Computer style last call script. Scenarios of the last call. Scenario of the last call "Anniversary cruise "Aerobatics""

  • 13.11.2019

Fanfare sounds.


How carefully the wave

Washes away traces from the sand

So childhood from you

Floats silently.

Presenter 1:

It is now for you

In a dream will only dream

And you shout to him:

"Come back! Say goodbye to me."

Presenter 2:

And you will remember more than once

This home port.

Where with rays of eyes

Dawns meet

Where they believe in magic

Where they are friends with miracles,

Where are the fairy tales

They come to visit

Presenter 1:

Here the clouds are not visible,

here from smiles closely,

sailing dreams

the planet of childhood flies!

Presenter 1:

Good afternoon, dear guests! Another historic day for the school has come - May 25th. And how good it is that such a holiday happens in the spring, blooming, joyful, always new.

For our graduates, this spring is a confident and promising start.

And in the school annals one more page was filled.

Host 2:

Today the school bell will sound,

Which won't be very common.

The thread of that habitual series will be interrupted,

When the lesson was replaced by a lesson.

Presenter 1:

Noise, worrying, graduation classes,

And now other paths are waiting for him.

Host 2:

Let's salute the brave

Past storms of stormy school years.

Going into life on the road of victories, -

Graduates solemn and important!

Presenter 1:

Let's greet the graduates of 2016 ALEYNIKOVA Yulia, BEZZAPONNYA Anastasia, SHILENKO Elizaveta and class teacher Dreval Yulia Alexandrovna.

The song "We would be glad to stay" sounds.

Host 2:

School is a small state

And every school has its own rules.

In order not to stray from the right path,

To set the motion vector -

The school has a fair and strict

But the best director!

Leading 1 : The floor for greetings is given to the director of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution Leninskaya Secondary School Semenchenko A.N.

Host 2:

Solemn event, dedicated to the holiday"Last call" is considered open, for executionAnthem of the Russian Federation, everyone stand up.

The hymn is being played.

Presenter 1:

Once upon a time, eleven years ago,

When the trees were golden

For you there was a holiday of the First call -

Under his trill, you entered the classroom for the first time.

Host 2:

Today you are a little worried

And the old school hall is full of friends,

The day of the last call has come to you

Today you say goodbye to school!

Presenter 1:

Dear graduates!

Today a special call will ring for you, it is not like the calls you have heard before.

Host 2:

This call for you is the boundary between childhood and adulthood. And now you will hear words of parting words on behalf of those who escort you into adulthood.

Presenter 1:

We have a lot of guests today -

Graduates, colleagues, friends,

Came to touch the school doorstep

Be sad with your school.

Presenter 2:

But we have a special guest -

And we are not indifferent to him,

Now he will congratulate you personally.

Presenter 1:

It is so pleasant to note that traditionally there are many guests at our holiday today! The word is given by ________________________________________________________________________________________________


Presenter 1:

Lots of things to do on your way
There will be big and small
But only to everything that lies ahead,
School was the beginning.

Host 2:

The word is given to the heroes of our holiday - graduates!

11th grade students read a poem.

YULIA For leading to knowledge,

Ignoring the difficulties

Only thanks

We say goodbye to you.

We wish you well

And blue overhead

More joy, warmth,

Wins and fewer breakups.

NASTYA School years are in the past,

Cheerful, carefree children's laughter.

We will never forget school

Let's remember all teachers.

We cherish every hour and every moment,

What was associated with care and kindness,

And everyone who has achieved something,

More than once will appreciate everything later.

LISA Thank you to those who have dedicated themselves

High goal - to be a teacher,

Who taught us, loving the profession,

Be honest, smart and appreciate the good!

And even if you suddenly cry

You want goodbye

Then know that the eleventh grade

He only says to you: "Goodbye!"

(Performance of the 9th grade)school principal

Our feelings unspent bowl,

And the living breath of spring

And our love and gratitude

We address the director.

Our worries, anxieties, sorrows

You have always noticed.

How many times have we seen you at work -

You are always in search, always in care.

We want you to stay like this

And never change for anything.

Head teacher

We didn’t think about how old you are,

What kind of husband do you have and what kind of pay,

And you have a daughter, and maybe a granddaughter.

Easily and willingly you entered the class,

They loved the work, and therefore us.

class teacher

You taught us for so many years
Gave knowledge, guidance,
And on this May warm day
Please accept our congratulations.

Today we wish you
Mental strength and patience
educated students
And festive mood.

Never forget:
Your hard work is not in vain.
Remember that you are for us -
The leader is the best!

History teacher

Stories of glorious great dates

We will carry in memory for a long time,

Let's feel in our hearts what once was,

Let us imagine the paths of the ages.

Chemistry teacher

Together with you they ate different pounds of salt,

You appreciated our hard work.

There were no reactions at times -

You still taught us to understand.

teacher foreign languages

We can understand something in German

We can sing songs in English.

Life itself will offer to teach us everything,

Let me thank you for everything.

physical education teacher

You of us sought to raise Olympic hopes.

Look at the boys, yes, you didn’t work in vain.

Let them still eagles, but in the long term - eagles!

It does not matter that their Olympic records are not equal.

And the girls, look how slim and graceful.

Aerobics and running are taken seriously.

