Project 22800 new-generation MRK. Russian Navy: "Karakurt" bites for sure. What can you tell about the armament of the new ship

  • 18.05.2020

Warships are one of the most valuable units of combat power of every country, so the world's leading engineers are constantly working to design and manufacture more and more efficient and functional designs. It's no secret that the Russian Navy is one of the strongest in the world, but in this case, progress has not stopped in one place. Russian engineers are also working to ensure that the Russian Navy becomes stronger and stronger every year. That is why in 2015 the project 22800 "Karakurt" was introduced, which involves the construction of almost twenty new effective combat units that will replenish the Navy. However, what are these units? What are their specifications? What are their design features? From this article you will learn everything about the project 22800 "Karakurt".

about the project

First of all, we should figure out what the project 22800 "Karakurt" is. Such encryption will be worn by small multi-purpose missile and artillery ships of small displacement, which will operate in the near sea zone. According to some classifications, such ships are described as "small corvettes". They are designed to conduct combat operations in the near sea zone, as well as on rivers, so they are assigned the conditional "sea-river" class. Also, "Karakurt" will perform certain tasks in peacetime, so it is difficult to overestimate the importance of this undertaking. And that is why now you will learn all the most important details regarding the 22800 Karakurt project: starting from the history of its occurrence and ending with an overview of current work.

Project history

The history of the project 22800 "Karakurt" is not yet very long, since it was first presented to the public only in 2015. However, its roots go much deeper into the past. The fact is that the Scorpion, which was designed in the late nineties and early zero, is considered the basis of this project. However, the project was far from being as successful as planned. The only "Scorpio", which was put into production in 2001, was never completed. The Buyan-M small rocket ship, which is widely used in the Caspian Sea, also had a very great influence on Karakurt. However, it is much more effective on rivers and in shallow waters, therefore, in open sea conditions, it does not show its best qualities. It was in order to complement the functionality of the Buyans that the production of the Karakurt was planned, which is supposed to be a seaworthy alternative to the Buyans. In total, within the framework of the project 22800 "Karakurt" it is planned to build 18 ships, but this will be described in more detail a little later, now it is worth focusing on the main technical characteristics of the ship, which is the future of the Russian Navy.


As mentioned earlier, small missile ships (RTOs) of project 22800 "Karakurt" do not have the largest displacement - 800 tons. At the same time, after the completion of the first construction, such a ship will reach sixty meters in length, while its width will be ten meters. The draft of the ship, that is, the depth to which it will be immersed in water, will be four meters. This model will be driven by a diesel-electric engine, at maximum speed, the speed of the Karakurt will be thirty knots. It is also worth paying attention to two more characteristics: range and autonomy of navigation. The first characteristic shows how long the ship can go without refueling, and the second - the actual time that the ship can stay in open water without touching the shore to replenish supplies. The cruising range of this model will be approximately two and a half thousand miles, and the cruising autonomy will be about fifteen days. As you can see, by technical specifications Project 22800 Karakurt small missile ship is extremely efficient, compact and has a high potential. But what about his weaponry, with which he will be equipped?


Speaking of weapons rocket ship project 22800 "Karakurt", here it is worth highlighting five different groups, each of which deserves special attention. Firstly, on board the ship will be radar weapons in the form of the Mineral-M radar. Secondly, it will be equipped with electronic weapons: at the same time, the Karakurt will be equipped with both the Trassa-E radar system and the Sigma-E information and control system. Thirdly, the main striking force will be the ZS14 eight-shot vertical launcher. Fourthly, it will not do without artillery guns: there will be a choice between 100-mm and 76-mm automatic installations. And finally, fifthly, there will be anti-aircraft artillery on board. For these functions, the Pantsir-M anti-aircraft missile system was chosen. As you can see, the Project 22800 Karakurt ship will be very well armed, but its combat power will be discussed in more detail a little later.

Case design features

Each ship has its own characteristics and unique features that distinguish it from standard models. This may be the location of masts, guns, the presence or absence of any elements, and so on. Ship 22800 "Karakurt" has several such features, and the most important of them relate to the design of the hull and superstructures on it. As mentioned earlier, this ship will be in many ways similar to the Buyans, which are now widely used in the Russian Navy. "Buyan" also has which is located in the rear of the superstructure, only it is located along the diametrical plane. As for the Karakurt, in the case of this ship, the installation will be located across. It is also worth noting the presence of an integrated mast on board, on which it will be possible to find the antennas included in the radar complex. However, RTOs of project 22800 Karakurt have much more features that should be discussed separately.

Power point

One of the brightest distinguishing features available in the project RTO "Karakurt" 22800 is its power point. You can find different engines on different ships, when compared with the closest model, which has been mentioned more than once in the article, then it has an exclusively diesel engine. As for the Karakurt, in this case the engine is diesel-electric, which is an impressive step forward in all aspects, including the range and autonomy of navigation (in the last parameter, the Karakurt outperforms the Buyan by as much as five days). The project 22800 Karakurt new-generation engine is produced at the domestic Zvezda plant and may become universal for ships of a similar type in the near future.

Weapon Features

Given the fact that this ship is a combat ship, it is worth dwelling in more detail on the issue of its weapons. As you could understand earlier, the weapons on board the ship will be extremely diverse, which makes the model multifunctional. The main weapon, of course, will be an eight-shot vertical launcher that can use rockets from the Onyx and Caliber families. As for artillery support, the final version has not yet been approved, but, most likely, either the 100mm A-190 gun or the 76mm AK-176 gun will become the main weapon. If the second option is approved, an additional firepower the weaker gun will be given two AK-630 small-caliber artillery mounts. There is also speculation that the main artillery piece will be the 57mm A-220M gun, but this option seems the least likely. Concerning air defense, then last option anti-aircraft installation- this is the “Shell”, however, there are rumors that the “Broadsword” ZRAK may be in its place. In the coming year, the answer to this question is unlikely to appear, so it is worth waiting for the appearance of the first finished ship created under this project. When it will be launched will be discussed later.


It has already been indicated above that the ships of this model will have better seaworthiness compared to the closest relatives - the Buyans. The engineers who designed the Karakurt report that the reason for this is the fact that the Buyans are used mainly on the coasts of the seas, as well as in river conditions, that is, they do not need a large margin of range and navigation autonomy. As for the Karakurts, they are planned to be used in the open seas, so they needed better seaworthiness, which would become one of their main distinguishing features.


