The base rate and the tariff scale for remuneration of state employees have been approved: we have learned the details. Teachers and educators will be paid according to the new scheme What does the Ministry of Education want

  • 03.06.2020

The usual tariff rate of the first category will be replaced by a base rate of 180 rubles, and there will be much fewer tariff categories - 18 instead of the current 27. Salaries of employees public sector(which include teachers) from next year will consist of a salary, the amount of which will depend on the tariff category, as well as incentives (bonuses for the specifics of work in the field of education and the specifics of work) and compensatory payments (additional payment for the complexity of the work performed).

The Decree of the Ministry of Education "On some issues of remuneration of employees in the field of education" establishes tariff categories for positions teaching staff, a list of incentive and compensatory payments to teachers and employees employed in education. A list of incentive and compensatory payments has also been formed. Their size and payment procedure is determined by the relevant instructions.

Incentive payments will be given to young professionals, as well as for the nature of work, features professional activity, high achievements, work in countryside, complexity and intensity of work. Their size will depend on qualification category. For example, for teachers from among specialists (with the exception of the teaching staff, foster parents, parent-educators) who do not have a qualification category, the allowance will be:

  • not having a qualification category - 25% of the salary,
  • having the second qualification category - 35% of the salary,
  • having the first qualification category - 45%,
  • having the highest qualification category - 60%.

Teachers, lecturers (with the exception of those related to the teaching staff), teachers additional education, educators preschool education:

  • not having a qualification category - 30%;
  • having the second qualification category - 40%;
  • having the first qualification category - 50%;
  • having the highest qualification category - 65%;
  • having the qualification category "teacher-methodologist" - 80%.

Allowances for the specifics of work will be charged to those who conduct classes on foreign language, as well as educators of boarding schools for disabled children with special needs of psychophysical development, orphanages, educational colonies.

Parents-educators of family-type orphanages, children's villages (towns), foster parents will be paid extra for the complexity of the work, depending on the number of children taken for upbringing. For example, a parent-caregiver will be charged 100% of the base rate if he is raising 5 children, and 200% if he is raising 10 or more. The foster parent will be paid 10% of the base rate for one child, 50% for three children.

The Ministry of Education noted that with the introduction of a new wage system, a reduction in wages (excluding bonuses) for employees of budgetary organizations operating before the entry into force of Decree No. 71 is not allowed. According to representatives of the department, this document will significantly reduce the number of regulatory legal acts regulating the remuneration of state employees, and differentiate the remuneration of employees depending on the results of their work with the help of incentive payments.

Starting from 2020 in Belarus will work new system wages of state employees. The number of tariff categories will be reduced from 27 to 18, and instead of the tariff rate of the first category, a base rate will be introduced, which will amount to 180 rubles. The Ministry of Education issued a resolution, which told how teachers will be paid salaries from next year.

In general, the system of remuneration of state employees is planned to be simplified. In fact, the salary will consist of a salary (it depends on the tariff category), as well as incentive and compensatory payments. In particular, the document states that tariff category for heads of educational institutions, structural divisions, separate subdivisions will be established taking into account the number of students and children under 18 years of age.

Pedagogical workers and employees employed in education, budgetary organizations, regardless of their departmental subordination, will establish incentive payments (allowances) for the specifics of work in the field of education and for the specifics of labor. There will also be a compensatory payment - an additional payment for the complexity of the work performed.

Allowances for the specifics of work in the field of education will depend on the qualification category. For teaching staff from among specialists (with the exception of the teaching staff, foster parents, parents-educators) who do not have a qualification category, the allowance will be 25% of the salary, those with the second qualification category will add 35% of the salary, the first qualification category - 45%, the highest qualification category - 60%.

And, for example, teachers, lecturers (with the exception of those related to the teaching staff), teachers of additional education and educators of preschool education will establish the following allowances: without a qualification category - 30% of the salary, with a second qualification category - 40%, with the first qualification category - 50%, the highest qualification category - 65%, with the qualification category "teacher-methodologist" - 80%. University professors, professors, accompanists, and so on will have their own allowances for the specifics of work.

