Competition program dedicated to March 8. Competition and entertainment program "Miss Spring", dedicated to International Women's Day (March 8). Dramatization: A guest from a distant land

  • 13.11.2019

Leading: Why spring comes in March?

The snow is melting, hearts are beating harder?

Why is it hot in winter clothes?

And the icicles are crying at the porch?

Very simple - female smiles

They warm everything with their warmth

Became International Women's Day.

Good afternoon dear friends! I greet all of you sitting in this hall. We meet with you on the eve of a wonderful holiday-8 Martha. This is the first spring holiday. There is still snow on the streets, winter is still not giving up its positions, but the sun is shining differently, sparrows are chirping differently. And the first breath of spring is already felt in the air.

Look how many cute faces are in the hall and they are all different - blondes, brunettes, blue-eyed and black-eyed. But, by all means, beauties! And the first applause goes to everyone girls and the women gathered in this hall.

In honor of this holiday, we are competition in which our wonderful girls where they will show their feminine qualities. I ask you to greet them with thunderous applause. This is Julia, Vika and Dasha. ( girls draw numbers who will perform in what order)

But what competition without a jury? And I present our charming members of the jury!

(jury presentation)

Each competition will be evaluated on a 5-point system.

Today, our participants will go through 10 steps to their victory. And we must get to know our contestants.

So the first competition"Business card"

AT competition is evaluated: correctness of speech



(The jury evaluates the performances)

Leading: As you know, the love of the stronger sex awakens through stomach: the tastier in the plate, the deeper the heartfelt feeling! So, I bring to your attention exclusively female entertainment! A woman is, first of all, a mistress, a keeper of the hearth.

And I announce the next competition"Hostess"

In front of the participants are plates of potatoes. Your task is to peel the potatoes quickly and efficiently. (jury evaluation)

Next competition will be edible and it is called "Eat me"

Each girl must put on gloves, take a candy and unwrap it as quickly as possible and eat it. (Jury evaluation)

Next the contest is called"Young craftswoman"

Each I give the girl a piece of cloth, button, needle and thread and scissors. Their task, on my command, is to insert a thread into a needle and sew on a button. Speed ​​and quality are valued.

Competition"Baby Dress".

Each the girl is the expectant mother, and now we will check how our participants know how to dress children. (three small children come out). You need to wear a hat, jacket, scarf, mittens, boots. Jury score.

Next competition"Rewind the ball"

Each participant is given a ball of thread, their task is to rewind the ball, at the end of the ball there is a note, there is a riddle in it, you need to guess it. The winner is the one who rewinds the ball faster and guesses the riddles.

Competition"The most charming and attractive". Everyone wants to be beautiful and kind. And those who consider themselves the most charming and attractive live happily. Now our girls in turn, they must go out to pick up a mirror and look into it without laughing to tell: "I am the most charming and attractive."

Estimated: emotionality, artistry. Jury score.

Competition"I'm an actress"

This the competition gives girls the opportunity demonstrate and demonstrate their acting skills. Participants - your task is to show yourself in the proposed situation with the help of gestures, facial expressions, movements.

walk like

ballerina on stage

The girl whose shoes are tight

Woman with heavy bags

Jury score.

Competition"Morning Star". Girls was given homework to prepare and sing their favorite song. And we are happy to listen to them.

Last competition"Fairy"

Now we will find out if our girls know fairy tales. For each correct answer 1 point.

1. Fairy Fool (Ivanushka)

2. The one who walks on the sea and drives the boat (wind)

3. Winnie the Pooh's friend who was left with a ponytail (donkey Eeyore)

4. The woman who first went into space (Baba Yaga)

5. Reward for a feat, which is given in addition (half the kingdom)

6. The vehicle of the bridegroom of Princess Nesmeyana (bake)

7. Who was Freken Bok by position (housekeeper)

8. Cheerful man onion (Chippolino)

9. The rat of the old woman Shapoklyak (Lariska)

10. Which of the literary heroes was deceived in the country of fools (Pinocchio)

11. Favorite expression of the cat Leopold (Guys let's be friends)

12. Who got into the looking glass (Alice)

Last competition completed and while the jury is summing up, I want to give the floor to our boys.