So, you have learned all the details about the project 22800, which has the encryption "Karakurt". Now it's time to pay attention to specific ships that are already in the process of being built. The first of them was called "Hurricane". Its production was started on December 24, 2015 at the Pella plant. All ships of the Karakurt project will be produced as part of the import substitution program. This means that all components for them will be made at domestic factories. "Hurricane" will be intended for the Northern Fleet of VIF Russia. It is planned that its construction will be completed in 2017.


On the same day, December 24, the construction of the second ship of this project was started at the same Pella plant. It was given the name "Typhoon". After the completion of the production process, it will also be sent to the Russian Navy, but it is worth noting that this will happen a little later: the launch of the second ship on the water is planned not for 2017, but for 2018.


As for the third ship, it is a bit out of the picture. The fact is that the More plant in Feodosia received the right to produce it. It will be produced not for the Northern, but for the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Navy. It happened on May 10, 2016, it was then that the construction of the Storm began. In accordance with the presented plan, the completion of production is expected a year later - in 2019.


July 29, 2016 began production of the fourth "Karakurt", which was called "Shkval". This ship will also be built at the Pella plant and, like other ships that will be manufactured there, will go to the camp of the Northern Fleet. The construction of the Shkval will be completed in 2019, but it will definitely not be the last Project 22800 ship produced at the Pella plant.

Future plans

As you well understand, everything will not be limited to four ships: it is planned to produce a much larger number of corvettes as part of this grandiose project. Earlier it was said that there will be 18 ships of this type in total, but so far such information has not been confirmed. To date, according to general estimates, in addition to the four ships that are at the production stage, eight more will be manufactured. For three of them, the Pella plant has already received an order, which is already busy producing three Karakurts at once. However, it is worth taking into account the fact that the More plant was bought out by Pella, so it is likely that some of these orders (maybe all three) will be transferred to the plant in Feodosia. But what about the remaining five courts? On August 3, 2016, he received an order named after A. M. Gorky for them. Work on their production has not yet begun, but the fact that in the next five years the Russian Navy will have twelve new and modern ships is already undeniable. And if Project 22800 turns out to be successful, then there is a high probability that the original norm of eighteen ships will be met, and maybe even exceeded. It is not yet possible to say whether Pella will receive more orders for the manufacture of Karakurts, whether they will go to the Zelenodolsk plant, or whether other enterprises will be connected to the production of ships of this type. It remains to wait for the moment when the first Karakurt will be launched in 2017 and it will be possible to test it in real conditions in order to understand how large-scale this project will be in the future and what awaits it.

This became known from the recently published annual report of the enterprise. The Navy expects to receive 18 "Karakurt" to carry out combat missions in the near sea zone. Project 22800 ships should surpass their predecessors in strike power and seaworthiness. The latest RTOs will strengthen maritime boundaries and strengthen the presence of the Navy in the Mediterranean Sea.
In the published report of JSC "Zelenodolsk plant named after A.M. Gorky” for 2016 states that four corvettes were laid down last year: two project 22160 patrol ships and two project 22800 Karakurt small missile ships.

On August 3, 2016, the management of the enterprise announced an order from the Russian Ministry of Defense for five RTOs of project 22800. As noted in the blog of the Center for Analysis, Strategies and Technologies (CAST), after this news, official information on the progress of the state order did not appear.
It follows from the report that the enterprise located in Tatarstan is already building at least two of the five project 22800 corvettes. Probably, we are talking about the ships "Monsoon" and "Passat". Considering that the contract with the Ministry of Defense was signed almost a year ago, three more Karakurts (Breeze, Tornado, Smerch) should be laid down during 2017.
Five RTOs of project 22800 will be built at the Zelenodolsk plant for the first time. The implementation of the project began at the Pella shipbuilding plant in St. Petersburg and the More shipyard in Feodosia. Leningrad and Crimean shipbuilders are building six Karakurts. The contract for one RTO was signed with the Kerch shipyard Zaliv.
The plant was founded in 1895 as a ship repair shop. Since 1934, Zelenodolsk shipbuilders began to produce warships of small displacement.
As of 2016, within the framework of the state defense order, the Zelenodolsk enterprise was building 12 warships (three RTOs, two border guards and three patrol ships, two cable ships and two anti-sabotage boats).
Of the black widows
The Russian Ministry of Defense has high hopes for the project 22800.
The newest ships should become a formidable weapon that will keep a combat watch, primarily in the Black and Mediterranean Seas. It is no coincidence that the project was named "Karakut" - a species of spiders from the genus of black widows, whose bite can be fatal to animals and people.
RTOs have rather modest dimensions. The displacement is 800 tons, length - 60 m, width - 10 m, draft - 4 m. ,6-5.6 thousand km). The autonomy of navigation is estimated at 15 days.
"Karakurt" should turn into a full-fledged combat unit in the open sea. Thanks to the Caliber-NK complex, its predecessors also have crushing strike power, but they feel comfortable only near naval bases.
It is assumed that "Karakurt" will replace in the Mediterranean Sea missile and artillery ships of the near sea zone of project 21631 "Buyan-M", which is also being built by the Zelenodolsk plant. On the this moment the enterprise has already handed over five ships to the Navy, the same number is in the process of construction, and a contract has been signed for two.
Combat use"Buyanov" in the Syrian operation, experts assessed as successful. On October 7, 2015, the RTOs of the Caspian flotilla Uglich, Grad Sviyazhsk and Veliky Ustyug launched Caliber cruise missiles at the targets of the Islamic State* terrorist group. The targets, which were located at a distance of 1.5 thousand km, were hit.
However, two Buyanov trips to the Mediterranean Sea, which took place in 2016, demonstrated insufficient seaworthiness of the 21631 project. In this regard, in October 2016, Serpukhov and Zelyony Dol RTOs were transferred from the Black Sea Fleet to the Baltic.
Under the "Shell" and with the "Caliber"
The general public first learned about Project 22800 in the summer of 2015. The model of the ship was presented at the international forum "Army-2015" in Kubinka near Moscow. The developer of "Karakut" is JSC "Central Marine Design Bureau "Almaz" (St. Petersburg).
The first two ships, named "Hurricane" and "Typhoon", were laid down in December 2015 at the St. Petersburg shipyard "Pella". In July and December 2016, Shipyard laid down two more RTOs (Shkval and Burya). Since May 2016 and March 2017, the More Shipyard has been building Storm and Okhotsk.
According to current plans The first ship of project 22800 (Hurricane) will be handed over to the Navy in December 2017, the rest of the ships will join the Russian fleet in 2018-2020. Approximately by 2022, 18 RTOs should come into operation. Today, at least eight Karakurts are under construction, four have been contracted.
Like the Buyans, the Karakurts will be armed missile system"Caliber", which is capable of hitting targets at a distance of up to 2.5 thousand km. Anti-ship defense is provided by the P-800 Onyx complex, equipped with supersonic missiles.
The main innovation of the Karakurt armament will be the Pantsir-M anti-aircraft complex, which was demonstrated at the International Naval Show in St. Petersburg. The developer of this near-field air defense system is the Tula Instrument Design Bureau.
"Pantsir-M" is designed to destroy air targets at a distance of several tens of meters to 20 km. The combat module contains high-speed missiles with radio command guidance and two six-barreled 30 mm submachine guns.
In addition, the geometric shapes and the use of radar-absorbing materials in the design should make the Karakurt practically invisible to enemy radars. At the same time, the ship will be equipped with modern radar and navigation equipment.
Universal weapon