Allowances for the specifics of work will be introduced for those who conduct classes in a foreign language (5% of the base rate for each hour of classes, this is 9 rubles), as well as educators of boarding schools for disabled children with special needs of psychophysical development, orphanages, educational colonies and so on (10% of salary).

For the complexity of the work, parents-educators of family-type orphanages, children's villages (towns), as well as foster parents in a foster family will be paid extra. The surcharge depends on the number of children taken for upbringing. For one child, the foster parent is entitled to 10% of the base rate (18 rubles), for two - 30% (54 rubles), for three - 50% (90 rubles), and so on. In addition, for the complexity of the work, preschool teachers and teacher assistants will be paid extra for increasing the amount of work.

Teachers will be paid bonuses for work in the afterschool and preparation for the Olympiads

Separate allowances will be established for employees of budgetary organizations subordinate to the Ministry of Education or local executive and administrative bodies and related to the field of activity of the Ministry of Education. There are many more of them: to young specialists, for the nature of work, for the peculiarities of professional activity, for high achievements in work, for work in rural areas, for the complexity and intensity of work. There will also be a compensatory payment - an additional payment for special working conditions.

More specifically, allowances for the nature of work can be received for work on catering for students, work on the improvement of students (including on vacation), for preparing students for olympiads and competitions, for organizing after-school groups, and so on. For each basis, it will be possible to receive a surcharge of up to 60% of the base rate (108 rubles). Surcharge for work in rural areas will be 20% of the base rate (36 rubles). By the way, additional payments will also be made to bus drivers who take students to educational institutions - 50% of the salary.

Earlier, the Ministry of Health has already told what additional payments and allowances doctors will receive from next year.

11:40 31.01.2019

From January 1, teachers are given bonuses that take into account industry specifics pedagogical activity. This follows from the Decree of the Ministry of Education dated January 22, 2019 No. 10 “On approval of the Instruction on the size, procedure and conditions for establishing allowances for teachers of budgetary organizations.”

As noted on the website of the Ministry of Education, the decree contains a list of types of work (functions), for the performance of which bonuses are set. These are allowances for ensuring the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of children from dysfunctional families, for systemic work on catering, health improvement of students; for work with gifted and talented students; for participation in the activities of educational and methodological associations, etc.

Related materials:

Teachers and doctors will raise salaries from January

The specified allowances are set as a percentage of the tariff rate of the first category. The maximum allowance can be 142 rubles.

According to the instructions, allowances for teaching staff, except for persons from among the teaching staff, are set in the following amounts:

  • for systematic work to ensure the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of children from dysfunctional families, orphans and children left without parental care, work with parents - up to 200%;
  • for systematic work on catering for students, health improvement of students, including during the vacation period - up to 200%;
  • for accompanying students in institutions of preschool, general secondary, special education when organizing their transportation - up to 150%;
  • for work with gifted and talented students ( preparing students for participation in olympiads, competitions and other educational events and creative competitions, organization, holding of these events) - up to 300%;
  • for organizing the participation of students in regional, republican, socially significant events and accompanying them during the period of such events - up to 150%;
  • for work with a non-professional (amateur) group of artistic creativity, which was awarded the title "Honored Amateur Group of the Republic of Belarus" or the name "folk" ("exemplary") - up to 200%;
  • for consulting innovative projects implemented on the basis of educational institutions - 200%;
  • for work with foreign students - up to 200%;
  • for accompanying students for more than a day for educational activities - up to 250%;
  • for the specifics of the work of foster parents, parents-educators, related to the conditions of upbringing and maintenance of orphans, children left without parental care - up to 150%;

Allowances are established for teaching staff from among the teaching staff:

  • for supervising a study group - up to 300%;
  • for work with gifted and talented youth - up to 400%;
  • for participation in the activities of educational and methodological associations, updating, developing structural elements of scientific and methodological support for education - up to 300%;
  • for the development of educational and program documentation in a foreign language - up to 400%;
  • for the organization of research work of students - up to 200%;
  • for work with foreign students - up to 200%;
  • for career guidance work - up to 300%;
  • for work on interaction with organizations - customers of personnel - up to 200%.

