Competitions Greek style. Party in the Greek style class hour (grade 7). Menu, drinks and decoration of the festive table

  • 26.03.2020

The idea for a youth party in a small company. The hero of the occasion acts as the main god of Olympus - Zeus (or the goddess Hera, if the birthday boy is a girl). Guests come to the party in the images of different gods and goddesses, not necessarily Olympic, but let's say, Scandinavian or Indian - after all, Zeus can invite anyone to his birthday!

Location: a fairly spacious room, not overloaded with unnecessary furniture. Ideally, there should be only sofas and a low large table, plus space for dancing and competitions. In summer, it can be a gazebo, a veranda, or just a place in nature.

Decor: you need to try to recreate the atmosphere of divine luxury, but without pretentiousness. White covers for chairs and armchairs, white and blue bedspreads for sofas, an abundance of pillows, walls draped in white fabric with a bright blue border or in combination with golden ribbons, silver or white dishes, gilded candlesticks and bowls, jewelry in caskets, a hookah - all this will help in the implementation of the idea.

Dress code: guests must definitely support the theme and come in "divine" costumes. In order to avoid repetitions, it is better to agree in advance who will appear as a god. The simplest costume is a white toga made from an ordinary sheet, decorated with a golden cord at the waist. Each god in mythology has a certain image, and it is better, of course, to stick to it - this way the hero will be understandable and recognizable. For example, the Scandinavian god Thor is always inseparable with his hammer, and Dionysus with a glass of red wine or a bunch of grapes.

Menu: refined, light, beautifully decorated. Snacks, seafood, sliced ​​​​meat, cheese, fruit, fruit in large vases. From drinks - wine and nectar, juices, mineral water.

Scenario variant

For example, you can take several gods and come up with contests that they could hold.

  1. Zeus- the main Greek god, the lord of lightning and thunder, the ruler of everything on earth.
  2. Apollo- the god of art, creativity and science, the god of light and the patron of travelers, as well as a recognized handsome man.
  3. Themis- the strict goddess of justice and justice, which is depicted blindfolded and with scales in her hand.
  4. Thor- also the lord of thunder, but already Scandinavian. A very strong god who is often depicted with his hammer.
  5. Freya- Scandinavian goddess, patroness of family, love and war, goddess of fertility.
  6. Loki- Another Scandinavian guest, the god of fun and jokes, deceit and cunning. A malevolent and self-righteous god.

The party can begin with a solemn greeting of the guests, showing great respect to the host (hostess) of the holiday. At the entrance, everyone is given a small scroll and a pencil, where the guest must write a short ode-wish to the birthday man, and then play it as if on behalf of his hero-god. So, sitting on soft pillows and having a snack, the gods begin to praise the chief at the party, dedicating their creations to him. And it does not matter that the text does not rhyme - the gods can be forgiven for everything.


Competition for the best nectar

From the proposed ingredients you need to prepare cocktails - who will turn out tastier and more interesting.

Throwing lightning Zeus

Zippers are made of wire, for greater beauty they can be wrapped with a cloth or rain. Competition for accuracy - who better hit the target with lightning. The target itself can be made of foam rubber.

Statue of Apollo

This god is always depicted as a stunning handsome man with a perfect body. It is the statues of Apollo that attract the attention of most visitors - and for good reason. A game like "The sea is worried once ...", only here you can say "Olympus swayed once ...". The host will guess not who the player is portraying (it is clear that the god Apollo), but what he is in this moment does - reads, sleeps, flirts with girls, etc.

Doubts of Themis

Also a fairly simple game, stylized as a party format. The game "True or False" for forfeits. Themis (leading) the player asks a question from his life or the life of a famous person, and she must guess whether what was said is true or not. If you guessed right, you become a player.

Hammer of Thor

For this noisy and fun game will be required air balloons, which need to be well inflated, and a rubber toy hammer. With a hammer for a while, you need to break as many balls as possible - “make thunder”.

Loki's boast

It is God who believes that he can depict and play everything in the world - so he is given such an opportunity. One player makes Loki a phrase from a movie, a song - and he must show it to the others without words so that they guess. If you guessed it, the one who guessed becomes Loki, and the one who guessed it asks him a phrase.

