Exhibition Naval Salon

  • 18.05.2020

The correspondent of the TRK "Zvezda" website shares his impressions after the International Naval Show, held in St. Petersburg. In total, about fifty models of promising ships and submarines were demonstrated there. And even though they are still in the form of "toys", they already quite realistically determine the capabilities of the Russian Navy in the future. "Storm", which is a storm to all storms The first thing that caught the eye of visitors and became a real sensation was the model of the aircraft carrier "Storm" with a displacement of up to 100 thousand tons. The ship was represented by the Krylov State science Center. Without the conclusion of this organization, not a single project of a single ship will ever appear in hardware. Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy for armaments, Vice Admiral Viktor Bursuk, assured that the fleet would build this aircraft carrier. According to Deputy Defense Minister Yuri Borisov, the contract for the construction of the ship can be signed by the end of 2025. The Shtorm is 300 meters long and 40 meters wide. The ship has a “bare” deck compared to previous ship designs. Instead of a massive superstructure, there will be only a control tower. This will not only save space on the deck, but also reduce the radio visibility of the ship at sea. The deck itself also has significant differences: it has two runways - a large one and a shortened one. One is classic, with a "springboard", the second is flat, like on American aircraft carriers. And fixed at the stern and in the bow of the aircraft and helicopters of five different types.
Handsome destroyer The layout of the nuclear destroyer "Leader" of project 23560 fascinated those present with its swift forms. It is somewhat similar to the most beautiful attack ships of our fleet - heavy nuclear cruisers of the Orlan type. The main one is the cruiser "Peter the Great" of project 1144. Unlike it, the "Leader" is a real floating arsenal. The designers fit 60 cruise missiles into a hull 200 meters long and 20 meters wide. This is almost three times more than that of "Peter the Great". All missiles: both cruise and anti-aircraft are hidden in the mines, providing the ship with the concept of "stealth" (invisible).
The destroyer will be able to reach speeds of up to 30 knots, its armament will be comparable to American missile ships of the Arleigh Burke type. The destroyer will be equipped with up to eight Caliber and Yakhont launchers. The former can hit coastal targets at a distance of up to 2.5 thousand km. The second - ships of any class from a boat to an aircraft carrier at a distance of up to 500 km. The destroyer project has already passed the preliminary modeling. It is planned to start building the handsome nuclear giant in 2025.
For every landing taste Ka-52 "Katran" helicopters and new landing hovercraft are finally on deck. And at IMDS-2017, representatives of the Nevsky Design Bureau - the developer of all our largest and most powerful ships - demonstrated this by showing the projects of large landing helicopter carriers. Sergey Vlasov, general director of the Nevsky Design Bureau, said that his company offers the Navy various options for such equipment. In particular, two fundamentally new amphibious assault ships, passing under the general index "Sperm Whale". One, called "Surf", will have a displacement of 15 thousand tons, the second, "Avalanche", - exactly twice as much.
"Priboy" is intended for receiving, transporting by sea and landing troops in cooperation with other forces of the fleet of troops and equipment on an unequipped coast. The ship is capable of carrying up to 900 marines, about 50 infantry fighting vehicles and up to ten tanks. The Russian Navy plans to receive two promising landing ships by 2025. The lead of the two universal landing ships will cost about 40 billion rubles. Avalanche is very similar to the French Mistral, but better. Russian shipbuilders have gained useful experience in the construction of the aft parts for the Mistral, which are the main ones in terms of landing troops and organizing their collection back to the ship. The Avalanche will be able to base attack or anti-submarine helicopters Ka-52 Katran and Ka-32. The hold will contain small landing hovercraft, which will ensure accelerated and covert landings from a distance of up to 30 miles from the coast.
Size doesn't matter Several stands were presented at IMDS-2017, dedicated to latest developments associated with submarines. But our correspondent suggested talking about them in a separate article. The salon in St. Petersburg was interesting not only for models, but also for real-life pieces of equipment. For example, the products of the Moscow company OA "LGM" (vane hydraulic machines). This is the only company in the country that produces pumping equipment for the Navy. And, in particular, the unique pump SKAT-1100. This product, slightly larger than a suitcase-diplomat, allows you to create a pressure of several atmospheres and a column of water up to 11 km high. SKAT will be installed on all promising deep-sea submersibles of the RF Ministry of Defense, allowing them to submerge, emerge and move even along the bottom of the Mariana Trench.
No less interesting is the new marine version of the Pantsir-M anti-aircraft missile system, the presentation of which was specially timed to coincide with the salon. This complex is already being installed on the family of the latest Russian ships of the coastal zone "Karakurt". The shipborne system is equipped with missiles from the Pantsir-S1 land-based complex, as well as the advanced Hermes-K missile, which can be guided by a drone. The combat module can simultaneously fire at four targets. The module's ammunition load is 32 missiles stored below the deck of the ship. Karakurts are much cheaper than destroyers and cruisers, but they are not much inferior to them in terms of strike capabilities. In total we will have 18 such ships.
The development of the Navy is connected with ten-year programs for its development. Faster, unfortunately, from a sketch, project, terms of reference and a layout to a real ship, there is no way to go. But the salon in St. Petersburg is just such a place where the development trend is visible. And we can say that this year's exhibition, if we talk about plans for the future, left a very good impression.

The second large ship presented at the International Naval Show in St. Petersburg was the patrol ship of the near sea zone, or simply the Stoykiy corvette.

The Stoiky corvette was launched in May 2012, and in January 2014 the ship began factory sea trials, during which the ship's crew under the command of 3rd-Class Captain Vyacheslav Zhuravlev, together with industry representatives, checked the operability of the ship's systems and mechanisms in sea. In particular, the work was checked power plant, steering gear, auxiliary mechanisms, anchor device, and also speed, maneuverability and vibration tests of the ship were carried out.

2. In front of you is the right salute gun of the corvette. As part of the armament, these barrels are usually not indicated, and in fact: they are intended solely for observing maritime etiquette.

During the state tests, which took place in March and April 2014, representatives of the factory commissioning team, together with the crew of the ship and members of the state selection committee under the leadership of its chairman, Captain 1st Rank Viktor Ivanov, checked the maneuverability and speed characteristics of the corvette, the reliability of the operation of all units, systems and nodes, navigation and radio equipment, as well as the armament of the ship.

3. This is a much more serious gun. The 100-mm gun mount A-190 "Universal", created by the Nizhny Novgorod Central Research Institute "Burevestnik", is capable of firing up to 80 rounds per minute, hitting targets at a distance of up to 21 km and a height of up to 15 km.

