On a unified methodology for maintaining customs statistics of foreign trade and statistics of mutual trade of states - members of the customs union. On a unified methodology for maintaining customs statistics of foreign trade and statistics of mutual trade of member states

  • 04.07.2020

Ensuring comparability of data

1. General Provisions

1.1. The purpose of the Unified methodology of customs statistics foreign trade and statistics of mutual trade of the Member States of the Customs Union (hereinafter referred to as the Methodology) is to determine the procedure for the formation, maintenance and dissemination of customs statistics of foreign trade of the Member States of the Customs Union with third countries and statistics of mutual trade between the Member States of the Customs Union that meet the needs of legislative and executive power, other users, including international economic organizations.

1.2. The Methodology sets out the basic rules for recording data on foreign and mutual trade of the member states of the Customs Union.

1.3. The methodology has been developed in accordance with the provisions contained in the official publication of the Statistics Division of the Department of Economic and social issues UN Secretariat "Statistics international trade goods: concepts and definitions" (1998), the provisions of the Customs Code of the Customs Union, the Agreement on the Maintenance of Customs Statistics of Foreign and Mutual Trade in Goods of the Customs Union dated January 25, 2008 and updated in accordance with the provisions contained in the official publication of the Statistics Division of the Department for Economic and Social Affairs of the UN Secretariat "International Merchandise Trade Statistics: Concepts and Definitions, 2010".

1.3. This Methodology has been developed in accordance with the provisions contained in the official publication of the UN Statistics Division "Statistics of International Merchandise Trade: Concepts and Definitions" (1998) and the provisions of the Customs Code of the Customs Union.

1.4. Customs statistics of foreign trade and statistics of mutual trade take into account trade in goods.

1.5. Customs statistics of foreign trade and statistics of mutual trade are designed to provide a complete and reliable record of data on foreign and mutual trade in goods in order to solve the following tasks:

1) analysis of the main trends, structure and dynamics of foreign trade flows;

2) analysis of the results of the application of measures of tariff and non-tariff regulation foreign economic activity;

3) development and decision-making in the field of foreign trade policy;

4) control over the receipt of customs payments to the budgets of the member states of the Customs Union;

5) development of the balance of payments and the system of national accounts;

6) forecasting macroeconomic indicators;

7) calculation of indices of physical volume, average prices and cost volume;

8) assistance in the development of foreign economic activity, expansion of foreign trade relations.

2. Basic terms

This Methodology uses the terms of the Customs Code of the Customs Union, as well as the main terms that have the following meanings:

2.1. "foreign trade of the Customs Union" - trade of the Member States of the Customs Union with third countries;

2.2. "mutual trade of the Customs Union" - trade between the member states of the Customs Union;

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2.3. "statistical territory" - the territory of a state - a member of the Customs Union, in respect of which the collection of statistical data is carried out;

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2.3. "statistical territory" - the territory of a state - a member of the Customs Union, in respect of which the collection of statistical data is carried out. At the same time, the border of the statistical territory is the state border of the state - a member of the Customs Union;

2.4. "import of goods" - the importation into the territory of a state - a member of the Customs Union of goods that are added to stocks material resources member states of the Customs Union;

2.5. "export of goods" - export from the territory of a state - a member of the Customs Union of goods that reduce the stocks of material resources of a state - a member of the Customs Union;

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2.6. "authorized bodies of the states - members of the Customs Union" - bodies government controlled states - members of the Customs Union, which are entrusted with the functions of maintaining and providing to the Eurasian Economic Commission and to each other data on customs statistics of foreign trade and statistics of mutual trade.

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2.6. "authorized bodies of the states - members of the Customs Union" - the state administration bodies of the states - members of the Customs Union, which are entrusted with the functions of maintaining and submitting to the Secretariat of the Commission of the Customs Union and the Parties the customs statistics of foreign trade and statistics of mutual trade.

3. Sources of formation

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3.1. The initial data in the formation of customs statistics of foreign trade are the information contained in the declarations for goods and other documents provided by customs authorities. The authorized bodies of the member states of the Customs Union may use other sources of information in order to compile customs statistics of foreign trade.

Accounting for the import and export of goods transported by pipeline transport (oil, gas and others) and power lines is carried out taking into account the specifics of their transportation and declaration in accordance with the procedure established by the customs legislation of the Customs Union and (or) international treaties of the state - a member of the Customs Union .

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3.1. The initial data in the formation of customs statistics of foreign trade are the information contained in the declarations for goods and other documents provided to the customs authorities.

In the customs statistics of foreign trade, the accounting of imports and exports for water, rail, road, air transportation when declaring goods is carried out according to the date of release of the goods indicated in the declaration for goods.

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Accounting for the import and export of goods in the statistics of mutual trade is carried out: for import - on the date of receipt of goods at the warehouse, for export - on the date of shipment of goods from the warehouse.

Accounting for the import and export of goods transported by pipeline transport (oil, gas and others) and power lines is carried out taking into account the specifics of their transportation and declaration in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation and (or) international treaties of the state - a member of the Customs Union.

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3.2. The initial data in the formation of statistics of mutual trade are the information contained in the documents provided by participants in foreign economic activity to the authorized bodies of the states - members of the Customs Union in the course of mutual trade.

The authorized bodies of the member states of the Customs Union may use other sources of information in order to compile statistics on mutual trade.

Accounting for the import and export of goods in the statistics of mutual trade is carried out: for import - at the time of receipt of goods at the warehouse, for export - at the time of shipment of goods from the warehouse.

Accounting for the import and export of goods transported by pipeline transport (oil, gas and others) and power lines is carried out taking into account the peculiarities of their transportation and declaration in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation and (or) international treaties of the state - a member of the Customs Union.

4. Scope of data

4.1. The customs statistics of foreign trade and statistics of mutual trade take into account all goods that are added to the stocks of material resources of the state - a member of the Customs Union and (or) deducted from them as a result of their importation into or their exportation from the territory of the state - a member of the Customs Union.

4.2. Goods in transit, goods temporarily admitted to the territory of a state - a member of the Customs Union or temporarily exported from the territory of a state - a member of the Customs Union (with the exception of goods intended for internal or external processing and imported (exported) for a period of more than one year), do not replenish and do not reduce the stocks of material resources of the state - a member of the Customs Union and are not subject to inclusion in the customs statistics of foreign trade and statistics of mutual trade.

5. Boundaries of the sphere statistical observation

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5.1. The boundaries of the sphere of statistical observation are understood as a statistical threshold - such a value of value, net tonnage, other indicators characterizing imported (exported) goods, below which they are not taken into account in the customs statistics of foreign trade and statistics of mutual trade.

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5.1. The boundaries of the sphere of statistical observation are understood as a statistical threshold - such a minimum value of value, net tonnage, and other indicators characterizing imported (exported) goods, below which they are not taken into account in the customs statistics of foreign trade and statistics of mutual trade.

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5.2. Cost and quantity thresholds for accounting for goods in the customs statistics of foreign trade and statistics of mutual trade are established in accordance with the legislation of the state - a member of the Customs Union.

