Planning and organization of foreign trade enterprises. Activities. Indicators of foreign economic planning. Planning as a function of foreign economic activity management

  • 12.05.2020

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    The concept of foreign economic activity

    In the conditions of the development of the modern economy, the existence of the national economic complex of one single country is impossible without its links with the economic complexes of other countries. This is due to the geographical division of labor and the integration of world processes. Entire states can interact, or individual enterprises can. Exit to international market ensures the inflow of foreign currency and those goods and services into the country that are not available in the country.

    Definition 1

    Foreign economic activity the whole complex of production, organizational and operational-commercial activities of enterprises and industries that are focused on export-import operations is called, taking into account the peculiarities of their forms and methods of work, their economic strategy and the characteristics of the activities of their potential partners.

    The concept of foreign economic activity is somewhat different from the concept of "foreign economic relations". The differences are that foreign economic activity involves actions at the level of production (enterprises). Along with this, complete freedom in the choice trading partner and type of external market. The enterprise itself determines the range of goods and prices when carrying out export-import activities.

    Foreign economic activity is part of the market sphere. Therefore, it is based on the criteria of entrepreneurship, economic and legal independence.

    Commercial calculation underlies the principles of foreign economic activity. Therefore, each subject of this process must correctly take into account its material, technical and currency capabilities, the features of possible risks.

    Subjects of foreign economic activity

    The subjects of foreign economic activity can be both states and individual enterprises. Under conditions of command and control political system there are strict government plans. Everything is based on state property to the means of production. Therefore, in such a society, all foreign economic activity is concentrated in the hands of the state.

    Such a picture was observed in the Soviet Union and in many other socialist countries in the middle of the XX century. But already in the $80s, the political system was democratized. Many enterprises were allowed independent foreign economic activity. But it took place under the control of the state apparatus. This limited the entrepreneurial activity of enterprises, and foreign economic activity was not always effective.

    Since the beginning of the $90s of the $XX$ century, a radical change has occurred in the economic life of the post-socialist countries. Their economy has switched to market relations. Enterprises were given the opportunity to determine their own economic strategy and determine economic partners.

    The need and importance of planning foreign economic activity

    The market economy has one very characteristic feature - uncertainty. A lot depends on fluctuations in supply and demand, on the political and economic situation in the world and in the regions.

    Planning is necessary for the successful development of an enterprise. This is the tool that needs to be taken from the command and control system and adapted to market conditions. This is especially important for foreign economic activity.

    Remark 1

    When planning their future external activities, enterprises should take into account the peculiarities of global specialization and cooperation, the diversity of ties between firms. various countries, features of pricing policy in the world market.

    Planning, as a tool for managing foreign economic activity, allows you to correctly assess and select goals and ways to achieve these goals. With the help of short-term and long-term plans, you can achieve the greatest efficiency of your activities in the foreign market, avoid unjustified risks and losses.

    Depending on the goals set, three main types of planning can be distinguished:

    • strategic,
    • medium term
    • current.

    The terms themselves define the features of these types of planning (for a long period, for medium periods and short term plans or predictions).

    The foreign trade policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan establishes and regulates the relations of the Republic of Kazakhstan with foreign states in the field of foreign trade activities, which cover the international exchange of goods, works, services, information, results of intellectual activity. These relations are built on the basis of observance of generally recognized principles and norms of international law and obligations arising from international treaties of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

    Introduction 4
    1. Theoretical aspects planning the foreign economic activity of an enterprise in a market economy 6
    1.1 Essence and classification of foreign economic relations 6
    1.2 Foreign economic policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan 13
    1.3 The essence of planning the foreign economic activity of the enterprise 19
    2 Analysis and evaluation of the development of foreign economic activity in the Republic of Kazakhstan and South Kazakhstan region 36
    2.1. Analysis of the development of foreign economic activity of enterprises in the Republic of Kazakhstan and South Kazakhstan region 36
    2.2 Evaluation of the foreign economic activity of the enterprise 43
    3 Improving the system of planning the foreign economic activity of the enterprise 48
    3.1 Development of a mechanism for planning foreign economic activity of an enterprise 48
    3.2 Ways to improve the planning system at enterprises engaged in foreign economic activity 53
    Conclusion 70
    References 72