The amazing beauty of Freya

A very beautiful and gentle goddess, Freya is kind and noble, so all the girls want to be like her - in which the men volunteered to help. The players are divided into pairs, and the boys paint the girls according to their taste and skill. The main thing is to stock up on a good makeup remover.

This "divine" party can last all night with slow conversations, wine and beautiful music.

Party in the style of the Greek gods!

The atmosphere of majesty and pathos… wine, fruits, classical music…

Let each participant choose a prototype of God and create his unique image!

Athena is the goddess of war, a true protector! Red toga, helmet, menacing look ... a Greek god

  • Aphrodite,
  • Athena,
  • Demeter
  • Gera,
  • persephone,
  • Artemis.

Having found information about each of these goddesses, you can choose an image for yourself. And for men, gods like

  • Apollo,
  • Zeus,
  • ares,
  • Poseidon,
  • Eros,
  • Dionysus.

Men's outfits should be selected in accordance with the chosen image.

Scenario african party.


For a party in Greek style, you can arrange a buffet so that each guest can try what he liked. Bread, olives and wine are an integral part of the Greek table. Feta cheese and all the dishes associated with it will be a suitable menu. You can diversify the table with marinated seafood. Baked vegetables such as zucchini, eggplant and tomatoes. You can fry breaded squid rings. Give shrimp. And of course, where without Greek salad.

Party in style.


The ideal option would be the presence of Greek music. Throughout the evening, Greek music should be used as a background. And then use it for dancing. As an entertainment option, you can use the Olympic in miniature. Divide into teams and give the winners a prize in the form of an olive wreath. For such games, a large room is better suited, and the game will take place on a grand scale. In order for your event to go smoothly and be remembered by all guests, think over everything to the smallest detail when preparing it. Start by assigning roles to each guest and finish by decorating the Greek-style party space.