In particular, rocket and artillery firing at surface and air targets was carried out, a complex of torpedo firing was carried out, the tasks of landing a Ka-27 anti-submarine helicopter on the deck of a corvette, as well as conducting air defense were worked out.

4.A-190, view from a different angle.

After successful state tests, the time came for the transfer to the fleet, which took place in a solemn ceremony on July 18, 2014, and on July 27, the St. Andrew's flag was raised on the ship.

5. Anti-ship "Uranus" - the main caliber of the corvette. Further on the superstructure is one of the six-barreled 30-mm AK-630 assault rifles.

Corvette "Stoykiy" was built according to project 20380 and is the fourth representative of this project in the Baltic Fleet.

6. "Uranus" close-up.

The project of the Russian multi-purpose patrol ship of the near sea zone (multi-purpose corvette) of project 20380 was developed for the Russian Navy by the Almaz Central Design Bureau. Its creation was largely due to difficulties with the implementation of the previous multi-purpose ship "Novik" project 12441, which was laid down in 1997 at the Yantar plant, but was never completed. In this regard, it was decided to start building a simpler and cheaper ship of project 20380, and its first representative was the Guardian corvette for the Baltic Fleet, which was laid down in 2001 and transferred to the fleet in 2008.

7. Complex of fired decoys PK-10. Designed to jam guided weapons with radar or optoelectronic homing systems.

In general, from the ones currently in service with the Navy Russian Federation anti-submarine ships, the project 20380/20385 ship is distinguished by its multifunctionality, compactness, low visibility, and a high level of automation of ship systems.

8. Snapshot from 2015. View of the bow from the superstructure. The A-190 installation and the left salute cannon are clearly visible. 12 cells closed with hatches are vertical launchers of the Redut anti-aircraft complex.

The modular principle of the architecture of the ships of this project makes it possible to install new systems of weapons and electronic weapons on them during the construction of new ones and the modernization of existing ones. This reduces production costs and provides a high upgrade potential over the 30 year life cycle of the ship.

The armament of Project 20380 ships includes complexes of strike, anti-aircraft and anti-submarine weapons, combat control, detection, target designation, communications and protection systems. The basis of the anti-ship armament of the project is the Uran-U anti-ship missile system, consisting of two four-container launchers with an ammunition load of 8 Kh-35 anti-ship missiles with a firing range of 260 km. Container launchers are located across the diametrical plane in the middle part of the hull.

10. Behind me are "Uranus", and in the foreground is the entrance to the wheelhouse.

The air defense of the ship is implemented due to the combat capabilities of the Kortik-M anti-aircraft missile and artillery system (on the forecastle), the Igla portable anti-aircraft missile systems (to be launched from the shoulder or deck installation) and two six-barreled 30-mm artillery mounts AK- 630M (in the stern). The range of missiles ZRAK "Kortik-M" reaches 10 km.

11. Interiors of the commander's cabin.

The artillery armament of ships of the type is represented by the A-190 universal 100-mm gun mount with a maximum rate of fire of 80 rounds per minute, a firing range of 21.3 km, an altitude reach of 15 km and an ammunition capacity of 332 rounds. Naval artillery fire control is carried out using the 5P-10-02 "Puma" artillery fire control system. The antenna post of the system is located on the bow superstructure.

12. Vigilant eyes followed my every step.

For the first time in the world, an anti-torpedo armament, an anti-torpedo, was installed on a ship. Line of interception 1400 meters.

13. Snapshot from 2015. In the main command post of the corvette. Workplaces of the BC-2 operators who control the ship's missile weapons and artillery.

The anti-torpedo defense system of the Paket-NK ship consists of two four-tube 330-mm launchers located side by side in the portholes.

14. Navigation table in the main command post.

Torpedoes launched from torpedo tubes can be used both directly against enemy torpedoes going to the ship, and against submarines.

15. Jobs in the main command post.

To detect and destroy submarines, the corvette is equipped with a Ka-27PL permanently based helicopter.

16. You are not mistaken. This is the helm of the 21st century.

For the purpose of short-range self-defense against pirates or underwater saboteurs, Project 20380 ships are equipped with two pedestal 14.5-mm machine gun mounts and two DP-64 anti-sabotage grenade launchers.

17. "Sharp eyes" in the wheelhouse.

The main power plant of the project 20380 ship is a twin-shaft diesel plant, consisting of two diesel-diesel units DDA12000, created jointly by specialists from the Kolomna Plant and the Zvezda enterprise.

18. A ship without a ship's bell is not a ship.

Each DDA consists of two 16D49 diesel engines and a reverse gear unit. DDA provide high power in reversing modes with minimal fuel and oil consumption; they are equipped with a modern microprocessor control system and control of the main parameters of work.

19. Corvette "Sharp" project 20380.

Through the summing reversible gearboxes, the propulsion units operate on two fixed-pitch propellers. 4 ADG-630 diesel generators with a capacity of 630 kW each provide consumers with 380 V (50 Hz) current.

20. Corvette "Sharp" project 20380.

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At the International Maritime Defense Show IMDS-2017 in St. Petersburg, STC Zaslon presented for the second time the multifunctional radar complex MF RLC Zaslon for arming surface ships. At the salon, in addition to the model of the antenna array, a model of an integrated tower-mast structure with all the main elements of a multifunctional complex was shown.
Multifunctional general ship radar station of the X range (RLS-X-MF RLK-E) multifunctional radar complex MF RLC "Barrier":
- transceiver module (PPM) RLS-X-MF RLC-E
- subunit - 1 radar-X-MF RLC-E
- integrated tower-mast design of the MF RLC "Barrier".
VTS "BASTION", 09.07.2017



At the International Maritime Defense Show IMDS-2017 in St. Petersburg, the Krylov State Research Center (KSSC) once again presented a model of the Priboy universal landing ship. UDC "Priboy" was first presented at the international forum "Army-2015".
Vice Admiral Viktor Bursuk, Deputy Commander of the Russian Navy for armaments, confirmed that the construction of two Priboy-type UDCs was included in state program Arms (GPV) for 2018-2025. By 2025, it is planned to complete the construction of two universal landing ships of the Priboy type.
The displacement of the UDC will be 14 thousand tons with a draft of 5 meters. The ship's maximum speed is 20 knots (cruising - 15-16 knots), cruising range - 6 thousand nautical miles (11 thousand km), cruise autonomy - 60 days. Hold air defense"Priboy" will be the sea-based anti-aircraft complex "Pantsir-M".
Up to 8 anti-submarine and landing helicopters Ka-27 and Ka-52K will be placed on the deck of the Priboy. Also, the universal ship will be able to carry four Project 11770M Serna landing craft and two Project 12061M Murena landing craft.
It is assumed that the "Priboy" will accommodate about 500 paratroopers and up to 60 units of various military equipment, including 20-30 tanks.
VTS "BASTION", 10.07.2017