Russian language teacher

The Russian language is great and powerful!
A forest of mistakes in a dense dictation,
And commas are bad things
Now they are not enough, then whole heaps!

How to reach the lake of correct speech?
We can't do without help here!
The path will be difficult, thorny and long,
To point it out - our teacher is capable!

Math teacher

Mathematic teacher,

You are like a goddess to us!

We will remember for the rest of our lives

Your profile, your name!

Let's remember the lessons

And challenging tasks!

We wish you health

Success and good luck!

Geography teacher

It's time to say "thank you"
For geography science ...
You taught us conscientiously
We listened, forgetting about boredom.
It's time to leave school
The last call went off...
We promise to remember you
And we will truly miss you!

Technical staff

Who is the most tired?

school technical staff

After all, it is difficult to collect papers for each,

Clean, wash and sweep.

Paint, smear and whiten.

How can we not love you?


Daily and in the morning

Waiting for feeding children

Because without food

Neither here nor there.

In a long, boring lesson

We keep our eyes on the board

From the buffet they pour

Delicious scents.

General song (flower delivery)

Song: We love you, your dear faces

We love you, your dear faces,
You gave us wings, a ticket to life,
So that we can fly like birds,
To the wisdom of snow-capped peaks.

You have lakes of kindness in your eyes.
Thank you for the simple truths
Thanks for your patience and hard work.
Thank you for defining us
A delightful route to the world of knowledge.
Teachers are for us, you are the light in the window,
Light of knowledge, light of mind and warmth.
And even if you get a little angry.
In your eyes, you have lakes of kindness.
And even if you get a little angry,
You have lakes of kindness in your eyes.
loss We wish you happiness, strength and health,
Flowers, success, joy, love,
Students are a cheerful estate,
We dream that you live forever

Light of knowledge, light of mind and warmth.
And even if you get a little angry.
In your eyes, you have lakes of kindness.
Teachers are for us, you are the light in the window,
Light of knowledge, light of mind and warmth.
And even if you get a little angry.
In your eyes, you have lakes of kindness.
And even if you get a little angry.
In your eyes, you have lakes of kindness.
And even if you get a little angry.
In your eyes, you have lakes of kindness.

Host 2:

Do you remember it was around

A sea of ​​colors and sounds.

From warm mother's hands

The teacher took your hand.

He put you in first grade

Solemn and respectful.

Presenter 1:

Your hand and now

In the hand of your teacher.

The pages of books turn yellow

Change the name of the river

But you are his disciple: Then, now and forever.

Host 2:

The word for congratulations is given to the first teacher Chernysheva M.V.


Do you remember our bows,
Preschool summer freckles,
And the first of September
Smoothed tops?!
And we will never forget
The warmth of your kind eyes.
Let there be no sadness in them,
We love and remember you!

Host 2:

Dear graduates, today they came to see you off at Big world adult life first graders! Meet!

First-graders take the stage. (poetry)

(First graders give forget-me-nots)

Ved.1 Dear graduates. Our future first-graders have prepared a musical congratulation for you. Let's support them.

Dance of first graders.

Alumni responses

1) We are grateful to you friends,

For your kind words and congratulations!

School years go by fast

Your teaching will also end here.

2) Well, we wish you:

On call to get up,

Ran to school on time

So that you don't go astray

And they didn't get lost anywhere.

3) And one more tip:

Take care of our school

And love teachers

But let's not go yet -

We'll prick our ears!

Presenter 1:

You will remember all the teachers

But, there is one, and everyone agrees on this,

What is still more expensive and sweeter,

For you, the native leader is cool.

The word of the graduates to the class teacher

YULIA You are a mother for us
Became a favorite at school:
Either strict or kind
Sometimes vulnerable.

NASTYA You protected us
From any problems
« To study better,
They told us all.

LISA Taken under the wing
Cheerful our class.
Thank you for
That you loved us!
Host 2:

The word is given to the class teacher alumni

Feedback from teachers

Presenter 1:

We must say at this hour
About those who gave you life,
About the closest people in the world,
About those who helped grow
And it will help a lot!
Invisibly your parents follow you
And in joy, and at the hour when trouble came.
They seek to ward off sorrows
But you, alas, do not always honor them

Host 2:

And you did not accept their worries,
Their efforts seem superfluous to you sometimes.
And you remember your parents
When a sudden disaster has already overtaken you.
You forgive them, dear, dear,
After all, they have no other people more valuable than you!
As they say, children are the joy in life,
And you are their support.


Song: Only for you I sing with my soul

Only for you I sing with my soul ...

Without lies and selfish reasons.

I can't love without you...

I don't like this world without you.

Like a bell ringing in a dream

Warm thoughts are always about you!

The best father, because mine!


We are with you forever

Forget all unnecessary words!

Only heart and soul

sight and silence

Big hugs and love!

We are with you forever

Let's repeat:

I do not ask life for good,

You raised me well!

And it baked in the soul!

It's like living water...

This world is so cruel and vulnerable...

But there is a place for rights and dreams!

And we started on the path with him!

Grateful for everything only to you!


We are with you forever

Forget all unnecessary words!

Only heart and soul

sight and silence

Big hugs and love!

We are with you forever

Like the sun light, air and water

Let's repeat:

For everything we have, we thank you!