The founder of the Military Russia portal, Dmitry Kornev, in a commentary on RT, said that the Karakurt and the projects of other RTOs of the river-sea class are aimed at implementing several tasks that are most important for Russia's defense capability.
“The development of relatively small but powerful strike platforms allows Russia to effectively counteract NATO. At the same time, we are talking not only about the Western fleet. Small missile ships of the Navy are capable of hitting almost all sea and land targets in Europe,” Kornev said.
The expert recalled that the Treaty on the Elimination of Intermediate-Range Missiles (INF Treaty) provides for a ban on the production and use of ground-based ballistic and cruise missiles. Restrictions do not apply to naval armaments. Thus, RTOs armed with "Caliber" make it possible to deter the superior Western Navy.
“The advantage of small corvettes is greater mobility. They can move and strike both from rivers and from the waters of the seas. In addition, RTOs can build not very large shipyards, this does not require significant budget expenditures,” Kornev said.
"The US Navy has since cold war there were a lot of Tomahawks left. At the same time, anti-ship missiles predominate in the armament of Soviet-built ships of the Navy. The Caliber complex installed on RTOs is universal. This is the kind of weapon we need right now. Russian fleet", - the expert concluded.
* "Islamic State" (IS) is a terrorist group banned in Russia.

Alexey Zakvasin



The Ministry of Defense will receive a miniature version of the Zircon hypersonic missile. First of all, she should be armed with small missile ships (RTOs) of the Karakurt and Buyan-M projects. Also, the rocket will be adapted for launches from a special container. Previously, Zircon was supposed to be installed on nuclear cruisers and nuclear submarines, as well as frigates. The appearance of "light" hypersonic missiles will affect the tactics of the Navy. RTOs and submarines, acting from ambushes, will not allow enemy strike groups to approach the Russian coast.
In the Main Command of the Navy, Izvestia was told that the tactical and technical requirements for the new version of the Zircon had already been formed. "Miniature" will not greatly affect the main characteristics of the rocket. In terms of lethal power, it will practically not be inferior to its “big sister”. First of all, "Zircons" should equip RTOs of project 22800 "Karakurt" and RTOs of project 21631 "Buyan-M". Both types of RTOs are equipped with Caliber cruise missiles and Onyx supersonic anti-ship missiles. The appearance of Zircons on board small missile ships will allow them to fight any enemy.



The project 22800 small rocket ship under construction was named "Mercury" in honor of the heroic brig that fought in 1829 with two Turkish battleships. This was announced by the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy Vladimir Korolev, whose words are quoted by the Krasnaya Zvezda newspaper on Monday.
“The name “Mercury” was given to the newest project 22800 small rocket ship under construction, equipped with high-precision weapons. I have already signed the naming order,” said Korolev.
According to him, in this way the tradition laid down by Emperor Nicholas I is being restored to have a ship named after the legendary brig in the fleet. Before the revolution, the name "Memory of Mercury" was borne by three ships of the Black Sea Fleet - a sailing corvette, a sail-propeller cruiser and an armored cruiser of the "Bogatyr" type.


In Tatarstan, at the Zelenodolsk shipbuilding plant for the Russian Navy, the newest small missile ship of project 22800 was laid down.
By order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy, Admiral Vladimir Korolev, the ship was given the name "Cloud".

During the ceremony, a mortgage board (tablet) with the name of the ship and the date of laying was installed on the section of the ship's hull, and a solemn meeting was also held.
As Rear Admiral Vladimir Tryapichnikov, Head of the Naval Shipbuilding Department, noted in his speech at the ceremony, “the laying of a small missile ship equipped with a high-precision weapon system was carried out as part of the extensive serial construction of small missile ships of Project 22800, which have the ability to operate as part of naval forces in the sea. zone. It is planned to build about 18 such ships during serial construction. However, the possibility of continuing the series is being considered. The construction of ships of this project will be carried out both here, in the Republic of Tatarstan, and at enterprises in the North-West of Russia and the Far East. Along with the construction of small missile ships, the construction of surface ships of a larger displacement will be launched for the Russian Navy in the near term.
According to Rear Admiral Vladimir Tryapichnikov, “The Russian Navy will continue the repair and modernization of large displacement ships that are part of the Navy. This work is being carried out and will allow maintaining the potential of the surface component of the Navy at the required level.”
"Applied latest domestic technologies during the construction of small missile ships of project 22800, they allow replenishing the fleet in high degree efficient ships capable of performing a wide range of tasks. Crews for Project 22800 ships are being trained at the Joint training center Navy under special programs to prepare personnel for competent and professional operation new technology and the weapons that the ships of this project are equipped with,” said Rear Admiral Vladimir Tryapichnikov.
Project 22800 ships were developed by the St. Petersburg Central Marine Design Bureau Almaz. They are multi-purpose missile and artillery ships of the sea zone. These ships are distinguished by high seaworthiness. The basis of the armament of the ships of this series is a complex of high-precision missile weapons.
Naval Information Support Group



As reported from St. Petersburg, on May 20, 2019, the second Sovetsk small rocket ship (serial number 252, the ship retains the former name Typhoon) of project 22800 (code "Karakurt") was sent for factory sea trials (ZHI) , built at JSC Leningrad Shipbuilding Plant Pella (Otradnoye, Leningrad Region). The ship was taken by tugboats from the plant along the Neva to Lake Ladoga, in the waters of which the ZHI will take place. State tests of the small rocket ship (RTO) "Sovetsk" will be carried out in the Baltic Sea.
Project 22800 was developed by Almaz Central Marine Design Bureau JSC (St. Petersburg) and should actually replace project 21631 RTOs (Buyan-M code) developed by Zelenodolsk Design Bureau JSC (the construction of the latter is limited in construction for the Russian Navy) 12 units). It is known that the Russian Navy plans to have at least 18 RTOs of project 22800. The construction of the first seven RTOs of project 22800 is carried out by the Pella plant under the contract received in accordance with the order of the government Russian Federation on the status of this company sole supplier on this project.