Happy spring holiday!

With the first flowers in this bright hour!

Congratulations to our lovely women girls!

We wish you all happiness, joy, good luck.

Tolya Let this day warm you

Warm hearted wishes,

And let it accompany everywhere

Only wish fulfillment

Andrey May the sun shine brightly on you

Let the birds chirp outside the window

Every day was considered your day.

The jury announces the results competition. Gifts and flowers are given.

March 2017

Tasks: To develop the desire to spend joint holidays. Bring up
cohesion of children and adults. Create a good joyful
1 leader. Hello ladies and gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen, seniors and
2 leader. Hello! Today we celebrate a magnificent holiday,
holiday of the sun and spring, International Women's Day March 8!
3 leading. The official name of this holiday is:
International Day for Women's Rights and International Peace.
4 leading. The history of the origin of the holiday goes into the distant past: 8
March 1857 in New York, workers gathered for a demonstration
sewing and shoe factories. They demanded a 10-hour day, bright
and dry work areas, equal to men wages. Then
women worked 16 hours and received meager wages for this.
5 leading. In Russia, the holiday was first celebrated in St. Petersburg in 1913.
And it was declared a non-working day only in 1965.
6 leading. Our dear mothers, we welcome you to our cozy class
and we want you to have a little rest from everyday affairs, to play with
us. And we will help you in this: your dearest, most beloved,
most adorable kids.
Today I want to laugh, joke, play and dance!
Let the guests smile and celebrate the holiday together.
There are many good words in the world, but one is kinder and more tender than all:
Of the two syllables, the simple word "mama", and there are no words dearer than it!
Only mom understands, even if you're wrong
Only mom hugs, becoming all relatives in the world!
Let songs about our beloved mothers ring everywhere.
We are for everything, for everything, relatives, we say thank you!
Mommy will smile and lighter around,
Because mommy's best friend!

My mother understands everything, it’s not even a problem with her.
And if, sometimes, he scolds me, it’s always for business!
Our dear mothers! We ourselves admit
Of course, we don't always behave well.
We often upset you that sometimes we do not notice.
We love you very, very much, we will grow good!
And we will always try to be good!
Mom, you are not dearer; Mom can do everything
Congratulations to moms today, we wish moms happiness
Our mother is not better, there is no kinder, gentler,
Let us become obedient forever, and congratulate mothers!
If it hurts me, mom with a good hand,
Soothes pain and brings peace!
We wish them only happiness, so that peace of mind,
So that misfortunes leave the soul, get younger and prettier!
Song "Mother's Day"
1. Winter the old woman hides in snowdrifts and in the forest
I don’t want to let her red spring into our land again
She will let in the cold with a burning breeze
And we will sing our spring song to her.

Kapkapkap, icicles ring merrily
Kapkapkap, spring is coming
Kapkapkap, celebrate the holiday with songs

2. Small birds sang at the house outside the window
Spring is coming, spring is coming, we sing her praise
The days are getting longer, the haze and the night are getting shorter,
Brother and dad are preparing to help mom and me

3. Stronger and brighter the sun shines on the earth to us
Rather, melt the snow and ice with your warmth
So that the spring streams rang here and there

And they sang a song for grandmothers and mothers with us.
Kapkapkapkapkap, mother's day is coming.
Teacher: And now it starts competitive program. Girls should
to be able to do a lot, mothers and grandmothers will confirm: sew, knit, cook,
sing and dance. Today we will check what our girls are capable of. But
there must be an assistant in the house - a man, so the boys
will also show their skills. And, of course, they will help their children
mothers and grandmothers.
To start the competition, we will split into two teams.