Only for you I sing with my soul ...

without lies and selfish reasons ...

I can't love without you...

I don't like this world without you...

Presenter 1:

The floor is given to parents of graduates.

Parents: words

Dance 3-4 class

Host 2:

The bell rings for you for the last time.

A call of hope and a call of farewell.

And the moments of parting are approaching.

And ahead - the confusion of the roads.

Lead 1.

And the sun shines in the sky, as before,

But childhood has its own time in life.

And the bell rings for the last time

A call of farewell and a call of hope.


Lead 2

If there is a black streak in life,

You remember the scarlet sails soon.

About simple dreams that helped save

Your heart is from evil only in the name of love.

Presenter 1

Don't cry, don't be sad, know that the moment will come

All misfortunes from the path will be carried away by a scarlet glare.

Host 2:

Your islands are ahead. And like scarlet sails, let the balloons rise high, high in honor of our unique school years.

YULIA I'm releasing a balloon in honor of my childhood, which will never return. Goodbye childhood! In honor of those who taught us to conquer and conquer this world. Believe in us!

NASTYA I release the balloon in memory of carefree school days. We had such a great time here!

LISA I release the balloon towards my future. Great things await us! I release the balloon as a token of gratitude to my home school. School, goodbye! (release balls)

Song grade 11 "I will stay" (pigeons)

Today is a very important day

for all of us,

The bell will ring today

last time…

I'm very afraid of it

But you have to live

I won't come back here...

Do you want school, I'll stay,

I'll stay, school, I'm with you,

Don't follow me on the road.

I'll stay in the classes dear,

Among teachers relatives,

Childhood is gone forever

From you and me

Before adulthood

We are already at hand.

Don't cry, it's only sadness

And you have to live

I won't come back here...

Do you want school, I'll stay,

Chorus: I will remain heart and soul,

I'll stay, school, I'm with you,

Don't follow me on the road.

I'll stay in the classes dear,

Among teachers relatives,

I will still stay with you!


Presenter 1:

The school ship set sail.

And now other paths are waiting for him.

Host 2:

The most solemn moment of our holiday is coming.

The right to give "The last call is given to a student of grade 11 _________________________________________________________________________________

and a 1st grade student _____________________________________________________________________________

(last call)

Presenter 1

Everything is done! Ship on the water. slipway

Empty and, it seems, a little sad.

A ship to start its business from scratch.

In a word, full ahead and seven feet under the keel.

No matter how the waves of the storm shake the ships,

No matter how many times the ports salute you,

No matter how long the cherished pier waits for you,

There is a beginning.

Congratulations on your debut.

Traditionally, the last bell at the school is organized by the eleventh-graders themselves - it is they who choose the form of the celebration, the storyline of the entertainer, prepare the main concert numbers and congratulations to the teachers.

The success of this holiday largely depends on how accurately the chosen plot fits into the specific school situation of specific graduates. Other people's brilliant jokes and the script will remain strangers if they do not overlap with the traditions and relationships that have developed at the school.

And one more secret: the chosen scenario should be liked, first of all, by graduates, and then the Last Bell will sound like magical music for everyone!

Most best option- take as a basis the idea you like or finished script and fill it with your content by changing, omitting or adding something. We offer a choice of several ideas for the last call scenario.

1. Original ideas for the Last Call script.

Life in our country is constantly changing, and we are changing with it. Many modern graduates, savvy in television and media shows, want something unusual or stylized as a certain program or movie as a plot for their last call holiday.

It is no coincidence that awarding them various nominations, prizes, etc. has become a very popular form of congratulating teachers. So, by analogy with the annual Golden Gramophone award, the plot of congratulating teachers . It is also very dynamic, modern and unobtrusive, all the moments traditional for the last call are inscribed in such a plot as "A movie is being shot" - you can see it in the document:

Of course, the classic presentation with beautiful touching poems and dedication songs to each teacher is a wonderful and proven way to hold such events, but if the release is active, artistic and creative, they will feel cramped within this framework. As an alternative, you can take as a basis for KVN - an entertainer and concert numbers as a gift, as in "Trip in a Balloon", adjusting it for yourself.

In the "Journey to the Island" scenario, the theme of adventure is revealed in a more traditional way. And graduates who are "obsessed" with IT technologies will most likely like the idea of ​​​​holding the Last Call in computer style, as an example, we advise you to look at the script "Supersite School".

(to download - click the file)

It is better to decide which plot to choose by majority vote, because it may turn out that the idea associated with, for example, any of the popular shows on television will win: "Minute of Glory", "Dom-2", "Star Factory" or a parody show. If it is interesting for graduates, why not, because in any story you can include traditional greetings for kids, and words of gratitude to teachers and parents, and touching words of farewell.

2. The idea of ​​the script "The New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and

Doctor Watson."

A very winning idea is to hold the last call in the style of any popular movie, for example, "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson."

Let the main intrigue be that famous detectives are investigating what event they managed to be on. Such naive ignorance can be explained by the fact that our heroes are English and are not familiar with Russian school traditions.

Detectives appear only after the high school students, to the sound of fanfare, enter the hall and line up on the ruler. Visiting guests, as it were, break into the planned order of the holiday. It will look plausible if the school administration itself - the director, the head teachers - play along with Holmes and Watson, saying that they will deal with them later, but for now let the detectives stand on the sidelines.

