Bonuses for clients. Bonus vs discount loyalty programs: choosing the best option. The science of creating fruitful alliances

  • 01.12.2019
Coffee house: where to start, how to succeed. Tips for owners and managers Ulanov Andrey Nikolaevich

10 Development and implementation of a customer loyalty program

Development and implementation of a customer loyalty program

There is only one boss - the client. And he can destroy everyone in your company, from the owner to the last employee, very simply - if he starts spending money in some other company.

Sam Walton

Although location is still the main reason for choosing a coffee shop, loyalty programs are in the top three determinants after convenient location and quality of service. According to statistics, 64% of customers participate in programs for regular customers, guided by savings.

Loyalty programs are relevant for organizations of all sizes where supply exceeds demand. Such programs should be launched even before the arrival of the first client, and they should be one of the components of an effective business plan. In this case, it is easier for small companies, because they know their customers better “by sight”. With the growth of the welfare of the population, the number of demanding consumers is also growing, who, when buying coffee, pay more and more attention to its quality and level of service, as well as to appearance and coffee shop interiors. To maintain the loyalty of such customers, it is no longer enough to have more low price or just smile when interacting with them. In any case, customer loyalty begins with a cup of good espresso and a high level of service, discounts and any programs are secondary. You need a quality service, and only then: “Hello, take our discount card, next time we will serve you 30 rubles cheaper!” But most importantly, discounts cannot make customers truly loyal. After all, there will always be a competitor who will offer a lower price, and the buyer at one fine moment will prefer another institution.

For example, in business Catering it is much more important not just to attract attention with discounts, but to keep the client, making him permanent. Here the discount influences the choice of the person less and less. The quality of service, the attentiveness of the staff and the individual approach to the client are becoming increasingly important. Recently, it has become more and more important not only to attract the consumer, but also to make him come again and again, to form a "contingent" of the institution. With the same choice, the consumer will prefer a place where he will be not just an ordinary client, but an “honored guest” and, in addition, will receive privileges, which is always nice. It is important to remember that a loyalty program is not a panacea, but an additional effective way to increase competitiveness. Without quality management, it is useless, therefore, before introducing such a program, evaluate how your coffee shop objectively satisfies the customer's need. If not, correct and control the quality. By itself, the loyalty program will not give anything - it is additional tool. Foreign studies have shown that loyalty programs lead to a decrease in customer turnover by 30% and an increase in turnover by 10%, and retaining only 5% of customers after some time leads to an increase in the profit received from them from 25 to 85%.

How many years has there been an attempt to retain a client? Probably as long as there is trade. What merchants didn’t invent: they gave discounts to customers, sold goods on credit, made gifts ...

The first and most important signal that the seller gives to the client is the price. The price has fallen - customers move to where it is cheaper, and any attempt to retain a customer very often does not work. But there are exceptions, we see them almost every day. It is explained simply. We believe that the product we purchase, even at a higher price, is better than the product that we did not choose. At the same time, the concept of "better" for everyone can have its own content - this is customer loyalty. It is easiest to create a sense of your special status in the buyer by a personal attitude towards him. Everyone will be pleased if they begin to address him by name and patronymic, and even offer exactly those products that he loves. The main encouragement that the client wants to receive is attention, information, congratulations on holidays, gifts and lotteries, private events, that is, everything that is enough for imagination. The client likes to feel connected and taken care of.

Today, loyalty itself is becoming an important advantage in almost all situations. In conditions of growing competition, when the market offers a lot of the same type of goods or services, it is no longer possible to keep customers with discounts alone. This is achieved by creating a loyalty system, that is, a system for providing customers with services focused on an individual approach that takes into account the interests of each program participant. A loyalty program is a powerful lever that allows you to manage the most important part of your business - your customers. If the goods and services chosen by them according to various criteria are subject to loyalty programs, then buyers willingly participate in them and often become regular customers.

I would characterize the true loyalty of the client as an element of self-identification through the chosen coffee house, personal attitude towards it, perception of it personally, “mentally”. The key here is not only insensitivity to the actions of competitors, but also that the client recommends the coffee shop to others. But (and this is a very important “but”) loyalty will never be built only on emotions. You must first build all the processes, raise the service, quality to the point where the services of the coffee shop fully satisfy the needs of the guests, that is, there are rational prerequisites for loyalty. And only then, when loyalty stops growing as a result of these actions, you can deal with the emotional side of the issue. A simple example: your loyalty to the operator mobile communications does not increase from the fact that he sends you SMS on your birthday. Is it really important if he does not provide communication services well enough, the signal is unstable, the money disappears from the account, it is impossible to get through to him? Will this situation be corrected by such pseudo-attention?

For any trade enterprises the loyalty program is a way to thank customers for their interest and at the same time a successful means of building a stable customer base. Like everything in business, the program must be effective, that is, at the lowest cost, give the maximum benefit. The determining factor for launching a particular program is the level of income of your target audience. People with low incomes will not be able to accumulate bonuses - too small average check, purchases are not so frequent, so they are more interested in discounts. But in the case of representatives of the middle class and above, loyalty programs are sometimes simply indispensable. Each client needs a special approach, and the size of the organization does not matter. That is why it is recommended to adopt the slogan: "Each client should be tried to be permanent." Customer loyalty should be built on more important and long-term components than one-time bonuses and discounts. This is a whole range of activities aimed at retaining regular customers, their regular encouragement and stimulation. The more we know about the client, the more reasons there will be to pay attention to him. Most often, a customer chooses a product based on some kind of benefit considerations. Buyers are becoming more savvy and savvy about rewards and value. And one of the main problems associated with this is to convince customers that when they purchase your product, they are acting smartly or economically.

As you know, not all buyers are equal. Good program will help you retain the best, bringing highest profit buyers; enhance the sense of value (in their own eyes) of those who buy less, and reduce costs for occasional customers.

Examples of quite successful implementation of loyalty programs in Russian market More. But this does not mean that a typical constructor has appeared that allows you to assemble a workable customer behavior management system for any company from several basic elements. At the very least, creativity, fresh ideas and a flexible approach to solving problems have not yet been canceled. However, as well as the achievement of an elementary level of civilized business, without which one can not even dream of loyalty.

Of course, loyalty programs, like everything else in business, are not always successful, but the main problem is not that the program is unsuccessful, but that often no one really controls its work: they issued cards, handed out the rules, and that’s it. And no one knows if there is any sense in it, since there is no full-fledged control! Any program will fail if its implementation is not put under the strict control of management. The program may be very beautiful on paper, but in practice will only disappoint consumers. As a result, instead of increasing loyalty, you will get a massive outflow of customers.

Unfortunately, it is too early to talk about the presence of sincere love between buyers and sellers in our country. Suffice it to recall the epithets with which employees, communicating with each other, reward clients in some organizations. It is difficult to combine loyalty programs, which are essentially aimed at forming friendly, trusting relationships with customers, with such an attitude.

But the situation is changing, and today many companies have begun to pay serious attention to the development and training of their employees in the direction of increasing customer focus, considering this as one of the tools to increase their loyalty. Every year the cost of servicing regular customers decreases. In the end, starting at some point regular customers they begin to "build your business" themselves, making more purchases, buying more expensive and better drinks and dishes, and also advertising their favorite establishment everywhere. Currently, I have about 30 discount cards in my wallet for various businesses, shops, cafes, coffee shops and restaurants. Many of these cards I had to buy, some were given as gifts in the process of large purchases or large orders. I can't say that I value the purchased cards more and use them more often. Probably, the determining factor (at least for me) is the fact of the quality of the goods and the level of service, and only then the presence of a discount and attention from the company.