1 competition is called "Izoduel". It is necessary to draw beautiful on whatman paper
girl. Each draws one element. Appreciate the speed and quality
2 competition "Pantomime"
Girls love to imitate their mothers. They especially want to have the same
handbag, like my mother. And it seems to me that they already know very well what is there.
should lie. Items from your handbag are written on the leaves.
Depict with gestures what you forgot to take and ask to bring. BUT
the boys have to guess.
3 competition "Festive table"
You must set the festive table. Your task is to put 5 dishes on the table,
which must begin with the same letter. Think! You have 2 minutes.
(Example: vinaigrette, cheesecakes, jam, ham, vobla)
Teacher: March 8th. On this day, you congratulate your mothers, grandmothers, sisters.
Give them gifts and wishes. Our boys also prepared for
girls surprise.
There are skinny girls.
Some girls are fat.
There are also short ones
There are also chicks
Sometimes with short hair
With red hemp

Some girls are whiny
And the usual assholes
But more often - all the same beautiful
And just really cute.
Such girls study with us - in 4 "B"!
Congratulations from the boys.
1. On this day of our girls,
There is nothing more beautiful and beautiful!
You wear clothes -
Accept congratulations!
2. This holiday is a whole year
All the people are waiting.
Flowers in the classroom that day
Unprecedented beauty.
3. We will wipe the board for you,
Let's sweep the class better.
Write on the blackboard with chalk
That girls are queens!
4. We will try all day
You smile today
We will give up the place
If necessary, answer.
5. We love you, respect you
And we don't hate it at all.
It takes a lot of effort
We have to be patient.
5. Tails, pigtails, skirts,
Bows and ribbons...
Happy March 8
Congratulations, girls.
6. Congratulations on March 8,
We wish our girls
To be princesses, like in a fairy tale,
And smile more!
7. Always obey your mother,
And study with "Hurrah"

After all, spring beauty has come
And she brought gifts!
8. Let everything always work out,
Let the dream smile at you
Spring brings joy
And sweet sweetness!
9. Yes, what words to throw into the wind,
It just doesn't suit us.
From all the men in the world
Love to you, glory and honor.
The song "Today is a holiday for the girls" (boys sing)
1.Today is a holiday for girls
Messengers have been coming all day.
And the girls' cheeks are on fire
In the morning they burn with a blush.
The girls came
Things aside
Flowers in the hands of teasing.
Because today girls
Compliments come from the guys.
2. And the guys are full of generosity
Attentive, kind.
The girls are all from the side
Like first brides.
Boys give gifts to girls.
And we continue our competitions.
4 competition "Defile".

What is a fashion show? (show)
What girl does not dream of walking down the catwalk, showing off her beautiful
clothes. Do you know how monikers develop a beautiful posture?
Your task is to carry the book on your head without dropping it.
5 contest "I am the most charming and attractive"
To say, looking in the mirror, "I am the most charming and attractive" and not
6 competition "Hostess".
Who will bring more products for their dish faster and more: vinaigrette or
cabbage soup (products are written on leaflets and mixed)
7th competition "Photomodel 2017".
Who loves to be photographed? Now you will participate in
photo shoots (1 team member). Preparation 2 minutes. Can be used
improvised material for creating an image.
View photos.
8 competition "Gentlemen"
While the girls are getting ready for the photo shoot, the task for the boys is to write what
words affectionately can be called a girl or a girl.
And we once again want to congratulate everyone on March 8, wish you health and success
in work, study and sports, mutual respect and understanding, as well as
patient attitude towards boys and men.
March 8 is the brightest day.
And let everything be smooth for our mothers,
Never overshadow sadness shadow
Their faces, and life will be all right.
Do not cry, our mothers, never!
Patience to you, energy, health.
Let the children always rejoice

Let them surround their mothers with love!
Comic song "Lublyuka"
1. The baby often cries,
Tears are pouring down,
Crying me
You don't need to call.

I won't cry mom
Just call me
"Kislovak, snuggler,
And you are my love."

2. I walk again, I'm sad,
There is no mood
I won't forgive my friend Sasha
He took the candy.

3.Pours out of the eyes
An ocean of tears.
And sometimes we don't see
Mom's wrinkles.
Teacher: We invite everyone to festive table for a tea party. Enjoy
appetite! Thank you all for your attention. See you again.

