Where will Auchan be on Tverskaya. Auchan on Broadway. A three-story hypermarket will open near the Kremlin, and locals consider it a shame

  • 29.04.2020

August 27th, 2017 02:06 pm

I'm not old enough to remember grocery stores in the center of Moscow. It is said that there were too few of them. According to my grandmother, who often walked around Moscow in her youth, there are a lot of shops in the city center now. Crossroads, Azbuka Vkusa, small grocery stores, supermarkets in shopping centers - all this is very good.

However, whatever one may say, Muscovites and residents of dozens of other cities love Auchan very much. We went to our hypermarket on the weekend, stocked up on a cart of food, and are satisfied. But now life is changing and Auchan comes to Tverskaya. yes, this is not a joke! Auchan on Tverskaya is the official desire of the company. It turns out that we will have the main store of the country?

1. It turns out an interesting walking route. You can start from the Kremlin, leaving through the most famous tower - Spasskaya. It can be safely called the main tower of the country with the main clock of the country.

2. Go to the main cathedral of the country. Pokrovsky Cathedral, better known as St. Basil's Cathedral, of course, according to church rules, is not the main one, but the most recognizable. I once met statistics that assert it as the most recognizable landmark of the city. I can't believe it, but it's definitely in the top 5.

3. You can see the main tourists of the country - guests from China.

4. The main truck of the country! It looks ridiculous, but it could become reality. This truck was calmly driving to Red Square with materials for the Spasskaya Tower festival.

5. You can also take a walk to the main museum of the country.

6. GUM will not lose its value, but it will definitely have fewer buyers) Just kidding, of course.

7. You can go to the main street of the country! I consider Tverskaya as such, and not Arbat or anyone else.

8. From the zero kilometer, walk a couple of hundred meters not to the State Duma or the Central Telegraph, but to the large long house Tverskaya 4.

9. Here it is, Tverskaya 4, a residential building with retail space on the ground floors.

10. Somewhere in this building, Auchan plans to open his showcase store. The three-storey supermarket will become the chain's main store in the country. In addition to ordinary products, they promise more of their own quality products and baking. I dare to assume that we are talking about this empty room.

11. The first main bus route will suddenly become a bus to Auchan. Who would have thought?

12. And the street itself has changed a lot!

13. The proposal to create such a walking route is comic, but nothing is impossible in this world!

What do you think? Have you ever thought. that Auchan may appear on Tverskaya?

And where do you shop?

Thank you for your attention! Stay in touch!

Dear buyers!

AUCHAN Russia opened a store in the center of Moscow. The new grocery store is located near Red Square on the site of the COLIN`S store at the address: Tverskaya street, bld. four.

The grand opening of My AUCHAN store took place on August 28, 2017 in the presence of representatives state power, directorate AUCHAN Russia and partners of the company. My AUCHAN Tverskaya became the 13th convenience store and combined best goods, services and practices of the trading network.

The store with a total area of ​​750 square meters is located on three floors. On the first and second floors is shopping room store with an area of ​​320 square meters, on the zero - drogerie boutique LillaPois with a sales area of ​​183 square meters.

“This store is already the 17th in food retail on Tverskaya and Tverskaya-Yamskaya. I hope that it will organically fit into this format and will delight visitors with its prices, its quality, and will show itself only with better side and will compete with other food segments,” said Igor Kukolev, Deputy Head of the Infrastructure Development Department retail and services of the Department of Trade and Services of the City of Moscow.

Range and services of AUCHAN on Tverskaya

My AUCHAN Tverskaya offers its customers a range of 3,200 items. The newly opened store is aimed at visitors to the center of Moscow, primarily tourists and office workers working in the center, so the store offers an expanded range of culinary and fresh products. On the second floor of the store, there is a cafeteria area, where customers are offered a wide selection of ready-made meals such as croissants, paninis, pizza, sandwiches, salads, as well as drinks - fresh juice, smoothies, milkshakes, tea and coffee. Guests can use free wifi and a station for charging gadgets.