It is best if the detectives stand at the opposite end of the hall from the director and head teacher: this way the event will have two “poles”. The administration will set the official tone, the guests from England will give their comments.

We advise you to make the person of the director himself the first “evidence”: Holmes says that he has data on this person. He reads them out: “A teacher by profession ..., she / he is the mother / father of school experiments. The character is balanced, persistent. Vigilant, merciless to violators of cleanliness and order, has a sharp ear and an authoritative voice. Sees all, hears all, knows all." So the assumption is born that this is the head of this institution.

As if confirming his conclusion, the director read out the order for the admission of children to the exams.

This is followed by a performance by the first-graders, which focuses on the idea of ​​growing up quickly. The detectives conclude that the assembled youth once dreamed of the same thing. The parents' lyrical speech about the transience of time gives a hint that young people have reached a certain milestone in their lives.

The performance of the eleventh-graders with a comic oath of fidelity to the precepts of their “senior comrades” is a reason to assume that those gathered in the hall are leaving their native land. In general, any concert number or performance should encourage Holmes and Watson to think that they are graduates. And the traditional procession of first-graders with a bell makes them think that for these teenagers the school bell sounds for the last time.

Well-recognized phrases from the film, well matched to the plot of the entertainer, will create an atmosphere of humor and light sadness, which, against the backdrop of the solemnity of the moment, will be a very good shade.

The script of the holiday Last Bell in the style of your favorite cartoon "In the footsteps of the Bremen town musicians" can be viewed .

When organizing this holiday, one should not forget that in addition to the solemn and official component, the last bell at school is also a symbol of farewell to childhood, and therefore it is quite possible to “invite” the heroes of fairy tales or books beloved from childhood to the role of presenters. Here are some ideas on how this can be implemented:

3. The idea of ​​the script "The Little Prince".

To have a holiday with the storyline associated with the work of Exupery, you need to think carefully about the musical accompaniment. It will be great if the graduates at the beginning of the holiday are met not only by their parents and teachers, but also by the characters from Exupery's fairy tale: the Rose, the Fox, the King and, of course, the Little Prince - such a reception will set a special mood from the very beginning.

Let such a last call be opened by the opening speech of the Prince, who will continue to lead the event in the manner and style of his hero.

Taking a course on such a reverent literary image, we suggest that you make the performance of couples involved in ballroom dancing the first number of the program. After a beautiful waltz, it is appropriate to read a poem about strong friendship. Let it be a duet of the Prince and the Fox.

We advise you to preface the official speeches of the director and head teachers with warm words about their merits, for example, from the lips of another character in the fairy tale - Rose.

But the stubborn King could well announce such numbers as the staged song of the first-graders "What they teach at school." It would be nice for graduates to receive a kind of greeting from ninth-graders, who are also faced with the problem of choosing their path - this idea can be played out in a small scene or sung about it in ditties.

4. The idea of ​​the script "The last call - farewell to childhood."

This option may also be a good idea - invite to
last call eleventh-graders of fairy-tale and cartoon characters from their childhood: Cheburashka, Thumbelina, ninja turtles, tin soldier, etc. And it is better to invite professional animators for these roles, who will take an active part in the program and set the tone for the whole event.

It is these characters that are dear to any youthful heart, even at the entrance to the school, they will present graduates with badges in the form of bells, and then they will be taken to the assembly hall.

After the official greeting, you can arrange a small concert, something like in kindergarten. Why not? Invite high school students to remake in advance school theme different popular songs: one or two verses can be performed by each class.

Prepare humorous riddles about teachers, about first love or school life. For example, “In the white field, blue / Stretched lines. / And friends go under them, / Lead each other by the hand ”(alphabet and script).

An excellent entertainment moment can be a general round dance (or a round dance of those who wish, if there are more than 40 graduates). At the same time, we advise you to sing a funny song from the cartoon "Big Secret for a Small Company" ("It's no secret that friends don't grow in a garden"). Also arrange a physical minute or fun starts. To do this, you need to call those who wish from the hall.

It is quite appropriate to give each class a letter with a comic inscription and wishes for excellent exams and a fun graduation. This will be a good end to the holiday.

If a fairy-tale plot is chosen, then it is also better to spend it in a fairy-tale style, to see how this can be done, we offer in this scenario:

(to download - click on the file)

5. The idea of ​​the script "Kidnapping the school bell".

In this case, start the holiday as it should be: a hymn, reading an order on admission to exams, good parting words from teachers. Suddenly, a noise passes through the “ranks” of the school administration: the director and the head teachers are talking, looking around. Let someone with a bewildered face run into the hall and loudly announce that everything is gone - the school bell has been stolen! Hence the whole drama: how to make a call last? We strongly advise at this moment to appear dressed up in costumes of all kinds of evil spirits and unceremoniously start the dance, simultaneously pestering the graduates.

Then the leader of the mummers must demand five (or as many as there are) "excellent students" as hostages, whom he will subject to various tests: dance the macarena, fight evil spirits in a tug of war, sing a famous excerpt from the opera under karaoke (for example, "The Heart of Beauties" from "Rigoletto" by Verdi).

So that the rest of the people do not get bored, the main villain can make them compose verses: give the beginning of the lines that need to be continued into rhyme (In our class ... / "Deuce" is the best ...).