Rat Ekaterina Alexandrovna, teacher-organizer, teacher additional education MBU DO CDT of the city of Kiselevsk, Kemerovo region.
Target. Creating a healthy creative competition, fostering the desire for self-improvement, the formation of the right competitive skills and the development of the ability to adequately express oneself.

1. Promote healthy lifestyle life through the involvement of students in active creative activity.
2. Increase the social activity of students, involve them in creative activities.
3. Promote the socialization of students, develop teamwork skills.
4. To cultivate aesthetic taste, respect for the beautiful half of humanity.
Members: teams of students in grades 6-7 of school children's associations (composition of the team - 7 people).
Equipment: letter cards, soap bubbles, clown noses, jump ropes, clothespins, rope, blindfold, marker, sheets of paper; evaluation sheets for jury members.
Technical equipment: audio equipment and multimedia equipment.

Event progress.
Fanfare sounds. The leader comes out.
Host: Hello! I greet all those present in this hall at our Perky Girls competition program, which is dedicated to the most tender spring holiday, the International women's day March 8. With what I congratulate you, dear girls.
I congratulate you on the holiday of spring!
I wish you happiness, health, fun!
May this spring bring forever
Lots of smiles, warmth and kindness!
Presenter: Today in our hall there will be only a festive and cheerful mood, and there will also be a gambling spirit and the desire to win from our beautiful teams of mischievous girls who will show all their skill, creativity and ingenuity. And to your loud applause, I invite perky girls from the “…” team of school No.….
Command exit.

Presenter: Here they are our athletes, activists and simply beauties. And our fair judging commission will evaluate the efforts and successes of our girls:
- Shternberg Dmitry Evgenievich, Deputy Director for Life Safety of the Center for Children's Creativity;
- Polosukhina Valentina Nikolaevna, teacher-organizer of the Center for Children's Creativity, coordinator of the children's public organization"Source";
- Semykina Olga Valerievna, teacher-organizer of the Center for Children's Creativity, coordinator of the 1st stage of the children's public organization "Istok".
Presenter: And we will be able to see the hobbies, hobbies and interests of our girls in our first Business Card contest. Teams can go to training, and we meet the first team ... .
Team performances from business cards"Creative, active, young and positive."

Presenter: Let's once again give a standing ovation to our girls. And now you, dear girls, will have to show your intellectual abilities. We will distribute cards with letters to each team, from which you will need to make up answers to the questions I asked.
1. The best lady in the world! (Mother)
2. Riddle: They are poured into a frying pan, and when they are baked, they call them the sun. (Pancakes)
3. What is cooked "in uniform"? (Potato)
4. Flowers collected in a bunch. (Bouquet)
5. It can be tea, coffee and lunch. (Service)
6. He tells in detail how to cook the dish. (Recipe)
7. Riddle: What object hisses and releases steam, but always moves where its hand leads? (Iron)
8. An occasion for a lady to publicly cuddle with a gentleman. (Dance)
9. Part of the body that the gentleman offers to the lady, complete with a heart. (Hand)
Presenter: What good fellows our girls are, and you deserve a loud applause for your efforts. And now you have to show the cohesion and coherence of the team. You have to pass the relay, which consists of several stages:
Stage 1 "Bubble"- the first participant, wearing a clown nose, runs to the place indicated by the chip, blows five soap bubbles, then returns to the team, passes the nose to the next participants.
Stage 2 "Jump rope"- the second and third participants, putting on clown noses, jumping over each other, move to the place indicated by the chip, jump rope together 5 times, then return to the team, pass the nose to the next participant.
Stage 3 "Mom's Helper"- the fourth participant, wearing a clown's nose, runs to the place indicated by the chip, attaches 10 clothespins to the rope, then returns to the team, passes the nose to the next participants.
Stage 4 "Beauty is a terrible force"- the fifth and sixth participants, putting on clown noses, clasping their hands, back to each other, move with side steps to the place indicated by the chip, blindfold and paint each other's lips with lipstick (participants bring their own lipstick). They remove the bandages, return to the team, pass the nose to the next participant.
Stage 5 "Smart artist"- the seventh participant, wearing a clown's nose, runs to the place indicated by the chip, prints out the capsule with the riddle, draws the answer with a marker on a piece of paper, then returns to the team.
Host: And I invite the first 3 teams to line up. Well, are the girls ready? Then they started.

