the beak is the breast, slightly thickening the oval. Pay attention to the bird's head smoothly into a plump tummy (the neck of our bird does not stand out).

Now draw the tail and eyes.

(remembering and explaining the drawing technique, at the same time I show on the board how to do it, the children are on their sheets.)

To correctly draw the paws, you need to "plant" the bird on a twig. To do this, we retreat a short distance from the body, draw two lines parallel to the bird and this will be a twig. Pay attention to the bird's thin and long legs with strong claws. The wings are not long, but pointed at the end. Here we have such a bird.

Please look at the blackboard, what kind of bird did we draw? (children's answers)

Of course, our bird looks like a bullfinch, a titmouse, and a sparrow, because. has a more rounded body shape, a small beak and a small sprout.

Would you like to fly like birds? (answers)

Then get up from the tables and come to me.

Fizminutka under a melodic melody

A flock of birds fly south

The sky is blue all around

(children flap their arms like wings)

To fly faster

You have to flap your wings.

(children wave their hands more intensively)

In the clear sky the sun shines

Astronaut flies in a rocket

(sipping - arms up)

And below the forests, fields -

The earth is spreading.

(low lean forward, arms out to the side)

The birds began to descend

Everyone sits down in the field.

They have to long haul

The birds need to rest.

(children sit in a deep squat and sit for a few seconds)

And again it's time to go

We need to fly a lot

(children stand up and flap "wings")

Here is the south. Hooray! Hooray!

It's time for us to land

(children sit at the table)

Since our bird looks like several birds at once, I suggest you decorate them in different ways.


After the children have completed the task, we evaluate each work, point out the advantages and disadvantages of the drawing. At the same time, be sure to explain why it did not work and what, and how to fix it next time.

Well done guys, you did a very good job today. With each session your work gets better and better! Well done!

After class, the work is displayed in the corner along with the original pictures, so that other children can see and compare.

The date_____________

Abstract of the drawing lesson "Migratory birds" (senior group).


To teach children to draw migratory birds, building an image from its constituent parts.

Develop sketch drawing skills with a simple pencil.

To consolidate and expand knowledge about wintering and migratory birds

Raise a caring attitude towards birds.


Lesson progress:


Let's see what birds are sitting on our tree? Name them. (Woodpecker, titmouse, crow, magpie, black grouse)

Oh guys, I can’t understand something, are all the birds gathered on the tree? Help me to understand. (Children find out that the birds are all wintering and there are no migratory ones.)

What happened? Where are the migratory birds? And here is some letter from a magpie, let's take a letter from a magpie and read it.

Oh boy, something bad happened. It turns out that the snow queen, the mistress of winter, captured the birds on the way to the south and does not want to release them into the wild. The birds are asking for your help.

Probably, the snow queen is bored of being alone and therefore, she does not want to let the birds go. I propose to draw portraits of birds and give them to her. And then she will release all the birds.

Guys, let's think about why birds are called migratory? That's right, migratory birds are birds that spend half the year with us, and leave us in the second half of the year, flying to other lands. And why do these birds fly away from us in the fall?

All these birds feed on insects. And in autumn the insects disappear. Birds are deprived of their main food and are forced to fly to warmer climes. There are many insects all year round.

Fizminutka "A flock of birds flies south"

A flock of birds fly south

The sky is blue all around. (Children flap their arms like wings)

To fly faster

You have to flap your wings. (Children wave their hands more intensively)

In the clear sky the sun shines,

The astronaut flies in a rocket.

(Sipping - arms up)

And at the bottom of the forest, fields - The earth is spreading.

(Low lean forward, arms out to the side)

The birds began to descend

Everyone sits down in the field.

They have a long way to go, The birds need to rest. (Children sit in a deep squat and sit for a few seconds)

And again it's time to go

We need to fly a lot. (Children stand up and flap their "wings")

Here is the south. Hooray! Hooray! It's time for us to land. (Children sit at tables)

Now look at these pictures. Looking at them, we understand that the body of birds consists of several parts. What? (head, body, tail, wings) What shape is the head? (round) What shape is the torso? (oval) What shape is the tail? (may have a triangular shape, or it can be forked, like a swallow) The wings are curved when the bird is flying, and oval when folded. The beak is triangular.

Paint geometric figures, you can. Therefore, you can easily depict the components of birds. You just need to connect them correctly.


First, draw an oval torso. Then draw the head. Oval wings, slightly pointed ends - these are the longest feathers. Rectangular tail, triangular beak, round eyes. And then, draw the paws, draw the feathers.

We take simple pencils, make sketches.

(children draw)


Well done boys. You all did your best and we got wonderful birds. I think the snow queen will be pleased and will definitely let our feathered friends go.

What migratory birds will we expect?

Game: "Find a migratory bird"

You all did a great job. I will give you all invitation cards for the quiz "Migration are birds."