The first stage of factory sea trials in Lake Ladoga of the first production small missile ship "Typhoon" of project 22800, building No. 252 has been completed. Upon completion of all necessary tests, the vessel will be transferred to the State Customer and commissioned into the Baltic Fleet.
The small missile ship is designed to conduct combat operations in the near sea zone and participate in the performance of tasks in peacetime and wartime independently and in cooperation.

Length about 67 m
Width about 11 m
Displacement standard about 800 tons
Full speed up to 30 knots
Cruising range up to 2500 miles
- missile system "Caliber-NK"
- gun mount AK-176MA - 1 set.
- gun mount AK-630M - 2 pcs.
The ship is equipped with modern control systems, electronic weapons, radio communications, navigation, electronic warfare and countermeasures, anti-sabotage weapons, portable anti-aircraft missile systems.
Leningrad Shipyard "Pella"


The first stage of factory tests of RTO Sovetsk has been successfully completed in Lake Ladoga. The crew and the commissioning team checked the ship's driving performance and the functioning of life support systems
The project 22800 small missile ship is designed to conduct combat operations in the near sea zone and participate in peacetime and wartime missions independently and in cooperation.
RTOs are armed with Caliber-NK missile systems, as well as AK-176MA and AK-630M artillery mounts, equipped with modern control systems, electronic weapons, radio communications, navigation, electronic warfare and countermeasures, anti-sabotage weapons and portable anti-aircraft missile systems.
Ministry of Defense of Russia


On July 1, at the Amur Shipbuilding Plant (part of the USC), two small missile ships of project 22800 (code "Karakurt") were laid down. By order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy, the ships were given the names of Russian cities - "Rzhev" and "Udomlya".
A solemn event dedicated to this significant event took place in one of the construction docks of the slipway shop. Representatives of the Ministry of Defense and the Russian Navy, the Government of the Khabarovsk Territory and the administration of the city of Komsomolsk-on-Amur took part in the rally, which took place right next to the scaffolding; ministries and departments, as well as USC Vice President for Technical Development Dmitry Kolodyazhny.
The laying of the new ship for the Pacific Fleet took place on the day the plant celebrated the 83rd anniversary of its commissioning, so it became a kind of gift from the Ministry of Defense for the famous three-time order-bearing enterprise.
“The Amur Shipbuilding Plant has gone through different times, but today we see how the situation is changing for the better,” said Yuri Kolodyazhny, addressing the participants in the ceremony. “Small rocket ships, which are being laid on stocks today, are new products for the plant, but I am sure that they will become serial. The global trend in shipbuilding towards a decrease in tonnage will allow Amur shipbuilders to prove themselves in a new type of product and take another step towards increasing their competitiveness,” explained USC Vice President.
By the end of this year, two more such ships for the Pacific Fleet will be laid down at the Amur Shipyard. To date, the plant continues the construction of the third and fourth serial corvettes of project 20380, which will be on combat duty in 2020 and 2021.
United Shipbuilding Corporation



The main reason for the creation of the MRK 22800 project was the halt in the construction of the Admiral Series frigates of project 11356 due to the refusal of the Ukrainian side to supply the GGTA after the well-known events of the spring of 2014. The second reason is the aging of our shipboard. Project 22800 replaced the RCA project 1241 "Lightning" and RCA project 1234 "Gadfly". The last RTO "Gadfly" was built in the late 80s of the last century. Therefore, in terms of such parameters as main dimensions, displacement, speed, these ships are comparable. They are similar in their main purpose.
The Project 22800 small rocket ship (RTO) was developed by Almaz Central Marine Design Bureau JSC (St. Petersburg) and is a redesign of the project 12300 (Scorpion) missile and artillery boat developed by the same bureau in the 1990s. The new RTO was developed by Almaz Central Design Bureau and differs from its predecessor project 21631 in better seaworthiness and stronger air defense while maintaining the strike capabilities of the latter.
In order to speed up the design on project 22800, similarly to project 1234, a domestic power plant was used based on three M507 diesel engines optimized to increase the resource. To make the ship as fast as possible, the installation in its layout was largely borrowed from the Gadfly.
However, due to the use of a different hull shape (a gliding hull was used on the Gadfly, and transitional contours on the Karakurt), it was possible to improve seaworthiness, habitability, and solve problems associated with a large angle of inclination of the shafts characteristic of gliding hulls. On the "Gadfly" a sufficiently large angle of inclination, which caused a lot of vibration and additional resistance to movement.
On the Karakurt, the angle of inclination of the shafts is within acceptable limits: 5 degrees in the bow engine room and 10 degrees in the stern. Accordingly, all characteristics, both propulsion and vibration, are better for the new ship.
When it was created, no accompanying R&D was carried out on it. The customers set the task - to use only serial equipment mastered by the industry. They used what has letters, or was developed according to the completed R&D projects of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, that is, samples already exist, they only need to be accepted by the military in an appropriate way. So it worked out in such a short amount of time.
The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation wanted to build three more ice-class RTOs Buyana-M, but then this idea was abandoned in favor of another RTO project - from the Almaz Central Design Bureau. "Buyan-M" project 21631 was originally built for the Caspian Sea, but with the possibility of a hassle-free transfer from one sea to another. Hence - a small draft, jet propulsion. Now it has been decided to build more seaworthy and high-speed RTOs designed for the Baltic, the Black Sea and the North.
At the same time, it is noted that two ships can be considered prototypes of Karakurt. Firstly, this is a 500-ton project 12300 Scorpion missile and artillery boat, developed by the Almaz Central Design Bureau in the 1990s and laid down, but unfinished due to lack of funding at the Vympel Rybinsk Shipbuilding Plant. It was assumed that he would carry a 100-mm artillery mount and four Onyx anti-ship missiles in vertical launchers (two on board). The lead boat of project 12300 was laid down on June 5, 2001 at the Vympel Shipbuilding Plant in Rybinsk, but remained at the initial stage of construction.

Secondly, undoubtedly, the prototype of "Karakurt" is the MRK of the project 21631 "Buyan-M" developed by the Zelenodolsk Design Bureau. It carries Kalibr-NK or Oniks missiles in an eight-shot vertical universal UKSK launcher. This ship was designed for operation on the Caspian Sea and on the rivers. Therefore, on a steep wave, he feels uncomfortable. That is why open maritime theaters require others - more seaworthy RTOs. But, undoubtedly, his ideology had a strong influence on Karakurt.