The new store combined innovative technologies retail for the convenience of customers. For example, the store has exclusive lighting - lamps (LED spectra), the color and shade of which changes depending on the products being illuminated. In addition, paper price tags have been replaced by electronic ones, so prices and promotions are updated automatically and the chance of human error is minimized.

Another innovation of My AUCHAN Tverskaya is the opportunity to order a ready-made lunch at home or in the office. Customers from nearby areas will be able to place an order by phone or on the auchan.ru website and receive delivery by courier.

“This store is the pride of the company. It embodies the concept of Auchan Russia. Our entire team worked on this project to offer the very best. Various products and projects of the company are presented here, which are not presented in other stores. But this is the whole point of the store, which will become our showcase,” said Francois Remy, President of AUCHAN Retail Russia.

The store's checkout line is equipped with a self-checkout system consisting of 3 scanning stations and 6 payment terminals. Such a system can significantly increase throughput and avoid queues.

In My AUCHAN Tverskaya, as in all stores of the company, there is a pick-up point for orders from the online store auchan.ru, which provides customers with an assortment of goods according to low prices corresponding to a virtual hypermarket of 50,000 square meters.

Drogerie boutique LillaPois, located on the ground floor, offers customers 4,600 items of goods - these are household chemicals, care products, decorative cosmetics and perfumes. LillaPois offers a wide range of well-known European cosmetic brands in the middle price segment, as well as luxury perfumes and professional hair cosmetics.

The French company Auchan will open a flagship store in the center of Moscow. The supermarket will be located on Tverskaya 4, next to the State Duma and the Ritz Hotel. While social networks are ironic about this idea, 360 learned from deputies and local residents about how they feel about such a neighborhood.

The representative of Auchan Russia Maria Kurnosova announced the imminent opening of the store to Vedomosti. She said that it was on Tverskaya and to present the best goods of the network, including an extended range of culinary and fresh products. The target audience new supermarket - tourists and people who work nearby. For example, the deputies, because the building of the State Duma of the Russian Federation is located at Tverskaya, 2. The editors of "360" found out from the parliamentarians how they feel about such a neighborhood.

Communist Party deputy Vera Ganzya noted that if you open such a store in the very center of the city, then first of all you need to think about where buyers will put their cars. If this issue can be solved with the help of underground parking, then such a solution can have many advantages.

There are good products in Auchan, why not buy them there? There are very few large grocery stores in the city center. I am sure that the residents of the center experience some inconvenience because of this. But without underground parking - God forbid putting it there

Faith Hansa.

Her colleague from the United Russia party, Svetlana Zhurova, also believes that local residents may like this idea.

For those who live in the center, this is also a plus - before they had to travel somewhere, and this is associated with certain inconveniences, primarily for the elderly. In addition, prices in stores in the center of the capital are much higher than in chain stores.

Svetlana Zhurova.

The deputy expressed her hope that the owner of the chain considers the supermarket as a store within walking distance for those who walk or come by subway, especially for tourists.

Perhaps this is designed for a large flow of tourists next year, when the World Cup takes place. With so many people, restaurants in the center may simply not be able to cope, and such a store will be designed for those who want to quickly buy and eat something while walking

Svetlana Zhurova.

She added that those who work in the building of the State Duma, new shop might come in handy too. “We don’t have much time to go grocery shopping, and here there is a store nearby, and the prices in it will be quite affordable,” said Svetlana Zhurova.

What do the locals think

RIA Novosti / Ekaterina Chesnokova

360 also talked to Muscovites living on Tverskaya. Someone thinks that the opening of Auchan will finally paralyze traffic on the street, but someone liked this idea.

There is little positive in this - traffic jams will become even larger. Reconstruction on Tverskaya already paralyzes the center, and if we build Auchan, then we will ride bikes and hoverboards instead of cars around the center. There are "Pyaterochki" and so on. There is no more expensive than in "Auchan"

Resident of 1st Tverskaya-Yamskaya Street Pavel Chugunov.

Some residents of the district doubt that such supermarkets should be on Tverskaya at all, although they recognize their usefulness.

