Turkey meat production technology. Small ones have their advantages. Main international indicators of the turkey meat market

  • 02.12.2019

Number three

The history of the Gafuri Bashkir Poultry Complex, as indicated on its website, began in the last decade "with the visit of the official delegation of Bashkortostan to Israel." Having visited a local turkey farm and a meat processing plant, the members of the delegation thought about production in Bashkortostan. In 2007, the construction of the complex in Meleuz began. Now, according to the company, its production capacity reaches 30 thousand tons of turkey meat per year. The enterprise manufactures products under the brands "Indyushkin" and "Dyusha".

According to the results of 2016, the Gafuri Bashkir Poultry Complex produced 23.5 thousand tons of turkey meat in slaughter weight, the consulting company Agrifood Strategies estimates. With this indicator, the enterprise was the third turkey producer in Russia after Naum Babaev's Damate (60.8 thousand tons) and Vadim Vaneev's Eurodon (59.9 thousand tons).

Damir Kamilov and Nelly Yusupova are the founders of Gafuri Bashkir Poultry Complex LLC on an equal footing. Their shares are pledged to the Russian Agricultural Bank, indicated in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. It was not possible to contact the owners of the enterprise. The press service of the Russian Agricultural Bank did not respond to a request from RBC.

Didn't have enough money

Turkey production - profitable business with an operating margin of 10-15%, says Albert Davleev, President of Agrifood Strategies. This is two to three times more than in the processing of broiler meat, adds Mushegh Mamikonyan, president of the Meat Council of the Common Economic Space. The poultry industry is at risk due to possible outbreaks of bird flu, experts say. But there were no epidemics at the Bashkir poultry complex named after Gafuri.

The enterprise became operationally unprofitable in 2016, follows from the data of SPARK-Interfax. With revenue of 3.1 billion rubles. the loss from sales amounted to 336 million rubles, although a year earlier it was 25.8 million rubles. profit from sales with revenue of 3.28 billion rubles. Net loss in 2016 amounted to 898 million rubles. against 91.7 million rubles. a year earlier.

The general director of the complex, Marat Abdeev, did not name the reason for the company's financial problems. The business owners had disagreements on how to further develop the loaned enterprise, explains the source of RBC.

Earlier, the owners of the complex stated that they needed 1 billion rubles to solve all financial problems and restart the enterprise, said Goncharenko from the administration of Meleuz. The owners of the enterprise tried to sell it, but the deal did not take place due to discrepancies in the valuation of the business with potential buyers, according to one of RBC's sources in the industry. The complex was valued by its owners at 2 billion rubles, another interlocutor of RBC knows.

At the end of 2017, the third place in the turkey production market will be shared between the Tula Krasnobor and a new player in the market, the Tambovskaya Turkey enterprise, which is part of Cherkizovo, Davleev predicts. According to him, both these companies will produce about 22,000 tons of turkey this year.

At the beginning of the year, AIPIM held marketing research poultry market. Main market share here belongs to chicken, but recently the production of duck, turkey, and geese has been growing at a rapid pace. Within the framework of the project, the turkey market was studied, on which the main focus was made in the work.

Based on the data obtained during the study, our team has compiled an effective one, the meat of which has unique dietary properties. First of all, we carried out marketing analysis and assessed the capacity of the Russian and regional turkey market.

Main international indicators of the turkey meat market

  • The total volume of the global turkey market is approximately 5.6 million tons per year.
  • Basically, turkey is grown on the American continent. About 3.4 million tons of meat are produced there annually, which is approximately 60% of the global market.
  • The second largest macro-region is Europe, which produces approximately 1.9 million tons of turkey meat (34% of world production).
  • In total, the American and European continents form 96% of the world production of this type of meat.
  • The largest producer among countries is the United States, which accounts for 46% of global production.

Poultry meat market capacity in Russia

Over the past 6 years, despite the unstable state of the economy, poultry meat market in Russia is in a positive trend. Turkey shows the highest growth rates: its production in the period from 2009 to 2015 increased by more than 3 times - from 30 to 105 thousand tons of meat per year. This is a truly impressive result for the market. poultry in Russia! The boom in investments in turkey breeding continues: poultry houses and processing plants of various capacities are being built in different regions of the country.

According to our forecasts, in the next five years, Russia will enter the top 6 countries in the world with the largest volumes of the turkey meat market, and domestic average per capita consumption will approach the level of European countries and amount to 2-3 kg per person per year.

