Buy Belarusians. What to bring from Belarus - bargains and beautiful gifts. Average bill for one purchase by region, rub

  • 16.04.2020

Main conclusion: There remains a huge potential for the growth of e-commerce in Belarus. According to forecasts, in 2018 the market will grow by 20% and by the end of the year will exceed 1.3 billion rubles or $681 million. However, this will be possible if new legislative restrictions are not imposed on online commerce.

Study parameters:

Online survey of respondents aged 18 to 55 living in all regions of Belarus.

Sample - 1000 respondents who have experience of shopping on the Internet.

An expert survey of representatives of the largest players in the e-commerce market was conducted.

Project participants:


The period of the study is February-March 2018.

General characteristics of the e-commerce market in Belarus

According to MART, in 2017, the share of online commerce in the country's retail trade turnover amounted to 2.8%. AT monetary terms this amounted to 1.1 billion rubles or $568 million.

On the non-grocery goods accounts for 80.8% of all online purchases in our country. For food, respectively, 19.2%.

As of January 1, 2018, 16,175 online stores were registered in the trade register. Over the year, the number of online stores in Belarus increased by 2,368 units, or 17.2%. Of these, 7,963 (49.2%) belong to legal entities, 8,212 (50.8%) - to individual entrepreneurs.

Women spend an average of 50 rubles per purchase, and men spend 70 rubles. This is due to the fact that men are more likely to buy more expensive goods, for example, appliances and electronics and household goods, and women - cheaper ones, for example, clothes, cosmetics or toys.


Thus, the average bill for one purchase of equipment and electronics is 102.5 rubles, while cosmetics and perfumery is 40 rubles.

Average check per purchase by category

Residents of the Minsk and Vitebsk regions spend the most on online purchases: the average check in these regions is 70 rubles. Least of all - residents of the Brest region: there, one purchase on the Internet accounts for an average of 47 rubles.

Average bill for one purchase by region, rub.

How do Belarusian online shoppers look for the right product?

Before buying anything online, most Belarusians already know what specific product they need.

  1. Knew what specific product was needed, and began to search on a specific site (45%, they buy both online and offline)
  2. He knew what specific product was needed, and began to search through search engine(31%? rarely buy online)
  3. I didn’t know what specific product I needed, and began to study options through a search engine (11%)

When choosing an online store, Belarusians first of all pay attention to the following factors:

  1. Favorable price and its relevance, suitable terms of payment, delivery and guarantees
  2. Convenience of the site, the relevance of the description and product reviews
  3. Previous shopping experience, site reputation, recommendations


52% of Belarusian consumers place orders in online stores through the basket, without clarification by phone or chat. 26% after ordering on the site specify the details by phone. 14% chat with the seller before ordering something online, 8% call the online store themselves. Most often, young people aged 18-24 chat with sellers, and people of the older generation aged 36-40 call the online store.

Most popular ordering methods

1. Through the shopping cart on the site, without clarification by phone or chat (52%)

2. Call from the online store after ordering on the website (26%)

3. Chat with the seller (14%, 18-24)

4. Call to an online store (8%, 36-40)


53% of Belarusians pay for online purchases after receiving the goods. However, 27% are willing to pay up front, but with the help of a so-called safe deal.

The most popular order payment methods

1. Payment upon receipt (53%)

2. Safe deal (27%)

3. Full prepayment (16%)

4. Partial prepayment at the time of ordering and postpayment (4%).

Typical secure transaction mechanism: the buyer sends an advance payment to the marketplace, which transfers the money to the seller after the buyer confirms receipt of the order. In this way, marketplaces ensure the safety of online transactions for buyers and sellers and ensure that the buyer receives the goods (or, if the goods are of poor quality, their money back), and the seller is paid for it. Safe transactions are available on websites of other countries. Belarusian marketplaces will be able to offer such an opportunity after a law is passed allowing payments to third parties. The National Bank is currently working on such a bill.


Most often, Belarusians receive orders from online stores for free: they are delivered to the post office or brought by a courier. Belarusian consumers take free delivery for granted, and it will be difficult for them to get used to the fact that delivery is the same service as cleaning the apartment or changing tires, for which sooner or later they will have to pay. So far, only 13% of our compatriots are ready to pay for delivery: at the same time, most often this applies to large-sized goods, such as furniture and household goods.