Anniversary in ancient Greek style - anniversaries

If the hero of the day is a creative person and he is bored with the usual solemn events , you can arrange a holiday in the Greek style, and let it be a kind and pleasant surprise for the birthday man. In the event that a celebration is held in a large hall, you need to prepare it in advance: lay snow-white tablecloths on the tables with folds and decorate with garlands of artificial olive branches and clusters of olives, hang laurel wreaths, walls with mountain landscapes, beautiful sea views. As decorations for the table, you can use slides from sea shells, sand, ornamental stones, laurel branches. If you have different figurines of Greek gods, be sure to use them when decorating the table. Throw a few branches of live ivy on a snow-white figurine - and your table will amaze guests with the nobility and sophistication of decoration. For decor, you can also use various antique candlesticks, and if you have modern candlesticks, with a certain skill you can give them the look of antique ones, for this it is enough to wrap modern elements with fresh or artificial flowers, choosing them to match the decoration of the room and tablecloths. If you want to observe the traditions of Greek feasts, instead of traditional chairs, long and wide benches are placed along the tables, draped with burgundy bedspreads, on which it will be convenient to recline. However, in this case, guests will have to take off their shoes and wash their feet in special basins (this must be agreed with the guests in advance and clarify how ready they are for the exotic). At the entrance to the hall, guests should be met by nymphs and dryads dressed in appropriate costumes (green dresses, loose hair, a wreath of flowers or tree branches on their heads). The girls give each guest a wide white piece of cloth and help to drape it and pin it on the shoulders with pins. At the same time, men can take off their jackets and roll up their shirt sleeves, ladies can take off their stoles, jackets and top blouses. From the props, it is first necessary to prepare several laurel wreaths, which will be awarded for various and longest toasts. At the beginning of the evening, the host (this may be a close relative of the hero of the day, his good friend or professional) addresses the guests: I thank you all, dear ones, that you preferred to spend time With our venerable assembly, and came to honor the hero of the day. Today Zeus and his wife were going to visit us, but the path from Olympus is difficult, And the gods lingered along the way, let's not wait any longer, And let's start our fun feast, and start honoring the hero of the day. At this time, the first toasts are made to the hero of the day. While the guests are drinking champagne, a delegation of the gods appears in the hall. Aphrodite walks in front with a huge armful of red or pink roses. She is wearing a pink Greek peplum, her hair is loose, and on her head is a wreath of small roses. Athena, the goddess of wisdom, walks behind her, wearing a helmet on her head, and carries a gift. Zeus has a large lush beard, snow-white clothes and a purple cloak on his shoulders. In the hands of the supreme god, a magic staff, he solemnly appears in the center of the procession, arm in arm with his wife Hera. The solemn procession is completed by Dionysus, in whose hands is a large bottle of wine, and Hephaestus with a huge hammer. Any group of guests or relatives of the birthday man, with whom the roles are rehearsed in advance, can act as gods. Zeus. The hard way was left behind, We had to overcome a lot of miles, We passed many villages and villages, And here we are, in this huge hall. We hastened to congratulate the hero of the day. Many years have passed since those ancient times, As the shepherds ascended Olympus, They brought the baby to the gods, So that they generously bestowed gifts, Promised health, fame, money. Today, the hero of the day is already 30 (they indicate the hero of the day), Now let's see if there is something to be proud of. Come on, Athena, I'll give you the floor. Athena. Once upon a time, long 30 (the age of the hero of the day) years ago, My gift was the mind and wisdom, Passion for knowledge, striving for novelty, And with joy I see, The hero of the day has not lost time all these years. He graduated with success from the institute (all the achievements of the hero of the day in his studies are listed), And after 5 years the courses are called again, He became a master, he raised his rank Teacher, master, the series can be continued ... But most importantly, he strives for something new. For the hero of the day, I have something to be proud of, All that I dreamed of has come true. Toasts are raised for the hero of the day; if classmates, teachers, classmates, students are present at the anniversary, then they also speak after the words of Athena. At this time, Hera begins to vigorously pull Zeus by the beard, demanding a word. Zeus, who wanted to give the right to congratulate Hephaestus, is forced to retreat, and with an embarrassed look announces. Zeus. My wife wants to say a word, And if I want to stay with a beard, I must please my wife (gestures to Hera to understand that she can start her speech). Gera. I am glad that the family has gathered. I see a son, a daughter, a wife, a mother, a father. I wished in that old time Big, strong and friendly family. And pride fills my heart, There is support in joy and in trouble, Loneliness no longer threatens. My prophecy has been completely fulfilled. I have nothing more to wish you, I can only observe with joy from Olympus, How you live in friendship and harmony And together in rest you and in work. After the words of Hera, the time comes for congratulations and gifts from all the numerous relatives of the hero of the day. They make toasts and present gifts. Zeus (inviting Hephaestus to speak). Now it's Hephaestus' turn. Hephaestus. I will say in honor to all of you, my friends, I have a happy fate. They gave me the goddess of beauty as a wife, Pleased, my student, me and you. Craftsman, excellent cook, You used my gift correctly. He studied the craft everywhere, always. And fire, water are on your shoulder, Successfully passed the pipes of glory, Fate will hardly bend you. Success, career and recognition await. Well, let the path be honest work. The hero of the day is congratulated by colleagues at work, the head or director of the enterprise. Zeus. Great words my friend. Now the word is up to the goddess of beauty. Aphrodite, now you enter. Aphrodite. In the distant and wondrous I wished for love, earthly happiness, So that kindness instilled in my heart forever, So that there was mercy and compassion, Someone else's pain would seem my own, So that there were no enemies, sorrows, troubles around, So that life was full of love and beauty. And you fulfilled my order honestly. There are so many friends, the hall will not accommodate everyone. You won the love of your colleagues. You are honored, respected by the whole family. My support is no longer needed. Love stays with you everywhere And illuminates life with its beauty. Toasts are raised to the family. Zeus. Well, now it's the turn of the last of us. Dionysus, friend, tell us a couple of phrases. Dionysus (shaking the bottle). Well, there are plenty of fun, jokes here without me, And my gift is strong wine. It is cooked by young Hebe and gives years of life For the joy of the family, for the glory of the whole fatherland. Accept as a gift from us the immortal gift of the gods, And it's time for us to depart for our heavenly chamber. Zeus. And in parting, I'll tell you all, friends, It was not in vain that we rejoiced so much at the birth of a baby, It was not in vain that he gave generously, from the heart, He grew up to be who we represented. We have nothing more to wish him ... It's time to go, it's time and honor for us to know. The last toasts are raised for the hero of the day and the gods depart to the sounds of Greek music. Various competitions can be inserted between the performances of the gods. For example, after Athena, dedicated to the mind and wisdom, you can hold intellectual competitions under the motto "We praise the mind, it sanctifies the road for us." There can be various literary riddles, quizzes on the knowledge of Greek mythology, geography, cuisine. After the congratulations of Hephaestus, various creative contests(for the fastest and most delicious salad or sandwich, for the most successful cocktail, for the most delicious shawarma, etc.). You can include blind needlework contests, make a poster gift for a birthday person, etc. After congratulating Hera successfully turn on interesting stories and anecdotes from the life of the birthday man, after the words of Aphrodite, you can arrange any pair dance competitions, as well as entertainment for dressing and undressing, take a short dance break, which the hero of the day opens with his (his) spouse. After the performance of Dionysus, the funniest pantomime or the newest anecdote is held. Each winner in the competition is awarded a laurel wreath, which is placed on the head by the nymphs and dryads who met the guests. After the speech of the god of fun, you can hold a competition “Who will eat more cakes (cakes, puddings, strawberries in cream, etc.)” or “Who can drain a glass of wine at a time” (the wine is diluted half with water, it’s better for the competition just use light wine drinks like Sangria). Anniversary scenarios The history of the celebration of the anniversary Picnic at the hero of the day Anniversary in the ancient Greek style