Turkey meat market in Russia

The industrial production of turkey in Russia has been actively developing since the beginning of the 2000s. However, the most notable increase occurred in 2007. From that moment on, the output of domestic turkey began to grow at a significant pace from year to year. This led to the fact that in 2012 - 2014 the volume of the domestic market of turkey meat in Russia amounted to about 100 - 105 thousand tons. That is, in just a few years there has been a more than threefold increase in turkey production. In parallel with the growth of production, the range of turkey products is also expanding. In supermarkets, this dietary bird often occupies an entire shelf or department. The following chart shows data on the amount of turkey meat produced in the Russian Federation in the period from 2007 to 2014.

The data of some Russian experts are even more optimistic and indicate that turkey market in the country in 2014 reached 120 thousand tons. In any case, having made this impressive leap, in just a few years Russia has become one of the ten largest world producers.

The main Russian turkey producers

Total capacities Russian manufacturers turkeys, as of the beginning of 2016, allow the production of products in the amount of up to 200 thousand tons per year. At the same time, more than 75% of the capacity falls on 4 major players (the potential production volume of each of which is over 30 thousand tons per year): Eurodon, Damate, Krasnobor, Bashkir Poultry Complex named after. Gafuri".

In terms of production and revenue, Eurodon is the industry leader. The company annually produces more than 20% of all turkeys in Russia and has ambitious plans for further development. Damate also plans to increase its production volumes. After the Eurodon and Damate projects reach full capacity, the total production of these two companies alone will be about 200 thousand tons per year.

Analysis of the domestic and international turkey market allowed us to assess the level of competition, capacity, dynamics and development prospects of the industry. Based on the analytics obtained in the course of the study, we have developed, in which we calculated the optimal potential production capacity and the project development strategy, selected the technology for growing and processing poultry meat, identified suppliers of day-old chicks, equipment and feed, made a forecast of income and expenses, and also evaluated the effectiveness investments in the implementation of an investment project for growing turkeys with subsequent processing.

The successful development of turkey breeding on an industrial basis is an important reserve for increasing the production of poultry meat in the country. It is best to use a hybrid bird for this and grow turkeys in cages. Recently, turkey-breeding poultry farms have been established, producing annually more than 3,000 tons of meat. The rearing of turkey poults on collective farms and state farms has also been organized.

Three types of turkeys are bred on our farms: light, medium and heavy. Poults of light crosses are grown for meat for 10-14 weeks, medium - 12-17 and heavy - for 20-24 weeks. Currently, more than 30% of turkeys are grown in cages. The content of breeding turkeys of breeding and parent herds in single-tier and two-tier cage batteries is also gaining popularity.

For intensive meat production, full-grown turkeys are kept in windowless poultry houses with a controlled microclimate and light regime, males and females are kept in separate sections or isolated rooms on deep litter.

Based on 2 m 2 of floor area, three turkeys are planted. The room is divided into sections, each containing 250 - 500 turkeys. The air temperature in it is maintained within 12-16 °, and relative humidity - within 60 - 70%. From 30 weeks of age, daylight hours are gradually increased from 8 to 14 hours by the end of oviposition. The lighting of the poultry house is taken at the rate of at least 4 W per 1 m 2 of the floor area.

When breeding turkeys, their artificial insemination is mandatory. At the same time, the reproductive ability of the bird is greatly improved, feed consumption is reduced, and injury to females is excluded. The parent herd is completed repeatedly with young animals of 17 weeks of age. Replacement young stock are reared in windowless rooms with a controlled microclimate using a rearing system that corresponds to the method of keeping the birds of the parent flock.

In turkey farms, turkey poults are grown for meat in conditions of combined, floor and cage intensive systems. The combined system of growing turkey poults up to 8 weeks of age in cage batteries KBU-3, R-15, BGO-140, and then until slaughter - on the floor using a set of equipment IMS-4.5V and IMS-4.5G, has been better developed. 8 turkey poults are planted in one cage of the KBU-3 battery, 42 turkey poults each in the R-15 and BGO-140 batteries. 4 - 5 turkey poults are planted per 1 m 2 of floor area. The temperature in the room is maintained within 20 - 21 °. Light day in the first week of cultivation is 24 hours, then it is reduced to 17 hours, at 9 weeks of age it lasts 14 hours.

In the southern republics of the country, summer camp rearing of turkey poults under lightweight sheds is common.