The most popular order delivery methods

  1. Free delivery by mail (41%, clothes, shoes and accessories; cosmetics and perfumes)
  2. Free delivery by courier (23%)
  3. Paid delivery by courier (13%, furniture and household goods)
  4. Paid delivery to the post office (13%)
  5. Pickup (11%).

These studies are presented in detail in the form of infographics on the website

Reference - research project, which collects analytical data on the Belarusian market ecommerce from different sources. For the first study, the team interviewed 1,000 Belarusians from different regions of the country who had experience of online shopping. In the future, more interesting statistics will appear on the site: for example, during the year the team will conduct research on payments and delivery in e-commerce. The project implements the marketplace with the support of the largest market players, including and KUPI.TUT.BY. The partner of the project in 2018 is the cloud provider ActiveCloud.

e-commerce day- the largest annual e-commerce conference in Belarus, organized by the marketplace. The conference gathers on one platform representatives of relevant government agencies, the largest marketplaces, delivery services, payment operators of the country, as well as owners of large, medium and small online stores. In 2017, 500 people became participants in the conference, in 2018 - 600. The general partner of the conference in 2018 is Alfa-Bank. Belarusian marketplace, where goods and services from sellers from different cities of Belarus are presented, a project of the Ukrainian IT company EVO. On, any entrepreneur can independently create an online store and sell their products to a million audience, and the buyer can find and select the desired product by best price. In 2017, entrepreneurs placed 9 million goods and services on, and buyers made purchases worth 66 million rubles.

Once loved by many, Arkady Raikin, in one of his miniatures, admitted that he "began drinking, smoking and talking at the same time", intuitively predicting a real transformation of social priorities in society. Today, paraphrasing the classics of the genre, it can be argued that the dimensionless accessibility of the Internet has opened the eyes of Big world and our kids even before they have time to learn the alphabet or take their first independent steps in life.

The rapid public interest in the use of the world electronic web, whether it be a tablet or a smartphone, has become the main driver of the popularity of not only game plots, but also online stores. And the growth of credit cards with attractive bonuses leads to an increase in card payments and an increase in prepaid orders. In short, business is nothing personal.

In this sense, the consumers of the Belarusian market also did not become an exception to the general global trend. Internet purchases are made by almost half of the population of the Union State - 44 percent. Irina Baryshnikova, head of the Consumer Rights Protection Department and the Ministry of Antimonopoly Regulation and Trade, told reporters about this, BelTA informs.

Informing that almost every second citizen of Belarus purchases goods without departing from the Internet, she focused on the booming cross-border Internet trade in the country. Moreover, the views of the majority of buyers are turned towards the trade counters of the Celestial Empire. It is in China that 21% of Belarusian buyers purchase household goods. Russia, according to the official, accounts for a little less than 11%.

Experts draw attention to the fact that today, in order to open your online store, you no longer need special knowledge and experience. The number of suppliers is constantly growing, the choice of goods is increasing, and companies have appeared at the service of retailers that take care of everything - from the formation of an assortment to packing and dispatching orders.

The bulk of online purchases, as it turned out, are non-food products in the Republic of Belarus - 80.8%. Mostly Belarusians buy household appliances, clothing and footwear, household goods, sporting goods, auto parts. "The range of goods purchased on the Internet is constantly expanding," Baryshnikova noted. According to her, as of January 1, 2018, 16,175 online stores were registered in the country's trade register, of which more than 51% belong to individual entrepreneurs.

True, users of social networks do not tire of reminding that when ordering goods on the Internet, one should be prepared for the fact that they may differ somewhat from consumer expectations. Firstly, the photographs do not always correspond to the real product, and secondly, they joke on the networks, "the figure is not included in the package with the product." Therefore, buyers are often disappointed.

And, nevertheless, the dynamics of the modernized system of supply and demand has already proven its effectiveness both in Belarus and in neighboring Russia, in which the volume of the online commerce market in the first half of last year amounted to 498 billion rubles, according to the Association of Online Commerce Companies (AKIT ). Electronic commerce goods and services in the Russian Federation is already about 40 percent digital economy countries, note in ACIT.