When designing and building small missile ships of this project, the requirements of the High Command of the Navy are implemented, aimed at high maneuverability, increased seaworthiness, as well as the use of low-reflectivity technologies for superstructures and the hull.

The proposed appearance of project 22800 RTOs was first presented at the Almaz Central Design Bureau stand at the Army-2015 International Military-Technical Forum in Kubinka near Moscow under the designation "project 12300". According to the characteristics and images of the ship given at the stand, the RTO of project 22800 has a displacement of about 800 tons compared to 500 tons for the boat of project 12300.
Purpose of the ship: Conducting combat operations in the near sea zone and participation in peacetime missions.
The ships of this project will receive a propulsion system Russian production. Among the advantages of these ships are high maneuverability, increased seaworthiness, as well as the architecture of superstructures and hulls, made using low-reflectivity technologies. The ship will be able to perform tasks in the sea zone at a distance of about 3 thousand miles from the bases.
RTO project 22800 is equipped with an eight-shot vertical universal launcher UKSK, located in the rear part of the superstructure, and an integrated mast with four fixed antenna arrays of a multifunctional radar complex placed on it (presumably, the Arbalet-D L-band radar developed by Fazotron-Corporation JSC). NIIR").

A series of Project 22800 small missile ships (RTOs) will be built for the Russian Navy, Commander-in-Chief of the Navy Viktor Chirkov said at the International Maritime Defense Show (IMDS-2015) in St. Petersburg. According to Chirkov, ships with a displacement of 500 tons will be armed with A-190 100-millimeter artillery mounts, universal launchers for anti-ship missiles and long-range cruise missiles, as well as air defense systems. The Commander-in-Chief noted that in the coming years the Navy will receive 18 such vessels. Promising RTOs will make it possible to compensate for the delay in the construction of the second trio of Project 11356 frigates, which are equipped with Ukrainian-made turbines.
The Almaz Central Marine Design Bureau (TsMKB) is completing the development of a project 22800 corvette for the Russian Navy, the press service of the United Shipbuilding Corporation (USC) reports in August 2015. “In accordance with the order of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, a decision was made to design and build small corvettes of project 22800. Currently, the Almaz Central Design Bureau is completing the development of a technical design for this ship in accordance with the performance characteristics issued by the Russian Ministry of Defense,” the press release said. USC service.
New-generation light-class corvettes equipped with Kalibr-NK missiles will go into service with all fleets of the Russian Navy, Vice Admiral Viktor Bursuk, Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy, said.
“A further logical continuation of these ships (project 21631) are light class corvettes, which were developed at the Almaz Central Design Bureau, this is the St. Petersburg Design Bureau. They will be built by several enterprises at once. The series is supposed to be large, and they will be part of all four fleets of our country, ”said Vice Admiral Viktor Bursuk, Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy, in October 2015. He also noted that the Kalibr missiles placed on them will be their main strike weapon.

The "main caliber" - an eight-shot UKKS installation for the Caliber-NK and Onyx missiles, as well as on the Buyan-M, is located in the superstructure (the difference will be that the UKKS will be placed across, not along diametrical plane) behind the wheelhouse and an integrated mast with four fixed phased antenna arrays of the multifunctional radar complex placed on it.
“In accordance with the order of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, a decision was made to design and build small corvettes of project 22800. Currently, the Almaz Central Design Bureau is completing the development of a technical design for this ship in accordance with the performance characteristics issued by the Russian Ministry of Defense,” the press release said. USC service.
As previously reported, the lead corvette of project 22800 should be laid down in 2016, and a total of 18 such ships are planned for construction.

December 24, 2015 at the St. Petersburg shipbuilding enterprise "Pella" laid down two small rocket ships (RTOs) of the new generation of project 22800.
By order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy (Navy), the ships will bear the names "Hurricane" and "Typhoon" and will alternately become part of the Navy in 2017 and 2018 after completion of construction and testing.

On May 10, 2016, at the Feodosia shipbuilding enterprise "More", a small rocket ship (RTO) of a new generation was laid down in a solemn ceremony. The laying ceremony was attended by Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation Denis Manturov, Head of the Republic of Crimea Sergei Aksyonov, Plenipotentiary Representative of the President in the Crimean Federal District Oleg Belaventsev, Commander of the Black Sea Fleet Admiral Alexander Vitko.
By order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy, Admiral Vladimir Korolev, the ship was given the name "Storm".

On July 29, 2016, the laying ceremony for the Russian Navy of the third project 22800 small missile ship (code "Karakurt"), called "Shkval" (serial number 253 ). The solemn ceremony of laying the foundation stone was held at the new shipbuilding complex of OJSC Pella.
The ceremony was attended by honorary guests of the event - Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Borisov Yu.I., Deputy Head of the Department of Shipbuilding of the Navy of the Russian Federation, Captain 1st Rank Krasnopeev M.M., Head of the Department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for the State Defense Order, Rear Admiral Vernigora A.P., Head of the Main Directorate of Deep Sea Research of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Vice Admiral Burilichev A.V., General Director of Pella JSC Tsaturov G.R., General Director of Almaz Central Marine Design Bureau Shlyakhtenko A .V., Navy officers, management and factory workers.

As Deputy Minister of Defense Yury Borisov stated during the solemn ceremony, "a capacious order has been placed at the enterprise, our fleet needs such ships." He explained that "there are no ships of this class in the world, and the military department sees in the face of Pella a partner who delivers ships on time and with proper quality."
According to the Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, Shkval will be armed with 8 Kalibr missile systems, "which proved to be good during the Syrian operation." As you know, RTOs of project 21631 "Buyan-M" gained worldwide fame with strikes from the Caspian Sea against Daesh, and later were sent on combat duty to the coast of Syria.

The Krasnoye Sormovo plant, which is part of the United Shipbuilding Corporation, planned to fight for a contract for the construction of small missile ships (RTOs) of project 22800 Karakurt, but later abandoned this idea. Also PSZ "Yantar" wanted to join the construction of RTOs of this project.
As it became known in August 2016, the Zelenodolsk plant named after. Gorky received another defense order - he will build 5 small missile ships of the new project 22800 Karakurt. Thus, bypassing at least two competitors, the company once again confirms its reputation as one of the most prolific military shipyards in Russia. At the same time, since the end of 2014, the Zelenodolsk plant has actually received under temporary management LLC Shipbuilding Plant Zaliv in Kerch (Crimea). According to unofficial information, the head Zelenodolsk RTO of project 22800, called the Cyclone, was laid down without much publicity at the Zaliv shipyard in Kerch in the summer of 2016.
Zelenodolsk plant them. Gorky will build five small missile ships of project 22800 "Karakurt" for the Russian Navy, the military will receive them in 2018-2021, said the deputy general director of the enterprise Alexander Karpov. “The plant received an order for five small missile ships of Project 22800 Karakurt. The first vessel is planned to be handed over to the customer in 2018 (year), the last one - in 2021," Karpov said.