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5.2. The cost and quantity thresholds for accounting for goods in the customs statistics of foreign trade are established by the customs legislation of the Customs Union, in the statistics of mutual trade - by the legislation of the state - a member of the Customs Union.

6. Accounting system

6.1. In the customs statistics of foreign trade and statistics of mutual trade, import and export of goods are recorded on the basis of a common system of trade records.

6.2. Under the general accounting system in the customs statistics of foreign trade, the following are taken into account:

6.2.1. import:

1) goods imported into the territory of a state - a member of the Customs Union and placed under customs procedure release for domestic consumption;

2) goods imported into the territory of a state - a member of the Customs Union and placed under the customs procedure of re-import;

3) goods imported into the territory of a member state of the Customs Union and placed under the customs procedure for processing in the customs territory;

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4) goods imported into the territory of a member state of the Customs Union after the completion of the customs procedure for processing outside the customs territory;

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4) goods imported into the territory of a state - a member of the Customs Union after the performance of the customs procedure for processing outside the customs territory;

5) goods imported into the territory of a member state of the Customs Union and placed under the customs procedure for processing for domestic consumption;

6) goods imported into the territory of a member state of the Customs Union and placed under the customs procedure of a customs warehouse;

7) goods imported into the territory of a state - a member of the Customs Union and placed under the customs procedure of refusal in favor of the state;

8) goods imported into the territory of a member state of the Customs Union and placed under the customs procedure of duty-free trade;

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9) goods imported into the territory of a member state of the Customs Union and placed under the customs procedure of temporary importation (admission) for a period of one year or more;

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9) goods imported into the territory of a state - a member of the Customs Union and placed under the customs procedure of temporary import for a period of one year or more;

10) goods imported into the territory of a state - a member of the Customs Union and placed under the customs procedure of a free customs zone;

11) goods imported into the territory of a member state of the Customs Union and placed under the customs procedure of a free warehouse;

6.2.2. export:

1) goods exported from the territory of a state - a member of the Customs Union and placed under the customs procedure for export;

2) goods exported from the territory of a state - a member of the Customs Union after the completion of the customs procedure for processing in the customs territory;

3) goods exported from the territory of a state - a member of the Customs Union after the completion of the customs procedure for processing for domestic consumption;

4) goods exported from the territory of a member state of the Customs Union and placed under the customs procedure for processing outside the customs territory;

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5) goods exported from the territory of a state - a member of the Customs Union and placed under the customs procedure for re-export, with the exception of goods exported after temporary storage in the territory of a state - a member of the Customs Union;

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6) goods exported from the territory of a state - a member of the Customs Union after placing them under the customs procedure of duty-free trade;

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6) goods exported from the territory of a state - a member of the Customs Union and placed under the customs procedure of duty-free trade and sold to individuals leaving the territory of a state - a member of the Customs Union;

7) goods exported from the territory of a member state of the Customs Union and placed under the customs procedure of temporary export for a period of one year or more;

8) goods exported from the territory of a state - a member of the Customs Union after the completion of the customs procedure of a free warehouse;

9) goods exported from the territory of a state - a member of the Customs Union after the completion of the customs procedure of a free customs zone.

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6.3. The statistics of mutual trade take into account all goods imported into the territory of a state - a member of the Customs Union from the territory of other states - members of the Customs Union or exported from the territory of a state - a member of the Customs Union to the territory of other states - members of the Customs Union, with the exception of goods specified in clause 6.4 Methodologies.

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6.3. The statistics of mutual trade take into account all goods imported into the territory of a state - a member of the Customs Union from the territory of other states - members of the Customs Union or exported from the territory of a state - a member of the Customs Union to the territory of other states - members of the Customs Union, with the exception of goods specified in clause 6.4 .

6.4. The following categories of goods are not taken into account in the customs statistics of foreign trade and statistics of mutual trade under the common accounting system:

1) goods transported in transit through the territory of a state - a member of the Customs Union;

2) goods temporarily imported (exported) for a period of less than one year;

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3) Excluded.

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3) goods placed in a customs warehouse, a free warehouse, a free customs zone and intended for export outside the territory of a member state of the Customs Union;

4) foreign goods destroyed on the territory of a state - a member of the Customs Union.

7. Goods subject to accounting

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The paragraph is invalid.

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Certain categories of goods, listed below, have features of the movement of goods that must be taken into account when they are included in the customs statistics of foreign trade of a member state of the Customs Union.

7.1. In the customs statistics of foreign trade and statistics of mutual trade, among others, the following categories of goods should be taken into account:

1) non-monetary gold, precious metals that do not act as a means of payment, securities, banknotes and coins that are not in circulation;

2) goods traded against government accounts, which include civil and military goods, for example, in regular commercial transactions by governments; goods supplied by line government programs external assistance; war reparations and restitution;

4) goods received as a gift;

5) goods temporarily imported (exported) for a period of one year or more;

6) goods imported (exported) under a financial lease (leasing) agreement;

7) military and dual-use goods;

8) goods imported (exported) under consignment agreements;

9) goods imported (exported) under barter agreements;

10) goods imported (exported) for the purpose of their processing, as well as products of processing;

11) goods imported (exported) as contributions to statutory funds;

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12) goods produced and exported by foreign legal entities operating on the territory of a member state of the Customs Union;

13) information media, recorded and unrecorded;

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12) goods own production enterprises from foreign investment;

13) goods used as carriers of information and means software, such as packaged sets of floppy disks or CDs with recorded computer programs and / or data, audio and video materials intended for general or commercial use (but not developed under custom order);

14) returned goods. Goods previously exported and accounted for in exports and then returned are treated as imports. Similarly, previously imported and returned goods are treated as exports;

15) goods imported (exported) as a result of transactions between parent corporations and enterprises of their direct investment (branches/offices);

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16) caught fish and seafood, manufactured fish products, minerals extracted from the seabed, salvaged cargo:

purchased (unloaded) from a foreign ship on the high seas or in a port of a state - a member of the Customs Union - are taken into account in imports;

sold (unloaded) to a foreign ship on the high seas or in a foreign port - are accounted for in exports;

17) bunker fuel, ballast, fastening equipment, on-board stores and other materials:

purchased for a vessel or aircraft of a member state of the Customs Union outside the territory of a state - a member of the Customs Union or purchased (unloaded) from a foreign vessel or aircraft in a port of a state - a member of the Customs Union - are taken into account in imports;

sold (unloaded) for a foreign ship or aircraft on the territory of a state - a member of the Customs Union or sold (unloaded) from a ship or aircraft of a state - a member of the Customs Union in a foreign port - are taken into account in export;

18) goods sent by international by mail or through courier service, including transactions made using electronic means(electronic commerce);

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16) fish, fish products, seafood, minerals from the seabed, caught (extracted) and salvaged cargo, unloaded from a foreign ship in a port of a state - a member of the Customs Union or purchased by a ship of a state - a member of the Customs Union on the high seas from a foreign ship, as well as sold In the open sea;

17) bunker fuel, ballast, on-board stores and other materials are taken into account when they are sold to foreign watercraft and aircraft in the territory of a state - a member of the Customs Union, as well as when they are purchased by water and aircraft of a state - a member of the Customs Union from foreign watercraft and aircraft on the territory of a state - a member of the Customs Union or unloaded from foreign ships and aircraft in the port of a state - a member of the Customs Union;

18) goods sent by international mail;

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19) vehicles imported (exported) by individuals of a state - a member of the Customs Union for the purpose of permanent placement.