Thanks to the development information technologies, in particular the Internet, consumers today know much more than their predecessors. We can talk about increasing the transparency of markets for customers. Studies show that a modern consumer, when making a choice, wants to have a sense of its correctness, that is, to feel some value, benefit from acquiring a particular thing or from a particular seller. This is the individualization of the product, its adaptation to the requirements of a particular consumer. The consumer wants to have an individual product in the era of mass production.

The client must be loved! Then we are not indifferent to who our client is, what, when and how he buys, why in this way, how old he is, what newspapers he reads, what programs he watches on TV, how he lives, when, finally, he has a birthday. With this information and a genuine interest in our customers, we will be able to continually offer them something more than the competition. Then the buyer will accept discounts, bonuses, and gifts, since this will really be relationship marketing, and good relationships are worth a lot.

Emotions are especially important in a coffee shop, where there is an addictive effect. Here, customers need to be encouraged as soon as they come, even if they have not yet shown themselves in any way - to delight and amaze from the first contact. Relations with the client, impressions - this is the pedal that you need to press in order to overtake competitors. To do this, it is useful to compare the situation in the consumer markets today and a few years ago and think: what will happen tomorrow? What will our customers need and what will they not care about? That's why you need to constantly study your customers. The average consumer turns down the opportunity to get their hands on another piece of plastic unless it clearly offers obvious benefits. In reality, the savvy shopper quickly loses interest in a tempting offer if it takes an enormous amount of effort and time to gain access to the promised benefits.

Most modern means stimulating demand in recent years has been the involvement of consumers in long-term loyalty programs based on accumulation. These programs offer not only financial benefits, but also the so-called "sports interest" (emotional motivation), provide a long-term incentive to buy, which allows you to avoid price wars to a certain extent and maintain profits.

Today, plastic cards with an embossed number, a barcode, a magnetic stripe, a contact or contactless chip are widely used. The choice of the type of card depends on the purpose of the loyalty program, its scheme, scale, and the available technological base. To understand this, we need to start with the differences between technologies.

Cards with an embossed number, a barcode and a magnetic stripe are, in fact, identifiers that differ only in the way they are read, the possibility of automation and the degree of protection. For runs of less than 500 pieces, it is more reasonable to use an embossed number. The price per unit in this case is about 1 euro, but in this case there is little scope for automation.

Almost completely automate the loyalty program allows the use of cards with a barcode, magnetic stripe or chip - the so-called smart cards. The price per unit in this case increases several times, and it will be necessary to install additional equipment - a card reader. Thus, the choice of a customer carrier is seriously influenced by the goals of the loyalty program, the incentive scheme, the available technical base, security considerations and, of course, the cost of the system. Obviously, a single small business cannot always afford to make such investments in a loyalty program, but it still has a need for loyal customers. Coalition systems help here, when one company provides its services for the implementation and support of the loyalty program to a number of enterprises with different specializations. Overseas, coalition programs are very popular, because the consumer can use one card in many places, rather than carrying around a bunch of different plastic cards.

And now, as an example, let's consider a loyalty program implemented on the basis of plastic cards with embossing, implemented by two types of DC and VIP cards with various cumulative discount programs for regular customers.

Use of the card. When ordering or paying for an order, the client notifies the waiter or bartender about the availability of a discount card, calls his last name and passes the card to identify it in the database. After paying for the order, the client receives a printout of the invoice and cash receipt, where the current discount on the card is indicated. The cumulative discount is activated automatically by the accounting program after exceeding the threshold amount of orders for the reporting period.

Modern electronic technology paper and plastic cards are already starting to crowd out. One of the novelties is mobile cards, which can serve as an addition to already working loyalty programs. Mobile users can get a mobile discount card, which is a barcode image on the phone screen. By presenting such a barcode at the checkout, the client can receive various discounts, bonuses, Special offers. The barcode is read from the screen by a commercial scanner in the same way as the barcode on the product packaging. The mobile discount card is delivered to the client via SMS messages, i.e. the client's contact phone number is determined in the system. An ordinary plastic card has a number of disadvantages compared to a mobile card: it is not informative, easily lost or forgotten, and a mobile card is stored in the phone's memory and can be easily restored. The phone is less likely to be forgotten because it is needed modern man much more often than a discount card. In addition, the mobile card does not take up space in the wallet. Using this technology, you can sell discount cards and coupons remotely, or add bonuses and send them to your phone.

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20% of customers bring 80% of profits. And these are regular customers. Increasing their number is one of important tasks any business, especially relevant in times of crisis. To this end, organizations often use various loyalty programs, offering bonuses, discounts and other benefits.

Meet Olga, she has small shop women's clothing. Olga agrees with all of the above and also wants more regular customers. But it seems to her that the loyalty program is very expensive, difficult and only big companies can do it.

Loyalty program? What is it anyway? I just want to attract regular customers and I'm ready to give them some discounts. How can I organize all this?

Let's try to help her.

1. Format selection

First of all, you need to choose the format of our loyalty program. There are two types of such programs: discount and bonus. Discounts involve the provision of a discount, expressed as a percentage. In bonus programs, buyers receive virtual points (bonuses) that can be exchanged for a gift or for the same discount. Bonus programs are a little more difficult to implement, but they are more flexible and easier to end early if there is no .

Olga does not want to simply provide discounts, she is interested in the option of a bonus program, when she can set both the number of bonuses and their value.

Also, all loyalty programs can be divided into cumulative and fixed. In accumulative, the amount of the discount (bonus) increases along with the amount of purchases. Fixed discounts mean a constant amount of discount. Cumulative ones are definitely preferable, but more difficult, since you have to solve the problem of identifying a client and accounting for the amount of his purchases.

2. Implementation of the loyalty program

The most commonly used is the issue of discount or bonus cards. Cards are magnetic and barcode. In addition to the cards themselves, you will need equipment to read them: a magnetic card scanner or a barcode scanner. The scanner is connected to a computer on which specialized software is installed, for example 1C. To the costs, you should add the payment for the services of a specialist in setting up the system.


Advantages of plastic cards: automation of the process of identifying a client and accruing bonuses, storing information about clients in a convenient form. If the average check is low and/or the flow of customers is large, then this is the best option. But it does not suit Olga, as it is associated with significant expenses for her budget.

The next way to identify a client is by some unique code. For example, a phone number or last name. In this case, the seller manually searches the database for the buyer and gives him bonuses (or makes a discount). The database itself can be stored in various formats. In its simplest form, this is . The advantage is the minimum launch costs, and the main disadvantage is the time spent by the seller. Such a system is convenient for a client who does not need to have a card with him. As a result, discounts and bonuses will be used more often.

You can do without personalization. For example, the Magnit supermarket chain periodically arranges promotions during which customers are given stickers. Gathering a certain amount of stickers - you get a discount or a gift.

To save on printing, you can print coupons instead of stickers and distribute them to customers. The buyer who has accumulated and presented the required number of coupons receives a discount (gift).

Another version of such a system was practiced by Yves Rocher: regular customers were given cards with stamps that marked the number of purchases.