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How graduates in Belarus and Russia are preparing to say goodbye to school

The general trend in schools - luxurious outfits, expensive limousines and chocolate fountains - is in danger of finally losing the status of mandatory attributes of proms. What will be remembered for parting with the school this year - in the material of "SOYUZ"

It is not possible to conclude a sales contract with a foreigner without taking the car out of the country. To do this, you will need to inspect the car, test drive and check. It is not profitable to come to Russia to buy a vehicle. Therefore, Russians who want to sell a vehicle abroad need to take it outside the country.

Deregistration and drawing up a contract.

Residents of Belarus are increasingly buying cars in the country. However, not everyone knows how to take cars to their homeland. To do this, remove the car from the registration. Hand over the passport and license plates of the car to the appropriate department of the traffic police. Instead of the previous number, you will receive "TRANSIT". On the certificate put a mark on the permission to export the vehicle abroad. It is certified by the appropriate signature and seal.

The contract with the owner of the car is concluded in a mandatory written form, since in the territory of Belarus this is required by law and subsequent state registration. Documents are provided to the traffic police. The agreement provides:

  • place and date of compilation;

  • surname, name and patronymic, passport data of the previous owner and buyer, addresses of permanent residence of both;

  • terms and subject of the transaction;

  • car cost;

  • vehicle data for its identification;

  • number and series, date of issue of the title and registration plate;

  • signatures of both parties.

To answer the question: How to sell a car from Russia to Belarus.- you need to know the features of the conclusion of the contract.

Deal features.

The contract is concluded on the territory Russian Federation in writing. By agreement of the parties, the transaction is certified by a notary. The contract is not registered in Belarus. The owner or his representative can buy and take out the car. To do this, the future owner of the vehicle issues a power of attorney to the elected person on the territory of his country with the right to purchase a car and carry out procedures related to the import of a vehicle.

If the owner purchased a car in Russia and took it to Belarus, without a written contract of sale, there is no need to apply to legal entities to receive a certificate invoice. The purchaser must return and sign the contract.

Recently, citizens of Belarus have increasingly begun to buy used cars in Moscow. Since we are in Moscow, we see this and have paid attention to it. We know this from contact with us and from our colleagues in the automotive business. As a rule, cars up to 1,000,000 rubles (RF) are in demand.

Question. Why do Belarusians come to Russia for cars?

The answer, as we see it, is this. In the years when there were milder conditions in Belarus customs duties, many Russians went to buy cars in Belarus, as they were cheaper than in the Russian Federation. Times have changed, duties have increased, and for some time, by inertia, the Russians were still driving cars to Belarus, buying what was left.

Thus, a whole layer of cars was washed out of Belarus until 2008. Washed up was mostly Russians. Thus, it turned out that the offer on the secondary car market in the Russian Federation became more interesting than in Belarus, since the car market in the Russian Federation itself is larger, and besides, the Russians took a lot of interesting cars from Belarus.

It turns out that it really makes sense for Belarusians to go to the Russian Federation for a car! Cars inside customs union(Belarus, Kazakhstan, Russia,) and in our case in Russia they are cheaper than cars imported from outside the customs union.

Knowing the domestic automotive market of the Russian Federation, we will tell you what to look for when buying a car.

Why do we not recommend buying a car from car dealerships and private dealers?

Therefore, car dealers make sure that the car looks as good as possible in order to get the best for it. more money. We dealers do this every day, so we are very good at preparing a car for sale. This is called presale preparation. Even we ourselves try not to buy cars from our competitors in the business, because behind the external brilliance you can not immediately see a possible drawback.

An ordinary car owner, as a rule, does not know so many subtleties and ways of “guiding a car” that car dealerships have in their arsenal. A private trader usually just washes the car, as a maximum - he cleans the interior and polishes the body.

We quite often hear stories of such content from people who have arrived. “I came for a specific car, the owner of the girl, who seemed normal, said on the phone that the car was hers, we agreed to come, and there was a car park, and not a girl, the car was all repainted in a circle, etc. Now we urgently need to find and buy some kind of car so that you don’t leave home empty-handed ... ”You yourself understand that when buying a car, the urgency of the purchase plays against you. As a result, often in a hurry, people buy junk!