8. Goods not subject to accounting

8.1. The following categories of goods are not taken into account in the customs statistics of foreign trade and statistics of mutual trade:

8.1.1. goods whose value does not exceed the statistical threshold;

8.1.2. monetary gold, national and foreign currency (except for those used for numismatic purposes), securities put into circulation;

8.1.3. goods that are not the subject of commercial transactions:

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1) imported (exported) by individuals for their own use, in quantitative or value terms not exceeding the norms established by the customs legislation of the Customs Union;

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1) imported (exported) by individuals for their own use, in quantitative or value terms not exceeding the norms established by the legislation of the state - a member of the Customs Union;

2) periodicals(newspapers, magazines) sent by direct subscription to individuals;

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3) goods imported (or purchased in the territory of a state - a member of the Customs Union) to ensure the activities of diplomatic missions, consular offices, other official representations of foreign states, international organizations;

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3) goods purchased by diplomatic or other representations of foreign states, armed forces, scientific organizations on the territory of a state - a member of the Customs Union for their own needs;

4) goods temporarily imported (exported) for a period of less than one year;

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5) goods exported to ensure the activities of diplomatic missions, consular offices, other official representations of the state - a member of the Customs Union abroad, as well as exported by international organizations;

6) goods transported by pipeline transport, necessary for carrying out its commissioning;

7) supplies-goods to provide normal operation and Maintenance ships, aircraft and trains engaged in international transportation, intended for consumption by passengers and crew members, as well as intended for sale to passengers and crew members;

8) ships and aircraft imported (exported) for maintenance purposes;

10) goods intended for demonstration and (or) use during exhibition and fair events, as well as cultural, sports, entertainment and other events;

11) goods supplied on account of a pledge;

13) reusable shipping container;

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15) Excluded.

16) Excluded.

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15) goods exported and accounted for in the export of a state - a member of the Customs Union, when changing the customs procedure in the customs statistics of foreign trade are not re-recorded (without changing the direction of movement of goods);

16) goods imported and accounted for in the import of a state - a member of the Customs Union, when changing the customs procedure in the customs statistics of foreign trade are not re-recorded (without changing the direction of movement of goods).

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8.1.4. goods moved between a state - a member of the Customs Union and its territorial enclaves, artificial islands, installations, structures, other objects located outside its territory, in respect of which this state has exclusive jurisdiction;

8.1.5. goods exported and accounted for in the export of a state - a member of the Customs Union, when changing the customs procedure in the customs statistics of foreign trade are not re-recorded (without changing the direction of movement of goods);

8.1.6. goods imported and accounted for in the import of a state - a member of the Customs Union, when changing the customs procedure in the customs statistics of foreign trade are not re-recorded (without changing the direction of movement of goods).

9. Classification of goods

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For the purposes of maintaining customs statistics of foreign trade and statistics of mutual trade, the unified Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity of the Customs Union (hereinafter - TN VED CU) is used.

The structure of the classification groupings of the TN VED CU, the names of their structural elements and the sources for the formation of positions are given in the table:

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For the purposes of maintaining customs statistics of foreign trade and statistics of mutual trade, the classifier is the unified Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity of the Customs Union (hereinafter referred to as TN VED CU).

TN VED CU is based on the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System of the World Customs Organization (hereinafter referred to as HS) and the Commodity Nomenclature for Foreign Economic Activity of the Commonwealth of Independent States (hereinafter referred to as TN VED CIS).

The structure of the classification groupings of the TN VED CU of the Customs Union, the names of their structural elements and the sources for the formation of positions are given in the table:

Code digit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Combined nomenclature of the European Union
(In most cases)

10. Main indicators

10.1. For the formation of customs statistics of foreign trade, the following main indicators are used:

1) product code according to TN VED CU (10 characters);

4) reporting period (month);

6) net weight (kg);

7) gross weight (kg);

8) code of an additional unit of measure according to the TN VED TS;

9) the quantity of goods in an additional unit of measure;

10) country of destination;

11) country of origin;

12) country of departure;

13) trading country;

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14) mode of transport on the border of the state - a member of the Customs Union;

15) administrative and territorial affiliation of a participant in foreign economic activity of a state - a member of the Customs Union (the indicator is used at the discretion of the authorized body of a state - a member of the Customs Union);

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14) type of transport at the border;

15) territorial and administrative division (at the discretion of the authorized bodies of the states - members of the Customs Union);

16) the nature of the transaction;

17) customs procedure;

18) features of the movement of goods.

10.2. The following main indicators are used to compile mutual trade statistics:

1) product code according to TN VED TS;

2) the name of the goods according to the TN VED TS;

4) reporting period (month);

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5) the statistical cost of the goods (or the cost of the goods - at the discretion of the authorized body of the state - a member of the Customs Union) (in US dollars, national currency);

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5) statistical cost (cost - at the discretion of the authorized bodies of the states - members of the Customs Union) (in US dollars, national currency);

6) net weight (kg);

7) code of an additional unit of measure according to the TN VED TS;

8) quantity of goods in an additional unit of measurement;

9) country of destination;

10) country of origin;

11) country of departure;

12) trading country;

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13) the nature of the transaction (the indicator is used at the discretion of the authorized bodies of the member states of the Customs Union).

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14) type of transport at the border of the state - a member of the Customs Union (the indicator is used at the discretion of the authorized body of the state - a member of the Customs Union);

15) administrative and territorial affiliation of a participant in foreign economic activity of a state - a member of the Customs Union (the indicator is used at the discretion of the authorized body of the state - a member of the Customs Union).

11. Valuation of goods

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11.1. Statistical cost of goods - the cost of goods, expressed in US dollars, reduced to a single price basis (for exported goods - according to the FOB price type, imported - according to the CIF price type). The conversion of the cost into US dollars is carried out at the rate established by the national (central) bank of the state - a member of the Customs Union:

in the customs statistics of foreign trade - on the date of registration of the declaration for goods;

in the statistics of mutual trade - on the date of receipt of goods at the warehouse when importing, on the date of shipment of goods from the warehouse when exporting.

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11.1. Statistical cost of goods - the cost of goods, expressed in US dollars, reduced to a single price basis (for exported goods - according to the FOB price type, imported - according to the CIF price type). Recalculation of the cost into US dollars is carried out at the rate established by the National (Central) Bank of the state - a member of the Customs Union:

in the customs statistics of foreign trade - on the day of registration of the declaration for goods;

in the statistics of mutual trade - at the time of receipt of goods at the warehouse during import, at the time of shipment of goods from the warehouse during export.

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11.2. The basic conditions for the delivery of goods are determined in accordance with international rules interpretation of trade terms (Incoterms) developed by the International Chamber of Commerce.

The statistical value of exported goods in circumstances where neither FOB nor FSA prices apply (for example, when goods are exported by rail or pipeline) is calculated in DAP (delivery at the point) prices at the border of the exporting country.