Bonuses are not tied to a specific client: coupons and stickers can be transferred to anyone. But Olga believes that this is not scary for her. The apparent plus of a depersonalized loyalty program is that you do not need to maintain a customer base. It seems to be because Magnit does not need such a base, but Olga would like to keep in touch with her customers, and she needs their contacts.

3. Improve program performance

The purpose of the loyalty program is not to thank for the purchase, but to encourage them to make a new one. Therefore, program participants need to be periodically reminded about the store, bonuses and discounts. When registering a client in the program, you need to find out his phone number and email address and try to get consent to receive information materials. Modern Services help you keep customers up to date with the latest arrivals, promotions and other news.

Psychological studies show that people are more willing to participate in programs where discounts and bonuses are given on the first purchase, when a card is issued.

It is also known that active, active consent increases the chances of participation. It is desirable that the client personally write at least “I agree to participate” on the application form and sign it. Moreover, by law, you must obtain permission to process personal data.

All good things come to an end sometime. You can immediately limit the duration of the loyalty program, for example, a year. By introducing temporary restrictions on the effect of discounts and bonuses, you achieve two goals at once. First, it is a reduction in program costs. Secondly, lack of time can spur people to additional purchases in order to have time to use the accumulated bonuses. Although some such restrictions, on the contrary, will repel.

After reading everything that we have written here, Olga decided to give out coupons, because she does not want to install a computer for the seller yet. Now she has to decide how much she will distribute these coupons for and what buyers will exchange them for. But this is a purely individual decision.

If you have experience implementing a loyalty program for, write about it in the comments. We promise Olga will read them.

The direct benefit for the shopper in retail today is the discount, a discount program that increases the attractiveness of the store, from which the owner has much better results than his competitors. Automation of the discount program accounting system using modern computer software allows you to collect information assigned to the card instantly.

The technique not only reads data from a magnetic, chip card or barcode, it identifies the client in the database, allows you to create a purchase history, automatically calculates the discount, and also shows the effectiveness of the discount program using analytical calculations. However, the most important thing to consider is the goals of your business that you should help achieve. discount program.

What is a discount program

Discount program- this is a developed system of discounts for a client from a store, a representative of the service sector or catering. A discount always implies compliance with a number of conditions for receiving a discount, for example: when buying from 1,000 rubles, if you have a “golden” customer card, or if you have purchases worth 10,000 rubles. per month. First of all, the discount program is designed to increase customer loyalty due to positive emotions from the purchase, thus it directly affects the increase in demand.

Best Article of the Month

We interviewed businessmen and found out what modern tactics help to increase the average check and the frequency of purchases of regular customers. We have published tips and practical cases in the article.

Also in the article you will find three tools to determine the needs of customers and increase the average check. With these methods, employees always fulfill the plan for upselling.

Working to attract customers through a discount program undeniably leads to an increase in competitiveness. Transparency for the consumer of the principle of obtaining benefits "here and now" is the main advantage of the discount program system. When choosing between bonuses and discounts, buyers choose the latter in 98% of cases.

When introducing a discount program, the company must still understand that its simplicity is important for the client, however, the company itself will have to carry out a number of activities:

1) definition of "threshold to enter"- the purchase price required to participate in the discount program. This indicator is not regulated by anything, and therefore can cause difficulties. As a rule, an average check is taken, and its amount is increased by 2-3 times. It is also a common practice to borrow the experience of competitors who effectively use any discount program. Then, based on the actual results, the “entry threshold” is adjusted;

2) discount size, the value of which varies depending on the field of activity of the enterprise. Supermarkets do not go above the threshold of 5%, retailers household appliances and electronics remain within 5-15%, restaurants and clothing stores can give a discount of 25%. It should be understood here that an overestimated discount causes mistrust. A competent buyer will immediately suspect something is wrong, doubt the quality of the product or the adequacy of the initial price, and the strategy of your discount program will become losing;

3) on what discounts to build the program. Will they be fixed or cumulative - what will attract the consumer and at the same time be easy to understand? How to create a diagram of the dependence of the final discount on the total amount of purchases when it increases? The principle of accumulation is attractive in that the buyer participates in a certain game that fuels his interest. At the same time, the consumer knows what actions need to be taken to obtain their benefits.

  • Increasing customer loyalty: how to choose a gift in b2b

What can be a discount program

To date, a variety of discount programs are combined into several groups, formed according to different evaluation criteria.

By geographical coverage, discount programs are divided as follows:

  • international allow their owner to receive privileges in more than one country;
  • national operate on the territory of one country or some of its regions;
  • regional operate at the level of one region;
  • local differ in minimum coverage in a particular part ( locality) of one region.

This feature is typical mainly for programs created on the basis of payment cards, or it can be an independent discount program. The geography of the program is limited when it is tied to trading (service) enterprises operating within a region, one or more countries. The merger of companies can lead to geographic expansion.

Depending on the composition of the organization, which may contain several market participants, as well as on the company that issues discount cards, discount programs are divided into:

  • local are programs , in which discount cards are issued and serviced directly by the enterprise itself, which sells a product or service;
  • intercompany- have two directions: "club" and "alliance". The club discount program implies cards that are valid not only at the points of sale of the manufacturing organization, but also at partner companies. The Alliance represents a program that is implemented through cards issued by different enterprises that have entered into an agreement to provide discounts on each other's cards at all points of sale belonging to each of them.
  • independent- in this case, firms specializing in the development of the program and the issuance of cards are considered. Such an organization profits from the sale of not only discount cards, but also other services provided to its customers.

The direction of the enterprise's activity is also taken into account in the classification feature of discount programs:

  • specialized- participants are single-profile organizations;
  • united- this is a grouping of several firms whose fields of activity do not compete, that is, they belong to a different profile. As a rule, these are discount programs of the "alliance" direction, which include a limited number of participants;
  • universal- in this case, companies of mixed profiles participate in one program, regardless of whether they are competitors or not.

Options provided by the discount program of benefits or various privileges are also divided into:

  • fixed discount programs. the most understandable and simple program, in which the client or buyer has a permanent right to a fixed discount. In some cases, the discount may depend on the amount paid;
  • programs with a cumulative discount. The accumulative discount program in its name contains the principle of participation in it. That is, the more the client spends, the higher his discount becomes, while there is always a certain threshold for the amount of purchases that must be reached in this program. For example, we spent 3,000 rubles in a chain of stores. - 5% discount, spent another 7000 - and it grew to 10%;
  • bonus programs. The discount and bonus program is tied to the accumulation of points or any other conditional virtual currency, which can then be exchanged for goods or pay for part of the purchase with it. Some organizations create catalogs of bonus products or services. In general, linking bonuses can be played in different ways, depending on the priorities of the company.

It is also often possible to meet conditions for obtaining a discount in the form of 100% or partial payment for a product or service.

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Why a discount loyalty program should be personal

Business owners, whether it be a chain of restaurants, a cinema, a shopping and entertainment complex or a simple cafe, are well aware that today the client is spoiled for choice of goods and services, and in order to keep him, you need to do more than just do your job perfectly. You need to create conditions that people will listen to and want to return to take advantage of the benefits and guaranteed discounts.

Clients and buyers strive to receive personal conditions in the institution, and a well-thought-out discount program involves them in this. There is already a certain “privilege” and the desire to visit the same institution often, when 10% is accrued from each purchase. The more often a person comes, the sooner he will be able to use his bonuses or accumulate enough of them to, for example, celebrate his birthday for free.