We ourselves have to make a lot of idle trips when choosing a car, because many sellers do not admit that they are dealers until you see the documents or get to them on the site. In a conversation with car sellers, we immediately say that we are experts, that we ourselves are engaged in cars, that we don’t need to waste our time, no, we still hope for something, fool our heads to the last. It should be noted that such cases also happen in Germany (often with immigrants from the CIS) you go to them for 500 km for an excellent whole car, you arrive, and there is a badly painted basin, you turn around and leave, although on the phone the car was a swallow, and in factory paint. Well, nothing can be done, the costs of the profession, it happens.

  1. To export the car abroad, we recommend TOGETHER with the seller to go to the traffic police and draw up the “Export of the car outside Russia” (the registration algorithm and the list of documents are described in this article). The fact is that forging a vehicle registration certificate (CTC) is not so difficult, and if you don’t deal with this document every day, you won’t understand anything, you just won’t see a fake. You will understand when you come home to register, and it will be stolen or burdened. In order to insure yourself in the event that the “export of the vehicle outside the Russian Federation” was issued without you, you need to drive up to the nearest MOTOTRER or traffic police post together with the seller before transferring money to him and check whether the documents have been carried out according to the traffic police databases, although there is also a nuance here: databases are updated late and the changes may not immediately arrive on the computer.
  2. It is best to pay in a bank - it's safer that way. Before transferring money to the seller, we recommend that you draw up a receipt (the receipt form can be downloaded). At the end of the receipt, the seller must write “I received the money in full, I have no complaints against (your full name), date, signature. At the time of transferring the money, you must immediately take a receipt, keys, a contract of sale in 2 copies, STS (right at the bank's cash desk). It is better to come together to buy a car: you arrange everything, and the second person acts as your witness. And at the moment when you are paying at the bank, he stands near the car and makes sure that she does not go anywhere "by pure chance."


The offer of cars in the Russian Federation is quite extensive and interesting, but you need to be well versed in this issue in order not to get into an unpleasant situation in pursuit of a low price.

We recommend that you use the help of professionals (unless, of course, you yourself are a professional in this matter), and the costs for these services are negligible compared to the risks you take on when buying a car on your own. In the direction of "car to order" - the main activity. We love our craft and we like it when a job well done by us pleases you (our customer)! Your good recommendations to your friends are as important to us as the pay for our work. Therefore, every time we complete an order, we do our job with all our heart!

If you still decide to buy a car yourself, be sure to write or call us. We will answer all your questions. All consultations are free!

15:34 11.12.2014

While Russians, unaccustomed to currency cataclysms, are recovering from a devaluation shock, seasoned Belarusians seize the moment and raid Russian market. What a thing, the Belarusian ruble is strengthening against the Russian one! It’s not good to rejoice at someone else’s misfortune, but it’s simply impossible not to take advantage of such a chance.

Exotic at a bargain price

If in the summer you didn’t manage to fly to Spain, Greece, Turkey, or at least take a weekend trip to Lithuanian Palanga, don’t be upset. Summer in Belarus is not bad, warm and beautiful. But now you have a chance to bask on some exotic beach in the freezing winter. It's not about Egypt, no. Today you can have a great time in Thailand, India, Vietnam, Cuba and even the Maldives. And at a price even lower than Egypt in the old days.

Along with the Russian ruble, not only cars and food, but also travel packages have fallen in price in Russia. And since most Belarusian agencies buy tours, including from Russian operators, exotics at a very sweet price are easily accessible to Belarusians.

Here, for example, is a fresh newsletter from 8 nights in Thai Pattaya in a 3 * hotel with breakfast will cost 677 dollars per person (departure on January 7 from Moscow, we will have time with a visa if we hurry). A year ago, a similar tour cost about one and a half times more expensive.

Do not want to depraved Pattaya? Welcome to calm Phuket - offers a good range of tours to the Thai island within 500-600 dollars per person for 7-9 nights.

12 nights in a 3* hotel in the Indian state of Goa will cost $1,170 for two. Departure, again, from Moscow on December 19. 4 * on the same terms will cost $ 1,300 for two. The Indian embassy is located in Minsk, so there will be no problems with a visa.