At the International Maritime Defense Show IMDS-2017 in St. Petersburg, High-Precision Systems, Weapons Workshops and Kovrov Electromechanical Plant presented information and a model of a remote-controlled combat module (BMDU) "Crossbow-DM" is an automated tool and is designed to destroy enemy manpower, its firing points, vehicles and air targets.
BMDU can be installed on wheeled and tracked armored vehicles, surface vessels and stationary points of object protection.
Full combat weight, kg _ no more than 250
Length, mm_________________ 1674
Width, mm________________1070
Height, mm_________________740
6P49 machine gun, caliber, mm____12.7 or PKTM machine gun, caliber, mm___ 7.62
Sighting range
in daytime conditions, m ____ up to 2000
at night, m_____ up to 1500
Power machine gun _____ tape
Machine gun reloading ___ manual
Angles of fire from machine guns, hail:
Horizontal angle _ no limit
Machine gun elevation angles____70°
Declination angles of machine gun_____-20°
VTS "BASTION", 12.07.2017



At the IMDS-2017 International Naval Show in St. Petersburg, the Russian Navy demonstrated the Serpukhov small missile ship (RTO) of project 21631. The Serpukhov RTO is the fifth ship of the Buyan-M project 21631 series.
On December 12, 2015, the Andreevsky flag was raised on the ship, and the ship officially became part of the 41st brigade of missile boats of the Black Sea Fleet.
Small missile ships "Serpukhov" and "Zeleny Dol" of project 21631 left Sevastopol on October 4, 2016. At the end of October, both ships came to the Baltic Sea and moored in Baltiysk. At the end of June 2017, the RTO "Serpukhov" arrived in St. Petersburg to participate in the "International Naval Salon" (IMDS-2017).
VTS "BASTION", 13.07.2017


At the International Maritime Defense Show IMDS-2017 in St. Petersburg, Radar-MMS presented a new version of the BPV-500 multifunctional unmanned helicopter.
A drone with a takeoff weight of 500 kg was exhibited in the demonstration section of the exhibition on a pier near the sea testing laboratory JSC "NPP" Radar mms "on the basis of the boat" Buran ". unmanned vehicle can take as a payload a weight of up to 180 kg, which allows it to be successfully used in search and rescue operations. If necessary, the BPV-500 can deliver a raft, food or any other equipment to the disaster area.
VTS "BASTION", 14.07.2017



At the IMDS-2017 International Naval Show in St. Petersburg, the Granit-Electron Concern once again presented a sectional model of a patrol ship (corvette) of the project 20380 type, which, in terms of the composition of missile weapons, corresponds to project 20385.
Earlier, this ship model was presented at IMDS-2011 by the Granit-Electron concern. It shows the antenna and combat posts of the ship’s radio-technical weapons, including the ship’s target designation radar station (TsU radar) 3Ts-25E (of the Harpoon type) and the ship’s control system equipment (KASU) of the ship’s missile weapon system (RO) Yakhont (Onyx ”) for which the enterprise is the parent organization, as well as the launchers of the RK Yakhont (Onyx).
VTS "BASTION", 14.07.2017



At the International Maritime Defense Show IMDS-2017 in St. Petersburg, the Navy presented the project 20380 patrol ship (corvette) Stoykiy.
Stoiky is the fourth corvette (third serial) of project 20380. It was laid down on the slipway of the shipbuilding enterprise OAO Severnaya Verf on November 10, 2006 (serial number 1004). On July 27, 2014, the Andreevsky flag was raised on the ship.
VTS "BASTION", 15.07.2017



At the International Maritime Defense Show IMDS-2017 in St. Petersburg, the United Shipbuilding Corporation (USC) and Almaz Central Design Bureau presented the model of the latest domestic corvette project 20386 for the second time. Petersburg, the head corvette "Daring" of project 20386 was laid down for the Navy of Russia.
For the first time, the United Shipbuilding Corporation (USC) presented a model of a new version of the Tigr project 20382 corvette for export at the International Maritime Defense Show IMDS-2015 in St. Petersburg.
The appearance of this ship is significantly different from the entire family of Tiger-type corvettes.
Almaz designers note that the features of the new corvette are a balanced composition of weapons, integrated open architecture information and control systems, new electronic weapons, and robotic systems. Also a feature of the project is a reduced number of crew, increased cruising range, high speed full speed on calm water and developed excitement. Project 20386 is based on the principle of modularity, which consists in equipping the ship with temporarily installed weapons, which allows expanding the range of tasks to be solved.
The Russian fleet intends to receive at least 10 patrol ships (corvettes) built according to the new project 20386 in the future.
VTS "BASTION", 15.07.2017



At the IMDS-2017 International Naval Show in St. Petersburg, the Almaz-Antey VKO Concern presented a full-scale sample, model and information about the 3M-47 Gibka ship anti-aircraft missile turret (Komar is an export name). Also, "Gibka" could be seen in the armament of the small missile ship (RTO) "Serpukhov".
"Gibka" (3M-47) - a shipborne anti-aircraft missile turret launcher is designed to provide guidance and remote automated launch of Igla-type missiles in the interests of protecting surface ships with a displacement of 200 tons and more in the ultra-short range zone from attacks by air attack weapons in conditions of natural (background) and artificial interference.
VTS "BASTION", 15.07.2017

Anti-Aircraft Missile Turret "GIBKA" AT IMDS-2017
Anti-aircraft missile turret 3M-47 "GIBKA"


At the International Maritime Defense Show IMDS-2017 in St. Petersburg, Horizont OJSC from Rostov-on-Don, the Horizon Air S-100 unmanned aerial vehicle in three versions with different equipment, Camcopter S helicopter-type unmanned aerial vehicles assembled under license in Russia -100 developed by the Austrian company Schiebel.
VTS "BASTION", 17.07.2017



At the IMDS-2017 International Naval Show in St. Petersburg, Morinsis-Agat Concern JSC and Salyut Scientific and Production Enterprise presented the Predel-E mobile coastal radar station for over-the-horizon detection with increased stealth. She is radar station over-the-horizon detection, tracking and issuance of target designation for surface and low-flying air targets.
MBRLS ZGO "Predel-E" is capable of effectively performing combat missions of covert detection and automatic tracking of surface and air targets located within line of sight and beyond the horizon, to ensure combat use mobile coastal missile system "Bastion", the functioning of the system for monitoring the surface and air situation in the territorial waters and economic zone of the state, the use of the continental (coastal) air defense system, the use of the state identification system within the radio horizon
VTS "BASTION", 20.07.2017