The essence of the personal discount program is in building work with the card of each client individually. Such a scheme of work is not only convenient, it is transparent, has a clear structure and is easy to control.

Any guest of your store or cafe is pleased to receive a personal discount card that can emphasize the status of the client and the possibilities of his privileges with a variety of designs. A common way is to create two types of cards within one program: a “newbie” and a “regular client” card. However, it is worth considering that a new visitor who has spent a decent amount will be more pleasant to get the second option.

When issuing the card, the guest is given a questionnaire, the data from which is transferred to the electronic database. The so-called personal dossier contains, as a rule, full name, contacts (telephone, e-mail), date of birth and other information about the consumer. A more advanced version includes a sample signature of a person, his photo, as well as a message box that will automatically send sms when paying for goods or services (“We are glad to see you again, Ivan Ivanovich, in our chain of stores!”, “Thank you for your purchase!”). All this allows you to get a personal report on each guest: how often he comes, what his preferences are, what will be interesting for him. In addition, you can send an invitation to the client to participate in the promotion that is relevant to him.

It is the personal discount program that makes it possible to introduce more effective, attractive for the client and profitable systems discounts. The status of the client, fixed by the card, allows you to adjust the percentage of the discount, the timing of the promotion or the period of time of the day (days of the week) on which it is valid. There is an option to link the card to a permanent discount, which can change upwards with the growth of the payment. The possibilities of working with the base are wide enough. It allows you to accrue a bonus, write it off for full or partial payment of a check, apply a discount only to a certain list of goods or dishes.

Today, personal cards make it possible not only to receive discounts or accumulate bonuses. They can carry wider functionality, for example, be credit, linked to a limit, debit, with the possibility of replenishment at any ATM, discount or mixed.

The company's trust in the client in the form of fixed amounts on the card according to the selected credit line expands the possibilities of not only the buyer, but also the seller - a successful combination of discount and payment systems.

The exciting process of creating a discount system must be thought out in order to avoid financial losses. Here again, a personal discount system comes to the rescue, which contains all the data for analytics. Working with detailed reports (visit statistics, average check, discounts), you can always understand which company benefits from the program.

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Why is a discount program for collecting bonuses the most profitable?

Over time, discount programs began to be replaced by a bonus system, but the transition to new scheme discount leads to the question: should I change one program for another or optimize their joint action?

In any case, regular customers will be happy to be rewarded for their purchases, it is not always important for them how the discount program works: a single discount on goods or payment with bonuses - the main thing is that it exists. There will always be those who are dissatisfied, and this, as a rule, depends little on the frequency of visiting the store or using the discount system.

Therefore, the discount-bonus program based on partnership is obviously the most attractive, because it expands the range of privileges for the client and the seller's opportunities.

When a store owner is faced with the task of increasing the average check by retaining loyal customers, it becomes relevant to create a flexible program in which a person can choose conditions that are convenient for him. This is especially important during the transition from one program to another.

The cumulative discount program is good because in order to implement it, the buyer needs to come to the store again to exchange bonuses for goods. Compared to a discount, this is more beneficial for the seller (especially if the store is physical, not a web catalog). The discount and bonus program gives you the opportunity to build live communication with the buyer about:

  • informing about the accumulated points, their balance;
  • information about what you can spend bonuses on with an emphasis on the promoted product.

The best discount programs are those that are well-executed and able to run enough promotions to enable the merchant to:

  • sale of goods;
  • promotion of new products;
  • formation of a portrait of a buyer, both profitable and average;
  • even load distribution.

Expert opinion

Discount or bonus: which is more profitable

Alexander Kuzin,

Deputy General Director for Commerce, Rigla, Moscow

The simplest discount systems are increasingly being replaced by bonus programs. This fact is undeniable. Initially, we introduced a discount system in the range of 2-7%, which depended on the amount of the check. But after some time it became obvious that customer needs are growing, the market is developing and requires more advanced and attractive marketing schemes to increase customer loyalty.

Despite the fact that discount cards do not cause unnecessary questions for the buyer, they still do not provide the frequency of repeat visits and, accordingly, do not bring the proper result to the enterprise. In addition, the discount directly reduces the final profit, therefore, bonus loyalty programs are more profitable for the company. Points are a long-term cooperation between the buyer and the seller with a delayed possibility of realization. The company does not lose part of the revenue instantly, and the consumer increasingly enters the store, contacting the seller, thereby creating a higher level of loyalty.

How the discount program works: ways to identify cards

Identification of the discount card is also an important issue. There are several ways to determine the card owner and access his personal database:

1. Embossing (numbering). The most economical option for manual entry of the card number by the operator. The advantage here is the possibility of making additions to the dossier at any time. But this method is quite limited in its capabilities, it is not applicable for accounting for purchases, automatic calculation of discounts, and does not allow you to control the employee who accepts the discount card.

2. Magnetic tape as an identification option does not give access to changing the dossier. A magnetic card requires special equipment (a computer or a computerized cash register with a reader). The discount is calculated automatically when processing the magnetic tape with equipment according to the created discount scheme.

Features of the magnetic discount card:

  • discount calculation;
  • accounting for purchases and discounts for any period selected by the user;
  • recalculation of the discount depending on for what period and how much the client spent;
  • automated processing of all incoming information;
  • analysis of demand for goods or services sold (full-fledged marketing survey).

A magnetic discount card belonging to a chain of stores requires periodic uploading of customer information to the central database of the organization's head office. With this sequence of work, the consumer receives a real discount according to his costs at any point of sale.

3. Contactless chip (smart cards). The smart discount card accounting program is today considered the most effective for solving all the maintenance tasks assigned to it. Compared to a magnetic counterpart, a smart card has an extended functionality that determines its clear advantages:

  • storage of data on payments or purchases for a specified period;
  • storage of customer data;
  • memory of the prizes received, bonuses, additional benefits that allow the client to make a free purchase;
  • the ability to expand the functionality of the map.

The memory of a discount smart card makes it more advantageous than a magnetic one for retail chains. Due to the fact that all data about the client, his purchases, discounts are stored on the card itself, regular daily reporting to the head office is not required. A smart card can always be supplemented with functionality, diversify new loyalty programs, change them at the discretion of business owners.

In terms of costs, the smart card will cost more, the price is affected not only by electronic memory, but also by the look and design. For example, the most expensive card is gold-embossed or with full-color photo printing on plastic. In order to save money, some organizations agree among themselves on the creation of a single discount system.

  • Building customer loyalty: a payment card versus a discount card

Expert opinion

Discount card in smartphone

Sergei Khitrov,

senior analyst and manager research projects RBC.research agency, Moscow

Today, mobile discount cards are issued by sending a barcode to smartphones and other electronic devices. The trading scanner reads the stroke from the smartphone screen, as well as from any paper or plastic media. The mobile discount card is also capable of storing all customer data, including their photo and passport number. It is convenient for creating and maintaining a database of buyers, determining the circle of VIP clients and optimizing conditions for this category of buyers. Today in Russia, the Sportmaster network provides buyers with this type of card. Its Malina loyalty program completely replaces plastic. Also, mobile loyalty cards are introduced in stores trademark"Crossroads".

Another analogue of a discount card is mobile flyers, their essential difference is a limited period of validity. You can meet such a coupon in the McDonald's food chain. In Sweden, this card system is implemented on 25% of the 2500 issued flyers.