With intensive methods of growing turkey poults at 13-17 weeks of age, they reach a live weight of 4.5-6 kg, spending 3-4.2 kg of feed per 1 kg of live weight gain.

Further improvement of the technology of growing turkey poults for meat provides for their separate placement in cages from the age of one day; at the same time, the live weight of the bird increases by 10% with a decrease in feed costs per unit of its growth.

Turkeys are fed with dry compound feed. When grown for meat, they are designed for age periods up to 8 weeks and from 8 to 17 weeks. Metabolic energy and crude protein in these mixed fodders contains 1172 kJ and 28%, respectively; 1211 kJ and 22%.

Over the past five years, turkey meat production in Russia has more than quadrupled. Growth continues: in a year and a half - from mid-2010 to 2012 - investors will invest several tens of billions of rubles in the industry. If all the projects that were previously announced are implemented, the capacities of turkey breeding companies will increase by at least 75 thousand tons in four years.

The main trend of the turkey meat market over the past four years has been a gradual decrease in the share of imports in the supply structure, says Oleg Klepikov, CEO of inFOLIO Research Group: the volume of imports is annually reduced by an average of 40%. At the end of 2011, 15.3 thousand tons of imported turkey were sold on the domestic market compared to 23.3 thousand tons in 2010. Klepikov connects this trend with the fact that more than 80% of imported poultry are frozen parts of carcasses and offal (for example, in 2010 their share was 88%). Uncut carcasses account for less than 3.7%, as in 2011 (in 2010 - 3%), and the share of chilled meat, to which Russian consumers are most loyal, is generally insignificant - about 1% of the supply. Now foreign turkey is in demand food industry: this is a valuable ingredient in sausages, while private buyers prefer chilled domestic, although it is more expensive than imports, by an average of 35%, says Klepikov.

But domestic production has been growing actively in the last four years, even despite the crisis (graph "Turkey x 4"). According to inFOLIO Research Group, 122.3 thousand tons of Russian meat entered the market last year, which is almost 1.5 times more than in 2008. “But a serious constraint on the development of the sector remains the low level of supply of turkey in retail many regions,” the expert says. “This does not allow us to reliably assess the sales potential of the product in a large area of ​​the country and, therefore, the investment attractiveness of its production.”

Can't keep up with demand

The main trend in the development of the market until 2015 will be a gradual reduction in the share (but not production volumes) of small and medium-sized producers, with a sharp increase in large ones. Klepikov expects that the latter will invest about 39 billion rubles in the industry from mid-2010 to the end of 2012. With the implementation of all the announced projects, the capacity of turkey-breeding enterprises by 2016 may increase "according to the most modest forecasts" by 75 thousand tons of meat in slaughter weight, he suggests. According to the CEO " Eurodon» Vadim Vaneev, now about 35 turkey-breeding projects have been announced in Russia, most of them will not be completed: this business is much more complicated than the same broiler business. It is very difficult to find a foreign supplier of hatching eggs for commercial flocks (there are no domestic suppliers), there are almost no specialists in the country in the construction of turkey breeding complexes, technologies for growing and processing this bird, Vaneev lists.

Yuri Markov, general director of the National Association for Turkey Farming, considers it logical to develop the industry on the basis of the capacities of large industrial production facilities. “There is no other way to build this business in our country: farming as a class, one might say, is absent in Russia,” he argues. — Of course, there are enthusiastic farmers who grow turkey — small farms have learned how to grow it and can keep up to 1-3 thousand birds. But it is very expensive for them to invest in cutting and even more so processing of this meat, and it is difficult to sell it in a carcass (a large turkey).” The growth factor of the sector is the saturation of the broiler market and the increase in the share of large agricultural holdings, such as “ Prioskolie" and " Cherkizovo". It is increasingly difficult for regional poultry farms to maintain local markets, and turkey farming is a real chance for them to maintain and diversify their business. Turkey attracts new investors as a free niche with a high margin (experts estimate it as a figure of up to 100%), the opinion of which has already become almost generally accepted on the market. However, they try not to compete with the leaders. Last year, Markov cites the example, the market discussed the intention of " Eurodon» create a poultry complex in the Voronezh region. And although the company's plans did not materialize then, investors with less ambitious plans who were interested in this region did not begin to enter it, he knows. As a result, there are no projects of the Rostov company or other investors-producers of turkey in the Voronezh region yet, Markov regrets.