A relay race is underway.

Presenter: These are the smart, dexterous and friendly teams we have today. This applause is for you. On January 22, our wonderful city celebrated its 80th anniversary of its founding. And in honor of such a significant event, our girls have prepared a creative gift to the city. And so we meet the team "..." of school No. ....
Representation by teams homework"Walking around the city..."

Presenter: In the meantime, the jury is summing up its gift for the anniversary of the city will be shown by the choreographic group "Multi +".
Performance of the choreographic group "Multi +".
During the summing up of the results of the competition, the presenter makes riddles to the fans (Appendix 1).

presenter: Here are the results of our competition. And I invite...

Leading: Girls, you are great fellows. Today we once again made sure that the most creative, talented and bright girls live in our city. I once again congratulate you on the upcoming holiday, and I say goodbye to you! See you soon!

Attachment 1
Riddles for fans
1. Walks in the sky
Painter without brushes.
brown paint
Colors people. (Sun)

2. A fiery arrow flies.
No one will catch her
Neither king nor queen
Not a red girl. (Lightning)

3. Moved by the flower
All four petals.
I wanted to rip it off
And he fluttered and flew away. (Butterfly)

4.First shine,
Behind the brilliance Crack,
Behind the crackle is the shine. (Thunderstorm)

5. Round, ruddy,
I grow on a branch.
Adults love me
And little kids. (Apple)

6. Antoshka is standing
On one leg
himself small,
And the hat is big. (Mushroom)

7. I know everything, I teach everyone,
And I am always silent.
To befriend me
Need to learn to read. (Book)

8. I didn’t get bored at work,
I cut flowers
colorful snowflakes,
Birds, stars, pictures.
I am almost an artist.
Help me ... (Scissors)

8. Here are needles and pins crawling out from under the bench.
They look at me, they want milk. (Hedgehog)
9. White in winter, and gray in summer.
He does not offend anyone, but he is afraid of everyone. (Hare)

10. Instead of a nose - a patch,
Where the tail hangs a hook. (Pig)

11. Pink butterfly
With pleated wings
Doesn't fly away
We live on pigtails. (Bow)

12. Near the mirror on the shelf
A cunning hedgehog has settled.
With him comb the doll
You will braid Katya and a pigtail.
Hair becomes fashionable
If it works ... (comb)

13. Wonderful pearls
Hanging on a thread
They put on the neck
Glitter in the sun.
Here comes a kitten
And touched the thread with his paw.
Even though you're still a child
But don't scratch the pearl! (Beads)

14. Three windows in three colors
shining on the road
their teams know everything
even our children. (Traffic light)

15. Fall from the sky in winter
And circle over the earth
light fluff,
White... (Snowflakes)

In March 2017, in the city library No. 14 of the MBUK "CBS of Vologda", a competitive program for girls of the 1st grade "For mischievous, kind, sweet, dear girls!", Dedicated to International Women's Day - March 8, was held. At the event, the girls, divided into two teams, participated in competitions related to cooking, needlework and housekeeping.

Description: this competition program can be used by teachers primary school, teachers of additional education, librarians for events dedicated to International Women's Day (March 8).

- creating a festive mood;
- promotion of public holidays;
- fostering a value attitude to motherhood and the role of women in society.

Decor: colorful event header, Balloons to decorate the hall, beautiful illustrations depicting girls and women.

Equipment: see contests.