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11.3. The statistical value of exported goods leaving by water is calculated in FOB (free on board) prices at the point of exit of the exporting country.

If the goods are exported by other modes of transport and FOB prices are not applicable, FCA ("free carrier") prices apply at the point of exit of the exporting country.

The statistical value of exported goods in circumstances where neither FOB nor FSA prices apply (for example, when goods are exported by rail or pipeline) is calculated at DAF (delivered at border) prices of the exporting country.

11.4. The statistical value of imported goods brought in by water is calculated in CIF (Cost, Insurance, Freight) prices at the port of entry of the importing country.

The statistical value of imported goods, if imported by other modes of transport and if CIF prices are not applicable, is determined at CIP (“carriage and insurance paid”) prices at the point of entry of the importing country.

11.5. The statistical value of individual goods is determined according to the following:

1) non-monetary gold, precious metals, precious stones, collection coins made of precious metals that do not act as a means of payment are accounted for at their commercial value;

2) securities, banknotes and coins that are not in circulation are accounted for at the cost of paper, metal and the cost of their printing and stamping, and not at their face value;

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3) recorded media are accounted for at the total cost of the media and the information it contains;

4) goods imported (exported) after processing (processed products) are recorded according to their full cost(value of goods exported (imported) for processing, value added as a result of processing, including the cost of processing services).

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3) goods used as information carriers and software tools, such as packaged sets of floppy disks or CDs with computer programs and (or) data recorded on them, audio and video materials intended for general or commercial use (but not developed on an individual order) are taken into account on the basis of the sum of the cost of the information carrier (floppy disk, CD, etc.) and the cost of the information itself;

4) goods imported (exported) for processing, as well as processed products, are recorded at their full value, and not at the value added in the process of processing.

12. Quantitative accounting of goods

12.1. In the customs statistics of foreign trade and statistics of mutual trade, the units of quantitative accounting specified in the FEACN of the Customs Union are used.

12.2. Weight figures are taken into account on the basis of net weight, in kilograms.

12.2.1. Net weight:

1) for goods transported in packaged form:

The mass of goods, taking into account only the primary packaging, if in such packaging, based on consumer properties, the goods are presented for retail and the primary packaging cannot be separated from the product before its consumption without violating the consumer properties of the product;

The weight of the goods excluding any packaging in all cases;

2) for goods transported without packaging (in bulk, in bulk, in bulk) or by pipeline - the total mass of goods.

12.2.2. The term "packaging" means any articles and materials used or intended to pack, protect, contain and secure or separate goods, with the exception of packaging materials(straw, paper, fiberglass, shavings and others), imported in bulk.

12.3. For individual goods, the quantity is also recorded in additional units of measurement (pieces, liters, cubic meters, and others) provided for by the FEACN of the Customs Union.

13. Partner countries

13.1. In the customs statistics of foreign trade, partner countries are:

1) when importing - the country of origin of the goods;

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2) when exporting - the country of destination (the country of the last known destination) of the goods.

13.2. Accounting for the import of goods is carried out according to the country of departure, in the following cases:

1) for goods whose country of origin is unknown;

3) for goods whose country of origin is one of the member states of the Customs Union;

4) for goods included in group 97 of the TN VED CU (works of art, collectibles and antiques).

13.3. Accounting for imports of goods is carried out by trading country, if the country of origin and the country of departure are unknown.

13.4. Export of goods is recorded by trading country if the country of destination is unknown.

13.5. In the statistics of mutual trade between the member states of the Customs Union, partner countries are:

1) when importing - the country of departure of the goods;

13.7. "Trading country" - a country in whose territory a legal or individual who sold or bought a product.

13.8. "Country of origin of the goods" - the country in which the goods were completely produced or subjected to sufficient processing in accordance with the criteria or procedure determined by the customs legislation of the Customs Union.

13.9. "Country of departure of the goods" - the country from which the international carriage of goods has begun, information about which is given in the transport (transportation) documents.

14. Dissemination of data

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14.1. The data of customs statistics of foreign trade and statistics of mutual trade are disseminated on a regular basis by posting them on the official websites (portals) of the authorized bodies of the member states of the Customs Union, as well as by publishing them in statistical bulletins and collections.

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14.1. The data of customs statistics of foreign trade and statistics of mutual trade are disseminated on a regular basis by issuing statistical bulletins and collections, as well as posting on official websites (portals) of authorized bodies.

14.2. In order to increase confidence in the published data of customs statistics of foreign trade and mutual trade statistics and for their correct interpretation:

1) statistical publications include information on sources and methods of data collection;

2) the timing of data publication is announced in advance;

3) the data is regularly updated.

14.3. The data of customs statistics of foreign trade and statistics of mutual trade are distributed in the following sections:

1) import and export of goods in general, as well as in the context of partner countries and groups of countries;

2) the structure of imports and exports of goods in value terms;

3) import and export of goods in physical and value terms;

15. Confidentiality of information

15.1. Information on foreign and mutual trade provided by government bodies, enterprises, institutions, organizations and citizens, is used solely for the purpose of compiling official statistics of the member states of the Customs Union.

15.2. Information on imported (exported) goods in relation to participants in foreign economic activity is considered confidential.

To confidential information in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the state - a member of the Customs Union, other data of customs statistics of foreign trade and statistics of mutual trade may be attributed.

15.3. In order to avoid distortions of statistical data on foreign trade of a member state of the Customs Union caused by the application of the confidentiality regime, as well as in order to maintain the completeness of the coverage of published data in the customs statistics of foreign and mutual trade statistics, a number of special techniques developed by the authorized body of the state - a member of the Customs Union are used. , allowing not to highlight confidential information in the general array of provided and published data.

15.4. Providing information about export-import transactions of specific participants in foreign economic activity is prohibited, except as provided by the legislative acts of the state - a member of the Customs Union.

15.5. Protection of confidential information from disclosure, distribution or falsification is guaranteed by the authorized body of the state - a member of the Customs Union.

16. Ensuring comparability of data

16.1. The presence of discrepancies in the data on trade of the member states of the Customs Union with other countries can be caused by various reasons:

1) the trade accounting system used;

2) features of the valuation of exports and imports of goods;

3) the applicable criteria for determining partner countries;

4) difference in the moment of accounting for goods;

5) difference in approaches to coding goods;

6) the principles used for accounting for confidential data;

7) the existence of different thresholds for statistical observation;

8) peculiarities of accounting for individual goods;

9) the presence of facts of false declaration of goods.

16.2. In order to ensure the reliability of the data of customs statistics of foreign trade of the state - a member of the Customs Union with third countries, as well as statistics of mutual trade of the state - a member of the Customs Union, the authorized bodies of the states - members of the Customs Union carry out work on a comparative analysis of the results of trade and identify, based on a comparative analysis, the causes of possible discrepancies.




The Commission of the Customs Union decided:
approve the Unified Methodology for Maintaining Customs Statistics of Foreign Trade and Statistics of Mutual Trade of the Member States of the Customs Union.