The consumption of turkey meat in Russia is low, especially in comparison with developed countries, follows from the table “Growing from scratch”. Markov believes that the limiting factor is not the lack of consumer demand, but the small volume of domestic production. Just like the “meat” beef sector, the turkey market is being created from scratch. Demand for this bird exceeds supply, and existing producers do not have time to increase volumes. This trend is favorable for new projects, especially those planned in regions where there is no supply of chilled domestic turkey.

What are the projects

In addition to traditional market participants such as " Eurodon», « Krasnobor” or the Egorievskaya poultry farm, the leaders of the Russian poultry industry (producers of broiler meat) and foreign companies are interested in turkey production. The latest announced project for the industrial production of turkey is JV " Cherkizovo"and the Spanish company Grupo Fuertes. It costs 4.5 billion rubles. and is planned in the Tambov region. A complex for 25-30 thousand tons / year will be built in Pervomaisky and Staroyurevsky districts with the prospect of scaling up to 50 thousand tons. It is planned to allocate 5 thousand hectares for the project, the group reported Cherkizovo". Investors expect to start production in 2014, and the project will reach its full capacity in 2015.

Another joint project, similar in format to a public-private partnership, has been announced in the Penza region. Since the summer of last year, it has been implemented by the company " Damate”, the founders of which are the chairman of the board of directors and the general director of“ Rusmolco» Naum Babaev and Rashid Khairov, as well as Regional Agro-Industrial Holding (owned by the Penza regional government). According to Rimantas Mackevicius, General Director of “ Damate”, it is planned to create a complex with an initial capacity of 15 thousand tons / year of meat in slaughter weight with a full production cycle– elevator, feed mill, incubator, rearing, fattening and processing. "July," he said Agro-investor"- we have introduced an incubator, and the first products will appear in the fall after the launch of the processing plant." The total investment in the complex will exceed 7.4 billion rubles. taking into account the expansion of capacities up to 30 thousand by 2014 and up to 60 thousand tons - by 2015. After the enterprise reaches full capacity, the company expects a 30% EBITDA margin. RUB 1.5 billion EkoNika is investing in turkey production near Belgorod. She plans three new meat farms in the Yakovlevsky district, which are planned to be commissioned in two years, a slaughterhouse and a feed mill with a capacity of 10 thousand tons / year. This is the second regional project announced recently. And at the beginning of 2012, an agricultural firm announced its intention to launch turkey production there. "Gertsevskaya". The Belgorod branch of VTB opened a credit line for her with a limit of 415 million rubles. The production capacity of the enterprise, which will be created in the Rakityansky district, by 2015 should be about 6 thousand tons of meat in live weight, the Internet agency abireg.ru reported.

The turkey growing project appeared in the Stavropol Territory in May. The AgroPlus company is going to build six buildings for young animals, 24 for growing adult birds, an incubator, a feed mill, slaughter and processing. If the project is implemented, it will be the largest in the North Caucasus Federal District. The first stage of construction is planned to be completed in September-October of this year. The initial production capacity of the enterprise will be about 3 thousand tons of turkeys in live weight, and at the end of 2013 they will increase to 10 thousand tons of chilled meat per year. The cost of the investment project is about 1 billion rubles. (data from RIA Novosti).

A large factory is planned to be built in the Nevyansk city district of the Sverdlovsk region in a few years. The investment project - a complex for 10 thousand tons / year with the possibility of threefold scaling by 2015 - was proposed to the regional authorities by the Israeli company AgroVector Group. The amount of investments at the first stage of construction (2013) is estimated at 2.5 billion rubles, the total - at 6 billion.

Another project to increase production at its Rostov site was completed this year by " Eurodon". The company has built new poultry buildings and by the end of the year plans to reach 35 thousand tons of meat in live weight. Vaneev estimates the accumulated investments in the Rostov project at more than 6 billion rubles. “Now we are preparing a large-scale project for the construction of a vertically integrated agricultural cluster in the region with a production volume of 60 thousand tons / year (live weight) with a full cycle of cultivation and processing,” he says. - About 565 thousand square meters will be built. m of industrial buildings. In July, the company was waiting for VEB, which financed its previous projects, to approve a loan application. If the state corporation confirms it, then " Eurodon' will begin construction.