It seems to me that Tverskaya Street is not for such stores after all. All its inhabitants, in principle, have the opportunity to get into the car and go for groceries. Although I personally would be comfortable

A resident of Tverskaya street Lucy.

What does the internet think

Internet users did not stay away from the discussion of this story. Here are the most interesting statements that "360" found on the Web.

I would hardly have paid attention to the opening of the store if it were not for the discussion in one of the communities that I read on Facebook, which surprised me by the heat of passion. I will cite the most typical and most decent opinions expressed a month and a half before the opening.
- More, more hell! Leroy to the Kremlin! And the construction yard from Kashirka, let's immediately go to Stoleshnikov!
- Three times HA! Discounter, supposed to purchase products for the week, on Tverskaya? Will people go there by subway and bus? Auchan without parking will die in a year. This is not the store where people go for a bottle of water and a pack of cigarettes... and Tajiks will also go to Tverskaya? Oh well...
- And did anyone think about the inhabitants of this poor house 4 ??? There is no place to unload the cars.
- I know Tverskaya well, there are mostly either very old people or wealthy people who settled in communal apartments. Neither one nor the other need Auchan.
- it's all for tourists. with a bag to the Kremlin.
- Well, at least there will be somewhere to buy food in the center, and if at normal prices, then it’s generally beautiful.
- Auchan is a big, cheap garbage dump for slaves.
- That's real, well, what Auchan on Tverskaya? I have nothing against Auchan itself, but it goes well with shopping malls, he’s huge, but who will go to Auchan to Tverskaya ??? There were decent small shops, and it was wonderful to have a bite to eat in bread and co, lindforse, as an example.
- For example, I won’t go there with Bronna. There is nothing to do there by car, there are no parking lots, and you can’t carry much on foot. I will definitely go by car to Gagarin and bring everything I need for a week, not on my back. I think that most residents of the surrounding areas will do the same.
- For those who live in the center and do not have a car, this is happiness. It is now impossible to buy fresh food, especially greens and fruits, in the center, but now there will be somewhere.
- Destroy all small shops, open the dumpster Auchan. This is really happiness.

And so on...

After such a discussion, I became interested, and I went to look at the subject of such fierce criticism. The store opened on September 1, and I got there on the first day of work.
First of all, look carefully at the sign. This is not the usual Auchan, it is "My Auchan". Net small shops under the Auchan brand with prices a little more expensive than in the "big" Auchan, it thrives on the outskirts, and now it has reached the center.

2. Once there was a cafe "Cosmos". Eh...

4. Usual Ashan assortment. Everything is clean, everything is shining - either in honor of the first day of work, or because Tverskaya

5. My favorite curds. Only the day before I noticed the price tag in the "big" Auchan - 41-something rubles. Here it is 15% more expensive, but humane for the center.

6. There is a small emergency on the stairs, which will be eliminated in two brooms

7. But this is something new: a cafeteria

9. The location of the tables - five plus

10. My snack for 154 rubles. The cappuccino is quite decent and the cake is just delicious

11. At the exit, a novelty that is now being introduced into Auchan: the cashier scans purchases, knocks out a check, and payment by card is behind the cash desk line

12. An employee helps with payment.

My personal summary - bravo!
If only they kept the set bar and did not overgrown with kilometer-long queues in the cafeteria.
I am sincerely happy for tourists who do not know the city and overpay for ordinary food in expensive stores. For those who stay too long at work and want to quickly buy something. For the residents of the surrounding houses.
And I myself, on occasion, will be happy to go to the cafeteria.

What is your opinion about the new Auchan?

MOSCOW, July 13 - RIA Real Estate. The three-story Auchan flagship store on Tverskaya Street in the very center of Moscow will be opened to enhance the retailer's image and demonstrate its strong position in the market, according to experts interviewed by RIA Real Estate.

On Thursday, the Vedomosti newspaper wrote that retailer Auchan will open a flagship supermarket with an area of ​​more than 750 square meters in the heart of Moscow. The opening of a three-story store at 4 Tverskaya Street is scheduled for late summer - early autumn. It is planned that it will become a showcase store, and the assortment will include all the best that is in the distribution network.