  • Club format and gifts will attract two million buyers

Checklist of questions to ask yourself before creating a discount program

To develop a discount program, it is necessary to collect data according to the following questions:

1. What is the purpose of the discount program? The primary goals of any discount program are:

  • increasing the loyalty of regular customers, their retention (discounts, friendly attitude of the seller);
  • expansion of the client base (mostly discounts are applied here);
  • maintaining a high level of company image (presentable corporate design kart).

2. What kind of customers do you need to keep/attract?

The following guidelines will help you with this:

  • average customer spend on a product or service in your industry over a given period of time (per day, month, or year);
  • frequency of purchases or requests for services;
  • the final owner (the buyer himself, family, colleagues or friends).

3. Will the cards be anonymous or personal?

Compared to anonymous cards, personal cards allow you to individually identify the circle of the most important customers and create a direct business relationship with them. However, the advantage of anonymous ones is that they can be transferred without being tied to the owner, thereby increasing consumer demand.

4. To whom and how will the cards be issued?

You need to make several decisions:

  • card cost;
  • place of issue (within the network or with the involvement of third-party distributors);
  • the image of the owner (it will be the ranking of customers by category or anyone can own the card).

5. What products/services will be discounted?

Think over the list of goods sold at a discount - whether it will be the entire range or only part of it.

6. What will be the size and discount system?

The financial part of the program should be well calculated. It is important to find a middle ground in creating an attractive discount and maintaining the profitability of the enterprise at the proper level. An economically beneficial balance is achieved by exceeding the amount of profit from the turnover of discount goods over losses from the discount and card maintenance costs. The service sector certainly has the possibility of a wider range of discounts in comparison with enterprises engaged in production or trade.

Card service directly depends on the chosen system. A permanent fixed discount requires only a calculator, while a cumulative discount program can only be provided with a computer.

7. How long will the cards be valid for?

Perpetual cards cause more loyalty from the consumer. However, existing restrictions are pushing buyers to urgently purchase a product or service. Thus, the company receives the maximum profit for a certain period of time.

8. Where will discounts be provided (in a separate location or online)?

It is necessary to decide on the process of synchronizing databases about customers of different points of sale in one centralized one.

9. What will be the type of cards (regular, barcode, magnetic stripe)?

The flow of customers and the choice of equipment at the point of sale determines the feasibility of using one or another type of card. A small customer flow is quite rationally provided by simple number cards. The volume of work on entering data into the database and calculating the discount manually will not take much time from the seller. When there are many customers, it is more convenient to automate the process of working with cards. To do this, the outlet must be equipped with specialized equipment.

10. What equipment will need to be purchased?

The organization of a simple discount program that implements the use of a single discount on a number card requires only a calculator. The accumulative discount program of discounts is possible by means of computer accounting in a program specially developed for this purpose. Automatic entry will provide a barcode scanner or a special magnetic card reader. The advantage of the barcode is to extend the service life physical cards, besides, the card equipment also reads the codes from the products sold, which is very convenient.

11. What software need to be edited or written?

The discount card accounting program should ensure the implementation of all its functions:

  • barcode reading;
  • comparison of the card number and the buyer's dossier;
  • calculation of the amount with a discount;
  • changing the volume of the discount according to the rules of the discount program;
  • accrual of bonuses;
  • generation of the required statistical reports upon request.

In addition to all of the above, the software must have a well-thought-out scheme for protecting against fraud by the operator.

12. How to organize staff training?

Any well-thought-out discount program can be completely ruined by unprepared personnel. Distribution of maps and information about current program loyalty falls on the shoulders of retail employees. In the case of belated training or irresponsible attitude of employees to instructions, consumer misinformation can occur, which leads to dissatisfaction. It is also important to create a competent motivation system within the network team, which will give a number of rewards (for example, bonuses for a completed plan) when working with discount cards.

13. How to communicate with clients?

Maintenance of the discount program includes informing customers about current promotions and offers. Email- the most economical option, however, if most customers do not have one, it is worth putting envelopes, paper, stamps and employee labor into the service costs.

  • Communication with clients: secrets of successful communication

Stages of creating a discount program

Stage 1. Determining the type of discounts provided

Participation in the loyalty program should have simple and understandable conditions for the consumer, a positive result (benefit) should be foreseeable achievable. That is, the period for promotion comes not after a year, but after a month or during the festive season. Too long waiting and protracted stages of the discount program leads to a loss of interest, often they completely forget about it.

The accumulative discount program is designed for personal accounting of all manipulations with the card for each client. Even if we are talking about the simplest license plate, the salesperson enters all the data manually, and then, after entering the card into the system, he can determine bonus savings to provide a discount or promotional product.

A large flow of customers increases the risk of errors during manual entry, and barcode cards will help optimize the process. When a point of sale is already equipped with a barcode scanner, it becomes easier to solve the technical issue of accounting. By the same principle, you can give preference to magnetic media when the store has a credit card terminal. Automation allows you to fully rely on the work of the program installed on your computer.

Stage 2. Development of conditions for issuance

This issue requires detailed study, because a discount program can both attract a buyer and leave a negative impression about the seller. What are the conditions:

Free distribution to everyone. Free promotion of customers with discount cards is rarely used, mainly when opening the first new store or launching a new company on the market. The so-called promotional discount cards are more appropriate in such a situation. They provide an opportunity to familiarize the client with the products and give a discount, which will play a motivating role in buying.

Free issuance under certain conditions. The card is issued when making a purchase for a certain amount.

Sale at cost. This approach provides an increase in the value of the card in the eyes of the client, he treats it more carefully. In addition, the price of plastic is relatively low, especially in comparison with the purchased product or service. Most often, companies with low profits or budget ones resort to this method of implementation.

Sale at a high price. It is applicable in shops of frequent visits. For example, a consumer on average buys products worth $200 per month, which is $2,400 per year, which he leaves in 3-4 grocery supermarkets. To make him shop only in your store, offer him a 5% discount on all products, that is, reduce his expenses for the year by $120. You can now offer a card for $70. Tell us about the savings, the direct benefit when buying only from you. Both sides are winners.

Stage 3. Establishing the conditions for granting discounts

The option without complications, which is actively used by most sellers, is an unconditional discount. There is a card - there is a discount. More far-sighted market participants are still thinking through the conditions, defining a lower price threshold for receiving a discount, which can be tied to the cost. single purchase, to the amount of purchases for the period or provided at the time, for example, the 3rd payment account.

In other words, the listed conditions form an interest in several purchases in order to receive a discount. Having information about the average check, you can slightly increase the minimum threshold for the purchaser's expenses. Thus, the average check will grow due to the number or cost of purchases. The only negative is the likely loss of a segment of buyers who are unable or unwilling to pay more. Thus, the effectiveness of the discount program will either remain at the same level or decrease.

Stage 4. Determining the expiration date

A so-called perpetual discount card is a promotional lure for a customer who is promised certain rewards on an ongoing basis. However, in reality, the initial discount program changes approximately once a year, taking into account the updating of the company's strategy, when changing the trade name or corporate identity. Therefore, it is quite realistic to set the validity period of a specific loyalty program for one year. When the time expires, at your discretion, discount cards can be extended or replaced with new ones.

Stage 5. Scope designation

If we take the simplest scheme, we get a clear single benefit from fixed discount for the consumer in relation to the entire range. An exception may be sale items or an out-of-season product at a discounted price.