    The work contains 1 file

    Introduction 4

    1. Theoretical aspects of planning the foreign economic activity of an enterprise in a market economy 6

    1.1 Essence and classification of foreign economic relations 6

    1.2 Foreign economic policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan 13

    1.3 The essence of planning the foreign economic activity of the enterprise 19

    2 Analysis and evaluation of the development of foreign economic activity in the Republic of Kazakhstan and South Kazakhstan region 36

    2.1. Analysis of the development of foreign economic activity of enterprises in the Republic of Kazakhstan and South Kazakhstan region 36

    2.2 Evaluation of the foreign economic activity of the enterprise 43

    3 Improving the system of planning the foreign economic activity of the enterprise 48

    3.1 Development of a mechanism for planning foreign economic activity of an enterprise 48

    3.2 Ways to improve the planning system at enterprises engaged in foreign economic activity 53

    Conclusion 70

    References 72


    The foreign economic activity of an enterprise is associated with the movement of goods, capital, technology, services and money across the state border. In accordance with the legislation in force in Kazakhstan, any enterprise (organization) can act as both an exporter and an importer. In practice, there are three main incentives for the development of foreign economic activity of enterprises: expansion of sales, acquisition of resources and diversification of sources of supply and marketing.

    Need strategic planning foreign economic activity is determined by the action of two factors:

    • significant changes in the structure of the world market;
    • long trial and error attempts by enterprises engaged in international activities to develop adequate measures that protect them from excessive losses as a result of incorrect actions or erroneous ideas about the prospects for macroeconomic

    One of the main conditions for the successful implementation of foreign trade operations is the choice of a suitable partner (counterparty).

    Counterparties in international trade are parties that are in a contractual relationship for the sale of goods or the provision of various kinds of services.

    Foreign counterparties: Kazakhstani organizations are firms and organizations representing the opposite side in a commercial transaction. The counterparty of the seller (exporter) is the buyer (importer), the contractor is the customer, the lessor is the tenant, the debtor is the creditor, etc.

    Among the counterparties can be distinguished depending on the goals and nature of the activity: firms and government agencies and organizations.

    Most often, in the implementation of specific foreign trade operations, firms act as counterparties.

    There are many specific factors that determine the choice of a trading partner, but at the same time there are some general provisions that guide all merchants in the implementation of export and import operations.

    The choice of a counterparty largely depends on the nature of the foreign trade transaction (export, import, compensation, etc.), as well as on the subject of the transaction. In this case, two questions arise: in which country and from which foreign counterparty is it better to buy (sell) the necessary goods.

    1. Theoretical aspects of planning the foreign economic activity of an enterprise in a market economy

    1.1 Essence and classification of foreign economic relations

    The development of civilization causes the constant involvement of individual states in international economic relations, which leads to the creation of a single world economy. All countries of the world are developing according to general economic laws, which determines the priority of the economic nature of international relations.

    The ever more complex structure of needs, the rarity and remoteness of resources require more and more effective means of exchange not only between regions within an individual state, but also between states themselves and world regions.

    Economic development and population growth in different regions of the world are uneven, which also makes it necessary to expand international exchanges that contribute to the development of new markets (goods, services, labor, information, financial, etc.), the import of raw materials, technological and information exchange, scientific, scientific and technical, manufactured, cultural and other foreign economic

    Foreign economic relations are a complex system of various forms of international cooperation between states and their subjects in all sectors of the economy. The subjects of the state include the bearers of the rights and obligations assigned to them by the state. These are self-governing regions, business entities (economic partnerships, companies, unitary enterprises, etc.) and individual entrepreneurs.