Event progress

Hello dear guys! We meet today on the eve of a wonderful holiday - March 8.
March 8 is Mother's Day.
Knock-knock - knocking on the door to us.
He only comes to that house
Where they help mom.
We will sweep the floor for mom,
We'll set the table ourselves.
Help her cook dinner
We will sing and dance with her.
We paint her portrait
We will draw as a gift.
"They are unrecognizable, wow!" -
Then mom will tell people.
And we always, and we always,
We will always be like this. (A. Berestov "March 8")

Today we will hold a competition program “For mischievous, sweet, kind, dear girls!”. All girls in your class will participate in the program. Our competitions will not be easy, but women's competitions will be related to needlework, cooking, housekeeping.

(All girls of the class participate in the competitions. They are divided into 2 teams).
So let's start the competition.
First, you girls need to guess the name of your team.

Team 1.
I must warn you:
I'm so fragile, I'm so tender
What through a thousand featherbeds
one pea
I will feel all night
And I won't sleep! (Princess and the Pea --- Princess Team)

Team 2.
I'm from the royal ball
Once ran away
And a crystal shoe
Accidentally lost. (Cinderella --- Cinderella Team)

1 competition "Little hostesses"
(2 handkerchiefs; 2 plates; rice and beans)
Children listen to the poem "Little hostess" (N.A. Mayer):

I got up early today
I have a lot of worries:
Need to comb the doll
Tie a bow beautifully

Sweep the kitchen floor
Bring dad a book
Water the flower on the window
Grandmother to wind a ball,

Put on shoes for Seryozhka,
Pour milk for the cat
Help mom cook soup
Have tea with grandpa.

Oh, I'm really tired.
I'll sit and eat candy.
I'll take four more
For comfort throughout the apartment!

Yes, this hostess has a lot to do. You, too, have to work hard now.
Exercise: There is rice on the plate, and there are 10 grains of beans in it. You need to blindfold to select all the beans. Whoever does it faster will win.

2 competition "Mother's portrait" (one girl per team)
(2 scarves; board, 2 crayons)
Guys, probably all of you are familiar with the poem "Mother's Portrait":
I will wipe the glass and the frame
Because in the frame is mom.
I'll wipe the frame clean:
I really love my mom! (G. Vieru)
Now you also have to draw a portrait of your mother.
Exercise: Blindfolded with chalk on the board, you need to draw a portrait of your mother. The one who draws faster and more accurately wins.

3 contest "When I will be a mother ..." (one girl per team)
(2 baby dolls; 2 diapers; 2 nylon ribbons)
All girls are future mothers. Playing with dolls, they learn to take care of future babies: dress and undress them, feed them, put them to bed.
When I am a mother
I will be kind myself:
Let the daughter get dirty
And the little son
painting on wallpaper...
And let them be two. (V. Lisina)
Exercise: You need to swaddle the doll in a diaper and tie it with a ribbon. Whoever does it faster and more correctly, he will win.

4 competition "Grow, braid, to the waist ..." (Two girls per team)
(2 hair ties)
Beautiful hair is an adornment of any girl. But they need to be looked after: washed, cut, combed and braided. Previously, when weaving a braid, they said these words:
Grow, braid, to the waist,
Don't pull out a hair.
Grow, braid, to toe -
All hairs in a row.
Grow, braid, don't get confused -
Mother, daughter, listen.
Exercise: One of the contestants lets her hair down. The other girl should braid her hair and secure it with an elastic band. The one who braids the braid faster and more accurately wins.

5 competition "Big wash" (one girl per team)
(Rope; 20 handkerchiefs, 20 clothespins)
Now, guys, we're going to have a big laundry.
We wash in the bath
Annochka's shirt
Dress for Olechka,
Panties for Rings,
Marinochka's blouse,
Handkerchief for Irina. (G. Lagzdyn)
Our scarves are already washed. You need to hang them up to dry.
Exercise: A rope is stretched across the hall. Each participant is given 10 clothespins and 10 handkerchiefs. Whoever hangs all the handkerchiefs on a rope faster and more accurately wins.