The trading network is sometimes divided into shops offering discounts and outlets without them. However, it is more convenient and more attractive for the client to have a single discount card that works equally at every point of sale. Of course, this solution will require an investment in synchronizing the database into a single directory when the cumulative discount program is launched. For the correct operation of the discount scheme, it is important to quickly transfer data on the purchase of each client to all stores. If a outlets connection to the Internet is provided, the databases are synchronized automatically online. Another option is the definition of a responsible employee who collects information from all points of sale. The data is manually merged, and the combined database is delivered to the store by the store's opening the next day. This solution is relevant in the absence of remote access for computers. Another good solution is to use smart cards that store all the information on a personal plastic carrier.

A fixed discount does not cause the described difficulties - any seller knows the amount of the discount, since it is indicated on the card itself and the employee can easily calculate it.

A well-thought-out discount program that brings together a number of companies to create a single discount system is always more attractive to the client. For example, the union of a car repair shop, a car wash point, filling stations, auto parts stores makes it possible to offer the client a comprehensive solution to his problems with a single system of discounts or bonuses on one card. It is quite possible to increase the number of participants covering other human needs, such as supermarkets, home appliances stores or any other consumer goods. Here, the benefits are obvious to everyone: firms receive regular customers, the consumer receives a discount provided by a single discount card at the point of sale of any seller participating in the loyalty program.

Stage 6. Choosing how to distribute cards

In most cases, firms distribute cards on their own through a retail network. However, for some reason, business owners trust the distribution of cards with certain conditions through third-party firms. When choosing an intermediary, the emphasis must be placed on working with an interested audience, which will be relevant to the offered goods or services. For example, a photo store can distribute cards through stores cellular communication or consumer electronics.

Stage 7. Card personalization

Depending on the goals, the discount program of discounts can be carried out through personal or anonymous discount cards.

To increase the turnover of stores, it is more promising to issue anonymous cards that can change hands with the preservation of the right to use. In fact, with such a goal, it makes no difference who used the card, the main thing is that the person came to your store.

To maintain and develop relationships with a regular customer, a personal card is more effective, which is aimed at increasing the loyalty of an individual consumer. It is important to introduce such maps in the field wholesale trade, related businesses or agents.

Step 8: Connect with clients

The best discount programs are those that are maintained by regular contact with customers. When a store is visited less than once every two weeks, a person simply forgets about his advantage, and therefore it is necessary to organize this connection.

First of all, when issuing a discount card, it is necessary to offer the client to fill out a questionnaire with questions that are necessary to create a correct feedback with a person. For example, consider the buyer of a washing machine. It is possible to give him a discount card, and you need to collect data. What do you want to know about the person? His buying motive, who is it for? The contact column is filled in at will, the tricky question “choice without choice” is often used (fill in either e-mail or phone). Be sure to include an item about the desire to receive newsletters: about new collections, discounts, company news. Due to their inattention, this item is often left blank, and therefore focus the client's attention on this. In case of refusal to fill out the questionnaire, the buyer can be gently motivated by the fact that the completed questionnaire guarantees participation in the program even if the card is lost.

  • 7 Rules for Attracting and Retaining Customers You'll Love

Expert opinion

How to push the buyer to return as soon as possible

Anna Timashova,

Head of Consumer Loyalty Group, Podruzhka chain of stores, Moscow

Our network has implemented a discount program of a cumulative nature. However, we did not make it like everyone else, but added a limited period to the discount for the opportunity to use it. Thus, motivating the buyer to come to us in the near future again.

The discount is provided within the next month, based on the amount of expenses in the current one. Further, the program develops cyclically - a person either again reaches the threshold for a discount, or remains with a minimum of 3%. To develop customer loyalty, several thresholds for discounts have been created, the largest of which is 20%.

In addition, the discount program provides for a 5% discount in the morning hours (until 12:00), which is added to the minimum discount. There is a 5% discount for holders of a Muscovite social card, as well as a monthly privilege for everyone to purchase goods with a 15% discount every 15th day of the current month.

To expand the client base, the minimum threshold for connecting to the discount program is to make a purchase of only 400 rubles. However, if you refuse to fill out the card, it will not be issued.

How is the discount program documented?

Regardless of whether the cards are donated or sold to the client at any price, they must be taken into account. In the first case, accounting is carried out on account 10 "Materials", in the second - on account 41 "Goods". The possibility to offset the paid VAT to the supplier is provided for both options when issuing invoices. A company operating under the main taxation system must also pay VAT in accordance with the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

As for enterprises operating with income taxes, the taxation system here may be different. With free discount cards, the taxable base does not decrease, because it includes all the costs of manufacturing plastic. In the case of cards sold at a fixed price, the taxable base is increased from sales revenue, and losses associated with the card creation process are deducted from it.

In the event that the company reserves the ownership of discount cards issued to the client free of charge, VAT and income tax are not charged. However, in this case, the expenses do not reduce the taxable base. Write-off of discount cards is made on account 44 "Expenses for sale".

Some companies use the services of the issuer, thus avoiding the worries about taxes and use the so-called "club" cards. The third party company itself holds the ownership of the loyalty cards. All expenses of the participant of the discount program in this case affect the reduction of the taxable base. The list of expenses is fixed by the contract, and they are considered economically justified.

The cards are also a material value, and, accordingly, they are handed over to the seller according to the acceptance certificate or another document confirming the fact of the transfer. Free issuance of cards at the point of sale is always accompanied by filling out a questionnaire, which allows you to conduct full-fledged marketing research and analysis of the discount program. The processing of these data is possible only with the consent of the buyer, which is also included in the paragraph in the questionnaire. The program for accounting for discount cards automatically binds personal data to the card number or barcode as it is filled out. The financially responsible person draws up an act of debiting upon the fact of issued cards. It contains numbers, as well as information about the recipients of discount cards in the amount established by management. After that, the consumer uses the card at points of sale, accumulates bonuses and receives a discount in accordance with the rules of the loyalty program.

  • Loyalty of the target audience: how to convince the client to fork out

How to determine if a discount program is effective

Issuing discount cards without restrictions leads the company to a situation where a decent part of the revenue is lost. You can get away from this problem by reviewing the conditions and determining the minimum threshold for the amount of money that a consumer needs to spend to receive a card.

Option 1. Calculating Adjusted Minimum Purchase Amount(provided that the average purchase amount will also change in absolute terms).

In order to calculate the amount of the average check, which will become the new threshold for the possibility of participation, it is necessary to analyze its change since the date when the discount program was launched. You can calculate the new value using the following formula:

SSPmin is the value of the new amount-threshold for receiving a card;

PZPmin - the old value of the minimum amount;

AMS - average bill of the current period;

SCB - the average check of the base period.

All indicators are taken into account in rubles.

Option 2: Calculate Adjusted Minimum Purchase Amount(provided that the average purchase amount will also change in relative terms).

The second option is to change the minimum amount spent by the buyer to participate in the discount program, and with the calculation of relative indicators:

Option 3: Calculate Adjusted Minimum Purchase Amount(according to the dynamics of consumer income).

The formula for calculating the minimum purchase amount, taking into account trends in household incomes, will be as follows:

RZPstp - an indicator of the average increase in the consumer's salary for a given period in relation to the base indicator, according to Rosstat (%).

Information about experts

Anna Timashova, Head of the consumer loyalty group of the Podruzhka chain of stores, Moscow. The Podruzhka chain of stores offers a wide range of decorative cosmetics, personal care products, and perfumes. Shops "Podruzhka" are located in Moscow, Moscow region, St. Petersburg.