With each completed task, there are fewer and fewer “devils striped” in the hall, then their crying leader gives the school bell.

Parents can also offer their ideas or come up with a couple of surprises for graduates (for example, invite artists or animators - for the solemn part or order a buffet, bowling, field trip - after it ends).

When organizing a holiday, try to make a quality mix of obligatory official ceremonies, established traditions and entertainment moments. The heroes of the occasion, along with the awareness of the importance of what is happening, should feel the atmosphere of the holiday, attention to themselves and, in turn, be sure to have time to say their words of gratitude to teachers and parents.

Last Call Scenario 2016


Come out Leading 9 cells

Presenter 1: Good afternoon, dear students, teachers, parents and guests of our school!

Spring is in the yard, the calendar counts down the last days of May. From year to year, on this beautiful sunny day across the country, teachers, guests, and parents gather together in schools to say good parting words to our graduates.

Host 2: Very soon they will appear here, our graduates. With what excitement and trepidation they were waiting for this day ... And now it has come! Let's welcome them, 2016 graduates of the "Anniversary" graduation of our school!

Vedas 1: Graduates of the 9th grade and their class teacher Dutova L.P.

Graduates come out9 class

Vedas 2: 11th grade graduates and their class teacher Kharlamova N,V.

Graduates come out11 class

Presenter 1: I ask you to consider the solemn line dedicated to the last call open!


Presenter2: The floor for congratulations is given to the director of the school Grigoryeva N.N. (gives the floor to guests)

Presenter1: Today at our holiday it is very pleasant to see the guardian of discipline, the legislator of the schedule, and just a charming person - our head teacher. The floor for reading the order is given to the head teacher of our school Samoilichenko Olga Borisovna

11th grade presenters come out

Guys, do you remember how it all began?

1 -School, wonderful school years. 11 years ago we came to school with wide eyes, expecting a miracle. We were like blank white pages on which you, our teachers, wrote your text, created a person. Over the years, we have had 12 thousand lessons, more than 120 textbooks, and they have more than 25 thousand pages. On average, from home to school and back over the years, we have traveled a distance equal to 3,500 kilometers, 25,000 bells have rung for us, and today the last bell in our life will ring.

2 - Our path was never strewn with roses, because there was no place for them. This place was occupied by Pechorin's quest and Tatyana's suffering, syntax and punctuation, biquadratic equations and the Pythagorean theorem.

3- The periodic table and that happy apple that fell on the head of the thinking Newton. As well as continents and oceans, battles and battles, crosses and races.

4- Our main task was to eat from the tree of knowledge all these years. We ate, and some got indigestion.

5- We tried to destroy the granite foundation of science and as a result, by joint efforts, we gnawed a huge hole in it.

6- From where the trade winds constantly blew on us, so many of us have a chronic runny nose.

7- And, despite all this, we are still as cheerful and cheerful as we were 11 years ago.

8- In these 11 years fit a whole life.

9- This life would be boring and joyless if we were not accompanied by our teachers - reliable comrades, excellent advisers.

10- Which were the guiding and guiding force of our growing up.

11- They tried to put their souls into us without a trace, although we could not always appreciate the good and bright that the school laid in us.

12-- But today we have the last opportunity to express all the words of gratitude, appreciation, love, respect to you, our dear teachers.

13- So, let the declaration of love ceremony be considered open!

Presentation of commemorative medals with words of love will be made in the following nominations:

1. "For kindness and love";

2. "For charm and beauty";

3. "For moral support";

4. "For optimism and love of life";

5. "For the originality of thinking";

6. "For adherence to principles and exactingness";

7. "For honor and dignity";

8. "For devotion to one's work";

9. "My second mother."

For example: A medal in the nomination "For kindness and love" is awarded to ...

Flowers with a medal

The song "Forgive us, teacher"

Leading: We give the floor to the teacher, who brought us to the class 11 years ago, taught us to read and write, and solve simple problems. Word to the first teacher! Our dear Antonina Grigorievna, our first teacher, our second mother, we want to hear your gentle voice!

Says AG

Host 2: Our ninth-graders will be pleased to hear parting words from their beloved first teacher Burtseva N.V.

Song of the 9th grade for teachers of the beginning class.

Presenter1: Look, our cool moms are standing

With a smile, anxiety and a kind heart,

From many adversities they protected us, stubborn ones,

Taught to be honest, open, non-malicious.

The floor is given to class teachers of graduates.


Graduate. All 11 years, along the thorny paths of knowledge, our parents walked with us, rejoicing at our successes and worrying about our failures.

We dreamed, went on hikes, sang songs, overcame difficulties, received deuces, created, matured, and they worried about us, even experienced our first love.

Sometimes we did not notice that every minute, every second you are invisibly with us, our dear, kind dads and moms.

Forgive us for those vain, short-term grievances, which, alas, did not go unnoticed. They lay light gray on your temples. As if the blizzards were shallow, and the snowflakes forgot to melt.

And now you, our best parents, are given the floor!

(Speech by parents.) Lobanova Natalia Leonidovna, Voitenko Galina Vasilievna

Leading: and now the response of the graduates

That's how it is with people

Parents it's always, to admit,
It's embarrassing and weird. And yet, and yet
There is no need to be surprised here, apparently
And you don't have to be offended either.