When a teacher performs several types of work (functions), allowances can be established for several reasons.

"This measure will increase salaries, as well as provide a differentiated approach to the remuneration of teachers, taking into account the volume, complexity and effectiveness of their work," the press service of the Ministry of Education notes in a statement.

Average accrued wage teacher in Belarus amounted to 2.65 million rubles in January of this year,TUT.BY was informed by the Ministry of Education.The assistant educator has even less - 1.5 million. Thiswith an average accrued salary in the country for the same January 4.368 million rubles and average salary in education3.076 million And what is the salary of educators in other countries? And how can you raise it?

The fact that the salary of kindergarten workers is low in our country is no longer only the employees of preschool institutions themselves. On January 15, at a meeting with representatives of Belarusian and foreign media, Alexander Lukashenko publicly promised to increase the "undeservedly low" salary of educators. It turns out, the minister of education said a little later, documents on this issue "are already being considered by the Council of Ministers." And Deputy Prime Minister Anatoly Tozik said that.

Tozik expressed a wish to pass on to the parents all the payment for the food of the children in the kindergarten (since March 1, the payment of parents for the food in the kindergarten has already increased from 40 to 60%), and also to consider the issue that parents pay a certain percentage of the cost of maintaining their children in a specific garden. "We will use this money to increase the salaries of people who take care of children. As a result, this will help improve the quality of the educational process," the Deputy Prime Minister said.

The fact that salaries need to be increased, apparently, no one doubts. And to what level? After all, an increase of several hundred thousand Belarusian rubles can hardly be called significant. TUT.BY compared the salary of a teacher with the average salary in different countries.

It is curious that at the end of 2012 the issue of raising the salaries of educators was raised in Russia. Putin set the task by the beginning of 2013 to bring the average salary of educators to the average salary in the field of general education in each particular region. And now local authorities regularly report on increases. Thus, the average salary of teachers preschool institutions Sakhalin region, for example, has increased by a third since the beginning of the year and amounted to 33,500 rubles. The average wage in Russia, according to statistics, amounted to 27,340 rubles in January.

But the media have not yet reported on the increase in the salaries of educators in the North Caucasus, for example. And the mother of a 5-year-old baby, Svetlana from the Stavropol Territory, said that a teacher in their kindergarten "receives 4,000 Russian rubles + a bonus. A nanny only 4,000 rubles. For comparison, I (a massage therapist in a clinic) have 8,000 Russian rubles." That is, the teacher gets only 6,000 rubles per month. The working conditions of a Russian teacher practically do not differ from ours, but there are more children in the group - 30-33 people. "There is no less than 27-28 in a nursery," says Svetlana.

Average salary for Estonia for 2012 - 678 euros "net", the minimum wage - 273 euros. Veronika, a resident of Tallinn, told us about this. "Professionals with higher education such a salary: for a methodologist teacher - 587 euros per month, for a senior teacher - 518 euros, for a teacher - 491 euros, for a junior teacher - 465. Now about specialists with secondary education: a senior teacher receives 498 euros per month, 473 - a teacher , 448 - junior teacher," the interlocutor shared specific figures. The working conditions of Estonian educators are very similar to ours.

AT Germany the teacher also average salary around the country. "Average salary Germany, I think, at the level of 2-3 thousand euros of gross income, that is, tax will still be withheld from it. The tax in Germany is high, says local resident Irina Makovetskaya. - If we take the same teacher, then their average salary in the industry is 2,300 euros. On hand, it turns out, 1,500. "Then you need to take into account medical insurance and housing," the woman argues, "insurance will be about 300 euros, rental housing (and the Germans mostly live in rented apartments) about 500 euros and 200 euros - utilities. That is, the teacher will have 500 euros for everything about everything. If she sends her child to a kindergarten, then even if she pays an average of 30-40-50 euros per week, she gets up to 200 euros per month. If there is a husband, and he also works, then the situation still looks normal. And if the husband has some kind of trouble with work, then the life of the Germans does not seem so financially prosperous.