6 contest "Fashionistas" (one girl per team)
(2 handkerchiefs; 2 cosmetic bags, each of which contains lipstick, mascara, eye shadow, powder, nail polish, cotton swab, mirror, etc.)
All girls want to be beautiful and fashionable like their mothers. To do this, sometimes they take their mother's cosmetics without asking.

Mom is the most beautiful in the world -
It's important for me.
Without make-up assistant
Doesn't take a day.
I'll try my mom
Be a little like
And I will become that cosmetics
Apply make-up.

Draw eyebrow arrows
Eye contour and lip contour.
Red shadows on the eyelids
And blush purple circle.
Found my mom in the bathroom
-Look what I am!
Mom didn't recognize
In this guise of me.
<…>(Yu. Belyakova "Mom's cosmetics")

Let's now check whether you know well what is in your mother's cosmetic bag.
Exercise: Each girl is given a cosmetic bag containing lipstick, mascara, eye shadow, nail polish, powder, cotton swab, mirror, etc. The host takes turns calling one of the items in the cosmetic bag. The blindfolded girls are looking for them. Whoever finds everything quickly and correctly wins.

7 competition "Craftswomen" (one girl per team)
(2 balls of thread, inside the balls is a riddle)
In addition to cooking, cleaning and washing, all girls, as future housewives, should be able to embroider, sew, knit, that is, be craftswomen and needlewomen.
Very important activity
Sew the canvas on the dress
Ruffles are on the move
From grandma's curtain.
Grandma is arguing
But still he smiles.
It has to happen like this
Craftsman granddaughter! (N. Hilton "The Craftswoman")
Exercise: Each participant is given a ball of thread, their task is to rewind the ball, at the end of the ball there is a note, there is a riddle in it that needs to be guessed. The winner is the one who rewinds the ball faster and correctly guesses the riddle.
Riddle for 1 team:
I'm an artist in your hands
I love to embroider and sew!
But be careful with me
How offended I prick. (Needle)
Riddle for 2 teams:
Two slender sisters
In the hands of a craftswoman.
All day diving into the loops ...
And here it is - a scarf for Petenka. (Spokes)

8 contest "Flowers for Mom" (All team)
All gifts are good. But it is best to give flowers to mom on March 8. You probably all know the words from the famous children's song:
Today is mother's day
Today is mother's day.
I know mom loves
Carnation and lilac.

Do you know the flowers that your mothers love? Let's check it out.

In a green cape -
beauty ballerina,
Jumping on one leg
In a yellow top
Yes, a white pack. (Chamomile)

Behind the barbed fence
princess sitting,
Sad, sad.
Everyone aspires to her
Yes, they are afraid of thorns. (Rose)

funny girl
in a red skirt
Walks across the field
Hassle-worries does not know.
The skirt flutters
The girl smiles. (Poppy)

Vasily stands,
Young and strong
In a green coat
In a bright blue wig
Everyone is looking at him
Yes, they admire. (Cornflower)

The kids came out
white strong men,
under a green umbrella
Standing on the bridge
Holding on to the handles
They bask under the May sun. (Lily of the valley)

simple dresses,
blue eyes,
Look clearly and openly:
Nothing is forgotten! (forget-me-not)

The sun was shining
Until it's white
And how it turned white -
Feathers white
It flew across the sky. (Dandelion)

perky bangs,
green girl,
Sitting in the woods
She folded her arms across her chest
purple suit -
Yes, a bright ray in the heart. (Violet)

White under white
The cover has melted -
The feather has blossomed. (Snowdrop)

Stepan was proud:
He is wearing an al caftan,
On a green boat
Goes to the youth.
Al caftan opened -
The black shirt is visible. (Tulip)

This concludes our competition program. (The jury sums up and announces the winners).
Girls, I congratulate you on a wonderful spring holiday - March 8! You are all so different - kind, beautiful, charming, and sometimes funny and mischievous. Be always so beautiful, kind, sweet! And most importantly, be the happiest! Happiness to you and spring mood!