After all, love is not a laurel under a curly, tabernacle,
And he feels sharper in life
Who donates, acts, gives,
In short: a giver, not a taker.

Loving my children endlessly
Parents love not only them,
But plus what was invested in them:
Tenderness, worries, their labors,
Battles won with adversity
It's impossible to name everything!

And the children, having accepted fatherly labor
And becoming mustachioed "children",
Everyone takes it for granted
And patronizingly called
Parents "old men" and "ancestors".

When they are affectionately scolded,
Recalling the labor community,
Children say to their parents:
- Do not, comrades, sad tirades!
Less complaints, more courage!

Yes, that's the way people are.
Do you want it, don't you want it
But only parents love children
A little more than the children of their parents.

And yet - do not reproach children.
After all, they do not always twitter on the branches.
Once they raise kids,
Feel everything, experience
And visit the "old men" and "ancestors"!

(during the verse, graduates give their parents a framed photo with the caption “I love you. your graduate of 2016”)

Song grade 9 parents

leading: Today they came to congratulate graduates and kids - first-graders, once we were like that. We recently entered first grade. And today we are ready to say goodbye to school.

1st graders come out

First Grader 1:

We are wonderful boys

Your little brothers!

First Grader 2:

We are wonderful girls

Your little sisters!

First Grader 3:

Flew like a moment 10 years

Now hello to you!

First Grader 4:

It's almost time,

When the farewell bell rings!

First grader 5:

Take it with a bang!

Our "neither fluff nor feather!"

First grader 6:

Submit assignments with success!

We wish you "goodbye"!

The floor is given to our 10th grade receivers.

The song about Ege (I'm tired) sings the whole 11th grade

Head teacher. Dear eleventh graders! Once again, congratulations on your graduation!

Song traditional last call (together)

Now the last bell in your school life will sound. And with it, let hundreds of roads open for you, and let everyone find their own way according to their hearts and be able to pass it with dignity.

Song "Last Call"

Last call

So the hour has come when we say goodbye to you

We will remember you, those who studied with us

To our teachers we nod goodbye

Years fly fast, now parting has come

The last call burst into our hall,

Last call, but who called you?

Of course we were waiting for you, but now

We want to enter that door again

Soon these good walls will wave in the wake, where every day in the morning

We were waiting for a change

We can't forget our teachers

The light of your kind eyes

And your hearts too

The chorus is the same

The right to give the last bell is granted to a student of the 1st grade __Ivanova Ekaterina__ and a student of the 11th grade_ Voitenko Dmitry

(The last bell rings.)

05.04.2018 | We looked at the script 15984 human

Leading. Attention attention!
Leading. What are the birds singing about today?
What did the breeze whisper in the morning?
Leading. What event will happen at school?
What is our holiday?
Together. Last call!

Leading. Who is the main character on our holiday?
Leading. Whom...

Examples of cool congratulations from parents for graduation for 2018 graduates

05.04.2018 | We looked at the script 3995 human

Today on this day
You have become quite mature
Not lessons, changes,
No school problems

This is the day that sadly
Do you often remember
And a transparent tear
You will jump on your cheeks,

I so want a parting word from you ...

Scenario of the last call for grades 9, 11

05.04.2018 | We looked at the script 12800 human

LEADING. In a certain kingdom, in a certain state called “Secondary School”, one very important event happened! We have been waiting for this event for a long time - neither more nor less, as much as eleven whole years! And finally, wait!

Entering the stage...

"Scenario of the solemn line"

05.04.2018 | We looked at the script 11052 human

1st led.:
Today is an extraordinary day.
The sun rose, washed with dew,
To the lesson for the last, farewell
Graduation class is sent.

2nd led.:
May day plays on the line,
The breeze gently whispers in the foliage,
Seeing off their graduates on the way, ...

Scenario of the last call "Anniversary cruise "Aerobatics""

27.05.2015 | We looked at the script 13906 human

The hall is filled with guests, music and songs about aviation sound: “Moscow - Odessa” (Spanish V. Vysotsky), “Little Plane” (Spanish Valeria), “The Sky Chose Us” (Spanish A. Domogarov and I. Rudakov) .

The presenters come out, dressed in the uniform of flight attendants. Quiet in the room...

"Feast of Youth"

26.05.2015 | We looked at the script 18088 human

Solemn music sounds, the exit of the hosts.

1st presenter: They tremble with poplar leaves,
The birch gently rustles.
Today is a holiday in our school:
The last bell will ring.

2nd presenter: Noise, worrying, graduation classes,
Ringing farewell echo ...

The script for the line of the last call for grade 11 "The whole world is a theater ..."

14.05.2014 | We looked at the script 20971 human

The presenters come out: a young man and a girl dressed in tunics and with classical Greek masks in their hands - smiling and crying, comedy and tragedy. When the guys talk, the masks need to be brought to the face. Tunics can be made from ordinary ...

Scenario. Line dedicated to the "Last call"

14.05.2014 | We looked at the script 23786 human

1st reader. Attention! Attention! Listen everyone!
2nd reader. Remember this day!
3rd reader. Remember this hour!
4th reader. Today is a special holiday.
5th reader. The hour of parting has come! From our family to far away life path brothers and sisters leave.