For any bride, the last party before the wedding is an important event, as it is an opportunity to get together with the whole company of bridesmaids, discuss the upcoming event, remember the past and have fun. A Greek-style bachelorette party will make the holiday unforgettable.

In this case, the hero of the occasion will have to think about where and when she will have a party, help everyone choose the right outfits and prepare interesting leisure activities.


On the table you need to place a lot of fruits and cuts from different types of cheese. They are suitable both as a simple snack, and as an addition to alcohol. At a Greek-style bachelorette party, it is customary to drink red wine, high-quality brewed beer or fruit cocktails with the addition of spirits.

To set the right mood in advance, the bride can prepare invitation cards for the bachelorette party. They can be made in the form of a scroll on artificially aged paper or as an invitation to the theater with a traditional ancient Greek script. You also need to choose the right music - traditional or modern. The soundtracks for the film "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" and the songs of Nikos Zoydakis are well suited. It is desirable to capture everything that happens on a stylized bachelorette party on high-quality pictures in order to save bright moments for memory.

The pre-wedding party should be an unforgettable experience for both the bride and her bridesmaids. The Greek style of the event makes it special and bright. This option is suitable both for lovers of a calm atmosphere and for adherents of an active lifestyle, since the interests of the ancient Greeks were universal.

March 11, 2016

"Let the Greek-style party begin on our Olympus!" Zeus thundered and lightning flashed. No, not the zippers that are in the width of the trousers. There were no trousers at all then, only sheets on the naked body. So you are waiting for a party with a slight erotic touch. And lightning, by the way, can be easily made by attaching an LED strip or a short garland with white bulbs to a metal frame.

Greek party makes it possible not only to have an interesting and fun time, but also to transform into gods and other bright heroes of the myths of Ancient Greece! And there are a lot of interesting characters: titans, gods, demigods, demons, kings, sorcerers, oracles, legendary warriors...

Let's start organizing a party, gradually considering a lot of features, nuances, suggestions and tips.

1. Season and meeting time

When we talk about the divine Mount Olympus, we present a picture that is pleasing to the eye: a green lawn, snow-white arches and columns along which weave palm leaves with chic grape clusters ...

This theme party idea is perfect for those who celebrate their birthdays in the summer (the costumes will also be quite open). It is possible in winter, but then everything should take place in a warm room by the pool.

The holiday should be held in the daytime, because only then will it be possible to take chic thematic photos on the sun-drenched grass of Olympus!