At the International Maritime Defense Show IMDS-2017 in St. Petersburg, JSC STC Alfa-M presented optical systems for helicopter landing on ship runways.
At the salon, the enterprise showed elements of the optical system and means for landing helicopters on the deck of single- and group-based ships OSPV (OSPV-20380), which was installed on the lead ship Steregushchiy of project 20380, and the substantially modernized OSPV Palubnik for the multi-purpose long-range frigate zone "Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Gorshkov" project 22350.
Military-technical cooperation "BASTION"




Kaluga Instrument-Making Plant “Typhoon” and JSC “Concern “Morinsis-Agat” at the Eighth International Naval Salon “IMDS-2017” (June 28 - July 2, 2017, St. Petersburg) presented the shipborne optical-electronic suppression system MDM- 2E - modification of MDM-2E.B (in a container version).
The shipborne optical-electronic suppression system MDM-2E is designed to protect objects (surface ships, coastal complexes of military equipment, stationary structures) from high-precision weapons (missiles, bombs, artillery ammunition) equipped with semi-active laser guidance systems.
VTS "BASTION", 11.08.2017



At the International Maritime Defense Show IMDS-2017 in St. Petersburg, the Russian Navy presented the lead sea minesweeper "Alexander Obukhov" of project 12700, built at the Sredne-Nevsky Shipyard.
The lead ship of the Alexander Obukhov series, built and handed over to the customer in 2016, is already performing tasks in the Navy. The construction of two more serial ships continues. By the end of 2017, the plant plans to lay down the fourth in the series (fifth in a row) PMO ship for the Russian Navy.
VTS "BASTION", 17.08.2017



In the period June 28 - July 2, 2017, the Scientific Research Engineering Institute (JSC NIIII) took part in the VIII International Naval Show in St. Petersburg. The exposition of JSC "NIIII" was presented at the collective stand of JSC "NPK "Tekhmash" and the greatest interest of specialists was caused by anti-submarine corrected aerial bomb(KAB PL) "Zagon-2E".
The aerial bomb was studied with photo and video recording by foreign specialists of the Navy, arms procurement managers, media representatives from Sweden, Holland, Italy, Belgium, Germany, India, Pakistan, Korea, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, Argentina, Iran and other countries. The presence of a professional translator allowed the stand attendants to conduct an active dialogue with representatives of the above states, supplementing it with the presentation of a video film on the conditions for the use of the Zagon-2E submarine submarine. There is confidence that in the near future JSC Rosoboronexport will begin to receive requests for an aerial bomb developed by the institute.
Two points became an interesting feature for the entire exhibition period. The first is the absence of representatives of China among the guests of the stand, while at previous exhibitions specialists from the Celestial Empire showed great attention to Paddock-2E. And the second - representatives of Iran came to the stand for 3 days in a row. First, together, the next day, four, and on the 3rd - 6 people. And every time they asked for a video film and promotional materials. Promising interest!
KAB PL "Zagon-2E" is designed to destroy submarines (submarines) located in the surface, periscope, underwater (up to 600 m) positions, and submarines on the ground in shallow and deep water areas of the sea.
The aerial bomb is unified for use from anti-submarine aircraft (Il-38, Tu-142M) and helicopters (Ka-28) in all areas of the World Ocean.
VTS "BASTION", 17.08.2017

Anti-submarine corrected aircraft bomb "ZAGON-2E" AT IMDS-2017
Anti-submarine corrected aircraft bomb "ZAGON-2"

PHOTO REPORT: STIHL-1 ANTI-Aircraft Missile System AT IMDS-2017

At the International Maritime Defense Show IMDS-2017 in St. Petersburg, models of the launcher and anti-aircraft missile of the Shtil-1 air defense system were presented.
According to the chief designer of JSC NPP START im. A.I. Yaskin Vladimir Manko, expressed at the salon, the ships of Russia, China and India, on board of which the old Shtil systems are installed, will first need to modernize the Shtil-1 air defense system.
“Calm will be finalized in Calm-1. We initially laid such a possibility, foresaw the need for modernization. It looks quite simple: in the cellar with the old Shtil, where 24 missiles are placed, we can place 3 Shtil-1 modules. And this is the 36th rocket, which is one and a half times higher than the capabilities of the Calm. In terms of weight, it will be the same for a ship, and in terms of volume. At the same time, there will be not 1, but 36 combat-ready missiles at once. This will significantly increase the rate of fire, ”says Vladimir Manko.
He added that "Shtil-1" has already laid down its modernization steps. “Instead of one TPK, we will be able to install a bunch of shorter-range, less expensive missiles. When I need to shoot at 10 kilometers, then why should I shoot with a heavy rocket? And we can modernize the complex by installing shorter-range missiles there, but in larger quantities (we can put 4 instead of 1). There are these missiles - 9M100, ”said the chief designer of JSC NPP START im. A.I. Yaskina Vladimir Manko.
VTS "BASTION", 17.08.2017

Anti-aircraft missile system "SHTIL-1" AT IMDS-2017
Anti-aircraft missile system "SHTIL-1"


At the International Naval Salon IMDS-2017 in St. Petersburg, PJSC Shipbuilding Company "ALMAZ" in the waters of Lenexpo, the frontier patrol ship (PSKR) "Devoted" (serial number 507) of project 22460 was presented. The ship attracted the attention of a large number of visitors and guests of the exhibition.
PSKR was launched on April 7, 2017 at Almaz Shipbuilding Company JSC in St. Petersburg. The developer of the project 22460 "Hunter" is JSC "Northern Design Bureau".
"Devoted" is the third ship built by Almaz Shipbuilding Company JSC within the framework of two state contracts concluded with the FSB of Russia in November 2013 for the construction of another three project 22460 border guard ships with serial numbers 506, 507 and 508 for the period until the end of 2017 of the year.
VTS "BASTION", 21.08.2017


PHOTO REPORT: TOR M2 ANTI-Aircraft Missile System AT IMDS-2017

At the International Maritime Defense Show IMDS-2017 in St. Petersburg, the Almaz-Antey VKO Concern presented almost all variants of the Tor M2 anti-aircraft missile system (SAM) in models, these are wheeled and tracked versions, a container version in three versions (container , on a semi-trailer and on the chassis of a KAMAZ vehicle). A photograph of tests of the container version of the Tor M2 air defense system from the frigate of project 11356 was also shown.
VTS "BASTION", 09.10.2017