Sergei Khitrov, Senior Analyst and Head of Research Projects at RBC.research Agency, Moscow. RBC.research Marketing Agency (RBC Consulting Department) conducts research in all key areas of business. Marketing research, market analysis and consulting recommendations are based on information sources of RBC holding, direct study of market players, extensive databases, results of expert interviews with key market players. AT Marketing agency RBC.research employs candidates of sciences and graduates with deep knowledge in marketing and specific sectors of the economy.

Alexander Kuzin, Deputy General Director for Commerce, Rigla, Moscow. Alexander Kuzin is Deputy General Director for Commerce at Rigla. He has 15 years of experience in the pharmaceutical market. Graduated from the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute with a degree in Engineer-Physicist, has MBA degree. Member of the European Association of Market Researchers and public opinion(ESOMAR). "Wrigley, a network of pharmacies. The first opened in Moscow in 2001, today their number reaches 652 in 26 regions of Russia. In addition to pharmacies, the company opened active cosmetics studios, children's centers, and children's goods stores.

“During the crisis, the implementation of a competent loyalty program becomes one of the key elements strategic planning", - says the general director of the federal bonus program "Thank you from Sberbank" Anna Pashkevich. She explains this by saying that acquiring a new customer is five times more expensive than retaining an existing one. By retaining at least 5% of customers and customers, the company can increase its profit by 25-95%: regular customers spend 67% more than new ones. But not all measures to increase loyalty are equally effective. According to research marketing company LoyaltyOne The average customer is typically enrolled in 18 bonus programs but actively participates in only eight. The Secret has figured out how to make sure that your loyalty program brings the maximum effect.

Personalize offers

Programs that allow customers to get the bonuses they need are more popular than those in which everyone gets the same gifts. So, in the Vkusvill chain of stores, a robot - software based on 1C - analyzes people's purchases and charges a subscription to their bonus card. It consists of 5-6 products that the cardholder can buy with a 10 to 20% discount. Its validity period is individual - 4-7 days, subscriptions are charged with the same frequency. In the list of products for which the discount applies, the robot adds both products that a particular client often buys and new products. Based on this system, Vkusvill also introduced the Favorite Product program. It allows the client to choose the product himself, which he will be able to buy with a 30% discount within 10 days. You can use it as many times as you like, and you can change your favorite product at least every day. Both innovations came into effect only in June, but the average check in Vkusvill stores has already increased by 150-200 rubles. “If earlier a person visited Vkusvill once a week, now for the sake of interesting offers he can visit 3-4 times. We could not solve this problem for 3 years: people did not come to us as often as we would like,” explains the founder of the stores natural products Hut and Vkusvill Andrey Krivenko. Every day, the robot credits about 15,000 subscriptions with special prices to bonus cards, buyers use 85% of them. Approximately 5,000 shoppers choose discounts daily in the Favorite Product program.

Not everyone can clearly determine which goods and services are required by each particular client. But even if you have only one product, it can be served in different ways. For example, American company Caesars Entertainment makes its guests different offers depending on how close they live to her casinos and hotels.

Consider Non-Cash Bonuses

You won’t surprise anyone with discounts, cashback and bonus points, but intangible gifts can be a pleasant surprise - and from a number of those that you quickly get used to. They do not have to be related to the core business of the company. good option will be invitations to partner events - concerts, exhibitions, conferences. Video game retailer GameStop, for example, is giving members of its PowerUp Rewards program tickets to Nascar races and Comic-Con International.

This is especially important in non-innovative markets. For example, audio-visual equipment retailer Audiomania was the first in its segment in 2010 to allow customers to trade in old speakers in exchange for a discount - equal to their original cost - on the purchase of new equipment. The retailer accepts audio systems bought anywhere, but only 6 certain brands and released a maximum of 5 years ago. The company also offers free testing of Arslab speakers. As a result, the proportion of Audiomania customers who placed more than one order increased from 40% in 2010 to 55% in 2015.

Microfinance organization MoneyMan, in addition to bonus points for timely repayment of the loan, gives more points for reviews about the company and inviting friends. In 2014, its clients received more than 2 million bonuses in this way (100 bonus points are equal to 1 ruble).

But you should not get too carried away with non-material rewards. They exist only as an additional element of the loyalty system. “In the course of research, we found out that most of all people like to receive real money,” says CEO Internet service "Let's compare" Elizaveta Zaitseva. Among his clients, purchases with discounts and cashback remain the most popular. And the offer of free accident insurance for those who have already issued a policy for traveling abroad, which does not imply instant material benefits, turned out to be unclaimed - only 40% of the program participants expressed a desire to receive it.

Experiment with money

In addition to discounts and cashback, there are other tools. For example, in times of crisis it is advantageous to offer customers installment plans not only for expensive goods and services, but also at low cost. Obuv Rossii launched such a program back in 2009. During the time it was in effect, 60% of customers - out of 740,000 who took part - used the installment plan more than once. “In a crisis, when prices are rising and household incomes are decreasing, the installment service is especially relevant. In addition, most customers make payments through the store’s cash desk and, while they return the money, visit it several times, which means that there is a reason to make another purchase,” says Natalya Pauli, Deputy Director for Public Relations. In 2012 Obuv Rossii began issuing cash loans customers who have already paid in installments. Every month the company draws them up in the amount of more than 120 million rubles.

Persistence is not the key to success

Many sign up for a loyalty program just to get something specific they need at that moment. After that, they forget about their membership. In order for interest not to fade away, you need to regularly update and change the program in small things - this will make customers follow it and pay attention to new promotions. In one month, you can offer double rewards for telling friends about the company (referral system), in the other - for a post on social networks. You can make one category of purchases a priority for a limited time. For example, Tinkoff Bank introduces a certain category every quarter, for which a larger cashback is charged.

Or you can act on the contrary, for example, reset all accumulated points and bonuses after a certain period. This will force customers to be more active. For example, the Yakitoriya restaurant chain, when ordering through mobile app gives a 25% discount, which is valid for two weeks. And customers of the Fix Price chain of stores, when they collect 1000 points per month (bonuses are awarded for each purchase), participate in the drawing of a valuable prize, for example, a car. After the winner is determined, the accumulated points of all the rest burn out. In order not to scare customers, you can deprive them of bonuses gradually: for example, after a week, reduce the discount by half. If you do not want radical methods, you can simply give a larger reward for the purchase within a short period of time. This will also encourage customers.

Be creative with client-companies

You cannot lure a client - a legal entity - with certificates to a beauty salon or an invitation to a concert. Often, b2b companies are limited only to discounts and promotions. But the more inventive the approach, the more likely it is that a big client will stay with you for a long time. For example, the company "Telfin" 4 years ago introduced for its partners - subscribers from among legal entities- an analogue of the popular "Bring a friend" scheme. But if a one-time bonus is enough for an individual, then with companies you need more profitable proposition. Therefore, each of Telfin's partners who brings him new clients receives up to 20% of the monthly funds spent by them. The program has been running for four years. Now, 93 companies are already working with Telfin under this scheme, and every month there are 3-5 more of them.

Do not take the loyalty program as a panacea

The loyalty program will only work if your service is no worse than that of a competitor. In this case, additional bonuses and discounts will encourage customers to choose you.