Scenario of the holiday of the last call in the 9th grade "Farewell, fun time!"

14.05.2014 | We looked at the script 13525 human

Two presenters appear on the stage

1st leader: Remember this day!
2nd leader: Remember this hour!

1st presenter: Today our ninth graders say goodbye to their class and boldly declare: “We graduated from basic school and are ready to enter the threshold ...

Scenario of the holiday of the last call "The best is all ahead"

14.05.2014 | We looked at the script 22022 human

Radio announcement:

Attention! The fast train on the route School - Adult Life will be sent from the school platform No. 18 at 10:00. Please see off and departing to go to the landing.

Excited classmates come out from different sides of the stage...

The school porch should be decorated according to the theme. Balloons, flowers, ribbons, interesting bright posters.

A graduate and a first-grader are sitting on the steps.

Graduate :
Why are you sitting so sad?

first grader (sighing deeply):
Childhood is over, so I'm sad.

Graduate :
Yes you what! You still have a long way to go! You are so small!

First grader:
I was small, and now I am an adult, independent.

Graduate :
You know, you kind of look like me. I also had such a shirt in the first class, and the same belt ...

First grader:
Not surprising. After all, I am you as a child.

Graduate :
How so?

First grader:
I just dropped in to say goodbye. Perhaps we will meet again in photographs and in memories, but I will no longer be able to repeat myself. Promise me something.

Graduate :

First grader:
Never lose hope!

Graduate :

(The first grader gets up, shakes hands and leaves, the Graduate also rises and enters the school. The presenters appear)

Childhood is the most wonderful, most fun and interesting stage in the life of every person. It can be absolutely unpredictable, intriguing, exciting, but childhood is always filled with happiness and joy.

Never wanted to grow up. As a child, there were cartoons, games in the yard, a dream at lunch and delicious buns in the school cafeteria.

Do you remember halabudas from blankets on chairs? Do you remember how your mother led you to the first class?

Of course! You know, I overheard a little. The graduates have a ship, and they are going to sail through the expanses of childhood, and then go to new life. I thought, maybe we are with them?

It will be interesting! But where are our graduates? And who will be the captain?

And there will be several captains. I am pleased to invite 11-A grade graduates under the guidance of (Name of class teacher) take your place on the ship!

(Graduates come out to music. Depending on the number of classes, the phrase is repeated)

And so, dear graduates, are you ready to set sail?

(graduates answer in chorus)

I heard that ships have their own oaths that bind crew members! I suggest we get one.

Graduate 1:
I swear to always help my classmates and like their social media posts!

Graduate 2:
I swear to always communicate with my schoolmates, not only on the Internet, but also on the street!

Graduate 1:
I vow to meet my classmates regularly and discuss the latest developments!

Graduate 2:
I swear to always be beautiful to celebrate our graduation!

Graduate 3:
I swear to be the smartest at the university so that I can help my school friends when necessary!

Graduate 3:
I swear to be the most dexterous and fastest athlete to glorify my beloved school!

Graduate 4:
I swear that I will never forget my school days and write memoirs about them!

Graduate 5:
I swear to always respect classmates and adore classmates!

Graduate 4:
I swear to always visit my teachers!

Graduate 5:
I swear to always come to visit the dear (F. I. O class teacher) for tea!

Graduate 6:
I swear to always congratulate my classmates on all holidays and birthdays!

Graduate 7:
I swear to always support my schoolmates in difficult times!

(All graduates in chorus: We swear! We swear! We swear!)

So, we have decided on the oath. What's next?

(Graduates sing Tatyana Ovsienko's song "The Sea Worries Once")

Graduate 1:
I remember my mother used to read fairy tales to me when I was a child.
We sang songs together with mom,
How quickly the time has flown by
Graduation coming soon.
I remember laughing out loud
On the swing in the yard
We sewed diapers for the doll,
Childhood, I want to see you!

Graduate 1:
I would plunge into childhood again,
Play football with dad
I didn't have time to look back.
In the past, everything is now in mine!

Graduate 2:
I miss toys
I want to go back to my childhood
Where cartoons, cheesecakes,
Where sometimes during the day I sleep!

Graduate 3:
I will wave my hand to childhood,
I will always miss
There was a golden time
Will never return!

Graduate 2:
Say goodbye to childhood
We raised the sails
Wave your hand to him
Remember sometimes!

Graduate 4:
Our ship is ready
What lies ahead for us
There's a lot to know
Childhood, come visit!
Come to memories
About happy bright days
Childhood, I already miss
Grown up so fast!

Come on board, little ones! They have some very important business. Let's hear them before sending?

(First graders lined up near the porch)

First grader 1:
We came to congratulate you
Wish you success, happiness,
You accept congratulations
We want you to smile!

First grader 2:
you leave today
We want to promise you
What school are we looking after
We will replace you!

First grader 1:
Let's do all the lessons
We will always obey
You set an example for us
Come by sometimes!

First grader 3:
Go swimming today
It will probably be difficult for you
But don't worry about the school
Everything will be fine here!

First grader 2:
We want to give you a souvenir
We are a bell and a magic ball,
So that you do not go astray,
To smile more often!

(First graders give graduates small bells and balloons)

Graduate 1:
We want to thank you guys
For your warm and kind words,
We would like to ask you
May you always try!