2. Inviting guests

It would be appropriate to issue invitations in the form of scrolls of parchment. You can make it as follows: soak ordinary A4 office sheets for several hours in a container with dissolved coffee and cinnamon (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water). The paper should dry naturally, hang the sheets on clothespins until completely dry.
Write the text of the invitation card in ink curly capital letters.

3. Greek style party costumes

To start making or choosing outfits, you need to decide on the main characters.

Let's dwell on several popular and interesting options, choosing suitable costumes and characteristic behaviors:

  • Titans - the gods who are the ancestors of the entire "divine dynasty". Men who decide to embody this look can attach a snow-white towel or a flap of white satin fabric in a “covering” size at the waist. The main characteristic of the titans is inhuman strength, so try to focus on the upper half of the body, even if you have to make an artificial torso from the “like a god!” category. Find open-toed Greek-inspired sandals that are perfect for absolutely every outfit! We add wide eyebrows and the gait of the Terminator - the image is ready!
  • Zeus - the strongest supreme deity, the father of gods and people. Such a character is perfect for the organizer of the holiday: it attracts a lot of attention, is the dominant character in the divine fairy tale. The golden crown and trident should make this super god stand out from the rest. A suit made of white fabric a la Greek men's dress (tunic - a rectangular piece of fabric) is also in place.
  • Ares - god of War. The owner of such a "mask" must be a brutal foul-mouthed macho! White unbuttoned shirt, light-colored trousers and a laurel wreath on his head - why not a heavenly bad guy?
  • Apollo - the son of Zeus, the god of light, the patron of the muses and the arts. Its symbol is the bow and the lyre. The standard of beauty and proportionality of the male figure should open his body to the gaze of others. The silhouette of a ballet dancer would be suitable, but this is for very brave Apollos! Moreover, it is not difficult to organize white tights and a flap of white fabric!
  • Dionysus - the god of winemaking, fun and orgies. Suitable for cheerful and reckless ringleaders. A glass of wine in hand and a lustful girl in an embrace are a must!
  • Hercules Demigod, son of Zeus. It is better to rent a hero costume, as it is not so easy to make it yourself. Remember that Hercules is not quite a god, therefore he can afford a more complete form of clothing, but still in the tone of the Greek style of that time! Xena's girlfriend, the warrior princess, will become a wonderful companion of the mythical hero.
  • Aphrodite - Goddess of love and beauty. A light image is a long white or peach dress, a pearl necklace, gold jewelry and henna painting on the body. High hairstyle with curls, or loose hair with curls. Makeup for natural.
  • Eris - goddess of discord and chaos. Bad girl in revealing dress, high heels, brighter make-up with expressive eyes. Ambiguous expressions, sharp jokes and a slight smirk on her face - this is the image of a real queen of discord.
  • Eirene - the goddess of the world. She has light tones, a simple Greek-style hairstyle, shining light makeup. Friendly attitude towards everyone.

4. Festive decoration of the area and some ideas

Choose an open area - a lawn by the river or in the country.

Do not forget that the photos in the park between the trees, on the alleys and near the columns (often found in large parks) will be stunning. Invite a professional photographer to achieve quality images worthy of the gods!

White, gold, silver, lace symbolizes the wealth and luxury of the almighty. Contrasting green color represents harmony and unity with nature! Tables on fresh air. Harps, Cupid's bow and arrows, white feathers from an angel who has just flown away will perfectly emphasize the idea - try to organize these attributes.

Posters with famous "divine" films, beautiful author's photos, paintings.

White balloons, satin ribbons and ropes will be great decorations for a Greek party!

5. Menu, drinks and decoration of the festive table

Important! Olives, lemons and honey are not only the main accent of the festive divine table, but a dish and decor for the whole party!

The gods love luxury, harmony, idyll, so Slavic tables with jelly and dumplings would be out of place!

Ideally, arrange an exquisite buffet with all sorts of pancake envelopes, beautiful sandwiches, canapes with olives and hard cheese, light fruit and vegetable salads (preferably in portions), crackers with butter, bell pepper with feta… Greek salad and Greek coffee are a priority!

Decorate the table with a beautiful lace tablecloth, festive white napkins. If possible, use white and gold colors as much as possible.