Anti-Aircraft Missile System "TOR M2" AT IMDS-2017


The International Naval Show, which is one of the world's leading exhibitions in the field of shipbuilding, naval weapons and shipbuilding, again and again confirms the high status and place in the world system of arms and equipment exhibitions.
IMDS 2009 exposition participants were 350 enterprises from 28 countries, 67 of them are foreign firms. IMDS-2009 was attended by 55 official delegations from 47 countries.
IMDS-2011 participants were 409 enterprises and organizations, including 71 foreign companies from 29 countries. 91 foreign delegations from 69 countries arrived at the salon.
Rosoboronexport exhibited over 70 samples at IMDS-2011. At the berths of the Marine Station and in the water area there were 40 ships, seaplanes and boats, including 3 from NATO countries. As he told reporters at the final press conference of the V IMDS CEO CJSC "Marine Salon" M. Zolotarev, this event is one of the three leading salons in the world, along with the French and the Salon in Singapore. During IMDS-2011, a number of large domestic and international contracts were signed.
The 6th International Maritime Defense Show IMDS-2013 brought together 458 participants, 89 of them - foreign companies from 30 countries of the world. The expositions were located in 4 pavilions of Lenexpo with a total area of ​​over 17,000 sq. meters, in open areas and waters of the Gulf of Finland, as well as 36 ships, boats and submarines from the Navy, the Border Guard Service of the Federal Security Service of Russia and enterprises participating in the Salon, as well as 3 foreign warships at the berths of the Marine Station.
423 enterprises from 28 countries, 40 of which are foreign companies, took part in the VII International Naval Salon IMDS-2015. The IMDS-2015 exposition is located on 17,000 sq. m of exhibition space in the pavilions, as well as in open exhibition areas, at the berths of the Marine Station and in the water area adjacent to the exhibition complex. The Salon was attended by 46 official delegations from 39 states.
The 8th IMDS-2017 will be held from June 28 to July 2, 2017
Topics of the exposition and exhibition section of the International Maritime Defense Show
1. Shipbuilding and shipbuilding
1.1. Design and construction of submarines and deep-sea vehicles.
1.2. Design and construction of surface ships and boats.
1.3. Design and construction of ships and boats with aerohydrodynamic principles of support.
1.4. Design and construction of ships and vessels for special purposes and support.
1.5. Ship repair, modernization of marine machinery and equipment.
2. Weapons, armament, complexes and weapon control systems
2.1. Missile weapons and weapons.
2.2. Anti-aircraft missile weapons and weapons.
2.3. Artillery weapons, weapons and ammunition.
2.4. Torpedo and rocket-torpedo weapons and weapons.
2.5. Mine and anti-mine weapons and weapons.
2.6. Complexes and weapon control systems.
2.7. Launchers and complexes.
2.8. Complexes and systems of reconnaissance, surveillance, target designation and guidance of weapons.
2.9. Transportation of weapons and ammunition and their loading on carriers.
2.10. Equipment, systems and complexes for the disposal of weapons, ammunition and weapons.
3. Combat control systems, navigation complexes and systems, communication complexes and equipment, radio-electronic, radio-technical and hydroacoustic weapons
3.1. Ship and coastal automated control systems for the forces and means of the fleet.
3.2. Automated systems special purpose administration.
3.3. Navigation and navigation equipment, complexes and systems.
3.4. Systems and means of information protection.
3.5. Complexes, systems and means of communication.
3.6. Complexes for monitoring, direction finding and classification of radio signals.
3.7. Electronic and radio equipment.
3.8. Hydroacoustic weapons and communications.
3.9. EW and GPA complexes.
3.10. Electromagnetic compatibility of radio electronic means.
3.11. Radio-electronic, television, thermal imaging, optical-electronic and optical systems and means of observation.
3.12. Electronic components and devices.
4. Power plants, ship systems and devices, auxiliary equipment
4.1. The main power plants of the ship (GEM).
4.2. Auxiliary power plants of the ship.
4.3. Drives and movers.
4.4. The electrical power system of the ship. Electric motors, generators, power distribution boards, converters, transformers, current leads and electrical connectors, electroautomatics.
4.5. Low-voltage equipment, control systems, ship communications and broadcasting.
4.6. Systems for ensuring stealth and protection of the ship by physical fields (demagnetizing devices, shock absorbers, protectors, etc.).
4.7. Pumps, filters, compressors.
4.8. Hydraulic and pneumatic devices and systems.
4.9. Steering and thrusters.
4.10. Ship devices: anchor, mooring, towing, transfer of goods on the move, ladders and gangways.
4.11. Ship lifting mechanisms.
4.12. Complexes, systems and devices for takeoff, landing and maintenance of aircraft and helicopters.
4.13. Systems and means to ensure the survivability of the ship, including warning systems and fire-fighting systems.
4.14. Life support systems and devices for the ship's crew.
4.15. Ship furniture, medical and galley equipment.
5. Naval aviation (ship and shore-based)
5.1. Aircraft and helicopters deck-based.
5.2. Land-based aircraft and helicopters.
5.3. Aircraft and amphibious aircraft.
5.4. Unmanned aerial vehicles and aviation complexes.
5.5. Aviation weapons.
5.6. Avionics.
5.7. Aerodrome machinery and equipment.
6. Armament of coastal units of the Navy
6.1. Coastal missile systems.
6.2. Coastal artillery systems and rocket systems.
6.3. Anti-sabotage weapons and weapons of special units.
6.4. Weapon control systems and complexes.
6.5. Armament and equipment of the Marine Corps (armored, rocket-artillery, engineering weapons, air defense systems, small arms).
6.6. Means of radiation, chemical and biological reconnaissance
7. High-speed, passenger and small boats, vessels, yachts.
7.1. Boats are patrol, rescue, economic, sports, motor courts.
7.2. Yachts.
7.3. Sailing and rowing boats, boats.
7.4. Equipment for boats and yachts, spars, sails, rigging.
7.5. Equipment for scuba diving and underwater technical work.
7.6. Engines for small size and high-speed vessels, stationary and outboard.
7.7. Design, construction and repair of small boats.
7.8. Means of delivery and transportation of small boats and ships by land.
8. Supply and maintenance of the fleet, support infrastructure
8.1. Rear and technical support fleet forces.
8.2. Supply of components and spare parts. Service maintenance.
8.3. Arsenals, weapons storage bases, floating bases, equipment, complexes and systems for storing and preparing weapons.
8.4. Equipment of bases and warehouses of technical means, property and fuels and lubricants, points and stations of refueling.
8.5. Communications, engineering networks, pipelines.
8.6. Motor transport equipment, loading and unloading machines and devices.
8.7. Clothing and food supply, fuels and lubricants.
8.8. Medical equipment and materials.
9. Search and rescue support, equipment and technologies for deep-sea and rescue operations
9.1. Normative and legal support of rescue and diving operations.
9.2. Rescue boats, fire and rescue boats and ships.
9.3. Means of search, designation and assistance to emergency ships and vessels. Fire-fighting, drainage means and equipment.
9.4. Means of rescue of crews of emergency ships, ships, submarines.