At the Army-2016 International Military-Technical Forum in Patriot Park (Cubina), the United Shipbuilding Corporation demonstrated a model of a small missile ship (small corvette) of project 22800E Karakurt-E, intended for export deliveries. Prior to this, little was known about this project, only that the light-class corvettes of the new generation, equipped with Caliber-NK missiles, would go into service with all fleets of the Russian Navy.

Project 22800 Karakurt small missile ships will in the future be equipped with the Pantsir-M anti-aircraft missile and gun system, Alexander Shlyakhtenko, general director of the Almaz Central Design Bureau, said in October 2016. “The lead ship will be (delivered) in 2017, and the new air defense system will be from 2018. Everything has already been developed - from the third ship, the "Shell" will go on. We are currently testing this complex. There was no marine execution of the complex. We are working it out on the Black Sea, and if it shows itself well, then it will go into series from the third ship, ”said Shlyakhtenko.

On December 24, 2016, at the Pella shipbuilding enterprise in St. Petersburg (Otradnoye), a small rocket ship of a new generation (plant No. 257) of project 22800 was laid down for the Russian Navy. By order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy, Admiral Vladimir Korolev, the ship was given the name " Storm".
The event was attended by Vice Admiral Andrey Volozhinsky, Chief of the Main Staff of the Navy, Mikhail Krasnopeev, Deputy Head of the Shipbuilding Department of the Navy, Dmitry Tsymlyakov, Chief Designer of Project 22800, Oleg Kononov, Director of the new Pella shipbuilding complex, Sergey Kukhtik, Deputy General Director of Pella.
“It is impossible to underestimate the importance of this ship for the Navy. The experience of building small missile ships is the experience of the mature shipbuilding of the Soviet Union, the cost-to-efficiency ratio on these ships has been reached to the maximum,” Vice Admiral Andrey Volozhinsky, Chief of the Main Staff of the Navy, said after the laying ceremony. “Such ships, recently tested in combat conditions, have proven their effectiveness in the Mediterranean Sea. The arrival of such ships is a long-awaited event, the fleet needs them.”
As Volozhinsky explained, ships of this class were in all fleets, their divisions were always called “bad weather” divisions, and the tradition of naming ships in honor of those who served their time with dignity and completed the task has been preserved. The lead ship of a series of small missile ships of project 1234 of the Navy of the Soviet Union was called that - "Storm".

It was also noted that the idea of ​​using warships of this class - small missile ships, was approved by the Commander-in-Chief of the USSR Navy, Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Sergey Gorshkov.
It is interesting to note that on the laid down Burya ship, on the superstructure in the stern, instead of 30-mm artillery guns of the AK-630M type, it is planned to install the Pantsir air defense system, this is clearly seen on the mortgage board and poster.
18 project 22800 small missile ships of the new generation will be built for the Russian Navy by 2022, Vice Admiral Andrey Volozhinsky, Chief of the Main Staff of the Navy, said.
It is expected that the lead "Karakurt" will be handed over to the Ministry of Defense in December 2017, the first serial - in 2018. RTO "Uragan", as well as the lead ships of such new projects as 22350 and 12700, will be transferred to the Northern Fleet.

On the eve of the 73rd anniversary of the Victory Day, at the new shipbuilding complex of OJSC Pella, a ceremony was held to launch the third in a row - the second serial small missile ship Shkval of project 22800, building No. 253. The laying of the ship was carried out on July 29, 2016.
On the solemn event were present:
Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Borisov Yuri Ivanovich;
Head of the Department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for the State Defense Order, Rear Admiral Andrei Petrovich Vernigora;
Head of the Directorate of the Department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for ensuring the state defense order, Captain 1st rank Pechkovsky Pavel Grigorievich;
Head of the Shipbuilding Department of the Navy of the Russian Federation, Rear Admiral Tryapichnikov Vladimir Aleksandrovich;
Chief Designer of Almaz Central Marine Design Bureau JSC Tsymlyakov Dmitry Evgenievich;
Chirkov Viktor Viktorovich, chief adviser to the USC president on military shipbuilding;
Director General of JSC "Pella" Tsaturov Herbert Robertovich;
representatives of the Research Institute of Shipbuilding and Armament of the Navy VUNTS VMF "Naval Academy", officers of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the High Command of the Navy, management and employees of the plant.
The small missile ship is designed to conduct combat operations in the near sea zone and participate in the performance of tasks in peacetime and wartime independently and in cooperation. On this ship, for the first time in the Russian Navy, the Pantsir-M anti-aircraft missile and artillery system was installed instead of 30-mm automatic guns on its predecessors, the lead and the first serial RTO of project 22800.
In total, until 2026, it is planned to build 18 missile ships of this project. They will be used in the Baltic, Black Sea and Pacific fleets.

On December 17, 2018, a solemn ritual of raising the Naval flag of the Russian Federation was held in Baltiysk on the newest small missile ship "Mytishchi" of project 22800 "Karakurt", built for the Baltic Fleet at the Pella shipyard. The ceremony was attended by representatives of the command of the Baltic Fleet, a shipbuilding company, military personnel of the formation of missile ships and boats of the Baltic Naval Base.
This event was preceded by the successful implementation of the program of factory sea and state tests, during which all systems and armament of the ship were tested for their intended purpose. After that, the state acceptance committee signed acts on the acceptance of a small missile ship from the manufacturer into the Russian Navy.
By order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy, Mytishchi was included in the combat strength of the Baltic Fleet.

In Tatarstan, at the Zelenodolsk shipbuilding plant for the Russian Navy on February 26, 2019, the newest small missile ship of project 22800 was laid down. By order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy, Admiral Vladimir Korolev, the ship was given the name "Cloud".
The keel-laying ceremony was attended by Rear Admiral Vladimir Tryapichnikov, head of the shipbuilding department of the Russian Navy, Alexander Karpov, general director of the Zelenodolsk shipbuilding plant, Almaz Khusainov, deputy minister of industry and trade of the Republic of Tatarstan, management of the Ak Bars shipbuilding corporation, administration of Zelenodolsk.
The serial construction of RTOs of project 22800 is slowed down due to the insufficient pace of production of M507 diesel engines for them at PJSC Zvezda.