Kindergartens in Norway consist of groups of children: 0-2 years old and 3-5 years old, according to a UNESCO report. Can be mixed age groups A: 0-5 years old. For one teacher with a bachelor's degree, there are 14-18 children over 3 years old and 7-9 kids under 3 years old. Natalya Abramenko from Oslo tells about the work of a teacher in a particular kindergarten: “We have 12 children in the group. They have one teacher and two assistant teachers. The teacher has a special (higher) pedagogical education, plans classes, keeps records. Assistants, as a rule, young people without specialized education. Both the teacher and the assistants work on an equal footing with the children. The teacher plays in the same way, communicates, junior groups- changing diapers.” The average salary in Norway, says the interlocutor, is NOK 35,200, or $6,079 per month.

The average monthly salary of workers in private kindergartens in Norway as of October 2012 was 30,100 crowns, according to the Norwegian Central Bureau of Statistics.

AT Sweden The work of an educator is not considered highly paid. “On average, they get 2,350 euros a month. But there is no question of survival, and sometimes they can indulge themselves,” says Niels-Petter Dufva, a journalist for Scandinavia's most popular newspaper. The average salary in Sweden is about 2,900 euros. "That is, the educator has about the average salary," the journalist says.

Hockey player from Finland Mika Oksa said that caregivers in his country earn between 1,700 and 2,200 euros per month, while the average monthly salary in Finland is about 3,000 euros.

AT Denmark the educator has about 2,000 euros "clean" (or 4,000 "dirty", because 50% goes to taxes), shared a resident of Copenhagen Ekaterina. "And the average salary we have is about 2.5-3 thousand euros" net ".

In New Jersey (USA), a kindergarten teacher earns about $ 35 per hour, in California -.

AT common base vacancies in the United States, the average salary of a teacher is $ 32 per hour. And the average hourly wage in the US for January of this year was $23.78.

"But we must not forget that taxes up to 30% are included here," says Valeria Zolotova from New Jersey.

For comparison: just a babysitter (nanny) asks for $ 15 per hour. For this money, the employee works with young children (from 6 months). Here the main task is to feed and change diapers for babies, older children try to draw, make something."

less than ours. “In the garden, there are four teachers per group. The children were divided into subgroups of 4-5 people (up to 20 people in total) and worked with the children, then changed tables,” says Tatyana Gaiko, California, USA, whose 3-year-old baby walked in Kindergarten from the military base. “They put the kids to sleep somewhere right on rugs, in shoes, somewhere on special mattresses, somewhere in folding beds.” Otherwise, the tasks of the educator are similar to those performed by the workers of our kindergartens. drawing, sculpting, appliqués - with this case there is some kind of fanaticism here! - says Tatyana. - They also show cartoons to children, read fairy tales. Children are fed in the kindergarten. Immediately from the group, access to the street to the playground. "In American kindergartens, children walk a lot.

In the distant Lebanon Teacher salary starts at $500 per month. In the country, the minimum is $350, the average is $1,200 per month. Told us about it local Dr. Michael Eskaf.

FROM January 1, 2020. the republic is switching to new conditions for remuneration of employees of budgetary organizations. From now on, enter tariff system, based on the basic rate and the tariff scale, consisting of 18 tariff categories and their respective coefficients. In this case, the main element of the salary will be the salary<*> .

FROM 2020. salaries of employees of the public sector will be determined by multiplying the base rate established by the Government of the Republic of Belarus by the coefficient of the tariff category. For professions that are not charged by tariff categories, multiples of the base rate will be applied instead of the coefficient<*> .

Determine wage categories by position (multiples of the base rate by profession) of employees of budgetary organizations whose positions (professions) are common to all activities , instructed by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection<*> .

In pursuance of this instruction, the Decree of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of 04/03/2019 N 13 "On the remuneration of employees of budgetary organizations" was adopted.

The annexes to this resolution provide, in particular, the tariff categories for positions common to all types of activities:

- managers and specialists<*> ;

— scientific workers from among specialists<*> .