1. General Provisions

1.1. The purpose of the Unified Methodology of Customs Statistics of Foreign Trade and Statistics of Mutual Trade of the Member States of the Customs Union (hereinafter referred to as the Methodology) is to determine the procedure for the formation, maintenance and dissemination of customs statistics of foreign trade of the Member States of the Customs Union with third countries and statistics of mutual trade between the Member States of the Customs Union. union that meet the needs of legislative and executive authorities, other users, including international economic organizations.
1.2. The Methodology sets out the main rules for recording data on foreign and mutual trade of the Member States of the Customs Union.
1.3. This Methodology has been developed in accordance with the provisions contained in the official publication of the UN Statistics Division "Statistics of International Merchandise Trade: Concepts and Definitions" (1998) and the provisions of the Customs Code of the Customs Union.
1.4. Customs statistics of foreign trade and statistics of mutual trade take into account trade in goods.
1.5. Customs statistics of foreign trade and statistics of mutual trade are designed to provide a complete and reliable record of data on foreign and mutual trade in goods in order to solve the following tasks:
1) analysis of the main trends, structure and dynamics of foreign trade flows;
2) analysis of the results of the application of measures of tariff and non-tariff regulation of foreign economic activity;
3) development and decision-making in the field of foreign trade policy;
4) control over the receipt of customs payments to the budgets of the Member States of the Customs Union;
5) development of the balance of payments and the system of national accounts;
6) forecasting macroeconomic indicators;
7) calculation of indices of physical volume, average prices and cost volume;
8) assistance in the development of foreign economic activity, expansion of foreign trade relations.

2. Basic terms

This Methodology uses the terms of the Customs Code of the Customs Union, as well as the main terms that have the following meanings:
2.1. "foreign trade of the Customs Union" - trade of the Member States of the Customs Union with third countries;
2.2. "mutual trade of the Customs Union" - trade between the Member States of the Customs Union;
2.3. "statistical territory" - the territory of a member state of the Customs Union, in respect of which the collection of statistical data is carried out. At the same time, the border of the statistical territory is the state border of a member state of the Customs Union;
2.4. "import of goods" - the importation into the territory of a member state of the Customs Union of goods that are added to the stocks of material resources of a member state of the Customs Union;
2.5. "export of goods" - the export from the territory of a member state of the Customs Union of goods that reduce

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On the Unified Methodology for Maintaining Customs Statistics of Foreign Trade and Statistics of Mutual Trade of the Member States of the Customs Union

The Commission of the Customs Union decided:

Approve the Unified Methodology for Maintaining Customs Statistics of Foreign Trade and Statistics of Mutual Trade of the Member States of the Customs Union (attached).

Members of the Customs Union Commission:

Unified Methodology for Maintaining Customs Statistics of Foreign Trade and Statistics of Mutual Trade of the Member States of the Customs Union

1. General Provisions

2. Basic terms

3. Sources of formation

4. Scope of data

5. Limits of the sphere of statistical observation

6. Accounting system

7. Goods subject to accounting

8. Goods not subject to accounting

9. Classification of goods

10. Main indicators

11. Valuation of goods

12. Quantitative accounting of goods

13. Partner countries

14. Dissemination of data

15. Confidentiality of information

16. Ensuring comparability of data

1. General Provisions

1.1. The purpose of the Unified Methodology of Customs Statistics of Foreign Trade and Statistics of Mutual Trade of the Member States of the Customs Union (hereinafter referred to as the Methodology) is to determine the procedure for the formation, maintenance and dissemination of customs statistics of foreign trade of the Member States of the Customs Union with third countries and statistics of mutual trade between the Member States of the Customs Union. union that meet the needs of legislative and executive authorities, other users, including international economic organizations.

1.2. The Methodology sets out the basic rules for recording data on foreign and mutual trade of the member states of the Customs Union.

1.3. The methodology was developed in accordance with the provisions contained in the official publication of the Statistics Division of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the UN Secretariat "Statistics of international trade in goods: concepts and definitions" (1998), the provisions of the Customs Code of the Customs Union, the Agreement on the Maintenance of Customs Statistics of Foreign and Mutual trade in goods of the Customs Union dated January 25, 2008 and updated in accordance with the provisions contained in the official publication of the Statistics Division of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the UN Secretariat "International Merchandise Trade Statistics: Concepts and Definitions, 2010".

1.4. Customs statistics of foreign trade and statistics of mutual trade take into account trade in goods.

1.5. Customs statistics of foreign trade and statistics of mutual trade are designed to provide a complete and reliable record of data on foreign and mutual trade in goods in order to solve the following tasks:

1) analysis of the main trends, structure and dynamics of foreign trade flows;

2) analysis of the results of the application of measures of tariff and non-tariff regulation of foreign economic activity;

3) development and decision-making in the field of foreign trade policy;

4) control over the receipt of customs payments to the budgets of the member states of the Customs Union;

5) development of the balance of payments and the system of national accounts;

Decision of the Commission of the Customs Union dated January 28, 2011 No. 525
"On the Unified Methodology for Maintaining Customs Statistics of Foreign Trade and Statistics of Mutual Trade of the Member States of the Customs Union"

About document

Publishing a Document

no data

Document revisions

The current version was adopted: 19/03/2013 document Decision of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission On Amendments to the Unified Methodology for Maintaining Customs Statistics of Foreign Trade and... No. 50 of 19/03/2013
Effective from: 25/04/2013

The Commission of the Customs Union decided:

1. Approve new edition Regulations on a unified procedure for conducting joint inspections of facilities and sampling of goods (products) subject to veterinary control (supervision) (attached).

2. Recognize invalid Position on a unified procedure for conducting joint inspections of facilities and sampling of goods (products) subject to veterinary control (supervision), approved Decision Commission of the Customs Union dated June 18, 2010 N 317.

3. This Decision shall enter into force in the manner prescribed article 8 of the Agreement on the Commission of the Customs Union dated October 6, 2007, except for second and the fourth paragraph of paragraph 3, points 5 - 7, Chapter IV, subparagraph "a" of paragraph 162 and subparagraphs "and", "to" paragraph 165 Regulations on the unified procedure for conducting joint inspections of facilities and sampling of goods (products) subject to veterinary control (supervision).

Second and fourth paragraph of paragraph 3, points 5 - 7, Chapter IV, subparagraph "a" of paragraph 162 and subparagraphs "and", "to" paragraph 165 The provisions on the unified procedure for conducting joint inspections of facilities and sampling of goods (products) subject to veterinary control (supervision) shall enter into force from the date of accession the first of the Parties to the World Trade Organization.


About entry into force second and the fourth paragraph of paragraph 3, points 5 - 7, Chapter IV, subparagraph "a" of paragraph 162 and subparagraphs "and", "to" paragraph 165 See provisions. letter Rosselkhoznadzor dated August 10, 2012 N FS-EN-7 / 10361
Members of the Customs Union Commission:
From the Republic of Belarus

S. Rumas

From the Republic of Kazakhstan

U. Shukeyev

From the Russian Federation

I. Shuvalov


on a unified procedure for conducting joint inspections of facilities and sampling of goods (products) subject to veterinary control (supervision)
(approved Decision Commission of the Customs Union dated October 18, 2011 N 834)

I. General provisions

1. Regulations on the unified procedure for conducting joint inspections of facilities and sampling of goods (products) subject to veterinary control (supervision) (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) have been developed in order to apply Agreements of the Customs Union on veterinary and sanitary measures of December 11, 2009.