9.5. Means and technologies for carrying out work to eliminate the consequences of catastrophes and accidents.
9.6. Technologies for performing deep-sea rescue and lifting operations
work at sea.
9.7. Diving equipment and equipment.
9.8. Means and technologies for lifting sunken objects.
9.9. Deep sea technology.
9.10. Mobile search and rescue complexes.
9.11. Means of underwater electrical engineering, underwater welding and cutting.
9.12. Medical support for diving and rescue operations. Rehabilitation methods for divers and rescue services. Systems, means and technologies of medical and physiological training and rehabilitation.
9.13. Certification and standardization of rescue and diving equipment.
10. Ensuring the safety of navigation
10.1. Navigation, hydrographic and hydrometeorological support: visual, radio engineering and acoustic aids to navigation, organization of collection and reporting of data on the actual navigation and hydrometeorological situation. Marine navigational charts and manuals, electronic charts, ship positioning.
10.2. Meteorological equipment.
10.3. Control systems for a ship (vessel) and its technical means.
10.4. Provision of pilotage of ships and vessels: pilotage by technical means, pilotage of vessels.
10.5. Classification, technical supervision and certification of ships.
10.6. Diagnostics of hull structures of systems and devices.
10.7. Ship (ship) life-saving equipment, individual and collective.
10.8. Means for collecting and processing information about damage to ships and vessels during their operation.
10.9. Systems, means and norms for ensuring the trouble-free operation of the fleet.
10.10. Environmental Safety, technical means monitoring, prevention of pollution and elimination of environmental accidents at sea.
10.11. Waste treatment and disposal systems.
11. Combating terrorism and piracy, ensuring the security of facilities
11.1. Anti-sabotage forces and means, technical systems and measures.
11.2. Hydroacoustic and radio-electronic complexes and systems.
11.3. Optical and electron-optical detection and recognition systems.
11.4. Control and alarm sensors.
11.5. Remote controlled underwater vehicles.
11.6. Armament and special diving equipment.
11.7. Weapons, weapons and means of influencing terrorists, pirates and their weapons.
11.8. Integrated security systems.
11.9. Access control and management systems.
11.10. Video surveillance systems.
11.11. Marine and coastal engineering structures and barriers.
11.12. Systems and means of ensuring fire safety.
12. Development of the World Ocean in the interests of the country's defense and economy
12.1. Marine equipment and technologies for the study of the oceans.
12.2. Deep-sea underwater vehicles, their systems and control complexes.
12.3. Offshore structures and equipment for the exploration and production of shelf and ocean hydrocarbons.
12.4. Offshore drilling and oil platforms, drilling equipment.
12.5. Design and construction of underwater pipelines for the transportation of hydrocarbons.
12.6. Design and construction of sea vessels for the transportation of hydrocarbons, incl. ice class.
12.7. Auxiliary vessels and service aircraft offshore platforms, drilling rigs.
12.8. Floating and tidal power plants and power units, design, construction and operation.
12.9. Design and construction of fishing vessels, planning and organization of their re-equipment in a special period.
12.10. Operational safety of offshore drilling and oil-producing complexes, including environmental safety. Systems and means of safety, prevention of accidents at offshore structures.
13. Port and hydraulic engineering construction
13.1. Design, construction and reconstruction of ports, construction of berths and other marine infrastructure facilities.
13.2. Points of basing and maneuverable basing of the fleet.
13.3. Hydraulic structures, dredging.
13.4. Production of moorings, breakwaters and pontoons.
13.5. Energy and special equipment, construction materials.
13.6. Technical means of monitoring and control of hydraulic structures.
13.7. Technical means for conducting work under water.
13.8. Pontoons, moorings, equipment for yacht clubs.
14. Industrial equipment shipbuilding complex and related industries
14.1. Dry and floating docks, slipways, floating workshops.
14.2. Metalworking equipment.
14.3. Welding equipment and technologies.
14.4. Hydraulic and pneumatic devices. Lifting and rigging equipment.
14.5. Test and measuring equipment. Devices and equipment for diagnostics and quality control in production.
14.6. Design and supply of equipment, tools, fasteners and accessories.
14.7. Equipment for anti-corrosion treatment.
14.8. Mobile power supplies and compressed air.
14.9. Auxiliary equipment.
14.10. Test and diagnostic equipment for ships and ships, systems, mechanisms and devices.
14.11. Supply, repair and maintenance industrial equipment.
14.12. Automated control systems.
14.13. Computer equipment, monitors, control panels and peripherals.
14.14. Handling equipment.
15. Information Technology in shipbuilding
15.1. Computer-aided design systems.
15.2. Automated systems technological preparation production.
15.3. Technology of product life cycle management.
15.4. Information and reference systems.
15.5. Integrated systems for managing an organization, enterprise resource management.
16. Industrial materials, raw materials and components for shipbuilding
16.1. Shipbuilding steels, incl. highly alloyed.
16.2. Titanium and aluminum alloys.
16.3. copper alloys
16.4. Zinc.
16.5. Composite materials on metal and polymer bases.
16.6. Fiberglass.
16.7. CFRP.
16.8. Portholes, covers, hatches, ship doors.
16.9. Pipeline accessories high and low pressure.
16.10. Flanges, bends, transitions, tees, plugs, bends and other elements of pipelines.
16.11. Energy sources.
16.12. Cabling and wiring products.
16.13. Casting and forgings for shipbuilding and ship repair.
16.14. Heat-insulating and sound-proof materials.
16.15. Rubber products.
16.16. Lubricants and motor oils.
16.17. Sealing materials.
16.18. Paintwork and anti-corrosion materials and coatings.
16.19. Adhesives and sealants.
16.20. Mastics and insulating materials.
16.21. deck coverings.
16.22. Rigging.
16.23. Lighting and systems.
16.24. Bearings.
17. Innovations and modern technological solutions in shipbuilding
17.1. Scientific research and development.
17.2. Innovative projects.
17.3. Promising materials and technologies for shipboard electrical engineering, electronics, radio engineering, automation, navigation and communications equipment.
17.4. Promising information technologies in shipbuilding and related industries.
17.5. Mechatronics and robotics.
17.6. New high technology shipbuilding, fundamental research.
17.7. Nanotechnologies in shipbuilding.
17.8. New technologies for the use of synthetic materials in shipbuilding.
18. Personnel training system
18.1. The system of training command and engineering personnel.
18.2. The system of training junior officers and specialists.
18.3. Training of personnel for the sea and river fleet.
18.4. Training of specialists in the field of deep-sea, diving and rescue operations.
18.5. Modern methods in the system of naval education.
18.6. Integrated laboratories, simulators and technical training aids.
18.7. Automation and computerization of the learning process.
18.8. Training of scientific and engineering personnel for shipbuilding and other defense industries.
19. Project financing, support, insurance and consulting services
20. Print and electronic media
21. History of the Navy