Risks and Tips

Turkey is one of the most affected external environment and the stress of birds, Markov warns, so it is better for an investor not to save on veterinary care and feed. And then, the turkey is capital-intensive: it gives 2.5-3 herd turnovers per year, while the broiler - about seven, adds Vaneev. He estimates the average payback of projects at 8-10 years, specifying that this indicator directly depends on the volume of production. Rimantas Mackevicius, CEO Damate”, speaks of a 7.5-8-year return on investment. Startups with a capacity of no more than 10 thousand tons of meat / year are effective at the first stage, Markov believes: such an enterprise is 30 buildings, a powerful slaughterhouse, related services, personnel, marketing, etc. Start with more than 10 thousand tons , new investors are not worth the scale, the expert says: you need to understand this business within a few years, train personnel, build sales, and only then expand. “When they write that the Voronezh region will soon be able to produce 90 thousand tons of turkey meat [he announced his intention to implement such a project in 2010” Eurodon"-" AI "], and this is about 400-450 buildings, it's hard to believe in this! exclaims Markov. - Who will feed such a livestock - hundreds of thousands of tons of feed per year will be required! How to train personnel? Where is the market for such volumes of turkey?” It is not clear to Markov why now build “turkey cities”: even if the capacities are dispersed in different districts of the region, the concentration of a huge number of poultry in one region is unsafe in terms of ecology and veterinary and sanitary safety. “But they talk about it, write about it, and the whole country thinks that tomorrow there will be a lot of turkey,” Markov is annoyed. “But a lot of it will not be as soon as it might seem, and it will not be produced in such volumes as investors say.”

When designing factories, Markov advises not to rush to immediately integrate an incubator, parent herd, feed mill into the project and saturate it with other additional options. All this is unreasonably expensive at the start and significantly extends the payback period, he points out. “Now there are enough suppliers of live poultry, hatching eggs on the market, and outsourcing will be cheaper,” the expert says. “An incubator, for example, is profitable if a company lays 5 million eggs or more per year, while receiving at least 40,000 tons of meat.” An investor working on a starting volume of 10 thousand tons of meat per year does not need such an incubator, and it is economically unprofitable to maintain a small one. The same with the parent stock, says Markov: there is no experience in growing an industrial hybrid - you should not engage in this direction. If not loaded new project investments in capacities not related to the cultivation of commercial livestock, then it can be recouped in 4-5 years, he does not exclude.

It is advisable to build turkey-breeding poultry farms near million-plus cities, such as Yekaterinburg, Perm, Nizhny Novgorod, Krasnodar, Markov continues. “There, the client sector is ready to purchase this meat,” he says. “You should not focus only on Moscow - everyone will not be able to sell their products there.” The implementation of projects in regions that are not connected with the capital's consumer market is hampered by the inability to predict the sale of large batches of turkey: how to calculate demand where it is not available as a commodity item, Markov asks. Sales organization is a real problem for a new project, Vaneev knows from his own experience. In the early years, products Eurodon"No one wanted to take," and the company had big losses, he says. The creation of a federal brand, the conclusion of sales contracts with federal and local retail chains helped.

When building an enterprise, it is important to take into account the dynamics of market development and changes in consumer preferences. “If seven years ago it was enough to divide a turkey into six parts, now the consumer has become more demanding, and now sausages, dumplings, pancakes, and much more are made from turkey,” Markov draws attention. There are also niches in poultry sales, he adds: “Perhaps not all investors need the so-called heavy crosses. For example, no one has yet dealt with a chilled carcass with a volume of 4-4.5 kg - it is not much larger than a chicken and is placed in the oven. Imported "heavy" crosses gain weight up to 20 kg in five months of fattening, says Viktor Kanivets, director of the Stavropol breeding plant "North Caucasian Zonal Poultry Experimental Station" of the Russian Agricultural Academy. The turkey of domestic crosses, which is grown at his enterprise, weighs 10-12 kg, the director compares.

65% of the world livestock

turkeys are in the USA. 6.8% each - to France and Italy. Germany holds a share of 3.1%, Russia - 3.2%.

Business for small

Regional authorities are trying to support small-scale turkey production, recalls Klepikov from inFOLIO Research Group. He considers the most interesting experience Perm Territory, where there are agro-franchises for its fattening, providing for the transfer of young animals to peasant farms, which farmers grow and hand over for slaughter. Such projects help generate demand for turkey in regions where there are no large capacities, which, in turn, stimulates the development of large-scale production, Klepikov approves. The Ministry of Agriculture of the Perm Territory is ready not only to advise private franchisees, but also to financially support them by subsidizing 20–50% of the technology cost.
The cost of the franchise is 100 thousand rubles. It includes young animals (200 birds), veterinary care and drugs, consulting support and feed for the fattening period. An entrepreneur, when buying a franchise, undertakes to grow a bird and sell it in four months. The total proceeds from the sale of turkey, according to the calculations of officials, may amount to 168 thousand rubles, and net profit franchisee - 68 thousand rubles.