2. This Regulation establishes general principles ensuring the safety of animals and products of animal origin included in Single list goods subject to veterinary control (supervision) imported into the territory of the Customs Union (hereinafter referred to as the CU) from the territory of third countries, transferred from the territory of one Party to the territory of the other Party during their manufacture (production), processing, transportation and / or storage, as well as organization of audits of official surveillance systems of third countries and joint inspections of organizations and persons involved in the manufacture (production), processing, transportation and / or storage of controlled goods

3. Inspections of objects of control must be carried out in accordance with the Regulations in the following cases:


Paragraph two of paragraph 3 of these Regulations comes into force

Inspections of third country enterprises, audit of foreign official surveillance systems which have not been carried out or the result of the audit is unsatisfactory, in order to include such enterprises in the Register of Enterprises of Third Countries (see para. Section V);

Inspections of third-country enterprises in which foreign systems have not been audited or whose results were unsatisfactory, in order to confirm the inclusion of such enterprises in the Register of Third-Country Enterprises (see para. sections VI and VII);


Paragraph four of clause 3 of these Regulations comes into force from the date of accession of the first Party to the World Trade Organization

Checks of third-country enterprises during the audit (re-audit) of the foreign official supervision system in order to confirm (re-confirm) that the application of measures and the official supervision system of the third country provide a level of protection at least equivalent to the level of protection provided by the application of the CU requirements ( cm. section IV);

About the Unified methodology of maintaining
customs statistics of foreign trade and statistics of mutual trade of the member states of the Customs Union

The Commission of the Customs Union decided:
Approve the Unified Methodology for Maintaining Customs Statistics of Foreign Trade and Statistics of Mutual Trade of the Member States of the Customs Union (attached).

Members of the Customs Union Commission:

APPROVED by the Decision of the Commission
Customs Union
dated January 28, 2011 No. 525

maintaining customs statistics of foreign trade and statistics of mutual trade of the states - members of the Customs Union

1. General Provisions

1.1. The purpose of the Unified Methodology of Customs Statistics of Foreign Trade and Statistics of Mutual Trade of the Member States of the Customs Union (hereinafter referred to as the Methodology) is to determine the procedure for the formation, maintenance and dissemination of customs statistics of foreign trade of the Member States of the Customs Union with third countries and statistics of mutual trade between the Member States of the Customs Union. union that meet the needs of legislative and executive authorities, other users, including international economic organizations.
1.2. The Methodology sets out the basic rules for recording data on foreign and mutual trade of the member states of the Customs Union.
1.3. This Methodology has been developed in accordance with the provisions contained in the official publication of the UN Statistics Division "Statistics of International Merchandise Trade: Concepts and Definitions" (1998) and the provisions of the Customs Code of the Customs Union.
1.4. Customs statistics of foreign trade and statistics of mutual trade take into account trade in goods.
1.5. Customs statistics of foreign trade and statistics of mutual trade are designed to provide a complete and reliable record of data on foreign and mutual trade in goods in order to solve the following tasks:
1) analysis of the main trends, structure and dynamics of foreign trade flows;
2) analysis of the results of the application of measures of tariff and non-tariff regulation of foreign economic activity;
3) development and decision-making in the field of foreign trade policy;
4) control over the receipt of customs payments to the budgets of the member states of the Customs Union;
5) development of the balance of payments and the system of national accounts;
6) forecasting macroeconomic indicators;
7) calculation of indices of physical volume, average prices and cost volume;
8) assistance in the development of foreign economic activity, expansion of foreign trade relations.

2. Basic terms

This Methodology uses the terms of the Customs Code of the Customs Union, as well as the main terms that have the following meanings:
2.1. "foreign trade of the Customs Union" - trade of the member states of the Customs Union with third countries;
2.2 "mutual trade of the Customs Union" - trade between the member states of the Customs Union;
2.3. "statistical territory" - the territory of the state - a member of the Customs Union, in respect of which the collection of statistical data is carried out. At the same time, the border of the statistical territory is the state border of the state - a member of the Customs Union;
2.4. "import of goods" - importation into the territory of a state - a member of the Customs Union of goods that are added to the stocks of material resources of a state - a member of the Customs Union;
2.5. "export of goods" - export from the territory of a state - a member of the Customs Union of goods that reduce the stocks of material resources of a state - a member of the Customs Union;
2.6. "authorized bodies of the states - members of the Customs Union" - the state administration bodies of the states - members of the Customs Union, which are entrusted with the functions of maintaining and submitting to the Secretariat of the Commission of the Customs Union and the Parties the customs statistics of foreign trade and statistics of mutual trade.

3. Sources of formation

3.1. The initial data in the formation of customs statistics of foreign trade are the information contained in the declarations for goods and other documents provided to the customs authorities.
In the customs statistics of foreign trade, the accounting of imports and exports for water, rail, road, air transportation when declaring goods is carried out according to the date of release of the goods indicated in the declaration for goods.
3.2. The initial data in the formation of statistics of mutual trade are the information contained in the documents provided by participants in foreign economic activity to the authorized bodies of the states - members of the Customs Union in the course of mutual trade.
The authorized bodies of the member states of the Customs Union may use other sources of information in order to compile statistics on mutual trade.
Accounting for the import and export of goods in the statistics of mutual trade is carried out: for import - at the time of receipt of goods at the warehouse, for export - at the time of shipment of goods from the warehouse.
Accounting for the import and export of goods transported by pipeline transport (oil, gas and others) and power lines is carried out taking into account the peculiarities of their transportation and declaration in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation and (or) international treaties of the state - a member of the Customs Union.

4. Scope of data

4.1. The customs statistics of foreign trade and statistics of mutual trade take into account all goods that are added to the stocks of material resources of the state - a member of the Customs Union and (or) deducted from them as a result of their importation into or their exportation from the territory of the state - a member of the Customs Union.
4.2. Goods in transit, goods temporarily admitted to the territory of a state - a member of the Customs Union or temporarily exported from the territory of a state - a member of the Customs Union (with the exception of goods intended for internal or external processing and imported (exported) for a period of more than one year), do not replenish and do not reduce the stocks of material resources of the state - a member of the Customs Union and are not subject to inclusion in the customs statistics of foreign trade and statistics of mutual trade.

5. Limits of the sphere of statistical observation

5.1. The boundaries of the sphere of statistical observation are understood as a statistical threshold - such a minimum value of value, net tonnage, and other indicators characterizing imported (exported) goods, below which they are not taken into account in the customs statistics of foreign trade and statistics of mutual trade.
5.2. The cost and quantity thresholds for accounting for goods in the customs statistics of foreign trade are established by the customs legislation of the Customs Union, in the statistics of mutual trade - by the legislation of the state - a member of the Customs Union.