"Mytishchi" (until 2018 "Hurricane") (plant No. 251), on December 24, 2015, was laid down at JSC "Pella", Launched on July 29, 2017. Transferred to the Navy 12/17/2018
"Sovetsk" (until 2018 "Typhoon") (plant No. 252), 12/24/2015 was laid down at Pella OJSC, launched on November 24, 2017. The transfer of the Navy is scheduled for 2019.
"Odintsovo" (until 2018 "Shkval") (plant No. 253), 07/29/2016 was laid down at Pella OJSC, launched on May 5, 2018.
"Kozelsk" (until 2018 "Storm") (plant No. 254), 05/10/2016 was laid down at the Sea Shipyard
"Okhotsk" ("Cyclone") (plant No. 255), laid down on March 17, 2017 at the shipyard "More"
"Whirlwind" (plant No. 256), 09/10/2016 was laid down at the Sea Shipyard on December 19, 2017.
Burya (plant No. 257), 12/24/2016, was laid down at Pella JSC, launched on October 23, 2018.
"Cyclone" (plant No. 801), 26.7.2016 was laid down at the shipyard "Zaliv"
"Monsoon" (plant No. 802), 11/18/2016 laid down at the shipyard "Zaliv"
"Passat" (plant No. 803), 30.7.2017 laid down at the shipyard "Zaliv"
"Cloud" (plant No. 804), 02/26/2019 was laid down at the Zelenodolsk plant named after A.M. Gorky
"Smerch" (plant No. 805), laid down at the Zelenodolsk plant named after A.M. Gorky

xxxx bookmark at JSC "Amur Shipbuilding Plant", delivery before 2026
xxxx bookmark at JSC "Amur Shipbuilding Plant", delivery before 2026
xxxx bookmark at JSC "Amur Shipbuilding Plant", delivery before 2026

xxxx bookmark at Vostochnaya Verf JSC, commissioning until 2023

Near Petersburg. Representatives of this family will go to every fleet and in the future will become an essential support for any squadron in the near sea zone. TASS talks about the advantages and features of the new marine "predators" of the Russian fleet.

Project background

In the spring of 2015, Russian Deputy Defense Minister Yury Borisov announced plans to order small ocean-class corvettes. More details about the new type of corvettes, armed with cruise missiles, told during Naval Salon in the summer of that year, Admiral Viktor Chirkov, who then held the post of Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy.

So that we can keep up with the pace of shipbuilding, to replace, for example, project 11356, we are starting to build a new series - small missile ships, corvettes with cruise missiles on board - project 22800. Such work is being carried out today, and we hope that by the end the first ship will be laid

Victor Chirkov

ex-Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy, Admiral

He specified that the series will consist of 18 ships. Answering the question whether the new corvettes would complement the frigates already under construction, the admiral noted that in connection with import substitution, new tactical and technical requirements had been developed. According to him, Project 22800 ships will have "the ability to strike ships, conduct air defense and other tasks," just like the Admiral Grigorovich-class frigates.

Project development

True, compared with the frigates of project 11356, which have a displacement of about four thousand tons, ships 22800 will look like real crumbs, because their displacement is only 800 tons.

Already in the fall of 2015, Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy for Armament Viktor Bursuk explained that the latest light-class corvettes should be considered rather as an addition and continuation of the project of small missile ships of project 21631 "Buyan-M" with a displacement of about 950 tons. "Buyans", designed for the Caspian Sea, showed themselves well in the Mediterranean, but their seaworthiness, according to open sources, suffers due to a small draft and some features of the hull. Project 22800 is called upon to correct all these shortcomings. It will also be armed with the Caliber-NK missile system and will be able to accurately hit distant targets, being inaccessible to the enemy.


The first two small rocket ships of the new project 22800 were laid down at the Pella plant in St. Petersburg on December 24, 2015. The ships were named "Hurricane" and "Typhoon". They were promised to be transferred to the Navy in 2017 and 2018, after completion of construction and testing.

The third ship of the series, Shtorm, was laid down at the site of the Pella plant in Feodosia (the More plant) on May 10, 2016. The fourth and fifth ships - "Shkval" and "Storm" - were also laid down in 2016 near St. Petersburg, two more - at the Zelenodolsk shipyard in Tatarstan.

According to Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Yuri Borisov, the Pella plant is to build seven such ships, five were contracted with the Zelenodolsk shipbuilding plant. Another six ships were supposed to be given to the Far Eastern shipyards. In August 2017, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation signed with Pella and the Zelenodolsk plant additional agreements for the supply of small missile ships of the Karakurt project.

What are good "Karakurt"

The ships of the new project, developed by the Almaz Central Marine Design Bureau, are capable of speeds of more than 30 knots and perform tasks at a distance of about three thousand miles from their bases. The length of the sea "predator" is about 67 m, the width is about 11 m.

naval version of the Pantsir-M anti-aircraft missile and gun system.

“From a certain ship, we will “drowse” the Pantsir and put it on it. It won’t be on the Hurricane, but the third Pella ship will go with the Pantsir,” said Deputy Defense Minister Yuri Borisov.

Anna Yudina

Dmitry Tsymlyakov, chief designer of Almaz Central Marine Design Bureau JSC, about the program for the design and construction of project 22800 small missile ships (code "Karakurt") for the Russian Navy.

The small missile ship (RTO) of project 22800 "Karakurt" has become one of the most popular shipbuilding objects at the Army-2018 forum. Models of the ship, including the export version, showed off at the stands of three different shipyards, and within business program contracts were signed for the construction of six new RTOs at Far East. About the history of creation, features and reasons for the popularity of the 22800 project in an interview said Dmitry Tsymlyakov, chief designer of the Almaz Central Marine Design Bureau.

The lead small missile ship "Uragan" (serial number 251) of project 22800 (code "Karakurt") at full speed on the run during factory sea trials on Lake Ladoga. 2018 (c)

- Dmitry Evgenievich, why was it decided to create the RTO 22800 project?

The main reason was the halt in the construction of the "Admiral's Series" frigates of project 11356 due to the refusal of the Ukrainian side to supply the GGTA after the well-known events of the spring of 2014.

The second reason is the aging of our shipboard. Project 22800 replaced the RCA project 1241 "Lightning" and RCA project 1234 "Gadfly". The last RTO "Gadfly" was built in the late 80s of the last century.

Therefore, in terms of such parameters as main dimensions, displacement, speed, these ships are comparable. They are similar in their main purpose.

- In terms of driving characteristics and power plant, what are the differences between "Karakurt" and "Gadfly"?