The organizer of IMDS-2017 is the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation. The salon is held with the participation of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Federal Service for military-technical cooperation, the Government of St. Petersburg and Rosoboronexport JSC. Organizer - Marine Salon LLC.
The Organizing Committee for the preparation and holding of IMDS-2017 is headed by the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation D. O. Rogozin.
The format of the Salon allows you to combine in a single exhibition space:
exposition of samples of products of enterprises;
demonstration of weapons and naval equipment;
conferences, seminars, round tables, presentations;
visiting enterprises of the military-industrial complex and VIP-negotiations.
The topics of the Salon include: shipbuilding and shipbuilding, weapons and weapons, combat control, navigation, communications and control systems, ship power plants, naval aviation, infrastructure for basing and supporting the fleet, new materials and advanced technologies. Significant areas of the exposition are occupied by companies supplying ship components and materials, instruments and electronic components, information technology, consulting, financial and insurance services in the field of design, construction of ships and armaments.
The exposition and exhibition section will be located in the pavilions of the Lenexpo exhibition complex with a total area of ​​over 17,000 square meters. meters, in open areas and waters of the Gulf of Finland, as well as at the berths of the Marine Station.
Invitations were sent to official foreign delegations from 53 countries.

Currently, more than 350 applications for participation in IMDS-2017 have been accepted, of which 36 are from foreign companies.
Among the participants are such enterprises as: JSC "OSK", GK "Rostec", JSC "Concern Central Research Institute" Elektropribor ", JSC" NPO "Aurora", Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Krylov State Research Center", JSC "Center for Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Technology", PJSC " Shipbuilding company Almaz, JSC Concern Okeanpribor, JSC Zelenodolsk Plant named after A.M. Gorky", JSC "Concern "Granit-Electron", JSC "Corporation" Tactical missile armament, OJSC "Concern "Sea Underwater Weapons-Gidropribor", JSC "Concern for Aerospace Defense" Almaz-Antey", FSUE "TsNII KM "Prometey", JSC "Concern" Morinformsistema-Agat ", NSI bvba (Belgium), ODU GmbH & Co. KG (Germany), Neo Power Electronics & Projects, Pvt. Ltd. (India), Industrie Cometto S.p.A. (Italy), Hiltex Technische Weefsels (Netherlands), DEARSAN SHIPYARD (Turkey) and others.
In the demonstration section at the berths of the Marine Station and in the water area, more than 30 ships, boats and vessels from the Navy, the Border Guard Service of the Federal Security Service of Russia and enterprises participating in the Salon will be presented, including:
project 11540 patrol ship "Yaroslav the Wise";
corvette of the project 20380 "Resistant";
base minesweeper project 12700 "Alexander Obukhov";
small rocket ship of project 21631;
project 12322 landing hovercraft;
landing craft project 21820;
landing craft project 11770 "D-1441";
high-speed patrol boat project 12150 "Mongoose";
project 21980 anti-sabotage boat "Nakhimovets";
patrol boat project 03160 "Raptor";
large hydrographic boat of project 19920 "BGK-2149";
multifunctional modular boat project 23370;
sea ​​tug project 02800 "MB-96".
At the training ground of the Russian Ministry of Defense "Rzhevka" for official foreign delegations and media representatives, 8 naval artillery systems and small arms will be demonstrated in action.
Traditionally, demonstration flights of aviation groups are planned within the framework of IMDS-2017 aerobatics"Russian Knights" and "Swifts", as well as the aerobatic team "Rus".
As part of the congress and business section, events will be held on the territory of the exhibition complex, and about 30 events of a congress and business nature will be held at JSC Shipbuilding Plant Severnaya Verf, including four scientific conferences:
International scientific and technical conference "Navy and shipbuilding in modern conditions» (Navy and Shipbuilding Njwadays NSN’2017);
XVIII International Scientific and Practical Conference MORINTEKH-PRAKTIK "Information Technologies in Shipbuilding-2017";
PLM-FORUM IMDS-2017 “Life cycle management of shipbuilding products. Information support";
International scientific and practical conference "Simulation and complex modeling of marine equipment and marine transport systems" (IKM MTMTS-2017).
With the support of the Sailing Union of St. Petersburg, two traditional sailing regattas for the prize of the International Naval Salon IMDS-2017 will be held.

During the International Naval Show, which will be held in St. Petersburg from June 28 to July 2, ships will be moored at the berths of the marine station, and high-speed and auxiliary boats will be located in the Lenexpo harbor. Among the "debutants" of the event are the small rocket ship "Zeleny Dol" and the border guard patrol "Betrayed". The Central Naval Portal tells what to see near the embankment during the exhibition.

Project 11356 frigate "Admiral Makarov"

The largest ship approaching the Marine Station will be "". This is the third ship of project 11356, which is now undergoing state tests until the end of the year.

The Admiral Makarov was laid down at the Yantar Shipyard on February 29, 2012, and launched on September 2, 2015. The transfer of "Admiral Makarov" to the customer was planned for the first quarter of 2017, later it was repeatedly postponed.

The first two ships of the series - "Admiral Grigorovich" and "Admiral Essen" - handed over to the Navy on March 11 and June 7, 2016, now they are performing tasks as part of the permanent task force of the Navy in the Mediterranean Sea.

Project 11356 frigates are designed for long-distance sea voyages and combating surface ships and submarines, as well as repelling air attacks. The ship's armament includes: a 100 mm A-190 artillery mount, anti-aircraft missile and artillery systems, torpedo and anti-submarine weapons, as well as high-range Caliber-NK cruise missiles. It can also carry a carrier-based Ka-27 or Ka-31 helicopter.