Graduate 2:
We have prepared a charter for you,
We ask him to keep
Love, take care of your class,
Never forget friendship!

(Graduates hand over to each class of first-graders according to the charter that they prepared in advance. It is better to do it on a large Whatman paper in the form bright poster. Roll into a tube and tie with ribbon. You can "age" the paper to make it look more interesting. a matter of fantasy)

Guys, do you remember how you came to your first class? Do you remember who helped you overcome your fears, who introduced you to the Primer? Of course, your first teachers, and they could not let you sail without their parting words.

(First teachers read)

Graduate 1:
Thank you for your tenderness and warmth,
Bow to the floor to you, we will not forget you,
We had a good time in first grade
And we want to come back again now!

(Graduates sing a song to the motive "Goodbye Moscow!)

Song .
1 couplet.
The hallways are getting quieter
The school fairy tale of miracles is melting,
Goodbye our first teacher,
We leave warmth of hearts!

Let's break up now
Let's break up for a while
We will run to you
Kiss, hug.

2 couplet.
Forgive our first teacher,
That we offended you at times,
We're sorry, we're sorry
But, you remember the combat class.

Friends break up
Separate for a long time
We will remember you
Don't forget your class only!

I remember very often in my childhood I dreamed about distant countries, about traveling. I read books for hours and imagined a world full of adventures and events. So this is what, I propose to raise anchors and go on our first voyage!

Raise the anchors! Full front! Look what an interesting island, oh I see mermaids! Mermaids to starboard! Mermaids!

(A dance group appears in front of the porch (students of grades 4-5))

Student 1:
We won't let you go so easily.
We will not let go without a gift,
You are talented, beautiful,
You are our graduates!

Student 2:
Do not judge the dance strictly
After all, tails interfere with us,
Go to school more often
We will be waiting for you very much!

(Girls dance dance)

At the rate of the parent island! We have more passengers on board!

Graduate 1:
I remember my mother led to the first class,
I held her tightly by the hand,
She carried a briefcase in her other hand,
And I dragged my doll!

Graduate 2:
My mother tied a bank for me then,
So big and beautiful
There was fear in my eyes
But, I didn’t tell my mother that I was afraid.

Graduate 1:
I remember dad gave instructions,
He asked me not to run and not to fight,
I put a bruise on the first day,
I had to give up the attachment.

Graduate 2:
I remember how I did the lessons,
As mom checked all the mistakes after,
I drew the map upside down
She scolded me a little.

Graduate 3:
We owe everything to our parents,
A bow for work, for understanding, education,
We always rush to you for advice,
And we share joys and sorrows with you!

(Several parents are invited to the porch to read)

It's always so touching, so beautiful. With what tenderness every word, every wish was uttered. And now we are sailing to the Director's island and the island of teachers!

(Graduates, and. Director, head teacher, several teachers make solemn speeches)

Have you noticed how fast our ship is sailing? Over the horizon you can see the island of "Waltz"!

(Graduates dance their last school waltz)

Look how quietly we moored to the island of "Class Teachers". I think we will drop anchor here, but only for a while, because a distant country called "Life" awaits us!

Graduate 1:
You protected our class from all adversities,
You saved us, helped us always,
A new horizon is calling us
We will never forget you!

Graduate 2:
The last bell is ringing
Calls us into the distance today
We won't go to class
And say the school "Goodbye!"

Graduate 3:
You are in our heart forever
We will always remember you
You are our native person,
We shout “Hurrah” to you all!

(Graduates shout three times "Hurrah" to their class teachers)

(Class teachers sing a song to the tune “The earth was empty without you”)

Song .

Empty corridor and class
The grass will also be green
Only I will be alone, without all of you,
And you, conquer life,
The sea of ​​your hopes and desires.
It was also empty here then,
When the last class went on their way,
I also cried for them
My soul is torn apart by sadness!
How to live now without your eyes,
How can you be without your smiles,
My best class has matured,
A new life is waiting for you now!
The school yard will be empty without you,
If you can, then come on in...

Graduate 1:
How much our school means
How sad to leave
We will return to it one day
To teach your children!

Graduate 1:
Let's go back to childhood, we are at the desk,
Let's go to our favorite school yard,
Hold back the tears, do not cry
Let's put things aside for later!

Graduate 2:
Here in time I will bring my son,
Or maybe a daughter, it's not for me to decide,
I'll show everything at school to the child,
I will remember every moment.

Graduate 2:
Maybe I'll come back here
I can teach geography
In a moment I will plunge into the world of childhood,
I will give homework lessons.

Graduate 3:
Maybe I, maybe we
Let's keep warm
Those carefree days
How good it was as a child!

Graduate 4:
Our ship is on its way
Great things await us
And we are all ships,
It's time for us to set sail!

Graduate 4:
We need to let go of childhood
Keep the rest in memory
The last bell will ring
Farewell and see you again!

(According to tradition, a graduate puts a first-grader on his shoulder, who rings a bell)

Graduate 5:
Here comes the farewell bell
You matured quickly with you,
I propose goodbye
Give flowers to all teachers!

(All students give flowers and stand near the porch)

Graduate 5:
Ready to say goodbye to childhood?
Let him go for a while
Raise your balloons to the sky
And release the thread into the sky!

(Graduates release balloons into the sky)