Now, knowing the tariff category for a particular specialty, it is possible to calculate the salaries of specialists that will be applied with January 1, 2020

For example, the supply manager is assigned the 4th tariff category<*> . According to the new tariff scale, this category corresponds to a coefficient of 1.21. The employee's salary will be 217.80 rubles. (180 rubles x 1.21).

The master of industrial training is assigned the 6th tariff category<*> . This category corresponds to a coefficient of 1.38. His salary will be 248.40 rubles. (180 rubles x 1.38).

The 13th tariff category was established for the chief researcher<*> . According to the new tariff scale, the coefficient for this tariff category is 2.17. The employee's salary will be equal to 390.60 rubles. (180 rubles x 2.17).

The junior researcher has a tariff category of the 9th<*> . The coefficient is 1.68. Consequently, his salary will be 302.40 rubles. (180 rubles x 1.68).

The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection also determined multiples of the base rate for professions common to all industries:

— workers, billed by category of work from 1 to 8 inclusive<*> ;

- time workers, not charged by category<*> .

For example, the profession of office cleaner is charged with the 1st category of work. <*> . The multiple of the base rate for this profession is 1.00<*> .The salary of the employee will be 180 rubles. (180 rubles x 1.00).

The 3rd category of work was established by profession as a housekeeper<*> . It corresponds to a multiple of the base rate of 1.10 <*> .The salary will be 198 rubles. (180 rubles x 1.10).

The profession of a nurse is not charged by category. It has a multiple of the base rate equal to 1.07<*> .In this case, the salary will be 192.60 rubles. (180 rubles x 1.07).

Wage categories of employees of individual ministries holding positions related to their field of activity, regardless of departmental subordination are determined by the ministries themselves. Moreover, in this case, it is necessary to be guided by the procedure for establishing tariff categories for positions (professions) of employees of budgetary organizations, determined by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection<*>. This procedure is also spelled out in Resolution N 13.

According to this procedure, ministries must comply with the range of tariff categories established by clauses 2, 3, 5, 6 of the new tariff scale<*> .

For example, for the positions of heads of budgetary organizations in the healthcare sector, tariff categories can be established within the range established by subpara. 6.4 of the new tariff scale, i.e. from the 12th tariff category to the 17th.

The size of the salary category determined for some positions of managers will depend on the salary category established by the head of the organization (position category code - 1).

below the tariff category established by the head of the organization, by position:

- heads of branches of organizations - for 2 - 3 categories<*> ;

— deputy head of the organization — for 1 — 3 categories<*> ;

- for the derivative position of "chief", for the positions of "press secretary", "state coach", "team leader - senior coach", "senior coach" - for 2 - 4 categories<*> .

For example, the leader budget organization the 15th tariff category is established. In this case, his deputy is set a tariff category below the 15th by 1-3 categories, i.e. within the range of tariff categories from the 12th to the 14th inclusive.

The size of the wage category will also depend on the qualification categories assigned to employees for specialist positions (position category code - 2).

So, the size of the tariff category will be above the minimum tariff category provided for by the corresponding range of tariff categories of the tariff scale, from a specialist who has:

- 2nd qualification category - for 1 category<*> ;

For example, a specialist of a budgetary organization was assigned the 1st qualification category. According to his position, according to the range of tariff categories of the tariff scale, the minimum salary category is 8. The category, taking into account qualifications, will be 10 (8 +2).

The pay rate will be above the minimum wage grade for the range of wage grades of the wage scale for “categorised” positions with the assignment of a derivative:

- "leading" - for 3 digits<*> ;

- "main" (provided that the relevant qualification characteristic EKSD provides for the presence of such a position in a budgetary organization) - for 4 categories<*> .

For employees who do not have a qualification category, the wage category is set in the amount of the minimum wage category according to the range of wage categories of the tariff scale<*> .

For employees whose positions do not provide for intra-position qualification categorization, the wage category is set in the amount of the minimum wage category according to the range of wage categories of the tariff scale. At the same time, according to the derivative position “senior” - by 1 category above minimum wage category<*> .

On a note
At doublenameposts managers, specialists and other employees, the tariff category is established according to the first job title<*> .