Keep in mind that white and peach orchids, roses, lilies in transparent or white tall vases look divine! Large bunches of grapes of different varieties in baskets are another thematic addition to the earthly Olympus.

For dessert - air cakes and ice cream, if possible. Baklava with honey and walnuts is a must. Don't forget the themed cake.

From drinks: red and white wines, champagne, it is desirable to add strawberry liqueur to the assortment. From non-alcoholic - mojito, lemonade with slices of citrus and mint, tea and coffee.

Greek cuisine dishes can be viewed.

6. Greek Party Contests

Choose the musical accompaniment of the holiday to your taste. Costumes will not contribute to rock and twist tracks. Therefore, carefully select suitable hits for the dance part of the celebration.

And now games and competitions.

Save the Greek Salad Contest

Two participants must save the dish prepared for Zeus from the worms that the evil Hera sent as a curse. Not a single worm should remain in the sacred dish.

Competitors give a large container (so that the head freely enters), in which put a standard serving of Greek salad. Put 5-10 jelly worms in each dish.
The task is to pull everything out without hands. The winner is the one who did it faster. Take a picture of the messes.

Competition "Apple of Aphrodite"

Aphrodite is a flirtatious and somewhat frivolous woman.

The men stand in a circle and dance around the temptress, who is blindfolded dancing with an apple in her hands. After a few seconds, he hands it to one of the guys at random. The music turns off, and the guys quickly move further, in a circle for a few steps and the chosen one hides the apple behind his back (everyone also has their hands hidden behind their backs). The girl must guess the chosen one, if she succeeds, she kisses on the cheek and leaves the game with him, giving way to the new Aphrodite. If she didn’t guess right, she tries her luck 2 more times, until the end of 3 attempts. The more random pairs are formed, the more successful the competition was.

Competition "Initiation into the Spartan ranks"

How to become part of the strongest Spartan troops? Arrange such a casting for several applicants. First, organize an obstacle course: 4-5 chairs, past which you need to run around with a snake; a thin ribbon - to pass on toes without stumbling; book head a couple of meters before the finish line and all this with a quail egg in his mouth. Not only speed and agility are tested, but also the ability to save a trusted treasure.

Just wash the quail eggs well!

Competition "Zeus Lightning Throwing"

Props will need to be prepared in advance. Make fake zippers. They can be cut with a jigsaw from plywood or made from a metal rod. Arrange dolls and other toys (people, houses) for a merciless shooting with "lightning bolts". All guests take turns. Announce that the task is to shoot down all the targets as quickly as possible. Keep track of each participant's time. Give the fastest thrower a pack of condoms with the words: "Hold it, quick shooter."

Competition "Olympic Games"

Where without sports competitions? There is no need to bore guests with super-heavy competitions, but you can use a parody of them. Set up a triathlon. According to ancient tradition, only men participated in the games. But this is up to you. The first stage: to race to get from the start to the finish, alternately rearranging the legs one after the other, touching the toe to the heel. Second stage: discus throw, instead of which use disposable plastic plates (3 attempts each). The third stage: long jumps, during which you need to squeeze raw chicken eggs under your armpits or just in your hands (the jump is counted only if the eggs are not dropped and remain intact).

Competition "Laurel Crown"

Give two participants a piece of foil bay leaves, a stapler, and a wire crown base. Evaluate who made the divine crown faster and more beautifully!

Incentive Prizes: a bottle of wine, films: Hercules, Wrath of the Titans, Bruce Almighty, sweets with a reference to Greece.

Themed parties bring not only the pleasure of entertainment, fun and communication, but also broaden horizons, help to show creativity and creativity! And, of course, juicy photos for a page on a social network.

Undoubtedly, the Greek style of the party involves a certain amount of pomposity. Whether guests gather at home, in nature, whether you rent a special hall, the spirit of Hellas must be traced in the design. Greek party, of course, will be remembered by guests, this is an interesting, bright topic, the atmosphere can always be made extraordinary. What prevents you from reproducing the times of greatness of this legendary country? Such , for lovers of fun parties has long become traditional, but you can change it so that it becomes unique.