For $910 per person, you can spend an unforgettable 11 nights (and days, of course) in a distant Dominican Republic in a 4 * all-inclusive hotel. Departure on December 14 from Moscow, a valid Schengen visa is required for travel.

A full 14 nights in Cuba in an all-inclusive 3* hotel is offered for $937 per person.

Prices for tours have really decreased compared to last year, and the devaluation of the Russian ruble, of course, influenced this, - the director of one of the Belarusian travel agencies explained to us. But it's unlikely to last long. I think that Russian tour operators will rebuild and optimize their systems, and all this will disappear. So you need to seize the moment. Although it is also very profitable to buy from Belarusian tour operators now. Prices have actually dropped for flights from Minsk. From December 15-20, Egypt will “burn” very beautifully with a return until the New Year - the seasonal factor affects here.

Smartphones and laptops

If you have already rested and have not yet had time to get tired, you can please yourself with a new smartphone or laptop. True, the "profit" here will not be so tangible.

So, in the official Russian Appstore, a brand new iPhone 6 (16 GB) is offered for 39,990 Russian rubles. In our bank, this amount can be purchased for 8,100,000 Belarusian rubles (about $740). One of Russian online stores the same iPhone offers already for 33,490 rubles (6,850,000 "bunnies" or $ 630).

Prices in Belarusian online stores for similar devices start at $780.

A 13-inch MacBook Air (128 GB) costs almost the same in Russia and Belarus - about $1,100.

Samsung smartphones and Asus laptops do not differ much in price either.

On the websites of several Russian online stores, we came across the following warning:

"ATTENTION!!! Due to frequent and significant fluctuations in exchange rates, store N gradually adjusts the retail prices of goods and, accordingly, prices for goods may change at the time of registration and ordering. We apologize in advance for any price adjustments."

In general, there was such an impression that the market for technology and electronics quite quickly “pulled itself up” to the new dollar exchange rate, unlike travel services and other areas, which we will discuss below.

There is an idea - there is IKEA!

For furniture and other goods from IKEA, most Belarusians are used to going to Vilnius. However, there is also such a store in Moscow, and at the moment it is much more profitable to shop there.

Judge for yourself. The Birkeland bed in a Lithuanian store costs 1,738 litas or 503.36 euros. At the current exchange rate, this is about 6,850,000 Belarusian rubles. In Moscow, a similar bed costs 24,399 Russian rubles, or just 5 million in “squirrels”.

Or another example - a set for a dining room from a table and 4 chairs "Lerhamn". In terms of Belarusian rubles, this kit will cost 3,215,000 rubles in Lithuania, and only 2,200,000 in Moscow. The difference is almost one and a half times.

Food in Moscow is cheaper than in Minsk

If you decide to go to Russia for a new car, furniture, or some other “serious” product, you can also buy food along the way. Unbelievable, but true - most food products in Moscow are now cheaper than in Minsk.

If we compare the prices in the Euroopt online store and the Russian Kangaroo hypermarket for absolutely identical products, we get the following picture:

Sugar costs in Russia - 8,000 per kg, in Belarus - 9,200 rubles

Horns "Galina Blanca" in Russia 10,000 rubles, in Belarus 11,300.

Pasta Barilla Farfalle in Russia 16,700 rubles, in Belarus 21,800.

Pork neck in Russia 107,000 per kg, in Belarus 113,000.

The thigh of a broiler chicken in Russia is 34,000 per kg, in Belarus 41,000.

Instant coffee "Jacobs Monarch" 140 gr. in Russia 49,000, in Belarus 66,400.

However, there are exceptions. For example, Zolotaya Semechka sunflower oil costs 2,000 rubles more in a Russian hypermarket than in a Belarusian one. Therefore, mindlessly sweeping everything off the shelves is not worth it - analyze the prices.


The devaluation that is taking place in Russia is completely out of place for Belarus. Russia is our main trading partner, the lion's share of Belarusian exports goes there. In a situation where the Belarusian ruble is strengthening against the Russian one, the prices for the products of Belarusian manufacturers do not look very attractive. While the financial authorities are puzzling over what to do - to devalue the "bunny" and support exporters, or to keep the ruble in spite of everything, ordinary people can get quite real benefits from the sad events of their neighbors.