Droggery shop

According to the director of the department of commercial real estate S.A. Ricci by Olga Yarullina, the flagship store on the main street of the capital, is an indicator of the brand's success, its strong position in the market.

"Not every brand can afford to rent space on the street with rental rates of 100-120 thousand rubles per square meter per year. Of course, the flagship store on Tverskaya is on the verge of self-sufficiency, and this is at best. However, it has a different goal: to attract attention to the brand, increase its awareness.The main street of the capital has always been one of the tourist routes, next to it there are a number of hotels, perhaps one of the goals of "Auchan" is to draw attention to the brand of domestic and foreign tourists.It is possible that for the flagship store retailer came up with new concept", - notes Yarullina.

In her opinion, it is unlikely that Muscovites will go to Auchan on Tverskaya to stock up on goods for a month. “There are shops for this in the Moscow Ring Road area. As for the sales receipt, it is unlikely that it will exceed 1 thousand rubles,” a S.A. representative believes. Ricci.

Ekaterina Podlesnykh, head of the street retail department for Russia at Colliers International, also believes that the presence of a store on Tverskaya Street is an indicator of the brand's success, so large retailers often open their flagship outlets here, which is more of a reputational nature.

"Besides, after reconstruction, the pedestrian traffic of both tourists and residents of the city has increased on the renovated street, which makes it even more attractive for well-known retailers. It is likely that the store will be interesting to visit not only for strolling citizens and tourists, but also for residents of nearby houses , as well as office employees working in the Tverskaya street area. average check in the new Ausha store will be approximately 500-600 rubles," says Podlesnykh.

Marina Malakhatko, head of retail space in Moscow, CBRE, suggests that the flagship Auchan will sell only light products - something that people can use on the go. “Also, those who work nearby and need a store within walking distance can also become customers,” she adds, specifying that for supermarkets with an area of ​​up to 1,000 square meters, the average check in central Moscow is about 800 rubles.

"The average check will differ, primarily due to the difference in the assortment, since 763 square meters can fit the assortment line of essentials, this distinguishes the shopping cart of a droggery store - format near the house - from a big "weekend" shopping, - explains the leading consultant of the Cushman & Wakefield retail real estate department Maryana Matueva.

Democratic Tverskaya

According to a representative of Colliers International, rental rates on Tverskaya Street today range from 80,000 to 130,000 rubles per square meter per year.

True, the director of street retail at Knight Frank, Victoria Kamlyuk, believes that the contract was signed at a lower rate - about 60-65 thousand for the first floor, and for the second floor and basement level, the rental rate could be even lower.

"The fact that Auchan rented premises on Tverskaya is a well-thought-out move, since there is traditionally a shortage of grocery stores in the center of Moscow. The premises are located close to the metro, there is a huge traffic of people, this is the target audience for the retailer. But will they buy and carry the products of those who leave in the evening from the center to the sleeping areas are not clear. technical side question: how will Auchan unload goods so as not to have conflict situations with the residents of the house," Kamluk shares his thoughts.

She also draws attention to the fact that last years Tverskaya as a shopping corridor as a whole is shifting from the luxury class to the democratic segment, and the shops that open there are designed for pedestrians. "The opening of Auchan opposite The Ritz-Carlton is, of course, a reflection of the current state of Russian retail. We can say that its new era is beginning. Previously, Colin's clothing and accessories store was located on this square," develops the thought of his colleague from Knight Frank NAI Becar Facility Management Director Maria Onuchina.

Malakhatko, in turn, points out that today grocery chains are actively opening small supermarkets within walking distance from the house, including in the very center of the capital. “In fact, a decision is being made to enter a premium location in order to keep the flow of customers to all their stores and not give this traffic to Pyaterochka and Magnets near the house,” Onuchina adds.

At the same time, the head of the department of retail premises in Moscow, CBRE, admits that she does not quite understand the logic of the multi-storey Auchan. "There is a risk that people will leave, confused and not finding what they came for. Also here it is necessary to ensure a large number of checkout, because queues are unacceptable during peak hours," the expert sums up.