    Foreign economic relations are a historical and economic category. As a historical category, foreign economic relations are a product of civilization. They arise with the advent of states and develop along with them. The disintegration of feudalism gave a particularly powerful impetus to the development of these ties. The transition from natural economy to commodity-money relations caused a sharp jump in the development of national markets of individual states and in the exchange of goods of these national markets, which led to the expansion and deepening of international relations and international exchange in the economic sphere of state relations.

    As an economic category, foreign economic relations are a system of economic relations arising from the movement of resources of all kinds between states and economic entities of different states. These bilateral relations cover all spheres of the economic life of the state and, above all, its production, trade, investment and financial activity /3/.

    The essence of foreign economic relations as an economic category is manifested in their functions.

    These functions are:

    • organization and maintenance of international exchange natural resources and the results of labor in their material and value form;
    • international recognition of the use value of the products of the international division of labor;
    • organization of international money circulation.

    In the process of performing the second function, the act of commodity-money relations is completed and the exchange of money for the product of the international division of labor is completed, as a result of which the use value (its practical significance) contained in this product receives international recognition.

    At the same time, foreign economic relations act as a tool for influencing economic system state, which is carried out through the mechanism of foreign economic activity.

    In the modern world economy, foreign economic relations act as factors in the growth of the national income of the state, the economy of national economic costs and the acceleration of scientific and technological progress.

    The implementation of these ties makes it possible to transfer interstate cooperation from the usual exchange of goods to trade in services, the joint solution of technical and economic problems, the development of scientific and industrial cooperation and other forms of joint economic activity, including the creation of joint ventures.

    Through the mechanism of foreign economic relations, the demand for goods and services of the world market is transferred to the domestic market of a particular state. This causes the need for the development of productive forces, which, in turn, contributes to the development of industry, agriculture, trade, services and financial institutions.

    The development of the country's domestic market leads to an outpacing of the volume of supply over the volume of demand within the state, which causes the expansion of foreign trade operations, the reduction in the cost of capital and the reduction in production and distribution costs.

    The effectiveness of the organization of foreign economic relations and the mechanism of their management is largely determined by the classification of relations.

    The classification of foreign economic relations should be understood as the distribution of these relations into specific groups according to certain characteristics in order to achieve the set goals. The classification system of foreign economic relations consists of types and forms of relations.

    The type of foreign economic relations is a set of relations united by one common feature, for example, the direction of the flow of goods and a structural feature.

    The classification feature associated with the direction of the commodity flow determines the movement of goods (services, works) from one country to another, i.e. reflects the export of goods from the country or the importation of goods into this country. On this basis, foreign economic relations are divided into export, associated with the sale and export of goods, and import, associated with the purchase and import of goods /6/.

    The structural feature of the classification of foreign economic relations determines the group composition of relations. It is connected with the sphere of economic interests and with the main goal of the foreign economic activity of the state. On a structural basis, foreign economic relations are divided into foreign trade, financial, industrial, investment.

    The form of connection is a way of existence of this type of connection, an external manifestation (outline, design) of the essence of any particular connection. The forms of foreign economic relations include trade, barter, tourism, engineering, franchising, leasing, etc.

    EXPORT is the export of goods, works, services, results of intellectual property, including exclusive rights to them, from the customs territory abroad without an obligation to re-export. The fact of export is recorded at the moment the goods cross the customs border, the provision of services and rights to the results of intellectual activity of the executive power of the subjects of the Republic of Kazakhstan to develop regional programs for the development of exports and the export potential of the regions.

    The adoption of this program was caused, first of all, by the fall in exports caused by the rise in domestic prices to the level of world prices and above, which will make even the export of raw materials unprofitable.

    The federal program recognizes that in the medium term the basis of Kazakhstan's exports will be fuel and energy resources and engineering products. An important reserve for the development of exports is cooperation with the CIS countries, cooperation and preferential customs regimes for joint export projects, the development of military-technical exports, etc. The same program outlines a set of government measures to stimulate exports.