Displacement "Admiral Makarov" - 4035 tons, length - 125 meters, width - 15 meters. The ship has a speed of up to 30 knots. Autonomy - 30 days. Crew - 180 people and 20 marines.

Corvette project 20380 "Stable"

"" - the second largest ship at the International Naval Show. It was built at Severnaya Verf and handed over to the Navy in July 2014. The corvette is designed for operations in the near sea zone and combating enemy surface ships and submarines, as well as for landing support.

The corvette is equipped with a universal gun mount, anti-ship missiles, anti-submarine torpedoes and anti-aircraft missile weapons. As in the case of Yaroslav the Wise, the ship has a helipad for the Ka-27PL.

Project 21631 small rocket ship

One of the small missile ships project 21631 - "Green Dol" or "Serpukhov". Both ships fired back in the summer of 2016 with Caliber missiles at the positions of the Jabhat Fatah ash-Sham militants (the former Jabhat al-Nusra, a terrorist group banned on the territory of the Russian Federation).

Zeleny Dol and Serpukhov are the third and fourth serial ships of the Buyan-M project, respectively, built in 2015 at the Zelenodolsk Shipyard. Initially, RTOs were part of the Black Sea Fleet, but in the fall of 2016 they were transferred to the Baltic.

The ships are equipped with the latest high-precision long-range weapons - universal missile system"Caliber-NK", designed to destroy sea and coastal targets.

Minesweeper "Alexander Obukhov"

Among the ships that forum visitors will see will be the youngest ship of the Baltic Fleet - the minesweeper "". The ship entered the fleet in December 2016.

"Alexander Obukhov" - the lead ship of project 12700 "Alexandrite". According to the plans of the command of the Navy, the ships of the project will form the basis of mine-sweeping forces Russian fleet. Now the Sredne-Nevsky Shipbuilding Plant is building three minesweepers 12700, the construction of four more has been contracted.

The ship is notable for its hull made of monolithic fiberglass, formed by vacuum infusion. The hull made of composite materials is distinguished by higher strength and greater survivability of the ship when searching for mines. In addition, the composite body is lighter and more durable. On "Alexander Obukhov" this technology was used for the first time.

The technology for the production of composite minesweepers is owned only by the Sredne-Nevsky shipbuilding plant, in the future the Amur shipbuilding plant plans to master it.

Small landing craft hovercraft type "Zubr"

The fleet will send the world's largest hovercraft, project 12332 Zubr, to the showroom. Thanks to the air cushion, the Zubrs are able to move on the ground. The ship can accommodate three tanks or 10 armored personnel carriers.

Now the Navy is armed with two ships of the project, built in the early 90s. After the Rybinsk "Saturn" began import substitution of gas turbine engines installed on the ship, the naval command started talking about the upcoming resumption of the construction of "Zubrov".

Project 22460 border guard ship "Betrayed"

The patrol boat "Betrayed" was launched in April 2017 at the Almaz shipyard.

Guards with a displacement of 630 tons are built by order of the FSB border service. The ship became the first project in Russia, on the deck of which a helicopter-type unmanned aerial vehicle was landed. In addition to the drone, the ship's aviation group includes a light helicopter. The watchman is equipped with an AK-630 artillery mount and a Kord machine gun.

To improve living conditions, the ships are equipped with a sauna, a small pool and an air conditioning system. The speed of the guard can reach 30 knots. The project is distinguished by the use of stealth technology and a high class of automation.

Landing craft

In addition to ships, boats designed for various tasks will be located in the Lenexpo water area. Among them are landing boats of projects 11770 "Serna" and 21820 "Dugong", developed by the Alekseev Central Design Bureau.

What makes the boats unique is the principle of movement of the vessel on an air cavity. This know-how of the Nizhny Novgorod design bureau was used only in their development projects. Project 11770 boats are capable of carrying one tank or two infantry fighting vehicles or armored personnel carriers, project 21820 - twice as much. The boats are designed for 90 personnel.

It is curious that three boats of project 11770 are in service with the fleet of the United Arab Emirates, and all five boats of project 21820 built are named after heroes Patriotic War 1812, including Mikhail Lermontov and Denis Davydov.

Patrol and anti-sabotage boats

Among the boats on the IMDS there will be an anti-sabotage "". The boats of this project protect the waters of the bases of the fleet. The Grachonok is armed with a 14.5 mm Vladimirov machine gun designed for firing at lightly armored vehicles and capable of hitting targets at a distance of up to two kilometers and at a height of up to one and a half kilometers. In addition, the boat is equipped with grenade launchers and anti-aircraft missile systems.

From patrol boats, visitors to the salon will see high-speed "Mongoose" (FSB border service) and "", capable of accelerating to 53 and 48 knots, respectively.

Auxiliary vessels and boats

A project 19920 "Baklan" hydrographic boat will arrive from Lomonosov in St. Petersburg.

The multifunctional modular boat of project 23370 is remarkable in that its purpose depends on the installed equipment. It is used as a rescue, diving or medical vessel. The boats are manufactured by the Orekhovo-Zuyevo enterprise "KAMPO" and transferred to the Navy in the form of block modules, which are subsequently assembled at the location of the search and rescue forces of the fleets.

In addition, a project 23040 rescue boat equipped with a remote-controlled uninhabited boat will come to the harbor. underwater vehicle and designed to perform diving operations at a depth of up to 60 meters, extinguish fires on ships and pump out water from an emergency vessel.

Among other boats and auxiliary vessels, the MB-96 project 02800 sea tug, the BL-820 work boat and the BL-680 rigid inflatable boat manufactured by the Mnev and Co company will be located in the water area, on the basis of which the Typhoon consortium will develop a crewless boat for the project 12700 minesweeper, as well as a number of new developments and marine equipment.

Help of the Central Naval Portal

Please note that the purchased ticket expires after leaving the territory of Lenexpo in the direction of the pier. Before viewing the ships, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the IMDS exposition and the stands of participants representing the naval industry.

The Eighth International Maritime Defense Show will be held in St. Petersburg from June 28 to July 2 at the territory of the Lenexpo exhibition complex. The forum is organized by the Ministry of Industry and Trade with the participation of the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation, the government of St. Petersburg and the Rosoboronexport company. According to the organizers of the exhibition, visitors will see more than 50 samples of marine equipment.

Like two years ago, foreign warships are not expected at IMDS-2017.

Information about the exhibition is published in thematic section FlotProm"