Let the invitations immediately show that this is a Greek-style party, and not some other. Great if appearance invitation card matches the theme of the party. Can be done by hand if time permits. For example, you can find and print a picture of a Greek theme and enter the text of the invitation into it. As for the text, it should be as informative and concise as possible, as was customary among the Spartans: what, where, when.

Alternatively, an ancient Greek scroll. To make it, you will have to stock up on grape juice. An ordinary white piece of paper is impregnated with it, after complete drying, its edges are slightly burned with a lighter. Having applied the text of the invitation to the resulting "old" sheet, make a scroll out of it. That is, simply roll it into a tube and tie it with a blue or gold ribbon.

The ribbon, however, can also be red, Aphrodite's favorite color. A whole bunch of interesting variations on the theme of “Greek party invitations” can be found on the Internet. This is if there is enough time, and there is a desire to show off fantasy. Well, if you don’t want to fantasize anything, don’t worry and just order. You don’t even have to go anywhere, everything can be done on the Internet. Professionals will select the theme for you, and produce invitations in sufficient quantities, neatly and professionally.

Greek Party Costumes

Party in Greek style will not be truly Greek without appropriate outfits. However, this applies to any party, but Greek outfits are probably the easiest to make. Ancient Greek, I mean, remember from the films, what did the ancient Greeks wear? That's right, they had chitons, togas, tunics, chlamys ... It seems simpler, maybe a loincloth or a fig leaf.

It does not matter whether the guest wishes to appear in the role of a Greek god, a warrior or just a citizen. Any hero looks like he is wrapped in a sheet. It is not at all necessary for pieces of fabric to be of a “sheet” size, smaller ones will do. The main thing is to drape them properly and secure, and the corresponding image is ready. The guide will be pictures from the Internet, where there are a lot of them, illustrations for works of art.

So, take a piece of fabric, approximately 1.2mX0.80, turn around it twice, cross the upper ends and tie a knot on the chest. The most primitive Greek costume is ready, and check its name, if you want, on the Internet. After all, the main thing is not to recreate a historically accurate situation, the main thing is fun. True, it is unlikely that anyone will like walking around in such an outfit along the street, especially men. Well, include the creation of a Greek costume in the party program, it will be chic entertainment.

Location of the Greek party

The best place is the seashore, a pebble beach, or in general any open area in nature. In such an environment, all sorts of deities, mythical creatures will look quite natural. A beach or a forest clearing will serve as an excellent stage for such heroes. But perhaps this is only in the summer. At other times, or in bad weather, you will have to use the room.

The room, of course, will have to be decorated, always in the Greek style. Columns, cabinets, amphoras can be made of paper and painted accordingly. You can buy them - also paper or plastic, or rent them. In the decor, use more fabric in white, purple and gold, the Greek style provides a lot of draperies. Fresh flowers and greenery are very welcome in the decor.

Meals and entertainment

Treats must be “with a Greek accent”, since the party is still Greek. Talking about the need for seafood, olives and feta cheese will probably be redundant, these are all purely Greek products. A suitable serving option would be a buffet so that each guest can try the treat that interested him. A sufficient amount of finely chopped bread is complemented by a gravy boat with olive oil. You can dip slices of bread there, diversifying the oil with various herbs and spices.

The menu should be light, but we should not forget about meat dishes and vegetables. Basic
the meaning lies in the way the dishes are served and their names. A pie, for example, with a chicken filling is called kotopita, if the filling is spinach, then spinokopita. Very similar to meat lasagna, pastizzio is a pasta dish. Eggplant baked with minced meat is called moussaka, potatoes with zucchini and cheese are called chiniotiko boureki.

You can find recipes for Greek dishes on the Internet, and download music suitable for the background there. It should of course be Greek, with a few modern tracks for a change.

Later, you can dance to such music, making it louder. If the area allows, hold mini-Olympic games with prizes and incentives.

In cramped rooms, this is quite replaceable by some kind of competition or quiz on Greek topics, ancient or modern.

As with any party, a Greek party will be successful only with careful preparation. It is better to discuss the role of each guest to the smallest detail in advance, so that the festival itself runs smoothly and leaves pleasant memories.