    IMPORT - importation of goods, works, services, results of intellectual activity, including exclusive rights to them, into the customs territory from abroad without an obligation to re-export. The fact of import is recorded at the moment the goods cross the customs border, receive services and rights to the results of intellectual activity.

    The status of the customs territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan is determined by the Customs Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan is the land territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, territorial and internal waters and air space above them. On the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan there may be free customs zones and free warehouses, the territories of which are considered as being outside the customs territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The limits of the customs territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the perimeters of free customs zones and free warehouses are the customs border of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

    Imports are calculated at CIF prices, resulting in about 1/10 of the value of exports.

    CIF (eng. CIF- cost, insurance and freight) - cost, insurance, freight - this is a delivery condition under which the seller pays for the transportation of goods to the destination (usually a port in the country of import) and the cost of insuring the goods during transportation. Therefore, the CIF price includes the cost of the goods, their freight and insurance.

    Foreign trade activity is an entrepreneurial activity in the field of international exchange of goods, works, services, information, results of intellectual activity, including exclusive rights to them (intellectual property). At the same time, a commodity is understood to mean any movable property (including all types of energy) and aircraft, sea vessels, inland navigation vessels and space objects classified as immovable property that are the subject of foreign trade activities. The means of transport used in the contract for international carriage are not goods.

    Planning of foreign economic activity of the enterprise

    In accordance with the laws in force in Russia, any enterprise (organization) can act as both an exporter and an importer. In practice, there are three main incentives for the development of foreign economic activity of enterprises:

    expansion of sales;

    the acquisition of resources;

    Diversification of sources of supply and marketing.

    The need for strategic planning of foreign economic activity is determined by significant changes in the structure of the world market and the attempts of enterprises engaged in international activities by trial and error to develop adequate measures that guarantee them protection from excessive losses as a result of incorrect actions or erroneous ideas about the prospects of macroeconomic processes.

    Any form of foreign economic relations is based on the idea of ​​mutually beneficial international exchange. In principle, international exchange is always beneficial. This is true for industrialized and underdeveloped countries.

    The international exchange of products (products) is expedient for a country if it spends less social labor on the production of export products (products) than it should spend on the production of products (products) instead of imported ones (for the proceeds from exports).

    Consequently, the exchange of goods can be beneficial to all countries, provided that the structure of exports and imports is correctly formed. Therefore, it is necessary to increase the scale of foreign trade exchange. At the same time, export is primary, since the country must, having received currency for export products (products), ensure itself the possibility of importing products (products). To achieve the greatest economic effect from participation in the international division of labor, it is necessary to develop the production of export products (products), which allows you to get the highest foreign exchange earnings per unit of social labor costs, and import those products (products), own production which would require the greatest expenditure of social labor per unit of expended foreign exchange funds. The greatest effect is achieved from the export of science-intensive finished products(products). In world trade practice, the following ratio has developed: 40% of international trade is accounted for by raw materials, 60% - by finished goods. industrial products(products). In the structure of Russian exports, the opposite ratio has developed - 70% and 30%.

    This state of foreign economic relations, of course, does not suit anyone, and given their potential high profitability, the task of improving foreign economic activity is becoming one of the priorities. And it is no coincidence that the restructuring of the economic mechanism of Russia began with the improvement of foreign economic activity.

    The beginning of the reform of foreign economic activity to some extent began in 1985, but in regulations this was reflected only in 1986 in resolution No. 991 “On measures to improve the management of foreign economic relations”, with the release of which the first stage reforms of foreign economic activity. It can be described as a "permissive" stage. Indeed, during this period of time, it was allowed to independently enter the foreign market, form foreign exchange funds, and organize foreign trade firms. Gained the right to exist such progressive forms of foreign economic relations as direct ties, joint ventures.

