Internet from Rostelecom in rural areas. Internet in every home: Rostelecom is laying networks in the most remote regions of Russia Internet in every home program

  • 29.03.2020

Rostelecom became the main provider of Internet networks in countryside using Wi-Fi equipment. Current programs governments are promoting the advancement of Internet technologies to the far corners of Russia. Now residents of suburban villages have the opportunity to use high speed internet on a par with the inhabitants of megacities.

Internet from Rostelecom for rural areas

Internet is brought to the village by Rostelecom using fiber optics, to which powerful public access points are connected to distribute a wireless connection. The process of connecting subscribers is in full swing, the coverage area is expanding daily.

Find out what access technology is

According to the program for the so-called elimination of the digital divide, it is planned to equip more than 13 thousand towns and villages with a population of 250 to 500 people with the necessary equipment. Those wishing to become a user of a Wi-Fi network in rural areas have the opportunity to contact the Rostelecom office and get information on how to connect this service, which regions participate in the program, and what technical nuances exist.

Wi-Fi from Rostelecom in the countryside

During installation and placement necessary equipment the provider builds a fiber optic line to the settlement, then installs a switch and an access point with an antenna for circular coverage.

After the technical measures Rostelecom provides access to Wi-Fi to the population living in rural areas. Residents can use the service both from mobile devices and from stationary computers with a Wi-Fi module. In places where transmission equipment is installed, 3 access options with SSID appear:

  • RTOpen - to view the information page, with access to your personal account on the Rostelecom website (without requesting a key);
  • RTFree - access to sites from the list of the Ministry of Communications (the network is closed, registration is required to connect);
  • RTWi-Fi - access is paid, works at a set rate (unlimited Internet is provided).

To obtain permission to work with RTFree, you need to establish a connection with RTOpen SSIDs, and after the registration procedure, enter your personal account and submit a request for the right to use a paid unlimited service. Feedback on the operation of the Wi-Fi network from Rostelecom in rural areas is varied and depends on how far the subscriber lives from the access point, as well as on the quality of the equipment used.

Attention! Errors may occur in regions where the service operates in test mode. After connecting the service, the operator can carry out technical work for several weeks.

Improve signal quality with a personal hotspot

You can install the equipment on your own, or resort to the help of specialists. Following the clear instructions attached to the equipment, the subscriber can connect an additional access point and thus improve the network signal.

In order to find a solution to the question of how to connect rural Wi-Fi from Rostelecom, you should first connect to open network, visit the provider's website, register in personal account, as well as get a login and password for authorization. After entering the data and paying for the selected tariff, the user gets access to unlimited Internet at speeds up to 10 Mbps.

Setting up a router

rural telephone communications from Rostelecom has been helping out residents of small settlements. Now the internet is following suit. For the Internet, it is enough to have a computer or any mobile device with a module for wireless access.

But if you want to create your own home network, you will need to purchase an access point or router and configure the equipment as a repeater. For this:

  • enter the web interface;
  • find the section responsible for the wireless connection;
  • set the operating mode "repeater";
  • select the Rostelecom network;
  • save the selected parameters;
  • restart the device.

Thanks to Rostelecom, villages have the opportunity to use Internet technologies to the fullest:

  • visit sites;
  • watch online video;
  • participate in multiplayer games;
  • communicate with relatives and friends.

Internet from Rostelecom for rural areas has become a worthy alternative to 3G networks with USB modems. This service has received approval among many residents of small villages. A large number of villages have already become users of high-quality Wi-Fi, but the program continues, and until 2019 the provider will provide hundreds of thousands more people with communications.

The head of the company Sergey Kalugin told. The World Wide Web now helps not only to learn and have fun, but also to prevent crime.

Strengthening positions in the traditional telecommunications industries, updating the technical base and testing strength in new segments - all for the sake of customer convenience. These are the main tasks currently facing the Rostelecom team. The head of the company informs the president about this during a working meeting.

“Our results in 2015 are quite positive. We are still number one in terms of basic services, so our market share is gradually growing,” says Sergey Kalugin, president of Rostelecom. “We have 69 percent of the telephony level, 37 percent of the Internet access market, and 27 percent of the pay TV market.”

And the Internet is good - fast and inexpensive. Even where, until recently, only heard about him. In the Chelyabinsk outback, in the village of Altyntash, where children still go to school in Soviet-style uniforms, there is now Wi-Fi. For students, it is a learning aid. The older generation helps to diversify leisure.

Total wireless Internet in the Southern Urals should come to almost three hundred villages. And all regional centers have already received a video link with the regional leadership. "We are solving the problem of eliminating the digital divide, building optical fiber to small towns. We were supposed to build 200,000 kilometers in five years, now we have already built 20, that is, we have completed the current year plan by 144 percent. Thus, residents of small towns have the opportunity use the Internet and television services in the same way as residents of megacities," says Kalugin. “Those cities where this fiber has reached,” Putin notes.

Rostelecom is actively exploring the Far East. And it seems that many thousands of kilometers away for the company is not a problem. Optical fiber is pulled through the taiga, through mountain ranges and even along the seabed. "We built an optical fiber between Sakhalin and Magadan - 900 kilometers under water. Technologically, it was a very complex project. In general, we coped with this task. Next year we will build optics between Sakhalin and Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, then we will go a little further to side of the Kuril Islands.Thus, the inhabitants Far East will receive the Internet at the level of the best world standards. The speeds are high, and the price is small," says Kalugin.

The President of the Russian Federation asked what the pace of construction would be. "I think that next year we will definitely reach Kamchatka," the president of Rostelecom replies. The ambitious Safe City project is also being implemented with the direct participation of Rostelecom. In regional centers in half of the regions of the country, video surveillance and dispatch support systems are being introduced. All for safety and convenience. In the current year, using these dispatching devices, 7 crimes were solved and 40 offenses were detected.

And this is e-government. Most often, Russians ask how to apply to the registry office, get a place in kindergarten or apply for social benefits. All you have to do is dial the number. Equipment is not everything Russian production. But the company is trying to support the domestic manufacturer. “Now we have a share of Russian equipment in purchases already 30 percent. Moreover, which is very important, we are now trying to purchase the main elements of the network in Russian companies, that is, the infrastructure becomes an order of magnitude more stable," says Kalugin.

What is especially important for building networks and data processing centers on a national scale. According to the president of Rostelecom, this will probably be the largest data center in Europe. "At the first stage, this is 4.8 thousand racks (in general, up to 8). And, which is good, now there is a lot of talk about the adoption of a law on personal data. But we will give such economic conditions that it would be profitable to store data in Russia" , he notes. “A very important construction site,” Putin says in response.

And, of course, as a public joint stock company, Rostelecom must bring profit to its shareholders. This is the third year in a row that revenue has grown. So the company plans to pay dividends for 45 billion rubles. Two-thirds of this amount will be received by the state as the main shareholder.