In order to speed up the design on project 22800, similarly to project 1234, a domestic power plant was used based on three M507 diesel engines optimized to increase the resource.

In order to make the ship as fast as possible, the layout of the installation was largely borrowed from the Gadfly.

However, due to the use of a different hull shape (the gliding hull was used on the Gadfly, and the contours of the transition mode were used on the Karakurt), it was possible to improve seaworthiness, habitability, and solve problems associated with a large angle of inclination of the shafts characteristic of gliding hulls. On the "Gadfly" a sufficiently large angle of inclination, which caused a lot of vibration and additional resistance to movement.

On the Karakurt, the angle of inclination of the shafts is within acceptable limits: 5 degrees in the forward engine room and 10 degrees in the stern. Accordingly, all characteristics, both propulsion and vibration, are better for the new ship.

- What can you tell us about the armament of the new ship?

Now the Caliber complex has become practically the standard for the domestic fleet, which, among other things, provides the solution of strategic tasks. The project also uses an improved AK-176MA gun. It has increased accuracy due to the use of electric drives.

From the 253rd order, which is being built at the Pella plant, the second serial RTO of project 22800, the Pantsir-M anti-aircraft missile and artillery system is being installed on such ships.

- ZRAK "Shell" will be installed on subsequent ships of this project?

Yes, for all subsequent ones. That's how it's supposed to be, at least.

Everything else is in accordance with the views of our military on the weapons used. Thus, the project uses modern complexes of radio-technical weapons, navigation, and communications.

- How is "Karakurt" different from other domestic projects?

One of the highlights of the project is the almost complete import substitution. To exclude the possibility of blocking supplies, imported equipment was pledged to a minimum.

Currently, we use a number of items of imported equipment. Basically, this is household equipment that ensures the comfort of the crew: washing machines, refrigerators, stoves, sinks, coffee makers, coffee grinders, etc. Of course, this list has gone through a certain procedure, and there is a decision on its application.

All serious equipment is domestic.

The lead ship is also notable for the fact that when it was created, no accompanying R&D was carried out on it. The customers set the task - to use only serial equipment mastered by the industry. They used what has letters, or was developed according to the completed R&D projects of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, that is, samples already exist, they only need to be accepted by the military in an appropriate way. So it worked out in such a short amount of time.

- When did the creation of the 22800 project begin?

In 2015. In early April, I was appointed chief designer of the project, and from that moment the main work began: instructional drawing, graphics, STU.

- Pretty tight deadlines...

Very compressed. Abbreviated technical project was ready in a month and a half. This was done to get General characteristics ship, decide on the main equipment, develop order sheets and, most importantly, following the results of the defense, get approval from customers to continue work. And by the end of 2015, the technical project was already fully completed. And, accordingly, the first hull drawings and specifications for the Pella shipbuilding plant were issued.

In December 2015, the factory workers already had a certain reserve in terms of the hull, and on the 25th of the head MRK "Hurricane" was laid down. Further work proceeded at a very fast pace. We developed the documentation, the Pella shipbuilders from the wheels embodied what was conceived in metal. And at the same time they learned to build warships, since at that time their experience, unfortunately, was limited only to tugboats and speedboats. To the credit of the factory workers, despite the fact that much was the first time for them, they managed.

As a result, only three years passed from the decision to start construction to the release of the ship for testing. In our latest history, a warship has never been built so quickly. Even on a similar project "Buyan-M" Zelenodolsk Design Bureau and Zelenodolsk plant worked longer. And then, they had a certain base - there was already a project 21630.

- At what stage is the head RTO "Uragan" now?

Now the ship is completing factory sea trials. And, I hope that in September-October it will be released to the state.

- What is the planned delivery date of the ship?

End of 2018.

- "Pella" has already launched three RTOs of project 22800 - "Hurricane", "Typhoon" and "Shkval". Will such ships be built at this plant?

There is also a fourth RTO - "Storm" in the shop. Its launch is expected in autumn.

- On August 22, contracts were signed for the construction of six RTOs in the Far East. Will they be any different?

Perhaps there will be some changes in terms of energy. We have now made the relevant studies. There is an option with gas turbine engines. In order to ensure a high rate of construction, there are different offers. We are waiting for the customer's decision. So far, the Zvezda plant in its current state cannot provide the required rate of diesel production.

- The owner of Zvezda has changed not so long ago. Maybe things will change...

We hope. But for now, we have what we have.

Judging by the exposition of the Army-2018 forum, Karakurt is one of our key export products. Does the export modification - project 22800E have any differences?

It all depends on the requirements of the customer. If the customer wants to supply his own radio equipment or intercom systems, then, accordingly, the ship will be modified.

And energy. Surely, they will want to put something of their own. We considered the possibility of installing diesel engines MTU 20V4000 with a power of 4300 kW. According to calculations, a three-shaft installation can provide a slightly lower speed than with Zvezda engines, but for ships of such a displacement and such striking power, this will surely be enough.

- Is the export version different in armament?

Only missiles. Their range is limited by the non-proliferation treaty. Otherwise, there is an export complex "Shell", an artillery mount is also in the export version.

- What kind foreign countries show interest in the 22800E project?

The interest is very big. From traditional partners in military-technical cooperation: Vietnam, India. We are counting on interest from Indonesia, Algeria and the countries of the Persian Gulf.

- Is it too early to talk about the modernization of "Karakurt"?

Why modernize something that turned out well, although, I will not hide, options are being worked out with a different composition of weapons, which will expand the combat capabilities of the ship.

- Perhaps some decisions will be made based on the results of tests of the head RTO ...

Maybe. So far, I can honestly say that, as a platform, the ship lives up to all our expectations. Everything we expected to get, we got. In terms of speed, in terms of handling, seaworthiness. Acceleration performance is excellent. In fact, this is a boat, but with a large displacement.

And what about the economic component of the project? Recently, this is an important criterion for the Ministry of Defense in the formation of the state defense order.

On this occasion, it is better to ask the Pella factory workers, but I can say that the ship turned out to be inexpensive compared to what the fleet is building. The cost was much less than 10 billion rubles.

- This explains the popularity of the ship?

Of course. The Almaz Central Design Bureau and the Pella plant proved that it is possible to create a warship quickly and inexpensively.

Interviewed by Alexander Polunin

Chief Designer of Almaz Central Marine Design Bureau Dmitry Tsymlyakov (с)

Launching of the third project 22800 Shkval small missile ship under construction for the Russian Navy with serial number 253 at the Leningrad Shipbuilding Plant Pella. ), 05/05/2018 (c)