In a group transport companies Since the beginning of 2015, "What-Where" have been accruing bonuses for the number of kilometers that the customer's cargo has "traveled". For bonuses, you can get gifts - from a new smartphone or laptop to a trip to Thailand. After the introduction of this system, the indicator of the frequency of orders from one client increased by 10–15% on average: if earlier they could use the services different companies, then now remain true to one. Alexander Nikolaev, head of the What-Where development department, sums up his experience as follows: “The main lesson we learned for ourselves is that the loyalty program is just an addition to the main service. If the client is not satisfied with the quality or price, then the opportunity to receive a gift will go by the wayside.”

bonus program- encouraging repeat purchases with special benefits.

If the discount encourages the purchase now, then the bonus system is a purchase after.
Usually a bonus is given in points, less often in goods. Today we will talk about the first type.

Points- the internal currency of the business.

Let's imagine that business is a small state where you are the owner. Although you are required to abide by the rules for all states, but what your people sells and creates is up to you.

So, points are the second currency of the state, working only on its territory.

There is main which is used throughout the world. It is accepted both in your country and in other states. You pay her for goods, pay expenses, pay salaries and taxes. This is money.

Is there your which is not accepted in other countries. Not everyone pays her, but only loyal customers and only in your country. They accumulate this currency in accounts, which they then pay for the goods. These are points.

The buyer receives points for events: the fact of the purchase, the amount of the purchase, the frequency of the purchase, etc. Can receive points on a birthday, on New Year because he is a woman, a sailor or an opera singer. In your state, you decide for what and to whom to give currency.

Usually businesses use discounts instead of bonuses because it's simpler and clearer.

Very in vain. And that's why:

  • Bonuses increase the frequency of visits. The client will come again to spend the accrued points.
  • Bonuses keep a person. The client with the discount has already withdrawn his benefit from the deal, he no longer needs you. With bonuses, he'll have to pick her up next time.
  • Bonuses hold money. If you accrue 5 points (rubles) instead of a 5 percent discount, then these 5 rubles will remain in the business. At a discount, you lose real money, and real money is the most liquid asset.
  • Bonuses are cheaper. Up to 30 percent of points remain in customer accounts and are not spent. This saves more more money in business. The client will never refuse a simple discount, but often does not spend bonuses, actually refusing it.

For the bonus program to work, cards must be issued, because. bonuses are credited to some account. But it is not necessary to run to the printing house: the cards can be virtual and work according to the client's data (name, phone number). May be in .

In theory, customers are divided into 3 levels of consumption: the highest, the middle and the lowest.

According to research, bonus programs are of interest to the upper level and the wealthy part of the middle level. The highest level participates in bonus programs 4 times more often than the lowest. Medium - two.
But with discounts - the relationship is reversed. Discount “here and now” is most interesting for the lower class, less for the middle class.

In any case, the new program must be designed in such a way that it will be beneficial to everyone.

How to calculate the bonus program?

To work with bonus programs, you need to convert rubles into bonuses, i.e. create “exchange rate” rules, how much for how much the buyer will receive.
There are 2 ways:

According to the internal scoring system

Imagine that you have a store on the border of two countries. You buy a product in one country, and sell it to residents of both one and the other. This means that the purchase is for one currency, and the goods are listed for two. For simplicity of the example, the currency of one country will be the ruble, and the other - the point.

For example, you bought iPhones for 50 rubles. The markup is 50 percent. For buyers for rubles, the price will be 75 rubles.

How do you price points?

AT real life- convert. You would open RBC, find the rate of a point / ruble, and determine that 2 points are given for 1 ruble. Accordingly, the cost of an iPhone for buyers for points will be 150 points. All clear.

But the problem is that the course will have to be invented, since there is nowhere to watch it. You can give 1 point for 1 ruble, you can give 0.5 points, you can give 10 points ... you are not limited by anything.

For example, you decide that 1 ruble is 10 points. To buy an iPhone with points, you need to accumulate 750 points in your account. And if 1 ruble is 1 point, then the iPhone will cost 75 points.

A well-known example of such a bonus system is air miles. Each program has its own logic of accrual, conversion, its own exchange conditions. Sometimes miles are not taken into account at the rate of 1 mile - 1 mile, but, for example, at the rate of 1 mile - 0.4 miles. Because each organizer has its own economy.

As a percentage of the purchase (cashback)

The principle is the same, but a little simpler. Now you know the score rate. It is equal to 1 ruble - 1 point, and is returned as a percentage.

For each purchase, be it a specific product or any product from the price list, you decide how much to return a percentage of the amount, i.e. make cashback to the client.

According to this logic, banks give cashback. But unlike bank cashback, which the buyer can spend anywhere, your cashback can only be spent at your place.

For example, you plan to give a 10% discount on milk that costs 50 rubles. Instead of a discount that leaves 5 rubles in the customer's pocket for purchases anywhere, you can set a return of 10% in points. In fact, cashback is 10% of the purchase. In the currency of your "state".

You can bet more on some items and less on others. It all depends on inventory and business needs. The tool can stimulate sales of a particular product by increasing its cashback.

VirtualPOS works with this type of software. Set up in the "Bonus Programs" section.

How to evaluate the effectiveness of the bonus program?

There are a lot of ways, scientific and not very. You can invent your own.

Here are some simple ones:

  1. Compare changes in revenue per customer. For example, a client used to spend 5,000 per month, and now he spends 6,000. First, you need to measure the database being tested, then activate the bonus program on it, and then measure it again. If there is no base for measurement - the average per client. If the business is new - according to the average in the market.
  2. Comparison of income from customers. For example, compare the spending of customers without a loyalty program with the spending of those who participate in it. Or compare income from participants in different loyalty programs. For example, discount and bonus.
  3. Compare customer churn. See the number of customers who stopped buying, and divide them into participating and not participating in the bonus program. If the goal is to retain customers, you will immediately see the effect.
  4. Comparison of loss of revenue. For example, how much did you lose on discounts and how much do you really lose on points. At the beginning of the text, we said that up to 30% of points are not spent, so bonuses (at the same level of sales) should be more profitable.
  5. Cohort analysis, Look Alike, NPS and other more complex indicators.


  • Bonus is the currency of your business. The financier would have hit me, but for perception, you can call it that.
  • A bonus saves money in business and retains a customer, unlike a discount. If you no longer rely on a client - do not use points, give a discount.
  • The bonus can cost as much as a ruble, or maybe as much as two. Whatever is more convenient for your business is right.
  • Bonuses love the middle class. If you are selling fashionable clothes, good cosmetics, watches, wine or original accessories - your audience will like bonuses.
  • You can evaluate the effectiveness of a campaign both in comparison with others and in terms of the benefits that it brings in itself.
  • You can make a combo of discount and bonus programs. But consider it well.
  • Remember common sense. No loyalty program will bring happiness if the product and service are weak.

  • The system must be profitable. Expenses must be compensated from turnover or a high margin, which means - purchase price and costs should be low. You don't need a bonus program for the sake of a bonus program.
  • Limit the time of the action. So you will reduce the time of the last visit and speed up the turnover.
  • Ask your accountant about accounting for bonuses. It's money, but not really. There are legal restrictions that are best learned from a professional.
  • Make the program understandable and fair. Customers will stop responding to it if you are cheating. And they will tell others, they are like that.
  • Do not even try to make a bonus program without an automation system.
  • Test the new program on your friends and most loyal customers. It is better to make sure that it works without errors and everyone is happy.