6. Accounting system

6.1. In the customs statistics of foreign trade and statistics of mutual trade, import and export of goods are recorded on the basis of a common system of trade records.
6.2. Under the general accounting system in the customs statistics of foreign trade, the following are taken into account:
6.2.1. import:
1) goods imported into the territory of a member state of the Customs Union and placed under the customs procedure for release for domestic consumption;
2) goods imported into the territory of a state - a member of the Customs Union and placed under the customs procedure of re-import;
3) goods imported into the territory of a member state of the Customs Union and placed under the customs procedure for processing in the customs territory;
4) goods imported into the territory of a state - a member of the Customs Union after the performance of the customs procedure for processing outside the customs territory;
5) goods imported into the territory of a member state of the Customs Union and placed under the customs procedure for processing for domestic consumption;
6) goods imported into the territory of a member state of the Customs Union and placed under the customs procedure of a customs warehouse;
7) goods imported into the territory of a state - a member of the Customs Union and placed under the customs procedure of refusal in favor of the state;
8) goods imported into the territory of a member state of the Customs Union and placed under the customs procedure of duty-free trade;
9) goods imported into the territory of a state - a member of the Customs Union and placed under the customs procedure of temporary import for a period of one year or more;
10) goods imported into the territory of a state - a member of the Customs Union and placed under the customs procedure of a free customs zone;
11) goods imported into the territory of a member state of the Customs Union and placed under the customs procedure of a free warehouse;
6.2.2. export:
1) goods exported from the territory of a state - a member of the Customs Union and placed under the customs procedure for export;
2) goods exported from the territory of a state - a member of the Customs Union after the completion of the customs procedure for processing in the customs territory;
3) goods exported from the territory of a state - a member of the Customs Union after the completion of the customs procedure for processing for domestic consumption;
4) goods exported from the territory of a member state of the Customs Union and placed under the customs procedure for processing outside the customs territory;
5) goods exported from the territory of a member state of the Customs Union and placed under the customs procedure for re-export;
6) goods exported from the territory of a state - a member of the Customs Union and placed under the customs procedure of duty-free trade and sold to individuals leaving the territory of a state - a member of the Customs Union;
7) goods exported from the territory of a member state of the Customs Union and placed under the customs procedure of temporary export for a period of one year or more;
8) goods exported from the territory of a state - a member of the Customs Union after the completion of the customs procedure of a free warehouse;
9) goods exported from the territory of a state - a member of the Customs Union after the completion of the customs procedure of a free customs zone.
6.3. The statistics of mutual trade take into account all goods imported into the territory of a state - a member of the Customs Union from the territory of other states - members of the Customs Union or exported from the territory of a state - a member of the Customs Union to the territory of other states - members of the Customs Union, with the exception of goods specified in clause 6.4 .
6.4. The following categories of goods are not taken into account in the customs statistics of foreign trade and statistics of mutual trade under the common accounting system:
1) goods transported in transit through the territory of a state - a member of the Customs Union;
2) goods temporarily imported (exported) for a period of less than one year;
3) goods placed in a customs warehouse, a free warehouse, a free customs zone and intended for export outside the territory of a member state of the Customs Union;
4) foreign goods destroyed on the territory of a state - a member of the Customs Union.

7. Goods subject to accounting

Certain categories of goods, listed below, have features of the movement of goods that must be taken into account when they are included in the customs statistics of foreign trade of a member state of the Customs Union.
7.1. In the customs statistics of foreign trade and statistics of mutual trade, among others, the following categories of goods should be taken into account:
1) non-monetary gold, precious metals that do not act as a means of payment, securities, banknotes and coins that are not in circulation;
2) goods traded against government accounts, which include civil and military goods, for example, in regular commercial transactions by governments; goods supplied under the state foreign aid programs; war reparations and restitution;
3) humanitarian and technical assistance;
4) goods received as a gift;
5) goods temporarily imported (exported) for a period of one year or more;
6) goods imported (exported) under a financial lease (leasing) agreement;
7) military and dual-use goods;
8) goods imported (exported) under consignment agreements;
9) goods imported (exported) under barter agreements;
10) goods imported (exported) for the purpose of their processing, as well as products of processing;
11) goods imported (exported) as contributions to statutory funds;
12) goods of own production of enterprises with foreign investments;
13) goods used as information carriers and software tools, such as packaged sets of floppy disks or CDs with computer programs and (or) data recorded on them, audio and video materials intended for general or commercial use (but not custom-made);
14) returned goods. Goods previously exported and accounted for in exports and then returned are treated as imports. Similarly, previously imported and returned goods are treated as exports;
15) goods imported (exported) as a result of transactions between parent corporations and enterprises of their direct investment (branches/offices);
16) fish, fish products, seafood, minerals from the seabed caught (extracted) and salvaged cargo, unloaded from a foreign ship in a port of a state - a member of the Customs Union or purchased by a ship of a state - a member of the Customs Union on the high seas from a foreign ship, as well as sold in open sea;
17) bunker fuel, ballast, on-board stores and other materials are taken into account when they are sold to foreign watercraft and aircraft in the territory of a state - a member of the Customs Union, as well as when they are purchased by water and aircraft of a state - a member of the Customs Union from foreign watercraft and aircraft on the territory of a state - a member of the Customs Union or unloaded from foreign ships and aircraft in the port of a state - a member of the Customs Union;
18) goods sent by international mail;
19) vehicles imported by individuals of a state - a member of the Customs Union for the purpose of permanent placement.

8. Goods not subject to accounting

9. Classification of goods

For the purposes of maintaining customs statistics of foreign trade and statistics of mutual trade, the classifier is the unified Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity of the Customs Union (hereinafter referred to as TN VED CU).
TN VED CU is based on the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System of the World Customs Organization (hereinafter referred to as HS) and the Commodity Nomenclature for Foreign Economic Activity of the Commonwealth of Independent States (hereinafter referred to as TN VED CIS).
The structure of the classification groupings of the TN VED CU of the Customs Union, the names of their structural elements and the sources for the formation of positions are given in the table:

Commodity item
Code digit1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Combined nomenclature
European Union (in most cases)

10. Main indicators

10.1. For the formation of customs statistics of foreign trade, the following main indicators are used:
1) product code according to TN VED CU (10 characters);

5) statistical value (in US dollars);
6) net weight (kg);
7) gross weight (kg);
8) code of an additional unit of measure according to the TN VED TS;
9) the quantity of goods in an additional unit of measure;
10) country of destination;
11) country of origin;
12) country of departure;
13) trading country;
14) type of transport at the border;
15) territorial and administrative division (at the discretion of the authorized bodies of the states - members of the Customs Union);
16) the nature of the transaction;
17) customs procedure;
18) features of the movement of goods.
10.2. The following main indicators are used to compile mutual trade statistics:
1) product code according to TN VED TS;
2) the name of the goods according to the TN VED TS;
3) direction of movement;
4) reporting period (month);
5) statistical cost (cost - at the discretion of the authorized bodies of the states - members of the Customs Union) (in US dollars, national currency);
6) net weight (kg);
7) code of an additional unit of measure according to the TN VED TS;
8) quantity of goods in an additional unit of measurement;
9) country of destination;
10) country of origin;
11) country of departure;
12) trading country;
13) the nature of the transaction (at the discretion of the authorized bodies of the member states of the Customs Union).