From 250 rubles/kg

worth a turkey fillet, estimates Markov of the National Turkey Association. Therefore, this cut is bought mainly by the middle class. But besides expensive fillet, there are many items available to the average consumer - from soup sets and meat for stewing (at least 100 rubles / kg) to a whole line of semi-finished products, sausages and cooked smoked products.

Albert Davleev. In 2016, the output of this type of meat amounted to about 226.5 thousand tons in carcass weight. Earlier, growth up to 300 thousand tons was predicted in the industry at the end of the current year. Eurodon» in the first half of the year due to avian influenza, and financial difficulties another - "Complex them. M. Gafuri”, because of which the company significantly reduced the livestock.

Decline in turkey meat output, as well as growing demand for these products from end consumers, contributed to higher prices. The cost of turkey breast and thigh fillets is breaking records (plus 15-17%) and is at the level or more expensive than the most valuable pork cuts, Davleev emphasizes.

In general, poultry farming in 2017 will increase by 5% on all farms. And the growth industrial production poultry meat will be about 7.5%, the expert predicts. By the end of the year, agricultural enterprises will produce up to 4.5 million tons of poultry meat in slaughter weight. “The increase in volumes was due to a record low prices for fodder grain, further improvement production processes and improving the indicators of fattening (conversion, safety, weight gain) and processing (output), as well as diversifying the demand for poultry products from retail operators, Catering and end consumers,” Davleev comments. The industry is developing, including due to increased competition between the largest retailers, which forces them to fight for reliable and “compliant” suppliers, due to further vertical and horizontal expansion of networks, transfer of supplies to distribution centers and more active use poultry farmers intensive and economically viable fattening technologies. Of the negative factors affecting the market, Davleev notes extremely high interest rates on loans for the industry, not the best exchange rate of foreign currencies for the purchase of imported drugs, additives, equipment and technologies, as well as the lack of state support for broiler and egg poultry farming.

However, the Russian market for turkey meat has evolved over the past few years from a small niche within the poultry meat segment to separate category, the co-owner and CEO of the company draws attention “ Damate» Rashid Khairov. “The active growth in demand for turkeys is largely driven by the rapid development of retail chains, which allows increasing both the distribution of turkeys and made it possible to expand the assortment by increasing the share of the ultra fresh shelf,” he says. The top manager calls some stereotypes regarding the exclusive dietary orientation of this type of meat, as well as insufficient cooking skills, as the main problems of the industry. “It’s just that not everyone knows how to cook a turkey. The most common mistake is a long cooking time,” Khairov commented “ Agro-investor».

Herself " Damate» will soon complete a project to expand the existing turkey production capacity to 110,000 tons, which includes the construction of a slaughterhouse with a capacity of 3,000 birds per hour, 116 rearing and fattening houses, as well as an increase in the capacity of the existing hatchery to 19.1 million eggs per year . In addition, the storage capacity of the elevator increased to 75,000 tons, and that of the feed mill to 45 tons per hour. “Upon completion of this project, we will proceed to the next stage of expansion to 155,000 tons,” reminds Khairov. “Within two years, additional growing and fattening sites will be built, lines at the processing and slaughter plant will be installed and retrofitted, the capacity of the elevator and the feed mill will be increased.” The cost of the project is 15.5 billion rubles.

Earlier, the group announced the expansion of capacities " Cherkizovo". The company wants to increase the productivity of the Tambov Turkey complex through the construction of three sites with a capacity of 20 thousand tons in the Lipetsk region. From December to monthly production capacity 12 thousand tons of turkey meat will come out " Eurodon". This will happen due to the fact that the sites and companies will be fully involved. Eurodon", and the company" Eurodon-South," the press service of the holding explained.

At the rate Agrifood Strategies, in last years turkey production increased by an average of more than 26% per year, and increased from 48.2 thousand tons in 2010 to 226.5 thousand tons last year. According to the company's forecast, by 2020, about 485 thousand tons of turkey meat will be produced.