    Second phase began in 1989 with the release of the well-known decree No. 203 “On measures state regulation foreign economic activity". This resolution established a fairly rigid framework, essentially curtailing the process of democratization of foreign economic activity. The obligatory registration of such activities, the quota procedure, and a rigid planning system were introduced. This stage ended in 1991. First, individual republics, and in December 1991 Russia, announced a new approach to organizing foreign economic activity in their countries. Has begun the third stage of the reform- the stage of liberalization of foreign economic activity.

    In Russia, the beginning of the third stage can be considered the decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 15, 1991 No. 213 "On the liberalization of foreign economic activity." Following this order, a number of normative acts appeared that determined the procedure for carrying out foreign economic activity.

    The main rules for the implementation of foreign economic activity in Russia provide for the following: foreign economic activity is allowed for all enterprises registered in Russia, regardless of their form of ownership; permitted mediation; the list of licensed products (products) has been significantly reduced; introduced auction sale of quotas and licenses; Restrictions on opening foreign currency accounts have been lifted; currency transactions are allowed, while the exchange rate of the ruble against foreign currencies is determined by supply and demand. The concept of the commercial exchange rate of the ruble was introduced; a system of mandatory foreign exchange deductions has also been introduced; export tariffs (duties) have been introduced for certain groups of products (products). In this case, the export duty is payable before or at the time of presentation of products (products) to customs control. Export duties are collected in rubles. The rate of duty in foreign currency is subject to recalculation at the market rate of the ruble, established by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation at the time of payment of the duty.

    In relation to export transactions for which, in accordance with the current legislation, the mandatory sale of a part of foreign exchange earnings to the foreign exchange reserve of Russia is not required, a surcharge to the export duty is established.

    The Russian government has outlined a strategy for the development of foreign economic activity, which includes four stages, with the first (preparatory) being considered completed. The most important stage of the strategy is the second, which provides for measures that lay the framework for the entire model of foreign economic activity for the coming years. The main ones are changes in the practice of licensing and export control and the introduction of a single ruble exchange rate.

    At this stage, the list of quotas for export products (products) was reduced while expanding the competitive sale of the remaining quotas. The special commercial ruble exchange rate has been cancelled. At the same time, the mandatory sale of foreign exchange earnings is provided for at the market rate.

    The strategy also provides for maintaining a floating exchange rate for current operations, and then a fixed market rate of the ruble for investment operations with their gradual equalization.

    Forms of foreign economic activity of the enterprise

    Business relationships between enterprises of two or more countries, ultimately pursuing profit, may include various directions and business operations.

    Production and economic foreign economic activity of an enterprise, the content of which is cooperation in the spheres of production and circulation, in innovation, implementation and service areas, can be carried out using associations of business cooperation (house of business cooperation), production and marketing enterprises (trade), concessions, consortiums , joint-stock companies, joint ventures, free trade zones, provision of services (service organizations, advertising bureaus, leasing organizations, technical centers, etc.), joint production and infrastructure facilities, open cities and regions, international economic organizations and other forms.

    An effective form of attracting foreign capital to Russia is the creation of joint ventures in our country. In this case, the following can be set goals:

    attraction of advanced foreign technology and managerial experience;

    Saturation of the domestic market with high-quality products;

    attraction to the country (to the enterprise) of additional material and financial resources;

    import substitution;

    · development of export potential;

    training of national personnel.

    When planning export and import operations, the purpose of foreign economic

    the activities of the enterprise are detailed depending on its general goals (Table 1).

    Table 1. Goals of the enterprise's export-import operations

    The development of effective goals of foreign economic activity strengthens incentives, sets clear standards and long-term guidelines for work. Top managers define strategic goals that address common problems and relate to the enterprise as a whole. They should cover the following main areas:


    human, material and financial resources;


    · Social responsibility;

    · profit.

    Middle managers set tactical goals aimed at