11. Valuation of goods

11.1. Statistical cost of goods - the cost of goods, expressed in US dollars, reduced to a single price basis (for exported goods - according to the FOB price type, imported - according to the CIF price type). Recalculation of the cost into US dollars is carried out at the rate established by the National (Central) Bank of the state - a member of the Customs Union:
in the customs statistics of foreign trade - on the day of registration of the declaration for goods;
in the statistics of mutual trade - at the time of receipt of goods at the warehouse during import, at the time of shipment of goods from the warehouse during export.
11.2. The basic conditions for the delivery of goods are determined in accordance with the International Rules for the Interpretation of Trade Terms (Incoterms 2000) developed by the International Chamber of Commerce.
11.3. The statistical value of exported goods leaving by water is calculated in FOB (free on board) prices at the point of exit of the exporting country.
If the goods are exported by other modes of transport and FOB prices are not applicable, FCA ("free carrier") prices apply at the point of exit of the exporting country.
The statistical value of exported goods in circumstances where neither FOB nor FSA prices apply (for example, when goods are exported by rail or pipeline) is calculated at DAF (delivered at border) prices of the exporting country.
11.4. The statistical value of imported goods brought in by water is calculated in CIF (Cost, Insurance, Freight) prices at the port of entry of the importing country.
The statistical value of imported goods, if imported by other modes of transport and if CIF prices are not applicable, is determined at CIP (“carriage and insurance paid”) prices at the point of entry of the importing country.
11.5. The statistical value of individual goods is determined according to the following:
1) non-monetary gold, precious metals, precious stones, collection coins made of precious metals that do not act as a means of payment are accounted for at their commercial value;
2) securities, banknotes and coins that are not in circulation are accounted for at the cost of paper, metal and the cost of their printing and stamping, and not at their face value;
3) goods used as information carriers and software tools, such as packaged sets of floppy disks or CDs with computer programs and (or) data recorded on them, audio and video materials intended for general or commercial use (but not developed on an individual order) are taken into account on the basis of the sum of the cost of the information carrier (floppy disk, CD, etc.) and the cost of the information itself;
4) goods imported (exported) for processing, as well as processed products, are recorded at their full value, and not at the value added in the process of processing.

12. Quantitative accounting of goods

12.1. In the customs statistics of foreign trade and statistics of mutual trade, the units of quantitative accounting specified in the FEACN of the Customs Union are used.
12.2. Weight figures are taken into account on the basis of net weight, in kilograms. 12.2.1. Net weight:
1) for goods transported in packaged form:
- the mass of goods, taking into account only the primary packaging, if in such packaging, based on consumer properties, the goods are presented for retail sale and the primary packaging cannot be separated from the product before consumption without violating the consumer properties of the product;
- the mass of goods, excluding any packaging in all cases;
2) for goods transported without packaging (in bulk, in bulk, in bulk) or by pipeline - the total mass of goods.
12.2.2. The term "packaging" refers to any articles and materials used or intended for packing, protecting, accommodating and securing or separating goods, with the exception of packaging materials (straw, paper, fiberglass, shavings and others) imported in bulk.
12.3. For individual goods, the quantity is also recorded in additional units of measurement (pieces, liters, cubic meters, and others) provided for by the FEACN of the Customs Union.

13. Partner countries

13.1. In the customs statistics of foreign trade, partner countries are:
1) when importing - the country of origin of the goods;
2) when exporting - the country of the last known destination (country of destination) of the goods.
13.2. Accounting for the import of goods is carried out according to the country of departure, in the following cases:
1) for goods whose country of origin is unknown;
2) for goods placed under the customs procedure "re-import";
3) for goods whose country of origin is one of the member states of the Customs Union;
4) for goods included in group 97 of the TN VED CU (works of art, collectibles and antiques).
13.3. Accounting for imports of goods is carried out by trading country, if the country of origin and the country of departure are unknown.
13.4. Export of goods is recorded by trading country if the country of destination is unknown.
13.5. In the statistics of mutual trade between the member states of the Customs Union, partner countries are:
1) when importing - the country of departure of the goods;
2) when exporting - the country of destination of the goods.
13.6. "Country of Last Known Destination (Country of Destination) of Goods" means the country where the good will be consumed, used or processed.
13.7. "Trading country" - a country in whose territory a legal or natural person is registered (permanently resides) who sold or bought goods.
13.8. "Country of origin of the goods" - the country in which the goods were completely produced or subjected to sufficient processing in accordance with the criteria or procedure determined by the customs legislation of the Customs Union.
13.9. "Country of departure of the goods" - the country from which the international carriage of goods has begun, information about which is given in the transport (transportation) documents.

14. Dissemination of data

14.1. The data of customs statistics of foreign trade and statistics of mutual trade are disseminated on a regular basis by issuing statistical bulletins and collections, as well as posting on official websites (portals) of authorized bodies.
14.2. In order to increase confidence in the published data of customs statistics of foreign trade and mutual trade statistics and for their correct interpretation:
1) statistical publications include information on sources and methods of data collection;
2) the timing of data publication is announced in advance;
3) the data is regularly updated.
14.3. The data of customs statistics of foreign trade and statistics of mutual trade are distributed in the following sections:
1) import and export of goods in general, as well as in the context of partner countries and groups of countries;
2) the structure of imports and exports of goods in value terms;
3) import and export of goods in physical and value terms;
4) indices of average prices, physical and cost volumes of imports and exports of goods.

15. Confidentiality of information

15.1. Information on foreign and mutual trade provided by state bodies, enterprises, institutions, organizations and citizens is used solely for the purpose of compiling official statistics of the member states of the Customs Union.
15.2. Information on imported (exported) goods in relation to participants in foreign economic activity is considered confidential.
Confidential information in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the state - a member of the Customs Union, may include other data of customs statistics of foreign trade and statistics of mutual trade.
15.3. In order to avoid distortions of statistical data on foreign trade of a member state of the Customs Union caused by the application of the confidentiality regime, as well as in order to maintain the completeness of the coverage of published data in the customs statistics of foreign and mutual trade statistics, a number of special techniques developed by the authorized body of the state - a member of the Customs Union are used. , allowing not to highlight confidential information in the general array of provided and published data.
15.4. Providing information about export-import transactions of specific participants in foreign economic activity is prohibited, except as provided by the legislative acts of the state - a member of the Customs Union.
15.5. Protection of confidential information from disclosure, distribution or falsification is guaranteed by the authorized body of the state - a member of the Customs Union.

16. Ensuring comparability of data

16.1. The presence of discrepancies in the data on trade of the member states of the Customs Union with other countries can be caused by various reasons:
1) the trade accounting system used;
2) features of the valuation of exports and imports of goods;
3) the applicable criteria for determining partner countries;
4) difference in the moment of accounting for goods;
5) difference in approaches to coding goods;
6) the principles used for accounting for confidential data;
7) the existence of different thresholds for statistical observation;
8) peculiarities of accounting for individual goods;
9) the presence of facts of false declaration of goods.
16.2. In order to ensure the reliability of the data of customs statistics of foreign trade of the state - a member of the Customs Union with third countries, as well as statistics of mutual trade of the state - a member of the Customs Union, the authorized bodies of the states - members of the Customs Union carry out work on a comparative analysis of the results of trade and identify, based on a comparative analysis, the causes of possible discrepancies.